20 April, 2024


Chief Minister Wiggie A Leader For All Time

By Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

The days of fighting violence with violence are over; that which was undeniably and unquestionably forced on us, for which the torch was bravely borne by our undisputed Archuna, or some would say, Ellalan of the 21st century, ‘Methahu’ Velupillai Pirabhaharan. Next, currently In the Tamil Diaspora we have in Prime Minister, Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran an empowering and visionary leader who is steering the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam and Eelam Tamils around the globe, most admirably. And unmistakably proving to emerge as a leader for all time, needed now in the Tamil heartland, at this hour, on the ground is the charismatic, courageous and fearless Chief Minister of the Northern Province, Justice C. V. Wigneswaran.

While it’s true that Pirabhaharan would never have had the need, “to lift a gun if Sinhala politicians had remained true to the Buddha Dhamma,” it’s also true that if there would now emerge Sinhala Buddhist statesmen of the ilk never before seen, with whom Rudrakumaran can honourably enter into discussion with, working along with all Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim political party leaders in the island, to amicably conduct a referendum for the people of the NorthEast and the Eelam Tamil Diaspora to decide the fate of the Tamil Eelam Nation, whether it would stand separate or under a united but federal Sri Lanka (or other), the conflict that was long and arduous that ripped two peoples apart would surely come to an end.

C.V. WigneswaranWhat a turn around it would be for everyone concerned, paving the way for the Tamil speaking people to enjoy the same right to self determination as enshrined in the UN Charter and other International treaties and covenants,[1] that their Sinhalese brethren have long enjoyed and to having a fair shot at achieving their legitimate aspirations of restoring and in the future developing a prosperous Tamil Eelam Nation ( as most definitely their Sinhala neighbours to the South would in developing their own land); and to winning justice for the living and the dead – the hapless victims of genocide, by successfully urging and securing a referral to the International Criminal Court [2] through the UN – through the auspices of the Security Council, towards finally prosecuting the perpetrators.

Rudrakumaran remains unmoved and is not ready to bow down to anyone; he won’t compromise on issues that are fundamental to Tamil interests or trust the new regime that has yet to articulate what’s on offer for the Tamil people. He is justified in every sense, considering the drama that’s going on between Mahinda Rajapaksa and President Maithripala Sirisena; will he or won’t he be given a nomination to run for Prime Minister – that’s still at the time of writing an unanswered question! The latest news reports say Rajapaksa has filed his nominations,[3] but we could be in for surprises. Only one thing is clear, either way, the Tamil speaking people will be mere pawns in the Sinhala game of chess. The lesson to be learned here is for Tamils to be focused on their own agenda, and act shrewd in this General Election.

That is why the Chief Minister will get my ‘vote’ anytime; he is working under heavy odds in fulfilling the needs and expectations of his people despite the absence of any cooperation from the Sinhala majoritarian government; he has done and is doing the unthinkable, like passing an unanimous resolution on Tamil genocide with his colleagues in the Northern Provincial Council and performing difficult tasks with so few resources; he wants the occupying Sri Lanka army of 150,000 out of the NorthEast – that is equal to a ratio of 1 soldier to every 5-6 civilians according to the Chief Minister; he points to the army’s presence for much of the ills in the North.[4]

He has no qualms in calling for the Tamil people everywhere to unite to mobilise and to turn world opinion in their favour to achieve the best political solution for the people of the NorthEast.

Mindful of the 6th Amendment that prohibits from asking for separation, he is calling for the next option in his view, “maximum devolution”, wide in scope, covering a whole range of affairs, under a federal system; he fears no one and is courageously speaking out and standing up for his people; most importantly he is not secretive and to his credit every bit as transparent as can be in his dealings with the government, with any political party or foreign dignitary.

The Chief Minister is reaching out to the Tamil Diaspora to help his people; he wants them to invest in his people and to do everything they possibly could to safeguarding their best interests. “Safeguarding the best interests of the Tamil people is now the primary obligation of all Tamil speaking people of the world,” he said.

These feelings were apparent and conveyed to the Tamil Diaspora on July 5th 2015, when the Chief Minister took the FeTNA audience in California in North America[5] by storm by his epoch making and thought provoking – what could essentially be called the ‘truth be told’ speech that would and should resonate and reverberate in the minds of all Tamils, in particular, the Eelam Tamils in the island and their leaders at this crucial time when a General Election is round the corner in Sri Lanka.

It should have and I know just would have stirred the emotions of every Tamil listening. That’s how powerful it was! The Tamil language must “grow”, it must be “preserved” and the Tamil speaking people’s best interests must be “safeguarded”, the Chief Minister exhorted, restating the last aspect concerning, ” the safeguarding of the best interests of Tamils,” as the reason for his visit. The Chief Minister had evidently inspired the crowd who gave him a rousing applause each time he pulled at their heart strings and they felt they were in complete unison with him in thought word and deed.

It was a case of the Chief Minister showing the courage of his convictions. The audience responding in appreciation!

And reflecting the sentiments of all of them, I tweeted expressing what first came to my mind; and I am sure what everyone else would have felt listening:

Usha Sriskandarajah ‏@UshaSris  9h9 hours ago


So much so I spent hours translating his speech. because the world must know; the Sinhala people must know what’s in his mind. I hope you would read every word, be inspired and act.

But before that I wish to quote from his speech that should convince anyone of the need for self- rule for the Tamil speaking people of the NorthEast: “If we are to safeguard the best interests of the Tamil speaking people in the NorthEast we need to secure ‘self-rule for them,” he said.

In his speech, in his bid for self- rule under a federal model, he speaks of the time when he reminded Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the free hand he had to make Gujarat prosper:

I quote:

“….But the standard of life of the Tamil speaking people in South India was improving by far. This was due it should be said, to the Indian constitution. Every State in Bharat had sufficient power, authority and rights given to it by the centre to govern itself by itself. This is what I raised when Prime Minister, Narendra Modi was here..The Indian constitution provides for the facilitation of sustainable development, internal security, law and order, policing and protection pertaining to land and other things within the State. Our inability to function in our province to the extent you were able to help Gujarat under the Indian constitution needs to be understood. In other words the 13th Amendment did not provide enough powers to our people; the centre stands to control us I said. The people of South India having emerged slowly from resolving their social issues are able to see much progress in the arts, cultural, economic and employment sectors..But that is not the case in NorthEast Sri Lanka. What occurred to us did not pertain to the type of social issues that prevailed in South India; what we are being subjected to is genocide….. ”

End quote:

Just as I finished writing my article I see a piercing Op-Ed written by the Chief Minister for ‘The Hill’ in the ‘Congress Blog’ – a ‘forum for law makers and policy professionals’, where the Chief Minister calls on Sri Lanka to, “Seize the opportunity for true reform,” and warns it, “must not wait another six years for a shot at justice and reconciliation.” [6]

As we wait for what’s on offer for the Tamils in terms of accountability for war crimes and genocide in the UN, OHCHR and UNHRC and by way of reform in Sri Lanka, let us take to heart what the Chief Minister has said and “mobilise” worldwide to “safeguard the best interests of Eelam Tamils!”


With apologies to the Chief Minister, I attempt below to provide my translation of his speech at the FeTNA 2015 event, done to the best of my ability, composing the essence of what he said:

The Chief Minister began by making it known he was, “setting foot on American soil here today, since last coming to this country 11 years ago to attend his son’s convocation ceremony when he earned his MPhil degree,” not hiding his “joy” in participating in an event where so many Tamils were gathered together.

“We are bound by the power of our Tamil Annai (Mother), her unique characteristic being her language, one which we are immensely proud of,” he said.

Citing Prof. R. P. Sethupillai who once said, “God so decreed for the great Tamil poet Kamban to be in Tamil Nadu to make up for the fact that the Himalayas was not in Tamil Nadu,” the Chief Minister so enthusiastically shared his love for the Tamil language and its emissaries and proponents.

And so in singing the praise of such Tamil literary giants, he quoted Parathiar who said of them: “It’s the truth and not to be boastful to say there is no one born who could be compared to the likes of Kamban, Valluvan or Elangko!

The Chief Minister in continuing to quote Parathiar, highlights the dream that the ‘Maha Kavi’ had: “That we who are so ignorant, going about dumb, deaf and blind must hear this word; If you wish to thrive and prosper, it is for you to make our Tamil language flourish!”

“Parathiar’s focus was to propagate the Tamil language in every street that existed. We believe he obviously wanted the language to flourish locally but he also so desired that although rooted inside, the Tamil people should be like the ‘Light House’ to the outside world; that their potential should be known throughout the globe. There is no glory in sharing old stories in isolation. Parathiar wanted the world to recognise and pay homage to our unique potentialities. seeing this crowd it’s as if Parathiar’s dream has become a reality,” the Chief Minister said!

The Chief Minister listed as vitally important, three expectations from Tamils that people hold dear all over the globe: The first is to making the Tamil language grow and flourish, the second is to preserving and making the language sustainable and the third is to defending and safeguarding the interests of the Tamil speaking people.

In pursuing these objectives he first spoke of its growth, expanding on Parathiar’s dream, that:

  1. The sweet honey like sound of the Tamil language must be heard round the world
  2. The language must be made to flourish for it to thrive
  3. The literary compositions of distinguished authors must be translated in Tamil
  4. Tamil expertise, skill and talent must be recognised and celebrated by the world, for all to see.

And so the Chief Minister, was full of praise for the Tamil Diaspora: “We are proud of the fact that today Tamils who have sought refuge outside of their place of birth, have become so involved in seeing the Tamil language grow. You have helped spread the sweet honey like sound of the Tamil language, round the world; you have without question made it flourish; Tamil is being spoken, heard, broadcast and televised the world over; now we have the advantage of reading more foreign literary works translated into Tamil; the growing number of new compositions in Tamil makes us proud; your expertise and talent is known throughout the world; you doubtlessly have and are making Parathiar’s dream a reality.”

As for sustaining the language, the Chief Minister minced no words in underscoring, “the need for the language to be spoken precisely and correctly; for future generations to be told and made to excel in it; it’s you who must tell me, are you teaching the language to your children; are you extolling to them its virtues, its antiquity, its intrinsic worth and the fact that it’s the taproot of our race; despite being Tamil, you must know, you don’t have to hear it from me to know that by ensuring our children’s fluency in other languages to the detriment of ours, we are not helping towards its preservation,” he stated.

In that vein he recalled an incident once when he visited England, some youngsters had expressed an interest in discussing Hinduism with him: He met around forty to fifty students, both male and female, who except for a couple spoke to him in English. When asked whether they could speak in Tamil, they had said, “not really”. He found out that these youngsters had picked up what they had gathered in conversations their parents had with others but never really learned the language formally. When he had asked his former law students living in England why they hadn’t taught their children Tamil – the distance and the Sunday only classes were factors that made it difficult for them to send their children to Tamil school, they told him. Although they had assured him that their children were being taught at home, the children when talked to in Tamil answered in English, the reason being he was told that there was no time for them to be taught at home. Asking if the situation was the same here, he quickly answered the question himself to applause he didn’t think it was the case here after seeing the programmes arranged for the FeTNA event which he was witness to.

The Chief Minister took pains to instil in the minds of his audience, the need for making provisions for their children to learn the language in order to preserve it; only by speaking it, can a language be sustained he told them.

Tamil, he said was not merely a language but it also provides the essence to how life must be lived. Our arts, culture, code of conduct and way of life are part and parcel of, and are inter woven into our language. Reinforcing the need for children to be taught the language, he recalled further a colleague of his son’s at the Boston University who knew English, French and German but couldn’t speak her own native polish because, “no one taught her the language,” she said, “for her to learn it.”

If this were to happen to your children, can the language be sustained he asked his audience, telling them that they should give a lot of thought to taking steps to preserving the language, expressing a wish that, “their children develop the same depth of love they have for their language.”

“The third and final aspect of my speech, the reason that I undertook this visit – one that unlike the other two, centred explicitly on the “we” is about safeguarding the best interest of Tamil people.”

“As Tamils living throughout the globe we must together, come forward to safeguard the best interests of Tamils.”

“Although some Tamils are spread around the globe, I refer to those that are displaced and are, only now, slowly emerging from undergoing untold pain and suffering; their standard of life can only be described as critical; the purpose of my visit is to make their plight be known and understood.

“It is our duty to help uplift those who have less in society, in socio, economic and cultural terms and by way of access to education and employment opportunities. Only when the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ come together can the best interests of the Tamil people be safeguarded and their quality of life enhanced.”

“Our ancestors worked tirelessly to free us from our colonisers; it happened here as well as in Bharat (India). In Southern India the Ariya and Dravidic conflict proved sharply divisive creating a lot of issues among the Tamil speaking people.”

“But the standard of life of the Tamil speaking people in South India was improving by far. This was due it should be said, to the Indian constitution. Every State in Bharat had sufficient power, authority and rights given to it by the centre to govern itself by itself. This is what I raised when Prime Minister, Narendra Modi was here” he said:

“The Indian constitution provides for the facilitation of sustainable development, internal security, law and order, policing and protection pertaining to land and other things within the State. Our inability to function in our province to the extent you were able to help Gujarat under the Indian constitution needs to be understood.”

“In other words the 13th Amendment did not provide enough powers to our people; the centre stands to control us I said. The people of South India having emerged slowly from resolving their social issues are able to see much progress in the arts, cultural, economic and employment sectors.”

“But that is not the case in NorthEast Sri Lanka. What occurred to us did not pertain to the type of social issues that prevailed in South India; what we are being subjected to is genocide. Recently the Northern Provincial Council passed an unanimous resolution on genocide – it serves as a historical archive of the of the acts of genocide committed against the Tamil people until now.”

“My Sinhalese friends asked me how I allowed such a resolution to be passed by the NPC when I believe in humanitarian principles and spiritual values; it was exactly for those reasons that I came forward and ensured its passage, I replied.”

“We are living under the provisions of the 6th Amendment. Under section 157 (a) we are prohibited by law from speaking about, pursuing and or supporting separation.”

“There are 150,000 troops deployed in the Northern Province alone. In that climate we have, in an undivided, united Sri Lanka, accepting our uniqueness, our traditional and historical habitats, asked for maximum devolution of power; this was the mandate given to us; although we have put forward such reasonable proposals the South has rejected them.”

“If you are looking to ‘reconciliation’, have you not thought that for any move towards reconciliation we need to review, acknowledge and understand the past; is it possible for a person involved in humanitarian endeavours to simply accept the genocide that took place? Is it is possible for a spiritual person to say he is prepared to forget the genocidal acts that took place thus far? Have you not from time to time heard the cries of dear ones of the disappeared? Without appeasing them, and finding answers to their questions, how do you expect to pursue reconciliation and move forward? These are the questions I have asked them. I say to them, only by knowing the truth, we can achieve reconciliation.”

“You have, they have asked me, only mentioned harassments and the atrocities committed by the (Sri Lankan) army, but you have not said anything about the abuses committed by your youth; it’s your government’s and your troop’s that forced the youth to take to arms; it’s your government’s and your troop’s brutal and oppressive measures that caused this war. It’s the lack of confidence in government, that led our youth to take up arms. I have shared our sad story, if you feel that our youth had done something to you, you can bring your own resolution in your provincial council; without doing so, do not ask me why I had not mentioned what our youth had done.”

“In my view, in life, any form of oppression, harm or duress must be avoided as far as possible. However when such measures are directly targeted at a race, which fights back in self-defence, the race that committed the offence of genocide is the one accountable. I will tell you about laws pertaining to self-defence.”

“Therefore what happened to us is not a question of just minor social issues of concern but genocide. We brought a resolution to draw world attention to the genocidal acts specifically targeting our race aimed to oppress and destroy. We are constantly reviewing this as part of our mission to safeguarding our people’s best interests.”

“If we are to safeguard the best interests of the Tamil speaking people in the NorthEast we need to secure ‘self-rule for them. In terms of provincial self-rule, the ‘canton’ model in Switzerland is very successful; There are those who say, peace and prosperity can be achieved in the country by finding a political solution based on this model for the people of the North and East and for those Tamil, Muslim, Sinhala, Tamil speaking Upcountry and other specific groups living there, aiming towards self-rule for all.”

