By Rifaq Azhar –
Nowadays, Shukra Munawwar became the talk of the town due to her remarkable achievement in Sirasa Laksapathi quiz competition. Yes, she is unique and became an icon at national level. Indeed, her knowledge she acquired through voracious reading at early age is amazing. People from all walks of life irrespective of their ethnic identities appraised her wholeheartedly and saw her victory as their own due to her pleasant personality and admirable qualities and more importantly the way she looks at the things around her with broader view even at her young age.
Here, I wish to draw the attention towards another woman whom we should have rewarded for her perseverance and hard work. While celebrating life time achievement and progress of Shukra Munnawwar with burst of applause, we forgot to recognise the role her mother played for the glorious moment of her beloved daughter. Of cause, Shukra’s dedication and endless efforts should be appreciated but her mother’s sacrifices in all facet of life is paramount importance than Shukra’s since she single-handedly faced all obstacles and impediments ahead of her in order to produce such vibrant and well-disciplined daughter who was able to attract millions of hearts towards her.
Simply saying, the success of Shukra is not success of her alone. It is a collective effort of a family under the purview of strict mother. Amid, many hardships doubled with financial constraints, the mother had to raise her daughter with freedom, sense of responsibility and adherence to ethics. It doesn’t mean that her father do nothing to her daughter. Obviously, we cannot brush off the role of her father who was an inspiration to her as she stated. In fact, Shukra’s father was the mason of her dream by the time her mother was the guardian of it.
Here, my intention is to highlight the role of a mother who broke all forms of illusion among many protagonists of feminism who keep raising their voice against discrimination and male dominance and came out from lethargy without being stagnant at a point in order to move forward with enthusiasm. Being such a dynamic and exemplary mother to her daughter is not easy task. It is obviously a hot bed. Shukra acknowledged all kind of supports, courage and warmth of love and affection that her parents especially her mother extended to her during the hard time. She enjoys complete freedom under this strict mother without crossing the limitation which her parents draw.
As said, Shukra’s mother has been the backbone of her impoverished family. She never set back or frustrated for the plight that her family encounters. Instead, she was ready to go any extend for the betterment of her family in general and especially for making her daughter’s dream true while taking care of her ailing husband. Another reason why I am trying to turn the attention towards this charismatic mother is that apart from Shukra’s burning desire and passion to achieve her dream, she possess love and compassion towards native culture and indigenous traditions which were deeply seated in her all expressions and explanations. Moreover, she aspires to be a role model for younger generation. You may guess who would have instilled in her those cherished seeds which were rooted deeply.
Being an average mother, she has a dream for her daughter but surprisingly mother’s dream was far beyond than what daughter has been dreaming of. It is not surprising to say as well that courage, determination and perseverance of an average mother have been driven into her beloved daughter. She raised her daughter while inculcating the rays of hope, optimism, confidence, determination, perseverance and will power along with respect to the native culture and adherence to traditions. Yes, she proclaimed that woman can do anything. The vivid testimony for this statement is her mother herself. The mother almost succeeded in her dream for her daughter while taking care of ailing husband and managing household activities simultaneously. This is why we should cherish the noble role of this mother. Not only as a guardian of her daughter, but she acts as the driven force where she has been an instrumental for the success of her daughter while preserving some sort of basic ethics and affection towards Nation and native culture.
I used to think of why prophet of Islam said that ‘the heaven is under the foot of your mother’ without generalising this entitlement to entire women. Yes, I realized that role of mother is unique unlike the roles play by daughter or sister or even wife. In fact, a mother is epitome of hope, determination, hard work and love. Being a paid CEO of a business realm is not a big deal but being the foundation for an empire constructed on knowledge, morality and sense of humanity is the highest and noble position in the wold and even hardest too. In this respect, this mother didn’t shrink her role within certain periphery. Shukra’s mother is one of kind who dreamt of establishing an empire for her family unlike other women who keep fighting for equal rights.
There are so many women like Shukra’s mother with a dream of establishing own empire. Unfortunately we failed to recognise and empower such hidden super heroes in our society. We undermined their roles in the creation of exemplary generation who are equipped with knowledge, patriotism and moral values. Moreover, we curtained the potentiality of such women within four walls or inside offices for meagre emolument and some perks instead of giving them the rein to create a valued based society as Shukra’s mother did so. As we can see, Shukra’s personality and calibre were architected by her parents. Sukra’s chapters didn’t finish yet. Now everybody started to read her chapters. But, before that, we should turn the chapters of Shukra’s mother as to how she was able to produce such intelligent daughter.
