By Vishwamithra –
“Don’t be afraid, Queen, the blood has long run down into the earth. And on the spot where it was spilled, grapevines are growing today.” ~ Mikhail Bulgakov
Ranil Wickremesinghe and his Rajapaksas-led government are planning to hold the 75th Anniversary of Independence at the Galleface Green. The soil and turf that was consecrated by the tears, sweat and blood of our youth during the famous Aragalaya period is waiting to be debased, sullied, soiled and desecrated by the stupidity of our rulers. Giant army tanks would be rolling over the ground underneath; school students’ splendor will vanish into balmy air over the Green as a nonchalant exhibition of physical therapy. Those who attend the function will be more bewildered by the lack of patriotic feelings emanating from those who are scheduled to take part in the parade.
While the country is suffering from hunger in their stomachs and thirst for a Change in the body-politic, the rulers have chosen to display to the world their empty ‘upstairs’ (the mind); that upstairs is ‘vacant to let’. What was declared and celebrated with European splendor and sartorial stupidity on the Independence Square on that February 4, 1948 once again was relegated to another waste of time money and sweat. What DS Senanayake received from the British Masters as Independence still remains in all actual reality a transfer of political power from the British Pukka Sahibs to the local Pukka Sahibs.
The rest of the masses, rural villagers, suburban shanty-dwellers, daily-paid workers, non-English-speaking mass of the majority, whether they are Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims, the whole underprivileged class of people continued to undergo hardships beyond suffering. In order to come to power these wretched politicians promised moon and stars and after coming to power in order to sustain themselves in their cushy seats, they borrowed and borrowed and borrowed with no end in sight. It is that pit of borrowings that we are all compressed in. Despite the majority of the country are being trapped in an economic crisis, the rulers enjoy their evening whiskies, afternoon naps and their morning breakfast of bacon and eggs. A nation has been dragged down the road and already entrapped in a cul-de-sac from where the masses see no return.
It is in this midst that the Ranil-Rajapaksa government decided to celebrate the country’s 75th Anniversary of Independence. With pomp and pageant, so far unseen and unheard of, the country’s President is getting ready to display his Executive powers with the might of the three forces of the country. The war-tanks of the ground forces of the Army start rambling on the Galleface Green on February 4, 2023. Seventy five years after Ceylon gained her Independence from the British Colonial powers, in the middle of this ominous and exhibitionistic march, the ground beneath will tremble for their unbearable weight; but the teardrops that flow along the cheeks of millions of our rural, underprivileged men, women and children would have a much more telling weight on the lackluster face of the nation.
While the mischievous children are playing gaudy and rowdy games, Mother Lanka would decide that she is no more calm and collected; she is no more apathetic and passive. Her other children shall rise against those who are trying make two plus two five. She knows that tomorrow does not belong to those who are passive, apathetic and unfeeling. That tomorrow belongs to those who would rise against tyranny, those who would clamor for a Change, and those who stop at nothing until that Change has arrived.
She shall realize that there is no meaning to any celebration of Independence if the majorities are demanding a Change. If celebrations are held without the mass support and without mass participation and if that majority is on the streets protesting against the government’s cruel and mindless suppression of thought and action, how can she countenance such treason, treason committed by the rulers against the people who elected them? Non-participation by the majority at these bogus celebrations is not a crime; it is the right of all people; it is a sacred duty of those who can think straight and clearly.
Now it’s almost universal. Refusal to participate in any celebration of the 75th Anniversary Independence, outside her shores by the diaspora and inside by the young, old and even the feeble of all walks of life and they have come to a collective decision: No celebration of the 75th anniversary of Independence for there is no independence and no freedom and no justice. A universal condemnation of those who rule the nation is vivid and in full display.
Sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security, three elements that define and represent a free country’s inner soul is being challenged, not by the Aragalakaruwos, but by those who preside over the country’s ruling cabal. In a situation in which the very core of the country’s soul is being challenged and ridiculed and held in contempt by those who have been elected to uphold those elements, the aftermath of a celebration of a starkly obscene nature in which the 75th Anniversary is being held, will be too horrific to wonder about. It would be too dangerous and depressing to anticipate. Possibilities for a violent end have increased exponentially.
If the country is ruled by a set of goons who have no quarter for the suffering of the subject people, the rest of the journey is in peril. Its winding and twisted nature would capture the innocent and helpless.
The eve of the celebrations may well be the final time those who would participate in the parade as real participants. A national farce is being played out in the open and there are no nuances to watch for. Everything will be stark and in a matter-of-fact way. Ranil Wickremesinghe has bettered Nero of the ancient Roman Empire. While the country is burning Ranil is fiddling…with what one would not know.
