By Vishwamithra –
“When virtue is lost, benevolence appears, when benevolence is lost right conduct appears, when right conduct is lost, expedience appears. Expediency is the mere shadow of right and truth; it is the beginning of disorder.” ~ Lao Tzu
History’s judgment on the present Parliament will be unquestionably harsh. Its scorn will be centered on the current occupants. Almost all, except perhaps a handful, have outlived their usefulness. Their conduct inside the chambers over the last three months, immediately prior to June 9 and outside its premises during and since June 9, has been one of total dismay. Watching the developments, both on the Aragalapitiya and outside on television screens, the average Piyadasa, Natarajah or Mohamed may have made up their minds as to what would follow.
In that unkind context, what’s occurring in the country is even more depressing. The wrath of the masses seems to have exceeded the anticipated confines. It’s not only the politicos of either side of the aisle, but the Aragala Karuwo themselves might have underrated their own strength and the power that flowed from that strength. When that power becomes unwieldy for those who possess it, all mayhem breaks loose and its aftermath is what is unfolding today in broad daylight and under the shadows of night as well.
The democratically elected President has run away; his immediate entourage is nowhere to be seen; the other siblings, except Basil Rajapaksa who is reported to have fled to America, are missing. A textbook version of anarchy is rapidly and surely setting in. The people at large, mostly those who chose to be spectators of the events are now lining up to visit the mansions and mansion-like offices which were once occupied by the Rajapaksas and the Wickremesinghes.
Ranil Wickremesinghe, the designated driver of the Rajapaksa vehicle is discernably more dangerous than the power-drunk original driver, Gotabaya Rajapaksa. We are in the process of installing a more delusional sociopath for one wicked ruler. Both Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Ranil Wickremesinghe are on either side of the same coin. This ‘heads you lose; tails I win’-convolution is being experienced by the masses.
The dastardly acts of these two jokers are still fresh in our minds. Sri Lankan society may have been duped into a hallucinating siesta; yet the lullabies are not all that sweet and soothing to the intellectual thirst of the average Piyadasa, Natarajah or Mohamed. The crackling firewood and disturbing sounds of the cricket do not provide easy passage to creative and original thought. On the contrary, they, in fact, are the very impediments to clear thinking and stormy brainstorm. The Rajapaksas subjected the then General Sarath Fonseka (now Field Marshal) to the most inhumane harassment; they turned him over to the caprices of prison guards and jailors. One single man who was once the war-hero was portrayed into a traitor and villain by the public relations goons of the Rajapaksas.
They humiliated the then Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake; impeached her because she, as a stoic pillar of the Supreme Court, gave a judgment against their corruption-ridden Divi Neguma scheme. Within hours of the hearings, she was impeached and removed from that once-august (not anymore) body of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka. Ranjan Ramanayake, a vociferous and determined parliamentarian was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment while pardoning Duminda Silva, a convicted killer awaiting hanging. Not only was Duminda Silva pardoned of his hideous crime, he was later offered the Chairmanship of the National Housing Development Authority. Galagoda Atthe Gnanasara, a political hooligan and hack in yellow robes and a known racist was made Head of the ‘One Country One Law’ task force. This appointment ridiculed the purity of the Buddha Saasana and was a slap on the face of some of the sublime members of the Buddhist Order.
In so far as the Rajapaksas are concerned, the list is long and still fresh in our collective memory. When it comes to Ranil Wickremesinghe, it’s no shorter and no less dreadful. Ranil Wickremesinghe hails from one of the most notable pedigrees in Ceylon. Both of his maternal and paternal grandfathers were among the most illustrious men who dominated Ceylon’s administrative and business in the first half of the twentieth century. His maternal grandfather was D R Wijeywardene, the media mogul who founded the famous Lake House Group of Media companies and the paternal grandfather C E L Wickremesinghe was the eminent Civil Servant who happened to be the first ever Sinhalese Government Agent of Ceylon. However, that remarkability and eminence has surely not brushed on the grandson’s complexion. He was thoroughly rejected at the last General Elections. Ranil, being the leader of the United National Party (UNP), founded by his grandfather Dr Wijeywardene’s close friend D S Senanayake, the first Prime Minister of Ceylon, could not secure even one single seat in the House at the last General Elections.
