By Ameer Ali –
“Politics has become too serious a matter to be left to politicians” ~ (T. S. Elliot)
What history is witnessing today in Sri Lanka today via an aragalaya or struggle by a flood of unarmed citizens is a reminder of the truth behind that quote, which is also attributed sometimes to Charles de Gaulle. For over seventy years Sri Lankans showed interest in politics only during election times, and after choosing their representatives went to sleep until the next leaving politics in between to the care of politicians. This may be the case even in matured democracies. But there are checks and balances placed within their democratic structure and national constitution, which keep politicians in check and make them carry out their duties with great responsibility. Such checks and balances in Sri Lankan democracy and constitution/s had been left to evaporate over decades, and under President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s autocracy, or rather Gotacracy, they had virtually vanished. It is the concentration of executive powers in the hands of a monomaniac president and reckless mismanagement of the economy by a cabinet of looters that had driven the country to financial bankruptcy. Aragalaya marks the beginning of a new journey by an awakened generation of ordinary as well as literate young men and women from every ethnic community and religion towards the restoration of a democratic regime in all its purity, checks and balances. It is a mission to end Gotacracy and remind politicians in general that politics is too serious a matter to be left to them alone. “Gota-Go-Gama” or GGG and “No 225 in Parliament” capture the essence of that mission.
President GR and Prime Minister MR are in a bind. They are digging in and refusing to grasp the seriousness of the mission. The resignation of cabinet ministers en masse, unwillingness of opposition parties to join GR for an all-party solution to the crisis and re-formation of a cabinet smaller in size with fresh faces but without three Rajapaksas are a tacit admission of guilt. Yet, unless the chief culprit Gotabaya’s powers are crippled and transferred to the parliament aragalaya would not end.
GR initially expected this struggle to fizzle out in a few days, but there is no sign of it, and instead is growing in size receiving support from leading personalities, civil society leaders and even members from religious hierarchies. The situation is now closely watched by UNHRC. Any attempt to crush the struggle with gendarmerie, even with consent from a slavish judiciary, would jeopardize negotiations with IMF and harden further the adverse international opinion. Therefore, if the regime determines to continue with cosmetic changes, there only one solution and that would come from the “dark” side of Gotabaya. Gendarmerie could be used with legitimacy if aragalaya turns violent, and violence could be manufactured. So far it had remained extraordinarily peaceful, apolitical and amazingly inclusive. That image could be broken and opportunity to use force with legitimacy created by engineering massive infiltration into it by pro-regime rabbles, as happened in Mirihana. For instance, it is not without reason that GR allowed BBS to operate freely, when PCoI recommended its proscription. He even promoted its secretary, an ex-prisoner, to head the task force to make recommendations to implement the so-called One Country One Law. Such apparatchiks could become handy to create a counter-aragalaya and break the peace. One should not be surprised if such underhand tactics used by the regime to create an excuse to activate the security forces. This is a danger that protestors are facing. In the end, either aragalaya would end Gotacracy or Gotacracy would destroy aragalaya. What about the economy?
In the highly unlikely case of a triumph for Gotacracy, as predicted by one or two retired comprador academics, economic decline would prolong despite IMF’s rescue package, because no economy could thrive when people are unwilling to cooperate with an unpopular government. An economy is created and sustained by the people and for the people. It is their collective synergy that makes an economy grow. That synergy cannot be produced through a regime on which people have no confidence. With a dysfunctional government IMF economists and specialists cannot create miracles. This is why the former American President Eisenhower said that “the economy is too important to be left to economists”. Without solving the political crisis there is no solution to economic crisis.
It is to the credit of the opposition that none of the political party has claimed ownership of the aragalaya, but has expressed their support to its cause. The ball is now in the opposition’s court and it is they who should find a solution to the impasse. Aragalaya must give them a chance to work out a solution within the parameters and conventions set by the constitution and democracy respectively.
*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, Western Australia
leelagemalli / April 19, 2022
Dr Ali,
Great ! You have chosen the best title for the article.
“Aragalaya (Struggle against Rajapakshe mlechcha Regime) vs Gotacraz (c)y”
However,, my quesiton is:
is not pseudo patriot MaRa the main problem of all whole lot of Chaos in the country ? Why are we compelled to see the bugger in Parliament yet today ?
