By M. M. Janapriya –
I am a lone ranger and not ‘a barons orderly’. Being a political sceptic sing no songs of praise for any political party. I understand that the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate is in the process of studying a resolution to recognize “a Traditional Tamil Homeland” in Sri Lanka and hope you would be kind enough to read my article giving it the attention it deserves before making any irrevocable decisions on the matter. It is sad that the Sri Lankan government and its diplomats seem to be in a state of ‘slumber of convenience’ on this very serious matter which may well decide the fate of a united Sri Lanka adversely. I am a Sri Lankan belonging to the ethnic group Singhalese (the category often referred to as aggressors by the Tamils), am proud to be that, consider myself to be the last man standing in support of the Sri Lankan cause and hence am writing this appeal to you. To me it appears as if we the helpless and hapless majority are getting discriminated against by the powerful countries who ironically though, vehemently denounce terrorism locally and globally. It is very concerning that the architects of the resolution very likely the powerful Tamil diaspora have conveniently ignored their own unpleasant past spanning decades from early 1970s when Tamil Terrorists with the blessings and backing of the Tamils domiciled in Sri Lanka and the diaspora itself indiscriminately stabbed, slashed and hacked to death innocent civilians including women children and Buddhist monks by storming border villages and waylaying buses carrying passengers. They also planted bombs in many parts of the capital city as well as in other parts of the country targeting civilians and killed thousands. Hence they have no moral justification whatsoever to talk about human rights violations. Need of the hour is not tit for tat or an eye for an eye or grind one’s axe on the ‘offender’ but forgive forget and move on towards a one nation country from where, together, we can build a free and fair society and a prosperous country. My essay would include a brief history of Sri Lanka in general, the history of the Tamil separatist mindset, birth and progress of the LTTE, southern insurrection of the early 1970s, defeat of the LTTE and the aftermath and occult unwillingness of the Tamils to join main stream politics. A summary with a short analysis would follow.
Succinct Sri Lankan History
Ours was a sovereign country ruled almost exclusively by Singhalese kings for around two thousand years. Tamils from South India specially the Cholas had been invading Sri Lanka from time to time for centuries and also ruling parts of the country off and on but never had an unchallenged kingdom as such. Four Singhalese kings re-established sovereignty of Sri Lanka and brought the country under one flag by chasing away the Tamils back to South India. In chronological order they are Dutugemunu (164 BC-140BC), Vijayabahu I 1055-1100), Parakramabahu (I) the Great (1153-1186) and Parakramabahu IV (1410-1467). Parts of the country fell under the Portuguese in 1505 and pushing Tamils back to South India itself got pushed to the back burner. Then the country fell to the Dutch in 1640 and lastly to the British we fell in 1796. We were a dominion state for 442 years till we were given independence by the British in 1948.
Tamil Separatist Mindset
British rule of Ceylon spanned from 1796 to 1948. Legislative council of Ceylon (LC) established by the Colebrook-Cameron Commission was indeed the harbinger of a representative government in British Ceylon. It had 16 members of whom 10 were ex-officio British starting with the British Governor etc. and 6 were appointed unofficial members who had no voting rights at council meetings. The 6 unofficial members comprised of 3 Europeans, 1 Singhalese, 1 Tamil and 1 Muslim. Tamils representation remained on par with the Singhalese. The unofficial members got the right to initiate legislation that did not deal with finances in 1860. The number of members of the Legislative Council kept on increasing with multiple reforms, the last reform leading to a number of 49 but the balance of power always weighed heavily towards the British, the rulers.
The Donoughmore Commission (DC) was responsible in effect, for the creation of the Donoughmore Constitution in Ceylon. In 1931 there were approximately 12% Ceylonese Tamils, 12% Indian Tamils (migrant and immigrant workers employed in the Tea plantations established in the late 19th century), 65% Sinhalese, and ~3% Ceylon Moors. The British government had introduced a form of communal representation with a strong Tamil representation, out of proportion to the population of the Tamil community. The Sinhalese had been divided into up-country and low-country Sinhalese. The majority Sinhalese MPs worked hard to replace the DC by a cabinet model. They finally managed to get rid of it in 1947 when the Soulbury constitution came into being with independence granted in 1948.
Soulbury commission was appointed in 1944 by the British rulers to study how self-governance could be granted to the Ceylonese. The Tamil leadership had by then fallen into the hands of G. G. Ponnambalam who had rejected the “Ceylonese identity”. Ponnambalam opposed universal franchise, supported the caste system, and claimed that the protection of Tamil rights required the Tamils having an equal number of seats in parliament to that of the Sinhalese even though the population of Ceylon at that time comprised of 74% Singhalese, 18% Tamils, 7% Muslims and 1% other ethnicities. This “50-50” or “balanced representation” policy became the hall mark of Tamil politics of the time and in a hidden way ever since. This essentially meant each Tamil being entitled to 4 votes while a single Singhalese could cast only 1 vote. The Soulbury Commission rejected these submissions by Ponnambalam, and even noted their unacceptable communal character. Every Tamil political leader that followed sang from the same hymn sheet. Outwardly they appeared as if they were following mainstream politics but covertly they appeared to be the mouth piece of the emerging terrorist organization the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
How Tamils Justified this Mindset
Ponnambalam sentiment of rejecting Ceylonese identity and universal franchise with Tamils wanting a disproportionately high representation in Ceylon (later Sri Lanka) parliament is something Tamils specially the leaders of political parties seemed to have found difficult shed long after Ponnambalam himself seemed to have abandoned it either for good or for convenience. At the parliamentary elections held in 1947 the United National Party (UNP), a predominantly Singhalese party, won with a slim majority but cobbled up a government with two Nationalist parties, Sinhala Maha Saba of Banadaranaike and the Tamil Congress of G.G. Ponnambalam. The void created by Ponnambalam’s `transformation to a moderate’ was taken by a party called Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (Ceylon Federal Party or just FP) founded by a dissident from Ponnambalam’s All Ceylon Tamil Congress (ACTC), a London educated lawyer by the name S.J.V. Chevanayakam. This party advocated federalism as a means of power sharing. All the Tamil political parties that followed were ultranationalist and sectarian.
In 1956 the Bandaranayake government made Singhalese the official language and as a result communal riots broke out. All Tamil parties, FP, the ACTC and Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC), the latter comprising of the labour force imported from South India by the ruling British, joined and formed the Tamil United Front (TUF) in 1972. This party became increasingly nationalistic, in 1976 rebranded themselves Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) and asked for a separate Tamil state. CWC disagreeing with the new stance of the union left at this juncture and went on as a stand-alone party.
Birth and Progress of the LTTE
Is it just coincidental that just a few months earlier in July 1975 the terrorist organization called the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) announced its birth by gunning down the Mayor of Jaffna named Alfred Duraiappah who happened to be a member of the ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) which was enough reason for the precursors of the LTTE to consider him a traitor? LTTE was considered by many the armed wing of the TULF. The communist insurrection of the south of the country launched in April 1971 (which is being discussed further down the essay) very likely positively influenced the birth of the LTTE. The latter probably realized that they (unlike the JVP their southern counterpart) could keep their organization going longer as they could ‘hit and run’ to South India if `waters became too hot’ for their survival. This is indeed exactly what they did, not infrequently.
At the time of British leaving the country and handing over power of self-governance to the Ceylonese (Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka in 1972) the systemic malady of the whole country was weighing heavily in favour of the minority Tamils in practically all spheres. English was the official language. Jaffna had the largest number of good schools quite a few set up by American missionaries and has been producing a staggeringly greater number of public servants and professionals. Even the University admissions were highly incongruent with the percentage population. In my batch of Medical students at The Faculty of Medicine, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya one of the only two medical schools in the country, in 1967, there were a total of 76 out of which 54 were Tamils. In the previous year’s batch out of 76 the astounding majority of 68 were Tamils whilst the population of the Tamils in the country as a whole was only 18%. (The authenticity of these can be verified from the university senate) This was too good to be true and something needed to be done. The government of the day brought in reforms to the admission criteria to the universities. It was standardization of university admissions on the basis of numbers sitting the GCE Advanced Level Examination in the two main media Singhalese and Tamil at first. A district quota system was added later in 1972. Students in the Singhalese medium science stream were given a lower target too considering poor educational facilities available in the vast majority of the schools in the rest of the country. All these were construed by the Tamils as giving an undue advantage to the Singhalese whereas this was in fact righting a historical wrong. (With the change of Government in 1977 the admission system was revised again to just a fixed percentage (30%) on merit alone, fixed district quotas and a quota for underprivileged areas.) With this system some of the Jaffna GCE Advanced levelers failed to enter their preferred faculties of the university and naturally felt left behind though this was indeed the case in the rest of the island too. These disgruntled GCE Advanced level students became a good nidus for LTTE radicalism to be nurtured. For the Tamil politicians who were virtually a proxy of the LTTE this group seemed to give a ready supply of cadres. This might have acted as one of the key reasons for all Tamil parties to join and form TUF in 1972. By 1976 however the Nationalism of the Tamil community has reached a level that made the TUF change its name to Tamil United Liberation Front or TULF which started to battle for a separate state, Eelam. LTTE killed 13 government soldiers in Jaffna in July 1983 and in the riots that ensued a few Tamils died and a large number lost livelihood and property. These riots made the frustrated Tamil youth more militant and LTTE cadre numbers increased in leaps and bounds. The Terrorist organization grew in confidence too. By this time the LTTE was a significant force which saw the hands that fed them as not radical enough for their liking. They eventually annihilated all other Tamil armed groups such as EROS, PLOTE, EPDP, and EPRLF by killing their hierarchy and then turned their guns towards the TULF. They killed the Leader of the TULF Mr. Amirthalingam in 1989. All in all in the ensuing two and a half decades from 1975 or so they had killed a total of 44 Tamil politicians whom they thought were obstructive in some way. This is the link to the list of those victims 44 Prominent Sinhala/Tamil Leaders killed by LTTE Talibans – InfoLanka Forum. LTTE also killed Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India in May 1991 by suicide bombing. President of Sri Lanka R. Premadasa was killed at the May Day rally of 1993 by LTTE suicide bomber Babu. Ranjan Wijeratne Defence Minister was killed in a LTTE car bomb explosion in March 1993, Former Defense Minister and Head of DUNF Lalith Athulathmudali was killed in April 1993 by a lone LTTE gunman, Senior Cabinet Minister and Presidential candidate Gamini Dissanayake was killed in April 1994 in a bomb blast at an election rally and Laksman Kadirgarmar Minister of Foreign affairs was killed in August 2005 by a LTTE sniper. Amongst the other Singhalese Ministers and MPs who were killed by the LTTE are Weerasinghe Mallimarachchi Former Cabinet Minister (1994) G.M. Premachandra r (1994), Ossie Abeygoonasekera (1994) C.V.Goonaratne Minister of Industrial Development (2000), D.M.Dissanayake Minister of Nation Building (2008), Jeyaraj Fernandopulle Minister of Highways & Road development (2008), Apart from these there is a large number of others belonging to categories like politics, academia, journalism, civil service, clergy, three forces and the police etc. who became victims of LTTE brutality. These individuals belonged almost exclusively to the majority ethnic group Singhalese.
Southern Ceylonese Insurrection of 1971
After the assassination of her husband SWRD Bandaranaike in late 1959 his widow Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the Prime minister of Ceylon in July 1960. In fact she became the first ever woman Prime Minister in the whole wide world. She had an intermission of 5 years from 1965 to 70 after losing to the UNP and regained Premiership of the country in 1970 through a coalition with two left leaning parties the Lanka Samasamaja Party or LSSP and the Communist Party of CP. This government championed austerity, encouraged local production and restricted imports. People did have to face some hardship but they were not insurmountable being not too hard and the country was slowly heading towards self-sufficiency.
An outcast Ceylonese scholar of the Lumumba University of Soviet Russia Rohana Wijeweera (RW) returned to the island and launched an armed uprising against the government in April 1971. He led a group almost exclusively consisting of Singhalese unemployed university graduates, undergraduates who were staring down the employment barrel and rural youth who could easily be indoctrinated that they have been left behind by the Colombo led government. Their grouse was Colombo and bigger cities were being looked after well but those of them in the periphery had been left behind. Their slogan “All for Colombo and None for the Periphery” which went down well with the southern youth was pretty much similar to the winge of the youth in the north who later were to launch a rebellion on similar grounds. This was a leftist insurrection built on the lines of Argentinian freedom fighter Ernesto Che Guevara and in fact these rebels initially called themselves Che Gueverists.
