26 April, 2024


All Nationalists Say “We Are The Oldest, Biggest, Finest, Fastest Or Fattest”

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

All nationalists say “We are the oldest, biggest, finest, fastest or fattest” – Out-of-India hypothesis suffers a setback

It must be an inferiority complex that drives people to declare “Our culture is the oldest, or our ancient irrigation system the greatest, our this or our that, or whatever, is the best”. The less a person’s achievements, the more likely to take refuge in a collective myth. Extremism is the theme of the rising global Alt-Right; narrow nationalism a sickness afflicting Sri Lanka. Such trends must be debunked. 

It’s fair before I debunk it that I tell you what the Out-of-India (OI) hypothesis says sans my judgemental criticisms. The bottom line of the OI claim is that at a minimum language, and if you are more ambitious civilisation, took off from India and spread westward to Persia and the Middle East, through the Causes and Anatolia to Europe, and perhaps even Eastward through Central Asia. All this happened, depending on which OI school you subscribe to. Was it about seven thousand years ago (5000+ BC), or before the last ice age ten to twenty thousand years ago? Figure 1 gives an idea of the former version where human civilisation is said to have originated in the lower Indus Valley.

Fig. 1: Out-of-India hypothesis – Photo credit wikipedia

To be fair I need to make a concession. OI does not claim that human beings (homo sapiens) first evolved in India. No, no not at all; it is conceded that humans emerged in Africa some 160,000 to 190,000 years ago and migrated through the Horn of Africa into Arabia 100,000 (plus or minus 20,000) years ago. That is, Out-of-Africa 2 (OA-2) is not contested. It is conceded that OA-2 people migrated along the coast through Persia into India and then via Malaya to New Guinea and crossed the sea reaching Australia about 40,000 years ago. This is too well established to be disputed. OI only refers to events tens of thousands of years after that; it refers to a period after Palaeolithic times (Stone Age), to the early Bronze Age, the beginning of settled agriculture, writing, mumbo-jumbo religions, counting, record keeping and scripts. OI aficionados also conceded that another OA-2 migration route turned north-west into Europe tens of thousands of years ago and a third moved through Central Asia to the Far East. 

What OI theorists – Hindu nationalist intellectuals supported by a very small number of Western anthropologists – claim is that Indian civilization must be viewed as an unbroken tradition that goes back to the earliest period or formative phase of a proto-Indus civilisation about 5000 BC. In 1995, a gathering of 43 Hindutva historians and archaeologists adopted a resolution re-dating the Mahabharata war to 3139-38 BC and declared this to be “the sheet anchor date of Indian chronology”. An outfit known as the Vedic Foundation gives a chronology of ancient India which starts in 3228 BC with the descent of Krishna. The Mahabharata War is dated at 3139 BC. The Buddha is re-dated to 1894-1814 BC not 563-483 BC, a claim that will evoke hilarity in Lanka and render Emperor Asoka and his offspring Mahinda and Sanghamitta imposters! These claims are supplemented with “evidence” of the linguistic primacy of Sanskrit, erratic genetic “data” and astronomical readings, all used to claim an earlier dating of the Rigveda to the fifth millennium BC, against the better established 1500 BC plus or minus 200 years. .

This myth creates a continuous chronology of India in contrast to a discontinuity between the Indus Valley or Harappan period end the Vedic period. It also fuses the South Indian or Dravidian peoples into a continuum with North Indians and fits the nationalist myth of a homogeneous Indian populace. The discontinuity between the Harappan and Vedic periods is called a fake implanted by British and Western colonialists to justify the conquest of India by inserting the concept of breaks into Indian civilisation. Pie in the sky schools of Hindutva claim a timeless glory “of the divine dignitaries who graced the soils of India with their presence and divine intelligence and revealed the path of peace, happiness and divine enlightenment for the world that still is the guideline for true God-lovers who desire to taste the sweetness of his divinity”.

The well-established Aryan invasion theory (now modified to a more gradual Aryan migration and invasion theory) is illustrated in figure 2. The name ‘Aryan’ refers to steppe pastoralists of the region between the Black and Caspian Seas and the vast Central Asian grasslands. These migrations, merged with or conquered remnants of the Indus valley civilisation in decline because of climatic changes, early in the second millennium BC.

