The controversial British broadcaster Channel 4 has decided to leave Sri Lanka due to “unacceptable intimidation” that prevents them from reporting, the channel’s news editor says.
A Channel 4 crew headed by Ben de Pear has been in Colombo since last week where they have been bombarded with protests and placed under severe surveillance by the defence authorities.
“As it is impossible to operate as journalists due to unacceptable levels of control and intimidation @channel4news are leaving Sri Lanka”, De Pear tweeted a short while ago.
It is also reported that Channel 4 Correspondent Jonathan Miller was pelted with stones earlier in the day.
The crew were dogged by demonstrators accusing them of being LTTE mercernaries and prevented from travelling North by protestors who flooded the railway tracks in Anuradhapura last week. Police shoved them into a vehicle and forced the crew to return to Colombo. The driver of their vehicle later accused the team of not paying the van hire and filed a police complaint at Slave Island police.
Anpu / November 17, 2013
Thank you CH4 & CT.
John / November 17, 2013
Thank God, C-4 LTTE mercenaries are leaving Lanka, perhaps several millions of US$ were already deposited in their bank accounts by LTTE for service during last 04 days.
namal perera / November 17, 2013
pimp john, what a sad specimen of humanity you are- clueless, brainless and retarded in your thinking. Join the regime who fit in well with your bankrupt intellectual status.
salahudeen / November 18, 2013
well said Namal Perera, we allow the channel four to prove them correct by some foolish acts. by allowing them to enter the country the government accepted they haven’t done anything illegal. we as a country had a reputation of the best in hospitality , by treating the channel four we had a chance of proving them wrong , unfortunately our fools allow the to prove that we don’t have media freedom and my personnel feeling is the channel 4 achieved what they came for,once again we damage our image.
John / November 18, 2013
namal perera pimp, what is your intellectual standard ?? playing second fiddle to blood sucking terrorists ??
You bloody idiot call your self intellectual & all those like minded stand for terrorists intellectuals ? mad guy.
Rama / November 17, 2013
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Native Vedda / November 17, 2013
“Thank God, C-4 LTTE mercenaries are leaving Lanka,”
The mercenaries are doing a good job aren’t they? Even after VP’s death the determined bunch of mercenaries keep the war going. They have decided the show must go on.
It suits the clan well using C4 to prolong its sell by date.
You must be grateful to White Man.
John / November 18, 2013
All these Diaspora Terrorists heart broken after VP mass murderer was sent to hell ,with that Eelam dream gone some millions light years away in the sky , wants at least to keep some fun running. so hired C-4 guys, so after smoking some good heroine or full bottle drink sees Eelaam with VP as President, courtesy C4 fake videos.
In a way at least poor Diaspora terrorists have a good night sleep.
Mahela / November 18, 2013
You John, the Paraiah uncultured uncivilized Basta…d is using a fake Christian name and disgracing Christianity with false accusations.
Why don’t you ask the Cowards who are always hiding behind over 100 security personnel, murdering and white van disappearance of other helpless People and Journalists. What happened to the British Tourist who was murdered by your Pimps goon. How come a printing press is burnt 23 times constantly and still preaching Lord Buddha’s Gatha at CHOGM opening ceremony.
Whom you and your Pimps are fooling and deceiving.
Let’s you crabs dance in the pot until next March, and we could watch how the Dance going end……may be even earlier.
Remember Pigs are Pigs no matter what they wear.
Banda / November 18, 2013
Thiswhite arse washing brown coloured evangelist pimp do not know the difference between the jayamangala gatha and a Buddhist gatha let alone its history. Stupid pimp thinks next march will come the end of the world for Sri Lanka. Idiot think Sri Lankans have forgotten that Britain and its neocon cohorts have tried their best to save the terrorist Velu and his gang from going down the Nanthikadal, and when that failed, bastards have been trying to send our war heros to gallows for the last four years but without success.
Cameron and co better know that Sri Lanka will raise the Chilcott on the culprits of that illegal war on Iraq and its issues that is deliberately pushed under carpet. Get ready for surprise revelations and moves.
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
You made sweeping claims as to the development of ancient irrigation technology. A list of research papers were posted in this forum to educate you about the history behind Irrigation technology.
You never knew such papers existed in the academic world written by highly respected historians.
What it shows is the ignorance of people like you who are determine to popularise the perverted forms of history.
Go read, widen your horizon.
