15 January, 2025


Anatomy Of A Crisis & Its Perceivable End

By Vishwamithra

“I think that any time of great pain is a time of transformation, a fertile time to plant new seeds.” ~ Debbie Ford

Every crisis has its origin; that origin is not necessarily traced to one single source; nor does it transpire without a cause. That cause in turn may not be one single reason. It is always a combination of many causes and many reasons. Attempting to dash to the origin is as nearly impossible as is the modern day scientists’ quest in search of the first cause of the universe. However, for a discussion of the current crisis that we are faced with, I have deduced to place a milestone at the year 1915 and the event that occurred in that year, explicitly, the famous Sinhala-Muslim riots.

In addition to creating a sharp and direct inroad into a yet-unexplored national mindset, the aftermath of the riots threw up a group of individuals who hailed from the elite of society at the time. They all belonged to the low-country Sinhalese whose social upbringing was far too removed from the rural classes. Their education was either in premier schools in Colombo or Oxbridge variety abroad. That education made them stand aloof of the usual national stream of life. Yet, ironically, it was a leading Tamil legislator, namely Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan who championed their cause in the British seats of powers in London.

Hundreds of Sinhalese Buddhists were arrested by the British colonial government during the Riots of 1915. Those imprisoned without charges included future leaders of the independence movement; F.R. Senanayake, D. S. Senanayake, Anagarika Dharmapala, Dr C A Hewavitarne, Arthur V Dias, H. M. Amarasuriya, Dr. W. A. de Silva, Baron Jayatilaka, Edwin Wijeyeratne, A. E. Goonesinghe, John Silva, Piyadasa Sirisena and others.

In 1919 the Ceylon National Congress (CNC) was founded to agitate for greater national autonomy, short of full independence. This same elite who graduated from the Sinhalese-Muslim riots to national politics via CNC, vigorously opposed the grant of universal suffrage by the Donoughmore Constitutional Commission.

It was this CNC that later evolved into the formation of the United National Party (UNP) under the leadership of D S Senanayake. The then leader of Sinhala Maha Sabha, S W R D Bandaranaike too joined D S and contested the first parliamentary elections under the UNP-ticket. With the formation of the first post-Independence government, D S became the first Prime Minister; The Leader of the House in the D.S. Senanayake Cabinet was S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike who held the portfolios of Health and Local Government. The Agriculture Minister was Dudley Senanayake and Finance Minister was J.R. Jayewardene. The Minister of Transport and Works was John Kotalawela.

In D S’s Cabinet, except D S himself and J R Jayewardene, all others were educated abroad, Oxford, Cambridge or some other universities in London and Europe. D S Senanayake was educated at St Thomas’ College in Gal Borella, (predecessor to St. Thomas’ in Mt Lavinia of today) up to the 8th standard while J R Jayewardene was educated at Royal College, University College and Ceylon Law College Colombo. A Cabinet of well-educated professionals was led by an 8th Standard–educated D S Senanayake and never was his manner, steadfastness and honesty of leadership matched or surpassed by any of his successors in the last seventy four years.

But D S Senanayake was not perfect and his flaw dwelled in his nepotism- by nominating his son Dudley to be his successor to the post of Prime Minister and thereby facilitating S W R D’s departure from the UNP and formation of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP). Furthermore, this departure also meant the birth of another national movement that gave rise to the unsound yet populist Swabhasha-policy that made provision for the Sinhala-only movement and driving Sinhalese Buddhists led by the Maha Sanga to an erroneous end. The era of the so-called ‘Common Man’ and its false premise of a majoritarian rule dawned on the country pushing a very vital and vibrant educated community of Northern and Eastern Tamils to the edge of desperation and despair.

What resulted in the sociopolitical and cultural arena since the 1956-transformation is yet being under sharp scrutiny and much open for debate and argument. Bandaranaike’s well or ill-intentioned policies have changed our society and the fundamental direction of its natural progression. Polarization of society along racial and religious lines, mutual intolerance of the other, led up to many racial riots in the fifties, sixties and seventies and finally climaxed in a brutal and unkind war between the government-led security forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam led by Velupillai Prabhakaran. That division between the respective schools of thought of either of the ethnic groups also led to near-permanent distrust between the two communities of Sinhalese and Tamils and may have provided material sufficient for volumes of books and papers yet to be written and read.

While these parochial political dynamics was on the move, another novel system was taking root on the economic front, thanks to the calculated brainwashing of the then leftist movement engineered and led by Dr N M Perera, Dr Colvin R de Silva, Philip Gunawardena and Peter Keuneman. A sense of false economic security was provoked and the resultant ‘entitlement syndrome’ took deep root in our populace making them collective hostage to the vagaries of uncontrollable political changes that were taking shape in the global marketplace. At the time, the global political arena was dominated and defined by the cruel presence of the ‘cold war’ between the USA and USSR and its intentional polarization of the people at large along ‘haves and have-nots’.

