Sources close to the family of murdered ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen said that with the change that had taken place in the portfolio of the Minister of Law and Order, Thajudeen’s family as the aggrieved party in the presently ongoing case before the Magistrate’s Court, expected much in terms of justice despite the lack of faith in the present state of affairs with regard to the case.
The incumbent Minister Ranjith Madduma Bandara succeeded Sagala Ratnayake as the Minister of Law and Order.
Sources including attorneys connected to the case queried as to whether the change to the helm of the aforementioned Ministerial subject would also reflect in a change in the Thajudeen matter, in a manner akin to the recent developments in the Magistrate’s Court case pertaining to the Welikada Prison incident of November 2012, which claimed the lives of 27 prisoners, and pertaining to which two arrests have already been made.
The sources further claimed that neither Thajudeen’s family nor the counsels appearing on behalf of them were kept abreast of the state of the matter and of any developments, if any.
“No one knows what is happening. There is nothing constructive taking place. Despite sufficient material and documentary evidence being available to the Criminal Investigation Department against former Colombo Chief Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) Dr. Ananda Samarasekera who performed the initial post-mortem examination of the deceased, including how he threatened subordinate JMOs to write the relevant report the way he wanted to (to make it look like an accidental death as opposed to a homicide, the latter proved in a report by the incumbent Colombo Chief JMO Dr. Ajith Tennakoon who conduct another autopsy), how the latter obtained bail and the reports filed in connection to him are quite fishy. Why is he not being taken to task? His acts of commission and omission are not mistakes or a case of oversight. We feel that there is some hanky-panky with the Attorney General or the Police. We have lost faith in the whole case,” the sources emphasized.
Three suspects namely Dr. Samarasekara, former Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of the Western Province Anura Senanayake and former Officer-In-Charge of the Crimes Division of the Narahenpita Police Sumith Champika Perera were previously arrested in relation to the case. They have presently been enlarged on bail.
Hatharabirikatharina / April 27, 2018
Best is questioning people should go on protest marchs.
Lately that heroic Dr Moahmamed from Colombo who is proved to have collected over 200 millions of lanken rps for a CT scan for Maharagama cancer hospital can do the job well.
We the sinhalayas that would not see any difference between races can support him and any srilankens regardelss of the race or any other barriers if they start.
If all is investigated on the murder, but not to interview former Prez s wife is a greater puzzle to us.
And the man who as the FORMER high man in POLICE above all all those killing to be materialiized, Anura Senanayaka was kept in the prison for such a long time, but now he is scot free.
Is that at all fair among the all prisoners in prisons. Some of the prisoners have not even committed high crimes.
Those who came to serve justice to stay as mum as no other is the question.
Current prez should go home.
PM too should go home.
A new leader who would respect country and nation above any party politics should come forward to do the job well.
We need bold men to bring reforms overnight.
We need to tame monks as no others.
Monks should not be free from crime investigations
Monks should not be put above the altar leaving them with joy with impunity.
BBS dogs should be imprionsed on the spot.
Buramphisincho / April 27, 2018
Executive President of the country is sleeping.
Promises made as no other, but towards serving the justice nothing is done.
This murder should no means be delayed the way it has b een made. There should be something hidden in the line of being kept away not taking it to investigate properly.
1) In the high days of Rajathuma, taking away of Thajudeen was painted as a result of an accident.
2) This government came in to power, almost everyone was investigated until former GOLD BUSINESS queen, President s wife was proved to have held over nightphone calls with the alleged men that are believed to have killed the young boy –
3) Actulally, lanken lawyer community should come forward and serve the justice… but none of them seem to have free mind to come forward why ?
4) Why higher criminals should be protected this way ?
5) Just for this Lanken Journos stay as if they hav been fed with Kirimati. -why ?
i AM TELLING YOU WHY – most of them have no guts to reveal anything regarding this – becaus e they believe, the manner SUNDAY LEADER editor was murdered, any journalist can be murdered by Rajpaakshes.
Uthungan / May 3, 2018
With reference to your query No (3), May be brave Attorney-at- Law Ms. Sugandhika Fernando would tell you why the Lankan Lowyer community isn’t capable enough in coming forward to serve the ends of Justice.
Edwin Rodrigo / April 27, 2018
If as it is said by everyone, Justice system prevailing in the country is corrupted or over corrupted as nothing can heal..
why on earth govt to give promises to International community and UNHRC that we the srilankens have a properly functioning justice system ?
