18 September, 2024


Country-Level, Qualitative Data For 2020 Expose The Covid-19 Status In Sri Lanka

1. A year after Covid-19 emerged, the Sri Lanka country statistics and data for year 2020 indicate that Covid-19 is milder than seasonal influenza, as is the case in other tropical countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh or Tanzania. The number of deaths due to Covid-19 and related co-morbidities in 2020 in Sri Lanka was 204, although in a normal year between 4,000 and 6000 people die of influenza co-morbidities annually in Sri Lanka[1].

2. Yet, economically, socially and politically devastating Curfews and isolation policies have been introduced, resulting in fear, isolation, increasing poverty, inequality and pushing the island into a bigger debt trap and forcing the Government to sell off strategic assets and seemingly give tax relief to various international companies, investors and airlines

3. We draw your attention to the empirical and qualitative data and facts on the ground at this time: No workers in the mercantile and industrial sectors in Sri Lanka have died of Covid-19 throughout the year 2020.  Likewise, although the Corona virus has spread throughout the country no nurses, doctors, Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) or other “frontline health workers” in quarantine centers have died of Covid 19, indicating that the severity of the disease is limited in Sri Lanka. More health sector workers die of dengue, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, road accidents, even elephant attacks etc. There were fewer patients in hospitals than in previous years. 

4. The relatively low incidence of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka is due to several interrelated, and country-specific, CONTEXTUAL factors such as, a) year round hot and humid tropical weather (above 20 degrees Celsius), that degrades the Covid-19 virus and transmission, 2) universal Bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG), vaccination that confers innate and trained immunity against respiratory illnesses, since 1949[2],  3) good national health infrastructure including BCG monitoring;, 4) and local diet and food habits etc. and NOT as some misled and ill-informed doctors (who promote the strange “hammer and dance” theory to control the virus), claim, due to the economically destructive militarized lockdowns, isolation, and fear psychosis policies that they promote;

5. Moreover, many international scientists have exposed the fact that high numbers of false positive PRC and RT-PCT tests account for high rates of supposedly asymptomatic cases, and question the Covid-19 data presented by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Data Base. In India highly flawed PCR tests gave up to 80 percent false positives and a community survey was abandoned. The flawed tests account for very high numbers of apparently “asymptomatic” cases when in fact these cases either have Covid-anti-bodies from last year’s flu or the tests were simply wrong. Clearly, Sri Lanka and many other impoverished countries in the GLOBAL SOUTH has been locked down and economically devastated based on flawed tests and a global media narrative that exaggerated the number of Covid-19 cases by giving false positives that lead to misleading data and policy[3].

6. It is now clear that the virus has spread to all parts of the country with 35,300 people infected, but the disease has little traction in Sri Lanka. As leading experts have noted the metric that matters to determine the severity of a disease is NOT the number of infections but rather the number of death relative to infections, extrapolated to the whole population[4]. The MOH and GMOA guided by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has used questionable epidemiology models, metrics and flawed PCT tests to whip up a fear psychosis and lock down the country by using the case fertility rate (CFR) rather than use the tried and tested “infection fatality rate” (IFR).

7. At this time we applaud President Gotabaya Rajapaksa for refusing to lock down the country when the WHO, some officials at the Ministry of Health MOH and medical and doctor’s organizations like the GMOA are spreading fear about a “second wave’ of Coronavirus and the new strand emerging in Britain. However, we note with concern, that a foreign citizen heads the Covid-19 Task Force and seems to be making Covid-19 policy in Sri Lanka based on US and UK stories, data and statistics!

8. We also note with concern that the MOH and GMOA and Covid-19 Task Force policy of lockdowns and isolation based on random PCR and antigen tests, that deliver high levels of false positives while targeting poor communities and neighbourhoods with ethnic minorities, and using the military has spread a fear psychosis, stigmatizing patients, particularly women and garment factory workers, and resulted in closure of factories, destruction of livelihood and thousands of job losses, leading to rising poverty and inequality. Often this racial and religious profiling and scapegoating is based on false positive PCR tests, and meant to promote division, distrust and de-stabilize society and government.