For a country situated in the Indian Subcontinent, being subjected to the quirks of geopolitical moves of the big players such as America, the Soviet Union, China and India, Ceylon did not have many choices. Being identified as an insignificant player amongst a vastly developing arms-race, Ceylon’s mindset was being throttled by a divisive political thought of the global kind on the one hand and driven to the edges of ethnic warfare internally on the other. The country’s volatile and susceptible local population suffered at every election cycle from successive betrayals by incoming governments.

After the assassination of Bandaranaike by a Buddhist Monk who was part of a diabolical conspiracy headed by Mapitigama Buddharakkhitha, another Buddhist Monk who happened to be the leader of Buddhist clergy unleashed by Bandaranaike himself in the ’56 election campaign. The cruel irony of life has played its most unkind act on the man who ushered in the era of the ‘Common Man’. Sirimavo Bandaranaike, S W R D’s widow succeeded in the sixties (barring a month-old government led by Dudley Senanayake in 1960 March) and her role in the shaping of Ceylon’s economic journey is as significant in its negative results as her second term in the seventies.

Being a novice into politics in her first term, Sirimavo showed her total inadequacies as a sophisticated Prime Minister but her display of superior leadership skills did play a crucial part in preventing a coup d’état led by some retired army, navy and police personnel. Yet her period of governance did not make any attempt at resolving the issues that placed the two leading communities, Sinhalese and Tamils at each other’s throat. On the contrary, her policies on University admissions and discriminatory treatment of Tamils as a whole paved the way for the perpetuation of the wounds inflicted on Tamils. Horrendous economic principles and policies adopted during this unforgettable ’70 to ‘77 period and its adoption as ‘Bandaranaike-principles’, the country was placed on an economic precipice towards the end of her second term in 1977.

In 1977 occurred another landmark event: defeat of the Sirimavo-led socialist government and introduction of free market economic principles. Sri Lanka experienced an economic development never seen before; yet that development brought with itself the most dangerous and consequential effects of a capitalist economy. But what really eclipsed the economic recovery such as self-sufficiency in rice thanks mainly to the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Scheme, is the introduction of the Presidential System of government and Parliamentary Elections on the Proportional Representation (PR) method. Corruption at political level which may have been marginal up to that point took an accelerated pace towards total venality of the system, especially by J R’s successors, R Premadasa, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga and the Rajapaksa brothers, Mahinda and Gotabaya.

Each and every holder of power at the helm, as Prime Minster or President, took the voter for a huge ride and especially the Bandaranaikes and Rajapaksas corrupted the system by enslaving the voting majority to such an extent, the ruled became part and parcel of the corrupt system whose rapid decline they helped to deteriorate further.

However, since the cessation of the war against the Tigers in 2009, that very act of winning the war was embraced as an open license to treat the country and her men and women as serfs of the rulers and the henchmen including the members of their respective Cabinet of Ministers, Mahinda’s and Gotabaya’s, were allowed to run amok despite the looming dangers of a collapsing body politic and its economy.

Greed and avarice overtook the usual attention to the needs of the people; their own comforts and luxuries were given preference over the welfare of the great majority of the citizenry; their own desires and crude and obscene ambitions took the pride of place. Little did they know that the results of such demeanor and actions by one single family and one single clan could consume a whole country. The edge of collapse is staring in their face and yet they have not abandoned their pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures.

Seventy five years of Independence has brought upon our country a sure way of self-destruction. In the third decade in the twenty first century, we are facing sure signals of a famine as never forecast before; a two-headed (corruption and incompetence) monster, is waiting on its wings ready to pounce upon an unsuspecting nation. A Cabinet of Ministers comprising of gem mudalalis, bus conductors and casino dealers cannot understand the problems and issues, leave alone finding solutions. Behold the difference between D S Senanayake’s first Cabinet and the current one. The disparity could not have been starker. The current lot is indeed accelerating the journey to a more rapid and sure collapse.

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com 

Latest comments

  • 18

    “The current lot is indeed accelerating the journey to a more rapid and sure collapse.”

    Unfortunately, there is a need for our neighbours and world powers to keep this current lot and keep the country “near collapse status” or to appear the collapse is saved by them.

    • 9

      “Seventy five years of Independence has brought upon our country a sure way of self-destruction. In the third decade in the twenty first century, we are facing sure signals of a famine as never forecast before; a two-headed (corruption and incompetence) monster, is waiting on its wings ready to pounce upon an unsuspecting nation”
      This is an unique country. Sri Lanka has progressed in more equitable distribution of wealth since independence. There is more equitable distribution of resources like electricity. There is much better road transport than in 1948. But at the same time, the economy has been a disaster, what with various experiments on “self-sufficiency ” or “free market” being done on it. Socially and intellectually, we are moving backwards, with ignorant monks having too much influence and snake oil sellers holding sway even in the Cabinet, along with casino kings.
      The advocates of self-sufficiency must explain why it is preferable to earnng $ by producing what we can efficiently and use it to import what we can’t produce Is it not a fact that local products like milk , sugar, and cannedfish have followed the price of imports?
      The free marketeers must ask themselves whether mafias of tuk drivers, bus mudalalis, or casino Kings cum ceramics producers amount to an open economy.

