11 September, 2024


A Middle East Quadrumvirate: Good Bye Al-Aqsa!

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Donald Trump’s relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, amidst deaths, injuries and bloodshed not only fulfils the President’s election promise to US citizens but goes far beyond that in marking the beginning of the end of Arab Palestine and the Al-Aqsa along with it.  The President said earlier that the shift was to reflect reality on the ground. Very soon and one by one, other Western powers will do the same as that reality becomes irresistible.  In course of time, as Israel embarks on infrastructural development of Jerusalem and changes the city’s skyline, Saudi Arabia, after the European powers, will become the first Muslim nation to open its embassy in an undivided Jewish Jerusalem soon to be followed by Egypt. The so-called two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, much touted about by the West will slowly be forgotten and evaporate in thin air. Israeli settlements in occupied Gaza and the West Bank will expand in spite of aimless remonstrations in the Arab world. Let not the world fooled anymore. In the not too distant future, the Arabs in Palestine, thanks to Saudi rulers and Egyptian military men, will become cutters of wood and drawers of water in a greater and apartheid Israel. How did the Arab world in particular and Muslim world at large come to this?

Imperialist America in its relentless march to control the Middle East, its markets and resources needed a few compradors to accomplish its goal. Israel, planted at the heart of the Arab world, was a deliberate ploy to achieve this objective and was equipped with the most advanced weaponry including nuclear to defend itself against any possible opposition from its Arab neighbours. In every war since 1948, the Arabs were defeated comprehensively. Even the Yom Kippur or Ramadhan War of 1973 was a tactical victory for Israel. The Israeli lobby is so powerful in the West and international arena including the UN, the Arab world and the fifty-seven member Organization of Islamic Congress (OIC) is powerless and thoroughly incompetent to dislodge Israel’s position. It does not matter which administration governs US, democratic or republican, the commitment to protect Israel remains unchallenged. A guilty conscious Europe for what it did to the Jews has no choice in this matter but to go along with US dictates. 

Within the Arab world and since the discovery of oil in the Middle East the control of that resource and prevention of the former USSR and present Russia from entering the Mediterranean were the primary objectives of Western imperialists. In order to achieve that objective Britain and France, before handing over the imperialist baton to US, carved out the former Ottoman lands, installed puppets on the throne and protected them with money and weapons in return for their role as agents of imperialism. The few who refused, like Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt, Muammar Ghaddafi in Libya and Saddam Hussain in Iraq met their fatal end either naturally or through manufactured violence. 

From the point of view of US’s strategic and economic interests in the Middle East the support of two Arab nations is paramount. One is Egypt and the other is Saudi Arabia. The first, because of its large Muslim population and longstanding reputation as an incomparable centre for Islamic scholarship and learning centred at the world famous Al-Azhar University. Even Napoleon entered the world of Islam by first capturing Egypt and winning the support of at least some of its theologians. An eruption in Egypt, as witnessed in 2011, is bound to spread throughout Islamic Middle East. To keep Egypt under US control is imperative to pursue the geostrategic interests of the US Empire. This is why US pours billions of dollars into the coffers of Egyptian security forces whose only task is to keep Egyptians under control. El-Sisi’s military regime is a willing partner in facilitating US’s policy towards Israel and Palestine. Is it any surprise that el-Sisi prevented Turkey’s aircrafts to fly over its air space to rescue the Palestinians trapped in Gaza? 

The importance of Saudi Arabia to US’s Middle East policy, apart from the need for petroleum, arises from a different angle. Saudi Arabia possesses the keys to the two holiest of mosques in Mecca and Medina, which are the obligatory pilgrim centres for the entire world of Islam.  By holding the sovereignty over these centres and with plenty of money at its disposal the rulers of that country has a stranglehold over the religious life of world Muslims. Millions gather in Mecca every year and listen to the sermon from its pulpit. This sermon can become a powerful weapon in the hands of radical imams if they want Muslim masses to act in a certain way. As long as the Saudi regime remains in the hands of the current ultra-conservative family that danger can be avoided. No wonder then that US and Israel are always ready to aid the Saudi regime in case of any danger to its survival. In return, the regime is happy to open economic ties with Israel and willing to remain quiet on the issue of Palestine.  When Saudis want to wash their hands off Palestine why should the other Gulf potentates meddle with Palestine? The Saudi regime and Egypt are jointly accountable for much of the tragedies experienced by Palestinians.     