John / November 18, 2013
Mahela, you, [Edited out]
being a Tamil Christian, a LTTE Diaspora terrorist, hiding behind a Sinhala -Buddhist name, trying to white wash C-4 LTTE mercenaries,
go to hell Mahela [Edited out]live with your god VP the mass murderer.
John / November 18, 2013
“You John, the Paraiah uncultured uncivilized Basta…d,”
You Mahela the Paraiah uncultured uncivilized Basta…d,
have you passed grade 08 ?? You bloody pimp, Diaspora terrorist hiding behind a Sinhala name writing nonsense. Idiot you & LTTE days gone for good, now smoke till you see VP in hell.
John / November 18, 2013
You shit eating pig, is C-4 men’s excreta tasty ??
You, ace idiots, pimps danced till 2009 may 19th to tune of VP & gang ,expecting VP to deliver Eelaam, now heart broken , weeping . So what can we do ??
At least C-4 gave some fake videos, though at a high cost of millions of US$ from you Diaspora Terrorists in a way to keep hopes of getting some revenge from Lanka but looks that too fading, no result from half a dozen fake videos making any headway, so what to do. Just drink & smoke more.
aubergine / November 18, 2013
John We are the most intelligent kevun eating people in the world, We did it to the Tamils in 2009 who cares ,We used BBS to kick thambi’s arse now We kicked out Ch 4 and We are always victorious,
M R Jayawewa!!!!
AMT / November 18, 2013
Thanks to MR & Co. C-4 left Sril lanka with more materials to produce another documentary
for the UNHR sessions in March, 2014
I am no muslim / November 18, 2013
We exposed the buggers (ch 4) to the world. They can make any crap they want now. At the next UNHRC sessions in March, 2014, there are 14 new comers (Russia, China, et) most of them are pro Sri Lanka. Await for surprises.
gamini / November 19, 2013
Hey! Tip cut Sinhalaya. See what the Chinese Foreign Minister has said, asking MR to address Human Rights issues.
Why do not you all berate the Chinese also as LTTE brief holders. Why your tongues are tied?
Aney palayang pako yanda.
M.Sivananthan / November 19, 2013
I agree John. These hooligans have no journalistic integrity at all. They are capable of blue film making only.
Ben Hurling / November 17, 2013
Ben De Pear,
Thanks for visiting.
Too bad you were not really welcome. I do not approve harassment of you guys. It was a bit silly of us. However, Sri Lankans are not very fond of your journalism.
You have reported major crimes. That is good. But, your reports rekindle ethnic hatred. So totally lacks context. And smacks of relentless Sri Lanka bashing.
On your return flight, please look at following clip. A massacre of Sri Lankan soldiers by LTTE killers after a battle. Soldiers who should have been POWs. We have forgotten the nightmare Sri Lanka has just overcome. Content warning:
Looking forward to you documentary on LTTE crimes. which includes footage from above mentioned horrific clip.
Please note a large portion of funding required for LTTE crimes came from the UK.
Bon Voyage!
Raja / November 18, 2013
Hiru TV decided to suspend the special programme that was scheduled to be telecast last night on Hiru TV.
The reason for this was the last minute refusal by British Channel Four journalists who had earlier expressed willingness to participate in the programme.
Talk about the video film Channel Four journalists had produced against Sri Lanka was triggered again with these journalists visiting Sri Lanka to cover CHOGM.
Protests among civil society against Channel Four journalists who had destroyed Sri Lanka’s image before the international community cropped up in this background.
Accordingly Channel Four journalists calam Maccrey and Jonathan Miller became the creators of the news of this country.
Accordingly Hiru TV, being the Sri Lankan symbol of balanced news dissemination, invited the Channel Four journalists for a TV dialogue.
The background for the special ‘Balaya’ programma was formed with these journalists accepting the invitation.
As Hiru TV studio was getting ready for the programme Kaelam Maccray suddenly refused participation in the special live Balaya programme.
President’s Counsel Kaalinga Indratissa who was poised to participate in the programme expressing his views about this stated that he is ready to debate with Mcrae anywhere in the world.
Veteran journalist Shamindra Ferdinandu too expressed his views about this matter as and said that Callum Mcray backed off since he cannot prove any of the allegations.
Channel Four channel which had been constantly questioning media freedom and the right to express views in this country fled the occasion offered for clarifying to the people of this country through TV thus corroborating the Channel Four culture.
