9 September, 2024


Disturbing Echoes Of The Last Phase Of The Civil War In Sri Lanka & The Treatment Of Palestinians Under Zionist Occupation – Part II

By Michael Cooke –

Michael Cooke

The fantasy of the colonist defence

Faced with a growing body of evidence of mass killings of civilians, the Lankan and the Israeli governments, as mentioned have fallen back on demonising the colonised . Professor Tony Taylor has discussed this historical and political trend in the discussion of the Armenian Genocide, the denial of the methodical killing of the Jews in Europe by the Nazis and their collaborators (6 million died out of out of 9 million in the occupied territories), the stubborn denial of successive Japanese governments of the Japanese role in the massacres of indigenous populations  in China and Korea, the denial of atrocities committed by Stalinists in the USSR, Serbian and Croatian atrocities during the breakup of Yugoslavia, and a reluctance by Australians (only now changing) to acknowledge the massacres of Aboriginal people by colonial occupiers[1].

Historical deniers, according to Professor Taylor, display the following behaviours: an acquiescence to authority and leaders, hostility towards ‘others’ who are usually defenceless and hence an easy target, a simplistic analysis of complex circumstances, antagonism to ideas beyond their frame of reference, belief in the purity of their beliefs and in the evil of the others, and a belief that their own group is superior to other groups[2]. These characteristics are very evident in the Israeli attitude to Palestinians and in the treatment of Tamils in Lanka.

Sinhala chauvinists and Zionist zealots alike cling to the unexamined assumption that their armed forces cannot commit atrocities and that their military responses are measured. They point instead to their opponents’ misdeeds. Mahinda Rajapaksa, the then President of Lanka whose government oversaw the massacre of tens of thousands of Tamil civilians, said this at a victory parade two years after the end of the conflict:

I will recall what I said in the past that our troops went into the battlefront carrying a gun on one hand, the Human Rights Charter in the other, food for the innocent displaced on their shoulder, and love of their children in their hearts. They did not target any communities or religions, and did not march ahead with hatred towards anyone[3].

Echoes of this can be found in the Israeli response to the evidence of the targeting of civilians in Gaza, the destruction of infrastructure and the blocking of supplies. The current Israeli government is sadly exploiting a great European tragedy – the attempted extermination of Jews by the Nazis and their allies – as justification for its actions.

A cameo of life under occupation

Both the Tamils and the Palestinians are ringed in by a series of institutional, military, and legal constraints that make their lives insufferable compared to their neighbours. this can only be described as apartheid. Apartheid was a system in place in South Africa which was a system of segregation and discrimination on the grounds of race[4]. Both the Lankan government and the Zionist state bristle at the very suggestion.

The Palestinians are harshly dealt with on every indicator, be it the level of unemployment, restriction of travel, the right of refugees to return to their homes, and allocation of resources and land. Gaza has around 70 per cent youth unemployment. The few lucky enough to work in the ‘promised land’ endure severe economic and military harassment and restrictions. Jonathan Cook contends that is a “slow-motion ethnic cleansing”. It is one of the ways that the political realisation of Greater Israel, a homeland for Jews only, is being implemented[5].

Another instrument of the Zionist apartheid state is the Right of Return. Within two years of the Zionist state being proclaimed in the Knesset, ‘The Law of Return’ was established, a law which allows all Jews around the world to migrate to Israel and automatically become citizens. Two years later, in 1952, the Knesset passed the Citizenship Law, which effectively bars any Palestinian not living in Israel from returning and claiming their former land and house back from the colonisers. This directly effects the 750,000 Palestinian refugees who were ethnically cleansed in first Arab-Israeli war of 1948, and known to Palestinians as the Nakba (catastrophe). A Palestinian who want to marry another Palestinian living in land expropriated during the 1967 war, but in Israel, is barred from marrying. There are also barriers to intermarriage. Echoing the laws of miscegenation that were still in place in many of the states in the US till the 1960s and was one of the pillars of apartheid South Africa.

In the distribution of resources, the division is just as blatant. 93 per cent of the Palestinian community in Israel cling to less 3 per cent of their land, mostly in the built-up areas of their towns and villages. After waves of confiscation by the Zionist state which forcibly expropriated around 70 per cent of their land. This confiscated land and other pieces of land are kept in trust for Jewish settlers and for Jews around the globe, who might want to become citizens. Even Palestinians living in Israel cannot claim back land illegally taken from them. It is done under the aegis of the Absentee Property Law of 1950.

