By N.M. Rishard –
The demonstration that was staged by Hindu teachers of Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College in Trincomalee recently against Muslim teachers who work in the same school, urged me to write these paragraphs. First of all I emphasis that the violators of educational rules and regulations should be punished whoever it is without any discrimination and partiality. The law is for all and every citizens of this nation is equal in front of the court.
According to the sources, the principle of the college constantly requested Muslim teachers to remove their attire (Hijab and Habaya) and wear Saree which is the formal dress code of Hindu teachers. Some argue that the husbands of Muslim teachers came to the school and threatened the principal even though the Muslims refused this accusation. Their argument is that they came to the school in order to discuss on the instructions given already to Muslim teachers by the principal. This issue was erupted with a demonstration carried out by the Hindu teachers, in which they demanded to protect their Hindu culture. Finally, the temporary decision was achieved announcing that the Muslim teachers are transferred to some other schools.
The instruction as well as compulsion of Hindu teachers and the head of the school contradict with Sri Lanka’s constitution and the reality at the same time. Chapter three of the constitution provides enough guarantee to each and every citizens as follow:
10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
(1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law.
(2) No citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, language, caste, sex, political opinion, place of birth or any such grounds:
Looking at the schools and its teacher panel all over the island provides us that the instruction given to the Muslim teachers in Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College is unethical and unlawful. On the one hand, we have number of schools that possess common names where students from different ethnicities pursue their study. Not only students, but also teachers, administrators and workers either minor or major with owning different religions and backgrounds contribute to the enhancement of the school. On the other hand, some schools are named as “Sinhalese college”, “Hindu College” and “Muslim college”, in which students and teachers from other ethnic groups are allowed to study or work without imposing any particular rules. All of them are given freedom in attire to follow their respective religious and cultural traditions. For instance, Hindu teachers are not compelled or even requested to wear the way Muslim teachers do in Muslim schools. In Sinhala schools, Muslim and Hindu teachers are allowed to follow what they wish. This is what we have been following for decades.
There were some exceptional cases that occurred in the history. For instance, in 2014 two students from grade 7 of Janadipathi Balika Vidyalaya, Nawala, were ordered to kneel down and worship the principal of the school after they on the advice of their parents attended school in the Panjabi attire. This order contradicts with the circular issued by the Ministry of Education in 1980 instructing all zonal directors that the Muslim girls should be permitted to enter the school with their traditional Punjabi attire which comprises a white frock, a shawl and a trouser.
Another transparent example was that, a group of 11 Muslim parents lodged a complaint at the former Western Province Governor Alawi Mawlana’s office claiming that their children were discriminated and harassed in their schools. They requested the Governor to intervene and inform the principals to allow the Muslim girls to go to their schools with their traditional attire in accordance with the circular of the Supreme Court.
What is dress code in Islam all about? Is it a religious practice or cultural? Providing a clear and adequate answer for these questions from the Islamic references is the only way to eliminate the prevailing misunderstandings. By reading all the Quranic verses and prophetic traditions that related to the dress code of Muslim women, we are able to come to a conclusion that there are few immutable and unchangeable laws in Islam while a greater space is given to the human being to make changes according to the prevailing context and culture. One of the main immutable laws that is imposed on every Muslim women where ever she lives, is she should conceal the entire body except the face and the hands. This instruction is not cultural, rather it is a religious order. The Arabic word “Hijab” means covering. Hijab not a particular design as understood by many. But, Muslim women have the total freedom to choose the colour, design and pattern of their dress according to the changing context. I don’t want to explain the whole discussions related to this topic here.
Objective of the dress code is also quite essential. The ultimate purpose is to protect the society as a whole and promote modest dressing and behavior. It creates a barrier between the sexes and allows us to conduct our lives with modesty, dignity and respect.
It is worth note that there is a deep and lengthy discussion on dress code of Muslim women within the Muslim society is being hold by its intellectuals. In particular, traditionalists and reformists have their own arguments. I’m quite sure that these discussions will furnish the topic and it will have a positive impact on the collective phycology of the society. Additionally, it should be highlighted that imposing or compelling from outside the community is very much different than having critical discussions within the society and evolving itself for a bright future.
*N.M. Rishard – MPhil Student – Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Sheriff / May 1, 2018
In Malaysia a predominantly Moslem nation the women where colored hijab to cover the head and that’s nice and good hygiene as well. Countries like Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq and Syria, Lebanon all moslem countries and they wear hijab just the head cover. Don’t try to make our moslem brothers and sisters fanatics this is a Buddhist country and we do not advocate any funny dress for people just cut the crap and let the moslem ladies dress well with colored head cover hijab. Any black,all covered dress burka should be banned in Sri Lanka
mohomad / May 2, 2018
Rotten donkey you had not visited Malaysia. They wear full covered hijab not coloured but black too. What are you driving here.
Al-faqurlah / May 3, 2018
Mohomad the stupid swine, I was in Malaysia last month. Except for a few fanatics, the rest of the women were wearing their traditional dress. Malays have their own dress and are proud about it, and they do not need to copy stupid Arabic dress. It is now conclusively proved that Muslims in Ari Lanka are low caste converts of South India and Sri Lanka. It is time they stopped imitating Arab donkeys and follow the glorious traditions and superior customs of Sinhalese, in dress and behaviour.
mohomad / May 3, 2018
Al-faqurlah the stupid swine so you too had not been to Malaysia so tell me which area of Malysia you had been. Although they wear hijab they have modernized it so you swine cannot notice. In the first place if swine roam in the street, they will be immediately killed and burned unless a kafir hide it. So you are belonging to Australoid lot so the same things you are writing. You cousin Australoid swine will be very happy. Yes we will be happy to follow those glorious traditions and superior customs of Sinhalese in dress and behavior but your behavior itself is of vulgar swine.
