13 February, 2025


BBS & Big Money

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

In this writer’s last article – BBS – farce or tragedy or both?  it was surmised that the Government was failing to take effective action against the BBS because the Government’s hallmark has been its hedonism: the pleasure principle reigns supreme so that knotty problems tend to be pushed aside. But is that the whole explanation? The question arises because the BBS certainly has nothing like mass support. That has been shown by its failure to ignite mass violence against the Muslims, and also by the fact that its representative at the last General Elections got no more than an utterly derisory 27,000 votes. The Government can therefore safely apply the law against the BBS but it prefers to make itself look ridiculous by whining that there has been a dereliction of duty on the part of the Police. So, the following question cannot be avoided: Is there a force that constrains the Government’s action on the BBS?

To give a satisfactory reply to that question we have to take into account certain facts about democracy, not at the theoretical level but how it actually works on the ground. Under democracy the Government does not have an unmediated relationship with the people as is commonly assumed, and it is not necessarily free to act with the backing of the people. Between the Government and the people there are the intermediaries of the Opposition and the civil society which can impose serious constraints on the Government. In addition there are interest groups, which can sometimes be shadowy entities that function in clandestine ways to determine the Government’s policy. In the US there is the military industrial complex against the potential power of which President Eisenhower alerted the American people decades ago. Another well-known example is the Zionist lobby which has been a powerful determinant of American policy in the Middle East.

The writer would postulate the existence of a shadowy ultranationalist group in Sri Lanka that can commandeer big money, and further that it is that group that has been imposing constraints on the last and the present Government’s action on the BBS. That money can confer power is of course a commonplace. After 1977 in particular big money has been a very potent factor in our politics. Consequently the Government has to heed the wishes of the people and it has also to heed the diktats of big money at least to some extent. Is the writer being irresponsibly speculative here?

At the empirical level the evidence is convincing enough. The focus of the BBS attacks both under the last Government and the present one has been on mosques and Muslim-owned business premises. That was partly for the reason that the Islamophobic hate campaign to ignite mass violence against the Muslims failed completely. It is reasonable to presume that the big money that has been behind the BBS right from its inception has had its eyes sharply focused on the prospect of getting hold of Muslim business and putting it into Sinhalese hands. It will be remembered that both the Sinhalese and the Tamils profited from the destruction of Tamil business during the 1983 pogrom. This time around Sinhalese big money could hope to get the lion’s share of the loot. We should recall also that one of the major reasons for the 1915 riots was that low country Sinhalese traders who were trying to break into the Kandyan provinces wanted to eliminate Muslim rivalry there. So, it is reasonable to think that the major driving force – at least at the indigenous level – behind the BBS is Sinhalese big money, and that the Government is wary about taking really effective action against the BBS because of its respect for that big money.

The Muslims seem to be peculiarly vulnerable to attacks on their business interests because of the widespread notion that they are inordinately wealthy, a notion that has had wide currency over several decades, perhaps from the time of Independence and even before that. It had particularly wide currency after a nexus was established in the ‘sixties between Ratnapura and the gem merchants around Beruwala, resulting in their displaying their wealth in a vulgarly ostentatious manner. How misleading was the impression that the Muslims as a whole were inordinately wealthy was brought home to this writer when he headed our Embassy in Manila from 1970 to 1972. A couple of Sri Lankan Catholics who worked full-time in serving lepers came to the Embassy and in the course of conversation made the point that the Muslims had a disproportionately high number of lepers in comparison to the other ethnic groups. Their explanation was that there is a correlation between leprosy and poverty and the Muslims as a whole were poorer than the others. Impressions can be misleading, and the continuing notion of inordinate Muslim wealth is almost certainly mistaken.

What should be done? The question arises because the Muslims as a whole feel threatened as a consequence of some of them, in fact a few of them, being very wealthy. It is understandable that they should feel threatened as a whole because the BBS hate campaign targets them as a whole. The particular targets chosen by the BBS are significant. The mosques are chosen because the Muslims are an intensely religious people and the outrageous insults to Allah and Islam are meant to convey that in the new hierarchical ordering of Sri Lanka the Muslims will have a very low, hardly human, place. That will be very appealing to the bestialized racist elite among the BBS. But it won’t have much traction with the average Sinhalese Buddhist who is not a bestialized racist. What will have traction with them is the idea of putting an end to the supposedly inordinate wealth of the Muslims. So the question really is what should be done about that supposedly inordinate wealth?

What requires to be done is to move from impressions to the hard facts, to the statistics about the comparative economic positions of our ethnic groups. At one time it was possible to establish that through statistics provided by the Government, not impressions but authoritative data. In the first half of the ‘nineties the writer produced a study on the Sri Lankan Muslims using a Marga Institute report which established, basing itself on Government statistics, that the specially privileged economic position of the Muslims was a myth and that the economic positions of all our ethnic groups were more or less the same, except of course for the estate Tamils due to very special circumstances. In 1998 the writer, anticipating the kind of development we are witnessing at present, wanted the Marga Institute to prepare a further study on the same subject, but it was found that appropriate Government statistics were no longer available. The Muslim leadership must now try to persuade the Government to prepare the statistics in a way that will make the relative economic positions of our ethnic groups once again visible.

