“BBC World Service Journalist Chandana Keerthi Bandara’ s application for an interest-free motor vehicle loan has not been rejected, the Secretary of the Ministry of Mass Media and Information Charitha Herath told Colombo Telegraph. Herath added that Bandara, like others, is on a waiting list.
He made above statement when asked why two BBC journalists were treated differently. BBC Sinhala Service Colombo reporter Elmo Fernando was granted the loan last week.
The loan scheme is part of a proposal made by the President in the 2012 Budget to implement a relief loan scheme for senior journalists, artists and authors to purchase motor vehicles and to form a fund for their welfare.
According to the Ministry of Fianance and Planning website, Senior Journalists, Artists and Authors are now able to obtain a maximum amount of Rs. 1,200,000/- as an interest free loan from the state banks to purchase cars or vans. If the value of the vehicle exceeds the limit of Rs. 1,200,000/- the balance can be obtained from the relevant state bank under normal interest rates. The Treasury will grant the interest due to the state banks for the interest free loan amount of Rs.1,200,000/-.
According to the Ministry of Mass Media and Information website the objective of the loan scheme is to recognise the services rendered by media personnel towards national development and to enhance their productivity and quality of service.
Applicants will be interviewed by a selection committee appointed by the Secretary of the Ministry of Mass Media and Information. The decision of the Secretary on the selection and eligibility will be final and conclusive.
Last week Chandana Keerthi Bandara was critised by the Sinhala weekly Divaina for applying for this loan. The report said the Londoner came to Sri Lanka before the President started the loan award ceremony. The Colombo Telegraph has been unable to reach Chandana Keerthi Bandara for comment.
Meanwhile London based Tamil Guardian reported the event as “the perks of being a journalist in Sri Lanka”
Distribution of Laptop Computers for Journalists
Renuka K / November 17, 2012
OMG! I can’t believe this, is this man also applied??
gamini / November 18, 2012
Bread crumbs from the main table to the servile to survive. What a pathetic set of Balligey Puththoos these buggers are? Higannas pretending to be Journalists.
Native Vedda / November 18, 2012
Elsewhere in this forum you stated that you had known Gamini D.
Did you feel the need to ask him about the burning down of Jaffna Library?
According to gossips Gamini D’s supporters took away a lot of the books and old ola manuscripts from the the library just before it was burnt down and most of the loot was stored somewhere near Colombo.
On my rare visits to Jaffna, I had frequented the library a few times and admired its architecture and the collection it had.
I really believe those books and ola manuscripts belong to all people and not just for “safe keeping” by the thugs.
What is your advice on reclaiming those books, manuals, ola, etc from the looters?
In fact if you really want RW to come to power you should approach him in this regard and let him get to the bottom of this shameful history.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 18, 2012
NV: Oh! They would be collector’s items anywhere in the world. Why do you think the Nepalese Queen refused Sonia the then PM’s wife entry to Pashupatinath the holiest Hindu Temple in the Hindu Kingdom? Didn’t the Nepalese folk suffer for 2 years with the closing of entry points?
gamini / November 18, 2012
Native I never had the Opportunity to ask him direct reference the Jaffna Library. However his responsibility should have been to explain his innocense if had nothing to do with it. Knowing him as I do he is not the type to involve in such low mean acts. I do not know the circumstances that prevailed in Jaffna at that time as I was out of the country during that period. I agree it is the most heinous crimes to have been committed. Unforgivable!
Yamuna Akka / November 18, 2012
This is the level of BBC employers, this guy is a fraud, I don’t know how this announcer join BBC, never radio or print journalist before. Been working 18 years in London applied for Sri Lankan government bribe. Hoooooooooooooo BBC
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 18, 2012
May have worked for A.P.or A.P.S.(as they all sit within the BBC)you never know.
Soma / November 18, 2012
This kind of deals should be VERY FAMILIAR with OUR INCUMBENT PRESIDENT MR. We can be proud of him – :(
To become srilanken Ambassador to the US today – Jaliya Wickramasooriya ^s credentials are just tea taster and businessman who has just lived in the US a decade or little longer.. apart from the fact that he is one of MRs ^cousin.
It was clearly shown that JW is not at all capable of handling any constructive discussions as his predecessors had been performing.
Sunil / November 18, 2012
The fucker who gave the bribe is equally culpable as the beggar who received the bribe!
