By Muhammed Fazl –
“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways” – Gautama Buddha
Historians of Buddhism in Sri Lanka may or may not have interpreted historical scriptures based on facts or opinions… but none of it matter anymore since Buddhism has lost its value and its importance thanks largely to its ineffectiveness in matters concerning governance, rule of law and social justice. Bitter it may be to some to swallow, but Sri Lanka was never a Buddhist country. The need to look for alternative and effective sources of guidance in leading the masses towards spiritual enlightenment is now a matter of great exigency.
60% of the population claiming to be Buddhists or the belief in the legend where Lord Buddha supposedly had arrived in Sri Lanka centuries ago does not make this a Buddhist country. For it to be rightly called such, it need to be governed by teachings of Buddhism as in the case of Islamic countries where Islamic Sharia is the source of governance. Buddhism as a state religion in this country has been a failure since none of the governments in power paid any serious attention in being guided by its teachings. Sri Lanka with one of the highest cases of rape, suicide, murder, theft, racial intolerance, alcohol consumption and the addiction for gambling has also contributed in negating the influence of Buddhism.
The Thripitakaya, written 500 plus years after the death of Gautama Buddha with 80,000 plus sermons to follow, how it came to be written or questions of its authenticity is no more important as long as its teachings are useful, if followed that is. Whatever religion one may follow, the beauty of the Buddhist philosophy or its sensibility cannot be easily disputed or denied.
The state religion and a religion of tolerance, interpreted, distorted and disregarded by many and being used mostly for profits and politics in present chimes, seeing its teachings being relegated to mere rituals is indeed unfortunate. In order to attract the disinterested lot, copying ritualistic practices from the Hindu faith and construing it as divine ones makes it an even more pathetic sight.
What could have befallen in the ‘land of Buddha’ where erosion of values and practices have resulted in a sense of spiritual bankruptcy, especially amongst the flag bearers of its faith?
Lord Buddha expected his followers to discover the truth themselves and not just believe in what the scriptures say. But this ‘truth’ can be subjective and interpreted in many ways especially when living in a multi-religious country such as ours. Guidance it may be, but how many of our own monks have memorized or know the meaning of the entire scripture, let alone the ones in Pali or Sanskrit languages? As for the ordinary faithful, by and large, belief in Buddhism or the pagan ritualistic practices are somewhat a fashion statement to portray and justify one’s non-existent sense of piety.
Wearing a simple saffron-colored robe does not qualify one to deserve respect when attributes of old-age, wisdom, achievements in the service of humanity or piety does not exist. Rapists, pedophiles, thieves, murderers seeking sanctuary in temple premises donning monk’s robes is a common sight and more often than not, it is as a cover from their ‘colorful’ pasts and as a refuge from prosecution by the long arm of the law.
While the process of ordaining of monks as well as disrobing them are seriously flawed and non-existent in most cases, I always questioned the judgment of my countrymen in bowing down to nefarious characters wearing monk’s robes. Questions arising from centuries old practices such as worshipping or praying to lifeless sculptures/statues, Bo trees, chanting Pirith, tying threads around wrists, anointing oil on the head, and ‘religious’ processions (Peraharas) etc., seriously needs to be addressed when one’s proper conduct is absent or contrary to the teachings of Lord Buddha.
While Nirvana (Nibbana) can be achieved only when the fire of greed and hatred is extinguished, in practical terms, the state of Dukkha (complete peace) can be achieved only if no money is transacted, when detached from luxuries in life and worldly pleasures, when not in a state of intoxication or when non-violent or not dishonest among other positive attributes. Expecting majority of current day monks to abide by Vinaya (rules of discipline) would be unrealistic and herein arises the question of identifying the pious from the devious.
One’s piety is for himself/herself and for them alone the rewards for their good deeds. Their actions, sincere or otherwise, need not have a bearing on another or for it to be a reason for worship. The Muslims that I am, I believe only the God above knows the level of piety among his creatures. Hence, I seriously question the actions of my countrymen in bowing down to another mortal who in reality could be a child molester, rapist or a murderer etc.
Most of the Buddhist temples in this country are cash cows and havens for pedophiles and the deprived homosexuals. Little boys as young as six are left at the mercy of grown up men who supposedly have ‘denounced’ sexual relationships and who claim to live a ‘life of celibacy’. Men and women were created to love each other, so it is in line with nature for one to be attracted to the opposite sex. Deprivation often leads to the unnatural kind, mostly involving minors who are vulnerable and easily available in these situations. When little Samaneras (little boys) get used to living with the forced pleasurable pain, they too learn to impose themselves on the vulnerable when they grow up. The cycle continues with a strict code of silence largely due to abandonment by their parents when young and when left with no other alternatives for sustenance outside the temple premises. Research has taught us that sexual violence are perpetrated mostly by men who were themselves victimized when young.
Investigating activities of every Buddhist temple in this country would reveal the prevalence of misappropriation of charity funds, homosexuality, escapades of sex between monks and prostitutes and Tele-drama actresses, alcohol/drug abuse and child abuse among others. Inactions of the four Mahanayake chapters in eradicating the abuses and corruption would also make them complicit should they continue with their silence. Unfortunately, the relationship between every government in power and the Buddhist clergy is so strong, that an impartial investigation in to the activities of monks and their ‘places of worship’ would never see light of day.
Crusaders of justice that we all should be, this is my personal attempt in rescuing my Sinhala Buddhist brethren from the evil that has engulfed them all along. In the meantime and in conclusion, I sincerely hope concerned authorities would address the following issues and concerns,
1. Why Buddhist temples are allowed to collect funds when it is the responsibility of the State to protect and foster Buddhism? Is it also not a code of conduct in the Buddhist Vinaya for the monks not to handle money? And if they do, will it not lead to misappropriation and abuse of public funds? With so many accusations levelled at Islamic places of worship for raising money which could fund ‘Islamic extremism’ as allegedly, is it not evident with outfits like BBS linked temples instigating terror and violence against minorities only after raising vast amounts of funds?
2. What is the criteria in ordaining a monk and if exist a system to disrobe them when they act on the contrary to its teachings, has it ever been exercised? And if so, why wasn’t BBS general secretary Gnanasara not punished or disrobed for his despicable behavior?
3. Is it legal for children to be trained in monkhood when they are young as six and when their primary education should be made compulsory? Would it be correct to force religious teachings and religious teachings only when they are little kids and prevent them from having a normal childhood and dreams of a life of their choice?
4. Does the Child Protection Authority visit any of the temples if not all of them to investigate cases of pedophilia and child abuse? And would it be safe to leave them in the company of unrelated males with no women to look after them? Would it also not be advisable for the Authority to make regular visits to inspect the wellbeing of children in the care of monks?
5. What is the role of the Ministry of Buddha Sasana vis-a-viz temples? Shouldn’t they implement a code of conduct and also look into modern day Buddhist beliefs and practices?
6. If monks are allowed to dabble in politics, would it be unfair to other political parties since temples attract tax free funds and also enjoy many subsidized facilities since they are registered as charity organizations.
7. If monks are allowed to enter the political arena, would it not be a case of using religion (which is most dear to a sizable section of the ignorant voter base) to achieve power and wealth?
8. Why the age old practice of veneration of another mortal and the need to give prominence and priority in public places, buses, trains etc., when one’s faith is a personal matter?
*The writer is an independent social/political activist and can be contacted on and through FB Fazl Muhammed Nizar
Vibhushana / October 22, 2014
Fazi, kudos to you. You are a very intelligent man.
hikz / October 22, 2014
intelligent….more like a third class rowdy writing crap to gain cheap publicity..
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
My apologies… I regret if my style of writing fell short of your literary standards. The amateur writer that I am, I will certainly strive to better the next time.
But in the meantime and aside from your criticism, I sure hope you would take heart from what was written and do your bit in making this country a better place to live in. God bless.
hikz / October 23, 2014
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sach / October 23, 2014
Good suggestions.
In SL a non muslim giral should be atleast 16 to get married. for muslim girls it is 12. Do you think it should be changed as well?
Because mentally at 12 a girl is not suitable for matrimony and she is still a child. Dont you think so?
Kumar / October 23, 2014
Fazl, Hats off to you son for reveling the facts as an observer. Only a very few people are bold enough to write the truth. You must be commended for enlightening the Buddhists in Sri Lanka who are betraying Buddhism and insulting the Buddha.
Dear readers, I am not good at English literary to write an article but let me add to this article all what is being done against Buddhism by the Sri Lankan Buddhists or rather Sinhala-Buddhists as I have observed. I’ll appreciate if someone can take these points and write an article.
Are the Buddhist monks practicing Ahimsa (non-violence), Karuna (compassion), Metta (affection), and Maithriya (loving-kindness) towards fellow humans (irrespective of race/religion) or are they in the name of Buddhism promoting ethno-religious (Sinhala-Buddhist) chauvinism and hatred?
Most of the Sinhala Buddhist Monks do not even follow the 5 basic moral principles (Pancha sila) what Buddha has preached. These monks are a damn disgrace to Buddha and Buddhism?
The Sinhala-Buddhist Monks in Sri Lanka are the most corrupt, most racist, and the most dangerous. Buddhist monks are supposed to have given up all the worldly things (Materialism) but in Sri Lanka, it’s a different story. The Sinhala-Buddhist Monks are Corrupt to the Core.
These so called Sinhala-Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka do business, handle money, have Bank accounts and apply for Bank loans. It was found that a very large number of Sinhala-Buddhist monks had invested money in Sakvith Ranasighe’s illegal financial companies. They even sell the ata pirika (robes and other stuff) that the people donate them to earn money. Some of them are even employed. They engage in gambling, buy and sell shares, buy lottery tickets and so on. See the number of Pin-keta (tills) in the Buddhist temples. What they do with all the money they collect? Most of the culprits caught in printing fake currency notes were found to be Sinhala-Buddhists monks. They make money by selling the Car permits given to them. They print, record and sell books, magazines and Bana/pirith CDs, etc. and earn thousands of rupees in a short period.
Buddha Business has made the Sinhala Buddhist monks very rich. They own bungalows and real estates and have luxury cars and vans, employing drivers. Very soon they will also apply for driving license. They also have the latest most expensive mobile phones, lap tops, etc. They do not go from house to house with the begging bowl as instructed by the Buddha, instead the villages bring food to the temple and also the Sinhala Buddhist monks employ cooks in the temple. We have also seen Sinhala Buddhist monks selling posters, begging for money, going from door to door asking money. Buddhist-monk led politicians wheeling and dealing in imported Mercedes Benz and being caught with the pants down illegally selling tax-free motor vehicles.
They grow hair and make themselves attractive, adopt customs, habits and lifestyles like normal people, have secret love affairs, some of them live in boarding houses instead of temples, they listen to music and watch movies and have illegal sex with women or young boys. They keep mistresses in the temple (Buddhrakitha Thero and Ms. Vimala Wijewardene), and even take part in criminal/terrorist activities such as assassinating Prime minister (Somarama thero). Some of them drink alcohol, I have heard about monks who even keep Beer in their fridge. Some of them even form trade unions/associations; there was a time when the leader of the Nurses trade union in Sri Lanka was a Sinhala-Buddhist monk.
Some of them perform false miracles and pretend to heal sick people with pirith water. They tie pirith thread and bless people expecting the people to fall on their legs and worship them. Some of them preach their own Bana (sermon) instead of Buddha`s Bana.
The Sinhala Buddhist monks were war mongers, they supported and encouraged war. They take part in racist politics criticizing and condemning all other religions and races and creating communal hatred among Sinhala Buddhists and others. They take part in protest rallies, burning flags and effigies and also engage in fast unto death and even self-immolation. Some Buddhist monks shredded their robes to take AK-47s and earn more respect. We saw how monks were involved in brawl in the parliament with blood soaked faces. The Sinhala Buddhist monks lobbed a grenade at the Shah Rukh Khan show in Colombo. At present the Sinhala Buddhist monks are engaged in violence against the Muslims and Christians. They stormed the Fashion Bug, verbally abused the Muslims (hambaya, goni billa), and threw rotten eggs at shoppers, attacked and destroyed several Mosques and Churches and at Aluthgama, they attacked burnt many Muslim shops, houses and people.
Another new trend is the love for eating non-veg food (Meat and fish) among Sinhala-Buddhists monks. A new school seems to see nothing wrong in Buddhists eating animal flesh (including fish). An article by Ven. Dr. Vilegoda Ariyadeva thero, a former University of Ruhuna academic is a giant step toward guilt-free `Buddhism-friendly` meat eating. Dr. Ariyadeva thero claims meat eating is customary in Theravada Buddhist societies. Now a days when the Sinhala-Buddhists monks visit houses for Arms-giving (Daane) they expect expensive sea food and sometimes meat too. There are also Sinhala-Buddhists monks in Sri Lanka consuming food/drink in the afternoons/night even though they are not supposed to do so.
Even though Buddhism does not have any caste system, caste is used among Sinhala Buddhist monks more than lay people. Different nikayas are formed according to the caste. For example, the Siam Nikaya (Malwathu and Asgiri) will not ordained as a monk anyone from a lower caste.
The Sinhala Buddhists are more interested in worshipping the Buddha statue, Bo-tree, and Buddha’s Dathu (relics/body parts) and feeding Dana (alms/free food) to the Sangha (Buddhist monks) rather than following the Dhamma what the Buddha preached.
