17 February, 2025


DMK Blown Away By Multiple Tsunamis In Tamil Nadu, Is Drowning In The Deluge

By S. Sivathasan

S. Sivathasan

Ethical Ballast and Politics

Non-negotiable ethical ballast is basic to public life, principally in the governance of the state. Ancient Greeks with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle at the helm prescribed laudable norms for the Greeks and humanity to imbibe. Tamils to this day have an exemplar in Thiruvalluvar whose Thirukkural has cannons of moral conduct applicable to this day. Tamil poets and Kings of note, from the Sangam Age have moulded our lives and character. The greatest influence in modern times was Subramania Bharathiar, whose life itself was his message. His immortal poems were really directives for excellence. Learn faultlessly and live abidingly is the cryptic command of Kural. Live by its breach has been DMK’s norm.

Tamil poets particularly, imparted their wisdom and idealism to generations. Yet in half a century or two generations, the moral fibre of the Tamil nation was destroyed by a breed called politicians of the Dravidian vintage. This was how independence was miscarried by DMK after Rajaji and the more illustrious Kamaraj. It is said that the state government of Tamil Nadu was the first one to be dissolved in India for corruption. This was done by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1972.

MGR’s Split

MGR was in the DMK when CN Annadurai was at the helm. Both had streaks of idealism. The demise of Annadurai in 1969 cast a long shadow of decline.  MGR saw the need for a rival party and founded the AIADMK. He was the first to catalogue the acts of mis governance in the DMK regime. Nothing happened He steered the party and led it to victory till his death in 1987. MGR’s AIADMK was an inter regnum. Ever since, corruption has seeped into every pore of social engagement.

Enter BJP

Not tolerating the growth of this canker any more, a strong political formation the BJP has now set out to destroy it. The DMK however never had the sagacity to mend it’s ways and change course. When the state and the centre join together, determined to wipe out the corrupt, they become formidable. The onslauht happened on 14th April, with the publication of 13 names accused of financial embezzlement. An additional list to expose the handlers of filthy lucre is due shortly. AIADMK an offshoot of DMK is due for withering in weeks or months as strategy demands.

DMK AND AIADMK – Obverse and Reverse of the Same Coin 

It may not be correct to think or say that Tamil Nadu is in turmoil or India is aghast. Clarity on the decay of the state and the people, is now laid bare. Unremitting exposure of the hardened swindlers has just begun. With a list of offenders released only in part, on the subject of corruption there is widespread deliberation in the state, the country and in communities world-wide. Half a century or more, there was growing concern that dishonesty in public life was bringing the state to ruin. Coterminously, even as the state was getting impoverished, the two parties DMK and the AIADMK were alternating in the seat of power and diddling a population which is now 80 million.  

Mounting Resentment Against the DMK 

An imponderable is now set to happen. The Minister of Finance Dr. Palanivel Thiagarajan ill at ease with the Chief Minister his son and son in law together with the coterie of amorphous Ministers can no longer pull along. Above all is the unconscionable amount of Rs, 300 billion spirited away  by two of those closest to the CM. More exasperating, it happened under the very nose of the Finance Minister – PTR. The ramifications are a challenge to the CBI and other institutions. In the public forum much discussion has proceeded in less than a week.

To the devastating assault of the BJP, what was DMK’s reaction? Insolence. What countenance was really exhibited by them? Plaintive counterfeit shock. Making a picture out of the muddle, some syllables were added – legal action. Annamalai knowing no fear feared not the bluff. Distinguished media personnel and political analysts rallied round the President of Tamil Nadu BJP. In desperation the accused many threatened law suit against the accuser for damages to their reputation. What fame did they have? High level of education? Political persona strutting from upper crust origin? Were they patricians and never plebians? Do they claim credit for Mulcting people’s money with impunity? Now analysts query how so much of wealth in just one generation. They conclude it is Ill gotten and wider society affirms.       

What A Contrast

Before independence who was the Chief Minister of the Madras Presidency, which is now five states? Omanthur Ramasamy Reddiyar. Among the great acts of his were the donation of his wealth and large extents of real estate in the heart of Chennai, to the State. 

Those from the periphery who were catapulted into power in 1967, are now the subject of revulsion and ridicule. The corruption of DMK had grown to repulsive proportions. When members  of the DMK called for financial accounts, the reaction of Karunanidhi and the cabals was reprehensible. He subjected them to assault and bloodshed. MGR was unable to put up with it and founded the AIADMK in the mid-seventies. The party won every election till his demise in 1987.

The lady who succeeded him visited egoistic governance upon Tamil Nadu, and not without inevitable corruption which knew no limits. The two parties with their unrivalled dishonesty brought the state to its knees. At this point came the moment of reflection and a departure from poisoned governance to clean politics. The leader Annamalai has shed enough light to catch the trust and imagination of the voting public. In addition is the generation below  voting age, straining at the leash to supplant the sullied in 2026 with hands unsoiled.

