7 September, 2024


Easter Sunday Bombings: Convene A Parliamentary Select Committee

By Arun Kumaresan

Arun Kumaresan – Air Vice Marshal (Ret’d)

To identify Public officials in all sectors who acted as stooges to the Political authority

A week has gone since the Easter Sunday bombings, and to the credit of our intelligence agencies and security agencies, they have shown their professionalism in their ability to swiftly react and contain. But these ‘positives’ need not make us complacent as this gruesome incident had all the hallmarks of a preventable event. Our law enforcement’s and security agencies’ professionalism has been repeatedly compromised by the political authorities over decades. This resulted not only in anarchy and mayhem but also allowed criminals, drug mafia, murderers, etc to roam free after committing heinous crimes against populace. They also continue to aid and abet to reelect their political masters thro all dubious means. In this context, whilst all ambits of these flaws cannot be investigated due to the exhaustive nature of such flaws by our political authorities, at least, the following needs an urgent scrutiny by the legislature to stem this tide of ‘utter impunity’ by our political authority. As a reference point to facilitate the said PSC, following points are tabulated:

  • Did Mr. Azath Salley (the present Governor WP) and All Ceylon Jammiyathul Ulama (ACJU) President Sheik M.I.M. Rizwi inform as far back as January 2014, the existence of a religious fundamentalist organization with documentary evidence to the then  Secretary Defence Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa ?


  • What action was taken on Mr. Azath Salley’s information or whether both of their assertions are mere fabrication?


  • The law enforcement attempted to stop a protest march in late 2014 in Panchikawatte/Maradana area, by this organization that carried out the Easter Sunday bombings. Who gave the instructions to allow this march to proceed?
  • Did National Thowheed Jama’ath (NTJ) or any members of the said organization receive state patronage and funding to work as intelligence operatives and/or underworld political activists? 
  • Did Mr Azath Salley inform the Secretary Defence in January 2019 & then again recently in the presence of CID officials, the threatening nature of the said organization with credible information?
  • Did All Ceylon Jammiyathul Ulama (ACJU) President Sheik M.I.M. Rizvi Mufthi, give details about the NTJ Leader Mohamed Zahran to the then Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando in January 2019 ( & to any other previous holders of the said office )?
  • Did politically powerful interfere in the investigations into an ammo & explosive haul recently recovered that appeared to be connected to NTJ enabled the release of the suspects who were under custody?
  • Did Indian Intelligence inform thrice with specific details such as names, targets etc?

What action was taken by those who received the said intelligence information?

Was this information brought to the notice of the National Security Council and if so who were the members present and what directions were given by the Council?

  • Identify the reasons for counter action not being initiated and ascertain any hidden complicity that prevented such actions or was it due to mere utter lethargy?
  • What was the delay in convening the National Security Council when summoned by Hon. Prime Minister immediately after this horrific incident?
  • Who prevented the Hon. Prime Minister entering the meeting room of the NSC at the Ministry of Defence on that sad day this incident took place and who made him to wait for approximately 30 minutes? Identify the reasons behind such action?
  • Who were involved in giving instructions that caused the delay in convening the NSC??
  • Ascertain from the Secretary to the President and the Secretary of Defence the reasons for not inviting the Hon. Prime Minister and the State Minister of Defence 

for a single meeting of the National Security Council held after October 2018; and

for a majority of meetings held between the periods 2015 to Oct 2018.

  • Who were the SLFP MP’s and any other outsiders who were invited for the National Security Council meetings and who gave the State officers the authority to invite such persons?

The said Parliamentary Select Committee needs to hold its sessions in public. It should make recommendations for punitive actions against State officers who acted in contrary to established practices and for acting subservient to Political authority and also be made responsible for the offence of ‘manslaughter’.

May the Parliament Select Committee be telecasted ‘LIVE’; the public not only should know but also have a ‘Right to Know’.

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  • 14

    Extremely valid questions. Public deserves to know the answers. The inquiry should be open to public and telecast live. The truth should be known of the wrongdoers. Sirisena must realize that he is there to serve the people and people are not here to serve him.

  • 12

    Well stated, sir! I hope many members of the public read this and continue to exert pressure on the government to enforce line items you have iterated.