All in all, led by the US-Saudi-Egypt-Israel quadrumvirate the world of Islam appears to have given up its fight for an independent Palestine. The Arabs will carry this guilt until eternity just as Europeans are carrying the guilt over Holocaust. Poor Palestinians are dying in vain while spineless Muslim leaders shed crocodile tears. Good bye Palestine! Good bye Al-Aqsa!      

Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business and Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia

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  • 4

    Why can’t you Muslims accept and acknowledge Israel’s right to exist? Who was King Herod? Who were the Masada Jews? come on man. Promise the Jewish state you accept them first and you will not have to be so upset. Egypt and Jordan recognize them. Iran can NEVER hope to militarily defeat Israel. Israel has the Christian backing from Trump. Even if it kills thousands of Palestinian civilians, Trump-Pence will not utter a word. Same with Saudi atrocities in Yemen. Why? Because they are US allies. In case of Israel it already has over 200 Nuclear weapons. It has no match in the region militarily. It has the world’s best armed forces and the best weapons systems in the world. Egypt knows that and works with Israel. Jordan knows it and works with Israel. Time for reality to set in. Israel will NEVER give up Jerusalem or Golan Heights: Golan because it is the source of water and Syrians have so many times tried to cut off water when they controlled the heights. Arabs we all know are lousy fighters and worse than EyeTalians during World War II. They drop their weapons and run. Arabs cannot ever produce smart brains like jews. Persians are smart but they have inferior technology: Even the S300 and S400 missile systems can match Israeli superiority. Accept it and you will have peace.

    • 0

      What is at stake is not the existence of Israel, but what price is being exacted on the people of Palestine in the name of that ‘right to exist’.
      Not just Muslims but Christians too are victims of Zionism.

      • 6


        “Not just Muslims but Christians too are victims of Zionism.”

        Back in our promised and thrice blessed land Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims are paying dearly for the mistakes Ponna, Sunda, Chelva, Amir, … made.

        • 3

          According to old prophesy, Al Aqsa mosque will be demolished by divine power and Jews have been asked not to do anything to it. There is no denying that Palestine is the birth place of Judaism, and rightly should be in the possession of Jews. This is beginning to take effect by the shifting of embassies of USA, Guatemala and Paraguay to Palestine the future capital of Israel. Arabs cannot claim ownership of Palestine on the pretext of the presence of Al Aqsa mosque. In the first place, building of that mosque in Palestine on the canard which no sane person will believe that Mohamed went to heaven in a chariot from there is an act of aggression and provocation. Jews have proved by archaeology that the ancient kingdom of David consisted of the entire Palestine and parts of Jordan and Syria as well. When Arabs cannot prove archaeologically that they were in Palestine prior to Jewish occupation, how can they claim Palestine belongs to them and Jews have to be expelled. Arabs are guilty of ethnic cleansing of Jews from Palestine joining hands with Romans, and therefore are being subjected to divine retribution. Arabs are not that innocent as what is being portrayed. A war between Israel and Iran will take place soon, during which a misguided missile fired by Iran will destroy Al Aqsa mosque fulfilling the biblical prophesy.

        • 0

          The myth of ‘radical Islam’:
          I have read the Koran / Quran. It states that Muslims are to give infidels (all-non Muslims) three choices: 1) convert, 2) be their slave and pay them a tax (Jizya), 3) die.
          Then there is the practice of ‘Hijrah’ (Jihad by immigration), where they move to an area and slowly take it over.
          There is also a practice called Taqiyya in which Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels.
          Hijrah is how they conquered the Berbers of North Africa.. In the 12 century Iban Battua of Morocco offered this system to the King of Maldives who were pagans close Hindu /Buddhist animism .

      • 2

        This present situation is less than 100 yrs old; the future has a long way to go. History teaches that “power houses” are not permanent; eg the various past empires; US momentary dominance is not permanent; it’s a phenomenon
        ” Good bye Al Aqsa! and Good Bye Palestine! is a premature call.
        With climate change, eg sever draught, starvation, earth quakes, severe flooding, nuclear weapons, and new other destructive technologies, immigration and political instability in many countries the future is still impossible to predict.
        The Muslim world is disunited; and, into different factions.
        As Napoleon predicted, CHINA has woken up; so has Russia and India.
        There is still hope for Al Aqsa and Palestine albeit a “smaller version.”

