13 February, 2025


A Verdict Of Popularity & Consequence 

By Upatissa Pethiyagoda

Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda

Rarely has a verdict of any Court, been so universally hailed, as the recent one of a full bench of the Supreme Court. Never has such verdict, won such universal respect and plaudits. Apart from its cathartic value at a time when all-pervading gloom engulfs the nation. It should not be viewed only as a mere rap of the knuckles of fraud and incompetence, but one of much greater significance.

There is always jubilance when the high and mighty are shaken off their perches, to see insurmountable problems from ground level. 

Pomposity and privilege which politicians have unworthily enjoyed or exploited, are now knocked flat by the exercise of a heavy gavel, which has been too long in the coming. But when it has finally done so, firmly, resolutely and worthily, employing the power with which they were armed. It is hopefully, not a case of too little too late, but the legitimate and purposeful exercise of hitherto dormant power. This, on behalf of a tormented people. They have reason to doubt ever tasting decency and equity. But, one needs to look beyond a natural euphoria. One may add, with more than a streak of sadism. “The biter, has at long last been bit”.

When access to the Privy Council, the last bastion of the oppressed, was done away with, as a repulsive relic of a colonized past, it was made to look like a firm assertion of a nascent race casting, aside the shackles and manacles of the vanquished. 

This was a nakedly political decision, expected in a Nation, intoxicated with a new found Independence. There would at least be a half dozen citizens now and decidedly more to follow, to rue this reckless deed, born merely to punish this resort, so cleverly used to free the suspects of the attempted Coup of 1971. This brings in an element of finality to bolster the enthusiasm and relief of freedom, from a sometimes viciously selective and savagely cruel Establishment.

This verdict carries a powerful message for hypocrites waiting to enter the castle of politics, where absolute power flourishes. Where is possible to exercise limitless laxity, bereft of any inconvenient hurdles. Our Supreme Court has shown otherwise. One hopes that the fear of punishment and retribution, will deter the unsavory, criminal adventurists from entering the heavenly gates of local bodies, and maybe, even the portals of higher heaven via the Diyawanna Ambalama. One dares to hope that a better quality of Members may result, and in a kind of a reverse Domino effect, ultimately reducing the inordinate cost of elections. Thus the concomitant corruption, expressed as access to bribes, commissions and poisonous perks, as justifiable means of redeeming their investment. It is difficult to envisage Parliament to become a capable institution, able to draw on the Members’ strengths, to deliver a necessary service to those who elected them. Just now it looks like a cash cow with multiple teats for all to suck but none to bathe and feed this holy mount, which will slowly move to its inevitably painful demise. 

The immense value of the Supreme Court judgement will deter the adventurists, hitherto able to float into oblivion, carrying with them loot, in the firm belief that none will be there to deter their rapid but quiet departure to a glittering future for sons, daughters and grandchildren, to proudly boast of the wisdom and ability of their ancestor. This may not be so, if the Supreme Court will, by this courageous verdict, inject some hope of recovery for our seemingly hopeless state.

Meanwhile, let the delinquents soon to face their doom, shiver in their dreams and wet pants, for their not too distant, day of reckoning.

Latest comments

  • 6

    This verdict may be “Popular” and the “Consequences” are yet to be seen.

    If anyone thinks that this “Easter Sunday Massacre” is over, then he/she is sadly mistaken. The “Consequence” What I see in this “Popular” verdict is, it has opened a can of worms. There were many recommendations made in Presidential Commission Report that was “Surruptiously” locked down in “Archives”. It is now duty-bound for the Government to act upon those recommendations.

    Yesterday I saw how the ex-President MY3 made a statement referring to a paragraph (referring to a page number) in the verdict and trying to escape his responsibility. So many such “Gimics” are now been deployed by a large number of culprits trying to escape culpability. This must not be allowed. One strong piece of evidence is that the “MSD” (Ministerial Security Division) was informed and every Minister and MP was made aware much in advance of the “Date, Time & Locations of this “Bombing”. That is why Law Enforcement, that includes the Attorney General must re-open this case and bring all the culprits before the Law. All who had such “Information” and did not take action to prevent it MUST be brought to book. It is a “CRIMINAL” act.