That is crucially important both in the interests of the Muslims and of national integration. The reason is that the present wave of Islamophobic activity can die down but it can be expected to crest again. That is to be expected in terms of the paradigm of racism which provides the best tool for analyzing and getting to grips with our ethnic problems. According to that paradigm as economic development takes place, competition for scarce resources will increase, with ethnic groups functioning as interest groups, a process that can lead to ethnic rivalry and conflict. We must also bear in mind the raw facts about capitalism: it leads to no-holds barred cut-throat competition unless the State plays a regulatory role. Unfortunately the Sri Lankan state has a very poor record in playing a regulatory role over ethnic matters. It is therefore up to the civil society, representing all our ethnic groups, to move and save this country. Sri Lanka, after all, is worth saving.

Latest comments

  • 6

    Izzeth, Other than stating BBS is being funded by big money, you have not provided an iota of information to back up your claim.

    The same can be said of any number of religious and ethnic organisations.

    • 8

      Let the elderly diplomat enjoy by his kind of artcles. So long he remains decent with his inputs, I dont mind it. Anyways, this has been a real issue, BBS should be funded by black money of GOTA and some foreign funds. Apart from that, there are rumours BBS lead to be a call boy to some XYY criminals and also eunachs of Edwin Rodrigo nature. Latter has provoked us wanting to support balusara on broad day light.

      • 2

        The author foolishly says that BBS has no mass support, so action can be taken against BBS. The truth is BBS is funded and sponsored by Mahinda & Gota company along with other JO partners like Weerawanse, Vasudeva & Dayan. They still keep most of the Sinhalese in the dark thorough conituous fear mongering stories of Tamils and Sinhalese. They are capable of creating mass scale violence and bloodbath in this land.

      • 0

        Today’s Papers say president is hiding gnanasars?

    • 7

      [Edited out], so you think only BBS and few Sinhalese are against you. Please do not test the patience of our people who are showing restraint under grave provocation by Islamic racists in Srilanka. If you do not correct your ways and behave giving respect to Buddhist values, you will receive worst treatment than what was given to Tamils. At least Tamils respect Buddha as one of their great sons and will never destroy any Buddha statue. You Islamic fanatics have destroyed Buddha statues in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Maldives. You will not hesitate to do it in Srilanka if by chance Srilanka comes under Islamic rule. That is why our people are taking preemptive measures to prevent Islamization. Why are you hiding the fact that money was paid by Qatar to Islamic racists like Rishard Badurdeen, Hisbulla and Atahulla to settle Muslims in archaeological sites and Jungle reserves to alter the demographic pattern. There are many Pakistani and Bangladeshi illicit immigrants who have been settled in these ares with forged documents of Srilanka citizenship. Saudi Arabia has given money to build mosques and madarassas all over Srilanka and even trained terrorists who have entered Srilanka on fake passports. Stop your nonsense of unsubstantiated attacks on us.

      • 14


        Stick to your capacity. Please don’t hijack a decent discussion among mature minded people. If you know any facts that we don’t know, please go to nearest police station and make a complaint that is your max – Now go watch some free porn and be your best friend.

        • 0

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        • 0

          The fact is that people are scared of a murderous religion founded by a opportunistic pedo prophet who preached that it was permissible to kill non believers, for the sake of furthering gods kingdom.

      • 0


        You cannot blame all Muslims. Most SL Muslims are peaceful.

        Only a few are violent. Same with Buddhists. So its equal. London is a different case. Don’t drag London into arguments.

        Change you handle if you are decent. It is not rocket science to pronounce it backward front. When done it is indecent and insulting to Allah (PBUH). This type of spiteful language should not be used in SL.

        The Merciful One will have mercy on you.

    • 8

      Dear Izeth, your statement that Sinhalese and Tamils profited from the destruction of Tamil businesses during the 1983 program is a blatant lie. There is no doubt that the atrocities were committed by Sinhalese, but I can vouch that no Sinhalese acquired the destroyed house and properties of fleeing Tamils as they felt that it would be a curse on their families if they do so on the sufferings of Tamils. You are dishonest in hiding the fact that it was Muslims who bought most of the properties of Tamils for a song and prospered. One day their descendants will have to face the wrath of the gods for this dastardly act. Even one Muslim person tried to grab my house, which I managed to prevent with the help of Sinhalese people. Tamils lost heavily in that pogrom as the intention was to economically deprive them. To say that Tamils profited by it, proves your ant–Tamil credentials.Divine retribution will always come however delayed and what is happening to Muslims could be that. It is sad that people like you are promoting hatred by telling lies and half truths.

      • 3

        Now I know why so many Muslims have properties in Wella Gardens ….Thanks

        • 2

          Hussain, You hypocrite you cry foul about the SInhala thugs but keep quiet about Muslim Wahabi thugs who provoke the Buddhists to show their power.

          Why don’t you write about the Thambi thug Asad Salley and the other criminal who threw stones at the magistrate under Rajapkse colours? [Edited out]

        • 0

          I was living in col 6 in the 90s. I can vouch the influence they had in wellawatte.
          How dare this man say Tamils benefited from program of 83?

          • 1

            “How dare this man say Tamils benefited from program of 83”. Tamils were given asylum in the West due to war, and the main reason war was triggered due to pogrom in 83. No place like home, but I guess being a refugee in the right place gives some self-development & respect than being a citizen in the wrong place?
            Why do we hide an ugly inhumane thing with a nice name, “pogrom”? Pogrom is an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group by definition.

