By Leonard Jayawardena –
Certain controversial statements made by Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith‘s about human rights made during a Sunday sermon at a Catholic church service on the 23rd of last month as reported in the media and the subsequent tweet by Minister Mangala Samaraweera in response to that appear to have stirred up a minor hornet’s nest.
Though some commentators have seen the Cardinal’s statements as belittling or downplaying human rights, from his original statements as reported in a video clip shown on TV (obviously edited) as well as his subsequent “clarification,” it appears that what has actually irked the Cardinal is not human rights per se but the fact they are lectured to us by those whom he considers as being “without a religion” and holding and following a materialistic worldview and lifestyle. He thinks that human rights are enshrined in every religion and so secularists/materialists have no need to preach human rights to him and those who have a “religion” like him. He does not say what religion means to him but presumably it refers to a worldview that looks beyond the physical and material. He asserts that religion in the West is used for the most part much like a “coat” that is put on and put off as convenience dictates. In other words, a sham religion. He deprecates the idea of human rights without the underpinning of religious faith. He goes on to say, “We have practised human rights for centuries. If we follow religion properly the need to talk about human rights doesn’t arise. The religions (plural) we believe in contain human rights.”
I will briefly comment on some of his statements and then share with the readers a personal experience which illustrates, albeit in a minor sort of way relatively, how the Cardinal’s sensitivity to and practice of human rights falls short, despite his bombastic statements.
The Cardinal may resent the West for lecturing to us about human rights and wish they did not do so but, from their perspective, the need to raise the issue of human rights arose because they think that certain human rights have been violated in this country. In particular, the conduct of the Sri Lankan forces during the war with the LTTE which was concluded in 2009 has been questioned by the international community and since 2012 resolutions calling for investigation into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka have been passed in the UN. The recently concluded Human Rights Council session in Geneva (10 – 28 September 2018) discussed Sri Lanka. The Cardinal’s stance on this issue is no secret with him being on record as having said that presenting a resolution against Sri Lanka by the United States Government at the United Nations Human Right Council (UNHRC) session in Geneva (in 2012) is an undue meddling in the sovereignty and integrity of Sri Lanka. I can recall a certain statement of the Cardinal on one occasion with regard to international calls for a war crimes investigation and his actual words in English translation were “We should not rake up old dirt.” Though the Cardinal made no reference to this issue in his controversial Sunday sermon as reported in the media, it is possible that the foregoing is the proximate cause for his tirade about human rights.
“We have practised human rights for centuries.” This last statement is a blatant falsehood and its refutation needs only a little more than a casual acquaintance with past Sri Lankan history. In his article “‘Human Rights Is Latest Religion Of Western Nations’ – Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith – A Comment” in Colombo Telegraph P. Soma Palan has dealt adequately with this point and I will add only a few more examples to show that the human rights record of our past is not something to crow about. In his An Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon, Robert Knox reports that infanticide was practised in the Kandyan Kingdom and he says, “And this is reputed no fault, and no Law of the land takes cognizance of it.” Apparently, the rights of infants counted for little in that day and age. He also describes various barbaric exemplary punishments meted out to criminals and those who incurred the displeasure of the tyranical king. (Of course, similar barbaric punishments have been practised in the West in centuries past.) Under article 6 of the Kandyan Convention signed in 1815, the British abolished and prohibited every type of bodily torture and mutilation. When the British expedition to Kandy in 1803 failed and the British soldiers were forced to evacuate from the city they had occupied, the sick left behind at the hospital in Kandy were massacred by the Sinhalese forces. This would now constitute a war crime.
Historically, the Roman Catholic Church, of which the Cardinal is the local head, has been one of the worst violators of human rights the world has ever seen. Pagan Romans persecuted Christians at first, but when “Christianity” became the official religion under the Roman emperor Thedosius in the fourth century A.D, the tables were turned and the persecuted became the persecutors. Professed Christians, who had so long been on the defensive, turned to attacking the pagan religion. Supression of heresy, with coercion and violence where necessary, became an official policy of the Catholic Church and the savage, barbaric forms of torture practised in the enforcement of this policy are unspeakable. Augustine (4th century) and Thomas Aquinas (13th century), regarded as great theologians of the Catholic Church and honored with the title “saint,” supported this policy and even supplied theological defences and justifications for it. In many ways, the atrocities commited by the Catholic church through the centuries in her religious intolerance in collaboration with “Christian” states under her thumb pale into insignificance both in magnitude and duration those committed by, say, the ISIS, the so called Islamic State. When the Catholic Church ceased the violent persecution of heretics a few centuries ago, it was not because of a change of heart and contrition, realizing the inconsistency of this practice with Christ’s teachings, but because the altered political and social conditions of the world were no longer conducive to its continuation.
“If we follow religion properly the need to talk about human rights doesn’t arise. The religions (plural) we believe in contain human rights.” Here the Cardinal appears to be reducing all religions to a common denominator, which results in that naive and uninformed notion, albeit widely held, that “all religions are the same because they all teach you to do good.” While there is for sure an overlapping of moral values between different religions in varying degrees and, of course, between those moral values and human rights, there are also differences. Not all religions are created equal. Apart from differences in matters of doctrine, certain religious injunctions which, if followed strictly, would result in an infringement of modern human rights. For example, freedom of religion, including the right to change one’s religion, is a fundamental right which is also enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 18), but in Islam, one of the major religions of this country, the penalty prescribed for apostasy is death, a gross violation of human rights by modern standards. Certain verses of the Koran and the Hadiths sanction war on infidels. The status of women in Islam is lower than men, e.g., the testimony of a woman is worth only half of that of a man. Therefore, if you practise Islam “properly,” the inevitable result would be a violation of human rights.