    • 4

      Will Israel accept the right of Palestine to exist given that Palestinians (both Arabs and Jews alike) are the indigenous people of Palestine? Israel is a country created through European colonialism by expelling the indigenous Arabs from their lands and homes. Accept that and you will accept that Palestinians have the right to their own homeland. This is not a simple Muslim vs Jew thing, anyone with a true understanding of the conflict will sympathise and support the Palestinian cause for justice.

      • 3

        Will Pakistan accept the right of Hindus to exist given that Hindus are the rightful owners of the land. Pakistan is a country created through European colonialism by expelling the indigenous Hindus from their lands and homes. As for Palestine, it has been proved archaeologically that Jews are the indigenous people and Arabs are subsequent migrants. Sumerians are the legitimate owners of Mesopotamia and Assyrians of Syria and now Canonites have proved archaeologically and genetically that they are the rightful owners of Lebanon. It is the Arabs who stand guilty of murder and ethnic cleansing and appropriating others lands. For peace in middle east, Arabs must accept these and go back to Africa from where they came.

        • 1

          What has Pakistan got anything to do with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine? Pakistan ethnically cleansed Hindus so it is ok for Israel to do it? is that your ridiculous argument?
          Palestinians and Jews are both indigenous to Palestine however most Israeli Jews are from Europe, colonial settlers who expelled indigenous Palestinian Arabs to create Israel. Go learn your history!

        • 1

          Your sense of history is sadly wrong and vindictive and simplistic. Both Jews and Arabs are Semites ; they both belonged to the same geographical location at one time and lived together; even King Herod’s ( King of the Jews) family background is questionable. There is no easy answer to this political problem.

    • 0


      There were no Jews in Palestine 2200 years before. Jews were a Semitic race and their origin was South Yemen. By profession they were pirates and robbers. Traders travelling in trade routes were waylaid and robbed by these rogues. When it became a big menace the Babylonian king sent his army killed them and some were captured and taken to Babylonia (Iraq) as slaves. Wile in captivity these Jews learned Babylonian culture, art and religion which was full of Greek mythology. Under a Iranian ruler these Jew slaves were given freedom and most of them moved to Palestine which had Greek, Assyrian rulers. Present day Palestinians are not 100% Arabs but they are a mix of Greeks and Assyrians. These rogue Jews took a foothold there by creating their own myth based on what they learned in Babylonia.This is not their homeland but a land where they took refuge. Their famous myth parting of sea and migrating to Gaza with Moses do not have an atom truth which can be verified. Now the European Jews had migrated there and occupying by force with the biggest Satan of the world USA.

  • 3

    Goldstein – a Sri Lankan Jew ? Arabs are hypocrites that can never be trusted. They will never support each other as history will show. Jews and Palestinians have a right to live freely in their own lands. The Palestinian state now appears only a remote possibility. Their sacrifices and struggles should not be in vain.

    • 0

      STEVE: INdia has JEws migrated from ISrael. HIndians know that.

  • 2

    The Muslim world gave shelter for Jews in History many times. so many historical evidences tell this. In return what Jews do for Muslims : Kill them all as and when they could…

    one of best articles on Al_Aqasa Issue. It is Saudi, and Egypt and US and ISREAL make all deals in ME. It is reported that Second Hajj and optional Ummarha are haram today . Due to the fact all money go to rebuild Israeli economy ?

