21 January, 2025


Does Legality Matter At All?

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

There has been a recent flurry of media attention paid to the potential candidacy of Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the candidate of the Pohottuwa group at the next Presidential election.

While his is obviously a very well-financed campaign if the demonstrations of support that have been organized for him all over the country are anything to go by, I am somewhat bemused at the fact that, most recently, a journalist who could hardly be characterized as anti-Rajapaksa has produced what amounts to irrefutable proof that the afore-mentioned Mr. Rajapaksa is still a citizen of the Excited States of Amnesia, familiarly known as the USA, and cannot, therefore, run for elected office in Sri Lanka. That in fact, is what Mr. D. B. S. Jeyaraj has to say in his understated description of the status quo and Mr. D.B.S.J can hardly be described as a practitioner of yellow journalism. In fact, it has been very evident that he has stepped very gingerly on the turf around Sri Lanka’s Royal Family for quite a while now.

Given the consistent conduct of affaires Sri Lankan, does it matter what the law says when what is emerging is the simple reality of “might is right” and “the golden rule is that he who holds the gold makes the rules?” Do the established precedents suggest otherwise? Some newspaper headlines notwithstanding, any illegality is soon mired in piles of legal red tape in the matter of appeals, counter-appeals and counter-counter appeals ad infinitum till “how it all began” is lost in the cloud of bureaucratic wrangling. If one were to examine headline-fetching events of recent origin the fact that this is no exaggeration will be clearly borne out. In these circumstances, it is well within the realm of reality that someone who is disqualified from doing so, will run for the highest office in this land, be elected and proceed to exercise the prerogatives previously available only to oppressive monarchs. 

In the matter of the administration of justice being fogged by bureaucratic manipulation, take the case of the Muslim doctor recently accused of performing mass sterilization of Sinhala women. I challenge anyone reading this piece to accurately describe where on earth that whole business is now.  Has the fabricated “evidence” been thrown out, is the doctor on the way to obtaining some form of compensation from those who have, literally, destroyed him, his fellow-doctor wife and their family? Or are they all in collective limbo?

I suppose a typical response by the current leadership of this country could well be, “His is not the only case of a Muslim persecuted for the religious beliefs he holds,” much as Ahimsa Wickrematunge was told when she inquired as to the status quo of the investigation into her late father’s execution that his (Lasantha Wickrematunge’s) was not the only one of its kind in Sri Lanka.

The simple recounting of the sequence of events in this saga of citizenship relevant to the election to the highest political office in the land, backed up by copies of all the relevant US documents would make shocking reading in any other jurisdiction but the “cradle of Sinhala Buddhist civilization.” However, as they used to say in another part of the world, “Give your head a shake, buddy,” and wake up to the cruel reality of present-day Sri Lanka, well on its way to becoming the epitome of a nation pretending to be a practicing democracy while ignoring the basic precepts of that philosophy of governance.  

And that’s saying something in a world dominated by the likes of Trump, Putin and, now, Boris Johnson.

Much as it might seem like “… (breaking wind) against thunder,” remember that those who mounted the campaign to rid Sri Lanka of its last murderous regime were accused of unprecedentedly Quixotic conduct. Nevertheless, they led a movement that succeeded.  It was thanks to their efforts that there have been  no white van disappearances, tortures and deaths of rugby players, instances of unpunished third-degree assaults on journalists and brutalities of otherkinds, too numerous to mention, on those that were seen as “enemies.”

Pretty well all of the highly skilled and principled women journalists who spearheaded the campaign to rid this nation of those who opted to rule by violence have begun to re-emerge in our hour of need.  Particularly given current circumstances, there is no alternative but to give them as much support as is humanly possible in yet another campaign to retain what little democracy we have regained in the governance of our affairs and try to build on it, preventing a return of murder and mayhem as the means of conducting the affairs of this nation.  Nothing less will suffice.

Latest comments

  • 45

    U.S.A will have two Presidents? Mr. Trump in the US. Gota in Sri Lanka. Gota will give Trinco Port as a gift to the U.S. And the stupid Sri Lanken lotus eaters will sing hurah.

    • 20


      Does legality matter?

      No, if the person is a Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhist, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      This is the Para-“civilization “.

      Examples abound.

