It is with perplexity and disappointment we state our protest at the way Ms. Swasthika Arulingam, Attorney at law, was recently turned away from a lecture she was scheduled to deliver at the University of Jaffna. Ms. Arulingam, a human rights lawyer has championed the cause of justice in a wide array of cases and has stood by so many who had been denied justice: she has fought for the independence of the judiciary and for justice for all people; she has stood against state repression and has stood by women, minorities and other marginalised persons.

Swasthika Arulingam
At a recent event in Colombo, Ms. Arulingam had, among many other pronouncements on the cause of justice and repressive laws, characterised the LTTE as a fascist organisation. This one remark, an aside in her speech at this unrelated event, had earned the ire of the student union of Jaffna University.
Subsequently, when the Department of Law, University of Jaffna had invited her to deliver a lecture ironically on judicial independence in a time of crisis, on the 31st of October, 2023, certain sections of the student population, including the Student Union, had railed against the conduct of the event. They had forced the Dean and University authorities to cancel the lecture, with threats of gheraos and barricades, barring her entry into and exit from the venue. The University authorities had caved into this pressure, and had suggested a change of venue, outside the university, which Ms. Arulingam had quite rightly said no to.
Violence in our universities needs to be checked and countered with greater openness and discussion. Universities are places for the exchange of ideas. They are considered the crucibles of new ideas and change. Developments such as these further undermine the history of the university as a space of freedom, a space where one can dissent without fear of retribution, essential for the flourishing of criticality. There is no place for violence and acts of intimidation in our universities. To condone censorship in such a space is a violation of this spirit. It severely compromises the substantive mandate of the university. There is, in addition, a subtle rhetoric around Ms. Arulingam’s being an ‘outsider’ who was invited ‘in’ for a talk, who therefore should have abided by the tacit rules in place. We find this attitude objectionable, because we should not subscribe to the gatekeeping of ideas nor any form of insularity in our thinking. On the contrary, universities should facilitate the open exchange of ideas, in and across the many spheres of our civil and political lives.
It is ironic that the incident takes place at a time when university students themselves are facing severe repression from dominant state forces. In such a context, it is all the more disheartening to see that students, particularly student unions who have a certain amount of political clout and power within university spaces, engage in willful suppression of views opposed to theirs. This attitude is visible in ragging as well as in other instances of dissent, such as in this case. The fact that student politics increasingly mirror that on the national level, in spirit and in strategy, signals a dangerous trend of intolerance coming to define life at all levels of society. In this extremely trying time of a severe economic crisis, repressive laws that undo protection for the ordinary people, and a resurgence of majoritarian chauvinism in many areas of policy and populist appeal, the space for independent thinking needs to be kept alive and fought for with vigour.
The incident at Jaffna University is a wake-up call to all of us in the university system, to jealously guard the space for independent thinking and push this ethic to the utmost. We therefore call on all in the university system – academics, students, administrators – to urgently commit to ensuring that the university remains a space of freedom, criticality, and mutual respect. We call on the University of Jaffna and all other state universities to cherish and promote these principles. In this spirit, we call on the Department of Law, University of Jaffna to re-invite Ms. Arulingam to deliver her lecture, in an affirmation of the values of freedom of expression and respect for different viewpoints that she has consistently fought for.
- Udari Abeyasinghe, University of Peradeniya
- Ranil Abayasekara, formerly University of Peradeniya
- Liyanage Amarakeerthi, University of Peradeniya
- Dewmini Amunugama, University of Peradeniya
- Fazeeha Azmi, M. I.,University of Peradeniya
- Crystal Baines, formerly University of Colombo
- Imani Bakmeedeniya,University of Peradeniya
- Dhanuka Bandara,University of Peradeniya
- Shyama Banneheka,University of Peradeniya
- Ann Conrad, University of Peradeniya
- Suresh de Mel, University of Peradeniya
- Erandika de Silva, formerly University of Jaffna
- Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri, University of Colombo
- Kanchuka Dharmasiri, University of Peradeniya
- Priyan Dias, University of Moratuwa
- Pavithra Ekanayake, University of Peradeniya
- Avanka Fernando, University of Colombo
- Amna Frouz, University of Peradeniya
- G D U P K Gamage, University of Peradeniya
- Ruwani Gamalath, University of Peradeniya
- Dileni Gunewardena, University of Peradeniya
- Farzana Haniffa, University of Colombo
- S. T. Hettige, Emeritus Professor, University of Colombo
- Tracy Holsinger, formerly Open University of Sri Lanka.