And why on the earth those UNHRC men wait to take Rajapakshes calling him to Hague for war crimes and other high crimes committed in post war sessions.
He has done harm not just to Notherners, all men since his power intoxication is akin to that of Gadafi or Sadam Hussaine or a mixed of all brutal leaders the world had then.
Bunjappu / April 29, 2018
Edwin Appu,
how come you have changed your thoughts ?
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
My thoughts are not changed. Only my name. No, even my name has not changed. It is the owner of the name that has changed.
Bunjappu / April 30, 2018
Yes, we could not know … that.. even if a dog s tail put in a unupuruke – bamboo sheath, it would not be able to straighten… you got it ?
You the old man, even if you become old, you would NEVER sense it EDWIN RODRIGO.
Your genetics should be so mixed up to have made you a man with a poisonous tongue. I am luckly not to have learnt any lanken of your nature.
We the highly educated toilertarians being on the west, we can judge so many things, but you guys that have been made servile to arabs seem to have lost from the begining on.
Hope you LET ALONE would find your later days peaceful.
Mathugama people should be very worried of your return in few days.
Not only Kekuleganga but entire area would get submerged.. since your behaviours are no means natural. .. born rascals will have to diedown as rascals. Basta
Edwin Rodrigo / April 30, 2018
Every mother would go all the torments if her young child is murdered the way they have taken his life.
But Rajapakshe MEN and former First lady not to have feeling in that lines, says everything about their brutal mind set.
May all gods be on the side of VICTIMIZED family in serving the justice.
No matter they are muslims, but we must not forget, they are all srilankens.
One law to Rajapakshes and another to OTHERS should not be the case.
Native Vedda / April 30, 2018
Edwin Rodrigo
“May all gods be on the side of VICTIMIZED family in serving the justice.”
Could you tell us the total number of victims between 1971 and to date.
Desperate Sinhalaya / April 30, 2018
But not to forget all barbarians beahve like STRONG BUDDHISTS on this VESAK day.
I saw multi killer Rajapakshe behaves as if he is no second to a rob wearing scared monk.
This is the hypocracy govern in this lost island.
If one would say SADU SADU sadu, they just follow it up. Grass eating should be replaced as a the staple food of the nation. BASTA
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
Grass eating should be replaced as a the staple food of the nation. Great idea! Then grass eating buffaloes like the BP’s will have enough to eat.
Percy / April 30, 2018
Stupid Tamil Vedda
It includes the entire Tamil population victimised for generations by your hero Velu Pirafucken
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
You mean the Kalavedi victims? No idea and don’t care about exact figures. But more the merrier.
LEELAGEMALLI / April 30, 2018
Learn to add some constructive arguments in your comments Mr.Edwin Rodrigo… questions to be answered with questions is an idiotic act. … thanks.
Sam Fernando / April 30, 2018
What is the balance sheet … even after 3 years since the new govt came in.
How come the world bodies dont see it ?
International pressure on the govt should be imperative in this moment them to speed up with all the investigations that the current govt made at the time, they got elected.
Samson Gunawardhana / April 30, 2018
Srilanka is a country filled with human animals.
They dont care about justice.
There is no independent Justic system.
UN has to involve in the coutnry s matters or put the pressre on the govt asking what happened to Walikada prison murder. What happened to Thadjudeen what happened Lasantha the editor, what happened to Eknaligoda etc.
There are ministers in former regime that loudly added that they met personally Ekanligoda in Paris. But these men stay scot free today. Public liars, what nothing seem to work against such criminals.
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
Our first priority is to get rid of ballige puthas like you. Without BP’s, even you will enjoy life.
LEELAGEMALLI / April 30, 2018
The country is filled with BPs. That is the problems.
Dr Dambare Amila made it very clear. He explains ” they the monks start calling SADAHAWATH BAUDHDHA PINWATHUNI…. but the meaning as it sound… according him not even few among thema re that civililized… that is very true.
When we read your thoughts – Edwin the estranged mad dog on CT platfom – whenever you would open your mouth what comes outs is no different to what comes from the other end right ?
This is clear to everyone. Just evasively you Edwin stand by idiots that have made this nation a brutal nation during the period of 2005 to 2015.