RBH59 / April 19, 2022
There was no chance to induce communal violence The people of Galle Face is unarmed citizens
general task to be solved and understand the violence is an efficient tools cover up Government Fraud
which happened in history
chiv / April 19, 2022
Initially thought ,many were sticking fingers into Gotha. Realized after a close look ,it’s those who voted for Gotha are displaying in pride. Wonder where these sticky fingers are now ???
nimal fernando / April 19, 2022
Timing is everything.
This is the best time for the Rajapakses to exit in relatively peaceful environs ……… things are going to get ugly: very ugly when the conditions get unbearable.
Good ol’ Adolf, Benito, Saddam, Gaddafi ……… overstayed their welcome (is that the right word? ….. all the English experts have deserted me!)
Native, be ready with your buckets and towels ……………
Native Vedda / April 20, 2022
nimal fernando
“Native, be ready with your buckets and towels ……………”
It was all your mistake.
When Gota wanted to have peaceful life after killing (Mannar Pit, Matale Pits,…) you should have snitched him to one of those US agencies or at least unofficial agencies like Mafia, KKK, …. or used your influence to arrange him a island holiday in Guantanamo Bay area, … at least he would have informed himself about water boarding, …..
Take care.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 20, 2022
Gota is not responsible for Mannar pit. It took place in 1984 during Athulathmudali’s time, where people of Mannar including father Mary Bastian of Vankalai church were arrested, who have since gone missing. Architect of Chemmani graves is Janaka Perera, which was covered up by Chandrika and Kadirgamar.
nimal fernando / April 21, 2022
Ah! Native, What can I do, when 6.9 million people wanted him?
I would’ve got lynched.
That was the mood of the country back then: do you forget? …… The election commissioner would’ve got lynched if he had questioned his American citizenship! ……. I wrote it back then …..
The mood of the country has changed a wee little bit now. A tiny little bit. ……… Don’t you think? :))
Now, people are trying to lynch me, the ol’ dilettante about town, for exposing shortcomings of the JVP/NNP!
Lankans always always have to learn bitter lessons ……. hope and despair …… hope and despair …… hope and despair ……
Even if people live to be 100 ……. they still have 2-week memories …….. great expectations followed by great disappointment ……….. great expectations followed by great disappointment ……….. great expectations followed by great disappointment
that’s our tradition …… that’s our fate …….. there is no other way ………
nimal fernando / April 21, 2022
Native, ……… Was Nostradamus a dilettante?
nimal fernando / September 30, 2019
“I told this months ago …….. Gota has not, and never will, renounce his American citizenship. He won’t take a chance unless he is sure.
The Rajapakses were counting on Gota’s presidential bid to build up momentum ……. once it has reached a fever pitch it would have to be a very brave Lankan official prone to suicidal tendencies who will dare to disqualify him.”
Sinhala_Man / April 22, 2022
nimal fernando,
You say that “The election commissioner would’ve got lynched if he had questioned his American citizenship!“.
Yes, you disappeared from CT until the Rajapaksa popularity slipped. Some never did that!
There you see courage; but as you will see, if you read what may be unpalatable to you, it was the 34 “other candidates” who let us down.
On your return, we gave you a hearty welcome because yours are easily the most entertaining comments; highly appreciated by me. But you’re a lightweight, hardly worth emulating; certainly not worth lynching.
But thanks for entertaining. Tragic that such talent as you have is not put to better use.
Panini Edirisinhe
nimal fernando / April 22, 2022
“Yes, you disappeared from CT until the Rajapaksa popularity slipped. Some never did that!”
Timing is everything. :))
You guys take everything soooooo seriously.
22 million Lankans will make the country they want/deserve ……… we can only wish and hope.
“Tragic that such talent as you have is not put to better use.”
What is the use of blooming worthless talent if all the gals desert me and go hangout with Old Codger! …….. There’s the talent!
But gotta hand it to you buddy the ol’ dilettante bit …….. that’s spot on! That’s me!
“The protagonist of the novel, a Tokyo dilettante, who is an expert in occidental ballet but has never seen a ballet. We are given cause to suspect that he would close his eyes and fall asleep if a ballet were set down in front of him.” — Introduction to Snow Country –Yasunari Kawabata.