    • 2

      They were better than the western Christians but still were not that kind to them. They only kill Palestinian Arab Muslims and at time Palestinian Arab Christians too and are not interested in other Muslims , unless they are ardent supporters of the Palestinians. Definitely not in these low caste South Indian origin Dravidian Tamil Muslims of Sri Lanka , who badly want to be part of the Arab fold , so loudly champion every Arab cause , whether the Arabs want it or not. The Arabs, including the Palestinian Arabs do not care for these low caste Dravidian converts from South India but this does not deter these Sri Lankan Muslims like Amir Ali. They will cry and howl about the plight of the Palestinian Arab in the name of some imagined Pan Islamic identity that has never existed and a fake Arab origin but will join with the Sinhalese racists , establishment , armed forces and anyone to kill , rape loot, ethnically cleanse their fellow non Muslim Tamils in the island and aid and abet their genocide , so that they can steal their lands. They are a bunch of opportunistic lying hypocrites. This is why no one takes them seriously or their lamenting about the Palestinian Arabs. The Palestinians are better off without these sorts of hypocrites supporting them. In the name of their religion cry about every Muslim in the world , especially the Arabs , who have nothing in common with them other than the slender thread of a religion but gleefully join and aid abet with anyone who will commit genocide and war crimes on the island’s Tamils with whom they share a common language , origin , culture , history and heritage that should be far more closer and binding. It is like crying about the plight of your neighbours whilst beating your own wife and children

      • 2

        RSSS Australoid Crow

        Here the subject is about Palestine and what connection this has got to do with Moors here. Did the writer shows any connections other than joining the journalist world over condemning the forced occupation of Palestine by these Zionist. Who wants to be part of Arab fold except in job opportunities and we are in Sri Lankan’s fold as a separate ethnic group. You write Arabs and Palestine Arabs do not care about us, do they care about Tamils? At least they care about us as followers of Islam. Muslims never started any riots. It was Sinhalese who started riots and looted you. It was you terrorist Tamils who looted Muslims and chased them out of their lands in North. The starters of terrorism in Sri Lanka talking shit here. I had pointed out many time in CT that you Australoid RSSS comes from pimp caste generation, suppliers of low caste Tamil women to Arab traders who comes to India and here. High caste pimps supplied high caste Tamil women. This was not in my history book but in your history book as revealed by you now and before. You even said one northern chief supplied women and land. Thinking of these low class trade of your pimping generations you feel so inferior, so attacking Moors this way and getting some release. Don’t caw here if you are hungry, there are enough in Moor’s backyard if you are hungry.

        • 2

          Shut up and go and take your Prozac instead of howling here pretend Arab converted South Indian low caste. Low life schizophrenic.

          • 2

            It is you pimp caste Australoid need Prozac to sleep well forgetting your past. Whenever you see an article by Moors or relevant to Moors, immediately take a Prozac to shut up and sleep.

            • 2

              You and more than 95% of the Sri Lankan Muslims are no bloody Moors or Arabs but descended from largely low caste converted Hindu South Indians( Tamils) who converted to Islam to escape the Hindu caste system . This is a fact and history and DNA proves this. Only a very small percentage around a few hundred elite families that have some form of Arab or other wester Asian blood, however even these people are of predominantly Tamil descent. The Arab element in them will be only around 15% the most. The rest is all Tamil . When the Portuguese called you people Moors, it had nothing to with your ancestry but just with your religion , as the only Muslims they had met , prior to their journeys were the Moors from North Africa who ruled the Iberian peninsular for around 1000 years. They hated them and the Muslims and when they called you ” Moors” it was not a term of respect of endearment or to your origin but in a very derogative way. They hated Muslims and looked down on them. This is the reason they started to attack and kill them along the western coast of the island , as they did not want them and also due to trade , as well as their refusal to convert. The ones who escaped this ran to the Sinhalese Kandyan areas first and later to the Tamil east , where many found refuge, as the Sinhalese did not want them. Moors indeed!

              • 1

                Okay Australoid Crow RSSS, you have so much proof like Moors are converts and a breed from low caste Tamils for which you have records since you are from those pimp generation who supplied women to Arabs and further you have DNA proof. So don’t you think you and your crow cliques should fight the government to erase the history of Moors and use your history ‘Low caste Tamil Muslims’. You had been cawing all the times with same writings, why not prove you are right. Just cawing in these forums not going to change anything. Also tell why Portuguese attacked Moors instead of you advanced Tamils. They attacked Sinhalese to take over the country from them. They were not bothered of tree climbing crows who are good only for slavery. Moors were monopolizing the trade and also helping the Sinhalese in many other ways. So they wants to destroy us. Moors refused to convert but you tree climbing lot were in queue to get converted and get all the benefits from them. If we had the same blood like you tree climbers we would have readily got converted. You can see the difference. We know you have so much hatred toward Moors or so much love toward your present masters the Arabs so you don’t won’t others to have any connections to Arabs. Moors is a historical term known from the past to present. It is not a derogatory term. Why did Shakespeare called Othello a Moorish Prince in his novel? Indeed we are Moors not Australoid crows.