Vipula / May 3, 2018
Where ever muslims are,no peace could be expected in that society.When you are in Rome do as Romans do.Dont fuck up the system and creat issues.I heard in Kandy area a Muslim school administration had forced non muslim teachers to come to school in muslim attire.Islam really a headache to the entire world.
Amila W / May 2, 2018
Sheriff – what color your girls wear? If your wives, mother or sisters wear any particular colored like you suggest above, can you also please share the best color of under-garment, especially the panties to wear as it will also be very helpful for rest of our sisters since some colors are see-through against other?
Mallaiyuran / May 1, 2018
Yahapalanaya has been using many techniques to crush and stop Tamils appealing to UNHRC for their Justice and solution. They proposed many different things at UNHRC and last time, they even threatened to quit UNHRC, if that International Body attempts to overrule them. It is difficult not to believe the foxes and donkeys in Kotte didn’t have a hand on this
It looks like Appe Aanduwa using Muslim Ministers and paid coolies to create a problem like this. Without any connection to this issue Hakeem, Rishard, Abdur Rahman…. many other politicians got into this and made this Tamil-Muslim issue. The crook minister without sending his letter by mail to Sampanthar, he issued a letter to Sampanthar in public media. That is how these Appe Aanduwa ministers pulling Tamil politicians also into this. There was never a problem like this. This problem appears to be created and floated by Yahapalanaya to force Tamils to withdraw from UNHRC.
It is not sure how this author connects him into a Lankawe school problem. How many foreign students have got into this? This guy appears another paid coolie. Like in the most cases it is not sure how did he get into his school? Appe Aanduwa paying for that?
mohomad / May 2, 2018
I think you Mallaiyuran would become a good novelist if you take up that profession. You are very good at dreaming and fabricating stories the way you want. They have islamophobic problems with Muslims too and you Tamils have joined the band wagon. What Lanka school problem has to do with UNHCR? You too is a paid coolie and that is confirmed by seeing you poking your stinking mouth on every articles written by a Muslim or in support of Muslim. We know what we are doing and you concentrate on affairs of your people.
Mallaiyuran / May 2, 2018
What Lanka school problem has to do with UNHCR?
Don’t ask me; Nobody ever paid me to go to UNHRC. Ask Hakeem why he gos to UNHRC and whom accompany him, and please, get the statements he released or speeches he made at UNHRC and bring it to CT. ?(Rishard too)
mohomad / May 3, 2018
That was may be regarding the riots, long before Trincomale school problems. Was it in your dream you saw them mentioning Trincomale school problems.
Marwan / May 1, 2018
The Wisdom in the Islamic Dress Code
There is great wisdom in the Islamic dress code. In order to see and understand it clearly one must remember a few basic concepts. First and foremost, that Islam was revealed for all people in all places, at all times. Thus what is in or out of fashion is not relevant. Secondly, Islam is a holistic religion concerned with humankind’s physical, spiritual and emotional health, and not just for each individual but for the community or society as a whole. This involves respect; for Allah, for each other and for oneself.
Thirdly, a dress code is required for both men and women, Islam does not put the responsibility entirely on one gender, and in fact the verses referring to men were revealed first. However both men and women are commanded to lower their gaze and protect their modesty; and both men and women are expected to create a healthy social environment with constructive morals, manners and values.
The term hijab, is more than a scarf and more than a dress code. It is a term that denotes modest dressing and modest behavior. For instance, if a Muslim woman was correctly covered but at the same time using bad language, she would not be fulfilling the requirements of hijab. If a Muslim man was covered from the navel to the knee but walking around in public calling attention to himself or behaving rudely he would also not be behaving in an appropriate manner.
Al-faqurlah / May 2, 2018
“There is great wisdom in the Islamic dress code” – What a stupid statement coming from this Islamic infidel. Islamic dress is an insult to Human dignity making women to behave like idiots. Islam is yet another religion and there is no need to glorify it. How can Allah be the creator when he told Mohamed that world is flat, which erodes into the credibility of the religion. Learn to respect other religions and their practices.
Mohamed / May 2, 2018
I told you, and telling you: how boorish is your low IQ father fellow not to have wiped on his sarong or use a condom? We’re suffering with another bed bug here. Anyway your hundreds of lines comment is not going to change the country – Don’t waste your time, go concentrate what you know better please
Al-faqurlah / May 3, 2018
When the original Mohamed was a stupid fellow all following with the mane of Mohamed appear to be idiotic. My father wiped on his sarong and sold the sarong to a Muslim woman who used it to make abhaya and covered her body.
mohomad / May 2, 2018
Look at this swine Al-faqurlah writing line here copied from anti-Islamic western media. I don’t want to give explanations to this but whatever Allah revealed is for his followers not idols or dead people worshiping donkeys like you. Tell me what your idols god or dead human god tell you about earth? Now who is respecting other religions here, aren’t they Muslim who don’t preach hate on other religion like you racist Buddhist and Hindus do here about our religion.