      • 0

        OC weren’t you clamoring for the IMF before all this. The IMF is the ultimate capitalist. so yes all those mafias are part of the free market until the free market eliminates them.

        • 10

          Sour grapes. If they try it by going appropriate channels, things would have turned positive with the outcome 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶

  • 25

    The author gives a special place for D S Senanayake that he does not deserve; DSS started the racist ball rolling from the beginning. It is not just SWRD who started the racial politics, DSS was the one first started it, SWRD just followed him. Anakarika may be infamous racist mentor to them all!

    I don’t need to go into the details of D S Senanayake’s racism: it is in recorded history. Man, you can’t fool the world by a warped analysis whatever is your real identity.

    By the way how did the Sinhala-Muslim riots of 1915 become famous for a Sinhalese writer like you?

    • 1

      “I don’t need to go into the details of D S Senanayake’s racism: it is in recorded history.”
      Recorded where and by whom?
      V Tamils in Yapanaya who became the most privileged group in Sinhale at the time Sinhalayo gained independence by receiving favors from British do not like Sinhala politicians like D.S. Senanayake and SWRD Bandaranayake because they took policy decisions to do justice to indigenous Sinhala Buddhists who were oppressed, discriminated and humiliated by European colonial rulers. I understand that a Tamil politician told DS Senanayake ‘You Govern We Rule’ because they held disproportionately high number of Government jobs dominating the Public Service. They also occupied disproportionately high number places (more than 60%) in Medical College, Engineering and Science Faculties. They wanted to maintain status quo but things did not work the way V Tamils expected due to standardization and Sinhala only policy. Both these policies had a negative impact only to a small number English educated Tamils in Yapanaya. They are less than 2% of Tamils in Sinhale but they started making hue and cry saying majority Sinhala Buddhists are oppressing and discriminating Tamil minority which is not true.

      • 6

        “Reported street value of the enormous amounts of heroin and other narcotics”

        Because they were intelligent and hardworking.

        Sorry Lanka was more independent before it got its independence. Sorry Lanka’s independence only gave the Sinhalese to lean on the govt for everything and destroy what the Brits had created.
        Ultimately Sorry Lanka became a welfair society that the govt had to provide for without resources.
        Now people are paying.

        • 1

          Reported street value … should be replaced by this.
          “Tamils in Yapanaya who became the most privileged group”

      • 7

        “They also occupied disproportionately high number places (more than 60%) in Medical College, Engineering and Science Faculties…..Both these policies had a negative impact only to a small number English educated Tamils in Yapanaya.”
        No, they had the most negative impact on the Sinhalayo themselves. As a result, we got idiots like Padeniya, Jayasumana, Gunaruwan , Arambepola, as doctors and engineers, and they are nowhere to be found nowadays after bankrupting the country.

    • 5

      100% correct. Started it rolling by making the Indian-origin estate Tamils stateless and then started colonisation schemes in Tamil areas. Starting with Pattipalai Aru in the east now renamed Galoya

  • 20

    D.S.Senanyake did away with Section 29 of the Soulbury constitution which prevented anti-minority changes soon after taking over the nation in 1948.
    He brought Sinhalese from the south to the Gal Oya project as settlers,
    Next he allowed dis enfranchisement of the Indian estate voters.
    Then, SWRD returned from Oxford and promptly proclaimed Sinhala Only. Thus began the anti minority governments.

    • 6

      “Gal Oya project”

      The man who designed Gal Oya is an old granduncle ……. so know the motives …….

      For the historical record I’ll put this here. …… Some of you might find it interesting.

      3.2 S. G. Taylor, B.Sc. (Eng). A. M. I. C. E., Director of Irrigation 1939 – 1950
      Taylor became Director in 1939. “Taylor was a great task master, frank in speech and treated everyone without a sign of partiality. He wanted a capable engineer to assist him and hand picked D. W. R. Kahawita, a Ceylonese engineer of great talent. The success of Taylor as Director was mainly due to Kahawita, an excellent designs engineer whose project reports and designs were some of the best found in the Irrigation Department (ID) archives “.(Dharmasena, 1989) . ……….. https://thuppahis.com/2022/05/20/the-galoya-valley-scheme-the-people-who-made-it-a-reality/

      • 6

        “He wanted a capable engineer to assist him and hand picked D. W. R. Kahawita, a Ceylonese engineer”
        And not all that distantly related to one Nimal F , may I assume?