Wimale / November 18, 2012
Shit people, thank you CT for exposing these Dr jekyll Mr hyde
Wimal Daval Ra Daniyel / November 22, 2012
An uneducated uncultured rascal went to Sri Lanka to get his bribe from another uneducated uncultured rascal. Can we say this man a journalist? Its shame for BBC too!
Herath KKS / November 22, 2012
An uneducated uncultured rascal went to Sri Lanka to get his bribe from another uneducated uncultured rascal. Can we say this man a journalist? Its shame for BBC too!
Asanga Mayadunne / November 17, 2012
What the fuck is this? hilarious !! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
pradeep / November 17, 2012
Don’t blame chandana he has worked very hard for this, also what,s wrong in having a car-pradeep
Chootya NSSP / November 18, 2012
yes, you shound’t blame him but to his mother and Dr Bahu should be blamed
kabi / November 17, 2012
How can you maintain media independence when you accept handouts like these from the government. When you accept handouts don’t expect to be independent and don’t ask for media freedom also.
The culture of giving and receiving handouts through budgets should be stopped and development projects to improve the economic conditions of every citizen of the country should be appreciated.
Chandra / November 17, 2012
Look at that [Edited out] Rajpal accepting a laptop! Is’nt this man a Thomian? Does’nt he have any money?? What a shame for the boys from the school by the sea.
Who is Bandara? Never heard of him!
Herath KKS / November 19, 2012
I just googled , couldn’t find anything this man has written. What kind of man is he? BBC ?? I can’t believe that BBC journos taking bribe from a repressive government.
Silva / November 17, 2012
“..According to the Ministry of Mass Media and Information website the objective of the loan scheme is to recognise the services rendered by media personnel towards national development and to enhance their productivity and quality of service…”
The objective of the loan scheme is to bribe and buy the media personnel to do more and more laundry work for the regime! And it has paid dividend already as evidenced by the behaviour of the media whores today! 95% of these so called media personnel are actually prostitutes! They must really be ashamed! One day even their graves would be stuck by lightening bolts! Those who succumb to this trap are unprincipled, crooked, dualistic and treacherous media personnel whose only purpose is fulfilling their selfish greed by compromising their journalistic duty! This country is full of shameless traitors! Only a handful stand up against the injustice and by their conscience and principles! There are thousand upon thousand people on this land who are rendering extremely more valuable service to this country than these media gossipers! It is those people who must be recognized and rewarded. These media personnel are putting their debt burden on the common man’s meager pocket! The real media personnel have been forced to exile or undercover!
yamuna / November 17, 2012
Bandara has known mahinda Aiya for so many years- he can get any thing done -so nothing to worry the application will not get rejected-Y
latif / November 17, 2012
Officially fishing journalists… Lankadeepa editor has no vehicle? Should we believe this?
Jan / November 17, 2012
These acts are not second to his Dansala or Kiribath giving big parties to many at the official residence – whose funds are these ? Masses cant even thihk of their daily meals.. this man is wasting funds allocated to poor masses again for his PR issues. Why cant the idiotic president think of providing a free computer to each of the school principals in rural areas of the country. How many of them have got computers to their schools ? This kind of activities alone show that this man is a just a joke for the nation. Journalists and the mentioned professionals can afford themselves to buy laptops or desctops.
Leela^s Nangi / November 17, 2012
Cant Editor of a leading new paper buy himself a Laptop ?
Jan / November 17, 2012
Cheap tricks from a President himslf to win the hearts of the naive masses :((
basuru wickramasinha / November 17, 2012
All journalist must be treated fairly-not only the once in Sri-Lanka-even those who are abroad-they are making our mother nation proud-so lets treat them well-Wicky
Safa / November 17, 2012
The rewards of falsehood and deceit. In vain our tax ruppes at work.
Rohan Perea / November 17, 2012
-Is it not good to have the BBC on our side.A car Loan is nothing compared to the publicity they god give our Government-Well done Mr Charitha Herath-
Jayantha / November 17, 2012
Divineguma, CJ impeachment, 13th amendment, Budget and this gift giving are all interrelated.
shehan Mubaruk / November 17, 2012
Sala Male kumb
I think the radio service is not paying this guy enough -so whats wrong applying for interest free loan-after all this guy will pay it back- mub
Lanka Muslim, UK / November 18, 2012
Dear Friend Shehan. May I please know whether your words ‘Sala Male Kumb’ has been incorrectly typed instead of the correct words ‘Sala Malaikum’ which is part of Muslim greeting. I hope it is a typographical error and not intentionally done to hurt the feelings of ‘other Muslims’ (if you are a Muslim) and done by a non-Muslim (using somewhat of a Muslim name)intentionally to hurt ‘all Muslims’.
dingiri / November 19, 2012
Are you Bworn Lanka Moslem,
Lanka Moslem, maybe you need to develop a sense of humour rather than take offence at everything. Just relax, take it easy and learn to smile. No one is insulting you.
