By Kumar David –
The government is in retreat analysts say. Strategists in the opposition, smelling blood, are hopeful of replacing President and Parliamentary majority in 2024 and 2025, if not earlier in the event of a debacle. It is a sign of the times that Namal and his wife were jeered and compelled to flee Monarch Imperial, a posh restaurant, on 23 December said the Daily Mirror of the next day. In this context there are four national groups of importance – JVP-NPP, SJB-Sajith, TNA and the scattered Muslim parties. The first two have national ambitions and the latter two sub-national (not lead a government). The SLPP has not yet given up the ghost and under Mahinda’s leadership hallucinates recovery. Sajith hankers after the presidency. The JVP-NPP is motivated to get enough parliamentary seats to be one step away from power. I discount Ranil’s UNP, the SLFP and every other faction of the government as a centrepiece of any future government. Presidential ambitions: Sajith, Champika, Karu, and from the Paksa-clan Gota second term or Namal, all crave the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
It is premature to make predictions but strategies are ripening; the NPP has issued a draft programme and JVP Secretary Tilvin Silva a strategy letter in the 20 December 2021 issue of Mawilma (Compass) the NPP’s monthly magazine-newsletter. I will discuss the programmes of the aforementioned four and the government side as they become available, but right now only the JVP-NPP version is to hand. I will not confine myself to the document but also comment on broad strategy in the context of the unfolding scenario. For example, I will spell out my views on the JVP-NPP’s orientation to military intimidation.
The NPP’s “Rapid Response” Manifesto
The platform entitled “Rapid Response to Overcome Current Challenges” opens with a preface outlying Sri Lanka’s manifest debacle followed by a section entitled ‘A Thriving Economy Instead of a Dependent Economy’ which declares “As National People’s Power we present initial ideas for the socio-economic transformation that society needs”.
The document is heavy on economic aspects, less so on state-structure, constitutional reform and the national question. It gives prominence to comprehensive short, medium and economic goals and includes a section on preparing the human resources required for plan implementation. It critiques JR’s Open Economy as the origin of the current malaise and for initiating a culture of greed which bred a select group which benefited from profit, fraud and corrupt business practices, and vested power in a few hands. Features of JR’s policy were ‘financialisation’, austerity, subsidy cuts, nurturing monopolies, excessive borrowing, and the sale of state assets to a favoured coterie; neoliberalism Sri Lanka style. Emphasis on financial markets undermined commodity production says the manifesto and accuses post-independence policy makers of not managing the economy for eco-friendly and people oriented outcomes and failing to even protect the place the country previously occupied in foreign trade. Instead there has been borrowing for narrow political and personal gain of rulers (Hambantota Harbour, Mattala Airport, Mr 10% etc.) but not borrowing for development. The document should have emphasised that a Tourism and Remittance based economy is not production oriented.
The end result, the NPP says is near bankruptcy leaving the country enmeshed in a vicious cycle of debt and foreign currency shortages. The nexus of Manufacturing-Technology-Education-Exports-Foreign Investment targeted at production are all mentioned, but the presentation could have been better integrated. The role of the private sector is noted but employing the state as vehicle to enable entrepreneurship as in China could have been emphasised. Interestingly the document also warns that “The people responsible for creating the debt trap will not be allowed to escape from liabilities”. Hope this is not another empty threat!
In respect of state-structure the NPP urges a strong parliament with a cabinet accountable to parliament and elimination of the executive presidency where power is “arbitrarily concentrated in one person”. The president is to be elected by parliament as the ceremonial head of state and the armed forces. Governance is to be led by the prime minister and the cabinet with checks and balances. The right to recall representatives will be introduced – an important new provision. The separation of power between the executive, legislature and judiciary is to be ensured. What more could any blue-blooded liberal ask for?
The National Question is the Achilles’ heel of all Sinhalese politics because even anti-racist parties know that a bold position regarding minorities will spell their doom. This perception is correct; the core of the problem lies with the Sinhalese people. (It’s well and good for me, not warming a seat in parliament to say this, but which Sinhalese party can say this and hope to win even a few seats?) The LSSP story is a frightening reminder of the truth that eventually it is the people, not the leaders, who make history. NM was prepared to demand ‘Parity of Status’, Colvin raged against Sinhala Only, Reggie Mendis lost a hand at the Town Hall grounds deflecting a bomb thrown by a racist bomb. But then in a decade plus, pressure wore down the Party. Every Sinhalese party has been frightened by such lessons. That my dear countrymen is Lanka!