Fig. 2 – Traditional Aryan migration and invasion theory – Photo credit www.pinterest.com

The “standard” view of anthropologists the world over known as the Kurgan Hypothesis is that Indo-European migrations, including the Indo-Aryan, occurred between 4000 BC and 1000 BC. The core was the Caucuses, Southern Russian steppes, modern Kazakhstan and other “-stans” from where nomadic people with horses and the technology of the chariot spread into Eastern and Central Europe, Greece, India and Persia, and this is given as the reason why Indo-European languages are related. This is shown in fig. 3. It is this standard view that Out-of-India theorists hotly contest and argue the opposite claim that Indo-European languages originated in India and spread out westward as in the previous fig. 1.

Fig.3- Kurgan Hypothesis – Photo credi Wikimedia

 new and fantastic twist has been added to the OI argument. The largest volcanic eruption since homo sapiens emerged on the planet is the Toba eruption in Sumatra 73,000 years ago which gave rise to a long volcanic winter. It may have created a ‘population bottleneck’, a sharp reduction in the size of human, animal and plant populations. Such events reduce variation in the gene pool and thereafter a smaller population, with a smaller genetic diversity to pass on genes to future generations. A fringe group of OI enthusiasts contend that the Toba eruption shrank global population to a tiny fraction of what it had been previously and that almost all non-African survivors were in India. Why India? Well your guess is as good as mine and except for the Hindutva fringe the claim is not taken seriously by anyone else. But to stay with the story, OI aficionados contend that when the last glacial period (ice-age) ended about 10,000 years ago, hey presto these survivors ventured out of Mother Bharat with Sanskrit on their tongues and bearing civilisation on their shoulders. Why they remained stuck in India for some 60,000 years before that is a point that seems to have been missed OI theorists. 

A recent paper titled “The Genomic Formation of South and Central Asia” uses genetics to examine the ancestry of ancient inhabitants of the subcontinent. The paper authored by 92 scientists from around the globe inquires into the subcontinent’s history and its meaning for Indian civilisation theories. Its conclusions based on genetic evidence are interesting. The mixing of Iranian agriculturists and South Asian hunter-gatherers first created the Indus Valley population. Then around the 2nd millennium BC steppe pastoralists refereed to previously, invaded the subcontinent causing upheavals in the Indus Valley. Some of the Indus people then migrated south to mingle with ancient hunter-gatherers and father the South Indian Dravidians. The study therefore has dealt a fatal blow to the OI hypothesis, at least at the genetic level. 

Nationalism, like all isms and religions, can serve useful purposes or can be harmful. When it motivates economic development and inclusive sentiments in a multi ethnic population it is beneficial. On the other hand it is often destructive in politics, motivates narrow ideologies and encourages fake science. An example of the last I dealt with under the title “Hindutva exposes its fake idolatry” in my column of 3 February. No! I have not been bitten by an anti-Indian bug, it is just coincidental that both that and my column today may be read by Hindutva nationalists as anti-Indian. But that is nonsense, I am not one bit anti-Indian.

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  • 5

    Kumar David writes:

    “OI does not claim that human beings (homo sapiens) first evolved in India. No, no not at all; it is conceded that humans emerged in Africa some 160,000 to 190,000 years ago and migrated through the Horn of Africa into Arabia 100,000 (plus or minus 20,000) years ago.”

    Kumar David must have been chasing the old news all these years. However there are other data and evidence available from Attitampakam, Tamil Nadu which reframes Out of Africa models. PLease refer to “Early Middle Palaeolithic culture in India around 385–172 ka”
    Authors: Kumar Akhilesh, Shanti Pappu, Haresh M. Rajapara, Yanni Gunnell, Anil D. Shukla & Ashok K. Singhvi.

    Excavations at the Palaeolithic Site of Attirampakkam, South India: Preliminary Findings
    August 2003Current Anthropology 44(4):591-598
    DOI: 10.1086/377652
    By Shanti Pappu, Yanni Gunnell, Maurice Taieb, Yannick Touchard

    British geologist Robert Bruce Foote in 1863 (Foote 1866) was credited with the discovery of this site.

    • 2

      Prof David Kumsr,

      Thanks for lhe article.

      “The less a person’s achievements, the more likely to take refuge in collective myths”.

      What a powerful statement. Unfortunately genetics, archeology and data, oncludibg IQ testing data do not always support their collective myths.

      So the Out of India (OI) theorists , the Hindu Nationalist “Individuals”, like the Flat Earthers, Geocentrics, Intelligent Designers come up with their own “intellectuals” and theories as to why their myths and fables are true.