The Buddhism preached by the Sinhala Buddhist monks is no longer able to provide any vision or guidance or constructive power but are only occupied in maintaining their own petty positions in an already atrophied hierarchy resting on a utterly disillusioned and rapidly crumbling society from which the spirit has long since departed. They have subordinated the interests of the society to national goals and the narrow ambitions of nationalist and racist leaders.
Today, Sri Lanka has become a strong hold of Buddhist aggression and terror and such acts are spurred by hardline Sinhala Buddhist monks. The terror attacks against the minorities were motivated by Buddhist monks (the prominent among whom is Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara) with the creation of the BBS (Bodu Bala Sena/Buddhist task force).
It is said that not only India but even the Sri Lankan Tamils were once Buddhists. However, both Indians and the Sri Lankan Tamils gave up Buddhism and accepted Hinduism. Even if someone advice them to return to Buddhism, for the Tamils to go back to Buddhism, has 2500 years of Buddhism in Sri Lanka (the so called Dhammadveepa) influenced any major changes in the Sinhala society (the so called guardians of Buddhism chosen by none other than the Buddha) in terms of attitude, character, behavior, morality and so on or has it failed very miserably?
Messenger / October 25, 2014
Did you read the above? Have you also observed such acts by the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka? Are you a true Buddhist and if so, then why do your people ignore when monks do things against Buddhism? Why cannot the true Buddhists in Sri Lanka raise their voice against such practices? Are they scared of the Buddhist monks to allow them to abuse Buddhism or are they ignorant about Buddhism even though they call themselves Buddhists? Why cannot the ministry of Buddhist affairs in Sri Lanka have a disciplinary board to disrobe the Buddhist monks who are acting against Buddhism? May be if they do that 90% of the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka will get disrobed and there will be nothing left for the people to distribute food and get blessings. Your people are only interested in the yellow robe and not the person who is wearing it. Even if a worst criminal/thug wears a yellow robe, your people fall on his leg and worship him and get his blessings and then feed him dana. When are your people going to come out from this foolishness? When are they going to differentiate true Buddhism from pseudo-Buddhism/Sinhala-Buddhism? They will NEVER get to know true Buddhism as long as these Buddhist monks preach them Buddhism.
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
“intelligent….more like a third class rowdy writing crap to gain cheap publicity..”
Sorry, the author of this article is not Banda, mechanic, ella kolla, wathie, sach, Nuisance, Thonda, KA Suman, Vibhushna, ………Jim the Dim, Thonda, Ramu, ………..
hikz / October 23, 2014
another pathetic loser doing laundry for cattle slaughters…vedda can do better if he’s provided with some direction
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“another pathetic loser”
I hate to agree with you.
We lost our entire island to the land grabbing Kallathonies from North/South India.
“vedda can do better if he’s provided with some direction”
We need to liberate Buddha’s teaching from Sinhala/Buddhists.
hikz / October 23, 2014
vedda’s vedi-bana sermon should be good to the cattle slaughters…
Rationalist / October 22, 2014
Sorry ‘hikz’ if you did not understand Fazl’s English.
The Bandaranaike Mother Tongue education policy for the Sinhalese and Tamils, gave the advantage to Muslims, who could choose either one of those languages or English as their Medium of Instruction.
The Muslims of course chose English and jumped out of the Well that we, like frogs are trapped in, while They go from strength to strength.
sach / October 23, 2014
what nonsense, muslims are the most backward when it comes to education and employment
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“what nonsense, muslims are the most backward when it comes to education and employment”
Could you site your research paper.
Could you also define backwardness and tell us the area where you carried out your field research.
sach / October 23, 2014
People who live outside jungles knows it. :)
Native Vedda / October 24, 2014
“People who live outside jungles knows it. :)”
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
Bertrand Russell
(British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social critic and political activist.”
sach / October 28, 2014
“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”
That is why I dont take you seriously :)
Buddhism Betrayed / October 22, 2014
Well written Mr. Fazl. A rude awakening to those hypocrites who are in denial of the flag bearers of BUDDHIST TERRORISM. I am least surprised at the venom from those like hikz.
“intelligent…more like a third class rowdy writing crap to gain cheap publicity. – “
Primitive minds like hikz deserve to cahoot with the heinous thugs in government. What moral right do you classless suckers have to brand an author into a “rowdy” and “rowdies into classes”. I guess when the types like hikz lack the upbringing of good parenting, a solid ideological faith or system of belief, a quality education from a reputed Alma Mater is the cause of chaff that produce these kind of hickz like the Humbanthota “HICKS” in government.
hikz / October 23, 2014
you’ll be given an award soon for laundry well done for cattle slaughters. you have betrayed your soul for a packet of buriyani
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“you have betrayed your soul for a packet of buriyani”
And you missed it while awaiting in the wrong queue hence you are raging with disappointment.
hikz / October 23, 2014
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Rationalist / October 26, 2014
Hikz, I am so sorry that your education has been so hopelessly one-sided and misguided.
Why is it that you Jump to Conclusions, and reply to Logical Statements with Emotional Diatribes, which have no relation to the Subject under Discussion?
Is it because you were not Taught to Think for yourself, but encouraged to learn your lessons off ‘By Heart’ and repeat them in your Classroom Essays?
Amarasiri / October 22, 2014
Muhammed Fazl –
RE: Buddhism, The Lack Of It And Abuses By Its Flag Bearers
Needed, Sinhala Buddhist Martin Luther…
Luther’s 95 Thesis : Nailed October 31, 1517 to the Church Door.
Published on Oct 31, 2012
A clip from the “Luther Movie” showing Luther nailing the 95 thesis.
The Ninety-Five Theses
leelagemalli / October 22, 2014
brother, Fazi, thanks very much for an another fearless powerful article.
For which I had been waiting for long. The lack of all ethical and morals to this day have almost ruined the nation. But we are far from getting it – whehter the avaerage of the country are near to get all these facts. Greetings to you from Switzerland (just for today)
ela kolla / October 22, 2014
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mike / October 22, 2014
Eluwa, try your best to abide by CT’s comment policy and please don’t forget to take your prescribed medications!
Afzal / October 22, 2014
Eluwa is like a Tube light with a worn out “starter” sometime it clicks most of the times it flops. Add to that the addiction to substance imagine how it will look like in real life ? it will be a sight for sore eyes!
Eluwa will go to action with urgency with his worn out starter kit !
ela kolla / October 23, 2014
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Seelawathi Jayaratne / October 23, 2014
Ela kolla balu kolla knows nothing and behaves as if he is generated in a test tube. For him and the sociceties free from ethical and moral values are playgrounds though the nation enjoyed good values even under CBK while she was fighting the brutal war at its heights. What matters is the comparision before us. The current is the worst compared to any other regime sofar – that is the plain truth. Today only for his own reasons to stay in power further, he has called and election, asked as to why the need of holding elecitons years before is not given by them, whether the candidaday of MR for next election is as JVP clearly points out is out of the constitutional norms. So, what talks and bla bla we need to hear from anyone else to have the nation convinced ? We have reached to the level of all destruction in this society today. Just looking at the way they finalized the roads wasting and morgaginging the nation to sometimes black listed banks of Chinese owners, but manipulationg statistics as they thought could be permitted to them being in power, those who can grasp ( whih is the tiny portion of the lanken population) feel really well to this day, that the incumbant president is big blunder of the nation to keep further in his position.
Hello folks wake up and rethink this all what we can say… being out of the country. This man s goverannce is almost like INFECTED ibola virus to afro nations. No nothing like remedies are no where seen.
ela kolla / October 23, 2014
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nike / October 23, 2014
oi seelawathi, are you supporting muslim/islam barbarism?
sama / October 22, 2014
Having listend to Wadapitiya of this week, I myself felt that the MR as P canddiate to the upcoming election is illegal. But today in the self made world by him and his oligarchs, anything and everything is possilbe for them. Like torturing even High commissioners and parliamenatarians – is just a simple thing for them today. It has unfortunatley become a pettah market where no rule of law works for the customers. This ballige putha should be disspaeared from our eyesights is the wish of many of us to this day.
Ben Hurling / October 22, 2014
Recent research shows Saudi Arabia is one of the least Islamic countries in the world.
25% of the Italian economy is Mafia driven, despite being immersed in Christianity. Despite having the Vatican inside their borders.
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Recent Research? What Research? You mean ‘your research’? Please specify.
ken Robert / October 22, 2014
“Recent Research? What Research? You mean ‘your research’? Please specify”
I think Sri Lankans are pathological liars like our politicians when it comes to a debate. While I appreciate your attempt to question the sources, I wish you good luck to find someone ( except NV, Dr RN, Prof LF etc)to quote their source in their comments.
Ben Hurling / October 22, 2014
You sound somewhat agitated. Are you sensitive or even intolerant towards any criticism of Islam or Saudi Arabia?
After all, blasphemy is an offence punishable by death. In most of the Islamic world. Even in 2014. Islam is totally intolerant of any dissent. Fact!
Research I refer to is by two George Washington University academics. Schehrazade Rehman & Hossein Askari. They coined the ‘Islamicity index’.
Among 208 countries tested, Saudi Arabia ranks 131. An extremeley poor position.
Get yourself a back copy of Global Economy Journal. Title is “Islamicity Index: How Islamic Are Islamic Countries?”.
The ranking is based on how closely a country is aligned with “Islamic teachings.
The ‘Islamicity’ of a country is based on many factors: rule of law, human and civil rights, natural resource management, income distribution and eradication of poverty, among others.
Almost all countries that have declared Islam as their state religion, rank pretty low in the Islamicity Index.
Scandinavian countries rank quite high, while Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya and Iraq generally rank very low.
New Zealand has the highest Islamicity Index.
Please refer to Economist magazine for a detailed analysis on Mafia’s hold on the Italian economy.
PS: “My own research” shows Jerusalem based faiths such as Islam, Christianity & Judaism have been and are far bigger threats to world peace and progress of mankind.
Relatively speaking as opposed to other religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism etc.
That is not to undermine the bloody chaos created to life and proeprty by BBS, 969 Burma or Shiv Sena.
AVB / October 22, 2014
“‘Islamicity’ rankings ignore the realities” – The National Opinion
–> It is puzzling to even ask “how Islamic” a country is. We don’t ask “how Christian” or “how Jewish” a country is.
–> But I despair at an attempt to quantify and rank a moral code into a list of “Islamicity”. Of all the assessments made by the index, the attempt to live an Islamic life is not included. And that means it misses the fundamental point: Islam is a lived experience.
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed is the author of Love in a Headscarf and blogs at
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Thank you AVB for replying to Ben…. Let me just cut and paste a link to answer Ben Hurling’s concerns,
While I am no fan of Iran or KSA, those two countries are the closest in identifying with Islamic Sharia.
The two academics you mentioned Schehrazade Rehman & Hossein Askari are Iranians living in Exile I believe. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are not in perfect terms with the Islamic world.
As for the Islamic world in present times, there are indeed a lot of flaws and there is a lot to learn from the Christian West as well. I look forward to addressing those issues in the future, God willing.
Having said that, I believe addressing issues mentioned in this article would be considered a smart move.
Ben Hurling / October 23, 2014
I’ve no personal quarrel with you. I believe you are a man of decency and exceptional bravery.
I have said before and say it again. No telling how proud I am to be a fellow citizen of a country that produces men of your backbone.
I also agree with most of the points you raise in your article. It was never my intention to divert the debate to a discussion on shortcomings of Islam & Muslims.
The point is stupidity, intolerance, violence & hypocrisy are not exclusive to Sinhala Buddhism only. But, even more deep rooted in Wahhabi Islam, Vatican Catholicism, American fundamentalist evangelism, Zionist Judaism or Tehran Islam etc..etc.
PS: If your article was written in Saudi Arabia or Iran on Islam. You will be beheaded in no time. In full public view. In one of the many Chop-Chop Squares. In accordance with Sharia. To the jubilation of a piously stupid local population.
In our own stupid country, Gandasara might attempt to intimidate you.
Let us stop SL from becoming a Buddhist Saudi Arabia or Iran.
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
Ben Hurling
“My own research” shows Jerusalem based faiths such as Islam, Christianity & Judaism have been and are far bigger threats to world peace and progress of mankind.
Don’t forget the Hindu/Hindian bomb. Remember The Hindu/Hindian fanatics are in control.
Also Kudankulam Atomic Power Plant is only few miles away from this island, when Tamils go berserk in Tamil Nadu they could use the nuclear material to make their own dirty bomb to strike this island.
They don’t mind “Cutting off their nose to spite their face”.
Therefore we must send in the air force to deal with potential threat from Tamils across Palk strait. MR should demand Hindia to decommission this plant or we will send Gota/Gnanasara to deal with the mostly Hindu Tamils.
“Relatively speaking as opposed to other religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism etc.”
Oh please.
Ben Hurling / October 23, 2014
“Oh please.”.
“There are things about organized religion which I resent. Christ is revered as the Prince of Peace, but more blood has been shed in His name than any other figure in history. You show me one step forward in the name of religion and I’ll show you a hundred retrogressions. Remember, they were men of God who destroyed the educational treasures at Alexandria, who perpetrated the Inquisition in Spain, who burned the witches at Salem. Over 25,000 organized religions flourish on this planet, but the followers of each think all the others are miserably misguided and probably evil as well. In India they worship white cows, monkeys and a dip in the Ganges. The Moslems accept slavery and prepare for Allah, who promises wine and revirginated women.”
gamini / October 22, 2014
True this position that Fazl Muhammed opines is not only peculiar to Buddhism but happens in every society and every Religious body with a certain modicum of secrecy but here in Sri Lanka it is vulgarly displayed for all to see, aided and abetted by the State Govt. This does not mean that the Buddhists and Buddhism is exempt. What he says is 100% true. Although born to a Conservative Buddhist family, I have disassociated myself from the rest and the Buddhist Temple.