In my teens, when I read the introduction to Snow Country ………. I thought that’s me to a T. ………. What is the use of pointless and worthless “deep” knowledge? Hope you have a use for it ……… I certainly don’t, except for a little amusement ……… shoot the breeze ………
nimal fernando / April 20, 2022
It’s counterproductive to block roads and inconvenience the already suffering people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5im48PC7BA
If this continues, the people will turn against the demonstrators/protestors …………..
I hope, people get out the message through social-media, not to do this ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRbEpZ3TVHw
Native Vedda / April 21, 2022
nimal fernando
Please note Albert Einstein Institution recommends 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action which include no 138. Sitdown ( a mass obstruction of an activity by sitting down to demonstrate a grievance or to get the activity modified or halted).
And 162. Sit-in ( a form of direct action that involves one or more people occupying an area for a protest, often to promote political, social, or economic change.)
My favourite 22. Protest disrobings.
MyView / April 19, 2022
…no of the political party has claimed ownership of the aragalaya…..
Because the Aragalaya insisted first that no politician joins. The JVP AKD first said “public protests without leadership lacks accountability” but now has joined the bandwagon.
From today’s Parliament business I saw on TV, expecting the opposition to have common cause is baying at the moon. Their tug of war helps the R’s.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2022
There is an unprecedented level of shortage medicine through out the island.
Where was the public racist state minister of Pharmaceutical Production, Supply and Regulation and Acting Minister of Health Channa Jayasumana who promised to produce all medicines from A to Z in this island.
Had he spent half of his time on Pharmaceutical Production by now not only will we be able to supply the entire need of the country but start exporting the rest.
Like you he spent all his time and energy on his racist rhetoric than being useful to the country. Where do you find all such people?
Native Vedda / April 19, 2022
Eagle Eye
Today one person is killed and several injured in Rambukkana. How many more needed to be killed before Gota is sent home/Angoda/prison/….. ?
Gota enough is enough please Go.
Please take him with you.
leelagemalli / April 20, 2022
It seems they will stay in power until one of the Babies faces the similar fate of Rambukkana.
People s life matter is the best slogan of the day !
Native Vedda / April 20, 2022
Eagle Eye
Today I saw Israeli police/armed forces beating up Palestinian innocent civilians outside and inside of a Mosque.
Don’t you think following the actions of Israeli policemen, Gota also should use Sri Lankan brutal police/STD to disperse the peaceful protesters?
According to Sinhala/Buddhist logic if the west and Israeli violate human rights, Sri Lanka also must have the rights to commit …………………………..
malkanthie / April 20, 2022
why are we asking Gota the murderer to go. Go where? the only place for him and the rest of the family and hangers on is straight to prison. confiscate all their monies, properties, boat etc. to pull the country out of this economic nightmare.
davidthegood / April 20, 2022
Native Vedda, Even now Health Minister Channa is repeating earlier robberies and getting vaccine 4 refused by most with no face masks and no covid deaths . He should get medicines if there is any unrobbed money quota left. GMOA TU manipulation to occupy medical council can be handled by him if he follows current General Medical Council UK broadbased pattern
Native Vedda / April 21, 2022
“Even now Health Minister Channa is repeating earlier robberies and getting vaccine 4 refused by most with no face masks and no covid deaths . “
Crooks are also racists.
They hide either behind Sinhala/Buddhism or racism.
This one was active in anti Muslim campaign a Muslim doctor was accused of sterilization of four thousand Sinhalese women.
A Muslim restaurant in Amparai district was accused of mixing sterilization pills in its food and attacked. Channa joined the campaign.
Is he suffering from “p***s envy?
Nimal Fernando might be able to clarify.
soma / April 20, 2022
“Like you he spent all his time and energy on his racist rhetoric than being useful to the country. Where do you find all such people?”
You will always find them where racist rabble rousers like your CT gang are hyper active. That is nature’s law of statistical balance.
Native Vedda / April 20, 2022
I am really worried about your well being. This is not the time you defend racists, fascists, the clan, …. talk loosely.
How do you manage scarcity for basic food stuff, medicine, electricity outage, medicine, …?