  • 7

    Air Vice Marshal (Ret’d) ” One could awaken a real sleeping person but not one pretending to be asleep,” a test case of this wise crack is SL present President. Denials, fabrications, half truths and keeping mum is a play safe tactic, specially observed in present day politics. Your reasoning and arguments are correct and valid to the very letter. These politicians are incorrigible and are master fraudsters hoodwinking the unsuspecting and subservient poverty stricken citizens. One and only alternative left for our people is to kick out all present day MPP. lock stock and barrel and elect a set of honourable representatives who will vouch for a new constitution that will uphold Truth, Justice and honesty. We hope and pray that era
    will dawn sooner than later.

  • 6

    I heard, Since 2012 until now, both the previous govt and the Yahapalana govt are responsible for creating this situation. Previous govt, have allowed print new Gazette notifications over the existing ones, printed illegal gazette notifications to satisfy Muslim politicians who donated DINARS, Allowed MADRASA schools to be opened in Batti, I suppose, Permitted to build 100% Muslim University. Yahapalanan govt also got DINAR political donations and they allowed to continue those ISlamic expansion activities.
    What I heard the main Homicide bomber had been a Intelligence Operative for the govt. Some how once he left he was recruited to the ISIS. Now SL ISIS has Assistant Mayors from Colombo, Negombo, and most terrorists had very good connections with Parliamentary politicians of both the muslims and Sinhala.
    My guess work is the one FAKE ISIS group blew up for some reason.
    but,there is another far worse group is being brain washed in the East. that will be a difficult thing. Because the hidden hand lost this time. Next time they will be far better prepared.

  • 8

    Politicians will close ranks and unite against the people yet again because if the people get to know the truth, they will not allow the parasites to remain, and suck the nation’s blood in many different ways. Therefore, they will never allow members from their own ranks to dislodge or prosecute any criminals including the leadership of the state by having a public trial of those fellows who with-held the intelligence information from the public.

  • 3

    Terms of Reference:
    Who owns the sovereignty of Sri Lanka?
    The People as provided for in the Constitution?
    Baithdeen, Hisbullah and Salley?

    • 1

      Adrian – “Bathudeen, Hisbullah and Salley?” or Riyaz Rauf in Toronto.

  • 4

    V.good questions indeed.But also if Ranil is a “honest man” ,he should go on National tv and make a special statement and say the people of the country what really happened.l challange he will not do it.Let the people know who this man sirisena is.

  • 3

    a parliamentary select committee is better than a 3 member commission

  • 5

    Very pertinent probing questions that needs answers. Endorse the public transparent select committee. We know that something went wrong somewhere. But the blame game is on.
    We don’t need scapegoats, but the wrong doers need to be brought to justice. We are talking about innocent human lives of fellow peace loving citizens.

  • 4

    In the eastern province Tamils living in the border villages, adjoining to Muslim villages, are seeking protection for their safety. At a public meeting held in Manmunai North on Saturday, Tamils from Manchanthoduvai said that they were seeking police protection but police has turned down their request. In the alternative they want permission to form their own home guards. Yesterday chairman of Karaithivu prathesiya saba has made a call for protection of tamil residents, as this village is surrounded by Ninthavoor Sammanthurai and Sainthamaruthu, three Muslim villages that are in the news. Viyalenthiran MP too had made an appeal yesterday for protection of Tamils in the border villages in East. There is no purpose in having enquiries committees arrests and releasing statements subsequent to any dreadful events. Will the State and Police do the needful before it is too late ?

  • 3

    Select Committee? my foot….
    There will be a lot of Foot Notes…………….

  • 0

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  • 2

    Unfortunately we have been conditioned to accept that Very Important Politicos do not trust each other, even in their own party.
    Arun Kumaresan is flying into clouds suggesting {“Easter Sunday Bombings: Convene A Parliamentary Select Committee”}
    Will the Select Committee deliberate? No. They will make it a forum to score political points.
    All know that the Executive Presidency has faults. Will they ever fix it?

  • 1

    The most important information we learned here, both the RAW and CIA knew far more than that our Intelligence knew. Ranil still says, he did not meddle with the Sri lankan Intelligence.

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