9 February, 2025


A Way Out Of The Governance Gridlock

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

“They lifted a rock against us which they will drop on their own feet”– Zhou Enlai

“There is great disorder under heavens! The situation is excellent!” – Mao Zedong

Look, there must be a reason why Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe has been in occupation of Temple Trees three (relatively brief) times, but has never made it to President’s House and doubtless never will. I think he is going to have to pack his bags yet again. The many and several reasons that would necessitate, sooner rather than later, the dismissal of the Ranil Wickremesinghe-Mangala Samaraweera government by President Sirisena, could be summed up under one thematic heading or as the French would say, chapeau: the fusion of arrogance and stupidity.

Does the Prime Minister and his UNP not know that the only version of the 19th amendment that could be implemented is one that the President is entirely comfortable with and that if he is on board, so might be the SLFP, and if it and the JHU are not, it could be a symptom that the President has his doubts? Why waste time with an oversized 19th amendment?

The entire debate as to whether or not the mandate was for abolition is meaningless because it cannot be resolved. A decision must be made and only one man can decide upon this, namely the President. He wields a veto. Can’t Ranil Wickremesinghe recognize that? If he can, then why not simply ask President Sirisena to send back an amended draft that can be regarded as final? Surely President Sirisena would re-cut it in a manner that the SLFP and JHU can be brought on board. As for the more ambitious version, it can await the result of a parliamentary election and a new balance of forces in the legislature. If a balance which would permit the passage of a more ambitious original version of 19A is not forthcoming, then that must be recognized as the reality and the issue left to another generation.

Yet another waste of time is the argument that it was the UNP that brought President Sirisena to office; therefore it is the authentic custodian and interpreter of the mandate, which makes it morally imperative for the President and his supporters to go along with the UNP’s proposals on the status of the Presidency. This is a dubious claim. With all the votes the UNP brought in, candidate Sirisena would have lost if not for the surge in the North, East and the hill country, none of which is attributable to the UNP.

If Ranil Wickremesinghe cannot negotiate realistically with President Sirisena, his coalition partners and an Opposition led by a pliant leader, how on earth can he be expected to negotiate with the TNA?

The second most important manifestation of arrogant stupidity that will make imperative the dismissal of Mr. Wickremesinghe’s administration is that it has publicly insulted China or permitted China to be insulted, to a degree that China may disengage itself from Sri Lanka to an extent that is economically utterly unaffordable for this country and our macro economy. In other words the arrogance of the Wickremesinghe-Samaraweera-Karunanayake UNP and its shocking pink poodle, the JVP leadership, may pull the plug on our economic development and the living standards of the people. One rather doubts that President Sirisena and his party and his allies will opt to go down with that ship.

In sum, whatever number of safety pins that the charming Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga uses to keep the President, the Prime Minister and the Opposition leader together, they are being driven apart with each passing day. They and their patroness, the gracious CBK may have a pet hate in common, namely Mahinda Rajapaksa, but this is a subjective-normative factor, while the objective clash of interests is driving the PM and the President apart. The President will have to choose between the SLFP and the Ranilista UNP cohort. Please note that I did not say the UNP as such, because there are sensible centrists within that party who would be the perfect political partners for President Sirisena.

There are simple, speedy ways in which to end the deadlock. Firstly why not simply implement that portion of the 19th amendment that everyone agrees with, i.e. the reintroduction of a reinforced version of the 17th amendment and presidential term limits? Secondly, why not appoint Dr. Indrajith Coomaraswamy as Governor of the Central Bank?

Matters aren’t helped by the cosmopolitan civil society intelligentsia. They are mimicking their most famous predecessors– those in the former Soviet space after the fall of socialism. Those reformers moved through two psychological stages, the first being an overoptimistic utopianism which advocated shock therapy and big bangs, on the basis that “one cannot cross a chasm in two steps”. Thus we saw the 500 day Shatalin plan etc. When everything fell apart and Russia hit a downward spiral, the radical reformers lamented that the old party-state Establishment and old authoritarian peasant mentalities were still around and were thwarting reform. In other words they lamented that Russia was not Western Europe! The silliness ended when the Russian people realized that they had not lost a war, in fact had won WW II, but had been taken for a ride by the Reformists, who had dismantled part of the state, weakened it and caused the retreat of the country. Russia then turned to Vladimir Putin more than once.

In Sri Lanka today the regime ideologues are going the same route as their Russian counterparts. What they fail to realize is if the old bureaucracy and SLFP is thwarting reform, those reforms have to be downsized and spaced out into stages so as to be acceptable to the state and party establishments—and most importantly the military, which the neoliberal reformists overlook. An ‘alliance of moderates’—actually an alliance of muddle-heads—will not do. All crucial stakeholders and players have to be carried along with the reform process, not have it thrust down their throats which only ensures that they vomit it out.