9. It is not Covid-19 but the policy response that has triggered a national emergency: The GMOA promoted canard that dead bodies carry and spread the infection has whipped up a media frenzy, and targets Muslim and Christian religious minorities which tend to bury their dead. There appears to be a deliberate attempt to DIVIDE and DISTRACT from a science and evidence based national Covid-19 policy discussion of the real data, empirical facts and qualitative, social science date on the ground. One year after the Covid the QUALITATIVE DATA makes this very clear.

10. “Test, test and trace”, often with flawed tests has been the mantra on which the WHO, Ministry of Health (MOH), the Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) policy of economically, socially and politically, devastating lockdowns and isolation has been implemented by the GoSL and military. These policies are clearly NOT based on Sri Lanka’s country specific, quantitative and qualitative Covid-19 data, and are counter-productive to the mental and physical health and well-being of the population. In fact, these policies have turned science and common sense on their heads and caused great damage to society, economy and democratic governance as the OXFAM Report “Hunger Virus” affirms.

11. We note that the WHO, MOH and GMOA and medical organizations and their events are heavily funded by big pharmaceutical, bio-tech and related multi-national companies, some that are also making vaccines and huge profits out of the so-called global Covid-19 pandemic. There is a long history of big Pharma. Companies colluding with local networks and blocking the passage of the Seneka Bibile National Drugs Policy Bill to provide cheap and affordable generic drugs to patients in Sri Lanka.

12. VACCINES: We are increasingly skeptical of statements and advice from the World Health Organization (WHO), which has manipulated the data and statistics, and suppressed the country-specific experiences and voices from the GLOBAL SOUTH, particularly tropical countries:  Although there was NO Covid-19 HEALTH EMERGENCY in Sri Lanka at any time in the year 2020 as the qualitative and quantitative data indicates, policies, media messaging and propaganda that spread doubt and fear psychosis are now increasingly used to advertise Covid-19 vaccines. These policies were counter to the real data and facts on the ground (low number of workers, health workers and medics who have caught or died of the disease and low hospital occupancy), that is now available for the year 2020 in Sri Lanka. 

13. Although the 2020 country-specific quantitative and qualitative data and evidence suggests that there is NO Covid-19 Health Emergency in Sri Lanka, the highly-indebted GoSL is being urged by the WHO and UNICEF to buy vaccines. The GoSL has negotiated loans from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank according to headlines in the Sunday Times of December 20, 2020. 

14. There is intense competition among big Pharmaceutical Corporations and vaccine manufacturing countries at this time to sell their products also given significant concerns about vaccines efficacy Moreover, the currently available Covid-19 vaccines have been only authorized only for EMERGENCY USE in the northern hemisphere due to a spike in Covid-19 cases this winter. These vaccines have not gone through a full trials process which on average takes over 5 years, nor have they been systematically trialed among South Asian populations. The Pfizer and Biontech and Moderna mRNA vaccines that were the first to be authorized in the UK US and WHO use brand new, never previously tested technology while the cost-effective, tried and tested Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG ), vaccine that protects against a broad range of respiratory tract illness, and trials for Covid-19 adaptation seem to have disappeared from our radar screens[5]. However there are questions about the current Covid-19 vaccines and suggestions that the anti-bodies they trigger may last less than 10 months.

15. Would it not be wise and prudent for GoSL to wait until proper trials are conducted and these vaccines are authorized for use in non-emergency contexts? This would also ensure adequate stock of vaccines for countries in the global North where there appears to be a Covid-19 crisis. It is increasingly clear that the WHO, funded by big pharmaceutical companies, whose head is embroiled in various corruption allegations seems to be promoting what Canadian author, Naomi Klein termed DISASTER CAPITALISM. At this time questions arise about the performance and integrity of the WHO-Sri Lanka country Director and office given a lack of evidence-based policy advice.

16. The lack of an evidence-based policy response by the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) appropriate to the Sri Lanka country context is related to the lack of a qualified, educated and competent Minister and team in the Ministry of Health (MOH) who is able to analyze country data and make evidence-based health and national policy. Since virus bio-terrorism from genetically modified gain of function research attacks (also on crops, like the Fall Army Worm) , are set to continue the government must urgently appoint a qualified and competent Minister and task force head.