    The ENDING of this case in that manner is the “Consequence” that the victims pray for and not more of “Financial Benefits”

  • 7

    “This verdict carries a powerful message for hypocrites waiting to enter the castle of politics, where absolute power flourishes. “

    This verdict is nothing other than an ordinary message as usual. Now, we have come to a conclusion that our judiciary as unbiased, independent and international state. The fact is they are trying to cover up with finance for the life of hundreds of people who does not want finance but truth. The truth is covered with this money. This is similar to that of the government is trying to cover up the truth with finance for those who are missing or murdered after handed over to the military at the end of war. The verdict is only for inaction of Sirisena and few officials but the verdict is not given to those who planned and ordered to inactivate the whole security system. Former President Sirisena said that he has to beg in the streets to pay the compensation. He thinks he can get 100 million rupees in begging. I am sure those who ordered inactivate the system will pay these compensations which is again paid by ordinary people by increased price of electricity, water, goods and services.

  • 8

    Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda

    1) It is BIZARRE that almost ALL commentators completely IGNORE Ruwan Wijewardene who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government. They are not alone in this. It includes even the Cardinal, Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

    2) I wonder whether it is due to not wanting to UPSET his father Ranjit Wijewardene who is the owner of Sri Lanka’s DOMINANT print media company – Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL)?

    3) This is DESPITE Ruwan Wijewardene possibly being the ONLY person in AUTHORITY at the time of the carnage who has EXONERATED Zahran by stating “there was no information to suggest that Zahran was engaged in terrorist activities” (‘Daily Mirror’ 19 Aug 2020).

    4) This was roundly CONTRADICTED by SI Srimal Sanjeewa of the CID when he informed the Presidential Commission probing the Easter carnage that “Zahran had been conducting a training camp” in the Puttalam area “from 2015 to 2019” on “the use of Type-56 firearms and hand grenades”. (‘Daily Mirror’ 1 September 2020).

    Amrit Muttukumaru

    • 8

      AM dear,
      Your imprecations against RW might have more effect if you don’t make it into a personal vendetta against him simply because he doesn’t print your repetitive articles. Simply because they are “pro bono” doesn’t mean he has to waste space . CT is kind enough to give you space. So be happy for small mercies.
      PS. For God’s sake, get someone to read your output and stop your endless repetition. Be creative.

      • 4

        Dear OC. I beg to defer. To me AM seems to be if not the only contributor in this Forum to lay out issues rationally and logically, some of which may not appear palatable to some. You cannot please all of the people all of the time. You and LM are pretty dogmatic about RW. Some think of him as a catastrophic disaster in the acrobatic circus of Srilankan pokitics.

        • 3

          old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’?

          1) After you SHAMELESSLY assert “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.” what is the CREDIBILITY you have to say anything in a Public Forum meant for TRUTH and DECENCY?


          2) Saying this under cover of ANONYMITY makes it worse. You must be having an armour-plated skin!

          3) This definitely undermines the CREDIBILITY of CT and is UNFAIR to its readers.

          4) Consistent with your “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.” your utterances have your trademark PREVARICATION. It is this that COMPELS me to be repetitive sometimes.

          5) This includes DODGING the question – Does the laid-back son of WNL owner Ranjit Wijewardene who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government bear SOME responsibility for the Easter Sunday Carnage?

          (continued below)

          • 3

            old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’? (continued)

            6) This is DESPITE Ruwan Wijewardene possibly being the ONLY person in AUTHORITY at the time of the carnage who has EXONERATED Zahran by stating “there was no information to suggest that Zahran was engaged in terrorist activities” (‘Daily Mirror’ 19 Aug. 2020).

            7) This was roundly CONTRADICTED by SI Srimal Sanjeewa of the CID when he informed the Presidential Commission probing the Easter carnage that “Zahran had been conducting a training camp” in the Puttalam area “from 2015 to 2019” on “the use of Type-56 firearms and hand grenades”. (‘Daily Mirror’ 1 Sept. 2020).

            8) Is the ‘FREE PASS’ given to Ruwan due to FEAR of his father Ranjit Wijewardene who is the owner of Sri Lanka’s DOMINANT print media company – Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL)?

            9) I wonder what you are getting for defending the CORRUPT WNL?