Reinforcing this is the Planning and Building Law of 1965, which confines the vast majority of Palestinians to overcrowded ghettoes like Gaza, while their Jewish neighbours are awarded significant land reserves. Even illegal Jewish settlements on the West Bank have access to lavish state subsidies denied to Palestinians.

Among the member states of the OECD Israel has the highest poverty rate. This is because poverty is largely concentrated in the occupied territories, similar to Bantustans[6], where Palestinians are forced to live. Only a fifth of Jewish children live below the poverty line, whilst two thirds of Palestinian children in Israel do[7].

The Tamils in the North, a decade and half after the end of the civil war, have had to contend with at least 70,000 Lankan troops (some estimates put the figure at 160,000). That is one soldier for every 12 civilians, together with 15,000 police. Most of these security personnel do not speak Tamil and the occupied do not speak Sinhalese. This suffocating armed presence creates incomprehension, fear, and resentment in the civilian population.

Land and resources are affected. Large permanent army camps take up valuable arable land near towns and villages. The armed forces of the state are involved in large-scale economic development, including market gardens and golf courses, holiday resorts, hotels, farming, restaurants, cafes, and travel agencies on land expropriated from local Tamil farmers. No independent authority determines whether the land can be handed back.

As in Palestine, hundreds of thousands of Tamils were forced to vacate their land because of the civil war, and once the conflict ended many were prevented from returning because these areas were deemed high security zones. Some compensation is offered, usually on land that is arid and devoid of infrastructure, making fishing and farming (the two traditional income earners) difficult[8].

There have been many instances of Tamils who have been tortured and detained by the armed forces in Tamil areas since the end of the civil war. These shadowy forces act with impunity and a predatory approach is taken even if the detainee has only tenuous links to the LTTE. These abductions are a tried and true method of retaining control through fear. It is fear which prevents people from testifying against the armed forces. Its aim is also to make life unbearable for Tamils so they will flee the country. Abductions are done in plain sight by coordinated team of security and intelligence personnel. Those abducted are then tortured where all the tools of torture are also on full display – cables, wooden sticks, batons, plastic pipes filled with sand, water barrels. The detainees are whipped, burnt with cigarettes, branded with hot metal rods and suffer other unspeakable acts. In at least half the cases the security forces broker a ransom. Prices range from Rs350,000 to a million rupees. This is another profitable sideline of the armed forces[9].

The assault of women in Lanka is distressingly widespread, being most acute in the North and East. There is credible evidence that sexual violence was systematically used against Tamils. Rape was used to intimidate the Tamil population, especially in the immediate aftermath of the war. Human Rights Watch (HRW) concluded that sexualised violence and torture was used to gather information about the LTTE to force others to ‘confess’ and as method of ethnic cleansing. As a result of the war there was in 2017, 90,000 households headed by women, of whom many are widows[10]. These women face many hurdles in getting permanent housing and jobs to support themselves and their families. Some have been forced to resort to prostitution and suffer a lack of physical security. Young women are abducted, raped, and returned to their communities. Many are too terrified to report their rape to the authorities, who are their occupiers. Widows are regularly harassed, raped, or forced to submit to sex. Many of the victims are then forced to endure it all again[11].

The third section looks at what happened in the last stages of the Lankan civil war and what the people of Gaza are currently being forced to endure. It starts off by looking at the rarefied arguments the powerful conjure up to keep the oppressed, dispossessed.

To be continued..

Part one cane be read here

[1] Taylor, T. (2008). Denial: History Betrayed. Melbourne University Press.

[2] Ibid., p. xi.

[3] ‘Second National Day Anniversary Celebrations Honour invaluable Ranaviru Sacrifices.’ Retrieved: http://www.army.lk/news/second-national-victory-day – anniversary-celebration-honour-invaluable-rainvaru-

[4] Soames, Catherine and Hawker, Sara (eds.) (2008). The Compact Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University
Press, p. 38.

[5] Cook, Jonathan, `Why Israel is an Apartheid State’ in Malloy, Sean. Lorimer, Doug. Cook, Jonathan. Thier, Hadas.
Sheppard, Barry. Palestine, Israeli Apartheid and Antisemitism. Resistance Books. 2011, p. 16.

[6] Land allocated to Blacks during the apartheid era in South Africa.