17. The Covid-19 fear psychosis appears to have an element of a planned and systematic attack on economy, society and laboring people which needs to be urgently addressed by the GoSL through formulation of evidence-based policies, based on analysis of Sri Lanka country statistics and data. Rather than promoting the Covid-19 fear psychosis by using military to lock down and isolate communities while stigmatizing people, policies that have paralyzed the economy and society forcing Sri Lanka into a bigger debt trap, while US backed hedge funds are asset stripping the country and carrying out the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) project – by the back door – the Govt. must assure the people that Covid-19 in Sri Lanka is milder than flu except for elderly people and those with underlying health conditions who should take precautions.

18. We are increasingly skeptical of statements made by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has manipulated the data and statistics, and suppressed the country-specific experiences and voices from the GLOBAL SOUTH, particularly tropical countries. Many scholars, academics and intellectuals have pointed out that this epidemic is being propagated and orchestrated by imperialist and colonialist world powers and their global media to print trillions of dollars and bail out their economies and boost Big Pharmaceutical and Tech companies, and promote global surveillance systems, and stop migration from the Global South also through a vaccination passport program. The WHO is funded by many big pharmaceutical and bio-tech companies that are profiting from the so-called global pandemic.

19. Economists and social scientists who have analyzed the contradictory news published by the global electronic and print media point out that the Covid-10 hoax has increased economic inequality, enriched a few, while emerging economies like Sri Lanka have borne the brunt of this epidemic, due to ill-informed policy and media messaging. (OXFAM Hunger Virus Report).

20. To confuse people, distract from analysis of the data, it seems that some media houses and politicians have also had recourse to the occult, superstition and cultural myths and rituals to mislead the masses. We consider it a grave death trap to blindly follow the policies prescribed by various interested foreign parties that appear to have captured national institutions and policy-making processes, and seek to serve their own interests and profit from the misery of the working millions who have lost their livelihoods due to the global ‘panicdemic’.

21. The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the Sri Lankan economy’s over-reliance on international tourism. The policy of welcoming tourists, but limiting travel of Sri Lanka citizens and isolating the Western Province which is the economic growth hub of Sri Lanka, and preventing travel and internal tourism may be increasing regional poverty and inequality in Sri Lanka. Countries like Japan with higher Covid-19 numbers are encouraging internal travel and tourism to assist economic recovery at this time. Arresting people for not wearing masks, and RT-PCR and Antigen testing at exits points of the Western Province should be discontinued immediately.

22. Finally, it is highly likely that Sri Lanka has achieve “herd immunity” as the flu season at the end of 2019 had all the signs of Covid also given high levels of travel and tourism to and from China, but since there is no systematic anti-body testing we do not know if this is the case. Rather than buying vaccines it would be appropriate for the MOH to conduct anti-body tests with accurate test kits to assess how many in the population have immunities and if herd immunity has been achieved as the country-level data and statistics seem to indicate. Those who would like a vaccine may consider a BCG vaccine booster.

*This statement was drafted by Dr. Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, a Social and Medical Anthropologist for the Ceylon Mercantile and General Workers Union (CMU), and signed onto by the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Unions, as the Covid-19 policy continues to impact workers’ livelihoods and deepen the social, political and economic crisis in Sri Lanka.

[1] CRVS country reports Summary: Improving the quality of mortality statistics in Sri Lanka, note that” Approximately 130,000 deaths are reported annually in Sri Lanka, and Chronic respiratory illness is the third largest cause of death” .Available at:  https://crvsgateway.info/file/16993/155;  According to the WHO data published in 2018 Influenza and Pneumonia Deaths in Sri Lanka reached 4,864 or 3.83% of total deaths. WorldHealthRankings country data website available at: https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/sri-lanka-influenza-pneumonia.

