27 April, 2024


Choice For The Tamils

By Kumarathasan Rasingam

Kumarathasan Rasingam

Article 1 of UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 recognises and grants the right of self-determination to peoples all over the world.

The Section says: “All peoples have the right of self-determination by virtue of that right; they freely determine their political status and thereby pursue their economic, social and cultural development”.

This fundamental human right of peoples is rooted on the preservation of their equality of rights, opportunities and treatment. In pursuit of these objectives, they can choose this option on their own without any third party intervention or compulsion.

People of different ethnicity, language, religion, history and culture posses this right to preserve and develop their identities, national consciousness is another mounting factor to claim this right, which allows them to form their own state and choose their own form of Government, which could be Union or Confederation with other similar states within a territory. This right is now recognised as a Universal Right exercisable by all the peoples who posses their own distinct characteristics.

Exercise of this right does not depend on any pre-conditions like oppression, discrimination and subjugation though these situations justify and invite international interventions, recognition and acceptance of their cause and decision.

As far as the Tamils are concerned, they are qualified as peoples within the UN definition of ‘peoples’ as they have been already recognised as people living in the North and East until the British conquest of Sri Lanka in 1798 and even later by the Bandaranayake-Chelvanayagam Pact of 1958, Oslo Accord 2002 and Indo-Sri Lanka Accord of 1987.

This being accepted as a universal right, it is fully exercisable by the Tamils, though the past 50 year history of Tamils which is spilling with ill-treatment, genocide, discrimination, denial of opportunities etc. makes their case for the exercise of this right rock proof and more just and right.

Another viable option for the Tamils is to call for a referendum to decide the best possible political solution. Referendum involves a general voting by the electorate on a simple political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.

As far as Tamils are concerned, a referendum would involve all the Tamil electorates to vote on a special political proposal or position to shape their political destiny. The political questions could be one of the following with answers of YES OR NO – OR NO OPINION:

[1] A Federal form of Government or

[2] Separation – Independent sovereign State.

[3] Unitary form of Government.

In order to legitimately call for a referendum it is important for Tamils to gain the political acceptance of the Tamils through election success which endorse the right of referendum for a particular political question. Alternatively, International Community including UN can initiate same with the consent of Sri Lankan Government, if Sri Lanka refuses to consent. However consent of Sri Lanka is only a distant possibility, and the only hope is UN”s Security Council to pass a resolution calling on Sri Lanka to hold a referendum confirming it to Tamil electorates.

During the 1990s many countries resorted to this referendum which paved way for the creation of several independent sovereign states. Some of the countries which became sovereign states after a ‘YES’ referendum vote are as follows:-

Eretria April 1993 separated from Ethiopia

East Timor August 19991 separated from Indonesia

Slovenia Dec. 1990 separated from Yugoslavia

Montenegro Dec. 2006 separated from Serbia

Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia – separated from Yugoslavia

South Sudan 2011 separated from Sudan.

It is to be noted that countries like Canada and Switzerland have constitutional provisions allowing referendum as a legal option, while Parliamentary Supreme countries like, United Kingdom can only approve referendum by passing legislation to that effect. French speaking state of Quebec in Canada held a referendum on October 30, 1995 to opt or reject to form a separate independent Government separate from Canada. The referendum voted ‘NO’ for separation. Likewise UK Parliament approved a referendum in 2015 for Scotland to decide the formation of an independent Scotland state. The referendum rejected the proposal with a 55% ‘NO” vote, However, moves are now underway in Scotland to initiate another referendum with the approval of UK Parliament.

The sticking point is that in UK, another Parliament has the power to revoke and reverse the ‘YES’ referendum vote of Scotland by another parliamentary legislation. Unless and until constitutional guarantee is in place, a referendum with ‘YES’ result runs the risk of ‘no effect’

Furthermore, referendum can be initiated for constitutional changes like extension of Presidential term or no election for certain period. Late J.R Jayaweardenae resorted to referendum in 2000 to extend his term of office for six more years, without a general election.

A referendum for Tamils can only succeed if the Sri Lankan Parliament approves it and also makes the necessary constitutional changes by making a “YES’ result by Tamils irrevocable under any circumstances. In that event only the referendum result will get international recognition. Other alternative is for the UN recognise it and pass a resolution to this effect calling for compliance from Sri Lankan Government to hold a referendum.

Similarly a referendum without the approval of a government, unless backed by international community or UN, runs the risk of being suppressed by a government using its central power and security forces, as happened in the 2017referendums in Turkey by Kurds, and Catalonia in Spain. The noteworthy and significant  matter of political ‘Vaddukoddai Resolution” of 1976 which called separate state for Tamils resulting from the 1977 general election which was in fact a referendum which got a massive YES endorsement from Tamils.

Separation involves and aims at political independence based on race, religion, language or culture. In order to preserve one or more of the above, people who suffered from discrimination and/or subjugation resort to this step as a last resort to keep alive and foster their identity while deciding n their own political way of life,

Separate state is chosen by people as a group of individuals from another group which is usually larger, and differs by ways of language, religion, ethnicity, culture and even history.

“A group has a right to separate if and only it has suffered certain injustices, for which a separate state is the appropriate remedy of last resort”.

The recent history is replete with creation of numerous separate states based on ethnicity, language and religion.

  • For instance, Soviet Union broke up after the creation of fourteen countries based on ethnicity.
    Azerbaijan declared sovereignty on 23 September 1989.
  • Georgia declared sovereignty on 9 March 1990 and subsequently elected a nationalist government on 11 November 1990.
  • Lithuania declared independence on 11 March 1990. On 17 July 1990, the republic announced that it would create its own army units.
  • Estonia declared independence on 30 March 1990.
  • Latvia declared independence on 4 May 1990.
  • Russia declared sovereignty on 11 June 1990.
  • Uzbekistan declared sovereignty on 20 June 1990. An Uzbek Presidential decree in early September 1990 stipulated that future drafts of Uzbeks would be worked out through an agreement between the republic and union-level officials.
  • Moldova (Moldavia) declared sovereignty on 23 June 1990. In early September 1990, the Moldovan Supreme Soviet and President issued declarations that the draft was to be suspended for Moldovans, pending negotiations with the central leadership.
  • Ukraine declared sovereignty on 16 July 1990. On the same day, its Supreme Soviet also declared the republic’s right to have its own armed forces.
  • Belorussia declared sovereignty on 27 July 1990. The Belorussian Supreme Soviet declaration stated that the republic had a right to have its own armed forces.
  • Turkmenistan declared sovereignty on 22 August 1990. Similar to Kazakhstan’s sovereignty declaration, Turkmenistan’s declaration stated that the republic “determines the procedure for military service by citizens of the Turkmen SSR.”
  • Tajikistan declared sovereignty on 25 August 1990.
  • Armenia declared independence on 23 August 1990. Even before this, on 3 May 1990, at an extraordinary session of the Armenian Supreme Soviet, a resolution was passed that stopped the draft for active duty military.
  • Kazakhstan declared sovereignty on 25 October 1990. This sovereignty declaration contained the qualification that the republic claims the right “to define the procedure and the conditions for its citizens’ military service” in cooperation with the central authorities.
  • Kirgizia declared sovereignty on 12 December 1990.

All these countries are now enjoying UN membership as independent sovereign nations, and recognised by the International community.

As far as the Tamils in Sri Lanka are concerned, they are more than justified to call for the exercise of the:-

[1] Right of self-determination

[2] Right to referendum or

[3] Right to separation

The motivation and reasons for separation are many, some of which are as follows which has been experienced from 1948.

[1] |The state discrimination in employment and language use.

[2] 156 massacres of innocents and commission of genocide and crimes against humanity [2006-2009]

[3] Economic and political dominance of majority Sinhalese with North and East neglected for industrial growth.