        • 4


          Lanka is a small place everyone is related to everyone.

          I’m related to Native, Nathan, chiv ……… and god forbid, EE!

          And in time, Sinhala_Man will find some connection to me. :)) ……….. then, it’ll be time for me to leave the forum!

          I Googled about people I know and these are revelations to me as well ……….. you might find this interesting https://www.sundaytimes.lk/150628/plus/the-woman-behind-the-dying-christ-154679.html …….. that lady is the godmother of one of Sinhala_Man’s tormentors. :)) ……. Such a small world!

          His brother was the first ever Lankan DHS (Director of Health Services, before that it was all English doctors) …….. interdicted his own cousin for accepting 3 eggs from a patient. The guy didn’t want the ruddy eggs; didn’t want to hurt the feelings of the poor farmer ……. but those were the ethics at the time. Ethics have changed a bit now …… I suppose.

          • 6


            They married White women and were Christians (adopted the religions of the schools they went to) but the lineage doesn’t come any more Sinhala Buddhist than that.

            That’s why I don’t believe the myth that the Tamils were favoured. If the Sinhalese were qualified and could do the job they got appointed. Unlike the myth spread by some Sinhalese, there is no record of unqualified Tamils being appointed over qualified Sinhalese …….

            • 5

              “Unlike the myth spread by some Sinhalese, there is no record of unqualified Tamils being appointed over qualified Sinhalese …….”
              Facts don’t count, to a populace that believes that fallopian tubes can be blocked in 1 minute by one doctor.

          • 4

            nimal fernando

            “I’m related to Native, Nathan, chiv ……… and god forbid, EE!”

            Are you planning a large scale Honour Killing?

    • 4

      “He brought Sinhalese from the south to the Gal Oya project as settlers,…”

      Why can’t DS Senanayake take Sinhalayo from south to Gal Oya which is a part of Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo.
      DS Senanayake wanted to settle Tamils along with Sinhalayo to promote racial harmony but Tamils who were scared of malaria did not want to come. Brave Sinhalayo developed that area fighting malaria. Now Tamils complain DS Senanayake brought Sinhalayo to Gal Oya.

      • 9

        “Tamils who were scared of malaria did not want to come. Brave Sinhalayo developed that area fighting malaria. Now Tamils complain DS Senanayake brought”
        How come Brave Sinhalayo still can’t produce enough rice for our own needs after 75 years, while Tamilnadu, which suffered famines now donates rice to Brave Sinhalayo?

  • 13

    Stalin pls take over north and the East

    • 4

      “Stalin pls take over north and the East”

      Stalin, please take Tamils who are occupying Sinhala land in NE to their homeland Tamil Nadu because they who resorted to terrorism and massacred Sinhala Buddhists for three decades have become a headache to indigenous Sinhala Buddhists.

    • 8

      Neither Stalin is ever going to take over the north and east. The same goes for the ADMK. They are all now firmly under Modi’s thumb and dance to his tune regarding Sri Lanka. This does not mean they are not sympathetic to the plight of their fellow Tamils on the island, but they will not do anything, other than use it as an issue during election times to get votes and then conveniently forget about this.

  • 22

    In the 21st centaury ……. when half-dressed men in yellow saris ……. sit around doing nothing …….. and a entire nation pays homage to them in some passed-down unthinking/unexamined habit/custom …….

    It ends up in ……… some crazy zany celebration of stupidity and ignorance.

    Is there any other fate for a country ……….. that celebrates stupidity and ignorance ………. as if it’s some great virtue?

    • 1

      nimal fernando,
      “…when half-dressed men in yellow saris ……. sit around doing nothing…”
      May be there are few rotten eggs among the so called ‘half-dressed men in yellow saris’ as it is the case with all the religions but a large majority of them have played a vital role in more than 2500 year old history of Sinhala Buddhists protecting the country and Sinhala Buddhists from Dravida, Portuguese, Dutch and British invaders who colonized Sinhale and oppressed Sinhala Buddhists. Number of Buddhist monks went in front of firing squads of British. During the time Tamil terrorists and IPKF occupied NE, monks did an excellent job to protect Sinhala Buddhists in that area. Number of monks were brutally killed by Tamil terrorists and IPKF. Even now, monks who live in the NE are doing a great service to Sinhala Buddhists who have become second class citizens in their own country due to stupidity of Sinhala politicians.

      • 8

        Reading all that …….. only one word comes to mind, EE.


        • 9


          Look at the country today ……….. no outsider …….. no enemy ……… can destroy the country better than us!

          We don’t need protection from outsiders ……… we need protection from ourselves!

          We are our worst enemy!

          Try and clear all your insecurities from your mind …….. think about it.

          Even Native thinks you are capable of understanding that.

          We are here to help. What are friend for, uh? :))

      • 4

        EE, that is one of the most hilarious comments from you!!