Piranha / November 17, 2012
Were these laptops bought from Rajapaksa’s own money or was it from public funds?
If it is from public funds why no one has questioned this? Is Rajapaksa using the public funds as his own like he did with the Tsunami money? If so he should be taken to court.
Leela^s Nangi / November 17, 2012
Mahinda Rajapakshe is Mr Shameless to have got elected to destroy the people^s funds.
If a man behaves impiety on a funeral ground – as lately shown on a entertaining picture with the most disgraced SN Silva, what can NOT expect from him when it goes todeceive the nation further ?
Safa / November 18, 2012
All this is the peoples money. Me gollante Lanmborgini apita Badagini. Now vehicle permit can be transfered to wife and can buy a new Lamborgini.
Gamini / November 18, 2012
Which court?
Who will be the Judge?
Will he be safe after delivering verdict?
Samanmalee halwatura / November 17, 2012
You idiots be thankful that some one from a organization like the BBC in London has come all the way to take this loan -dont make a fuss-approve the loan
indeewara Ruwan / November 17, 2012
Hi Guys,
I am sure the BBC has made a request from Kehel or some one- so others pls keep out -he will do the needful and those who opse will look fools
Selwyn / November 17, 2012
It seems that the famous Benjamin Franklin Quote “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword” does not refer to Journalists/Reporters/Writers of Sri Lanka.
Chandra / November 18, 2012
Please do not put everyone in this bracket. Some of the bravest writers that we have live in Sri Lanka and work in Sri Lanka not like these frauds from the BBC.
LKYankee / November 18, 2012
this charitha herath is a former …[Edited out]
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Siriyalatha / November 18, 2012
This Pinguththaraya – just abuses the funds of the poor people of the country. See, how many of the average would feel – this is at all a good project ? Now almost everyone in public sector can make request for free laptops … as if his parents property – he behaves as if no even buruwas would do. – this is the nature of Jarapakshes :((
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 18, 2012
Yes the biggest slice of the foreign exchange is brought in by the voiceless woman worker of Lanka; housemaids, garment workers, tea pluckers etc.
Don’t worry after 2 years of purchase they won’t have the cash to buy a replacement battery(cost is half the price of a new laptop) and if they duplicate the battery the chances are it may explode.
Soma / November 18, 2012
the biggest problem that we have been facing today in the country is the passivity of the masses. The masses that still think if the bugger leberated the country from the terrorists, whatever he has now been doing should be respected by the nation – not criticising him and his henchmen. So long media will not be able to make those masses clear about the appalling levels that we have already reached – this situation can stay – like stagnated water with no motion to any sides. Among the population rural masses make up the significant fractions- and their access is only to state media. This kind of steps by president himself would have affected outrageous if it was on developed world – while openly not respecting the essentials of the the poor people. This act to my eye is just disgusting. Anyway, if the masses elected him, they have no choice than digesting the aftermath too.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 18, 2012
Where 90% of the folk have an I.Q below 70 there is nothing the media can do.
It’s the male monks who have suppressed the women in the country while they are nothing more than pedo’s. Sri lanka badly needs a Renaissance.
If all the women and children stop going to the pansal there won’t be dansal then it’s possible to negotiate the value of the dollar and wages. Why do you think Aban the non beliver is funding the lighting of Mihitale every year- to undervalue the dollar because they never make anything but import.
Sri Lankan women never were liberated. The woman by nature is a multitasker – work for a families living and house work while the man just does the cock co.
Peretha Banda / November 18, 2012
OMG! Mudalalis also applied for interest free bribe? Would like to know what his boss Dr Bahu says about this.
Trotsky / November 18, 2012
Is that Bandara fellow ? OMG! A Vikramabahu golaya, card carrying NSSP party member. Shame on you Bondos.
Redly / November 18, 2012
Pig shit eating journalist like BBC world service Chandana Keerthi Bandara are best journalists BBC can ever find. I wonder what BBC says about this taking bribes form Rajapaksa government.