This rebellion was ill timed, ill planned and a leftist or a communist one. Government was young and not that unpopular either. Western countries are supposed to have helped the Ceylonese government to quell the uprising it was told at that time. With all these factors in the background the rebellion came under control in about a month and a half or so. The exact numbers were not known but it is reckoned that about 60,000 young men and women (I personally feel the numbers were much less) paid the ultimate prize dying in combat and being summarily executed on capture and in custody. For the first time in our history we the Ceylonese saw the burning roadside ‘tyre pyres’ and breathed the pungent air of incinerating human flesh, where motionless bodies of some of the insurgents were cremated in ‘public’ as a deterrent to, the would be rebels. A large number who were connected but not heavily involved were put in concentration camps and later rehabilitated. I guess these are tactics most democratically elected governments would deploy to quell a rebellion of this nature and even though a large number of insurgents were summarily executed the international community was silent probably because this was a left leaning rebellion of the same ethnicity as the governing party. What is important to note is the frightful similarity of the insurgencies of the north and south as per the cause, the way they were quelled and how some in custody allegedly disappeared. The important difference is Singhalese accepting the government response and moving on and the Tamils asking for an `eye for and eye’ and refusing to move on.
The Che Gueverists later became a democratic party under the name of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna or the JVP the leader of which contested the Presidential elections of 1982 and was placed the third just behind the two main parties polling something like 300,000 votes. Very soon afterwards the JVP was proscribed (in a way scapegoated for the 1983 riots, the infamous black July) and made to disappear` underground’ from where they regrouped and launched a second armed struggle, this time against a very strong autocratic government of President J.R. Jayewardene. This proved suicidal and similar tactics to what were deployed against the 1971 insurrection were instituted to get the situation under control. Leaders including the main man Rohana Wijeweera were apprehended and summarily executed while some others were arrested and released years later. JVP remains a mainstream political party to date albeit much progress though.
Rise and Fall of the LTTE
LTTE grew from strength to strength because of their own stealth wealth (thanks to some rich local Tamils and of course the Diaspora) and perseverance and the boundless general support they received from the Tamil diaspora scattered all over the world. Tamil diaspora worked round the clock to justify in the eyes of the international community, the atrocities the LTTE unleashed on innocent civilians, by portraying them as liberation fighters of an oppressed community and not as a bunch of terrorists, in which endeavor they succeeded for the most part. However the Chandrika Bandaranaike government appointed the charismatic statesman Lakshman Kadirgamar, an erudite Oxford Graduate and a Barrister at law as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and his job was to try and negate the massive propaganda campaign of the Tamil diaspora which was indeed a herculean task. Herculean or not he was up to it and managed to get the world’s most ruthless terrorist outfit of the time the LTTE banned in 32 countries that mattered, most being from the west including Canada and USA. UK followed suit later. Diaspora and the LTTE were not amused. Kadirgamar was assassinated by a LTTE sniper in August 2005 while taking a swim in his home swimming pool down Cinnamon Gardens in Colombo 7.
Support of the Tamils world over for the LTTE and the growth of the latter as a consequence were almost relentless and exponential. They procured cargo liners which transported sophisticated communication equipment, arms and ammunition and indeed long life food from far flung countries. They kept on unleashing their atrocities on innocent civilians and ethnically cleansed the north and east `their so called traditional homeland’ of Singhalese and Muslims and then turned to border villagers massacring them in cold blood. This video I made as a response to the unconditional support John MacDonnell, Shadow Chancellor, Labour Party, England exhibited towards proscribed LTTE enumerates some of the atrocities perpetrated by the LTTE on Singhalese civilians. The list is between 6.50 minutes and 9.30 minutes but please take the time to watch the whole video if possible.
LTTE signed many ceasefire agreements with Sri Lanka government through the intervention of foreign countries like Norway but they were very short lived. LTTE were not sincere in any of these negotiations and made use of such opportunity to regroup and re-arm themselves in situations they felt weakened. The 13th Amendment to the Sri Lanka constitution that was passed to establish provincial councils through which power could be devolved was rejected by the LTTE at the 11th hour and fighting resumed. Government and other Singhalese political parties were getting sick and tired of the tactics of the LTTE when they closed the sluice gates of a reservoir at Mavil Aru depriving water to many parts of the eastern province during one such ceasefire agreement in July 2006.
Government tried to come to a negotiated settlement but failed. With the backing of almost the whole of the parliament the Government decided to fight the war to a finish and declared the ceasefire agreement null and void. They then launched a full blooded attack on the LTTE and after nearly one year of fierce fighting they declared in July 2007 the whole of the east as liberated from the clutches of the LTTE. Thereafter the government pressed on with the offensive in the north till one after another LTTE strongholds fell. The last and the decisive onslaught happened at Mullaithivu, the last of the terrorist strongholds. Fierce fighting continued for nearly 5 months since the government forces entered the Mullaithivu town in January 2009.
The public offices were closed and all government servants and civilians were asked to leave the area to government controlled areas in view of the planned military action on the 25th January 2009. However `civilians’ were seen moving north towards the same places in to which LTTE was seen to withdraw. The civilians either seemed to have felt more secure with the LTTE on their own volition or the LTTE’s threats of bodily harm to self or family made them move away from the government forces. In this last stage of the war it is possible that the LTTE had the civilians in front of them as a shield and this may have resulted in a significant number of civilian casualties. It is hard to believe that the security forces deliberately targeted the civilians. The body of the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was later found floating in the Nandikadal lagoon and the Government forces declared victory on the 18th May 2009.
The Aftermath and Unwillingness of Tamil Leaders to Move on
Sri Lankans breathed a long sigh of relief at the conclusion of the 30 years of gruesome terrorism that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, many due to indiscriminate remote controlled bombings by the LTTE in thickly populated Singhalese areas, ethnic cleansing by the LTTE of Singhalese and Muslims in areas Tamils believed to be their `traditional homeland’ and of course at `face to face’ fighting in the final 18 months or so. I am certain that at least some of the innocent Tamils albeit a few, who may have got dragged in to the conflict due to no fault of theirs would have breathed a sigh of relief too. The country was being dragged down in to economic craters by this 30 year war and it was time to forgive, forget and move on. This was the last thing that happened. People at large in Jaffna Seemed ready to move on but the so called educated people and the TNA which was the democratic façade of the LTTE by Dr.S.I. Keethaponcalan which says “The Tamil National Alliance TNA was formed in 2001. At its inception it was an umbrella organization consisting of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), the All Ceylon Tamil Congress (ACTC), the Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO), and the Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front IEPRLF). The organization was a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) creation. Since it was a LTTE creation the party supported the LTTE and took orders from the LTTE”] had not finished yet. They hung on to civilian deaths, the so called involuntary disappearances and `war crime’s to keep the `glow on the cinders’ of the Tamil issue. One can see from the unrelenting protests in front of Embassies, representations to the UN, UK and the US congress that the Tamils who can be described as `Tigers prowling and growling on the fringes’ while their blood thirsty stronger kin were at work, have taken over from where the latter had left albeit in a different way but what is crystal clear is what they want is a renewal and revival of the battle for a separate state even if it meant fighting unto death not of theirs of course but of the unsuspecting Jaffna simpleton.
Some ‘democratic fronts’ have declared openly that they were prepared to launch even an armed struggle if deemed necessary at any point. This is the link the article that critiqued his speech Dr. Keethaponcalan who critiqued the said speech supposedly made at the 16th Annual Convention of the TNA held in Jaffna on the 30th June 2019 has quoted “Recently Mr. R. Sambanthan the leader of the Tamil National Alliance asserted that there is a need to think about an arms struggle if it is the only way to get a political solution” The author analyses this mindset of the Tamil leaders with surgical precision. The author has been a fierce critic of the Tamil leadership as per many stands they have taken and dishonesty shown towards the Jaffna public. He has also noted a visible sea change in the attitude of the emerging Tamil leadership in the form of Mr. A. Sumanthiran whom he calls de facto leader of TNA. His tone seems to have mellowed recently in to a subdued one in which he had shown willingness to go along with the mainstream of Sri Lankan politics. Dr. Keethaponcalan talks in his article to Colombo Telegraph about Sumanthiran as having said “Nothing could be predicted now. We cannot just say we are joining the government and accepting ministries… But I am not saying we will not do that” This is indeed good news to all right thinking people and hope Sri Lanka would remain a country devoid of any armed ethnic conflict in the future and indeed it would now be possible for the two main ethnicities to do the hither to impossible thing, joining hands and working together to build a one nation country which for sure would gallop towards development. Dr. S.I.Keethaponcalan being an authority on ethnic conflict would I am sure see his assertions being regarded by the international community as credible and unbiased.
Dr. S.I. Keethaponcalan is a Professor of Conflict Resolution at Salisbury University, Maryland USA. He was the chair of the Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution Department from 2011-2018. Prior to joining Salisbury University he was a Professor of Political Science and chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dr. Keethaponcalan has also served as a researcher in several international institutions including the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva and the United Nations University in Tokyo.
Summary and Suggestions
No country rich or poor likes to be plagued by a protracted armed struggle by a fairly or unfairly disenfranchised sect of her nation. Rich countries might have a higher degree of tolerance and also might have the wherewithal to entice the disgruntled fighters to a trusted negotiation table as happened with Northern Ireland. When it comes to developing countries like Sri Lanka however, dealing with an organization claiming a long and a strong history of almost genetic separatism as I have explained in this essay with an infinite commitment to achieve its goal no matter what, and who broke a large number of ceasefire agreements often brokered by foreign agencies they have only a Hobson’s choice left, fight the heck off the terrorists and fight they did.
It was sporadic acts of terror like gunning down an unarmed government servant, at the beginning which graduated to the position of being able to blast hundreds of civilians into smithereens, to frequent episodes of guerrilla warfare and then to a combination of all these that made LTTE one of the most feared terrorist outfits in the whole wide world. Sri Lanka kept on fighting the Guerrillas for nearly 30 years with a great deal of patience when of course the LTTE decided to take the government on by closing down the sluice gates of Mavil Aru in the Eastern province, in July 2006 in the middle of a ceasefire agreement. Unfortunately for the terrorists, their democratic arm the TNA and the unstinted supporters the diaspora, this time around the LTTE was up against a fierce opposition in the form of President Mahinda Rajapakse (remember it was in his electorate that some JR goons met with their `Waterloo’ around an election time may be of 1994) backed by almost the whole of the parliament and the rest is history.
Although it took almost 3 years for the government to draw the war to a conclusion and `call it quits’ it must have felt almost a ‘thud’ to the surviving TNA and the Tamil Diaspora all over the world for whom years immediately preceding the ‘Great Mavil Aru Debacle’ of the LTTE, Eelam dream had indeed become a real oasis within sight. For them this defeat which most countries in the world would have treasured was not only unpalatable but greatly obnoxious. They darted hither and thither and went pell mell trying to find something…just something…anything to build up a case before the international community against their `offenders’ Sri Lanka and found `war crimes’, involuntary disappearances, human right violations etc. etc. to do so on.
What is important to understand is this was not a conventional war except perhaps in the last 3 months of it in 2009 fought on any international rules by both parties. Still successive Sri Lanka governments seem to have acted with a great deal of restraint until the dying moments of the battle of Mullaithivu when some civilians may have been caught in the fire from both sides. These are not war crimes. Holding innocent civilians as human shields by the LTTE and gunning down those trying to escape of course is. I cannot vouch or not for the authenticity of the alleged involuntary disappearances and cannot justify if they did happen but I can understand why, because this is exactly what happens when deploying tactics as done by most governments of the world trying to quell insurgencies of this kind. (Cf. Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989.) Some Singhalese suffered this fate during the Southern Insurrections 1971 and 1989 about which the international community didn’t have any sleepless nights and the country moved on.
As Dr. Keethaponcalan found out on his expedition to and travails of the North and East of Sri Lanka, the simpleton of these areas is in no mood for restaging the drama `liberating the Tamil Eelam using Tigers’ even though their leaders have been trying to drum up enthusiasm locally and internationally for a repeat performance. The ground reality has indeed dawned on the pragmatic de facto TNA leader Sumanthiran who has since mellowed into considering joining the government, accepting some ministries, start working for the country in general and for rebuilding destroyed infrastructure of the North and east and redeeming the lost dignity and pride of the Tamil people. I am repeating what Mr. Sumanthiran has said as depicted by Dr.K in one of his articles here. ““Nothing could be predicted now. We cannot just say we are joining the government and accepting ministries… But I am not saying we will not do that”.