          • 1

            All the police reports and subsequent findings of loot pointed clearly at muslim thugs. colpetty showrooms were laid bare by muslim thugs. He is on a freudian dreamboat trip thinking of the pyramids and the gold.

            • 0

              Ela kukula, if Muslim thugs destroyed these shop you can say they looted but 100% were Sinhalese so they are the thugs who looted.

      • 4

        Dr. GS – There has been a bona fide mistake on my part in the sentence “It will be remembered that both the Sinhalese and the Tamils profited from the destruction of Tamil business during the 1983 pogrom”. The notion that the Tamils profited from the destruction of Tamil business is of course self-contradictory. Obviously I had something else in mind. It was that both the “Sinhalese and the Muslims” profited from the destruction. – IH

        • 0

          Izeth Hussain: “Obviously I had something else in mind. It was that both the “Sinhalese and the Muslims” profited from the destruction. “#######This must be the biggest U turn by Izeth.

        • 3

          Dear Izeth, Thank you for the correction. Please in future refrain from making unsubstantiated statements as they will only promote hatred. The need of the hour is for all fair minded people to come together and diffuse the situation and punish whoever the perpetrators are, irrespective of their community or status. Just blaming fringe elements in Sinhala community is not going to help without restraining fringe elements in Tamil and particularly Muslim community. Racist propaganda whoever makes it is very strong, and will make even some fair minded people to sway to that side. We have experienced this in UK in Festival of Cricket, where Sinhala racists have prevented Jaffna School OBAs participating.

      • 4


        ” it was Muslims who bought most of the properties of Tamils for a song and prospered. One day their descendants will have to face the wrath of the gods for this dastardly act.”

        what is the dastardly act here that you are talking about.If the tamils sold for a song as you say then that is their problem,not the person who buys has done any wrong.

        I was in a sinhalese gentlemans house during riots and a tamil called him and asked whther he would buy their house.He said okay and then they agreed on a price. After a few hours she called back and asked whether he could increase it a bit.He said okay and increased it because he was such a good hearted man.However in todays context it was a song.Are you saying he should face the wrath of god.Here was a man who was protecting tamils in his house and also transporting affected tamils to refugee centers.If tamils panic and sell then they are the fools .

        • 1

          Just making statements that a Sinhalese man bought a house of an affected Tamil is not helpful as it suggests that you are trying to say something for argument sake. Please give the names of Tamil gentleman who sold it and Sinhala gentleman who bought it, and the address of the property transacted, for me to check with land registry. If you fail to give these details, then you cannot be taken seriously. You should also give me your full name for me to check with the Sinhala family members that you were actually in their house for protection during the riots.

          • 0


            your comment shows you are a petty minded type o person who does not see the big picture.Your comment is like that of a woman and not like a real man’s one.

            having said that the gentleman concerned while transporting tamils was stopped by a army officer and a machine gun was shoved in his chest and the bastard officer shouted at him”so you are the buggers who are helping the tamils”.Soon after this he got palpitations and sadly within a couple of years passed away.i don’t think it is necessary to give all those details you requested for a nitpicking jaffna character you seem to be.We are born and bred in colombo,whereas yu obviously from your comments who have been born and bred in jaffna will carry your traits globally until you die.However you will also have traits such as hard work,honesty,duty ,loyalty etc which i admire.

            so with regard to my bona fides,take it or leave it you arsehole.

        • 1

          Shankar – thank you for your commonsensical and fair-minded comment. So rare! – IH

      • 0

        When caught red-handed or when the heat becomes unbearable change the story is the
        typical Muslim story all over the world. I remember Dr. Subramaniam Swamy claimed this on video a few years ago. The rich Arabs used their influence at Harvard University and had him in trouble for this. Hussein thinks he helps the Muslim cause by attacking the Tamils but ends up bringing more trouble for the Muslims. This is not a typo error but a gigantic blunder by a man with a poison pen.
        A.D.J. Perera

    • 2

      There are some powerful organizations which keep out of the public eye, and are careful not to make press statements.
      Just google “sinhala veera vidahana” and you will find one of these shadowy outfits. The leaders are all Sinhala big businessmen , one being the boss of DSI. In their (private) meetings, they openly advocate removal of minority business competition.

      • 2

        Old codger – thanks – very useful material. At the empirical level there is plenty of material to show the economic drive behind the BBS rantings. Groups other than the BBS have also been behind the anti-Muslim economic drive. Some years ago there was a wave of kidnappings of Muslim businessmen for ransom. The then Government too refusedd to take counter-action – IH

      • 0

        old codger————— It is always the case that the Petite Bourgeoisie support/supported all brand of Sinhala/Buddhist fascism in order to promote not only their businesses but their social standing as well as share of political power. Kumari Jayawardene pointed out in one of her excellent essays. Sorry I am unable to recollect the title of the Essay. ———————— By the way you seem to be very fond of Champa lately. Names could deceive.

        • 0

          ” By the way you seem to be very fond of Champa lately”
          Ha ha, I tend to take on people like Champa who are reasonably civil, even if their views are opposite.
          Maybe Champa is an old man in Matara?