In the country over 90% would belong to go after Astrology and Sorcerty tricks. They would even go after Hakkgediya rala seeking fortune. So most of them are born stupid people.
That is our problems of the hour… most dont want to see it right since their eyes are folded as is the case with EDWIN RODRIGO LIVING IN MIDDLE EAST.
This man who has narrow mindedly got through his Engi degree is a born idiot.
He has no whatsoever knowledge than toilet engineering or being a sodomite to arab men.
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
You are a lanken Sinhalya no? But your Tamil slip is showing. You say, BBS dogs should be imprisoned on the spot. How can do that on the spot? You can fine dogs on the spot but not imprison them on the spot. Unless you make the dogs carry a jail mounted on their backs.
Why the dogs only? What is the problem Hatharabirikatharina? What is it that you don’t like about dogs? It cannot be the smell? Because Toiletarians are uniquely endowed with their own stink, which is so bad that dogs smell like roses.
Why do you take this position for dogs. Try a normal position. It may help! Anyway, in your case, the true reason, Hatharabirikatharina, is that even a dog will not take up a position with you.
Samson Gunawardhana / April 30, 2018
Yes some dogs are better than Edwins… correct.
I happeend to see a dogs training programme y day. THta partiuclar dog could count well.
You seem to have no knowledge to count the way such dogs do. That is our problem.
Simon De Silva / May 1, 2018
I repeat – there is no place of human life in this country.
Those who already got caught by prima facie evidence in terms of the brutal murder of the young rugby player – are for some hidden untold reasons not being called for direct interogations. Who are behind them if not governing men for their own political struggle. Who would be close to former men among rulers today ? Why Mr Sirisena cant use his swode LET ALONE today – after 3 years gone since pledges are made to us 6.2 millions of voter eligibles ?
Why ? Simple answer is – those direct murders are believed to be perpetrateed by former President’s wife et al. Like crabs in hot water, entire family is close to temples today to send the message across, that they are clean as white dresss they ve been used to wear.
Dr Dambare Amila thero articulates it as no other- he insisted, Rajapakshes and their henchman committed all various high crimes. For the single reason people were made to believe exclusively Rajapakshe magical powers did eleminate LTTE terror within the boundaries of the country – has become their protective and impunity mechanism to date.
But can the very same population be made blind folded forever ever ?
Extremism can flourish only in an environment where basic governmental social responsibility for the welfare of the people is neglected. Political dictatorship and social hopelessness create the desperation that fuels religious extremism. Benazir Bhutto
On this labour day, my wish is to see, law and order to be restored as is the case in Singapore, Germany or anywhere in like minded countries
Bill cosby is one of my favourite actors from the US. But at his 80, he has been convicted criminal to have raped several women. Why on earth our JUSTICE system cant bring the kind of verdicts even if the records are on the table to prove crystal clear, that the alleged ones finally be given their convictions.
MsMaralathoni / May 1, 2018
We were just about to bring law and order as we thought it should have been.
Then again we lost our hopes since Mr Sirisena – no body else, being close to former abusive men of Rajpaapkshe, stood on the way not allowing them to be interogated to the manner we thought it should be.
Alone Former FCID commissioners dismissal all of sudden was due to illegal mediation of current president.
In the issue of SERVING us with JUSTICE inthis country – is explained below by the punishments given to tantalus
For ever hungry and thirsty
Some have said that in addition Tantalus 1 had a stone hanging over him. But otherwise Tantalus 1 is said to see at his shoulders on either side trees with fruit growing beside the lake in which he stands with the water touching his jaws. And when he wishes to drink, the water recedes or dries up, and when he wishes to eat from the fruits, the branches are lifted by the wind as high as the clouds. Consequently, Tantalus 1 is always hungry, thirsty, and afraid that the huge stone that hangs above his head will fall on him.
Odysseus’ account
It appears that the most ancient report about Tantalus 1 and his torment is the one given by Odysseus when he returned from the Underworld and told what he had seen:
“I also saw the awful agonies that Tantalus has to bear. The old man was standing in a pool of water which nearly reached his chin, and his thirst drove him to unceasing efforts; but he could never get a drop to drink. For whenever he stooped in his eagerness to lap the water, it disappeared. The pool was swallowed up, and all he saw at his feet was the dark earth, which some mysterious power had parched.
sirimal / May 1, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Steve / April 27, 2018
Changing the Minister of Law and Order recently is like changing a pillow to get rid of a headache. The Justice system is corrupt to the extent that a clean up would take years, and that too if it is at all possible with so much of political interference. Ones heart goes out to numerous aggrieved people waiting for the day when true justice will prevail.