Conversely, what some may consider a human right may be regarded as immoral and impermissible in religion. Abortion (“reproductive rights”) is a case in point. It is hard to deny that abortion, for whatever reason it is practised, results in the violation of the unborn child’s right to live and amounts to murder.
The ethical teachings of the Budda and Jesus Christ, if followed strictly, would, I think, certainly secure the aims of many of what are today called human rights. In some cases, religious teachings may even transcend human rights. The right to a free and fair trial is guaranteed in legal systems around the world and covered by Article 10 of UDHR, but no wrong doer is entitled to forgiveness! Jesus taught his disciples, “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times a day, and comes back to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.” Of course, the part about “seven times a day” is hyperbolical, but his point is clear. Even if one who offends you does not repent and seek your forgiveness, there is no right to retaliation in Christ’s laws! He enjoined non-resistance and pacifism (vide the Sermon on the Mount) to his followers. Citing the Old Testament book of Proverbs, the apostle Paul wrote, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head” (Romans 12:20). No “human rights” ascend to such lofty heights!
Now to the hypocrisy part. I wrote to the Cardinal last year (sent to his personal email account), seeking his intervention in a certain current antisocial practice of Catholic churches in this country which is a source of much annoyance and vexation. This is (a) the use of loudspeakers during feast times not only within the church premises but also outside causing noise pollution that disturbs the peace of residents in the locality and (b) the inconvenience caused to motor traffic by religious processions. Some extracts of the letter are reproduced below.
(Start of extracts of letter)
I moved into Moratuwa two years ago and have been disturbed by the loudspeaker noise emitted during the feast times of two Roman Catholic churches situated nearby: St. Sebastian’s Church to the north and St. Michael’s Church to the south. Though mercifully not situated in the immediate vicinity of either church, my house is still within the noise pollution range of both thanks to the use (or, rather, abuse) of loudspeakers by the two churches.
Recently, the Feast of St. Sebastian’s Church was celebrated, climaxing on Saturday the 20th. Loudspeakers were strung along streets to cover the entire route of the Procession and they were blaring out hymns and prayers almost non-stop for three days from morning till late evening. I drove the entire route of the procession and my car odometer showed the total distance to be about 4.5 km! I have to brace myself for the noise onslaught from the south later this year!
It doesn’t need much spiritual enlightenment to understand that such noisy practice of religion is unethical and contrary to the spirit of Christianity. An internet search revealed that according to a Supreme Court decision the use of loudspeakers in this manner is also illegal. Given below is a link to an article that refers to this decision and discusses the issue of noise pollution in Sri Lanka in general.
Supreme Court Judgement on Noise Pollution.
There are also other religious places in the vicinity of my house which with their noise pollution cause similar annoyance and discomfort. These comprise a few mosques with their calls to prayer five times a day and a number of Buddhist temples broadcasting pirith, etc. Two of these temples also string loudspeakers along streets during special seasons. All these compel the residents to listen to their religious broadcasts against their will and violate their right to a peaceful living atmosphere. None of the custodians of these religious places seems to care that Sri Lanka is a multi-religious country and that in any locale there is a significant number and sometimes a majority of adherents of other religions who may not want to be subjected such broadcasts.
There is also the issue of religious processions causing much inconvenience, especially traffic congestion. I noticed this on Galle Road during the procession of the recently concluded Feast of St. Sebastian’s Church. As usually happens on such occasions, traffic was diverted to other roads. One can only imagine the thoughts that go through the minds of the irate motorists who are compelled to wait until the procession passes.
Men of decency and conscience will not engage in any activity that would cause offence, annoyance and discomfort to their fellow human beings and such is especially unbecoming for any religious organisation which claims Jesus Christ as the founder of its faith. Therefore I request you as the head of the Catholic Church of Sri Lanka to issue a directive to all Catholic churches at least (a) to restrict the use of loudspeakers to the premises of the churches and (b), where the processional route is long, to shorten the route so as to cause the least inconvenience to other users of the road.
If the above changes are made in the Catholic Church, the example thus set can be used to persuade other religious places to become more environmentally friendly too. True religion is ethical living with concern for the well being and hapiness of one’s fellow men. But, if in the practice of one’s religion suffering and discomfort is caused to others, what merit is there in it?
(End of extracts of letter)
I received no response to this letter, nor even a cursory acknowlegment of it. The “deafening silence” of the Cardinal speaks volumes about the actual extent of his concern for the rights of his fellow human beings. Or perhaps noise pollution and inconvenience caused to other users of public roads due to Catholic church actitivities do not come within the ambit of his understanding of human rights?