[7] Op. cit.: Jonathan Cook, pp. 15 to 35.

[8] ‘The Long Shadow of War: The Struggle for Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka’. The Oakland Institute. Retrieved:

[9] Women under Siege Project. Retrieved: www.womenunder seigeproject.org/conflicts/profile/Sri-lanka

[10] The figure is taken from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade country report: DFAT Country Information
Report, Sri Lanka, January 24, 2017, p. 23

[11] Op. cit.: Women Under Siege Project.

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Latest comments

  • 17

    A good article.
    Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka = Genocide of Palestines.

    • 19

      Hamas = Tamils?

    • 2

      What a sense of proportion!

  • 9

    An excellent article, although the comparisons between the two conflicts should be limited, as the Israeli apartheid and mass slaughter to a captive population visits horrors that have no parallels in modern history despite the blatant support afforded by powerful western nations which lectured Sri Lanka on how to conduct its civil war etc.

    • 18

      “the blatant support afforded by powerful western nations which lectured Sri Lanka on how to conduct its civil war etc”
      It is a lie. The not only western nations but also Israel, India, China gave not only lectures how to cover up genocide of Tamils but also arms, cluster bombs, reduced food supply, rape etc.

      • 2

        ” Israel, India, China gave not only lectures how to cover up genocide of Tamils…”
        May I have some if the lecture notes?

        • 6

          “May I have some if the lecture notes? “

          Why? What happened to the notes Deva took down in his hand writing? He no longer allowing you to do your Mechanical Marxism research from his library? Does that mean you lost both Vasanthi’s Library and Deva’s library? Does he fear Evil’s spies might get into his Thaneer Panthal with the permission of Tiran Ailey “Kuyukthiya”. Tell Deva that you can keep the bunker closed so no one can smell anything outside the dungeon. Tell Tiran Alley that if he is not allowing you to import off the books, you will import on the books using Rowdy Rumbo’s Indian loan account.
          Ridiculous disturbances to the site by an up & down, double throated brayer!

          First go back to school and learn to write English; see the example down below:
          “May I have some if the lecture notes? “
          “May I have some if the lecture notes? ”

          • 0

            to stop the bold

        • 0

          May I have some if the lecture notes?
          What did you mean?
          Let me try to finish the question in my own style?
          if the lecture notes are chewable?
          if the lecture notes are injection-able?
          if the lecture notes are smoke-able?

      • 5

        “It is a lie.”
        Not entirely.
        The US arranged training for the LTTE in Israel (strangely at the same time that SLAF was trained in anti-terrorist combat).

        • 12

          But, they did not give Kfir to LTTE but gave it to Sri Lanka’

        • 4

          ” The US arranged training for the LTTE in Israel “
          May I have a copy of the contract? America never had any connection with LTTE. America prevented LTTE participating in solution negotiations or even sharing the Tsunami donations. It was the SLFP managers and justices who swallowed that money with it going even to Sinhala Buddhist victims. President Clinton visited Langkang on that event but did not help Tamils in any big scale.

          Dear friend,
          Israel does not wash the back for anybody like Deva, Kadir and some other Tamils, who advertise them with devilish names though have some handsome godly names, are doing. In reality it is Deva who said he was trained in Palestine. Some attempt to illuminate others’ dirt, but by it their dirt they lime light, in effect.

    • 1

      LP, You say with wisdom that comparisons between the 2 conflicts should be limited. Yes Israeli apartheid horrors have no parallels now or then. Could there be a genuine reason for their behavior. Could they be having a vision of a freed Jerusalem which the Palestinians claim. The length of Palestinian existence is only about 2000 years whereas Israel existed in the same land area for more than 4000 years, which the bible confirms in Genesis 32,28 as being Israel from the changed name of Jacob, Abraham’s grandson. Jesus was birthed from that lineage to deal with forgiveness of sins and he will return to Jerusalem to establish God’s kingdom on earth.

      • 8

        Not just JC even God Almighty cannot knock sense into the heads of the Zionists and their US backers.

        • 1

          SJ, Like all of us, Zionists too live according to their belief that Jesus who is risen from the dead, will soon come back to Jerusalem which therefore has to be free from unbelievers.

          • 7

            “Zionists too live according to their belief that Jesus who is risen from the dead,”
            Do you have any Zionist statement to that effect? Please don’t come up with Biblical verses.