      • 11

        Brother Amarasiri,
        Legality matters only for Anti-Rajapakshes.
        People are made to believe, if his term found stop to 30 long year war, no matter even if he and his men would have raped you on broad day light? The kind of perception is promoted to the rural community who are the majority of this country. So, going by comments to any YT videos, one would get it easily, people are fully misled by feeding them with untruths about some leaders.
        I dont support any parties but I do support some personalities for good reasons. Nor have I voted for any elections sofar, since I spent not in the country for ages.
        Just imagine, Bro Amarasiri, yet today Uni Dons stay as if they have no brains.
        Religious leaders stay mum while letting any low level YT promoters do any wrong things misleading the nation further.
        Iraj and other Channels promote, KUWAIT KUMARI akka who is an example for HOUSE MAID personalities exported to Middle east even their basic education is far too low; just for their YT channel survival.
        No matter who heor she is, if you the SM channel runners get lot more “likes” to their videos. No matter even if their untruths could destroy the true image of buddhism in this country. All in all, internet has been caught by wrong handers these days, and the society is taken to all edges, consequently, people are made permament modayas (over 60% are misled for their surivival)

        • 11

          And brother Amarasiri,
          Even that blind Astrologer from the south has come forward to attack UNP leaders today.
          What happened to the educated personatlities that then controlled society?
          Kotuwe hamuduruwo has become a figure to leave advice to anyone so as is the case with Kumari akka ( an iliterate woman) ?
          A knife or a pair of scissors could be a tool to hurt someone physically, but in the same time, we can not be without them our day today life. Each time, getting boarded to a flight, we are questioned whether or not having these tools in our hand luggage, because the harm being done by them is huge in an isolation such in an aircraft.
          Likewise, the internet access to unethical and immoral people can hurt the society as any other tool could do it. We the low level societies are caught by the disadavantages of Internet than the otheway around.
          I believe, we need to set restrictions to Internet users as is the case in some countries. After people becoming to knowledgeble to some extent only we need to allow it to be used without any regulations.
          Today, channel holders in SL are just SELF proclaimed ARTISTS. Or even school goers doing it as their part time jobs.
          Americans have injected the germ into lanken society, as no other so that each and every smart phone holders is tied up to a their FACE book: The frequency of them being tied up to FB is much lower in europe since EUROPEAN tv channels did not advert it in their local channels to the degree lankens and other nations in Developing countries were asked to do so.

          • 6

            Dear Desperate Sinhalaya,
            You speak of religious leaders. And thuggish behaviour. I’ve got a problem with one. Almost four years ago, I wrote this article, followed by two others.
            It is now 5.00 p.m. on Saturday, the 17th August 2017. Part One of our little drama was staged this morning, when I tried to get the Old Boys’ Association of S. Thomas’ College, Bandarawela to understand that there was a possibility of the rigging of Board of Governor’s Elections next year, possibly a little earlier than the Ides of March. They didn’t really support me at the AGM, but a few of the more perceptive told me later that while I was talking eminent sense, I wasn’t the best advocate of good causes. Granted.
            Events shift to the Dining Room, for the so-called Headmaster’s Lunch, paid for by the school, of course. The Headmaster, Rev. Christopher Balraj, and I had been falling over each other in politeness since the time I had received Holy Communion from him (the wafer, that is, with the thoroughly decent Rev. Charles David giving tee-totalling me a pretty generous dose of wine in the near-empty chapel). Now, waiting in the queue preparatory to part-taking of the sumptuous lunch, I told him quietly that we had to meet quietly for half an hour to discuss this election of Board of Governors Members. Hell broke loose! He got me by the collar (coats and ties had come off by now).

          • 6

            The Dining Hall had at least fifty people in it, they were shell-shocked. A few senior students (the cricket team for the match with the Old Boys) were coming in. Pin drop silence during the pauses in the rant. He asked me to get out. I told him very quietly that this school did not belong to him and I was going nowhere.
            Any more details, you require?
            Lunch, watched a bit of cricket, walked up the hill to my home. However, before that I told the Headmaster that I hoped he would have regained his savoir faire by dinner time (at the Bandarawela Tennis Club) because I don’t want to write any more articles since they do nobody any good. I was mulling the title “The Thomian Pharisees Adamant Again?”, but I wish we could settle this amicably.
            Now I must stop. a friend has come to take me to the Tennis Club Dinner. On going story!”