Raja / November 18, 2013
Wonder why CH4 didn’t publicise this event.
Hiru TV decided to suspend the special programme that was scheduled to be telecast last night on Hiru TV.
The reason for this was the last minute refusal by British Channel Four journalists who had earlier expressed willingness to participate in the programme.
Talk about the video film Channel Four journalists had produced against Sri Lanka was triggered again with these journalists visiting Sri Lanka to cover CHOGM.
Protests among civil society against Channel Four journalists who had destroyed Sri Lanka’s image before the international community cropped up in this background.
Accordingly Channel Four journalists calam Maccrey and Jonathan Miller became the creators of the news of this country.
Accordingly Hiru TV, being the Sri Lankan symbol of balanced news dissemination, invited the Channel Four journalists for a TV dialogue.
The background for the special ‘Balaya’ programma was formed with these journalists accepting the invitation.
As Hiru TV studio was getting ready for the programme Kaelam Maccray suddenly refused participation in the special live Balaya programme.
President’s Counsel Kaalinga Indratissa who was poised to participate in the programme expressing his views about this stated that he is ready to debate with Mcrae anywhere in the world.
Veteran journalist Shamindra Ferdinandu too expressed his views about this matter as and said that Callum Mcray backed off since he cannot prove any of the allegations.
Channel Four channel which had been constantly questioning media freedom and the right to express views in this country fled the occasion offered for clarifying to the people of this country through TV thus corroborating the Channel Four culture.
Dawn Dale / November 19, 2013
thank you for leaving – good riddance of bad rubbish
Anjala / November 17, 2013
Pls watch this:
Kumar R / November 17, 2013
Typical! Just a song and dance effort to get out of a jam!!
Kalal / November 17, 2013
Make some more videos and sing in front of the ICC in March. These baila karaya’s won’t be able hide war crime like shooting the surrendering terras. Maharaja sure will invite these baila boys for cup of tea and give ride in those new Benzs.
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
When the armed forces killed innocent people between 1987 and 1991, where were you?
When JVP killed innocent people between 1987 and 1991, where were you?
When Premadasa and his armed forces transferred trucks loads of arms and ammunition to LTTE, where were you?
When MR handsomely paid VP to stop people from voting in Vanni where were you?
When innocent civilians were mercilessly massacred in 1971 where were you?
When IPKF killed, maimed, raped …… where were you?
When 1915,1956, 1958,1977, 1983, 2009 happened where were you?
Johnny English / November 17, 2013
Don’t be upset. There will be a golden opportunity for C4 to make good storiez when the regime falls and the next govt., re-instate good govenance. You all can report and make many documentaries on the regimes criminal rule.
Rambukwella said C4 is nothing but a bunch of mercinaries. As usual we filtered his words and found it is they who are mercinaries of the regime and C4 is just a good journalists.
Afzal / November 18, 2013
going by the recent election results I doubt the SL kan masses will vote for change. Just take for an example the last PC election except in North the rest are overwhelmingly pro government. Main apposition is said to have now lost 20+ elections in a row.
Unless something changes dramatically I don’t think we can come out of this rot.
Lanka liar / November 17, 2013
All these days channel 4 was accusing the regime. Now you should know that the regime is a true representation of its population. No where in the world you have this phenomena.
Gotaimbara / November 17, 2013
Right thinking peoples’ of all ethnic communities pay their highest regard and respect to you. Their. hearts and minds will always be with you and we really appreciate the role you played in Sri Lanka under very difficult circumstances.
You prove a valid point to the civilised world that this country is under siege of a tyrant who holds a firm grip on all organs of the govt under his firm grip. And where the media freedom is under the constant threat of the oppressive regime.
Once again thank you channel 4 for the stand taken to expose the failed regime and the lawless state of Sri Lanka.
Athula / November 17, 2013
By the way nobody wanted you in Sri Lanka apart from LTTE sympathizers as it’s obvious that you are hired financed and wooed by LTTE diaspora in the UK.
You are probably lucky that you got out without any harm from the protesters.
demon silva / November 17, 2013
you mean any harm from the thugs of criminal gotabaya
sarojini / November 18, 2013
Channel4 Macre snow and Miller never ,ever visit SL again . You now know you are not welcome here .SL is not your playground.
aubergine / November 18, 2013
Well said Sarojini, You deserve to hold MRs dick and give a bloody good lick darling Jayawewa!