New Order Replacing the Old

There comes a time in the affairs of men when the old order changeth yielding place to the new. The time is a long 11 months from now for Tamil Nadu. More importantly a mere 18 days for the Karnataka Legislative Assembly elections. The Prime Minister has forged a team of 40 notables from across the country to chart the course of victory at the Karnataka state elections. The team has Modi the unquestioned  charismatic leader at the helm. He is besides a magnetic personality drawing the voting public into his  grip. In addition are the  Home minister, high ranking Union Ministers, Chief Minister of UP, and Annamalai whose intensive electioneering in recent times has consummated his skills. BJP victory with the obsolescent Congress is for sure.  

To sense the pulse of two important and large states, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in the far south, the nation has to wait for only 18 days for the former and 11 months for the latter. When the great team in Karnataka, the like of which was never organized earlier wins the day, BJP will get political power for five years. Likewise Tamil Nadu will grasp power in Lok Sabha. What is significant is that BJP will enter the state triumphantly for the first time. Annamalai’s disclosures will send out the Dravidian parties and their corruption together, much to the relief of 8 crore citizens. 

Latest comments

  • 5

    “Rafale Jet Deal: Mother of all defence scams”
    “None other than PM Modi is responsible for the murky Rafale fighter aircraft deal. It smells every bit a scam that will benefit the Reliance Groups which has zero experience in defence manufacturing”

    • 6

      Mr.S proclaims:
      “Ancient Greeks with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle at the helm prescribed laudable norms for the Greeks and humanity to imbibe”
      Perhaps he doesn’t know that the ancient Greeks didn’t allow servants or women to vote. In a Hindutva state, presumably only Brahmins will be allowed to vote.

      • 1

        We don’t need you to tell us that, old codger. Mr Sivathasan has started by affirming that for public life “non-negotiable ethical ballast is basic”.
        The citizens of this country know that the background to all elections to bodies of State take place according to Universal Adult Suffrage. We all understand that principle. The caveats that you suggest are of little use, since you have yourself stated that for you, self-interest alone matters.
        The subject of this article is the politics of Tamil Nadu. Owing to factors related to languages, I’m happy to be guided by Sivathasan. For you to regain my trust will take very long. Before anything said by you is taken seriously by me I will recall Laocoon’s words: “Timeo Danaos et dona ferentesTimeo”.
        Mistakes have been made in the past by less sophisticated speakers of Sinhalese. We are now not going to be deflected: “We want elections!“.
        What will follow will be decided only after the elections are over. Manipulate the red thumbs for all comments by me and other honest commenters all you want. We will ignore them all!
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 1

          Your Majesty,
          You haven’t answered my question. Just name ONE country that is governed by ethical or moral principles?

  • 3

    The news that Hindia’s population is exponentially growing – this is mostly in the north and most of the south has some how managed to control population growth to manageable level – is bad news for BJP.

    All southern states will now think about internal migration control to which BJP is against.

    The armed phase of Tamil genocide that was presided by Hindia (with both Congress and BJP consenting to genocide) in the Island (TN neighbourhood) is stark reminder of letting unchecked foreign population growth in a land that is considered home to the native population.

    As such, more or less all southern states will try to control internal immigration from North.

    This will create opposing political and economical pressures and fissures for BJP project in southern states.

    • 2

      What I say is the reality, who ever down voted my comment.

      The writer does not know simple sentiment as to why BJP (for that matter Congress, although it is in decline for several other reasons) cannot do well in southern states.

      All Southern states are aware of how BJP& Congress have destroyed Eezham Tamils through genocide and general treatment (worse than the western states would care for) of Tamils in the Island versus Sinhalese.

      This sentiment, although not visible nor out rightly manifest, it is one of the main political undercurrent of the fears (of what would happen to them) the BJP & Congress contribute to in Southern states.

      Add to this population pressure that is going to create the kind of fears the Southern states would perceive.

      Again it is all made by BJP & Congress racist attitude towards Southern states, especially Tamils.

      Simple issues like Sinhala State grabbing Tamil historic religious sites like Kurunthoor, Veduku Naari etc. are simple illustrations of this racist attitude and treatment of Tamils and their interest in the Island by BJP, Congress and South block.

      The author is deluding himself by bringing up corruption, which is blood, vein and soul deep in Hindia. So, Tamil Nadu cannot be an exception.

      Although corruption exists, Tamil Nadu rightly perceive BJP ideology as far more irreversible danger than corruption.