Al-faqurlah / May 3, 2018
Another idiotic Mohamed just like the original stupid Mohamed. “Muslim who don’t preach hate on other religion” – What an idiotic donkey you are. Any one who believes in Koran is subscribing to hatred as Koran preaches hatred. Koran promotes hate by saying that those who do not believe in Koran are infidels and it incites violence telling the followers to kill non believers and to destroy their places of worship. You third grade swine, how dare you accuse Buddhism and Hinduism in a false manner where there is no hate words in them. It will not be far when Buddhists and Hindus get together and give the works to Islamic infidels.
mohomad / May 3, 2018
Al-faqurlah swine I know from whose head your writing comes and what they expecting in return but I must tell you third rate swine that what you are telling about Quran is what anti-Islamic western media publish. You tree climbing rascals having no head to filter off the lies just copying them. I am not accusing Buddhism but you donkey who worship the idol of dead Buddhah. In fact he never said anyone to worship him. If you are a Hindu who follows a pagan religion with hundred of idols as their gods and had not left out even penis, vagina, monkey, cobra etc. I feel very sorry. Only the first original Veda can be taken as religious explanation. So Buddhist and Hindus will get together and give the works. Is it religious work or looting and burning. Religious works mean I will be very happy to learn. You are including both followers to incite here. I am not a third rate swine to believe that.
Tony Montana / May 3, 2018
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Marwan / May 3, 2018
Your last statement ‘Learn to respect other religions and their practices.’ If only you could put into practice what you preach, this world will be a better place.
Marwan / May 1, 2018
Women who wear hijab point out many benefits to be gained from adhering to the Islamic dress code. Some describe wearing hijab as being “set free” from society’s unrealistic expectations. They are no longer thought of as sexual objects, but are desired for their intellect. They are no longer valued for their looks or body shape but for their personality and character. Women wearing hijab report that it minimises sexual harassment in the workplace.
Many women report that people (both Muslims and non Muslims) are more inclined to show good manners towards a woman in a scarf. Men open doors, give up seats on public transport, apologise for bad language, and offer to carry groceries and many other small kindnesses that were once a normal part of life in most western communities.
Jim softy / May 1, 2018
MArwan: Get muslims women to right their views. Here you explain what muslim women say or what you think that woman shold say. We don’t care about how your women behaves. We are talking about that muslims do not have rights to ask hindus t behave in your way in aHindu school. YOu people trying to covert the school Islmic practices.
Ralli Ameen / May 5, 2018
So you Jim softy donkey, likewise Hindu teachers do not have any rights to tell Muslim women not to wear what they want.
Al-faqurlah / May 2, 2018
Marwan the idiotic Islamic infidel, if you think that wearing of the Islamic dress gives Muslim women a sense of security and respect, then you should be locked up in a mental asylum. Are Muslim women prepared to suspend legal provisions and allow non-Muslim women to sexually assault them. Jump into the sea you stupid fellow.
Ralli Ameen / May 2, 2018
al-faqurlah the idiotic Buddhist/Hindu or Chriatian infidel what shit you are writing here? What do you meant by writing, “Are Muslim women prepared to suspend legal provisions and allow non-Muslim women to sexually assault them”. Brain deranged donkey.
Al-faqurlah / May 3, 2018
Ralli bin Balli why are you afraid of the truth. At least I have a brain to be deranged, but you are a donkey without any brain. Ask Sinhalese what they will do to these Abhaya and burka clad Muslim women, if there is no law to prevent rape. You know what happened in Trincomalee where a brave Hindu woman stood up against this Islamic terror. Buddhists and Christians are praising her for her boldness single handed to show these Islamic idiots and their back peddlers where to get off.
Ralli Ameen / May 3, 2018
Al-faqurlah hole lender, donkeys have brain like the deranged one like yours so you know I am not a donkey. Sinhales are doing that not even allowing 80 years old one. They would have been safe if in Abaya. If there is no law to prevent rape I pray god for the protection of Sinhalese girls from their males.
nagavitharana / May 1, 2018
why are non muslims compelled to wear Abaaya in Saudi Arabia??? Rishard can u explain
Rimz / May 1, 2018
Soudi is not the country of non muslims that means, non Muslims are not citizen of Saudi. If you dont like Abaya and Muslims why do you want to go there? For money?
Al-faqurlah / May 2, 2018
Rimz the stupid Islamic infidel, Sri Lanka is not the country of Muslims. Arabs came to Sri Lanka for money. Why Muslims want to go to western countries. Is that not for money. If Muslim countries are colonised by non-Muslims all problems will come to an end. At the rate Muslims are killing each other, very soon this will be a reality..
Mohamed / May 2, 2018
OK, now get your lunch packet and go away bro, before I start to curse again your low IQ dad :-) Ha..ha
Rimz / May 2, 2018
Al-faqurlah :
Sri Lanka is not only for Muslims but also for Buddhist Hindus and Christians.
Arabs did not come for money, they came for trading (Buying and selling) but now we are going to Arab countries only for the reason of earning.
when the Arabs arrived here, the Sinhalese / Buddhist welcomed them and respected them. do you call your self as the descent of that old Sinhalese?
Muslims are going to western countries not only for earning but also for living in a harmony because western people didn’t protest against abaya as it is not harmful to anyone at all. in case if they ban wearing according to Islamic right, our Muslims definitely wont think about going there.
Real Revolutionist / May 2, 2018
Rimz, Al-faqurlah
“Sri Lanka is not only for Muslims but also for Buddhists, Hindus & Christians”
As a matter of fact
In the same way all the countries except Saudi & some ME countries are shared by many; original inhabitants + lately arrived because of the humanity of original inhabitants.
It’s a proof that Saudis are not human beings. They’re far below human standard. but others humanity still tolerant to their attitudes.
However it’s happy to mention that there’s positive development taking place there & hope Saudi too will become a country for many.
The problem we have today is that the Muslims who used to be decent & friendly in the past have become indecent & unfriendly so unfriendly treatments are possible (it’s Muslim’s fault)
You said “abaya is not harmful”.