Good Sense / April 28, 2018
“Changing the Minister of Law and Order recently is like changing a pillow to get rid of a headache. “. Indeed how true. In this game, Ministers really cannot do much. What talks here is money.
Katharagama / April 27, 2018
Killing the time,just another 18 months to go, all set to come back MaRa white van regime! Just a General Election away. MS and RW should be hanged with their balls.
Economic, politics and social life of people gone to dog. Yahapalanaya BS!!!
K.Anaga / April 28, 2018
International Court of Justice is the answer? But we are a free country- how can we?
Raizuh Langai / April 28, 2018
.The aggrieved party still having hope is really heartening. They just fold the case and forget all about it is the best solution. Nothing good will happen to them & any others except more grief. The system is such.
Until & unless a new . breed of politicians come, we cant take even the first steps of change. The system is so corrupt and we the people are still not ready for that change.
Buddhist / April 28, 2018
These are cases which clearly shows Law and Order has broken down in Sri Lanka. At least when Rajapakse was President no one expected anything other than Orders and Laws of Rajpakses, so every one had to accept it. Now with President Sirisena, as he promised to bring Law and Order back, we are still waiting to see this being implemented as it should be. Unfortunately it appears now its Orders and Laws of Sirisena. He does not even have the guts to appoint Sarath Fonseka as the Minister of Law and Order to show the citizens that he is serious about bringing Law and Order back.
Mathugamagodaya / April 30, 2018
You are dead right my DEAR BUDDHIST.
Why the President is reluctant to appoint Mr Fonseka even if UNP leadership at once gave it a green light ?
There the people among those 6.2 million get it correct, that Mr Sirisena is a leader who cant do any single good thing correct for the beneficiance of the rights respecting folks.
Latter are the minority but he should better focus on them THAN Grass eating and back licking majority folks.
Dr Dambare Amila thero articulated it as no other.
He said, majority of people are so stupid as no comparable to some ethinic groups in illiterate worlds.
That is very right.
Last time I happened to pay a visit to lanka – just few months ago… there had been some guys that stood by POHOTTUWA just because they thought they should support them to get some personal gains.
Most of them having dressed in PINK, took part in rallies.
No matter even if their mothers would have been raped by Rajapakshe supporters, they just enjoy getting together with rascals.
That is the culture of many living int he country. Most of them are even worst than some pakistanis that have never gone to schools.
Harishchandra / April 28, 2018
Do not waste thy time on what is beyond redemption. This country is a failed state,period.
Sarrij / April 30, 2018
“failed state” is an understatement.
Banana Republic is more appropriate; run by a lunatic mafia fringe.
The “subservient masses” are been taken for a right royal ride. No end to this in sight !
soma / April 28, 2018
A large number of CT commentators are in possession of valuable information in regard to some high profile murders, abductions and corruption cases. But they are not prepared to assist law enforcement authorities by revealing their sources. They keep writing blaming the government.
Antony / May 1, 2018
In the first place majority of the CT commentators who are making derogatory comments against MR, are either a member of the Tamil Diaspora who has illegally migrated and is now waiting for his asylum case to be heard, or a Srilankan ( Sinhala, Tamil Muslim….) who has not lived in the country during Prabakaran’s terror period. Or else it could be someone like Dagara Amila, Harak Wije , Viyangoda, ….. who could be made to bark by making them to sniff a Monara Kola.
In fact most of them have no clue at all as to how these incidents took place, except what they have read from articles published by MR/GR phobic media like CT.
Billa / April 28, 2018
Have we all you forgotten this is our SRI LANKA, a Sinhala Buddhist country and also a lawless rowdy country with unfit , uneducated scums as ministers..and decision makers..
and we have a lame duck PM and a good for nothing Prez !
Just send them home ASAP…if you can…
Since we all do not know how to elect proper people to rule over us, just give the mantle to that greedy MR & Co and let him and his cohorts finish the rest of the planned destruction they started !
We all gave a good opportunity to RW and Sirisena , but see what they are doing still ?
