19 February, 2025


Climate Justice: Time For The Global South To Unite

By Patali Champika Ranawaka

Champika Ranawaka

During my journey to Mizoram, I had a layover at New Delhi airport for approximately five hours, providing me with an opportunity to peruse the latest book authored by India’s External Affairs Minister, Honourable Jaishankar, titled “Why Bharat Matters”. This brought back memories of my visit to Delhi in 2015, when I served as the Minister of Power and Energy alongside our President, Excellency Maithripala Sirisena. During that visit, we engaged in fruitful bilateral discussions with Excellency the Prime Minister Modi, External Affairs Secretary Mr. Jaishankar, and other esteemed ministers. Reflecting on India’s economic growth from USD 2.1 trillion to USD 3.4 trillion over nine years, I realized the potential impact of a pragmatic foreign policy, as outlined in Honourable Jaishankar’s book, on this impressive growth trajectory.

Glancing through the Times of India newspaper, I noted that February of the current year was recorded as the hottest in recent history. Whether attributed to the end of winter, the El Nino effect in the Indo-Pacific region, or global warming, such climate-related events affect both India and Sri Lanka. It’s important to distinguish between “climate” and “weather,” with the former referring to long-term patterns and the latter to day-to-day changes. Climate change, marked by unpredictable alterations in these patterns, is fuelled by solar radiation and exacerbated by the accumulation of carbon emissions, primarily from fossil fuel burning.

Efforts to address climate change have a long history, marked by milestones such as the Club of Rome declaration in 1968 and the Rio convention in 1992, which led to the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Despite progress, challenges persist, with debates over emission reductions and financial compensations for climate-related disasters. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has underscored the urgency of limiting global temperature rise to avoid catastrophic consequences, emphasizing the importance of adhering to carbon budgets. However, current carbon emissions far exceed sustainable levels, necessitating concerted global efforts to mitigate climate change and its impacts.

Considering historical injustices and disproportionate carbon footprints, proposals such as carbon debt concept and reparations for climate-related damages have gained traction, reflecting the need for accountability and equitable burden-sharing among nations. Just as Indian progressive political activists Mr Sashi Tharoor advocates for acknowledging colonial exploitation (South Asia at large), it’s imperative for industrialized nations to acknowledge their historical contributions to climate change and take responsibility for mitigating its effects, including compensating affected countries for their losses.

Indian progressive political activist like Mr. Shai Tharoor (Inglorious Empire) Argives with substantial substance that the British colonials exploited India (south Asia at large) to develop the United Kingdom.

*Patali Champika Ranawaka (MP), Former Minister of Environment & Natural Resources, Science & Technology, Power & Energy, Megapolis & Western Development

Latest comments

  • 62

    Champika, before making big statements, he should first declare his policies on the following:
    1. How he will resolve the non-majority issues in Sri Lanka?
    2. What Laws will he bring forward to stop corruption by politicians and senior government officials?
    3. What’s his stand on the 13th Amendment on police and land powers?
    4. What’s his plan to raise the living standards of the poor and the estate workers?
    5. Does he agree with IMF terms or what changes will he bring forward?
    6. Will he openly ask pardon from the non-majority community for starting his political career as a “Racist Politician” and openly admit that he is not a Racist anymore?

    • 5

      “How he will resolve the non-majority issues in Sri Lanka?”

      What are the non-majority issues in Sri Lanka? First state the issues clearly before implementing a possible solution.

      “Will he openly ask pardon from the non-majority community for starting his political career as a “Racist Politician” and openly admit that he is not a Racist anymore?”

      Will the non-majority community apologize for suicide bombs?

      • 21

        “What are the non-majority issues in Sri Lanka?”
        Lester the Liar is as usual trying his game of pretending there aren’t any problems. Next he will say “define discrimination “. Then he’ll go on a totally unrelated rigmarole about Merton’s theory of self-fulfilling prophecies.
        If you ignore him, he’ll say he’s “won the debate”.
        Such a juvenile.

        • 21

          Excellent, OC, you just summed it up in less than 50 words.

        • 1

          Old Codger,

          Can’t fix problems that don’t exist. By the way, Champika gave some good advice to minorities: “One Mullivaikkal is enough. Don’t try to get 100 more.” Focus on the future, not the past. Assimilation (similar to Muslims) is the past forward, not Geneva or separatism. Champika is also an accomplished writer.