I feel strongly this is the right attitude and the right way forward. I wish Sumanthiran well. This being the case, being shylocks asking for their pound of flesh by instituting innumerable protests, lobbying international forums and trying to get resolutions passed to recognize ‘A Traditional Tamil Homeland’ would be scratching scabs off healing wounds and to negate all the good work done by free thinking leaders like Sumanthiran towards realization of a realistic reconciliation to move on towards a one nation country. As a senior doctor under whose tutelage a lot of Tamil junior doctors blossomed I found Tamils hardworking, easy to work with and very trustworthy. I would not hesitate to vote for and to canvass votes for an honest charismatic Tamil leader with a vision towards a just and fair society over a not so good a Singhalese candidate at the next presidential election and I am certain many would follow me suit. This statement should not be construed as undermining and/or underestimating the honourabilty of my own ethnic group Singhalese.
*Dr. M.M. Janapriya MBBS (Cey), LRCP (Lon) MRCS (Eng), FRCSEd, FRCS (Eng), Retired Senior Consultant Surgeon, The National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo
Sugandh / June 30, 2021
The author’s failure to recognize that the U.S. Senate Committee’s resolution resulted from the weight of the brutality that was inflicted on the Tamil civilians by the state is shocking. Was it deliberate? The author conveniently kept mum on the state terror that the Tamils faced over the numerous decades since independence when in fact the state oppression continues to date and with the state aggression and lawlessness mounting on all of us.
Any account or plea that entirely ignores or just glosses over fleetingly (so as to hide it and not bring attention to it) the long history of state run terrorism and anti-minority violence orchestrated and backed by the state which preceded and served as the single most pressing trigger to the birth of armed separatist groups like LTTE, is inarguably is a sham to say the least.
The recognition of “Traditional Tamil Homeland in Sri Lanka” (… or give it some other name if that will appease the masses) is the foundation for lasting peace in a united Sri Lanka. This recognition shouldn’t impede building of peace and unity as one nation; if it does, then those who see it as a problem will be the hurdle to equitable justice, unity and peace.
Sinhala_Man / June 30, 2021
Observations – B
I may make mistakes in dabbling in these matters, and corrections made with the sincere intention of passing on to our grandchildren healthier attitudes would be welcome. The problems commence with his “succinct history”, which is all Mahayana. What is the truth? I don’t think any of us knows! We had Champa’s personal researches revealed here:
Ignore the article; it is Champa’s sincerely fierce outpourings of emotions that matter. Our problem is that what many of us spout as history is hardly objective.
It’s at an opportune moment that we’ve been hit, without warning, by the statistics that led to standardization; a whole book is coming out from Jeevan Hoole on how standardisation is seen from a Tamil engineer’s perspective. Let us do what we can to ensure that the country recognises that both views have some validity, but both must get their emotions under control.
srikrish / July 2, 2021
Let Jeevan Hoole write on standardisation, not from a Tamil Engineer’s perspective but from a Scientific perspective, be fair to all.
Sinhala_Man / July 3, 2021
Dear srikrish, (relevant also to nimal fernando),
About Ratnajeevan Hoole
Jeevan Hoole is a scientist, but do you think him capable of leaving himself out of the narrative?
There’s something that you have to learn! Accept people for what they are. Reasoning may help to make them change their mind on certain matters, but their personalities will remain essentially unchanged.
I just telephoned him (4.40 pm). He was busy, but he told me that the book is now with the printers. The very last draft is in my computer since I had to proofread. He pulls no punches, I can tell you.
Some of his views may seem as extreme as Janapriya’s. You can expect our racist Sinhalese to be up in arms. Indeed, it will be good if all of us contradict anything that we feel is not balanced.
I can’t remember everything that I told him, but basically, I approved of him “speaking his mind”. I hope that some of the things that he says are going to be shown to be not entirely true. How on earth can we know “everything”?
What I, as a Sinhalese, must do is to ask everybody to study what he says carefully, and respond objectively.
Sinhala_Man / June 30, 2021
Observations – C
The same is true of the “50-50 politics.” What Ponnambalam (for whom Tamils have little respect, although they recognise him as clever) was touting, I think was 50% representation in Parliament for the Sinhalese and 50% for all the others. Not as bad as Janapriya states, but, certainly, totally unacceptable. There were Tamils who thought differently; the elder Hoole, Mathematician turned serious Historian, Rajan, is currently working at this aspect of our history.
Janapriya says positive things about Dr. Keethaponcalan, and ends with a quite acceptable final paragraph.
I’m glad that you got the first comment in Sugandh (at 7.19 am, 6 likes only, before the trolls get to work) and I’m submitting this as response to you hoping that subsequent commenters will think carefully before responding.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 48 3111 444V) aka Sinhala_Man
nimal fernando / June 30, 2021
Ah Dr M.M. Janapriya,
“indiscriminately stabbed, slashed and hacked to death innocent civilians including women children and Buddhist monks by storming border villages and waylaying buses carrying passengers. “
You are the right man to finally solve the age old conundrum ……..” Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
Which came first, the Sinhalese violence towards the Tamils or the Tamil violence towards the Sinhalese? …… Would your pristine Buddhist sincerity stretch far enough to admit that it was a Newtonian reaction to an action, eh?
Or did they teach you to fudge the truth a wee little bit ……. in those childhood Dhamma Pasals? Get them young, eh? :))
Of course, how can pacifist Buddhist Sinhalese ever be violent, eh?
“Tamil Terrorists”
Can governments be terrorists, too ……. towards their citizens?
nimal fernando / June 30, 2021
“Tamil separatist mindset”
It’s just not the Tamils who have “a separatist-mindset” ……… just go to any Lankan function (or Cricket match in some places) in NY, Washington DC, LA, SF, Canada, UK, OZ, NZ ……. you would find many of your kind that have finally found peace among the Christians ……
Perhaps, they found the Sinhala-Buddhism they created back home too peaceful: Sinhala-Buddhist peaceful!
Anyway thanks for painting a not so peaceful Sinhala guy like me into a paragon of virtue: a Bodhisattva ……… now I’m going to go out and kick a Tamil in the teeth, A Muslim in the head ……….. I know you have my back covered.
Nathan / June 30, 2021
nimal fernando,
If there is a way of hugging from far away, I am hugging you right now.
The article from Janapriya does not deserve a judgement from you!
old codger / June 30, 2021
Nimal F,
“Of course, how can pacifist Buddhist Sinhalese ever be violent, eh?”
Yes, and the ranaviruwos too, who fought with the Human rights manual in one hand….
nimal fernando / July 1, 2021
At a time when we need people like Dr Janapriya most …… to set the minds of our people straight …… he can’t shed his old habits!
I read what most of our elders/intellectuals write …… shake my head and think what a waste ……. what it could’ve been …….
Sinhala_Man / July 1, 2021
I can only email him, nimal. He never gave me his phone number.
Yes, he’s a good and honest man, who told us very valid things about COVID-19 and how to counter it.
He did write a pre-election article (which election? – I’ll have to show you how to navigate within CT) where he showed support fo the Double-Paksas.
He has not ceased to be a good man, but this article has been a disaster – almost. We can usher in a better government only by persuading people of his sort to change their thinking on Sinhala-Tamil relations.
nimal fernando / July 2, 2021
Both sides have to compromise …….. if not how long can this crap go on?
Look at all the negative energy wasted on 30 years of war! …… that could have been turned into positive energy/efforts like many other nations for development to bring the country into the modern world.
The people who suffer the most are the lowest rung of both sides and the youth …… this is what the elders/intellectuals of both sides have to take into consideration …… without sticking to a inflexible dogmatic stance.
Native has written about a 15-year old girl sold by her own mother …… that’s what poor people have to do to survive …… I suppose, the privileged elders/intellectuals will never experience that.
Dr Janapriya talks about “separatist-mentality” …… most youth of all sides who can separate have already separated even to God forsaken places ….. some time back we arrived late to stay in a boutique hotel in Lake Lucerne and both the people who served us dinner was young Lankan students, perhaps in their late teens. It’s like going to Mars and finding Lankans there!
nimal fernando / July 2, 2021
A Tamil boy and a Sinhalese girl …… the girl made some mistake placing a fork and the Swiss woman in charged scolded her loudly ….. people don’t treat even their servants like that in Lanka ……. we got involved and it was very unpleasant.
When we have such a beautiful country our youth have to escape to other places and put up with crap ……. because of the inconsiderate bastards who ruin it for everyone ……..
Sinhala_Man / July 4, 2021
Another e-mail fromJanapriya, giving me his mobile number.
So, there is hope of “rescuing” him.
I fear that few realise what hard work this is going to be.
More later; the bolds that I often use have been moderated out.
More later, hopefully.
Sinhala_Man / July 2, 2021
One saving grace about Dr Janapriya,
I think that he will read what you have said, and think about it.
When we bemoan the Rajapaksa polls victories what we must keep in mind is the need to wean them away from that evil family.
Whom they will thereafter support is for them to work out. I’d recommend the NPP (JVP in most people’s parlance still) but that must necessarily be secondary to weaning them away from the racist camps.
Sinhala_Man / July 3, 2021
This is a very important message.
I don’t have even an email address for you, but I’m not complaining. Your comments are clear, unambiguous, and totally acceptable to me. Each of us must work out how far we can go.
I’m not even worried about one man wanting to hug you; are both of you gay? Even if you are, the truth value will be the same.
Dr Janapriya has emailed me, six hours ago, but I’ve only just seen it.
He thanks me for being “a moderator” and since he hopes that we can meet when this “corona mess is over”, he has possibly forgotten to give me his phone number.
He has written this sentence,
“I feel very strongly about a ‘one nation ‘ country for which Tamils have to press the reset button.”
I’m writing this before replying his email. He speaks also about his friend, Ken (Dr Sanakarlingam). What all this proves is that he doesn’t realise that many of us consider the stance he has adopted to be racist.
I pull no punches on this: some of the worst racists (exclude from that EE, Pasqual, et al) don’t realise how bad what they are saying is, and are quite sincere!
Native Vedda / June 30, 2021
nimal fernando
“Can governments be terrorists, too ……. towards their citizens?”
Good question.
State-sponsored Terrorism
G overnments are often the targets of terrorism, but they can also sponsor terrorists or use the tactics of terrorism. There are two broad definitions of “state-sponsored terrorism.” One refers to governments that support or conduct terrorism against other governments. The other refers to governments that conduct terrorist acts against their own citizens.
By the way do you like Neil Diamond (for his songs and singing, nothing else)?
nimal fernando / July 1, 2021
“By the way do you like Neil Diamond (for his songs and singing, nothing else)?”
I don’t like him but have one of his records “Hot August Night.” In my collage days I shared a house with some other students …. 2 of them played in bands to earn tuition …… one went around selling joints at concerts; especially Grateful Dead (the cops would turn up now and then looking for him ) …. I used to go to a lot of concerts and had a few “live” records ….. that’s one of them
The others, Rolling Stones ” Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out!’ ” (Mick Taylor’s brilliant guitar playing,) The Who “Live at Leeds,” Warren Zevon “Stand in the Fire” ……. all good stuff!
One of my all-time favourite guitarists, Pee Wee Crayton (pretty obscure) ……. single-string runs like his mentor T Bone Walker but better
This is what I’m listening to now ….. ……. ……
nimal fernando / July 1, 2021
I collect vintage tube (valves in SL, UK) amps ….. I’m listening to them on some modern tube amps …. 805 tube driven by a 2A3, single-ended (unlike push-pull of most modern) …… and the saxophones sound brilliant …… like in the room
Get some tube amps if you’re into music. ……
old codger / July 1, 2021
Have you seen this? Two for the price of one!
nimal fernando / July 1, 2021
No offence …….. Don’t tell me you like Shirley Bassey! ……. In some concert venue in London …… could be Royal Albert Hall, they couldn’t get rid of the pigeons or the sparrows …… they tried everything with no luck ….. finally they came up with the idea to play Shirley Bassey loud through their speakers …… all the birds vanished, never to return. :))
I shudder to think …… who SM listens to! …… Perry Como? Tony Bennet?
SJ …… Mao’s red-book set to music? :))
Sinhala_Man / July 2, 2021
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.
For more detail see our Comment policy
Sinhala_Man / July 2, 2021
Now, if that is removed, how do I allow nimal to know what I listen to?
You see, nimal, there is injustice even of CT!
old codger / July 2, 2021
Nimal F
Did you hear that joke about Neil’s diamond necklace?
Sinhala_Man / July 3, 2021
Something you’ve never heard, nimal:
Extrapolate and Google.
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
nimal fernando,
Violence was first used by Tamils against Sinhalayo who accommodated them and allowed them to settle down in their country giving them citizenship.
