By Ranil Fernando –
A virus of the Beta coronavirus 2B lineage was first discovered in December 2019, in three bronchoalveolar lavage samples of a Chinese patient who was affected by pneumonia of unknown aetiology (1), in a hospital in Wuhan the capital of the Hubei Province in China. The doctors treated the patient and not much was thought of the virus at that time. Doctors, Li Wenliang and Ai Fen realized the dangers of the new virus. They wrote about it on social media. They were reprimanded and warned sternly by the authorities in China. On the 8th January, Wuhan Public Security Bureau arrested eight doctors who had posted information about the illness on social media. An official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission ordered laboratories, which had already determined that the novel virus was similar to SARS, to stop testing samples and to destroy existing samples. On 13th January 2020, the first coronavirus patient was reported in Thailand, the first known case outside China. On 20th January the first coronavirus patient was reported in South Korea. A few days later patients were reported from Japan and USA. The warning signs of an epidemic were emerging but the Chinese authorities were still in denial mode. Soon the Chinese authorities realized their mistake.
On 21st of January, China’s top political commission in charge of law and order warned that “anyone who deliberately delays and hides the reporting of [virus] cases out of his or her self-interest will be nailed on the pillar of shame for eternity.”(2).
On 23rd January, Wuhan and three other cities are put on lockdown. As China celebrated the Lunar New Year holiday from 24th to 30th January, approximately 5 million people left Wuhan without being screened for the illness. Hundreds of millions of people travelled around the country. The spread of the virus was rapid and devastating from then on. The virus was given the official name of Covid 19. The WHO declared a worldwide pandemic on the 11th of March 2020. The rest is history. At the last count, more than 300,000 people have been affected worldwide resulting in 13,000 deaths especially in the older age groups and immune-compromised patients. The high figures are partly due to human disregard for the rule of law and lack of civic consciousness. World over people behaved in the most selfish manner disregarding requests and warnings, contributing to the pandemic. No one can predict what the final outcome will be. The tiny particle of Covid 19 has brought the world to a standstill and put many countries in lockdown mode.
The need of a reality check
The world and humanity today is considered to be very advanced. The emphasis is on growth, power and individuality. The buzz words are Nanotechnology, robotics genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and cyborgs. Undoubtedly these advances have made significant contributions to enhance human existence. The higher echelons of society are seeking divinity. The downside is that the human race has forgotten some fundamental moral values. Truth, honesty, civic consciousness, equity, humility, love, family values, unity and kindness are not given much thought in the fast-moving world of today.
In the face of this tiny particle called Covid 19, aforesaid current values of power, growth seems so insignificant. The basic instinct of survival is the need of the day. This emphasizes the frailty of humans. In many countries, people died in total isolation and their main cry was for kindness and the embrace of a loved one. Even the most powerful including leaders of countries and their families were affected by the virus. Power, growth and technology did not offer any protection. Despite all the technological advances experts cautiously predict that a vaccine against Covid 19 is at least 18 months away. Whatever your religious beliefs are or even if you do not have one, it is time for everyone to stop and take a reality check and reexamine your life. The new frontiers of Nanotechnology, robotics genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and cyborgs must be fully supported and advanced. The recent advances inebriated some people so much that they claimed that human beings could achieve immortality in the twenty-first century (3). The current epidemic calls on a reality check for such claims. This is the time to stop and think of real values in life. If humans can balance the advances and the real values that matter then the human existence will undoubtedly be enhanced and the world will become a much better place to live in. Perhaps Covid 19 was a divine message for the world to take a reality check
1. Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2. Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian: https://www.axios.com/timeline-the-early-days-of-chinas-coronavirus-outbreak-and-cover-up-ee65211a-afb6-4641-97b8-353718a5faab.html
3. Alexander Bolonkin Twenty-first century – The beginning of human immortality – October 2004Kybernetes 33(9/10):1535-1542 DOI: 10.1108/03684920410556115
*Prof Ranil Fernando -Senior Professor of Surgery Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya, Consultant Surgeon North Colombo Teaching Hospital Ragama, Past President College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
lankan / March 27, 2020
doom day is nearing .. Humanity made some terrible mistake, Greedy west done a lot of damage. Now they are going to pay off. what mistakes they have done. A list of their mistakes will be many..
Greedy colonisation…
Greedy globalisation.
Greedy Veto to intimidate poor nations.
Greedy exploitation..
Greedy interest and gambling.
Arm race,,,
Nuclear war heads..
weapons of mass destruction.
