13 February, 2025


Covid-9; Use Your Conscience To Get Out Of The Death Trap Without Using The Blame game!

By Harendra De Silva

Vidyajyothi Prof. Harendra de Silva

Talk of the day at every level is about the bleak future of our blessed country! “Our economy is way beyond repair!” Health standards once a proud asset is worse than in some other poorer countries. Standards of Education again another strong point is in question! The most worrying is the breakdown of humanity and issues in relation to social behaviour.

The behaviour of a few doctors and ethics is the most appalling, while the conduct of trade union leaders flouting all norms and their audacity when questioned is rather frightening. It is true that we all would like our immediate family members vaccinated! I am sure all doctors get calls from friends and relatives “How can we get the vaccine?” It is difficult to explain our inability and ethics to them. However, if it is done at the expense of other health worker’s families, under fraudulent names is hypocrisy that shames the ethics of Hippocrates! The accuracy of the Unawatuna scandal yesterday cannot be determined! At least one person I know had checked the expiry date and it was the 4th June 3 days after expiry! I agree that practically it may not make a difference, but was it the reason why there was a huge rush to Unawatuna? It is not to blame anyone but demonstrate erosion of ethics whether justified or not! In a state of insecurity, where everything from food, jobs, money, vaccines and life itself is at stake, those who have the best chance of survival are those with money, power and connections. A situation of “survival of the fittest” surfaces. Instead of ‘fight or flight’, impunity of corruption raises its head. When vaccines are to be given it should be on a predetermined protocol often with WHO guidance. It appears that the SEAR ITAG (South-East Asia Regional Technical Advisory Group on Immunization) has been totally cold shouldered by the unprofessional conduct of local ‘experts’ together with the non-medical army. The protocol continuously changes direction with the winds of power and politics and is not even close to WHO guidelines. There are insinuations of favoritism to the rich and powerful including bribery as was the Unawatuna case! The responsibility is mainly in the hands of the Ministry of Health who should have been ethical in sticking to protocols and therefore accountable. The standard protocols laid down in immunization of children is laudable in the same ministry with proper monitoring and accountability! But this process is now in shambles with predicted epidemics of childhood diseases looming in darkness!  However, with the appearance of insecurity in an unstable country, monitoring and accountability has become dubious! WHY? Is it Insecurity, Survival, money and prospects of promotions!! The Tsunami killed 30,000 + in a few minutes. The predicted death rates due to Covid are similar but in 20 months!

Transparency and Accountability: if the norms of tenders, that have several independent assessors are bypassed on the pretext of an emergency there would be an absence of monitoring based on quality of performance, international prices, competing prices etc. Now, accountability becomes a question in the absence of monitoring thereby opening doors of corruption. Even if corruption does not occur, lack of transparency makes people perceive it as ‘shrouded in a shadow of doubt’.

Society can be considered an intricately woven precious social fabric especially when multiple and different threads hold it together, which can be in tatters in seconds, akin to a stalker bird destroying a tailor bird’s nest that has been painstakingly woven for days! Think about these ‘stalkers’! It could be a majestic eagle or a common crow! But It starts with the Majestics, the crows follow suit just for the sake of following the leader or by instability of hunger and greed. Social collapse is due to lack of a long-term vision of leaders both in government and opposition. It is catalyzed by them through a vehicle called the media manipulated for short-sighted vision of either maintaining power or grabbing power with tagged agendas such as wealth!

This ‘vision’ can be made positive and long term using the same medium the media, such as; in N. Zealand, where the thinking and behavior of leaders made the country united to defeat the threat of Corona! In the Meantime, short term agenda of maintaining Power by the populist leader Trump, through particular media networks broke the social network with absolute impunity by the people with defiance that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. We cannot blame society which acts as a ‘herd’ that functions on emotions evoked from childhood inputs of indoctrination ranging from Racism and fear of survival, magic to trauma embedded in the hypothalamus as opposed to the forebrain. If we are brought up with the belief in supernatural powers rather than cause and effect logic and evidence-based science akin to Hethu Pala Dharma (හේතුඵල ධර්ම), we would follow the use of Dhammika Peniya rather than trust masks, sanitizers or vaccines. Again, the leadership with the help of the media often ‘herds’ the hypothalamic driven people to spend time and money for an illusion of a magical solution, thereby momentarily stabilizing society by distracting them from the real issues!