          • 6

            I’m glad that the moderators saw that there is a very definite connection between what “Desperate Sinhalaya” said, and what I’ve said about this Anglican priest who has been working at his PhD since his arrival at his old school as Headmaster about five years ago.
            The full story will have to be related elsewhere. There was another altercation on the tennis courts. Realizing that he was getting ready to leave, I buttonholed him, to say that for the sake of the school we should meet for half an hour to work out a modus vivendi. That was all I wanted to convey to him, but once more things escalate, as they unfortunately often do.
            He claimed that he had always acted correctly – even in 2016 – Ides of March. I said that if he wanted to maintain such a stance there could be no meeting of ideas. he said that he knew what his staff wanted and what was good for them. I replied quietly that such things he could not decide for others. Another explosion, with most Old Boys seemingly critical of me. Well, I’m sure you understand the intellectual limitations of such people – wealth and supposed status matter far too much for such people.
            My message to you is that the Christian clergy can be as entitlement-obsessed as any other group. The one good thing about that gathering was its Sri Lankan heterogeneity. Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims.
            Now to bed!

          • 6

            What I have said last night (really early hours of today), may be a bit unfair by the Old Boys whom I have to work with.
            It all goes in a vicious circle. Strenuous efforts are now being made to enroll a wider cross-section of the students, but its lack of success may be attributed once more to those at the top of the Anglican hierarchy. They’ve got so used to the success of lawlessness. They keep manipulating and getting away with it. So, unless I’m very wrong, this Rev. Balraj, now around 55, left school in 1981, had never joined the OBA. He owes his Ex-officio Presidency of the OBA to the fact that he is the Headmaster. Never bothered to pay his now 2.5K rupees and take on regular membership. He is the first He has a brother (looks a twin, but I think is elder) who now visits the school, but is not a member of the OBA.
            It was obvious this year that some of our most sincere and dedicated members had not turned up, fed up. Most of those who had come had spent considerable sums and come up not wanting to have to do much thinking once here. I think that for all the show of opposition to me, most of them are well-disposed to me, but I seem to represent attitudes and values which are strange to them, and they were actually trying to shield me by getting more involved in these issues which can obviously do me no good.
            The teachers come from very different social backgrounds, and so the vicious cycle continues. Extremely few have any idea of the huge differences within the Christian Churches, and Anglicanism has reached its nadir.

        • 6

          Dear Desperate, is GR suitable as he took-up residence in a safe country several years ago and no clear explanation has been given. Neither has he explained the Mig Deal, the Welikade slaughter, Lasantha’s death and several other serious matters. And how did he get all this money??!!

          • 0

            kumaran ,

            “And how did he get all this money??!!”

            Rajapaksa Mafia!

        • 3

          Nice to see you back!

      • 0

        For your information. Ranaweera et. al. say:
        “The haplotypes and analysis of molecular variance revealed that Vedda people’s mitochondrial sequences are more related to the Sinhalese than the Indian Tamils’ sequences.”

        This conclusion from their research shows that Vedda Eththo and Sinhalayo are relatives. It has been proven beyond any doubt that Sinhalayo evolved in this country but like those ancient Greeks who believed that the sun goes round the earth ‘Koti Diaspora’ guys want to cling to the idea that Sinhalayo have their origin in India. Can tell the truth to the donk*y but cannot force the donk*y to accept the truth.

        Demalu who live in Sinhale are definitely ‘Para’.

        • 4

          Eagle Eye ,,

          “Demalu who live in Sinhale are definitely ‘Para’.” Yes,. agree, based on mt DNA genetics Data.

          The same mt DNA genetics Data., also show that the Sinhala are also Para-Sinhala, or Para-Sinhalayo, notwithjsatnmdoimg the lies and imaginations of Monk Mahanama in Mahawansa.

          Go with the factual data. Don’t let yourself be fooled by low IQ Anthropology “Academics.” Remember, Copernicus Galileo and Kepler? The data showed that the Earth moved and rotated, and the Church apologized 350 years later.

          Data, Observations and correct interpretation of the data will lead you to the truth, irrespective of your mythological brainwashing , beliefs. .and the resulting world view.

          The correct view is that both Sinhala and Demala are Paras, just like the others, except the Native Veddah Aethho,.

          • 4

            How about the Portuguese, Dutch and British Jew beggars who jumped in to ships and came here looking to enrich themselves by stealing our land, destroy our forests and raped our women (to produce a para-mlatto community)?

            • 4

              Hela Veeraya

              How about the economic refugees North and South Indian (Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannarese, Malayali, ….. beast/beauty hybrids thugs mercenaries ………… arriving here and calling themselves Sinhala/Buddhists stealing our native land, destroying our environment stealing our land, ………….raping our women, ….?

              You should grow up.

            • 2

              Hela Veeraya,

              Of course, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the English etc., the later arriving Paradeshis, Paras, are all Paras, Parangioes, Para-Suddhos, just like the Para-Muslims, Para-Tamils, Para-Sinhala and Para-Helas, based in the modern Generics data on the mitochondrial DNA of the Paras.