          1991– End of Modern Development Paradigm (club of Rome) limit to growth elaboration in sustainable development.
          1993– Relational Relativity.
          Sihala Abhiyogaya (The Challenge of the Sinhalese)
          Koti Viniwideema (An insight of the LTTE ) Book Pre-view Book Download
          Nagenahira Sinhala Urumaya (Sinhala Heritage in the East) Book Pre-view Book Download
          Thrastha Virodi Jathika Salasma (The way to defeat the Tiger) Pre-view Book Download
          Al Jihad- Al Queida (The past, present & the future of Islamic fundamentalism) Pre-view
          Sangwardanaye Thunveni Yamaya (The Sunset of Development) Pre-view Book Download
          Patisothagamiwa Tis Wasak (A self written Autobiography)

  • 2

    Despite being branded as a Sinhala Buddhist hardliner, an euphemism of sorts to Chauvunist Sinhala Buddhist Racist, by certain quarters, Ranawaka to me, is one of the few, if not the only, technocrat politician in the governments of the recent past, that has successfully applied his knowledge and skills to the betterment of people and the country.
    Unfortunately he is confined by circumstances – some are political while others are personal.
    His recently launched political outfit United Republican Font had me wondering if he has finally aligned himself with the ethos of the so called ‘right wing’ or in more understandable terms that of the Republican Party of the U.S. Regardless, his views, particularly the ones related to climate change, that are expressed in this piece, seem to remain uncompromised.
    Indicating that his knowledge and skills could be effectively used by anyone who is willing to provide him an opportunity and a platform from which he could operate. Especially in the domain of Climate Change and Environment as they seem to be among his passions.

    • 61

      “Ranawaka to me, is one of the few, if not the only, technocrat politician in the governments of the recent past, that has successfully applied his knowledge and skills to the betterment of people “
      Does that include blowing millions of public money on a project to produce petrol from polythene waste? Was it for the betterment of the people or the betterment of the Rajapaksas?

      • 57

        Does a degree in some kind of technology make one a technocrat?
        For that matter does a degree mean much?

        • 56

          No good technologist in his senses would turn to politics for a living.
          As for degrees, I hear neither Bill Gates or Steve Jobs actually completed one.

    • 3


      I don’t think Ranawaka is a racist. He is a pragmatist. Engineers are doers, not dreamers. Like you said, he is able to apply his background to create better opportunities for people. That’s what the government should be doing – creating opportunities. The rest is up to the people themselves. As John Kennedy said, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Now, there is a class of people who have a vested interested in seeing the country destroyed, using politicians like Ranil as a proxy. Which is why a strong military and defense establishment are vital to the future of the country.

      • 0

        Lester – Yes, I agree. I saw him recently interviewed on TV in which he explained how impractical is the Inland Revenue Department’s drive to get everyone above 18 years to register for a TIN and instead what we should be doing. In addition he in the past has called for the establishement of various projects that aimed at industrialisation and drive economic growth. He has also turned around enterprises like the Ceylon Electricity Board and made the profitable under his administration. Quite a capable guy and underutilized talent in my opinion compared to people like Ranil & Co. or anyone the UNP has ever produced.

        • 23

          “He has also turned around enterprises like the Ceylon Electricity Board and made the profitable under his administration.”
          Certainly not!

        • 1

          “He has also turned around enterprises like the Ceylon Electricity Board and made the profitable under his administration.”

          Exactly the type of people we to lead the government. There are too many ministries that are big and bloated, with incapable leaders at the top. The latest example being the health ministry with totally incapable Keheliya Rambukwella resigning over a drug scandal. Ranjan Ramanayake was arrested but that joker was abusing his power to solicit women during the normal working hours. Lohan Ratwatte is another crook. He is doing illicit deals with Basil. The list goes on and on. Let’s not forget Ranil, the master opportunist.

          • 22

            “He has also turned around enterprises like the Ceylon Electricity Board and made the profitable under his administration.”
            Another lie. When did he do that?

            • 0

              Old Codger,

              “The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) has earned profits of Rs. 5 billion in the year 2010 after incurring losses of Rs. 115 billion in the previous ten years, Minister of Power and Energy Patali Champika Ranawaka said.”


              I have to go with Champika on this one, unless you are privy to irrefutable data that says otherwise.