“However it’s my estimation that intellectuals belonging to both communities are beginning to realize a ‘federal’ model is needed. We must all come forward to achieve this – I wish to say that we must all come together and act in concert to obtain it.”

“I believe you don’t need not hear it from me to know that we have to take steps to enhance the quality of life of the people of the NorthEast. The Tamil Diaspora must invest in the NorthEast in education, hygiene, livelihood and humanitarian initiatives. At one time the Northern Province, the Southern province and India were involved in initiatives requiring cooperative effort. Ferries were operating from Thooththukudi. Flights were operating from Chennai and Trichy to Palaly. The two governments must explore the possibility of resuming these services. If more dredging is undertaken and the Kangesanthurai harbour is developed fully, trade between India and Sri Lanka will improve.”

“Although we have conveyed this to the government, no one is showing interest in listening; everyone is looking to the forthcoming parliamentary elections; it’s possible politicians from the majority Sinhala community fear, facing disastrous consequences of losing in the elections if they act amicably towards the Tamils.”

“Safeguarding the best interests of the Tamil people is now the primary obligation of all Tamil speaking people of the world.”

“We explored the three different expectations of the Tamil Diaspora, which is to I said, ensure that the Tamil language flourishes, that it’s preserved and that the best interests of the Tamil people are safeguarded. I said you are making the language grow and flourish by having these great events. I also asked that you must do everything possible to make your children learn the language in order to preserve it. Thirdly under the caption: ‘safeguarding the best interests of Tamils’, I mentioned the people of the Northeast as people who are the most badly affected of all Tamils in the world today and that you must come forward to help them; and I wish to state that you must all mobilise worldwide to achieve the best possible political solution for them.”

“In conclusion I ask that you do everything you possibly can do to ensure the Tamil language flourishes, that it’s preserved and that the circumstances of the people of the NorthEast improve, and their lives bloom!”

[1] http://www.eurasiareview.com/27092012-why-tamils-of-tamil-eelam-deserve-self-determination-oped/

[2] www.tgte-icc.org

[3] http://www.colombopage.com/archive_15B/Jul09_1436425190CH.php

[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=307&v=EJucqk4KXc0

[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i26-OCm0frM

[6] http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/247153-sri-lanka-seize-this-opportunity-for-true-reform

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Latest comments

  • 9

    Hi Usha,

    You have repeatedly mentioned in several places in your article ‘Tamil speaking people’. Who are the people you are referring as Tamil speaking people? How many Tamil speaking Muslims are there in your Prime Minister, Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran’s diaspora (transitional government of Tamil Eeelam) ?

    • 10

      Usha’s boss has gone for a swim in Nanthikadal …. You have to wait until he comes back to get the reply …

      • 7

        Dear Ms Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah,
        It took 30 Years post Independence, for a Depressed Class Tamil to get elected from the North to Parliament.
        That tells the Story that Madam Usha, a member of the High Cast Vellala, is struggling to hide with a lot of rhetorical garbage.

        How did this happen when between 60% – 75% of the Northern Tamil population (an overwhelming majority) was from the Depressed Class?
        The reason was the Economic and Social strangle hold that Madam Usha’s High class had on the Tamil majority population.
        (Depressed class Lower limit is from a former GA Jaffna. Upper limit is from a Jaffna Tamil Journalist, Ms Pearl Thevanayagam, “As a 12 year old I became conscious of how Tamils used the caste system to enslave least 75 percent of the Tamil population by obtaining their services virtually free based on their belonging to the servile class. http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2011/06/pernicious-caste-curse-of-tamils-living.html)
        For Centuries Tamil society was fragmented. The High Cast Vellala OWNED all Land an means of Production. Thus they had a CHOCKING STRANGLE HOLD on the Majority Tamil population who belonged to the various Low cast Tamil groups.
        There had been for centuries a deep division between high caste Vellalas and low caste Tamils, mainly Pallavar, Nalavar and Karaiyar. These last castes were considered `non-Tamils or aboriginal people of a despicably low status (Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’, 1990, p.82)
        The Vellala excluded the depressed classes from every aspect of day to day life.
        “In Jaffna in the 1940s and 1950s, for instance, minority [sic] Tamils were forbidden to enter or live near temples; to draw water from the wells of high-caste families; to enter laundries, barbershops, cafes, or taxis, to keep women in seclusion and protect them by enacting domestic rituals; to wear shoes; to sit on bus seats; to register their names properly so that social benefits could be obtained; to attend school; to cover the upper part of the body; to wear gold earrings; if male, to cut their hair; to use umbrellas; to own bicycles or cars; to cremate the dead; or to convert to Christianity or Buddhism”
        (W.R. Holmes, Jaffna (Sri Lanka), St Joseph’s Press: Jaffna, 1980; Pfaffenberger, `The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’, 1990, p.82.)
        “This practice of caste exclusion gave rise to violent incidents in the 1960s and 1970s directed against high-caste Jaffna Tamils. Trade and industry and jobs in government service remained the monopoly of the upper-caste groups and attempts by the Pallats and Nalavars to improve their position resulted in violence, long drawn-out hartal, and in extreme cases, killings by both high- and low-caste Tamils. Any sign of upward mobility by untouchable groups was quickly suppressed and repressive social customs were enforced through intimidation and violence” (17 Feb. 1968, Times of Ceylon, cited in Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’, 1990, p.82.)
        Vellalas often fielded thugs to punish attempts by Pallars or Nalawars to improve themselves, forcing them to conform to the social stratification. According to Pfaffenberger ‘Minority Tamils who attempted to raise their position would find their communities victimised by Vellalar organised gangs of thugs, who burnt down properties and poisoned wells (Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism,’ 1990, p.80)
        Gradually, in the 1960s, oppressed Tamils began to voice their anger against these discriminatory practices. They organised under the umbrella group ‘All Ceylon Minority Tamils’ United Front’. One of the protest campaigns organised by minority Tamils with the help of Shanmuganathan, a Tamil politician, and his Communist Party was ‘the Maviddapuram Temple entry movements’ which shook the fabric of the Jaffna Tamil society. Low caste Tamil campaigners tried to enter the Maviddapuram Hindu Temple hitherto reserved for the worship of high caste Tamils only, by force. This campaign resulted in a drawn-out and violent struggle between high and low caste Tamils attracting wide publicity in the Colombo based newspapers.
        In response, high caste Tamils of the Jaffna Peninsula organised against low caste Tamils by setting up a new organisation in 1968, the ‘All Ceylon Saiva Practices and Observances Protection Society’. Chelvanayakam’s Federal Party failed to provide any leadership or viable solution to this crisis. In fact, in 1968, Chelvanayakam was confronted by low caste Tamils challenging him to stand down from his parliamentary seat and contest it again. Other Federalist leaders, S. Nadaraja and A. Amirthalingam (who succeeded Chelvanayakam as leader of the FP, and later the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF)) also failed to respond to the frustrated youth faction of the low-caste Tamils. By 1968 low caste Tamils lost almost all faith in the FP to move in a new direction. (Times of Ceylon, 9 Aug. 1968, cited in Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’, 1990, p.92)
        Colombo based political parties volunteered to support the All-Ceylon Minority Tamils’ United Front. The SLFP, the main opposition party in parliament, introduced a parliamentary bill in 1968 urging the government to inquire into discriminatory practices perpetrated against low caste Tamils. It wanted the Prevention of Social Disabilities Act of 1957 to be amended to include oppressive practices and discriminatory customs (Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’, 1990, p.90)
        Unsurprisingly, low-caste Tamils were not in favour of devolution of power to the regions. They knew that power would be concentrated in the Jaffna high caste and that their position would become worse. Therefore, when the District Development Council Bill, which aimed to devolve power to the regions at district level, was wending its way through parliament, they demanded that the opposition parties (SLFP, CP and the LSSP) oppose the bill. Low caste Tamils argued that if political and administrative power devolved to the Jaffna Peninsula and to other Tamil conurbations in the coastal area in the north east, this would operate to the detriment of the oppressed Tamil groups.
        The District Council Bill also attracted widespread protests from the Sinhalese. They made the by now standard, argument that the devolution of power to the north and east would result in the erosion of the sovereignty of the island. Large gatherings and marches were organised in Colombo by the Sinhalese to register their opposition to the bill and a Buddhist monk was shot dead by the Police.
        The concerted opposition of both Sinhalese dominated political parties and oppressed Tamil groups in the Jaffna Peninsula resulted in the abandonment of the District Council Bill in 1968, an event regarded by both the elite of the Ceylon Tamils and its youth league as an act of betrayal by the Sinhalese.
        In September 1968 Chelvanayalkam withdrew from the UNP led coalition after the Dudley Chelva Pact was abrogated
        Blaming the Sinhalese to cover Tamil sins has been the Standard Modus Operendi of Tamil Politicians before and after Independence. This is recognised even by foreigners (See Bryan Pfaffenberger, ‘Caste in Tamil Culture’)
        For more details please see “The Rise of Tamil Separatism in Sri Lanka: From Communalism to Secession” By Gnanapala Welhengama, Nirmala Pillay and “Sri Lanka in the Modern Age” by Nira Wickramasinghe.
        “Is the East an EXCLUSIVE HISTORICAL HOMELAND OF THE TAMILS as claimed by the TULF in their election Manifesto of July 1977 and by Madam Usha here ?
        It is unquestionably Fraudulent.
        The Map below is dated 1724 – 1726 AD and it depicts the Dutch Ruled Jaffna Tamil Kingdom and the Land of the Vanniars. It does not extend to the East.
        The map is currently safely housed in a Dutch Museum.
        Jaffna Patnam is the Jaffna peninsular and it ends near Calierauw (Dutch spelling).
        Another record at the Dutch National Archives describes a Fort they built at Elephant Pass and the reason that they did so.
        It describes the territory SOUTH of Elephant Pass as the Kandyan King’s territory. The Kandyan King rulled the Sinhala Kingdom.
        To the reader:- Here is a satellite view of Elephant Pass which is the narrow strip of land (an Isthmus) connecting Peninsular Jaffna and the Mainland of Lanka. The A9 Road runs through it.
        Zoom out till you have a good view of the Peninsular.
        “The Kandians had control over five ports at the time the Dutch succeeded the Portuguese on the coastal belt in the seventeenth century: these were Kalpitiya and Puttalam on the west coast and Trincomalee, Kottiyar, and Batticaloa on the east coast Each of these ports was linked to a particular segment of the Kandyan kingdom” (Dr Sujit Sivasunderam in “Islanded” quoting Sinnappah Arasaratnam “The Kingdom of Kandy: Aspects of its External Relations and Commerce, 1658-1710,” p110)
        When the British arrived, Lanka had 85% Forrest cover which was uninhabited. Thus Habitation in the WHOLE Island was limited to 15%. The collective area within the British made Northern and Eastern provinces is 30%. Which is DOUBLE the Inhabited area of the WHOLE Island at THAT TIME. Exposes the Lie about Historical Habitation of ANY CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY FROM N to E of the Island.
        The Tamil population in the Historical past was too small to occupy a CONTIGUOUS Territory of 18880 sq km. Claiming so is Ludicrous.
        “In the kadaim books, Tri Simhale, which denotes the entire island, is divided into three principalities or kingdoms, namely Maya, Pihiti and Ruhunu. The oldest kadaim book, Sri Lamkadvipaye Kadaim, divides the entire island into 114 ratas or countries; Maya has 28 ratas, Pihiti has 43 ratas and Ruhunu has 43 ratas. Boundary pillars mark off the limits of particular ratas.” (quoted from Dr Sujit Sivasunderam)
        Kadaim means Boundary.
        Tri means Three
        Simhale refers to Lanka.
        Unfortunately the Tamil Politicians have been attempting to DEPRIVE the Sinhalese of their Birthright since the 1920s.
        What is striking is that the Sinhalese unlike the Tamils have not claimed ANY EXCLUSIVE territory and BEFORE 1939 though Tamil Tamil Riots occurred Tamil Sinhalese Riots did not occur.
        I doubt that the Learned Senator of the Transnational Govt of Tamil Eelam (sic) will attempt to counter what I have written. But I hope she will.
        Kind Regards,

        • 2

          Vellahla – Dutch brought labourers for tobacco farming.

          Now high caste.

          • 8

            Jim softy

            “Vellahla – Dutch brought labourers for tobacco farming. Now high caste.”

            The rest who came by Kallathonies are now converted to Sinhala/Buddhism and become Radala, Govia, Karava, ……. Nayaka’s ……..

            • 5

              Hi GRANDAD:

              This is BRILLIANT.

              Just by chance I have got GRANDMA in the next room. She wants to have a Chat with you about something. Have a word with her please it might be Lucrative. Just give me a Introduction Fee. I will give you details later as I know someone who has been doing this sort of thing.

            • 4


              Have you made contact with GRANDDMA.
              When you do and if you strike a Deal I will give you Bank details into which you need to transfer the money.
              I am trying to get hold of a Famous Lady that I know who is adept at collecting funds for the needy and as soon as I do I will let you know.

              • 2


                “Have you made contact with GRANDDMA.”

                No actually.

                Thank you for introducing your GRANDDMA to us.

                Your Grandma must be a lucky lady to be alive even at this age. She must be about 116 years old. Then what does it make you, 80 years old and senile.

                • 3


                  Thank you for getting back. I hope you both live happily ever after.
                  She tells me she had a Sex Change so dontb be caught out with your pants down.

          • 4

            Dear Jim softy,

            There were Tamils here before the Portuguese, Dutch and British brought them. Some were here long ago and some were brought by Sinhala Kings. The Tamils are ONE of the Parental populations of the Sinhalese (we have Indian Subcontinent genes, some are Tamil).

            Anyway Lanka has a Scientifically proven Habitation of at least 38,000 YBP. At that time the Sea levels were at least 400 ft below the current mean sea level. Hence living beings could walk from Lanka to the Indian Subcontinent.

            The Sinhalese are a Mixed race that had evolved in Lanka. Hence they are undoubtedly Children of Lanka.

            If we had Indian parents then we also had Indian Religions. Hinduism being the Major Religion. Thus the early Sinhalese were Hindu and they remained Hindu till Buddhism arrived here several centuries later. Thus the same Hindu cast system would have existed amongst the Hindu Sinhalese. Fortunately Buddhism which Emperor Asoka bequeathed us, have over millennia, removed the oppressive aspects of that amongst the Sinhalese (even the present Christians Sinhalese were Buddhist before the Colonials arrived).

            Unfortunately Casteism is embedded into the Hindu religion and those who remained Hindu, kept it and developed the oppressive aspects were ever Hindu Religion dominates. Hinduism is dominant in the North.

            In India the Brahmins are at the Apex and in Lanka the Vellala is at the Apex (Brahmins are employed by the Vellala as Hindu Priests).

            Kind Regards,

        • 5

          Off the Cuff:

          Man you have to 1) Crawl, 2) Walk and 3) Run in that Order.

          1)Nothern Province
          2)Merge with Eastern Provine
          3) Eelam

          Have you not heard of the Sethu Project.

          • 1

            What about it Kali?

            Are you writing about the new plan to build a bridge on top of the one built by monkeys?

            UK and France has an undersea Train link and we can have an over the sea Train link.

            You have got Writers cramp or a Cerebral Palsy?

            Have Fun trying to crunch the facts I presented.

            Kind Regards,

            • 4

              Off the Cliff:

              You havent presented any new facts. Everything changed on the 8th January when a Foreign Power assumed control and did the following.

              1) Booted out the THUG
              2) Kicked out the Cheenavedi
              3) Cancelled the Ambitious Colombo Port City Project.
              4) Settled in Nampur.

              I think there is a Total Eclipse of News about the above in Sinkala Lanka. May be RAW enforced it. So your ignorance is understandable

              Thay is why you have not heard of the Bridge being built btween Tuticorin and Thalaimannar. Man the work has alredy started.

              You have got Writers cramp or a Cerebral Palsy.

              As for the aabove you are right when you have Cramp you cant write and that is why you are wwriting CRAP.

              Cerebral palsy causes problems with muscle tone, movement, balance and/or coordination. Symptoms and effects range from mild to severe.