The programme promises a system of governance that decentralises political and administrative power based on democracy, equal representation, and participation, “affirming the Sri Lankan identity” of all nationalities (sic!). It resolves to make the Provincial Councils efficient institutions – note, not to abolish them. It promises a commission (dear God another god forsaken commission!) with powers to prevent discrimination against any individual or social group based on nationality, religion, caste, language, gender, or sexual orientation – why not the laws of the land do this, I ask? The NPP-JVP promises to take steps to acknowledge cultural differences between different communities and to promote coexistence within this matrix.
The drafters seem to have been in difficult terrain bridging three concepts; liberal democracy, radical rejection of ethnic exclusivity and any notion that Lanka is the land of the Sinhala Buddhists. As a political realist I find the NPP’s phrasing adequate though I will tease it about the missing elephant ‘devolution of power’. The difference from Sajith-SJB is that from personal knowledge of JVPers I know that the Sinhala-JVP of the 1960-70s and the anti-13A Somawansa Amerasinghe JVP of the 1980s, are both gone for good. If you detect any slippage on the national question in this programme blame not the NPP, hold the Sinhalese people to account.
JVP Secretary Tilvin Silva’s Approach
The Party Secretary is the official spokesman and his emphases are significant. What I detect is that Tilvin is, perhaps, concerned not to make too many concessions to liberalism in the economic programme. He emphasises “paradigm shift”. But I am not sure what he means when he critiques “the old State-monopolistic capitalistic system”. Is he referring to the Stalinist centralised universally-planned state economy or the Sirima-NM model of 1970-75? Perhaps both. I agree that a fresh approach to economic problem solving, including an understanding of why the liberal-capitalist model, the Sirima-NM guided model and Stalinist regimented economy all failed is needed. He does not comment on the avatar of the Deng Xiao Ping model as transferred to Vietnam and Mongolia. There is much to learn from these two since there has been substantial manufacturing and economic and export growth, while benefits have percolated down to the people and hence the regimes have sustained public approval.
Here is an extract from Tilvin’s Malima article. “This crisis is now a challenge to the people. Its real cause is not merely factors such as Gotabaya’s personal failure. The real reason for this is the bankrupt and wrong socio-economic system still being followed in the country. Therefore, there is an inescapable challenge to everyone who expects a real and sustainable solution to the crisis. It is defeating the system of roll-over politics and handing over the country to people trusting in various political personalities. Further, reverting back to the old State-monopolistic capitalistic system as a solution to the neo-liberal economic model is also not feasible. What the country is honestly requesting for is a deep and vast paradigm-shift in the socio-economic system. There is no other real solution to this problem.” Tilvin Silva, Malima, 20 Dec 2021; (Available from JVP, 464/20, Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla. Phones: 0112 785612, 0777 199524, 0714458399, 0718449424).
An ex-LSSP, ex-Vaama comrade
Readers of my column are familiar with the two themes I have been emphasising in recent months: (a) The regime is buckling in a huge crisis; (b) nevertheless it is very dangerous – it cannot be trusted and is prone to military adventurism. This is Comrade Puwakpitiya’s response to my importuning that he pushes both these ideas in the NPP; he is quite close to NPP policymakers. I quote from a recent email.
“I think it is premature. We should consolidate our base at working class and village level so that we can intervene as a powerful force. We do not see a threat of militaristic intervention. The government is too weak at the moment and I do not see any way it can come out of this. If the situation changes, we can reconsider. At the moment there is space for us to work towards an alternative political movement” – Puwakpitiya.
Though he is agreement with my assessment of the mess in government, at the same time he shows naïve underestimation of potential dangers. To wait till the “situation changes” to make defensive alignments is like a man who waits till after his death to take an insurance policy! The costs of an adventure by a regime which cannot “come out” of a disastrous meltdown are too catastrophic to wait till it happens. There are two Christmas season examples on the world’s TV screens right now. The Burmese military is on a rampage of brutal bloody crackdown, rape and murder including indiscriminate airstrikes on Karen and Kachin minorities precisely because the junta is in a social and economic crisis. In Sudan on Christmas Day the military mobilised thousands of troops to spray gunfire on protests against a “government too weak to come out of” its crisis except by such methods. The Sri Lanka military has tasted blood in 1989 and against Tamils in the 30-year civil war. Thus waiting “for the situation to change” is complacent. The costs of complacency will be very high if there if a military venture is attempted (anarchy plus economic, ethnic and civil conflict). What’s the objection to establishing a minimal defensive covenant of the whole opposition right now? How will this obstruct “consolidation of a base at working class and village level”? Why is it an either-or formulation?