              The evidence is in their bodies, in their blood, in their skins etc.

        • 4

          This guy mahindapala aka EE would never see it right. if you call DEMALU yet today, how can you be a good sinhalese.
          You guys think that SL is only for Sinhalese but irony is that you the kind of very bastards, sought greener pastures in Australia. How come ? Why did not you let you rotten in Madamulana ballige putha s faecal pits ?
          I hate to see you the like sinhaalyas and I become allergic even looking at them. I was born to a sinhala family. For the last few decades, I have been out of rascals dominated srilanka.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 14

      This is a well-planned typical Rajapakse game-plan.

      Gota will never take the risk of renouncing his American citizenship …….. he is trying to get the momentum of his “campaign” build-up with all the extraneous razzmatazz ……. keeping the limelight away from the “renunciation” shindig.

      Once the campaign has build up to a crescendo and a fever-pitch ………. who is brave enough to disqualify Gota?

      The battle-cry is going to be, …….. “citizen or no citizen we want Gota; he is the only man” ……….. and Ranil ……….. or anyone “brave” enough to question his legitimacy will be wearing double diapers ……..

      Go to hand it to the Rajapakses ………. brilliant strategy ………..

      • 4

        Do you think that voters don’t have any other intelligent choice other than to vote in fear? How do explain this with the Popperian theory who believe very strongly?

        • 3

          “to vote in fear”

          Ah assumption, assumptions! ………. who has talked about people voting in fear?

          When Gota has made himself the no. 1 choice in the country – which is well on its way – voters are going to line-up not with fear but with overflowing joy to vote for their “saviour!”

          Among the government law-enforces – whose job is to check his legitimacy – no one will dare to disqualify him then.

          Now, even before his campaign has build up full steam ……… no one has dared to ask to see his “document.” Do you think anyone will dare to ask him later?

          “Popperian theory”

          Geeze man ……. you know more about Popper than I would ever even care to know ……….. discard all the cockamamie “theories” and think for yourself!

          All knowledge in the whole damn world is pointless ……… if you can’t think for yourself and apply it to a practical situation

          Now what do you think …….. how is all this going to pan out?

          Not a long time to go ……….. We’ll find out in a few months if ye are right or wrong.

      • 1

        But Mr Fernando@
        What happened to the educated writers and activists that we thought would always stand against the injustice ?:
        Why do they let any untruths be promoted by PVT channels ?
        Can this be possible in Uk or Germany ? Never.
        If a pvt TV channel would spread blatant lies, they have to face a trial against. THe fine would have been much higher in that part of the world.

        Today albeit false information being in public domain, no body would stand up question as to why Gota s renouncement of American Citizenship. :
        Why cant any single CITIZEN living in the country to call US embassy in SL and clear this for the benefit of the masses ? Why dont media institutions come forward to do it ?
        If i had been in SL, i would have done it, but I am EU passport holder just for my travels, and remain very slanken for lanken issues.

      • 0

        Giving up his US citizenship is not a major issue because he can get it back through his wife who is a US citizen, or through his son who too is a US citizen. None of his family members are going to renounce their US citizenship. It will take only 3 months. He has to spend less than $2000. It is nothing for him with the money looted from Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          Sure, …….. then why all the fuss and all the bogus documents?

          If he has it, just show it …….. get it over and done with.

          Rajapakses will always be Rajapakses ……. they can’t be straight even if they want to! …… Of course it’s their great patriotism that makes them do it to save the beloved county from foreign threats.

          Perhaps all the looted money has burdened him with tax-obligations that he can’t wiggle out of.


      • 2

        He can get it back through his wife who is a US citizen, or through his son who too is a US citizen. None of his family members are going to renounce their US citizenship. It will take only 3 months. He has to spend less than $2000. It is nothing for him with the money looted from Sri Lanka.

    • 6

      “IF THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY” So, G O T A has decided and

      no one on earth can stop it ! ! ! My challenge to Sri Lankans as a


    • 1

      But if that would be the case, their supporters – grass eaters seem to be not worrying.
      For pacts that Mr PM has never signed and agreed upon, are being thrown on UNP today.. even if prima facie evidence of Gota s misconduct with agreements with US are on our hands … no legality matters for Rajaakshes.
      Thadjudeen was burnt down and found in a vehicle packed to be seen as it was a car accident. And the current govt revealed it as no accident but a murder. How come not even many in the country stood against the injustice. Reason, is the murdered was a prey of Rajakshes men.
      So is the case with Lasantha and other journos got killed and dissapeared
      So is the case with Ekanaligoda and Rathupaswala protesters
      So is the case with prisoners got jailed but gunned down by the order of GOTA remember ?
      Prisoners are also human beings… is the world slogan was shut by Journos because of not having free hand to write against Rajano and their CALCULATED crimes.