              You are suffering from the severe form of the symptom. Not only you but the 5.8 million. That is why you all ticked the wrong box.

              • 1

                Dear Kali,

                If you have the ability to negate what I have written on July 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm please do so.

                It deals with the boundary of the Jaffna Tamil Kingdom which never extended into mainland Lanka, South of Elephant Pass on the East.

                It shows that the Historic Tamil Homeland was limited to the Jaffna Peninsular and a small triangular section of the mainland on the North West as depicted by the authentic Dutch map provided.

                It proves that a contiguous territory of Tamil habitation never existed in the East on mainland Lanka and that it is a Physical Impossibility.

                It proves that Eastern Lanka was under the Sinhala Kingdom and Kottiar, Trinco and Batticoloa were the three principal ports of the Kingdom in the East while two other ports were located in the West.

                It proves that the abrogation of the Dudley Chelva Pact was caused by Tamil Majority agitation led by the ‘All Ceylon Minority Tamils’ United Front’ which represented the overwhelming MAJORITY of the Tamil population of the North.

                It deals with Tamil Cast issues that led to unleashing of Violence by the High Cast Vellala Tamil minority, on the Tamil majority represented by the ‘All Ceylon Minority Tamils’ United Front’ in order to subdue and control them.

                It questions why it took 30 years after independence, for a representative of the Low Cast Tamils, the overwhelming Tamil majority, to enter Parliament.

                If you can discuss these issues and present Verifiable references in support of your arguments you are welcome to try.

                I have already achieved my objective because my exposure of the fraudulent Tamil propaganda has remained UNCHALLENGED to date from the usually articulate TGTE Senator, Ms Usha S or by other High Powered Propagandists like Thambu Kanagasabai etc.

                Any foreigner or thinking Tamil will realize what that means.

                I have no interest in following your Red Herring.

                Kind Regards,

          • 0


            “Have you not heard of the Sethu Project.”

            Is it the new Hindian project to bury Thamihzan and his brethren the Sinhalam, just they did in Mullivaaikkal?

        • 6

          Off the Cliff

          What a waste of Space. Frankly CRAP.

          • 1

            Dear Kali,

            You may call it crap but the FACT is that crap has got you and Usha (along with like minde others) STUMPED.

            Ha ha haa, have fun trying to negate what I wrote.

            Kind Regards,

            • 4

              Off the Cliff:

              Are you thinking you are playing Cricket ( STUMPED).
              You have been Clean Bowled.

              As to the Question of being STUMPED. It was a Dodgy Umpire who gave us out Banki Bloody Moon the Bhudhist Monk.
              But on a review by UN it showed that the BALL would have missed by miles and given NOT OUT. After rain stopped play report comes out in September and play set to resume.

              • 0

                Dear Kali,

                You ask “Are you thinking you are playing Cricket ( STUMPED)”

                You just proved to the English Readership, that Kali (Goddess, man or woman) is an IDIOT who cannot even refer to an English Dictionary.

                As in most languages, there are many meanings to a given word (or phrase) in English. But it needs familiarity with the language and an ability to understand the CONTEXT to select the correct meaning out of the many.

                You have proven that your English Skills are below par.

                You have scored an own goal and just to make sure you don’t miss out on the context again, it is not about football !!!

                Kind Regards,

                • 3

                  Off the Cuff:

                  You are all over the place.

                  You have turned Sinkalam into English


                  Cricket( STUMPED) into Football ( Own Goal).

                  You score Runs in Cricket and you Score Goals in Foot Ball.

                  Go to a proper School and Learn A, B, C ,D and so on then come back and we will speak.

                  I have no Regards for You I am sorry. It might sound Rude but that is how I am with Idiots.

                  • 0

                    Dear Kali,

                    You are becoming a laughing stock. Just refer a good English Dictionary before you post the next time.
                    If you have the ability to negate what I have written in my comment addressed to Ms Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah, on July 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm please do so.
                    On July 13, 2015 at 2:02 am I made the same request from you.
                    Why are you continuing to avoid it?
                    My comment to Usha has stood without a SINGLE SERIOUS challenge from Usha the TGTE propagandist, from Thambu Kanagasabai another propagandist or anyone of the many Tamil Separatists who contribute to CT.

                    I have no interest in following your Red Herrings hence keep your focus on the Comment I addressed to Usha.

                    Kind Regards,

                    • 1

                      Off the Cuff;

                      Usha is respectable Lady and Modesty Forebids her from getting into a slanging match with a THUG and a Born Racist like you. But I am a
                      Man from the IRON age and I have taken on many idiots like you and they have all fallen by the wayside.

                      No man I am not going to allow you to poke your smelly nose into Tamil Affairs. Just concentrate on what is happening in the South.
                      DO YOU HEAR ME.
                      Repeat after me for the last time;

                      YES I HEAR LOUD AND CLEAR THIS TIME. ( Because the last time I had Kudumbi in my ear)

                      I have No Regard.

                    • 0

                      Dear Kali,

                      [Edited out] ask her why she is not defending the TAMIL RULING CLASS from the accusations I continue to level at them.

                      Usha challenged one of my comments for the first time on April 14, 2013 3.33 pm and before I could reply she followed it up with another on April 15, 2013 12.40 am

                      While answering her queries in detail, I asked her why she was Dishonestly Introducing numbers of her own, to a statement by Kenneth Roth of HRW.

                      Usha went on the defensive, as she had no answer and her feeble reply on April 16, 2013 8.30 am contained the following note.

                      “PS: I have things to do, can’t always reply, sorry I don’t mean to be rude. I can debate you fair and square but don’t wish to – I was a debater in school you know!”

                      After she realised I knew the Dark Present and Past of Tamil High Cast Politics, she stopped challenging me. Her last post to me was on April 16, 2013 4.30 pm.

                      I know for certain that she will not DARE to challenge any of my comments because they are truthful just like my comment of July 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm addressed to her is.
                      Kali the days you were able to threaten people got buried in the Nanthikadal mud.

                      Tamil Affairs are no longer the untouchable sacred cow as it was in the past. Your past and present will be EXPOSED, you can bet your life on that.

                      BTW, [Edited out]
                      Kind Regards,

                    • 1


                      As you may know I stopped reading the comments of “kali” some weeks ago. He appears to be repeating some stuff and often it is not even relevant to what others have written. The Thug is out, India has bigger role than before, the Iron Lady is back in TN etc etc etc. “kali” is correct but why repeat endlessly these things?

                      As you also have noticed “kali” does not seem to comprehend English.

                      “My comment to Usha has stood without a SINGLE SERIOUS challenge from Usha the TGTE propagandist, from Thambu Kanagasabai another propagandist or anyone of the many Tamil Separatists who contribute to CT.”

                      Maybe they have nothing to challenge you with?

                      Our friend “kali” is a loose cannon of Diaspora Tigers who surely does not represent any organization. I assume that he has been excluded from Diaspora organizations due to incompetence and lack of discipline. He is a lone wolf. Maybe he will go away if we ignore him?

                      As I already wrote the absolute Vellalah dominance in Jaffna is mostly history. What bothers me is why are so many Vellalah still voted to represent Tamils in the NPC and parliament. I believe that there is still a clear over representation of Vellalah. There are today many educated and wealthy Tamils who are not Vellalah but for some reason they do not become politicians.

                      I do not know the caste background of Usha, Thambu Kanagasabai let alone our “kali”. They are not from my area nor relatives. I know the caste of some CT writers and commentators. There are Vellalah and non Vellalah.

        • 1

          You said “young girls murdered planting bombs in their private parts after gang raped”

          Ha ha haa, How big was that bomb? Could not have been an artillery shell!

          This is the ugliest form of an immoral Kandian Sinhala Intellectual villain’s laugh! It does not hurt the Tamils who suffered through the Sinhala Intellectual army’s tortures and rapes (there are thousands links are in the YouTube how the Sinhala Intellectual army tortures every show it- no point in me attaching it here again), it hurts the entire human civilization. It’s not the laughs show who these births are but, when these Kandian Sinhala Intellectuals like Off Tragic Cases ask for the size with the nasty intention of tracking into dirty fantasy of his opponents with whom they cannot stand on debate, they fully expose them how they enjoyed their worst heinous crimes deeds when did it. This is why NPC CM passed a resolution requesting the International Community to investigate the brutality of the Sinhala Intellectual army. Allowing the Sinhala Kandian Sinhala Intellectuals to investigate themselves will only enable them ruminate and re- chew the cud. CM led the resolution in the NPC and he stands as another hero as a night mare to the Sinhala Intellectuals. This is why Sinhala News Medias are writing that America warned him not take the forward the genocide crime investigation. There are Sinhala Intellectuals associated with Secretary Kerry’s office. Some of them even prepared reports for him when he was involved with foreign affairs commission. But they are not the one leaking these secrete. It is the Sinhala Intellectual media who claimed that Secretary has told that America is sending it’s troop to remove Old King.

          “ to convert to Christianity or Buddhism”

          At the start of the Sinhala Era that is after the freedom to Lankave, the religious conversion was rampant in North with the funding help of Sinhala Governments. (It is still continuing. Instead of only, some new featured added to it and instead of Buddhism and Christianity, now government funded Muslim conversion added to that. The refugees have to change their religion to get their basic needs and provisions. Sinhala Intellectual Government believes having them converted subdue their attachment to “Tamil” ID. The new dimension of Buddhism is interesting. Private properties are forcefully taken over by army and Buddhist Monk militants are settled in this area.) These agents were funded mainly by Sinhala Government. Latter, in 60s, Sirima had started to receive funding from Communists Countries like Russia and China and a part of these were used create unrest in the North with the name of teaching communism to Tamils. To carry out this social unrest SLFP agents were appointed to north. These groups were known as “Chinese Communists” and “Russian Communist”. (It was not sure if they were funded by the relevant countries, but there was reflection of the that time relation of Russia and China in these group that a bitter animosity between them, say something like cannibal eating like Shanmugathan group killing Karalasingham group and vise versa). The foreign helps used by these groups did not know even who the Tamils are. Here the Kandian Sinhala Intellectual OTC’s pasting is a classic example. “These last castes were considered `non-Tamils or aboriginal people of a despicably low status (Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’) The Kandian Sinhala Intellectual forcefully assumed the Tamils have to think these clowns are the international researchist. The so called researchists’ intention was fishing in the trouble water created by the Sinhala Intellectual governments. Tamils, especially ITAK did not have power to do anything to stop these government enforced social split, with massively funded propaganda machine backing it. “Shanmugathaan” like people who were directly received money started run the show in the North, exactly the same way now EPDP running the show with obtaining only four or five votes and named as Governments’ ministers. These Sinhala Governments’ agents have been making loud noises as they the saviors of the weaker castes. But their faces were well recognized and rejected by Tamils especially weaker classes who looked for some trust worthy peoples to alleviate their economic problems which they did know ITAK had no power to make a change in that. Sirimavo consolidated the hold by replacing the Army for police in the North after used it to crack down the down the “Satyagraha”. The Sinhala army came to north in 1961, starting from replacing the police, now had eventually taken over not just the public sector, even the private sector in the North.

          Un-social elements and SLFP or the Sinhala Government’s agents were used by army and the forceful religious conversion-ists. Army wanted women, alcohol, toddy, cow meat (beef) like destructive and anti-social products. These were available with the weaker classes in those days. So a natural un-social and anti-social friendship was fostered with these groups. Sirima’s gang used this friendship very successfully. Satyagraha was highly disciplined agitation activity by ITAK using every caste and creed. So the first political maneuvering was established to spilt up the castes with the name of socialism. These agents worked for money from the south to create social unrests with the money came from communist countries to spread communism. So the new communists like Shanmugathasan-s, V.Ponnampalam –s; unlike the old ones like Karalasingam, who were principles based, created a mirage as successful in their activities. But when Sirima went and JR came to power, this social maneuvering funding was completely stopped. Army started open sunlight-day time bullying and subordinating all cates and creeds.

          Following 1961 Satyagraha, Sinhala Governments engineered caste riots were rampant in Jaffna until JR’s army tuned their attention to something else. Maviddapuram Temple was the climax. It was organized to topple SJV. He simply declined, understanding the nature of the plot, to get involved. Sirima funded communist agents pretended like they were with the weaker castes. C.Sumdraligham took the temple owners, the Brahmins’ side. Usually ATC was favored by upper castes. But in this case only Sundralingham dominated ATC. In the end the neutral ITAK’s candidate SJV, outperformed any candidate bases on the Madiddapuram temple issue. But Sundraligham appeared for the Maviddapuram Brahmins won the Sinhala court’s cases, which were based on Sinhala governments laws, favorable to upper cates, sutitable for Kandian Sinhalese, and the communist got their funding from Sirimavo. With that their private objects fulfilled, they two left the spot.

          Unfortunately, the Kandian Sinhala Intellectual, Off Tragic Case who is replacing the communists of Sirima’s period to create social unrest among the Tamils, is not able to read and understand the material given to him to be used in the newly renewed efforts of splitting Tamils. He has cut and pasted what was given to him. The material is from a man who thought the Jaffna weaker cates are not Tamils. He has written them as aboriginals. He confused it with how the Vedda’s are treated by Kandian Sinhalese in the South. His quick travel between the different societies confused him and showed failure of conversion like this.

          The 1960’s south funded social unrest in Jaffna did not last after Sirima’s toppling by JR. When Thalavar Piraphagan’s government was formed, for the first time, beyond the injustice of Sinhala government’s laws, caste based activities became illegal. Eelam government, within few years, completely suppressed the caste differences. But the suppression was only for few years. No time was there for education too. So the changes came by his effort retuned back when the governments funded activities to split the societies restarted with the new sole Sinhala agents like the Kandian Sinhala Intellectual OTC.

          The Sinhala Intellectuals, who is unable to understand the sovereignty of a country under a king and a state under democratic government, is offering some museum pieces as proofs. He is putting forward a claim for Sinhalese under a democratic government. He likes to cite the situation what existed in a King rule. When whites captured the country, Lankave was known as part of the white Kings’ empire that “British Empire”. That empire handed over the ruling power to Sinhalese. That empire took the Kandy Kingdom from Tamils. The colonist, appropriately, allowed Tamils to settle in the Kingdom captured from Tamils. This man has no idea of what he is cutting and pasting. Anything went from Tamils to England has to come back to Tamils. England should not play the game of taking it from Tamils and giving it to Sinhalese. That is unknown in England, and against the well Robin Hood activism.

      • 5

        Bruno Umbato:

        At least there is Hope ( in your own words) that he might come back.

        But I am telling you man your boss the Hambanthotta THUG will never come back because it is a One Way family ticket.

    • 9

      Looking at SL politics for the last two decades and how Muslims change allegiance without taking a stand on principle. Now can you blame if people don’t trust them.

    • 3

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah LTTE Apologist

      RE: Chief Minister Wiggie A Leader For All Time

      The War was over 6 years ago. LTTE and the Mootal Veeran have been defeated. Displaced people have either gone abroad and resettled.

      Can you get the Chief Minister Wiggie A Leader For All Time, to get the 100,000 Northern Sri Lankan Muslims, who are Tamil-Speaking back to their home Villagers? Why Not? DOUBLE STANDARDS? LTTE DOUBLE STANDARDS? TAMIL DOUBLE STANDARDS?

      Only God can bring back the dead. The living need help.


      Forgotten People – The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka (English)

      Published on Jun 1, 2013
      The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka. The expulsion of the Muslims and other nations from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 72,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.

    • 5

      “Tamil. Tamil. Tamil. Tamil. The honey sound of the Tamil language must be heard around the world and Tamil expertise known around the world”

      This is, sadly the extreme Tamil extremism that this lady, quite not realizing it, preaches. There is no place for any other language, culture, expertise or in short, existence. This is the same kind of intolerance that Hitler introduced in Nazi Germany in the early 1930s. But, it is unfortunate that she and a multitude of others of Tamil back-ground does not see it that way. But then, today we have so many “extremisms”, Islamic, Black, White, Sinhala-Buddhist! So, let us go merrily along.

      • 0

        “Honey sound? Hindi is…….. But Tamil ?