            • 1

              old codger, Can you define “zionist” My understanding is that they believe the bible which therefore is their statement. May be you have more knowledge on this for us to learn.

            • 2

              “soon come back to Jerusalem which therefore has to be free from unbelievers.”
              To the Muslims, Jesus Christ is one of the prophets, and is respected as such.
              To the Jews, (including Zionists) he is a heretic.
              So who are the unbelievers ?

              • 0

                old codger, My understanding of unbelievers is that Jesus was birthed on earth to take the sins of the world on his body, by his crucifixion. His sinlessness was then evidenced by his resurrection. So those who do not accept that he can do this are called unbelievers according to the bible. Just being a prophet is not enough, and all religions teach to be good, but need to go deeper to be redeemed by Jesus when he is accepted at his coming. I do not know any other way to get rid of karma sin or be another individual or vaporize.

                • 3

                  Jesus has absolutely no status in Judaism.
                  In Islam he has the same status a Saint has in Christianity.
                  Which is better?

                  • 0

                    old codger, For sure Judaism rejected their messiah the first time he came, but when he comes as their messiah the second time, they will accept and cry and weep as he shows them the defining marks on his body. This is the biblical story and there is a lot more to it as it is his eternal covenant which is higher that your two alternatives.

                    • 1

                      “they will accept and cry and weep as he shows them the defining marks”
                      You can’t decide the fate of innocent people on something that hasn’t happened yet, can you?

                    • 2

                      Ypu said “Zionists too live according to their belief that Jesus who is risen from the dead, will soon come back to Jerusalem” etc.
                      Now you say “when he comes as their messiah the second time, they will accept and cry and weep “
                      I think that now you are playing another tune.
                      I think that you make a poor defence attorney for the old guy upstairs.

                    • 1

                      Jews don’t use the Christian Bible. Their holy book is the Talmud.

              • 4

                Hello OC,
                Everyone on Earth (including DTG) should watch the Stoning scene in the film “Life of Brian” to see what will happen to blasphemers and unbelievers in the Judiac version of the future.
                Just for DTG – ‘Judaism teaches that it is heretical for any man to claim to be God, part of God, or the literal son of God. The Jerusalem Talmud states explicitly: “if a man claims to be God, he is a liar.”‘ – Wikipedia Ta’anit 2:1
                So who are the unbelievers ? I am, along with another 1 Billion or so.

                Best regards

                • 1

                  I really can’t understand why some devout Christians seem to think that Israelis are closet Christians 🤣🤣

                • 3

                  “if a man claims to be God, he is a liar.”
                  In fairness, will you not agree that the Talmud got this right?

    • 15

      Closeted Chingkalla racist living the good life in Australia still in denial mode and wants to downplay what the Sri Lankan state did to the Thamizh and is still doing, proving what the author states is true. Chingkallams like the Israeli Jews are in denial mode

      • 10

        Hello Pandi Kuti,
        Since I came to Sri Lanka I have noticed a distinct change in many people’s attitudes towards the Government and Politicians. Back in 2010 most Sinhalese would have agreed with the Rajapakse outlook on the Civil War. Now quite a number recognise that the Politicians are out and out liars and that the divisions between Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese have been created and manipulated to “Divide and Rule”.
        I do not blame all Israeli Jews for the Genocide in Gaza, I do not blame all Tamils for the LTTE nor do I blame all Sinhalese for the War crimes of the Government and Armed Forces.
        In the 1970s and 1980s many people in England accused all Irish of being Terrorists. Whoever controls the Media controls the narrative in those countries. The Good Friday Agreement went a long way to (slowly) changing perceptions of the Irish in the UK mainstream Media. If Sri Lankans could agree on a Truth and Reconciliation process, and involve all sections of the population, then change has a chance of taking place. In the future we might not need to go to Australia for “ the good life”.
        Best regards

        • 6

          Thanks, there may be a change but still not enough. The Chingkalla racists/extremists and the rabid Buddhist clergy still hold sway and this is also true with regards to most Chingkalla Christians. As for the Chingkalla diaspora, the vast majority of them support Chingkalla racists and the Rajapaksas. Unlike the Thamizh, most of them have fled to the west for the good life and enjoy all the perks and benefits that the west offers to them and their families, including all the opportunities but want the island’s Thamizh to be damned and treated like third class slaves in their own homeland.

          • 6

            Many of these Rajapakse supporters and Chingkalla racists like Jester and others are all living the good life in the west and will only return to the island for nice short luxurious holidays.