As much as you imply Tolerance to Buddhists, why is it that Islamists are intolerant to other faiths? I find the Muslims are forcing their young and the fellow Muslims forcibly to follow Islam. Why not allow each individual to decide one’s faith? If there is any truth to any Religion, let the people decide to believe or not in this day and age.
As for your article it should have been written by a Buddhist. Coming from a Muslim I appreciate is very rich. Take care.
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Dear Gamini,
With all due respect, I will certainly write about extremism in Islam in the near future. In the meantime, let us focus on ritualistic Buddhism and the fraudulent conduct of monks…
sach / October 23, 2014
what is wrong with ritualistic buddhism? Does it harm anyone even an animal?
Rationalist / October 23, 2014
Sach, no ‘ritualistic buddhism’ does not harm anyone else but Oneself.
Ritualistic Religion ( Any Religion) leads One into a Fool’s Paradise!
sach / October 23, 2014
I have seen many educated and wise people doing rituals be it buddhist or Hindu. Are you suggesting every one who is engaged in rituals are fools?
For me rituals if they are not cruel are a beautiful thing.
Rituals is the beginning of human artistic idea and even provide a mental consolation.
There is no harm in rituals if it is harmless to even an animal.
And rejecting rituals doesnt make one intelligent or rational. For example a commentator below made a sarcastic comment towards the writer refering to recent islamic terrorist activities in canada. A simple person would not fall to that and understand the idea behind it. But certain man who wants to look like rational could not grasp the idea and made a fool of himself..
See rejecting rituals does not make one wise and doing rituals does not make one an idiot
Fazl Muhammed / October 24, 2014
– Ritualistic Buddhism will NOT tell you NOT to kill minorities.
– Ritualistic Buddhism will NOT tell you NOT take alcohol
– Ritualistic Buddhism will NOT tell you NOT to rape your own daughters.
– Ritualistic Buddhism will NOT tell you NOT to STEAL
I can do this the whole night… but unfortunately my time does not permit me. To summarize it one sentence, i would be – Ritualistic Buddhism creates an absence of guidance. And when survival of the fittest becomes the norm where law of the jungle reigns, you see what you see in this isle of ours and elsewhere in SE Asia (decades old historical incidents included).
Rationalist / October 24, 2014
“Are you suggesting every one who is engaged in rituals are fools?”
Sach, I am sorry if you cannot understand plain English or Logic.
A ‘Fool’s Paradise’ is a situation where Someone believes that Rituals are the ‘Be All and End All’ of a Religion.
He/She is so immersed in the Rituals, that he forgets what the Teacher’s Doctrine Is.
Rituals, as you so Rightly point out, are the inspiration for Artistic Ideas, but it is not the Path to Salvation, which is the Purpose of All Religions.
sach / October 28, 2014
The extent to which a person practices his/her own religion is his/her private matter. If one goes to a temple and does rituals and if he does not care about whether he practices its principle or not is again his/her private decision. No one can question it. In a secular society where rationality is considered, adherence to religious practices goes to the back seat. And rational man should try to understand that is what a rational and secular society is. The society you, so called rational man encouraging is a deeply religious Buddhist society where Buddhist people have to adhere to its principles in philosophy. Given that your lack of rationality you fail to understand by not adhering to Buddhist philosophy, Buddhists are being secular. And another thing other people need not practice their religion according to what you think is right. Whether to live by religious principles or not is a private decision. That is how liberal societies are.
If one is to substitute Buddhist with Christian in your comment and tell that in a country like UK, it would be equal to asking Christians there to stop celebrating Christmas but ponder more upon bible and live according to bible. Had you did that you will be called a religious nut job.
Do you know what Buddhist rituals are? And what is ritualistic Buddhism? Please define.
Are you saying Buddhists do according to you, kill minorities, take alcohol, rape one’s daughter and steal because they practice Buddhist rituals? Is that what you are implying? How do you know that Buddhist people who are more inclined on rituals and lack guidance?
What if people reject any sort of guidance and become a full atheist? Does that mean he will do all the evil because he has no guidance at all?
Before going further I will tell you one thing first. Buddhists do not kill minorities that is why certain minorities are allowed a population explosion which is a luxury for minorities where ideology of islam is state religion. If you are referring to Aluthgama, the killing whoever did was wrong. At the same time it is wrong to generalize, as Buddhists kill minority.
Last week Pakistani courts gave verdict to hang Asia Bibi for blasphemy against the prophet of islam. Is not that killing minority by the state for extremely trivial and stupid reasons?
What is wrong in taking alcohol? For you information, I don’t take alcohol. Does it make people especially bad and evil when they take alcohol. Again you have mixed up words such as alcohol and alcoholism. Those are two different things.
And do Buddhists rape their daughters as a whole? I know there are such cases reported in SL. The fact that they are looked down upon and people in general look down upon them and countries’ legal system takes action against them means it is not a normalcy. There are more than 14m Buddhists in SL. DO you hear millions of cases where fathers rape daughters?
Two years back, a Saudi cleric who used to give Islamic speeches on TV was found to have raped his 4 year old girl and killed her. This barbaric act made the whole world (non muslim to be specific) to churn. But the real surprise was not in the act, but in punishment. The Islamic cleric who raped his 4 year old had to give blood money (half of what is given for a dead boy) to girl’s mother and went free. When the disgust of the world reached to a level unbearable for Saudi govern, they simply said the accused cleric is mentally unsound and instead of punishing him for rape and murder sent him to a mental ward. That is how Islamic world acts.
The drunkards in SL are more humane than the Islamic fanatics who are drunk by religion. The irony where most muslims point at drunkards little realizing they too are drunk of religion.
Buddhism is a religion,( or many other religions ) that goes against the norm of survival of the fittest theory. That is why Buddhist people (even the evil ritualistic ones) spend their money to safeguard the lives of cattle and other animals. A civilization is measured by how it treats its women and animals, who are the most weak and vulnerable in the society. On that account Buddhist civilization stands out. South asia is one of the worst places for women with dowry deaths, feticide, infanticide, child marriage cases. Even though issues persist for women in SL, the relative freedom, lack of major issues like child marriage, female infanticide and trafficking is absent when compared with the rest is partly because of Buddhism.
And I wonder in which SE country the survival of the fittest is experienced. Are you referring to Burma? Enough has been said about Burma by muslims in SL. But the place where unspeakable inhuman acts, barbarities are done on a regular basis is in middle east to create an Islamic caliphate. It is unthinkable how a person can ignore this and point at relatively peaceful SE. ISIL islamists have massacred shia and yesidi populations. Converted them by force and those who rejected were beheaded or buried alive.
Islamic Boko haram took girls as sex slaves, ISIL takes non muslim women and girls as war booty. Some say this ISIL episode is reminiscent of how the prophet of islam started his dawah. I do not like to talk about prophet whom I want to believe as good as muslims say.
But it is ironical muslims in SL talk about survival of the fittest in Buddhist society while ignoring what is going on islaimc countries and have no shame to suggest the same system to better, kinder and gentler Buddhist societies.
I am waiting for Fazl’ opinion regarding marrying girls even at the age of 12
Native Vedda / October 24, 2014
“Ritualistic Religion ( Any Religion) leads One into a Fool’s Paradise!”
If one is already in fools paradise where does Ritualistic Religion lead one into?
Very confusing.
Ben Hurling / October 23, 2014
“I will certainly write about extremism in Islam in the near future.”
Great. Looking forward.
PS: I have been fully focused “on ritualistic Buddhism and the fraudulent conduct of monks…” along with many others. Glad you joined us.
Ben Hurling / October 23, 2014
“Although born to a Conservative Buddhist family, I have disassociated myself from the rest and the Buddhist Temple.”
Welcome to the growing family.
Amarasiri / October 23, 2014
Ben Hurling and Fazl,
RE: Islamic Index Allah, God Vs. Satan, Iblis Counties
“Get yourself a back copy of Global Economy Journal. Title is “Islamicity Index: How Islamic Are Islamic Countries?”.
Here is the Link and findings and data.
1. “The ranking is based on how closely a country is aligned with “Islamic teachings. “
2. “Among 208 countries tested, Saudi Arabia ranks 131. An extremeley poor position. “
3. “Scandinavian countries rank quite high, while Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya and Iraq generally rank very low.”
Why? why? why? if the “Islamic” countries claim they follow Allah, God, they rank so low?
Hypothesis, based on data, is that the so-called Islamic Countries, in fact follow Iblis, Iblees, The Devil, the Satan,and NOT what was given in the Quran.
The Wahhabi and their clones, Salafis, Tawheed, Deobandi, Taliban, ISIS, ISIL and Boko Haram, are in fact followers of Satan, Iblis. That is why they rank so low in the Islamic Index.
See what the 120 Islamic Scholars had to say about ISIL, ISIS that is an offshoot of Wahhabis. In fact ISIS was funded by Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabis.
More Scholars, ISIS is not islamic, but Satanic..Iblisic or Ibleesic
Read the response of the 120 odd Islamic Scholars to ISIL and ahhabism…
BBS Rep / October 23, 2014
Saudi Arabia is the least Islamic country.
Italy is the least Christian country.
Sri Lanka is the least Buddhist country.
So what? Religion no matter in what colour of robe it is packaged in has always been a curse and has stultified science, intelligence and good governance. I hope BBS and JHU will ruin Buddhism for good.
Messenger / October 23, 2014
Ben Hurling seems to be a top class fool. He is trying to kill the messenger and his religion instead of looking at the message and commenting on it. This article is about the so called Buddhism practiced by the Sri Lankans and its effect on the Sri Lankan society as observed by the non-Buddhists. This article has nothing to do with Islam. Ben Hurling is either confused or stupid. He is trying to compare apples with oranges. The aim of this article is not to compare Buddhism with Islam.
AVB / October 22, 2014
Hats off to you Fazl.. You are doing the job of faithful & wise Sinhalese Buddhists should have done long time back.. Even though personally I don’t like Sinhalese Buddhism, I thank you for your effort to help your step brothers (Sinhalese Buddhists)..
Amarasiri / October 24, 2014
Muhammed Fazl –
RE” Buddhism, The Lack Of It And Abuses By Its Flag Bearers
Abuses, etc, all based on Fabrications and lies. This is nor exclusive to Buddhism,. You see that in Christianity and Judaism as well as and of course in Islam and Hinduism as well..
The True Core Of The Jesus Myth | Christopher Hitchens @ FreedomFest (1)
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Peace Lover / October 22, 2014
anney anney please dont ask such inconvineient questions as it will hurt the feelings of our very own vellala hero K A Sumanasekera big time sob sob ;-)
Rationalist / October 22, 2014
“…..seeing its teachings being relegated to mere rituals is indeed unfortunate. In order to attract the disinterested lot, copying ritualistic practices from the Hindu faith and construing it as divine ones makes it an even more pathetic sight.”
Thank you MF,
I am a Sinhalese speaking Buddhist, and I congratulate you, a Muslim, on your in depth Knowledge of Buddhism, which I do not see in Self-Declared Buddhists.
It does not matter what you call yourself as long as you practise the Dhamma, which is Universal.
Native Vedda / October 24, 2014
“I am a Sinhalese speaking Buddhist,”
You have got your language right.
Adrian Perera / October 22, 2014
Sorry continuing from the previous comment:
I do not agree with your comment that “Islamic countries where Islamic Sharia is the source of governance” That is also false.There also there is corruption of the islamic text in practice. Does the Holy Book allow the Kings to enjoy lives of splendour while the people suffer.
There are photographs of Bin Laden western civilian slacks with ladies ( young women) also wearing western slacks in the same photo.
Some people are using your Holy Book to obtain and retain power.
It is very good that you have reminded the fools that the Buddhist scriptures were written 500 years after the passing away of Lord Buddha, what you have forgotten is that in the past robed gents sat once in a while to fabricate more falsehoods- The Sangayana- a place where the sanga sat to fabricate, like the Economic Forum of the present day sitting at Devos.
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Adrian,
I can think of only two countries that are run based on Islamic Sharia. One is Iran and the other is Saudi Arabia. Though discouraged, God has not prohibited people from seeking his bounties or enjoying that which is good. In KSA, while the poor population is negligible, the rest of ’em have comfortable lifestyles thanks to its system of governance and its oil wealth…
As for Iran, apart from their self sustaining economy and even with crippling international sanctions, the Islamic system of governance in that country did manage to give multi million USD aid to the sorry-ass government of Mahinda Rajapakse.
aratai / October 22, 2014
When I was working in Saudi Arabia (for the govt), I was able to enter many offices using my work badge, but my co-worker (same rank), a Saudi Shia was not.
They discriminate their own people very badly.
Anyway, your article was right on spot, but ‘they’ are going see this as a Muslim’s comment, not a Srilankan’s comment.
Ravana / October 22, 2014
I agree with Aratai Fazl,
Nothing wrong with your article in fact its a good one.
Keep writing but I am not that happy that you take KSA and Iran as examples. Both have their drawbacks and both practice discrimination.
‘but ‘they’ are going see this as a Muslim’s comment, not a Srilankan’s comment’.
Indeed Aratai, Sadly this is the case today.
It’s as same as when you talk against this regime some believe that you are talking against your country. When can we change this stupid pathetic mind set?