Afzal / November 18, 2013
M.Sivananthan / November 19, 2013
Whose dick you are holding? Ranil’s or MacRae’s?
truth / November 18, 2013
If as the President said that they have nothing to hide, Why is everyone getting upset with Channel 4? Why did they let them in? did they think that they can be bought for wine, women and kiri bath?
You are comparing the LTTE to a “so called democratically” elected Govt. No wonder in Sri Lanka there is so much crime committed by the elected representatives and their stooges!!! Shame on the Government!! The Govt. act like common criminals!!Govt. is SUPPOSED TO look after all its citizens, not to kill, murder,rape and plunder the minorities!!!
Aiyosirisena / November 19, 2013
What about Cameron and other leaders, do you think the would decide to turn up in lawless paradise again ?
What about Ms Pillay, would she ever think get back to the former paradise but now most dangerous place on the earth thanks to MR clans ?
What about Prince Charls who has NOT added any open view about the so called progress made by MR ? … Whether he knew the ground reality of the tsunami embesszelment by MR and the clans ?
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
“You are probably lucky that you got out without any harm from the protesters.”
Because Sinhala/Buddhists are peace loving people I may add.
However when provoked they cannot be stopped from what they do best, arson, looting, rape, murder, …….
No one has clear idea of how and when they are provoked.
According to informed Sinhala/Buddhists all provocations were self motivated and spontaneous, work well with a small dose of racism, and leadership of saffron clad thugs and politicians prepared to cut off the nose to spite the face, wreaking untold devastation.
DesperateSL / November 18, 2013
The last sentence of your comments make it further clear how criminal you and your ilk are.
Anyway, you the stupid gawky folks destroy our motherland.
If as being pointed out by him, he has nothing to hide, why to worry that much ?
And, alone sending to attack that shameless old man (muslim) Azwer, shows all IC how good your rulers with rules and regulations. This time, Azwer, at the time Ms Pillay was visiting it was that baldikata – Mervin.
Vibhushana / November 17, 2013
Ya you go. Leave Sri Lanka alone to deal with the Tamils now.
aratai / November 17, 2013
After this kind of treatment, do you think C4 will leave sri lanka alone?
demon silva / November 17, 2013
vibushana have you found your father yet. Keep looking Moron will appear sometime. good luck
KING SOLOMON / November 18, 2013
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
“Leave Sri Lanka alone to deal with the Tamils now.”
Brilliant, you can deal with the “Tamil Problem” yourself.
Couldn’t you find a final solution by yourself, so that you need not to deal with them on a piece meal basis?
DesperateSL / November 18, 2013
You go and bring us dissident a very good film to get rid of this MR regime. We ve been awaiting. Now with CHOGM seems to have backfired MR´s motives, he would even become more aggressive to deploy state army to kill his own folks even for any small irregularity. These buggers are literally uneducated rascals being born to destroy our motherland.
sarojini / November 20, 2013
Desperate , you are dealing with an exceptional psychic channel 4. They have an amazing knack of looking at photographs, and saying who was killed by whom . Is that not a record to be found anywhere in the world ?
PalmSquirrell / November 18, 2013
Yet all these decades Sinhala GOSL was doing its best to get foreign powers to help them against LTTE. Without foreign help, GOSL would never have won the war.
annonymous / November 17, 2013
So what became of the great Sri Lankan tradition of hospitality to visitors ?!!
Abhaya Premawardena / November 17, 2013
that is to real visitors , not snakes in the grass.
DesperateSL / November 18, 2013
Mr Abhayabumi, what kind of good arguments can you bring us now in the post CHOGM 2013 session ? Holding CHOGM sending poor in Badagini for the next few years was a good decision made by your gonthadi master or not ?
Who would you bear the sky roketted cost of living in the months to come ?
Roads are beautified but that would not give a relief to the poor in the country (over 60% of the population).
Johnny English (SL Version) / November 17, 2013
Mr. Johnny English English version, I hope that there will be a bunch of golden opportunities for you to make us mercenaries. But the problem is that you have copyrighted the name of “mercenaries” for your country since ancient times. You had a long history in being a mercenary for other countries. I hope you get ready with your films, and also try to upgrade it further. Further Channel 4 is identified by yourself as C4 in short form. C4 is a type of bomb. The whole world know that you are a C4 type of Channel, so there is nothing to worry about your films. And I would recommend you to join steven spielburg in your production of movies too. God Bless You. May God Bless you hopefully.