Jayasiri Samarakoon / January 2, 2022
Prof. David skillfully beats about the bush. JVP/NPP is very good as Opposition and they are doing a fantastic job in Parliament. But their so-called ‘rapid response’ is nothing new; just old ‘socialist’ wine in new bottles. I expected Prof.David to be more truthful. He is obviously disappointed about the JVP/NPP proposals but hides that disappointment. And JVP/NPP is on a ‘go it alone’ policy, much against what Prof. David has been advocating in the last few months. Clearly, JVP is again over-estimating itself as it did in 1971, 1982 Presidential elections when Wijeweera expected a million votes and did not come out of his room for a week, 1987-89, 2019 and 2020.
old codger / January 3, 2022
You’re right. The JVP is only good as an opposition. I might even vote for them. But their economics seems a bit dated. Tilvin Silva was talking about reviving the sugar factories to supply all of South Asia. Really, where is he going to get the slave labour in this 21st century? Is slave labour the JVP’s economic secret weapon?
Sinhala_Man / January 3, 2022
Dear oc,
I’m glad to see that you “might even” vote for them.
Let me state even more forcefully, that unless something extraordinary happens, I will vote for the National People’s Power. In English, we’ve been referring to it as the NPP.
Let us not confuse ourselves over semantics and problems of translation. In the English section of “Malimawa” it has been called “National People’s Front”. even the Secretary’s name is spelt as “Tilwin Silva”. If you’re genuinely confused (and can read Sinhala), go to the Sinhalese section. I have done so, and I now and have no problem. Like it or lump it, Sinhala is the language that is most understood, although special mention must be made of Tamil, a language that I don’t know at all.
Yes, they must “go it alone”, (we don’t want horse deals – nobody, not even Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa – can demand nomination or a position in a government that emeres) but anybody can join, even without reading Marx, is the assurance that I received. I will say more in comments below this. oc and Jayasiri Samarakoon are right to make observations, and so am I. Well, I don’t seriously expect them to win power at the next Parliamentary Elections, but I’d be overjoyed to see it happen.
It all depends on how people vote, and I can speak only of my intentions.
Sinhala_Man / January 5, 2022
Dear oc,
Although you harbour serious misgivings about the “JVP” it is clear that you try to understand them.
However, it is strange to see you say that you’ll vote for “them”, when there is nobody contesting elections under that banner. Don’t you take the NPP seriously? I think that it was Simon of Unawatuna who recently asked me to check their website. Here it is:
. – that’s to take you to Malima
That takes you to the “Home Page”.
One can navigate within that; I haven’t explored it thoroughly myself.
However, some hours before I went in there, starting on the last evening of 2021, @ 7.17 pm, I had had a 32′ 51″ telephone chat with their MP, Vijitha Herath, who remembers me as a teacher in his Bandarawela school. It was only the second (the other was long ago) chat that I’d had with him, and I realise that much of what he told me is available to us on the website.
Sinhala_Man / January 5, 2022
I didn’t take the NPP seriously myself, until they nominated Dr Harini Amarasuriya as the National List MP. Vijitha confirmed that the NPP had no office of its own, but it had a Secretary different from Tilvin Silva: Dr Nihal Abesinghe who had worked for the WHO. I wasn’t taking down notes, so some of that I got later from the Website and from the December Malimawa, which had been emailed to me. I told Vijitha that nominating Harini was a brilliant move. With her would come many women’s votes. Votes are crucial. I wasn’t cross-examining the man, but we understood that there could be no miracles. It would take a long time for the NPP to obtain a plurality of votes. Vijitha certainly has studied Marx, but there was no insistence that all of us do. This is a perfectly normal guy with a son about the same age as my granddaughters.
I myself am finding my way around still, so there’s much that I don’t know.
Panini Edirisinhe, usually of Bandarawela, currently in Maharagama. (NIC 483111444V)
RohanaW / January 2, 2022
JVP is having a high-octane campaign around the country – one of their main slogans is that the other parties who ruled the country during the last seventy-three years ruin the country and it is high time to vote them (JVP) into power. Starting from DS up to MS we had about ten leaders at the helm, and according to JVP those ten individuals did enough damage to the nation within seventy years. Admitting it as true, how can we ignore the damage done by the JVP just under one leader – Rohana Wijeweera, within three or four years – destroying state property, killing innocent ordinary people, political leaders and educated professionals. It should be admitted that we do not have lily-white political parties or their members. The need at the moment is the present Opposition to join together to defeat the current regime which in so many ways has proved its inability to mange the country
Human Touch / January 2, 2022
You make a good point.