[4] Destruction of religious and historical sites and symbols, building Buddha statutes and Viharas adjacent to Historical Hindu Temples and Churches.

[5] An agenda of Buddhisiation and Sinhalisiation aimed at the assimilation of Tamils in the North and East with change of demography in mind.

[6] Permanent residence of about 180,000 security personnel other than the police force in the Northern and Eastern provinces which is almost one soldier to every three civilians [ratio 01:03] and occupying about 34,000 acres of private and state lands including of about 6500 acres in Jaffna peninsula.

[7] Dishonoring all recommendation, Accords, Pacts entered from 1958.

[9] Entrenched culture of impunity for Government officials, and security forces for crimes committed thus giving free hands to commit violent acts or crimes against other religious groups, places with no fear of prosecution. This culture is now almost declared a basic state policy as seen from the recent statements from the President, PM and Ministers. With all these injustices heaped, the suffering Tamils are left with no other alternative other than to seek the help of International Community, United Nations and/or friendly nations to right the wrong and offer remedial justice without further delay.

Geographical, economic and political interests of any nation or nations must not prevail and ride roughshod over the universally recognized and respected principles of human rights and dignity of the historical Tamil race.

Besides propping up of Sri Lankan Government’s without punitive action which are adept in doling out hollow promises and hoodwinking the International Community, United Nations, European Union and UN Human Rights Council only encourages them to continue their defiance of international norms while setting up precedents and encouragement for other countries to follow and practice Sri Lanka’s path of non-compliance with UN Resolutions, calling for accountability for the crimes committed against its own citizens. Hence, the Tamils living in Sri Lanka and worldwide have to act without delay in launching diplomatic and face to face meetings with foreign dignitaries and leaders convincing them to endorse a referendum based on UN’s self-determination Article 1 of Convention 1966.

Besides, peaceful non-violent campaigns including propaganda targeting the Buddhists Clergy and hard-core politicians are of serious importance at this critical period when the present Government is engaged in bringing out a new constitution, which as usual, if enacted, would end up with a full fledged ‘Sinhala-Buddhism’ protected and fostering constitution, leaving the Tamils to square one.

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Latest comments

  • 8

    Mr. Kumarathassen Rasingham: From where do you write this article. How about your rights there where you are naturalized. In Sri lanka, as the leaders are dumb children came rich and the powerful, they have employment until they drop dead inside the parliament. Other than that, they are not visionary Leaders. So, you Tamils exploit those idiots and at the expense of the Sinhala people, at the expense of the sinhala buddhist civilization, you try to earn a country for you. Anyway, Tamils living in Sri lanka are asking trains from Yapanaya to Matara because they want to move there too. Right now, Colombo is full of Tamils. So, your homeland is empty. Anyway, I heard Avamangala Samraweera has a villa in Nicobar Island, in Medittaerrnean, which is worth and bought with British pounds 100 million. So, He is very reluctant to hurt feelings of Tamils. What do you say about it. I am waiting the day that All the Tamils sinhala people.

    • 10

      Jimsofty, good that you accept that your leaders and yourself are idiots.

    • 5

      I’m almost certain that the Nicobar Islands (and the Andamans) are in the Bay of Bengal, not anywhere near the Mediterranean Sea (your spelling is different, mine has not got highlighted by the Spell-check. When, oh, when will Colombo Telegraph get back to normal?).


      I’m NOT studying this article or the responses in detail, but certainly, one of the practical problems will be that while the proposed “Eelam” will be in the North, so many Tamils live elsewhere. And where do Tamil-speaking Muslims fit in, and the “Up-country Tamils”?


      I am not going to fault anybody for discussing the issues, though. We must make all Sri Lankan citizens feel comfortable to be living here. The search for a solution is good, but my thoughts are on other subjects right now.

      • 0

        Sinhala Man: Await further instructions.

      • 2

        My dear Sinhala _Man, Your comment, ‘while the proposed “Eelam” will be in the North, so many Tamils live elsewhere. And, where do Tamil-speaking Muslims fit in, and the “Up-country Tamils’, takes me by surprise.
        Eelam is for those who want to be away from oppression. Eelam is for those who wish to be away from repression. Eelam is for any Sri Lankan who chooses peace, devoid of any fear of loss of life or limbs. It is the choice of the individual.
        Under the present setup Tamils breathe uneasy. Tamils prefer to be among Sinhalese in a peaceful Sri Lanka, where there is no fear of life, where there is no fear of imbalances.
        Tamils were never much into politics. Their only involvement was to cast their votes, once in five years, to choose their representatives. But chauvinism of the major community had sucked them into the vortex of an unnecessary war.
        A decent citizen would wish to avoid being drawn into another war.
        Please work towards that. Leave any confusion associated with Eelam to the idle minds.

        • 1

          Dear Unreal,


          You should surely know by now that I have no problem with you.


          As for Jim softy, what a strange guy! Talks rubbish most of the time, but he occasionally says something that one can agree with. But those comments of his are those that have nothing to with ethnic relations.

    • 3

      Relocating to Tamil Nadu is the best and safest option for Tamils.

      • 3


        “Relocating to Tamil Nadu is the best and safest option for Tamils.”

        Of course, particularly very good for the recent converts, the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists.

    • 1


      Who are these Sinhala people?

      “Due to ignorance, even the present day Sinhala-Buddhists still believe that they are blood relatives of Buddha because, according to the Mahavamsa, their forefather Pandu-Vasudeva belongs to the Sakya clan, and is a relative of the Buddha where as the historians believe that the term ‘Pandu’ in Pali means Pandyans.”

  • 7

    Oh, I forgot to write that Villa was bought with LTTE money, all given by Tamils.

  • 8

    Choice for Tamils,
    Separation own country call Thamil ealam, british asses ruined tamils freedom…….damn bloody sinhala budhist modayas never going to learn….

    • 7

      J. Muthu,

      We have learn everything that we need to know about Tamils. Our ancestors told ‘There are only two Tamils that you can trust: The unborn and the dead’. What else you want us to learn.

      • 5

        Your ancestors being the “kavung” fed ones – right?!

  • 8

    Which of the following categories will be entitled to vote in a referendum.
    a) All citizens of Sri Lanka
    b) Tamil speaking people who practise Hindu as their religion
    c) Tamil speaking people who practise Christianity as their religion
    d) Tamil speaking people who practise Islam as their religion
    e) Tamil speaking people who arrived during the British.

    In short who are the ‘Tamils’ in respect of a political solution and entitled to vote in the proposed referendum.

    • 1

      Based on the referendums that have happened around the world in the last decade “a to e” will not be acceptable.
      What would be acceptable would be the people living in this area or region should vote as it is their future that is at issue.

      • 3

        Burt , your logic will lead to counting North and East separately, leaving only North as the Homeland.

        • 3

          “Burt , your logic will lead to counting North and East separately, leaving only North as the Homeland.”

          The way things are Sinhalese, Buddhists, Muslims, Tamils (?), Hindus, Burghers, Christians, …. may vote for a separate state. They may also want to allocate a small patch of land for the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto builders.

          Get Dayan, Wimal, …….Champika, Malawattu, Assgiria, …. to demand for a separate state, sort of Bantustan for those who believe in their smart ass patriotism.

          • 0

            Why did you miss out on smart ass patriot Udayan Ganapathipillai who also wants a Bantustan?

            • 0


              The dot dot line is for sort of fill in the blank exercise. Udhaya can fill in and made himself proud.
              BTW have you seen KASmaalam KA Sumanasekere?
              He has been missing for several days now.
              Do you think we should inform the police?

    • 2

      ” Tamil speaking people who arrived during the British.”

      Was there a referendum when
      1. Substantial section of the people were disenfranchised?
      2. Was there a referendum when Sinhala only language policy was enforced?
      3. Was there a referendum before you started several riots?
      4. Was there a referendum just before you decided to burn down the library?
      5. ……
      7. Was there a referendum when each new constitution was adapted?
      8. ………

      Instead could we have a referendum on allocating land for a Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto?