Bodin / October 22, 2014
What the Buddhist monks (or the Christian Church eternally dabbling in politics) have been doing is just a pale shadow compared to what your Islamic Brothers are doing. In fact the BBS is a reaction to the Islamists.
The Christian fathers behaved exactly like the Islamists only a century and half ago. The last burning of a heretic at the stake is given as 1867 in Mexico City by the Catholic Inquisition there. The Koran asks for beheading of infidels and that is what they are doing in the middle east.
Do you agree with the Koran that unbelievers and infidels who refuse to convert to Islam should be beheaded?
what about verses in the Quran like 4:89, saying to “seize and kill” disbelievers? Or 8:12-13, saying God sent angels to “smite the necks and fingertips” of disbelievers, foreboding a “grievous penalty” for whoever opposes Allah and his Messenger? Or 5:33, which says those who “spread corruption” (a vague phrase widely believed to include blasphemy and apostasy) should be “killed or crucified”? Or 47:4, which also prescribes beheading for disbelievers encountered in jihad?
Would you respond by defending these verses as Allah’s word — would you insist that they have been quoted “out of context,” have been misinterpreted, are meant as metaphor, or that they may even have been mistranslated.
Despite being shown multiple translations, or told that some of these passages (like similar passages in other holy books of Islam, and also in the old testament) are questionable in any context, the Muslim insists on his/her defense of the Scripture.
And yet, he is appalled by Buddhist monks who are reacting against the rise of militant Islam in Sri Lanka. We have Mr. Hussein eternally writing articles in the Island Newspaper about Islam being at the cross roads, but never facing the real issue behind the crisis of Islam – a medieval religion unable to face modernity as it insists on the Koran being the infallible word of God.
Get Real!!!!!!!!!!!
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Bodin,
this article is not about Islam and we Sr Lankans need to be disciplined enough to address one issue at a time.
Verses from the Quran cannot be interpreted without knowing its context or its circumstances. During the times of the Prophet of Islam, there were no guns and only swords and spears… so it would be normal to ‘behead’ an enemy waging war against the Muslims.
You talk of militant Islam… sure would appreciate you being specific about such happenings, people involved, places and dates etc…. TO my understanding, Islamic extremism is more of a hype.
As for your theory about ‘reactionary hatred’ of the BBS, well I am pretty sure many of the learned kind here would disagree with you.
Ponkoh Sivakumaran / October 22, 2014
You got a point about Buddhism. At the same time, you have to take into account that Islam has gone wrong. One thing at a time is a lame excuse when the two things interact and react. There is a great deal wrong with Islam that has to be addressed. It is a different brand of Islam that is being practiced in the island now.
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
Ponkoh Sivakumaran
“It is a different brand of Islam that is being practiced in the island now.”
Could you expand on your observation.
Keythu / October 23, 2014
Jihadi Wahabists from Saudi Arabia.
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“Jihadi Wahabists from Saudi Arabia.”
Where you send your women folks to be humiliated, abused and returned them in coffins with nails inserted in their body while your men folks live off their meagre income.
K.A Sumanasekera / October 22, 2014
It is 70 % Buddhists as I understand my friend..
How many lives have been lost in Srilanka to Suicide Bombs, Land Mines, Car Bombs and Massacres of innocent villagers by Child Soldiers, since Nanthikadal, which was in the year 2009.
Compare that with the countries which belong to your fellow followers of Islam and where the population is sometimes up to near 100 % , have fared in the same period.
Then tell us how good or bad the “Thripitaka” is ..
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Correction – It is actually less than 0.007% who are Buddhists…. the rest of them just have Sinhala names….
Bodin / October 22, 2014
How do you define a buddhist, or a Hindu or what ever? You ask a man if HE/She defines himself as a Buddhist. If he says, yes, I am a Buddhist, even if I fail most of the time to live up to it, then he/she has to be reckoned a Buddhist. In fact, Buddhists repeat their “Sanama gachchaami” all the time, to re-affirm their regue in their religio9n, recognizing that in between such “gachchaamis” they may have failed to live up to the precepts.
The same goes when defining, not religious grous, but ethinc groups like Tamil or Sinhala. Genetically, there is no difference. if a man says that he is a tamil, even if he does not speak tamil, then it is his right that he be recognized a tamil Dr. Milroy Paul and his sons (lived in USA) do not speak a word of tamil (except a few rude words to address their servants, inga va etc), but they presented themselves as big leaders of the Tamil nationalist movement as well as the pro-LTTE lobby in the USA. There are many “Tamils” who just don’t know tamil. The same is true of quite a few Sinhalese who are only comfortable in English.
So, you determine who is a Buddhist or a Christian by asking what their faith is. Of course, the church is niot like Buddhism or hinduism. It can declare you a heretic and excommunicate you and create a lot of trouble for you. Not so lon ago they could burn you at the stake. Islam does it even today.
So, among the Muslims, it is very different. If some does not agree with you on some religious matter, he/she is can be declared an infidel, and you behead the fellow. He is NOT given the benefit of the doubt. I can give you the veers from the Koran that authorizes you to do so. Then of course you will equivocate about the context etc. So, may be the BBS can also equivocate about the context, and the interpretation. Even the Kllu-Klux Clan could “expalin” its actions as being in context.
Indeed, during Mohamed’s time there were no guns, so he prescribed the use of knives and swords. What you are saying is that if there had been guns and Kalashnikovs, AK40s at that time, then they would have been included as the methods of getting rid of infidels.
That seems to be well understood and accepted by your fellow brothers in the faith. The fractional wars for power since the death of the Prophet testify to the methodology of Islam but NOTE THAT Islam is what is practiced by those who call themselves followers of Islam, and not what you claim it to be.
You are NO prophet. Just another misguided guy who cannot see the beam in his eye, but swops at the tiny speck of a mote in the eye of the other. It is people like you who inflame the other to more and more violence. then people like you will also be eliminated by your more militant “brothers in the faith” who come forward to defend the so-called “holy writ” and the name of God..
How much blood are you prepared to shed in the name of God, and in what context, since you mention that the context is important?
Why is God asleep when all this is happening in his name?
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Now you are talking BODIN.
This is precisely my point of why we should separate State and religion since it cannot be determined for sure as to who is what or if they practice or not.
One’s faith should be his/her personal matter and in a multi-religious country such as ours, forcing a religion down its citizens is counter productive and as seen today.
Besides, Buddhism is a religion of tolerance and nowhere it has been told to be enforced. Its adherents don’t care, so why should the government/state bother when it is the same government/state that sponsors or tolerates everything under the the sun, namely prostitution, gambling, theft, murder, theft (mega bucks), discrimination based on ethnicity etc.
Once again, trying to be disciplined in life, I do not wish to discuss about Islam now since Buddhism in SL is the subject here.
sach / October 23, 2014
“This is precisely my point of why we should separate State and religion since it cannot be determined for sure as to who is what or if they practice or not.”
If one reads your article that is not what one get. You say if we are to be called a buddhist country we should run our country by buddhist teachings and muslim countries by islamic teachings..
You nowhere talks for seperation of religion and state rather you are a supporter of religion based rule. The only problem with u is for you it is not properly done.
I am a buddhist i dont want SL to becalled a buddhist country. It is the secular policies which are decided by rational thinking i want.
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Dear Sach,
Appreciate you wanting a secular policy based on rational thinking.
In my article, for this country to be rightly called a Buddhist my opinion about the need to be governed by teachings of Buddhism is indeed mentioned. Truth to be told, IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! Buddhism as a state religion in this country has been a failure.
In this context, I repeat the need to look for alternative and effective sources of guidance in governance.
Hence, the need to look in to secularism where the State and Religion can be separated or how this country can be governed based on the system of Islamic Sharia. It necessarily need not be linked to Islam, but copying laws if effective, can’t be that bad of an idea.
nike / October 23, 2014
[Edited out]
sach / October 23, 2014
I think you’re knowledge about SL’s consitution is rather poor. SL is a secular country in reality. SL does not have a state religion. What SL constition says is will place buddhism foremost the place but law will act for every religion in the same manner.
For example if a buddhist convert to anyother religion, he is free to do and there is no legal action against him. The place given to buddhism in SL constitution is ceremonial considering the millenia old buddhist tradition of this country. It is equal to english queen being crowned in church, the cross in scandinavian countries flags,etc. It only has the ceremonial value.
Other than that, in practise SL is a secular country where there is no religion based laws. Legal system is not based on any religion.
So whether Buddhism as a state religion has failed is an invalid statement because SL constitution is not based on buddhism.
And lets look at your suggestion,
“”Hence, the need to look in to secularism where the State and Religion can be separated or how this country can be governed based on the system of Islamic Sharia. It necessarily need not be linked to Islam, but copying laws if effective, can’t be that bad of an idea.””
Are not you suggesting islamic law or shariyah as legal system for SL though veiled under a criticism of buddhist institutions?
To be honest personally i can say majority of non muslims think very lowly about islam. Please dont hate us about that, it is a perception created after observing many things in the world.
And looking at how many ‘islamic’ republics operate i dont think any person with any sense will think of your suggestion.
You have mentioned to Ben that you will write about islamic extremism next. Having suggested shariyah as a legal system for SL i would like to know how you point out wrongs about islamic extremism. I will be looking forward to it.
And one thing i appreciate in your article is your opinion that small kids should not be ordained as they will miss their childhood and that one should not go against nature. I see your point.
So in the same logic i raise this question,
1. what do you think about letting muslim girls to be married away at the age of 12. Having the good heart to think about even non muslim kids i am sure you will agree with me on this one.
I raised the same issue but i saw you did not answer because probably you missed my question while answering others comments.
2. Little boys are subject to painful circumcision because of islam. if foreskin needs to be removed i dont think god will create a baby with one. So being a very rational person who sees uselessness in religious rituals i am quite sure you will speak against this.
I hope you will reply me and i am awaiting your reply.
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“I think you’re knowledge about SL’s consitution is rather poor. SL is a secular country in reality. SL does not have a state religion. What SL constition says is will place buddhism foremost the place but law will act for every religion in the same manner. “
1972 Constitution
6. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster Buddhism while assuring to all religions the rights granted by section 18 (1) (d)
1978 Constitution
9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).
Here are the chapters which give state prominence to Buddhism.
With your enormous knowledge and expertise in constitutional affairs could you elucidate, explain, make clear, make plain, illuminate, shed light on, clarify; comment on, interpret, explicate, expound on, gloss, annotate, spell out; clear up, sort out, resolve, straighten up/out, unravel, untangle the reason as to why this chapter is included in the constitution if the state is secular.
Don’t be surprised when you read chapter II. There is always a first time for everything.
sach / October 23, 2014
My advice to you is read the comments properly before barging into others conversations. Giving prominence to a religion and having a state religion where its legal system is based on are two different things.
What you mention is already mentioned in my comment. SL give prominence to Buddhism in constitution as much as England give prominence to anglican christianity or scandinavian countries to christianity.
SL’s legal system is roman law and it is not based on any religion.
Anyone here would jump high whenever someone ridicule buddhism or sinhala people. What they miss is this author not only ridicule a race (racism) openly, but justify ISIS and even ask SL to practice tribal shariyah law.
The so called rationalists and seem to be secular ppl are no where to be seen. I thought you poeple will have more spine when facing islamic extremism.
sach / October 23, 2014
I am 100% certain this fool native vaddha read only the first 3 lines and jumped the gun.
I am expecting your answers to my two questions.
Fazl Muhammed / October 24, 2014
Dear Sach,
Giving foremost position to Buddhism is akin to making it the state religion. Besides if you ask any Sinhalese national, he.she will tell you that this is a Buddhist country… Constitution aside, the false notion of this country belonging to the Sinhalese or the Buddhists has been etched in their minds for generations….
My primary intention behind writing this article was to expose the status quo about Buddhist temples and the conduct of monks. Getting a lot of flak and being compared to Islam and Muslims, crop up it did the laws of Sharia and the positivity of introducing it to the local panel code and or constitution.
Islamic it may be, but the idea of taking a good look at its system of governance, social justice, laws concerning inheritance, finance, marriage etc. need not be that scornful. Besides, worldwide financial powerhouses have already embraced the Islamic banking system… Why not the rest of laws?
Answering to your questions,
1/ The disciplined that I try being, I do not wish to discuss unrelated subjects. But will address your concerns about Islam and about marriages when young.
2/ The pain experienced when inserting injection needles is similar to that of pain experienced during circumcision. A lower level of pain may last for few days afterwards mostly at the time of urination… but the benefits far outweigh the risks.
The following was extracted from the website,
“…The health benefits of male circumcision include a drop in the risk of urinary tract infection in the first year of life by up to 90 percent. … It drops the risk of heterosexual HIV acquisition by about 60 percent. It drops the risk of human papillomavirus [HPV], herpes virus and other infectious genital ulcers….
sach / October 24, 2014
“Giving foremost position to Buddhism is akin to making it the state religion. Besides if you ask any Sinhalese national, he.she will tell you that this is a Buddhist country… Constitution aside, the false notion of this country belonging to the Sinhalese or the Buddhists has been etched in their minds for generations…. “—————————————–
I know some Sinhalese think this country belongs to them and that SL is a Buddhist country. That is more taking into consideration SL has been a Buddhist country historically. Even educated people in England consider England is a historical Christian country. Like that countries have a tradition and identity that is based on its historical identity. Same way SL is a historical Buddhist country.