It is possible that he may not have seen my email, but that is no excuse, for the issue of noise pollution and inconvenience caused by religious broadcasts and religious processions respectively has been in the public discourse for a long time and the Cardinal cannot be unaware of it. In all probability for him the practice and requirements of “religion” overide the right of others to live in peace and quiet and their convenience. Noisy observance of religion is a sign of poor education and deficient spirituality. In his “clarification,” the Cardinal says, “What I basically intended to say on this matter was that if religion is truly practised it could take us to achieve levels of justice, going even beyond the expectations of human rights….” What we ask of the Cardinal is a little more modest: to do what is required by common decency. It behooves the Cardinal to turn the mirror inwards and put his own house in order before ranting against others.
Mh Abdul Mansur / October 8, 2018
The Cardinal is a fake. Christianity is the white man’s religion. It led to the genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas and in Australia. It resulted in the transatlantic slave trade. It sponsored the pogroms and inquisition against the Jews. It sanctioned the Crusades that killed tens of thousands of Muslims and Jews. It legitimized witch burnings in medieval Europe which led to hundreds of thousands of women burnt to death according to Mary Daly. And today, the church is the biggest child sex offender in the world. There would have been no global church if not for colonialism.
Tamil from the north / October 8, 2018
Mh Abdul Mansur, Christianity did not teach that. Christianity taught the opposite. Don’t hold the faith responsible for the actions of humans. With the same token, can we hold Islam for the atrocities humans who happened to be Muslims have committed?
Anonymous / October 8, 2018
Tamil from the north, the fact that Christianity allowed these things to happen under its name and stood by without stepping in and stopping the violence and calling it out to be against the Christian teachings gives room for anyone to hold the organized religion responsible and accountable. The same applies to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or any religion when it’s followers are allowed to take part in acts of violence and criminal behavior under the guise of protecting said religion. Even if a minority of a religions followers uses violence or criminals acts against other communities the majority should stand up to them and take action. If they fail to do so then they silently support these acts of violence…
Abdul Mansur, I hope while you are critical of the Christians that you will also accept that Islam has done plenty of harm under the name Islam too.
It’s not about who’s religion is better but the responsibility every religion has in playing its part in keeping extremists in check and nip them in the bud before they high jack the religion and tarnish its name by getting involved in acts of terrorism and criminal behavior in the name of religion.
Tamil from the north / October 8, 2018
Anonymous, it is not the religion which has to take action. Once again, atrocities are committed by humans who happened to be Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. So holding a religion responsible is ludicrous. I am not sure what faith you belong to, Christianity or teachings of Jesus teaches absolute peace, humbleness, kindness and patience. You ought to love thy neighbour. It does not specify the neighbour has to be a Christian. It is wide open to all. Jesus said if one slaps you on one side of your cheek turn your other cheek so that he can slap that too. But I agree, Christians (humans) do not follow anything what God has taught us. We do our own thing.
Paul / October 10, 2018
Tamil from the North,
‘Christianity taught the opposite.’
Are you sure? Christians always quote from the New Testament section of the Bible because the Old Testament section is full of horrors that make even the Nazis seem benign. Read for yourself at skepticsannotatedbible dot com
Native Vedda / October 10, 2018
“Christians always quote from the New Testament section of the Bible because the Old Testament section is full of horrors that make even the Nazis seem benign.”
What is the difference between Old Testament and Mahawamsa?
Have you ever attempt to read your holy bible Mahawamsa?
For a change, read it. You will find the first ever religious war in this island was fought by Duttha Gamani, it is full of racist rant by him and his arhat gurus, worse than Hitler’s Mein Kampf rant.
Paul / October 11, 2018
‘Have you ever attempt to read your holy bible Mahawamsa?’
Idiot Veddah, its not holy, its not a bible, its full of myths as well as accurate history. Of course you know this, but you are being highly selective, as usual.
Radical Ideas / October 8, 2018
Yo Leonard, you are a retard….. The entire piece of shit you have written is not about the cardinal but about the Islam, Koran & ISIS…. You have chosen this opportunity to vilify Islam, A GROSS/CRASS ATTACK on Islam, which is disgusting. When did ISIS or “Islamic State” become the representative of the Islamic Religion ????……. Since you are a RETARD in the subject of Islam and the Koran that you speak according to your own prejudiced perspective, you have given BEAUTIFUL GLORIFICATION to Buddha’s and Christ’s teachings conveniently excluding the same methodology that you used to justify condemning Islam and Koranic (with the selective) verses according to your own interpretation which is bull crap. The Buddhist teachings the Anagarika’s/ Elle Gunawangsa’s/ Gnanasara’s/ Hela Urumaya Monks used and abused to implement violence against the minorities… are connected to Human Rights too???? Something is really wrong with your Pro-Zionist approach to solve the human rights issue. Are you painting a different color purposefully to denigrate ONLY Islam (as a whole) and leave the other religions without damaging too much, by giving a weight to their generally accepted values???? Are you being paid by any agency???? `Because, this speaks LOUDER about you, your IDEOLOGY and your MINDSET and not much not about the subject that you are discussing above…. WHO ARE YOU????