- Ishafa Illiyas, University of Peradeniya
- Kaushalya Jayasinghe, University of Peradeniya
- Prabath Jayasinghe, University of Colombo
- Jennifer Edama, University of Peradeniya
- Jeyaratnam Jeyadevan, University of Jaffna
- Ahilan Kadirgamar, University of Jaffna
- Maduranga Kalugampitiya, University of Peradeniya
- Madhara Karunarathne, University of Peradeniya
- Chulani Kodikara, formerly University of Colombo, Visiting Lecturer
- Manikya Kodithuwakku, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Yasas Kulasekara, University of Peradeniya
- Supoorna Kulatunga, University of Peradeniya
- N. Savitri Kumar, Emeritus Professor, University of Peradeniya
- Shamala Kumar, University of Peradeniya
- Vijaya Kumar Emeritus Professor, University of Peradeniya
- Rohan Laksiri, University of Ruhuna
- A. H. Lareena, Sabaragamuwa University
- Hasini Lecamwasam, University of Peradeniya
- Saumya Liyanage, University of Visual and Performing Arts, Colombo
- K.W.S.I.Madumali, University of Peradeniya
- Lahiruka Madhuwanthi, University of Peradeniya
- Sudesh Mantillake,University of Peradeniya
- Prabha Manuratne, University of Kelaniya
- Sitralega Maunaguru, formerly Professor at Eastern University Sri Lanka
- Dushyanthi Mendis, University of Colombo
- R. Morel, University of Peradeniya
- Kethakie Nagahawatte, University of Colombo
- M. A. Nuhman,Retired Professor, University of Peradeniya
- Gananath Obeyesekere, formerly University of Peradeniya
- Ranjini Obeyesekere, formerly University of Peradeniya
- Buddhima Padmasiri, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Sasinindu Patabendige, formerly University of Jaffna
- Hasitha Pathirana, University of Kelaniya
- Pradeep Peiris, University of Colombo
- Ruhanie Perera, University of Colombo
- Hasitha Perera, University of Jaffna
- Kaushalya Perera, University of Colombo
- Nicola Perera, University of Colombo
- Sasanka Perera, Formerly Professor, University of Colombo
- Rupika Rajakaruna, University of Peradeniya
- Udara Rajapaksha, ,University of Peradeniya
- Dileeshiya Rajarathna,University of Peradeniya
- Muthumini Rajasooriya,University of Peradeniya
- Harshana Rambukwella, formerly Open University of Sri Lanka
- Udayana Ranatunga, University of Peradeniya
- Madushani Randeniya,University of Peradeniya
- Bhathiya Rathnayake, University of Peradeniya
- Sajitha Ratnayake, University of Peradeniya
- Gameela Samarasinghe, University of Colombo
- T. Sanathanan, University of Jaffna
- Muttukrishna Sarvananthan, University of Jaffna
- Dr Asanka P. Sayakkara, University of Colombo
- Kalana Senaratne, Dept. of Law, University of Peradeniya
- Hiniduma Sunil Senevi, Sabaragamuwa University
- Poornima Senaweera, University of Peradeniya
- Tudor Silva, Emeritus Professor, University of Peradeniya
- Krishan Siriwardhana, University of Colombo
- Sahani Situbandara, University of Peradeniya
- H. Sriyananda, formerly Open University of Sri Lanka
- Sivamohan Sumathy, University of Peradeniya
- Ruth Surenthiraraj, University of Colombo
- Esther Surenthiraraj, University of Colombo
- Vasanthi Thevansan, Emeritus Professor, University of Peradeniya
- Dayapala Thiranagama, formerly University of Kelaniya
- Mahendran Thiruvarangan, University of Jaffna
- Ramila Usoof, University of Peradeniya
- Jayadeva Uyangoda, Emeritus Professor University of Colombo
- Vivimarie VanderPoorten, Open University of Sri Lanka
- Selvaraj Vishvika,University of Peradeniya
- Chamini Weerasinghe, University of Peradeniya
- Ruvan Weerasinghe, University of Colombo
- Carmen Wickramagamage,University of Peradeniya
- Kumudu Wickramathilaka, University of Peradeniya
- Ranjit Wijekoon, formerly University of Peradeniya
- Shalini Wijerathna, University of Peradeniya
- Shermal Wijewardene, University of Colombo
Mallaiyuran / November 19, 2023
What kind of opposition TamilWin has generated against those arrests took place in the East, but so actively setting up the Jaffna University Students to deny the freedom of speech for a Colombo woman in Jaffna? Is it the TamilWin’s position that Jaffna boys and MPs should not go and protest in Batti and in the same way it doesn’t want a Colombo woman to go to Jaffna and protest against the government? We asked last time what kind of protest can stop Anuratha and Cesspool mouthed Monk going to Bati to disturb the peace over there? Where is the answer for that?