Apart from the sheer inability and incapacity to understand the nuances of politics, Ranil Wickremesinghe has learnt the dark side of politicking; his fiendish maneuverings and crafty game-playing has served him right to sustain himself as leader of United National Party (UNP), yet the debacle his leadership has brought upon the Party is well-chronicled history. His modus operandi is sleazy and unpredictable; anyone who underestimates his MO would do so at his or her own peril- that much one must remember.
With political power vested in crooked and dishonest individuals such as Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Ranil Wickremesinghe, unraveling of venom and anger of today’s youth can not only be anticipated, it could also be presented, however much unacceptable, as defensible and reasonable.
Piyadasa, Natarajah and Mohamed have not joined miles-long lines to purchase tickets for a concert; nor are they spending their otherwise productive time in queues because they enjoyed the hours and days under burning sun and with sweaty bodies. Piyadasa was waiting to buy a cylinder of cooking gas; Natarajah stood in line to get diesel for his van that was used to transport schoolchildren and Mohamed too waited for his liter of petrol, otherwise his three-wheeler would be parked in his premises without earning rupees and cents that would ultimately put food on the table.
Their Aragalaya bore fruits at the beginning. Basil Rajapaksa left the Ministry of Finance; Mahinda is no more the Prime Minister and Gotabaya had to flee the country to evade the wrath of the masses. But the job is not done. The rapid progression of the Movement has now come to an unkind bend and unless they are careful in skirting the bend with utmost care and unbroken focus, the final goal will start receding, rendering everything achieved so far meaningless and worthless. Such is the order of a mass movement and we have arrived at the disorderly phase of the order. How would one navigate the disorder and how would one negotiate the sharp and cruel bends shall tell the rest of the story. The momentum of the movement is now carrying the process; if one lets go of that momentum, the whole progress could be lost and political bartering would raise its ugly head once again.
As much as the problems and issues are complex, the solutions too would be hard to come by. If no resolution of the issues are reached within the next few days, Sri Lanka might well end up as a nation that would have more governments than the number of months in a year. It is apparent that the wrath of the Aragala Karuwo has been stretched beyond our shores. The international community is now expressing their bewilderment but even that, after a little while, may die down. Now it’s not the Rajapaksas and Wickremesinghes who are the enemy of the movement, it is apathy. Therefore never let your guard down; never ever succumb to that dreaded creature called apathy.
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
VanguardII / July 14, 2022
The responsibility for the future if the country has been taken over by unknown parties. They will be held accountable for delivering on their promises or may as well all go home. A harsh cycle of karma has ensued.
Hope these are friendly parties. You know who they are.
Naman / July 14, 2022
Aragalaya needs to impress on the Speaker of the House of Parliament to declare that President has vacated his Post. He should request Ranil W to resign from the PM post as well as from the Acting President post.
Speaker has to take over the Acting President post and get the Parliament to nominate a PM for a Care Taker GoSL till an election can be organised.
The Interim GoSL should appoint untainted able MPs from all parties to take up the Cabinet posts ( up to 15) to bring about economic and political stability and to put forward a Brand New Constitution to put REFERENDUM asap
Dinuk / July 14, 2022
The elephant in the room of all these analyses is the foreign hands that have staged the Ranil-Rajapakse and Parliament Puppet show that keeps unfolding at this time…
The worst attacks on minorities in July 1983 happened when JRJ Yankee Dickie was in power just as Ranil Wickramasinhe, is today backed by the Bigest rogue state in the world which wants to colonize Sri Lanka with the IMF “Bailout” while everyone is distracted with the Aragalaya show. US navy is in Sri Lanka today supposedly training the SL Navy to help their US citizen Gota escape to a US miitary base in Singapore or Dubai or Saudi! RW is implicated in the biggest financial fraud in the island nation- the Central Bank Bond scams of 2015 and 2016, that ruined the reputation of the country’s highest financial and oversight institution, and opened the door to US and EU based Vulture funds like Black Rock to lend recklessly and enable the accumulation of “Odious Debt”. How can Wickramasinghe represent the people of Sri Lanka in negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the same International Sovereign bond traders he invited to loot the county in order to fund his political party campaigns?