        • 0

          Native Vedda “”Sinhala/Buddhist “”
          Its not just sinhala buddhist it more to do with `addiction` to wealth only and working behind the scenes destroys communities eg of the case I point out in the post below even Basil and Gota was on their thumbs. now can you imagine that? No big time sinhala/buddhist businessman could challenge them in what they did best because they simply nipped them in the butt by unfair means (they are dishonest at the bottom so the climb is meteoric). today they have some of the best agencies.and are quite/unassuming like the bird that feeds on leftovers so is rarely touched- you see this type in the east of south china seas.

      • 0

        old codger, “you will find one of these shadowy outfits.” this is a natural follow up from the days of arab piracy to freemasonry, eg several decades ago cargills lost one of its lucrative agencies to iranian and there is no way they could get it back and more so they dictate terms to the island and are backed by malwatte.- houn ge horu.
        this man’s fear is the northern villagers made lots of hay with corner shops in the west (now it’s almost over) and that money may buy business/enterprises and agencies but unfortunately they don’t have class which they plan to buy using lanka. That would put the muslims and less of the sinhalese down in one go but not the bohras memons iranians etc. You need solid external links and insure externally to survive. In anycase time is ticking for indochino takeover making pakistan the outsider.

    • 2

      Izeth Hussain, ———————————————————————————–

      Thanks for the write up.————————————————————————-

      Even though BBS has received funding from Norwegian, Fundamentalist Christian West and Israelis, to target the Muslims, the additional truth is that BBS is funded and sponsored by Mahinda & Gota company along with other JO partners and Sinhala racists and merchants, who are in the pocket of MaRa. ———————————————————————————————————————————The current wave of attacks are sponsored by MaRa and JO , to reduce the support of Muslims for Yahapalanaya and the UNP , so that in the next election, they can divide or discourage the Muslim from voting against the JO , MaRA and Cronies.———————-Remember the Grease Yakka of Gota?———————————————–
      The question is will the Muslim masses see through this? Are their IQ’s high enough. Are the IQ’s of the Sinhala masses high enough? They ALL suffer from a low average IQ of 79.

      • 0

        panditaya : in this world caesars are short lived so they all do it like a woman did =- both ways and as wise as the foolish- sleeping with the hare and hunting with the hounds- game keeps going like a merry go round. truth is churned till it becomes stagnant and pungent and all over again like cricket matches.

  • 4

    What a load of bull. The BBS is supported by the Government, for what ever screwed reason the President and PM wants another ethnic war.Gnanaaraya is the bitch who is carrying the ground work.There is a grand plan for a Muslim genocide,like 1983 Tamil were killed.It was a UNP government.
    Muslims must be ready and united, we cannot be like rohingyas running away. We will fight and if need be have our own land. Muslims belong in Sri Lanka and jihad should be our way.

    • 0

      Will that be a defensive Jihad or an offensive Jihad?In case there will be a separate muslim land as you have indicated what will be the position of non-muslims within it?Will you treat non-muslims fairly?

  • 3

    “The question arises because the BBS certainly has nothing like mass support”

    So you are contradicting your earlier assertion that ISIS has no mass support from the Sunnis. How does ISIS capture so much territory, who is funding it, who is joining it in the tens of thousands? If you compare ISIS to BBS, the differences are clear.

    “It is therefore up to the civil society, representing all our ethnic groups, to move and save this country. Sri Lanka, after all, is worth saving.”

    Sri Lanka will not collapse because of radical Islam. There is still time to expel the Muslims, similar to what Idi Amin did to the Indians and the Arab countries did to the Jews. But this will not happen since Sri Lanka is a democracy and Buddhism, at its core, is secular. On the other hand, it will not go the way of India/Pakistan. You see when Prabhakaran was in the early stages of Eelam negotiations with Ranil, CBK dissolved the Parliament. After that the Sinhalese elected a true nationalist to finish the job. Many important lessons were learned from 30 years of civil war. That is why you still have no federalism in the North & East.

    • 5


      “Many important lessons were learned from 30 years of civil war”, Are you sure?
      You still think SL or any country could collapse only by the flag being taken down, LTTE for instance. But MR, your so-called nationalist also showed us that SL has the potential to collapse while the flag is still being hoisted.

      With 100% of your concentrations on the former said, you take the latter for granted, and that is why today our debt-to-GDP ratio is over 80%. Probably we, Sri Lankans are the most indebted people in the world.

      Elites controlling then economy, law & order, bad public service, frequent strikes, corruption everywhere, racial tensions etc are good contributors too. We almost had the Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak here, and the handed over to another inactive group.

      Today, we’re so weak economically that we don’t need a war (whether we can afford is another question) to collapse SL, all foreign workers in Arab countries only come back is enough – One can argue on that, but that is the truth that we never had plan B

      • 1


        “and that is why today our debt-to-GDP ratio is over 80%….”

        Debt is manageable, since it is the interest that is being paid. The US national debt is over $19 trillion. The real concern for the Government is keeping inflation under control. Hyperinflation is when a society starts “breaking down”, since the base currency is almost worthless. We learned a lot from 30 years of civil war. The most important lesson is not to listen to outsiders. The next war will last 1 or 2 years maximum. Other than that, there are security measures all around the island to ensure no insurgency grows to LTTE levels.

