17 January, 2025


Duplicate-Mahinda Is Not The Answer; UNP Needs A Winning ‘Unifier’

By Vishwamithra

“Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy” ~ Unknown quotes

In order to defeat the Mahinda Rajapaksa juggernaut, there is one thing that the United National Party (UNP) should not do – field a ‘Duplicate Mahinda’. What is the Mahinda Rajapaksa-candidature looking like? In an election campaign, the one thing one must pay most attention to is the basic brand of the candidature. How does the voter look at the brand? Is there an identifiable brand? Did the planners of the campaign, or the politico-experts, originally plan to brand the Rajapaksa-candidature or did the advertisers do so? Sometimes a brand gets built up without any effort being made to build a brand. Unlike professional marketing of branded products, like Sunlight for soap or Astra for margarine, political marketing, prior to early 1990s, there was no sophisticated campaign planning. Yet the 1956 campaign of S W R D Bandaranaike’s Mahajana Eksath Peramuna (MEP) seemed to have been a coordinated effort without which such a sweeping victory would have been possible.

Bandaranaike, with that campaign in ’56, gave a fantastic brand to the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), ‘common man’s party’, and a brand which is valid and applicable even in today’s context of a more sophisticated and tech-savvy public relation environment. That ‘common man’s party’ brand has outlasted its creator’s own assassination, it’s domination by a feudal tyranny such as Sirimavo and Felix Dias Bandaranaikes, it’s being decimated by the Rajapaksa clan and its seemingly obliteration under the current leader of the party. 

Such a strong branding has been facilitated by its incessant propaganda, despite the SLFP’s numerous and varied flirtations with the not-so-common man. The SLFP leadership, until it fell on the present holder, has been, including the Rajapaksa clan, set up on a feudal platform revolving around a family. Although the Rajapaksa family does not belong to that ‘feudal’ denomination in a classical sense, family rule was the core power center, so to speak. The great irony of this phenomenon is the ease with which the rank and file of the party accepted this family rule.

The acceptance of the Bandaranaike family could be explained as its founder, S W R D Bandaranaike hailed from a leading low-country, Govigama family in the nineteenth century. SWRD’s father was the first among many local government servants who served the colonial British régime at the time. Subservience shown by the then populace towards these feudal masters continued towards this family rule even after independence albeit the fact that SWRD was one of the earliest liberals who advocated breakage of the bond between the master and servant, a generations-old practice which was practiced by the Bandaranaike clan before him. When he launched his new political party on the five-pronged platform of Sanga, Veda, Guru, Govi, Kamkaru, (Buddhist Clergy, Indigenous doctor, School teacher, Farmer and worker), so was launched the political party of the ‘common man’. However, since his assassination by a member of one of the five pillars of his platform, since its takeover by his widow, the SLFP became anything but common man’s party. The widow, Sirimavo with the able assistance of Felix Dias, a Bandaranaike whose participation in politics SWRD never sought, turned the common man’s party into an ‘uncommon man’s’ party. Yet its grassroots rank and file clung on to its draconian leaders and their representative henchmen and women at the village level. The theory of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister under Hitler, that an untruth repeated over and over again would become the truth was proven right. Today the common man’s party is really a ‘petty man’s’ party.

While the SLFP was branded the ‘common man’s party’, the UNP became the ‘rich (uncommon) man’s Party’. One stark reality within the ranks of the SLFP remained its sense of nationalism bordering on chauvinism. This chauvinistic legacy was passed down the line of successive leaderships in the SLFP and the Rajapaksas were the last to be the fortunate recipients of that ignoble inheritance.

However, the Rajapaksas added value to this chauvinism of the party. The thirty-year war with Tamil militants and its conclusion to a gleaming success thanks to devoted and determined efforts of a military and its leadership of the caliber of General Sarath Fonseka was that added value. All of a sudden, the ‘common man’s party’ became a party of patriots. And every other political party was branded unpatriotic! Mahinda Rajapaksa became a devout Buddhist overnight; he started giving Mercedes Benz cars to leading Buddhist Monks and he followed the R Premadasa-practice of Bana at the Temple Trees on every Poya Day. To paraphrase a cliché of Catholic genre, ‘Mahinda Rajapaksa had become more Buddhist than Arahat Sariputta’.

