10 September, 2024


Call For Immediate War Crimes Trials & Trade Embargoes Against Sri Lanka

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole

The position of our government is that no war crimes were committed by our forces at the end of the war. Contradicting that, last week (23 Nov.) I wrote of how we committed horrendous crimes on the battlefield in May 2009 and of how Australia has approached its own charges of war crimes. I commended its example for our government beginning trials, asking for forgiveness, and rescinding the medallions, promotions, and high offices given to our accused war criminals in uniform. There are mountains of evidence available against them. 

Subsequently today’s news is that Rear Admiral Dr. Sarath Weerasekera on taking oaths as Minister of Public Security has committed himself to protecting all peoples of Sri Lanka. If that is sincere and true, then to protect Tamils he must embark on punishing all war criminals – for example those from the Navy who killed the Trinco 5. So long as he fails to do that the killers in uniform will be in our midst in high positions as they already are. Chilling! 

Yesterday (27.11) it was reported that those mourning their dead, who had not opened their shops to remember their murdered loved ones, were forced by the army presumably including these alleged killers to open their shops closed to commemorate their dead. Given this, it would appear that by “all communities” Dr. Weerasekera meant only the Sinhalese to whom he would offer protection. From abjuration of any responsibility to commitments on prosecuting war crimes, the government is totally mendacious.

Consider! When battles ended in May 2009, then-President Mahinda Rajapaksa issued statements that no war crime was committed and that his troops went into battle with human rights conventions in one hand and the gun in the other. Sinhalese drunk-with-hate might be expected to make and believe these claims.  But Tamils have difficulties understanding why Tamils, an MP in particular, would endorse such unbelievable claims. Subsequently, the government trotted out so-called IT experts from the Sinhalese community from Moratuwa University and in high positions abroad to say that, based on their scientific examination, the graphics in the UK’s Channel 4 documentary showing cold-blooded execution of LTTE-ers was doctored – i.e., photo-shopped). Most Sinhalese seemed to believe it. They do not realize that no one kills his baby to Fake a movie. (To see the photo click here)

In the course of time, Supreme Court Justice Maxwell Paranagama reported in 2015 as part of his government-appointed Commission’s findings that the charge that government troops engaged in war crimes was credible. The government did not like what the Paranagama Commission was finding so it restricted its funding. The Commission collapsed. 

As our demagogic Sri Lankan state thereby manipulates Sinhalese, the world sees us as naked like “The Emperor without Clothes.” Only we do not see our nudity and the incredulity with which the world watches us.

The commitments and scientific findings from the Sri Lankan state are just plumb incredible. The people forget all the untruths in which the government has been caught again and again. The government misleads a gullible population that forgets the past, and continues to vote to delay justice. What is sad is that even Tamils have poor memory. We vote for and celebrate alleged killers among us. We give them high offices in our political parties without an inquiry into the heinous accusations against them. But we insist on war crimes trials against Sinhalese. When a major Tamil party voted to deprive hill-country Tamils of their citizenship, many Tamils continued to vote for it. When that party had an internal fissure and one faction brought out how the main faction housed CID personnel in its Jaffna office this year helping them to monitor Tamils, that did not weaken the party’s support base. These people now fight each other to demonstrate who lights more candles on Maaveerar Day. Many people seem taken in.

Whatever Sinhalese communalists and their Tamils supporters may say for holding on to power and state office, it is a certainty that large scale killings of civilians by our armed forces occurred in the last 5 months leading up to May 2009. What is uncertain is whether it was 40,000 as in the UN Report or well over 100,000 as estimated by many (vide my article last week). As noted in the article, the military confirmed that LTTE cadres had surrendered to the army and a Sri Lankan Army Court of Inquiry acknowledged that the military captured LTTE cadres and that 11,800 cadres had surrendered to the military. The BBC cites video evidence on the surrender it calls compelling. In a comical denouement to an RTI request, the Information Officer of the Sri Lanka Military, Brigadier Sumith Atapattu, stated, “LTTE members have not surrendered themselves to the Sri Lanka military during the last stages of the war and they have handed themselves over to the Sri Lankan government.” The world laughs at us, thanks to our government’s and people’s ignorance of how nude we are. To continue to delude ourselves like this, knowing that others know we are lying, is shameless. Our courts toss out one after the other the findings of previous cases. One, two – all right. But it is now almost every finding by the judiciary against members of the government and its supporters. By so reversing so many decisions, the courts are shooting themselves in the foot and proving the need for external oversight in war-crimes tribunals under UNHRC 30/1. Where the courts found persons, military personnel, and violent monks guilty, the President has pardoned the convicted criminals. This even makes the case for an outside agency to take over the process so that those convicted cannot be pardoned and are held in outside prisons.

There is an ancient Greek saying, “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first strike mad.” Is this what is happening to our people?  We have withdrawn from our own commitment to the UNHRC. We are going back on our commitment to human rights based on which stopped GSP duty preferences were restored. Like the people of Hamelin, we are dancing to our destruction following our Pied Piper – our government.

 We may be blind fools but not the rest of the world. Only Mangala Samaraeera has publicly expressed the dangers of the foolish course of lying to the world that we have embarked on. Our government seems unconcerned about the dangers from the folly of its ways. Since the world understands how crazy and harmful our government is, its lies seem directed at gullible Sinhalese to sustain itself in power.

The Buddha spoke up for nonviolence. The post-Sangam Epic Period of the Tamils (Third to Fifth Centuries AD when Manimekalai was authored by the Tamil Buddhist monk Kulavaṇikan Seethalai Sataṉar), was a high multi-cultural time for Tamils with evidence for Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, and Christianity being practised. That highlighted the liberal ethos where Devanambiya Theesan converted to Buddhism from Hinduism. Asoka’s missionaries implanted this ethos, giving us vegetarianism based on nonviolence, hospitals, travelers’ rests, environmental consciousness with trees being planted, animal hospitals, etc.. The Buddhist ruins of Kandarodai in Chunnakam testify to our liberalism. 

 Despite that heritage, the governments since 1972 have sought to ram Buddhism down Tamil and Muslim throats by making it the state religion even in the twenty-first century, unaware of the human rights consciousness that has overtaken the globe. It would seem, to use V.S. Naipal’s phrase,  we Sri Lankans came out of our villages into the twenty-first century with a democratic state, but the village has not left us. We remain savages.

 Ask a Tamil what images are conjured in his head by Buddhism, which has given us so much good. The answer would be war crimes, communal riots, lawlessness, murderous Buddhist monks, the use of ethnic cleansing to take over our homes and lands, Buddhist temples coming up where there are few to no Buddhists, and military rule. Claiming that this is a Buddhist country, every state-paid feast at once has dishes of mutton, chicken, beef, fish, and prawns. Even the sparse vegetable curries have sprats. Sri Lanka’s Buddhists, it seems, cannot eat meals embodying nonviolence, but I have had educated Buddhists arguing with me that vegetarianism is not Buddhist. The lust for meat is inveterate. Even a tourist with goodwill having a Buddha tattoo on her body was sentenced by our nationalist police and judiciary. A religion that Sri Lankans do not believe in, is being foisted on others as means of demonstrating power. This is evident from the introduction of this pernicious clause into our constitution with no one asking by Colvin R. de Silva, a Marxist and therefore  godless by definition. He was giving opium to the Sinhalese in the form of Buddhism to secure his support base.

Persons of goodwill, whether Sinhalese or Tamil, are now willy-nilly placed in the position of safeguarding the constitution and recovering the once untarnished name of the Buddhist religion. Our governments themselves are responsible for the assault on Buddhism and the lawlessness in our midst.

Sri Lankans of sound minds have tried all they can and have failed. Now we must look for outside help from democratic countries. In this endeavour, Tamils must keep in mind that the UN report faulted both the government and the LTTE for war crimes. We cannot push for one part of the report while tossing out the other against the LTTE. Doing that, we condemn ourselves as the same delusional racists that the government is said to consist of. 