      Do the Hindutvs intellectuals believe in the caste system, and the low caste being born and reborn from the feet? What about the Earth resting ona giant bull, elephant, turtle etc.?

  • 4

    Prof Kumar David

    Recent publication on Attirampakkam:

    Ancient Stone Tools Found in Tamil Nadu Push Back ‘Out of Africa’ Exodus Date

    A word of caution, being ultra nationalist Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka will definitely question the veracity of this archaeological discovery.

  • 1

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 0

    You believe in western thought but not every westerner believes the way you think. You very highly overestimate you. that is the problem. Anyway, it is electricity, now it is obsolete.

  • 7

    Nationalism, used in a positive manner can be beneficial in unifying a country but an overdose of it can become toxic.

    • 5

      Nationalism is toxic.
      Tiny controlled doses can be beneficial in the limited context of colonial/neocolonial conquest and national oppression.
      But the danger is enduring, and nationalism after liberation can be far worse than its oppressor: look at Zionism.
      (Even the attitude of several Tamil nationalists towards Muslims is cause for concern. Nationalism is blind to its internal weaknesses like caste oppression, gender-based and other forms of discrimination. This is not to exonerate other rival brands)

      • 5

        What about the Sri Lankan Muslim attitude towards the island’s Tamils? That is fine for you? The Tamil reaction to the Muslims is because of the treachery of the island’s Muslims towards their non Muslim ethnic Tamil kindred from the time of independence , by denying their actual Tamil origin and ethnicity in the name of Islam and claiming a non existent Arab origin or an Arab origin that only microscopic minority of them partially have and in the name of this origin and Islam they had joined with all Sinhalese led governments and Sinhalese racists and opportunists to marginalise the island’s Tamils and commit war crimes on them. Especially in the east and south of the island , that led to the expulsion of the northern Muslims. Tamil people do not show any hatred for other Muslim people or even to the Muslims of Tamil Nadu , who are considered part and parcel of the Tamil nation. Get your facts you turncoat constantly coming here and posting anti Tamil comments. You are no intellectual but have your own selfish agenda.

        • 2


          Since independence, the Racist Sinhala got the racist Tamils and got the Muslims to go along with the Citizenship Act to disenfranchise theUpcountry Tamils of recent Indian Origin. ONLY the Sinhala left parties, LSDP and CP voted against it. The Jaffna Tamil leaders like Ponnabalam voted for it, beccuse they are low caste.

          The Csste system in the North and East is horrible. Tamils should have cleaned up their society before asking others to join them. Even after LTTE, it is still there.

          In Islam, there is no caste ideologically. In Hinduism, caste is part of religion. Ask the Dalits of India, why they are converting to Buddhism?

          • 3

            The Tamild did not go along with it only Ponnambalam did for selfish reasons and have feeling DS had something on him, because of this he got kicked out by the Tamils and Chelvnayagam became the leader. Stop distorting history. Caste system is horrible it is equally horrible amongst the Sinhalese too and in Islam there is no caste ideology but they practise it as much as the Hindus , if there is no caste there is a tribal and class or skin colour pecking order. Quoting the caste system , as a n excuse to commit genocide and war crimes on the island’s Tamils is a lame excuse. Do not try to distort history. Good try Muslim

            • 2


              Facts are facts.

              Every time Hindus, irrespective of their ethinicity, are confronted with the caste system issue, they do want to address it. Ask the Dalits. There was a book written by Dr. Ambedkar, about it. It is primarily the Honfu caste system that got the Hindus converting to Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, that stands in the way of an egalitarian society.

              In Sri Lanka, post independence, before LTTE, there was Sunderslinhum and his castists who prevented many “low castes” enjoying their human and cirizen rights. You cannot whitewash your own history.

              • 2

                Rohan, correction,

                .., Hindus ..they do NOT want to address it (castism)

                Honfu caste system is Hindu caste system.

                This is racism. In Sanskrit, it is based on color, Varna or Varnaya.

            • 2


              In Alcoholics Anonymous, before they treat , they get the alcoholics to admit that they are alcoholics.

              Unless somebody owns their shortcomings, there can be no reform or treatment. That is how Buddhism sprang out of Hinduism, and many Hindus converted to Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam etc. True, the Sinhala “Buddhism” as practiced by Sinhala Busddists, is not pristine Buddhism, the Christianity practiced by Christians is not pristine Christianity, and the Islam practiced by Muslims is not pristine Islam (both Christians and Muslims are fighting with each other on this), but the ethnicity and tribal traditions many times take an upper hand. However, castism and racism us NOT part of the religion and theology, unlike in Hinduism.