So cleverly and consistently built was this image of patriot and Buddhist, Mahinda Rajapaksa became unsurpassable on the score of religion and love for the country. In other words, he made it impossible for a duplicate-Mahinda to be constructed in the political arena. It is here, if any of the UNP leaders attempts to float an image of a ‘duplicate-Mahinda’, in order to defeat him or his cohorts such as Gotabaya, Basil or even Chamal in an election, would fall flat. The UNP leadership has drawn its strength not from being fringe-friendly; on the contrary it has drawn its strength, from D S Senanayake downwards up to Ranil Wickremasinghe, apart from the majority Sinhalese Buddhists, the Tamils in the North and the estate sector and Muslims scattered all round the country. 

For instance, take all the Cabinets from 1947 up to the day, not a single elected non-UNP/Independent/Federal/TULF/TNA Tamil leader has had served any Sri Lankan Cabinet. In the DS Cabinet the two Cabinet Ministers were C Siththampalam and C Sundaralingam both elected as Independent MPs. Later G G Ponnambalam joined the Cabinet not from the Federal Party but from Tamil Congress and both Sundaralingam and Ponnambalam lost their seats in the following elections. The next Cabinet member was Thiruchelvam in Dudley Senanayake’s coalition government from the Federal Party and its leader Chelvanayakam saw to it that the Cabinet minister came from the Senate (non-elective body of government). Sirimavo’s Cabinet in 1970 had a Tamil Minister, Chelliah Kumarasuriar, and he too originated from the Senate, not elected. In the 1977 J R Jayewardene-Cabinet- S Thondaman from Nuwara Eliya became quite a powerful Cabinet Minister. The Northern Tamil was not represented in an overwhelming Sinhalese Cabinet since 1965- M Thiruchelvam.

However, since the Presidential system was introduced, since 1982, no candidate has been successful without securing the support of the Tamil vote in the North. The only exception is 2009 Presidential elections which were held soon after the war-victory which explains the Tamil vote in the North was not a factor.

The argument is, as much as Sir John Kotalawela failed miserably at the 1956 General Election despite promising more than Bandaranaike for the Sinhalese Buddhist cause, no duplicate-Mahinda will be a successful candidate from the UNP. In addition to being branded a cardboard or duplicate-Mahinda, any nationalistic or narrow chauvinistic appeal to the voter would betray the very essence of the United National Party, a Party that represents a united Sri Lanka. Populism and nationalism might well be the political wind that is sweeping across the USA and European continent, the Sinhalese Buddhist vote being divided between the UNP and anti-UNP bloc proportioned on a 35% to 65%, it is highly unlikely to secure the seat of Presidency without the Tamil vote in the North and the Muslim vote all over the country.

The scorching Jaffna-sun is indeed having its effects not only on the untiring Tamil working farmers in the North, it is bearing an unchallenged consequence on the electoral landscape in Sri Lanka. The UNP and its new leadership with the younger heads such as Navin Dissanayake and Sajith Premadasa have a formidable challenge. Their bitter battles will be fought not only in the rural hamlets where the unrivaled majority are Sinhalese Buddhists, they will have to predominate the North, hill-country and the East. Minority votes are not only a must, they are the foundation on which any realistic campaign could be built upon. 