Radical Ideas / October 9, 2018
–Part2— OK lets take on his “NOISE POLLUTION” thing…..On this, he takes on all major religions and their use of Loud Speakers to broadcast their sermons and other activity and finds them as Public Nuisance. During the 80’s era, there were only Muslim call for prayer which was considered as the Noise Pollution activity by the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA controlled media like the Sunday Times/ Divaina/Island news papers and the management of these media houses gave special coverage to the political agenda driven Sinhala Racist “Journo-Prostitutes” written Islamophobic materials with their usual flavor of “Jathi Maamaka- Hela Urumaya Type racist propaganda. When Ranasinghe Premadasa became the prime Minister, he encouraged with the state power, the Sinhala Racist Mafia thugs and criminals backed by the UNP/Govigama hierarchy to seize public lands spaces to put up Buddha statues all over the city and broadcast pirith- morning and evening for ONE HOUR full blasting. It was after then the attack only on Muslim call of prayer in the media subsided. They made sure to locate almost 90% of these statues near the locations of Mosques as a counter attack to SHOW their politically superior RELIGIOUS SUPREMACY. The Noise Pollution topic’s noise in the media dimmed by then.
John / October 10, 2018
Radical Ideas,
What the hell 4 million+ Muslims are doing in Sinhalé(Sri Lanka) ???? Did Sinhalese ask you Muslims to come to Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka???
In reality, Muslims MUST NOT have the same rights and privileges as native Sinhalese do. How many Christians churches, and Hindu and Buddhist temples are in Saudi Arabia??? CUNNING MUSLIMS!!!!
Native Vedda / October 10, 2018
Johnny Baby
“How many Christians churches, and Hindu and Buddhist temples are in Saudi Arabia???”
Don’t you think you do not have to repeatedly prove your stupidity in this forum? Why do you want Hindu and Buddhist temples in Saudi Arabia? If crooked Mahinda/Sirisena and you want to worship at Hindu and Buddhist temples there are millions of them in India and Sri Lanka.
Go do your worship in those places and then carry on stealing and killing innocent people. By the way the Black Stone of Kaaba at Mecca is claimed to be an ancient replica of Lingam.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / October 10, 2018
The only country that has managed to contain the Muslims is China. China serves it’s Muslim population the same bacon Muslim nations serves non-muslims.
Baby names such as Mohamadaya, Ahkmed are banned in China. No shouting alla hulalllah this and that through loud speakers is allowed. No head scarves or skull caps.
That is the only way to contain this parasite.
Radical Ideas / October 11, 2018
The racists have cone together to promote each other’s common goals…. looks like…
I think, after all the hate talks, still the country is run with Middle East money for the last 35 years.
Racists are always blind….
Radical Ideas / October 11, 2018
Yo Pro Israeli John, we have identified the incitement made through your evil comment. We Sinhalese and the Muslims are far more strong as communities in unity than the Crypto Jews…. keep on guessing….
yusuf / October 11, 2018
Dumb John,
Who asked 20 million Buddhists to come here? Did the Veddas ask you to come with your fake tooth and s^^t all over their country?
Anonymous / October 8, 2018
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith should be reported to pope Francis and the Vatican should be asked to make a statement on its stand on human rights and their response to the cardinals reckless statement that goes against the Christian teachings.
#PopeFrancis #TheVatican #Malcolm Ranjith #Excommunication
Lex Luthor / October 9, 2018
Pope is a joke
lanka / October 9, 2018
Anonymous why did you not report the words and actions of Bishops Rayappu Joseph and other Tamil clergy who supported LTTE murderous terrorists, who abducted and enslaved underage Tamil children for 3 decades! At last Catholics/ Christians in Sri Lanka have got a religious leader who is not not scared to speak the truth. Just like you have the human right to have your own opinion Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has the human right to state his opinion.
James / October 10, 2018
This stupid Cardinal should be reminded that “Beliefs don’t have rights but Humans do”.
Amarasiri / October 10, 2018
Leonard Jayawardena,
RE: Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s Recent Rant About Human Rights & His Hypocrisy
Didn’t the Roman Catholic Church originate in the West?
Anyway, what are the crimes of the Catholic Church over two millennia which the Cardinal represents? Given below are summaries from Chris Hitchens.
Christopher Hitchens Schools The Catholic Church(Epic Closing Statement)
Christopher Hitchens – Shame of the Catholic Church
The list of crimes is too long and only summaries are given above.
So we have the Catholic Church abducts the God of the Hebrews, Yahweh. The Hebrews abducts the Zoroastrian God., called Ahura Mazda (meaning ‘Wise Lord’). He is compassionate, just, and is the creator of the universe. Ahura Mazda is: Omniscient (knows everything). The Zoroastrians abducts the God from somebody else, and finally, the Muslims abducts the God, called Allah(meaning ‘Wise Lord’). He is compassionate, just, and is the creator of the universe and Omniscient (knows everything)
Nobody has misused the God as much as the Church Church., and they even blamed the Jews, instead of blaming the Roman soldiers and Italians, iho is supposed to have done the actual killing of Jesus, the “Catholic” God.
What hypocrisy of the so-called Catholic Church.!
justice / October 8, 2018
So-called religion, in any country is a “necessary” evil.
It regulates human behavior.
In Sri Lanka, a marriage cannot happen without ‘religion’ – so far, no one has said “I do not have a ‘religion’ – when the registrar of marriages asked the question, during the civil ceremony.
Sai Baba, late Hindu holy man, always said to those who came for his ‘darshans’, “If you are a Hindu, be a good Hindu; If you are a Buddhist, be a good Buddhist. If you are a Christian, be a good Christian” and so on.
All religions preach good behaviour – which would ensure so-called “human rights”.