The present crisis and chaos aside, what can the country do? What is left for the youth of the country? What choices are there? Or, are there any choices left? How can the current Opposition breathe freely when their brethren are exposed to violent and mindless treatment by the Police? Why are they not rising to the occasion and dare challenge the government in a real way? The Gandhis, Nehrus, and Patels, when they demanded change, they challenged the might of the British military presence. This writer did mention this in one of his earlier columns. Why don’t AKD and Sajit dare arrest by the government?
Leadership does not consist in going in front of an angry crowd. Leadership consists in guiding, protecting and sacrificing, if necessary, for the cause. It consists of planning and execution; it consists of disciplining his forces, it consists of convincing his own men and women to do the right thing, not the easy thing. It’s time for that kind of leadership. The opportunity has arrived and whoever grabs it first would be accepted as their leader by our youth. Time for vacillation is gone by. Remember, thunder occurs in the far distance in the skies, not nearby. Lightning flashes are seen by who observe not those who tend to pass by.
The thunder and lightning from atop a platform does not mean much; its glory and attraction is far too short-lived. Our people are too tired of such false hopes. Seventy five years have done two main things in the lives of our people: 1. It has deceived our people to an intolerable degree and as a result produced a country that cannot feed her children three meals a day. 2. At the same time, that same level of deception has opened the eyes of the young generation of the twenty first century that the three quarters of a century of sufferance, indignity and sheer loss must belong only to the past, not to the present, nor to the future.
That is precisely why a rebirth of our nation is a must if at all we want to march forward as a progressive member of the world community. That rebirth can be reawakened by a rebirth of the Aragalaya. Somewhere around April 9, 2022, Galleface Green was blessed with the young and incorrupt feet of the young, old and middle-aged feet of our people. In another few hours the same Green shall behold the armed might and arrogance of a decadent social class. The clash is imminent and the clash shall come.
I dare not predict what the outcome would be!
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
paragon / February 4, 2023
SJ / February 4, 2023
You forgot to say that the Muslims lose their freedom to the Tamils in 1995.
Also forgot a people who lost their identity in 1948.
Buddhist1 / February 4, 2023
SJ you too forgot that Muslims lost their freedom when Rajapaksa lead crooks started the “wanda pethi” lies.
The Estate Tamils lost their freedom when UNP brought in the citizenship act and since then not providing a living wage to them. The co-conspirators in this inhuman act are the Thondamans and the Northern Tamil Educated Politicians.
Buddhist1 / February 4, 2023
In all these the Buddhist Monks played a major role for the “santhosams” they got from the then ruling party, this includes the Mahanayakes as well.
SJ / February 4, 2023
I appreciate that it hurts Tamil nationalists when Tamil nationality follies are reminded. It is kind of you not to blame the Muslims, unlike the rest.
I only mentioned the first major event. There was injustice under CBK as well. But nothing subsequent could match it until the violence in the second decade of the century.
The betrayal by the Tamil Congress was used by the trio SJVC, CV & EMVN to found the FP.
Do not draw red herrings about the wages. The wages were very low from the day they were brought in. The UNP neither reduced wages nor changed living conditions.
Sir P Arunachalam spoke up for their rights in the 1920s. The Left always fought for better wages and living conditions.
Those besides, what is this conspiracy that you refer to? Can you be more specific.
Rohan25 / February 4, 2023
You also conveniently forgot to mention the large-scale ethnic cleansing of native Tamils by Muslims in the eastern province, especially in the Amparai, and Trincomalee districts. Why am I not surprised and the burning, looting of Tamil homes and businesses by Muslim and Sinhalese mobs during every state-sponsored anti-Tamil pogrom? However, the sufferings of your fellow Tamils have always been a non-issue to you, only the perceived sufferings of their tormentors are a huge issue to you and you leap to their defence.
SJ / February 4, 2023
The LTTE and its rivals were brigades of mercy I suppose.
Remember the Kaththankudi mosque massacre?
The Tamil narrow nationalist attitude of viewing Muslims as a subservient community is no different from their caste-ridden bigotry.