The idea of forming a coalition may be a good idea, but we must consider the fact that inside every one of those parties there are bad eggs. (Seasoned criminals). How do you get rid of them?
My view is to forget about parties first. We must assemble a team of good people into a new party under a new ideology. We must nominate the members of this new party based on their past track record and their proficiency.
We still have people who can qualify based on this requirement.
We should not be emotional when we are nominating our future leaders.
This process of assembling the team must be led by a team of civilians who are like the caretakers or defenders of Sri Lanka. They should purely be a steering committee not affiliated with any party or political office.
They must have the ideology that every Sri Lankan deserves the best. No one needs to get left behind.
I think within a short period we will be able to change our situation around.
We need honest, selfless, intelligent, dedicated, humane and patriotic people to represent us in the future and we also have to embrace these same traits.
a14455 / January 3, 2022
” honest, selfless, intelligent, dedicated, humane and patriotic” is a description of the JVP ?
They are crooked, cunning ,dedicated to their own goals , Inhumane , bunch end justifies the means, type of SOBs.
old codger / January 3, 2022
“end justifies the means, type of SOBs.”
What an apt description of your puppet-masters the Rajapaksas.
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
Hi OC,
may I divert your thoughts …. apologies, but please add your thought on following topic
did you know about more about OIL TANKS in Trincommalie ?
Sinhala_Man / January 4, 2022
Thanks, “Human Touch” for this, and other sincere comments.
We must not have a coalition. The bad eggs then automatically come in.
I’m now quoting you: “I think within a short period we will be able to change our situation around.”
I’d like to see that happen, but don’t expect such spectacular success.
Who are the “We” who are going to “assemble”, “nominate”, etc? Many of your other suggestions beg the same questions. I just can’t do these things. I entrust that to the NPP.
About emotions; as humans they will always be within us. However, they must be controlled by reason. I’ll try to deal with that also later, but you may remember my stating elsewhere (citing Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels) that the disjunction that you wish to make is impossible. Being a pedantic old English teacher that observation was the best that I could make; others could put it much better.
Panini Edirisinhe”
Simon / January 3, 2022
RohanaW: Please watch this link –
It is time to wake up discarding those past hallucinations.
Jit / January 3, 2022
Hallucinations? We all know Sepala talks nonsense most of the time and has his hidden agenda so why should we believe the load of rubbish he unloads?
a14455 / January 3, 2022
Simple Simon
no one who has been through their behavior will ever forget those nightmares. only fools and opportunist like you will
Simon / January 3, 2022
a14455: You used the word “opportunist” to identify me. Nothing wrong with that. But do know that all living beings from birth to the last breath do have to USE opportunities, if not there will never be “evolution”- meaning improvement and change for living a better life.
Also know, living in history is self inviting catastrophe. To make it simple to understand, I would say, you won’t be what you are today if you lived in your “History” (Past) and will not be WHAT you want to be tomorrow. So “CHANGE” by using “OPPORTUNITIES” in the “RIGHT” way.
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
Rohana W – fought for a better future for the average.
Mahinda Rajaakshe is fighting for a better life for his kith and kin.
Those diehard supporters of pompous a14455 – fight for their businesses.
I told you guys, so long RAJAPKSHES would remain in power – srilanken politics would not be different to ” KUNDUKANDA – Garbage Dumps- in Wanathamulla”.
Man, who is said to have worked in Singapore, US or any other civilized world has proved – his thoughts would not change much – remain similar to those got tatooed the penis of MAHINDA ON THEIR chests – being unable to see it right.
So how can we ever think of a better future- so long this MINDSET would be governing in our home country ?
Sinhala_Man / January 5, 2022
Thanks, LM.
I think that sociologically, Rohana Wijeweera may have stood for something.
There is much to suggest, however, that he was a psychopath. Most of his followers were sincere. Many of those followers still worship him.
I don’t see major flaws in the present leaders. On every issue why do we go back to a time when you were not even an adult? I was barely that in 1971. I think that I’ve been proclaiming clearly recently that we must allow the leaders to lead, but we needn’t follow blindly. We need people with the wisdom of guys like oc, and Kumar David to help us guard against unrealistic expectations.
By the time the August 2020 elections came round, Kumar said that he predicted only six seats for the NPP. Also, let’s be humble enough to acknowledge that but for the proportional representation introduced by the now reviled J.R. Jayawardena, even the three currently in Parliament wouldn’t have got in.