        • 2

          If the Muslims claim a separate identity learn to respect it; and if you want to be one with them try to understand them.
          If telling the truth is anti-Tamil so be it.
          It is sick anti-Muslim minds that drove them away from Tamils even where they were very close to Tamils for very long.

          • 1


            “It is sick anti-Muslim minds that drove them away from Tamils even where they were very close to Tamils for very long.”


            The upper Para-“caste” Tamils treated the Para- “low’ caste Tamils very badly. The upper Para-“caste” Tamils claimed the the Muslims were converts to Islam from the low “caste” Tamils. Many “low” caste Tamils also converted to Christianity because of caste discrimination.

            It did not matter much, they all spoke Tamil to the “upper” caste Tamils.

            In Hinduism, caste is part of the religion., and it is the core-problem. Just read up on what Buddha , a Hindu, said about the caste system.

          • 2


            “If the Muslims claim a separate identity learn to respect it; and if you want to be one with them try to understand them.”

            The Sinhala/Buddhist fascists keep on harping on turning this country into one nation perhaps pure fantasy, perhaps Sinhala/Buddhist mutant nation.

            Why is it that you keep deafening silence on other people’s separate identities? We are not sure what you did when your dream girl the weeping widow brought in Chapter II into the constitution and her husband legislated Sinhala only language policies.

            “It is sick anti-Muslim minds that drove them away from Tamils even where they were very close to Tamils for very long.”

            So it is not Saudi machination that was driving wedge among the people. Perhaps it is not Saudi imperialism through back door.

  • 7

    Prof AKD
    The Aryanization of Indian history was revived by the Indian Saffron Brigade decades ago. There are academic mercenaries working overtime on the project.
    I wonder why some of the older and more formidable civilizations than India’s are not obsessed with such claims.
    Tell me whose grandfather was not the greatest?
    We seem to be a rather stupid lot that defines its identity variously and seeks greatness for each of them

  • 2

    Waht is wrong if the claims are based on facts? Sri Lankas’claims to the oldest continuing royalty in the world, oldest irrigation based civilisation, and oldest recorded national history are based on indisputable facts.
    It is only the elements within the Sri Lankan territory whose integrity was compromised by the invading European hoards through names, religion and bribes to commit treacherous deeds on their behalf are disturbed to see such facts and claims.
    Rings a bell, David? Tough luck, you failed Marxist.
    Playing the fiddle for Taiwan is better, isn’t it?

    • 9

      When one has little glory to one’s self, one fall on the often imagined glory of his ancestors.
      The smaller the mind, the bigger the claim

  • 3

    Is there a valid reason to take Hindutva (of RSS) views this serious?

    • 2

      Reasons are irrelevant when something is a dangerous reality.
      Act to destroy the monster rather than debate its virtues.

  • 1

    It will be irrational not to accept paragraph 1 in toto.
    A bit of history may help after Paragraph 2.
    Late thirties early forties rated whites as the superior race till it was claimed that Aryan whites were more superior.
    Late forties saw efforts to unravel the structure of DNA. Several scientists did or were very close.
    James Watson shared the 1962 Nobel in Medicine with Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick for their 1953 discovery of the DNA’s double helix structure. This required lateral thinking.
    Now it has come to light that James Watson always held the view that genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests. Recently in a TV interview the now 90-year-old James Watson made his view public.
    Lateral thinker?
    James Watson has been stripped of his honorary titles for the “unsubstantiated and reckless” remarks.
    To cut a long story short: Late forties, early fifties Arya Sinhalese extremists derided the Dravidian Tamils. Recent DNA tests proved both to be off the same stock.
    The OI claims are no more than bigotry.

  • 2

    the biggest crooks are the once who say out loud, “i am a patriot”.
    eg> gota, mr. namal. 99% politicos.

  • 4

    I agree with what you say about the hindutva fanatics in India. Infact they are the ones who are sponsoring the oppression of tamils in Sri Lanka. Their mindset aligns perfectly with Sinhala nationalists.
    But i have to disagree with what you said about the african origins of humanity being accepted as fact by the world. The mainstream media and academia give that impression, but the theory is constantly being questioned and challenged. Even by scientists, but their voices are drowned out and they hardly get any exposure.