Maveerar Day, 27 Nov., translates as “Big Heroes Day.” It is set for the day after V Prabhakaran’s Birthday, 26 Nov. It makes clear that we are unprepared to jettison our misplaced LTTE sympathies, and shows us to be as racially-prejudiced as the Sinhalese. However, many of the people killed were civilians forced into the Mullaitivu area and shot by the LTTE in the back when they tried to flee Sri Lankan bombings. It is indeed appropriate to remember them and celebrate their lives. I suggest changing the day to a day in May when most of the butchery occurred, and renaming it as Tami Massacre Day, and enlisting foreign help to ensure there is accountability. It is the only way to convince the world that we truly and sincerely ask for justice. It is then that outside nations will join us in quenching our thirst for justice and addressing our cry for freedom. The time is opportune as the UK has initiated inquiries against mercenaries that helped Sri Lanka in the war.

We now need to ask openly for the full implementation of UNHRC Resolution 30/1, and trade embargoes against Sri Lanka including elimination of GSP preferential duties. Our MPs must ask for these in Parliament and we through supportive news outlets to reach free-thinking Sinhalese. We must seek to be heard. As things are, no one asks for these out of fear of a repressive state and judicial machinery, so the world thinks we are happy with allowing the crimes against humanity to go unpunished. The Sinhalese will understand that this is not racism but expressing what many of them are fearful of saying. 

This is a good time. Joe Biden, a human rights advocate, is President-Elect of USA. In 1983, the assault on Tamils under J.R. Jayawardene was at its height especially after his open admission of Sinhalese racism to The Daily Telegraph (11 July 1983): “Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy.” It was a time we rightly feared for our future, and even Sri Lanka’s future. An uncle of mine in Delaware was a medical practitioner where Biden is one of its two Senators. He got us an appointment and we met Joe Biden. A cousin’s aged mother-in-law (a US Citizen) had been raped by Sinhalese thugs in Colombo. My uncle readout a petition. Biden was attentive when I told him of the rape. He was sympathetic and I expect he still is after far worse things have happened.

Ranil Wickremesinghe, like his uncle, had given excuses for not keeping his promises to the UN.  Like SWRD Bandaranaike, agreements mean nothing to the Sinhalese-State as it now ponders the removal of Provincial Councils violating agreements with India. The world realizes that solemn promises by Sri Lanka are worthless and made only to buy time till Sri Lanka is an ethno-state.

We and the world must act together before it is too late. This is not against Sri Lanka but for it. As David Cameron, British PM, stated upon the passage of 30/1, “The UNHRC decision on Sri Lanka is a victory for its people.”

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Latest comments

  • 21

    American House recently noted that Lankawe as one country not willing to provide answer to the Missing Persons’ relatives. These helpless are are carrying the EU & American flag and a begging to provide justice for them. Without they force Lankawe to go for International Investigation, I do not think any other-way will open for them.

    I am not favoring sanctions. But we under Sinhala Buddhist’s sanctions for 72 years.Thorn can be taken out by another thorn. It is time to IC to go for it.

    • 7

      Why people in this country stay as if they are deaf and blind.
      1) As of today, GOTLER has made it a DICTATORSHIP. New judges being appointed, he has started a new journey but not respecting norms.

      2) So all is clear that a SOMALIA is in making.
      3) And the worst of worst is that they have been misleading the COVID hit people by asking them to drink a ” drink” being produced by a GONTHDIYEK (not even an ayurvedic doctor), ironically, state minister for Health is a FAKE Professor. With his basic MBBS degree, he should be well aware of the fact, that without proper conduct of clinical trials on the testing drugs, no conclusion can be made. There are no such drugs in the market today as medicine.
      What if so called ” pani beema” would do lot more harm to the kidney and Liver of the patient s body ?

  • 31

    Let us all be honest. We all know for sure that both LTTE and the Armed Forces of SL committed human rights violations. LTTE killed civilians, Buddhist Monks and Rajiv Gandhi in addition to other political opponents who were not soldiers. LTTE forcefully created child soldier brigades. Similarly we know and have seen enough video clips of SL soldiers where they sexually abuse and kill soldiers and civilians who surrendered and even Prabaharan’s Son who was a minor. So both LTTE and the armed forces of SL have committed Human Rights Violations, no doubt about it. If anyone says these two groups have not then they are blind and liars of first class.
    We now have a situation which 1983 riots has created – a formation of a group named “Diaspora Tamil Sri Lankans”. Over the years through hard work and education this group has created very strong political connections/force in most of the developed countries. They now have members in the Parliaments of those countries. This group has become a very strong force in those countries, especially in developed western countries. This group today is more influential in the international sphere than the Government of SL. They are the ones who have influenced the resolutions against SL in the UN.
    Now a local Sri Lankan internal issue has become a global issue, why?

    • 29

      Why ?
      Because the racist sinhala buddhist majority didn’t give the rights to those who were wronged. They dismissed the claims that any wrong happened. And not only that they celebrated the murderers and rapists in the armed forces. That’s why. Like what is happening today with the forced unwanted mandatory cremation based on pseudo science without any evidence.
      I for one am glad the international community will forcefully put the face of the racist sinhala buddhists in between the soles of their feet and the dirt on the floor.

    • 27

      Dear Buddhist1,
      You are starting our history at some point convenient to you. Is that fair?
      Tamils were getting pushed to the corner. In the absence of no further room to go back, a handful of our youth, a group that was most affected, decided, enough is enough. Shouldn’t we be starting our history at least there.

      • 4

        Sinhalayo who got oppressed by colonial rulers for about 450 years and by Vellala Tamils who dominated the Administration after Independence because of the infamous ‘Divide and Rule’ policy of colonial rulers also felt enough is enough. But they did not resort to violence against Tamils. They followed a democratic path to restore their rightful place and their rights as an Independent Nation. When Sinhalayo were emerging as a political entity in their homeland, the Vellala Tamils feared they will lose their privileged position and started to create problems.
        When Sinhala was declared as the official language Vellala Tamils started riots against Sinhalayo. They had no problem when English was the official language.
        When the English letters in car number plates were replaced by a Sinhala letter, Vellala Tamils started riots against Sinhalayo. They had no problem when British put English letters in car number plates.
        When Standardization and Quota system was introduced for the benefit of Tamils, Muslims and Sinhala students who lived in areas where education facilities were poor that was highlighted as discrimination against Tamils. As a matter of fact, Tamils outside Yapanaya benefitted out of this policy.
        Although Tamils try hard to give the impression to the International Community that Sinhala Buddhists are violent and oppress minorities the truth is all the ethnic riots after Independence were started by racist Tamils.

        • 6

          “They had no problem when British put English letters in car number plates”
          Did Sinhalayo have cars before the British came? They didn’t even have bullock carts before the Portuguese came. “Karattaya” is a Portuguese word. Why didn’t Sinhalayo object when people started using names like Silva, Fernando, and your own name?

          • 1

            Carts have been used by the Sinhalese for ages before the Portuguese came here. And karaththaya is not a word likely to be borrowed from the Portuguese, because among many reasons, Portuguese didn’t introduce carts here, and the Portuguese were more or less confined to the lowland coastal areas, which would require a long time to be propagated also to the upcountry, which was a relatively homogeneous area where the upcountry Sinhalese lived in relative isolation during the Portuguese occupation. There was minimum of Portuguese infiltration in the upcountry. Karaththaya is easily derived from the Sinhalese root verb “karakan-awa” / “kaeraken-awa”. This root verb and its variants in Sinhalese is actually a retention of an pre-Old Indo Aryan feature, which is not present in Sanskrit, and is an indication that Sinhalese could have branched off from proto-Indo-European independently and earlier than the rest of the Indo-Aryan languages, as this kind of retentions of Proto-Indo European root verbs that are not present in any of the other Indo-Aryan languages, are not possible to be present in Sinhalese.

            • 1

              An excerpt from a discussion on origin and evolution of Indo-European languages: “… Sinhalese vaatura = water, a form that’s not present in Sanskrit. Also, the PIE word for wheel is supposed to originate from a reduplication of the verb *kwel or *kwleu for ‘turn’, giving *kweklom or *kweklos, as in Greek kuklos, and retained in Sanskrit as cakra from reduplication of the verb root ‘car’ for wander, or drive. BUT, Sinhalese has the [verb root] forms kaere- for turn and the form karakaeve- for wheel (and related notions like rotation) ! Sinhalese has not made ‘k’ into a ‘c’ (see note 5 on p. 315 of Edwin Bryant’s book). This seems too interesting to ignore, even if I don’t know Sinhalese, and am just looking-up material from dictionaries”.
              So, whether you like it or not, Sinhalese language is a very old language, and we did have carts and chariots long before the common era. We would have had no need to borrow the word from the Portuguese, who were here only for a few decades. The similarity of the word is due to the Portuguese and Sinhalese words having a common origin way back in time.