  • 1

    The writer had said correctly. DMK’s main aim was to completely ignore Hinduism and promote their ideology (atheism) and separate Tamil Nadu from the rest of India in all respects. We should not forget that the BJP is still committed to the concept of One Nation, One people and One culture. BJP’s nationalist vision is bound by timeless cultural heritage which is common to all States & Territories, religions and languages. The DMK stands as an obstacle when the BJP believes that from Kashmir to Kanyakumari is one country. Tamils are frustrated over the DMK when the Dravidian leaders Periyar, Karunanithy and Stalin favoured Pakistan over Kashmir issue. Moreover DMK was trying to alter the traditions of Hindus which was in practice since time immemorial. The DMK even went to the extent of ignoring that Unity in diversity has been the hall mark of Indian culture. Now the BJP has staged many economic development projects for the benefit of Tamil Nadu, whereas the DMK was only concerned in spending monies for the erection of statues of Karunanithy and Periyar for which the people had snubbed. At the next election, it is certain that the BJP under Annamalai’s leadership will capture Tamil Nadu as the DMK is fully corrupt and ignoring the aspirations of the Tamils.

  • 2

    Your interest in BJP, Hindia politics is understandable, but do not attempt to mortgage the Tamil people.
    Needless to repeat, Jaffna or a Batti man has more in DNA connection with the Sinhala brethren than with any other people. Yes, our Sinhala brethren are drunken with majoritarian ethno-poison fed by the successive Sinhala leaders since independence. Even driving the country to its bankruptcy hasn’t opened their eyes yet. But the new generations from both sides will be much more smarter.

    But do not go for non-secular drive with imaginary India. India will be India and Ceylon will be Ceylon.

    • 2

      India is on its way of becoming a Super Power. Pakistan’s controlled Kashmir, Ladak and Sri Lanka are in its agenda to become a AHANDA BHARATHAM (Bharath Varsha). Pakistan is already bankrupt like Sri Lanka and Tibet is also encircled by the Indian Air Force. As far as Pakistan is concerned, Balochistan will be separated while the rest will split into three regions, one of which is Pakistan’s Kashmir will be annexed with India. As Indian fishermen want justice for being arrested and their boats seized by Sri Lankan Navy, Kachchativu will be retrieved probably before the next election in Tamil Nadu. India is aware of giving priority for China in the Northern Province by Sri Lanka which is not a healthy reason. Sri Lanka’s currency is inflating while the Indian Rupee is accepted for global trade. Tamil Nadu people are eagerly waiting for a CHANGE to throw away the DMK government. This is the reality. It is only a matter of time. Let us wait and watch the development.

    • 2

      What you state is correct and who cares, this man and a few others are constantly posting this Hindutva Hindian supremacy rubbish and trying to brainwash the Eelam Tamils into this extremist divisive ideology that will not benefit them at all. We are a secular people and there are large amounts of Christians and Muslims amongst us just like in the state of Kerala and this ideology will be a disaster for us. Moreover, the BJP and Congress for that matter, care two hoots about the Tamils, especially the Eelam Tamils and they overtly and covertly aided and abetted the Eelam Tamil genocide and still do so. Look how quiet they are about the destruction, and desecration of ancient centuries-old Hindu temples and Tamil Buddhist sites by the Sinhalese racists, Sri Lankan armed forces and other government departments, like Archealogy and Mahaveli, in fact providing lots of overt and covert support for this destruction of ancient Tamil history on the island.

  • 2

    On contrary see how they jump and down and screech when newly built Hindu temples in places like Australia, Canada, Britain and other Western nations are desecrated by Sikh extremists, the desecration is just graffiti on the outer walls, with regards to Khalistan, they jump up and down and Modi even very publicly and undiplomatically rebuked the Australian Prime Minister in India, as if the poor man was responsible for this. I do not condone these acts but you can see how they treat the Eelam Tamils and other Hindus, especially the north Indian variety, the BJP supporters. This man is deluded and like you state trying to mortgage the Eelam Tamils to these Hinduvata extremists. Hope he stops these rubbish columns this is the third one. I am a Brahmin, the supposed biggest beneficiary of this Hindutva ideology but even I can see through this rubbish and what will happen to my people.

    • 2

      Like someone already stated the population in the poor developed Hindi heartland north and central Indian states is exploding and this is where Hindu and Islamic religious extremism and rivalry is very intense, whilst in the Southern States that are becoming increasingly developed and contributing most to India’s economic development the population is declining and this is a political time bomb as these least developed, very religiously intolerant northern and central Indian states, with a sub-Saharan economy are going to have more and more political clout due to their population explosion, whilst the more developed, more affluent, and more secular southern Indian states will have less power in the centre, with a lower population. Already millions of Northern Indian labourers are pouring into the Southern States and this is going to increase and create more friction.

      • 1

        If not for the DMK Tamil Nadu and Tamil language and other states like Kannada, Kerala. Telugu and their languages won’t be there. Rajaji and Cs. Subramaniam together would have brought in Hindi everywhere. With regard to Bribery and Corruption, all will be in the hands of the North Indians. Like Sinhala colonization in Srilanka, North Indians would have colonized the south.

  • 0

    “Annamalai’s disclosures will send out the Dravidian parties and their corruption together, much to the relief of 8 crore citizens.”

    In Mr. Sivathasan’s telling, the Dravidian parties are going to get near zero votes, not just lose all seats. After all, all 8 crore citizens are going to find it a relief :-)

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