It is a pity that you do not know the real history of Tamil-Sinhala conflict in this country. Please read my reply to RohanGunaratne.
“Which came first, the Sinhalese violence towards the Tamils or the Tamil violence towards the Sinhalese?”
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 1, 2021
Mahindapala, violence was first used 2500 years ago by Bengali criminals, the ancestors of Sinhalese on Kuveni and her people who belonged to Dravidian ethnic group. In modern times, it was Sinhalese who first unleashed violence on Tamils in 1956, when government sponsored Sinhala goon squads attacked Tamil Satyagrahis in Galle face. It is the Sinhalese who declared war, when SWRD commented in parliament that injuries suffered by Tamil MPs as wounds of war. It is a pity that you are distorting the real history of Tamil-Sinhala conflict in this country.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 30, 2021
Dr Janapriya, your mindset will not bring justice and reconciliation necessary to build a united country. Archaeologically it is evident that original inhabitants of the land are Veddhas in eastern (south of Mahaveli), central and southern (east of Walave) parts and Dravidians similar to those in Tamil Nadu in the rest of the country. Veddhas in east have become Tamilized and Veddhas in center and south have become Sinhalized. Genetically it is proved that both Sinhalese and Tamils have the same composition of South Indian core genetic material, Bengali and Veddha genes. Over the time Tamils have become Sinhalese and Sinhalese have become Tamils. Your ancestors were Saliya tribe from Tamil Nadu brought by Portuguese to work in Cinnamon plantation. Thus Tamils are as indigenous as Sinhalese and Sinhalese are as foreigners as Tamils. (CONTD).
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 30, 2021
(CONTD). Original language of the land is Elu (Sanskritized as Hela), which is considered by linguists as proto-Tamil. Sinhala language is only 1700 years old. Inscriptions in the caves at Kumana and Medagama are in Brahmi/Tamil Brahmi, similar to those found in Tamil Nadu. Veddhas worshiped Murugan the god of Tamils. These show that Veddhas came under Tamil influence. Those residing in north, east and north-west have taken up Tamil identity while those in the rest of the land have taken up Sinhala identity. Therefore Tamils have every right to claim their homeland where their ancestors lived for several centuries. So the US senate resolution is absolutely fair, and any amount of your distortion of truth is not going to deny justice to Tamils. It is now becoming clear that it is the Sinhalese who are intransigent, where the Tamil homeland can be accommodated within one country.
SJ / July 1, 2021
“Original language of the land is Elu (Sanskritized as Hela), which is considered by linguists as proto-Tamil.”
Could GS kindly name a linguist of some repute who said so?
old codger / July 1, 2021
“Could GS kindly name a linguist of some repute who said so?”
There was indeed such a linguist, but all references to him have mysteriously disappeared due to the Jaffna Library fire. He might have been related to the other linguist who discovered Sinhala Brahmi on a 3000 year old typewriter.
SJ / July 1, 2021
Thanks for that clue.
Will GS know his whereabouts?
KA / July 2, 2021
Just out of interest, in your view, what is Elu then?
Elu has direct meaning in Tamil.
The English writing of name Elu may well be not correct.
What does ‘Hela’ mean in Sinhalese?
Royal Asiatic Society is bullshitting about the language ‘Elu’.
R. C. Childers book:
Primarily a collection of articles from Wikipedia.
How can it be an analytic book when it is a collection of Wikipedia articles, which itself much of it is here say (‘R. C. Childers, in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society’, quoted from Wikipedia).
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
Do you plan to accommodate Indian Tamils who work in plantations, Tamils who live in Colombo and other parts of the country in this Tamil Homeland that you are talking?
“Sinhalese who are intransigent, where the Tamil homeland can be accommodated within one country.”
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 30, 2021
There is no doubt that LTTE committed atrocities, but they are no patch to those committed by SL security forces on Tamils. Did LTTE ever insert grenade into the vagina of woman and explode it. Did LTTE ever thrust bayonet into the chest of six month old baby. Now the world is coming to know the truth, though there is a concerted attempt to cover up. I am an eye witness to 1983 riots which was organized and executed by the then government where over 3000 Tamils were killed, and your statement of few dead is underplaying it. To dismiss what happened in 2009 as collateral damage is far from truth as there is evidence of deliberate targeting of refugee centers and hospitals and use of banned weapons like poison gases and cluster bombs to increase the casualty. For your information, I was regarded as honest and charismatic leader with vision to just and fair society, when Sinhalese in UK voted for me to defeat Sinhala candidate who campaigned with racist credential.
SJ / July 1, 2021
Have you not heard of the LTTE torture chambers in Jaffna, where victims were all Tamils?
Ajith / July 4, 2021
So what?
For you, LTTE torture chambers in Jaffna of Tamils is equal to Trinco torture chambers of Tamils by Sinhala regimes. So, you support the burning of Jaffna library, burning of Tamils civilians in Colombo in 1958/ butchering of Tamils in A’pura.
What is the relationship of LTTE torture chamber with Tamil Homeland?
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
“Did LTTE ever insert grenade into the vagina of woman and explode it. Did LTTE ever thrust bayonet into the chest of six month old baby.”
These are blatant lies.
The truth is Tamil terrorists did this kind of barbaric crimes against Sinhalayo. For example, Tamil terrorists slit the tummies of Sinhala pregnant women, pulled out the babies, threw them up and held the bayonet towards the falling baby. It is Tamil terrorists who raped Sinhala women and blew up them by inserting grenades in the vaginas and exploding them.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 1, 2021
Mahindapala, do not try to distort truth.
In 1997, STF personnel inserted grenade into the vagina of Koneswari of Central camp, Amparai and detonated it.
In 1987, Kumudini boat from Delft to Jaffna was intercepted by Navy killing 36 Tamils including a six month old child. I was acting JMO Jaffna at that time and performed post-mortem examination. While adults were first made unconscious by hitting their skulls with pick-axe and then bayoneting them, child was simply bayoneted and killed.
This is why Sinhalese do not want an international inquiry.
RAVI PERERA / June 30, 2021
“The author’s failure to recognize that the U.S. Senate Committee’s resolution resulted from the weight of the brutality that was inflicted on the Tamil civilians by the state is shocking”
The reason for the resolution is to prevent SL pivoting completely towards China and has nothing to do with the brutality of the war. A brutal terrorist group like LTTE had to be suppressed using brutal methods. In fact in a prior UN report they put the death toll at 40,000 when the defence attaches of US and UK put the number at 7000 including LTTE Fighters.
India has started hindiisation of Jaffna with the new Indian cultural centre.
Good luck
Pandi Kutti / June 30, 2021
We all know that you are a rotten pear that originated from South Indian Dalit orchard in Thamizh Nadu. Now converted to a card carrying Chingkalla Buddhist Fascist and constantly lying and beating the anti Thamizh drum. Keep on lying and beating the anti Thamizh drum but no one will listed to you. What has LTTE got or its antics that only originated to state sponsored Chingkalla racism against the Thamizh and actions of Chingkalla racists like you , has to the to with the historical fact that the north and east are the historical homelands of the Eezham Thamizh, that the Chingkalla state thanks to Britain is now trying to steal using the state resources the Chingkalla armed forces and fake history. If LTTE is brutal after killing around 3000 Chingkalla, Thullukans then what is the action of the Sri Lankan state that has killed over 140000 Thamizh civilians , ethnically cleansed and chased over a million native Eezham Thamizh to the west, made over a million Indian origin Thamizh who had lived in the island for over 140 years stateless and reduced the island’s Thamizh population from around 28% at the time of so called independence to around 16% now? Within 70 years of independence and stolen 30% of the Thamizh peoples lands? Acts of kindness and Ahimsa. It is called state sponsored terror, structural genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes.
Pandi Kutti / June 30, 2021
This is why this USA resolution is necessary to safeguard the remaining Thamizh and their lands from Chingkalla and Chinese genocide.
Heard Chinese have arrived in the north in Killinochchi and are farming for Sea Cucumber, without the permission of the local fisheries, council or the northern Provincial council. Most probably the occupying Chingkalla armed forces gave their blessing. SO close to India , pretending to farm for sea cucumbers. Strang Chingkalla/Chinese joint venture companies not doing any business in Chingkalla areas but arrive in Eezham Thamizh areas to fish farm for Sea cumbers and very soon will settle and farm and live on private Thamizh lands and homes, without their permission, as the Chinkalla racist occupying armed forces are there. We need our own country or become a state of India.
Svenson / June 30, 2021
Ha ha ha piglet has now moved on to Chinese genocide. As if the Tamils are not capable of racism, genocide and much worse.
Pandi Kutti / June 30, 2021
At least this little pig has not fled the island for the good life and not lying on my back for Viking sugar daddy . Is that why you changed your name to Svenson meaning son of Sven in ancient Norse language
Svenson / June 30, 2021
PK the foul mouthed Thamizh unable to counter the argument, resorts to abuse.
I hope he realises that by starting his reply with ‘At least’ he is agreeing with the comment.
SJ / June 30, 2021
Kindly note that his foul mouth has nothing to do with his ethnicity.
Pandi Kutti / July 1, 2021
What argument play child of Sven? You only posted rubbish. Nothing to argue. Please get back to fun with your new daddy
SJ / July 1, 2021
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went…
“Wee wee wee” all the way home…
RAVI PERERA / June 30, 2021
USA resolution is a way of hitting us for not signing the MCC pact. Big countries like USA, China , India will do whatever they want if it is going to benefit them.
Your biggest obstacle is India. India is very aware of the rising Tamil nationalism in Tamil Nadu and will do everything to stop this. Indian cultural centre opened in Jaffan is part of major plan to introduce Hind to Jaffna. It is a sweet musical language, so will enhance your chances of becoming part of India
SJ / June 30, 2021
“rising Tamil nationalism in Tamil Nadu”
Are you serious?
Native Vedda / June 30, 2021
Forget Tamil Nationalism, Thamil Nadu, North East, the South, Sinhala/Buddhism, Chinese menace, …. etc.
As far as Hindia is concerned Sri Lanka is the Sinhala state of Hindia. North is part of Tamil Nadu or can remain Eelam State of Hindia.
Forget SJ.
He will come around to appreciate Hindia’s generosity.
By the way how come Hindia has a IPKF memorial in Colombo?
The killing of 1155 IPKF troops took place in the North East then why a memorial in Colombo?
What is the message symbolically expressed by Hindia.
Why are the guardians of Sinhala/Buddhist land still tolerating this Hindian’s symbolic expression of their domination?
Take time, think and comment.
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
Great Entertainer
Native Vedda / July 1, 2021
The Sinhala speaking Demela
“Great Entertainer”
Are you patting yourself on your back?
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
Pandi Kutti,
You are already a State in India. If you want to make it your own country go for another try and see what happens. Tamils tried to have a separate State at the time Brits gave Independence but failed. They had another try in 1960s and failed.
“We need our own country or become a state of India.”
RAVI PERERA / June 30, 2021
What do I care about what you think about me. After all you are one of the many tamils who have migrated (probably your father) from Tamil Nadu and now trying to own part of sinhale.
“historical fact that the north and east are the historical homelands of the Eezham Thamizh”
There are no historical facts to prove North East as Tamil homeland. According to historical facts this is the home of the sinhalese. Your homeland is Tamil Nadu.
We did not killed 144,000 Tamils, bulk of them were killed by stupid tamil action.
Infact vast majority of this number has fled the country and living as refugees in toronto, I think you are one of them. Also LTTE used to send thoudands of young children to fight the army and they used to get killed like flies and LTTE nicely hid those news..
You talk of Tamil being 28% at the time of indepenedence. That number is by having the muslims included, Quite righly Sirimavo kicked bulk of the Indian Tamils out of this country. Imagine what the demands would have been if these fellows too were there. But Indian government did not honour the full agreement by talking the rest. But we sent out 800,000 Tamils out of the country.. We did not steel your land infact you are still trying to steel sinhala land with bogus traditional tamil homeland,
Pandi Kutti / June 30, 2021
Rotten Pear from the Dalit orchard in Thamizh Nadu please read proper history and statistics before posting rubbish from Lanka Lies and other Chingkalla extremist sites. Please also read the history and origin of the so called Chingkalla Karawa, Salagama, Durawa and many other so called low and high born Chingkalla communities, Their recent South Indian immigrant origin, whm when and how they arrived . Many now beating the Chingkalla Aryan drum and doing an Anti Thamizh dance
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
For your information Karawa, Salagama and Durava community have their origins in Kerala and are fully integrated into the sinhala community. If they had Tamil origins they would have insisted on a sepefrate homeland in the south as well and not learnt sinhala. These communities show characteristics (Enterprising, happy go lucky) which are very different to Tamils.