Let us all welcome the racist rascals of our nation and give the seat of ruling so that they can complete the destruction. Do we have any other choice ?
Even if we don’t…looks like they will grab hook or crook.
chiv / April 28, 2018
There is nothing much to be said about the Law and Order,minister,lawyers, judges and the Bar Association. The young lawyer with a back bone has pretty much exposed the fraternity few days ago. Then we have living examples such as Sarath, Mohan, Abru…etc….etc. As a physician I would have never imagined I will have to say this about my colleagues. They are nothing but selfish, egocentric individuals with very low self esteem(inferiority). I just read an article where a medical ship (mobile hospital) with all the facilities has docked in the East for a month with intentions of providing free health services for the needed. And the medical council/GMOA has refused to provide them permission giving some BS reasons.( dont have enough time to screen credentials????) I understand this ship has been in service and has already provided invaluable services to various nations. The attitude is “we will not provide and we will not allow any one else to provide”.This is Lankawe doctors for you in nut shell.How pathetic people can be???
nalmen / April 28, 2018
sarath fonseka is just a windbag no different from the others
you need someone like ranjan wijeratne to do it
Naman / April 28, 2018
Why is our GoSL of Good Governance not acting in accordance with the country’s Law and Order in solving the murders and financial crimes.
We have all now lost hope.
We need to drain the swamp of Kotte Parliament of all the corrupt politicians
Thengai Srinivasan / April 28, 2018
For the Jarapaksa family killing, maiming,, rape, fraud, embezzlement, bribing, smuggling has been in the family business for a pretty long time.
Samson Gunawardhana / April 28, 2018
But punnakku eating lankens go after them why ?
shankar / April 28, 2018
nothing will happen with the thajudeen case with president protecting gota.
Buddhist / April 28, 2018
Jarapakses exists today only because a bunch of rogues who are members of SLFP, Pohottuwa and the Joint Opposition are running behind Mahinda scared of their own future convictions. Its time the educated young of the country band together and expose them to the village voters so that all of them are kicked out of the Parliament at the next general elections.
BSP / April 28, 2018
All are talking nonsense. If MS and RW let the police and the judiciary to act on these cases and punish the culprits, how can we elect MR, GR et al as President, PM ….. in 2020?
Ad / April 28, 2018
If politicians can stoop so low to earn money, then why cannot they be regarded as prostitutes? What difference does it make? Aren’t Maha Nayake’s also favoring them?
justice / April 28, 2018
The justice system in Sri Lanka appears helpless to dole out justice to the people.
Persons imprisoned under the PTA by Gotabaya R, who enforced it years ago, are still not charged in courts.
So, how could the Thajudeen case be taken up by courts?
Sarath Fonseka was in prison for three years, for fraud – how can he become a minister – such an appointment does not happen in any other democracy.
The regime appears struggling to survive, and “justice for the people” appears to be the last matter for it to expedite, if at all.
K.Pillai / April 28, 2018
The Law and Order Minister is expected NOT to prosecute certain persons. The Minister can add to this list but not delete.
Will the truth ever emerge?
Thank you Ruwan Laknath Jayakody for boldly tracing Lasantha’s footsteps.
Ad / April 29, 2018
There various theories describing how an economy is managed. What Sri Lanka is managed with is ‘Greed driven economy’. There is no law and order. What Nagananda is striving for is of great value. First Law and order should be placed in order to correct the system. The evidence is of murdered Thajudeen is with CID. It is President who has to take the responsibility for sidelining the investigations and depriving people’s rights. When he is out of office, if the correct person is elected to office, all those acted with greed and abuse should be investigated systematically and punished under new set of laws, stripping of their civic rights and confiscating all the undue earnings. What the parents of Thajudeen must bear in mind is that all those who lost their life, lost them for a cause.
Jayantha de Alwis / April 29, 2018
I feel very sorry for Thajudeen family. People changed the last crooked regime in order to get justice for all crimes, human and economic. Unfortunately these yahopalana crooks became even bigger economic criminals. Now we have only one hope. That is to elect Mr Nagananda Kodituwakku in next year’s presidential election. I’m sure he will give justice to Thajudeen family and others who were affected.
K.Pillai / April 29, 2018
Thajudeen family is not the only “Aggrieved Party”. All Lankans who want ‘Law and Order’ restored are. We are perturbed by the slow slow revelations. We wish to see the “Truth and nothing but the……….”.