  • 14

    This woman is an ardent LTTE supporter, her articles published does not do any justice to Tamil. She does not recognise other communities in Sri Lanka apart from Tamil. Can understand her devotion to well being of Tamils, because she herself is a Tamil but reading her article does not convince any free thinking person that she has any respect for other communities in Sri Lanka. There have been many Tamils with similar stance but, not survived to see the end of the day.

    • 7

      Well said…BTW its a no brainer a Lechchamee calling a Aiya a leader!!!

    • 4

      Tilak de Silva

      Respect is a two way thing.

      When you have been buthcering us for the last 64 years Respect is not what is on my Mind. I would say kill the bloody so and so. Can you blame me.

  • 9

    The stamp of approval from LTTE remnants :D It could be the beginning of the end for Wiggie :D

    • 6

      I think Wiggie is spending a vacation in there at the expense western govt who wants to profit because of Tamil Greed for free real estate.

      West is using Tamils to profit for themselves.

    • 2

      USha aka [Edited out]

      Can you please tell me what productive activities this great CM Veggie has done to the Northern Province apart from criticising of SL government and carrying on?

      Vegie is another winger similar to other Peelum tamils.

      • 4

        Ranjan Rajakaruna.

        I know the feeling because I have been edited out many times when ( only a few days ago 25 times man) I wanted to convey an Innocent Message.
        These Moderators are all Sinkalams and Highly Temperamental and I struggle to make out why.

        Let me help you with what you wanted to get Across.

        You wanted to say

        Usha aka “my elder sister”

        But you could have said Usha My lovely ” Acca”. and the Moderator would have allowed it.
        Dont underestimate the Moderators they understand porruki Thamil

    • 6

      Sinkala Sankaran Sarrrmaaa.

      No you Moron for us and for Wiggie it is the End of 64 year Nightmare and the begining of Freedom. DAWN is breaking through man the light will shine through after Sepember.
      For you and the THUG it is the begining of the END.

  • 2

    He should get the Point Pedro Mullaitivu hihway with four lanes done and connect the Vadamarachi Beaches with safer Mooring places for small ships. buy some Larger fishing ships. Cancel the law prohibiting the ownership of Larger fishing boats. Promote sea transport and inland waterways without damaging the echo system.

    • 3

      Dear Pacs,
      The biggest problem in the North is shortage of Fresh Water not Four Lane Roads.
      This is the tragedy of the North, the focus has always been on the rich and the powerful while the needs of the overwhelming majority population is relegated to the dustbin.
      The ONLY source of Fresh Water is rain. The annual rainfall in Jaffna is 50 inches and the majority of it falls from Oct-Dec, during the NE monsoon. Nothing is stored and excess water drains to the sea.
      Agriculture is rain dependent and over exploitation of groundwater has turned a third of the wells in Jaffna salty and unfit for irrigation and drinking. I saw a comment from a well to do Jaffna Tamil (Heretic), complaining about brackish water he is forced to use daily.
      What has been done about it by CM Wig’s TNA led NPC and before that by the Tamil political leadership since Independence?
      Absolutely Nothing!
      The Thondamanaru Barrage was completed in 2008 by the Govt, at a cost of 100 million. Here is a satellite view to convince the incredulous.
      This was originally completed in 1953 but fell into disrepair due to the efficiency of the Northern Tamil politicos (11 MPs) and the Tamil Administration (14 DROs). The GA was some times non Tamil.
      This made the Vadamarachchi Lagoon a Fresh Water Lake of 80 sq km surface area. It has a 300 sq km catchment and converted a large extent of previously uncultivable Brackish Land into cultivable land.
      The Arialai barrage was built in 1955 to prevent Sea water from getting into the Upparu lagoon.
      Here is a satellite view for the skeptics.
      This converted Upparu to a fresh water Lake.
      Again it fell into disrepair due to the efficiency of the TAMIL Political leadership.
      Currently land under Paddy is about 20,000 acres.
      The conversion of Vadamarachchi and Upparu lagoons to fresh water lakes opened up a further 11,000 acres of previously Saline uncultivable land for cultivation.
      This was lost when sea water was allowed to re enter these two lakes. Does the TNA’s Wigneswaran, Sumanthiran, Sampanthan and the others talk about it? Does ANY TAMIL politician talk about it?
      Water, the Vital commodity for life is neglected, while a Land Owning 20% who mostly live OUTSIDE the North in Colombo and elsewhere keep Shouting about Land which the overwhelming Tamil majority NEVER OWNED.
      And CM Wiggie says ”just leave us alone, to live in peace with dignity and we will develop and prosper”

      Those who can’t think, is taken by the rhetoric and cheers, as they always did in the past.

      Clap clap clap three cheers for Wiggie, my vote is for him, long live the Landed and damn those born poor, so what?
      That is God’s design.
      Each has his station in life!!!
      Kind Regards,

      • 4

        Dear OTC,

        Thanks for highlighting the water issue and elsewhere emphasising the antiquity of the Sri Lankan Tamils.


      • 0

        Comedy thamai!

        First write about the Colombo water cut and the Brother Prince’s Fun construction, the water park it took all the Colombo water. What happened to shopping center in the water?

        Can your governments release how many warning the Kandian Sinhala Intellectual the International experts and UN’s warning about the situation of Jaffna water status?

        Could you tell one occasion a Jaffna M.P. was given money and assigned by Appe Anduwa to take care of it?

        When the ordinary M.P.s received that money, what were the Minster of North Douglas and Minister Rishard were doing? Do you know your Minster Rishard has been accused by the your Royal Old King as stolen 5000 acres of land in the North.

        Do you read news papers in the South? Do you know your Old King had sternly stopped the Asian Development Bank from providing water to Jaffna, without feeding the Elephant Pass and other Army Camps where 1/5 of the population consuming 2/3 of the Jaffna’s water need? Could you get the army out so the Jaffana water shortage will go away?

  • 14

    Excellent speech by CVW. Thank you Usha for the translation.

    • 9

      Sri Lanka: Seize this opportunity for true reform July 08, 2015, 07:30 am

      By Justice C.V. Wigneswaran

      Come September, the United Nations Human Rights Council will assemble in Geneva for its 30th session. This session marks an important date for Sri Lanka, the United States and the international community: the long-awaited release of the UN report on war crimes committed during Sri Lanka’s civil war.

      Secretary of State John Kerry in May urged Sri Lanka to launch a credible investigation into human rights abuses and to release remaining political prisoners, and added that the U.S. is willing to support these developments with legal and technical assistance. This U.S. political will, ready to support justice and reconciliation in Sri Lanka, and the upcoming release of the UN report on war crimes, which disproportionately affected the ethnic Tamil population, mean the next few months are crucial for pursuing true reform in Sri Lanka.

      U.S. leaders have praised progress from newly elected President Maithripala Sirisena, like passing the 19th Amendment that limits the presidency to two terms, but the country’s Tamil population in the North and East remains disempowered and displaced. Slow reforms, the delayed release of the UN report and proposed accountability mechanisms that don’t meet international standards fuel the growing feeling that genuine justice and reform, a cause long-backed by the U.S. and multilateral organizations, is being sacrificed for domestic political maneuvering.
      More than six years after the end of the war – a conflict that left hundreds of thousands internally displaced, sent a million Tamils into exile and killed more than 70,000 Tamil citizens in the final months alone – the Sri Lankan military continues to dominate the landscape in the North and East. Land belonging to Tamil citizens remains in military hands, used for farming, tourism and business activities benefitting the military. Despite government calls for the military to return to its barracks, the army is still very visible, intimidating men, women and children and denying their right to return to their normal lives.

      Meanwhile, families are desperate to learn the whereabouts of the estimated 146,000 people who remain unaccounted for years after the war’s end. But the current government has inexplicably delayed in releasing the full list of political prisoners who have been held for years without charge.

      Given this situation, reforms can and must be undertaken now to pave the way for a just and inclusive society.

      As Sri Lanka tries to move beyond its corrupt and troubled past, the US and the international community can play a large role in supporting the country’s economic development and accountability and reconciliation processes. The U.S. has already played a leading role at the Human Rights Council – for which we are grateful – and President Obama recognized the election of President Sirisena as a “symbol of hope for those who support democracy all around the world.”

      The journey toward reform and accountability in Sri Lanka will be difficult, but it can succeed. And leaders in Washington can help Sri Lanka on this journey by providing legal and technical assistance while urging Sirisena to undertake meaningful reforms: demilitarization, returning all Tamil lands and establishing a credible, independent and victim-centered accountability mechanism.

      Other reforms mean changing the government’s structure to a more devolved system, where all regions are able to make decisions on behalf of their local communities, as well as demilitarization and allowing Tamils to return to their lands and homes, freely and without fear. Only 1,000 acres of land have been returned to their rightful owners through the government’s complicated land restitution process. While the government claims that total military-controlled land only amounts to 10,000 acres, the reality on the ground exceeds 64,000 acres in the Northern Province.

      Lasting reform also means revitalizing economic development in war-torn areas, an avenue where U.S. assistance can have an enormous impact. Trade and engagement with the U.S. can empower all Sri Lankans, especially Tamils, who suffered the brunt of the war’s horrors and continue to scrape by without jobs, homes or economic opportunities. To restore true peace and stability to our island, President Sirisena must be willing to move on much needed reforms, and the U.S. must play a supporting and guiding role throughout the process.

      Sri Lankans must not wait another six years for a shot at justice and reconciliation.

      Wigneswaran is chief minister of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province.

      • 2

        Anup***, the LTTE Loser

        Did your USA provide technical advise to Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afgan in the recent past and we all could see the how successful of the transformation of those countries.

        Majority of Sri Lankan perhaps therefore do not need such technical supports from Uncle Sam (US)?

        Are you an independent thinker? May be your sitting too long on your brain. It is high time to stand up you LTTE internet warrior and go and fly a kite. If you cannot find one, go and fly your blood soaked national Peelum terra flag.

    • 4


      If you need a summary of Population Census 1881 please click the following link:


      Furguson Directory 1884

      Pages 248 to 254.

      You will find interesting data such as population of Eastern province, Tamil Buddhist population, ………….. Estate population.

      • 6


        Thank you

      • 5

        Thank you NV

  • 9

    Hi Ms Gorgeous

    Are you still with the murderous LTTE? If so, you have no moral rights to write about this statesman.

    • 7


      • 2


        Have I ever said the arm resistance by SL Tamils is illegitimate. I am saying Prabaharan is a bastard because he overstepped the legitimate scope of arm resistance, squandered opportunities to find a political solution and massacred the dissidents who raised their voice against his barbaric acts. This is not arm resistance in my opinion.

    • 2

      ‘Hi Ms Gorgeous’

      ROFL get a girl friend for God’s sake!

      • 2


        If Ms Gorgeous had been single I would have kneeled down with a ring with love as high as the heavens. I am serious – there is no need for ROFL.

    • 5

      Real PIECE

      Are you still with the

      THEIEF Called Mahintha Percy Rajapaksa the Smelly Rat.

      • 0


        [Edited out]

  • 4

    Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

    “our undisputed Archuna, or some would say, Ellalan of the 21st century, ‘Methahu’ Velupillai Pirabhaharan. Next, currently In the Tamil”

    Archuna is considered to be the most selfish character in Mahabhata for he demaanded his guru to subdue Eahalaiva.

    What is Methahu?

    • 2

      ‘Methahu’ is a Supreme Honour Native Vedda

      • 2

        Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

        ‘Methahu’ is a Supreme Honour Native Vedda”

        can we also honour Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Mao, …………. and other psychopaths with the title “Methahu”?

  • 14

    I congratulate Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah for writing this article and the English translational of the Tamil speech given by the Hon NPC CM in USA in FeTNA. When i herd the speech in you tube I wondered this wonderful speech about The Protection of Tamil Language, Tamil Culture and Tamil People should have been given in English for the benefit of every one. You have fulfilled that by including the translation in this article !

    Further you commented about our leader and TGTE PM and the Leadership of the CM
    I wonder If Hon CM can express himself this clearly within the law of Sri Lanka

    Why TNA MPs cannot express clearly what Tamils want? What is stooping them from expressing the aspirations and the issues of the Tamil face clearly like CM. At least they can comment in support.

    TNA short for Tamil National Alliance which should focus about the National interest of Tamils. They should all say we are victims of Genocide!
    Our fertile lands are occupied by the Sri Lankan Army ! We want them out of our Land. We want Justice and Accountability for the Genocide committed by Sri Lankan government and its arm forces. Who did this crimes should be tried in ICC.

    With out Justice and Accountability there is no reconciliation or development
    it is like telling us when our wounds are still fresh and our legs broken you want us to laugh and dance?

    All the persons who stand as MP’s Tamils representative for the election should declare that what happened to Tamils in the Island of Sri Lanka is Genocide. We need international Justice i.e Refer Sri Lankan perpetrators of crimes to International Criminal court.

    MPS want to discuss with government they should first discuss de militarisation that will enhance reconciliation as recommended by LLRC.
    social welfare of 90,000 widows and 60,000 orphans.
    Resettlement of internally displaced people back to land.
    Release the fertile lands back to owner to Agriculture!
    They should discuss in Sri Lanka with the Tamil parties! Not outside with unelected diaspora representative of GTF not even a grass root organisation.

    The final solution if any one ask:
    Tamils need a Permanent Political solution for Tamil National Question. So WE NEED A MULTIFACETED Referendum
    giving all options for the tamils and tamil refugees who have left the country to escape civil war on or after 1983 to be conducted by UN. let us all regard less of what tamil group you belong to with one voice we have to say to Sri Lanka and to the World that we are victims of genocide we need a UN lead referendum to decide our future.

    I urge my brother n back home to vote for any one who you believe will take your freedom forward. As CM says we are in a situation in which we are court up in a genocide. Tamil nadu or south Srilanka political games will not suit us. We need to vote for ones who can tell our aspirations and our day to day problems we face to the GOSL and international community. We should avoid voting for politicians who give mix messages to International community because. Our freedom depend on International community support and sympathy.

    A Genocide happened for Jews in Germany and Poland can deliver a Jewish save heaven Istral for jews. What happened to Tamils in their own land cannot deliver a tamil homeland?? So as CM pointed out our focus is Genocide and we are all victims of genocide! That can deliver our safety and security!

    The as the Refer Sri Lanka to ICC gained near 900,000 and will reach it initial target one million we are in a way saying to the world you cannot continuously ignore us We need Justice and Accountabiliy

  • 11

    “That is why the Chief Minister will get my ‘vote’ anytime”

    Is he now going to be a MP? I hope so that we can have another CM. I regret the fact that I also voted for him hoping for change.

    “he is working under heavy odds in fulfilling the needs and expectations of his people despite the absence of any cooperation from the Sinhala majoritarian government”

    What needs and expectations have been fulfilled by the CM and the NPC? Maybe needless to repeat that the NPC does not have very much power. The NPC can talk but do very little else. However almost all the money comes from the Sinhalese Buddhist Chauvinists that do not cooperate.

    “he has done and is doing the unthinkable, like passing an unanimous resolution on Tamil genocide with his colleagues in the Northern Provincial Council and performing difficult tasks with so few resources”

    How useful was the resolution considering the real needs of the people who live here? How about an unanimous resolution to provide drinking water and fulfill the other basic needs of the poor especially not forgetting the 50000 war widows?

    “Next, currently In the Tamil Diaspora we have in Prime Minister, Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran an empowering and visionary leader who is steering the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam and Eelam Tamils around the globe, most admirably.”

    He and his “government” have even less power than the CM and NPC. I do not know who elected them and who, how and where they steer but feel free to admire them.

  • 12

    Let me ask the writer a question. If the Tamils do get a separate state in the North of Sri Lanka, would she come and live there permanently?

  • 9

    I too need a referendum in our village for separation, for our cast to live without any discrimination. Can this lady help us.

    • 8


      “I too need a referendum in our village for separation, for our cast to live without any discrimination.”

      Its a great idea. I am right behind you. Where do I sign?

      In fact this island should be divided into either city states or village states. We should fight for more direct democracy to the people rather than centralized more power to the crooks.

      Long live village republic.