Max Silva / November 17, 2013
Johnny English(SL version),
Who is this other bloke going by the name of Johnny English?Is this bloke a native Englishman or a Tamil asylum seeker?What colour is this bugger?Is it true that this English character was born in Wellamullivaikkal?Does this English character use water,toilet paper or non?
Native Vedda / November 17, 2013
Johnny English (SL Version)
Stupid man
What are you talking about
Johnny English Knows no fear, Knows no dangers, Knows nothing.
Liberal One / November 17, 2013
LOL found out the hard way that you are not welcomed here no? Now continue to aid the agenda of defeated separatists, I hope one day your conscience eats at you.
Max Silva / November 17, 2013
Thank god the buggers are going.An awful smell!
Lapatiya / November 17, 2013
Nothing would have happened if these Channel 4 Journalists also behaved like our brave Journalists. I can’t understand why they can’t stay in a super luxury hotel and make some “Athe Role” like our Divaina, Mawbima, Lakbima, Daily Mirror, Daily Noice, Dinamina brave Journalists and publish them.
What they could have really done was to wait in the Hotel for any reports from President Media unit and publish them as their news.
I just can’t understand why they choose to Visit north as in Sri Lanka there are plenty of other nice places to visit such as Hambantota, Mattala and Nuwaraeliya to have a fun at our cost. As a Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwalla would have arranged some young Tele Actresses to accompany them as our Hon. Minister knows capabilities of each and every Tele Actresses. But no chance of getting “Nili Rajina” to accompany them as she is exclusively reserved for Lokka only.
Actually there were plenty of important incidents occurred during CHOGM but this Channel 4 Journalists choose to Ignore them may be under the influence of Ranil W. Ranil’s supporters twisted testicles and tightly squeezed middle one of the most innocent Buddhist Bikku (Gaanu 5 Bebadu Nanasara) publicly, but unfortunately that was not a good news for Channel 4.
At least next time Channel 4 team should try to be nice with our Emperor to get Free Laptop and Cash or a Cheque to buy a block of Land in Most expensive area in UK like Kamalesh Sharma got. They lost nice opportunity to claim ownership of 2 Brand New Benz Cars allocated for Prince Charles and David Cameron as they never used them.
I am sure our friends, Mervin Silva’s cousin Max Silva, Horana Banda, Jim, Aathal Sumane and others will also agree with my suggestions that I made for Channel 4 Journos.
Kalu Nangi / November 18, 2013
Ha…ha…Lapatiya….this is superb!
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / November 18, 2013
The Chanel 4 crew flatly refused the Minster Kehelgedi’s offer of Cinnamon lake hotel rooms as they do not have experiences in jumping of Balconies and parapet walls.
They were afraid of the post Massages and the smell of Kassippu drunk by Kudu Mervin And that Yellow robed, could not eat much, that GasBalu Senaa [BBS] Lean guy Gahandassara .
and they refused, Keaun and Lunumiris given by Hothambaya’s Nano Car cleaning gang, who followed them hither and dither since their arrival.
They told that Mr Jarapassa treated them very nicely, not like other countries and Gave them free access to reach grass root level of the society, and Police blessed, By force, post paid, van ride from Sacred City, Anuradhapura back to Show Gon Carnival.
They are insisting to INVITE them to,and they have to come back for the next OZ James Parker Casino Carnival in next year.
with blessings of Gas Balu Senaa [BBS] and Baire Gedara RajaPhala.
[ May be related to Royal Camellia parkers, and if so, Our F king is loving to host many time ].
Those fleas like kudu Merviy Silva’s cousin Flea Silva, Horana Dalu Banda, Leach Jim soththi , Aathal KA Sumanawthe Have no say there.
Because all of them are Fleas doing a free ride on Our expense with Dhaja Jarapassa clan.
Rooster / November 20, 2013
Ha ha ha :) Lapatiya, this is great.
Your ‘twisted’ part was hilarious lol.
They should have plucked it and throw at some
stray dogs. Since Gandasara’s brain is located there
it would have been an immense relief to the society.
Athal Sumane ha ha ha….so true the bugger gets some tremendous
Athal when praising his king kekille.
lal / November 17, 2013
The protests were nowhere as threatening as our President faced in Oxford. The meeting was cancelled due to possible violence as promised by LTTE terrorists in UK. McCrap and Jonthan Mullah did not protest about lack of freedom of speech then. Those donkeys can shut up and put up. GROBR to you C4!