And the second thing just because Sinhala people perceive SL to be a Buddhist country it does not change the secular constitution of the country. The few places where SL constitution has deviated from secular norms is where certain Islamic laws were allowed for the benefit of Muslims. If one ignores these Islam based laws SL constitution is secular. And giving foremost place to Buddhism is not the same as basing a constitution on Buddhist legal system.
“My primary intention behind writing this article was to expose the status quo about Buddhist temples and the conduct of monks. Getting a lot of flak and being compared to Islam and Muslims, crop up it did the laws of Sharia and the positivity of introducing it to the local panel code and or constitution. “——————————————————–
What is the meaning of ‘status quo about Buddhist temples and the conduct of monks’? I do not see in meaning in what you say. Being a muslim today whenever you criticize any religion or that religious institution it is natural to attract criticism and pointing at islam. Because it is the archaic laws of islam and its followers which are at the forefront of religious terrorism and religion based persecution all over the world. Given that muslims are incapable of seeing what is wrong in islam and their system it is natural people will point at you when you try to do that on other religions. Because at the moment the priority is not Buddhists or any other religious people, looking at their religion but Muslims looking at their religion and reforming it to suit 21st century. So finger pointing and criticism of islam is natural. And when not only you fail to criticize islam but tries to defend its archaic tribal system, the criticism against islam becomes stronger and valid.
“Islamic it may be, but the idea of taking a good look at its system of governance, social justice, laws concerning inheritance, finance, marriage etc. need not be that scornful. Besides, worldwide financial powerhouses have already embraced the Islamic banking system… Why not the rest of laws?”————————————————————————————————–
I am sorry many would feel the need to be scornful at Islamic laws and islam. To justify Islamic practices and especially its tribal laws one has to forget his or her humanity. What is the system of governance in islam? Is it a kingdom rule? Because democracy where everyone has a vote is not a Islamic system of governance.
What is the social justice in islam? How can social justice be identified with a religion? Isnt social justice be devoid of religion? What sort of social justice does islam suggests?
What is Islamic finance? The principle thing in Islamic finance is ‘interest free’. I have seen many muslims saying they do not pay interest when taking loans in islamic system, but they give a gift finally? Who decides the gift? How the amount of gift is is calculated? I do not know your understanding of basic financial systems, but interest is the price we pay for taking a loan. It is not necessarily good or bad, but simply a ‘price’. The abhorrence for interest in islamic societies comes from the banking system handled by jews in the Mideast in medieval period. It is just pure abhorrence for a practice that they think belongs to jews .
Muslims pay interest in Islamic finance, only difference is they give a different name to it. The Islamic banks ‘gift’ is the same as the ‘interest’. And the reason countries in europe adopting Islamic finance is they want to make rich sheiks to invest in their country. It is another way of getting into muslims’ pocket.
And when talking about marriage laws in islam I am sorry to say one of the most ridiculous and inhumane set of marriage laws. The polygamy which oppresses woman and reduce a woman only to one fourth of a man by letting the man practice an in house brothel. A Pakistani mulla council few days back brought a fatwa saying a woman cannot ask for divorce even if her husband brings a second wife. The Islamic system of marriage reduces wife, a mother into sex slave. A man can divorce a woman just by repeating some words three times. A little girl as young as nine can be married away according to Islamic laws and it is in practice of many Islamic countries like KSA, Yemen, Pakistan, etc. The problem of child marriages has become a huge problem especially in yemen and Egypt. The Islamic notion of ‘man giving dowry to bride‘ where actually the bride’s father is paid has led to many muslim men in these region selling their 9, 10 year old girls as 3rd or 4th wives of men. Do you want to bring this abhorrent Islamic system to this country?
And talking about inheritance, a female child can inherit only half of what her brother gets. Do you want such repressive practice in SL? Are you surprised with all these systems non Muslims in this country or anywhere in the world abhor islam and Islamic law?
“Answering to your questions, 1/ The disciplined that I try being, I do not wish to discuss unrelated subjects. But will address your concerns about Islam and about marriages when young.”———————————————————————————————————————
I look forward to your discussion about marriages in islam and correct it I used marriages during childhood not when young. Those are two different things.
“ 2/ The pain experienced when inserting injection needles is similar to that of pain experienced during circumcision. A lower level of pain may last for few days afterwards mostly at the time of urination… but the benefits far outweigh the risks. The following was extracted from the website, “…The health benefits of male circumcision include a drop in the risk of urinary tract infection in the first year of life by up to 90 percent. … It drops the risk of heterosexual HIV acquisition by about 60 percent. It drops the risk of human papillomavirus [HPV], herpes virus and other infectious genital ulcers….”——————————————————————————————–
Most of the benefits of circumcision muslims talk are unscientific. Most of the propagandists of circumcision are the same people who tell eating pork causes wife swapping. These notions are just funny and not to be taken seriously.
But at the end of the day, it has been given by god. So why remove what has been given by god? Isnt that going against nature and amounts to child abuse? Circumcision is a practice of mediaeval people in mid-east where islam adopted the practice from the existing cultures of that time. The roots of most of the Islamic rules lies in the mediavel period. Islam’s notion of it is word of god and cannot be questioned has let those inhuman practices to be used in this 21st century as well.
K.A Sumanasekera / October 23, 2014
You got a point mate,
They don,t have the time to chant Tripitaka three times a day.
Nearly all of them have to work 24/7 to put food on the table.
They have no Oil Reserves, neither the Dole.
And no Uncle Sam or Uncle Cameron to look after them…
SpaceCab / October 22, 2014
83? 86-88? rings any bell?
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
“It is 70 % Buddhists as I understand my friend..”
I hate to agree with you.
The 70% are stupid and the rest of of 30% are very stupid, that includes yourself as well according to my Elders.
Amarasiri / October 23, 2014
Native Vedda
“The 70% are stupid and the rest of of 30% are very stupid, that includes yourself as well according to my Elders. “
Here are the Global rankings. Sri Lanka I.Q. 79.
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
——– Country
———————– %
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
4 Italy 102
5 Iceland 101
5 Mongolia 101
6 Switzerland 101
7 Austria 100
7 China 100
7 Luxembourg 100
7 Netherlands 100
7 Norway 100
7 United Kingdom 100
28 Guatemala 79
28 Sri Lanka 79
28 Zambia 79
29 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 78
29 Nepal 78
29 Qatar 78
goraka / October 22, 2014
“How many lives have been lost in Srilanka to Suicide Bombs, Land Mines, Car Bombs and Massacres of innocent villagers by Child Soldiers, since Nanthikadal, which was in the year 2009.”
Mr.Sumanasekera, take the hate away, then you will automatically take away the killing. Killing is a by-product of HATE.
Pointing fingers wouldn’t do any good. It is what it is. Now, teach people not to hate others.
Peace Lover / October 22, 2014
my dear fellow K A Sumanasekera,tell me were there Buddhists in 1956,1958,1971,1983,1988-1989 (both parties Govt and JVP were mainly Buddhists right)
Can you answer that pls?
Adrian Perera / October 23, 2014
Sumane,Your comment”
“How many lives have been lost in Srilanka to Suicide Bombs, Land Mines, Car Bombs and Massacres of innocent villagers by Child Soldiers, since Nanthikadal, which was in the year 2009”
What you say is correct, since Nanthikadal there had been no car bombs and the massacre of villagers by child soldiers.
You should refer to Athureliya Ratana’s speech recently. I read comments.In it he says that if not for the post 1983 scenario, both M/s Wijeweera and V>Parabakaran would be members of the Parliament today.Before that Gen Sarath Fonseka said that VP did not kill a single child or a woman.
These two statements shed more light on the accusations of rampant killings by the LTTE and even the JVP.If you consider the time lines involved in the disturbances that took place since the Presidential elections in 1982,you will develop a doubt about the attributed source of these explosions.A very critical explosion was the bomb set to the vehicle which was used by the then Chairman of the Palmyrah Development Board, where the inmates more or less escaped with their lives but a small child going home after school was killed.The child being Sinhalese a lot of resentment was aimed at the LTTE, but was it by LTTE?
Then take the Athulathmudali killing, the explanation is that the man who shot Lalith, was in turn shot by Lalith’s body guard the bullet being lodged in his spine, which killed him in return.The question is can a man with a bullet lodged in his spine do a 100yds dash to escape the people around? Then take the deaths of Kobbekaduwa and Ranjan Wijeratne, there are doubts about the attribution to the LTTE and the means used.What about the killing of the Sinhala singer of Rupavahini Mr Alwis.His wife, accuses a person still in prominence of the killing, not the JVP which the official sources accused.
There is many a drop between the cup and the lip.
These people have paid with their lives, there is nothing that can be done to resurrect them. The question now is, when will our people learn to live in peace. The happenings at Aluthgama indicate that we are still to learn, unfortunately the good Buddhists referred to by the Mr Fazi are still being led by their noses.
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Have to agree with Adrian here. A lot of unanswered question…
Amarasiri / October 22, 2014
Muhammed Fazl –
RE: Buddhism, The Lack Of It And Abuses By Its Flag Bearers
“Historians of Buddhism in Sri Lanka may or may not have interpreted historical scriptures based on facts or opinions… but none of it matter anymore since Buddhism has lost its value and its importance thanks largely to its ineffectiveness in matters concerning governance, rule of law and social justice. Bitter it may be to some to swallow, but Sri Lanka was never a Buddhist country. The need to look for alternative and effective sources of guidance in leading the masses towards spiritual enlightenment is now a matter of great exigency.”
“60% of the population claiming to be Buddhists or the belief in the legend where Lord Buddha supposedly had arrived in Sri Lanka centuries ago does not make this a Buddhist country. “
Correction: Buddhas is not Lord, and Buddha did not come to Lanka 3 times. Dipawansa and Mahawansa are all incorrect, and Buddha did not fly either.
There is a lot of truth to the above statements.
The Indians who arrived in Lanka, after the Native Veddah Aethho, but BEFORE Buddhism, had a civilization, with chiefs ans serfs. With the arrival of Buddhism, the transition to Buddhism was gradual, and with establishment of the Monk -King Axis, Buddhism was used as the reason for the Monk-King Hegemony. This is very similar to the Christian Church and the Islamic Caliphate and even true today in Saudi Arabia, with the King-Wahhabi Mullah axis.
This has become big business to maintain the Monk hegemony, in collaboration with the Kings and Politicians..
I suggest you read, by Sharmini Serasinghe write up,
Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!
December 21, 2013 |
“Caution- The following is more suitable for the broad-minded and the wise. Others are kindly advised to pass!”
“Wonder if ours might have been a wiser, and a more ‘humane’ society, had our ‘ancient’ history, been based on Aesop’s Fables, instead of the Mahavamsa. For if not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese may not have been endowed, with the reputation, of “Sinhalaya Modaya (The Sinhalese are Fools)”!
“In this “wonderland” called Sri Lanka, and in this day and age, one still comes across ‘academically’ educated, and supposedly intelligent ‘Buddhists’, but sadly lacking in wisdom, who reverently believe, that the Buddha walked out of his mother’s womb, and walked seven steps, while lotuses blossomed, under his feet!”
“These very same supposedly educated, and intelligent ‘Buddhists’ also believe, that the enormous indentation, resembling a footprint on a boulder, at Adam’s Peak (Sri Pada to ‘Buddhists’), to be that of the Buddha. This would be in keeping with the conviction that the Buddha, was as tall, or perhaps even taller, than the Avukana Buddha statue, which stands above 40 feet (12 meters) in height!”
“Then, there is the ‘Dalada Maligawe’ in Kandy; most Buddhists believe, the tooth relic housed within, belonged to the Buddha. Some adorn the ‘tooth casket’ with mounds of gold jewelry, fervently believing, that they would earn merit, to the value of the gold they offer. The thought of donating the value of this gold, to feed and help, the poor, sick and the needy, that would be far more meritorious, never cross their minds!”
“There hangs a controversial question, over the authenticity of this ‘sacred tooth’. But then again, to those ‘educated and intelligent Buddhists’, devoid of wisdom, if the Buddha, was taller than the Avukana statue, and had a giant footprint, as on Adam’s Peak, then this ‘huge tooth’ could be his!”
“However it does not matter, if the tooth is over-sized, belonged to the Buddha or not, because he the ‘wise one’ asserted, that his followers must not revere, nor worship, any part of his physical self, nor idolize him. Had the Buddha wanted otherwise, he would have left not just a tooth, but his entire skeleton, for his followers to worship.”
“The annual Esala Perahera, in Kandy, is yet another case in point. This colourful and spectacular ‘parade’ of the ‘tooth relic’, atop a magnificent elephant, is nothing but an ego-boosting exercise, of small minded men of yore, and now, a tradition of small minded men of the present. The ‘Esala Perahera’ therefore, is no relation of Buddhism!”
“Then there are also those ‘Buddhists’, who on Full Moon (Poya) days, make a bee-line draped in white, to the temple, to ‘pray’ to ‘God Buddha’. They piously recite the ‘Five Precepts’ and other Buddhist verses, as in ‘praying’, facing a perceived image, of the miracle performing ‘God Buddha’. The Five Precepts- the basic code of ethics that the Buddhist laity, is required to abide by, cease to hold any value, beyond the temple gates!”
“They offer flowers, to clay and stone images of the Buddha, and light oil lamps, as it is an idée recue; believing by doing so, one earns enormous merit. Little do they understand the significance, of such customs; they fail to connect the similarity of flowers and the oil lamp, with their impermanent life – ‘anicca’.”