With their accelerated and oversized program, the Sri Lankan neoliberal ‘Reformists’ are making the same mistake as their Russian counterparts and predecessors, and will wind up with the same result. Despite the shrill, meaningless propaganda of the Sri Lankan neoliberal reformists, the parallel is not a defeated Germany’s search for Der Fuhrer, ‘The Leader’, but rather, the militarily unvanquished yet politically and ideologically humiliated Russian heartland’s rediscovery of the need for a Vozhd, a strong patriotic father figure.

It is a similar process that has led to the strongest spontaneous grassroots surge I have seen in half a century of being witness to Sri Lankan politics; a grassroots current that is a far more organic, and therefore far more authentic, truer, civil society phenomenon than that of the clutch of cosmopolitan Colombo reformists. This is the Mahinda Movement which is gathering momentum and awaits its moment.

Latest comments

  • 33

    Stop this idiotic nonsense being written by a crazy [Edited out] posing as an all knowing pundit who is nothing but a cheap failed political no hoper. Please CT just don’t publish any of this crap from this Nugegoda Dayan a Mahinda Rajapaksa acolyte still hoping this medamulana Mee Haraka will come back to power and offer him a Diplomatic position.This man lives in cuckoo land and should be sent to Angoda.

    • 18


      Despite all the crap that Dayan writes, this article has a valid point: The present regime with Maitri at the helm is a hoge podge of muddled thinkers.

      While the Machiavelli Mahinda himself is plotting a scheme to come back, which is not at all difficult if he uses the trump card deftly: Tamils know what the card is but others don’t accept it as a trump card.

      The Western world is watching with interest as to what happens next: If Mahinda comes back with propaganda by our Joseph, then more suffering will ensue to the people of Sri Lanka with Gnanasaras and white vans roaming the streets. Army will be unleashed on Tamils in the North-East with vengeance.

      In such a scenario the Western world will at last be convinced what Sinhalese politics is all about, that Tamils have been saying for ages, and take appropriate action to restore freedom to peoples of the island.

      • 5

        “Western World will take appropriate action to restore freedom to peoples of the island.”

        I am rolling on the floor laughing at your naive faith in the Western World.

        Holy Crap Man! Have you not learned anything from modern history? Exactly how thick is your head?


    • 14

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka –

      RE: A Way Out Of The Governance Gridlock

      There is no Governance Gridlock.

      What we have is a gridlock due to the sheer number of Crooks, Robbers, Criminals (CRCs) and Mahinda Rajapaksa Shills and Cronies all being caught around the same time, and it is like a traffic jam.

      It will get sorted out once the Crooks, Robbers, Criminals (CRCs) and Mahinda Rajapaksa Shills and Cronies are sorted out one by one.

      It is the Gridlock for the Crooks, Robbers, Criminals (CRCs) and Mahinda Rajapaksa Shills and Cronies.

    • 5

      Yes, CT.

      It is your duty to safeguard the Yahapalanaya government. Responsible censorship is necessary to safeguard Chandrika’s victory.

      As Rahul wants, you must stop letting writers like DJ expose the fraud behind the present government and allow the NGOs, aggressive minority groups and gays propagate their lie-based stories about Yahapalanaya.

      You are part of the illegitimate rule currently governing the country. Always remeber that and CENSOR.

      • 5


        What the hell are you talking about? Please clarify.

      • 1

        Isn’t that your hero MR called DJ as NGO Boy in an international TV interview? Even according to your silly argument, DJ must be allowed to write his B..S..t in CT… Don’t worry.. DJ will continue to amaze you with his BS analysis…

    • 6

      Dayan Jayatilleke is a supporter of MR and Co., but there is some sense in what he says. We refuse to see what is obvious and want to believe what we want to believe.

      • 0

        I agree with you, Kumaradas. There is something SENSIBLE in what Dayan has written this time. That could be taken positively as a word of caution by the new government. It should look at what is practicable or achievable. Time is running out fast.

        Sengodan. M

    • 0

      Rahul – Why cannot this govt. give the diplomut position to Dayan of Nugegoda fame and send him to Bangkok as good riddance and bring back the diplomut who was sent there due to pressure from higher ups . An ardent supporter of the former regime, who personally watched the ambassador in UK, being slapped by her former boss, Minister Sajin Vass, in an official function,and this too happened in a place like UK, where democratic norms are followed.He is now under investigation for corruption, intimidation and thuggery.
      Party Principles were all thrown away and nepotism played a major part in her selection as she is connected to some one above the president and I do not mean God. Minister Mangala is only a figure head and govt.
      is run by remote control and they are not bothered about public opinion
      If she followed the ethics, she should have resigned being the head of the diplomatic missions abroad but she never left the former govt. and is the ambassador for Thailand for the current govt.