But, no religion is practised one hundred percent.
Religion is merely a way of life, more than belief in a supernatural being.
All know the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in human behaviour, whatever the ‘religion’ he/she practices.
If one has done no wrong, but only ‘right’ behaviour towards fellow humans, one practises the highest ‘religion’ and, one is ‘at peace’ with fellow humans.
Idiots in society have to be tolerated.
I too have suffered this “loudspeaker torture” but have learned to tolerate it – annually where I lived – I used ‘ear-plugs’- to survive.
Thereby, I had no enemies but only friends.
Lex Luthor / October 8, 2018
“One of the great tragedies of mankind is that morality has been hijacked by religion. So now people assume that religion and morality have a necessary connection. But the basis of morality is really very simple and doesn’t require religion at all.”
― Arthur C. Clarke
Human rights are decided by a collective of governments that do countless research to justify their claims while religious morality is by a clergy that answers only to a self delusion of god or some form of superstition.
We don’t know what is right and wrong naturally, that is a myth. Recently found pedophile priest argued that they didn’t know it was wrong to abuse children. Till recently abusing any woman was a normal day-to-day activity. Corporal punishment that destroyed many lives of children was also seen as normal…. Your argument is flawed in too many ways.
Sinhala_Man / October 8, 2018
Thanks, Justice, at least you talk common sense.
I see just three comments so far; Abdul Mansur also is justified in the reservations that he has about the record of the Church. As for JD, I could never make sense of what he writes.
I’m wondering where we are heading. At least your sane voice re-assures me that “things are NOT really falling apart”.
Thanks, Leonard Jayawardena, for starting the discussion. I think that this requires a little more thaought than I have time for at this moment.
Click / October 9, 2018
Common sense is overrated, it is only a set of insecurities and mythical wisdom given by old generations to new.
Religion has never been responsible for peoples good behavior. more than 400 years the church ruled the world killing torturing and raping people who opposed their view. After that indoctrinating children, spreading myths, refusing to give women rights and scamming people with fake promises.
So religion isn’t a necessary evil … it is totally useless.
Scientists, Psychiatrists and Courts all over the world are accepting that being LGBT is not a crime or weird (Even Sri Lankan Collage of psychiatrists accept this is not a mental disorder, Sri Lankan, Unfortunately Laws have always been slow to change)
There is also no scientific data that proves any positive results from forcing uniforms on children so any claim that it creates a positive school environment is a speculation and nothing more. In fact many countries don’t have uniforms and they still don’t produce students as biased and ignorant as Sri Lankans
Dinuk / October 8, 2018
Leonardo: What the Cardinal said is fundamentally true. All religions have human rights in them. Human rights is a form of Neoliberal Fundamentalism that protects the economic interests of global 1 percent as it distracts everyone from Economic Inequality and Injustice by focus on ethnic and religious conflicts also started by western intelligence agencies as in Middle east, Africa and Asia during Cold war.
The west has looted the global south and rest of the world and now preaches human rights — without economic justice or rights. Today the global 1 percent owns over 60 percent of the wealth of the world.
All Religions in Sri Lank have been and are being weaponized by various competing foreign interests that are seeking to de-stabilize the country, also with Fake news.
US weaponized Buddhism and Islam against Communism and Russia during the Cold war and India weaponized ethnicity in Sri Lanka in the 70s and 80s to keep Lanka in its control. Pl. read the book “Cold War Monks: America’s secret strategy in South East Asia.
Now, The attacks on Muslims in Kandy, incited via Facebook and social media when the Bondscam Report was released amidst calls for his impeachment was organized to distract everyone and protect Bondscam Ranil who is Washington’s man. His policies benefit US and global 1 percent, hence crash of the rupee and rising cost of living. Poor people have to pay for excessive consumption of rich and this economic inequality which is at the root of a lot of religious and ethnic conflict is hidden and people distracted.
Where is the Report and inquiry into these deadly incidents? Also Amith the leader of Mahasohon Balakaya had links to military intelligence, CID and Pathala Champika Ranawaka.
Dodo / October 8, 2018
Indeed, Cardinal was right, UN human rights discourse and the new constitution discourse is a waste of time and resources, and distraction from addressing the real problems we face, which are corruption and economic inequality and injustice that leads to frustration and violence.
Anonymous / October 8, 2018
Truth is even if all religions are followed properly they will not be able to produce the results that human rights if properly practiced can achieve.
This preaching to try and be a populist by saying if all religions are practiced properly there will be no need for human rights is simply false and misleading.
JD / October 8, 2018
I did not read the Whole article. there is a disgrunteld catholic church because of destruction of catholics in the middle in the bname of wars and getting rid of so called terrorist nations nations against making the US dollar local currency in the middle east. Anyway, Mangala Samraweera is a CIA agent that is why he did not like talking against what his BOSS is promoting. Mangala Samraweera says a Priest can not talk those even in his sermon. I Judaism (OLd Testament, MOSES taking Egyptians to ISrael) and new Testament (Talking agaisnt Romans who opprerssed poor romans) are political statements and activities. Only the Cardinal can not talk. what BS human rights. there.MAngala Samraweera is openly working for MCC/CIA.
kolla / October 8, 2018
Malcome Ranjith ? Cannot trust a man with no surname ! What is his family background ?
lanka / October 9, 2018
Cardinal MR comes from a very respectful family unlike a street urchin called ‘Kolla’
Amarasiri / October 10, 2018
lanka ,
“Cardinal MR comes from a very respectful family unlike a street urchin called ‘Kolla’”
Does the street urchin “Kolla” have a history of inquisitions like the Catholic Church?