“Then they also go on to bathe the ‘Bo tree’ (Bodhi Puja), with pots of water, thereby encouraging tree-rot, expecting the ‘holy’ tree’ under which ‘God Buddha’ attained enlightenment, to bestow merit upon them to. During trying times, unable to accept their ‘karma’, they once again flood the ‘Bo tree’, expecting deliverance from their misery.”
“When this unique ‘brand’ of Sinhala/Mahavamsa-Buddhism fails to deliver, they next make a bee-line, to a Hindu kovil, break coconuts, praying for miracles, as well as cursing and damning to hell, fellow human beings. Then off they go, to a Christian church and light candles and then, to Sai Baba or even a Mosque (I have no idea what they do there). At all these places, promises (vows) are made, to various Gods, on a quid pro quo basis. Some, even resort to animal sacrifice!”
“Then, there are also those who believe, that the Mahawamsa was authored, by the Buddha himself!”
“All that the Buddha asked, of his followers, was to lead a life according to his noble teachings. But this, most find so hard to do, especially the ‘simple’ minded, Mahavamsa-Buddhist!”
Mahavamsa Lies and Deceit
“Perhaps nowhere in the world, might one find, this strange practice of Buddhism, other than by most Sinhalese; for it is neither a religion nor a philosophy. It is a unique ‘culture’, passed off as Buddhism, in Sri Lanka!”
Read the Link….
Spring Koha / October 22, 2014
…..“Then there are also those ‘Buddhists’, who on Full Moon (Poya) days, make a bee-line draped in white, to the temple, to ‘pray’ to ‘God Buddha’. They piously recite the ‘Five Precepts’……
The simple reason is
1 They didn’t understand the five precepts the first time
2 They didn’t recite it with conviction.
and so they will be doomed to do it over and over every month.
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Thank you Mr. Amarasiri for your input… As always it is very informative.
Amarasiri / October 23, 2014
Fazl Muhammed.
When ALL have the complete information, there is less disagreement and more agreement.
Examples abound. Heliocentric Planetary Model. It was writing, The Gutenberg Press,and modern communications including the Internet, that is trying to bride the gap of ignorance.
Your write up is about ignorance in Sinhala Buddhism as compared to Buddhism.
A very good start. Read Shamini Serasinghae and other writers write ups on Sinhala Buddhism.
Marwan / October 22, 2014
Fazl, you are very brave person, and commend you for having the guts to take the fight to the adversary. The issues raised are quite ominous and relevant to our times, but I doubt there will be any saner counsel that will prevail, or even a knowledgeable person who could take the bull by the horns to explain and defend the issues raised, as they are all steeped in their own apathy. Instead what you can expect are brickbats, insults, insinuations and affronts towards Islam and Muslims, as though you represent all of the aberrations caused by Muslims the world over, which is the usual style of response that we have come to expect.
These deviations from the true teachings of their great teacher Lord Buddha, pose not only a threat to themselves (as Buddhist monks), but also contribute towards erosion of their religion (Buddhism), which ultimately invokes the moral decay of societal standards in our resplendent isle.
Walter / October 22, 2014
You cannot blame a Muslim for being critical of Buddhism. Racist radicals calling themselves Buddhists attract them. It is obvious the author is ignorant of Buddha’s teachings otherwise he won’t get the meaning of a simple term like ‘Dukkha’ wrong. It is similar to those who get the meaning of ‘Jihad’ wrong. He will be better off explaining the meaning of the word ‘Jihad’.
Buddhism is not based on an imaginary god but on WISDOM. Unfortunately watching the actions of so called Buddhist radicals creates the wrong impressions of the greatest Philosophy in the world.
Rather than attack those who criticize Buddhism they need to look at themselves to see whether Buddha ever advocated installing statues at street corners and worshiping them? Did He ever ask Buddhists to destroy and kill in His name? The best way to respect the great teacher is to understand and practice what has been taught.
AVB / October 22, 2014
“meaning of a simple term like ‘Dukkha’”.. So Dukkha is a simple term in Buddhism… :-(.. This shows your knowledge of Buddhism very well.
Rationalist / October 23, 2014
“….the state of Dukkha (complete Peace) can be achieved only if no money is transacted…..”
Fazl, I like to believe that this was simply a slip of the Mind.
‘Dukkha’ does not mean ‘Complete Peace’ It means the exact Opposite.
‘Nirvana’ means ‘Absolute Peace’
while ‘Dukkha’ means the ‘Unsatisfactoriness’ we experience every day as Human Beings.
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Dear Rationalist,
No single English word adequately captures the full depth, range, and subtlety of the crucial Pali term ‘Dukkha’. Over the years, many translations of the word have been used (“stress, “unsatisfactoriness,” “suffering,” etc.). Each has its own merits in a given context.
Birth is dukkha, aging is dukkha, death is dukkha; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, & despair are dukkha; association with the unbeloved is dukkha; not getting what is wanted is dukkha, and SEPARATION FROM THE LOVED IS DUKKHA can be defined Dukkha as well.
When I defined the word Dukkha as “complete peace” in my article, I meant the last one and implying a sense of separation and detachment.
Please correct me where I am wrong for I too am a student like everyone else. Cheers…
Rationalist / October 24, 2014
” When I defined the word Dukkha as “complete peace” in my article, I meant the last one and implying a sense of separation and detachment.”
Fazl, I think you have misunderstood the definition, “SEPARATION FROM THE LOVED IS DUKKHA”
The Buddha did leave his Loved Ones to go Forth into Isolation, because he wanted “Complete Peace” for Himself.
He was Beginning a Search for something far Greater, Something that would bring Peace to All Living Beings, and He achieved it after going through Severe Travails for many years. It is called ‘Dushkarak Kriya’ in the Scriptures.
Rationalist / October 24, 2014
Sorry, should have been:-
“The Buddha did not leave his Loved Ones to go Forth into Isolation, because he wanted “Complete Peace” for Himself.”
Amarasiri / October 23, 2014
You ask”
“they need to look at themselves to see whether Buddha ever advocated installing statues at street corners and worshiping them? Did He ever ask Buddhists to destroy and kill in His name?”
These were not taught by Buddha.
They all are Sinhala “Buddhist” Innovations.
Rationalist / October 25, 2014
Amarasiri, you must mean that the Sinhala ‘Buddhist’ Innovations are copied from the Hindu idea of building statues!
ela kolla / October 22, 2014
stupid fazl, who the heck are you to talk about buddhism? [Edited out]
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Ela Kolla,
See what I mean? Had you been a good Buddhist, you wouldn’t comment the way you usually do. Actions by people like you do confirm my belief in Buddhism becoming a failure in SL.
May the teachings of Lord Buddha enlighten you from now on at least.
mike / October 22, 2014
I gave you a “Ding” (thumbs up)for you comment while it appears Elu Kolla has given you a “Dong” (thumbs down). Please give this stupid guy a wide margin for reasons best known to all??
Afzal / October 22, 2014
Ouch that should hurt (for any sensible person) but Ela does not fall in to that category. He will come out with vengeance, which will further prove the point you are making.
Lets wait and see.
Ela the ball is in your court !
ela kolla / October 23, 2014
stupid fazl, you have no right to talk about buddhism…get lost
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
ela kolla
“stupid fazl, you have no right to talk about buddhism…get lost”
He is talking about Sinhala/Buddhism and not Buddhism.
Being a Sinhala/Buddhists You have no right to talk about Buddhism nor about Buddha’s teaching.
ela kolla / October 23, 2014
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Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
ela kolla
I have reason to believe that most of your Kallthonie ancestors came from Korkai Pattinam, Madurai and Kanyakumari in Thamilaham as
Karukkupattayathar(Elite guards),
Kodi Marathar(who defend the flag),
Sivanthi(Elite Suicidal army)
Panicker(one who trained in Martial arts)
to defend their Sinhala speaking Demela allies in my ancestral land.
I believe your Demela ancestors did come from South India.
ela kolla / October 23, 2014
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Ben Hurling / October 22, 2014
Muhammed Fazl,
An inconvenient truth, you are forcing me to face my friend.
PS: Gandasara must be in a Fit of Rage alaready. After reading your words.
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
Ben Hurling
“Gandasara must be in a Fit of Rage alaready. After reading your words.”
Did you say Gota must be in a Fit of Rage alaready? Or have I misread your comment?
Ben Hurling / October 22, 2014
There is reason to believe Gota’s rage will manifest itself via Gandasara.
Afzal / October 22, 2014
Fazl once has again picked up a provocative topic with lots of questions. Unfortunately these are the very questions so called Buddhist tend to ignore conveniently.
Vast number of Pansal around the country (over 800 as of 2012) remains closed as there is not enough qualified bikkus to take over. There are stats knows to Budda Sasana Ministry which are not made public which is fueling this sudden urgency to revive Buddhism in Sri Lanka. However the approach is flawed. In reality its has further distance the masses from Pansala.
As Fazl rightly pointed out the successive government only looked at their own self interest. The head prelates in hill country are subdued as they have been made to mind their own business and enjoy the benefits.
This approach has gradually made this country one of the worst in the world. The current trend has accelerated this further.
No amount of bullshit will revive the dwindling numbers of true followers. Buddhism in Sri Lanka will go down unless the artificial majority community start living up to it. Just look at what has happen to Tamils, they are Tamil by name only but most of them are christians.
Taraki / October 22, 2014
‘since Buddhism …..its ineffectiveness in matters concerning governance, rule of law and social justice’
Usual rubbish from someone who knows nothing about Buddhism
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
Wee Thamizh Taraki
“Usual rubbish from someone who knows nothing about Buddhism”
I hate to agree with you.
Can you tell us what you know about Buddhism, I bet it won’t take more than a paragraph.
Nevertheless tell us about your brand of Sinhala/Buddhism.
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Taraki,
At least the attempt by someone who has less knowledge of Buddhism is much better than the scholars and monks of the philosophy contributing to the current state of destruction and moral bankruptcy. Don’t you think so?
Amarasiri / October 22, 2014
Fazl Muhammed
“At least the attempt by someone who has less knowledge of Buddhism is much better than the scholars and monks of the philosophy contributing to the current state of destruction and moral bankruptcy. Don’t you think so? “
Succinctly stated.
“..someone who has less knowledge of Buddhism is much better than the scholars and monks … “
Yes, if the less knowledge is incorrect knowledge that confuses the religion and its theology..
Examples are numerous in Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam…
ela kolla / October 22, 2014
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hikz / October 22, 2014
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Adrian Perera / October 22, 2014
Mr.Fazi, the first part of my comment had got misplaced.
Just because the majority are Buddhists or that the politicians declared it to be Buddhist state, does not make it a Buddhist country. You are correct,neither does a country,because the leaders are Christian or followers of Sharia make it a country of that faith.Let us be frank,China is more honest than all the others, they claim to be atheists and does not claim to be any thing more. The corruption found in China is also found in the Buddhist, Christian and Islamic countries.Those at the bottom of the economic ladder are those that suffer – which should not happen in a country properly administered in accordance with the teachings of great religious teacher.While those at the bottom of the economic ladder suffer without having a house, proper food education, those at the top enjoy all the luxury in life, the men and women need alcohol, 100 partners per night etc.
All this is Mr fazi is in common parlance damn bullshit.
Dr.Goebells / October 22, 2014
This Muhammed Fazl character would have either been beheaded or stoned to death if he had written such utter rubbish about Islam . The fact that he, and others like him , can repeatedly get away with such outrageous garbage is in itself a testament to the tolerance and compassion of the majority people of this country.
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Dr.
Please be specific about the part that is rubbish.
I am alive since I am a pacifist. Only the ones who live by the sword, die by the sword… As for tolerance and compassion, it is much appreciated.
Dr.Goebells / October 22, 2014
Fazl Muhammed
We wait with bated breath for you to start writing on what’s gone wrong with your own faith , and why most of its’ followers live under sub human conditions in countries ravaged by war and tribalism ,and where primitive practices of beheading , stoning ,honour killings, and genital mutilation are part and parcel of daily life.
In India and Sri Lanka on the other hand , followers of the Islamic faith have thrived over the past several centuries . The fact that both these nations have strong Hindu/Buddhist ties is quite significant , though you may beg to differ .
BBS Rep / October 23, 2014
Saudi Arabia is the least Islamic country.
Italy is the least Christian country.
Sri Lanka is the least Buddhist country.
So what? Religion no matter in what colour of robe it is packaged in has always been a curse and has stultified science, intelligence and good governance. I hope BBS and JHU will ruin Buddhism for good.
BBS Rep / October 23, 2014
Dr Goebells,
Those who claim to be Muslims are doing a lot of bad things. Agreed.
But why should those who claim to be Buddhists follow the same path.
Think about it.
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“We wait with bated breath for you to start writing on what’s gone wrong with your own faith,”
Can we now ask you to do the same, start writing on what’s gone wrong with your own faith? You can’t and won’t. Therefore others have a duty to point out to you the ugliness of how you practice your own faith. You don’t have a faith however you have Sinhala/Buddhism, a nasty political ideology which is devoid of wisdom and compassion.
“why most of its’ followers live under sub human conditions in countries ravaged by war and tribalism ,and where primitive practices of beheading , stoning ,honour killings, and genital mutilation are part and parcel of daily life.”
You would do well to recollect how people lived/live in this island before and after the war. Wasn’t it a tribal war between the Southern youth and the noblest rulers of this thrice blessed island in 1971 and between 1987 and 1991? If unending riots in 1915, 1956,1958, 1961, 1977, 1983 …. and 2014 and during the period from 5th April 1971 to date didn’t inform you about your own beheading, honour killing, ritual genital mutilations by your own thugs and security forces during interrogations in various army camps and police stations, in many occasions burning the suspects alive, killing unarmed prisoners in prisons, gouging eyes of political prisoners, killing unarmed civilians one way or another, fathers raping their own under age daughters, other rapes, ……….. someone has to expose your own duplicity about the religious practices and hypocrisy.
