By Ameer Ali –

Dr. Ameer Ali
The post-Aragalaya political awakening resulting in the victory of Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) as the country’s new president was an endorsement for system change, the core demand of Aragalaya youth and promised by AKD. The fact that he was elected only with less than fifty percent of total votes polled does not invalidate his victory, because that election was conducted under the rules and regulations laid down by the existing system and followed accordingly by the Commissioner of Elections. However, the new president needs a parliament in which his political party, the National Peoples Power (NPP) secures a comfortable majority to materialize deliver his promises. The forthcoming General Election is an opportunity to secure that majority. It is in that context the following observations are made on the voting behaviour of Muslims with an appeal for change.
In all parliamentary elections held in this country since 1947 it was identity politics based on ethnicity and language that played a key role in making, unmaking and remaking governments. In this identity politics while the Sinhalese and Tamils were able to form their own political parties to advance their community interests, the Muslims, being a small minority living ubiquitously among the Sinhalese and Tamils and concentratedly in certain enclaves along the eastern coast, were pragmatic or shrewd enough to avoid creating a separate party to do the same. This was true at least until late 1980s when the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) was born. As an alternative and being experts in the art of commercial bargaining, many of their leaders hopped allegiance from one party to another on the basis which party promised more privileges and positions to their community. No doubt, that tactic adopted by Muslim politicians individually, when combined with certain other factors, yielded more benefits to the Muslim community than after SLMC came to the scene and decided to take control of that practice. Political scientists and historians had ennobled this business politics as politics of pragmatism.
The overall objective of this politics is to put communal interest before national interest. Muslim leaders rarely talked about or participated in debates in parliament over policies and strategies to develop the country and its economy. Unless the size of the cake is enlarged each one could share a larger piece. In fact, that argument was downplayed in identity politics. Given the nature of the system in operation one may argue that there was no other alternative. As a result, not only Muslims but every community including the Sinhalese suffered. This is why there is now a realization, thanks to the aragalaya awakening, that that system should be thrown out and a new system be introduced. When a new generation from the majority community has decided to go for a new order should Muslims remain stuck with the old?
The election in two days presents the voters with a choice between continuing the old order with smoothening its rough edges as advocated by Ranil Wickremaeinghe and Sajit Premadasa or create a new order championed by AKD and his NPP. Muslims should realize that unless NPP wins with a comfortable majority the patrons of old order would try every trick in the trade to sabotage the efforts of AKD Presidency. This is why an appeal is made to the community not to swim against the aragalaya tide but to go along with it to reach the shore of communal harmony, economic prosperity and justice.
In concluding this observation and on a personal note let me report to the readers what happened in Melbourne, Australia three days ago. The Sri Lankan community of expatriate Muslims in Melbourne held a convention to inaugurate the opening of the Australian chapter of the Sri Lankan Muslim World Forum started five years ago. I was invited to address that assembly and on the second day there was a small group discussion on the plan of action. What really came out of that discussion was heartening. Instead of the usual focus on finding solutions to the problems of Muslims alone at home and searching for finance to solve those problems there was a realization to share the burden of the new government in its task of furthering national development. The idea is to increase the size of the national cake before clamouring for a larger share. This approach is commendable because it demonstrated the expatriate Muslims love for their mother country first and readiness to work with the government in power to find solutions to their own community’s problems. This burden sharing is completely different from the narrow objectives of identity politics.
The NPP government will usher in a new era and its readiness to introduce a new system is certain to gather support from Sri Lankan expatriates.
*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia
RBH59 / November 13, 2024
During the Pohottuwa-led government, the Teldeniya and Aluthgama incidents occurred, and although the UNP and SLFP were aware of these events, they did little to prevent or manage them. Similar to the church bombings Know in advanced did not stop it allowing to happen that some claim targeted specific groups questions remain about what steps were actually taken to control the unrest. Recently, individuals involved in organizing the incidents have begun publicly admitting their roles, revealing how buses were arranged to bring crowds. During the COVID-19 pandemic, despite WHO guidelines recommending burial procedures, the government opted not to follow these, leading to outcry. targeting some people to hide there curruption activty Furthermore, the allegations against Dr. Shafi have now been exposed as fabricated, leaving victims in distress. The NPP acknowledges these issues, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability.