      Thanks to CT as we are able to read the comedy of errors being enacted by the present govt. The parliamentary elections are around the corner
      and who will form the next Govt. is anybody’s guess. The voter, once again got the power in his hands.

  • 16

    Contempt with which this guy despises RW is mind-blowing! He tried to play the despicable Race Card to create chaos but to no avail. He is now endeavouring to raffle feathers within the unity government. It is conspicuous that, if RW were to be removed from the primer position, this man will go back into his shell. There is no sentiment or a principle stand as far as this guy is concerned. He simply wants RW out; he is prepared to be unscrupulous in achieving his goal. His is just an unprincipled [Edited out]!

    • 5

      I still maintain that this guy Jayatilaka when young, fell on his head and was never the same again!

  • 19

    Hear, hear, Joseph Goebbels of Sri Lanka has spoken in praise of Der Fuhrer Mahinda Rajapakse and his Mahinda Movement, which is akin to Nazism of Germany:

    Everything is set for further ruin of the island and its peoples.

    What worries me more (and all right thinking people) is this: This man Dayan Jayatilake is Mahanama thero, the uncivilized Drarmapala and Joseph Goebbels rolled into one.

    The West and India ought to take note of him spreading cancer in the society, with all his admiration for the commies of the past.

  • 20

    Again the pundit is back with criticism on P.M. Ranil W , basically. Yes RW was in Temple Trees three times and why he did not go to the Presidents house – even a child could advise DJ on this, though he pretends to know it all. If the so called deal with Prapagaran in 2005 by the interested parties to make the voters in the north to abstain from voting, majority of which would have been in favour of
    RW, had not succeeded RW would have been President in 2005. The money probably given to Prapagaran together with his fear of RW returning to power, whom Ltte/Prapagaran/Balasingham, etc understood as cunning and a strategic mover, helped MR win 2005 election with a small majority.

    Therefore, RW did not fail to become a President of SriLanka, but this happened due to third grade tactic played by the opponent. Similarly, even in 2015 election, they tried to mislead the Northern
    Voters through Anandthy, by providing her extra comfort, civil security, vehicles and perhaps may be even money, but they could not fool the nirthern voters this time.

    DJ is a lost case and of course he would love to ses MR in the saddle which would never happen, may be he can dream of same, if possible. For his information, RW is gentleman not greedy for power and would not do anything to stay in power. DJ can think he can write many articles, so often and use Sirasa/mtv as well but no single voter would change his mind based on his presentations.

  • 19

    Look, there must be a reason why Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe has been in occupation of Temple Trees three (relatively brief) times, but has never made it to President’s House and doubtless never will. I think he is going to have to pack his bags yet again. The many and several reasons that would necessitate, sooner rather than later, the dismissal of the Ranil Wickremesinghe-Mangala Samaraweera government by President Sirisena, could be summed up under one thematic heading or as the French would say, chapeau: the fusion of arrogance and stupidity.

    This bugger Dayan has gone completely bonkers. He is suffering from Ranil Phobia. First it was a case that Ranil can never win. Of course Ranil could never win staged elections under both CBK and MR. Dayan was absolutely sure that MR would be returned and Ranil as usual would lose with the defeat of MS. Dayan will have to shut his gab for good once the UNP wins the upcoming general election and Ranil taking the reins of PM once again.

    The Bomb shell is taking shape nicely and will explode in time. Naval rating Sampath Munasinghe who was in the White van killer squad of the Navy under Vasantha Karannagoda had to flee for his life once he was caught romancing with Karannagoda’s wife. Thereafter Karannagoda pretending to be unaware of ransom killing of youth by the white van has supplied information to the CID about massacres of so many with their IDs, just to get at Sampath Munasinghe on whom a contract had been given to be killed by Karannagoda himself. Now this man Sampath Munasinghe is in CID custody and the lid will be blown off the scam. Similarly Wele Suda and his connection to former IGP Mahinda Balasuriya and DIG Anura Senanayake will be revealed. All these scandals lead to one family that is the Rajapaksas on whom the rest of the Corrupt in the former regime is hoping to contest and be returned at the next General Eletion supported by bankrupt individuals like Dayan. So let us wait and see who will have the last laugh Dayan or Ranil?

    • 20


      “This bugger Dayan has gone completely bonkers.”

      Many years ago.

      Could you find him an undiplomatic posting somewhere in Antarctica so that he could continue his scientific research among the penguins.

      Did someone mentioned he is a scientists?

      • 10

        Native vedda

        definitely this guy DJ needs to deported to an unknown location where he can do his research on politics.

      • 4

        Native Vedda

        “This bugger Dayan has gone completely bonkers.”
        “Many years ago.”

        So, this is the cause of All the misery of the MaRa Shills.

        Is there a way out of the Shill Misery?

        Yes. Ask them to catch the Fish the Indian Fishermen are catching, that the PM Ranil Wickramasinghe is threatening to shoot.