If any in the UNP thinks that he or she can outdo Mahinda in Mahinda’s strong suit, then think again. When the voter wants to oust Mahinda or his siblings, the voter is looking for an alternative, not a duplicate. Most politicians make this grievous error in judgment. Especially in the sphere of socio-political issues, the voter is extremely sensitive when he makes his choice. Unlike economic issues to which the voter confronts them on a daily and continuously changing circumstance, socio-political issues entrench him over a long period of time. Sensitivity to socio-political issues does not depend on short-term whims and fancies of one or two politicians. Any politician who changes his or her stance on a socio-political issue may not gather more votes from the majority bloc; but he chooses to trek a different path, he may lose a sizable chunk of the minority costing him the election. That is not an option for either Navin Dissanayake or Sajith Premadasa, if they are planning to contest the next Presidential Elections on the UNP ticket.                                       

The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com 

Latest comments

  • 2

    “UNP Needs A Winning ‘Unifier’” – Sampanthan?

    • 1

      Sumanthiran is better. Sambanthan is too old

      • 2

        Sambanthan is old & wiser

        • 2


          “Sambanthan is old & wiser”

          Yes Sambanthan is old.

          • 1

            hmmmm….ok I take your point…..old fart?

    • 7

      That’s a good one.
      UNP can field Sampanthan as their common candidate. Then they need not to worry about funds as LTTE diaspora will pump money for the election campaign.
      JVP can filed Sumanthiran as their candidate.
      – JVP has now taken UNP’s job to divide the country by way of 20th Amendment, weakening majority Sinhalese and strengthening minority Tamils.
      – Mahanayake Theros of Malwathu-Asgiri, Ramanna and Amarapura Nikaya should have summoned JVP leader and issued an authoritative command to give up his 20th Amendment which is directly against the best interests of the country. JVP should not be allowed to table it in the Parliament.
      – It was only after JVP’s May Day rally in Jaffna where Sumanthiran also took part, he had the guts to tell that Buddha statues should not be allowed to erect in the North while announcing that many have already been removed (which is news to me.)
      – Traitorous JVP should be completely eliminated from Sri Lanka’s politics at the next general election.
      Mahinda has no duplicate. None of his siblings possesses his charisma, valour, empathy or personality. All his siblings/sons are puppets who depend on his popularity. Without him they are nobody.
      Though we don’t see anyone, the need of the hour is someone like Mahinda who has the confidence to stand on his own and the courage to take tough decisions to set the country up for greatness based on his own vision.

      • 3

        I have seen Wimal Buruwasne is corned to his walls these days.

        Tell us you as his condom support should know it better.

        He is sitting with dogs further but you once said, Wimall would never join hand with MR again.

        Champa as one who shares the bed with Wimal you may know lot more about the update.

        Thanks for the update.

      • 3

        Champa the practitioner of the oldest profession

        ” Traitorous JVP should be completely eliminated from Sri Lanka’s politics at the next general election.”

        Did you mean physically?

        • 0

          Keyboard Vedda
          Yes, no physical presence of the JVP should be allowed ever again in the Parliament.
          By the way Machan Keyboard, “Madame” wanted me to remind you to pay her dues for your last 4 visits to her. Oh… she also said that you can come and take back your forgotten pants.

          • 1


            You should have told the “Madame” the truth.

            Didn’t you tell your pimp Wimal Sangili Karuppan the details of people who visited you on all four occasions you mentioned?

            It was the local Chief inspector of police first evening, then the Provincial Council member, then High Court Judge after midnight and fourth the saffron clad thug Gnanasara. Unfortunately you refused a policeman who demanded a free ride leaving him no option but to inform the local gossip columnist who in turn informed your Madame.

            What is your last year contribution to the economy? How do you compete with your rivals from China, East Europe, ………….?

            You may not like the JVP it does not mean you alone could decide their presence in the parliament.
            This is supposed to be democracy stupid.

            • 0

              Native Vedda
              I am not the only one. Traitorous JVP was instrumental in bringing Yahapalanaya and they are equally responsible of all the crimes they did. JVP is not coming back to Parliament. People will teach them the last lesson. Wait and see.
              You narrative about Madame is too boring. So I decided to not to make a comment on that. But make sure to collect your pants. Otherwise she will put it on the gate with a label for Keyboard Vedda .

              • 1


                “Traitorous JVP was instrumental in bringing Yahapalanaya and they are equally responsible of all the crimes they did.”