Native Vedda / November 18, 2012
Thanks for your response.
Leon / November 19, 2012
He might be ..
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Dan Wickramratne from Geneva / November 19, 2012
Ours is a wonderland; NO WAY comparable to any other democracies on this planet
1.Judiciary is attacked and CJ is impeached JUST TO strengthen rulers tyranny.
2.Former CJ – powerful political opponent until last week, BUT immediately gets closer to MR just to retaliate the CURRENT CJ , becoming an adviser to the on going impeachment process
3.President as one with lowest IQ – just agrees with former CJ as if a prostitute would easily second to her customers
4.Former CJ as most corrupted CJ in the history had interpreted constitutional paragraphs paving the way cross over from opposition to the ruling party
5.People s funds are being abused BY COUNTRY s president distributing Laptops and vehicle loans to whom – that the average guess as can afford themselves
6.Ruling party provincial council MP, a Murderer of a foreigner is set free on bail and rulers celebrate the event
7.Ruling party minister, a Murderer of an Adviser to regime head not even charged (Baratha Murder case)yet, a year is already gone
8.Thug ministers shamelessly abuse RULE OF THE LAW as never before in the history – but parliament and people are deadly silent – neither does country s president
9.Criminal sons of RULING MINISTERS abuse army officials and others but easily leave the country following weeks for holidays not respecting national laws – as asked from the common citizen if they abused the law in that way
10.President unanimously allocates BILLIONS FROM POOR PEOPLE S BUDJET for import of racing cars – Opposition and general public stay further SILENT
11.President^s relatives incl brother in law deliberately abuse billions of funds and lanken carrier –Srilanken airlines
12.Multi murder -Criminals but regime apologists live free irrespective of the issued court warrants – not once over 100 times
13.Above all, people OPPOTIONS stay FURTHER AND FURTHER DEADLY silent as never before in the history- as injected rats for the experimental use
sarath fernando / November 20, 2012
sir i know chandana i also work at new left front chandana work as publicity officer. he is not a journalist. we check hi app. he mention that he works 25 years for media this man is a liar. he give hs name as h.m.c.k bandara to the bank
sam / November 20, 2012
Please add any artciles that he has written to prove him as a journalist.. this is then a good evidence that these bugger abuse the funds allocated to the poorest of the poor just for his wastes.
Kumar Senadirajah / November 20, 2012
BBC Sinhala Service also Tamil Service LTTE /Vikramabahu’s /Diaspora propaganda place. Head is former [Edited out].Bandara another idiot Half Tamil/Half Sinhalese.Speaking Tamil working in Sinhala Pretending he is independent but every time with bit-rate mother Lanka.Mihinda Rajapakasa’s(MR)all the information [Edited out].It is shame asking Car permit from MR govt. He bought several Lands from [Edited out] money.This very true.They are more dangerous that real LTTE buggers.Past twenty five years they have done enough damages to Sri Lanka now they want to joined hand with MR.What a shame.
ChandraP / November 20, 2012
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ChandraP / November 21, 2012
This Bandara was/is the [Edited out] . To convince people around him otherwise he was playing the role of hard line socialist.
Looking back now, we can’t see any constructive contribution or personal sacrifice he has done as a journalist or a socialist. Instead, all sort of British middle class aspirations are all what we see. Unseen to most are his Asian traits like, desire to amass real estate (in UK and SL),using gold as savings, pressurising child to perform in exams, bullying others where possible,in security about physical appearance and more.
For Mahinda he is another Mervin only. So has to feed him time to time. Idiots are those who consider this man as a journalist or a leftist. I am sure every evening he goes home and laughs thinking of those fools.
Should also say that his voice is good on radio.
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Kanaka / November 22, 2012
A shameless man, A pig shit eating journalist.
NSSP ekama vikka / November 22, 2012
Bandarayo ..[Edited out]
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Lakshan / November 23, 2012
BBC should not allow two corrupt bastard to undermine its integrity
GTMVK - Navala / November 25, 2012
The BBC has been unfairly criticized by the Sinhala extremists for being anti Sri Lankan and pro Tamil. Moderates have defended it as a reliable source of news and impartial analysis. The applications of some BBC journalists for money from the Rajapaksa government compromises seriously the credibility of the BBC, and makes it impossible for those who trust the BBC to defend it. If the BBC is to maintain the credibility it so far enjoyed, it has only one choice, to demand the resignation of those who have lined up to receive the tainted Rajapaksa money.