[2] Hot and Humid weather can slow Covid 19 transmission a new study finds, available at : http://www.pharmafile.com/news/549752/hot-and-humid-weather-can-slow-covid-19-transmission-new-study-finds

Regarding BCG as a flack jacked against Covid-19 see Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake:  “BCG Vaccine Fighting Coronavirus in South Asia” provides extensive analysis of the vaccine, available at: http://www.ipsnews.net/2020/04/bcg-vaccine-fighting-coronavirus-south-asia/

See also:  “One of the oldest vaccines could help combat COVID-19” available at: https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/134481/one-of-the-oldest-vaccines-could-help-combat-covid-19/

[3] The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society by Dr. Pascal Sacre. Available at:  https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-rt-pcr-how-to-mislead-all-humanity-using-a-test-to-lock-down-society/5728483; see also “CDC Report: Official knew that Corona virus test was flawed but released it anyway” available at https://www.npr.org/2020/11/06/929078678/cdc-report-officials-knew-coronavirus-test-was-flawed-but-released-it-anyway; see also:  https://fullfact.org/online/cambridge-pcr-false-positive/ and also: https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/accuracy-of-rapid-covid-test-may-be-lower-than-previously-suggested/

[4] Eran Bendavid and Jay Battacharya ‘Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say?’ available at:  https://fsi.stanford.edu/news/coronavirus-deadly-they-say; see also https://www.econtalk.org/jay-bhattacharya-on-the-pandemic/  Another study by Ioannidis notes “The inferred infection fatality rates tended to be much lower than estimates made earlier in the pandemic”  and infers a much higher rate of Covid-19 infection in populations in a study on “Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 from seroprevalence data”. John P A Ioannidis, concluded that “The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 can vary substantially across different locations and this may reflect differences in population age structure and case-mix of infected and deceased patients and other factors.” Available at https://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/BLT.20.265892.pdf

[5] One of the oldest vaccines could help combat COVID-19,  available at: https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/134481/one-of-the-oldest-vaccines-could-help-combat-covid-19/ see also: TB vaccine linked to lower risk for Covid-19, available at : https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/study-tb-vaccine-linked-to-lower-risk-of-contracting-covid-19/  see also: Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake “BCG Vaccine Fighting Coronavirus in South Asia” that provides an analysis of the vaccine and Covid-19 data in South Asia:  available at:  http://www.ipsnews.net/2020/04/bcg-vaccine-fighting-coronavirus-south-asia/

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Latest comments

  • 6

    How can a virus that is killed by hand sanitizer be so deadly?!! Covid-19 is a big Pfizer and big drug companies vaccine opportunity!
    Let’s hope that this is the beginning of a comprehensive review of the GoSL’s Covid-19 policy response of WHO’s idiotic ‘advice’ to lock down and destroy the economy and democracy. Lanka needs to stop using the military to implement shut downs while targeting poor communities and minorities, meant to Divide, distract and Rule by the crashing empire as it runs it HYBRID WAR in the Indian Ocean.
    Covid-19 has shown that Sri Lanka needs to end its Economic dependence on the West that sick with Covid-19 and other viruses including the FALL ARMY WORM (bio terrorism) , and Western Tourists and focus on Asia countries for its tourist market and economic growth in general!

  • 4

    Congratulation for your bravery, Ms Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake. In a global context of ‘deep fake’ and shoddy journalism, at last we have a voice of reason that has undertaken credible research and concluded that the messages we are subjected to are in fact not true – according to the science and evidence base in Sri Lanka. When in excess of 86% of global citizens who have been subjected to the RT-PCR tests have registered false positives and are asymptomatic, and in Sri Lanka a paltry number of CV-19 purported deaths (most over 70 years of age with multiple comorbidities), why are we scared? Be more scared of the effects of drunken violence after new year’s celebrations than Covid! We need to wake up, be inspired by the selfless actions of Ms Rajasingham-Senanayake and embrace the truth going into what will most likely be a challenging, unpredictable and life-changing year.

  • 4

    An excellent, nuanced take on the Covid-19 status in Sri Lanka. Some solid arguments backed up with data to demonstrate that Sri Lanka has to devise its own multi-pronged strategy to recover from this pandemic situation.

  • 7

    How reliable are our Covid statistics is the question that must be asked before rushing to conclusions. How effective are our meagerly funded and supervised first respondents in checking for Covid infections and follow up.
    When one has made the following declarations in print, then persistent attempts at justifications must follow. These were the declarations, used under the courtesy Dr. title to put a distance between untitled commoners like us.
    That astrological charts say that Sri Lanka is in the wrong geographical position; that the Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine against tuberculosis is effective against Covid; when one has prematurely clapped one’s hands declaring that 18 deaths is perfectly alright, not anticipating that many more deaths will quickly follow; when one has authoritatively stated that wearing face masks will deplete our prana and therefore our resistance against disease.