That’s wrong, it’s harmful to our sight because the so called Muslim women are descendant of our Sinhala/ Tamil sisters you were allowed to marry so we’re concerned about them even though they’ve been brainwashed to appear against us.
It’s visible that Muslims still find harmony in the west but the tolerance will not last long unless they change primitive attitudes.
There’s nothing called Muslim rights or Islamic rights.
There’s human rights only.
Ralli Ameen / May 5, 2018
Real Revolutionist
“Muslims who used to be decent & friendly in the past have become indecent & unfriendly”, prove this statement of your. Just give in detail how unfriendly they are now. Of course abaya is not harmful not harmful to anybody. Any decent dress is not harmful to anybody except those thigh, hips, bobs showing dresses. Don’t you see the rapes taking place now, worst affected are those white tourist with scanty dresses. Have you got a brain or belonging to modaya class.
Real Revolutionist / May 5, 2018
Ralli Ameen
The way you understand decency is silly.
Indecent dressing is appearing naked or excessively fancy way of dressing or unnatural way for a person to dress.
Abaya is excessively fancy & very unnatural way of dressing as it covers almost all the body, Nobody can wear it unless there’s external pressure or heavy brain washing so it’s very unkind dress upon anybody whether men or women.
It’s anti-social too; in an environment where other women appear fashionably; abaya is far from fashionable though Muslim men try to stress it as fashion.
Other thing is, why do you want only women to wear abaya? Why don’t the men wear it?
If men too go here & there in abaya we can consider to give some sort of justice.
Your vulgar mind & lowness is reflected when you say exposing thigh, hips etc. is indecent.
Don’t you, the men have thighs, hips etc.
Are you going to justify those rapists of tourists as probably they (the tourists) had been in fashionable dress.
It’s not difficult to list unfriendly qualities of Muslim community but my comment here is enough for the time being.
Ralli Ameen / May 6, 2018
Real Revolutionist
I told you are a Modaya, isn’t it correct after seeing your above post. “Abaya is excessively fancy & very unnatural way of dressing as it covers almost all the body, this is how modaya think or those who wear vulgar dresses think. With Abaya or whatever you cover it was the way Islam advised women to keep away from prying eyes of men. There is nothing sexy in men to cover, are you a gay? Vulgar mind and lowness reflect exposing thigh, hips as indecent, is it true. What a modaya. Isn’t it other way about, “vulgar mind & lowness do not reflect showing thighs, hips etc. as indecent. If tourist were in fashionable dress there wouldn’t had been a rape. I think I can use the Sinhala word “Ponnaya” to you. Nothing arouse you, even if women bend and show all their parts. So all types of vulgar dresses reflect nothing on men, especially men like you. Why don’t you tell all these to Nuns and Bhikkhunis.
Real Revolutionist / May 6, 2018
Rally Ameen
I take pity on you because Islam seems to have made you foolish.
It’s natural that males are attractive to females & vice versa. They may have prying eyes at each other & there’s nothing unnatural in that but civilization has made people not go to the extent of seducing/raping just after having a look at.
That’s how nature has made all the living beings or in your literature that’s how god (Allah) has created living beings including you & your women folks.
So isn’t it against the god’s wish to hide women in something like abaya.
Ralli Ameen / May 7, 2018
Real Revolutionist
It is I who must take pity at you. From the time of our cave men (if you believe that) it was male who had sex with their women whenever they want or with whomever they want. It had been like that even up to now until laws whether religious or otherwise preventing them from doing that. Only male have prying eye on women but not women and its even scientifically proved. It is only men have very strong urge to sleep with any women and it is increased many fold if the women shows her sexy parts. Women not like that and it was this way god has created. You don’t comment here what you see in movies. I saw in the news 16 years old girl was gang raped in India two or three days back. As you can see it was always men who rapes women. Have you seen any woman gang raped a man? You will only see such thing in western porno movies. Then you might say those are criminal minded men. Yes, Islam wants women to cover from these criminal minded men.
Real SIva Sankaran Sharma / May 3, 2018
Arabs never came here in their thousands but only a few hundred over a span of centuries. They largely went to then Tamil country in South India , what is now modern Kerala and Tamil Nadu. When the few Arabs landed here to trade, it was along the north western coast and there were no Sinhalese Buddhist there but Tamil Hindus and it was part of the Tamil Jaffna Kingdom. Get your facts correct. Only one or two stray Arab or other Muslim emissaries entered the Sinhalese court and this does not make Sinhalese Buddhist welcoming them. In fact the Sinhalese Buddhist never liked the Muslims , living amongst them on a large scale and they rebelled against them and started to attack them. This is why King Senarath was forced to ask the eastern Tamil Vannimai chiefs to accommodate these Muslim refugees fleeing Portuguese persecution. Stop distorting history. Even now you converted immigrant South Indian Tamil backstabbers want to deny and hide the help the island’s Tamils did your ungrateful community and run behind the Sinhalese and give them all sorts of credit they don’t deserve. This is why we never trust you backstabbers. Ethnically Tamil but hate Tamils , worship Arabs and run behind Sinhalese.
Ralli Ameen / May 5, 2018
RSSS crow don’t change the stories. You said to those sailors who came to Tamil Nadu low caste Tamil women provided to enjoy the free time. Your Vannimalai chief also pimped for them by giving land and women. Since I belied you since you are from a Tamil pimp generation you had records. Anyway be happy they did not runaway as normally sailors do, had a family with them and looked after. I read even your priest and other Brahmins sold women to them because being traders threw money and goods at them. Now ethnically we are Moors but don’t Tamils except crows. We don’t worship Arabs and neither go behind Sinhalese, there are no needs to do such thing. Since Arabs and us are Muslims, we have to follow Islamic teachings and some customs. On the other hand it is you who are worshipping Arabs by being their toilet cleaners and road sweepers.