SJ / November 13, 2024
Aluthgama was in 2014 and Teldeniya was in 2018.
Not under the same government.
RBH59 / November 14, 2024
All past government who arranging it.
Muhandiram / November 13, 2024
Please note that the Teldeniya violence took place during the UNP/SLFP Rule in March 2018 while the Aluthgama violence took place during the Rajapakse Govt. in June 2013.
RBH59 / November 14, 2024
Any one can rule why is it happening to any body not only for muslims
nimal fernando / November 13, 2024
JVP/NPP will get around 129 seats ……. the other like minded parties will have to give them the 2/3 majority to enact/repeal legislation beneficial to the country/people.
Native Vedda / November 15, 2024
nimal fernando
It looks like 1970 and 1977 are being repeated this time.
It will take some time for JVP to adjust to the new reality and will tempted to kick the NPP part of the NPP out of governing body.
Will Hirani remain the human face of the JVP, if so how long?
Tilvin, Lal, …… will want to reverse all the liberal policies of AKD.
How are you going to stop the remaining thugs in the JVP?
Do you think Tamils need Tamil Arasu Katchi?
Do you also think Namal needs a party?
Native Vedda / November 15, 2024
nimal fernando
“JVP/NPP will get around 129 seats”
You are wrong, NPP has 159 MPs in total, 3 from Jaffna.
Do you still think Prabaharan is still relevant to Tamil Politics?
Will LTTE supporters (you included) change/stop their habit of naming their opponents Traitors?
I am just curious.
nimal fernando / November 16, 2024
Yes, I’m often wrong but I don’t fret …… 156 is a lot better than 129: they don’t have to depend on others.
Had a 20-course meal cooked by culinary artisans …… little ones stretched over hours …… with good conversation …… then the results streamed in …… how could have it been any better? …….. Hope, for you – your mind – things are as good as for me right now. That’s life!
BTW ……. we had to pay for the meal …… it could’ve been even better …… if we could’ve eaten millions worth of cashews like Ranil from taxes levied on milk in the mouths of babes …… and finished it all off with vitamins like Mahinda. ……. Your idols have all the luck! :))
AKD is ushering in nothing new …… some time back there was a culture of non-stealing in public service ……. until illustrious ol’ Uncle Junious and his dedicated mental-slave nephew …….. brought it to the current intolerable state: something had to happen. And something has happened.
That’s an age old lesson of history.
Native Vedda / November 16, 2024
nimal fernando
How are you, I mean after the elections?
Did you work with Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, diaspora, Ranil, Wimal, ….. to prevent Sumanthiran being elected to parliament this time?
nimal fernando / November 16, 2024
Somewhere I saw LankaScot has posted a video for me …… here’s one for him …… I’m a mild fan of Nick Cave ….. he has an artistic way of ‘presenting’ a song ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byxBJVig5wA
OC would’ve enjoyed, if not for the results! :))))
Here’s one for OC ….to drive away his blues …… she was in the girl band ‘Fifth Harmony’ ….. now she’s all grown up and become adult ….. It’s all artistic: I’m into art ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFMEBquxeO8
nimal fernando / November 16, 2024
The opening is classic …… capture the imagination of every red-blooded male ……. dunno about blue-bloods like Ranil, Native, ……..
old codger / November 16, 2024
Nice rear end, but you must remember that upright citizens like DTG may also be tempted to watch. But then, there are so many goings-on in the Bible too….
LankaScot / November 16, 2024
Hello Nimal,
Yes I like Nick Cave, Haven’t seen this video before, but like the one for OC very “Artistic”. By the way who is the “Meat Loaf” lookalike singing along with Nick?