Ajith / July 14, 2022
It is the time for not only Aragalaya but also the people including the armed forces, police officers, government and private officers and workers, politicians, civil society, religious leaders to think about what is needed for this country and what we can do to this country which now face a threat of survival and still some power greedy creatures determined to destroy this country and people. The country need a peaceful change but the power greedy creatures wants a violent bloodbath to keep their power.
SJ / July 15, 2022
You forgot the drug peddlers and other criminals, perhaps they are included in some of the categories in your list.
But you forgot the peasants, fishers and hunters.
Will you be among us to organize the campaign, in case you are not already here?
RBH59 / July 14, 2022
Disorderly Order of a People’s Movement
Cause of disorder is President fled not furnishing resignation letter, Orders given by Ranil to military heads where he has not recognized as the acting president where is the letter of authority given by the president and the ceremony to indicate to audience his authority to rule to set country for order of the people movement. Ranil knew that the President is ending power he wants to grab the opportunity by announcing IMF needs him, Most leaders in the world who things like this are not living and the countries better of then them globally everyone knows what is happening he is just when this Ranil caterpillar thought the world was ending, He turned into a butterfly
Champa / July 14, 2022
Yesterday I said what we see in Colombo is an insurrection, not a protest.
Today, I want to say, if this insurrection is not controlled using maximum power, this volatile situation will facilitate a terrorist attack. Remember the warnings of a terrorist attack published on “The Hindu” on May 13? I said this before when I mentioned about the “The Hindu” article. The terrorist threat is REAL. Not only LTTE, a group that comprised of Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim will also join them. I even questioned the Defence Ministry’s inaction to conduct a full investigation on the matter.
On May 11, I urged General Shavendra de Silva to deploy military forces in every part of the country. Soon after my comment, he was removed from the post of Army Commander on the instructions of Namal Rajapaksa. Even SDIG Ajith Rohana was also transferred on his instructions. I urge the Acting President, appoint SDIG Ajith Rohana to cover Colombo. What was his previous position? I don’t remember now. Tell him to talk to insurrectionists and warn them that if they don’t leave voluntarily, they will be removed by force.
Champa / July 14, 2022
The Acting President should IMMEDIATELY appoint a NEW DEFENCE SECRETARY. I don’t know who. He may ask Shavendra. Oh, DR. AJITH ROHANA COLONNE. He is the one. And, a NEW INTELLIGENCE UNIT should be IMMEDIATELY formed under his leadership. The outgoing Defence Secretary should be provided with maximum protection.
The Sri Lanka military should prepare for a terrorist attack. C’mon, Shavendra, don’t wait until they attack. Take my word. Discuss this with Ranil and deploy the military, the best of Sri Lanka’s military, the Commando Unit, deploy them starting from the North and the East, then Mannar side and Colombo. Then, deploy the Navy in the Northern sea in particular, blocking all ferries and boats. Do not let anyone enter my country via sea. You can handle Colombo. It is nothing, when compared to the imminent terrorist threat we are going to face. Haven’t you learnt to prepare for eventualities? And, then, the Air Force helicopters to patrol. I don’t think there will be an air attack, but, you never know.
The Acting President should order the Police to arrest anybody, including, Lal Kantha, who verbally encourages to topple the democratically elected government and the President.
Champa / July 14, 2022
The terrorists mentioned in the The Hindu article may have already entered the country. Tell the Sinhalese NOT TO BE PROVOKED as the insurrectionists, PAID MOBS and terrorists MAY ATTACK MAIN BUDDHIST TEMPLES.
I urge General Shavendra de Silva to deploy the “spirit” of Sri Lanka’s military, if you know what I mean. A massive presence of the military will greatly discourage anybody’s plans.
It is pretty obvious the protest that led to the insurrection was not to remove senior-Rajapaksas. It is to destabilize the country to facilitate a terrorist attack and a possible foreign military intervention so that that particular country can decide the next President.