    • 5

      Fake Dr. Sonali: some honest doctors in the US have said that they were given incentives to say that their patients died of Covid-19 to pad up the data figures!
      So We will now see a similar explosion of (fake) Covid-19 deaths in Sri Lanka, now that the Covid-19 hoax is exposed! GMOA is clocking up the deaths to justify its BIG PHARMA corruption and market vaccines with the WHO..
      WHO authorization of US-Germany’s Pfizer’s vaccine have gave the never before used mRNA vaccine ‘first mover advantage”, that enables a company to establish strong brand recognition and product/service loyalty before other entrants to the market, although a US nurse tested positive for Covid-19 a week after taking the vaccine.
      Fake Dr.OZZI get a life!

  • 10

    Can we rely on the foolhardy declaration of a courtesy doctor” to tell us that Sri Lanka has achieved “herd immunity” and no longer needs the Covid vaccine. Next we will be told the various panniyas touted as cures are the ideal solution. In fact, the long-drawn-out “courtesy doctor’s” declaration is the literary equivalent of the Dhammika Panniya. The CMU, of which I was once a dedicated member, seems to have imperiled itself.

    • 6

      I don’t know if you are aware that three of the supportive comments are by the doctor herself. That’s how conspiracy theorists operate.

      • 1

        I am not sure of your claim, but will not reject it, as it happens frequently on CT using proxies etc. (Remember the ugly debates re UoJ?)
        Not only conspiracy theorists even anti-conspiracy theorists, the state and media establishment generate favourable opinion by foul means.
        Ignoring unfavourable evidence is standard practice, and suppressing is common when such evidence comes from a credible source.
        The Internet is now manipulated by the establishment far more wickedly that it was a decade ago.

        • 1

          Quite sure. Nobody else uses such a bizarre vocabulary. I have no personal animus, just think the author is eccentric but harmless, unlike the virulent bigots we encounter daily.

    • 3

      Wow, the CIA Troll Sonail followed by CIA BOTS is out and about!

  • 6

    There is a simple example. P. B. Jayasundera who is the chief advisor to the President and apparently treated as the magician who can turn the country around made a statement that SL is the only country that paid the government servants during the pandemic. He did not know there are so many countries including Canada which paid all its state employees, 85% of all private sector employees salaries, $2,000 per month to all those who lost their jobs etc. Having such a blind man stupid idiotic person at the top and above him too, there is no doubt that Sri Lankan present government has FAILED MISERABLY.

    • 4

      Buddhist1: This man PBJ was a CONVICT and was DEBARRED from holding any Public Office. Today, for your information, he is the Secretary to the President of Sri Lanka. Another “Convict”, but “Nidoskota Nidhas” in the Sil Redi case, Lalith Weeratunga is the “Advisor” to the President. What do Canadians and the Government say about a Sri Lanka that has established such a “Super Clas” Democratic State?

    • 4

      They dont care the facts at all. Srilanka under their adminnistration has turned out to be mugabian style tyranny today.
      See, how brutal that UDAYANGA WEERATHUNGA to have risked by bringing Uktrainians as the tourists these days, while over 70 000 of srilankens stranded in middle east countries.


  • 8

    A media headline today, Jan 3, 2021:
    Superstition and myths shouldn’t be given priority over the scientific process – Dr. Anil Jasinghe. (MD, MSc, MD, MPA, Sri Lankan medical administrator and Secretary to the Ministry of Environment.)
    And I say: Gullible individuals throwing pots into rivers, drinking panniyas, and giving approval ticks to the cut-and-paste job of conspiracy theories from social media should pay heed.