      • 23

        My dear rational thinkers,
        There is a huge gap between the doers and the dreamers in Sri Lankan politics.
        I also think that today Ranawaka is no longer a racist. He is a practical politician compared to AKD (srilanka’s Honey badger in lanken politics). He is not corrupted either. TO my one time criminal is a not a life-long criminal.

        Their recent past and SB activities are an open secret, however, people’s stupidity supports repeatedly the dreamers.

        This is somewhat related to the South Asian mind. It is common not only to Sri Lankans but also to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan. It is not something that can be easily erased. Culture and politics are intertwined. Myths and culture are inextricably linked. It creates a fixed mindset. If they would have been asked to eat “thanakola”, even parliamentarians, MBBS graduates and Engineers and all other professionals line up to grab the portion ( This became crystal clear during COVID crisis looking at about the PANACEA portion hand-mixed by that schizoprenia patient).


        • 22

          In every election, a million or so of the nation’s 15 million voters are first-time voters. Due to the lack of general knowledge, these voters are not thinking enough. In swing constituencies (Estate Tamil Sri Lankans) with NE voters, these stakes and results determine the electoral victory in each election.
          In the last election they were very much manipulated by Rajapakse-racist theories. GOTABAISM was fully injected in the youth above others. Generally Sri Lankan youth will be ready to do anything if their SB dominant culture convinces them. Whole lot of them dont care about the harm being done to ELEPHANTs in
          PERAHARA festivals. The best example is how they painted on the walls.- that was louded as their HAPANKAM, but it ended up within that lost 3 years…. how come… ?
          European youth are instead much significantly more creative than our youth. Indonesians and even Malaysians are really intelligent young people. Indians too are on that track though gradually. Their YouTube videos are proof of that.


          • 23

            Unfortunately, Ours are backward somewhere without knowing the English language any other foreign langauges. Some even go to great lengths to make their grandparents’ private lives public, aiming for every last dollar without a second thought.


            These young men are similar to the male prostitutes who litter the west coast of Sri Lanka. No ethics or morals except to live on their dollar earning tricks.
            Those who create their YouTube channel on gossip, myth, Sinhala Buddhist, Astrology don’t care about the long term results anyway.
            The result was that Gotabhaya was defeated like a dog looking for a hiding place to escape. In the book published today, the criminal who brought the country to that point describes it as “his resignation”. Lester and Ruchira Baba are seen chanting “Sadhu Sadhu” and nodding their heads.
            I believe Omalpe Chevaradhariya led Sanga brigade was a true nationalist movement (sinhala urumaya) which led the Sinhalese racism against their own minorities. I think I hate the minority. They should all be named after “srilankens”:
            That was the beginning of racism led by the Rajapaksas. Curse is bommeranging today projecting it to entire nation.


            • 23

              . It further divided the country. The Rhodia community (all ignorants worshiped Rajapakshes for no good reasons) thereby became a conditioned population for the vulnerable majority. Sri Lankans are hugely still lagging behind the revolutionary information technology and enriching themselves with knowledge through their gossip and self-aggrandizement. Most of our people are like human beasts. They dont respect “facts” and what the world experts say about the country and its people.
              This is a real threat to our future. Most of them are real brutes like “Lester and late extreme racist; Mahindapala”. THese men are hired by RAJAPKASHE dogs from the day one.
              Even if this nation is destroyed, the RODIASM brought by the BEALLTHATA beasts will end like a glass wall breaking in next days. Monotove cocktail rains will tame them.
              Even though the Janata Vimukti Peramuna made every possible effort to be more visible on today’s platform, they actively contributed to RAJAPAKSHE-RACISM effort which led to ruin this nation by brainwashiing the gullible people. More of our people are innocient. If they are asked to eat “dung” for fortune, they would do it on “one-go”. I have no doubt, SINHALA man would be on the top of the line to collect his portion. That is unfortunately the level of awarness in that nation (over 70%).

            • 25


              Even today, JVPrs call “Mahinda Mahaththaya” in public. This is called NEECHA KULA BANDANYA of poor JVPrs.

              . That is how JVPrs made this nation even fragile and vulernable.

              There is a hatred in JVP-genetics against Ranil. However, Ranil AND CBK are the ones who civlized and democratise the JVP dogs. More to come in next days.