              • 1

                “Portuguese, who were here only for a few decades.”
                Really ?

              • 1

                There are NO depictions of carts in ancient Sri Lankan sculptures. But there are carts/ chariots in ancient Tamil ones.
                Nit- picking about the origin of a word proves nothing.
                There were rudimentary roads, but it seems most heavy goods were moved by pack bulls.
                Whether the Sinhalese used wheels for anything other than pottery is doubtful too.
                Even post-Poruguese Sinhala cannons were mostly not wheeled.
                If you have any proof that ancient Sinhalese had wheeled vehicles, produce it. Otherwise, credit it to the Portuguese.

                • 1

                  Really, this is getting way too dumb. The contradictions in your claims in one place to another is also totally idiotic. Tell me, if the ancient Tamils had carts and chariots, surely the Sinhalese would have got it from the Tamils, and not waited until the Portuguese came here in the 16th century, especially given your main claim that Tamils have been here from time immemorial. And also, there are so many recorded Tamil invasions and occupation, that even one of those Tamil invaders would have introduced carts here. Among the many references to vehicles – Elara is supposed to have accidentally crashed his chariot in a stupa and his son is supposed to have accidentally hit a calf with his chariot, that was 1600+ years before the Portuguese came here. I hope you see how dumb your arguments are and even to think that the Sinhalese didn’t know of carts or chariots and didn’t have proper roads until the Portuguese came and supposedly introduced the cart, shows how much you know the history of this island and the Sinhalese.

                  • 3

                    “if the ancient Tamils had carts and chariots, surely the Sinhalese would have got it from the Tamils”
                    I clearly said that the Tamils had chariots and the Sinhalese didn’t.
                    So what’s your problem? Where is your proof that the Sinhalese had carts? You have only proved that the Tamils had chariots !!

                    • 0

                      “First attack on the Portuguese. The battle formations that attacked the Portuguese stockade in Colombo from an eye witness description of a Historian was 2000 Infantry, 150 horses and 25 Elephants. However the Cannon fire of the Portuguese from ships place on the flanks disrupted this attack.”
                      “Devanampiyatissa was called lord of Chariots, so was many kings. …. Many temples painting have diagrams of Chariots”.

                        There’s also a picture of a chariot from Thivanka Pilimage from 12th century AD.

                    • 0

                      Good try, but the Portuguese don’t mention chariots.
                      “Many temples painting have diagrams of Chariots”.
                      Are you talking about 19th century paintings, like Kelaniya?

                      Is there any actual link?

                    • 0

                      Old Codger,
                      The excerpts are from the site sirimunasiha dot wordpress dot com. CT has removed the link. I think its a security issue. Search for “chariots in ancient armies of sri lanka ” and read what comes up.

                    • 0

                      From your link:
                      “There is no mentions of the exploits of Chariots in the over 1200 battles described briefly in the Mahavmansa , but in India..”

                    • 0

                      The picture of a chariot allegedly at Tivsnka Pilimage is too fresh looking to be 900 years old. Photos of the actual Pilimage show faded frescoes and nothing like it.

              • 1

                I not disputing the antiquity of Sinhala. But the fact is that many Portuguese words were adopted after they arrived. There is no shame in this since all languages do this. But a lot more words were invented from Sanskrit in the 20th century, instead of using English terms.
                So, try to find a “sarvaloka poottuwa” in Panchikawatta or a “samyuktha thatiya” in a bookshop.

                • 0

                  The Tamil glossaries had even more awkward constructs. Check the therm for thermodynamics. No wonder the Tamil students settle for ‘Thermo’.
                  Having worked on a tri-lingual glossary project recently, my view is that the Sinhalese academic is far more adaptable to reality than his Tamil counterpart.

                  • 0

                    I have noticed that English technical terms are popular in Tamil Nadu. Didn’t they coin Tamil technical terms ? Or is it because they didn’t get rid of English ?

            • 2

              Punchi Point

              “Carts have been used by the Sinhalese for ages before the Portuguese came here.”

              The ten headed Sinhala/Buddhist Ravana flew his flying machines many thousands of years ago, thought to have used it in trafficking women from Bharat to Lanka. Champika Ranawake and his fellow historians are well aware about this fact, and the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka is indeed very interested about it.

              • 0

                Even PP isn’t fool enough to use Ravana as evidence.

                • 1

                  old codger

                  Those Sinhala/Buddhists who suffer from identity crisis are now turning to Ravana to salvage their identity and prove their origin in this island.

                  What a pathetic lot.

        • 4

          Eagle Eye,
          I give you the courtesy of a response; do not expect me to continue responding every time you twist events to suit your arguments.
          Tamils benefited as a result of a strategy of the British. The British employed Tamils in Malaysia as well. Were we trying to dominate the Malaysians.
          Sinhalese resorting to violence against Tamils for an outcome we were not responsible at all, is bestial.
          Your claim that Ceylon is solely yours is not true. It is our land too. We should both clasp our hands together and march forward to redeem our country.

      • 2

        Hi Nathan, I am not sure why you say I have chosen history from a point that is convenient to me. When the politicians of North and East talk about Tamils they do not include the Indian origin Tamils. In fact G G Ponnambalam even voted to take away the Citizenship right away from the Indian Origin Tamils when he voted with the then Govt.

        There is no doubt that both LTTE and Armed Forces violated Human Rights so both groups have to be judged. Even if some one or a group got pushed it does not allow them to take up arms and not only take up arms against the state but also kill their own politicians in cold blood, which LTTE did.

    • 12

      In order to understand one has to look at the forces operating behind separatists, LTTE and their agenda. They do not want peaceful co-existence of Sinhalayo and Tamils.

      “Now a local Sri Lankan internal issue has become a global issue, why?”

      • 7

        “In order to understand one has to look at the forces operating behind….”
        Not so difficult. It’s the very same clowns that your Sinhalayo voted for from 1948 onwards. The solution is to give certified Sinhalayo one vote and others ( Sinhalese , Tamils, Muslims, etc.) two votes each.

    • 14

      “Now a local Sri Lankan internal issue has become a global issue, why?”

      Because Sinhala Buddhist don’t have a conscience, They are so stupid that they suffer from a superiority complex and believe that everything they do is right. This gives rise to the lack of accountability for their actions.

    • 12

      Why because all your Sinhalese led Sri Lankan governments have been committing genocide discrimination , ethnic cleansing and marginalization of the island’s Tamil population from the time of independence. Reduced the Tamil population from 28% to now 16% within 60 years. Stole 30% of their lands and still stealing . No language employment and even land rights in Tamil areas . Under Sinhalese rapist army control . The Sri Lankan state deliberately killed more than 145000 innocent Tamil civilians by horrific means in May 2009 and these western nations have proof of this. Yes the LTTE committed human rights but they are not a government and they are responsible for only around 5 to 10% of the violence and even according to your government statistics around 3000 civilian deaths. The Sri Lankan government and armed forces are the state and are supposed to protect and treat all citizens equally and are responsible for around 300000 Tamil civilian deaths and more than a million Tamils chased out of their lands. You Sinhalese know this but deliberately distort facts. Thinking everyone else is an idiot to believe your lies and distorted facts

      • 4

        Do you think by telling all this rubbish you can whitewash LTTE Tamil terrorists who committed most heinous crimes against Sinhalayo for three decades to grab a part of the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo to create a separate State for the descendants of Dravidians[edited out]

    • 7

      Buddhist 1,
      “Let us all be honest. We all know for sure that both LTTE and the Armed Forces of SL committed human rights violations. LTTE killed civilians, Buddhist Monks ….”
      Good idea. But when have Sri Lankans been honest?

    • 9

      Buddhist let us be honest . The Sri Lankan state has been committing all sorts of atrocities , war crimes and marginalization on the Tamils since independence and this has been done in a very precise calculated manner. Starting with the making of around a million Indian origin Tamils stateless . Once this was completed started on the indigenous Tamil population, ith land colonisation ethnic cleansing activities in the Amparai and Trincomalee districts. Now in both these historical ancient Tamil districts , the Tamils have been reduced to voiceless minority and the worst atrocities committed on them Denial of language , employment and finally higher education .