            (continued below)

            • 3

              old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’? (continued)

              10) I state with responsibility that WNL is CORRUPT. This includes:

              (i) The FRAUDULENT ‘Daily Mirror’ claim that its almost full page article titled “Operation Shock and Awe: LTTE Style” (25 April 2003) was ‘Courtesy’ of the ‘London Times’. Its relatively unnoticeable ‘Clarification’ which referred to a mere “inadvertence” was belatedly published as a result of MY persistence.

              (ii) The ‘Sunday Times’ while not publishing my article “Accountability for the Tsunami Billions” sent to its editor Sinha Ratnatunga, thought nothing of blatantly PLAGIARIZING my article in its ‘Editorial’ of 15 May 2005 titled ‘Tsunami effect’. The ‘Editorial’ was not only largely based on my article but it also included some IDENTICAL sentences from it.

              (iii) Refusal of my ‘Right of Reply’ entitlements.

              (iv) Sinha Ratnatunga the Editor of WNL’s ‘Sunday Times’ is also Deputy Chairman of the WNL dominated Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka (PCCSL). In simple terms, if a person has a problem with the ‘Sunday Times’ that person has to complain to Ratnatunga about Ratnatunga! Can ‘Conflict of Interest’ get any WORSE?

              11) All my writings are pro bono in the Public Interest.

              (continued below)

              • 2

                old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’? (continued)

                12) What are you trying to pull by referring to me as “AM dear”?

                13) Cut the crap and don’t DODGE the question – Does the laid-back son of WNL owner Ranjit Wijewardene who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government bear SOME responsibility for the Easter Sunday Carnage?

                Amrit Muttukumaru

                • 2

                  AM dear,
                  What a waste of space- you keep repeating the same old crap. Don’t you have any new “arguments “?
                  “Cut the crap and don’t DODGE the question –”
                  You have AVOIDED providing figures on your “bond scam”. If you make allegations that you cannot prove, that is the same dishonesty that you accuse others of.
                  And also, STOP hectoring authors into conformity with your views. You may have personal axes to grind , but that isn’t what CT is meant for.

                  • 2

                    You keep repeating “you SHAMELESSLY assert “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”
                    Of course I did. So what? Can you name just ONE politician who told the truth all the time? Yes, that’s a challenge!

        • 4

          “You and LM are pretty dogmatic about RW. Some think of him as a catastrophic disaster in the acrobatic circus of Srilankan politics “
          Are you suggesting that everyone must have the same views?
          AM is simply using this forum to carry on a private vendetta against Ruwan W for not publishing his writings. Nothing rational or logical about that.

          • 2

            OC. You are mixing apples & oranges. If two of them were up to the job this catastrophe would never have happened.

            • 2

              old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’?

              1) What can one say to a person who under cover of anonymity shamelessly asserts – “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”?


              2) You are definitely undermining the CREDIBILITY of CT and being UNFAIR to its readers.

              3) Consistent with your “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.” your utterances have your trademark PREVARICATION. It is this that COMPELS me to be repetitive sometimes.

              4) This includes even DENYING the ‘Bond Scam’ under the WATCH of your HERO Ranil Wickremesinghe who UNPRECEDENTEDLY brought the issuing agency for Treasury Bonds (CBSL) under his DIRECT purview with the Governor being his HANDPICKED Arjuna Mahendran. You have even described Wickremesinghe as “Brilliant”!


              5) If there was NO ‘Bond Scam’ as you aver, why did then CBSL Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy reportedly seek the approval of the Attorney-General to place in the public domain its FORENSIC AUDIT as it “could influence the upcoming presidential election” (‘Sunday Times’ 3 November 2019)?

              (continued below)

              • 2

                old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’? (continued)

                6) This is still not in the public domain! What a waste of the millions spent on the audit.

                7) Even when responding to ‘Sinhala_Man’ on the permission granted for the docking of the Chinese research ship ‘Yuan Wang 5’ in the Hambantota Port, you were economical with the truth when you told him – “Again, it wasn’t Ranil who granted permission, but Gota.”. To date you have not substantiated this. How can you when “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”?

                8) Cut the crap and don’t DODGE the question – Does the laid-back son of WNL owner Ranjit Wijewardene who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government bear SOME responsibility for the Easter Sunday Carnage?