                What JVP did in 2015 was nothing compared to what they did from 1971 especially under the leadership of Somawansa the public racist. He colluded with Dr Mahinda, Champika, Sarath De Silva, and others in order to undermine people’s habitat, livelihood, safety, security, dignity, ..

                You should revisit history.

    • 7

      Whatever the politicians think, Sinhalese want a leader who could be elected by majority Sinhalese votes without being under obligation to selfish Tamil or Muslim politicians.
      We have learnt our lesson in 2015. I dare say Sinhalese will never vote any party again which has underhand deals with minority parties.
      We have already seen underhand deals carrying various promises such as federal constitution, removal of Buddha statues from the North, punishing war heroes, removal of Army camps from strategic locations, bulldozing ancient ruins, converting Sinhalese Buddhist Sri Lanka a secular country, categorizing Buddhist temples based on economic or commercial value, resettlement by razing down virgin forest reserves such as Wilpattu and drug smuggling with Ministerial patronage. We are not going there again.
      All Sinhalese should get together in 2019/2020 and vote for one man without dividing their votes among various political parties. This is a must. Irrespective of party or colour, it should be clearly understood by all Sinhalese that our division is the reason for our fear for the future of our motherland today. This country was built and protected by Sinhalese Kings. It is our utmost duty to protect the country as it is for our future generation. We must find a common candidate for all Sinhalese or at least for all Sinhalese Buddhists.

      • 3

        Champa – come up openly with your choice to save this country –

        I have no doubt about that – MR+GR+BR – since I sincerely hope that they have learn from their earlier mistakes
        – do not sleep with dogs ,
        – stop trying to promote kith and kins (specially MR’s sons )
        – do not become intoxicated with power and start thinking Rajapakshas are
        – select honest , educated, disciplined, true professionals to run the government
        – stop trying to help friends who had helped you all – first priority is the country
        – select experienced professionals for the foreign service
        – let the selected professionals run the country and facilitate them to function
        – let the rule of law prevail and nobody is above the law
        – do not misuse public funds or allow that to happen
        – do not repeat the mistakes of UNP

        • 5

          MR learnt ?

          MR would never learn it, he had been like that and he will die as thakkadiya.

          The bugger should be hung by his balls for all the high crimes deliberately made by him.

          • 3

            Yes but the problem is sanga community would not interpret them as HIGH crimes.

            So long you touch SANGA COMMUNITY s blessings. YOu would escape not being caught by investigations.

            This abusive culture made by our so called buddhism is the protective mechanism, high criminals to excise and enjoy IMPUNITY.

            We perfectly nkow that the RED SATAKAYA being wore by Mahraja should be soaked by the blood of victimized people in this country… that satakaya is a great symbol to give a proper idetification to the bugger or not ?

            • 0

              It was the RED SATAKAYA who saved Tamils and Muslims from your hero sun-god.

          • 1

            If he would learn… then my pets – dogs would have done that long ago.

            Thanks, This born rascal would never see it right. His is cynical.
            He is on take a revenge or make every efforts to cover up his investigations.

            Not just he and his sons but almost even domestic animals he has been maintaining are reproted to have committed high crimes.

        • 2

          Wishful Thinking! “– select honest , educated, disciplined, true professionals to run the government”

          What makes you think that People of the above Category, would be willing to join this ‘Den of Thieves’?

      • 2

        Well done!
        I congratulate for nominating you as the common candidate for Buddhist Sinhalese (Because you have clearly excluded other Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslims). You have proved that you respect only those Sinhalese who converted into Buddhism after it was introduced by Indians.. You have excluded almost 40% of Sinhalese are not belong to this island. For you those who voted to Mahinda in the presidential election are only eligible to be the citizens of Sri Lanka. This country was in the rule of Europeans for nearly 500 years and I don’t know where were you all during that period. You all are cowardly servicing to the white masters forgetting the motherland. Who is the hero? The family who ran away to US for citizenship or the commander who ran the war as a citizen of this motherland?