It would be the coordinated use of forebrains of the leadership including professionals who could either manipulate negatively or positively for a negative or positive social response! What do you expect from so called professionals who are tagged with political agendas or insane affiliations to supernatural deities like Natha, Ravana or Kali? Some of them have true convictions through delusions and hallucinations of pathological insanity, while others craftily manipulate an uneducated herd that has similar traits to maintain power! Trump nearly succeeded!

Why can’t we forget and put aside differences and ego, put all our resources together to combat the epidemic? You may call me crazy, to disregard corruption, impunity and violence to help ‘them’ out! Remember, we are ‘helping’ not a perceived corrupt government but the people (who may also be corrupt)! At the beginning of the epidemic we saw the JVP spending their resources to stitch masks? Has it stopped? I have not seen any opposition members doing anything positive to help the people! At present we keep on calling the main herds as baiyyas and Toyyas and pulling each other’s legs. Especially the government prevents anyone whom they perceive as toyyas from advising government? Is it because they are insecure and worry about help/advise offered by anyone considered a toyya!? What a pathetic situation!!

The opposition is beating war drums, spending vast amounts of money and time on composing the tune, ‘we are coming to power soon! the end is near!’ Has anyone including leaders of the opposition parties thought of the loss of life and grievances of the common man? Of course, you keep the common man occupied on their smart phones by playing rhythms of power; again, the same process of manipulating the common man’s hypothalamus, getting the herd ready to topple the government??? Ironically you are using the same herd with changing affiliations! Many of the 69 lakhs are in denial, or pretend while some are demented!

Why can’t the opposition demand transparency, educate the people what it is! What is accountability? The role of the judiciary to reduce corruption and impunity, instead of the mud-slinging posts in a negative way! The same media can be used positively. What is important is to sensitize the public instead of ‘sensationalization’! at least a small percentage? Of-course the media may have conflicts of interests and money in mind?

We are not transparent to the public on Covid data professionally. Insist that the independent professionals give transparent data to give a picture of the magnitude of the problem? This is in comparison to India where the government website gives all the data to the public. Why is there a parliament? Is the opposition interested only in bashing ministers? By all means; but concentrate on transparency of Covid medical data, details of vaccines, including prices paid for the public to see. Take an example from India. How transparent the data is? https://www.mygov.in/covid-19

This is condensed data from the worldometer on Covid not Government data! (8/6/21) https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Cases/1 million

Deaths/1 million

Tests per Million









Sri Lanka




The public should be aware of more data like in the Indian website including age specific morbidity and mortality rates. It is important to realize that India has done far more tests per 1 million population than us! The less tests we do the less we diagnose, and therefore more threat of spread. Any idiot would understand it! Why are we behaving like an Ostrich?

Think how individually or as a group you may chip in by promoting prevention of spread or preventing deaths in hospitals!

After all the opposition has to use the same people to herd for success and don’t forget different degrees of corruption during your terms in office! Corruption did not come overnight! It was the removal of monitoring, transparency, ignoring impunity and accountability that has led us to be in this extreme state! Uniting does not mean that we condone corruption and impunity! Uniting to defeat a common enemy is first in the agenda. After that you may kill each other!?

Latest comments

  • 5

    “Why can’t the opposition demand transparency, educate the people what it is! What is accountability? The role of the judiciary to reduce corruption and impunity, instead of the mud-slinging posts in a negative way!”

    Obviously, Legislators are a family. The Ali Baba will plunder the tax payers money and share it among everyone pocketing the major share within his kith and kin. The uniformed are given privileges and bonus so that the slaves are kept away from the ruling community. When election is around the corner, the Ali baba’s off springs and in laws will activate a IT hub to confuse the vulnerable to project that the lion state cannot survive without the Ali Baba. The monkeys also will be promised luxuries and the Jungle Book chapters would continue to be written. Let it be.

    • 0

      I agree, dear Ad.
      Not the business of “the Opposition” alone.
      See my comment below for details. Just submitted. I’m glad to see the comments coming on at the times we expect them.
      However, what we can do is limited; the message has to be got across, innovatively, in the two Swabashas, using devices like Youtube.

    • 2

      Vidyajyothi Prof. Harendra de Silva,

      All what you write is well and good.