      Vive la Revolution (Long Live the Revolution).

  • 11

    “—And unmistakably proving to emerge as a leader for all time, needed now in the Tamil heartland, at this hour, on the ground is the charismatic, courageous and fearless Chief Minister of the Northern Province, Justice C. V. Wigneswaran.”

    Words such as, visionary,far sighted. wise,able, practical, driver, achiever, good planner, doer, etc.which are of crucial relevance to the war-battered people living in the Northern Province, are obviously missing. Are these deliberate ommisions, an admission these are lacking or a revelation these attributes do not matter to those who speak for us from nether shores?

    ‘Methahu’ VP was the only one in recent times among those who came forward to lead us, who had the organizing, doing and resource mobilizing abilities that matter to us. He was a doer, who unfortunately did many things wrong. He was a dreamer and not a visionary. He wassalso not wise. He was of course charismatic and courageous and till almost his end,fearless . What is his legacy?

    We have heard wonderful speeches before and will hear more in the coming election season. We want to hear plans, programs and visible and tangible action. We need a ‘Think Tank’ to identify mundane problems that are important to the day to day life of the people. We want to see specific plans to tackle these. We want cost estimates and proposals as to how these can be mobilized. We want to know the manpower requirements to execute and manage these. We want to be informed of specific proposals that are submitted to the Central Government for funding.

    We of course want to see dynamic action on the education sector. Improvements in teaching Tamil -Iyal, Isai, Nadagam- are urgently needed. English and Sinhala must be taught in our schools. well and effectively. Where are plans for these and what are the obstacles? How can the private tuition and tuitory industry be curbed or eliminated? These are stunting our children intellectually and culturally. What are the solutions the CM has for these problems.

    What are his solutions to the water problem in the Jaffna peninsula? What are his solutions to the scourge of unemployment, underemployment and unemployables in the northern province? What are his solutions for the problem of war-widows in the north? What are his solutions to the drug/narcotics menace in the north?

    How much money does he need to tackle these problems- short term, medium term and long term? How much money does he estimate he can mobilise from the Diaspora?

    There are thousands of such issues confronting the Tamils in the north and he should lay out in clear and specific terms what hecan do with the powers he has and what he cannot, because he is not vested with the power. He should also spell out what he can do in collaboration with the government at the centre. He should also specify where such co-operation was not forthcoming when requested.

    These are what we should be hearing from him.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 2

      Dr RN,

      I support your ideas but I have a feeling that we are a “two man minority” or that the others are silent for unknown reasons.

      Maybe our politicians need more devolution of power, autonomy or even an independent Eelam before they start to work with the numerous problems you list.

      • 2

        Dear Heretic,

        It is a good start.


    • 4

      Dr RN,

      “What are his solutions to the water problem in the Jaffna peninsula? What are his solutions to the scourge of unemployment, underemployment and unemployables in the northern province? What are his solutions for the problem of war-widows in the north? What are his solutions to the drug/narcotics menace in the north? How much money does he need to tackle these problems- short term, medium term and long term? How much money does he estimate he can mobilise from the Diaspora? “

      I also would like to know the answers to these questions.

      Can he find solutions to these problems without the support of the govt?
      PLEASE – Why don’t you write a letter to govt agents, CM, Governor and the president. When you get the reply let us know.

      There are so many charities are helping the people in N & E.

      Sadly there is no coordination between them!

      • 1



        Why do we need a Provincial Council, if it at least cannot identify vital issues, formulate detailed plans towards solutions and struggle to find solutions?

        The current NPC is not defendable any more.

        A piece of news, Ranil Wickremasinghe says he will devolve more powers within a unitary state to the north and east, if he forms the new government. This may or may not come to pass, considering our national history of utter stupidity. However, is the NPC ready with a plan of action, in the event this comes to pass?

        Will the NPC continue passing sterile, but emotive resolutions only? Incidentally, the US State department has advised CM Wigneswaramn to tone down his rhetoric and work towards reconciliation and development ( see dbsjeyaraj.com). Very sound and timely advise!


        • 3

          DR RN,

          “( see dbsjeyaraj.com). “

          DBSJ says
          “A request for a meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron has been politely turned down.”

          I asked a person from the conservative party.

          His reply was “This to me sounds like fiction. The CM has not arrived in the UK yet “

          I would not believe what dbsj writes. A while back he wrote what is happening in Sri Lanka amounts to Tamil Genocide.

          Since then he has changed his tune.

          Of course people change their minds!

          • 2

            DBSJ in 2007:
            The Continuing agony of Eastern Tamil Civilians

            “What is now happening in the East is a monumental crime against humanity with genocidal attributes. Innocent civilians are being decimated for politico – military objectives. Meanwhile Mahinda Rajapakse will continue taking “Malthattus” to viharas, observe “Sil” and listen to “sethpirith” being chanted .May the blessings of the Triple Gem be upon him. “Pin Siddha Vechaava”.”

            What happened and happeneing to Tamils after 2007 has more and more attributes of GENOCIDE

  • 12

    Firstly I wish to thank the Colombo Telegraph for allowing us to comment.
    There is no doubt Hon.Wickneswaran has earned the love of millions of Tamils for his honesty,braveness,straightforwardness,intelligence,loyalty to his community,and cordial relationship with other communities.God Bless Him.The writer Usha Sriskandarajah has accepted all these and has gone beyond to praise him in her article.He has advocated a complete Self Rule for North and East of Sri Lanka.This was because of the 6th amendment which prohibits asking for an independent Tamil Rajam.He is for an independent country for Tamils.Usha was also advocating this.I think all these leaders are feeling shy to talk about the Kingdom of Jaffna.I dont know why.This is an obvious case.This Kingdom was taken over by the sinhalese without the consent of the Tamil people.The Tamil leaders at that time had behaved mysteriously and no one seem to know why.TGTE should go into it and study and report on it very early.The British Empire was responsible for this blunder.So Tamils have a right to ask the British to put it right,that is to give back our Kingdom of Jaffna.Again 6th amendment is not valid eince the sinhalese took away the clause 29 of the constitution given by the British.

    • 2

      Dear Subramaniam Thiagarajah,

      You observe and then question “I think all these leaders are feeling shy to talk about the Kingdom of Jaffna.I dont know why”

      Here is the reason as expressed by Thomas Johnpulle a Tamil himself.

      “It is widely accepted that there was an independent Jaffna Kingdom in Sri Lanka until 1619 when the Portuguese ended it for good. From the Portuguese, subject to a few complications, it went to the Dutch and thence to the British. Similarly there were two other independent kingdoms in the island, namely the Kotte Kingdom and the Kandy Kingdom.”

      However, when Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) gained Independence in 1948, the recipient of Independence was one country.

      What is strange about this is there was no significant movement to gain separate independence for the Jaffna Kingdom. There were very weak movements to demand it but these quickly died down. Had Tamil intellectuals from Jaffna demanded that the old Jaffna Kingdom be granted independence separately from the rest of the country, Britain would have considered it favourably. Apart from India and Pakistan, there are plenty of other examples.

      On the other hand there were loud demands from Tamil politicians. The infamous 50:50 demand is one example which was outright rejected by the British as it would give Tamils (worded Tamil speaking people) an unfair advantage at the expense of the Sinhalas. It led to protests and the boycott of the first ever election in 1931 in some areas in the north.

      So why wasn’t there a movement to gain independence for the Jaffna Kingdom?

      The answer lies in economics!

      The Jaffna Kingdom was a very small area that didn’t even cover the Northern Province by 1619. Trincomalee was under the Kandy Kingdom as per historical accounts. Given its worth for trade and shipping, the Portuguese and the Dutch tried various appeasement tactics aimed at the Kandy king hoping to use it but to little help. Robert Knox was arrested by the army of the Kandy Kingdom when he landed there. Therefore there is little doubt that Trincomalee was not part of the Jaffna Kingdom. There aren’t any contrary evidence anyway.

      On the western part, it is on recorded history that the present Madhu church was located in the Maddu area at the mercy of the Kandy king. Obviously it was a substantial distance from the boundary of the Jaffna Kingdom. Otherwise Tamil Catholics would not have agreed to it as it would have been unsafe and it would not have survived Dutch hostility.

      These facts leave only a small area apart from the Jaffna peninsula for the Jaffna Kingdom. That too was in most part heavily underdeveloped by the 20th century.

      You can read the rest at this link
      After reading Thomas Johnpulle, address your mind to factual data I have presented in my comment addressed to Ms Usha S, on July 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm (above).

      I hope you will now realise why “The Tamil leaders at that time had behaved mysteriously…”

      The reason that the Tamils Leaders Past or Present are shy to discuss it is because they will then be shooting their own foot. They don’t want the TRUTH they only want POWER.

      The Truth is that the Jaffna Tamil Kingdom is much SMALLER than even the present Northern Province

      If you still have questions, I will be glad to help.

      Kind Regards,

      • 0

        Thank you Off the Cuff.It was nice of you to have given this information.I actually do not have enough information on the extent of the Jaffna Kingdom.O dont know whether Trincomalee is not a part of Jaffna Kingdom.It may be so,because those days king rule and they may not be worried about it.However Chola kings are fond of Naval power and Trinco may have been under them.I have to check on that.The Tamil leaders at that time were not loyal to the people.They were all in Colombo and enjoying themselves and their families.In that dream they were not at all interested in getting back the Kingdom of Jaffna even though it was small.They are foolish and did not have the foresight of what will be their future.They might have spent their time in men women and wine and those actions would have blinded them and they lost all their senses.If we had leaders like the great Alli Ginnah,Aga Khan we will be living in our heavenly aboard ,Kingdom of Jaffna.The Tamil leaders minds may have been polluted due to their enjoyments and that led to their accepting a slavery life.very Sad.In the modern times also some Tamil Leaders are like those people.Sinhalese knows their weakness and buy them with money or other entertainments or by giving Ministership for 2 or 3 years.Small area does not matter what every man or woman is looking for is freedom to lead a happy and peaceful life.There are 80 million Tamils in the World and they are leading a life in the form of slavery.We want to get out of this. God is fair,he also gives us some good leaders.Today we have good leaders like Hon.CM.Wickneswaran ,Hon CM Jeyalalitha.These are the only two leaders we have for Tamils and I am sure they will do something to get back our Kingdom of Jaffna.Like the Romans,Hail Ceaser,we say Hail Jeyalalitha,Hail Wickneswaran.

      • 0

        Thank you Off the Cuff: There are few more points I have to answer.Johnpulle says If Tamils would have asked, Britain would have considered.He is right ,the British Empire is giving back colonies,so they should give it back the colonies in the same way they took over.There is no meaning in giving back in a haphazard way.If that is the case,all the countries of the British Empire could have got together as one country and declared as a Republic and continued.It would have been a very,very powerful country in the World.If Kandyan Kingdom was such a valuable country,why did they capture Jaffna Kingdom.No need for it. 50-50 was a nonsense.It is very strange that a man like GG.Ponnambalam asked that 50-50.Tamil people say GG was a highly educated eminent lawyer and highly intelligent and they praise him to the top of Himalayas.How,what happened to these people.How can we accept him as an eminent lawyer when he goes and ask for 50-50 with 10% of Tamils as against 90% sinhalese. How can we accept him as an intelligent man.He became a laughing stock among the sinhalese and British Empire.We need Freedom and there are over 80 million without that Freedom..It does not matter whether it is a small or big area.Like the sinhalese brothers we also want a country of our own to serve over 80 million Tamil people in the World.Thats all.I hope the sinhalese brothers will understand our sad situation.The sinhalese shout they are Buddhists and believe heavily in DHARMA.Then they can give back our Kingdom.That is Dharma.Do unto others as do unto yourself,a christian explanation of Dharma but lot more.Again even the British are at fault,they,a thing like this they must get the consent of the people after telling about what will happen by joining Kingdom of Jaffna with Sinhalese Kingdom.So I think it is still open for litigation.

  • 11

    You said the same thing about Prabakaran, MGR and finally Jalalaitha ! Are they now gods ?

    • 5

      So Harry Hatton ( or should I say Punchi Banda ) English the lying so and so .

      What a funny Name for a Local Sinkalam who is a member of the Fan Club of a Famous Lady. Dont get excited it is NOT ” Dolly Parton” the Juicy Lucy.

  • 9

    Usha, when you say that “.. the torch was bravely borne by our undisputed Archuna, or some would say, Ellalan of the 21st century, ‘Methahu’ Velupillai Pirabhaharan”, you must be speaking of the guy who murdered in cold blood many of the more politically moderate Tamils and other ” Tamil speaking people” (as you refer to them). This is not to mention the horrendous crimes he committed against Tamil children by abducting them and training them to kill.

    Some hero! This man brought about suffering and death to innumerable Tamils for a couple of generations and what did he gain for them? He was nothing but a megalomanic criminal (not unlike our recent Sinhala leader – two sides of the same coin!).

    I understand your concern for the future of Tamils in Sri Lanka, but get your perspective clear before your try to foist your values on all the other Tamils who didn’t look on Prabhakaran as their saviour.

  • 3

    “People of the North East who are the most badly affected of all Tamils in the world today” . What about tamils living in the up country? Are they living comfortably, in a better condition than North east Tamils? Why can’t you open your eyes,
    Keep your heart and mind wider and embrace them as your brothers and sisters. History shows that you Jaffnese are most selfish and close minded frogs. So I should not expect it from you all.

  • 4

    The Tamils are carrying an unnecessary burden of protecting their language. I would imagine 70% of the problem is due to their language.

    How did this issue start? Its start circa 1915. A Catholic priest from Jaffna whom could not speak a word of Tamil begins to learn Tamil.

    Compared to other scrips in the region, the Tamil script is about 20% less in terms of its vowels and consonants. The priest believes the reason Tamil script looks elementary is because its similar to Sanskrit. He postulates Tamil to be a “classical language” equaling Sanskrit.

    Now, he makes a real issue of this even demanding the Govt of India to recognise Tamil as a classical language. However in order to be recognised as a classical language it must fulfill certain criterion.

    One of the criterion is that there must be substantial body of classical work that is not derived from any other language. The body of work must be reasonably attributable to one or more authors and have a date of authorship.

    The “Tamil Sangam” literature an the accompanying Tamil literature does not however meet the criteria. No one knows who authored them or when. Its mostly an oral tradition. However, after decades of political activism in India Tamil is recognised as a “classical language”. Now that Tamil has been recognised without the necessary criteria Malayanam, Telegu are also contending to be recognided as a “classical” languages.

    The flaw in Tamil is a classical language theory should have been picked up much earlier. For example the primary evidence cited the “Tamil Sangam”, is named in Sanskrit. Sangam is a Sanskrit term. It was clear the Cathlic priest made a boo boo. However, the Tamil politicians carry on regardless as if they are in possession of a precious antiquity.

    The Tamil problem goes away when they realise they are bearing an undue burden trying to protect something that is quite ordinary and pedestrian.

    • 13


      “Now, he makes a real issue of this even demanding the Govt of India to recognise Tamil as a classical language. However in order to be recognised as a classical language it must fulfill certain criterion. “

      According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamil_language
      “It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India and was the first Indian language declared as a classical language by the Government of India in 2004.[14] “

      Statement on the Status of Tamil as a Classical Language
      by George Hart

      Professor of Tamil
      Chair in Tamil Studies

      April 11, 2000

      Professor Maraimalai has asked me to write regarding the position of Tamil as a classical language, and I am delighted to respond to his request.

      I have been a Professor of Tamil at the University of California, Berkeley, since 1975 and am currently holder of the Tamil Chair at that institution. My degree, which I received in 1970, is in Sanskrit, from Harvard, and my first employment was as a Sanskrit professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1969. Besides Tamil and Sanskrit, I know the classical languages of Latin and Greek and have read extensively in their literatures in the original. I am also well-acquainted with comparative linguistics and the literatures of modern Europe (I know Russian, German, and French and have read extensively in those languages) as well as the literatures of modern India, which, with the exception of Tamil and some Malayalam, I have read in translation. I have spent much time discussing Telugu literature and its tradition with V. Narayanarao, one of the greatest living Telugu scholars, and so I know that tradition especially well. As a long-standing member of a South Asian Studies department, I have also been exposed to the richness of both Hindi literature, and I have read in detail about Mahadevi Varma, Tulsi, and Kabir.