            • 15

              You lost the war. Keep crying with 3 or 4 ID’s.

              • 3

                If you won the war, why are you sitting in a cold sewage plant?

  • 19

    ” also Israel, India, China gave not only lectures how to cover up genocide of Tamils but also arms, cluster bombs, reduced food supply, rape etc.”

    Utter nonsense. Israel does not give lectures on rape. What have you been smoking, idiot?

  • 18

    What Michael doesn’t mention is how the international response that the Sri Lankan government got is starkly at odds with the one that Israel is receiving, especially considering that Israel’s actions are far more brutal than that of Sri Lankan government’s. Yet it is justified as Israel’s right to defend and a just response to October 7th Hamas actions. Also worth noting that Israel is known to have trained the Sri Lankan Army and Sri Lankan authorities were known to have influenced by how Israel occupy Palastinian territories as a measure of oppression. Not to mention Sri Lanka’s Secretary of Defense at the time was a US citizen and Sarath Fonseka is a product of School of America. I don’t know if he can see that it is the same playbook at play. Perhaps written by the same people.

  • 14

    The writer’s ability to deflect any blame off LTTE and put it onto the Sri Lankan government deserves an international award.
    There are glaring similarities between Zionist terrorists who unilaterally established a Zionist State in Palestine followed by their 76-year ongoing apartheid terror era and LTTE’s incessant killings of Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim civilians to establish a similar terror state based on a fake Tamil homeland myth. (At the beginning Zionst terrorists were even scared to use the word “state” for fear of an attack from neighbouring Arab countries. Instead, they have used the word “homeland”. I will show proof, when I list the similarities between the ongoing Israel apartheid rule in Palestine territories and LTTE’s reign of terror in the besieged North and East of Sri Lanka until 2009.)
    Oh, there is another deflection. The death of Russia’s Opposition Leader Alexy Navalny. Without providing any evidence, the US led NATO leaders have accused Mr. Putin and the Kremlin for Navalny’s death.
    I don’t know much about Navalny. While extending my deepest condolences to his loved one’s for their irreparable loss, I believe that they and the world have an equal right to know the truth.

    • 15

      When I looked for evidence for allegations against the Kremlin for Navalny’s death, I found a number of strange coincidences which may not be coincidences at all.
      1. Navalny’s death occurred on February 16 during Munich Security Conference-2024 where a large number of world leaders and high profile international policy-makers gathered. It is hard to believe that, after all these years, the Kremlin chose this exact time period to ‘eliminate’ Navalny without considering the wide publicity that will garner the incident.
      2. Navalny’s wife was at the Munich Security Conference on the day of her husband’s surprise death. Within hours of the sad news, she took the main stage and made an unscheduled speech. Her speech was a typical Western-style speech where she admitted that she was unaware whether the news of Navalny’s death was (even) true, but was quick to accuse Mr. Putin for an unverified news and unsubstantiated allegation. Obviously, whoever has written the script of her speech, he/she hasn’t done it in a hurry.

      • 14

        3. On February 22, AP News first announced that Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaya is now Russia’s newest Opposition Leader! Exactly. Since his imprisonment, Navalny has been a spent force for the US led West. They desperately wanted a new pawn to discredit Mr. Putin and mobilize Russians against him before the upcoming Presidential elections in March.
        4. The time period of the Munich Security Conference-2024 from 16 – 18 February, Navalny’s death on 16 February and Russia-Ukraine war anniversary on 22 February are too coincidental to be coincidences.
        5. I am ready to change my opinion if I am proven wrong. I have seen too many coincidences “created” by Ukraine by killing its own civilians to hit the headlines every time a world leader makes a “surprise” visit to Kiev and every time Ukraine’s President makes a “surprise” visit abroad.

        • 8

          Champa, an Austrian far right activist Herbert Fritz 84 , who visited Afghan after defying Austrian govt warning , to prove it was a safe country was released after 9 months of detention there. ( thanks to Qatar govt negotiations ). Reportedly after arriving in Doha, he told media ” I may travel again, in general Afghans are good people but there are few idiots ” ( governing Taliban ). When are you planning to visit Russia / Putin ????