        “……but a large majority of them have played a vital role in more than 2500-year-old history of Sinhala Buddhists protecting the country and Sinhala Buddhists from Dravida, Portuguese, Dutch and British invaders……”
        Couldn’t those yellow robies save the ‘Sinhala Buddhists’ from the utterly destructive Rajapaksha mafia gang which is the most crude, vicious, venomous, and destructive enemy in history to rule this island ever??

        Instead, they kept licking the ***** of Rajapaksha gang for over 15 years for personal gains while the gang kept robbing the people left, right and centre and look what has happened now??
        Those naive Sinhala Buddhists are eating only one meal a day now which is kindly provided by their ancient enemy – the Tamil Nādu Dravidians!!!

        How nice!!! දැන් ශෑපඩ?????? இப்போது வசதியாக???

    • 9

      Nimal, it’s obvious 75 years of family kleptocracy, aided and abetted by Maha Sanga brought upon our country a sure way of self destruction. Very Funny, Maha Sanga has issued Fatwa to GR/RW government.

      • 4

        The first thing Native’s great hero Mao did was put all the Sangas to useful work – they had to earn their living/keep ……… no free ride ……….

        Look at China ……. and look at Lanka today.

        enough said! :))

        When will we ever learn? ……….. EE has enough talent to be a great teacher ……. if he doesn’t sit on his brain ……..and gets things all muddled up ………

        Clear-thinking and Lankans are mutually exclusive.

        If you read about the engineering feats of Gal Oya ……. they actually did some real work at some stage …….. unlike the hallucinatory-work of the current lot.

        British influence?

        Or was it the Sanga? ………. If then, why not now? :))

        • 4

          nimal fernando

          “……………. if he doesn’t sit on his brain ……..………”

          Can I now join your brotherhood order, become a follower, a novice( at the same time reserving the right to denounce violence, in all its forms).

          By the way do we know how much land and wealth each Buddist Vihare possesses and what sort of accountability each Viharathipathies is subjected to?

    • 3

      Nimal you are an ignorant fool. Try finding out what the Sangha is really about before you start typing. I can’t be bothered explaining it all to you. Pearls and swine come to mind.

      • 6

        So you’re Lankan Einstein, eh? How do you do …… nice to meet you.

        “Try finding out what the Sangha is really about”

        Ha ha ha ……… just try telling me, I’ll destroy your. I bet you’ll run and hide. :))

        I write to irk people ……… when you guys get hurt, I know it has hit home.

        Makes my day! :))

        • 1

          Don’t flatter yourself, writing to irk people. Ha ha ha, so you know it all. I’ve met many like you. Arrogant fools who make blanket statements about matters of which they are ignorant.

          • 4

            “I’ve met many like you. Arrogant fools who make blanket statements about matters of which they are ignorant.”

            Are you looking in the mirror? :))

  • 2

    A succinct account of the history that brought us to where we are. Readers may have different interpretations of the narrated events and the role of the leaders referred to by the author. Yet, it gives the perspective from which we must shape the next regime to avoid it once again being dominated by “a two-headed (Corruption and incompetence) monster” waiting to keep raising its ugly head……to satisfy “their own desires and crude and obscene ambitions……in pursuit of wealth, power, and pleasures……taking the country once again to “the edge of collapse.” A timely ‘Be Aware Warning’ by Vishwamitra.

  • 3

    To put this into context, you should also draw comparisons to post-Independence India. There were many riots, issues related to language, questions of de-centralization (federalism, devolution, etc.). Many of these conflicts were ethnic in nature and still remain unresolved, e.g. Kashmir. Therefore, what happened in Sri Lanka is a microcosm of a much larger system. East Asia was and still is largely immune to these issues as these countries are ethnically homogeneous.

    • 10

      Lester the Lying Jester

      What do you know about Elu?
      Are you also an expert on Elu, old Sinhala campaigner Munidasa

      You never would have known him.

  • 8

    It is pathetic to note that those who pretended as true Buddhists that the Buddhists themselves were responsible for the situation that the nation is in today. Examples were: Don Stephen Senanayaka, Dudly Senanayaka,, Solomon Wilson Dias Bandaranayaka (and his wife and daughter), Julius Richard Jayawardene, and Don Alwin Rajapakse’s sons.

    • 1

      “Buddhists themselves were responsible for the situation that the nation is in today.”
      I agree with you. Sinhale/Sri Lanka got into this situation because indigenous Sinhala Buddhists accommodated foreigners in their country assuming that they will live in peace and harmony with Sinhalayo and develop the country. Instead of doing that, they resorted to separatism and terrorism and ruined this country.
      Sri Lanka has spent 32.84 billion USD since 1983 to fight against Tamil terrorists. Sri Lanka got in to debts because of Tamil terrorists. The damage to the economy by terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims is yet to be calculated.

      • 3

        Eagle Eye,

        sorry but who was your history teacher?