      I have spent many years — most of my life (since 1963) — studying Sanskrit. I have read in the original all of Kalidasa, Magha, and parts of Bharavi and Sri Harsa. I have also read in the original the fifth book of the Rig Veda as well as many other sections, many of the Upanisads, most of the Mahabharata, the Kathasaritsagara, Adi Sankara’s works, and many other works in Sanskrit.

      I say this not because I wish to show my erudition, but rather to establish my fitness for judging whether a literature is classical. Let me state unequivocally that, by any criteria one may choose, Tamil is one of the great classical literatures and traditions of the world.

      The reasons for this are many; let me consider them one by one.

      First, Tamil is of considerable antiquity. It predates the literatures of other modern Indian languages by more than a thousand years. Its oldest work, the Tolkappiyam,, contains parts that, judging from the earliest Tamil inscriptions, date back to about 200 BCE. The greatest works of ancient Tamil, the Sangam anthologies and the Pattuppattu, date to the first two centuries of the current era. They are the first great secular body of poetry written in India, predating Kalidasa’s works by two hundred years.

      Second, Tamil constitutes the only literary tradition indigenous to India that is not derived from Sanskrit. Indeed, its literature arose before the influence of Sanskrit in the South became strong and so is qualitatively different from anything we have in Sanskrit or other Indian languages. It has its own poetic theory, its own grammatical tradition, its own esthetics, and, above all, a large body of literature that is quite unique. It shows a sort of Indian sensibility that is quite different from anything in Sanskrit or other Indian languages, and it contains its own extremely rich and vast intellectual tradition.

      Third, the quality of classical Tamil literature is such that it is fit to stand beside the great literatures of Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Chinese, Persian and Arabic. The subtlety and profundity of its works, their varied scope (Tamil is the only premodern Indian literature to treat the subaltern extensively), and their universality qualify Tamil to stand as one of the great classical traditions and literatures of the world. Everyone knows the Tirukkural, one of the world’s greatest works on ethics; but this is merely one of a myriad of major and extremely varied works that comprise the Tamil classical tradition. There is not a facet of human existence that is not explored and illuminated by this great literature.

      Finally, Tamil is one of the primary independent sources of modern Indian culture and tradition. I have written extensively on the influence of a Southern tradition on the Sanskrit poetic tradition. But equally important, the great sacred works of Tamil Hinduism, beginning with the Sangam Anthologies, have undergirded the development of modern Hinduism. Their ideas were taken into the Bhagavata Purana and other texts (in Telugu and Kannada as well as Sanskrit), whence they spread all over India. Tamil has its own works that are considered to be as sacred as the Vedas and that are recited alongside Vedic mantras in the great Vaisnava temples of South India (such as Tirupati). And just as Sanskrit is the source of the modern Indo-Aryan languages, classical Tamil is the source language of modern Tamil and Malayalam. As Sanskrit is the most conservative and least changed of the Indo-Aryan languages, Tamil is the most conservative of the Dravidian languages, the touchstone that linguists must consult to understand the nature and development of Dravidian.

      In trying to discern why Tamil has not been recognized as a classical language, I can see only a political reason: there is a fear that if Tamil is selected as a classical language, other Indian languages may claim similar status. This is an unnecessary worry. I am well aware of the richness of the modern Indian languages — I know that they are among the most fecund and productive languages on earth, each having begotten a modern (and often medieval) literature that can stand with any of the major literatures of the world. Yet none of them is a classical language. Like English and the other modern languages of Europe (with the exception of Greek), they rose on preexisting traditions rather late and developed in the second millennium. The fact that Greek is universally recognized as a classical language in Europe does not lead the French or the English to claim classical status for their languages.

      To qualify as a classical tradition, a language must fit several criteria: it should be ancient, it should be an independent tradition that arose mostly on its own not as an offshoot of another tradition, and it must have a large and extremely rich body of ancient literature. Unlike the other modern languages of India, Tamil meets each of these requirements. It is extremely old (as old as Latin and older than Arabic); it arose as an entirely independent tradition, with almost no influence from Sanskrit or other languages; and its ancient literature is indescribably vast and rich.

      It seems strange to me that I should have to write an essay such as this claiming that Tamil is a classical literature — it is akin to claiming that India is a great country or Hinduism is one of the world’s great religions. The status of Tamil as one of the great classical languages of the world is something that is patently obvious to anyone who knows the subject. To deny that Tamil is a classical language is to deny a vital and central part of the greatness and richness of Indian culture.


      George L. Hart
      Professor of Tamil
      Chair in Tamil Studies

      • 6


        Thank you. It is a great lesson for those want to learn and change their thinking.


    • 7


      “In 2004 Tamil was declared a classical language of India, meaning that it met three criteria: its origins are ancient; it has an independent tradition; and it possesses a considerable body of ancient literature. In the early 21st century more than 66 million people were Tamil speakers.” http://www.britannica.com/topic/Tamil-language

      • 7


        You very well know Vibhushana hears multiple voices in his head. Please leave him alone.

        Vibhushana thinks Dr. Uttamadhanapuram Venkatasubbaiyer Swaminatha Iyer (1855-1942)should have consulted him when nearly 3000 Tamil works were being collected from villages and edited by the scholar.

    • 7


      Are you a liar?
      “The classical status of Tamil

      By S.S. Vasan
      (The writer is a Rhodes Scholar, Trinity College, Oxford, U.K.)

      “Let me state unequivocally that, by any criteria one may choose, Tamil is one of the great classical literatures and traditions of the world.” This quotation was not taken from any recent literary or political statement made in India but from the official “Statement on the Status of Tamil as a Classical Language” issued by the University of California, Berkeley (April 11, 2000). Why has it taken so much time in India to recognise the status of Tamil as a classical language? The reason is political, according to Prof. George L. Hart, who authored the Statement.

      And indeed it has taken all the arm-twisting charm of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam to correct this historical prejudice, a prejudice that has deep roots in our history and psyche.

      As early as 1835, Lord Macaulay was claiming in his “Minute on Education” that “… it may safely be said that the literature now extant in [English] is of far greater value than all the literature which three hundred years ago was extant in all the languages of the world together.”

      The growth of `vernacular languages’ of India, including Tamil, was set back so seriously that the eminent Tamil poet Subramania Bharati sounded this warning in the early twentieth century:

      “Alas slowly will Tamil perish

      As languages of the West flourish”

      After Independence, things got no better for Tamil as even scholars like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru tried to impose Hindi as the sole official national language of India. This was a rather misleading aim that backfired as badly as Pakistan’s attempts to impose Urdu on Bangladesh during 1952-1971. As Sir V.S. Naipaul cautions: “Cultural purity is a fundamentalist fantasy.” The `one language policy’ might have worked for China, but as a democracy India has little choice but to celebrate its diversity.

      The Congress party has now come a full circle to deliver poetic justice — from its 1960s obsession to impose Hindi in Tamil Nadu — to recognising the long overdue status of Tamil as a classical language in 2004. The declaration of Tamil as a classical language by President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, a Tamil scholar himself, is not just symbolic but a victory for Indian democracy as well.

      What now?

      That Tamil has at long last gained recognition in India is wonderful, but not enough. The next step is to get other nations to recognise the classical status of Tamil and also have it recognised by world bodies like the UNESCO. Would it not be wonderful if the Tamil-speaking United Progressive Alliance Government Ministers joined hands with the All-India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Ministers in Tamil Nadu to use their combined political clout to bring this about? Governments in Singapore, Sri Lanka and Malaysia could be persuaded to take the cue from India. Tamil is already an official language in Singapore, whose President S.R. Nathan is a Tamil.

      If three or more nations declare that Tamil is a classical language, world bodies like UNESCO could be persuaded to recognise the classical status of Tamil — like Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Latin, Persian and Sanskrit. If this sounds like a pipe dream, it is worth remembering that Tamil is comparable to French, which is one of the official languages of the United Nations. For instance, French is spoken by 98 million people around the world, with the bulk of the speakers in France. Tamil is spoken by 66 million people, and while a bulk of them live in South India, there is a considerable population of Tamil speakers in Canada, Fiji, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Recognition by UNESCO would bring in the much-needed international funds to support the ongoing work to preserve the cultural and linguistic heritage of Tamil.

      • 5


        Thanks for reproducing Professor Hart’s statement with sound arguments why Tamil is a classical language.

        Making Tamil a classical language is not enough. Unlike Sanskrit and Latin, Tamil is still a living language spoken by millions.

        However, what Bharati feared is proving to be true. You quoted him saying “Alas slowly will Tamil perish
        As languages of the West flourish””.

        Unfortunately, Tamil is dying in the very Tamil Nadu state. Have you listened to the Tamil Nadu Tamils and the Indian Tamil TV stations? What they speak is 80 to 90 percent English and only 20 to 10 per cent Tamil. In most instances, these Tamilians from the Tamil Nadu cities use Tami words as link words.

        A new Tamil creole language appears to be evolving in Tamil Language. Even the Tamil print media in Tamil Nadu has started using this type of language and you can see English words creeping in when there are equivalent Tamil words.

        This fashion of speaking English-Tamil is catching up in Sri Lanka among the Sri Lankan Tamils known to be speak the best Tamil dialect.

        When these Indian tamils speak to me in English-Tamil I tell them to either speak in Tamil or in English.

        • 4


          “When these Indian tamils speak to me in English-Tamil I tell them to either speak in Tamil or in English.”

          Its known as Thanglish.

    • 5

      “Compared to other scrips in the region, the Tamil script is about 20% less in terms of its vowels and consonants. The priest believes the reason Tamil script looks elementary is because its similar to Sanskrit. He postulates Tamil to be a “classical language” equaling Sanskrit.”

      You are talking about not what is “brahmi letters”. Southern and Northern langues use this. Ariya Pashave Sinhala copies the Tamil Brami. Tamil Brami was the only one available in the south by 2300BC. Nobody else had it. Period. Ariya Pashave copied it after 1000 years of it started to flourish in Tamil Nadu.

      As Sanskrit another Ariya Pahave or the mother of all Barbaric languages, It did not had grammar and writing forms. First deed it did was copied the grammar from Tamil. That step was done about 2500 years ago. That is why Veda is in primitive form Sulokas. Then is could not be put in writing. One is, it was too barbaric language with cumbersome sounds, so the sound can not be reduces to letters. Second was the mentality of the New Class appeared as vedic brhamins(Varna based) in contrast to the Hindus valley brahmins, who are education based. So Sanskrit does not have an official form of writing. Some use Hindi bases. For a language that is about 3000 years old to take the letters from its grand – grand -daughter that is only a 500 years old is shame.

      Tamil’s sound was edited by Ahaistier when the alphabet based writing was introduced about 2500 years ago. So the vowels and consonants can not have hard forms like “Ha”, “Ga”, “Sha” or Sinhala Vowels like “ai” “aai”. Tamil sound was edited to speak fluently and write simple. This is a phenomena, Very tight weaving of writing and speaking needs in one aspect, not available even the modern languages like English. As a language it always complete itself it did not need those letters. Only problem is now to introducing the Science words as they are without an attempt to translate them. They use Devanagari letters to create the edited out sound, but a more robust solution would be invented soon.

      So there is no comparison of any other language to Tamil. It stand out with its unbelievable superiority. Donkeys does not recognize the smell of the Champar.

  • 12

    Thanks for the translation for all to read and understand the feelings of the Tamils.

    The message is very clear from the Hon Chief Minister, ” just leave us alone, to live in peace with dignity and we will develop and prosper”.

    Tamils Unite. Peace will be upon us.

    • 6

      Manicka Vasagar,
      You have put it in a nutshell.
      But, even the present regime is helpless in that the army imposes “military rehabilitation” on tamil public servants in the north – a drastic punishment without due judicial process.
      The army is more powerful than the civilian government.
      The earlier ‘state terrorism’ has been replaced by ‘military terrorism’.

    • 2

      Dear Mr Manicka Vasagar,

      You have underlined the following statement from CM Wigs a former SCJ who has forgotten Tamil history and who after sitting on the Supreme Court Bench, comes over to the North and plays to the gallery, selling his soul for the trappings of power, acclaiming as a Hero, the Megalomaniac murderer Prabahkaran, who had even forced a minimum of 100,000 Tamil Children, some as young as 9 years to fight a man’s war.

      ”just leave us alone, to live in peace with dignity and we will develop and prosper”

      Here is a quote from a Jaffna Tamil who experienced that development!

      “These absentee landlords became parliamentarians and blocked any legislation that modernised the North. Universal franchise and women’s rights were opposed, starting from 1929. The building of causeways and roads that would make depressed caste villages accessible were opposed. Upgrading of village Councils and TCs in the North were opposed by these ‘Tamil leaders’. When they realised that Colombo was going to make caste discrimination illegal, they launched separatist politics. Then the Ponnambalams and the Chelvanayagams could “run their affairs themselves,” in the ‘exclusive Tamil homelands of the Eelam’. The political strategy was to whip up Tamil racism, aided by Sinhala Chauvinism”.
      Read the rest here it is fairly long and he writes about how Rape was used with IMPUNITY to “Develop” the North http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/12770

      I have addressed a comment to Ms Usha S above (July 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm)

      I hope you can help Madam Usha to contest what I have written.

      Kind Regards,

  • 4

    So PM Rudrakumaran from New Jersey is the Democratic Elara …How coool..

    What about Suren Surendran and the Reverend?..

    We know that the UNP Yahapalanaya MOU is with the British Tiger Forum lead by the latter Duo.

    But they haven’t mentioned anything about a Referendum among the SL inhabitants to give the Vellalas total control of the North.

    Neither they have asked to repeal 6 A.

    At least that is what our inhabitants think,

    Vellala CM who is in charge obviously is totally aligned with Elara from NJ according to the Senator’s bit here.

    Why is this division?

    TNA the party of the Vellala inhabitants sent their emissary when the BTF signed the MOU with our FM in London..

    Doesn’t this article negates or abrogates that agreement?.

    Now that the UNP , the ruling party has morphed in to a new identity UNF , is it going to get BTF or TNGTE and TNA or all three together as their Governing partners after August 17 ?..

    Will they build statues of both Elaras after the Vellala Wiggs gets total control of the Northern Provincial Government, with a TNA special Minister at the Centre as the Boss ?…

  • 3

    People of up country and the Tamil people are not different. Tamils have been living both side of the water. They have been moving across from one shore to the other for thousands of years. The may be seasonal for social, political and economical reasons. During the past two centuries the water resources were blocked by the dams elsewhere in Kerala Mysoor an artificial famine was created to force the Tamils to look fore living. They were lured, forced and deceived to move to Up country to work in the rubber and tea plantation. Actually the Tamils moved from north east to thoothukudy and similar places Taken to work in the Ceylon plantations. They were like bonded Labourers and after the Independence their civil rights deprived and their condition is worse than the Jews in Egypt. The SL majority people are inhuman and enjoy the enforcement of slavery. There has neen no Martin Luther and his supporters.

    • 4


      Sri Lankan Tamiks have more Sinhla genes and the Sinhalese have more Indian Tamil genes! Sinhalese have veddah genes and the Sri Lankan Tamils do not have them. An interesting scientific revelation is’nt it? This is why Ranil Wickremasinghe wants the archeological department to explore and find evidence of our prehistoric history.


      • 4

        Dear Pacs,

        Think about what Dr. Rajasingham Narendran has written.

        Re “People of up country and the Tamil people are not different”

        The upcountry Tamils and the Lanka Tamils do not have common genes. They are not genetically related to each other.

      • 5

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        One DNA study confirmed the Tamils have closer affinity (2 or 3 %) with Bengali population than the Sinhalese with Bengali.

        The same study also confirmed that Sinhalese are closely related to Tamil Nadu Tamils than the Tamils of this island.

        I have copies of most of the DNA studies that were carried out on this island population. If you need them please let me know.