        • 4

          Lester: “Debt is manageable, since it is the interest that is being paid”. IF Sri Lanka can survive without refinancing or going for new loans, that is to say, SL stays paying the same interest on the initial loan. BUT, Sri Lanka is currently in a situation that it can’t even pay so-said interests on the existing loans, and that is very clear when Ranil offered China some equity swap options with Mattala airport and Hambantota harbor. (Of course Chinese Govt not agreeing on swapping debt with offered equity, and asking for increased interest rates when approached for refinancing is an indication that SL as per Chinese view is not stable).

          “keeping inflation under control”: SL’s fiscal policy reduces inflation despite our economy not doing well, and other conditions but thanks to Arab nations this arrogant policies don’t back fire us with unemployment issues. Then again, a SL clerical worker’s overseas salary was 3 times more than our president’s, 3 years back. Now it seems nearly 8 times. Back home, people pay higher taxes, and they can’t buy everything with 1000Rs that they did last year. Why?

          Funny, you’re targeting a 2 year war, when 2 days of heavy raining made us scream like banshee .. “Help”..”help”. . If you’re really fond of seeing a war, will bring back all workers in the Arab nations and they will show us a good war being jobless, without using arms or being soldiers.

          • 0

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          • 1

            Isharath: Your theory that the (Sri Lankan) economy is fully reliant on remittances is wrong. Net remittances have grown by 133% over the past 7 years, while exports have grown by 150%. Tourist arrivals have increased by 300%. Even FDI has grown from about 200M in 2009 to 600M in 2017, an increase of 200%. So, all sectors of the economy are outpacing remittances.

            • 4

              Lester: SL economy is not fully reliant on remittances. But that is the 2nd largest source that brings in external money, that in 2016 accounted for 10% of GDP. And for SL political / social climatic changes, I would say remittances are more reliable than others you mentioned.

              Export / Tourism / FDI – Unreliable as per SL situation changes, and will go down in the coming years ‘hopefully’ due to political / security situations. I said ‘hopefully’ because you seem to hope for a war. With a running war + insurgency issues, monk issues etc, foreign investors or tourists will not be interested in SL. So, we have no choice but to worship ‘worker remittances’ once again, our old savior of the economy. Back to being more reliant on remittances, encourage more and more people to go, work outside and send money home, because we have to buy a lots of arms to kill each-other. Your situation is such, you want to have the cake and eat eat it too, you want a war as well as a stable economy. How?

              • 0

                Isharath: Regardless, only 60% of remittances come from the Middle East. The remaining 40% come from other parts of the world. If we follow your logic, that means the Middle Eastern contribution to the SL economy is 6%. The Middle Eastern contribution will continue to decline as the economies of the Arab nations face low oil prices. There is now real competition between renewable sources of energy and the traditional coal. Safe to say, 30 from now, almost every home and business in the developed nations will be powered with solar energy. There are also massive R&D efforts underway to power vehicles with lithium batteries. A traditional ICE (internal combustion engine) has a maximum efficiency of about 30%, while for electric motors the figure is 90%. So there is definitely an incentive for electric motors to go mainstream. This is all bad news for OPEC. Oil will be under $40 USD a barrel permanently. That is just the economic side. The politics is also a mess. Saudi Arabia has wasted billions in Yemen over 2 years, now they are burning through forex reserves and fighting with Qatar. These idiots will go broke trying to compete with Iran for influence.

            • 1

              Lester the jester, Sri Lanka standing on it’s leg not only because of remittance coming from middle-east, what about export of tea, vegetables, fruits and other industrial products which are low standard according to Western countries. Taking these into account around 70% of foreign exchanged earned from Middle-east.

  • 1

    Mr. Hussein you talks about big money. why don’t you talk about Saudi aRabian money and Baharain money, Those days, Libyan money islamizing Sri lanka building Saudi arabian towns in Kathankudu, cleaning wilpattu and settling foreigner muslims and muslims from wilapttu to mullativu via kilinochchi ? Why do you always complain but never talk about muslims ?

    You muslims blame BBS. why don’t you talk what muslims are doing and have done for the last several years. in Sinhale How you muslims have become arrogant and simply you have forgotten we sinhala people also like to follow our religion without middle eastern religion trying to islamize or chrtistianize Sri lanka.

    So many people are asking the same question. but, you just like allah, never here what others say, you talk only your side. why is that ?

    • 0

      Moday why should they bother to Islamize Sri Lanka. There are nearly 1 million working in their country so if they Islamize them, on their return another 2 or 3 millions will get added. So no efforts needed in Sri Lanka.

  • 4


    “It will be remembered that both the Sinhalese and the Tamils profited from the destruction of Tamil business during the 1983 pogrom”

    you may be old but your above statement shows now you are beginning to lose your marbles as well. Tell me how on earth Tamils could profit from the destruction of Tamil business. Quite frankly ,You have been talking through your rear end or is it through your thoppi this time. Why don’t you do us a favour by not writing your garbage on this forum any more. you are most certainly suffering from senility now it is about time you call it a day-old chap .

    • 2

      the right name you have chosen , madayan . may be modayan.
      Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain – and most fools do.

    • 2

      Sinhala Madayan quotes I.Hussain: “It will be remembered that both the Sinhalese and the Tamils profited from the destruction of Tamil business during the 1983 pogrom”. In the first draft Izeth had “……that Sinhalese Muslims profited from…………”. In the second draft he inserted this. Not due to old age but due to his inherent dishonesty.