  • 6

    Sonali, isn’t it surprising this lady has plenty of awestruck followers here. These are people who will drink sugar water instesd of taking the shot. The country specification she provided here is exactly same compared to our neighbours India and Pakistan.
    But their numbers tells us a different story. According to this lady except for her all those treating doctors, scientists, GMOA,SLMC,WHO are not just simply wrong but are on big pharma payroll.This Anthropologist initially self claimed as scientist
    Physician and now leading economist
    Darini it is obvious you are desperate to join the GR viyathagama for position and fame. The numbers are less because our govt wanted it that way and comparatively we are much smaller to any of our neighbours. Also regardless our bonds would have been junked with ot without ‘Covid. To be honest Lanka had least economic impact compared to others. You are the next expert to help govt to blame Covid for bankruptcy economic meltdown for coming years because they do not have those usual scapegoats and imaginary enemies anymore.

  • 7

    Darini, I have personally treated Covid patients, checked their lung MRI, experienced their multi system complications and grieved the loss of few unfortunate ones. I feel pity that you are one among many who did not learn a thng , out of this global crisis. I wonder how you could be so apathetic given the fact , at least one known person of yours who has sufered or succumbed to it. You make Trump look alike mother Theresa.

  • 7

    Darini , do me a favor take a good look of you in a mirror. While accusing all those doctors who served patients putting their family and self in danger being on big pharma payroll , you the one giving alecture on economics standing over dead bodies. You have lived in the U.S and India (most affected) and you mean to say you do not know a single person who was either affected or succumbed to this deadly pandemic..As rightly said this is novel for us physicians too. But the very first patient I treated though survived, MRI showed more than 50% of lungs destroyed. We still are concerned about scarring of lung tissue and long term side effects. You just come here and compare it to seasonal flu. Get a life .

  • 4

    Corona is originated in China, not in USA, UK, Europe, South America or in Russia. In Sri Lanka, it is true that Corona virus was not virulent compared to USA, UK, Europe. The statistics are not prepared by WHO or Pharmaceutical companies. These statistics are coming from Hospitals or Heath Departments. India is one of the country severely affected by this Corona. How come the death in Srilanka and infections increased in Srilanka now? Why the author did not talk about China in her analysis?

  • 6

    Stupendous effort by a lobbyist.
    The author has risked whatever credibility she held to present this preposterous piece of work.

    Should not be making these claims based on unreliable data and where data gathering itself is severely lacking.

    The author seems to think that the vast majority of the experts around the world who are closely working on managing the pandemic and evaluating reliable and often very comprehensive data are foolishly mistaken.

  • 3

    The writer has argued her case well and substantiated her arguments with valid citations. She has provided much food for thought. More than a year since the first discovery of the COVID-19 virus, scientists are still to explain why it remains so much a First World Problem. And the point that the vaccines that have been produced have not been trialed in the Global South is well-made. It is a pity that those who disagree with the author here – a couple many times over – have not addressed pertinent issues like these and instead resorted to rhetoric or personal attacks on the author to muddy the waters.

    • 3

      Chivy Ozy, Sonali, and Codger are CIA trolls and Peace Corps bots.. working for the biggest rogue state in the world that failed to set up military bases after staging the Easter Attacks.. They represent vested interests in the Covid bio-terrorism staged by the crashing Empire, EU and Five eyes to make America and EU great again!
      But retribution for their bio-terrorism is happening as US-UK and EU are the worst affected by lab-made Covid 19 – BLOWBACK for their bio-terrorism and hybrid WAR CRIMES in the Global South! Check out brilliant new book: The United States of War;

  • 6

    Sugand just go back and refer to her first article on Covid calling it a bogus then created by Western super powers and praised Tedros for downplaying
    She gave the same reasons then. After millions got infected , hundred of thousands dead .global economy as a whole in crisis (not Lanka alone) and vaccines are available she has included them too in her hit list. Can Recycling lies be called plagiarism

  • 6

    Misinformed hogwash and irresponsible.
    Anyone with a smartphone would have read these conspiracy theories many times over since inception of Covid19.
    Merely rehashed by courtesy dostora.
    No responsible medical journal cited in supporting articles, just internet claptrap. Three are the same misinformed balderdash by the author herself. One cites an obscure anesthetist.