Real Revolutionist / May 7, 2018
Rally Ameen
You have to study a lot without depending only on Islam as source of knowledge.
Sex initiation is done by both male & female. In your words men have sex with women & women have sex with men. Only the way of approach is different.
Let me say that there’s a tendency for males’ sex approach to go wrong, making the frustrated male to do it by force or raping.
Mate selection is required mainly by the female in order to produce the most favorable/strongest offspring. It’s nature’s requirement & in your words god’s requirement.
So women’s sex approach never goes wrong, as it allures the mate, almost a trap, like the fly in the cob web; even a man of any strength is surrendered letting even no sign as forceful; mate, the male is lured in such a way.
Ralli Ameen / May 8, 2018
Real Revolution
You cannot give an intelligent answer, just for the sake of writing talking nonsense like mate selection is required by female. Which part of animal biology you noted this? God only created but your daily chores and errand has to be handled by the brain he gave, Islam too say depend on your head.
Real Revolutionist / May 8, 2018
Mating with the strongest/most suitable is a responsibility of females, I maintain it.
Have you ever learnt biology?
Let me again say you want logical thinking.
If Islam say depend on your head, why should you pray?
Try to find an intelligent answer.
Ralli Ameen / May 9, 2018
Real Revolutionist
That what you maintain biology doesn’t support Selective breeding is only in the laboratory not in nature. All living things does not select the strongest/most suitable but strongest/most suitable gives healthy and strong one. Did you father and mother went for all types of test to find most suitable/strongest? At least they should have gone for a brain test for intelligent so you won’t be writing nonsense here.
Sagara / May 2, 2018
Like that infact it is a hindu school.sir so why are demaning only you will wear habaya only ?
Marwan / May 3, 2018
Abaya is always their outer garment. There is no law preventing them from dressing as they wish. Whether they teach in a Christian, Buddhist or a Hindhu school makes no difference. It is their dress code when they step out of the house to go some place. Is that so difficult to understand? It is the same dress worn by a lot of Muslim women from around the world. Not only in our own country.
fatma / May 2, 2018
nagavitharana: there can be many reasons. But for sure, one of the reasons is they offer too many jobs to Sri Lankans
mohomad / May 2, 2018
So they won’t get a second look from Arabs and will be safe from getting rapes. Are you unhappy?
Rohan / May 1, 2018
They first came creeping to the Hindu school first without Arabic Hijab Abhaya or Purdah but dressed in the traditional saree. What were they then ? Atheists or less modest and un Islamic ,as they were dressed in the Indian saree that is also part of their culture and not the Arabic Hijab, Abaya or Purdah? Now all of a sudden Arab Hijab and Abhaya have appeared . Next what? they will demand five time prayers at the Hindu school and all students look towards Mecca and pray? As if they do not do this , it will offend their Islamic feelings . Then open consumption of beef? Who are the people behind all this? Why is this obvious South Indian origin Muslim from Malaysia interfering here? Who the hell are these Muslim crook Wilpattu Shaitan from Mannar and other Muslim politicians to interfering here into the matters of a Hindu school? Is the government behind this to divert attention to what happened to the Muslims down south? Why are Tamil Hindus of the east who are the real owners of the east and still the largest community in the east , being constantly discriminated and marginalised by the Sinhalese Sri Lankan government, armed forces police and these eastern Muslims who only arrived here a few centuries ago as refugees.? Why are Muslim teachers, especially the fundamentalist pro Wahhabi Arab varieties being recruited by the government to Tamil Hindu schools? Why do they want to marginalise the Hindu Tamils in their own institutions and convert them to Islam and eating beef? Lots of Tamil graduates are unemployed but eastern provincial government now in the hands of the Muslims, thanks to the Sinhalese and the government in Colombo is deliberately marginalising the Tamils and recruiting only Muslims. This would never have happened if the LTTE was there to safeguard the Tamils. These Muslims would have been shit scared . Now they are taking the upper hand as there is no one to protect the Hindu Tamils.
fatma / May 2, 2018
They first came loaded on a fishing boat…this is what a European student is going to read in 100 years time.
Rohan / May 3, 2018
You are talking about Muslim Syrian Arab , Muslim Afghan /Pakistani/ Somali and other sub Saharan refugees? You can join them too. Lots of Sri Lankan Muslims were seeking asylum in the west claiming that they were ethnic Tamil Muslims fleeing Sinhalese persecution. Tamil when it suits them and not a Tamil but a Moor or Arab when it suits them. In the west they are Tamils and in Western Asia/Middle East Sri Lanka and other Islamic nations they are Arabs/Moors with dark South Indian Dravidian features. It is a very well known fact in Malaysia that light skinned Tamil Muslims try their best to pass of as people of Arab descent to the gullible Malays. They even change their names and titles to sound Arabic for further effect. Many have successfully done so.
Ralli Ameen / May 3, 2018
No Sri Lankan Moors had got into west saying they are Tamils. If they had shown the conflict and got in, that does not mean they told they were Tamils. Did all of you Tamil (99%) went there telling the truth? Did Sinhalese try to kill you all Tamils then they would have not been able to come to Colombo, live in Colombo until you get the passport, bonds signed (that time somebody has ti sign a bond to issue international passport) by mostly Sinhalese and some Muslim (travel agents charged for that). How did you all do this. You all are the biggest liers who hoodwinked the whites. We do not do anything to make ourselves Arabs or Tamils, we do everything to makes us to be Moors. Stop cawing and don’t send your people to Arab’s land to wash their back..