Go and stand in front of a mirror and think about your own past, present and future. You may find most of your life you were a living lie.
How many girls and women did you grope and would have liked to grope. How many woman did you fancy having sexual relation?
Have you paid all the dues to the state including Tax liabilities or due you hire crook accountants to cook your books?
Do you observe traffic regulations as religious faith? How many people have you hurt in your entire life by words or deed? Have you ever steal paper clip from your employer? How do you treat your employees and servants? Do you party? How many hours do you meditate in a week?
How many hours do you make yourself available to those people who desperately need help? Do you eat non vegetarian food?
You should prepare a comprehensive questionaire of all sins small or large which could help you to review your own life on a weekly basis.
Don’t get caught with evidence especially if you live with your partner.
Fazl Muhammed / October 23, 2014
Dear Native,
You speak my mind…
God bless.
sach / October 28, 2014
Does Native Veddha want shariah in sri lanka?
Native Vedda / October 22, 2014
You are not very good at propaganda hence your resignation from the post is overdue.
“a testament to the tolerance and compassion of the majority people of this country.”
Are you being serious?
Ceylonese / October 22, 2014
Dr. Gonibilla
This character you refer is a Sri Lankan and he is writing about flaws with Buddhist Monks. Can he be beheaded for writing the truth?
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Much Thanks to Vibushana, Marwan, Leelagemalli, Rationalist, Native Veddha, Ben Hurling, Afzal and the rest for your inputs…. And it sure gives me a lot encouragement in continue writing. End of the day, it is al done in good done in good intent and for the sake of country and humanity…
I also appreciate all criticism leveled, and that which makes me understand polarized opinions.
Rationalist / October 25, 2014
Fazl, I think that your Brand of Islam, and Gautama Buddha’s Buddhism have a lot in Common.
So as you probably understand:-
“1. Our Life is Shaped by our Mind; we become what we Think.
Suffering follows an Evil Thought, as the wheels of a cart follow the Oxen that draw it.”
“Our Life is Shaped by our Mind; we become what we Think.
Joy follows a pure Thought like a shadow that never leaves.”
The Buddha, in the Dhammapada, 1st two Verses.
Native Vedda / October 25, 2014
“Our Life is Shaped by our Mind; we become what we Think. Joy follows a pure Thought like a shadow that never leaves.”
Therefore we may do well to remember
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Priya / October 22, 2014
Well some of the points you highlight in your article are relevant and hope will give some insights to buddist who read this.But,by and large they are problems of modernised world in most of the countries.Last year UK has registered nearly 3000 rape cases which is shocking.
You as a Sri lankan citizen and a muslim can bravely criticise buddism.Brother, can any one do that in any of your islamic countries.You can see the video report of a mother who was a christian in Pakistan and was soned to death simply beacuse she said few words offensive to a fellow colleague muslim involving their God.The tears of her two young daughters is too heart breaking to watch.You can find this in you tube.I strongly believe you still prefer to live in liberal buddist like Sri Lanka rather than in a land of Sharia law which decapitate,disembark limbs or stone to death in various crimes without a even given a proper trial.This is typical muslim hypocrasy.They live in non-muslim countries happily and talk like ”big champions” critisising the existing system of that particular country.At the same time they keep a complete blind eye to atrocities commit in islamic countries which every one except them see in present day world because of the simple fear psychosis they endured during their childhood islamic brain washing mechanism which does not give any provision to crtisise their own kind.
Islam believe in what an un seen almighty has told them via a prophet and there is no chance to question him or challenge him.Buddism is completely diffrent and it encourages liberal human mindset and challenging it’s own teachings(eg;kalama suthra).
No point go into further arguments.Our society may be eroded by few shortsighted activity of individuals or group of people or radicalised mnonks. However,I am still proud to call and identify my self a buddist. In out country no buddist will kill a fellow buddist by the name of religion chanting”Namo buddhaya”;-(a parallel to islamic chant like Allahu akbar) and I am pretty sure that will never ever happen in anywhere in this world.I sincerely hope you will uderstand what I mean.
Thank you very much.
BBS Rep / October 23, 2014
Mage Priya,
“In our country no buddist will kill a fellow buddist by the name of religion chanting ”Namo buddhaya”.
But in our country we chant ‘Namo Buddhaya’ and kill Tamils and Muslims.
‘ and I am pretty sure that will never ever happen in anywhere in this world’.
It happened in Burma led by Wirathu. We gave this mass murderer a red carpet welcome to our thrice blessed land recently. It happened in (90% Buddhists)Cambodia. Read the revelations in the prosecution’s cases at the Hague.
Ah sorry I got it wrong. Priya meant Budhists don’t kill fellow Budhists. Hmmm in the two JVP uprisings more than 100,000 Buddhists were killed by Buddhists in Sri Lanka. In Cambodia 2 million Buddhists were killed by fellow Buddhists. Or am I missing something here.
Priya / October 23, 2014
Yes sir,You are missing a very important point.Let me explain.All those horrible killings have taken place in history and no doubt about that.Just to refresh your memory if you have already forgotten,the innocent Muslims and Sinhalese were also at the receiving end of Tamil extremism at one time.
What I meant was different.I am not sure about Wirathu but none of the other killings were due to religious reasons.They were political murders.What happened in our country in black July 83 and recent Aluthgama incidents were shameful.Even though,in my opinion, they were no where near what is happening due to Islamic terrorism at present day and age.Look at what ISIS is doing.During broad day light they massacre communities after communities simply because they belong to a different faith .We haven’t fallen to such low levels surely.Minorities still can live in Sri Lanka spreading their religions,building mosques and bringing halal laws and they don’t get killed for that on daily basis .Yet this writer trys to highlight extremism we experience to that barbaric extent and surprisingly he is in complete denial of Islamic extremism when the whole world is up in arms against that.This is the mentality of most of these writers and I am against that and not the facts he has mentioned.If you criticize extremism criticize them all.Start form your own kind first and then focus about others.That’s all I have to tell.I hope he will express his views about Islamic extremism in the same manner if he has any balls ,though I strongly doubt he will do.
BBS Rep / October 27, 2014
Mage Priya,
Read my earlier post in this same column.
I condemn all religions. Religion has brought some good to this world but mostly horrors. We will be so much better off without any religion. Religion is a curse. Period.
Maghribi / October 22, 2014
The demise of Buddhism is well planned and acted out by the Ruling family, while a few courages Sinhala Buddhists trying to keep a dying philosophy alive.
Buddhism is a philosophy and has nothing to do with faith in the unseen or the belief in a supernatural being aka God. It’s sort of a glorified version of Democrazy.
When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes. For falsehood by nature is bound to perish.
Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam / October 22, 2014
What you have written about sexual abuse of novice monks is disturbing. I agree that it is an abnormal and unhealthy situation for children to be brought up in such all-male environments when they are entrusted to the care of older men with questionable backgrounds.
At the moment there is an inquiry in Australia into sexual abuse of children in institutions that is uncovering abuse that had been denied for decades, compounding the suffering of the victims. Maybe there should be a full, independent investigation into sexual abuse in religious institutions in Sri Lanka, too.
Peace Lover / October 22, 2014
Well you have a valid point Dr Romesh,but the problem is if there is an inquiry and it does find abuses in religious institutions they will only highlight the non Buddhist ones while any Buddhist temples/priests scandalous activities will be swept away!
or worse still the committee will name as being on Channel 4’s payroll!
Robert.R / October 22, 2014
Let us appoint another independent commission, we are (in)famous for those LOL
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Dr. Romesh,
For any kind of investigations to take place, the current government should be rid of. Rule of law has been long lost in this isle of ours. What I intend doing is to collect as much info on all kinds of wrong doings, corrupt deals, abuse of power and crimes etc…
I intend starting a website, where whistle-blowers can send in info without risking their lives…. Hope all you learned people will be part of the process…
Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam / October 23, 2014
CT already provides a forum for anonymously sharing information about the government. The difficulty is knowing what to take seriously when the identity of the “whistle-blower” is unknown.
Personally I would be interested to know more about the impact of global corporate corruption on Sri Lanka (such as the drug companies) about which I have not seen anything written from a Sri Lankan perspective. I know from experience, however, that corruption in the multinational drug companies is a global phenomenon, so it is bound to have an influence on Sri Lanka.
American Mama / October 22, 2014
Mr Muhammed Fazl
It is sad to see an ignorant Muslim attempting to analyze what is wrong with Buddhism in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.
1. Dukkha does not mean “total peace” It means suffering. Before you start your silly sermons about someone else’s faith at least try to learn the basics of what you are trying to discuss.
2. For your information, there are two paths in Buddhism. One for the monk who wishes to attain enlightenment and therefore must shun all desire and worldy pleasures and the other for the lay people who are not commited to such an objective yet.
3. It is the duty of the lay people to protect buddhism from being cannibalized by other aggressors and predators who appear in the form of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Even the Dalai Lama once said if a mad dog is approaching there is no point in meditating to stop it.
4. I am sure many such predators will be more than happy if all Buddhists practice loving kindness etc etc so that they can destroy them all and take over.
5. Unfortunately for these predators that is not going to happen.
6. You will do well to remind yourself that the strict Buddhist path is only for monks who desire enlightenment and that does not include all monks, some of whom are not that advanced spiritually, and it is these monks who continue to battle the enemies of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and elsewhere
7 To you, I say “Physician heal thyself”
Fazl Muhammed / October 22, 2014
Dear Ma’am,
When I mentioned the word ‘Dukkha’, I meant emptiness and separation which should be an essential trait for priesthood. FYI, the word has many meanings, but thanks for the the comment though.
Jim softy / October 22, 2014
At least one comment explained it all to the dumb FAZL Muhammad.
JimSofty / October 22, 2014
Muhammed Fazl:
Instead of criticizing how the budhist text was written and how long it took to write it, because, no point of exaplaining it to an idiot like you, you should have criticized the part of the content in buddhist texts that you could not agree with.
You criticize buddhists none of whom are enlightened. You criticize buddhists being NOT-GOOD BUDDHIDSTs.
Remember buddhism is hard to practice and promotes free thinking unlike the ISLAM which only needs total submission and total surrender.
Anyway, you respect Buddhism because you quoted Buddha and not Allah who doe snot exist or the Mohommad your prophet.
Most of what you have written in your article is just BS and is good for muslims and christians who are unable to understand the reality.
Jim softy / October 22, 2014
If you look at world history you will find that the areas once ruled by the Muslims were the most backward. Reason – Muslims wasted all the resources in building stupid tombs for their dead instead of building schools or colleges. The temples, buddhist stupas and monasteries were replaced by Mosques where arrogance, intolerance and hatred replaced critical thinking and education. One such example is Taj Mahal – a stupid tomb built by the stupid and tyrant Mughal ShahJahan. Instead of building a school or college that fool built a useless Tomb for himself and his wife.
Muslims make up nearly 23% of world population but they have won only 3 Noble Prizes till date – two in Literature and one in chemistry out of total 800 Noble prize winners. You can find a comparison on Jewish – Muslim Noble prize winners here:
***Najib was stabbed in the back by Egyptian Moslem fundamentalists in 1997 because he supported the Peace Process between the Arabs (“Palestinians”) and Israelis. Najib was partially paralyzed as a result.
***Ahmad Zewail lived most of his life in USA and became a naturalised US citizen at the age of 36 years.
***Orhan Pamuk is still criticised for his views on Armenian Genocide.
The reason behind all this is Islam – a political ideology which prevents a person (read Muslim) from thinking or using his brain. The word islām is derived from the Arabic verb aslama, which means to accept, surrender, or submit. Moreover it is well accepted by the Muslim populace that Islam is perfect. If it’s perfect then it can’t be wrong or reformed or criticised. Hence Muslims still live with their 7th century mindset and want to drag the whole world into it. Generations after generations Muslims have been prevented from thinking thus resulting in low IQ levels.
BBS Rep / October 23, 2014
Jimmy my boy,
Muslims being bad and ignorant does not justify Buddhists being bad and ignorant.
Think about it.
Criticism of what is wrong with Buddhism in Sri Lanka cannot be camouflaged by counter criticism of another equally erroneous faith.
Think about it.
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
“Criticism of what is wrong with Buddhism in Sri Lanka cannot be camouflaged by counter criticism of another equally erroneous faith.”
There is no Buddhism in this island, what you have is Sinhala/Buddhism a perverted ideology devoid of compassion and wisdom which has taken many lives and contributed to the destabilisation, corruption,impunity, establishment of dynasty and removal of all forms of dignity from the people.
K.A Sumanasekera / October 23, 2014
Canadian Capitol Ottawa under lock down.
Two soldiers are dead with in a matter of 3 days,,
Mr Harper himself is locked in his PM Office,Voluntarily of course
All Muslims in Canada will be if not already under lock down.
Mr Harper has allowed hundreds, if not thousands of LTTE Insurgents free access to Canada , They are roaming all major cities organizing protests and collecting funds to destabilize their former country .
They report to hardcore ex LTTE seniors, not only in Canada but in other Western Countries too.
Now Mr Harper must be feeling how our inhabitants in Colombo felt for thirty years, when he was locked up in his Office and machine gun fire was blazing across the road
Still Mr Harper, his mate Mr Cameron,and now the EU want our inhabitants to give the LTTE free access to our down town Colombo, to work with their mates in the TNA there.