        Be honest to Lord Budha and your conscience. Sinhalese never ruled the North (and East). The North was captured by the Portuguese and separately administered and then the Dutch followed the same. Because there was the Wanni Kingdom in between. It was the British who defeated the Wanni on 31 October 1799 and then Kandy in 1815. Merged the whole country in 1833 as one and gave it in 1948 to the faked Buddhists instead of the real Buddhists and the rest is history.

        Pakistan’s Jinnah example was there and still, the Tamil leaders trusted the fake Buddhists and now they destroyed the country wholly and fully. $32.84 million was what these fake Buddhists borrowed so they thought they can swallow the whole country and failed miserably and more than half is sitting in offshore pandora accounts of these fake Buddhists. If Tamils were given a chance to choose their self-determination via a referendum then the whole debt will be on the real Buddhists, mate. That’s pathetic.

  • 7

    Old codger and Vedda, don’t you think Ranil is a parliamentarian worth the respect the two of you have for him ? Both of you have good taste and super brains. His performance yesterday shows why he is considered elite in this country, a poof with no principles !

    Not seen a man with such a devious soul. having being in politics for 50 years PM about 10 times he is now saying he has a vision an ability to lead this nation. Yes lead- a true leader ! !

    Old Codger you have some brain ! Vedda you are so intellectually sophisticated , especially when it comes to hate!

    • 7

      Do I detect a note of frustration after having been shown up the other day as someone who writes something today and the exact opposite tomorrow?
      Please do continue trolling for the Family.

    • 11

      deepthi silva

      Some years ago you were so proud of your war winning, President, Defense Secretary, Ranaviraus,, Saffron Brigade, …………………. Sinhala/Buddhists and suddenly .. many realised and celebrated Sinha Le (Sinhala Blood-සිංහ ලේ – Lion Blood).

      Now people are on බයිසික ලේ (Bisika Le – Bicycle) – originally on whatsApp.

      By the way Colombo Uni Chancellor Muruththettuwe Ananda suspects it is God’s Curse (maybe wish) which has led to this pathetic situation. What happened to the time, energy, resources, blood, …. wasted on building this country into a Sinhala/Buddhist nation, …..? Even though Gota (and many before and after him) pronounced this island a Sinhla/Buddhist nation, God is being very cruel to the people.

      Religion seems to have failed the people, especially the Sinhala/Buddhism, or are the politicians, or both?

      nimal fernando must have offended the gods, ……. and Stalin, Mao, Lenin, ….

  • 6

    The first step towards the prosperity of the nation…. eradicate the corrupt bastard family. The curse the cancer. Then everything else will fall into the right place at the right time.

  • 7

    There is no solution to this terminal cancer of the economy of Srilanka. It is a congenital decease of the Sinhalese. It has always been a total guaranteed collapse of any institution where a Singhalese put his finger in. There is no way out of this dreadful situation the whole country is facing unless we plead with India to annex Srilanka as an integral part of the Federation of India making it possible to share part of her resources with us. Otherwise it will be total misery for everybody for ever.

    • 1

      “…unless we plead with India to annex Srilanka as an integral part of the Federation of India…”
      Not a bad idea. It will be State of Sinhale where Sinhala will be the official language. Tamil speaking people will have to return to their ancestral homeland, Tamil Nadu. No more separatism, talk about Federal system or power sharing and fear of terrorism.

      • 4

        TUCO Eagle Eye

        “It will be State of Sinhale where Sinhala will be the official language.”

        Stupid man, as far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is the Sinhala state of Hindia. North East will become part of prospering Tamilnadu.

        You will be given option to join any of the states, like Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, …. or go back to Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, …. Burma, … Only condition is that you make sure you take all your bigoted, stupid Sinhala Buddhists with you, including the Sanghas, HLD M, …. Leave the Sinhalese and Buddhists where they want to live.

        • 3

          It seems Eagle has appropriated my idea for a very quick solution to the crisis. But will Dhammika Perera solve it within this month? I hear his plan is to set up 200 state casinos, and use the proceeds to buy oil and gas.

      • 2

        U the kind of born isiots are the cause our fall
        Curse on u / if COVID did the job well/ we would nt have heard yoorvkind of hatreds against minorities. Ironically u continue it being on a rich country living as a minority in that country/ how stupid u should be ????😎😎🤥😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    • 4

      Why is it a congenital decease (sic) of the Sinhalese alone? Is it not a congenital disease of the Tamils too? We mustn’t discriminate must we?

      • 7

        Svenson/ people at large turned out to be indifferent with serious issues. That has lot to with the cultural change implemented by Medamulanism 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶

      • 0

        If you scratch beneath the skin, you will find that many think that we are best ruled by the former masters or their rightful successors.
        If every failure is the result of a congenital disease, I wonder what disease may have been the cause of the LTTE fiasco?

      • 4


        “Why is it a congenital decease (sic) of the Sinhalese alone?”