        • 10

          Hello Champa.
          I am not and never have been a great fan of USA Government policies. I even demonstrated against their bombings of Vietnam in the early 70s. We rejoiced when the Vietnam War finished. I was disgusted when they declared war on Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11.
          Politicians lie; Tony Blair lied, Anthony Eden lied, George Bush lied, Boris Johnson lied and Putin is no exception. Margaret Thatcher’s Secretary Bernard Ingham used the phrase “economical with the truth”.
          Putin authorized the use of the Buk missile that was used to shoot down MH17 killing 298 people. https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-manipulated-truth-of-mh17-disaster-says-iron-butterflies-director-/6974116.html
          Putin had Navalny poisoned with a new type of Novichok. Putin has used this poison to kill a number of people.
          “Tugging on one thread will unravel an entire tapestry of cross-referenced data, eventually revealing how Navalny’s poisoning was planned and carried out by a team of chemical weapon experts and FSB operatives”
          To be continued

          • 11

            Navalny was imprisoned in a maximun security Polar Wolf corrective colony FKU IK-3 in solitary confinement. So to use the legal term Cui bono? – who benefits from his death.
            His body was not released to his mother until 8 days after his death (why?) and on condition that he would be buried in secret.
            “Russian propaganda, meanwhile, pushed the line that Navalny’s death was in the interests of the West, and some Kremlin hawks have even suggested, without providing evidence, that the West could be behind his death”. If you have evidence of this Champa show us a link and make sure it is real evidence.
            “I am ready to change my opinion if I am proven wrong” – leads to 2 questions.
            1 why the change of heart, you haven’t as far as I am aware changed your opinions previously?
            2 What for you would constitute proof?
            Best regards

            • 4

              Dear LS and other rational thinkers,

              I am perplexed by Champa s putin-partial comments on and on and I question myself today if anyone with slightest knowledge would ever agree with Putin’s or Israel zionists that break all records of human basic right on broad day light. HOw brutal the world should be to stay silent on these day-light inhumane acts?

              If doubts are not reasonable, why on earth does Russian govt led by Puttin took long to hand over the deadbody of imprisoned former opposition leader aka Alexi Navalny. is putin’s govt respsecting the death rights of a dead body above all ?

              The American president says very clearly that Putin is responsible for the early death of Alexei Navalny

              How cruel this should be ? TODAy science is that advanced to verifty whether it was a death poisoned by someone or not within hours thorugh decomposing dead body of the killed.

              • 5

                How long would they be able to hide the mere truth about this brutal assasination?

                Is not that similar to that of saudi journalist, Jamal Khashogi, slaugtered and dismembered within the SAUDI embassy in Turkey a few years ago ?

                Own son’s dead body being kept away from his mother by force for a week by very same cremlin’s day-light killers, but in prison killed opposition leader’s mother is going through the torments of Thadjudeen’s mother about which is the other example instantly came to my mind.

                WHo is Thajudeen ? He was srilanka s national rugby player and most known national rugby player aka Rajapakse son’s rival in a love-afarir game.

                • 6

                  Even flowers brought by mourners to the deceased Alexei Navalny are taken to the detention center in the country. Can you imagine what democracy is? However, they are far from basic human rights in that country.


                  I hope Karmic Retribution shapes the situation for PUTIN sooner rather than later. I feel like the world’s population is increasing, and so is Putin. He is becoming a global threat to mankind today.
                  This is unfortunately the world before us. Why do the so-called powerful nations stay with their hands tied? Because they are more interested in commercial advantages between Russia and their countries. It appears that Germany is not radically anti-Russian because they are highly dependent on Russian gas for their consumption.
                  Any dissent has no right to speak. Russia under Putinism is getting worse by the hour under fascism.

        • 5

          Thanks for sparing some grace by not telling that Yevgeny Prigozhin, Putin’s close friend was killed by Navalny, but bluffing (you did not go for to deny that it was not Putin’s responsibility Navalny ‘death) that so far nobody has given you the proof if Navalny was killed under President Putin commands and instructions. You spent years in CT defending Old Rowdy King’s war crimes. Even Old Rowdy King appointed a white washing commission called LLRC to investigate Tamils’ death (who were killed by Old Rowdy King), but Putin stayed shy of trying to clean his name even by that kind of third grade commission.

    • 9

      LTTE is not the virtuous of rebel forces. But, to portray them as terrorists is being partial. You know that there are some mean souls who’d even sell their mother for some quid!
      The Jury is still out on the Tamil homeland case. If I were you, I’d wait.