      • 7

        Not to mention the various state sponsored anti Tamil pogroms that come in regular intervals , planned to reduce further Tamil lives and wealth. All successive governments from independence have ruined the economy but the only thing that they did very well and precisely according plan is the marginalization and reduction of the island’s Tamil population. Proving this had been well planned long before independence by the so called Sinhalese political leaders , who had deceived and had taken the then foolish/naive and they set about this task, soon after independence like a very precise Swiss watch and did not care in the process if the country was ruined. The LTTE never came out of anywhere it was a result of all these anti Tamil activities and war crimes committed against them by the Sri Lankan state. The Tamils were pushed to a corner with no other avenue left for them to gain their just rights and protect what was theirs by right. The rest is history and trying to compare the LTTE and the atrocities that they committed to the horrible war crimes and killings that the Sri Lankan state , armed forces, police and paramilitaries committed and are still unleashing on the Tamil and now Muslim people is a joke.

        • 3

          Sorry foolish and naive Tamil politicians

    • 12

      My Dear Buddhist 1,
      You are spot on, but it is not the fault of those minorities then moved out of the country. WHo created a CIVIL war in the country ? It was we the sinhalaya as majoritarian portion of the lanken population discriminated them then and even today. I think over 2 millions of srilanken tamils live today out of their home country-Srilanka. Most living in EUrope are doing well today. THeir second generations have integrated to the very same manner srilanken born VANESI Walters, a MP in Kiwi s parliament. I know doctors, engineers and other higher professional from srilanken origin (mostly tamil) in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherland, Denamark, English and other norther european countries. Most of them are identified as srilanken migrants in each of those countries.
      All these people could help their roots in srilanka, if our politicians would treat the minorities with some respect and dignity. Why should they be treated with step mother behaviours just because they are minorities. I think our POLITICAL leaders, let alone today, should come together to resolve this long standing ethnic issue. So long we would not put SRILANKENNESS above ethnic differences, nothing will help for the sustainable peace and harmony of our island nation.

    • 13

      Any violation, any major act of violence that is not dealt with adequately at local level, becomes a global issue. That is what we expect from the UN and international rights agencies. As for war crimes, every war is a crime and every war has its share of episodes of horrendous crime. Those who start a war carry the largest share of responsibility. As for our wars since 1987 the LTTE and its supporters carry the larger share of the blame. While what happened when two sides were clashing requires careful investigation, the disappearances that happened after the guns fell silent is a fundamental issue on which concerted pressure must be applied if we are to take our place among civilised peoples.

      • 8

        Rajan Hoole
        War crime investigations are to punish perpetrators and trade embargoes to punish the civilians, right?
        You have taken this punishing civilians from Prabakaran’s book or you wrote Prabakaran’s book?
        Whose idea was the attack on Central Bank??


        • 4

          Are you off your mind, whom do you think the Sinhalese targeted in all anti Tamil riots in 1956, 1958, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1985 (localised) with active participation of the police and the armed forces? Those who commit acts of indiscriminate violence against unarmed civilians have no conscience and are not worth being called humans and it goes for those who deny and/or justify the perpetration of such violence under any pretext!

          • 3

            “Those who commit acts of indiscriminate violence against unarmed civilians have no conscience and are not worth being called humans and it goes for those who deny and/or justify the perpetration of such violence under any pretext”
            If the violence on civilians is used as tool to achieve a political objective that is the very definition of terrorism.
            Now my dear Ari, please tell me trade embargoes like the ones which reportedly killed nearly one million Iraqi children fall into which category?
            American answer is it is the responsibility of Sadam Hussain to comply and save his children.
            Presumably what this Hoole saying is it is the responsibility of Rajapakas to comply and save our children, right?


            • 2

              Famously the lady Secretary of State at the time said it was worth it. Remember?


            • 5

              ‘If the violence on civilians is used as tool to achieve a political objective that is the very definition of terrorism.”
              That is the definition of the oppressor’s not the oppressed.

              I can go further to explain it but I don’t think you have the capacity, so why waste time and space .

            • 1

              “If the violence on civilians is used as tool to achieve a political objective that is the very definition of terrorism.”

              All anti Tamil violence since independence were politically motivated with overt call to arms to the Sinhalese by governments in power at the time!

              As for embargoes or sanctions, it clearly worked to bring South African apartheid regime to its knees! I agree it is a blunt ‘political tool’ and there is no denial about it, but it is effectiveness is unquestionable in making the affected populace realise the real cause for their sufferings!

              If as you claim a million children had died on the back of sanctions, why do you think the Iraqis welcomed the coalition troops who went into Iraq; they did not even bother shielding Saddam from being captured by the invading military! On the contrary, the people were jubilant at seeing the fall of Saddam!

      • 4

        It was a wise guy who said : Do not throw pearls before swine.
        Some people never understand. ( Judging by the Thumbs down)
        Anyway hope you will relentlessly pursue with your good writing and ideas.

  • 5

    Dear RH

    American Mission is in need of good election commissioners in the US at the moment?? to do some manual vote counting??

    It is noted Juliani had some immigrant Indians helping him out with the fraud??? just as they did with the Brexit here in the UK??

    We need JVP Jihadi version world around or you think we are on a good track with the unfolding of Jaffna for the past 40 years??

    • 2


      Very interesting witness speaks her just mind. I wish we had a set up like this in 1977 where we could have brought the TULF to the International Crime Against Humanity charges a long time ago and avoided all the m misery to our Nation ever since.

  • 2

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  • 15

    Sri Lankan war heroes have never committed war crimes. If they had, then the India, Tamil Nadu government, and the West have pounced on Sri Lanka already. It’s been 11 years and the one and only Tamil homeland is just 20 miles away from Jaffna. So, why is Tamil Nadu government dead quiet on so called war crimes? Because no any kind of crime on Tamils!

    You can’t compare Australian situation with Sri Lanka. Australian forces are fighting Taliban rebels in a FORIGHN COUNTRY fulfilling UN obligations whereas Sri Lankan forces had fought for their motherland thwarting LTTE terrorist invaders. LTTE was trained and armed by India, so they had fought for Indian interests.

    As Trump rightly called UNHRC a cess pool, its 30/1 resolution belongs in there as well.

    • 4

      I am amazed at your world-view. You are a credit to whichever school produced you! And whichever institution you are now warded in.

      • 6

        Old codger
        Aren’t you amazed at R.Hoole’s world view – a world without India!


        • 2

          R. Hoole says :
          “As for our wars since 1987 the LTTE and its supporters carry the larger share of the blame”
          You don’t agree with that?

          • 4

            Is he making a confession?


            • 2

              You need to read up. Hoole was never an LTTE supporter. During the war, he was in the UTHR exposing crimes on both sides.

            • 1

              Factual unbiased observations are different from confessions!

          • 1

            old cogder
            This article shows his true colors.
            This demand to punish civilians through trade sanctions is the same Tiger modus operandi.
            A hard hearted *******.
            Asking for war crmies investigations is one thing, asking to starve the population is quite another.


            • 2

              So you agree to war crimes investigations ? Why didn’t they happen?

            • 2


              …….Asking for war crimes investigations is one thing, asking to starve the population is quite another……
              Indeed Soma! When JRJ famously remarked that the Sinhalese will be happy if the Tamils are starved out is yet another.
              Was JRJ also a hard hearted *******?

    • 6

      To imply that India was a silent bystander of a genocide of relatives of a section of her own people is a serious indictment against India.
      This Hoole is appealing to a world minus India.


      • 1


        “To imply that India was a silent bystander of a genocide of relatives of a section of her own people is a serious indictment against India.”

        What on earth are you talking about.
        We know you are a moron, you don’t have to prove it all the time.

        The war was won by VP for Mahinda and his clan with the huge support from Hindia and USA while the Sri Lankan armed forces continued to commit war crimes.
        Then of course how any sane minded person could take Hindians to courts when it was Hindia’s war. Hindia did all what it could do to save Mahinda’s back and b***s. In 2009 Hindia saved Mahinda’s Sinhala/Buddhist a**e at Geneva.

        Hindia will continue to protect Sinhala/Buddhist a***s wherever they are in trouble. Take your hero Dayan a side and ask him what was his contribution at UNHRC, he will tell you he was wiping Hindian a***s in Geneva.

  • 9

    This article is a clear indication that there is mounting pressure on Sri Lankan government from many quarters to address the Mullivaikal massacre issue.
    Istead of that Sri Lanka is busy resurrecting the LTTE using its catchers. They believe that they can get out of international pressure by creating the LTTE bogey. Though no one in the international community will be fooled, Tamil people will suffer from the armed force’s excesses.