    • 0


      “Infact they are the ones who are sponsoring the oppression of tamils in Sri Lanka” –
      Hindutva has a reason to see Muslims as their enemies, but why Tamils in Sri Lanka?

      Hindutva are extremists rather than nationalists.

  • 4


    You are wasting time by writing about something so trivial . We know where we orginated from. But in the current context it is much more important to talk about where we ( mean Sri Lanka ) are going to end up. Make no mistake under MR from OI to Into India. India will have no choice but to annex Sinhala Lanka so the threat is removed once and for all. ” CRIMEA”

  • 0

    Obviously the author does not think highly of nationalism, I would like to ask if he has no nationalistic thoughts at all, or is it all just colonationalization? What’s wrong with nationalism is when it proves a threat to anti nationalist or treason, or siding with the anti – nationalists.

  • 0

    Kumar David writes about a subject that is of huge consequence in a future India that is economically strong, militarily aligned with the US, and wants to have its own identity in a manner that unites all its peoples, including the Dravidians. The strategists in Delhi see in the OI theory a way to “unite” the Indian multitudes.

    But that is all politics. The well researched AI theory has a multitude of facts to prove it. India was “invaded” by the Vedic Aryans and after conquering the swarthy masses and banishing them to the southern states, the invaders built a great civilization. Lankans Sinhalese originate from that civilization, after it had matured for 3000 or more years in India. Lankans civilization, particularly the Anuradpura time, is closely aligned with the North Indian civilizations and is Aryan in essence.

    Its good that David has brought up this subject since this will be played out at different platform in India in the next 50 years with a view to ban the AI Theory and establish the OI Theory as holy fact!

    • 5

      Jay Chambers

      “and wants to have its own identity in a manner that unites all its peoples, including the Dravidians.”

      There is no such people as Dravidians, instead you will find group of Dravidian languages.

      “The well researched AI theory has a multitude of facts to prove it. “

      There is no such people as Aryans nor Aryan Invasion.
      Instead of wasting your time please read, learn and understand what the eminent historian Prof Romila Thapar has to say about AI.

      The Theory of Aryan Race and India: History and Politics

      Social Scientist
      Vol. 24, No. 1/3 (Jan. – Mar., 1996), pp. 3-29 (27 pages)
      Published by: Social Scientist

      According to history Lankan Sinhalese were invaders, thugs, hoodlums, …… mercenaries and there is no evidence to prove an Aryan component in the early settlement of this island.

      You should wake up once in a while to update latest findings.

      • 0

        I understand from my Sinhalese friend that “native vedda” means aborigine. So it may not be unusual for someone who has decided to adopt this alias to be strongly opposed to the AI Theory.

        Publication of a couple of papers by politically motivated researchers does not damage the AI theory at all. The fact that the North Indians are genetically separate from the South Indian swarthy hordes is well documented. In fact the research is undeniable since it is based on DNA studies.

        For the unbiased reader I suggest reading the research of Prof. Prof. Martin P. Richards of the University of Huddersfield, U.K. He concluded ““Genetic influx from Central Asia in the Bronze Age was strongly male-driven, consistent with the patriarchal, patrilocal and patrilineal social structure attributed to the inferred pastoralist early Indo-European society. This was part of a much wider process of Indo-European expansion, with an ultimate source in the Pontic-Caspian region, which carried closely related Y-chromosome lineages… across a vast swathe of Eurasia between 5,000 and 3,500 years ago”.

        Aryan Invasion did happen. The Sinhalese were the past invasion, when they migrated to Lanka and established its civilization. I do agree that the modern Sinhalese have a substantial aborigine (native vedda) and Dravidian admixture, but in essence, the driving force of the Sinhalese is the Bengali North Indian heritage.

        Also, from a very practical standpoint, this is why the Sinhalese cannot understand Tami and vice versa. Also, Sinhalese gravitate towards Bengali and Hindi music, movies and culture, not towards the movies from Tamil Nadu. These two are fundamentally different, separate peoples, trying to live together without conflict and my guess is it is highly achievable. The problem is the fanatic Jihadi Moslems, who swear to a totally different set of values and want to eradicate the Lankan civilization and establish Sharia and make Lanka an Islamic Republic within 20 years.