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
Dear Simon,
It is the nature of srilankens.
Even their eating habbits are the same. Our sinhala modayas would take another few decadoes to see it right.
The best exmaple of the day – is giving us from Pera Engi graduate a14455
This man himself boasted to have worked in Singapore for period of 7 years.
THe very same bugger is now an US citizen that stand for Trumpism.
The very same bugger not just few weeks ago, happened to travel back home – and joined RAJAPAKSHES ballige puthas and their self glorification projects.
I really dont knwo when these men would ever stand against their CANCER like thinking.
Right at the moment, no matter what party you supported earlier, you have to rethink and join hands with NPP/JVP.
Do we have any other options ?
Jit / January 3, 2022
You are spot on RW! JVP did as much a damage as the LTTE and Rajapaksa gang did to our social fabric and the economy, by their utterly failed two insurrections. Almost all main figures that participated in the 1971 plot and who live today have admitted it was an utterly chaotic, childish, and immature plot of kids. There was nothing different in what happened in 1988/9 either, only more people died! So why does JVP still worship Wijeweera who plotted such amateurish guerrilla attacks? Why haven’t JVP still not apologized to the thousands of families who lost their loved ones due to these stupid plots?? With such shady history, how can Sri Lankans believe that JVP is ANY different? Have they NOT taken the duty-free vehicles and other benefits as parliamentarians?? Their deep love towards China is so obvious and don’t they know that Chinese 10% loans and their commissions to Rajapaksa’s are the main reason why the country is sinking today? But take my word – always clueless Sri Lankan voters who are angry at their own stupidity now, will vote for JVP wholesale in the next elections and don’t be surprised if they’d curse themselves again later!
Sinhala_Man / January 4, 2022
The JVP has admitted to past mistakes. I remember both 1971 (I was teaching in a village school then, but also the Military Co-ordinator for Wellawaya, “Bull” Weeratunga, had then rented my Bandarawela house (I’m in Maharagama right now) for his family to live in. I knew “Bull”, who was later Army Commander.
I saw something of 1988/99, but I was in Oman for most of that time.
I regard both as being horrible mistakes. Class differences are there in Sri Lanka, and hatreds associated with them. Since I’m not a blind supporter of the JVP they matter less to me.
Jit, you’re a good man, and your stance has changed slightly. You thought that all pre-1956 politicians were good, with Dudley Senanayake being the good guy who continued even after that. I didn’t much disagree about Dudley.
However, when I pointed out certain things about the leadership of the UNP before 1956, you dismissed that as irrelevant, despite the gravity of what I cited.
I know that most Lankan voters are clueless; so educate them in the prevalent systems of voting. But then you’re not even in Lanka, are you? I’m, unfortunately, not so sanguine as to believe “wholesale voting” for the NPP.
Jit / January 4, 2022
1 of 2…SM, thanks for the kind words 😊. You say that “….You thought that all pre-1956 politicians were good…” No, I didn’t say that, but I said most pre 70 politicians were clean and spent their family silver to serve the people of the country instead of robbing people’s money which had been the modus operand since 1970s. Dudley was one great example. It is well known that he had only Rs 450 in his bank account (could be worth about Rs. 100,000 in today’s value) and just 5 trousers and 5 shirts in his wardrobe at the time of his death. And before 1970, the law of the land, rules and regulations, AR, FR etc were our strongest legal, social, moral, and ethical assets. Everything changed after 1970. Among heaps of disruptions to the default system, chit MP system, Janatha Committees etc UF introduced to grant govt jobs and JRJ’s ‘Job Bank’ and MP vehicle permit entitlements and a whole lot of other corruptive practices started eroding our nation rapidly….tbc…
Jit / January 4, 2022
2 of 2… The very reason why I said once that I don’t give a hoot who swallowed poison to cover up whoever’s murder or whatever is because they did not touch the rules, regulations, or law of the land. Private lives or personal dilemmas are minuscule if they don’t rob the people or our national wealth. That is the most despicable thing any politician can do which will throw any great economy down the cliff to the bottom, point of no return well passed. That is Sri Lanka today. Re- JVP, no, they have NEVER apologised for what they did in 71 and 88/89. Instead, they celebrate those two events every year. The other most concerning point is, as I already said, their unconditional love and affiliation to China. Don’t they know that China loaned billions at 7- 10% interest on white elephant projects for Rajapaksa clan to get up to 40% commissions? And China knowing it very well turned a blind eye right throughout? Why doesn’t JVP attack the govt on these issues? They should discuss these allegations openly in a transparent manner or else they would look like ‘unuth ekai’! End.