  • 2

    Mr Hussain, you know that Islamophobia is not a phenomenon confined to Sri Lanka alone. It will begin to recede only if and when UN adopts one family one child policy. Soma

  • 4

    IH your analysis about the Muslim wealth is spot on, except for a few clothing traders and show offs majority of them are well below the poverty line, 95% of the trade is controlled by the Sinhalese and Tamil although the Muslims comprise almost 10% of the population, less than 2% are provided jobs by the government, unlike the majority community, thanks to the employment opportunities provided by the middle eastern countries majority of the Muslim families are sustaining their livelihoods, even this the majority community cannot stand. High time a true picture of the wealth level of the communities in Sri Lanka is analyzed and published, similar to census, so that the baseless assumptions and concocted lies spread by the hate monger can be cleared, but I doubt this will be done, because the government already knows the facts

  • 2

    “Yahapalanaya is about Hedonism.”. You must be referring to the free Car Permits worth LKR 3400 Million to 99 Tickkas in Kotte………Including some rich UNP in Colombo …. .And the same Sex Marriage which is being promoted as a must to be in the Batalanda Constitution along side expunging Buddhism……..Because the latter doesn’t like to encourage Hedonism ….. I thought Fashion House…. No Limit , Odel , Dialogue, and a myriad of big ass business are all owned by Muslims , alongside all the Blue and Red Saphires and Star Stones in Mahavamsa land… Where did you get this Big ass Sinhala Businesses to pump Billions in to BBS?…….Wishful thinking , mate…. All the dudes I know who have businesses of any substance are all UNP ass lickers , who worship Dr Batalanda Ranil…….Please tell us if you know any who don’t .,……. ……One more thing, ….. How does your SLMC and Mosques think about these Same Sex thing. and downgrading Buddhism …………..Our Catholic Cardinal openly knocked back both……Will the SLMC, Baththdeen, Sally and Mustafa give the OK……Kabir and Thambi Marrikkar of course will do anything to upset their Boss Dr Ranil……Right..

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera —————————————————-“You must be referring to the free Car Permits worth LKR 3400 Million to 99 Tickkas in Kotte”—————–True it includes all the crooks in the last government too. ——————————————-“And the same Sex Marriage which is being promoted as a must to be in the Batalanda Constitution along side expunging Buddhism” —————————–Why do you worry about same sex Marriage as long as it does not hurt your own back or you are forced to hurt others with your little Willy? Not only Buddhism should be removed from the constitution but also Sangha should remove ban on marriage between monks. ———————————– Seriously, when you were very young, what did the Hamaduru do to you when you went to wear noola? Didn’t he play with your Willy? …………..

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    Its time for Political buddhism, just like political Islam. Failing to do that, Islam will take over SL and we will be all under Sharia Law. Look at all the countries that have implemented Sharia Law! Afganistan, Parkisthan, Saudi Arabia to name a few.
    “benefits of Sharia Law” Forced marriages, Female Genital mutilation, cutting of hands and limbs and beheading for Blasphemy, being gay, and for changing religion to name few.
    BBC is the only hope and we should all support this org.

    • 2


      “Islam will take over SL and we will be all under Sharia Law. “

      Whether Islam will take over SL or not, it is a fact that most Muslims want Sharia Law. Very few will oppose the Sharia. That is the real reason why ISIS has grown so fast. If you watch the “moderate” Muslims try to separate ISIS from mainstream Islam, they will not argue against the Sharia, they will just say ISIS has a wrong interpretation of Islam. The fact is that there is only one Sharia, ISIS is following the most strict interpretation (the whole thing), while most Muslims in non-Islamic countries follow only a part of it. For example, beheading and stoning are permitted under the Sharia. It is difficult to do that if you live in the West, so it is not followed. Whereas, “honor killings”, also permitted under Sharia, are carried out everywhere.

  • 2

    the way muslims in Sri lanka behave and talks, the way what is happening in Asia because of muslims, Ven. ghanasara is just a messenger and he is showing impending evil and the risk to the Sinhala buddhist civilization. It is better the govt take action. when muslims gang up they become violent. Now there are many muslims terrorist organizations, govt should be careful.

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    Champika is has changed colors ,with addressing the insult on The God of all humanity ,he in his utter delusion is accusing Sri Lankan Muslims of being radicalized by ISIS , it is clear who is been radicalized if one takes a look around.
    Do we have any hope of at least a few Sinhalese true and Sincere Buddhist come in the open and condemn this insult ??? Or are we being purposely being harassed and forced into becoming radicalised so our planned genocide can be an excuse to be justified ??? The biggest hurdle is there are few Muslims who curry favor with these racists for financial benefits .like one who runs a blog overseas, one who has a worker from the BBS membership ,to mention a few,

  • 2

    What a load of Rubbish! A whole lot of hallucinations sans an iota of proof!
    And you speak as if the Muslims have totally played by the rules! Right ….
    And to Punchiburampi who is yapping here about Gota’s black money funding the BBS ……..Get a life and perhaps if possible grow atleast half a brain cell. People like you have done enough damage to the country for the last two and a half years already!