I urge President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa NOT TO RESIGN under any circumstances. If he find it difficult to stay abroad for ‘practical reasons’, he can return to the country and say he is indisposed so that the Acting President can continue.
Only traitors can bring in an NCM against Acting President Ranil Wickremasinghe at this time. If there is such a move, the Acting President should prorogue Parliament to save the country.
I urge all Sinhalese Buddhist parents whose children are with insurrectionists, to ask them to immediately return home.
Ajith / July 14, 2022
It looks like you urgently need a bloodbath of people to protect the Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism. Terrorism is the weapon of Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism. “The Hindu”s Hindu Fundamentalism and Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism loves human blood.
Eagle Eye / July 14, 2022
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Champa / July 14, 2022
Terrorism is not a weapon, it was real which we experienced from 1972 – 2009 and again one day in April 2019. The latest terrorist attack was not revealed by me. It was revealed by Indian Intel to The Hindu.
Around 27,000 LTTE terrorists had to eliminated to save 21 million of civilians. ISIS was eliminated from Syria to save millions of civilians. Bloodbath should be applied to terrorists kiling civilians, not eliminating terrorists.
Those who abide by the country’s law need to be afraid of the military and the police.
I think after the stern statement issued by the Sri Lanka military, insurrectionists started leaving occupied premises. I observed a serious lapse of law and order and defence in the country which has to be addressed urgently.
Champa / July 14, 2022
Terrorism was not used by Sinhalese Buddhists as a weapon. It was real.
chiv / July 15, 2022
Chimpa, you mean SB terrorism is real, in which you are leading member. Appears you are reverting back to your original agenda, RACISM.
Ajith / July 15, 2022
So, you are a real Terrorist?
leelagemalli / July 15, 2022
GOTA is gone, but Champa, EE, other HORIKADAYAS like Lester remain…… this was the case also in IRAQ and LYBIA after their rogues Sadam and Gadafi respectively.
Champa is born sick person while other two are made slaves for RAJAPAKSHE survival.
Many of them are planted in each and every european cities by the black money which were earned by their WHORE-HOUSEs in Ukraine, Belarus and several other countries
Champa / July 14, 2022
The fuel shipments are said to be arriving this week and the next. But, I don’t see any plans to distribute them in an orderly manner.
The best way to handle the chaos is to limit the amount of fuel per vehicle, say, 20 litres per vehicle and issue stickers for vehicles based on certain categories and designate filling stations for each category.
SJ / July 15, 2022
“The best way to handle the chaos is to limit the amount of fuel per vehicle, say, 20 litres per vehicle and issue stickers”
Sweet anay! You are so full of clever ideas
Can you immediately send us properly bar-coded stickers to avoid fakes.
Champa / July 15, 2022
Since it will take at least one year for Sri Lanka to solve the fuel crisis, the government can issue “machine readable hologram stickers with security features such as taggants” as an anti-counterfeit measure.
Later, I will further explain my proposal.
SJ / July 15, 2022
But the stickers will be needed urgently.
When will you send it?
Ajith / July 15, 2022
So two weeks limited supply is a solution to the problems. where are you going to rob dollars after 2 weeks?
Lester / July 14, 2022
The foreign media claim Sri Lanka is a dictatorship, a “Sinhala-Buddhist” ethnostate where minorities don’t have rights. Look at these protests, despite being fundamentally useless, they are peaceful. There is some arson and vandalism but the protestors have largely behaved “rationally.” Normally in a riot or mass agitation, there is widespread looting and vandalism. What is more surprising – these protestors are economically deprived yet they do not resort to criminal behavior such as we saw with protests in the US, UK, and France.
Champa / July 14, 2022
Ha ha ha what a joke. First of all, the insurrectionists are NOT economically deprived. They hail from middle class and lower middle class families.
Those who are economically deprived still starve at home. The insurrection blocked any attempt of the government to implement a welfare assistance programme to address their grievances.
You say, SOME arson and vandalism. Huh.