Sinhala_Man / January 5, 2022
Jit, I read your “messages” to me with appreciation many hours ago. I will try to respond later.
The time now is 3.40 a.m.
Sinhala_Man / January 5, 2022
Dear Jit,
I’m glad that I postponed responses. Now, 2.30 pm.
“Wonderful news”! My wife and I, as pensioners, will each receive Rs 5K more monthly. The opposition “ought to” welcome that and promise more. During The War, Hitler had no money, so he printed enormous amounts of money; a bit unfortunate that he lost The War to other countries that were also doing the same.
This is the NPP reaction; a pleasant surprise; don’t bother with my observations, read this:
And this more wide-ranging statement by the “leader” of both the JVP and the NPP:
Remember this would have been in Sinhalese, and translated; you may be disappointed that the word “apology” doesn’t appear; it doesn’t trouble me. The interviewer, Susitha Fernando, uses the word. AKD doesn’t exactly object to the word; he acknowledges their “failures and shortcomings.”
The language used by people who are in active politics is different from what we use. No different pre-1956. When I call myself a Village School Master, that is the truth. You belong to an elite family. Do you seriously believe my background is very different from yours?
Jit / January 5, 2022
SM, I don’t know whether you are a village school master or not. But I trust your version. I don’t know if I have to believe your background is very different from mine? or not. “….You belong to an elite family….” What the heck is that?? What is elitism?? You mean do I wear a tuxedo, use fork & spoon?? Heck NO!! I don’t believe in ANY elitism! I am always a man who walks on earth. I dont care where you come from, I do care for your humanity, that’s all!! Most of the time I work from home on Teams and love my T shirt and shorts on (its a bit cold here these days tho). Occasionally I go to the office in a T shirt and a denim. I am fortunate to work for people who don’t give a heck for what I wear. “… Do you seriously believe my background is very different from yours?….” Is it coming in desperation SM?? Why does it matter at all?? You and I ARE THE SAME HOMO SAPIENS my friend!!
Sinhala_Man / January 6, 2022
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Sinhala_Man / January 6, 2022
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Jit / January 6, 2022
Awww….SM, you seem to be in troubled waters. It is a shame that I cannot respond to you as the Mod has removed your comment. Too much stress got ya?? No worries! Please write to me when you are in a serene mood :)
Sinhala_Man / January 6, 2022
My appeal to you is to stop nit-picking; don’t confuse others. RohanaW, above, says many sensible things, but like HT, you confuse yourselves after a certain point. We all have to join those who are trying to topple this corrupt and incompetent regime, but it would be foolish to enter into a formal coalition with the motley assemblage that agrees with us on that single goal.
In deciding whom to support, we must be pragmatic as well as honest. I’m not ready to support either the Liberal Party or one of the fringe Marxists Parties – there’s one called the Socialist Equality Party, (which you may not have even heard of). Some guys whom I know have supported it for decades, and continue out of “loyalty”. Misplaced loyalty as to super market chains that issue “loyalty cards”.
We have been fools; some have been knaves. The price for those faults will have to be paid. Will I be among those shot by the Rajapaksas? Don’t know; hope not. There’s lots of suffering ahead, for us. My death owing to natural causes is getting overdue. I hope that you have some good years ahead.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
“The need at the moment is the present Opposition to join together to defeat the current regime which in so many ways has proved its inability to mange the country”
why is that Sajith stays as if a pole cat swallowed ” kithula ata” – not reacting enough knowing that he is the opposition leader of today s govt, when it comes to address GAS -Cylinder ISSUE or the like burning ones today ?
Yesterday I happened to speak to one of my relatives in colombo, he is not an idiot, but person who has worked for SRILANKEN for all his life, resounded, that Sajith as an opposition leader does not enough. This is what Ranil saw long before. Sajith needs lot more experience in srilanken poltiics. ALone stay behind his fathers politics, he cant achieve it even if he is proved to be a hard worker.
Sinhala_Man / January 4, 2022
Dear “lelagemalli”,
What makes you feel that Sajith Premadasa’s need is “experience”?
Study the facts about him. He’s neither “young” nor “inexperienced”, given my understanding of those words.
The guy is a cowardly opportunist who lacks commitment.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
leelagemalli / January 4, 2022
Dear sm.
SP a total ignorance or insufficient take part in gas CYLINDER blast issue reveals us a lot about his lack of political maturity./ not knowing to prioritise
And some of his public speeches not focusing on the anecdotal info at hand .