  • 8

    Just today there was a story of how two former LTTE cadres were arrested for planning to carry out a claymore attack in the N/E region, with aid from Switzerland (http://www.newswire.lk/2020/12/04/police-discover-plans-to-attack-north-east-after-couple-arrested-with-claymore-mine/).

    I hope the sinhalese diaspora in these countries reveal the truth about some in their counterparts in the Tamil diaspora to the international communities, Amnesty International etc. – LTTE is still up and going strong thanks to these people and there will be no reconciliation/removal of troops from the North until these threats are neutralised, even if it takes decades to do so. As a Sinhalese, I will absolutely condone occupation of the North/East until these threats are removed. If the GR/MR clan are to last a generation to ensure this, then so be it.

    Tamils themselves are harming themselves further by doing such things, especially those innocent tamils who live in Sri Lanka.

  • 12

    Interesting comments. Most avoid the issue the article discusses. What it states is that soldiers who commit war crimes should face justice. Civil disorder should not be an opportunity for those in uniform to commit crimes. When there is disorder, soldiers or police forces take the opportunity to senselessly kill, rape and rob. In a democracy that should never happen. Those criminals end up being your neighbors. With their experience, they could be plotting your own death and destruction. They should be exposed, if nothing else.

    • 4

      Those in uniform did not senselessly kill, rape and rob. Such barbaric acts were committed by LTTE Tamil terrorists. Be careful if they are your neighbors.

      • 4

        Who killed Premawathie Manamperi? Who killed Krishanthi Kumarasamy ?

  • 8

    Killing field is based on genetic predisposition. Anyone reading mahavamsa aka mahavambu would be able to understand this historic concept. Incest, bestiality, patricide, wantonness, betrayal is in the blood. The navy murderer is now a minister and the felllow is there to blow the shameful sinhala history. He is another mercenary. But one day the fellow will get kicked out. Time will tell us. There is an idiot here called Venugopal, who is there to criticise tamils only and sounds like another sucker like Muralitharan. He has no policy or stand but try to put his two cents. He can do some thing for a living instaed of writing bull shit. Empty vessel makes more noice.

  • 8

    Chingkallams! Snort. What can I say . Still have not learnt a lesson. Keep on denying and lying as to what happened . Trying to blame everyone else but themselves , to the mess that was largely their creation. Due to their brainwashed racist mindset. Disgusting. Now it is time for my mud bath. Please try . Good for your health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away and a roll in the mud is sexy and keeps you healthy with your skin glowing .

  • 2

    Dear BL

    DUDE you write ….”” He can do some thing for a living instead of writing bull shit???? “”

    As always I am open to meet you and your likes in public and have a discussion about my planet and your right that I reserve for you we can discuss all matters in detail with the world press present CT can organise?? without any prejudice.

    It is more about you than me a faceless coward?? the worst human right abusers I am here to take care…a full time job.

  • 11

    I read all this anti Sinhala Buddhist venom with great facination.
    Now let these silly ******* all get together and convince a SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY living in Sinhala majority areas to move out and resettle in Jaffna.
    There lies the superiority of our Sinhala Buddhist society.


    • 7


      “I read all this anti Sinhala Buddhist venom with great facination.”

      We need more not less.

      • 4

        Try to convince a SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY living in Sinhala majority areas to move out and resettle in Jaffna.
        That is the challenge.
        Asking for more venom?
        The more you spew out venom against the Sinhala Buddhists the more you make me feel superior exposing the Tamil desire to live among the Sinhalese.

  • 11

    The Mahavamsa is a collection of quasi-historical myths recorded by presumably a Tamil monk around the 6th Century AD. Even after Kalinga Magha in the 13th Century, Tamil-Malayali immigrants played key roles in the Dambadeniya, Kotte and Kandyan Kingdoms (see RALH Gunawardena, Gananath Obeysekere and S.J. Tambiah). The conflicting ethnic divisions of today owe much to the intense caste conflicts in the south-western belt, to bridge which the notion of Aryan-Sinhalese was brought into being.

    • 7

      Rajan Hoole,
      Mahawansa is not a collection of quasi-historical myths. It is a record of Sinhala Buddhist heritage in Sinhale the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. Ven. Mahanama who is a Tamil monk wrote Mahawansa in Pali based on records kept by Monks in Sinhala. Sinhale (later Sri Lanka) is the only country in the world that possess a recorded account of more than 2500 years old heritage of its inhabitants.
      Tamils are jealous of Mahawansa because they do not have any document like Mahawansa. That is the reason Tamils ridicule Mahawansa.

      “The Mahavamsa is a collection of quasi-historical myths recorded by presumably a Tamil monk around the 6th Century AD.”

      • 4

        “Mahawansa is not a collection of quasi-historical myths”
        Ah, so are you the only person who has a tail because your ancestor was a Sinhaya ?

        • 5

          “Tamils are jealous of Mahawansa because they do not have any document like Mahawansa’
          No they don’t. But they are within spitting distance of the US presidency, head the world’s biggest corporates, etc. Which is better ?

          • 4

            Proving that Tamil Homeland is Tamil Nadu.


          • 1

            “No they don’t. But they are within spitting distance of the US presidency, head the world’s biggest corporates, etc. Which is better ?”
            Tamil ethnic jealousy and rivalry with the Sinhalese…. :) The Taliban and the Al-quaeda were also close to the US presidency. Look what happened to them. The Tamils headed the world’s most ruthless terrorist outfit and top the number of suicide bombings by any terrorist group, even upto this day. BTW, what are these world’s biggest “corporates”? Learning to spell is advisable before heading world’s biggest “corporates”.

            • 2

              ” Corporate”
              Why do you insist on making a fool of yourself in public? If looked at a dictionary before flying off the handle, you would have learnt enough not try and teach others to spell.
              I am not here to educate you, but Google Inc is just one of those corporates.
              “The Taliban and the Al-quaeda were also close to the US presidency.”
              Pray tell us ignorant people which Taliban became VP of the US?
              My dear PP, is it any wonder that the Tamils abroad are running rings around you ?
              With enemies like you, why would they need friends?

              • 1

                Oh well…. you did spell corporate right. Good for you (but I think that something is wrong with the formulation “world’s largest corporates” – I think that it should be corporations and not corporates. I don’t know, and I am not interested to know either), but the fact remains that Tamils “heading world’s largest corporates” and being “within spitting distance of the US presidency” has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, namely the situation here. You were actually comparing the statement “Tamils are jealous of Mahawansa because they do not have any document like Mahawansa”, (which BTW is a statement that has scholarly and empirical backing), with Tamils in those foreign countries heading corporations and being close to the US presidency. Do you really think those two things are comparable? Anybody can head a corporation, if they get through the competition, but an ancient document like the Mahavamsa which is atleast 1600 years old, is not something that can be had today. Actually Mahavamsa, Dipavamsa and (to a lesser degree) other vamsa literature of the Sinhalese are unique. As far as I know there is no other literature of this nature anywhere, at least not in South Asia.

                • 1

                  Besides, long before Tamils went asylum shopping to the west, Tamils were attacking the Mahavamsa and the Sinhalese, due to ethnic jealousy and rivalry which comes mostly due to ignorance about who the Sinhalese are, the problems the Sinhalese face (which the Tamils think are different from theirs), what Buddhism is, how it is practised, what Buddhism means to the Sinhalese etc. So, talking about Tamils abroad is really a loser’s argument. Many a times you reply a comment which deals with something quite different with irrelevant stuff like you have done here. Even now you are writing “Tamils abroad are running rings around you ?” Really, is this even relevant? Its like you are on a competition across thousands of miles with people living here, who are totally unaware of this competition. I can also write hateful things like you do, and ask questions like “how many of the Tamil asylum shoppers live off tax-payers in those countries or pluck tea here” ? Its not nice, nor is it relevant in this context. It becomes relevant only when you try to boast about things that actually are not anything to boast about.