            • 1


              “The result was that Gotabhaya was defeated like a dog looking for a hiding place to escape.”

              Then why did “Aragalaya” burn down Moda Ranil’s house?

      • 3

        How long did Ranawaka practice as an engineer?
        Is he a chartered engineer?

    • 4

      “Despite being branded as a Sinhala Buddhist hardliner, an euphemism of sorts to Chauvunist Sinhala Buddhist Racist,”
      From the outset Champika was reputed for his SB racism, and this is what the then Sihala Urumaya president S.L. Gunasekera had to say about Champika and his faction, following a split: “A set of intolerant Talibans.” (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/reflections-on-the-sihala-urumaya-that-was/)
      Others were marginally more discreet.

    • 5

      “Can’t fix problems that don’t exist. “
      Why does AKD say that Tamils have problems due to being Tamils?
      You don’t agree with him?

  • 58

    Why couldn’t PCR complete the article? Did he have to run to catch the connecting flight?

    He wants the global south to unite to demand for compensation from global north for exploiting the global south. Sure PCR, it is a much better proposition than a begging bowl. The next best thing is the ‘entitlement’ bowl.

    Why then PCR is confusing people with the talk of climate change, Rome declaration, Rio convention, etc. (Is he nostalgic about his ministerial post?) What is more confusing is PCR saying that India grew its GDP by more than 50% over nine years with its “pragmatic foreign policy.”

    What is it PCR? Do we carry the entitlement bowl or do we work towards pragmatic economic, foreign, political and social policies?

    • 2

      True. We shouldn’t rely on the begging bowl nor the entitlement bowl. We however at the moment have found ourselves in a precarious situation that has pushed us to resort to the most desperate measures. I agree that we should “work towards pragmatic economic, foreign, political and social policies”. India’s success that PCR refers to may have come from adapting such policies, but it is true that India is also at the forefront in the crusade of demanding that the colonialists pay reparations for the atrocities committed by them, particularly the destruction of local economies to build their own. According some claimants India’s share of global economy had been about 25% at the time of colonisation, a figure that was reduced to single digits, to 4% or 5%, by the time colonialists left. Sri Lankans on the other hand to my knowledge have not been making any strong demands for such reparations. When it comes to climate change I think compensation is one pillar out of three (needs verification) that the IPCC recommends in its broad responses to the the phenomenon. PCR on the other hand are among the few who has been proposing pragmatic solutions to most local problems, his tendency to learn from India, seems to somehow stands in the way of his own better judgement.

  • 57

    Champika Ranawaka

    You say climate change has a long history, so, during your tenure as Minister for Power & Energy in 2015, did you have the foresight to initiate any change to our fossil fuel dependent power plants? Apparently Ranil attended COP28 with a large entourage & SL has pledged to cutdown on fossil fuel dependence by 70% by 2030, maybe, you can come up with some suggestions or are you waiting to become President to make that contribution?
    We are all aware of climate change but your article contains nothing of substance apart from suggesting industrialised nations to compensate poor countries. Perhaps, India & China, two of the current largest contributors to global warning, can start the ball rolling. Maybe China, the world’s largest manufacturer of solar panels, can help SL households to go solar but will the Elect. board be happy to accept any loss of revenue for the betterment of the country as a whole?

    • 8

      ‘Perhaps, India & China, two of the current largest contributors to global warning, ‘
      That is a myth.
      The to countries have populations 4 times the next biggest country.
      The emissions go to produce goods that are used in the Global West that has transferred the bulk of its manufacturing to the Third World, the bulk of it to China & India.
      Why do we not use fairer criteria like per capita consumption of energy content (fossil fuel based to be even fairer) of industrial goods.

      • 18

        True, if the wealth of countries is designated as per capita income, why shouldn’t their pollution be assigned similarly?

        • 0

          Who wants to lose the argument about who the worst polluters are?

  • 16

    I mean, we can sit blaming colonization for all of it and keep demanding compensation, but when we avariciously crave their development, we have only ourselves to blame.

    Places like the Indo-Chinese countries fought and won against the West trying to further their neo-colonial economic empire. They were true to their people and heritage. Theirs is the exemplar if we seek climate change.

    Giving monetary “credits” to those who live the rural or forestry life without electricity is the first step. West will be forced to soon follow suit when multiple countries do this. They are in fact looking for a legitimate mode for overhaul of their system.

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