And his total delay of reactions regarding the release of RR irresponsible of the international pressure .
leelagemalli / January 4, 2022
His delayed reaction regarding getting RR released, irrespective of international pressure.
SJ / January 2, 2022
I remember the author’s description of the JVP in the wake of the April ’71 insurrection.
Not very complimentary.
Has it changed much?
a14455 / January 2, 2022
If we ever forget what these #$%^s did in 71 and 89 this country deserves a Khmer rouge . That is all I can tell to these fools who keep dreaming of this commie utopia.
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
a14455 / January 2, 2022
You the kind of ultra stupid men would never see it right.
Our eyes coul dnot believe, how those slaves from Matale still knelt down before ” jathiye wadakaya – Gota-Baya ” yesterday. May well be it was an another calculated MEDIA display to refresh bp’s eroding image.
Believe or not, like or not, this time NPP/JVP and other powerful allies will surely corner Rajapakshes to the wall. We want to see, Rajakashes be punished sooner than later. Their deliberate crimes are enough as of today, even if you the kind of eternal kalakanniyas sees it in favour of them yet today.
a14455 / January 3, 2022
LM loose mothion
See it right . you jvp balla. I see it perfectly right.
leelagemalli / January 4, 2022
wow, usual terms of PASQUAL…….. how come ? are u perhaps the same person ?
What a nincompoop ?
Get well soon a14455 / January 3, 2022!!
a14455 / January 3, 2022
I was too young to experience what they did in 71 but I was in the eye of the storm with what they did from 86 -90 being in the Efac final year in Peradeniya. I am perfectly aware of their lies and murders. As I was working in Kandy at the time. we were afraid to even go to work with all the murders they committed in an around where I lived. putting heads of school teachers on wooden stakes in polgolla and all over. The dead bodies floating down the Mahaweli was all too plane to see Apparently one of the electricians who worked as an electrician apparently was the leader who committed all the murders. we only know when his dead headless body was on the katugasthota kandy road. I saw their brutality every where I worked. in farms and villages all over from Anuradhapura to kurunegala to kandy.
They deserved everything they got from Ranjan Wijerathne to Premadasa. I left the country because of those wesige sons. Ill be dammed if I will forget that. ever in my life.
They may cover themselves with sheep clothing as parisara hita kamiyas or what ever is the disguise of the day. but they don’t fool me. just like you or SM or Simon don’t fool me.
old codger / January 3, 2022
“The dead bodies floating down the Mahaweli was all too plane to see Apparently one of the electricians who worked as an electrician apparently”
Some people who flaunt their superior US residency apparently still haven’t learnt to write English properly. Or they’re drunk, like so many fake patriots nowadays.
a14455 / January 3, 2022
oh wow the wonder old fool appears again ,
old codger / January 3, 2022
“the wonder old fool appears again ,”
Couldn’t even get that right.
What a miserable loser. 🤣🤣🤣
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
Dear OC,
earlier days, we happened to post them ” punnaku”: May be we can repeat the same to A 14455 – pompous man of all times, hoping that could work on teaching him the basics.
I think NV helped me providing their post addresses. 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣
a14455 / January 4, 2022
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old codger / January 3, 2022
“but I was in the eye of the storm with what they did from 86 -90 being in the Efac final year in Peradeniya”
Given your underwhelming debating skills, I doubt you were anywhere near Peradeniya at the time. Another tall story like getting from Dematagoda to Kadawata in 8 minutes.
a14455 / January 4, 2022
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old codger / January 4, 2022
Truly underwhelming.
SJ / January 3, 2022
Will a true American ever speak or write ‘English’ properly?
Was it not GBS who said ‘two countries divided by one language’?
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
The best example is being set by Gota-Baya- what has he learnt though he lived in the US for a period of 15 years ?
Yestreday once again, pinguththarayai dressed him an another cloak offering hims WIBHUSHANA, instead BHEESHAN award – so long our SADU SADU effect would not leave the country, things would not change anyway forward.
This country is filled with stupid people that would WATER bo trees for their selfish gains, no matter their educationaal labels would be beyond PhD levels.
Dhammika Paniya maker to US citizen /a14455/ aka eternal teenager would take many more decades to see it right. So the dark cloud hovering above the island would not leave us soon.
God bless my motherland !
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
Srilanka was ruled by “portugeuese, pruthugisi, then dutch, landhesi, then the English, Engirisi…. then ruledy by WENDESI – the auctioneers…..