Buddhist1 / January 25, 2021
She is the “ray of sunlight” that Sri Lankans need during these dark days. She showed that Race, Religion, Cast, Social Status nothing matters, all that matters is Empathy, Understanding, Education, Open Heart and above all ability to speak the TRUTH. She has awakened the spirit of oneness in the youth population. We need more young people like her. Its the duty of every Peace loving Sri Lankan to protect people like her from slander and attacks. Let her lead the youth who will be leaders of Sri Lanka tomorrow. Her smile alone is worth a Billion.
Fernando20 / January 26, 2021
This article is ambiguous. While praising this brilliant girl’s achievement, is the author trying to say that if she goes on to be a CEO of a company, which I think she mentioned, she would be achieving less than if she became a stay at home wife and mother?. This is not the attitude to try to instill in girls. Their capabilities should be encouraged and supported and not wasted. I hope this girl’s dreams will not be thwarted
MyView / January 27, 2021
Dear Mr. F’do.
May be if you watched the show “live” you would have had a different perspective. I watch this every Saturday & Sunday 7.30-8.30pm as it is very informative about local and world history and literature.
Many a time she praised her Mother for what she had attained and what she was as a person. She said she is her “guiding light”. As a girl, she said she has had much inputs from her Mother.
In fact I think it was in the third or penultimate question she said “I wish I can ask my Mother” – may be it was a tough one and she wanted her Mother to guide her on whether she should take her winnings or try and go forwards.
While I do not generalise on single occurrences and apply it to a whole, in this case the role of her Mother is to be praised.
Also the Author has not mentioned that the Mother should be a “stay at home” but only said how well she had encouraged the daughter.
MyView / January 27, 2021
The main intention of the Author was emphasis on the Mothers role when the Father was also debilitated with Diabetes, and no mention of her being a “housebound housewife”.
Two important quotes from the article are in :
……..”Here, I wish to draw the attention towards another woman whom we should have rewarded for her perseverance and hard work. While celebrating life time achievement and progress of Shukra Munnawwar with burst of applause, we forgot to recognise the role her mother played for the glorious moment of her beloved daughter……”
…….”Here, my intention is to highlight the role of a mother who broke all forms of illusion among many protagonists of feminism who keep raising their voice against discrimination and male dominance and came out from lethargy without being stagnant at a point in order to move forward with enthusiasm.”…….
MyView / January 27, 2021
Another useful aspect of this show that the questions are also shown in English and hence many can understand the question in the high-flown Sinhala. That is why it is informative for anyone.
Atu / January 26, 2021
The message is, learn history and culture of the country. Respect all differences. Don’t question historical incidents because those happened for a reason. If you don’t lime what happened, do something at present for the future. Don’t try to change history. Keep own identities, culture, religion practices at home or at least within own communities. Don’t try to impose on others or rate one is better than others. As one commenter says, what matters is empathy, education, open heart, truth and also if I add one “respect” the differences.
Svenson / January 26, 2021
Shukra Munawwar, if you read this, take note. You are clever, pretty and fortunate enough to be a winner. But you are unfortunate enough to be born in a country where people like you are seen as easy prey for opportunists and conmen. Your life is now in the hands of MPs, ministers, councillors and other vile forms of humanity. Don’t enter politics or big business. Refuse offers of sponsorship, advertising or a place in the SLMC. Don’t let any politicians be photographed with you. Trust no one and sign nothing. Take your well earned winnings and run. Good luck!
RBH59 / January 26, 2021
Shukra’s mother is one of kind who dreamt of establishing an empire for her family unlike other women who keep fighting for equal rights. Positive people are always looking for prospects to help others her message is Don’t settle on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer
whywhy / January 26, 2021
Svenson ,
The girl is 17 . She is coming from an area called Katugoda where one of the most
popular Philanthropists and the longest served Mayor of Galle , late A R M
Thassim was born and lived . Nugaduwa Oil Mill had a been house hold name since
the fifties onwards . So , I am not surprised to watching this girl , kind of bragging
about her abilities and goal , from a surrounding of well established historic figures !