Some of your mates who live inside Gota’s amude are trying to paint this අරගලයක් – Struggle, being attributed to LTTE Diaspora and their funding.
chiv / April 21, 2022
Is that so Soman. I guess that may be the reasons politicians from 3 chapters , Mananayakas gave ultimatum to Rajapaksas to get out. But MR tells he will stay and Gotha either can stay and keep mouth shut or leave all together. Ranil is willing to meditate between the two, not free but fee for services. Soman, statistical balance seems to be shifting to one side , which side are you.?? 11 SLPP rogues and MS Inc are desperate , but not enough to disqualify Rajapaksas. In the meantime, Soman the Patriot with his gang of Pseudos here (racist rabble rousers) instead of spending time and energy on racist rhetoric should go on fast until death to save Silly Lanka, ( Ì hear one genuine thero has already started in front of Gotha, s office).
chiv / April 20, 2022
Native, where is our dear Soman, haven’t heard in the past few days. Rumor is that he has moved to Jaffna and was seen leading a protest, holding placard saying “6.9 million retards go to hell “. I am sure,Tamil brethren will take care of him well.
Native Vedda / April 20, 2022
I have advised soman to seek asylum inside Sambandan’s amude.
soma / April 21, 2022
Dear Chiv
There are greater concerns than spending valuable time to educate rabble rousers on Colombo Telegraph.
Sure Tamil brothers in Jaffna will extend their traditional hospitality to me as they know 6.9 million retards have no place to go.
chiv / April 21, 2022
Soman I agree, “There are grater concerns”, but don’t you think this was created by our very own people.
Native Vedda / April 21, 2022
Don’t be childish.
This is not the time we discuss, tradition, pride, honour, …. whateve, … This is the time we work out how to float. Survival should be the foremost thought in our mind, body, ….
“Sure Tamil brothers in Jaffna will extend their traditional hospitality to me as they know 6.9 million retards have no place to go.”
Recently Stalin (your toilet nadu chief minister) said those who arrive from Sri Lanka are not refugees but they are Tamils of Ilangai (Eelam, Ceylon, Sri Lanka,….. whatever you want to call it) He refused to call them refugees.
He also wanted to send food, fuel, medicine (not Parippu) to Sri Lanka. Modi is yet to grand permission.
To make life easy for the 6.9 Million, why don’t you take all of them to Tamil Nadu and just say you are from Ilangai and all of you are Tamils. If ever there be a DNA test you lot will pass with colours.
There is a minor problem. There is a practicing public racist like you known in TamilNadu as SEEMAN.
Watch out.
Don’t forget to take Dinesh, Gota, Mahinda, Udaya, Wimal, Gnanasara, all sangha, …. with you.
Have a save journey.
Mallaiyuran / April 19, 2022
The Old Rowdy King who introduced 18A and 20A in the parliament wants to bring in 19A to take full use of the slogan “Go Goya GO”. But he is refusing to resign when people ask him for that. The Bugger can’t remember he was the one defeated in 2015, not Hitler. As some writers have indicated here, it is the Old Rowdy introduce Hitler to Parliament. He must accept responsibility for that and all subsequent events took place to that, and should resign immediately.
IF Rowdy the girls friend killer is not leaving Temple Tree house, people will be flocking like they are doing now at Galle Face Green.
chiv / April 20, 2022
Mallai, just like our Silly Lanka history,one step forward and one step backward. That is why I called it our CONSTIPATION.
Blabla / April 20, 2022
6.9 million voters wanted a Hitler blessed by a Ven Buddhist and monk and they got a Hitler. Hitler left giving a country to the Jews he hated. Now with the second Hitler, only time will tell.
Indi / April 19, 2022
Look around you; you corrupt, selfish leaders and their followers;
Galleface is a splendid vista of unity and inclusion, the only trail which will lead to peace, prosperity and splendour.
Native Vedda / April 20, 2022
“Galleface is a splendid vista of unity and inclusion, the only trail which will lead to peace, prosperity and splendour.”
I agree,
and am cautiously optimistic.
There is large number of people who are still nursing their wound.
It will take lot more time for them to begin to trust the majority.