      • 1

        Shameless call by Champa. Poor people of Sri Lanka continue to suffer in the hands of the bureaucrats and crooked politicians. All these happened due to the blunders of the politicians who have forgotten their priorities. People like Champa would like to continue the age-old political tactics to hoodwink the poor masses by the racial calls. It is because politicians are politically bankrupt to come out with a concrete solution to remedy the prevailing economic situation. British gave back this country in a reasonable condition to the politicians of this country in 1948. See what has happened to Sri Lanka after 70 years of independence. Wither Sri Lanka. Shameless Politicians.

        • 0

          Paranathan K
          There is nothing racial in my comment. I do have a right to call upon all Sinhalese Buddhists to unite and vote for one man without dividing their votes. Does that scare you?
          “British gave back this country in a reasonable condition?” Man, they invaded our country, massacred Sinhalese and looted our country for 400 years. What reasonable condition are you talking about?

      • 1

        Champa the practitioner of oldest …………….

        “Sinhalese want a leader who could be elected by majority Sinhalese votes without being under obligation to selfish Tamil or Muslim politicians.”

        I don’t think you are talking to Sinhalese instead you are wasting your time talking to the noisy Sinhala/Buddhist fascist minority which needs no leader but a good psychiatrist to cure their paranoia.

        Sinhalese are basically stupid like their Tamil speaking brethren. I can guarantee you they are not vile as the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist.
        You are not a very pleasant person in fact you are a Sinhala/Buddhist fascist who does not want to share pain and pleasure with the next person.
        Spend a spell in a jungle monastery you might find inner peace.
        Are you hanging around with Champika, Nalin de Silva, Gota, ……?

    • 1

      He won’t last till the next elections.

  • 2

    Silly didn’t say “I will be back”, for nothing,
    It was only the 2 days ago while addressing the Colombo Media.
    Did you write Sillysen’s speech Mr Vishva.
    After listening that spiel, not only the UNP who are against Dr Ranil will vote for Silly at the next round for sure.
    But Vellala Party TNA also will have its work cut out, to keep their supporters in Colombo who do not have properties in Jaffna and Trinco under the control of Samapathar and the Kid Abraham, to vote for Dr Ranil’s UNP.
    How can Dr Ranil claim any ownership to Sillysena’s List.
    And Sillysen’s plea to the UNP , SLFP and Pohottuwa to forget about power and support Him to do a deal with the Tamil Community ,not just the Vellala Party.
    I think Silly is no silly at all.
    I think he has a better than even money chance, if he does a deal with Pohottuwa to look after the real Sinhala Buddhist Community .War heroes and what ever they had achieved before Jan 2015.
    And get rid of Dr Ranil’s and his Cabinet Thieves who together want to make our inhabitants subservient to the West, just the way Old Banda’s and Senanayaka’s ancestors did.

    • 2

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      Read the news:
      Sinhala editor honoured by Tamil journalists in Jaffna
      Print POST 07 MAY 2018 BY INDIKA GAMAGE
      Tamil journalists in northern Sri Lanka, in an exceptional gesture, paid homage to a Sinhala journalist who died two decades ago.

      The Jaffna Press Club (JPC) celebrated the life of Gamini Navaratne alongside Tamil veteran journalist A J Canagaratna who ran the Saturday Review, candidly portraying the lives and aspirations of Tamils fighting for their rights.

      Senior Journalist N Parameswaran addressing the commemoration held at the Jaffna art gallery said that the Tamils were paying back a historical debt.

      To read the rest click:

      When will Bandula Jayasekera earn such an accolades or an honourable Doctorate from Jaffna Uni?
      The doctorate comes cheap in this island, even Mahinda, Goata, Sarath Weerasekara, ……………… and loads of others were given as if it was cheaper than a seru rice. I wonder why such brilliant people as Shamindra Ferdinando, C A Chandraperuma, Champika, Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa, Duminda, Dhaham, other hundreds and thousands of army officers who single handedly won the war not been bestowed with PhDs.