Rohan25 / February 5, 2023
No one calls the LTTE paragons of virtue nor does the island’s Muslim innocents like you love to portray. Sinhalese racism and Islamic betrayal and opportunism only gave birth to the LTTE. From the time of independence the island’s Muslim elite and politicians, especially the southern variety, were co-partners with the Sinhalese in the Eelam Tamil genocide and war crimes. For political and economic advantage, they denied their actual South Indian immigrant Tamil Muslim origin and claimed a blanket Arab origin for the entire community, which only a few of them partially had. This is like the island’s 2 million Sinhalese and Tamil Christians claiming a European ancestry and as proof show the 40000 strong part European Burghers. They brainwashed this island’s Muslim Tamil masses to hate their actual Tamil origin and ancestry and consider themselves as some form of Arab. Now brainwashing them to discard their Tamil language, culture, heritage, and dress forms and adopt Gulf Arab Wahhabism, dress forms, culture and even Arabic or Urdu or Sinhalese. Presume all this is fine for you.
Rohan25 / February 5, 2023
The Sinhalese cunningly used these pretend Arab South Indian origin Tamil Muslims, as a tool to marginalize the island’s Tamils, especially in the east. As a reward, they gave them lots of ministries and important positions and nothing or hardly anything to the Tamils. When all this happened Tamils were over 20% of the population and this of Indian origin, Tamil Sri Lankan Muslims calling themselves Moors, were only around 6%-7% of the population. These Muslim ministers joined their Sinhalese masters and enacted all sorts of laws to benefit the island’s Muslims and Sinhalese only and further marginalise the Tamils. Remember Badudeen Mohamed who enacted standardisation, that greatly benefitted the Muslims and Sinhalese only and deliberately reduced the number of Tamil students, especially in prestigious science courses. Remember recent South Indian origin Minister Mohammed in JR cabinet who was organizing Muslim thugs to burn and loot Tamil homes and businesses down south and at the request of JR sent them to Kalmunai in the east, to start a rift between the Tamils and Tamil Muslims there? Of course, you know all these but conveniently choose not to mention them, as you have some sort of agenda against your fellow Tamils in my opinion.
Rohan25 / February 5, 2023
Lastly, everyone knows, that the Kattankudi mosque as well as Kattankudi is a hotbed of Islamic extremism. Even the Easter 2019 attack, which was largely against Christian and Catholic Tamils and their churches, was planned from there and most of the perpetrators of this crime came from there. Before anything happened all Tamil Hindus were chased out of the Kattankudi and the surrounding area and the ancient Hindu temple was destroyed. The area became 100% Muslim. Tamils and the Tamil Veddah Hindu population are the native and indigenous populations of the east. Muslims only arrived in the east a few centuries ago fleeing Portuguese and then Sinhalese persecution, claiming to be Tamils and were given refuge. Everything ancient and historic about the east is Tamil. Not Sinhalese or Muslim. The east is part of the Eelam Tamil homeland, not the Sinhalese or Islamic homeland.
Rohan25 / February 5, 2023
The Kattankudi mosque was the base of these Islamic home guards who were heavily armed by the Sri Lankan state, to attack neighbouring Hindu Tamil villages. They used to store their arms and pray at the mosque, before an attack and the LTTE knew of this and attacked the mosque, strangely after this attack, the activities of the Muslim home guards and their attack on Hindu Tamil villages and destruction of Hindu temples and ethnically cleansing Hindu Tamil villages ceased in the east, especially in the Amparai district, where many ancient Tamil Hindu villages were destroyed, ethnically cleansed, Hindu temples burnt, many with people inside it and still a nogo area for Tamils. The LTTE did not want a repeat of what happened in the east to happen in the north, therefore when they caught Muslims spying for the Sinhalese army and storing large amounts of arms to them against the Sri Lankan state in their mosques( against whom), they sent them packing, as they were a fifth column. Arrived as immigrants and refugees from South India and were provided safe haven and refuge, as fellow Tamils but were always repaid by treachery.
Rohan25 / February 5, 2023
Tamil when it suits them but all other times Tamil hating Islamic fake Arabs, who will join anyone to destroy their own Tamil ethnicity, culture, language and heritage, all in the name of their religion and an imagined western Arab origin, that only small minority of them partially have.
Strange the person who planned this attack on the Kattankudi mosque was the head of the then eastern LTTE Karuna, whose sister is married to a Muslim. The northern LTTE or Prapakaran had nothing to do with this. Now the darling of the Sinhalese and Muslims. Through his actions in the Amparai district, he deliberately divided the Tamil votes in the district, in the 2020 3l3ctions, resulting in an extra Muslim MP elected from the district instead of a Hindu Tamil MP.
SJ / February 6, 2023
“No one calls the LTTE paragons of virtue”
Are you sure? Many Tamil nationalists around here think they are if not almost are.