        As for the recent Lanka Ranaweera headed study Ken Roberts raised few question about the study and its conclusions. By the way Ken is a medical doctor. I believe he has sufficient knowledge to take issue with the study. Here is the link to the above study:


        • 0

          It was Ken Roberts who FIRST quoted from the latest Mitochondrial DNA report here on CT in an attempt to contest a statement I made referring the Kshatriya report of 1995. Ken however did not provide a Link.

          This what I wrote addressing DR RN, which Ken tried to negate.

          Apparently the Sinhalese are Genetically 400% more Tamil than the Lanka Tamils. They also have a direct genetic connection with the Veddah that the Lanka Tamils do not have. Hence according to Genetics The First Nation status in Lanka goes to the Veddha The second Nation status to the Sinhalese The third Nation Status to Lanka Tamils The Lanka Tamils have branched off from the Sinhalese at an intermediate period of time and have developed a separate identity.


          Ken’s reply was filled with sarcasm but failed to show how my interpretation was inconsistent with the Kshatriya report.

          He said then “…. the latest genetic study looking at more reliable mitochondrial DNA history”

          Therefore clearly Ken did not have issues with the Mitochondrial Study but presented it as the MORE RELIABLE study on genetic relationships.

          Unfortunately Ken Roberts failed to respond to my response to him.

          Anyone interested can follow the complete discussion from the link I have provided above.

          As stated many times before I am no expert in genetics but my scientific training has equipped me to read a scientific report and raise relevant questions for the expert to clarify.

          Ken Roberts despite his medical background backs off from discussion after raising the issues himself.

          I just noticed a comment that he has addressed to me and I will get back to him after reading what he refers to. Hopefully it will be available on the Internet.

          Kind Regards,

          to the attention of the CT Readership but he did not provide a link.

          Dear Ken Roberts,

          First let me thank you for bringing this new report published on line on 7 November 2013 to my notice. Though you did not provide the link I am giving the link for the information of others. http://www.nature.com/jhg/journal/v59/n1/full/jhg2013112a.html

          Science is evolving knowledge. This report is only a few months old and hence should be better than the 19 year old report of Kshatriya.

          I based my comment on the Data and its interpretation by Dr Kshatriya, as I am not an expert on genetics. I clearly referenced the report. I presented his findings in a way that could be understood. Use the Kshatriya report and provide an interpretation different to mine if you can.

          You have presented 3 statements from this new report.
          DO they negate Dr Kshatriya totally?

          1. confirms that the Sinhalese and the Tamils are genetically related. Kshatriya said the same thing.

          2. We all know that Upcountry Sinhalese are GEOGRAPHICALLY closer to themselves than to the Low Country Sinhalese. Why you reproduced such an obvious fact is anyone’s guess.

          The second part states that Lanka Tamils are CLOSER to the Sinhalese than to INDIAN Tamils. Kshatriya says that the Sinhalese are a Parental population of the Lanka Tamils contributing 325% more genetic material than the Indian Tamils have.

          You seem to have confused Genetic Distance with Geographic Distance!

          Here is a statement from your reference that you did not reproduce

          “Interestingly, highest number of haplotype sharing was found between Vedda with Up-country Sinhalese and with Low-country Sinhalese. On the other hand, there was no haplotype sharing between the Vedda people with any of the Tamils”

          Confirms Dr Kshatriya’s assertion that the Lanka Tamils are not genetically related to the Veddha’s but the Sinhalese are.

          Even after reading my comment twice you could not comprehend what I wrote.

          You of course would be very intelligent and clever if you can use the Kshatriya report to NEGATE any of my statements. I doubt that you have the courage even to try.

          You say “I feel sorry that you have been caught naked!”

          Your sympathy is misplaced as you seems to have stepped out on the streets in your birthday suit!

          I do hope you have the courage to debate the contents of the Kshatriya report and prove that my comment is not factual. I am always willing to learn from a person with superior intelligence!

          Kind Regards,


          • 0

            please see the comment down for Dr RN

        • 0

          Dear NV,

          There is a 2914 publication in I think the journal of Human Genetics by Ranawana et. al. I had summarised
          Their results in CT sometime back. OTC has also referred to it recently,


      • 1

        This is a ripper…Isn’t it !!!

        Sinhalese have Vedda genes,Bloody oath they have..,

        In fact 5.8 Million of them knew about it last time.

        Sinhalese have more Indian Tamil genes….Not sure

        Srilankan Tamils have more “Sinhla ” Genes, I guess it means Sinhala Genes.

        But Srilankan Tamils have no Vedda genes ….Mind boggling Isn’t it.?.

        May be this one is for our Native Vellala Vedda to explore.

        Neither they have “much ” Indian Tamil genes.which of course is quite evident.

        Otherwise why would the Indian Tamils have separate Temples. separate eating places , separate bathing places and even a separate political party.

        Few relevant conclusions,

        Colombo elite don’t have any Vedda genes,

        Neither the Colombo and Jaffna Tamils have them..

        No wonder they fit to a tee.

        Our Indian Tamils and the great majority of inhabitants in fact 5,8 Million are in the same boat genetically and more so economically.

        There you go..

        There is no need for Ranil to waste our Archeology budget to to tell us what we already know.

        But it is clear that Ranil must be devoid of any Vedda, or Sinhala genes to be this most Anti Sinhala and Anti Buddhist Political leader ever in Srilanka.

        • 3

          “But it is clear that Ranil must be devoid of any Vedda, or Sinhala genes to be this most Anti Sinhala and Anti Buddhist Political leader ever in Srilanka.”

          Read the excerpts below for what Ranil said about his ancestry;

          “Mohenjo-Daro civilization dates back up to 2,500 BC compared and belongs to the so-called Bronze Age, compared to the later Iron Age which dates from around 1,000 BC or younger.
          These people belonged Indo-Aryan language group.”


          Ranil alludes to the fact that his ancestry goes as far as 2,500 BC. The link is made through Indo-Aryan language group.

          Tamils claim that their ancestry goes back to 1500 BC or even before and trace back to Harappa which is in present Pakistan.

          Can you see the similarity of these two stupid people?

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            That is where the problem is…

            Your mate Ranil is upset about it.

            He wants to go back only about 200 years…You know what I mean…

            But you didn’t answer the question why your dear comrades ,Vellala Sambandan & Co don’t have your genes , but only Gannissara genes .

            • 4

              KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

              “He wants to go back only about 200 years…You know what I mean…”

              You mean the Chettiar genealogy.

              Ranil also didn’t mention your ancestry which goes back to Vellaikkara padei (mercenaries) of Eriveerar Pattinam, South India nor did he connect Ibn Batutta’s prolific dispersal of his gene among the Southerners.

              “But you didn’t answer the question why your dear comrades ,Vellala Sambandan & Co don’t have your genes , but only Gannissara genes .”

              It is because Sampandan, Gnanasara, Champika, Weerawansa, 21 Million … and you share the stupid South Indian gene.

              • 0

                Dear Native,

                Where did you get this South Indian bit?.

                Are you pushing your mate, Dr RN’s theory that SL Tamils have no SI genes at all .

                And they are all Sinhala Genes.

                Funny you mentioned Chettiyars,

                As kids we knew one in Galle, One of the nicest people I have ever met, He used to buy us freshly killed Goat every Sunday.

                And gave me real Indian Dosai served in the kitchen as they came off the hot plate.when I went to pick up the meat..

                • 1

                  KASmaalam K.A Sumanasekera

                  “One of the nicest people I have ever met, He used to buy us freshly killed Goat every Sunday.”

                  You are not fibbing are you?

                  Chettiars are supposed to be vegetarians.

                  “And gave me real Indian Dosai served in the kitchen as they came off the hot plate.when I went to pick up the meat..”

                  Didn’t your mother teach you to remember “say no to strangers”? Or you too enjoyed old perverts company, should I say more than company.

                  Now I know why Vellala women didn’t like you. They probably didn’t want to nurse an grown up abused child.

  • 1

    Not sure of Rudrakumaran…agree with Wiggy

    • 0


      Why are you making silly comments.

      You have lots of potential.

      Be sensible and write strongly in support of Mahinda.

  • 3

    Learn to live as citizens of Sri Lanka and respect everyone. Your manipulation and separative ways are cunning and elusive. Never have intentions to assimilate and live in peace and harmony. Always cunningly trying or otherwise manipulating ways and means using others outsiders to play your cunning game. Reborn as dogs or crows for such acts.

  • 9

    Dear Usha,

    After the debacle of dealing with people with loss of memory and the Forum that shows double standards and a Non Existent CPS I have decided to go into a Self Imposed Exile.
    But I have come out only to give you the Thums Up and we will get to the Promised Land and then the Peace Secretariat will be distant memory.

    • 10

      Oh Please don’t Kali! This forum needs you! You are our staunch defender! We can’t do without your eloquence, rebuttals, debating skills, knowledge and insights

      • 3


        Why do not you join kali in self imposed exile? Can you not find a chat room where persons like you can agree on how great you are and how wonderful the future of all Tamils will be?

        • 6

          Hi GRANDAD The Other Grey Panther:

          If I remeber correctly you said that you were upset with my Choice of Words such as Old & Senile because you fitted into that Category.
          I had the decency to say sorry to you.
          But what you are saying above in my vocabulary amounts to Racial Abuse.
          Is it ok for you to abuse us Racially becuse we both are Tamils and even though you have past it you cannot be Touched.

          Whether I Go into “Vanavasam” or not is my choice.

          What is a Chat room my Old man. Is it a room from where you Groom Young Girls. You pervert.

          • 0

            kali and Usha,

            I try to treat older persons with respect and that includes both of you. Usha appears to be about the same age as my grand mother. Since kali left Jaffna a long time ago he also is bound to be older than I am.

            BTW I am a female Tamil.

            If you do not know what a chat room is please use any search engine. Maybe you are on Viber chatting with other Diaspora Dreamers?

            How can one of you worship a senior citizen like CM while the other clearly despises the elderly? Are the other TNA seniors also senile?

            • 4

              The Other Panther.

              Let us get this one right.

              So you had a sex change and jumped from Man to a Women.
              One minute you are Old but the next minute you are young.
              From your reaction to being called Old and Senile you must be between 90- 100.
              If we take that as a starting point and if Usha the Intellect is your grand mothers age (and I am sure she also must have Mokeys Habit of Jumping before she gave birth to you. How nice changing Sex Runs in the family) Usha must be about 150 years of age.
              At the age of shall we say 95 you have lost the art of writing and cohesion but Usha the oldest living person must have an Implanted Computer with a Voice Syntersiser like Stephen Hawkins ( please dont mistake him for Dayan) to write like she does.
              Especially spotting people like the CM.

              Man this indeed is a Miracle the man Kind has never witnessd.
              What goes round comes round I mean Abuse you old fool.

  • 5


    You are calling Prabaharan as ‘our undisputed Archuna’. In that case who was his Krishna? Was it Anton Balasingham? Or was it your visonary leader Rudrakumaran? If Prabaharan was Archuna, how come he was killed in the Eelam war? Are you trying to re-write Maha Bharata?

    Some called him Suriyathevan and others even called him Lord Muruga (there is even a song where your leader is described as Lord Muruga). Unfortunately for you people, your Suriyathevan or Lord Muruga got killed and his dead body with cracked skull was paraded by the Sri Lankan soldiers before the TV.

    You also mentioned that according to some Prabaharan was an Ellalan of the 21st century. Again, unfortunately for you people, this 21st century Ellalan was also killed by the Sinhalese under the leadership of one from Ruhuna.

    It appears that you are now recognising two successors to your Archuna. One is your visonary leader Rudrakumaran and second obviously is your ‘leader for all time’ Wigneswaran. One is a lawyer and other a former Justice. Your Archuna carried guns but his successors both carry law books. Have law books replaced guns to win your Tamil Eelam?

    You want a referendum for people of North East. People of North East are not all Tamils. In the East, Muslims and Sinhalese put together will outnumber Tamils and if ever a referendum is held in the East, it will be a definite ‘No’ for Eelam. Even in the North, the Muslims and the Sinhalese will vote against Eelan. There is no way Diaspora Tamils like you could be allowed to vote because you people cannot decide the destiny of the Tamils living in the North East. Forget about referendum. It will never happen and even it happens, it will be a clear ‘No’.

    You are saying “Only one thing is clear, either way, the Tamil speaking people will be mere pawns in the Sinhala game of chess.” But by this statement you are contradicting Sampanthan, Sumanthiran,Mavai and other TNA leaders who have been claiming that Tamils were the “king makers” of Sri Lanka and that because of the Tamil votes only Mahinda Rajapakse was defeated at the January 8th Presidential Election. And now Sampanthan has went even further and said that TNA will hold the trump card in a hung Parliament and wants the North East Tamils to vote 20 TNA MPs to Parliament at the forthcoming Parliamentary election. In the views of the TNA leaders, Tamils are not mere pawns but are part and parcel of the Sri Lankan Parliamentary politics. To top it up, TNA leaders have disowned the former LTTE fighters and refused them TNA nominations demonstrating to the Sinhalese and the world that they will nothing to do with the LTTE types. And at next month’s election, in case UNP comes out as the party with the largest number of MPs but still fall short of the number required to form a government, I am dead sure TNA will give Ranil the required majority and will again become the king makers of Sri Lankan politics.

    Your ‘leader for all time’ Wicki owes his position to Sampanthan and Sumanthiran. Don’t forget that. And TNA leaders will cut him to size if he becomes too big for his shoes however much you Diaspora Tamils praise him. And one more question. Why didn’t your ‘leader of all time’ Wicki pass the genocide resolution when Mahinda was in power? One good thing about Wigneswaran is that he wants a resolution of the Tamil problem in a united Sri Lanka under a federal system of government. That is not your Eelam? Or is it? And I can tell you one thing – your stupid Archuna would have had something akin to Eelam had he gone along with Rajiv. That was not to be. His dream ended at Nandikadal some five years ago and you Diaspora Tamils are still dreaming of it. Pathetic.

  • 1

    Whatever you American, British, Canadian, Australian, Sri Lankans think and write, please keep in mind that we live in a Classical country called Sri Lanka. A nation which should go forward united and not divided.
    We have one president, one prime minister, one cabinet , one parliament, governing one nation, all 65,000 square kilometers of it. They are all present in Sri Lanka, including the opposition. So be it.

  • 0

    your scientific revelation to be validated. until then you are wrong.

    • 0


      It is validated research using the latest techniques.


      • 0

        Dear Pacs,

        As Dr RN said it is validated research published in peer reviewed scientific journals

        Please refer to Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.

        By Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan and Patcharee Lertrit

        1. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok,

        2. Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University, PraChan, Bangkok, Thailand

        It was published on the Internet on 7 November 2013.

        It is quite revealing and wiil help you to shed your archaic opinions.

        Kind Regards,

        • 3

          your conclusion that indian and srilankan tamils are different as well as Dr RNs comment on srilankan tamils does not have any contribution from veddas are both wrong.
          eastern tamils does share some genes with veddas.
          As far as the south indian and srilankan populations are concerned there are lots of similarities. Please read Gyneswar Chaubey’s commentary on the Ranaweera et el study.
          I do not think this is an appropriate time to discuss until we have more insight into mitochondrial genetics.

          • 1

            Ken Robert,

            Thanks. This was a general comment highlighting the essence. I had given a detailed summary of the Rabawana study. I was not able to find the relevant detailed publication of Gynewar Cchaubey in a Google search this morning. I however, was able to trace three references you had given on 15th Sep’ 14 in an article by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleke. The link to Chaubey, is only accessible in summary and does not have a reference to Sri Lanka, although the title refers to SL. it is also only a commentary, as defined in the title.

            There are no research studies to prove, disprove or shed further light since Ranawana study. From what I understand the Ranawana et. al have to do further research on within segments within Sri Lankan Tamils , to further lend meaning to thir study. The same may be required for the low country, mis-country and Kandyan Sinhalese and even the Muslims living in different parts of this country.

            Further, advance in techniques and interpretations may help further shed light on the subject. We have only scratched the surface now.