  • 4

    The next UNP chief should be nominated -not elected. I think RW has SF in mind. And I think that choice is best for the country. It can create some issues within UNP – but they wont break the party.

  • 1

    Unfortunately the UNP unifier Velu P is hiding in the Vanni jungles. Only way to get him is to appoint Ravi K to find him and give him an advance of Rs 50 million. Ravi will definitely produce Velu. Not only that, there will hundreds of thousands of brainlesspeople in the South who will swallow what he says. God save Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    North Eastern Tamils do not have the capacity to independently think. They will largely follow TNA recommendation (mostly) & other minority Tamil parties (to a lesser extent). That explains their vote for Sarath Fonseka (a war criminal from Tamil perspective) and Maithreepala (a chauvinist SLFPer from vishwamithra’s branding perspective). Therefore UNP’s deal making capacity has a larger say than the branding. Who is the better deal maker? Ranil? Sajith? Navin? or someone like Rajitha who has suddenly become a Muslim flag bearer than true Muslims themselves (because of Beruwala constituency?). The problem of course is the horrible demonstrable results of all of them in the current dispensation which mere branding or spinning exercise would find very hard to erase from the constituent mind.

    • 3


      Have you read that part of Mahawansa which describes the war between Elara and Dutta Gamani as religious war which I posted some weeks ago? I also gave chapter, verse, page no and the year of publication of source of your origin myth. Since then you have disappeared from this forum.

      Being ignorant is alright. You do not have to hide from this forum when the cap fits. You should be happy that there are people in this forum who could teach you facts with reference.

      You have had good race wars in the past 100 or so years. Now its almost 2300 years you had good Religious war and its time you started one. I won’t be tight behind you.

      • 0

        Hora Indian Vedda,

        Your response indicates you agree with my post on this subject.

        • 2


          You were hopping extra ordinary mad when I mentioned Dutta/Elara war being a religious one demanded proof.
          I gave you the proof which made you hide behind your women folks. You did not have the courage nor the honesty to acknowledge you were wrong.

          “Your response indicates you agree with my post on this subject.”

          I do not and never agree bigoted, racists, land grabbing, ghetto building fascists, in this instance its you who never being guided by conscience.

          • 1

            Hora Indian Vedda,

            Again your response says though unwillingly you are compelled to agree with my post since you don’t have anything to counter. I know you don’t have the xxx to accept it.

            It would be better to keep quiet rather than trying to concoct some fiction related to Elara/Dutugemunu war (nothing related to current topic). the war against Elara was against foreign invasion & occupation. Sure the sangha supported that freedom fight. They helped mobilisation of masses against the invaders just like Kudahapola hamuduruwo during Western colonial occupation. Or just like the sangha’s support in mass mobilisation during the most recent war against separatist terrorists. Therapuththabhaya disrobed and became a general. Sangha’s active participation in supporting national liberation fights doesn’t make any of these religious wars. It is unfortunate poosaris or imams could not join such liberation movements. May be they thought they were just visitors from outside the country. What can we do about it?

            • 1


              Dutta Gamani never fought the foreigner however he wanted to fight the idle worshiper as per his guru another saffron clad thug who preached war was beautiful, war clarifies, war works, ………………………………

              Go check Mahawamsa you will see all sorts of praise and justification for violence, murder, parricide, incest, bestiality, …………………..
              That is not the Buddha’s teaching I leaned from my Elders.

              It is always better to accept the fact that the kind of religious practices you and your fellow fascist Sinhala/Buddhists follow has nothing to do with the teaching of the Awakened one.

              On one level you need some kind of cult to justify the violence, arson, theft, raping not only women, men and children but also rape of the land, land grab, nepotism, fraud, human right violation, war crimes, …………………….. on another level you need a cult to concoct new identity for the descendants of Kallathonies.