Native Vedda / February 6, 2023
“The LTTE and its rivals were brigades of mercy I suppose.”
Of course they were, didn’t they reverse Indian expansion?
Weren’t they jolly good fellows?
SJ / February 6, 2023
Regret setback for Indian expansion?
Pretty revealing though!
How are you this morning?
I care for all aspects of your health.
Dilshan / February 4, 2023
Had the Sinhala Intellegensia been intellectually non corrupt wrote against defranchising indian origin workforce against sinhala only act and 58 racial riots, we would not be in this pathetic state today
SJ / February 4, 2023
Do you need reminding that many Sinhalese MPs voted against the Citizenship Act and the Official Language Act?
May I also remind you that several Tamil MPs failed vote against the Citizenship Act.
Dinuk / February 4, 2023
Vishwa, Aragalaya enabled the birth of the US ‘Force’ Backed Ranil Rajapakse regime to ensure the crashing Euro-American empire’s (Digital) re-Colonization and Full Spectrum Dominance of Sri Lanka which is being readied for an IMF firesale of strategic assets as the sole achievement of self-government in 1948 — The Welfare State is being destroyed by IMF austerity to Shrink the economy and further debt trap the country.
Why do you think that the CARAT/MAREX US Seventh Fleet Anchorage war games happened in the week before Fake Independence with Fake Human Rights was celebrated in Sri Lanka’s Virtual Reality?!
This Virtual reality is a enabled also by the Human Rights whores of Colombo’s NGOs who dance to the tunes and funds of NED and USAID funded Aragalayas..
Next the elections will be gamed Cambridge Analytica style to continue the CIA puppet show called democracy in Banana Republic…
Dinuk / February 4, 2023
Vishwa: have your heard of the term Lawfare? Like Warfare?
The show with the HRC, PUCSL and ECB is LAWFARE the use of Law against the Economic Rights and Justice for the People.
This is a CIA operation to ensure the breakup and privatization of the National Electricity generation and supply grid. The HRC operation is a Fake Case to provide the legal framework for the destruction of Sri Lanka’s National Energy Security. Fake Human Rights is what there is sans Economic rights and Justice as the US war machine sells its weapons all over the world and militarizes the Indian Ocean.
Due to global energy wars, France recently Nationalized its biggest electric company, and Singapore drew up legislation to nationalize private energy sources, but Sri Lanka under IMF pressure is destroying national energy Security. Henceforth only tourist zones where the elite and white people live in Sri Lanka will get electricity and the rural areas will be disconnected from the National Grid…! This is the endgame of the outcome of the HRC’s fake HR case in the interest of A level students – LAWFARE against the people of Lanka. Like the case against Aeroflot Russian Airlines last year to break ties between SL and Russia and blockade the import of Russian Oil and Gas to Lanka, and destroy the Lankan economy…
Ajith / February 4, 2023
May I also remind you that several Muslim MPs voted for 18th and 20th amendments.
SJ / February 4, 2023
You conveniently forget the Tamils— a good memory cab be a liability I guess.
Rohan25 / February 4, 2023
Yes, some Sinhalese MPS voted against the Citizenship Act but the vast majority voted for it and several Tamil MPS belonging to a certain family-run party failed to against the Citizenship Act but the vast majority of the Tamil MP voted against it. It was the vote of the Sinhalese MPS that carried it through. Please do not distort what happened. We all are fully aware of your views and your bias against your fellow Tamils.
SJ / February 4, 2023
The FP did not take up the cause of the Hill Country Tamils after 1957.
Can you work out why?
davidthegood / February 4, 2023
Dilshan, SB arrogance without intellect caused all this. SWRD paid with his life when shot by a Buddhist monk. But today it is cover up of the corrupt, murdering robber leaders. Jail them and recover the loot and abolish the presidency before we reach irreversible stage. Change system.
SJ / February 4, 2023
You talk of “SB arrogance “.
But was not SWRDB a Christian to the end deep down, and given a Christian burial?
old codger / February 4, 2023
A Christian burial, yes, but the clergy wore yellow!
SJ / February 4, 2023
I should have added that the man was given his last rites by a Christian priest.
Not much publicity though.
Clergy in cassocks would have buried the SLFP together with SWRDB.
old codger / February 6, 2023
Something similar happened with MR’S mother-in-law, a devout Catholic. All appearances of Catholic clergy or rituals were edited out of TV coverage, for obvious reasons.
Mahila / February 7, 2023
Obvious reasons!!!!???
Or revulsion of the SB electorate!!!
So was LK, notwithstanding the daughters lamenting publicly!!