        Old Paras Vs. New Paras, in the Waters of the Land of the Native Veddah Aethho.

      • 4

        Hey Vedha I would expect ypu to have some concern for penguins and other edangeted spieces on whoes existence the well being of your community depends.

        Do you want Dayan to drive them to extingtion they way he is trying to do with the Sinhala Budhist community.

        Dont inflict DJ on them.

        • 4


          I am sorry.

          Would you recommend him a one way ticket to Mars? However the NASA scientists believe they have found evidence of bacteria like living organisms on Mars. Isn’t he running out of choices?

          Can I pick your brain? Where would you send him on an undiplomatic mission?

          Black hole?

          He is already in one.

          • 0

            Vedhha DJ is already in a black hole – he has got there all by himself. What ypu read in CT are his SOS signals.

            There is no return for him.

    • 8

      “Of course Ranil could never win staged elections under both CBK and MR”

      How did Maithri win in Jan under such intense abuse of state resources and election violations by MR?

      • 6


        The truth is MR was waiting, thinking that the UNP will field RW as the candidate. MR govt had published so much of false, adverse propaganda against RW that it would have enabled MR to convince some of the voters to stage a defeat for RW. How? We have a population of around 20.7 mil people. Of that it was announced there was almost a 15.7 mil registered voters. In other words the population of the underage, below 18years is a mere 5 mil. This can never be because the majority families have more children than adults and the underage population should be much more than 5 mil. One need not be a rocket Scientist to understand that the voter register had almost a million ghost voters to vote for MR, some dead and others missing or working overseas. MR was sure of this million votes. In addition to the million a small percentage of the floating vote would have done the trick with the party vote. Bearing this in mind, MR was confident that he could have staged a win, without resorting to thuggery and intimidation as done at every election under him before. It is for this reason that every MR supporter believed that MR would win even with a small majority, so much so that even some of the opponents of MR thought so.

        As to your question, then how MS turned the tables is solely due to the efforts of the Election Commissioner Mahinda Deshappriya who took a firm stand after leading MR on the garden path. Mahinda Deshappriya openly said that he had instructed the Police guarding the polling booths to shoot any who attempt to disrupt to shoot on the head and not the legs. I believe this Nation owes Mahinda Deshappriya more praise than the mere nod offered to him.

        Under the above scenario to tilt the balance away from MR, RW alone could not have succeeded. If it was a tussle, CBK entering the fray to make it a three cornered fight, RW would have sometimes made it. This is what many thought, but was taking a big chance. Then again CBK being out of the political scene for a while where MR had tightened the grip on the party machinery at the grass root level doling out all sorts of gifts and promises was an uphill challenge. Therefore nominating MS as the Common candidate was accepted to offset the odds and the job was done with a victory to MS polling over 490,000 as the majority.

        How MR manipulated the elections could be seen from the result of the coming General Election which will depict the true position of the popularity of MR and RW. I am reminded here how Sirisena Cooray boasted after the demise of Premadasa that he was the architect of RP’s victories. Once the election machinery was out of his reach, much against his boast, Sirisena Cooray managed to poll only 2300 votes at the Colombo Central the stronghold of RP.

        Therefore wait for the General Election and see for yourself how popular MR is.

  • 16

    Dayan the war monger types:

    “They lifted a rock against us which they will drop on their own feet”- Zhou Enlai

    “There is great disorder under heavens! The situation is excellent!” – Mao Zedong

    The war monger forgets:

    It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.

    Deng Xiaoping

  • 5

    “I think he is going to have to pack his bags yet again”

    We shall see. Tune in in 100 days. Let’s see who is right.

  • 9

    Hats off to Dayan at last he has written an article without using the letters LTTE

  • 9

    President Maithiripala Srisena did not study political science like DJ, he wasn’t an academic either. He did not come from cosmopolitan Colombo but from a village. He is humble and practices Buddhism and respect other religions and languages. He has intelligence and widom political experience as he came up through ranks.

    He was hand picked by Ven Sobita & Ratna Theros, Champika, CBK , Rajitha, Mangala ,Ranil, Karu , Ravi , Arjuna , Anura Kumara and the likes who are part of the current national coalition. Above all MS was elected by the majority of Sri Lankans, in an election in which the election commissioner, attorney general and heads of armed forces all performed their duties in the best interest of Mother Lanka.

    As MS said a national govt for at least 2 years is the best solution for all the problems Sr Lanka is facing. So DJ , don’t create new problems to mother Lanka with your creative analysis.

    MaRa & Bros and their regime coming back to power are not solutions as DJ envisages. They are all illusions.

    So don’t cry for Mother Lanka DJ. The younger SL voters are more intelligent than you.They know what to do.

  • 3

    Give it to Dayan for taking his side.