              “It is unfortunate poosaris or imams could not join such liberation movements. “

              In the past 500 years or so tell me one occasion when your fellow Sinhala/Buddhist fought and won a war against aliens apart from killing your own people from 1971 to 2015.
              By the way it was VP and his Baby Brigade fought the Hindian IPKF and got rid of them from this island while the Sri Lankan armed forces were hiding behind their women folks and VP’s fat bum. I will give you the credit for saving sovereignty (whatever it is) only if you consider VP and LTTE as genetically related brethren of yours.

              Again when did the Sinhala/Buddhists last fight and win foreigners? The Sinhala/Buddhist identity was not invented until about hundred years ago and the Public Racist Aryan Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala didn’t know the difference between Aryan Race and Indo Aryan language. He was fond of Hitler and fascist Japanese state.

              You should preserve your Sinhala/Buddhist fascist identity so that the future generation could get a clear view of what is wrong and what is right, and what is authentic Buddha’s teaching.

  • 1

    UNP needs to keep the Sinhala Buddhists (SB) voter base at around 35 percent and pray a truly uniting SB nationalists won’t show up on the otherside. Then with the minority votes, the UNP automatically wins. But if the UNP SB support base dips below 28 percent, then no matter the minority vote the UNP will lose. Key is the appearance of a radical uniting SB nationalists character. This could be GR or someone more militant. Having people like Sarath Fonseka and Champika Ranwaka in the UNP will help mitigate this somewhat but the UNP is still in denial on how taxic the name ‘UNP’ has become to the typical SB voter over the past 15 years. It is seen as the anti-SB party. UNP is in a very tight situation. They are so reliant on the minority vote that things are becoming precarious. Contrary to what the author states, UNP SB voter base is below 35 percent as of now. It is actually below 32 percent. If the currect trend continues, it is possible it will dip below the critical 28 percent threshold before the next presidential election. 28 percent is the point of no return. The simple thing the UNP should have done was to focus on the economy from day 1, and keep loud mouths like Rathija out of the limielight (remove him as cabinet spokesperson) and disassociate or at least distance themselves from CBK, Wickramabahu, Puravesi Balaya, CPA, LTTE affiliated diaspora, etc. UNP did not have to fundamentally change its policy, but it should have changed its appearace especially who they are perceived to associate with. Perception matters when facing SB. If the bellies of the SB were full thanks to good economics since 2015, it would have been cakewalk for the UNP.

  • 3

    Ideally the head of state of Sri Lanka should come with the consent of MAJORITY of Sinhalese, MAJORITY of Tamils and MAJORITY of Muslims. ALL the Tamils , ALL the Muslims plus MINORITY of Sinhalese is the worst formula in respect of racial unity in the country. This is the foundation on which UNP has based its calculation. Implicitly this depends on racial DISHARMONY. To this end UNP master minds have been carrying out a vicious propaganda that majority of Sinhalese are anti minority and the contender should not be trusted by the minorities.(I remember Sarath Kotalawala of Ceylinco fame ran a full page advertisement before 2010 presidential election with the message that if Rajapaksa would come to power Christians will be subjected to heavy discrimination) This pits the minorities against the majority. Further they even create minorities out of thin air. Example is Christians. A massive propaganda campaign carried out for this purpose has been successfull in deviding the Sinhalese into two groups Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Christians. JRJ openly boasted that he opted out of Shrima-Shatri accord in order to enhance the voter base of UNP. Premadasa further relaxed the criteria for number of MPs based on preferential votes to increase the number from estate sector. As such in the prevailing circumstances it is best for the stability of the country for a president of the country to be elected out of the majority of Sinhala Buddhists. Sinhala Buddhists must unite for this to happen which is difficult to achieve in the face of powerful, subtle propaganda.

    • 3


      The candidates are voted on the basis of Secret Ballot.
      Secret Ballot:
      A method of voting in which each person writes their choice on a piece of paper so that no one else knows how they have voted.

      Now you want to remove their sacred rights. You want to prevent voter’s from exercising their right to chose their own preferred candidate, influencing them by blackmailing, intimidation, and bribing.