Insurrectionists have vandalized all properties they occupied. They have destroyed valuable official documents including inventories and private belongings. They have stolen official items that is why they destroyed inventories. How could occupying the President’s official residence, PM’ s private residence and their offices not be criminal? How could torching the PM’s private house be peaceful? Don’t forget he was a former Prime Minister. His entire library with valuable and rare books, souvenirs, gifts and memoirs were all burnt, and therefore irreplaceable. Don’t you dare to justify insurrectionists and their terrorist acts.
Sisira Weragoda / July 15, 2022
“Kunkuma Chandana illa henduwemi nethyuga nethi (oba ) aya dakina thura”
Lester / July 15, 2022
I don’t agree with these protests. Same logic as you, Gotha was elected in a free election, therefore he has the right to complete his term, unless the Parliament votes to kick him out. The military can be used to crush the protests, but it will damage the reputation of the country. Outsiders will see the government as a dictatorship. Tourist revenue will drop. IMF & foreign banks may not want to give loans. Look at Burma as an example. There has to be some space between the government and the military, otherwise we are living in a repressive environment.
leelagemalli / July 14, 2022
Who would not claim it to be an anarchial state as of today ? That what your SUN GODs achieved by fooling the very same easy targets.
I dont believe, that students’ thoughts should be welcome. All those students and their parents should pay off if damages are made to those historic buildings. Where law and order is above, the kind of culprits would have no room to escape from any of the vandalistic acts. I saw some undergraduates breaking the iron rods of gates in order to attack the army and police.
At the begining I supported ARAGALAYA- because they behaved clean… , however, since they turned out to be violent as of today.., I thought their reactions such as letting anyone to visit TEMPLE trees and other historical buildings, I thought we must not support them anymore.
UK parliamentarians are dismayed by scenes – they would definitely help in IMF if they would have been reached out via proper channels.
Antharaya students cant know it better than any experienced candidates in local politics. Not everyone is equally corrupted in each party. It is culture that paves the way almost everyone to ignore corruption and unlawful acts. This would not have been possible in a country where law and order systems are kept above.
Eagle Eye / July 14, 2022
“The foreign media claim Sri Lanka is a dictatorship, a “Sinhala-Buddhist” ethnostate where minorities don’t have rights.”
This is the impression given to the International Community by Tamil and Muslim politicians who apparently live amongst Sinhala Buddhists with their families mostly in Colombo. They do this to get sympathy and support from the International Community for the unreasonable demands they put to the Government of Sri Lanka.
Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has miserably failed to challenge the propaganda carried out by Tamils and Muslims using fabricated stories.
Lester / July 15, 2022
Recently TNA Sumanthiran gave an interview to Indian media. This guy is talking about devolution and federalism for minorities as essential. After losing the civil war, some Tamil politicians will now try the political route for separation. A weak President like Ranil is needed to do the job.
davidthegood / July 15, 2022
Lester, You say we are seen as a dictatorship and ethnostate. Rewrite Constitution to eliminate executive president altogether, so that the tourism industry will increase its income. Aragalaya stands for equality of all people and equal protection of the law. Let us not descend again to the hell hole of meaningless sinhala buddhist chauvinism destroying human relationships. It did not do this nation any good except to increase the craving for material possessions.
Lester / July 15, 2022
” Let us not descend again to the hell hole of meaningless sinhala buddhist chauvinism destroying human relationships.”
When I visited Korea, Buddha’s birthday was a national holiday. I am sure if they had a 10% minority, this holiday would somehow be “racist.” There would probably be some who opposed Korean as the national language and opposed the strong drinking culture. You see, racism is relative to the observer.
old codger / July 18, 2022
Lester the incoherent,
Korean Buddhists are a minority, idiot.
“Buddhists account for some 46 percent followed by Protestants at 39 percent and Catholics at 13 percent of the Korean religious population.”
You have such a talent for producing fake facts to support fake arguments.
leelagemalli / July 18, 2022
if RajaFUCkshes chose someone to defend them, he or she does not necessarily need to be intelligent… They just play with the emotions of the people. Until lately, I thought KARMIC RETRIBUTION really works, however, I am veery dissappointed today…. seen nothing happening to real high criminals in my motherland.
I myself know how many of LESTERs were planted in UK, France, Italy, Korea, Japan, Australia, Canada or any other countries., in order MR politics be returned.