Pandi Kutti / July 1, 2021
Again posting lies. The ancestors of the Salagama and Durava migrated from Tamil Nadu and the ancestors of the Karawa are a mixture, they migrated largely from the fishing villages of Southern Tamil Nadu , also many from Kerala , few even migrated from the coasts of Southern Andhra or northern Tamil Nadu, hence the Karwa family name Vaduge/Waduge or Baduge. When they migrated or to be correct were brought in here by the Portuguese and the Dutch as slave labour, all these lands were Tamil lands. There was no such language called modern Malayalam, if it was it was called Grantha and was at its infancy and only confined to the Namboothiris and few of their upper caste Nair bastard famililies. The rest of the Kerala was still speaking their form of Tamil which was still written in Tamil script.
Pandi Kutti / July 1, 2021
This western Thamizh dialect was only called Malayalam/Malayalama or Malabar Tamul and was the language of over 85% Kerala even until the 1820s, until the British at the behest of their Namboothiri and Menon/Nair allies banned the use of this language, destroyed all evidence of this and made the highly Sanskritized Grantha version of the Namboothiris written in the Tilgari script the official language of the state and cunningly renamed is as Malayalam and as sop to the native Dravidian Tamil masses in the state incorporated lots of Dravidian/Thamizh words into this language. This means the ancestors of the Karawa, Salagama Durawa and many other low and so high called high born Chingkalla castes were of Indian Thamizh origin. All this was in the original Wikepedia but now Malayalam fanatics , like Chingkalla fanatics have edited it out, as they do not like the truth to be told
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
Pandi kutti,
Malayalam people are very different to you demala people. Will you say that demala people were the original owners of North India as well. There are many tamils who think so. The rubbish you tamils talk.
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
what can we gain by lieing to loser like yourself. Obviously you must be refugee in Toronto. Ancestors of all Karawa, Salagama and Durava ahad their origins in Kerala. Few may be from Tamil Nadu. There are a few who are very ugly, they may be from tamil Nadu. You fellows claim everything as Tamil.
I wont be surprised if you claim Princess Diana also had tamil ancestry. (Pretty obvious with her goodlooks). You fellows have been defeated man. Just accept it
Native Vedda / July 1, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Karawa, Salagama and Durava community have their origins in Kerala and are fully integrated into the sinhala community.”
This is what the sensible people have been trying to explain to you.
When did first Kerala people start integrating with Sinhalese?
“If they had Tamil origins they would have insisted on a sepefrate homeland in the south as well and not learnt sinhala. “
You should stop listening to Sinhala/Buddhist racist historians and start reading up on how language replacement take place over many years.
Please read the paper “Origin of Sinhala and Kalinga – Lanka Linguistic Affinities” by Professor Sandagomi Coperahewa and tell us how come the Sinhala language which is classified as Indo Aryan family of language has replaced the languages spoken in most parts of the island?
Pandi Kutti / July 1, 2021
Happy go Lucky! More like nasty, narrow minded, ill informed, bitter, racist and deluded from all your comments. You definitely are not happy go lucky in my opinion but miserable, spiteful, jealous of the Tamils and racist. Far cry from happy go lucky. Go and see a psychiatrist , if you are deluding your self that you are kind and happy go lucky. No kind happy go lucky person will be posting all these racist lies and anti Tamil comments that you have done.
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
I am not the deluded one. You and ALL YOUR TAMIL fellows who trying to claim part of our country. We regret now for saving some of our then neighbours in 1983, should have let the buggers ……
Pandi Kutti / July 2, 2021
You saving any Thamizh from a Chingkalla mob! That will be the 8th wonder. Most probably you were part of the mob that was going around burning looting Thamizh homes and killing them. This will be more like you. Why don’t you read what you post . Oozing with anti Thamizh hatred and venom
SJ / July 1, 2021
“Karawa, Salagama and Durava community have their origins in Kerala”
Sorry, the K are from Tamilnadu as well. I think that Michael Roberts wrote on this over 40 years ago.
The Salagama will kill you for saying this. Most have very good Tamil names in their vasagama. Some were perhaps from Andhra.
D presence is claimed to precede the K’s (but certainly S). In which case if they are from the first millennium, they would be Tamil too. They had Tamilized Sinhala culture considerably.
The Salagama, as late as 1915,declared that they have nothing to do with the Sinhalayo. They still retain their social rituals that are distinct from any of the Sinhalese with whom you claim that they have integrated.
Why do you have to run scared of being of Tamil origin?
You may be “enterprising” but, based on your obsessive views, you do not sound “happy go lucky”.
BTW, when did SWRDB & JRJ learn their Sinhala?
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
“The Salagama will kill you for saying this. Most have very good Tamil names in their vasagama”
Infact all three coastal communities have family names which are similar to names in Kerala
SJ / July 2, 2021
There is a lot in common between Tamil and Malayalam names.
How do you tell the difference? List a few Sinhala surnames that are only in Malayalam.
I know for certain one Kerala family name, Kuruppu, shared by Sinhalese. (But certainly not K).
Native Vedda / June 30, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Your homeland is Tamil Nadu.”
So is yours.
Why don’t you go back?
Soon this island will become Chinese colony and eventually a playing field for the filthy rich Chinese which will surrounded by garrison towns, void of any democratic rights or practices.
Now is the time for you to get out.
When you go take all your Sinhala/Buddhists with you.
All signs are that Stalin the new Chief Minister of your Thamil Nadu is making the right kind of democratic noises. He might help you settle down, as they did when the weeping widow deported many of your relatives back in 1960s, 70s, 1980s, ….
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
Whats the weather like in Toronto?
Native Vedda / July 1, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Whats the weather like in Toronto?”
Check it on
old codger / June 30, 2021
You say: “Need of the hour is not tit for tat or an eye for an eye or grind one’s axe on the ‘offender’ but forgive forget and move on towards a one nation country “
True, but is this possible when , in spite of a constitution that promises equality to all citizens regardless of race or religion, members of your community and religion receive preferential treatment?
Why is a Muslim locked up without charge for writing a poem while Buddhist monks preaching hatred are untouchable? Why is even a Christian Sinhalese not electable as President? Why is it that Tamils and Muslims are not allowed to run businesses in some parts of the country?
Why are the forces over 95% Sinhala? Why is government employment similarly biased?
Dr.J, despite your long rant on the virtues of SL governments, and their “unavoidable” brutal methods of dealing with both Sinhala and Tamil insurgencies, do you really think that the US is unaware of the ground situation? Get your pals to fix that before preaching to the US. The US government may or may not be genuine in its intentions. Perhaps things might have been different if we signed the MCC. But it is incumbent on intelligent people like you not to let “patriotism” befuddle your brain functions.
SJ / June 30, 2021
It takes not so much courage but intellectual honesty to transcend parochial thinking.
Do you think that the man has a shred of it?
He was hailed as a hero by quite a few when he scolded their ‘main enemy’. Now he seems to be treading on their sensitive toes.
old codger / July 1, 2021
Some people have a different sort of dual morality drilled in from infancy. It’s a deadly sin to kill a cow, but OK to kill a human. We have scientists who believe in astrology too.
SJ / July 1, 2021
Oops, I seem to have trod on the same toes.
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
old codger,
Please tell us why Native Sinhalayo are not allowed to run business in some parts of their country by Tamils and Muslims. When Sinhalayo who were chased away by Tamils and Muslims from North East of the country during the time Tamil terrorists controlled those areas went to claim their property, they were chased away by Tamil and Muslim thugs.
Tamils who want multiculturalism in this country say ‘Sinhalayo are not welcome in the North’, ‘Sinhala Buddhists should not build temples in the North’.
“Why is it that Tamils and Muslims are not allowed to run businesses in some parts of the country?”
old codger / July 1, 2021
So you are admitting that the rest of my points are true, since you don’t dispute them?
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
How can the descendants of people who came to this country as invaders or laborers to work for colonial rulers talk about a ‘Traditional Homeland’?
old codger / July 1, 2021
If Robert Knox saw them in 1680, they can claim a homeland, unlike you in Canada.
leelagemalli / July 6, 2021
so how did we SINHALESE migrate to SRILANKA ? My recherche prove that we are all from north and south of india …. we are more closely connected to INDIANs than to any other folks.
My wish is at least your last breath become clean… being able to grasp let alone some truths replacing your long stagnated self-made stories in your small brain.
(my little pet- dog questions, if you at a brain for your own).
Were sinhalese the indegenous of the country ? What about Native Veddas and other communities ?
Please provide us with some links if you would continue your idiosyncratic theories about the origin.
leelagemalli / July 5, 2021
This retired surgeon may be good at his profession but obviously has not the least knowledge tO question himself as to why a brutal war came in to being if all was good from our side as sinhalese. Let alone today we should be able to see it right if not senior professionals would not do it what more talks about SB intoxicated masses that would behave like Kaliamma controlled Dhammika Dhammika paniya maker? ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
RohanGunaratne / June 30, 2021
The actions that the LTTE had pursued were deplorable, but the Author seems to conveniently gloss over the State Sponsored atrocities committed. The Author himself even states “and in the riots that ensued a few Tamils died and a large number lost livelihood and property.” The use of the word ‘few’ demonstrates either a deliberate attempt to misdirect the reader and lessen the loss of life during that pogrom or is simply an oversight on his part. I am also curious if the Author has any comment on the pogroms in 56, 58 or the Jaffna Library Burning? Failure to acknowledge these atrocities from the State is what allowed the LTTE to exploit the legitimate grievances of the Tamil people. If we are to all heal, it should involve open and honest dialogue. Failure to do so, will only empower extremists from both the Tamil and Sinhala variety.
SJ / June 30, 2021
Have you heard this one from Aesop?
The gods were once disputing whether it was possible for a living being to change its nature. Jupiter said “Yes,” but Venus said “No.” So, to try the question, Jupiter turned a Cat into a Maiden, and gave her to a young man for a wife. The wedding was duly performed and the young couple sat down to the wedding-feast. “See,” said Jupiter, to Venus, “how becomingly she behaves. Who could tell that yesterday she was but a Cat? Surely her nature is changed?”
“Wait a minute,” replied Venus, and let loose a mouse into the room. No sooner did the bride see this than she jumped up from her seat and tried to pounce upon the mouse. “Ah, you see,” said Venus, “Nature will out.”
RohanGunaratne / July 1, 2021
Hi SJ,
I am not too familiar with Aesop, however, the passage you have listed seems quite apt. To be honest, the truth of their conflict, is that neither side was in the wrong, and that the only thing we could do was to play the part that was given to him in order to move forward, regardless of what the outcome might be. He realizes that it’s not the Marleyans fault for hating the Eldians for their power, and it’s not the Eldians fault for using their power to shape the world how they want it to be, since the Marleyans would do the same in their position, it’s human nature and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
The whole point of attack on Titan is that nobody is just good or evil, everyone is just trying to survive the cruelty of this world, the cruelty that we are different, and that these differences will ultimately always result in conflict
RohanGunaratne / July 1, 2021
Apologies, please ignore the above comment. I was trying to link it to a television show that I was watching called Attack on Titan. The premise of the show demonstrates that the cruelty of the world is that we are different and these differences invariably lead to conflict. The only way to bring peace is to understand our differences and celebrate them
RohanGunaratne / July 1, 2021
Hi SJ,
I am not too familiar with Aesop, however, the passage you have listed seems quite apt. If we are to swap roles, we will truly understand how the other feels; is nature determined by our circumstances or are the circumstances dictated by nature?
SJ / July 1, 2021
Thanks very much.
“is nature determined by our circumstances or are the circumstances dictated by nature?”
It is a bit of both I guess.
I like this very much:
“If we are to swap roles, we will truly understand how the other feels”
Sadly, it is inability to do that as a thought exercise that keeps us in our miserable plight.
One thinks loud only to branded as traitor etc. Yet, thankfully some persevere,
RohanGunaratne / July 1, 2021
To be quite frank, I’m a fairly young person that has begun researching all of this. What has happened, is that I’ve fallen into this painful history in which a game of tit for tat has been played by politicians from both side. The blood spilled, the horror created and the pain that extends to Sri Lanka’s various communities, was something I was shocked to learn. Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with the Tamil experiences, as I have grown up in a Sinhala household in North America and my learning of this entire conflict began earlier this year. I only hope we can all learn to understand that there needs true healing. Likewise, I beg my Tamil friends not to view all of us in the same lens and I promise I will not look at my Tamil friends negatively
SJ / July 2, 2021
Glad to know that you are among the sane few around here.