    Our Srilanka narrowly missed it’s Hitler, Stalin Movement, just for now.
    Our people thought this was not their beloved Srilanka. They stopped the near 6 million who wanted the Mahinda Movement to carry on.

    Prabakharans other brother Mahinda and his movement would have continued; white van disappearances, Sirisena and his family will be re-enjoying jail time ( The chap has been in jail a few times already ) or would have met their creator, People homes would have continued to be ceased. People would continue to be thrown on the roads for development. Srilanka sold to China FOREVER, with no bullet being fired by the Chinese. ( Prabakharan, you bloody fool ).

    Each successive generation, must fight for the liberties they enjoy now.
    This is our Human Journey. We must stop future Stalin’s, Hitler’s in the Motherland.

  • 2

    I have no problem with a “Mahinda Movement” so long as said movement is grounded in reality and does not resort to extremism. It should not advocate some sort Sri Lankanized Jihad on the United States. It should not advocate violence against the UN system or Tamil civilians living in Colombo or in the Diaspora. As Dayan knows, Sri Lanka cannot prevail in a confrontation with the US, to even think about this is laughable. For Sri Lanka, going to war against the US would be like declaring war on god! As Sun Tzu said, “If you go to war against god, god will win”. Dayan needs to treat the process at the UN as an election campaign. You can make your case as best you can, but if you lose, and the NE becomes independent, you must be a gentleman and concede graciously. You have to genuinely congratulate the Tamil people. They have waited a long, long time and endured so much for this. As they set out on a separate path, the least you can do is to wish them: “May a Tsunami never reach your shores again. May the Monsoon rains be on time every year and bring you a rich harvest every season, may you be spared from floods and any other natural disaster. Good luck old friend, good luck….”
    (Full disclosure: Sun Tzu didn’t actually say that, I just made it up!)

  • 5

    The more I read Dayan J trying to advance the cause of the venal Family, I am reminded of his function more as legal Counsel to the
    Rajapakses than as the political scientist he prefers to be identified with. To put it in Mario Puso language – “mouthpiece” As many commented, DJ will pile up article after article
    to keep the Rajapakse candidature alive. But Mahinda Rajapakse is now no more than a ex-political leader looking for a political party to mount his “return” Even the redoubtable Kudu Mervin has jumped ship and so has that serial loser Tissa Attanayake – the holder of the shortest Cabinet Ministry post in recent times.

    The comedy of these desperadoes was shown in that video where President Maitripala Sirisena addressed the SLFP MPs, PCs at the Party HQ recently. There they were, those bloated up former Ministers and MPs of all hues and sizes reluctantly clapping hands for the record. That is to say to be seen when the President and his insiders review the video clip as to how the audience was reacting to this speech. Who was clapping and who not. They were all there to promote their case for nomination in the forthcoming General Elections – whenever that is due. Among those present was the young Prince too – now said to be the owner of a large sum of dough holed up in Dubai.


  • 2

    CHAPEAU-DJ the voters realized where it lay hence the verdict on Jan 8th

  • 1

    Dayan !

    “sooner rather than later, the dismissal of the Ranil Wickremesinghe-Mangala Samaraweera government by President Sirisen”

    Then what will Sira do puppeteered by CBK ?????WITH MANGOL TAGGING?
    Who will carry the rock ? The all important BOP (balance of payment)
    Ranil is shrewd. HE WILL BAILOUT BY THE 23/4/2015….. THEN ?

    AMARASIRI……….. Crooks, Robbers , criminals who fled during MR regime too have now returned and strewen body parts in Colombo and in Diyawanna.

    Will we experience a free for all ?

    • 2


      “AMARASIRI……….. Crooks, Robbers , criminals who fled during MR regime too have now returned and strewen body parts in Colombo and in Diyawanna.”

      MR’s Crooks, Robbers , criminals ………… are now fleeing the country. Why do you think Man 10 to 30% fled the country just after elections were concluded?

      Don’t worry too much about MR & GR going to prison. Both have made a deal with Ranil.

      If all their wealth was transferred and deposited in bank account abroad, It can be easily traced, found and exposed, depending on what the International Community really wants to do with the brothers.

  • 1


    “While the Machiavelli Mahinda himself is plotting a scheme to come back, which is not at all difficult if he uses the trump card deftly: Tamils know what the card is but others don’t accept it as a trump card.”

    As OTC wrote Tamil politicians are helping the Mahinda Movement.

    “The Western world is watching with interest as to what happens next: If Mahinda comes back with propaganda by our Joseph, then more suffering will ensue to the people of Sri Lanka with Gnanasaras and white vans roaming the streets. Army will be unleashed on Tamils in the North-East with vengeance.”

    Don’t forget India and China. Yes, outsiders will be watching with interest and not doing anything.

    “In such a scenario the Western world will at last be convinced what Sinhalese politics is all about, that Tamils have been saying for ages, and take appropriate action to restore freedom to peoples of the island.”

