By Jehan Perera –
The security situation remains fraught with uncertainty and tension. Not many children in their school uniforms were to be seen on the streets, even though the government schools reopened this week after a prolonged and enforced holiday. Religious leaders have requested the government to keep the schools closed for further period until the situation is brought firmly under control. Although large numbers of arrests have been made, and number around 200 according to news reports, this is not reassuring to the general population. President Maithripala Sirisena has said that there are still another 25-30 active members from the group involved in the Easter Sunday bombings still at large, though he expressed confidence in the ability of the security forces to nab them.
The security forces are doing the best they can. Not only are they conducting cordon and search operations. They are also going to the homes of people to brief them as to how best enhance their security. In a sign of the success of post-war normalization and rehabilitation of former LTTE cadre, it is reported that the security forces are enlisting the services of former LTTE cadre in the north and east to assist them in supporting the security network. This speaks of the government’s commitment to reconciliation and the trust that has grown after a decade of peace. There are also checkpoints on the road, which are a throwback to the days of the war with the LTTE. On the road to Mannar in the North which has a concentration of Catholics our vehicle was stopped several times. On four occasions we were asked to get out of the vehicle. This occurred both on the way to Mannar and on the way back to Colombo.
In one location were required to carry our bags out of the vehicle so that the search of the vehicle could be more thorough. There is no doubt that the immediate challenge is to ensure that those planning further attacks are thwarted and apprehended. The role of the security forces in this is paramount and the general population is prepared for the inconvenience. But there needs to be constant monitoring of this process so that it does not unnecessarily alienate people. At one location we were stopped for about half hour although our vehicle was the only one on the road. Later when we tried to understand why, it seemed that our driver had annoyed one of the security force personnel who was searching the vehicle. The lengthy delay, in which each item of our clothing was taken out the bag and scrutinized, may have been in retaliation.
Reconciliation Committees
We were going on a visit to Mannar to meet with the District Reconciliation Committee. These were set up two years ago when President Sirisena in his capacity as Minister of National Integration and Reconciliation, got the Cabinet of Ministers to grant approval to establish District Level Reconciliation Committees (DRCs) to address the incidences of inter-religious and inter-ethnic tensions and to promote national integration and reconciliation in all 25 districts. The functions of the DRCs were to undertake study on the background and causes of religious and ethnic tensions in the locality; formulate suitable strategies and approaches to mediate the problems; provide rapid response to resolve conflicts and tensions; invite the perpetrators and victims and facilitate conflict resolution; maintain database on incidence of tensions and attacks on religious places; mediate, negotiate and resolve conflicts and prevent hate speeches.
The DRCs were to be convened by the District Secretary of the relevant District with representation of inter-religious leaders, the Superintendent of Police, retired Judges, School Principals and other relevant officials as observers. These are all prominent persons at the community level who are expected to be able to contribute towards social harmony and peaceful coexistence. But they have still to be activated. At the present time they can be a valuable mode of engagement between the communities so that no one community feels it is being marginalized or excluded.
The meeting at the Mannar district secretariat was between the government officers working at the secretariat, civil society and religious leaders from all communities and the police. The role of the DRCs in keeping all communities together through engagement with each other, and without isolating any one community was highlighted on this occasion. Their role in keeping the communities integrated even as the problem of violent extremism was addressed was the theme that had the most resonance with those present at the meeting. The lessons learnt about coping with violent extremism during the previous conflict with the LTTE was alive in the consciousness of those gathered at the district secretariat. This was evident when a lawyer present on the occasion who claimed that there had been many arrests made in Mannar and there was a danger of innocent persons being detained, which the police was responsive to without a knee jerk rebuttal of the claim.
Careless Statements
The same sensitivity to the complexity of the current problem, which requires that the entire community is not seen as the same as those committed to violence is also evident in the police visits to people’s homes. In one case reported to me they had given a briefing on the current security threat and suggested a series of actions that need to be done to enhance security. These included having CCT cameras and night lights and clearing of spaces in which packages may be concealed. Also notable was the manner in which the police urged those they were addressing not to bring up issues of religion or community in relations between neighbours. They further explained that the swords and knives found in mosques and homes of people were not for war purposes but were for self defence. They were self-critical in saying that Muslims had been at the receiving end of mob violence in the past several years in which the response of the government was tardy.