Thassim Chest Clinic in Galle started its service free of charge by Mr Thassim . If the
girl desires to follow in the way of someone like this Gentleman , yes , great . But if
there is anyone interested to see how any girl or boy mixes with other communities
in the name of clean friendship , I would invite them to watch how Fathima Rukaiya
reacts on the same show a week before . She lost , but it was cool to watch .
Mallaiyuran / January 26, 2021
Rifaq Azhar,
I used to think of why prophet of Islam said that ‘the heaven is under the foot of your mother’ without generalising this entitlement to entire women.
You juvenile sexist thinker, by mistake, consider yourself as a matured wise old man and throwing up stagnant 1500 years old stuff fed to you while you were young by sexist MMDA brought up males, that nothing but on which the modern Jihadist theories stemming from. You are telling everything Shukra showing now did came from her mother; then I ask you, in what time of her history that Shukra mother slipped from the steps of Sirasa Laksapathi? Are you proposing her mother (Shura’s grandmother) was bitch and didn’t want her daughter to come up like Shukra? Or Shakura mother was a tommy girl and parading all over in the village in day & night not listening her mother’s advices?
Mallaiyuran / January 26, 2021
Tell me something please, is that the mothers of all Jihadist and the 65s now in prisons are notorious women who, they purposely destroyed their children? Or do you think the Jihadists are martyrs so they will get 72 angels, who are even better then Shauka in the heaven? Why do you think an Empress cannot make a empower family out her kids but only a poor woman like Shukra’s mother only can do it? If Shukra becomes a CEO, she is not going to sit and cry if her future husband falls sick. But she is going to pick up the phone and make appointment with all famous specialists in the town. She is going to hire five servants to take care of her husband. When she is in office she is going to have an online camera at home to watch if he needs any additional helps. The best is she wouldn’t need a jihadist sexist like yours advice.
Noel / January 27, 2021
£Wish her all the best.
Svenson / January 27, 2021
The writer makes lot of good points but towards the end he manipulates the story to take a shot at Muslim women who want equal rights. ‘Shukra’s mother is one of kind who dreamt of establishing an empire for her family unlike other women who keep fighting for equal rights.’
He is wrong in this and this feeble attempt to promote his own agenda only demeans him. ‘Heaven is under the foot of your mother’ is merely the equivalent of ‘the hand that rocks the cradle rules the World’. Nothing new there.
SAM / January 31, 2021
Its not her genius but the integration, true “SL Muslim” attitude that is respected in her. She says – as a SL Muslim she wears a denim -no burka/ NO NIQAB / NO SAUDI BLACK, plays netball, football, did cadetting and went on a camp as cadet, learns in a mixed school and ask from her own community that “Muslim daughters be allowed to study! ” WHOLE OF SL RESPECTS HER AS SHE WILL SOON BE BLACK LISTED FROM HER OWN COMMUNITY. RESPECT TO HER MOM FOR BRINING HER UP IN THIS INCLUSIVE MANNER..
SAM / January 31, 2021
Galle Muslims have always been fully integrated unlike the eastern matta ones, and those who spread Wahhabism recently by getting foreign IMAM’s. SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACJU AND GALLE MUSLIMS – ACJU SPOKESMAN SAYS ”SWORDS ARE FOR SAFE-GUARDING THEIR DAUGHTERS” WHILE THIS GIRL IS GOING TO CADET CAMP :)))))
1. More and more women wear niqab, burka, based on pressure to husband at Friday mosque teaching of Saudi trained Preachers/ Mulla’s.
2. ACJU is more and more constituted by eastern Muslims..
3. Moderate Muslims from Galle /Beruwala are sidelined in leadership.
4. Muslims are sending more and more kids to Muslim international schools – of few 100’s in each by-lane where they only associate mono-cultural environment – (only other Muslims) and there are no mixing with others.
5. Saudi/Egypt Qatar sending USD direct to eastern side and politicians to build schools and mosques in their name and spread their brand of religion.
6. Muslims girls more and more asked to cover fully.. removed from schools /sports/ drama and married off underage 11-16 of age.
7. All ACJU members opposing MMDA changes and no one willing to openly stand up.
10. Muslim voices of intellectuals young people are not able to openly talk. even on FB, Twitter Insta no one talks.