                9) Are you getting anything for defending the CORRUPT WNL?
                (continued below)

                • 3

                  old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’? (continued)

                  10) Since you have maliciously questioned my MOTIVES let me inform you that I was RESPONSIBLE for bringing a UN ‘investigation’ team to Sri Lanka (26-27 April 2005) to PROBE whether Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) has the INTEGRITY TO AUDIT or provide any other services to the UN to ensure transparency and accountability in the utilization of the massive TSUNAMI donor funds WORLDWIDE.

                  11) The team sent by Mark Malloch Brown, then Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme comprised of Ms. Paula Saddler – Chief, Investigation Section of the Office of UNDP Administrator in New York and Mr. Louis Marano – Investigator, Investigations Division of Office of Internal Oversight Services in the Office of UN Secretary-General. They also had a ‘one-on-one’ meeting with me. The end result was a major COVER-UP. I have given a point-by- point REBUTTAL to their ‘Statement of Findings’.

                  12) Can you tell us whether you have done ANYTHING in the Public Interest? How can you when “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”!


                  • 2

                    old codger & Ruwan ‘Cover-Up’? (continued)

                    13) Why don’t you AT LEAST tell us whether the laid-back son of WNL owner Ranjit Wijewardene who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government bears SOME responsibility for the Easter Sunday Carnage?

                    14) I ask again, what are you trying to pull by referring to me as “AM dear”? Stop this nonsense and reveal your IDENTITY.

                    Amrit Muttukumaru

                    • 3

                      These are clearly family vendettas against the Wijewardene family. Why can’t these hateful people behave elsewhere?. This forum is obviously not for solving family problems. And I don’t think that R. Wijewardena is a corrupt politician.
                      If then Prime Minister was not allowed to attend the “Security Council” meetings, what more talk about the “irresponsible” nature of the former President?

                      How Sirisena picked up so many more voters even after the “Easter Sunday Massacre” is a mystery to me. That is where I feel helpless. People (voters) and politicians should be blamed. If these people were born in Sri Lanka, they would be real beasts.
                      I had to watch Sorisena make every effort to misinterpret the verdict of the court inquiry. There I thought that such people can mislead the people of Sri Lanka but can never mislead the world community.

                • 3

                  AM dear,
                  Is it not a fact that all media have banned you because they don’t want to be hauled up in court due to your unproven allegations, as in Ravindran’s case?
                  CT is kind enough to let you use miles of free space. Please leave some for other users.

                  • 2

                    old codger & WNL

                    1) “Is it not a fact that all media have banned you because they don’t want to be hauled up in court due to your unproven allegations, as in Ravindran’s case?”

                    2) You should be “banned” not only from “all media” but also from DECENT society for your SHAMELESS assertion “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”!


                    3) Despite being aware through ‘Colombo Telegraph’ of CORRUPTION in Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) and Rotary International (RI), you are acting as a PROXY/MERCENARY for both entities which have a symbiotic relationship.

                    (continued below)

                    • 1

                      old codger & WNL (continued)

                      4) I can understand the NERVOUSNESS of WNL owner Ranjit Wijewardene since I am possibly the only person who has exposed the EXONERATION of National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ) leader Zahran Hashim by his laid-back son Ruwan who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government. Ruwan is probably the ONLY person in AUTHORITY at the time of the carnage who has done so by stating:

                      “there was no information to suggest that Zahran was engaged in terrorist activities though he expressed extremist ideas over social media.” – ‘Daily Mirror’ 19 August 2020


                      5) This was roundly CONTRADICTED by SI Srimal Sanjeewa of the CID when he informed the Presidential Commission probing the Easter Sunday carnage:

                      “National Thowheed Jamaat (NTJ) leader Zahran Hashim and his associates had been conducting a training camp for over four years at Al Zuharia Madrasa School in Pomparippu, Puttalam” – ‘Daily Mirror’ 1 September 2020


                      (continued below)

                    • 1

                      old codger & WNL (continued)

                      4) I can understand the NERVOUSNESS of WNL owner Ranjit Wijewardene since I am possibly the only person who has exposed the EXONERATION of National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ) leader Zahran Hashim by his laid-back son Ruwan who was State Minister of Defence during the ENTIRE period of the Yahapalana government. Ruwan is probably the ONLY person in AUTHORITY at the time of the carnage who has done so by stating:

                      “there was no information to suggest that Zahran was engaged in terrorist activities though he expressed extremist ideas over social media.” – ‘Daily Mirror’ 19 August 2020