The police also referred to the information that was coming out of the Muslim community that had helped to track down several associates of the Easter Sunday bombers and potential bombers. This nuanced and enlightened approach of the police at this time is an indication that the many years of conflict sensitivity education and peace education programmes have produced good and sustainable results in key sectors of society. Unfortunately, this thinking has yet to percolate to all levels of society. The government leaders have done too little and the nationalist politicians who oppose them have been more effective in taking the message that violent extremism can be crushed by stronger methods. Ironically, President Sirisena who once ordered the setting up of District Reconciliation Committees has accused civil society and human rights groups of pushing for human rights at the expense of national security.
Inadvertently, such careless statements by responsible authorities supports a mindset that states that the infamous “White Vans” that abducted people with impunity during the years of the war against the LTTE and made them disappear, should be brought back. With bombers on the prowl it is most important that national security should be given top priority. At the same time the message needs to go out that the vast majority of people do not support such activities. The opposition must join the government in taking this message to the people. There needs to be more engagement between the communities in this time of extreme stress and anxiety rather than less. There will be no solution forthcoming if an entire community is first seen, and then targeted, as potential supporters of extremist violence.
Shamil / May 6, 2019
Dr. JP:
The place to search first for bombs is the US embassy in Sri Lanka — the sponsor of your trips to nowhere.
Thiru / May 6, 2019
Jehan Perera,
You talk as if reconciliation can be pulled out of thin air.
It needs solid foundation; anything without proper foundation will crumble.
Do you expect the minority communities to reconcile to:
1. Supremacy of the Sinhalese Buddhist community.
2. The inequality meted out by the state to the minorities.
3. Non-enforcement of the rule of law to the Sinhalese rioters since 1956, 1958, 1977, 1983…..
4. Foremost place given to Buddhism thereby relegating other religions.
5. Security forces aiding and abetting the rioters in the past; may be in the future too.
6. Genocide of Tamils in the war without witnesses, without bringing the culprits to justice.
The above mentioned are the cause of all the problems of a country divided by institutionalized discrimination against the minorities (Tamils, Muslims, Christians).
Unless the core issues are addressed, and until these wrongs are righted, I am afraid, Sri Lanka will continue to be in turmoil.
Morris Fernando / May 6, 2019
You have done enough ‘reconciliation’.
How do you have the gaul to keep vomiting the same bullshit?
Be ashamed of the role you played in bringing disaster to the Catholics of Sri Lanka.
Amila W / May 6, 2019
“Be ashamed of the role you played in bringing disaster to the Catholics of Sri Lanka.” – Did Jehan Perera create the rift between MS & RW?
Sri-Krish / May 6, 2019
Jehan Perera,
We had made many attempts for peace building and reconciliation.
Our efforts failed and unfortunately, we continue with the failed strategies and expect different outcome?
Should we not learn lessons and carry out a value for money audit?
How many millions we had spent on these peace building efforts and are we not responsible for producing terrorists-International terrorists and suicide bombers?
and are we going to blame all others for our colossal failures and go on preaching?
Are we the number one hypocrites?
Be honest and be humble
JD / May 7, 2019
Jehan Perera: The west or the International community and their allies such as UNHCR or United Nations, knowing that there were so many attacks in the world, knowing that Muslims are expansionary, they neglected muslim atrocities against buddhists in Sri lanka. the other thing si read there is a book “Cold War Monks: Buddhism and America’s Secret Strategy in Southeast Asia – By Eugene Ford”. Read this book. there are many books Related to this book.
chiv / May 7, 2019
There was two tragedies which shook the whole world. In the aftermath there are two contrasting outcomes witnessed. New Zealand , a country known for natural disasters but not for human tragedies, not having any of such experience, facing a terrorist strike. In the aftermath I saw a young lady , mother of an infant standing with the victims in solidarity, the public coming in unison to support each other, public in vigil, communities visiting each other in support, people of all communities holding hands showing the world that they are together at the time of need, being respectful, paying homage, some went to the extent of personally being there to support family members of the victims, the PM telling the perpetrators the country and people are together in fighting back, within days assault rifles were banned and promised the public of transparency, give answers and promised Muslims it will not repeat in their history. Now what I witnessed in Lanka to be continued.