      Day by day you are really growing into a dump ass fascist. I envy your stupidity.

      • 2

        Anyone reading your response to my comment should be wondering what is happening to this vedda day after day. Result of eating jungle meat?

        • 2


          True they would be wondering why Vedda’s ancestors let the Kallathonies from South India into the island and allowed them to take control of everything. Is it because of their generosities, compassion, or love of helping the desperate asylum seekers? I am still working on it.

  • 2

    Give SF a Chance – nothing to loose
    Young colts can follow the lead

    • 1

      Colombo Man

      “Give SF a Chance – nothing to loose”

      You do not intend to start the 3rd and final world war in this island? He is a dishonest public racist who wanted to drag the entire clan to Galle Face Green.

      Now he says he didn’t know how those hundreds of thousands men and women who surrendered to the armed forces just before the end of war disappeared implying that the parents who handed their children over to the armed forces were lying.

      If he is a good man as he tries to portray himself as one then all what he has to do is to visit these women who are protesting in the North and East and just speak to them. This war criminal also obliged to look into forced disappearances the North and East people voted this lonely Field Marshall in 2010.

      Watch this clip:
      Sri Lanka Abduction Island – Aljazeera

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    Opinions coming from cowards writing under pseudonyms can’t be taken seriously. If you have a view, make it known under your name, you coward. Why hide behind a facade called this and that?

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      Fed Up,
      Look at you in the mirror? How do you describe this name:Fed up?

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      Fed Up

      For the same reason why you are hiding behind Fed Up.

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    People who write on these websites think that the people in the country are accepting what they say.

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      ashan gamhewage

      “People who write on these websites think that the people in the country are accepting what they say.”

      Never did we make the mistake nor will we make it in the future.
      We write/type in these forums because we think its fun, relaxes us, relieves us from day to day stress, ….. sometimes in order to impress our partners, ………….

      Where on earth did you get the idea we are writing/typing to advise people in the island?

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    It is a pathetic situation that there is no suitable candidate to become a president or prime minister from the major political parties UNP & SLFP (SLPP) representing Sinhalese. Among the 225 elected members of parliament from both parties, there is a scarcity to find a charismatic leader who is honest, free from corruption, free from racism and free from murder.So, Srilanka has to continue with the same old corrupted, racist, murderous politicians from those few families. It is shame on Sinhala community. Fortunately, we Tamils should be proud of our people who do not allow family based politics and none of the leaders were corrupted. There is no place for corruption in our politics.

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    In spite of shortcomings, the coalition governance has some good sides. The shades of corruption has got exposed. Both sides are stuck but one side is able to present ‘corruption’ as respectable – the SLPP did just that.
    The coalition can either play the ‘join them’ game or continue the ‘exposure’ – the latter may cause some collateral damage.
    As far as UNP is concerned, why not try the ‘co-leadership’ model. Choose any two of RW, Navin and Sajith, we have one checking and balancing the other. They say “Nothing like trying”.

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    All of your logic and reasoning have evolved around two gangs of thieves,fraudsters and murderers lead by the UNP and SLFP and to some extent lead by Pohottuwa created by Alibaba and forty thieves.I think, you have tried to take the readers in a blind alley. If Ali Baba’s pohottuwa was a success story, don’t forget that possibility is very high for another genuine leader to face these three evil forces plus red menace (Jathika Vipatthi Peramuna) hoodwinking the voters in Sri Lanka for a long time. 2020 is the year for the people to choose someone capable of defeating these thieve, fraudsters and murderers occupying our parliament. Time has come for that change.

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    The trust between minorities and the brand UNP will never get faded away. Ruwan Wijewardena’s committee suggestion + Sajith will make sure UNP wins, not Navin because UNP likely won’t lose minority votes, especially Muslims because of Sajith’s father.

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    Follow Malaysia ,bring back CBK as PM

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    “Duplicate-Mahinda Is Not The Answer;………”.
    Duplicates are often worse than original.

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