Best regards
ekelbroom / November 13, 2024
“I’ve come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles — principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” – The opening words of the speech made by President Obama in Cairo, on June 4, 2009 – a speech which filled the hearts and minds of Muslims worldwide with hope and expectations of a better future vis-à-vis the USA.
However, it did not take long for the Muslims to realize that the President of the USA was simply a Demagogue saying things that he knows his audience would love to hear.
ekelbroom / November 13, 2024
In much the same way, many Sri Lankans and those of Sri Lankan origin residing overseas have become completely mesmerized by one of the greatest Sri Lankan Demagogues of recent times, Anura Kumara Dissanayake – a consummate communicator.
According to the following article ; JVP/NIO: First Major Sri Lankan Political Platform To Openly Recognise LGBT+ Rights – Colombo Telegraph
“At a meeting of the National Intellectual Organisation [NIO] held in November 2018, JVP leader Anura Dissanayake affirmed in public that his party, [the primary contender to present itself as a third alternative in Sri Lankan politics], recognises and respects LGBT+ rights …”
Those Muslims who have been held spellbound by the rhetoric of AKD appear to have lost sight of the fact that Homosexuality, along with Prostitution, are considered to be Haram in Islam.
So it appears that in his bid to boost the support of ‘Muslims’ for his favorite Sri Lankan Political Party, Ameer Ali is willing to reduce such ‘Muslims’ to the status of Munafiqs (Hypocrites) in the local Muslim Community.
Sinhala_Man / November 14, 2024
The refusal of the NPP to interfere with what is done in bedrooms ought not to be taken as encouraging gays or lesbians, or prostitutes.
It is only the recognition that (provided there is no coercion) what gets done privately ought not to concern the State.
Professor Ratnajeevan Hoole has informed us that he views with abhorrence the abuse of boys /young men by predators within the Church of England, and the Archbishop of Canterbury has resigned:
Of course, that has to be cracked down upon. Dear ekelbroom, I think that Muslims are quite right to label certain acts as haram. However, it cannot surely be for the State to prosecute such acts, if done between consenting adults. OTOH, the NPP has, time and again, emphasised that there will be a crackdown on abuse of one individual by others.
Panini Edirisinhe
old codger / November 15, 2024
Don’t you think that, more important than recognising the rights of LGBT individuals, the NPP should also reconize the rights of non- Buddhists to eat what they want, regardless of whether the Moon is full or not?
Native Vedda / November 15, 2024
Will you now advise AKD and NPP to stop listening to the racists, Saffronistas and the Trade Union Bullies.
Here is an opportunity for NPP to democratise the country its institutions, deport all the racists to their grandmother country, tell the news paper leader comment writers to shut up if they haven’t anything useful to say for example:
‘Political prisoners’
Above all please tell them to treat people well and never to mix politics with religion.
Hope nimal (who prefers iron fist) and you will agree with me.
Ajith / November 13, 2024
“The NPP acknowledges these issues, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability.”
Yes. NPP emphasises the need for transference and accountability. That is a welcome move. Muslims and Tamils of the North East have to realise the fact that how far their politicians have understand the importance of the need of transference & accountability. But the Sinhalese in the South to understand not only the need for transference and accountability but also the importance of Religion should not play a role in the Politics. Respecting the Religious leaders who work along with people about the good principles of humanity and welfare of the people but should not interfere in the role of politics to divide the people.
whywhy / November 13, 2024
I spoke to someone last night , living in a southern district to see the situation
there about Muslim votes . I was told , everyone is for AKD and that is going
with the flow . Being part of the victory is the fashion , no look back . There’s a
chance , in this district , for the first time in the history , a Muslim youth from
NPP might make it to the legislature . Cylinder and Telephone have no Muslim
candidate here . So , hopes are high . It is the Muslims in the East that have to
make up their minds . It is not practical to expect for everything to turn upside
down overnight with one election . All communities got to be present both in the
government and opposition in a democracy .