It is tragic that these pages which could be used to build bridges are used to destroy even what we have.
Let us hope that sense will return one day, sooner than later.
Sugandh / July 2, 2021
So easy to preach isn’t it?
There are many bridges to be built. Bridge building here on CT doesn’t need to be confined to ethnic conflict.
To build bridges, first one needs to understand what and how to actually build bridges.
One can patronise and preach, but what good is it if the preacher isn’t a doer?
leelagemalli / July 6, 2021
Please continue your posts to CT: You sound to be a neutral commenter. We ve been making every effort to win lot more good commenters with the situation worsening in our home country.
All the best Rohan…
davidthegood / July 5, 2021
Rohan G, You could not have said it better than that to ” understand our differences and celebrate them”, being the creator’s own model and purpose. It is tragic that we are in rebellion, demanding bits of the good earth belonging to its creator. Psalm 24 begins “The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness” No human ownership, but only stewarding with the gifts provided. Reason is that with our last spirit breath which goes back to its creator owner, we leave it all behind with karma sequences done in souls while here, which too is denied by some. Why this absolute greed and power hunger which makes us murder and do evil and be corrupt with all kinds of false gods. In love let us unite peacefully.
Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
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Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
All the conflicts between Native Sinhalayo and Tamils in this country were started by Tamils. Anti-Sinhala Buddhist campaign by Tamils was started by Tamil politicians that emerged in 1930s. G.G. Ponnambalam who was the father of ethnic politics in this country started the anti-Sinhala Buddhist campaign in 1939 by delivering a racially charged speech at Nawalapitiya ridiculing Mahawamsa and denigrating the Sinhala-Buddhist culture, its history and the people igniting the first Tamil-Sinhala conflict. In 1958, Tamil thugs attacked Sinhalayo who lived in Yapanaya after the Government changed the English letters in car number plate to a Sinhala letter. The clash in 1983 was triggered by Tamils killing 13 soldiers of Sri Lanka Army using a land mine. The usual strategy of Tamil politicians is to start clashes between Tamils and Sinhalayo and put the blame on majority Sinhala Buddhists.
RohanGunaratne / July 1, 2021
Hi Eagle Eye,
I agree that there were Tamil thugs that had attacked in 1958, but we cannot blame the entire community. Likewise, I hope for my Tamil brothers/sisters not to blame us Sinhala for the misdeeds of Sinhala thugs. Ultimately, this hate had been manufactured by our not understanding each other. The only thing we can do now is to support all parties in their quest for justice. We mustn’t ignore the plight of Tamils at the hands of the State and likewise, we must not forget the misdeeds of the Tamil militancy and IPKF
Sinhala_Man / June 30, 2021
Thanks, Sugandh, for qualifying in various ways what this sincere surgeon has presented for us as his prescription for our woes.
Observations – A
I don’t know much about your life and career but I have found your comments always balanced and responsible. Whether you have paid much attention to Dr Janapriy’a other articles, I don’t know. He has clearly worked hard at this, but he is (as he makes sure that we note in his first sentence) a loner who has the interest of his country at heart. This is not a historian; and I have made it abundantly clear that I know little outside English and pedagogy.
I, therefore, repose some hope in our arriving at a more balanced view of where we should be navigating by the end of a week of serious discussion. I hope that the author will take account of the later views of Professor Karthigesu Indrapala that are reviewed here.
Although Dr Indrapala would have been an active young History Lecturer when Dr Janapriya was a medical student, it is unlikely that they would have met at Peradeniya.
chiv / June 30, 2021
I have followed this author for past many years and respected his opinions mostly related to medical field. Though I may have disagreed with few I still accept it as healthy discussion. But this whole article seems to be biased and exposes the so called moderates who claim they are impartial but in reality are same as those fundamentals they are accusing of. This in my opinion is the primary reason for country to have not learned any lessons ever since independence.
chiv / June 30, 2021
What caught my attention is the attempt by author to use the medical faculty ratio as a primary evidence to discuss inequality and to further justify violent governmental actions. Can the author tell us what was the ratio of mefical students then in Colombo ?? Didn’t the government prefer the Tamils to be placed in Peredeniya ?? Why only talk about medical faculty instead of total student ratio. In that case what was the reason for government to built one in Jaffna. Wete students selected purely on merit or by preference. What is the selection process in U.S and other Western countries? If true what was the government action to solve instead of discriminate. Did government actions in anyway help in developing health services. Last but not least why did goons during riots specifically target Tamil doctors. Can author explain Dr. Shaffi, s case.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 30, 2021
Chiv his grouse about Tamils predominating at Peradeniya is not correct. That time selection was on merit alone, where 250 gain entrance ((150 to Colombo and 100 to Peradeniya). Out of these about 100 are from schools in western province and 100 are from schools in Northern province. In order to minimize difficulty in providing residential facilities, Students from Colombo and those who provide address in Colombo are admitted to Colombo and the rest to Peradeniya. In Colombo of the 150, 100 are Sinhalese, 40 are Tamils and 10 from other groups. Naturally bulk of students from north are admitted to Peradeniya and form the majority. Sinhala Tharuna Sanvidanaya headed by Dr. Seevali Ratwatte, campaigned against Tamil admissions, and government succumbed to the pressure.
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
The objection was not against admitting Tamils but Sinhalayo, particularly Buddhists not getting opportunities to enter university due to lack of education facilities. During colonial rule, education facilities for Vellala Tamils in Yapanaya and Christian Sinhalayo in Colombo were provided but providing education facilities for Sinhala Buddhists were neglected deliberately. Standardization was introduced to rectify this abnormal situation. Vellala Tamils highlighted this as discrimination against Tamils.
“Sinhala Tharuna Sanvidanaya headed by Dr. Seevali Ratwatte, campaigned against Tamil admissions, and government succumbed to the pressure.”
Thiru / June 30, 2021
“Ours was a sovereign country ruled almost exclusively by Singhalese kings for around two thousand years. “
There was no Sinhalese language 2000 years ago let alone Singhalese kings?
Sinhalese writers are experts in falsifying history just like Mahavama does.
They are good at swaying opinion with one-sided stories.
RAVI PERERA / June 30, 2021
“There was no Sinhalese language 2000 years ago let alone Singhalese kings?”
Then the sinhalese dropped from the spanish skies all of a sudden. What rubbish are you talking you man. International community or any one do not believe what you or us say. They will do there own home work and apply common sense and come to a conclusion. Sri lanka is the country that gave birth to the sinhala language and all embassies in colombo believe that this is the historical home of the sinhalese. That includes USA. Now USA is getting ready for a different agenda to counter China. may be they are getting ready to train some Tamils for another rebellion. Its your opportunity man, take it, go for it man go for it….
Native Vedda / June 30, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking DEmela
“Then the sinhalese dropped from the spanish skies all of a sudden. “
It would have been too expensive to drop Sinhala/Buddhists from Spanish skies.
The evidence available suggest that over a period of time there was a stream of kallathonie arrival from South India, for various reasons such as political, religious, economic, ….. people started convert from one religion to another.
Whether you knew Sinhala language or Tamil 2000 years ago does not matter, what matters is that Sinhalese and Tamils are descendants of Sount Indian Kallthonies.
RAVI PERERA / July 1, 2021
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Native Vedda / July 1, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
Thanks for keeping it brief.
Keep up your good job.
By the way when are you going back to your ancestral homeland somewhere near Kanyakumari?
Rohan25 / July 1, 2021
What about the Tamil Jaffna kingdom and the eastern Tamil Vannimai chiefdoms or Pandara Vanniyan the last Tamil chief from Vanni to fall to the British in 1815. Talk about selective biased history. The Sinhalese language and people only came into definite existence from around 7-9AD. They evolved from the native Dravidian tribes mixed with Indian immigrants, some from the north of India but largely from the southern Tamil country in India. The language only evolved because of the arrival of Buddhism and the large scale incorporation of Pali/Prakrit and Sanskrit words into the local Tamil dialect in the southern, central and western parts of the island due to large scale conversion to Buddhism. The people of the north and east converted too but Buddhism never supplanted Hinduism in these areas and gradually vanished, therefore the ancient Tamil identity was maintained in these areas.
Rohan25 / July 1, 2021
Non of the ancient kings ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryans as they were neither. They were local Tamil Naga or Tamil of South Indian origin. The king who converted to Buddhism Thevanai Nambiya Theesan son of King Mootha Sivan ( meaning the great Siva in pure Tamil) was a Tamil Naga. The so called Sinhalese hero Duttan Kaimunu was as son of a Tamil Naga king Kaavan Theesan or Kakkai Vanna Theesan. All the so called Sinhalese kings largely from South Indian Tamil dynasties largely Pandian, Naicker , Chera. This includes the last kings of Kandy , the great king Prakrama Bahu. Generally a king with the title Pandu or Bahu is a dead give away of their Pandian Tamil origin. This is why the so called Sinhalese kings were constantly inviting their close Tamil relatives from South India to invade or interfere into local disputes regarding the throne. Now all this history is deliberately being twisted and falsified.
Lanka Canuck / July 6, 2021
The earliest reference in the Pali Chronicles to the Saiva Shrine at Trincomalee is found in the Mahavamsa (Ch. XXXVII, vv. 40-44). It states that Mahasen‘built also the Manivihara and founded three viharas destroying the temple of the gods the Gokanna, Erukavilla, and another in the village of the Brahman Kalanda’. In a note below Geiger the official translator of the Mahavamsa, states, “according to the Mahavamsa Tika, the Gokanna Vihara is situated on the coast of the Eastern sea, the two other Viharas in Ruhuna, it also says, everywhere in the Island of Lanka he established the doctrine of the Buddha having destroyed the temples of the unbelievers, i.e. having abolished the Phallic symbols of Siva and so forth”. In his foot note quoting the Pali version of the Mahavamsa Tika, Geiger clarifies that King Mahasen destroyed symbols of Siva:
“Evam sabbaththa Lankadipamhi kuditthikAnam Alayam viddhaamesetvA, SivalingadAyo nAsetvA buddhasAsanam eva patittahapesi”
If what the Mahavamsa Tika says is to be accepted, Ruhuna and the Eastern coast would appear to have been early homes of Saivaism, the Tamil religion par excellence. The authors of the Pali Chronicles and the monk author of the Mahavamsa Tika were Buddhist priests, who at that time were the bitterest opponents of Saivaism as we see from their writings.
Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
A great comment, better researched than most of mine, I feel, Rohan25.
Is “RohanGunaratne” a different person? Probably, since Gravatars also are different. This is confusing to people like me.
R Kaz / June 30, 2021
“and in the riots that ensued a few Tamils died and a large number lost livelihood and property.”
How easily does this author trivializes the repeated slaughter of Tamils by the Sri Lankan state. Absolute disgrace!
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
R Kaz,
Tamils have killed more Tamils in this country than the number of Tamils killed during ethnic clashes started by Tamils and military operation against Tamil terrorists.
Government of Sri Lanka liberated about 300,000 Tamil civilians kept as a human shield by Tamil terrorists.
“How easily does this author trivializes the repeated slaughter of Tamils by the Sri Lankan state.”
leelagemalli / July 2, 2021
Ultra Racist Eagle Eye,
“Government of Sri Lanka liberated about 300,000 Tamil civilians kept as a human shield by Tamil terrorists”
Are Tamils not srilankens ?
And is it not the responsiblity of GOSL to safeguard their basic rights ? Why on earth you the kind of b sons are forced to feel ” API SINHALAYO liberrated about 300k tamils “….
How would you the kind of B sons explain it to your GREAT GRAND CHILDREN ?
Even if you would die in a couply years, try to learn to think rationally.. THAT CAN only help us all.
Get well soon !
God bless to SRILANKA so long the kind of ULTRA racists remain unchanged.
Manicka Vasagar / June 30, 2021
Sri Lanka is exposed in the ring for all to see.
Unless SL conforms to international norm and standards, implements the UN HRC Resolutions fully, with an international independent investigation, to find out the truth on how and why the 7K or 40K or 70K were killed and more than 146K still un accounted for, Sri Lanka is doomed.
There will be no peace and reconciliation without justice and accountability, and more so without an independent Tamil Eelam in the island.
RAVI PERERA / June 30, 2021
“Resolutions fully, with an international independent investigation, to find out the truth on how and why the 7K or 40K or 70K were killed and more than 146K still un accounted for, Sri Lanka is doomed”
Lot of trouble will be created but nothing will happen. India will decide to what extent we get punished. Rising tamil nationalism in TN will be our biggets help along with Rajive Gandhi
Native Vedda / June 30, 2021
The Sinhala Speaking Demela.