This is an opportunity for the majority to begin to listen to the minority and address the real issues.
chiv / April 19, 2022
According to Ranga Jeyasuriya the game plan of Rajapaksas 1) new cabinet is one last gimmick before the crash, though was anticipated. It’s a sham to soothe the concerns of govt MP’s who are contemplating jumping the sinking ship 2) Bribe to get people back to maintain 113. Bandara, Suren are first of such buy-ins to come. 3) State orchestrated pro govt protest combined with racist dog whistling against minorities, and pitting communities against each other which is already on display on state media, papers, social/electronic media owned by their acolytes. 4) Potential crackdown on peaceful protesters, likelihood of violent flareups and countervailing state violence 5) However sinister they are tantamount to playing with fire, by appointing a new cabinet Gotha threw a firecracker into tinder box of Lanka politics. Country awaits a potential explosion of pent-up public anger. MS in desperation,threatened to burn but Rajapaksas are hell-bent doing so, because it’s their kingdom.
chiv / April 19, 2022
Not even hours after typing above comment I heard one person is shot dead and 24 injured in police firing protesters. The count starts now,, first casualty in Rajapaksa’s war against
6.9 million retards. JVP will gather strength by the time they reach Colombo.
Thiru / April 19, 2022
Seventy four years of “appe aanduwa” has brought the country down on its knees.
It can’t even ensure essential items at reasonable prices or in sufficient quantities.
“Appe aanduwa” started with discrimination of all kinds against Tamils (moral corruption) and ended up with corruption in massive scale robbing the public purse.
Will the Sinhalese people realize now that all these bad governance practices lead to the country’s downfall?
Plato / April 19, 2022
Dr. Ameer Ali.
I refer to the last line of your essay.
………….Aragalaya must give them a chance to workout a solution within the parameters and conventions set by the Constitution and democracy respectively………….
The opposition is in the process of bringing forth a] Motion of NO-CONFIDENCE in the Government and b] A Resolution for the Impeachment of the President.
a] Does not secure the Resignation of the President.
Therefore,it does not respond to the demands of millions who are demonstrating on the streets of the country.
b] This of-course is an utterly futile exercise; Can the opposition muster the required 2/3rds majority?
So the Constitutional exercise would be totally out of step with the mass struggle begun by the Aragalaya.
This indeed is a classic example of AN IMPASSE………………….
Nathan / April 19, 2022
Ameer Ali speaks of the “dark” side of Gotabaya. What other side does he have?
Any other side one gets of Gotabaya can only be a well-contrived and well-concealed deception the Rajapaksas are masters at.
Will the President get a saner counsel? No sane person has access to him.
Gotabaya’s crown is the war victory. That halo is shielding him That is the conundrum. Can the protesters find the dagger in time to destroy that halo, before he destroys them.
Ajith / April 19, 2022
Dear Rajapaksa family,
Where did you miss your fake patriotic cheating drama?
When all of your family whether they have record of crimes, corruption or whether they are in this country or in abroad made as the kings of the country and Money (President, Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Minister of defence and so on) you treated all 22 millions as fools and slaves.
Did you ever worry about the law and order and Justice when you bribed the number of MPs (Thugs) to make 18th amendment, 2018 Plot, 20th amendment or released those who were sentenced to death by the Sri Lankan courts by Sri Lankan judges?
Now you say, We will not give up our power because this was given by the Constitution but Does the Constitution give you the power to kill the people or release the murderers or put all your family as ministers and executives? Can you tell us on basis you gave ministerial posts to your family? Don’t pretend that you will make changes now after you made all this crimes with full knowledge. People don’t need you any more to hold any power in this country because you made the people to die in poverty which is a crime.
Human Touch / April 20, 2022
Aragalaya vs Gota/Mara was bound to become a game of real life chess.
The public have to play the game till the end to determine victory.
First steps have been taken to the extent, Gota and Mara will not budge, they have no shame or honour to do otherwise.
Next, they have come up with a reshuffle and are hoping the people will be fooled. The people are now coming out everywhere and have taken the protest a notch higher.
Gota/Mara have used force, and this is a crucial phase.
If the people backtrack, then gota/Mara are on the front foot. It is not good for the public.
I think it is time to pause and think about the next move by the public.
This is not a time to retreat, we need to come up with non-violent tactics to weaken the government’s hold on the people, for a start: let us start by boycotting Derana and Hiru nationwide actively.
Derana and Hiru are the most powerful tools of the Rajapaksa bastards.