                      5) This was roundly CONTRADICTED by SI Srimal Sanjeewa of the CID when he informed the Presidential Commission probing the Easter Sunday carnage:
                      “National Thowheed Jamaat (NTJ) leader Zahran Hashim and his associates had been conducting a training camp for over four years at Al Zuharia Madrasa School in Pomparippu, Puttalam” – ‘Daily Mirror’ 1 September 2020
                      (continued below)

    • 4

      There is rumor going around that Pissu Sira will soon disclose information related to Easter, that will “shake the nation”. 1) Haven’t he done enough, already ?? 2) I say “get ready for more lies ” 3) What took the scum this long ?? 4) Remember his theatrics of “swinging his rusted sword”, his family sing song about ” Presidential thatha reading bedtime stories to grand children “, not just to them , but told plenty to his retarded supporters, Rajapaksas, RW, Chandrika, Shobitha, SLFP Honchos and many many more disgusting human being.

      • 1

        old codger & WNL (continued)

        6) First things first. I unequivocally DEBUNK the FICTION that I have defamed anyone let alone former RI President K.R. Ravindran. I unequivocally state that NO COURT has ever found me guilty of defaming anyone or guilty of ‘contempt of court’.

        7) On the other hand, the COURT has recently THROWN OUT Ravindran’s charge of ‘Contempt of Court’ against me!

        8) WNL anger against me is that I do not follow their script, my ‘naming & shaming’ of wrongdoers and my exposure of their CORRUPTION. All my writings are pro bono in the Public Interest.

        9) Just today (18 January 2023) WNL’s ‘Daily Mirror’ has placed ‘MINISTERS IN THE DARK OVER POSSIBLE MASSAGE LAWS?’ at the TOP of its ‘Front Page’ and ‘MUDALIGE’S CASE TRANSFERRED FROM PRESIDING MAGISTRATE’ at the BOTTOM of its ‘second page’! Readers can ignore this at their own peril.

        10) None of this will worry you since to you “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”. All you can say when you have nothing else to say is accuse me of “private vendetta”!

        Amrit Muttukumaru

        • 2

          What a fuss you make over something that didn’t happen, according to you.

          Perhaps telling the entire truth isn’t practical regarding why one AM apologised to KR Ravindran?

          • 1

            old codger & Corrupt WNL

            1) I leave it to readers to decide whether you are a vicious Con Artist / Mercenary and a Proxy for the CORRUPT Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) and Rotary International (RI) keeping in mind that for you “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”!

            2) I now refer to the link you have given to the MISCHIEVOUS ‘News’ item in the ‘Sunday Times’ of 8 November 2015 captioned: “Colombo resident apologises to Rotary International President, pays Rs. 10,000 to charity”. Let alone its contents, even its caption FALSELY suggests I have DEFAMED former RI President K.R. Ravindran.

            3) Although the issue at hand is the ‘Settlement’ of an alleged ‘Contempt of Court’ for the alleged breach of a “previous decree”, the ‘Sunday Times’ mischievously referred to a “defamation action” which has NO MENTION either in the ‘Settlement’ or the “previous decree”.

            4) The ‘Sunday Times’ has not stopped at this. By insinuating that the “previous decree” only applies to me, it has given the impression to readers that I have ‘DEFAMED’ K.R. Ravindran. If the intention was FAIR and objective reporting, should it not have stated that the “previous decree” applies EQUALLY to Ravindran and me and prohibits BOTH parties from writing on issues concerning each other?

            (continued below)

            • 1

              old codger & Corrupt WNL (continued)
              5) My expression of regret and payment to the ‘Sri Lanka Cancer Society’ was with SOLE reference to the alleged ‘Contempt of Court’. It has NOTHING to do with any NON-EXISTENT ‘defamation’. It was NOT A FINE by Court.

              6) The REFUSAL of my ‘RIGHT OF REPLY’ entitlement by the ‘Sunday Times’ must be viewed in the CONTEXT where Ravindran’s UNCLE Kumar Nadesan (mother’s brother) is the long-standing Chairman of the WNL DOMINATED Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka (PCCSL). Sinha Ratnatunga the Editor of the ‘Sunday Times’ is PCCSL Deputy Chairman under Nadesan! Can ‘Conflict of Interest’ get any WORSE?