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    In order to stress that Lankan Muslims are not all that wealthy, Izeth says: “….this writer when he headed our Embassy in Manila from 1970 to 1972. A couple of Sri Lankan Catholics…………..came to the Embassy and in the course of conversation made the point ………..the Muslims as a whole were poorer than the others”. What the hell has Philippines Muslims wealth to do with his story here? The plight of Rohingya Muslims was pointed out to Izeth on a number of occasions. He refuses to address this issue. Credit to Izeth for avoiding his trade mark Vellalah influence and the spectre of Indian annexation

    this writer when he headed our Embassy in Manila from 1970 to 1972. A couple of Sri Lankan Catholics who worked full-time in serving lepers came to the Embassy and in the course of conversation made the point that the Muslims had a disproportionately high number of lepers in comparison to the other ethnic groups. Their explanation was that there is a correlation between leprosy and poverty and the Muslims as a whole were poorer than the others. Impressions can be misleading, and the continuing notion of inordinate Muslim wealth is almost certainly mistaken.

  • 7

    Hi all I recently heard from a reliable source that middle east backed politician has bought a large plot of land near Vattapalai Amman Temple in Mullaitivu District and building houses. The houses are being/going to be used to settle Muslims and convert some poor Tamils with cash offer. This needs investigating and the people should be aware of the motives..

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      Vellum Kumar, most of the land buyers in SL are middle-east or EU backed anyway ;-)
      As long as they go through proper local procedures, what is your issue? Just inform Tamils not to get attracted for lures and leave their religion like they did for English Language Schools of Christian missionaries.

    • 4

      Dynamite the housing complex and deport the muslin Politician to Saudi Arabia if necessary with the help of Ven. Ganasara Thero

      • 1

        Don’t harm people. there is something called -controlled deomlition.

      • 5

        Sinhala Madayan, Was it also a dynamite they used by Nandikadal at the last days of the war? It is a good suggestion, but we need to wait till the monk comes out first.

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      If someone want to convert to other religion for cash, best is to let them go. When you got more money, you can sure take them back – But don’t take them back. Anyway, religion is an inherited asset, let them use it for their betterment.

  • 6

    In Bangladesh richest people are Christians next Hindus ….Muslims work under Christans and Hindus ..pity Allah couldn’t help them.

    In SL how many Muslims are rich ?Rich Muslims are Memon..Borahs groups.

    Can anyone show a leading Muslims company run by local Muslims ?

    All over the world Muslims are very poor ….some Arabs are jumping too much because. of oil ..even this is for how long ?

    Whether BBS get foreign money (from where) is a question but Muslims organization get money from Saudies and Qataries thus indirectly fan extremism

    • 11

      So what is your argument here? So that proves how peaceful Muslims are? (even though them being majority, they don’t get jealous on others success, and create ’83 style pogrom or setting others’ shops on fire during wee hours)

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        Rishard Thambi

        How peaceful are Muslims ? Let me tell you they are as peaceful as butchers who slit animals neck after reciting from the Quran, You evil creatures slit the so- called non believers throat in the same way after reciting from the Quran, that is how peaceful is your religion Islam and you Muslims are.

        • 7

          Sinhala Madaya or Modaya I don’t know, if you’re a Madayan: sorry mate, Quran doesn’t say to recite when killing the human, that is purposely done to tarnish the name of peaceful religion. It is not Islam that makes people firewalk, baby-tossing in the Kovils, food rolling, tongue piercing, ear piercing, hooking and many more other funny stuff that carried out as part of religious rituals. And there is no way you find such insulting human torture is allowed in Islam. Islam and Muslims dignify non-believers’ lives – SL is a good example, if Muslims kill non-believers, why are all the non-believers in the Muslim countries? Just because LTTE killed innocent people including women and kids, it doesn’t mean all Tamils are baby killers? Yes we slit animals that is allowed for human consumption. We kill and eat the meat, you don’t kill but eat the meat of animal that we kill is the difference.

          • 1

            Rishard You dick brain

            Shia muslims also use razor blades to draw blood to show their religious fervour. Kavadi and tongue piercing is no different. I live in London if you say that your religion is a fucking peaceful religion today in London, you will not stay alive here for a minute so shut the fuck up and accept that your religion is not suitable for modern world and only suitable for barbarians.

            Kaaba in Mecca is actually a sivalingam that shows most of the muslims in the middle eat, central Asia, Southeast asia and South Asia were hindus before they converted to Islam after prophet Mohameds’ time I suggest that you all go back to your original peace loving religion i.e. Hinduism if this world to once again achieve peace and tolerance.

            • 0

              sinhala Madayan,

              Ha..ha..so your irritation comes from the fact that you reached London on a fishing boat to get rid of terrorism in SL, and you’re terrified there too? Even you misspelt a few words out of fear I guess. Sissy, you better grow a pair of balls and face it like a man. Those who create racial tension in other countries hiding behind a keyboard are really weak fellows like you in reality. Just because there is ‘Tamil’ in LTTE, doesn’t mean all Tamils are terrorists are killers.

            • 0

              sinhala Madayan, sivalingam is a Tamil word for Siva’s penis (lingam). You people loves Siva’s penis so much you have names also like that – Periyalingam, Sunderalingam, Manikkalingam etc. People of other countries don’t the lingam of Siva but they love their own lingam.