  • 19

    The author does not mention, had the LTTE succeeded in establishing a separate state, it would have been a mono-ethnic, fascist one, without the presence of any democratic institution. A fascist, terrorist organisation run by semiliterate thugs does not suddenly metamorphosize into some fantastic byproduct of Western democracy, with a freely elected government and independent press. Had the Nazis succeeded, they planned to use the conquered populations of Europe as indentured labour to facilitate the construction of a 1000 year Reich that glorified the “Aryan Race.” They were already doing this before the end of WWII. So what the Tamils did is create an “Edward Hyde” and when the Sinhalese fought back, they cried wolf. The fact is that the Tamils themselves had little control over this monster which was created exclusively by their own intellectual class. Refer to the “Vaddukodai Resolution” signed by none other than S. J. V. Chelvanayakam, calling for armed struggle to create a separate state.

    • 10

      “A fascist, terrorist organisation run by semiliterate thugs does not suddenly metamorphosize into some fantastic byproduct of Western democracy, with a freely elected government and independent press. “
      Isn’t that a little harsh on Rajapaksa regimes?
      In any case, aren’t you a great fan of “Aryan” Brahmins with high IQ?
      Make up your mind please.

      • 18

        Old Codger,

        Try harder. Rajapakse stepped down after losing the election.

        • 15

          So much for consistent rational criticisms.

          • 4

            Mind your IQ please.

  • 8

    All those atrocities in Sri Lanka were committed, to mention only two names, with the Acquiescence and Blessings of the incumbent President Ranil Wickremesinghe and incumbent Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

    • 6

      Hello Captain Morgan,

      According to Lester, Rajapakse stepped down after losing the election. But he didn’t go easily. I think the US may have persuade him to go.

      Spokesman “Mangala Samaraweera said that the 69-year-old, who had ruled the country since 2005, tried his best to annul the poll and cling to power.
      He said police Inspector General N K Illangakoon was “very vocal and did not want to be a party to this”.
      Army chief Daya Ratnayake stood by the police and refused to deploy troops for Rajapaksa to seize power, while the state attorney general’s department warned of dangerous consequences, the spokesman said.
      Rajapaksa planned to stop the vote count as it became apparent that he was headed for a shock defeat and wanted to remain in office by issuing a proclamation declaring himself the president, Samaraweera said.”
      “When U.S. State Secretary John Kerry spoke to Rajapaksa over the phone, the former president assured him there will be a smooth power transition as stipulated in the constitution”
      By the way divers have found your ship off the coast of Panama https://divers24.com/shipwreck-of-famous-pirate-discovered-off-the-coast-of-panama/
      Perhaps you should go back to the Caribbean and claim Jamaica as rightfully yours?
      Best regards

      • 2

        Thanks for the valuable information. I just booked the ticket to Jamaica.

      • 7

        LS , you’re absolutely right. I too read from different sources that MR desperately wanted a ” Trump move to continue stay in power.” . Kaputa again with Pissu Sira together staged a constitutional SHAM finally ending in , abandoning the sinking ship and fleeing to Maldives

      • 20


        No different than Trump who claimed election fraud. His followers are fully convinced the election was rigged.

        What about the number of people assassinated by the LTTE in their bid to retain power? You will never see the likes of SJ or Chiv refer to this list.


        • 0

          Retard , is LTTE and government are same??? YES, LTTE assassinated quite a few people . SJ has been targeted many times for saying so. Though I too have admitted you keep repeating to justify pogroms and governments sponsored political killings for which they tried blaming LTTE.
          Did you ever mention Pillayan and Karuna doing killing for Rajapaksas.

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            By the way it’s time to recharge your “rent a thumb toy”. It seems sputtering like your brain. House keeping call centers explains your access.

  • 15

    An excellent quote from HLD Mahindapala: “Only the misguided and the deluded would believe that the Vellahlas have reformed after Nandikadal and would settle for less than what is in the Vadukoddai Resolution.” We know that you are a proven liar trying to undercut Americans with sub-standard credentials. Aside from that, you have failed to condemn the LTTE for what it is – a terrorist organisation banned by 33 countries. The root cause of that terrorism was not Sinhalese nationalism but caste prejudice, which you refuse to acknowledge. In contrast, Hoole has done a fabulous job condemning both the LTTE and caste prejudice, on this very website. Astute readers will note the difference. So you can continue with your deflection, blame games, and semantic games – you’re not fooling anyone.

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