If so, why did Cardinal MR join the Catholic Church that has two millennia of history, that is unpardonable?
Anyway, what are the crimes of the Catholic Church over two millennia which the Cardinal represents? Given below are summaries from Chris Hitchens.
Christopher Hitchens Schools The Catholic Church(Epic Closing Statement)
Christopher Hitchens – Shame of the Catholic Church
The list of crimes is too long and only summaries are given above.
So we have the Catholic Church abducts the God of the Hebrews, Yahweh
chiv / October 8, 2018
“We should not rake up old dirt”, I believe this is exactly was told by all cardinals who kept denying years and years of abuse under their watch (some with their knowledge and participation) all over the world. ” We have practiced human rights for centuries”, even if it is true not any more. We did practice in the past, is not an excuse to not to practice any more. Dear Cardinal for that reason people did practice religion in the past but not any more. Your answer is a perfect art of DENIAL but people with common sense can see through it. So please stop your nonsense. Cardinal is also well known for twisting facts, distorting facts, master of alternate facts (kellyann theory), hobnobbing with politicians,more than god he is into seeking political influence and paying services in return to his master (not god). In short A LOW LIFE.
JD / October 8, 2018
Leonard Jayawardane: You did not include here what your faith is . So, are yu writing for less than 2% of protestants ? Simhale is a mess since 1948.
chiv / October 8, 2018
JD you dont read any article before typing your dissociative ramblings.If you bothered to read then it may not be of that bad.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / October 8, 2018
I would like to remind to this forum that the catholic church supported LTTE TERRORISM individually or in an organized manner as I could recall people like Rayappu Joseph, I cannot remember the name, the Bishop of Jaffna are two notable characters in this respect and there are so many other catholic priest as regard to supporting LTTE Terrorism. Therefore, Individuals or organisations supporting Terrorism whatever its manifestation must be annihilated as it is against all norms of the society including religious teachings and Human Rights.
Even I can very well remember the statements supporting LTTE and their terrorist activities by Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith when he was the Bishop of Ratnapura. But, I am of the view that when he transformed from Bishop to Cardinal, he may have reached a new height of maturity by recognizing the reality and the truth.
Whatever he did in the past, the statement by Right Reverend Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith as the topic of this discussion is perfectly correct and it may be wrong to somebody called Somapalan or may be some other in line with their racists thinking.
The other matter must happen sooner than later is packed home of all foreign NGOs specially operating in North and East as they all supported LTTE Terrorism.
Ajith / October 8, 2018
I also would like to remind this forum that most of the Sinhalese leaders who governed this country and lead all Sinhalese political parties had become Catholic or whatever branch of Christianity and they have their vested interest in the Chiristian west. This includes the Rajapakse family as well. In Srilanka since 1948 Buddhist Sinhala Terrorism was supported by all Buddhist Institutions and Sinhala indiduals. Buddhism invaded from India and Christianity invaded from Europe. LTTE is an organisation that belong to Srilankan Tamils. The first assasination of a Prime Minister in this soil sponsored by Buddhist Sinhala. The first armed terrorist organisation born against this land was sponsored by Buddhist Sinhala. The first ethinic terrorism is sponsored by Buddhist Sinhalese in 1958. So, overall every Buddhist Sinhala is part and partial of terrorism in this island. This is the truth.
Anonymous / October 8, 2018
Ajith, did you know mrs Rajapaksa used to go to church to ask forgiveness for the families crimes against the Sri Lankan people.
Some part of her probably knew what they were doing was wrong.
Nalliah Suriyakumaran / October 8, 2018
Cardinal Ranjith dismissal of human rights as a western concept is a classic genetic logical fallacy. If the concepts are relevant it is valued and not because of its authority. Human rights as we understand it today was shaped by modern events such as the French revolution, labour rights, world wars etc. Human rights is a product of modern times. His eminence has airbrushed the Sri Lankan history of brutal racism against minorities and killing of thousands of innocent civilians. As a Cardinal, he needs to reflect the global Catholic values. If he wishes to express the Sinhala Buddhist nationalist line he needs to resign as a Cardinal
Pissu Hutan / October 8, 2018
“The Cardinal may resent the West for lecturing to us about human rights and wish they did not do so but, from their perspective, the need to raise the issue of human rights arose because they think that certain human rights have been violated in this country. In particular, the conduct of the Sri Lankan forces during the war with the LTTE which was concluded in 2009 has been questioned by the international community “
So where was this international community during 87-89. Why didn’t they worry about human rights violations back then. Why only now ?
K.Pillai / October 8, 2018
Leonard Jayawardena has not quite heard the message in Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s recent reference to ‘Human Rights’.
Ranjith says “We cannot beat ’em, so let us appease ’em”.
Appeasement at best is temporary. Large scale appeasement only delayed WW2. The ‘appeasee’ demanded more and more and finally WW2 did arrive.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / October 8, 2018
Ajith, yes we have annihilated LTTE Terrorism as well. Similarly, we will annihilate remnants of LTTE SUPPORTERS as well.