    • 0

      I have just ONE QUESTION………

      Does India want Gotabhaya Rajapakse as the President of Sri Lanka?

      If they do NOT, there is no way that GR will become the President of our country. The USA will always tow India’s line. But if India backs GR he will be our next President.

      They gave us Lord Buddha and have use the Enlightened One to to force us into their line of thinking, and it will be the same with GR and what follows next. We just are bunch of IDIOTS.

    • 0


      Ranil has already promised Trinco and 120k acres of land to Uncle Sam. Gota doesn’t have to do anything.

      • 1


        Dr Gota (DSc) and and his clan had already made it extremely easy for China to grab land, and they did grab one real estate. Dr Mahinda- Raja (LLD) promised China many acres of land for exclusive export processing zone while he was misusing his absolute power.

        Gota the National Hangman first signed SOFA with USA in 2007. Obviously his candidacy will benefit the US tremendously.

        I suggest you support him in the forthcoming elections and beyond. The people of this island has insatiable addiction to masochism. Time and again they supported sadists.

  • 26

    God-damn-baya Rajafucksa is a crook and a liar.

    • 10

      Fathima – GOTLER is a notorious criminal. MaRa, GoRa, BaRa and NaRa the (GCE OL failed) synthetic ‘lowyer’ should be hung by their balls.

  • 14

    It appears to me that uncle Sam is fedup with Sira and Ranil to counter the Chinese threat as they do not have a backbone though RW want to help USA.

    The best USA can do in this case is get Gota into power and get all those they wanted as Gota will do like a old dog with UNHRC resolutions and War Crimes etc etc.

    Its true that USA and India is in the same camp and will be very interesting to see how China will take this new approach as Rajapaksas bent too much for Chinese 2005-2015 regime.

    A very interesting times ahead with Gota’s family still US citizens and this man is cheating the masses like lotus eaters.

  • 4

    Answer: Not for Rajapaksas Family.

  • 5

    Mr Pooten has written an article not on a specific subject but just about all his dislikes. Anyway, Tamils and muslims both blew up. The next in ,line is Euro – Asians. So, who and when will that happen ?. By the way, Boris Johnson is Trump’s pet. He made life difficult for Theresa May, Labelled Jeremy Corbyn as anti Zionist and warned him not to come. So every one else left allowing the way to who is now.
    Anyway, Cradle of Buddhist civilization did not go all over the world destroying other cultures.

    • 4

      Are you, by any chance, Sumaney writing under yet another pseudonym. I ask because the idiocies bear a striking similarity one to the other. Hope the rock from under which you crawled is still there for the time you have to retreat to it.

      • 0

        Don’t you know, J.D. is currently holding the position of being the stupidest regular commenter on CT.

    • 2

      No, but they are experts destroying it within their own countries, like in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. They have insecurities, and are gullible enough to be afraid that the minority will take over the country, when statistically, it is impossible. But naivety makes them believe anything, even fake stories about goolies, and sweets, that make Sinhala women barren.

    • 0

      Calm down..you are missing the point

  • 6

    This is the best news in Sri Lankan politics since the January 2015 CIA/Israel/India conspiracy that passed on power to a group of backbone less western ball-sucking pendas.
    This man has clearly proven his credentials to manage anything from a war to city beautification project, and the country needs him to pull out of the current morass.
    The foreigner fifth column will spread nasty rumours and abuse.
    But those will be like a salt parcel attached to a diyaballa’s back side.

    • 12

      T Devendra

      I Thank you for getting up in the morning and take trouble to type in this forum even at this age.

      ” This man has clearly proven his credentials to manage anything from a war to city beautification project, and the country needs him to pull out of the current morass.”

      Also best in the business being the National Hangman and cleaning up the the crime scenes large or small, ………………..

      “………………. and the country needs him to pull out of the current morass.”

      You need to pull your head from wherever it is now to see a complete picture.
      Wish you well, take care.

      • 5

        Native Veddah:
        Thanks for your succinct analysis. However, you MUST make allowances for Devendra’s significant credentials as a racist, anti-semite and general illiterate, not to mention his obvious senility.
        You might be interested to know that one of his clan has married a person with the last name “van der Poorten,” thereby really putting the fat in the fire!
        I look forward to his being able to tell us how this “contamination of blood” is going to be dealt with, particularly since there has been “issue” from the union!