    You are very hopeful, naive or both. Why would anybody be interested in what we do especially if Mahinda is elected in free and fair elections?

    Don’t forget that Mahinda received 5800000 votes. This was before NPC Genocide resolution and the apparent failure or delay of good governance and rule of law. The state economy is weak also.

  • 6

    In the Sri lankan political theatre, it is allowed actors with less capability to play. Their only qualification is their parents were well known politicians and they were from the Colombo elite. These descendants of the elite are trying to do things they are not capable of doing and they don’t want to understand it.

    Because, Sri lanka is these children’s Sand box. They are trying to live what their parents wanted them to do. Other wise, they are not born for that.

    Maithripala shows very much like CBK is the president. Ranil Wickramasinghe is trying hard to find his own edge here. Mangala Samaraweera is behaving like a bull in the China Shop.

  • 2

    Hi Dayan, I am quiet pleased to see you are giving constructive suggestions to elected government. If you try to be authentic and willing to improve governance, rule of law and justice there is no doubt you could positively contribute to move forward. Like you, people too know the strength and weakness of present government. But they have rightly selected this government as first step in the right direction. Next move is not going backwards. We must our best to maintain the right balance while strengthening the democratic system, make
    judicial system to function effectively, improving our skills of negotiation to achieve desired results,appointing the right people and closing the loop holes for corruption and abuse of power. There is willingness, space and co operation among people belong to all communities and the government to do so. Every step in this direction with people’s participation bring good health and strength to our mother. More reading of people like Vaclav Havel May help you to encourage genuine political culture. I am sure you can do better. Regards

  • 3

    What is the reason for Dayan to lose his seat at the UN as SL representative? Its because he was inefficient and he lied to the world.

    It is interesting to note that Puss Pandit Dayan has not read what President Sirisena said two days ago. President was very clear, said he promised abolition of the Presidency and he will not let the people down by not doing it.

    How much Dayan got from the Chinese? Is China the only country in the world that can help SL economically? Yes China is a strong economic engine, but does not mean that we have to agree to China violating SL laws and doing business. May be Dayan feels its ok to violate the laws as per the Rajapakse doctrine.

    If President Sirisena does not deliver what he promised to the people before election then the history will name him accordingly. It is interesting to note that Champika Ranawaka who openly said that Presidential system will be abolished now wants the system to exist. What sort of a politician is he? Was he also paid by someone?

    People should think twice about voting SLFP and JHU at the next election. In my opinion JVP is going to get more seats than JHU at the parliamentary elections.

    • 4


      “What is the reason for Dayan to lose his seat at the UN as SL representative?”

      Since then he started working for NGO – Mahinda.

      • 0

        Dayan was thrown out of the UN on pressure from the Israelis.
        Even his boss MR could not prevent that. He tried to be more of a voice for the radical Arabs than the Arabs themselves. That is why he is going hell for leather – sleeping even with the most extreme of the Sinhala supremacists – to get back so that he get even with the Israelis. Israelis enjoy the support of the powers that control the Security Council/UNO and Dayan is just an insignificant prawn with a loud voice and an oversized ego.

        Remember what happened to the Boss. He tried to teach the West, the UN and India lessons (paadama) Now the man is hunting for a Party to contest from. Soon all his dark deeds and thievery will be in the public domain and the man and his family will be in the same fate like that disgraced crook Lalith Kotelawala. And so the creator of the White Van and Grease Yakas. Soon the public will spit on their faces.


  • 6

    Another dose of verbal diarohea from this sycophant. SL will be much better off if no further funding is obtained from the chinese. The rate of interest on the chinese loans are exorbitant and far in excess of that can be borrowed from the WB and the IMF. Thisis the lament of a guy who is crying for his supper. Ct , please dont pollute your website by publishing this crap.

  • 3

    Dayan, please keep writing. The vituperative howling of those who seek to dismember and sell the country is sufficient evidence that your warnings are valid. Let not the sacrifices made by those who love the country be in vain.

    • 6


      “Let not the sacrifices made by those who love the country be in vain.”

      Could you list the names of those who love this country and sacrificed their life, also the names of those who benefited immensely from “smart ass patriotism”.

      I don’t think you are one those cronies.

  • 4

    Social processes are not deterministic. We are not Russians and this is not Russia. Let us see whether we can make sure that the fascists do not get control of the state again.

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      Our fascists come in robes – yellow, orangish and other. Ven. Galabodda Gandassara and the other priest came out against the Tamils singing the National Anthem is the first roll call that a wholesale bloodbath is being planned. The Priests know
      which issue will feed the anti-Tamil prejudice of the Sinhala mass more and they will home on it. President Sirisena already named Dinesh G, the arch racialist, hinting he will work out the rabid extremists in the country.