Right From the day one LTTE violated human rights of every body in this country and therefore they deserve hat they got on the banks of Nanthikadal in 2009. Supporting LTTE TERRORISM is a support to violate human rights of others ad therefore deserve the same fate of LTTE and so called sun god to his supporters as well.
Ordinary Tamil masses are not terrorist as Tamil masses ere forced up on to support LTTE Terrorism at gun point and Sri Lankan Armed forces liberated them from the clutches of LTTE Terrorism.
Singhe / October 9, 2018
‘Ordinary Tamil masses are not terrorist as Tamil masses ere forced up on to support LTTE Terrorism at gun point……………..”
So what does that make the Sinhalese of all religious hues who supported the violations against the Tamil people, now against Muslims, and who sing the hosanna’s of “war heroes?”
Tamils were forced to support the LTTE and were constantly harassed and suspected by the armed forces and others, simply because they were Tamil. They had no choice, it was more like a situation of being between the devil and the deep blue sea.
So what excuse do the Sinhalese have? Were they forced to support the anti-tamil rhetoric, and look aside when unarmed tamils were abused? Are they being forced to believe the rumours spread against and act against the Muslims? What I see here is the Sinhalese, who make informed choices to support and advocate racial and religious divisions. Nothing forced there!
This includes the Cardinal, who does not see himself as a Christian who should be following the teachings of Jesus Christ and advocating peace and human rights for all, but as a nationalist with a deeply political stand.
Kevin / October 9, 2018
What can you expect in a land of troglodytes where Anunayakas want dictatorships and Cardinals don’t want human rights ? This very unlearned Archbishop and any reader of this comment only needs to Google “Catholic Inquisition” and click on “Pictures” to see the horrors inflicted on mankind by the Catholic Church. That excludes the horrors of child abuse inflicted on little kids by the Catholic priests all across the world even unto this day. Then this unlearned Archbishop, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, will know why ALL COUNTRIES need Human Rights, irrespective of any and all religions: There are 4,000+ religions in this world, with each follower fervently believing his or her religion is the one and only true religion, with many fanatics willing to kill non-believers who don’t follow their own particular brand of god or gods. This is why the whole world needs secular Human Rights irrespective of Religions which latter may involve stoning people to death or burning imagined ‘witches’ alive or damning people to hell.
Perera / October 9, 2018
Who is this Mr Jayawardana? He cannot get his facts correct. Let him refer to Roman times and find out when Christianity became the official religion of the state. He has conveniently forgotten the edit of Milan of Emperor Constantine. His problem is not human rights but the loudspeakers that disturb him when he is ta home. a typical hypocrite
Human Rights are better understood and implemented in reference to the past and past events and there is no need to dwell on.
Leonard Jayawardena / October 9, 2018
The Edict of Milan was a proclamation that permanently established religious toleration for Christianity within the Roman Empire and was the outcome of a political agreement concluded in Milan between the Roman emperors Constantine I (western emperor) and Licinius (eastern emperor) in February 313. The proclamation granted all persons freedom to follow the religion of their choice and made Christianity, a hitherto persecuted religion, legal. Under Constantine’s patronage, a certain version of Christianity grew and expanded, but it was Theodosius 1 who made it the official religion of the Roman empire. In AD 380 he passed an edict which declared trinitarian Christianity as defined by the Nicene Creed to be the only legitimate religion in the Roman Empire. Thus began the intolerance of all other religions.
Amarasiri / October 10, 2018
Leonard Jayawardena ,
“In AD 380 he passed an edict which declared trinitarian Christianity as defined by the Nicene Creed to be the only legitimate religion in the Roman Empire. Thus began the intolerance of all other religions.”
Yes, the persecuted Christians became the “Christian” Catholic persecutors.
Christopher Hitchens – Shame of the Catholic Church
The sins of the Catholic Church , but it is rather a summary.
Christopher Hitchens Schools The Catholic Church(Epic Closing Statement)
Don / October 9, 2018
A well written article based on historical facts. One can only take a donkey to water but can not make it drink it!
chiv / October 9, 2018
Nimal how do you term all the pogrom we had up to now in Lanka. Was it the rights of minority to get maimed or was it the rights of majority to murder. Yes human rights are for each and every one regardless it is LTTE, race, religion or the government. The difference is that the bar is set at a higher level for the government. But in Lanka the government it self has been found guilty in abusing the rights of their own citizens. The rest are just talking points. Also how do you qualify the killings of thousands of youth and their family members in the name of JVP and recent murder of protesters in Lanka.You mean to say that they deserved it or worse they do not have any rights to live. Isnt it the government which took away rights of estate workers years ago???? Denial will only hasten the deterioration and slow death of a failed nation.
Pissu Hutan / October 9, 2018
Typical boring Sri Lankan wannabe experts. They have no original thoughts. They just endlessly parrot what ever they have learned from west. Cut and paste experts, 0% originality. 100% boring.
lanka / October 9, 2018
Statements made by Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith about human rights at a Sunday sermon at a Catholic church maybe controversial to people like Leonard and Mangala who share their ideologies and practices repugnant to some but unfortunately accepted in modern society.
The perspective of the west has and will always be that they know what is best for you.