Sinhala_Man / November 14, 2024
Dear whywhy,
Even now there isn’t sufficient nomination of minority candidates by the NPP.
All nominations have been listed here:
There’s n Muslim candidate in the Badulla District; there are two Tamils, and I’d like to think that my constant and consistent agitation had something to do with that. Colombo has only one, and one Tamil candidate. The Eelam People’s Democratic Party has two Buddhist monks in their list. Great! Should they be allowed to contest? Yes! They, too have civic rights. Would I vote for them? Doubtful, but they won’t be automatically ruled out by me.
The time is 22:40. The sensible thing to do would be to get some sleep and find out, at dawn tomorrow, how the results are trending.
whywhy / November 15, 2024
S M ,
Hi S M , after a quite long pause , happy for your return and Kudos for
your tireless defence of whom you supported to the end . And I am
quite happy of my stand throughout the episode , being honestly
neutral . Now to the point , need more time to do a reasonable analysis
about the whole Tsunami like ending of the scene . However , good
things have just started to happen under a completely unpredictable
conditions . Two thirds have already come and gone since 70s but this
Two Third is special from many angles and one such is Sinhalese go to
the North and Stand on its own and wins . That is achievement , both
for Tamils and Sinhalese . And in Matara District , Weligama electorate
NPP stands a Muslim candidate and beats SJB man who is the rep of
the old order in new bottle , thus creating history . It is a traditional clean
Sinhala stronghold . Muslims must be over the moon there in the
company of Sinhalese because it is NPP . Six MPs coming from NPP , in
my calculation , is a good start and if one more from national list can be
seated , that would be a credit for NPP .
celebrating it too
whywhy / November 15, 2024
last line , please ignore it .
paragon / November 13, 2024
SJ / November 13, 2024
“The NPP government will usher in a new era and its readiness to introduce a new system is certain to gather support from Sri Lankan expatriates.”
Has Dr AA been made NPP’s Overseas Guarantor (Australia Chapter) and unofficial spokesperson for Sri Lankan expatriates”?
Nathan / November 13, 2024
… the Sinhalese and Tamils were able to form their own political parties to advance their community interests.
Ameer Ali, This deft judgement is disingenuous. Even, underhanded.
It is true that Tamils had their political parties. In fact, at times, the Tamil parties comprised of Muslims, as well.
Were they able to serve their community?
Should I be allowed to call a spade a spade, the efforts of the Tamil parties to find equitable solutions to the issues faced by the three communities were thwarted, unfortunately, by a few Muslim members.
davidthegood / November 16, 2024
Nathan, where there are humans, there will always be selfish grabbing to advance community interests as well. But humans in the natural were meant to be under spiritual authority which they need to be subject to, if they were to be at peace and rest. But see what happened to the Mulana robbers who were rejected by the Mahanayaka theros so that they have no one to be subject to except their own craving and greed.
SJ / November 16, 2024
The politics of Tamil nationalism never appreciated the political needs of Musims and Hill Country Tamils. It was very narrow in outlook and even ignored the needs of the lower layers of Tamil society. It cared little about Tamils living outside N (and to an extent the East).
The sentiment about language was mostly about government employment prospects. The FP leaders were happy to have English as language of administration. Muslis are scattered across the island and their needs varied. They had to coexist with the Sinhalese and Tamils, mostly as regional minorities.
What had federalism to offer them? What had Tamil Eelam to offer them?
The Musim politician of the East who was interested in becoming an MP sought FP backing. The FP which wanted to increase its tally of MPs cooperated. Where would that lead to but rank opportunism on both sides.
The FP did not think seriously about the plight of the Muslim or HCT.
Muslim interest in the FP declined rapidly after 1960. After the FP joined government in 1965, it lost all interest in any but N&E middle class Tamils.
Things changed with the 1978 constitution which gave the Muslims to speak for themselves. That made it difficult for Tamil nationalists to dictate terms. There was a source of conflict.
Tamil leaders want equality with Sinhalese which they willingly deny to Muslims and HCT.