      But can we go on creating an alternate reality on a daily basis?

      When I look at the president of Sri Lanka, Gota, I see a serial-killer ….. whether he is a Buddhist serial-killer, a vegetarian serial-killer ……… is beside the point ……. just worthless qualifications to his true nature.

      A serial-killer does what a serial-killer does. It’s crazy to expect any other behaviour. …….. It’s pointless playing the blame-game against any other ……….. when the head of the country is a serial-killer.

      We got to tackle the elephant in the room!

      If not, all what we write is not going to make a tuppence of a difference ………….

  • 3

    We rushed to sell the country when Covid struck, rather than heal the country as a priority. Acquiring personal wealth became greater than acquiring people’s health. Using our nation’s resources can help us all live here in rupees, if we say no to enslaved money god called Mammon. Follow Australian example.

  • 4

    Whom are we talking to on one side is Group lead by a war criminal who came to power by killing 250 people injuring several others by manipulating Muslim extremists using his loyal state intelligence officers.
    The other side is led by people who were silent when central bank was robbed by their leaders
    I was told by my Tamil friends that as per Tamil print and web media, the government rejected offer by Diaspora to provide Vaccine to whole country.
    This is the kind of leaders we have. I am wondering they will reject Vaccine from US unless and otherwise the resolution in the Congress about Tamil issue is withdrawn. We are a country who rejected Grant of USD 500 million in preference to billion dollar loan at 6% with kick backs to leaders.
    They may not like free vaccine but prefer USD 15 per dose with a kick back of not less than USD 5 to the thief leaders

    • 0


      Peopel in this country never differentiated RAJAPAKSHES and other like minded criminals.
      Fake PERCEPTION built in the society, made them WEERAYAS and talented ones to run a govt.
      As of today, even BABI AKKA, DOLALANGA PIYADASA or the like KADAMANDIYA people question, ” what have RAJAPAKSHES done to this country though 15 months passed since they grabbed power”:

      Decorative animals of their POLITICAL PROCESSIONS – none other than PINGUTHTAYAS stay today as if they are fed with kirimati (there is a saying, they are like kirimati gilapu kimbulo–. clay fed crocodiles)

      With all these being the GROUND reality, srilanka is being sold out to CHINESE men, by RAJAPKASHES thinking as if it is thei PVT properties. All these continue, with the BITTE SILENCE of SO CALLED PATRIOTIC SANGA COMMUNITY.
      Vicious men have closed BOTH ends of FAKE BUDDHIST MONKS today, after grabbing to power and having gained 2/3 majority of the power … also having changed 20A to the constitution.

      All these are just neglected by THE PEOPLE and all today as no times in the past, since people are well aware of the facts, that RAJAPKSHES ARE MERCILESS men:

  • 2

    Let’s welcome Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe to our parliament who got kicked out by our (un)democratic voters.
    Let’s make him 2024 common presidential candidate with running mate Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka as prime ministerial candidate.
    Thank You All

    • 2

      S. C. Pasqual,
      You are free to vote for those guys.
      I can speak only for myself. I will not.

      • 0

        Mr. Panini Edirisinhe,
        Of course.
        What difference does it make..?
        Who cares.

    • 3

      Ms SCP,

      We thought COVID might have killed you. We missed you so as Weerakatiya cattle thieves.
      We can understand you very well. You beloved bitch s sons not being able to oversee the gravity of the COVID threat, people in our home country is caught by all anxities.
      Today, Rajapakshes have put us very behind… though this was not overlooked to us.
      Just imagine, if your GENDER OP was performed by an untrained nurse, you would no thave a life at all. Likewise, former PETROL SHED assitant to become by the votes of your ilk- should be punished by DIVINE forces. that is what is happening today.
      My heart is meleting only to those INNOCIENT masses, thought disagreed have to face today s crisis, just because MERCY cows dominated srilanken society thought to give a chance to former roudy men.

      • 0

        Mr. eLM (eternal Loose Motion)
        You are funny indeed.
        Let’s see in next election.