        You should always get your facts right.
        Congenital according to google dictionary:
        (of a person) having a particular trait from birth or by firmly established habit.
        For example:”a congenital liar”

        Those who promoted Sinhala/Buddhist manufacture identity (an elaborate hoax) are those fake religious nutters, historians, mainly political crooks, supported by Maoist, Marxists, Stalinists, Bonapartists, Trotskyists, Mao’s ***** carriers, ….. murderers, … Mahawamsa (book of violence) believers, … There is no Tamil speaking Sinhala/Buddhists however there were a dwindling small number of Tamil/Saivites. The question is who are the biggest congenital liars (6.9).

        Had the Sinhala/Buddhists treated others well, run a secular state, without discrimination there won’t be any such speculations, branding, accusations, ……. and the existential problems leading up to starvation, deaths in the queues, awareness and realiastion among the youth, …

        The best thing one could do is ask oneself whether one is a congenital liar, three times a day.
        The return of the Hora.
        Hora assured he was coming back a few days ago, as he did on 28 October 2018.
        6.9 Millions trusted them.

    • 2

      is it though? So is it a congenital disease of the Argentinians or the Pakistanis or the Ugandans? It is just an unsustainable uncompetitive economic system. nothing racial.

      • 4

        “So is it a congenital disease of the Argentinians or the Pakistanis or the Ugandans”
        Why not include Kenya, Chile, Bangladesh in your list, or even India?

  • 1

    Being a Pantham( torch carrier – this nature developed into aggressive form, within journalists, after 2009 war, where journalist purging was perversive & Langkang fell 174th out of 179 in media men safety, to prevent the truth coming out of the Genocide War), pre-determined objectivity in analysing the political events, narrow vision of events, cheap and shallow perspective of the writers was a phenomena developed in parallel, with social disharmony, corruptive politics, economy destruction, in Langkand in the past 75 years. Unfortunately, the author too, that era Journalist. His objectivity is washing, wiping, and restaging the one element, the UNP, out of the two factions, the UNP-SLFP, who destroyed the country. Author hoped to bring confusion among the audience that Ranil the Evil Emperor and the New King (in Yahapalanaya time) governed a better government, after his Idol, JR. After the war, especially the Sinhala writers and media, force-fed ignorant masses the fake Patriotism and Sovereignty, using the Sinhala Extremism, to keep their parties’ (UNP-SLFP) hands up.

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    during the colonial rule. The Writers told the masses that the past colonialists are present, bittest, enemies. He said this in Oxford. Later, on CCP’s 70th anniversary, he claimed that Ma O was the one who earned the freedom to Langkang. There was no historical importance to this statement, which was constructed with ill will. This was intended for two sections, 1). Diasporas- who are now settled in past colonialists’ countries 2). To annoy their new enemies, the West, who wants an investigation in war crime against Tamils and to please the newly found friend China, whom they were counting for veto in UNSC Though the author says that highly educated North East Tamils were denied job opportunities, Author’s intention was not showing sympathy for Tamils who were removed from the government services but use it against the SLFP faction in order show UNP faction as more sympathetic rulers. We know protestors are seeing the UNP-SLFP as one destructive barbarian, though the flag colors are different.

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    Our intention here is not to take care of this UNP propagandist, but to highlight Evil Emperor’s same old game, while pretending that he is joining the SLFP faction only to bring food and oil to the people. Ranil has no moral ground to join SLFP factions, because he closed his government one year earlier than the people mandate to save Old Rowdy. In his earlier 4 ½ year Yahapalanaya term, so many times he tried rescinding his position and persuaded Mahinda Rowdy to take over the government. He was struggling to fix that job to Mahinda Rowdy, but like a decent Statesman, did not want to resign and leave that for the 2nd in command in the UNP. He overruled the 122 MPs initiation to bring a Quo Pro Warranto on Mahinda Rowdy’s unconstitutional coup. If that legal action had been followed, Old Rowdy might be in prison now. It was Ranil the Evil Emperor saved Mahinda Rowdy from the crime of the coup. The IC and local masses are clearly understanding that Ranil inserted him into this only to save the Old Rowdy. Today’s problem in Parliament, occurred during Ranil’s explanation of what happened in the IMF negotiation, was the reflection of the masses & IC’s trust on Ranil. So, the other MPs shouted “Go Gota Go” during his speech and forced the parliament to shut down.

  • 1

    Ranil badly misjudged the breadth and depth of the seriousness of the situation the country is in. It is obvious that Ranil the Evil feels he failed. This time too, in saving Royals, same as in Yahapalanaya time, he has started to woo the Old King to take over the PM job. At the same time, Old Rowdy too promised that he would be back soon. In 2019, Ranil Evil wanted him to resign and Valaiththodam not to contest in the election because he thoroughly understood that UNP neither can any longer push the cart of the Appe Aanduwa nor keep protecting the Royals beyond year 2019. So, he wanted the Royals to take care of themselves and he resigned. The bloody mistake of Old Rowdy attacking the peaceful protestors and thus pouring oil into the fire, which caused him to run once more out of Temple Tree House with only one leg slipper made Ranil worry that Royals’ secret documents need to be protected, as he did in January 2019. That is why he went there and got caught himself.