K A Sumanasekera / May 7, 2019
Wonder whether Dr Jehan was doing the same thing in Mannar when Pirahaparam was having a go at the Muslims.
And the Bishop Raiappu was threatening to secede from the Arch Bishop and form his own LTTE Diocese with himself as the Cardinal.
And Fr Emmanuel was busy blessing the LTTE Fighters and even the Suicide Bombers.
After Rishad took over, the pro LTTE politicians didn’t have much of a say there, as I understand..
So there is no threat of Mannar Christians storming the Mosques on Risahd’s Turf..
Besides ,the Army Boys whom Dr Jehan & Co desperately tried to hand over to the UN as part of this Reconciliation, were there quick to neutralize any threats of ISis attacking Mannar Churches.
I thought Dr Jehan was in Neganbo where the real trouble is.
Ibrahim Boys killed 120 there plus injured Hundreds more.
I can imagine the pain the inhabitants in Negambo are going through .
Thankfully we have a Cardinal who is better than even our Mahanayaka in Malwatta, when it comes to compassion and the love of the inhabitants across all religions and all castes.
His Highness was there in a flash to keep the Negambo inhabitants under control.
But what amazes me is what the Cardinal disclosed about the trouble makers who were trying to organize mob attacks on poor Muslims there.
I couldn;’t believe they were all imported Thugs who have been given free hoping to cause mayhem.
I know His Highness wouldn’t just mouth off. unlike our Yahapalana ministers who even tried to put the Suicide Bombers on the same payroll as our BBS supporters.
And I am sure His Highness will divulge those crooks and thugs when time comes.
I think Dr Jehan and his peace keepers should spend some time in Negambo and Batti instead of going all the way to Mannar….
Native Vedda / May 7, 2019
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Wonder whether Dr Jehan was doing the same thing in Mannar when Pirahaparam was having a go at the Muslims.”
In fact Prabaharan was doing a favour to the Sinhala/Buddhists by ethnically cleansing Muslims from parts of the country and eventually facilitating the Sinhala/Buddhist illegal occupation of same parts of the country.
Probably he was expecting the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists to get rid of the Muslims altogether from this island. You should be pleased with the little Ashin Wirathu Prabaharan’s contribution to the majoritarian Mahawamsa mindset of the noisy fascist minority.
If I were you (that is a Sinhala/Buddhist fascist) I would build a huge statue of him to thank his contribution to the Sinhala/Buddhist fascism.
He fought the Hindians for and on behalf of this island (while the island’s security men were hiding either behind their women folks or VP’s bum), preserved island’s sovereignty (whatever that is), elected MR, won a war for him, destroyed the life of Tamils and Muslims, made many new wealthy men and women in the south, facilitated land grabbers, …. modernised Sri Lankan (whatever that is ) armed forces, …………. made impunity mandatory in this island for war criminals, crooks, ….
I know you secretly admire him.
You should build a memorial for the LTTE and VP alongside the memorial for IPKF and another memorial for the Muslims who fought the LTTE for the state and died.
Think about it.
You should not become a nation of ungrateful opportunists.
chiv / May 7, 2019
In Lanka , a country which has experienced such tragedies for years, these events unfortunately leave public with more questions than answers. What makes us to stand out is, in the aftermath people lost trust in leaders, our very own politicians are blatantly accusing each other, some are even suspected to be perpetrators, media churning out fake news with intentions of causing more hatred and divide (in my opinion less compared to past ) , social media and others like CT are full of comments and articles propagating dive, hatred, violence and more tragedies, government to its part banned hijabs,retaliations in Negombo, suppressing Muslims from expressing views (see comments under Muslim authors) ,lying politicians with no credibility,some even trying to exploit the tragedy and worse, the victims are all but , left alone to fend for them self. When glimmer of basic decency and civility are lost, reconciliation is a dream and never a reality.