Then we should go for mass strikes. That is not something the government can withstand for long.
Most importantly the entire country have to be mobilized to act in unison.
22 million against 226+some army and police bastards is no match.
If the people are resolute/United/courageous and hopeful, mara and Co will not stand a chance. They will get lynched in the end.
Gus / April 20, 2022
Firstly dont PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. The LTTE was the result of the beggar sinhala barbariansRACIST treatment of the ceylon tamils! . The Jaffna library and the killings at the world tamil conference, and standardisation ( resulting from the intellectaul superiority of the ceylon tamils) was ALL BEFORE THE LTTE.
The blokes who were shot dead and injured are terrorists!! NOT peaceful protestors. ALL sinhala protestors who are shot brutalised die , shot brutalised and injured and disappear and are brutalised / die /live are terrorists!!!
IT is the patriotic duty of the sinhala armed forces to KILL the terrorists sinhala!!
What say you EE?
SS / April 20, 2022
Aragalaya marks the beginning of a new journey by an awakened generation
If it does not go all the way into identifying the freemasons and tares, and taking measures to have them all evicted from all positions of power an influence, the so called awakening would not be a real awakening at all.
I trust The Most High has a plan. Even though i know that these protests in SL are being led by controlled opposition agents (freemasons), he is playing them, just as cleverly as they think they are playing real humanity.
SS / April 20, 2022
Pay attention to the thumbnail of this article and see the masonic imagery in it.
All those hands around the photo of Nandasena, form many baphomet hand signs.
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2022
There is a call for Tamils to join the protest. There is a question if it is ok for Tamils to join. I am not the one fit to talk either way on the subject. (This is not going to be a full analysis- but a simple comment. My answer is Anybody likes to Join, you don’t need anybody’s permission or logical or ethical explanation from anybody to join. Anybody has reservation, you have the freedom to express yourself< You talk about the protestors; you talk about your problems you are envisaging; but do not support the Aanduwa in your talk for any reason. Further, do not buy the talk of Anarchy is going to spread so you need a government until the next election. Protests have answered that there will be an interim government for 6 months. There is no point in believing Aanduwa's fraud, but you don’t want to believe their 6 months term.) To come to the topic, Tamils were main opposers of the coup. It was Tamils lawyers and parliamentarians who defeated the Royal Rowdies coup at the court. So, if you don’t want Tamils to join this protest, what do you think of Tamils fighting against the coup that time, against Royal Rowdies?
Lester / April 21, 2022
” There is a question if it is ok for Tamils to join.”
Most Tamils won’t join the protests because their primary objective is separatism, not the overthrow of the Rajapakse regime. Either a separate state or a federal state that creates the foundation for a separate state. Tamils have nothing to gain from the protests, other than the possibility of PTA being lifted with the election of a foolish new government. The best outcome for Tamils is perhaps a total collapse of the State, which will then grant them, and even Sinhalese, the possibility of receiving asylum in Western countries.
Native Vedda / April 24, 2022
“Most Tamils won’t join the protests because their primary objective is separatism, not the overthrow of the Rajapakse regime.”
Isn’t it a religious duty of everybody to Overthrow Rajapakse regime?
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2022
Some people raise another point. “If Sinhalese protest, Aanduwa will see them as only protestors, but if Tamils protest, Aanduwa will make it as Kottiya resurrection and will use PTA. Nevertheless, there is some truth in that. With today’s murders of Aanduwa, that question gains more weight. Participate if you want but be watchful of Aanduwa.
Another question is what the protestors will do to the missing persons ‘relatives. We don’t know if they plan to form a government and participate in that. So, asking any policy matter question at this time is not fruitful. Remember Old Rowdy said that he will never give any devolved justice system because all provinces will sue him individually? That is the only promise you have on your hand at that time. How would that be damaged if you join the protest? So as long as Rowdy Royal and Ranil, Harsha, Valaiththodam or Anura are in power, there won’t be any investigation on Royals. So, at this time, your only bet is UNHRC, UN, ICC, IC……Nothing is possible within Lankawe. If the protestors’ government is going to have rule of law and independent justice systems, Royals will be punished by them.