              • 1

                You, on 5th October 2020: “They [Indian Tamils] have been proved to be genetically different.”
                You, today: “ Pray tell us ignorant people which Taliban became VP of the US?”
                The VP of the US, Kamala Harris is the daughter of a Tamil mother from Tamilnadu, father being white/black mix from Jamaica. The question is, if Indian Tamils are not related to you lot, why bring it as argument? And for that matter, to make a totally irrelevant and uninteresting point? BTW, both Taliban and Al-queda has not only come at a spitting distance to the US presidency, they have done much more than just coming with spitting distance and spitting.
                BTW, who are the Tamils from Srilanka, who are at a “spitting distance from the US presidency” and “heading world’s biggest corporates” ? Name a few.

                • 1

                  You are the one that keeps repeating that all Tamils are invaders from TN.
                  Make up your mind please.
                  “who are the Tamils from Srilanka, who are at a “spitting distance”
                  Go do your research. Harris’s chief of staff is an SL Tamil. And, please feel free to name just one Afghan who is close to being US VP?

                  As to Sri Lankan Tamils heading corporates, ever heard of Lycamobile in UK? All I am trying to show is that, given a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, Tamils of any variety out- perform others. It is only because minorities don’t have equal opportunities here that they have to demand separation.
                  But of course people like you don’t like that. You refer to 2000 year old fairy tales in this 21st century and expect to be taken seriously?

                  • 1

                    I would also point out that the minorities run the biggest private sector companies in this country, in spite of obstacles placed in their way.
                    “I can also write hateful things like you do, and ask questions like “
                    Well, please do go ahead. The fact is you are stumped. If you keep spouting racism about other Sri Lankans (such as the plantation workers), you should expect payback in the same coin
                    Finally, please do not try to teach me English. I know that “corporate” and “cooperate” are different.

                    • 1

                      It just occurred to me that you don’t know what “within spitting distance” means. LOL !

                    • 0

                      Obstacles are not only something minorities have. If minorities can run the biggest private sector companies here, then either the obstacles you are speaking of are imaginary or they are minor. Besides if minorities are running the biggest private sector companies here, then that contradicts the allegation of state discrimination, against Tamils and other minorities, since no minority however much they try can succeed if the state is targeting them.
                      Ref. “Corporate”:
                      I have no intention of teaching you or anyone else English, a foreign language which I have limited proficiency in, compared to Sinhalese, my mother tongue. “Corporate” in the way you are using it, is novel to me, and that’s why it hit me as a wrong spelling too. I have acknowledged that the spelling is right, and that it was a mistake on my part. However, to me “Corporate” wrongly or rightly gives associations to what we call “samupakara” in Sinhalese, and seems a bit odd to use it the way you use it. In Srilanka we hardly speak of corporates or even corporations in usual usage, the word used mostly is just company for everything.

                    • 0

                      Ref. US Vice President Kamala Harris and Tamils’ claims to superiority
                      First of all the US is just a country, artificially made by immigrants over the graveyards of native Americans. The importance of this artificial country is made relevant and felt through violence, war, occupation and destruction. There is not a country in the world, that has not suffered because of predatory US foreign policies, imperialism and neocolonialism, cunningly passed off as democracy and human rights. We have seen numerous instances of wars started and instigated by this vulture called the US. So the importance and legitimacy one puts on the US presidency depends on ones own value system – it must be a great thing for you to serve the US regime, but not for me.
                      That, out of the way, if Kamala Harris’ mother being Tamil, makes Tamils like you make all these claims of superiority, then her father being a Jamaican must make the Jamaicans also make all these claims of superiority. Besides Jamaicans are just 3 million vs 80 million Tamils. Obama was half Kenyan, and the Kenyans too should be making such claims. Kenyans are only 50 million vs 80 million Tamils.

                  • 0

                    You think we are racists for not giving different Tamil groups huge parts of our small island to put up independent states?
                    Your claims of Tamils out-performing others, and being so much better than others, is what is called racism and Nazism – in Tamils’ racial superiority ideology, antisemitism of the Nazis is replaced by “anti-Sinhalaism”. Somebody succeeding in whatever they are doing or heading a corporation does not make the whole ethnic group better than all others, specially when the reality to the contrary is screaming at you. The reality being, a good part of the Tamil population being employed as coolies all over the globe for the past 150 years. Also a good part of the Tamils live in utter poverty in slums in Tamilnadu (some 30% of Tamils in Chennai live in slums under deplorable conditions. Take a look at the pictures available on the internet). Who is it that is making obstacles to those Tamils? Your idiotic racial superiority claims, coupled with allegations of discrimination like “given a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, Tamils of any variety out- perform others” , are so totally idiotic and absurd, in the face of reality.

                    • 2

                      Before you get more hysterical, I am NOT a Tamil. One doesn’t have to be Tamil to see the truth.
                      Racial superiority? All I say is that they always perform better.
                      Never mind CEO’s, There are SL Tamil MP’s in NZ and Canada , and one appointed Governor of Anguilla. And THAT is the real reason people like you won’t give them a level playing field.
                      Hypocrisy and denial of reality is a hallmark of the Sinhala Buddhist. You claim there are no obstacles to minorities. But just give me the address of ONE Tamil or Muslim retail shop on the Kandy road up to Kadawata, will you? They have all been driven out since the 60’s, Sinhalayo just can’t take competition.
                      “Coolies.. living in Chennai slums”. And you still want to be addressed with respect? Well, I think it’s better to live in a slum and have 4 VW factories to work in than be indebted to all and sundry with a 2000 year old fable for light reading!

                    • 2

                      “The Kenyans should be making such claims”
                      You are pathetic.READ
                      and you will learn what Kenyans did when Obama was elected.
                      The Tamils are asking for separation precisely because they are not given equal opportunities
                      If they are given that, most doctors, engineers, govt staff, will be Tamils as in the past, and the country will prosper as in the past.
                      The Sinhala Buddhist culture is what keeps this country back. It is hypocritical, superstitious and destroys any desire to learn. It is up to you to throw off your slavish subjection to semi-literate hamuduruwos and take up real Buddhism

                    • 1

                      You have not named the Afghan who was close to being US VP. Typical of you.
                      Lies, and damn lies only work with illiterate baiyas.

                    • 0

                      Old codger, answers to some of your questions are posted in the next comment page (page 3), as the thread here is too long and have gone beyond the limit of replies.

        • 0

          The answer to your question can be found in all EE’s irrational posts!

    • 5

      So what?
      Talk demographic distribution TODAY.

    • 5

      Rajan what you say is correct . However there was no ethnicity called Malayali or a language called Malayalam(if there was it was still considered a dialect of Tamil) . At that time the region of Kerala was the Chera Tamil kingdom

      Basically all these kingdoms were established by various Tamil groups from South India , as the so called Malayalis were still part of the Tamil people then

  • 0

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  • 3

    So what?
    Talk demographic distribution TODAY.

    • 1

      The demographic distribution today are primarily caused by the State sponsored colonisation of Sinhalese in the NE post independence and the expulsion of the Tamils from their private lands in the North for the continued occupation of by the armed forces!

      • 2

        Demographic distribution of Srilanka today is due to Tamil immigration that happened starting post 14th century, and the slaughter and expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the Sinhalese from Jaffna and the north, by Tamil invaders. The eastern province gradually became Tamil and Muslim dominated starting late Portuguese era. The hill country which was a homogeneous Sinhalese area, where there were hardly any Tamils and only a few Muslims in the beginning of British rule, was transformed into plantations, and hundreds of thousands of Tamils were imported to work in them, making some districts into majourity Tamil districts by the time the British left. Now the hill country is infested with Tamils and Muslims. Continued occupation of large parts of the Sinhalese island by Tamils is the problem. None of the Tamil groups or the Muslims, who are basically Tamil Muslim immigrants from Tamilnadu, except for the few who are descended from Arabs and Persians, want to go back to their homeland in Tamilnadu. The UN and the international community must get these people their right to return to Tamilnadu, so that the Sinhalese do not have to put up with all these totally unjust demands and twisted allegations.

        • 1

          Post 15th century TAMIL NADU descended Karawa caste Sinhala has the nerve to distort Eelam Tamil’s history which goes back over 1000 years. Most of Jaffna and Batticaloa Tamils can be traced back to at least 13th century AD in our chronicles. Trinco Tamils have over 1000 year inscriptional evidence.

          Tamil Kovi caste is descended from Tamilised Govi caste, and they have far longer history in the island than Punchi Point. They are proud Eelam Tamils. Punchi point should do a DNA test and to see how his blood is full of ‘infested Tamil invader’ blood.