      The coming months will be interesting to note. Sri Lanka will continue to bleed to death – thanks to the religious majority. Tamils cannot be blamed for struggling to free themselves from this holy mess. India too has right to keep away from this self-destruction and prevent events inimical to India’s security interests.


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    Dayan, good to see you departing from your usual anti-Tamil rant and instead writing on Sri Lankan politics.

    You are saying that President Sirisena has the veto and can and will decide whether to chop Ranil or not and when.However, the problem with him is that he is not a master of himself and will not decide on anything that important on his own. President Sirisena will look to the Americans, Indians and Chandrika on such a vital matter as the removal of the American agent Ranil as he was their creation and takes orders from them. Mahinda Rajapakse has openely said that RAW and CIA were behind the plot to unseat him from power and he would not have said that lightly.

    I agree with your agreement that it was not just UNP that brought Sirisena to power. Of course,they did play a part but it was the Tamil and Muslims vote that tiltled the electoral balance in Sirisena’s favour.

    Dayan, you are saying that Ranil was stupid in going against the Chinese. That is far from the truth. Ranil,like Sirisena, is yet another prisoner of the Americans and the Indians. He is not stupid but an agent of the Americans and Indians carrying out their instructions. Americans and the Indians want China out of Sri Lanka at any cost. They would not care if Sri Lanka’s economy suffers in that process.

    If any change is going to happen in the present arrangement that will happen if and when the SLFP MPs together decide to go against Ranil.They are likely to do so only if they are convinced that they can override the instructions from their President and survive.

    Your comparison to the so-called Sri Lankan cosmopolitan civil society intelligentsia and the Soviet reformers is far fetched. The Soviet reformers came from within the Soviet Communist Party and that great nation disintegrated because of the stupidity of Gorbachev’s self-destructing reforms like glasnost, perestroika and democratisation. And when the Russian people realized that they needed a strong leader to regain their self-esteem they rightly found a tough man in Putin. Putin is right on the track to take back Russia to its former glory as a super power despite the Americans’ attempts to encircle Russia and to destroy its economy.

    The momentum in Sri Lanka to bring back strongman Mahinda Rajapakse may be gaining strength among some Sinhalese but unfortunately Mahinda backers like Wimal Weerawansa spewing racial hatreds of Tamils and Muslims will prove to be a damper and will permanently keep away the Muslims and the Tamils.

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    You are right about China and her interests in SL .

    The President of China , since assuming duties 2 years back, is on a mission to eradicate corruption within China particularly thosewho hold higher position. He personally welcomed Henry Kissinger recently when the latter was there in China as a private US citizen.The Chinese president told Kissinger that he is always welcomed in China. You don’t need PhD in political science to understand that With the help of US only China is doing economically well.

    Still China looks up to the West for political and economic transformation that started during Niton – Dent Xio Peng time. Smart Patriot and Political Scientist DJ only likes to bash the Tamils, Ranil, CBK and India.

    He wants MR to become the PM with the help of CBK and MS on SLFP ticket and working on that project. He has already left out the gang of 4 from his project knowing well the gang of 4 are a big liability.

  • 1

    The West (Europe & America ) buys 90+% of your exports. You need this money to pay your Chinese Loans!

    The West imposes sanctions SL bankrupt in 6 months!

    OOOoooohhhhhhh eeeeeeerrrrrrr!!!

  • 1

    Dr Dayan,

    The imposition given to you seems to be working.

    You are no longer confining yourself to fascist, racist articles.

    You seems to have come out.

    Yet you have to overcome from Chandrika/Ranil phobia.

    Don’t be disheartened,

    If you continue on this imposition for some more time who knows you also could very well write more sensible, intellectually stimulating articles like other political scientists.

    Nothing like hard work!

    Well! best of luck!

  • 0

    I think D.J. makes a fair point. This new coalition govt. is not performing. They are not delivering on the promises made to the people. Instead, they seem to be very enthusiastic on going for an election. That’s not what the people want. If this govt. goes for an election without delivering on the promises made as per 100 day program, then the people will definitely show them the door.

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    The new regime need time and space to do anything useful and this 100 day thing is just absurd. What can a new regime do or achieve in such a short period of time ? And MS is flying to countries to meet the leaders one after the other and the 100 day bomb is about to explode in the face of the government. Opposition, MR, Wimal gang are waiting to jump, destabilize and play their dirty politics.
    Things don’t look optimistic and seems very fluid. No one exactly know what’s going to happen next ! Very unpredictable even for expert like Dr.DJ.

    Did I hear that some astrologer predicting the life of this Govt. to be only three months ? and another one for another 3 months ? There are enough possibilities for that indeed !
    Pressure from MR gang, opposition, TNA/NPC, India, USA and all adding up and making things miserable for the regime. They or anyone cannot correct the things of the past in just 100 days. I can only feel sorry for all the affected citizenry and the country.