    • 1

      Covid 19 was manufactured in a US-China lab collaboration with HIV spliced into a Corona virus turned chimeric virus by Faucci’s bio-terrorism program, to make big bucks for US Drug Companies but the plan backfired – —
      BLOWBACK! Covid-19 is now a EU and US problem but still a big profit op. for US govt. allied Pfizer that undermined the Senaka Bibile Bill in Sri Lanka back in the 1970s.
      BCG vaccine is protecting Asia and Africa so Pfizer and Moderna and Oxfor Asta can stuff their vaccine!
      WHO which is totally CORRUPT and CRIMINAL has however denied that BCG protects against COvid-19. WHO should be SHUT DOWN and Tedros prosecuted for high crimes.
      Covid in the Global South it is milder than flu!

  • 5

    Dinuk ,Usually I prefer not reading and if at all responding to your conspiracy thories.I am just curious do you handle every days routine mundane issues, as in way you Express yourself here. Anything and everything in life as per you is a western/U.S/ captalist conspiracy. At the same time you must be using upto date digital/ ,fancy gadgets,’such as video gamers,Apple products.smart phone, laptops, social/digital media, Master/ Visa credit cards All that fast food you gorge followed by medications to counter those post prandial ill effects are patented and sold by those you accuse for anything and everything. I just have a question ?? Did US or others deny you a travel visa for youyo br pissed. If it is not post trauma then it has to be paranoia.

    • 4

      I feel we should be sorry for this deluded soul who is reduced to making supportive comments on her own article under many aliases. It’s clear that Dinuk/Open minded/ Silo Pieris/ Question Everything are all one and the same person with exactly the same hackneyed vocabulary.
      May God save the CMU !

    • 2

      Poor. poor, confused American Psychological Association junkie, Chivy OZY and pathetic independence Square Stalker why don’t you just come out and say you are GAY,
      Please do all of us a favour and come out of the closet and stop being so frustrated -writing tripe on CT on every article to feel better??!
      Poor girl-boy whose computer was deleted and cleaned before the Easter Sunday attacks on instructions from the crashing evil Empire as the Saudi Embassy instructed..?
      Please read David Vine’s new book: “The United States of War ” and educate yourself, dear Chiv!

  • 4

    Have been following comments. Unfortunately some lack grey matter. So they display inferior breeding by going for wanatha tactics – lift the sarong and with genitalia exposed, shout out filth, “ammata” and such. Pathetic fellows. They may think different sexual orientations are a great insult. They wouldn’t know what the word xenophobia means. Worthless continuing with such language. They need education to learn about LGBTIQA+ communities. Sorry. They need education. Full stop. They need to learn that humankind is diverse. Another thought. Individuals who resort to sexual insults usually have a serious shortcoming. Such men need to have a doctor check out their organs.

    • 4

      Sometimes too much education unhinges people. I think that’s the problem here.

    • 4


      “Such men need to have a doctor check out their organs.”

      An apt advice to Punchi Point, Punchi Brain, Punchi Willie.

  • 4

    I have followed this author’s articles on VODI over the last months, and all she writes is deluded nonsense, based on gibberish published by conspiracy websites. As intelligent readers, we should not even bother to comment on the substance here. However, I am making this intervention because I abhor the lack of integrity of this so-called medical anthropologist. Please check google scholar and you can see that she has no peer-reviewed research or published work on medical anthropology at all. Taking a few physical anthropology courses in university by no means qualifies a socio-cultural anthropologist, which she apparently is according to her publication record, as a medical anthropologist. Moreover, while labelling all critical commentators as CIA trolls (which Chiv, Old Codger and Sonali certainly do not deserve by their intelligent and cultivated contributions to this forum at all times), the author herself dishonestly publishes self-congratulatory comments under the avatars of Dinuk, Question Everything and Open-minded – we are not stupid, Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake!! This author is a fraud not only because she claims academic credentials which she does not have as a medical anthropologist but also because of her intellectual dishonesty in general to plant her own comments in this forum to applaud herself.

    • 4

      Don’t be too hard on the poor thing. She isn’t the first Sri Lankan “scholar” with borrowed feathers. She needs sympathy.

  • 2

    Sorry, typo here. I meant “articles on COVID” in the first line.

  • 3

    Old Codger,
    The poor thing would deserve our sympathy if she had a PhD from Rajarata University but with a PhD from Princeton University, she should do far better than write deluded articles, based on convoluted logic. She is a disgrace to her alma mater.

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