        • 3

          Ms SCP,
          Question would be – one single Rajapakshe would remain to contest next elections.
          Even domestic animals are becoming clear today, Rajapakshes only wanted to ” NIDOSKOTA NIDAHASA WEEMA get exonerated from their high crime investigations”:
          Could you entertain us bringing any kind of new fair tales about ” RAJAPAKSHE HAPANKAM – FAKE ablities”:
          Good thing is, PUNNAKKU DOMINATED srilanka is now becoming clear, it was not GOTABAYA who worked to defeat LTTE terror, but our honourable MP FM Mr Sarath Fonseka.

          Truth will succeed oneday soon.

          • 0

            question would be if any single Raja would remain… to face next elections.
            Going by sinhalaya culture, they would kill them sooner than later… not being able to tolerate the criminal acts of them.
            Could you entertain by a new kind of fairy tales about ” RAJAPAKSHE HAPANKAM – FAKE ablities”:

    • 2

      S. C. Passqual

      Running mate

      In an election campaign, a candidate’s running mate is the person that they have chosen to help them in the election. If the candidate wins, the running mate will become the second most important person after the winner.

      “Let’s make him 2024 common presidential candidate with running mate Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka as prime ministerial candidate.”

      Are you going to rewrite the constitution?
      At present there is only presidential candidates therefore there is no place for running mates.

      This is not USA, this is Sri Lanka of Little Islanders.

      You should read once you have finished typing.
      You should stop carrying Gota’s b***s once you start typing.

      • 0

        Mr. Native
        Who said Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe needs a CONSTITUTION..?

        • 1

          S. C. Passqual

          You typed:

          “Let’s make him 2024 common presidential candidate with running mate Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka as prime ministerial candidate.”

          If Ranil is going to run for president it will be a contest in a presidential elections while Prime Ministers are chosen from parliamentary elections. There is no need for a running mate in any presidential elections in Sri Lanka.

          Prime minister is appointed based on the confidence he command in the parliament.

          You owed to be careful when you type here.
          Please stop arguing when you are wrong.
          Accept you are wrong, say sorry and move on.

          However, as a typical stupid little islander you need to argue you are right even though you are 100 wrong.
          Stop proving the obvious about yourself.

          • 0

            Brother Native,
            Ms SCP does not know what he/she is talking about. Thi sis the nature of this guy
            going through his older age ” puberty”:
            Anyways, I am glad to see him/her/ still alive. Sure, the man was gotten not just one jab several dozens of them for his circles.

            • 0


              If possible we must educate such people.

  • 2

    12.4% of the population is over 60 years old. With the arrival of over 3 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine, this number can be covered with two shots of Sinopharm vaccine by the end of July. This is a better option than increasing the number of PCR tests.

  • 3

    The Ven. Sobhitha determined that the executive president was a danger to democracy. He was right. But the rot did not begin in 1978. It began in 1972. In fact some elements of it began even earlier in1956. These are the pivot points in our history that led us down a path of destruction. Imagine where the country was in 1956, 1972, 1978 and now in comparison to Singapore or South Korea. These are self inflicted wounds. The pettiness and jealousies of our people, the Buddhist clergy and certain politicians are to blame for it. You cannot uplift the the villager by tearing down the land owner and the entreprenuer. But that is exactly what happened. First came Sinhala only knowing full well that all the senior government servants were English educated gentlemen who came from the parochial schools may they be Sinhalese, Tamil or Burger. That triggered the first exodus.Then came political appointments into the government service. At first it was for drivers and peons etc. as the quality of the politician deteriorated so did the political appointments begin to be more and more outrageous. That is how we got to this point. Not sure how just helping can undo the damage.

  • 3

    In its latest fit of petty racist jealousy egged on by like minded Buddhist priests and one Cardinal the Sinhalese voted into power a murderer and suspected mastermind of the easter Sunday bombing which occurd in peace time after the war had ended. Now, they reap the consequences. As recently as during the last administration the health ministry functioned as a effectve government institution in spite of many short comings like the heavily politicised goon squad called the GMOA. The reason was a competent minister in charge who was himself a doctor who sought expert advice and acted upon it. The minister now is the most incompetent stooge whose appointment was made due to her loyalty to MR and having a foul mouth. On MR’s instructions she put the goon squad GMOA in charge of the health ministry. Instead of replacing this cow with Dr, Sudharshanie Fernandopulle an easy fix MR then appoints Dr Mrs Fernandopulle as minister for epidemics and when she began giving advice she was ordered to shut up and side lined. So Potty mouthed cow continues to be in charge of health. That is the problem. To add insult to injury the vaccination drive has been put in the hands of minister for bolla sellam. Not sure how the opposition can help under these circumstances.