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2022
So, at this juncture, like during coup time, do your duty; don’t expect any immediate benefits out of it. For your problem, wait and see what will happen next September. In any case we cannot hide in the kitchen. As a nation, Sinhalese did not contribute to Tamils’ causes. But didn’t Valluvar say that if somebody did you a bad thing, do some good thing to change them.
The Final question- none of you asked, but I ask it and answer myself for you. “What would I do if I were there?”. I don’t know; As I am not there, I didn’t think about it. But, one thing is certain, if I were there, it would only be my decision; I will not become a political “Eval Pai”(the Ghost came out of exorcism) for somebody else’s thoughts.
Mallaiyuran / April 20, 2022
This is a people’s protest. I have been writing political opinions for more than a decade so that I am considered a political commentator. My words on these circumstances would be the most inappropriate talk. What is the dilemma is don’t fall on the feet of Sinhala Aanduwa the way ACTC or TNA did; stay awake, act with your conscious mind. Talk with family and friends. Don’t take political advice. Individually- independently decide. Then if you are let down you will not feel disappointed; If you benefited, there is nothing to be proud of; you just did what you felt as right at the moment.
paragon / April 20, 2022
pakisB / April 20, 2022
Well written and to the point. The question is whats next ?
If MR and GR had any sense and genuine feel and concern for the country (not themselves) then they should go. But there seems to be much at stake for them and their henchmen. The stakes are too high it seems.
They should take lessons from history of what happens to unwelcome people who stay in power.
Captain Morgan / April 20, 2022
C.A. Chandraprema, get ready to write your next book, titled,
“The Meteoric Rise and Ignominious Downfall of Gota – the Petrol Station Attendant”
Native Vedda / April 21, 2022
Captain Morgan
“The Meteoric Rise and Ignominious Downfall of Gota – the Petrol Station Attendant”
The first one was “Gota’s B**l”
How about “Gota’s Other B**l.”
old codger / April 21, 2022
“From Petrol Station to Garbage Bin via Galle Face” ?
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / April 20, 2022
Many apologists for the regime, want to show that the constitution is supreme. No it is not. The will of the people is supreme. It is by the will of the people (at least in theory) that a constitution is formed. If the people all want to change course and make Sri Lanka a true paradise, no constitution should stand in its way. Many are unaware that criminals and fraudsters have used the constitution to loot multi-billions and murder, pardon grand criminals and protect them from public wrath. I hope the constitution will no longer offer protection to the parasites pretending that they honour that constitution. There are well developed nations that do not have a constitution.
Nathan / April 20, 2022
Lasantha, Endorse your sentiments.
In Srilanka a Constitution is for wiping the ass. In other countries it is a Bible.
soma / April 21, 2022
Tradition supercedes a written constitution.
chiv / April 21, 2022
LP, this was the same discussion apparently Sumanthiran had with Mara yesterday in a personal meeting , at the request of Mara wanting constitutional advise. Mara put across the idea of making amendments, is when Sumanthiran, reminded that people wanted Gotha out. Mara as usual dillydallying asked “can people remove a president elected by ballot ?? Sumanthiran countered in turn, asking Mara in that case ,whether he was willing to take responsibility for Gothas mistakes which he himself admitted”. Mara replied ” no it’s the mistake of President” and Sumanthiran in turn told, in that case the right thing for Gotha to do is to leave.
Human Touch / April 21, 2022
It is time to trace our steps back to the time of independence and find out where, when and why things started going wrong and who is or are responsible.
Once we outline the factors, we have to back track and try to fix the issues and make sure they never repeat.
I think the biggest problem was that, when we changed governance from colonial masters rule to national rule, we did not change the system of governance.
Our local leaders changed everything else, like medium of instruction, names stuff etc, but they didn’t change the system of governance set up by the colonial masters.
The Army, Police and the law continue to protect the rulers instead of the country, they still treat the “owners of the land”, the citizens as threats and are ready to waste citizens anytime.
We have not lost our master-slave mentality, until now!
This new development is a vital breakthrough. We need to develop on this.
Sinhala_Man / April 21, 2022
Ah, I see that you’ve begun to see the light at last, dear Human Touch.
See what is now emerging:
At least /b>now start appreciating that we guys who are in the heartland of Lanka, and not either in the metropolis – or abroad in a location secret to many – know what we’re talking about!
Panini Edirisinhe