Ralli Ameen / May 3, 2018
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Ralli Ameen / May 5, 2018
Rohan the crow you are back again. Do you know the saree and waysti were introduced by Muslims traders hundreds of years ago. These traders found you people were scantily dresses and women were bare breast. So they sold 4 yards of cloths and showed men how to wrap around the waist. This became waysti. Women were given six yards and shown how to wrap around the waist leaving 1.5 yards to cover the upper body and head so this became Saree later. Blouses and designs introduced later. So don’t tell this is Indian origin. Not present style like Hijab but burqa (also hijab) were worn by Muslims for decades. Older women wore mukkatu which was a 5’x5′ cloth usually embroidered one. Whatever a dress with which a teacher go, she is going to teach not for modelling. Your vulgar teachers loves north Indian fashion hipster style so they go fully exposing their hip below naval and the blouse almost showing the upper part of bobs. Saree fully covering the body and head okay but hijab is easy to wear like a shirt. Muslim teachers did not gate crash your Hindu school, they were posted by education authority and our people should take this matter with the education authority. If their husbands did anything wrong they should be dealt by law. Do you think Muslims will be shit scared to LTTE if they too are armed and trained? Wahabi variety or any other variety this only for Muslims. Do the Wahabi telling you not worship the Penis (lingam), Vagina (Parvati), Monkey, Cobra, Cow and other 100 varieties of Idols? NO. So why you shit poking your mouth on our affairs. If we had done anything wrong you can take action in the court of law.
Lionel Silva / May 1, 2018
I am in Indonesia, a country with largest Muslim population. For the first month I have been here in the capital Jakarta, I have seen only one Muslim woman wearing a black ( Abaya ?) but even that was a shapely one not the ugly looking Goniya Sri Lankan Muslim women wearing. Do you believe this ? I have never seen another one yet.
Even in Middle East I have never seen so many black dresses suitable for convicts who have been sentenced to death only.
This black Goniya , I confirm is not the dress code of Muslim women and this should be banned.
All wearing this Goniya should be considered as extremists.
Indonesia has only 0.8% Buddhists and yet Wesak is a public holiday here.
fatma / May 2, 2018
Lionel Silva:
How generous when Muslims are majority. Did someone take you to the middle of the East and you thought it was ME?
mohomad / May 2, 2018
Lionel Silva, this mean you had never been to Jakarta or Middle-east. May be you were dreaming of this places. Habaya looks Goniya to you mean, that is how your masters have fed you through media. If Muslim country Indonesia giving holidays for as respect for their 0.8 Buddhist see how extremely good Muslims are.
lkcricket / May 3, 2018
Do you know the reason behind Wesak day being given as a holiday? Buddhism/Hinduism were part and parcel of Indonesia. Still Indonesian maintain this legacy. That is why they do not have Muslim names. That is why they have Indonesia day called “PANKA SILA” this is the direct word for Pan Sil in Buddhism.
They are still taking the good Buddhist qualities in their blood that came ith Nudhist forefathers.
Ralli Ameen / May 7, 2018
Even in non-Muslim countries you can see many Muslim women wearing Abaya. In this 98% Muslim country this Gona Silva had seen only one woman wearing Abaya. Isn’t it real proof that he had gone to Jakarta? Gonas sees only goniyas.
Rimz / May 1, 2018
I’ve seen some comments saying about Muslim ladies are forced to wear the abaya. YES but not to wear abaya but to wear a simple dress which should cover the whole body except face, below wrist and feet.
you all have to understand one thing, Islam is enforcing simplicity and equality. if your wife is very beautiful and attractive, you may ask her to be naked or with bikini or with attractive dress in front of your friends or society. but what if she is ugly? at that moment you may force your wife to cover her body because of her ugliness you may feel reluctance to show your wife’s ugly body to the outer world. at this moment you will feel, what if everyone cover their body? there will be some equality.
if you stare at a naked or bikini lady it will lead to erect your thing and the erected thing will force you to do something. at that moment you have to control your sexual desire as it may lead to sexual harassment which is serious offense in our country. so you are enforced to control your self to avoid raping a lady as you wish. why don’t you have the freedom of having sex with anyone you like? because we are human not animals.
western people having higher degree of freedom. no body will care about being with bikinis even naked in some countries. but in Sri Lanka, even non Muslims have lower degree of freedom in clothing comparing to western countries. even though it is not compelled by their religion they use to be in their own circle.
Muslim ladies are practiced of being shyness from their childhood. even if you give higher degree of freedom. they don’t want to show their body to any men except their husband.
Finally I would like to say Before judging about their dress, better to put your self in their shoes and think for a better solution.
VIPULA / May 3, 2018
Ralli Ameen / May 3, 2018
Vipula when you are in Rome do like Romans. That is what you people have been doing going in shorts almost showing the back cleave, in bikins almost naked in the beach, in bars and night clubs sapping wives. Or my god we cannot do that. Even if Sri Lanka comes to that state we won’t follow the majority. Dress will never bring communal hatred. Why did you all hate Tamils even though their dress 100% similar to yours?
paddy / May 2, 2018
All this fuss about muslim women’s clothing is a recent thing. When we grew up in the 60s and 70s there was no such thing as covering up. All of us wore the same type of decent clothes. Even the muslim mothers did not have a hijab or burqa. Did they all go to hell because of this? This is a spin off of striking oil and getting rich all of a sudden.