      • 3

        Was there any referendum when thousands of Indian origin Tamils were brought in and settled first in North and East and then in Central hills? Don’t Sinhalese have any right to oppose those things?

        Why only talk about from the point of view from Tamils? Don’t you see how Sinhalese were discriminated? Are you happy that Sinhalese being bullied just because they are the majority community?

        It seems that you have a massive minority complex.

        • 1

          There is no history of any European power settling Indian origin Tamils in the north and east , however there is enough and more evidence that the Portuguese and Dutch brought in hundreds of thousands of low caste and untouchable Tamils from South India as slave and indentured labour and settled them along the western and southern littorals. Their Sinhalised descendants now make up half the present day so called Sinhalese population and this includes your Karawa ancestors. The Sinhalese only became a large majority due to these recent low caste Indian Tamil imports , whose descendants over the centuries took on a Sinhalese identity. Yes there was no referendum when the Portuguese and Dutch in hundreds of thousands low caste Indian Tamil imports into the island , including yours. You racist bigoted Karwa woman with a very recent low caste Indian Tamil origin . You and 50% of the present day Sinhalese , many of them now beating the anti Tamil drum share the same origin and caste as the Indian origin estate Tamils , whom the Brtish later imported to the central highlands . The only difference is they kept their ancient Tamil identity and Hindu religion , whereas yours and the ancestors of 50% of the present day Sinhalese conveniently took on a Sinhalese identity to survive and are now spewing anti Tamil venom and vomit everywhere to hide your real low caste immigrant Indian Tamil origin. You are disgusting

  • 14

    I acknowledge the right of Tamils to establish their own Homeland.
    The moment contours of Tamil Homeland is defined the rest of the island becomes the Sinhala Homeland and the Sinhalese must see to that Tamils occupying Sinhala Homeland is relocated into the Tamil Homeland. From that point onwards Tamils in Sinhala Homeland will not be citizens of equal status.

    • 8

      Are you trying to threaten the Tamils living outside North East to face death? Tamils living in the whole island are not treated as Sinhalese citizens. Once the constitution of yours given the special status to Buddhism, the equality concept is not valid. It is up to the Tamils living outside North East whether they want to live as equal citizens or third class citizens facing death threat from 2500 years Sinhala civilization. Tamils of North East origins are eligible for voting irrespective of where they live inside oroutside of North East Srilanka

      • 6

        No, Tamils must decide between the Homeland in the North East OR the right to live anywhere. I fervently appeal to my Tamil brothers and sisters to choose the latter, let’s iron out the issues and move forward together.

        • 2


          “No, Tamils must decide between the Homeland in the North East OR the right to live anywhere.”

          You are right. It will be decided by the Hindians as part of their regional social engineering .

      • 7

        What you are saying is a Tamil would prefer death over moving into the caste ridden hell hole, that is Tamil Homeland. Reminds me of the estate Tamils who preferred to live that slavish life among the Sinhalese over to Tamil Nadu. And millions upon millions who migrated to Malaysia, Ceylon. Fiji etc to work as slaves. For a Tamil anything is better than their own Homeland. That really is THE problem for our future generations.

        • 1


          That was, arguably, true of India in general and the present Tamilnadu in particular prior to the mid-1970s. Since then substantial progress has been made there in agriculture,
          economy and politically. Whereas notices saying “No Vacancy” was seen everywhere in the Madras State then, today they are short of personnel in most fields of activity. Besides, schooling and higher education – notably IT subjects – is more stable and of a better quality. Therefore “Indian” Tamils, in large numbers, would like the idea to relocate there if GoI/GoSL work out a scheme to realise this objective. These folk know their safety in Sri Lanka in the coming decades will be compromised when continuous political disorder will be the order of the day.

          Many indigenous Tamils too would like to make South India their home due to the anti-Tamil bias. They know what is in store here between now and the next 2-3 decades will be no different to what they suffered up to now. Employment in the South is becoming scarce ; the Cost of Living will reach astronomical heights; food-shortages will continue. Inflation will rise uncontrollably. The law and order situation will deteriorate. Sinhala political parties will put all the blame on the “Tamil menace” as the Nazis unfairly blamed the Jews in Germany in the 1930s. China, with its increasing political and Real Stake in the country, meantime, will not remain silent. Tensions between China and India will have an adverse affect politically and economically in the island.

          The “coming colours” my friend – is clearly no good, as the Chinese would say. The normally undisciplined Sinhalese mobs will very likely turn against the Buddhist hierarchy. It is no secret the Buddhist priests ruined this country from the mid-1950s.

          • 3

            Mr Vanangamudi
            Appreciate your very decent tone of reply, deviating from the personal vilifications usually resorted to by the Tamil racists on this column. You have given a lot of reasons why Tamils should consider moving out of Sinhala majority areas. This is no space to argue over your opinions expressed. Native Vedda here on this column too doesn’t lose a breath in his attempt to educate the Tamils about the barbarian nature of Sinhala Buddhists. I hope your message will seep through to the Tamils outside North and East. I believe TNA should run a campaign within the Tamil community emphasizing those points. The day I observe any tendency among the Tamils to migrate towards NE leaving us I will feel ashamed as a Sinhalese and join your ranks demanding a separate state for Tamils. For the present I am with the Tamils on their non political issues and keep on appealing to retain the right to live anywhere rather than forming a separate Homeland in this small island and lose it.

      • 5

        Can the Sinhalese live in your Tamil home land?

    • 6

      Sorry Soma, no can do. Can’t have all those low caste up-country fellows polluting the wells and inter-marrying with Vellala maidens.

      • 2


        “Sorry Soma, no can do. Can’t have all those low caste up-country fellows polluting the wells and inter-marrying with Vellala maidens”

        In your case you burn them alive, kill them, loot them, ………………. in various riots since 1956.

        Let the Hindians decide.

        By the way how do you treat the Rodias, Sakili, Durava, …. ? I suppose you better start reading your matrimonial columns. I am sure you will learn a thing or two.

    • 2

      This is one of the stupidest argument. People become citizens of which ever side of the border they have permanent reside residence in.

      • 2

        Oh good. So those Sinhala bakers and Muslims are going to be resettled in their Tamil homeland.

        • 2


          “Oh good. So those Sinhala bakers and Muslims are going to be resettled in their Tamil homeland.”

          Were there any Sinhala bakers in Tamil Homeland? So they opened the bakery the day Vijaya set foot on the land. I understand a Jaffna baker who happens to be a Sinhalese married to a Tamil and now lives in Canada whose Tamil Sinhala or Sinhala Tamil children now run a very successful bakery in Toronto.

          Tell us how do you classify the children belonging to Tamil Diaspora, Sinhala diaspora, Sinhala Tamil Diaspora, Tamil Sinhala diaspora, ……………………….. However I believe you prefer them to be part of Sinhala/Buddhist fascist supporting diaspora.

          By the way do you think since they are living in Canada their DNA would have changed?

          • 4

            stupid vedda
            Some Tamils have a mutated gene for terrorism!
            You appear to have a mutated gene for intelligence too.

            • 1


              “Some Tamils have a mutated gene for terrorism!”

              I may have to agree with you. We saw their actions in 1971 and between 1987 and 1990.

              “You appear to have a mutated gene for intelligence too.”

              True, isn’t it why my head is still on my shoulders whereas unlike yours HLD M is not sitting on my head.

          • 1


            So were their state Tamils when Vijaya set foot in this island? Do we have to toss these Coolies to ocean? Please add your two cent here. He know how benevolent and merciful you really is.

            • 0


              What is your point if there is one?

              • 1


                My point is irrelevant here. It was you which brought who came first argument. Please answer my question and I will give my reply accordingly. Don’t try to run like a whipped dog.