“Rising tamil nationalism in TN will be our biggets help along with Rajive Gandhi”
Are you saying the racist state and its racist politicians have no responsibility to act to defuse tension, forge good relation with neighbours, protect family silver, stop being smart asses, strive to undo injustices, accept mistakes, apologise and compensate to victims, ….
Can you do us a favour?
Can you kindly convert all the Sangas, Mahinda, Gota, Basil, Namal, Weerawansa, ….. HLD M, Shenali, Shavendra(+ 15,000)…………………. to Buddhism? Before that can you convert yourself to Buddhism?
Rohan25 / July 1, 2021
Keep on lying racist Sinhalese card carrying Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist of recent immigrant Tamil South Indian origin. Ancestors were brought into the island by the Portuguese from then Tamil South India ( Tamil Nadu and Kerala ) as slave labour . Now a Tamil hating card carrying Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism. Yes India has Tamil nationalism, Bengali nationalism, Kannada Nationalism, Marathi Nationalism, Hindi Nationalism, Punjabi/Gujarati Nationalism, Hindu Nationalism but all these nationalism do not threaten Indian unity and most of this on the fringe, as each Indian state and major linguistic groups rights are enshrined and cannot be taken away , especially in their own areas. For your information the so called Tamil nationalism never produced violence against non Tamil in Tamil Nadu. However Marathi/ Kannada and Bengali Nationalism did.
Rohan25 / July 1, 2021
This so called Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism based on fake history is dangerous and has resulted in genocide , war crimes large scale ethnic cleansing and marginalization of the island’s Tamils forcing many to flee the island and now a threat to world peace with China at India’s southern borders. As for Rajiv Gandi the less said about this person the better. His death was tragic and if the LTTE had assassinated him, it was a bad move . However he was inexperienced and was being taken for a ride by his advisors and the then Sri Lankan government. His actions and later behaviour contributed to what the IPKF did to the Tamil civilians and he was responsible for this and paid the ultimate price. Now many Indians are also aware of the what really happened. Do not forget the then Sri Lankan Prime Minister Premadasa armed the LTTE to chase the IPKF away as the Sinhalese army could not and a Sinhalese soldier tried to kill Rajiv during a military parade and then was made a hero and even served as an MP under the former Rajapake regime if I am correct.
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
Manicka Vasagar,
Tamils are strange people. While they have their Homeland (Tamil Nadu) in India they want to have ‘Traditional Tamil Homeland’ in Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. Probably they want to go to Guinness Book of Records as the first group to have two Homelands in this world.
“…and more so without an independent Tamil Eelam in the island.”
davidthegood / June 30, 2021
This establishment of a state within a state reminds me of trying to divide Jerusalem to be part of a Palestinian state within the boundaries of Israel. Now it has led to the US war, currently bombing Iran and Syria. Hamas or philistine country of Goliath were enemies, not a part of Israel government. Jerusalem has the promise of winning the Armageddon war, but China can only betray our regime with false promises. Who knows whether that is the consequence we deserve for not wanting unity of peace and reconciliation.
Sinhala_Man / July 1, 2021
Spot on, davidthegood,
I have this problem with my family. They are all on the side of “God” now, and somehow also side with the murderous (now ex-PM) Netanyahu – and that is after my wife and daughter going there on a two-week pilgrimage.
I studied something of this (in English) for external GAQ Western Classical Culture; got an “A”. (The good external learns more than the smug internal.) The Philistines were actually very cultured people who had left “Minoan” Crete.
I said that Jesus was born in 4 B.C.; no, they say, in the year “Nought”, which doesn’t exist.
Evangelicals advise? Don’t look at the Internet.
Try telling them that a Minoan coin has been discovered where it is clearly engraved that it was minted in 650 B.C. The chances are that they’ll believe the story.
old codger / July 1, 2021
Poor David hasn’t heard of West Berlin, which was entirely inside East Germany, or Kaliningrad, which is a part of Russia inside Poland. Maybe because these things are not in the Bible?
Sinhala_Man / July 2, 2021
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SJ / July 4, 2021
Are you sure that he really knows what is in the Book?
chiv / June 30, 2021
Sinhala Man, your comments earns more respect and this author lost mine after writing such article. I admit there are occasions I too had mentioned “this country and people/SB deserved it”, which I stand by. What I mean by that is, without the support of SB these crooks would have never returned back to power. I am well aware others too voted and by saying I do not implicate in any way that all SB are racist(as in not all Tamils/Muslims are terrorist). Here is a doctor who is familiar with illness which may have genetic origin but later influenced by nature, nurture , environment, living situation and eventually manifest at a certain age and then goes on for years spreading, ultimately costing life. But for his own reasons, he tends to think somehow a passive, god fearing, non violent community decided to take up arms struggle , overnight which lasted for 30 or more years. By stating they were supported by Tamil diaspora he further devalues and criminalizes them as a community. As mentioned by few what happened between independence and rise of LTTE has been left out for convenience. Can he explain why there was no LTTE then and what was the need after ??.
Sinhala_Man / July 1, 2021
Thanks, chiv,
OTOH, See what an ass I am. Tried to be too clever and few have understood my cautions. When I first espied this article there were no comments.
I wrote a lot, transferred it to a Word Document on my Hard Disk Drive. (Just now I wrote HDD, then thought I’d better write the words out in full since some may not understand. I write as correct English as possible, if many don’t understand that “few” is very nearly the opposite of “a few”, GambadaIskoleMahaththaya can’t help it. Few know that the past tense of lead is led!).
So, having found about 650 words, I decided to have three sections. Whenever one reduces wordiness it improves quality. Just checked; 489 words on my HDD.
That was after a further revision after seeing the excellent comment by Sugandh. Further revision, then I placed Observation A wrong. Realised that, placed B and C correctly. Copied them in the right order on to an email and sent it to Janapriya, the two Hooles, leelagemalli, Kumar David, and a few others. I’ve not so far revealed LM’s identity, although he made a mistake. Our best intentions go awry.
Sinhala_Man / July 1, 2021
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Sinhala_Man / July 1, 2021
Oh, dear,
You see, I said too much. But this message I’m sure that the moderators will understand is relevant for this significant discussion:
Mistakes made can be fatal; write too much, it is not read at all. But just an appeal to all who see this. After you’ve read “Observation A” which makes sense, go back to “Observations B and C” which were non sequiturs when first seen.
As we all say in Ceyinglish: “What to do?”
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
SJ / June 30, 2021
“In my batch of Medical students at The Faculty of Medicine, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya one of the only two medical schools in the country, in 1967, there were a total of 76 out of which 54 were Tamils. In the previous year’s batch out of 76 the astounding majority of 68 were Tamils whilst the population of the Tamils in the country as a whole was only 18%. “
What was the ratio in Colombo? The percentages will change when you count both.
The reason why there was disproportionate presence of Tamils in the sciences was that Jaffna had a very large number of missionary schools that offered good science education. Also the Tamil middle class took education seriously as it saw it as its way to prosperity. (Rather a blinkered view I will say in hindsight.)
The North had not many big land owners holding on hundreds and even thousands of acres as in the South. That class was not very interested in higher education and did not encourage it among others until much after a third of the 20th Century passeed.
It was the slightly lower rungs of caste that took to education in the South.
University admissions were in rough proportion to the number of candidates sitting the GCE(AL), earlier UE examination.
leelagemalli / July 1, 2021
North had not many big land owners is right. Most that owned land did not allow their children to go local universities. To my knowledge I did not find any of such at Pera in 80ties.
ShanR / July 1, 2021
Dr Janapriya, I admire your ability to cherry pick from historiography. Following in your footsteps, I wish to cherry pick some of the historical informations some of which involve non Sri Lankans.
Stealite seal found in Anaikoddai Jaffna with the word KOVETA was dated 3rd century BC and interpreted by the famous Indian Epigraphist as Tamil word for ‘chieftain’ and is written in Tamil Brahmi.
The inscription in Nainativu Jaffna by the famous Sri Lanka king, Parakramabahu(1153-1186) was written in Tamil.
In 1344 Moroccan traveller Ibn Batutta was the guest of Jaffna King Marthanda Singai Ariyan who ruled the entire north and east upto Puttalam.
Portuguese fought several wars with the Jaffna Tamil kings until the last Tamil king Sangili II was captured by them in 1619.
When Dutch captured the Sea ports in the Eastern province in 1658, they found that people living around these ports were Tamils.
Robert Knox when he was trying escape from the Kandy king in 1679 found that people north of Anuradhapura spoke Tamil.
The last piece of my cherry-picking is in post independent history in regard to Sinhalese mob violence against Tamils before LTTE became a powerful force. They occurred in 1956, 1958, 1977 and 1983. The Jaffna library was burned by in 1981. All these occurred with the connivance of the government.
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
No one denies the presence of Dravidians in Sinhale but they are either invaders who invaded this country from 3rd Century BC or coolies from Hindusthan came to work for colonial rulers. No historical or archeological evidences to prove that Demala people (Tamils} are indigenous people in Sinhale/Ceylon/Sri Lanka.
SJ / July 1, 2021
If it is addressing the author, your effort is water on a duck’s back.
ShanR / July 3, 2021
Dear SJ
I learned a very meaningful phrase from you. I have a counter phrase for you. Persistence prevails when all else fails.
SJ / July 4, 2021
Thanks, but that is not my original.
Your optimism seems incurable.
Punchi Point / July 4, 2021
Annaikkodai seal is not in Tamil. Its clearly a Sinhalese Brahmi inscription, and reads keveta-śaśa.
Tamil words do not end in -a sound and the number of false readings Tamils (Indrapala, Ragupahy etc) have tried to give this seal to make it read something Tamil, shows how desperate Tamils are. The first letter is a clear -ke and lacks a horizontal marking to make it -ko. Indrapala even read the dot in the inscription as an anushvara to get an -n ending, quite forgetting that Tamil does not have anushvara sound, even now. The two śa letters are claimed by Indrapala to be Indus signs meaning royal!
Schrift im alten Indien
Harry Falk
pp 161-62
The book is in German. You can copy and paste the text from the full text page in the achrive book page, in Google translate.
Lanka Canuck / July 6, 2021
“Tamil words do not end in -a sound”
Why don’t you study your brief before proceeding to comment on subjects you know nothing about? Just go to google and type ‘ancient kings of Tamil Nadu’, almost all the early Chola and Pandya kings have names ending in –a sound.
Sinhala_Man / July 7, 2021
Thank you, Punch Point, for being so specific. I’m not sure that I agree with you, but I haven’t yet followed the link that you have given.
I shall; I’m making this comment now because all comments on this article will soon have to cease. Ground rules must be followed.
I have not met Emeritus Professor K. Indrapala, nor have I been able to obtain his book. Even if I were to obtain the book I, I’m not sure that I would be able to fully understand it. However, his reasoning, as gleaned by me from reviews available on the Internet, accord with common sense.
What were concerned with is generating a modus vivendi that will enable to people of Lanka to live in harmony with one another. I once raised this matter at a public forum when we had been asked whether there were any questions to be posed to Professor W.I. Siriweeera, then Chairman of the National Education Commission. I said that little children had to be taught something sensible and practical; more than 95% of our people will operate for the rest of their lives on the knowledge given them at that stage.
Eagle Eye / July 1, 2021
Do you know that:
• Vellala Tamils opposed Universal Franchise and wanted the right to vote exclusively reserved for the Vellala community.
• It was a Sinhala Government that passed the Social Disabilities Act in 1957 enabling low caste Tamils to enter schools for the first time. Vellala Tamil politicians went all the way to UK to beg the Privy Council to annul this Act.
• It was a Sinhala Government that introduced Standardization and Quota System that benefited Tamils outside Yapanaya to enter university. Vellala Tamils opposed these measures.
• Vellala Tamils consider Tamils in plantations brought to Sinhale by British as a different breed of Tamils and go on maintaining the distinction by categorizing them as ‘Indian Tamils’ and those in the North as ‘Ceylon Tamils’ while all Tamils who live in Sinhale/Sri Lanka are of Indian origin.
chiv / July 1, 2021
Eagle, you mean it was yet another “Humanitarian Mission”. You should immediately address this to the U.S Senate Committee supporting Dr. JP’s case.
chiv / July 1, 2021
Evil come again. Were you trying to say something ???
Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
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Sinhala_Man / July 7, 2021
I give up, almost!
I submitted this less than an hour ago. I have not kept a copy, but it was relevant and polite.
Was it too long?
Plato / July 1, 2021
A Surgeon has made an attempt to analyse the ethnic problem in the country. The analysis is faulty. Anyway he is entitled to his opinion.