    • 3

      Tamils gave shelter to Muslims in eastern province, and there is historical evidence for it. In return what Muslims do for Tamils : Kill them all as and when they could and appropriate their lands. Now this is spreading to northern province where immigrant Muslims are grabbing lands of Tamils spearheaded by racist Rishard Badurdeen. First clean up your people before pointing your finger at others. Sinhalese know that at some stage Muslims will do the same to them, and are taking precautionary measures.

      • 1

        A load of rubbish. No brainer. Waste of time.

  • 3

    Nothing can happen against the wish of Allah.

  • 2

    Human action is accountable..
    Nothing could happen with divine knowledge ..it is He is all knowing .
    Do you kill you mum saying nothing happens with God knowledge..
    We have intellect that is why we are accountable..

    • 1

      Can you tell me why is it wrong for unbelievers to discriminate or harrass the Muslims. Are unbelievers accountable too?

  • 0

    This is the problem of Almighty god the Creator and one and the same Allah saying everything was created by me. I am allah is the best one and not the christian ALmighty Creator. Look HINDUS. HInduism in INDIA is all religions taken collectively. All the Brahminic religions live side by side. Problems were created only when christianity and Islam were introduced to HIndia. SO, so many words, Zionism, Judaism and they kill each other all over the world including in their original birth places. Earlier it was Catholics that had Crusades tried to end the humanity. Now protestants are killing the humanity via business enterprises called Churches. Muslims are in war all over the world and muslims are saints. So ameer Ali is talking about Protestant war against muslims.

    • 1

      Jim softy, you are a nut. You are speaking about Allah, do you know what that word Allah stand for. To make you more clear, now Buddhist know who is their god that is Buddha who died 2500 years ago and now Buddha idols serving as god. Christian knows who is their god is, that is Jesus who died on cross 2000 odd years back and now Idols of Jesus serving as their god. Hindu have many hundred of gods and those mythology gods available in idol forms. How are you going to describe Allah, what form Allah has?

      • 1

        Ralli Ameen: Therer is no such Allah that you describe as no form.there can not be anything that has no form. In brief, there is no creator or allmighty.Other than that, there are Allahs both females and males. IF you do good, give up bad all in mind and in words, you may see him/her in this very life.

      • 1

        Ralli Ameen, you seem to be ignorant about other religions. You say Buddhists know who is their god that is Buddha who died 2500 years ago. This is far from the truth. Buddha never claimed that he is God, son of God or messenger of God. He set out to find the way to end the sufferings of people. He clearly dismissed the concept of the existence of a permanent entity called God, or a Soul, which was the belief among the people during his time. He explained the life cycle (samsara) in a manner which does not take in God or Soul. Buddhists who follow his teachings revere him as a supreme human being and try to traverse the path he showed to reach enlightenment. Buddhists never claimed that he is their God, and therefore for you to say Buddha idols serve as God is not true. Similarly Christians do not worship Jesus as God, but as Son of God and saviour of mankind. Only Catholics worship idols and not protestants. To say that Christians know who is their God, is not correct. In Hinduism there is only one God – Siva, hence Saivaism which is the first organised religion in the world. If you see in Sri Lanka, Siva temples were the first Hindu shrines. Other Gods were subsequently added by Aryans. The name Allah is Arabic word for God and was first given to Moon, before Mohamed started preaching his prophesy supposed to be revealed to him by Allah vocally. Judaism, Christianity and Islam point to the same God, though differing about the messiah.

        • 1

          Dr G S.
          What people say and do are two different things in Sri Lanka.. The Buddha was a philosopher to the educated and admired; he was not a God..
          To the general “Buddhist public” in Sri Lanka The Buddha is a god to be worshipped and revered. To PATHOLAYA the Buddha worship is a political ploy to garner votes.
          The cookie crumbles in strange ways in PARADISE, eh!

  • 0

    Absent from your analysis is the Sunni-Shia rivalry. Saudis see Iran as a hostile power, and are willing to align with Israel and the US to checkmate Iran. Whether Iran really has expansionist impulses or promotes terrorism is another matter. The Sunni-Shia division is internal to Islam, and cannot be ignored in any analysis.

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