                • 0


                  “My point is irrelevant here. It was you which brought who came first argument.”

                  I never questioned who came first? I know who came first. It is irrelevant whether the Sinhalese or Tamil who came here first by by Kallathonie.

                  “Please answer my question and I will give my reply accordingly. Don’t try to run like a whipped dog.”

                  What was the question again?

    • 2


      “I acknowledge the right of Tamils to establish their own Homeland.”

      You should always consult the Hindian High Commission in Colombo, Hambantota, Jaffna, Badula before typing your grandiose statements.

      People are stupid but not that stupid to believe you. They know ultimately Hindians will decide what form of island they want.

      Go organise your next riot.

  • 8

    In Sri Lanka about 22% speak Tamil. In order to find a lasting solution, as demanded by Tamils, let us be generous and give 25% of the land in the north to establish a separate State for Tamils and demarcate the border as a straight line from east to west with the condition that all the Tamil speaking people should move to Tamil State. Then ‘Para Suddas’ or ‘Para Hindians’ cannot blame Sinhalese. This should be given as a non-negotiable proposal. If they reject the proposal the Government should discard 13th Amendment and scrap Provincial Councils.

    • 7

      Thanks Eagle eye, I am also promoting the same idea. Tamils ( Tamil speaking people) may have a separate Homeland OR the right to live anywhere, definitely not both.

      • 2


        “Thanks Eagle eye, I am also promoting the same idea. Tamils ( Tamil speaking people) may have a separate Homeland OR the right to live anywhere, definitely not both.”

        Have you found out the position of Hindians on your extravagant proposal?

    • 3

      Eagle Eye what a fool you are. Land borders are not drawn like that but according to the ethnic preponderance. If you draw a east to west line to include 25% of the land, then Anuradhapura will fall into Tamil territory which you are willing to concede. Go through the latest findings about Srilanka, where it has been concluded that at one time all people in Srilanka spoke Tamil or some form of Tamil (Elu is proto-Tamil). So why should Tamils give up any land which is legitimately theirs to satisfy others.

      • 5

        Why not ask for Colombo, Kandy, Galle etc. because there are lot of Tamil speaking people are living in there now?
        When will the insanity of separatist Tamils end??

        • 1

          “Why not ask for Colombo,Kandahar,Galle etc.,because there are a lot of Tamil speaking people are living in there now?”
          Why not, after all Tamils live every where in the ISLAND with everybody else do they not?
          What’s wrong with that?
          Isn’t that exactly what the Hindians want for their security?

          • 3

            So… What do you want? the whole country, part of the country or nothing?

        • 2

          The only thing insane here is you and the rest of the Sinhalese hardliners in this forum. Just look at your stupid arguments. Tamils are not insane like the Sinhalese to demand Southern Sinhalese areas as part of the Tamil homeland. However Sinhalese on the contrary are doing everything in their power to steal as much as land as possible from the Tamils , so that a Tamil land will not be a possibility. Just like what the Zionists are now doing to the Palestinian Arabs..

          • 5

            I didn’t know that SL is already divided to two countries! And the Sinhalese are trying to grab land from the other country. When did that happen?
            What you are saying is Tamils can live in anywhere in SL but the Sinhalese should not be allowed to do so?? So, who are the hardliners and the racists here??

            • 1

              Yes the country will be divided soon as it was before 1830, into two countries ,if fascist idiotic racist Chingkallams like you are allowed to run it. This land has always had two nations and now the Chingkallam nation using all the resources of state and the Chingkallam armed forces is deliberately trying to steal and grab lands from the Tamils and desroy their nation. You know this Chingkallam fascist . Individual Chingkallams if they want to live in Tamil lands , can do , provided they purchase lands and homes from their own funds, just like what the Tamils do in Sinhalese lands but not state sponsored ethnic cleansing of Tamils and deliberate settling of Chingkallams in Tamil lands to change the demography. I think you know all this but pretend not to understand because you are brainwashed racist Chingkala Buddhist fascist.

              • 1

                I am getting tired of hearing this from separatists like you. I feel so tired feel like giving the whole county to you.

                • 0


                  “I am getting tired of hearing this from separatists like you. I feel so tired feel like giving the whole county to you.”

                  Good, now go find your Padikkama.

      • 1

        Dr. Gnana,

        What are you proposing? The entire Sri Lanka is Tamil homeland or just North and East? Why did Tamils have given up the lands other than N-E? Do they want to claim that also?

    • 4

      It is actually 25% as per your government statistics and the homeland of the Tamil speaking people is the north and the east , where they are majority in all eight districts , despite state sponsored Sinhalese colonisation to deprive them of their land. There also in a majority in the NuwaraEliya district and in sizeable numbers in the greater Colombo area Puttalam and Kandy district. Get your fact correct.

  • 7

    Author’s sentimentality is applauded. Exercising any of the three points is not going to solve the problem. Tamils must understand world’s major players in the region, the USA, India and China and their strategic interest. Also, it has never been absolutely proven that Tamils were the first settlers of the north / east region of Sri Lanka. And, if one goes deeper, majority of the Sinhala and Tamils share the same ancestors. All came from India when India and Sri Lanka was one land mass. Tamils, Sinhala and other races must learn to live as Sri Lankans. Because of putrid politics , the current mind set (last 50 years) of the people have been corrupted. Good leadership and good governance is a must to cleanse this mindset of the mass.

    • 3

      “Good governance and good leadership is a must to cleanse this mindset of the masses”
      It is an impossible expectation. None of the political and religious institutions in Srilanka are not capable of producing one such individual.

    • 2

      Yes we all must live in harmony.

    • 2

      Has it also been proven that that Sinhalese are the first settlers in the north or east? The answer is no. There is enough and more evidence to prove that the Tamil history is far more older than any so called Sinhalese history in the north or east of the islan. In fact there is hardly any Sinhalese history in these areas. zzEven the so called Buddhist ruins in these areas are Tamil. It was Tamil chiefs and kings who ruled the north and east of the island. Intermittent Sinhalese rule or loose control of certain areas in the east, do not negate the ancient Tamil claim to these areas. There is no recorded history of Sinhalese or anyone being forced to leave the north and east and move to the south and Tamils from India moving to these areas on a large scale and settling. However I do agree with the rest of what you state

  • 5

    Mr Rasingam,

    Thanks for an excellent article, but let me correct an error in your article.

    President Jeyawardene resorted to referendum not to extend his term of office by six more years , but to extend the term of the then Parliament by six more years and the year was 1982.,not 2000

  • 6

    Mr. Kumarthasan Rasingham: I heard TN former PM KARUNANIDHI had said that he built most of the Cinema theaters in there, now he is interested in building Cinema Halls in Sri lanka and TNA is asking the contract. On the other hand, TNA is saying we are not interested in building Cinema halls. Instead we talk about Reconciliation and collect money.

  • 5

    Excellent article Mr. Rasingam.

    Hope your article will wake up and will articulate our local leaders to think straight and be honest.

    There is no other option for the international community and for the UN, that to resolve this long drawn ethnic issues and to prevent the continuation of structural genocide of the Tamils, but for a peaceful permanent political solution, is for a UN to conduct a referendum, for the Tamils to decide their future destiny. We demand the choice, and it’s our right, as per the UN Charter.

    TGTE called for a UN referendum from day one, and will initiate a momentum to a ” Yes to Referendum ” in the new year.

    After the genocidal Mullivaikkal war, and failure to adhere to the UN resolution L30/1, the rogue state and the Tamils have no choice, but an independent separate state Tamil Eelam.

    After 70 years of suppression and subjugation, under a unitary undivided chauvinist majoritarian Sinhala regimes, with colonisation, sinhalanization is worst under the good unity government , an agenda to change the demography of the Tamil Homeland, in the last two years is worst.