Tony Montana / May 3, 2018
Brother you are absulutely correct.This muslim fundementalist became all very recently.stop this bullshit.I am myself is so called muslim but I dont give a damn what Koran says.
Ralli Ameen / May 5, 2018
Tony Montana that means you are not a Muslim
Raja Senanayake / May 2, 2018
Why waste time and effort on trivialities? Let the women wear whatever they like . They have two desires- to show their beauty and attract men but that doesn’t mean they want to be raped. Let them be prudent.
Sagara / May 2, 2018
You are pupousfuly misinforming the readers of colombotelegraph. The principal of the school not told the muslim teachers not to wear headcover. She told as in that school sari is the teacher’s attire so asked them to wear as they wear as their traditional muslim wear as before which consisted sari and head scarf.
Also you are trying ho hide main cause for the resistance , the threat by the teacher’s husbands to the principal while she was in her seat in school at 6 pm .she was threatned as “we will do whatever we wish.we will appoint even 35 muslim teachers to this school . Do whatever you can “
That was the igniting cause for the next day resistance. Dont lie to make the culprits innocent.
It was a school started for hindu children and later became national school. While handing over it was agreed as that hindu environment woll be maintained there.that didnt prevent any muslim rights.
Sagara / May 2, 2018
In hindu and buddhist community black seems tk be a negative colour.a sign of bad omen . But it is the colout of ISIS or satan . Are you promoting ?
This Abaya attire came to srilanka after 80’s only when women wete sent to middleeast. In 80’s the on the request of americans wahabism was promoted by saudi arabia to resist USSR – told by the new saudi king in last march. ( I can send you the evidence) . As a result only as part of the fundamentalist propaganda only this clothe was Turky Tunisia and most of the middle asian muslim countries this attire is banded by the governments. In west it is looked as a sign of radicalism and oppression over women.. But here these radicals stress this with the help of Thableek jamat like terrorist.
Sagara / May 2, 2018
There wete no teachers took part in the protest but the parents and wellwishers of the school only. You know how so many muslims reacted to it in facebook? They rounded the breast and neck and legs of tamil ladies took part and told they feel as a sense to rape them .one moulavi went to the extent of telling he develop urge to rape when seeing the body of raped and killed girl. Low lives. SLTJ conducted protest in east saying sari is ‘aapasam”( indecent )
Al-faqurlah / May 3, 2018
It is time to ban this SLTJ which is promoting hatred. All Muslims including that Moulavi have to be arrested under PTA and charged for hate. if the government fails to do it as the attack was on Tamils, next time it will Sinhalese who will receive it. When Muslims are shouting from roof tops about Bhikkus preaching hatred, how can they condone this Moulavi preach hatred and get away with impunity.
Vipula / May 3, 2018
Where ever muslims are,no peace could be expected in that society.When you are in Rome do as Romans do.Dont fuck up the system and creat issues.I heard in Kandy area a Muslim school administration had forced non muslim teachers to come to school in muslim attire.Islam really a headache to the entire world.
imthad / May 3, 2018
Who the hell are you all to tell us what to wear, we will wear the hijab and farda as long as we want, if u don’t like it, just deal with it.. Get a life.. Who gives a damn of what some racist think..
Villageman / May 3, 2018
Dress changes with generation. There were times of loins, sarongs, shorts and now pants. Muslim women until recently wore sarees which they used to cover head as well as face. Now they wear hijab and abaya instead of sarees. What is strange is that many young Muslims believe that hijab and abaya are Sri Lankan Muslim’s traditional costume and tend to think that wearing sarees is haram (prohibited).
Constitutional protection will stand in courts, but societies have social norms. One cannot walk naked and say he has freedom to (not) wear anything. He will be assaulted. If five foolish teachers want to wear hijab and abaya while teaching Hindu children, it simply shows their lack of commonsense. This has the potential to become a communal riot resulting in loss of life and properties of innocent people. So the concerned Muslims should think rationally and act accordingly. It is very unfortunate that educated people like Rishard defend hijab and abaya against sarees without considering realities.
I am very curious to know whether the grandmother of Rishard wore hijab and abaya or saree. If she wore saree whether she was a Muslim or Hindu.
Shihab Shaideen / May 3, 2018
Pretty eveident of all the keyboard worriers, all FART and NO Shit. No one here has the balls to put their names that shows how weak you are. This country will never progress because no one is following their respective teachings be it Buddhist, Hindu, Christians and Islam. Before you point fingers at other go look yourselfs in the mirror, all you would see is an inferior human behaving like an animal. Cheers ladies and gentleman have a good life. I feel so sorry for my beautiful country, with such idiots living in it. Don’t bother to reply this I won’t get drawn in to shit like you do.
Al-faqurlah / May 3, 2018
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WMFernando / May 3, 2018
When number of muslims is increasing due to uncontrolled births they start agitations to dictate their terms. This is the reason for disharmony and unrest in most of the countries. One of the parties to most of troubles today is islamic people of that country.
Juliano Jema / May 3, 2018
Some person wrote in this column that women wearing bikini increases sexual desires in men and that a woman decently clad in Hijab and habaya is respected and that men are chivalrous towards these decent ladies opening doors,greeting etc. as their dick does not get an erection on seeing these fully covered ladies.Then how do you explain Muslim population increasing by leaps and bounds even though their women are fully covered and with no prospect of an erection in their men?