TamilWin’s strategy seems to set in the wrong direction instead of providing an internationally acceptable strategy to internationalize the Tamils Issue. The title Puli Neeka Arasiyal itself is a title not explainable or expandable to TamilWin. The 2) video keeps repeating “Puli Neeka Arasiyal, Puli Neeka Arasiyal” just to sensationalize its opportunistic journalism. It is not sure after the end of the 15 years of Freedom War what the TamilWin claimed as Puli Neeka Arasiyal. The University boys are taken into this group of opponents of Puli Neeka Arasiyal by TamilWin only for the benefit of TGTE leadership and TamilWin.
Mallaiyuran / November 19, 2023
There is no Puli Neeka Arasiyal in the West as TGTE prime minister claimed in the Video. 3) Langkang proscribed TGTE PM with UN resolution 1373 as LTTE member, but the US has accepted him to live there. Isn’t that in the opposite direction of what TGTE is explaining in its Puli Neeka Araisyal of the West? ? What a generous act of the US!
It is not sure if this campaign is organized and fought against the Puli Neeka Arasial group or its Tamilwin is creating a mirage, hoping its flow as a mighty river in reality. Will, one day this so-called group “Opponents of Puli Neeka Arasiyal” become a massive organization and will have the Tamils liberated from the powerful Sinhala Buddhist Government which remains a nightmare for the powerful super power and international organization. I don’t know who this Lady lawyer is, but no country in the world gave her a penny on the topic of Puli Neeka Arasiyal. These Modayas don’t understand that she is communist. Western government won’t accept her as a partner. They may accept Anura as their friend, because he can do things, if he wants. That is completely out of the scope of this comment.
Mallaiyuran / November 19, 2023
No Western government paid even a penny to Ms. Arulingam. These guys are framing Puli Neeka Arasiyal as a West story because they know that if they associate the story with the LTTE, that sells well. This is a sin they are doing against so many thousands of people who sacrificed themselves for their dream land.
Nathan / November 20, 2023
Why should I jump in at this late stage, you may wonder.
There is something missing … … .
A university is just not for academic pursuits. It has to promote stimulating the mind.
It will be the responsibility of the Campus security to ensure that things don’t get out of hand; not that of the Dons.
Nathan / November 20, 2023
Regret: My comment was made in haste. Please disregard.
SJ / November 20, 2023
“Why should I jump in at this late stage, you may wonder.”
“Regret: My comment was made in haste. Please disregard.”
Now you should wonder!
Singar A. Velan / November 21, 2023
Isn’t it surprising there are so many responses to this item. All we need to recognize about Swas’ comment is that it was correct. An organization that murdered so many of the very people it claimed to represent is indeed a fascist one. End of.
Rohan25 / November 21, 2023
Yes, and we also need to recognize that a government and armed forces that are supposed to represent the entire nation irrespective of ethnicity, language spoken and religion, marginalizing, discriminating, committing war crimes, structural genocide and deliberately killing hundreds of thousands of a certain section in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism is also fascist and terrorist. If the LTTE that was only responsible for around 5% of the killings was fascist and terrorist, then what is the Sri Lankan state and armed forces? You cannot be very selective in your criticism. She criticized one which committed far less crimes but ignored the state sponsored terrorism and war crimes committed on the island’s Tamils and still being committed. End of
Singar A. Velan / November 22, 2023
R25: I don’t buy that. Making an accurate comment about the Tigers doesn’t have to come with another of the SL state all the time. Elsewhere she has been sharply, and courageously, critical of SL state. The important thing here is not her views, but the poor knowledge Jaffna University students have of their own history. Would they have heard of the poet Chelvi, student Vijitharan or lecturer Rajini? I think that university needs better teachers to educate the ignorant kids.
Mahila / November 21, 2023
“Who CALLS THEIR KID THAT NAME? After how the Nazis used that symbol, it is BLATANTLY IMMORAL TO HAVE THAT NAME”
Historically, go back to Sanskrit, 4th century BCE, instead of 19th century European usage!!!??? Recent common usage is 20th century CE – adverting to sign usage by warring Fuhrer of Germany, Adolf Hitler!!??
Hindu usage predates Fascism and Hitler who was undoubtedly a Grand Opportunist who used an old/ancient Hindu/Jain and Sanskrit sign!!! So did our recent Messiah and nationalist redeemer!!