    Wait up Tamils, be honest and demand separation for our future generation, with or without the 6th Amendment.

    Tamil Eelam will show the way.

    The thirst of the Tamils is Tamil Eelam.

    • 5

      Manicka Vasagar,

      We have come out with a proposal to address the problem of Tamils. Please read Soma’s and my comments. If Tamils agree to that we are willing to promote the idea. Please let us know.

      • 2

        First go and read and understand the UN Charter, and be honest and support a UN conducted referendum, all will fall into place.

        The people have a choice and they will decide, you both don’t need to panic.

    • 3

      Manikka Vasagar
      When you approach the International Community they will ask you to define the ‘Tamil Nation’ in respect of a political solution. Specifically they may wish to know if it includes those who practise Christianity as their religion, those practise Islam as their religion and those arrived during the British.

      • 2


        If I were you I would take a walk to the local Indian High Commission, spend a day or two, find the answers, clear doubts, confirm your stupidity, ……………… eventually stop repeating the same old racist garbage.

        Maybe they need someone from among the bigots, fascists, Sinhala/Buddhists……. If your top ministers, state functionaries, “political scientists”, members of the armed forces talk to them why not you?

    • 3

      Manikka Vasagar
      What is your opinion about the Tamil comments here demanding the right to live anywhere giving lie to your account over discrimination, subjugation etc. etc.. If the situation is so bad why do the Tamils in Sinhala majority areas want to continue living among the Sinhalese even after Ealam is formed.

      • 3

        mr. vasagar,
        There are minorities in every country. In the US, blacks are 18% of the population they were and even now discriminated and treated differently. Should the UN step in and get a referendum to give them a separate home land or sent to Africa?

        • 4


          There is a difference being an immigrant, a native and minorities.

          We are the natives, original inhabitants and majority in our own Homeland – Tamil Eelam. Respect truth and history.

          Simple, remove your 6th Amendment and ask the Tamil people through a UN conducted referendum , for their choice, for their future destiny and for their future generations to come, if they want to live in peace, with security and dignity, to protect their rich culture, their heritage, their religions, their languages, their environment, to develop and to prosper as a Tamil Nation?

          Mr Lee Kuan Yew did, and see the results.

          The Singhalese, Tamils and Muslims are citizens and a minority, but they are proud Singaporeans, are we, why not?
          70 years as a failed Nation. “No Live, No Let live”

          If the situation is so good for the majority in Sri Lanka, can you explain why there are so many Sinhalese seeking refugees status in various countries, including your war heroes, if you are treating them with respect, with equality and opportunity?

          • 5

            Does anybody care whether one is an immigrant or native minority? Why? are you saying that immigrant minority who came in 6 generation ago can be discriminated but not a native minority ??? Where are your human rights concerns now? Is it only when selfish Tamils are affected???
            If you call Tamils as natives of SL, you should explain what happened to their native land. If Tamils couldn’t hold on to their native land, why are you blaming the Sinhalese for that? This is typical of Tamil Elam beggars. They blame everybody else other than themselves!
            I don’t care about the history. If Tamils had their home land in SL for billion years, so it be. What is important now is what the current demography is.
            You conducted a failed terror war suicide murdering over 100,000 innocent civilians for 30 years and now asking for a Tamil only referendum through the UN?? What do you think the Sinhalese are stupid?
            Why ddn’t you speak about peace, future destiny, culture, religion, heritage etc. etc. when the terror war was going on? You thought you will win???
            It is no secret that every Tamil has the same opportunity what an average Sinhalese have. Only difference is Tamils do not want to learn Sinhalese. That is why they lose opportunities. Look at the wealth of Tamils in Colombo, Kandy and Galle. Are they discriminated? They have used opportunities to better them selves. People like you are the ones who blame everybody else other than you for your failures.

            • 1

              Hey Nuisance, you are nothing but a racist [Edited out]

        • 2

          Yes pea brain there is a vast difference between a minority and a separate nation within a country. Unlike the Tamils in the island, the Blacks in the USA never had a separate area of the USA , where they had lived exclusively for thousands of years and ruled themselves. They were dispersed thorough out the USA and were ruled by the majority whites. This is the difference between the minority and a separate nation in any country. The Tamils for the past 2000 years of more have lived separately as a majority in the north and east of the island and ruled themselves until European colonisation and it was only the British who united their lands with the Sinhalese lands down south to form a new colony called Ceylon in the 1830s. This was for their own convenience and not because the thought the Sinhalese deserved or were the rightful owners of the whole island. The British the Dutch as well as the Portuguese before them have always stated the north and east of the island was Tamil lands. Just because the British created the Madras presidency where the Tamils were in the majority does not mean the Telugu lands to the north east the Kannada lands to the north west and the Malabar lands to the west are all Tamil lands. These are still their lands and the Indian government later created states recognising this truth history and reality. If the Tamils throughout history had lived amongst the Sinhalese as minority ( not separately ) and were ruled by Sinhalese kings then they are minority and not a separate nation. History teaches us that it was the Sinhalese and not the Tamils who were largely ruled by Tamil origin kings and aristocrats. What the Sinhalese are now trying to do is to disperse the Tamils throughout the island by economic and military means , and erase all traces of their unique language culture and history, so that they become a minority and not a nation

          • 5

            The no brain,, if a race has no separate land and never ruled themselves they can be discriminated as much as you want???
            What happened to thousands of years of ruling by Tamils?? You should blame yourselves for that, not the Sinhalese! What were Tamils doing when the Brits left? Blame your leaders for that. If Brits, Dutch and the Portuguese told you that north and east is Tamil land why did not they separate and give it to the Tamils? Are you blaming the Sinhalese for that too?
            What an I…t!

            • 0

              When the British left , they did not leave a Sinhalese Buddhist nation or country for Sinhalese only , as they knew that colony of Ceylon is an amalgamation of ancient Sinhalese and Tamil lands not Sinhalese lands only. Just like modern India is a mixture of many ancient kingdoms and people. The British left a land that was multiracial , multilingual and multi religious where no one , no language or religion was superior to another and they expected the country to remain as a prosperous thriving multiracial and religious country , just like the way the left. Never in their world did they or anyone including the Tamils , that the Sinhalese elite , had already hatched a plot to use their majority to turn the island into an exclusive Sinhalese Buddhist ghetto as per their Mahavamsa fairy tale , despite their assurances to the then Tamil leaders and elite , that there was no need to ask for a federal or separate state , as in the new and prosperous Sri Lanka everyone will be equal. This was the beginning of the broken promised and the slide downward to Sri Lanka. The British had given the Sinhalese a good weapon democracy and a majority and now they realised they can achieve what the Mahavamsa fairy tale promised them an exclusive Sinhalese Buddhist land that evaded them for all these years , as large sections of the island was Tamil and ruled by the Tamils and not Sinhalese until the Europeans arrived.

      • 5

        Don’t waste your time with these separatists. Those who want an Elam are ex-terrorists and Tamil diaspora who funded LTTE terrorism. None of the Tamils living in SL are interested in an Elam. What they want is employment, a good family life and educate their offspring so that they have a good future. This is the same wishes of poor rural Sinhalese. Look at the rich Tamils living in Colombo and Kandy. Do you think they care about an Elam? Look at the Tamils who were involved in the bond scam. You think they will even associate with people like Vedda, Vasagar, Ajith etc. etc. Elam beggars are who have failed in their lives who blame everyone else other than them selves.

  • 4

    TNA has eschewed separation.
    Rasingam has argued a case for self determination. TNA is suggesting a federal form. Surely worth exploring.
    Interesting albeit sadly the concept of separation is getting stronger foothold among the majority albeit extremists. Some are already planning a India/Pakistan type partition. Such bigots suffer oppression-phobia.