Most of them are labourers. No clue about Lester ‘s though.
old codger / July 18, 2022
These guys don’t even know how to check their facts before typing rubbish.
leelagemalli / July 18, 2022
According to Pew Research Center (2010), about 46% of the population have no religious affiliation, 23% are Buddhist and 29% are Christians. According to 2015 national census, 56.1% are irreligious, Protestantism represents (19.7%) of the total population, Korean Buddhism (15.5%), and Catholicism (7.9%).
I have worked with south koreans in Europe. Most of them dont care much about religions. So are the chinese. Their elders were the buddhists. The same will be the case in SL in the future.
I think current day SINHALAYAS have no repsect to any religions.::: even if they wear all the banners, threads and bands displaying them to be SINHALA BUDDHISTs, they are no differnt to atheist chinese that claim to be non-religious.
Today ‘s SINHALA BUDDHISM is no different to various kind of HINDUISTIC beliefs, because not even 1% of so called buddgama adherents in our country comprehend what is being preached by monks using pali and sanscrit langauges. Nobody would cross-question what they meant by those stanzas either. Most of them are like mercy cows.
Champa / July 14, 2022
I still say President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa can return to Sri Lanka. As the democratically elected Executive President of Sri Lanka, he is fully entitled to all protection, privileges, immunities, protocol and other courtesies. His life is not safe if he resigned. LTTE may be waiting for him somewhere.
No matter what Gotabhaya did before, he will be remembered for the only sound decision he made as the President, i.e. appoint the PM as the Acting President that saved Sri Lanka from an anarchic situation.
I still say, President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa should not give in to intimidation and threats. If he wants, he can be in Sri Lanka and be indisposed for the rest of his tenure of office. What is important is, he should remain in office until 2024. The transition of power should be made ONLY, I repeat, ONLY through democratically held elections every 5 years. He should not start a bad precedent of giving in to pressure, harassments, intimidation and threats.
leelagemalli / July 14, 2022
I still say, President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa should not give in to intimidation and threats .
My answer:
I believe your daily food intake should be consisting of punnaku to feel like that. Otherwise, as a sane person would never utter outrageous statements. Right at the moment, even ones worked with closely, would not think twice, however, criticise him as naming him a coward.
If he wants, he can be in Sri Lanka and be indisposed for the rest of his tenure of office.
The need of the hour is to protect the nation and revitalize econimic crisis at least in order people be accessed to their daily needs. THERE ARE predictions being made by experts, that over 50% would die or fall as mal-nutrition related diasters in the days to come. So called middle class people would too fall deeper so that they would not be able to protect their children.
What is important is, he should remain in office until 2024.
My answer: THis may be of your favourites, however, in a civilized country, one behind the other, they would be subjected to beheading.. , not a single Rajapakse would be allowed to live further. The damage they arbitorily made to this nation is beyond all ethics and morals.
leelagemalli / July 14, 2022
The crucial thing is to get rid of medamulana animals out of srilanken active politics and pave the way for a paradigm shift of thinking. They looted the last cent of this suffering nation. They have never treated them heartedly. Mahinda Rajapakshe should be hung for mislead deliberately made to this nation. Calling himself a buddhist, but the bastards behaved like african tribes that would live up on the costs of starving social groups.
The transition of power should be made ONLY, I repeat, ONLY through democratically held elections every 5 years.
My answer:
You as a person with brainn anomalies, you might have been dreaming of your fantasies, however, we are eagerly waiting these men be taken to custody and soon be treated with due punishments.
They should get just their deserts. That can comfort our morals and values for a better near term.
He should not start a bad precedent of giving in to pressure, harassments, intimidation and threats .
Answer: If all what you and your ilk believed was the truth about Rajapkashes, this country would have turned out to be a paradise within the two sessions, they were given by democratically held elections. hOWEVER, it ended up , as if insane untrained nurse took the knife to treat ICU patients.
old codger / July 18, 2022
“LTTE may be waiting for him somewhere.”
Why would the LTTE be interested in a coward who ran away from unarmed civilians?
A “runner-viruwa”, not the ranaviruwa he claimed to be.