            • 0

              For the attention of OTC and Dr RN
              Language isolates and their genetic identity:
              a commentary on mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the
              island and with the Indian subcontinental populations
              Gyaneshwer Chaubey
              Journal of Human Genetics (2014) 59, 61–63; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.122;

              South Asia is the home to more than a fifth of the world’s population, and is thought, on genetic grounds, to have been the first main reservoir in the dispersal of modern humans Out of Africa.
              Additionally, high level of endogamy within and between various castes, along with the influence of several evolutionary forces and long-term effective population size, facilitate the formation of complex demographic history of the subcontinent. Therefore, the ancestry of peopling of the South Asia is a question of fundamental importance in archaeogenetics, linguistics and historical disciplines, and it is not surprising that the number and timing of migrations in and out of South Asia is still vigorously debated.

              Researches from various disciplines focused on testing the hypothesis that several separate migrations entered to the subcontinent with each migration being associated with different tool technology, linguistic and genetic characteristics. The mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) data suggest deep autochthonous diversity with minor sharing with East and West Eurasians,3 whereas, in contrast with this, the recent autosomal data showed substantial similarities of their genome with Caucasus and West Asians.4,6
              However, at the current resolution, it is unclear that this sharing is extremely ancient or arisen with the arrival of new languages and farming. Among South Asian countries, India and Pakistan have somewhat better understanding of their genetic structuring,
              whereas genetic information from Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives are either published at the level of forensic data or restricted to few populations. Being at the offshoot of southernmost tip of South Asia and along the proposed southern migration route, the island of Sri Lanka has long been settled by various ethnic groups and may offer a unique insight into initial peopling of the subcontinent. Most importantly, it is one and only precursor of modern humans fossil in South Asia dated back to 37 000 years ago. Therefore, it is important to study prehistoric human settlement of Sri Lanka, and their relation to other adjoining populations.
              Though each and every population of South Asia is unique in terms of their genetic structuring, dialect and specific rituals, there are few language isolates who have hypothesized to be the remnants of the ancient settlers and may provide an insight to the initial peopling of the subcontinent.Hence,it is important to study the genome structure of these groups. However, it is also important to note that the language isolates may not be always the genetic isolates. Except from the Andaman islanders, none of the studied
              South Asian language isolates hitherto were found to be true genetic isolate. The linguistic isolate of Sri Lanka is known as Vedda (aka Vadda). Vedda is small hunter-gatherer tribe existing in Northwest province of Sri Lanka. They are called as aboriginal people of Sri Lanka and were suggested to represent the indigenous population of the entire subcontinent.
              The first genetic study of Vedda along with other Asian populations suggested their long period of isolation.However, the analysis of alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein allele frequencies supports the view that the Veddas are biologically most closely related to the Sinhalese.14 Till date, a high resolution genetic data was not available from this population and their affinity with other populations of Eurasia remained obscure.

              In previous issue, Ranaweera and colleagues rectified this issue by generating the novel informations from the HVS-I and HVS-II region of mtDNA to date for the Vedda, including other major ethnic groups of Sri Lanka. Through a well-covered sampling strategy, they filled a major geographic ‘white spot’ inhabited by 20 million people. Their analysis led to the more precise identification of South Asian-specific indigenous mtDNA haplogroups and a better understanding of the extent of East and West Eurasian admixture among Sri Lankan populations. In addition, for the first time by generating mtDNA data on relic Vedda populations, this study was able to confirm that they exhibit low genetic variability, which is consistent with their small population size and strong effect of genetic drift. The haplogroup distribution and sharing among different ethnic groups is intriguing. Majority of mtDNA haplogroups were belonging to South Asian-specific clades. However, the Sri Lankan populations (except Indian Tamils sampled in SriLanka) have significantly higher West Eurasian ancestry than any other Southern Indian states. The most common West Eurasian haplogroup observed were haplogroup U1 and U7. Majority of haplotypes among studied populations have a complete or nearly complete match with South Indian variants, whereas only three haplogroups (M2, M6, M33 and R5) are common and share haplotypes across all the
              studied groups.
              Another important element of this study was generating the maternal haplogroup level data from one of the so far genetically virtually unstudied language isolate of South Asia known as Vedda. This study reports that the Vedda is most distinct among all the ethnic groups, which is likely due to elevated frequency of haplogroups R30, U1 and U7, altogether represent 64% of maternal lineages
              of Vedda. The haplotype distribution of these haplogroups clearly indicates this scenario as a result of founder effect(s) due to random genetic drift. Owing to this unique haplogroup structuring, Vedda single out as an exceptional tribal population of South Asia, having less than 30% individuals sharing haplogroup M. Majority of their individuals share a branch of haplogroups R30 (that is, R30b2), widespread mainly in the coastal region of South Asia and shows an expansion time between 8 and 24 kya . Haplogroup U1 haplotypes, which is also reported from Southern India, were found among 12% of Vedda individuals. Haplogroup U7 haplotypes were shared with both North and South Indian populations. The future phylogeographic study of these haplogroups would able to find out the population sharing the closest common ancestry with Vedda.
              From this study it is apparent that the;
              (1) considerable number of maternal lineages of Sri Lanka is shared with India, more precisely with southern part of India;
              (2) the maternal genetic structuring is shaped by both ethnicity and geography; and
              (3) thelanguage isolate Vedda is not likely a genetic isolate and shares their lineages with their neighbours.
              As this study is lacking the highest level of resolution of mtDNA, therefore it is hard to establish any timeline for the presence of these haplogroups (most importantly west Eurasian-specific haplogroups), into this region, although the archeological record suggest the presence of modernhuman since Upper Paleolithic time. Moreover, mtDNA is highly prone to genetic drift, especially in small tribal populations like Vedda, thus one or more mtDNA founding haplogroups can easily be
              lost among them. Therefore, one cannot dismiss the possibility, for instance, that the Vedda had a geographical distribution wider and deep connection with other language isolates than that observed in modern populations.
              The demographic history of a population cannot be established by studying just a single locus. Therefore, to find out the signatures of ancient as well as recent admixture to reconstruct the demographic history for the Sri Lankan populations (including linguistic isolate Vedda), along with the complete mtDNA informations, high-resolution Y-chromosomal and high coverage complete genome resequencing data are essential.
              In the era of Genomics and cutting edge technology, it can be expected that in near future the complete understanding of the Sri Lankan genepool will help to contribute significantly to the knowledge of genetic variation of modern humans in South Asia

              • 0

                Dear Ken Roberts,

                I just posted a comment to you about 30 mnts ago in response to your earlier comment. Unfortunately I did not see the present comment of yours (July 12, 2015 at 10:46 pm).

                However I was surprised toe see a reference to Balangoda Man in the Gyaneshwer Chaubey commentary.

                I noticed the reference to “South Asia is the home to more than a fifth of the world’s population, and is thought, on genetic grounds, to have been the first main reservoir in the dispersal of modern humans Out of Africa” in the abstract and have drawn your attention to the very thing in my reply.

                Uncanny coincidence.

                I will read what you have presented. Thank you for providing it.

                Kind Regards,

              • 1

                Ken Roberts,

                Thanks. It will take some time to digest the information. However, a friend of mine, a Sinhalese from an aristocratic family told me that a DNA test revealed he had a European lineage-probably Portuguese.

                I have also wondered how the very fair skin and sometimes blue eyes have become prevalent among a significant number of Sinhalese and Tamils, who consider themselves pure breds. I have seen sketches of Dutch men who had taken Tamil wives and their progeny. The same would have happened during Portuguese rule too. I should also seen the fair skin and blue eyes among Plantation Tamis also -probably the descendants of European planters, born of Plantation a Tamil mothers.

                Your report quoting Chaubey, indicates the crossbreeding of European types with local all females was more widespread in Sri Lanka than in the rest of the sub-continent. This infusion of European blood should have expressed as phenotypicallt as hybrid vigour.


                • 0

                  Dr RN
                  I agree that we(Srilankans) may have more eurasian genes in comparison to the indian tamils.

                  Timing of this mixture needs further proof.

            • 0

              Dear Ken Roberts,

              The Indian Tamils referred to are the Indian Origin Plantation Tamils. The Ranawana report that you referred to has this to say about them.

              However, Indian Tamils were separated from the rest of the Sri Lankan subgroups, except SU-Bam and SL-Ban, on the first PC axis. This is further strengthening of the hypothesis that Indian Tamils are genetically distinct from the rest of the Sri Lankan ethnic groups.

              In simple language that statement means that Plantation Tamils and Lanka Tamils are not genetically related.

              Re the Vedda your report says the following.

              “Interestingly, highest number of haplotype sharing was found between Vedda with Up-country Sinhalese and with Low-country Sinhalese. On the other hand, there was no haplotype sharing between the Vedda people with any of the Tamils”

              It CLEARLY state that neither the Plantation Tamils nor the Lanka Tamils have ANY genetic (haplotype) connection with the Vedda.

              The above observations are not mine they are those of the Geneticists who did the research. I have presented them without any distortion.

              Ken, I have no intention of running down the Tamils but I will not allow the Sinhalese, who are unquestionably Children of Lanka, to be slandered against, using pseudo history manufactured by racist power hungry Tamil politicians and presented to the world as Authentic history.

              Take for instance the abrogation of the Dudley Chelva Pact. Every Tamil Politico and writer has presented it as a broken promise of the Sinhalese. They will continue to do so in the future too. The TRUTH is that it was opposed by the Majority Tamil population of Lanka, the Underclass (60%-75% of the North). Until I discovered the true facts lately, I too believed the Tamil propaganda to be true. We never knew about the organisation called ‘All Ceylon Minority Tamils’ United Front’ The name is a misnomer because they were the numerical Tamil majority, though by social standing, they were inferior.

              It was their protests that were championed by the SLFP. It was their protests that led to the abrogation of the Dudley Chelva Pact. It was their appeal not to enact the D-C Pact that made the SLFP (in the opposition at that time) to present a Bill to amend the Prevention of Social Disabilities Act, to include specific discrimination against them, practiced in the North, to be outlawed. It was only after the PSDA was amended that the FIRST Tamil MP from the Underclass, came to Parliament, 30 years after independence. The Tamils should be ashamed of that.

              I wrote about it in my comment addressed to Usha of July 11, 2015 at 6:53 pm. We have 6 people thumbing it down but NOT ONE who has challenged the contents. Usha has gone Silent. Thambu Kanagasabai went Silent. Where are the Tamil Historians hiding?

              I also wrote about the East in the 1700s and produced AUTHENTIC Dutch maps and records. I also produced excerpts from many Tamil writers in support of what I wrote. So far no challenge in sight.

              Dr. RN and Heretic (both intelligent and honourable Tamils living in Jaffna) have raised the issue of Fresh water in the North. They question why the NPC is pushing this issue, Vital to Life, on to the back burner. They ask what Wig’s and the NPC has done to alleviate the day to day issues of living in the North. All that is water on a Duck’s back for racists like Usha and her hurrah gang. It turns out that these power hungry idiots can’t even maintain what has been already built by the govt. Wig’s and company is churning out rhetoric instead.

              In order to make peace, what Lanka needs is forthright people, (mostly Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese) who will dispense with the rhetoric and face facts.

              BTW I could not access the reports that you have referred to (there is an abstract but I found the following that includes a comment from you. http://sbarrkum.blogspot.com/2012/03/sri-lankan-population-dna-genetics-01.html
              There is a commentary by Gyaneshwer Chaubey the summary of which is accessible.
              I noticed the following in it.

              “South Asia is the home to more than a fifth of the world’s population, and is thought, on genetic grounds, to have been the first main reservoir in the dispersal of modern humans Out of Africa”

              The OLDEST authentically dated human remains in South Asia have been found in Lanka dated to 38,000 YBP. During the last Glacial Maximum the Sea was 400 ft below the present and hence any Living thing predating the Glacial maximum by 16,000 years would have had land access to the Indian Subcontinent. Consider these facts in relation to what Chaubey says.

              Kind Regards,

              • 1

                “indian tamils are genetically separated from rest of the srilankan groups”

                This is a subanalysis of the study which is already substantiated by history. If you read the article carefully Gyneshwar mentions majority of mtDNA haplogroups are shared with south asian specific clades. This indicates srilankan and south indians share most of the genes and your arguement that there is no/less connection between indian tamils and rest of srilankans less valid.
                what Gyneshwar asserts is the unique west eurasian component is less in indian tamils and more in srilankans. This could be related to our (srilankan) strategic location.

  • 0

    So much have spoken of the Tamil language as on of the greatest Classical. But I regret that Tamil language is not given its rightful place even in Tamil Nadu. Education, Government offices and TV programs. Invariably English take the pride of place in almost all programs. it has become a fashion to mix English in compering despite protests. Even Kalaignar TV which is owned by Karunanithi a person who boast of Chemmoli status is no exception.
    I am afraid the Tamil language will have a lingering death in Tamil Nadu itself.
    Stop speaking about the ‘glory’ and concentrate on the Tamil language being given the pride of place so that a ‘resurrection’ may not be necessary in the near future. Use English where ever necessary please do not murder both languages.

  • 1

    Tamil is one of the few classical languages that are still spoken by many millions.

    My fear is that like Sanskrit and Latin, two other ancient and classical languages of the world, Tamil will also become a dead language if the present trend in Tamil Nadu of speaking English-Tamil is not arrested.

    Bharati feared that Tamil will slowly die. We are seeing this happening now in Tamil Nadu. It has become a fashion for these Tamil Nadu people to speak English-Tamil, a kind of pidgin language with over 80 per cent English words and under 20 per cent or less Tamil words. The worst offenders are the various Tamil TV stations that have mushroomed in Tamil Nadu. These Tamil telecasters and even those participating in these TV programs seem to think that it is fashionable to use a whole host of English words in their conversations meant for a Tamil audience. I always wonder whether the people in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu would really understand this English-Tamil language spoken in the TVs.

    Unfortunately this disease is catching up even in Sri Lanka among the Sri Lankan Tamils. Sri Lankan Tamil telecasters and even broadcasters are aping their counterparts in Tamil Nadu. And children who listen to these telecasters and broadcasters tend to copy their style of speaking this new pidgin language.

  • 5

    As a Tamil from Jaffna, I can tell you we don;t want the diaspora to interfere. You can see people like Usha cant sleep in peace burning with hate and anger. There is absolutely no room for reconciliation in her heart, but dominance. What can we Tamils do if her Pirapakaran botched the opportunity that was given to him for 30 years. He couldn’t live without his gun like Usha cant live without her poison pen.

    • 1

      Aren’t you being rather ungrateful ? Hillary Clinton charges US$ 250,000+ for her advice. USriS does it for ‘free’.

      • 4


        “USriS does it for ‘free’.”

        You should have it even if its poison because its free.

    • 1


  • 3

    ‘The sweet honey like sound of the Tamil language must be heard round the world’

    Sweet honey like sound? The hideous accent is comical that is why it is mocked round the world.

    • 3

      So does greeks as well as arabs whose accent are strong as well.

    • 6


      That was the filthiest and most insulting comment I have seen in CT. Every one has a right to be proud of his own language and heritage , but has no right to insult those of others.

      I am forced to ask,what you know of Tamil and how it should be spoken and how it is spoken by different strata of society. Have you heard the English spoken by different strata of society in England, especially the Billingsgate type?

      Prestine Tamil, when spoken, writen or sung is ONE of the most beautiful languages in the world. The Sri Lankan Tamils, were reputed as recently as about fifty years ago, to speak it in the classical and most beautiful form, by none other than Kirupanandavariyar a Saivite savant and Tamil scholar. The great poet Subramanya Bharathiyar, who knew sixteen languages, called it the sweetest language among them ( Yaam arintha molihalilay Thamil moli pole innithavathu engum kaanoem).


    • 2

      “…that is why it is mocked round the world.”
      Far from it… my US-born and raised children were pleasantly surprised to find recently that the English language movie, “Life of Pi,” had dialogues in Tamil. Then there is the Cannes win for a French movie that had dialogues almost entirely in Tamil. And when composer A.R.Rehman won the Oscar, in front of the world stage, he wanted to say something in Tamil, and said something like “Ella Pukalum Iraivanukke.”

    • 4


      “The hideous accent is comical that is why it is mocked round the world.”

      Watch this clip you will learn more about you than others.

      The show is about you:

      Russell Peters : Red White and Brown – Russell Peters Full Show

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