              7) I unequivocally DEBUNK the FICTION that I have defamed anyone let alone former RI President K.R. Ravindran. I unequivocally state that NO COURT has ever found me guilty of defaming anyone or guilty of ‘contempt of court’.

              8) On the other hand, the COURT has recently THROWN OUT Ravindran’s charge of ‘Contempt of Court’ against me! I CHALLENGE you to REFUTE this. WNL newspapers have not published this although they have published FAKE news about me concerning Rotary and not given me my ‘Right of Reply’ entitlements.

              • 1

                old codger & Corrupt WNL (continued)

                9) WNL CORRUPTION is such that just yesterday (18 January 2023) WNL’s ‘Daily Mirror’ has placed ‘MINISTERS IN THE DARK OVER POSSIBLE MASSAGE LAWS?’ at the TOP of its ‘Front Page’ and ‘MUDALIGE’S CASE TRANSFERRED FROM PRESIDING MAGISTRATE’ at the BOTTOM of its ‘second page’! Readers can IGNORE the implications of this at their own PERIL.

                10) Of course none of this will worry you since to you “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.” All you can say when you have nothing else to say is accuse me of “vendetta”!

                Amrit Muttukumaru

              • 2

                You claim to be so curiously hard done by. But the fact is, you paid compensation to the Cancer Society. But Ravindran didn’t.
                Then, you claim that the people who came from London to inquire into your PWC allegations did a cover-up! Is it not more likely that your “evidence ” didn’t stand scrutiny? Like the “evidence ” you have so far failed to produce for the bond scam? It is also strange that though you talk much about Mahendran’s activities, you are silent on Cabral’s bigger scams, including the Greek Bonds and oil Hedging. As I said before, perhaps even you find that telling the truth isn’t practical? Who are YOU protecting, AM dear?

                • 2

                  I don’t know about you, but I find it very hypocritical that, while you pen hysterical tirades against the Wijewardenas, you use quotes from their own Daily Mirror to support your allegations of bias. 🤣🤣🤣

                  • 2

                    old codger & Corrupt WNL/RI

                    1) I leave it to readers to decide whether you are a vicious Con Artist / Mercenary and a Proxy for the CORRUPT Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) and Rotary International (RI) keeping in mind that for you “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”!


                    2) I am aware that my public interest undertakings particularly ‘Naming & Shaming’ have infuriated wrongdoers in high places. I have done so with responsibility to which wrongdoers have no RATIONAL answer other than unleash MERCENARIES in different forms for different rewards. This will not deter me.

                    3) WNL anger against me is that I do not follow their script and my exposure of WNL CORRUPTION. All my writings are pro bono in the Public Interest.

                    4) Your ABSURD assertion of there being NO ‘Bond Scam’ is CONSISTENT with your assertion – “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”

                    5) If there was no ‘bond scam’ as you aver, why did then CBSL Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy reportedly seek the approval of the Attorney-General to place in the public domain its FORENSIC AUDIT as it “could influence the upcoming presidential election” (‘Sunday Times’ 3 November 2019). This is still not in the public domain! What a waste of the millions spent on the audit.

                    (continued below)

                    • 1

                      old codger & Corrupt WNL/RI (continued)

                      6) I unequivocally DEBUNK the FICTION that I have defamed anyone let alone former RI President K.R. Ravindran. I unequivocally state that NO COURT has EVER found me guilty of defaming anyone or guilty of ‘contempt of court’.

                      7) On the other hand, the COURT has recently THROWN OUT Ravindran’s charge of ‘Contempt of Court’ against me! I CHALLENGE you to REFUTE this. WNL newspapers have not published this although they have published FAKE news about me concerning Rotary and not given me my ‘Right of Reply’ entitlements.

                      8) Since you have maliciously questioned my MOTIVES let me inform you that I was RESPONSIBLE for bringing a UN ‘investigation’ team to Sri Lanka (26-27 April 2005) to PROBE whether Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) has the INTEGRITY TO AUDIT or provide any other services to the UN to ensure transparency and accountability in the utilization of the massive TSUNAMI donor funds WORLDWIDE.

                      9) The team was sent by Mark Malloch Brown, then Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme. They also had a ‘one-on-one’ meeting with me. The end result was a major COVER-UP. I have given a point-by- point REBUTTAL to their ‘Statement of Findings’.