  • 6

    Mr Pooton,
    Even you will agree that a man’s, especially a political leader’s worth is signified by the type of his opponents.
    In the case of Gota’s impending presidential candidacy, it appears that certain ‘types’ are trying to stick their necks out very hesitantly. The reasons are that they know the ‘white van’ slander of 2015 will not work again and secondly, his managerial skills shone against the dreary mud hole of Ranil and Co.
    So in your own words (and in your familiar manner) you are simply ‘breaking wind’ of legality against the unstoppable thunder of Gota in the coming elections.
    You might look for a muffler at least to relieve the pain on the household!

    • 1

      Stanley Nanayakkara:
      Do you really have to join the band of illiterates displaying their inability to communicate in basic English by trying to be “erudite” and witty. I would suggest a different career because you are not particularly successful at the one you seem to have chosen.

  • 8

    Emil, will MY3# appoint gota’s boy Shavendra today as the new army commander so he may hold sway during the elections? And what do you think of this: “Multiple sources in the Presidential Secretariat have told RepublicNext that the President’s daughter Chathurika Sirisena has been lobbying hard for Silva to be made Army Commander.” So we have Ishini at TT and CS at PH with their pet fantasies rocking and rolling.

  • 5

    Mr. Pooten: Sri lanka can not work as a reasonable country. Grooming of Srilanka for the Pivot to Asia program began even before the 1948 independence. You talk (at least write) very uninformed. do not go crazy on that.

  • 13

    Does legality matter at all?
    For Fundamentalists and Dictators legality NO matter at all. For ordinary citizens legality is a must and compulsory.
    Even though Ranil fully aware of all what the Rajapakse family did during (murder, robbery) their regime he is a coward or a part of that crimes.

  • 3

    I thought Dr Ranil told our Yahapala Parliament that Field Marshall Ponseka killed Lasantha.
    Looks like even Emil does not read the Hansard..

    Obtaining a passport by by forging the Papers is a non bailable offence in our Mahavamsa Law Book.
    You think Dr Ranuil’s Hyenas lead by Dentist Dr Rajitha, Son Cahthura, Kurundu Polu Samare, Hirunickers, and a whole host of others would let Nandasena get off ?..

    I heard Dr Ranil’s CID Shani had a go at the Army Chief, alleging the Army Chief is lying about the Easter Massacre..
    This is the same Shani who did nothing to save the 300 Innocent Catholics and lied about it.
    That is the state of our Yahapalana Law & Order.

    Also the AG has been put under pressure to herd Nandasean and a few others in the Pohottuwa to Dr Ranil’s new Xpress High Court on various allegations .

    May be Dr Ranil and his are waiting for his CID to to make a sudden arrest of Nandasena on Forgery Charges and put the Pohottuwa in total disarray.
    Which will create the ideal opportunity to declare his “Surprise” just like Dr Ranil did last time..

    But the problem for Dr Ranil supportng Elite like Emil will be how to rein in the Second Tier UNP Leader Keselwatta Kid, who is apparently well ahead of the pack in the Polls including even his old Uncle Karu?..

    Wonder whether Emil has any idea who Dr Ranil’s Surprise Candidate would be.although French Citizen Kirubharan has recommended Dr Ranil to nominate Field Marshalla Ponny…

    • 3

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “I thought Dr Ranil told our Yahapala Parliament that Field Marshall Ponseka killed Lasantha.”

      Ranil mistook Gota who was wearing a clown mask for Fonseka at the time of the shooting.

      “Obtaining a passport by by forging the Papers is a non bailable offence in our Mahavamsa Law Book.”

      Don’t be stupid, according to Mahawamsa the son is duty bound to kill his father, …………….. elephants are put to good use for crushing the head of the guilty one, ……………………

    • 1

      Thank you for that rambling “discourse.” However, please don’t judge others by your standards of sycophancy I don’t have to hide under a pseudonym because I have been the recipient of “favours” such from the rich and powerful as you have. Have you lined up a job for yourself when you return?

  • 6

    No it does not matter. Gota can have two passports or ten it makes no difference. He is the ONLY politician who delivered on his promises. He will win and transform Sri Lanka. If there are white vans that is a price worth paying. The UNP should know this, it was their white vans that killed off the JVP.

  • 7

    “Does Legality Matter At All?”
    Not to the Rajapakses!
    After all they have been Hanging Round the Rulers for Generations!

  • 2

    Fathima…. like your Saharans………… Wife is vomiting before the Magistrate? Any hiccups ?