(Presumably they came First Class and went First Class, paid for by LTTE)
Mega / November 17, 2013
I believe that in real terms you have exposed the ‘true functional democracy’ in Sri Lanka and you set a bench mark for good governance for the govt of Sri Lana now high jacked by Rajapakse clan.
This is not the first time the lawlessness was rampant in this country. The killer group opposition headed by Ranil Wickramasinghe got away from justice for similar crime against the humanity it had committed with killing of over 90,000 Sinhalese youth who staged a campaign against The UNP Govt then headed by the killer Premadasa in 1989 in which Ranil Wickramasinghe played a pivotal role as a hangman.
We all right thinking people of Sri Lanka are helpless, and we have no one to rely upon as the Judiciary too under the firm grip of this tyrant ‘so-called Peoples’ president’Rajapakse. With the unlawful removal of the Chief justice and stooge of Rajapakse is installed in the office of the CJ by the President. This stooge now openly betrays the peoples’ judicial power places in the Judiciary.
The manner this tyrant and his henchmen behave and talk reminds us the way Saddam Hussain and his henchmen performed just before the oppressive regime was effectively ousted by the international intervention.
The fearful face of President and his henchmen posed to the international media during the Commonwealth Conference simply confirm their guilt and that they know that their days are numbered.
Abhaya Premawardena / November 17, 2013
poor babies
Amarasiri / November 17, 2013
Dear Ben De Pear,
“The controversial British broadcaster Channel 4 has decided to leave Sri Lanka due to “unacceptable intimidation” that prevents them from reporting, the channel’s news editor says.”
“It is also reported that Channel 4 Correspondent Jonathan Miller was pelted with stones earlier in the day.”
Are you guys Wimps?
A Bunch of Hooligans want to stop you and you return?
I would say BOTH the Sinhala and Tamils have fare more guts than you guys, the wimps, the cry babies. Shame on you, for not doing your job.
Namal Perera / November 17, 2013
This is democracy in corrupt lawless Banana Republic. The shameless Jokers are the biggest liars in this Republic and are experts talking from both ends. When these Jokers say they have nothing to hide, they really have everything to hide. God save former democratic Sri Lanka from these crazy lunatics.
Rajash / November 17, 2013
C4 quitting Sri Lanka is another smear on the CHOGAM. Wonder if other Brithsi news channel will join the boycott
bbs dayan / November 17, 2013
Typical Sri Lankan hospitality! Be nice as long as no one tells the truth about the MR brothers and their blood stained daggers!
Chuti / November 17, 2013
Thank You C4,
Let Sri Lanka be alone, We are capable of looking after our own affairs…
We are not politicians..
R.Dias / November 17, 2013
Wthin one week you learnt the traditional hospitality of Sri Lankan Govt…
You can imagine how this Country treats its own Jounalists….the treatment is so good that over 100 journalists have left Sri Lanka to suffer in Europe / UK / US…they really want to learn what suffering means…recently a lady journalist migrated with her Family to suffer.!!! She went to US…
Jay Pathbey / November 17, 2013
So now Channel 4 will go back to UK, get more photos and videos from who ever and where ever, edit them and make new movies on war crimes, so called atrocities by the Sri Lankans and crank them out in 2014.
What a way to make a living. Like Frank Sinatra said in Australia in 1974, this type of journalism is prostitution. Selling something respectable and sacred for money and making a living.
Callum McCrae you are really worse than a Hamburg Hooker.
Fish / November 17, 2013
In this day and age, it is completely unacceptable for Sri Lanka to oppress not only the tamil people but the international media who only want to show the truth of what is happening to the tamils under this barbaric and authoritarian regime. i am disgusted to hear of how channel 4 representatives have been treated. The suffering of our people has to stop and it will not unless we keep pushing for change.Thank you channel 4, you have stood up for the tamils when noone else would listen to our cries for help.
Ven. Gunawansa / November 17, 2013
Thank you Channel 4 for being with us even shortly in Sri Lanka to see what is actually taking place. We want your frequent visits to ensure that Mahinda Rajapakse is accurately exposed to the world.
JimSofty / November 18, 2013
How come Ch4 crew does not like DEMOCRACY in a country.