  • 11

    The Tamils and their demands are a lost course for ever. Mr.Rasingam , you are wasting your breath, for once try to recollect what happened all these 70 -80 years of Tamil struggle both non violent and armed struggle. The loss, the Tamils have incurred all these years are very heavy and cannot be revived. The Tamil population is in a different world after the war. Army occupation in the North and East, displacement of people. unhealthy environment, loss of lives, loss of wealth have brought in a different atmosphere of murder, rape, robbery dangerous behaviour among the youths. ignorance, hate, jealousy and other misfortunes among the Tamil population in the North and South which I have observed.
    The Tamil leaders are not concerned about the Tamil people except that they should enter parliament or in power Now Mr.Ranil Wickremasinghe is the leader of the TNA and not Sambanthan. So, it speaks for itself. So where is Tamil politics now? So forget everything and let the Tamil people carry on with their livelihood.

    • 2

      Tamils cannot go for referendum when Kumarathasan is saying 180,000 Rapist Army Soldiers are occupying the Tamils’ Land.

      Neither Secret Solution Sumanthiran nor Referendum Kumarathasan can get one of them out of North-East. This will only allow New King to show off his might that he is not any level below to Old King in Genocide Heroism. “IC will be watching hands clasped” and tell “We told you so”. There is still some hope left in America and India getting Trico. But China not going to fear for them and wait for ever to grab it. Probably it will happen right after Mahinda Bachan Naked International Air Port is allowed to be managed by India. After that America and India will reluctantly agree to get along with EU on economic blockade. Then:
      1).Genocide Case in ICC.
      2)UN peacekeepers.
      3)International election monitoring and conducting agents.
      5)Tamil Eelam Constitution.

      • 1

        7) Physical relocation of +50% Tamils (Tamil speaking people) in Sinhala majority areas into Ealam.

        • 0


          Soon you will get your 10 square miles of land.

  • 6

    Tamils would have had a choice had they won the war. Loosers in war don’t have choices. They should be thankful the victors did not enslave them and be thankful by daily worshipping the feet of the Sinhalese.

    • 3

      Yes, Tamils made a wrong choice in 2009.

      • 2


        “Yes, Tamils made a wrong choice in 2009.”

        Stupid Tamils always made the wrong choice so did their Sinhala speaking brethren. However their counter part the Sinhala/Buddhist actually have overwhelming desire to hit the bottom which seem not far away.

        I suggest we allocate a 10 square mile area designate it as Sinhala/Buddhist fascist ghetto and dump all of you in that pit, so that we can focus on progress, development, …. rather than wasting our time on you. The fascists are too much of a drag on the rest of the people.

    • 3


      Your victory came at a price; this is why this discussion is taking place. Sri Lanka signed unto providing a viable solution to the Tamils. You promised this to India and the world over; moreover, this is enshrined into the UN Resolutions! Now it is the time to deliver!

    • 4


      I am sorry to disappoint you. There are guys like me who don’t want to further humiliate all Tamils.


      I do NOT want anybody worshipping me – but I do think it very important to find a solution to the problems that beset us all.


      Shamal, guys like you may be doing their best to further ruin Sri Lanka. You will have to contend with fellows like me (who have faults enough) but who wish to leave a more peaceful country for our grandchildren to live and be happy in.

      • 2


        “Shamal, guys like you may be doing their best to further ruin Sri Lanka. You will have to contend with fellows like me (who have faults enough) but who wish to leave a more peaceful country for our grandchildren to live and be happy in.”

        Don’t you think I should proactively seek the deportation of all descendants of Kallathonies, starting with Shameless Perera?

        • 3

          Yes, NV,


          I think that you should. I’m also sure that the majority of us, Sinhalese, would approve.


          That is obviously why Shamal Perera will never reveal his true identity to us. You don’t either – but that, I’m sure, is for more honourable reasons. As for me, I think that all regular readers know who I am.

          • 2


            Thank you for your support.
            I appreciate your advice.

  • 3

    Choice? Stop being so against integration. Stop being so racist and hostile to Sinhala people coming to the North. Stop being so hostile to Muslim Tamil Speakers. You have no right to expect equal rights in the South or insist on them welcoming you there and you living there, if you do not reciprocate. In a way you are like the Muslim Arabs who go to Europe and insist on enforcing Sharia shit on people.

    • 4

      Kittul Pani,

      Tamils are not against integration who said so. They respond to the Sinhala Buddhists’ assertion of their identity! It was not the Tamils who made the Sinhala Only law within 24 hours; it was not the Tamils who systemically purged the Tamils from the public employments; it was not the Tamils who introduced standardisation in the university entrances; it was not the Tamil who elevated Buddhism in the constitution; it was not the Tamils who orchestrated the Sinhala only colonisations within the Tamils areas!

      The Tamils never objected to the Sinhala moving into the Tamils areas through their free will spending their own money. Can you point out even a single incident when a Sinhala was denied such a move?

      What you ask is not integration rather a form subjugation!

      • 1

        Burning Issue,

        No one ask Tamils to learn Sinhalese within 24 ours. They were given close to 6 years for that. If Tamils cannot speak the language of the people whom they serve, they should have better abdicated their positions and left it to the people who are capable of doing it. It was not the fault of Sinhalese that Tamils were getting more than enough share of representation is universities. Was it wrong of Sinhalese to address the apartheid situation? Buddhism was elevated in constitutions by old Sinhalese kings. Even the British accepted the idea and kept it above all else. So who are Tamils to say no?

        Either Tamils can play along with Sinhalese or they can go to Tamilnadu. This is high time now.

        • 1


          “They were given close to 6 years for that”.

          Are you sure?

          “If Tamils cannot speak the language of the people whom they serve, they should have better abdicated their positions and left it to the people who are capable of doing it”

          Interesting and reasonable. However does this rule only applies to those happen to be Tamils or does it equally applies to the Sinhalese who serve Tamils and Muslims too?

          “It was not the fault of Sinhalese that Tamils were getting more than enough share of representation is universities.”

          Its not the ability of the student that determines entry into Uni but the population % that set the standards for Uni admissions. Well when the intake is based on the ability of the student they have to wok hard whereas it is based on population % then of course Sinhalese have to breed like pigs to maintain percentages right.

          “Was it wrong of Sinhalese to address the apartheid situation?”

          Do you really know what apartheid means or entails?

          “Buddhism was elevated in constitutions by old Sinhalese kings.”

          I thought we are living in a democracy and not a theocracy, but a republic. Well the crooks, war criminals, rapists, …………………. need somewhere to hide, constitution has been a very good hiding place indeed.

          Being a mere 15 million (minority within the region) and mostly stupid why don’t you suggest the rulers to forget the language and religion and merge with Tamil Nadu which was your ancestral homeland?

        • 0


          You have eloquently shown and unashamedly proved as to how insecure the Sinhala Buddhists are. As I said, you want to subjugate the Tamils!

          I can pick holes in your arguments left, right & centre but I will not waste time with you as you appear to have completely devoured the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinistic materials!

  • 6

    Why do Tamils who migrate to Germany either as genuine war refugees or as economic refugees, learn so fast to speak German? Same in France, England, Canada, Norway, Switzerland etc., they quickly learn the language and work from anything from Coolies, Janitors, Cooks, Maids, Small shop keepers to Cab drivers to upper learned class Doctors and Professors(both very tiny fraction of the refugees and economic refugees). Then in SL they are only a 14% minority and REFUSE to adapt and learn the simple majority language? Tamils in TN and Malalayis in Kerala learn Hindi and so do Kannada, Telugu etc to function in school and in government. This is the very definition of racist attitudes. Why is it ok for them to clean toilets, be house-maids etc in Italy, Germany, Norway, France and LEARN the native language but not in Ceylon? Also the credit card fraud Tamil gangs in Petrol Stations in UK learn English really fast even if they are from VVT or Kili.