Simon De Silva / April 30, 2018
People in thi s country seem to have no respect on LIFE.
Whenever these horrible crimes are being discussed, they usually dont even add their comments.
But for other topics, there are numbers of commenters. I think this investigations being that delayed, is connected with lanken highly abusive JUSTICE system.
UNHRC should take this as one of the good examples to exclude that srilanka has no proper JUSTICE system. Independent JUDGES must involve if JUSTICE should be served to even internal issues.
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
The other Edwin Rodrigo CT Please note that someone is using my name ‘Edwin Rodrigo’ to make comments in CT. If names can be used with impunity in this manner, I do not feel in commenting anymore. Hence I am going to stop this name from now on.
I take no responsibility for any comments made under the name ‘Edwin Rodrigo’ from now on.
Jamal / April 30, 2018
Edwin, there is an change in the Icons- however CT must convert the new Edwin to Edwin2
LEELAGEMALLI / April 30, 2018
Jamal Do you really think many would miss EDWIN ? And his racial remarks on and on ?
He should be put on a quaranetene either in Saudi or SL – so that us the CT readership could feel better.. that is what I feel.
Jamal / April 30, 2018
I have been hibernating RIP VAN WINKLE style. I did not know of ER’s steep descent on the popularity charts
edwin rodrigo / April 30, 2018
Thanks Jamal. Even a smart guy like me did not notice the icon difference. That shows how smart you are. But what about the stupid idiots like the members of the Canine Sakkili gang? They will never notice a subtle thing like that.
Desperate Sinhalaya / May 1, 2018
“EVEN A SMART GUY LIKE ME” – ,my FOOT.. who is used to share you with the opinion except your barber ? I pretty believe most of those sodomite from Arab world would not even respect you Edwin. Yours is becoming similar to that none other than DJ. You should rather be married to DAYAN JAYATHILAKA – he is an another being overwelmed by self-descriptions. Both you buggers have something in common – which is you have not the little brains to see it beyond, to guess what others would interpret your thoughts. My grand ma was used to call it ” frog in a well theory – linmaedi sankalpaya”. Ants would always see, their urine pool would be a big ganga ( kumbiyaage hulijja kumbiyata gangawak waage penenawa): We have enough day today sayings known to the people – to idetify your nature Edwin.
Please live a single day – CLEAN and PEACEFUL not being a racist as you have proven enough to us CT leadership. i know we cant see PIGS might fly, but I believe even the stupidiest people can learn it with the time, if not full, but to some extent.
Pidiris Appu / April 30, 2018
KAKULE GANGA IS REPORTED TO BE OVERFLOWN. I dont take this guy serious.
Nor would others take him. His lips would never be healthy to drop down good things and positive things. Edwin the bastard of the era :)
May be it is high time you to return home and help the people in that area.
There you can also wash the back sides of Rajapakshes by using the chance.
Dont you think so ?
LEELAGEMALLI / April 30, 2018
Edwin the bad mouth !
What isthe difference ? You always behave not with responsiblity.
That you have proved from the day 1
So I dont think it is worth even to talk about that.
You just abuse this page just killing times only. Tell us when you read the articles before adding your estranged remarks ?Never.
LittleisimonfromBerlin / April 30, 2018
NOt just names but everything was abused with impunity by your lords.. and continue to do so in Hambantota. So why not you bother with that ?
A man in late 60 ties to behave like a teenager should not be allowed on this platform.
Sinhala_Man / May 1, 2018
Thank you, Laknath Ruwan Jayakody.
You have been writing some wonderful articles on subjects that others have avoided. I commented on the first two, or so. I have glanced at the others, but not really read them, although I could see that they too were wonderful. Even this I haven’t. Why? the are wonderful and professional, but they make painful reading. Oxymorons galore here, in what I myself have written!.
I noticed a comment, the only one so far using bold which I learnt to use only ten days ago. Simon De Silva / April 30, 2018:
What’s the use of any people like me getting nauseated by all the details if we know that political interference will prevent anything from being done? Laknath, you’ve been heroic. Thanks. Continue. That I don’t comment doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate your work. I hope others will read and comment. Thanks, Laknath..
Thanks again, and see what I have said fifteen minutes ago in the article by Mr W.A. Wijewardena. The same reasoning applies here.