        • 0

          PP, you are as dumb as EE and it shows in your baseless claim that Tamil immigration began in the 14th century! I understand people with limited intellect make small points as implied by your web handle, but even that is no excuse for not logically questioning of whatever that you have been led to believe before parroting it here in this forum. Satellite imagery has conclusively validated the point that what is now an island was, most likely than not, land linked to the main land India. Just ask yourself, if a boat load of outlaws along with Vijaya were able to safely arrive by boat from the then Kalinga negotiating the rough Bay of Bengal according to the fictional Mahawamsa, what could have stopped the natural migration of Tamil speaking people from the mainland to this island, just walking across? May be you are one of those, who is unable to process critical evaluation of balanced probabilities and if so, it is beyond me and you are free to repeat your claims as much as you like!

  • 1

    Old codger
    Aren’t you amazed at R.Hoole’s world view – a world without India!


  • 2

    President Gota is one of the main people against whom many charges are therefor HR violations The PM Mahinda is another accuse of HR violations Now that there is a change government from 20th Jan in the US I predict that Sri Lanka will have a difficult time with the new government where VP has Tamil roots The policy of the present government is focused on hatred of minority community which is totally against Budha Savasana So long as they treat the minorities with hate the economy will never improve Any investors from Tamil diaspora` will not be prepared to invest in Sri Lanka

  • 1

    Sri Ma O tore off Lake House News papers, because Daily News published a sarcastic obduracy that Me. D E.M.O. Cracy had died, (because of her wild tyranny). Now after 40 Years Daily news published a cartoon about Bandula. Now Bandula wants to burn down the remains. One time Melvyn Silva entered Rupavahini.and beat up the editors, reporters, cameramen. All the employees got together and pushed him out, even not minding that he was the minister.

  • 2

    Yesterday TNA MP Chanakiyan made a thundering speech, in all three languages, Tamil, English & Sinhala. TNPF MP, Kumar Ponnampalam did a similar speech the others day. Chanakiyan said in the parliament: “If you all are real Buddhists, first learn to honor & respect the Humanity”. Sadly they all were only Sinhala Buddhists, even the national MP, Suren Ragavan! Sampanthan Aiyya have challenged that nobody in the government can ban TNA, not even the rear Admirable.

  • 7

    There should be something wrong in the brain of a citizen who ask foreign countries to impose trade embargoes against his/her country.

    • 3

      There should be something wrong with the brain of a non-citizen who tells citizens what they can or cannot do.

  • 2

    The UNHRC Resolutions  19/2 of 22 March 2012, 22/1 of 21 March 2013 and 25/1 of 27 March 2014 have always insisted on investigating alleged human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Both the Sri Lankan state and LTTE.

    However,  the accountability for war crimes committed by the state of Sri Lankan state is more henious than the Non-state actor the LTTE. Sri Lanka’s long civil war was characterized by a climate of impunity for perpetrators of serious human rights violations. Very few members of the security forces have been prosecuted, let alone successfully convicted, for often horrendous crimes. 

    Some notable examples are the gruesome murder of 5 Tamil students in Trinco on January 02, 1996,  the killing of 17 aid-workers employed by the Paris-based Action Contre La Faim (Action Against Hunger, ACF) at their compound in the town of Mutter, in eastern Trincomalee district on August 4, 2006, and several massacres of unarmed Tamils by the armed forces and Muslim Home Guards.

    Though the Rajapaksa government has withdrawn itself from the burden of implementing  UNHRC Resolutions 30/1, 34/1 and 40/1 the Resolutions are still active for further appropriate action by member states.  The government may like the ostrich bury its head in the sand, but not the international community.

  • 1

    I’m not an authority on History, but there seems to be so much confusion here that I’m going to make an effort to clear that up. If I’m more confused than the four people I’m going to talk about, please point out, and I shall apologise.
    Eagle Eye whose own identity is not known, says this: “Ven. Mahanama who is a Tamil monk wrote Mahawansa in Pali based on records kept by Monks in Sinhala.” Where then is the original Sinhala? I had never heard of such a source. Guys like me, who can manage contemporary Sinhala, would like to see it because we want to do something to rid our land of phobias. I confess that I rely mainly on reading in English, but I shall peruse the older Sinhala to get an idea of how old it is. I can make out the writing of the Sigiri graffiti if helped. Tamil is impossible for me.
    Then there is confusion among some readers about who “Hoole” is. The article that we are responding to is by the younger “Elections Hoole”:

    • 5

      This is the problem with half-baked Sinhalayo. They do not know their history.
      Sinhalayo have Seehala Attakatha, Deepawansa, Chualawansa, Bodhiwansa, Dhatuwansa to name a few.
      If you want to claim as Sinhala Man learn the proud history of Sinhalayo who evolved in this island and build the economy from scratch. They built massive reservoirs, one of the most advanced irrigation systems, seven story buildings, Dagabas that are engineering marvels.
      Your friends who came from Hindusthan from 3rd Century BC massacred Sinhalayo and destroyed Sinhala Kingdoms Anuradhapaura and Polonnaruwa which is the cradle of Sinhala Buddhist civilization. You friends in the North have destroyed thousands of year old Sinhala Buddhist heritage sites.
      Instead of trying to find out who I am and where I live which are none of your business I suggest you go to YouTube and search ‘Unlimited History’ and listen to what Prof. Raj Somadeva say about the history of Sinhalayo, Sinhala language and their country Sinhale.

      • 4

        “Sinhalayo have Seehala Attakatha, Deepawansa, Chualawansa, Bodhiwansa, Dhatuwansa to name a few.”
        Yes, of course, and you have a tail because your ancestor was a Sinhaya. Is it bushy or is it scrawny like Mickey Mouse?
        Oh, I hear you Sinhalayo (not Sinhalese) also have the Ravana Airlines ticket that the Buddha used to fly here 3 times!
        And what is this great civilization that you talk about, if half the Kings came to power by murdering their parents or other relatives?

        • 2

          Your ethnic jealousy is killing you and poisoning your mind.

          • 4

            Punchi Point
            Punchi Brain
            Punchi Willi

            “Your ethnic jealousy is killing you and poisoning your mind.”

            Maybe, however assuming without ethnic jealousy (whatever that is) you have been killing left right and center, burning down buildings, libraries, businesses, committing war crimes, riots, …………………..

            Couldn’t you see anything that is happening in front of you or the number of riots that you actively participated over the years, and are you looking forward to the next one, incidentally the the Navika is preparing for one.

          • 2

            Really, what is there to be jealous of ? If what I wrote above is not true, you are free to post a rebuttal.
            If you guys just let the people who can run the country properly (they are mostly minorities) do it, there wouldn’t be any problems. But you keep electing idiots on the suggestion of illiterate Hamuduruwos.

            • 3

              I really cannot understand the mentality of some people like EE and PP, boasting about 2500 year old fairy tales when today our country is a complete mess. Do either of these guys know that while we might have built “engineering marvels” 2000 years ago, the Egyptians did even better 4000 years ago, and even the British had stone houses 5500 years ago. Ignorance is such bliss!

    • 8

      My dear Sinhala man @

      Psychology of the average in my motherland/they behave born fools

      Srilankens are known to be easy targets by even the easierst tricks being played on by crook politicians and so called pinguttharayas from the begining on. They most oft hem fall on the tricks of sooth sayers or any simple tricksters including, most abusive politician oft he nation – Mahinda Rajapakshe. THey wear today pirith noole also around their penises and under pants. But nothing -seem to work with palatable changes being made on their civilized behaviour why ?

      All these are public secret today, but those who earn degrees from local Uni stay equally mum not reacting the little. Nevetheless nothing seems working on changing their attitudes juxtaposing with those in some risin countries in african continent today -making idiotic sinhala people understandable to use their brains would a mammoth task.
      Today it is becoming even more evident, when looking at the incumbent minister of health et al and that PINGONA type man by name Prof. Jayasumana the way both displaying stupidities, behaving like guinea pigs, being caught by the tricks of any arbitary little simons (uneducated men, who may know nothing about the basics oft he microbiology)d. Why do they fall on to the levels today ?

      • 7


        Mahawansa socalled most sacred book of srilanken buddhists (they are not real buddhist, but just that they are born into a religion called BUDDHAGAMA which promotes more racism, feudism and extremism as of today – not overlooked by people with some sanity) is reported to be formed in Pali lanuage as its first ever version. Then englishman, And Mahanam Thero is said to have spoken Pali and other langaguges but never was he known sinhala.