And our bankrupt Opposition Leader and his mates are paying personal visits to the ex LTTE head honchos in London for moral and financial support.
Mr Harper will now crank up his vendetta against the ISIL and send the Mounties to join the Aussies as Uncle Sam’s sidekicks.
The rednecks will put more pressure on the Buquas and Hijabs more frequently now that Mr Harper is agitated.
This is probably too much for Mr Mohammed ,
He is perhaps seeking solace in Tripitaka instead of the Koran..
Native Vedda / October 23, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
“Mr Harper has allowed hundreds, if not thousands of LTTE Insurgents free access to Canada , They are roaming all major cities organizing protests and collecting funds to destabilize their former country.”
Send Gota and his elite forces to help Harper eliminate LTTE and Islamic terrorists. Gota will get Harper into a fine mess.
“The rednecks will put more pressure on the Buquas and Hijabs more frequently now that Mr Harper is agitated.”
You should be worrying about Sinhala/Buddhist fathers raping their own under aged daughters and not about fully clothed women wearing burka and hijabs. Had the children worn these clothes while at home these clothes could have reduced the chances of being raped.
K.A Sumanasekera / October 23, 2014
Dear Native,
You must have seen your beloved PM Mr Harper agitated big time, saying he has now seen Terrorism in front of his Office ,
And he is going to fight it..
No wonder you are agitated too, to make nasty and low comments about poor Sinhala Buddhist mums and dads.
Sinhala Buddhist say Karma visits when and where it is due.
Peace Lover / October 23, 2014
nothing low about Native Veddhas comment K A Sumanasekera he said the truth.
Infact Anuradhapura the cradle of Sinhala Buddhism was a hotbed for prostitution during the war and the sex workers were not muslims or tamils but sinhalese,rape cases are very high in sinhala areas down south (and no there was no diaspora influence there!)
anyways tell me MR K A Sumanasekera would you trust to leave your wife home alone with a Buddhist monk for a few hours?
K.A Sumanasekera / October 24, 2014
P. Lover,
Did or do you travel all the way to Anuradhadapura to indulge in sex with Sinhala Buddhist women?.
What is wrong in Scarbourough, down town Toronto, East London, Kings Cross in Sydney and St Kilda in Melbourne.
Not forgetting Amsterdam where lots of your mates live.
Of course you can,t get anything in any of those places under 50 Euros..
No wonder , Dual Passports is one of the promises in the Opposition manifesto..
Native Vedda / October 24, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
“Did or do you travel all the way to Anuradhadapura to indulge in sex with Sinhala Buddhist women?”
Please read excerpts of news below:
Naughty friends nabbed
by Percey Kuruneru, Anuradhapura Corr
Anuradhapura Police raided a place where prostitution was taking place, operating under the guise of a friendship club, and arrested four women and its operator in Anuradhapura town.
Hidden layers of trafficking and prostitution
by Shyamalee Murugesu
Lasanthi left school when she was in the second grade, and went to work for a garment factory when she was fourteen years to earn some money. While at the factory she fell in love with an army deserter who took her on a whirlwind ride. When her mother opposed her affair, she eloped and started living with him. He then started to sell her off to his friend for 500 rupees. Subsequently, she was arrested on suspicion of prostitution by the police while she was attending a musical show.
During interrogation the police revealed to her that her lover was a trafficking agent and had sold many girls for sexual purposes. Now nineteen, Lasanthi serves time at the Nisala Diya Sevena, a private shelter in Kegalle.
Internal trafficking and forced prostitution is a flourishing business in Sri Lanka, having gone unnoticed or ignored for too long. What follows are real stories that have not been sensationalised, with only the names changed to protect and respect their identity. Most of them are under aged girls from poor families in rural areas. In all of the cases, factors such as poverty, loss of a parent and a dislocated family situation marked their family backgrounds. The stories at Meth Sevana state detention centre in Gangodawila reveal the many hidden layers of trafficking.
Almost all the women I spoke with wanted their lives back, the life before becoming a “Commercial Sex Worker”. At present there are 151 inmates serving time at the centre including 15 children. A still cherubic 23-year-old Nisansala from Embilipitiya has been at the centre for one year.
“My mother was abroad, one day I had a fight with my brother and left home when I was 16 years old. I started working for a garment factory in Ratmalana, a cousin of mine introduced me to the job. There I met a boy and got married to him, he was a drug addict and wanted money all the time and got me a job as a waitress for a night club in Bambalapitiya. I earned 30,000 rupees a month, which was not enough for him so he decided to send me abroad with a friend. I have been to Singapore four times, we go as a couple and stay in a hotel and in the same hotel I would move from room to room, sometimes servicing eight to ten clients a night. There were many Sri Lankan women like me, the money was good. After a while I did not like going to Singapore, I had two children by that time and I continued to work in lodges, that’s where the police caught me,” Nisansala said. “My husband is married again. I want to go back to my village and take care of my children when I get out.” When asked if she was aware of diseases, she mentioned that they went to the 33rd room at the General Hospital and did a HIV/AIDS test.
Another detainee, Kusuma, left Ratnapura and came to Colombo to work in a factory which was eventually closed down. Unable to go back to her village, she stayed at the boarding with other girls. The so-called boyfriends took the girls to a hotel in Matara and left them with condoms thrown into their rooms. From there the girls were sold to different people. She is now serving six months at the Meth Sevana detention centre.
According to sources, an undercover research officer visited some of the lodges in Anuradhapura and his findings as related by Sr M. Kathleen, Programme Director for CARITAS was alarming. The officer went in the pretext of soliciting business and found out that there are little dark dingy rooms in which it is difficult to make out anything. He later found out that it was a toilet and he heard a sobbing voice of a girl. On lighting a candle to see her face and introducing himself in a hushed voice the girl had felt comfortable and requested him to blow out the candle so that the mudalali would not see anything. She had revealed that she was exhausted and tired. Added to that, she was on drugs and is not allowed to go out.
According to Sr. Kathleen 70 per cent of internal trafficking cases were reported from Anuradhapura, and a nexus of traffickers are said to be operating in the area. In another incident 29-year-old Dharma lost her father when she was nine, and when she turned sixteen she had a sexual relationship with a soldier and eventually left the country to the Middle East. Upon her return she found out that her savings had all been squandered off by her sister. Completely dejected by these events she left home to look for a job; she was then forcefully taken by a three-wheel driver from the Anuradhapura Central Bus Stand to a nearby brothel. That was the beginning of her life as a commercial sex worker.
She further related that there are 130 brothels in and around the city of Anuradhapura and the majority of the clients are aged between 15 and 25 years. After a police raid and a court order Dharma was sent to the State Detention Centre Meth Sevana.
Surangi from Polonnaruwa was kidnapped on her way from school and raped for two days. She was then sold as a commercial sex worker to the lodge owner and was forced to attend 15 customers a day. She was beaten if she refused. For four years she worked in a lodge in Kurunegala until the police raided the lodge. She is now serving time at the detention centre. Her parents visit her at the centre.
While at Meth Sevana I witnessed another detainee who was tearfully screaming. I was curious to know her story but her situation did not permit me to speak with her.
The Institute Of Human Rights currently provides legal aid, advice and rehabilitation for these victims. An official at the IHR pointed out that the judiciary and staff working at the detention centre should be sensitised and trained to handle trauma victims. Sometimes the women are detained for too long and they are re traumatised by the whole process. Rehabilitation is very vital for their future survival but seriously lacking in Sri Lanka. Severe psychological trauma, nightmares, depression and low self esteem are reported to be common among these victims.
They are socially isolated and stigmatised by our society. By sharing their experiences they have broken free from their isolation despite losing their self dignity. The Human Rights Commission has pointed out that sanitation facilities and the lack of basic resources like clothing, accommodation, beds, pillows and water are major issues at the Meth Sevana, and it has charitable donations and community funds are obtained for its up keep.
Empowering them and helping them to regain their self-confidence is vital to prevent future generations from the trappings of trafficking. The trafficking industry is reported to be worth billions of dollars and is recognised as the third largest form of transnational organised crime after arms and drugs trafficking. Stories of their painful experiences reveal that there are elements lurking to make use of vulnerable situations. Traffickers are reported to be trapping women and children who are poor, less educated and living in rural areas and urban slums, making use of their vulnerability.
According a UN study approximately 100,000 children are trafficked each year internally for prostitution and other forms of labour and 3,000 are trafficked externally. It further revealed that 20,000 to 30,000 children are used for prostitution in Sri Lanka.
Regional cooperation and strengthening of the SAARC Convention was seen as a vital tool by the Migrant Service Centre to help understand and prevent many layers of trafficking in the region.
Hela Urumaya can withstand criticism — Athuraliye Rathana Thera
S. K. Kaluarachchi
GALLE : ‘Hela Urumaya can withstand all forces and criticism aimed at demoralizing the party’, said Hela Urumaya — party leader Venerable Athuraliye Rathana Thero, addressing a meeting held in Galle.
Venerable Rathana Thero said that all attempts would be taken to solve amicably internal problems of the party.
Venerable Thero further said that, his party obtaining 9 seats in the last general election, is going to be a deciding factor in the next presidential election.
Some politically-motivated men are trying so create problems within the party. But we would not allow such forces to destroy the party he said.
‘We have inculcated a Buddhist oriented culture to parliamentary procedures’ the priest said.
JHU member, Venerable Akmeemana Dayarathna Thero said that, the media is attemting to create a breach within our party.
The influence of Buddhist Sangha has brought some discipline in parliament, he said.
The Buddha Sasana Ministry, has failed to prevent unethical conversions. The bill on prohibition of unethical conversion would be enacted. JVP who once agitated against soaring prices of essential goods, are now silent, the priest said.
Venerable Mawarala Baddhiya Thero said that Sri Lanka being a Buddhist country, daily 450 abortions are carried out. Prostitution is rampant in Anuradhapura which is considered a holly city.
“We should all take these challenges and march forward with a national consciousness in our hearts” the thero said.
Did you traffic them from rural areas where poor inhabitants eke out their living?
K.A Sumanasekera / October 24, 2014
You must have an archive of LankaeNews at home..
Even Tamilnet wouldn’t publish this sort of garbage.
Native Vedda / October 24, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
“You must have an archive of LankaeNews at home..”
All of the reference I quoted above were published by The Island.
“Even Tamilnet wouldn’t publish this sort of garbage.”
So you believe Tamilnet is better than Island. I knew all along you are a secret admirer of LTTE and your sun god.
Thalaivar / October 23, 2014
The whole world is fighting against Islam!
SL should be no different to them.
Thalaivar realized the danger of Islam before George Bush Sr. he saved the north from Islam in 1990.
George Bush Sr came to realize it a year later.
BJP realized it 2 years later.
Jim softy / October 23, 2014
FAZL Mohammad:
Even though I said, that is is stupid trying to explain these, I should say That Lord buddha did not leave anything for interpretation.
Buddha explained every thing.
SO, you can not expect from anyone to interpret buddhism. It is all explained. Only thing left there is to practice.
It is the quran which was written for 23 years, Just one book for 23 years, then mullas and clarics can interpret the way they want. That result immense violence, hatred against non-believers of ISlam.
So, think about yourself first.
BBS Rep / October 23, 2014
Your article about the lack of Buddhism in those who claim to be Buddhists in Sri Lanka is well written. No doubt it will cause a lot of angst in the minds of the so called faithful especially when the critic is a Muslim.
From what you wrote I garner that you have a good intellect. Therefore I am a bit surprised that a person like you can stand there and try to defend Islam and its practices.
Brother Fazl, high time you read, “Why I am not a Muslim” by Ibn Warraq. There are many locations on the internet that you can download this book.
Keythu / October 23, 2014
Yeah and the so called great defender nation of Islam is full of rapists and fornicators too. Saudi men come to Sri Lanka to hire Russian hookers and drink. Their powerful and rich Royalty take private jets to fornicate in France. Islam in the meantime has something called Wahabi/Salafists who want to kill everyone else. Great religion based on Muhammed and Allah. Muhammed was a pedophile who had a 11 year old child bride.
Menika Dissanayake / October 23, 2014
Fazal Muhammed, you’ve written a timely article about Buddhist Religious Extremism.
Last Mondy, a recent convert to the Buddhist faith in Canada hit two soldiers with his car in a small Quebec town. The assailant, Martin Coutour-Rouleau, was later chased by cops and killed after being shot seven times.
Yesterday, in Ottowa, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, also a recent convert to Buddhism went on a shooting spree in the Parliament and was later shot dead by the Seargent-at-Arms.
Once infected with the Buddhist virus, there is no cure. Let Allah (peace be upon him) guide and show them the right path to Islam, the religion of peace and harmony.
Rationalist / October 23, 2014
“Last Mondy, a recent convert to the Buddhist faith in Canada hit two soldiers with his car in a small Quebec town. The assailant, Martin Coutour-Rouleau, was later chased by cops and killed after being shot seven times.”
“Yesterday, in Ottowa, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, also a recent convert to Buddhism went on a shooting spree in the Parliament and was later shot dead by the Seargent-at-Arms. “
Menika Dissanayake,
Please see above, two quotes from your comment of 23 October.
According to the News that I have read, both these men were recent converts to the Islamic Faith.
They were not “…infected with the Buddhist virus…” as you state in your last paragraph.
Are you trying to twist the facts?
sach / October 23, 2014
Oh god ‘rationalist’ :D
nike / October 23, 2014
[Edited out]