  • 6

    Test, test, test was the term that everyone around world heard if we to contain the virus from its spread.

    In today s context, in SL, what is public secret is that MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL if bear the SINHALA GENETICs are caught by VICIOUS cycle maintained by POHOTTUWA leadership. Gotler who promised to make real changes to eleminating high corruption, is himself caught by his highly corrupted advisers and mislead.
    His is very immarue to the eyes of even little ones. Alone ” mama thamyi hariyata kare – I am the only person to have done it to the best- has become a teledrama serier in today context…. not SORYSENA but NANDASENA has become – champion of LAUGHTER stock to locals and foreigners.
    There is a linear relationship between PCR tests# outcome and the number of the infected. If any nation would not perform enough, the number of the infected are read as ” lower number” while the countries such as GERMANY and others in europe, document much higher since they do their job to the best and they have the materials to do so. All afro countries and the like minded poor countries are seen to claim much lower numbers since their GOVTs dont perform the number of PCRs respecting the norms.

    • 5

      to be ctd

      GOSL led by GOTLER did not take the serioiusness of the disease from the DAY 01 on. The main reasons are mlechcha men have no hearts about saving the nation, but their their family and kith and kin. This man became the president, through WHOLE LOT OF BLATANT lies. Election commissioner was abused to the core, since EC himself is the most dishonest govt official in recent history. Alone his total ignorance to prove the documents properly was not done, to the eyes of also school going children today. If an AL student would question as to why EC (MACO) didnot take it serious

      the illfated man has to stay scratiching his ears for not being able to leave a constructive argument.
      He says, it was not his responsiblity to check whether the DOCUMENTs produced by ALLEGED thugs/high criminals/perpetrators to the eyes of the PUBLIC, then who should have the responsiblity ?

      If a CHECK POINT controller would behave to the manner, no matter any leadership would have GENUINE thoughts and minds, but perpetrators of high grade would enter into the system.
      In UK, also in SRILANKA in 70ties and 80ties, if a person would be interviewed to a PUBLIC SECTOR job, person s personal records were always subjected to CLOSE scuritiny… that way, our officials in the past did their job to the their best of knowledge.

  • 7

    Prof. De Silva,
    I have watched a few of your speeches given to YT. I dont think that you would ever respect GMOA and the other bunches of idiots though wearing MBBS plus other PG titles.
    Most of these men incl. those nearly 200 men with the titles continue to do admi work in Health Ministry should be made clear, that they were given education for free to serve the nation as MEDICAL doctors. In any developed world, you would not see, that many MEDICAL doctors would rally round to promote KUNUKANDHA- POHOTTUWA style politics which is really like cutting the main artery of a living being.
    Knowing the truths of POHOTTUWA criminals, GMOA and others in Health ministry to dance to the tune of MLECHCHA politicians should be stopped if we to see a better future.
    There you the senior men should come forward and make a real revolution.
    Those two guys, that led MRI and PCR test performances immediately after first patients were made clear to the nation, should be appointed as the lead, not SOLDIERS that clean the TOILETS of Gotler. As former minister of health makes it very clear, ARMY mentality and the mentality of HEALTH MINISTRY professionals have sky-earth differences.

  • 6

    Prof what an eye opener but to what effect ?? As you mentioned I saw Covid as a golden opportunity for any political party to built public rapport, trust and there by support. Every help/deed ,big or small , would have counted leaving a lasting impact in public’s mind. It was an opportunity for political parties to standout from others. Even simple acts like house visits, checking on / helping elderly and disabled, providing or transporting essential/house hold items, transport to hospitals, public education would have had a lasting impression. But our politicians as usual decided to ignore, exploit, act selfish, provide false information, mislead public , took advantage —–. The country here I live (India) is known for such chaos. But though I got my full vaccination as front line worker as early as in March, my wife has not received any because she does not qualify. The hospital I work is private, and majority stake holders are my friend (from med school) and his family. I too hold some, though we were part of official vaccination site, and yet my wife has to wait for her turn.( I also have a 2 year old at home). There are many things which went wrong, some could have been better, but I admire those which were done right.