        Prof. Wilhelm Geiger translated original mahanwansa raw data into German; his own revised critical edition of the Pali original, which had been published in 1908. But our people – like frogs in well- believe as if Mahanama was a sinhala origin. Actually, these modayas – dont let it revised again, even if archaeological findings are today plentily available than then. All other relgious books such as BIBLE and Quran were THOUGH subjected to due revisions.

        Prof. Geiger added an introduction, appendices and notes to the German version. Mabel Haynes Bode put Geiger’s German translation into English. Prof. Geiger then revised Ms. Bode’s English translation. Geiger’s Mahavamsa is in prose. Its first edition, prepared by T.W. Rhys Davids, was published in 1912.

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    • 8

      Hello Sinhala Man alias Panani
      What have done SM, for the moderators remove not one but two consecutive commons. What is your cardinal sin? Am I missing something Panani
      That aside Prof. Hoole’s article is a matter for serious consideration, dialogue and sensible discussion.
      I say sensible not loosely but with a sense of conviction and deep sentiment
      I happened to listen to two Tamil Parliamentarians speeches recently at the SL Parliament. This is a sacred institution to up hold parliamentary democracy and maintain the rule of law.
      It was pathetic to note that some back benchers from the Government side were hackling and interrupted the speeches on several occasions. This is not done for the sake of democracy. If these goons behave in the house of Parliament, in this fashion I dare to guess how would they behave in the electorates or on the streets
      The missing numbers and the death toll on the fatal day in May 2009, aside; its time the government of the day, at least acknowledge the fact that they were mass deaths/killings. It’s also time 11 years on that something tangible is done on the cases of missing persons. What is the OMP set up few year ago doing. Is it alive or debunked? Has it got any teeth or is it another talking shop?

      • 3

        I may have lost objectivity myself.
        The problems we face are huge. We have to be ever open to correction ourselves.
        Anyway, this is the year 2020, and many members of the public may be unaware of the elder Hoole.
        That 13 minute Youtube in English will still serve to make you familiar with the older Hoole. It is importnat to note that they opposed the strategies of the LTTE.

      • 4

        I heard Gajendran Ponnambalam and Rasamanikkam speak. They both sounded very sincere and were making pleas for the right things.
        The government MPs were not listening. The heckling was terrible.

      • 0

        Hi Ratnam Nadarajah,
        There is nothing wrong in addressing Sinhala_Man as Sinhala_Man.
        When you wish to advertise your skill for remembering names, use his actual name, Panini Edirisinhe, not your Panani.

        • 3

          Hello Nathan
          Sorry, I apologise for getting the spelling of Panini alias SM’s name wrong
          Please be advised Nathan., I have intention or desire nor the inclination to advertise my skills. Panini as far as I can visualise is an honourable guy… I have separately and privately apologised to SM. End of story

          • 2

            I have NO intention….

  • 3

    Dear Thanga


    Sri Lankans are not your problem and am sorry you made enemies with Sri Lankans conniving with the foreigners……..no one from SL at any point in time should have been talking to foreigners about the internal issues, not try to topple our GOSL, not to point gun at fellow countryman under any disguise or the other, not getting votes at gun point and tell the world about mandates (1977 TULF blunder), then have a “war” by any means (this requires investigation) for the past 40 years and now compliant when one could not have their own way, never having discussed politics in a civilised way with a fellow man regards to solutions, town hall discussions, triple shooting, risk analysis, misuse of children all are crime buying comprehension.

    No one can compensate what we have all lost….it is not a luxury we afford you to continue to undermine our nation anymore u under whatever…..not your rights…no one can reserve you either…you should discuss your wishes with your fellow man is the only way??

  • 3

    The fact you have not discussed with the rest of the folks who are the stakeholders of Sri Lanka since the war has ended itself shows us

    (1) you may not be Sri Lankans driving all this discussions

    (2) you may settled elsewhere and not interested in a peaceful future contributing to human empowerment but focused on retribution??

    (3) you very innocent new generations not participated/.lived through how the FP/TULF folly has artificially created all this animosity since inception…this is the main cause of all evils in SL.

    (4) You may be the point 3 above but not ready to take ownership and ask us how you can rectify matters to “our” satisfaction – this is something you should focus on is within your capacity to do the required sacrifice to deliver things us…..for a change?? there is a think called we are all born free and was never your choice to make enemies with people out of thin air which the FP/TULF did?? requires fixing by the same we can carry on living and accommodate likes of yours at the same time??

  • 3

    It is time we we all meet up and have an open discussion. We as Sri Lankans and specially Tamils never had an open discussion on what FP/TULF and their armed groups stood for in the first place. We need to discuss the politics and to understand who else were part of this drama/list of all the foreign players/list of meetings/Minutes if meetings/participants all need to be published and discussed transparently etc. We the public need to know all the participants as we never reserved anyone the right to discuss our life/plan our lives etc. We need to know all who had the nerve/audacity to do that to us in our planet using our children. The children who were trained to kill were the victims just as we all are is the essence here.

    Can the uNH publish data of this nature to the people of Sri Lanka for immediate evaluation please.

    UN need to inform all those Nations who’s citizens participated in these criminal acts have now given us the right to do whatever we feel in their Nations too??? however we will not abuse their children is a strict code we will follow?

  • 3

    We need to discuss the amount of money all the groups spent/how much of that came from outsiders/how much our GOSL has to spent to defend the country???

    Overall we could have built a mansion for for every citizen of the country???

    Who gave us loans and how this has slaved the Nation to others for good/debt ridden etc??

    We need to have discussions of this nature should we really want to learn all about ourselves???

  • 3

    We have mono right to state SWRD/JR/Gota/MR…SJV and say this is Tamil and and that is Sinhalese either??

    No one own the other except innocent people of SL voted for whoever they felt who could serve them in the times of need innocently?? we have no right to categorise Muslim/Christian/Hindu/Budddist/Tamil/sinhala and all other combinations because we are prejudiced does not mean others are….we can not tag people in a democracy???

    Just because I can hold a gun does not make me a liberator??? basically not to hold a gun is even a bigger a sacrifice we all do to make this journey a better one for all mindfully?? they are martyrs too.

    time for change.

  • 4

    So it is importent we meet and have a open discussion so we can account ourselves with ID and where we ;live and what we do and what we have that is useful for others…brain power or materials/bank balance etc.

    Wh should all write an affidavit and sign why we are not serving the people of Sri Lanka and why we hold as material excess of what one needs for basic human existence does not go to our fellow beings in Sri Lankan?? It inso lounger enough we write articles and write what rewrite and point fingers but we need to video tape who we are and and account to the world as to what we exactly deliver??

    MP’s need to dither same. I am happy to have an open discussion with all the elected from North and East and help them geo through what deliverables/mile stones/dead lines/progress reports means? they need to set example to all of us who has commented on this type of CT articles??

    we need to walk the talk immediately………no separations/devolutions………..our liberation is is well within a simple task called delivering our job scope each and everyone……….but not being a head of state all the time??

    • 3

      Dear Thiaga
      Your spot on. Get these elected fellows and girls get the job done. No more talking shop, no more talk of separate state, whatever name you want to call it. Under the unitary system let the authorities do the right thing for the people, by the people as a whole. The nation is sick of so-called dynasties. Years ago, I happen to remember an article in the UK, Times newspaper on Ceylon with the caption to the effect ” What democracy, Its either the Senanayake’s or the Bandaranaike’s. It was then about 50 odd years ago. What now????
      The current government has the power and mandate to correct the wrongs. But the big question is, having got the WILL and the way withal to do the job, are they up to it or simply crumble under pressure of saffron clads, Weerawansa and the extremist elements among us; who’s only goal and aim is to DESTROY THE COUNTRY. This should not be allowed to happen in the name of humanity
      I think they can do it and the civil society guys need to be pragmatic, proactive and be able to convince the authorities and masses that “it is good for the nation “United we stand divided we fall”

      • 2

        “I think they can do it and the civil society guys need to be pragmatic, proactive and be able to convince the authorities and masses that “it is good for the nation”
        The problem is that the majority is guided by bigoted monks. These monolingual semi-literates only want what is good for themselves, not the country. There are good Buddhist monks, even foreign ones, but the people are mesmerized by grandstanding thugs like Gandasara, Elle Gunawsnsa and the like.

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