Not only cardinal Malcolm Ranjith but any self-respecting Sri Lankan should resent the West for lecturing to us about human rights!
Just because the west (influenced by the LTTE supporting Tamil diaspora) think and allege that certain human rights have been violated in this country do we have to accept their thinking and allegations? The conduct of the Sri Lankan armed forces during the internal civil war with the LTTE terrorists which was concluded in 2009 were excellent. What was these same western countries doing during 20/30 of brutal terrorism? What allegations of war crimes have been brought against USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France who have created wars and killed thousands of armed forces of legitimate sovereign nations, civilians in Africa, Middle East etc., in foreign soils by the UN.
What right has the international community (a few western nations like UK, Canada, Norway etc.) who pampered murderous terrorists for 20/30 years to question Sri Lanka. The 2012 resolutions calling for investigation into alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka were passed in the UN only because of the banding of certain western nations to satisfy their own political agendas
The Cardinal’s stance that presenting a resolution against Sri Lanka by the United States Government at the United Nations Human Right Council (UNHRC) session in Geneva (in 2012) is an undue meddling in the sovereignty and integrity of Sri Lanka is and should be the stance of every Sri Lankan patriot. The US Governments view about the United Nations Human Right Council (UNHRC) was seen when they openly rejected the UNHRC as useless and left the organisation!
John / October 10, 2018
His holy highness Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is absolutely right.
Wheeler dealer NGO pimps are the priests of so called religion ” Human Rights mumbo jumbo” .
THANK YOU your holy highness Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith for speaking out of this new age bullish1t “human rights”.
chiv / October 10, 2018
Guys just for your information. No one is forcing Lanka to be a member or signatory of any treaty. Countries are signing and withdrawing at their own will. Lanka is there because of the loans and perks they get by being a member. The donor knows well, if not for this mandate countries like Lanka will be first to reject it.That was the case with tsunami funds and EU tax free perks.But after signing and not following the clauses is special to Lanka. Because this is how all our politicians have functioned from the time of independence. They just sign into pacts knowing very well they will not be abiding by it. Now, this good old BS may still be effective in Lanka but not in the world arena.It is simple to understand. If you want to play the game play hard but right if not get the hell out of it.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / October 10, 2018
Chive & Singhe,
Both of you need to ask that question from 1st Terrorist S. J. V. Chelvanayagam and all so called Tamil political leaders up to Sampanthan today as it is happened because they formed racist Tamil Arasu Katchchi in 1933 and taken the Tamil masses in the wrong direction.
Now no more those kind of incidents because Tamil masses cannot be deceived by so called wishful and fanciful slogans as such racist demands for non-existing problems have come to a climax with the terrorism of LTTE and ended on the banks of Nanthikadal in 2009 with the annihilation of LTTE. Therefore, Tamill masses learnt the futility of racists demands for divisions and better to live as the Sri Lanka nation. The racists individuals and the so called Tamil political leaders will be ended up in the dust bin of the history.
chiv / October 11, 2018
Nimal it is clear from your writings in what wave length is your thinking is. It is naive to think a race can be willfully suppressed to a degree to end up in a dustbin.People who had the same view and tried are Hitler, Slobadan ……etc….etc. . But we all know the outcome. It is the person who ended up in a place worse than dustbin. I am not for suppressing or cleansing of any race . So I have no desire to proceed further but end my discussions with you . Thanks Anyway and have a great day.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / October 12, 2018
You cannot suppress the truth as it was LTTE TERRORIST did the Ethnic cleansing by asking Sinhalese and Muslims to leave Northern Province within 11 hours and so called Tamil political leaders have supported. Right from the beginning the Tamil Political leaders were Racist minded and their action in the history speak volumes.
The best thing happened because of the annihilation that the same racists Tamil individuals and political leaders failed miserably to get the support of tamil masses anymore for terrorists work labeled as fight for freedom.
When the truth and the reality come out , people like you are naive and no answers and your racist mind set is exposing.
Thanks and have a great evening for you as well.
Native Vedda / October 13, 2018
Nimal Tissass Wijethunga
Thanks for your typing.
Soon you are going to lose your sense of truth and lies, right and wrong, good and bad, kind and cruel, compassion and meanness, ………….. ass and Tissass, ………………
chiv / October 13, 2018
Nimal just a brief response. In my opinion any forced displacement by any party/community is wrong and unacceptable.My previous response says so. I am not for CLEANSING or SUPPRESSING. That dosent exclude any country or government.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / October 14, 2018
SriLanka Government never ever suppressed or cleansed any community or race as they only annihilate LTTE Terrorists to get the country rid of Terrorism thus giving human rights, freedom etc to all communities, races etc in Sri Lanka. Besides, directly or indirectly, the GOSL fought the war for India as well.
Today, howsoever Vellalas want ,they will never get the support of Tamil Masses for such activities anymore. Usually in the world whenever Terrorists organisation was annihilated, there political party as also annihilated and the biggest omission and lapse here as that Government of Sri Lanka did not annihilate the political front of the terrorist LTTE, TNA and bunch of jokers.
Native Veddah alias Kala Veddah alias Angoda Vedda has become a joker in these discussion forums possibly due to insane condition.
Therefore, anybody or an organisation tries to support LTTE activities or labeled as Fight from freedom is effectively supporting to deprived masses of Human rights, freedom to live etc.