  • 4

    SL has a rampant COVID pandemic but the rampant corruption has been with us for some time. Hypocrisy & the deterioration of values & is probably the result of self serving politicians voted by the public to shape the country but the gullibility, & even stupidity, of the average citizen is most likely due to the standard of education. Instead of turning out an ethical & responsible generation able to think critically, we have students who have been taught just how to pass exams & a SL version of ritualistic, mystical Buddhism. No wonder the average family is confused & easy pray for con artists. The divine concoction of a self acclaimed medicine man was even promoted by the govt. instead of being investigated for fraud. I was more appalled recently by a clip sent to me by friend of an interview with a medical doctor (from Karapitiya Hospital if I remember correctly) promoting his ‘scientific’ concoction for COVID but registered as ‘food supplement’ & sold in super markets as well.
    Whether the first wave was contained is arguable but overall, the govt. messed up big time. The health ministry could not even plan out a systematic distribution of the vaccine. The Ministers & those responsible should have been sacked long ago but the govt. continues bungling along at the expense of the tax payer.

  • 1

    Sri Lanka failed.

    Dissolve Sri Lanka and create 3 mono ethnic nations for each ethnic group and relocate people.

    That’s the only hope for islanders.

  • 6

    Vidyajyothi Prof. Harendra de Silva

    “What do you expect from so called professionals who are tagged with political agendas or insane affiliations to supernatural deities like Natha, Ravana or Kali? Some of them have true convictions through delusions and hallucinations of pathological insanity, while others craftily manipulate an uneducated herd that has similar traits to maintain power! Trump nearly succeeded!”

    Did you have any particular professional or intellectual in mind?

    Army Commander General Shavendra Silva (MBBS, MRCP, FRCP, MBBCh, MBChB, MFFM, MRCGP, MRCOG, MRCP , MRCS, ……) has already warned the media, ” the media should be closely monitored during the post Covid crisis period to ensure the correct information is passed to the public.”

    Therefore please take care yourself from Rana-viruses and COVID-19.

  • 2

    From Bandarawela:
    I have been registered to receive a COVID vaccine at the MOH Office at 9.30 am tomorrow. Nobody was sure which vaccine, but almost definitely Sinopharm. It appears to be the least favoured of the available vaccines, judged mainly in terms of % of efficacy, but the right thing to do is to take it without fuss. Those administering it are overworked as it is.
    Word went around our hill this morning that over-sixties had to visit a Community Hall which houses the Grama Niladhari’s Office to register. It’s five minutes walk from my home. Well organised. Plastic chairs. My wait was 90 minutes. I made a CT comment from my phone, but explained to the people that getting the message across in Sinhala was more important. Upbraided queued strangers about their foolishness in not voting more intelligently, and that they had Three Preferences at the Presidential Election. Telephoned Dr Ajantha Perera who got my Second Preference – seventh time since June 3rd, to ask about “the Ship”. She had picked up the First and Second, but had ignored since then. She surprised me by picking up for 25 seconds, but no time for me.

    • 1

      My Dear Iskolemahththayo,
      All the best with your first jab :) we will pray for your health. Srilankens are caught by all-or-not today.

      Dont be negative about the jab,

      CHINESE claimed only

      China (Population -1,439,323,776)
      Coronavirus Cases:
      4,636 (0.0003%) – 3 in 10 000
      Srilanka (Population – 22 4000 00)
      Sri Lanka
      Coronavirus Cases:
      1,910 (0.009%) – 9 in 1000

  • 2

    I told the villagers that all dilettante politicians who contest have to be so treated. I had ignored her for a long time, since the exchanges recounted here:
    I told them how I voted for a Muslim Name (Number One, it was), a Hindu Name, and for Vidyaratne who had been an MP. But, I said there was a favourable result; Dr Harini Amarasuriya, not even a member of the JVP became the National List MP for the NPP (JJB, in Sinhala).
    These are the only people who deserve a vote, but we have to drive home the point that they are no longer the JVP which was burdened with the baggage of 1971 and 1989. Some of us who can afford to must keep hammering this point home. I mentioned to them the importance of spreading the message that this grouping has a new name; we can’t have gullible “followers”, I said; “think out for yourselves”.
    I know that there will be constraints preventing some citizens from being as open about public affairs as I am, but many can go at least halfway!
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

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