    • 6


      It is the same as hundreds of thousands of Sinhalese women who go to the Arab countries as House Maids, Janitors/Cleaners and Nannies. They learn to speak Arabic in 3 months.

      The Tamils refused to learn Sinhala because it was forced on to them and secondly it is a good for nothing language only spoken in some parts of Sri Lanka (not the whole country).

      For the people in the North and East (Tamils & Muslims), Sinhala is an alien language, never spoken in their areas and not a requirement at all unless otherwise they need to go to the South for employment.

      On the other hand, Tamil is also a language spoken in several parts of the world from West right up to the East by more than 80 million people. It is also the most ancient living language in the world. When compared to Tamil, Sinhala is a tribal language spoken only in some parts of Sri Lanka and not known the world.

      • 2

        Dr Dolittle
        The Sinhala Only act was an unwise move, especially for its insensitivity. Had it accommodated features of the Tamil language rights legislation that followed, it may have been more acceptable.
        Sinhala was not forced on Tamil any more than English, which was imposed on many who wanted a livelihood.
        It was daft of the FP leaders to call for rejection of Sinhala as a subject at school. (But the children of FP leaders learned Sinhala unknown to the public.)
        Do not comment on any language without a knowledge of the language.
        In the last century, Sinhala has unified as a language and modernized far better than Tamil.

        • 2


          Tamil is the world’s most ugliest and distgusting language. If you want proof, just take a Tamil South India mudukku video and watch it. God forbid, you will not understand it. But the sound of it is awful. This language should be banned inside sports club, movie theatres and malls like Liberty Plaza and MC. It should be confined to the Tea estates and other Mudukku places. It has no place in civilized society.

          • 0


            “Tamil is the world’s most ugliest and disgusting language”

            There are over 4,000 Tamil words in the Sinhala language! I suggest that you do not speak them!

          • 1

            SJ and Retarded LT Shemale Perera,

            Please listen to the modernized Sinhala language spoken at the Airport. Then, decide which language should be banned in Airports, sports clubs, movie theaters and malls.


            I hope CT will allow my response to Retarded LT Perera’s ugliest and disgusting Mudukku language issue.

            • 0

              Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera,

              Is this the way your women folk speak to you in your mother tongue? LOL!
              You should look at your own mirror before looking at others. No wonder they call you a retard.

              • 0


                “No wonder they call you a retard.”

                Percy the pathetic is going to get upset.

        • 2

          “Sinhala was not forced on Tamil any more than English, which was imposed on many who wanted a livelihood.”

          You wanted to go under Sirimavo as a slave when Britain was releasing Ceylon. Did you ask me ever when I was forced under foreign rule, I studied English, but why would refusing to learn Sinhala under Sinhala overrule?

          You are not getting the meaning of the English word “freedom” because you are excreting in the plate you ate. After using that language to learn your half baked PhD, your foolish hate toward English is blinding your eyes to think that if Sirimavo had amended the Sinhala Only, before she implement it, you would have had freedom. Please take a dictionary and try to understand what is meant by freedom. Sinhala Only did not take away our freedom, it was the Soulbury Constitution and its unimplementable Section 29 forced us to go under Sirimavo unwilling, when you were going willingly. After our freedom was gone, Sinhalese had full freedom to draft any law in any way they wanted. It is not just against Tamil, SLFP drafted 18A even against Sinhalese, too. Please think. “It is not just Sinhala Only Only”

          I always wonder why are you so artificial – narrow thinking quiiper.

        • 0

          Thanks, SJ.

      • 4

        In that case you should move to one of those countries where 80 million Tamils live. Few Sinhalese who inhabit SL will speak Sinhalese only.

        • 1

          Bloody Nuisance

          “In that case you should move to one of those countries where 80 million Tamils live. Few Sinhalese who inhabit SL will speak Sinhalese only.”

          So should their Sinhala brethren.
          Professors R Champakalakshmi and Osmund Bopearachchi have identified old Sinhala settlements in South India.

          Go away.

      • 1

        Dr. Dolittle please ignore SJ ,as he constantly pokes fun of the Tamils and their language and as per him Sinhalese, Malayalam, Telugu ,Kannada Orong Andamanese are all wonderful and modern making great progress but not Tamil. Everyone is daft , especially Tamils , other than a our all knowing quisling SJ. Please also read Native’s comment in this regard.

  • 2

    Ha! Ha! SJ has taken a hit again at the FP.

    • 1


      “Sinhala was not forced on Tamil any more than English, which was imposed on many who wanted a livelihood.”

      Those who did not pass the proficiency examinations in Sinhala within 3 years could not continue in government services and other institutions, punished them by withholding promotions, increment, over time rate is lower than others.

      Could you tell us which of the planet you belonged to when the Sinhala Only was enforced.

      When the weeping widow was appointed as the prime minister she hand picked a CAS man and sent him to Jaffna to implement the language act.

      “In the last century, Sinhala has unified as a language and modernized far better than Tamil.”

      Come on be serious.
      The government was in control of resources and institutions, if one looked at the progress the country hasn’t got value for money. The Tamil speaking people had to fight their corner for 60 years against the imposition of Sinhala/Buddhism on them.

      You should speak to the ordinary Sinhala speaking people and find out how the unified and modernised Sinhala language benefited them?

    • 1


      “Ha! Ha! SJ has taken a hit again at the FP.”

      He is going to blame you for the recent flood and Argentina’s missing submarine if he knew you are a Tamil.

  • 1

    The Article started with self-determination. Then it got misdirected on referendum. We have Vattukkottai Conventions approval for TULF. If Secret Solution gets out, it cannot be passed without referendum. Then why Tamils want to willingly put the NEW cart before the horse referendum? Cart cannot go before the horse. Catalonia, Kurdish referendums has nothing to do with us. South Sudan, East Timor….. is the one we need. That is possible only if the horse lead the card. Tamil should focuse and stimulate IC to focus on Genocide investigation to take place first. Tamils’ mind and IC’s mind should not be stirred up just to show off any individual’s ability to argue cases. GG has been winning case after case in Sinhala Only Jury Courts. But he did not achieve anything in front of Lord Soulbury. Sampanthar has not achieved anything through his Secret solution other than fully wiped out TNA. TNA’s story is the one described by Tamil Saying that “by working too hard the donkey has become an ant.” The TNA donkey is now ant under the UNP Sumanthiran and Ranil’s administration. Sumanthiran is saying “We asked for Secret Solution. They want to give it us. Then how can we oppose it?” Tamils never asked for two provinces wide Army Camp. Sumanthiran could get one army soldier out of North. Those missing persons’ relatives, falsely accused and prisoned persons’ relatives, the people who lost their land to army is protesting in the rain and sun. Other than showing some exaggerated statics, TNA could not bring any relief for those people. Army is driving busses with drug smugglers, but if the private Tamils bring busses to south harassing & destroying their businesses. Jayampathy who drafted the Secret Solution for Sumanthiran is asking “aren’t Tamils are travelling in the Colombo Busses?”.

    • 1

      Tamils now fully eligible for a referendum due to the genocide against them in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983 and from 2006 – 2009 .\
      The Peoples’ Tribunal on Sri Lanka conducted by the Permanent People’s Tribunal held in Trinity College, Dublin from 14 – 16 January 10, 2010 – very clearly explains with proof of Genocide:
      Also The Peoples’ Tribunal on Sri Lanka conducted by Pertmanent People’s Tribunal held in Bremen, Germany from 07 – 10 December 2013 again confirms genocide against the Tamils in Sri Lanka; For further information please read this article on Genocide

      • 1

        Kumarathasan Rasingam

        “Tamils now fully eligible for a referendum due to the genocide against them in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983 and from 2006 – 2009 .”

        Why would the international community buy your claim? Just because considerable number of people been killed and maimed is there a compulsion for International Community (whatever that maybe and what is in their interest) to act and effect favourably towards your demand?