        • 0

          A classic example of the Sinhala modaya mindset was experienced by a tamil friend of mine who went to a Sri Lankan function. He claimed a Sinhalese man told him, he managed to trace his ancestry to northern india. And my friend asked which part. And he said Kerala.
          Sinhalese are no more aryan than Tamils in the blood. Only in terms of identifying themselves as aryan are they ‘aryan’
          The Buddha himself was a kushite descent man from East Africa. Thats why he had afro hair. He even had his ears stretched like many East African tribes do to this day. He was in no way, shape or form an aryan. Though modern paintings depict him with light skin and straight hair. The older carvings show him as negroid

          • 0

            Lanka really needs some of its educated people to react and respond to mumbo jumbo that is being spewed in columns like this one. Just look at the rubbish above trying to make the Gautama Buddha an African negroid because of the ushnisha and other Buddhist iconography that were used in Buddha statues out of sheer respect and at an attempt to differentiate the Buddha from others. And the fact the writer deliberately tries to use the long ears of the Mauryan iconography to connect with African tribes would be hilarious, had it not been for the deceitful intentions.
            The earliest Buddha from the Kushan Gandhara period shows Buddha with hair combed up in a bun and even with a beard! He is the epitome of the Kshatryan tribe that he belonged to. Kshatrya is none other than Scythian, one of the best known Aryan tribes on Central Asia. Buddha’s warrior blood is evident in his discourses, where he engages in “battle” with Mara, the devil, and all his comparisons to battles in the Jataka stories give away the military origins of the man who became Buddha.
            Lankans who have the only continuous Buddhist tradition from the early period of Buddhism should use an army of scholars to probe articles written in forums like this one, and retort with facts, so that young minds reading the venomous mumbo jumbo from writers like JohnSiva are not led astray.
            As for the jury on the Aryanism of Sinhalese, it has sat and made a decision a long time ago. Sinhalese are on average several shades lighter than the Dravidian Tamils. Tamils by and large have distinctly different features from the average Sinhalese, beside skin tone. They have a more negroid skull, which is sometime rather and some of them in areas like Trincomalee and Eastern province retain a remarkable vestige of the “simian shelf,” a bony region immediately behind the incisors.

        • 1

          Jay Chambers

          Would you care to review your typing and reference your sources?

          • 0

            My sourced are varied but here are some of the most reliable ones. They are most reliable because they are based on scientific genetic studies.

            (1) Dr. Sarabjit Mastana, Human Genetics Labortary, Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University, has published many articles on SInhalese genetic origins. His article in the magazine The Anthropologist Today perhaps captures it best.
            Here is a quick extract. If you want to learn more, you have to learn the molecular and genetics terminology to make sense of some of these articles: ” In all combinations, Bengali population seems to have higher contributions 57.49% (95%CI 36.89-78.59) compared to 42.51% (95%CI 0.7 – 9.15%) of Tamils by point estimates. Maximum likelihood method increased the Bengali contribution to 88.07% (95%CI 0.1-100%). When three parental populations were used Bengali contribution remained strong (50-66%) followed by North Western (20-23%) and rest contributed by Tamil. “

            Someone should do a much larger study in Lanka on this matter. I have visited places such as Tissamahara where almost Nordic type features are present among poor Sinhalese villagers. They appear to be of early North Indian origin perhaps going back to the migrations during Ashoka’s times.

            (2) Study of the Sinhalese language: This is very well researched. But just take a nouns which do not change even with influence of conquering Cholas. Take the Sinhalese word for nose. Its Nase in German, nose in English, Nasus in Latin. Sinhalese for cow: Harak is nothing other than German/Latin/ old English Aurach. Just see the way the Sinhalese word has barely changed from the ancient word.

            I will leave it to the educated reader to figure out this subject in detail.

            • 1

              Jay Chambers

              Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

              The conclusion in that paper qualifies the results ” It should be pointed out that these results are based on relatively small number of loci (30 Alus), but the contributions are comparable to classic/conventional, mini-satellite and
              microsatellite systems (Papiha and Mastana, 1999).

              “I will leave it to the educated reader to figure out this subject in detail.”

              THerefore I suggest you read
              Peoples and Cultures of Early Sri Lanka
              A Study Based on Genetics and Archaeology
              By Dr Siva Thiagarajah MBBS, PhD

              Genetic Origins of the Tamils
              By Dr Siva Thiagarajah MBBS, PhD

              Our resident expert on Genetics, Ken Robert has studied genetics who has a deep knowledge of it did discuss Sinhala/Tamil genetic affinity at length in this forum. He has come to a different conclusion.

              Racists and nationalists should not be allowed to hijack science for their petty parochial myth making or sustaining reasons. Hope Ken Roberts and others seize this opportunity to challenge those who seek validity for their myth.