1% of supper rich to control this world….
so many other issues. now God intervene to protect this world from grip of this greedy west..
chiv / March 27, 2020
Prof, THANK YOU so much for bringing out the facts. Though many of our immoral will continue to deny ,the medical facts cannot be easily hidden. The Chinese authorities knew it (may not expect the impact) but their priorities being economy and development ,hence denied and suppressed the evidence (just like Silly Lanka). By that possibly a epidemic was turned into a pandemic. To make things worse when the Chinese President visited Wuhan as confidence building measure, the party/govt tried taking the credit for controlling the damages, which was vehemently opposed by the local residents, and the govt was forced to withdraw their official statement. As in Lanka a SHAM commission was appointed to look into official abuse , which came up clearing the Hero Doctor of the original charges (anti govt activity), posthumous. Initially to suppress the evidence the crooked Govt , alleged the deceased doctor as anti communist activist, and the truth is, he is a long standing official member of the party. No wonder Silly Lankas big brother is crooked China.(Pavithra will attach for that with a kiss and a selfie)
SJ / March 30, 2020
“… the party/govt tried taking the credit for controlling the damages, which was vehemently opposed by the local residents, and the govt was forced to withdraw their official statement.”
I wonder if this is evidence of lack of freedom of expression?
chiv / March 27, 2020
Prof, since you wrote the numbers now stand at 500, 000 infected and 25.000 deaths. And I believe more to come especially fro Africa , Russia and our region. The Chinese play is just coming to an end, where as the Russian drama is about to start. Putin is such a sociopath who is capable of murdering few of his political/business rivals (using this human tragedy) and dispose with other Corona victims. Today I saw him on news, getting ready for action, wearing all kind of protective gears which I am sure those treating doctors in Russia have no access.
chiv / March 27, 2020
As expected China vetoed discussing Covid in an emergency security council meeting, with the help of Russia and South Africa (has given huge loans to buy their vote). If Covid , not being discussed why would anyone need such meeting in the midst of a crisis. If China has nothing to hide why avoid discussing such a vital matter. One thing is for sure when the dust settle most of the countries affected by Covid will go after China, 9I believe Trump has already thrown the first punch) either claiming monetary compensation or by penalizing for intentionally hiding and distorting facts. Though I do not agree, many countries are now accusing of WHO for conniving with China, because they too are now heavily funded and supported by China. (since USA cut down all financial support)
Laxmi / March 27, 2020
Chivy: are you paid by the biggest Rogue State in the world that manufactures over 60 percent of all killer weapons, whose military business industrial complex carbon foot print is the elephant in the room of climate change discussion) and has more than 800 military bases all over the world to spread US propaganda – against China and Russia?!
Check this out – David Icke
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whWPogluwPA
kali / March 28, 2020
Because China doesnt want to admit that more than 30,000 od her citizens have died just as Gotha is lying.
Dilshan / March 27, 2020
Unfortunately country is run war criminals and thieves and their cronies.mainly from army. It is very sad all the eminent and capable people.who can manage and make judgmental decisions like professor iare left out
Maharage, / March 27, 2020
–Your first paragraph provides strong proof that corrupted and snake-eating China is accountable for committing the greatest crime in human history. — —
—-Snake-eating China’s this crime against humanity is unthinkable —–Perhaps, not second to holocaust —
———Trumpy should be commended for calling “China Virus” ‘ ——
—-there is credible evidence that Communist China’s secret service secretly killed the doctor who first blew the whistle about the “CHINA VISUS”
———-In our blessed island, Gothapaya, Mara, and their tribe are ardently emulating Chinese strategies to kill all whistle blowers —-
——Our Health Lady hugged a corona infected Chinese woman to demonstrate Gothapay, Mara, and Pohottuwa clan’s despicable tendency to prostrate to uncivilized China —
——–China should be punished for this greatest crime against humanity —
Mallaiyuran / March 28, 2020
“If humans can balance the advances and the real values that matter then the human existence will undoubtedly be enhanced and the world will become a much better place to live in. Perhaps Covid 19 was a divine message for the world to take a reality check “
Man can resist to adopt to the globalisation of economy, cherishing and love, but all viruses are almost globalised- i.e Pandemic. Then, talking of saving the Man is only selfish. Man should start to think that he is not the only one good created. Minimum talk of saving is about the world. So the religions that talk only about Man or God are not important. What is important is science and humanity show go hand in hand. Humanity is not about saving only man (human species). The virulence of the virus’ spreading nature, the adaptability and sustainability it in the environment, and fatal end it is bring to man, has made many to suspect if this is a weapon garde germ, escaped out its nursery. So start to think saving world is the only way to save the man and offer him a healthy fruitful, pious life. The horrible Pandemic nature of the Corona (Covid-19) should invoke in man the Wholistic concern for the world.