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    What DJ wants for SL is a Vozhd, a strong patriotic father figure- in Russian Language is equivalent to a Master, like Stalin. He wants to take us to old USSR time, that even current generation of Russian didn’t want, they even didn’t entertain the idea of leaving his statue even. His confused minds wander between communism and capitalism, which is very clear through out his writing. However, when diplomatic postings are offered he wants to be placed to one of the plum western destination. That is the very duplicity of his idealism.

    Then he talks about Putin. Putin, an KGB agent and a thug as far as Ukraine sees, whose credibility on human rights violations is second to none, range from polonium positioning of an envoy to recent allege killing of the opposition figure. He was also served as President, Prime Minister and President now. This could be the case with Mahinda too. But what Russia going through under his rule is crystal clear, he built economy and relationship during his first tenure as he knew people were weary of communalism, and now he wants to out muscle Europe and the USA to reinstate the old glory of USSR. he might do it, while the warheads still in possession, but for that people have to pay a high price. It is very clear now, with oil price is historically low, Russian economy is shaken. This is for a super power, SL is in comparison nothing but a peanut.

    Gridlock is bearable, but not from frying pan to the fire. Bringing back MR and his movement will undoubtable leave Sri Lankans into the fire. Come next time, the strong leader doesn’t mind sending white van, he will enjoy unimpeded impunity, and once more to see corruption, rape, nepotism, militarization of North East and embassies. In the recent interview with Hindu, he says he posed a question, sounded like ” how could I wait and see while revenge politics become rampant under good governance?”. He didn’t see those who in remand did anything wrong, those were not big deals, not him even DJ writes those crimes can be condoned. As he says MR wants to come back to save these guys, and deal with matters arising from his past government, nothing new to see. When he says he will deal, he will really mean, that is what DJ likes about his master and means by saying strong leader, we saw what he did for SF. Allow one more term, we are in with a chance to see more strong leaders like Weerawansa, Sajin and Merviyn.

    • 2


      “What DJ wants for SL is a Vozhd, a strong patriotic father figure- in Russian Language is equivalent to a Master, like Stalin.”

      I am not so sure, however Dayan is longing for a “Dear Leader” who believes in songun (military first).

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    DJ has written a lots of political columns with loads of quotations from Lenin, Stalin to Kissinger since 8th of Jan. 2015. He wrote even before detailing why the MR govt. would win the election and the new formed coalition would not be able to make a regime change. However his predictions went wrong because the masses wanted it otherwise than the political intelligentsia and the crooks in the former govt. DJ take the short cut in blaminuing the minorities for the loss of MR. In the sense of united country there is no ethnic based minority in an election but only a politics based majrity and minority counts; it means the majority of the voters wanted a change, and the ethnical minorities as a whole were disillusioned from the last govt. and turned to the political majority on the 8th of. Jan. So according to DJ the majority of Sri Lanka ist clueless.
    Then he went on to make the apocalyptical prognosis with what would happen if we keep on engaging with the new govt. with “ultra nationalistic northerners” and Modi and USA and so on. And how he is concerned about the “state” and he was explaining the state of affairs during MR- reginme does not concern him but only the “state”. He was even writing that he like Stalin without his mass killings (what a bullshit).
    What he comfortably forgets is that the most of srilankans now do not live under state of fear like under MR and there is freedom of speech and the govt. apparatus is less corrupt and judiciary seems to work and the police do not take the orders only from MR, Gota or WW. It is a succes story in the sense of a “state”. There are disturbing voices from the north, ofcourse, but it did not turned out in a panic “existential” danger as DJ painted it and most of the Singhalese are not lining up to join the armed forces to protect the Vaterland from the Norther Monster.
    I dont know how many columns he has now fired from his intellectual cannon warning of the looming danger and to point out the impotance of the MS-govt to combat the “might be dangers from northerners, India and the West. But what I hardly miss in all his writings of this “Sri Lankan state loving” patrot is, there are no attempts to “CORRECT” the course of this govt. or no constructive proposals to overcome the “looming threats”. His only universal remeady is: “remove the present government to save your lives”. He dont have the guts to articulate his real intention openly: “Sri Lanka (or he himself) needs MR back in throne, with his charisma, demagogig about the national and int. conspiracies and his racist politics”. The reality is there are no int. or internal conspiracies recognisable around the corner? There is no danger from the northern terrorists shown up until now? Is DJ having panic attacs or he is missing the cuddle from his god father.
    He is well read I admit but in vain. What he writes cannot enlighten the masses because his intellectual stuff is only for the crèm de la crème of the intelligentsia. And what he actually yerns for is recognition to be seen as an hi-potential Intellect.
    I think it is now at the time to introduce new law: prohibiting the “anti constitutional” elements and propagating racism against minorities and creating extremistic ideas to put the country in chaos is unconstitutional.

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    You need a huge prison to house 21 Million if you are serious about your suggestion.

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