I once met a woman in Hijab fully covered. I inquired from her why she chose to go under Hijab and she said she felt a feeling of sanctity and purity when she wears this garb.However in course of time I got friendly with her and seduced her . But she had no compunction in sleeping with me despite her wearing the garb.I did not have to make much effort as it was like an over coat and undressing was not difficult. Of course I did not ask whether she still felt sanctified. Poor thing! She enjoyed every bit of it.
Ralli Ameen / May 6, 2018
Juliano Jema, you are accepting here that these vulgar dresses had become an eye sore for you. Now daily you dream getting friendly with fully covered girl and seducing her. Keep up your fancy dreams.
Real Revolutionist / May 6, 2018
Juliano Jema
Rally Ameen is a person soaked in an unscientific doctrine called Islam, such people can’t see the truth.
They have a belief that wrapping their women from head to toe will stop their minds roaring here & there.
What a pity?
lkcricket / May 3, 2018
We as other believers are confused what is the real dress code code for Muslims.
First thing is why so many Muslim men are sorting to European attire while they are forcing the Muslim women to cover face, cover hair, cover head etc/
In fact what is the true dress code for Muslim Men and Woman? I have seen some women and covering the entire body with black and only allowing little space for both eyes. (For a blind woman this space is not required). Then Muslim women are covering the head while some parts of the hair is visible. There is another sect of Muslim women who cover entire hair. Then there is another section who wear ta very long frock and cover entire body including feet.
Then there is another section of Muslim women who wear top with a very tight jean and head covered. Then there. Then there is another section who wears saris and with a head cover. Then there is another section who wear shorts and live as liberals.
Recently I was in Indonesia and I experienced to myself how these woman are frustrated. According to my observation, some of they are wearing these very uncomfortable Muslim attire as they do not have any other options to do and when ever they find the opportunity they sort out to free attire to make them free and comfortable from this silly dress codes that was meant for the primitive people.
All what matters the right of the human being. The human being has the right to stand up for the rights that including their dress codes. We can not allow the stupidity take care of our life.
I think the muslin religious leaders must undertake to a research and get the real opinion of the Muslim women who have been deprived of enjoying the life for generations.
It is high time to open your eyes in front of humanity and kick out the inhumanity,
VIPULA / May 3, 2018
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whywhy / May 3, 2018
We should better take a look at the dress culture of the President and the
Prime minister for an example of men and the “Osariya ” of Sirimavo vs
“Sariya” of Chandrika of women . And also we should take into account
how quickly the Sinhala and Tamil mothers and daughters changed into
Skirts and Jeggings from their printed floral wrap around just about a
twenty five years ago ! Years back schools had majority of male teachers
dressed in what is called “National,” knee-long white shirt and a white
wrap-around which the current generation might not even want to be
remembered ! We can argue the pros and cons of these changes for years
ANOTHER THING THAT IS TRUE , NON-MUSLIM schools , many or almost all
did not allow mixed uniform culture in their schools for quite long or never
even in the past . And I can confirm that there were Muslim schools in the
South that allowed Tamil girls their choice of uniforms while Muslim girls
had all white Salvars . My conclusion is that our country is looking for ways
Thiagarajah Venugopal / May 3, 2018
Dear Rishard
Thank you for sharing. I make the following exchange of my thoughts as follows..
Our country had a tradition of Tamil and Sinhala culture and the dress codes were reflective of this and not the religions in the past correct? There were no religious tones attached but people followed whatever the local and global trends/styles as they pleased to express their individuality over the time too. Yes when it come to work/schools/offices certain codes and standards were followed respect correct?. Even in Malaysia 15+ years ago Malay people were wearing Malay traditional/cultural cloths until recently it all become Muslim cloths as per the “new requirements” only you will know better. Even the names also reflective of the religion too respect a recent revival?. However in Indonesia the largest Muslim country in the world they maintain their tradition/culture/names but equally dedicated Muslims too agree?.
I did comment on your earlier writing with regards to racial/religious riots that violates/destroy life of people/community on a generalised/collective basis of race/religion/language and agreed with you how this has destroyed us to date in our country. Is the same when people start wearing different clothing specially covering head/face etc in institutions and in public suddenly it will affect people and make them weary of issues they can not reason with etc. It is simply because some segment of their citizens have become and following not the Tamil or the Sinhala cultural dress/traditions but an alien dress code somehow related to Muslim religion according to some scholars?? As you correctly pointed out we did not have this problem before and why now correct? I think this is the “issue” and not the religion as you will agree I hope. Most of the Sri Lankans are not religious or language prejudiced but love and respect each other sincerely……..we have suffered outside inteference for a long time exploting all our “diversity” and we should get “smarter” in preserving “Mother Lanka” in all her glories please. I think we should go a step further and remove language and religious based schools to make “One Sri Lanka” a real success story too just like “One Malaysia”. All the Gods and Prophets will be so pleased too that we know how to take care of each other and hope you share our countries rich inheritance with Malaysians in a positive light too asking them to help us to shape one Sri Lanka a united country for a wonderful future following their model for success too. I also do not agree with segregating men and woman and this is rather alien to my customers too.
Rimz / May 5, 2018
Islamic dress code is not only for women but also for men. if a dress code from a culture (not the religious dresses) matches with Islamic right then it can be followed. there is no specific cultural dress for Muslims but our dress must be according to Islamic rule what is mentioned in Quran.
below some Quran and Hadeeth versos,
“And tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to [those relatives who fall within bounds of close relationship explained in the Qur’an]…” Chapter 24, Verses 30-31.
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed.”(Quran 33:59)
Men’s Dress code;
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and protect their private parts (from sins). That is purer for them. And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.(Quran 24:30)