Mallaiyuran / March 28, 2020
I don’t think the Covid -19 can be fully controlled in the world anytime sooner like smallpox or leprosy. It may be here for to stay longer. It is not pessimistic thinking. The vaccine for common cold flu is not effective for the reasons that its lasting effect and the many strains of the flu viruses’ presence. Covering all of them in vaccine has not been successful. On the time length wise, it does barley last only one flu season. Already there are 20 strains of Covid -19 have been identified. China reporting about 3 to 14 % of all developed disease is facing reattacks, with in three months (shorter than one season). So the vaccine that that is yet to be developed is not something promising a lot. With vaccine, an effect systems fighter to help patients to breath easily and survive the disease until body is fighting off the Covid -19, is important.
chiv / March 28, 2020
People who get their facts from social media can continue doing so. The information you get is from individuals just like you on the other side who provide. Good Luck. We as physician never treat an alcoholic listening to the recommendations of a nother alcoholic. Why would we do so in this case ???? Some of you sounds like the ones who went all out in social media to prove there is no such thing as Covid, without even being aware you already had contracted.
SJ / March 30, 2020
“We as physician never treat an alcoholic listening to the recommendations of another alcoholic.”
Is there is a black list of sorts that doctors use I wonder!
Also, is this part of the Hippocratic Oath?
kali / March 28, 2020
The State LYING Machine is putting out messages such as 2nd 3rd so on CORONA Free day. This is the GOSL which lied about the number of Tamils the Sri Lankan army illed and then the man at he helm now admitting that they are all dead. In my view in Sri Lanka there are thousands who are infectedan hundreds who are dead if not thousands . Many are ferried to Tamil Araes to infect Tamils. Gotah the BRAVE PRESIDENT the HARD MAN all empty words. Corona sees no boundraies and it doesnt discrimintate. I wish Gotha catches it before the US State Department catch him.
The Country is ruled by by a man who is on DEATH ROW who PARDONED a WAR CRIMINAL who is on DEATH ROW in defiance of the Highest Court in the Land.. I am disgusted and Sinkala Lanka should be ashamed. .
Thondamany / March 28, 2020
In Reality, COVID – 19 has……
At a time America calls the UNHRC a cess Pool and the Intl. Criminal Court a buch of political brags.
Denying them investigation into a 180 page report with the ICC on Atrocities and War Crimes committed by America and their Allies in Afganistan, what is Kali attempting to ferry here?
Human Rights goes right into the dustbins.
Its time for the humans to evaluvate advances and the real values that matter to the humans for a peaceful co-existence.
It is indeed a Divine Intervention to the World for humans to engage in a reality check.
COVIC 19 will pass away at Divines own time when changes takes place within the humans.
kali / March 28, 2020
THONDA ( You have left) MANY gaping holes. As for the West committing Wr Crimes in Afghanistan whos fault it it. Dont Bullshit as the reality is if the Muslim World has sorted out its on problems amongst themselves without the Shia fghting Suni and Shia fighting Wahabi , Iran fighting Iraq and in the process allowing the West to fill the gap they could have avoided the Blooshed. Same as the bloody Sinkalams could have avoided the carnage in Sri Lanka. What is your point mate Ferrying what. you mean your ” Thondai” before you choke to death.
kali / March 29, 2020
I was thinking of changing the the first three letters of your name to PUN which would have described you perfectly
I have now figured out what has upset you. It is the word Ferrying and man I mean what I say about Ferrying. It is obvious you are not a THONDA MANY ( which is Tamil) you are a SINKALA ” KUNCHAMANI”
GOSL ( LIARS ) has finally under prssure from admitted the 1st ( First Hundred) death from Chinese imported Corona. Man there are 100,000 Cheenavedis in Sinhala Lanka. Can you hear me
SJ / March 30, 2020
I fear that you are knowingly allowing obscene language.
Senaka / March 29, 2020
Today we are informed that because of one infected man (Muslim) had come to Akuressa that the other people in the entire central province are not allwed their few hours to get their basic essentials. The police are unable to search and restrict the specefic area ?!! Are we to die of starvation? This is pathetic administration of the situ.
SJ / March 30, 2020
What has one’s religion to do with it?
How many of the infected are Muslims?