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    So far, Ranil has not explained in concrete terms why he inserted himself into the failing government or how he was planning to achieve his objectives. Now, like in Yahapalanaya time, he has started to repeat that if somebody can do better, they should take over the PM Job. Sadly, or shamefully, he could not hear protests calling him to resign, without assigning his job to Old Rowdy.

  • 1

    PS: Evil emperor Ranil’s today’s reply to Vijitha Herath in parliament sounded like the talk of a mad man lying in Angoda hospital, but not like the talk of a responsible person, who was asked to solve the country’s problems. The buffoon has got in there without understanding what are the Langkang’s problems, how did they occur, how to solve them, where to get help for that, what are expectations of the international entities who can help to liberate Ceylon from its problems. Anura says he wants to lead the country and asks Ranil to resign so he can become the Prime Minister. The Evil Emperor has shut up his both holes to that demand. Absolute Modaya, the Evil Emperor! PM Mahathir has quoted Langkang as an example for those who hope to build royalties on the ignorance of people’s racial bias.

  • 0

    Rather than blamning the individual leaders/rulers over the 74 years since independence, we need to focus on the failures of the system(governance and party) in place. How it privileges a few over the many? The system in place is not democratic anymore. Many deformities have been introduced by the rulers who had exercised power to make it undeserving this day and age. Some ay that we need to change the political culture(e.g. Sarath Fonseka). But it implies the system in place is ok but the way elected representatives including the President is not right. In our view both the System(or structure) and the culture both are at fault. The system has got too complicated t the extent of unworkability. Take an institution like a university for example or a govt corporation or other entity. There are too many legal,procedural, political barriers for efficient functioning. Why can’t we devise simple systems? Why can’t we shed colonial underpinnings? e.g. police,courts,Pradesheeya sabha. Why cant we have a simple system of electing representatives?

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    Behold the difference between D S Senanayake’s first Cabinet and the current one
    Most, if not all of them are freemasons and tares.
    The differences you see, are like the different species of venomous snakes that exist.

    • 0

      Have you given much thought to the possibility that the Empire whose colony we were was run by freemasons, and that DS was handed the control of this island by the empire to keep the Bolshies out.

      • 1

        Have you given much thought to the possibility that most Sri Lankan voters are Freemasons?

      • 0

        “the empire to keep the Bolshies out. ”

        How did you expect Britain like countries to keep inside a B/S like you?

        Within the last 10 years, the 4th PM is resigning because the people who selected them now changed their minds. No citizens took to the road. Last four months the entire country is demanding the UNP-SLFP Royals to resign and go home so they devise ways for their next meal. What is happening? SLFP using the UNP corrupted brain power to hang in the seats. Your family rival Sampanthan Aiyya recently wondered to a British diplomat to behold that Britain gave Ceylon the same system they had in 1948 and where their democracy has gone from 1948 and where we are now. Rowdy Mahinda and Evil Emperor Ranil, in about 10 years, changed the constitution 4th times to keep them in power for more than 40 years.

      • 0

        The Tamil saying is if one knows how to interpret, Pathini Devyo’s life is also tainted. You are the most needed lawyer now for Lanka to explain why Democracy and Partly Politics is Freemasons’ system so Stalinism is the one that can save Langkang. By yours and Vasanthi’s excellent experience, you the paid-masons are the good candidates to explain to the Moadayas what Freemasons’ politics is. Use the UOJ letterheads and create pamphlets for Moadayas. You know the folk story that the fisher-women lived in nature that cannot tolerate the flower fragrance. It is not Modayas, you are the real contrast to British, French, American democracies. Write and post your rotten comments in CT after pulling off your pants, please.

  • 2

    England’s Guardian newspaper dealt yesterday with all the Rajapaksas:
    Pretty in-depth for a foreign story: Basil emerges as the most guilty of the lot.


    • 2

      Hello SM/
      I wonder why and how Basil remains untouched by amok runners yet. He will have to get his deserts now or later.

  • 1

    Thanks for the inquiry. We know nothing for certain. The time is 21.48.
    I have just submitted a comment here:
    After the “recent comment” that I embedded there, I see this:
    And minutes later, this:

    The resignations are what we desired. However, these developments are not what we would have wished. There isn’t much purpose in “touching Basil”. Not very constructive, is it?
    Of course, the Rajapaksas and Ranil brought this on themselves by overstaying their “welcome”. I wonder what will happen to Dhammika Perera, an adventurer who joined in the last stages.

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