  • 5

    why does not the civil society challenge him in the supreme court before it is too late
    if they file action he will have to come out with it before the trial begins

  • 6

    Does Legality Matter? Certainly, not for the grass eaters of Srilanka. All the Rajapakhas are liars, cheats and crooks.

  • 9

    If a doctor gets caught selling kidneys, no matter how good his or her skills are the doctor’s license will be revoked.
    But strangely the politicians get a reward for such actions in Sri Lanka.
    Looking at how some behave, they are still stuck in slavery. I only have pity for them.
    Many Srilankans wag their tails, when someone shows money and power, like a dog getting excited looking at a bone.
    Religious leaders of all kinds are mostly falling into this category.
    Clearly the whole country knows the illegal avenues they acquire the money, but religious leaders are constantly ignoring the fact.
    It’s fine if they were educating them to become better, but instead they greedily follow them for money and power.
    It’s time we got out of slavery and give meaning to independence.
    Let’s create a new era by standing tall together with the alternative camp.

    • 2

      Suranga Gunasekera

      “Let’s create a new era by standing tall together with the alternative camp.”

      while retaining chapter II of the constitution intact.

      • 0

        The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).
        The protection is there legally, but is that enough?
        Question is, are many of the Buddhists responsible for the low standards of people?
        Budhism gives you rich ideas but only a few practice it. Most have no clue about the religion.
        My advice to you is starting from today make Buddhism the way of your life

    • 2

      Thanks you have returned with your comments.
      The problem with average down there today is – they dont know how to use INTERNT for the benefit of the masses.
      I have no clue as one living in Europe for such a long time, I myself feel, media ethics does not seem to do their job properly.
      Why cant they introduce code of ethics for media TV channels (PVT ones) if head line capturing news items do mislead the nation continuously ?
      They should be subjected to a fine so that they would not repeat the kind of anti-public statements.

    • 0

      Suranga Gunesekera:
      When you say, “If a doctor gets caught selling kidneys, no matter how good his or her skills are the doctor’s license will be revoked.,” were you referring to the private hospital where there was allegedly a trade in kidneys ?

  • 3

    Our law is Christian so is our education system. There’s nothing Sinhala Buddhist about this country anymore. After 1815 we are effectively a Christian country.

    • 6

      Andare 2.0

      Size does not matter whether it is 2.0 or 7.0.
      Do you exactly know what you are typing about?
      My heart pains when I read your stupid typings.

  • 5

    In a country where the average IQ is 79, anything goes.
    The politicians can only such childish games with duds.
    We must be the stupidest people on earth.

    • 1

      “We must be the stupidest people on earth.” That is mostly correct, but please exclude the minorities from this generalization!

  • 1

    There are a lot of political dancing here and there. Commentators of web newspapers comment. Other folks would demonstrate. What worries me is GR saying that he acted beyond convention to achieve an objective (“Sammathayen Eha”) The real question is what exactly does that mean. Does it mean “Damn the law. Roundup the undesirable. Finish them. Then the country is free from criminals”. Would it be another Duterte of the Philippines or the tyre pyres during the Premadasa regime of Sri Lanka? Although Sajith has no record of violence up to now, there is no guarantee as to whether he would not quite follow his father’s footsteps. In reality both the sides pose a threat to the human rights record of Sri Lanka.

  • 4

    Emil the rumor is GR is soon on his way to US soon , to try “fixing the problem” at the other end. This wont be that easy as in Lanka , where he could forge a passport and NIC within 24 hours. The question which passport will he produce at the US immigration. The US passport will get free access into country. The forged Lankan passport will get him a free ride to the nearest detention center (I hear Trump is very tough on illegal immigrants, still RW may make that life saving phone call. RW has now become the savior of Rajapaksas family ). If so he may have to also get a visa, which will be a problem when he has multiple criminal charges filed against him.Bottom line, the whole story on “giving up citizenship” is a F – – – – – G lie. Another shit out of Rajapaksas play book.

  • 0

    Yellow paper journalism was one-time popular in Tamil Nadu that ended up in the imprisonment of MKT ad NSK Thank god the Privy council freed them The two popular actors became poor But in Sri Lanka judiciary contains political virus That is why Lasantha and Thshudeen cases are delayed for many tears Is DBS os running an Inthunesn or Thhepori paper

  • 1

    When Mathri-Ranil combo was elected every one expected the Law and Order situ in SL to improve. Unfortunately it has not been the case. Its this duo who have taken turns in protecting the rapists, murderers, drug lords, paga kings and bookie kings. Above all the duo brought in “Pinata Seat” guys back into the Parliament, those who were kicked out by the voters. These “Pinata Seat” guys are the ones today making all the noise wanting to dictate who should lead the country tomorrow. What does all these actions show. It shows Sri Lankan politicians are the BIGGEST CROOKS ON EARTH. Its sad to see the statements of the Cardinal, Mahanayakes, Moulavis and Politicians who take turns in stirring communal disharmony. We are not mature enough, or strong enough to come out of this rut hole. Those who oppose foreign involvement in the country want foreign loans, take citizenship in those foreign countries, leave their families safely in those countries, and some of them who hold superior posts only because they were agents of a foreign body (like the Cardinal who is appointed by a Foreign Pope to lead Catholics). They display their own duality.