    • 0

      So you are proving Muslims are not racist and fundamentalist. 90% Muslim population in Bangladesh can easily get rid of rich Christians an Hindus if they are racist. You are proving what Izzeth Hussain said that Muslims are not fabulously rich and there are more poor Muslims. But you are very jealous Muslim get fund from Saudi.

    • 0

      Cholan, ———————————————————————————-
      ” but Muslims organization get money from Saudies and Qataries thus indirectly fan extremism”——Yes they follow the Devil and cause extremism and terrorism per instructions from the Devil, Satan————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted —————————————————————–

      Yusri Rushdi al-Sayyid Jabr al-Husni, a Sunni Muslim religious scholar from the world’s oldest and most prestigious Islamic school, the Honorable al-Azhar, has stated that Wahhabis who are also known by other names such as Salafis, Najdis, and Horners, are in fact the Horn of the Devil, a term used by the prophet Muhammad in reference to a satanic faith that shall come out of Najd (Saudi Arabia).——————————————————————————————-

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    i thought this time izath was going to write a reasonable article. but he made a slip when he wrote about 1983 riots. how can he say that tamils profitted? may be he will say that tamils went as refugees to the west and profitted. of course some of them were sent to the heaven a little early by the sinhala thugs and ‘benefitted’.. many tamils i know-including myself became bankrupt overnight in july 1983. as usual the great dpl becomes very irrational when it comes to matters related to ethnicity.

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      S.Dayal – please see the clarification above to Dr Gnana S. I typed wrong. What I had in mind was that both the Sinhalese and the Muslims profited, not Tamils – IH

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        Izeth – your correction is appreciated. However the truth is following the 1983 pogrom Lankan Muslims gained most. Probably some unscrupulous Sinhalese learned from this and maybe the anti-Halal moves etc was used by big businesses to edge out competitors. The predicament of Lankan Muslims is due to big businesses interests. The Myanmar situation is similar – the Wirathu group is a tool controlled by the rapacious Burmese Junta.

      • 2

        I am as old as you but refrain from venom. What you have in mind and what put to print differs because you need to see the shrink pronto. It happens when you hate- hate boomerangs even on your coffin they say.

  • 2

    Who’s funding the Muslimization of Sri Lanka????? who’s funding terrorist breeding Madrasas all over Sri Lanka?

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    Dr. Sankaralingam,

    “There is no doubt that the atrocities were committed by Sinhalese, but I can vouch that no Sinhalese acquired the destroyed house and properties of fleeing Tamils as they felt that it would be a curse on their families if they do so on the sufferings of Tamils.”

    I thank you for exposing the truth to a small group of Tamils who are trying to depict Sinhalese as a monstrous race. Sinhalese en masse should not be blamed for the tragedy that happened in July 1983. In the same token, Sinhalese should not blame Tamils en masse for the heinous crimes committed by LTTE cadres. 1983 attack on Tamils was carried out by UNP thugs with the blessings of some politicians in the UNP Government in which the present Prime Minister was a Cabinet Minister. During that incident many Sinhalese risked their lives by protecting Tamils. Lot of Tamils (mainly Tamil Diaspora) pass derogatory remarks to President Rajapakse who crushed LTTE, killed the war monger Prabhakaran and brought peace not only to Sinhales but to Tamils, Muslims and others but Tamils do not point finger to Ranil who should be responsible to some extent to ‘Black July’ that targeted civilians. President Rajapakse’s target was terrorists not civilians.

    Dr. Sankaralingam is right. When Tamils or Sinhalese vacate business premises, Muslims grab them. I know what happened in Galle. I read another incident about Eravur. Before LTTE chased Sinhalese from Eravur, business in Eravur town was in the hands of Sinhalese. Sinhalese owned 52 shops. Now, there are only two Sinhalese shops, rest are owned by Muslims using forged documents. Complains made to the previous/present Governments have fallen on deaf ears. Who is protecting the Muslims?

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    This time, Hussein’s bile is directed at the BBS, not the Tamils. The BBS is supported by the Rajapakses. 65% of the Sinhalese support Rajapakse, So, the distinction between good and bad Sinhalese is somewhat hollow. The fact is that all Sinhalese and all Tamils are concerned about the Muslims, as their behaviour has taken an entirely different turn. Hussein himself and Muslims should direct their gaze inwards and find out what is wrong with them. Hussein must curb his need to spew the bile and hatred that builds up within his old mind. It only serves to arouse similar hatred towards the Muslims. He will do the Muslims a favour If he writes something more useful than his hate inspired tirades.

    In the holy month of Ramzhan, Muslims have spilt innocent blood of people all over the world in London and Manchester. Something is obviously wrong with some if not all believers of this religion. At home, women are kept in ignorance and purdah. They are married when barely 12, which in the law of the land amounts to rape. They are divorced with the pronouncement of just three words. Half of their people are kept in total subservience through ignorance and codes of behaviour.

    This may not concern others. But, what is disconcerting is the possibility of the introduction of violence that is generated by continuous claims for special treatment and appeasement of such claims. BBS is just an outcome of this phenomenon. If it were to go on, there would be a calamitous clash which will not serve anyone. The onus is on the Muslim community not to isolate itself. It must learn to live with the others and according to the common laws and values of the country.

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    Papers say that president is hiding gnanasara?

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