Rajpakshe Miracles !!!..
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
I have the feeling – I really do, I am not alone, that you -a14455 / January 3, 2022 rajapakse backlicker are still too young. Your adolesence will remain forever. That is similar to that of Welimada Gunawathi and Matara Piyadasa. They would not change their political literacy even if their lovely ones would have been adbuducted to offer as human sacrifices to ” Rajakashe- nation’s blood sucker”:
Yet today, I see the kind of stupid people behave in favour of any kind of RAJPAKAHE crimes. Yesterday for example, Gota-Baya paid a visit to somewhere in Matale, with slaves falling ontheir knees similar to the reactions Dalai lama or the like spiritual leaders closed to crowds. All these are fake news, to milsead the very same stupid audience – the gallery- to stay in power and continung suck the rest of the blood of the destitute in the island.
You to attack me as ” JVP ballah” clears the doubt that you the kind of low lives would never change your spots regardless of where you are. Civilization should start from youru upbringing. I experiened it at Peradeniya – during the ragging days… left all my belongings and escaped myself. Not once several dozens of time.That they have in their blood. But to tell you and others on this platform, I have been not racial to anyone from my childhood on.
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
btw When did JVP join to main stream politics ?
Were LTTErs not gurilla group ? So what is the purpose of their activities with elected govts and their brutal acts ?
None of us would EVER support JVPrs if they remain as were before. Also in today s context, we dont support JVPrs but NPP.
I have lost my batchas in 89 insurgency so as some business men lost their brothers in the astrocities led insurgencies. victimized families cant forget that black history. But we must not hang on it to allow more damages being continued by a RASCAL FAMILY, putting them above altar for no reasons. Where we have the powers we should bring them before courts for the sake of the people of this country.
So faced the tamil SRILANKENs, in 83 riots, they state supporters/henchmen killed them on broad day light. NOt long ago, how incubment mlechcha men gunned down ” Makandure Madhush or other men in police custody” is the killing culture of so called SB dominated srilanka.
That is the nature of human beings regardless where they is no law and order….. also if there is rigorous law and order, the kind of inhuman activities continue because human beings are no different to other animals, where there is no systems.
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
That is the nature of human beings where there is no law and order at all.
This is the reason we should support any party that would put law and order above anything else.
Simon / January 4, 2022
a14455: There is nothing left to fool in you.
leelagemalli / January 4, 2022
No worth wasting to comment of a nincompoop/ I was called – as JVP BALLAH/ can u imagine? I can be a supporter to NPP but I have never listen JVP in 89. He repeats he was then young/ but even after 30 yrs/ from what he says he should still be passing his puberty
right ? We make every efforts to improve the awareness of the people/ u could better listen to ur kadamandiya people / surely they are now in good shape😎😎😎
Jayasiri Samarakoon / January 3, 2022
Prof. David, what is your view on the JVP/NPP position that they will only ‘decentralize’ (as opposed to ‘devolve’) power as a solution to the national question? While the Sinhala version of the JVP/NPP proposals says that ‘until then’ (that is until a new structure is put in place) Provincial Councils will be made efficient, the words ‘until then’ are left out in the English version. This conveys different messages to Sinhala and Tamil people. The Sinhala people are told that there will be a new structure and PCs will be run as efficient institutions ‘until then’, conveying the real position of the JVP/NPP that PCs will be abolished. Tamils are made to believe that PCs will continue to exist even under the new setup. In early 2020 JVP said it is not opposed to abolition of PCs.What is your view? Were you and other ‘old’ leftists not consulted? Is it not correct to assume that these are actually JVP proposals and not NPP proposals?
leelagemalli / January 3, 2022
this is very good point
“n early 2020 JVP said it is not opposed to abolition of PCs.What is your view? Were you and other ‘old’ leftists not consulted? Is it not correct to assume that these are actually JVP proposals and not NPP proposals?”
I think AKD and others in NPP would not go standing against people s wills. But Rajaakshes do. Just imagine, how they secreted signed agreements with US today. They returned to power by promising sky-earth … even louded that they would get Hambug-Thota-Port back from the chinese, but today, Rajapkashes and their men hide under the bed not being able to face up the nation.
Velu / January 3, 2022
HT, what you have written is a day dream in SL. The voting population (majority sinhala-buddhist) is poisoned with anti-minority masses. They will vote for the corrupt, fraud, criminals who pretend to be saviours of sinhala-buddhist majority. This is why I indicated what you have written as day dream. Is there any way out from this mess? I believe not a single SL politician is honest worthy now.