  • 1

    Anti-Rajapakse stance of ‘Koti Diaspora’ is understandable. From 3rd Century BC, ‘Para Demalu’ from Hindusthan tried their best to colonize Sinhale but our valiant Sinhala Kings and Army defeated them. During colonial rule ‘Para Demalu’ got scared of ‘Gun Power’ of colonial parasites and did not invade. After British left Sinhale, the descendants of slaves brought to this country illegally by colonial rulers wanted to try what their ancestor did and launched a campaign to terrorize Sinhalayo and calve out a part of the country as a separate State. Demala terrorists carried out a policy of destruction by killing and maiming thousands of innocent people, including Buddhist Clergy, Senior Politicians, detonating bombs indiscriminately and even mercilessly slaughtering infants and young children. But their attempt was foiled by Rajapakses. So obviously the ‘Koti Diaspora’ has a grudge against Rajapakses. But ordinary Demala people want Rajapakses to return and give them peace and security so that they can lead a normal life.

  • 1

    “The question is which passport will he produce at the US immigration.”

    When making the application to renounce his US citizenship he would have been required to surrender his US passport. You can’t have your cake and eat it too!

  • 1

    “Does Legality Matter At All?”

    Politicians are the beholders of law. They decide. Now it is time of heat. They try to select the best combinations to breed for next 5 years. The second level businessmen too take part in the auction for their balance sheet for next 5 years. Poor citizens looks at the idiots faces and their utterances not understanding that they are being taken for a ride. Pathetic.

  • 1

    EVDP…..writing in all kinds of allegories, analogies, and metaphors cannot take the place of good intellectual thought. What is needed is logical and rational analysis.

    • 2

      ramona therese fernando;
      Are you suggesting that YOU are capable of the specified commodities?!!!!!

    • 1

      Ah Yes, good intellectual thought . . .yum yum yum. Is it too much to ask the fragrant Ramona Theresa Fernando to give us that; well leavened with superior logic and rational analysis?

  • 2

    Gota has ONLY been named as the SLPP candidate. But he is still NOT the candidate until Nominations are called by the EC and he files his Nomination.

    One need not be a lawyer to understand that mere naming a dual citizen as a Presidential Candidate is NOT a breach of the Constitution but it WILL BE if that person submits his Nomination while being a dual citizen when Nominations are called in a few months’ time.

    Isn’t it possible that Gota can strike a Deal with the US Authorities BEFORE the Nomination Date, to get his US citizenship Revoked so that there is nothing Unconstitutional about his candidacy? Of course, Uncle Sam will demand much more than the Proverbial pound of flesh and there lies the danger of Sri Lanka becoming the next Diego Garcia. That is what we Lankans must Worry about in a Big Way..

    • 0


      You don’t need to worry about it. Ranil has already set the foundations of next Diego Garcia through ACSA and SOFA.

      • 1


        It was Gota the National Hangman who first signed SOFA in 2007.
        What was he thinking as an American?

  • 0

    Emil van der Poorten’s question {“Does Legality Matter At All?”}
    The simple answer: Not if “Legality” is tinged with political exigencies.
    For example: Only politician of note Mangala and journalist Vishwamitra called to the 26 October 2018 incident a coup d’état. CT was the only media to say so, albeit once only. Based on political considerations it was a “Constitutional Crisis”.
    Right now Gnanasara Thera is known to have organised violence against Lankan Muslims. He is acclaimed a “Heroic Angel” by all and sundry. Is he?

  • 0

    This article is very good reference for the Rapporteur recently came to study about Sri Lanka’s Justice. Govt can expect Something written in this article in the March 2019 UNHCR report. UNHCR people come and they write report mostly from CT news blog like places.
    I am pretty sure, govt changed certain people in the Ministry of LAW and order, Judiciary, Police and probably SL-Lawyers too. ?I thin Rapporteur is looking for information. How about information sent via wires because of digitization. Malware can gather information and send to the software manufacturer.

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