Why you can not face protests ?
demon silva / November 18, 2013
protests were banned during CHOGM . and still there were protests against C4, who organised them and who failed to apply the law of the land IT IS GOTABAYA THE GOON
sarojini / November 18, 2013
Demon Silva ,Protests were banned by a court order on the 15 to the 17 th November while CHOGM was in progress. they were not banned when Macre and crew arrived .Know the facts then spit it out !
DesperateSL / November 18, 2013
You know why right ? Those protests are not comparable to what you face in other democracies. Protests in Germany, France or Uk are always peaceful. Our people´s protests, i dont need to share you – even state forces gunned down 3 youth in the protests in Rathuyatawala lately. Remember ?
And your beloved president himself takes part in crime scenes.
Number one example is Barathaa murder.
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
How come you conveniently forgot to arrest Cameron and sent him to Hague for war crimes committed by his country and his allies?
Were you scared?
Don’t you worry, you can still hide behind your women folks. Now that VP is gone Mahinda has to do without him.
By the way how about Mahinda hiding behind Sonia?
hela / November 18, 2013
Where’s Sonia? Under the skirt of Jeyalalithaa…..
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
It is for you to find out.
Why didn’t you arrest Cameron for war crimes?
You had the opportunity to teach your white masters a fitting lesson they will never forget. You blew it.
Where is your bravado backed by action.
You’ve been impressing wife and never meant it.
Rajash / November 18, 2013
C4 is quitting only a day early. They shoulod have let them complete their stay and shown to the world that there is press freedom in Sri Lanka
Again a miscalculation on the part of the Sri Lanka regime.
I understand the GOSL got worried over a live TV debate on Hiru TV, where C4 would have revealed all the war crimes that the Sri Lankan public is not aware of.
Mahela / November 18, 2013
Channel 4 Editor Ben De Pear,
Please tell your friends who plan to visit Sri Lanka to bring their own Coffins, stun guns and pepper spray and carry a Life Insurance policy of One Million Pounds as the Maha Eka loves Greenbacks. He even send our Girls to any part of the world to make money.
Also please ask them to wear chastity belts as the sex starved lunatics love white skin.
Also remember Weliweriya genocide, Thangalla murder, white van abductions, murder, rape and Burning printing press for 23 times and nurder 6 workers four years after end of the war.
Good luck.
hela / November 18, 2013
Ask them to bring some oil to ease pain….
Native Vedda / November 18, 2013
“Ask them to bring some oil to ease pain….”
You are too brave only after they have left the country. Keep the oil MR and Gota may need it.
You may need lots of tissues as well to wipe your tears and your bump.
bo / November 18, 2013
LOL…… what a load of beggars this Channel 4 outfit is. Puerlie BBC appoints its cinderella to do its dirty work, but the goons cannot even pay the taxi fare. They must have come to SLK just to eat the “Dan Sela”. They have little memories of the poot old Brazilian murdered by the frenzied British Police in a metro train. The family is still crying out for their kinsman’s HR and justice for the perpetrators.
Punchinilame / November 18, 2013
Everyone knows Man bites dog is news but dog bites man is not. The world media is out to publish matters that they commonly relate to. CH4 has a strong Branch in this aspect in their work. The LTTE or its rump need not be blamed. Not doing the same with Libiya etc does not prevent
them taking up a matter, where Journalists were officially banned as
in “Gotas war”.
The army with its mobile vìdeo clips took the available opportunity to
make money and the first TV station approached would have gone all out
to make capital of it – to the extent that they were Nobel prize winners in this category. Future output is possible when modayas keep
rubbing more salt into wounds and a March 2014 release may be in the
If the State wanted the clips relegated as fakes,they should have offered a larger sum and bought them off its army via their PR Agents in UK in secret and tested same and published their independently
verifiable Analysis. Instead of taking this obvious step just ignoring
it or refuting it saying give us the originals to check. CH4 would not
foolishly disclose its source, as the army men who sold them risk
their life for sure. Should an International Inquiry come, these
originals will be gladly presented in addition to so much of
photographic evidence held in secret for 4 years now. Cannot modayas
envisage such a turn of events? Of course “we have nothing to hide”
does not conclude issues.
The LLRC knows the truth on this evidence, so much so they had to
be briefed by the SL Expert “in camera”. This alone concludes that
the State has no counter-evidence and the alternative is to “kill”
CH4 – the messanger, in keeping with its local standards of those
involved – the culprits in charge here.
These chilling video scenes will haunt any human for life. Truth and
Justice WILL prevail some time soon, is my prayers.