  • 6

    I’d like to think of myself being a descendant of Aryans than the bloody black African monkeys. When one uses common sense, it’s crystal clear that the Black + ugly (=Bugly) Tamils are indeed the African cousins of S. Asia while the fairer Sinhalese are the Aryans.

    I am very fair. Very much like that boy Raynor Silva. So, I am convinced I have 0% African Monkey blood. As do most upper caste Sinhalese.

    As for lower caste Karawa Sinhalese, it’s a different story. It’s very likely most of them got mixed up along the coastline and like Tamils they also have Monkey blood.

    • 2

      Retarded a******e’s finest hour.

      Another Walter Mitty fantasy.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

        • 1

          Retarded मर्कट

          I assume you typed in your मर्कट version of Aryan language.
          Keep up.

    • 0

      Majority of you modayas living in southern sri lanka are also dark like most tamils. Look at Lasith Malinga and Sanath Jayasuriya. Thats how the oldest Sinhalese looked.
      The only Sinhalese that are fair are telugu descent infiltrators who became the ‘govigama caste’. They came into Sri Lanka in recent times. The original Sinhalese were same colour as the original Tamil

      • 0

        The native Tamils and Sinhalese are from the same stock of people who inhabited this island. The biggest contributor to the populations in the island is the so called “Dravidians” due to its close proximity to South India and second maybe from Bengal/Vangalam. Everything about Sinhalese, their culture, food, dress, language, looks smacks of Tamil influence yet they like to cling onto this imaginary Aryan myth. The Indians would have a good laugh upon hearing of Sinhalese Aryans.

      • 1

        If you have not already, I suggest you read my contribution to your earlier comment. Skin pigmentation can over thousands of years adapt to accommodate the excessive sunlight in Lanka and genetic mutations will also take place. That is why the study of genetics and mitochondrial DNA studies matter. Sinhalese are overwhelmingly North East Indian in origin and also to some extend North West Indian. This means a lot of Bengali, Orissa, and Gujarat origins, to give it a geographic split. The Dravidian is less than 20% and in some cases so small to be statistically non-significant.

        Lankans maritime provinces also has a lot off Portuguese and other European content. All of these are one way or the other “Aryan” in the broader definition, while Dravidian is not. Dravidian is old out of Africa migration of negroid, spread across South India, the Andamans, and Australasia (aborigines of Australia and Papua New Guinea).

        However, there are many Aryans in South India, they being the later Brahmin migrations. They stay away from the Dravidians such as political parties such as DMK. Think about Subramanian Swami vs. DMK.

        I am not sure where the Ravana blood factors in but most likely it is not Dravidian. More study is needed in that area. Probably the Sinhalese have some of it, in many instances, albeit less than 5% I would think.

        And someone should tell the people here to refrains from the debauchery of making Buddha negroid. That is a flight of fancy by some desperate men.

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          Jay Chambers

          Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

          What is the difference between Aryan and Dravidian gene?

          • 1

            Dear Native Vedda,
            Assuming your have an affinity to truth and can see through the political mumbo jumbo from OI theorists (the OI theory was formed purely for political reasons, to unite the caste conscious Indians, to give them a better sense of identity and pride and one people) here is one of the most scientifically authoritative source for you to find the real difference between Aryan and Dravidian genes.
            Please go to the website of the US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health, website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and look for the article “Characterizing the genetic differences between two distinct migrant groups from Indo-European and Dravidian speaking populations in India”.
            This eminent study makes the observation that “We implemented three population genetics measures to identify genomic regions that are significantly differentiated between the two Indian populations originating from the north and south of India. These measures singled out genomic regions with: (i) SNPs exhibiting significant variation in allele frequencies in the two Indian populations; and (ii) differential signals of positive natural selection as quantified by the integrated haplotype score (iHS) and cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity (XP-EHH). One of the regions that emerged spans the SLC24A5 gene that has been functionally shown to affect skin pigmentation, with a higher degree of genetic sharing between Gujarati Indians and Europeans.”
            It also concludes that “Our finding points to a gene-flow from Europe to north India that provides an explanation for the lighter skin tones present in North Indians in comparison to South Indians”
            A similar study on the Sinhalese was done by Dr. Sarabjit Mastana, Human Genetics Labortary, Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University, on Sinhalese genetic origins and concluded that sometimes Sinhalese had over 80% Bengali extraction and overall Bengali heritage dominates among the Sinhalese. And the Bengalis are well recorded as a non-South Indian, Aryan, people.