                      (continued below)

                  • 2

                    How do you smuggle senna tablets into this space?
                    You seem to be triggering a lot of verbal d********.

                    • 1

                      This isn’t even VD. It’s a broken record copied onto a tape loop.🤣🤣🤣

  • 1

    Orientals are certainly inferior to the Caucasians. Former will never admit that they were ever wrong and say sorry but history shows in that respect the Caucasians are indeed superior. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense are solely responsible to the people of the country for their security and well being. It was certainly not a dictatorship of Maithripala Sirisena. If that was the case it should have been brought to the attention of the people of the land instead of being silent about the imminent danger. The number and the precious lives lost would not have happened if this two officials kept there eyes, ears and minds open. They must be penalized for dereliction of duty. The journalism in this country is utter hypocrisy. They only serve the mighty and the rich complementing each other.

    • 1

      old codger & Corrupt WNL/RI (continued)

      10) Can you give us ONE example of ANYTHING you have done in the ‘PUBLIC INTEREST’? How can you when to you “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”!

      11) I leave it to readers to decide whether you are a VICIOUS Con Artist / Mercenary and a Proxy for the CORRUPT Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) and Rotary International (RI).

      12) It is totally UNACCEPTABLE that you are ALLOWED to spew LIES and INSULTS under cover of ANONYMITY. None of the others in CT are doing this. I DEMAND that you FORTHWITH disclose your IDENTITY so that we have access to your BACKGROUND.

      Amrit Muttukumaru

      • 3

        AM dear, (or if you prefer, Your Lordship),
        “.10) Can you give us ONE example of ANYTHING you have done in the ‘PUBLIC INTEREST’? “
        That’s easy. What I’m doing right now, trying to stop you hogging all the free space in CT, is in the public interest.

        • 2

          To: CT Readers and Commentators

          1) It is totally UNACCEPTABLE that ‘old codger’ is ALLOWED to DECEIVE and spew LIES and INSULTS with IMPUNITY under cover of ANONYMITY. None of the others in CT are doing this to this extent.

          2) Should not ‘Colombo Telegraph’ ENSURE that commentators like ‘old codger’ who cross the line of CIVILITY and DECENCY under cover of ANONYMITY must forthwith reveal their IDENTITY to ensure a ‘LEVEL PLAYING FIELD’?

          3) This is particularly in the CONTEXT of ‘old codger’ asserting “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”!


          4) Over to you CT and CT readers.

          Amrit Muttukumaru

          • 3

            AM dear,
            “This is particularly in the CONTEXT of ‘old codger’ asserting “Telling the people the entire truth isn’t practical.”
            Okay, so name ONE person who tells the truth all the time? Sadly, not even you.
            A few months ago, in one of your fits of self-righteous indignation, didn’t you swear to ignore my posts? But here you are again…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

          • 1

            Don’t you think that any more of this will be absolute cruelty.

    • 4

      “Orientals are certainly inferior to the Caucasians.”
      I remember a German who said such things among others a little under a century ago about the superiority of the ‘Master Race’.
      It is pathetic that voluntary slaves believe in it well after the masters left out shores.
      What a confession, hp!

      • 2

        I did notice that, but I can only deal with one tirade at a time…

        • 0

          I have lived and worked with Orientals and Caucasians. I have the experience of very close encounters in real life observing how they conduct in practical life. It does not take one to be a rocket scientist to observe the wide difference when it comes to honesty, dignity, generosity, fairness etc., after balancing the book. Late Mr. Mandela was a rare exception. Just take a cursory look at our leaders. It is total lack of gratitude on your part to deny the benefits you are enjoying. If I am not mistaken, SJ made Australia his home instead of China. Very strange to me.

          • 2

            Buddha and Jesus Christ were both “Orientals”. The Japanese are Orientals. Are you one of those people who believe an Austin is better than a Toyota? Or a Mullard better than a Sony?
            Australia is a good country. But what happened to its natives? Do you wish their fate on us too?

            • 2

              “SJ made Australia his home instead of China”
              HP saucy stuff.

        • 0

          Do not feel bad.
          He does not need your help to make an right royal a** of himself.

          • 0

            … a right royal a** ….

            • 0

              SJ. You really must be a … a right royal a** **** ….

              • 0

                “snake knows snakes feet”
                Good lick with the master race.

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