They didn’t want the myth of the supremacy to be “busted”!!??
Rohan25 / February 4, 2023
Yes, he was born a Christian but for political advantage, identified himself as a Buddhist and committed all these blunders and atrocities in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism and not in the name of Christianity. So did many other Sinhalese leaders. Please do not distort the truth again. Just because he was given a Christian burial, does not mean he behaved like a good Christian. He renounced it for political advantage.
davidthegood / February 5, 2023
Rohan25, I agree with you. When SB politics became bigger than God, he got shot by SB. The method of burial depends on those who are left alive, but whether one has faith in God has to be determined while living. At death, all spirits return to God and whether our wilful soul goes with spirit or separates depends on whether we have chosen to be faithful to God in life or not. Enlightened souls not enough as it is only the spirit that can receive power, authority and vibrational energy from God’s supernatural Holy Spirit. Rituals dont make sense to the dead, except to comfort the bereaved living. Be filled with spirit while still alive in God belief.
SJ / February 6, 2023
“When SB politics became bigger than God,”
So you agree that there are things grater than God.
Mahila / February 5, 2023
Wasi Paththata Goviya!!! Natural Instinct!! JOBS!!??
Naman / February 4, 2023
“Why don’t AKD and Sajit dare arrest by the government?“
I assume that it’s better to wait for the parliamentary or Presidential elections
and become victorious with the public mandate. Ideally they NPP + SJB) should form a Patriotic united Front to counter the Ranil + Rajapaksas + Racists. It’s also time for the Supreme + Apeal court Judges to stand for Good Governance. I wonder whether they can nullify the miscarriages of justices of the past
Sinhala_Man / February 4, 2023
Thanks, Vishwamithra
You have said it all clearly, “A national farce is being played out in the open and there are no nuances to watch for.”
That’s a quotation from the above article; others have also written.
We cannot do much else. The warnings that have been given are clear, if ignored by many, people like me will just have to stop agitating.
There have to be limits to madness.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC: 483111444V)
whywhy / February 4, 2023
Dear Sinhala _ Man ,
Sorry I had to cut across to this page to find you from ” Enduring
Hellholes ” of L P . May be it was a mistake to remember you as
a principal . Sorry about that and thanks for the correction .
Raj-UK / February 4, 2023
The French peasants, fed up with the extravagance of the nobility & monarchy, started the revolution & guillotined the heads of the whole lot. I am against violence & capital punishment but in this case, willing to make an exception & would like to see the entire despicable lot lynched at Galle Face Green.
The ‘Aragalaya 1 ‘ was peaceful but ‘Aragalaya 2’ may not be. These parasites are not going peacefully & will have to be dragged out kicking & screaming.
Buddhist1 / February 4, 2023
Freedom simply means the Judiciary, Armed Forces, Police and the Speaker acting in full compliance with the Constitution of the country. Even in the recent Periodic UN review, all that the other countries mentioned against Sri Lanka and wanted improvement can be categorized under the above-mentioned three headings, namely Non-Bias Judiciary, Law abiding Armed Forces and the Police and lastly the Rule of Law ( which starts from the Parliament and the head of which is the Speaker).
Mahila / February 5, 2023
Agree with you totally and absolutely!!
The biggest issue is for a long, long time, we have had the habit of “licking the backs of each other”, if permitted to say so!!!???
It is hard to change that now, because none, knows for certain, whose back has been licked by whom, if indeed has been spared of Licking!!!??? Very contentious issue though and thus no salvation!!!!
Just like the electorate, they still feel confident that the same party, that governed before, though violated the spirit of governance and/or robbed, would be the ones, who could salvage them – because of the widely continued practice of or inclination to dispense, ¼ BOTTLE OF GAL, 1 X CHICKEN BIRYANI PACKET AND RS. 5000.00 PER ELIGIBLE VOTER!!!???
Mahila / February 5, 2023
Agree with you totally and absolutely!!
The biggest issue is for a long, long time, we have had the habit of “licking the backs of each other”, if permitted to say so!!!???
It is hard to change that now, because none, knows for certain, whose back has been licked by whom, if indeed has been spared of Licking!!!??? Very contentious issue though and thus no salvation!!!!
Just like the electorate, they still feel confident that the same party, that governed before, though violated the spirit of governance and/or robbed, would be the ones, who could salvage them – because of the widely continued practice of or inclination to dispense, ¼ BOTTLE OF GAL, 1 X CHICKEN BIRYANI PACKET AND RS. 5000.00 PER ELIGIBLE VOTER!!!???