            • 1

              Jay Chamber

              I am sorry you are all over the place. Let’s stick to your original claim of Sinhalese belonging to Aryan race/people. The research paper “Characterizing the genetic differences between two distinct migrant groups from Indo-European
              and Dravidian speaking populations in India” nothing to do with Aryan Dravidian genetic dichotomy it’s all about two different linguistic groups.

              You will do well to refer to language replacement process if you want clear understanding of people, language, their culture, ……

              India has been a melting pot.
              Since 1971 war it is said more than 6 million Bangladeshis have migrated to India and settled all over the country, including Mumbai. In a 100 or so years their descendants depending on the circumstance could chose to turn themselves into a Hindi speaking people.

              Sinha Le has no Aryan Le, because there is no such thing as Aryan Le.

              • 0

                The fact that this is a complex subject is clear to anyone. That does not make one ” all over the place”. I think the educated readers can now see for themselves, from the information I shared, that there is a preponderance of facts to suggest a clear non-Dravidian, non-South Indian origin to the Sinhalese. Vedda is getting into semantics to argue a political point of view and is trying to ignore facts. That is Vedda’s prerogative.

                Genetic studies are becoming easier to conduct, less expensive and very accurate and the Aryan-Dravidian divide is now becoming more and more clear to all the disbelievers as these studies go mainstream. The Sinhalese, who have always shied away from Dravidian music and culture, and demonstrates a clear affinity to North India music such as Bengali and Hindi and speak a language that is totally different from Tamil are going to find more and more supporting evidence for their true origins in research now. This is only the beginning.

                Obviously this does not mean that the language and racial divide should prevent them from working with each other. They must collaborate to build a wonderful Lanka for themselves. I caution them to watch out the Moslems though. Today the real issue is the exploding Moslem population of Lanka, where they are now the majority among the newborn to 10 year old age group. No country that turns majority Moslem has ever respected other cultures and will instead destroy them and subjugate the non-believers. The project to make Lanka an Islamic Republic has reached a turning point. ANd the Sinhalese and Tamils are naively believing that the Moslems will not be a threat. They will, and the non-Moslems must act now to prevent a future Sinhalese and Tamil holocaust at the hands of fanatic Jihadi Moslems.

                • 1

                  Jay Chamber

                  “They will, and the non-Moslems must act now to prevent a future Sinhalese and Tamil holocaust at the hands of fanatic Jihadi Moslems.”

                  If Tamil and Sinhalese fascists could commit unimaginable level of war crimes (between 5th April 1971 to 9th January) why not the Jihadi Moslems?

                  “ANd the Sinhalese and Tamils are naively believing that the Moslems will not be a threat. “

                  Aren’t you trying to be all over the place?
                  I think the wise readers can now see for themselves naivety of reader who has very limited information, yet trying to be a pandit on everything. Everyone should take time to fact check before start typing.

                  Hope you would be better prepared next time around.
                  You should read the following article published by Hindu on JUNE 16, 2017
                  “How genetics is settling the Aryan migration debate”
                  By Tony Joseph

                  • 0

                    Vedda, today “facts” are produced by anyone with access to the internet and hence we have guys claiming negroid origins for Buddha. I have carefully selected my facts based on respectable research papers. Vedda standards seem to be higher (or lower) but obviously different from mine. Please go your way, and will go mine.

                    The reader hopefully will see the facts from independent review of what we have stated.

                    • 0

                      Jay Chamber

                      “Vedda, today “facts” are produced by anyone with access to the internet and hence we have guys claiming negroid origins for Buddha.”

                      Of course I can see that from your typing. If you believe there is an Aryan people and there is a Dravidian people then of course Buddha can be anything, a Sinhalese, an Aryan, a Hela, …. with Sinha Le, ….

        • 1

          Jay Chambers

          Hope you read the following article published by Hindu on JUNE 16, 2017
          “How genetics is settling the Aryan migration debate”
          By Tony Joseph

    • 0

      Lol… Sinhalese Aryan! Have you ever looked at the Sri Lankan cricket team? If you have fair skin then your last name, Perera, could explain why. Sinhalese were known to be quite ‘generous’ to the Europeans, if you know what I mean, so they could enjoy the same privileges.

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        • 1

          Retarded मर्कट

          I assume you typed in your मर्कट version of Aryan language.
          Keep up.

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