Federalism was not thought of by SJV. Chelvanayagam. It was mooted by SWRD UPON HIS RETURN FROM OXFORD. He changed his boat later to suit his political ambitions.
Also SJV was not educated in London . Only a FEW TAMILS were affected in the July 1983 disturbances says the surgeon.
With such inaccuracies the Letter to the US Senate committee will end up in the dustbin.
No doubt the learned Surgeon must have felt homesick in his 1967 batch with 54 Tamil students rubbing shoulders.
The Tamils should feel homesick too is the logic of this argument.
This is the reason why the US Senate talks in terms of a Tamil homeland.
Lets hope the good Surgeon would continue to contribute on these pages on Medical matters and not stray into areas that are not quite familiar to him.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 7, 2021
Federalism was first proposed by Kandyan chiefs to the Colebrooke commission in 1833. SWRD proposed it to the Donoughmore commission 100 years later.
Sinhala_Man / July 2, 2021
Plato: “Lets hope the good Surgeon would continue to contribute on these pages on Medical matters.”
I cannot agree more, although “leelagemalli” will feel it more keenly. He was so impressed with Janapriya’s childlike Sinhala, etc.
And then comes this!
leelagemalli / July 5, 2021
Mr SM,
Yes indeed a great dissappointment.
This is why I am in my opinion that they have that in their blood. If passive majority would respect his thoughts yet today, what can I say ” අබ සරනයි අපට… !”.
Yes indeed, his colloquial sinhala articles were unbiased and I thought he should be a neutral writer. Not childlike sinhala but “spoken sinhala in easy going form”: Now it became clear to me, that Dr Janapriya does not seem to know as to why a brutal civil war came into being. His is also no right regarding the history of Srilanka. Not just sinhalaya, but tamils should have been there from the begining on according to DNA analysis. If our Amarasiri had been with us, he would have written on this topic lot more.
And also it was all about sinking ships and premediated pollution of srilanken waters.
Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
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Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
his comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.
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P.Rajeswaran / July 2, 2021
A sober and a well articulated comment by ‘ Plato ‘.
One shouldn’t attempt to relate historical events without knowing the history and muddle up things.
I wish to remind the author the comment by ‘ Anaga ‘ to an earlier article by Dr.Janapriya in these columns that as a surgeon he has failed to dissect the reason for the birth of the LTTE and the Caesarian operation performed on the Tamils using kitchen knives to give birth to the LTTE and that too without anaesthesia.
Black Lankan / July 3, 2021
Ugly Blind Eagle alias HLD, I told you repeatedly to get lost because you keep on writing the same BS and no one cares for you and you waste your time. Your hatred for Tamils and vellalas is simply personal. You married to a Tamil woman from low caste and thus the grudge. Do you think any good stock tamil will marry you despite your Portuguese complexion and live with you? Your idela partner is that woman Shenali Waduge another woman of Telungu origin of Waduvas. Manawadu, wadubass sinhala carpenters etc. These waduwas came along with Kandian last kings who were tamil speaking telungus and their army from Waduwa caste like the Nayakaas who became the Kandyan high class Sinhalese Bandara Nayakas including the racist Maha nayakas. So if you are wise pleasedo not talk of the Sinhala history that is nothing but a set of fantassy, lies and imagination. History starts with a man eating wild lion marrying a princess, a case of bestiality, what kind of history man and are you not ashamed of it? Then brother marrying sister a case of incest. Then wantonness, a typical “naa sir nikkang awa” kathawa still prevalent. Then got kicked out by father along with a bunch of good for nothing rowdies.
leelagemalli / July 6, 2021
we are not yet sure, him being UGLY HLD or someone else.
This remains unresolved, however, I have no doubt the man’s hatreds towards the tamils is poisonous to that of a cobra. May well be, the guy was then raped by his seniors at Pera.
Who knows, some have got personal vendetta … and would never see it beyond even if they become octagenarians.
I wonder how a man of EE would ever have got on with human beings …. the kind of men are like – unwelcome in my neigbhourhood.
Black Lankan / July 3, 2021
[Hi Eagle Eye,
I agree that there were Tamil thugs that had attacked in 1958, but we cannot blame the entire community. Likewise, I hope for my Tamil brothers/sisters not to blame us Sinhala for the misdeeds of Sinhala thugs. ]
Hi Gunaratne, good you advise this Blind Eagle about his lies. He is also HLD who is a refugee in Australia and churning out racist news blog. But incidentally it is a news to me that in 1958 Tamils attacked the Sinhalese and where did you got this news. Tassie the famous journalist of better times never said this in his book Emergency 58. 1956 too the same. How about 77? It is true many good sinhalese did not take part in attacking the Tamils but how about the goons had electoral lisst to target tamil homes? Why die evil JR say at the midst of violence that if you want war let us have war and openly said that “more I punish the Tamils and more happy will be the Sinhalas”, and what have you got to say to this. How is that buddhsit clergy always took part in this carnage? LTTE targetted these guys because of the clergies blood thirst. How did the innocent sinhalese simply burnt down a famous library and one good sinhala said that too was done by LTTE.
Ajith / July 4, 2021
At last, Dr. Janapiriya you proved that you are no different to Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists!
Sugandh / July 5, 2021
Dear Ajith:
The author endorsed the Rajapaksas and threw his support towards making of the double-Paksa regime. His credibility of any noble intentions on the political front was lost then.
He’s now peddling more of the same. Can our dear S_M rehabilitate the man ?
Sinhala_Man / July 5, 2021
Dear Ajith,
I agree that much that was found in this article was disappointing, but let’s not write Dr Janapriya off.
We have seen here how difficult it is for even an educated, intelligent and decent man to see clearly on issues pertaining to the sort of bitter conflicts we’ve had.
I am in touch with Dr Janapriya; his attitude is not one of intransigence. The challenge for us is to discuss this with him and persuade him to appreciate the Tamil point of view. I wish this article wasn’t written, but it has made you realise how difficult the road ahead is.
When I sense a deliberate attempt to cause mischief I don’t project such equanimity. See my reactions here:
Bear with Dr Janapriya, please.
Panini Edirisinhe
leelagemalli / July 5, 2021
dont worry, his representation may be idiosyncratic to him.
Sinhala_Man / July 5, 2021
Dear Ajith,
I have not met Dr Janapriya.
He has sent me friendly emails but was clearly not risking giving his phone number to ” stangers”.
That is no longer true. We have talked today – for 140 minutes!
He realises that moderate Sinhalese and moderate Tamils must get together and they must exchange views.
Is he a moderate Sinhalese? He says he is; I’m not sure, but he’s an HONEST & SINCERE man. Who then is a moderate Sinhalese. Dunno. Mallaiyuran has described me as “an extreme Sinhala racist.”
Does that give you some idea of the problem that faces us?
Punchi Point / July 4, 2021
Only Tamils have a Traditional Homeland and a Real Homeland.
When did the north and east, become “Traditional” Tamil homeland? Even as late as the 19th century Tamils maintained that they had come from Tamilnadu and settled here.
Simon Casie Chitty (1807-1866) says:
“The Tamils, as is well known, are not indigenous to Ceylon but emigrated from the opposite coast at different periods”.
Ref.: The Castes, Customs, Manners and Literature of the Tamils – Simon Casie Chitty, 1934 Edition, Page 4
In Ceylon gazetteer 1834 Simon Casie Chitty says:
“The Malabars (or Tamuls) occupy the northern and north eastern parts of Ceylon, and their districts extend from the Kumukan aar, bounding the Mahagampattoo, to the southern limit of Putlam, round by Jaffna. It would appear not only from their own traditions, but also from the annals of the Singhalese, that they are not indigenous in the Island, but came from the opposite coast of Coromandel.”
So the tradition among the Tamils is that they came and settled here from Tamilnadu. How come suddenly in the 20th century all that changed, and they are claiming a homeland here?
Punchi Point / July 4, 2021
So this tradition of a Tamil homeland here is a new invention. A homeland is where a given people and a nation naturally evolves from primitive ancestors. That process for the Tamils happened in Tamilnadu, and not in this island. A people in a given homeland is a unique people, with their own language, history and culture. What do the Tamils have here that is separate from Tamilnadu? NOTHING.
In the 19th century Ceylon, there was no shame associated with being an immigrant community, so Tamils had no problem with being the immigrant community they were. For example in Arumuga Navalar’s time (1822-1879) there was no feeling of difference between the Tamils here and Tamils in Tamilnadu. Even Prof. Hellman-Rajanayagam who is basically very anti-Sinhalese has acknowledged this fact and she states that Arumuga Navalar felt at home in both Tamilnadu and Jaffna. (Ref. doi 10.1080/09584939408719724). It was only after the British introduced communal representation that the Tamils started to claim that they are indigenous to this island, especially because of the need Tamil politicians had to compete with Sinhalese and their never ending efforts to gain parity with the Sinhalese in all fronts.
Punchi Point / July 4, 2021
It was this need to gain parity with the Sinhalese and the mentality of competition, envy and animosity that these politicians created that continue upto this day, which is responsible for the start of the ethnic conflict.
The size of this small island and its natural landscape and topography which is devoid of any natural barriers, speak for its self, when it comes to rejecting these spurious claims of a homeland and distortion of history by the Tamils. First of all an island without any natural barriers like Srilanka cannot provide the space for two civilizational nations to evolve. In an island like this the natural tendency is convergence and therefore only one civilizational nation can evolve. This is the reason that even one of the requirements for self determination in international law is that there should be geographical separatedness of the territory claimed, which the territory claimed by the Tamils, namely the north and east of Srilanka does not fulfil. Also, as already stated, Tamils in this island are a relatively recent diaspora of Tamilnadu, and however many distorted historical theories are made by the Tamils, that fact cannot be refuted.
Lanka Canuck / July 6, 2021
“there was no feeling of difference between the Tamils here and Tamils in Tamilnadu”
Yes, that is because the Jaffna peninsula is an extension of the South Indian (Tamil Nadu) land mass around a few thousand years ago before the sea level rose. Therefore the same people (Tamils) were occupying Madurai and Jaffna. Later, the rising sea separated them.
SJ / July 7, 2021
Nobody migrated in between, am I to believe?
Was there Tamil language at the time of rising sea level?
Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
Confusing Languages with Ethnicities
Let’s be clear about this:
Sri Lanka’s yet increasing population is approximately 21.8 million. It is undesirable that it should increase further:
These 21.8 million people exist as individuals who have parity of Status and Rights in the country. Are you trying to change that PP? Are you trying to say that just because we speak the Sinhalese language, we are “more equal” as Orwell sarcastically put it?
I’m running out of time; over-reliance on Wikipedia may be an indication of how unsatisfactory my attempts to analyse are. However, Wikipedia is useful for getting an over-view of what younger people ought to start studying seriously. The importance of Wikipedia ought to be recognised by these youngsters, and themselves should start editing Wikipedia articles.
Total population of Sinhalese world-wide is given as 17 million, but that appears to be for nothing later than 2012.
Please keep in mind the fact that those Sinhalese who voluntarily went in search of “greener pastures” went knowing that they and their yet unborn progeny were not going to return except as tourists.
Sinhala_Man / July 6, 2021
Continuing B
This is where the racist Anagarika Dharmapala misled us to ruin our country after his death in 1936. Had he lived until the Second World War began the mischief wrought by him would have been obvious. Please note that “Indo-Aryan” was a term coined by some students of Linguistics with reference to languages. Those theories seem now to have aged very badly.
My University First Degree course had a Linguistics component. Insufficient. That does not qualify me to make pronouncements in an area where most who talk are disputants who are trying to bolster their own egos; the damage done by them is now visible.
No attempt has been made there to separate the Lankan Tamil heritage from the Indian heritage. The Sinhalese-dominated Lankan State tries to make out that there is something called a Tamil Diaspora that is intent on destroying the Government of Sri Lanka. What else do you expect when most of those who can be so categorised are those who fled for their lives after pogroms?
Sinhala_Man / July 5, 2021
Dear Ajith,
I have not met Dr Janapriya.
He has sent me friendly emails but was clearly not risking giving his phone number to ” stangers”.
That is no longer true. We have talked today – for 140 minutes!
He realises that moderate Sinhalese and moderate Tamils must get together and they must exchange views.
Is he a moderate Sinhalese? He says he is; I’m not sure, but he’s an HONEST & SINCERE man. Who then is a moderate Sinhalese. Dunno. Mallaiyuran has described me as “an extreme Sinhala racist.”
Does that give you some idea of the problem that faces us?
Lanka Canuck / July 6, 2021
Hope someone will give a fitting rebuttal to Dr. M.M. Janapriya