        Aren’t you wasting your time like your Sinhala brethren repeating same old claims and counter claims?

      • 0

        “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

        There are two places you can put your arguments. In the Wild and in the bustling town.

        1). Lankawe: In Lankawe, to the Sinhala Intellectuals and their Sinhala Jury Only Courts. But, you know every Sinhala Politician did anything, did know that illegal, inhuman, human rights violation they were making. You can keep crying in the wild where there is nobody to hear tree falling sound. But…..


        2). IC: There is song in the Tamil Movie “Sirai”. It was little bit boosted with anti-religious feeling (at the start only), to stress the point. A Christian rowdy rapes a young Brahmin wife, a poor girl had come singing to her husband confessing “Naane un Varadhadichanai” (My dad did not give me anything in my hand when I was coming to you, to give you; so I had come empty handed, but with my good heart) The Brahmin, who has been reading the slogans from Veda about love and the life to her until then, decided she had become untouchable and abandon her. Another Christian friend who has been watching the girl’s crushed, orphan life came and advised her the only solution for this was she to ask justice from Anthony, who destroyed her life, not from the Brahmin husband to get back her married life, in which she lost her faith because, she, the innocent faithful one was cheated by both the rapist and her beloved husband. So she went to Anthony and demanded that “Naan Paadikonde Iruppen” until you respond to me. Recognizing what to do and when the question Tamil should figure out is. UN is not a court of Law. It is a club of countries. Anything countries agree only gets implemented.

      • 0

        Seeking justice from UN is teaching a rapist to understand a Brahmin Girl’s chastity, serene life.

        Tamil freedom war was destroyed by 32 nations. UN took special responsibility to make sure it as a “War without Witness”. When OISL accused 42 war criminals, IC removed that report from UNHRC and saved them. Now the UNHRC HC Prince Zeid has said Tamil should prosecute the criminal using Universal Jurisdiction, because moving even the UNHRC is not singing to be easy. (In that condition how and where a referendum is coming?). That is the part where the friendly guy asked the girl to go and demand Anthony for the justice. If Anthony did not destroy us, we would have taken care of us. Now our job is singing to Anthony(IC) until his heart moves. She did not go to have a war in that house. That was not the advice she received from the gentleman who talked to her. She wanted her protection from Anthony to finish her life until it lasted. The movie’s end is Anthony let her to live in his house on her own way. She remained as a sincere friend to Anthony’ in his lonely, rough life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmBjeYIv0Vk

        If the injustice to the Tamil is established in the international arena, IC will end up in travelling in one way road. They understand that end. That is the main reason their reluctance in prosecuting the war criminals. That is where our pressure has to concentrate. Horse before the cart. That is the procedure to have a successful and useful referendum. We don’t want ours defeated like the one Sampanthar’s half-baked Secret Solution going to be defeated (If one ever comes out) . ” Established Right of self determination” is a tool. Not the Path.

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        Mr. Rasingham,

        The Sinhala political leadership – on both sides of their own divide -know very well the SL Tamil Nation has more than sufficient reason for the UN/International Community to recommend for them a Separate State – if they insist on this. This is the very reason why the Rajapakses and the Yahapaalanaya rogues swindled/swindling as much as they can before the day of reckoning arrives. The crime against Tamil civilians for over 3 decades – including the open robbery of their assets in State-aided pogroms of 1977/1983 and more by anti-Tamil mobs, often lead by Buddhist priests – is irrefutable evidence to the claim. A group of powerful Sinhala Buddhist business interests, supported by politically active Buddhist priests, will contribute to hasten the separation of the country. Their conspiracy is to steal all valuable Tamil property and businesses in Colombo, in the plantation areas and the South. Moderate leaders like Ranil are opposed to the coming scene but they are powerless against the Mahanayakas – now dominated by the Sinhala extremists like the Rajapakse family and the army. The direct economic situation and the falling value of the SL Rupee is likely to advance the coming doom.

        How many are aware of the real state of this country now hurtling towards ruin? It is not an exaggeration to suggest, sooner than later, once the country descends to chaos China and India will divide the spoils leaving Sri Lanka to be in the state that now Tibet is in. Coming generations will blame the Rajapakses and the Buddhist hierarchy for being responsible for bringing the country to that ominous fate.

        R. Varathan

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      “The Article started with self-determination. Then it got misdirected on referendum. We have Vattukkottai Conventions approval for TULF.”

      Vattukottai Resolution passed on 14 May 1976 was dead on arrival. Since then things have moved on.

      Subsequently Tamil political representative have contested numerous elections and taken oath confirming their loyalty to the state.

      In between LTTE had made sure the resolution didn’t bind its leader, psychopath VP. Nor the Thimbu principles. That was what the Hindians wanted.

      Similarly Hindians have made funeral arrangements for Vattukottai Resolution and ceremonially buried on 19 May 2009 in Nandi Kadal.

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    Then can Sumanthiran replay to Jayampathy what kind of equal right he wants from Jayampathy?

    “Self-Determination” is the right of Tamils. It is not option. Even if we have not managed to get it, it is not going anywhere. But we need to take the attention of the IC. We can’t be smart any more in annoying the IC. Now IC understands Lankawe. Britain went against us hoping to get Trinco. Then PM David Cameron became the first foreign dignitary go to North and issue some console words. Ambassador Robert Blake was negotiating with Lankawe and India to get Trino, but when he realized truth, took Lankawe to UNHRC. Current impasse is created by Ex.Sec John Kerry. By his action, he brought down Democratic Party as American thought their pride in the world is lost by his naive actions. Malayalees sold India to Lankawe to get share in trickle down Yuan. Now, that side now cannot be straightened even if Mrs. Gandhi comes to alive. PM Modi understands that too well than us. China got the Colombo Pong Cing and Hangbangtota only by grapping the computer. Otherwise Lankawe would have duped them too. China Knows who the Lankawe is. Countries have learned their lessons, well. It is time to Tamils to be practical and take the Lankawe to the ICC with the help of IC and get their loaf cut and served to them. Rushing to cut hind meat before the goat is not sacrificed is not an option; Neither the Tamils only (Like happened in Catalonia and Kurdistan) Referendum nor Secret Solution are options too. Further Tamils will defeat any Secret Solution when it goes for referendum, as well as Sinhalese. Kumarathasan should show patient to let that happen and world to see the reality of Lankawe.

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      The world will see the reality that in view of the existing demographic distribution of Tamils (Tamil speaking people) across the island no Einstein can deisgn a geographic devolution model which can satisfy at least 90% of them. The world will see the reality that not a single Tamil presently living in Sinhala majority areas is prepared to move into a Tamil Homeland created in the North East. Whichever way you try to manipulate the words the ‘Tamils’, Tamil Nation, Indeginous Tamils, Ealam Tamils, Eazam Tamils etc. etc. for them Tamils are Tamil Speaking People irrespective of their caste, religion or the date of arrival.

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        “The world will see the reality that in view of the existing demographic distribution of Tamils (Tamil speaking people) across the island”

        The world is too busy or ignorant to notice and react to your silly/petty childish quarrels.

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      Mallaiyuran:: there are so many tricks in the Sinhala bag if we want to screw you up.

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    There are so many tricks in the Sinhala bag if we want to screw you up………..
    By the way Jim have you been reading The Perfumed Garden?
    If not go for it [should be available in a good Library].

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    Sri Lanka is One Island Two Nations:
    No one on earth can deny that: Tamil Kings ruled the North and East of sri Lanka and even Kandy Kingdom.
    Two different nations, from a very ancient period, have divided between them the possession of the Island: the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior in its Southern and Western parts from the river Wallouwe to Chilaw, and the Malabars (Tamils) who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners.” – Sir Hugh Cleghorn, British Colonial Secretary, June 1879.

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