SJ / July 15, 2022
“LTTE may be waiting for him somewhere.”
Please let me know when you find one.
It is very long since I saw a Tiger. (There are a few fakes operating on this site though.)
leelagemalli / July 18, 2022
Champa and her arguments. . **** frech grins*****
no different to a person who is standing on her/his head…. Poor Champa…
Btw, srilanken MEDIA FRAUDSTERs are now silent about their reporting on the last destination of srilanka HONEY BUDGER… Gotabaya.. the reason why I call him Honey budger is … honey budgers in general would harm everyone, … but also is very stupid…. there are enough reports they are being attacked by some huge animals.
SJ / July 15, 2022
“History’s judgment on the present Parliament will be unquestionably harsh.”
Only the present one?
Champa / July 15, 2022
I saw the gazette notification on the appointment of Acting President belatedly. Maybe the current arrangement is fine if the President feels safe in Singapore.
Sri Lanka should introduce Singapore style laws that prohibit even a single person to protest without prior permission. Sadly, Sri Lanka’s economic progress is greatly marred by constant protests, riots, civil disorder, insurrections, rebellions and terrorism. If we can introduce Singapore style laws, the Police need not to use tear gas, batons and guns to disperse protesters.
The insurrectionists “who claimed that they were representing those who are economically deprived” have wilfully damaged the heritage buildings they occupied causing millions of rupees from the public coffers to be spent for repairs. I came to know that the wooden stairways and the mezzanine of the President’s official residence which is an archaeological building have been destroyed by the insurrectionists. Moreover, they have stolen millions of rupees worth antique items, gifts received from foreign dignitaries, arts and artefacts.
The Defence Secretary who failed to protect the President, President’s official residence, Presidential Secretariat, Temple Trees and Prime Minister’s office should be removed forthwith. But, he should be given the same protection that has been accorded to him as the Defence Secretary.
Nandi Jasen / July 16, 2022
Occupants of the Aragalapitiyaya seemingly achieved what they initially set out to achieve. As Vishwamitra notes, “The democratically elected President has run away; his immediate entourage is nowhere to be seen; the other siblings, except Basil Rajapaksa … are missing”. Having done so, as the writer notes, “Aragala Karuwo themselves might have underrated their own strength and the power that flowed from that strength. When that power becomes unwieldy for those who possess it, … textbook version of anarchy is rapidly and surely setting in…. How would one navigate the disorder …; shall tell the rest of the story”.
The story will depend on where the momentum of the process is headed beyond the Aragalapitiya and if it happens to anchor permanently in the parliament as an extra-constitutional force directing governance, beyond a brief period of time acting as any other civil society organization would, offering suggestions to meet the immediate expectations of the masses, the rest of the story may not be one we would want to read!
Nandi Jasen / July 16, 2022
Corrected version:
Occupants of the Aragalapitiyaya seemingly achieved what they initially set out to achieve. As Vishwamitra notes, “The democratically elected President has run away; his immediate entourage is nowhere to be seen; the other siblings, except Basil Rajapaksa … are missing”. Having done so, as the writer notes, “Aragala Karuwo themselves might have underrated their own strength and the power that flowed from that strength. When that power becomes unwieldy for those who possess it, … textbook version of anarchy is rapidly and surely setting in…. How would one navigate the disorder … shall tell the rest of the story”.
The story will depend on where the momentum of the process is headed beyond the Aragalapitiya having dealt with some immediate unfinished pending issues relating to the unelected successor if it happens to anchor permanently in the parliament as an extra-constitutional force directing governance, beyond a brief period of time acting as any other civil society organization would, offering suggestions to meet the immediate expectations of the masses, the rest of the story may not be one we would want to read!
a14455 / July 18, 2022
For people who live in the country. I ask you to look at this youtube video and think if this will happen in Sri Lanka. I don’t think we are that far from what has happened in Lebanon if this state of lawlessness continues. Us living overseas is not important. We have other choices. You dont.
You will end up in a state of a completely powerless government. Hyperinflation. and complete failure of banks. All your money will be worthless.
look at this video and ask yourselves. can this happen to us?