18 February, 2025


From Biden To Trump, Mahinda To Ranil! Have We Run Out Of Choices?

By Mohamed Harees –

Lukman Harees

“The course of history is directed by the choices we make and our choices grow out of the ideas, the beliefs, the values, the dreams of the people.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

“I don’t feel represented by the candidates the parties in power keep offering up,” says a citizen, writing for an online publication, which shares “anonymous narratives to promote civil discourse.” ‘[A]nd I won’t vote for a ‘lesser evil,’” he says. “People who are less trusting of their fellow citizens and who are less trusting of government officials to do the right thing are less likely to vote,” he says. “If you believe that your representatives and government officials are all out for themselves and cannot be trusted to behave in a moral fashion, then voting is likely to be seen as useless. Most believe elections bring offer any credible choices, little change, that politicians are corrupt and out of touch and that courts do not treat people fairly.

These are the “Hobson’s choices” in politics today. The phrase  originates from a 17th century English horse trader who, it is believed, rented horses to customers on his own terms. There is broad agreement that the Houses of Parliament offers a retirement home for aged politicos, a recovery ward for defeated politicians; a well-paid sinecure for some long-term, elite group of cunning businessmen, and a springboard for opportunistic wannabees in politics and not offering much talents with fresh thinking. Whether it is in the US, UK or Sri Lanka, dissatisfaction with democracy is related to economic frustration, the status of individual rights, as well as perceptions that personalities in politics today are corrupt and do not care about average citizens.

Biden told a crowd in Vegas that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years. Then again, Biden reportedly referred to Sisi, the president of Egypt as the president of Mexico. He will be likely to be in the race again. Already the oldest president ever, Biden is 81 and would be 86 at the end of a second term. Trump, the probable Republican presidential nominee this year, will turn 78 in June. To some extent, so are the credentials of Trump – who recently confused Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, president of Turkey. He also confused Nikki Haley, his last remaining rival for the Republican nomination, with Nancy Pelosi, the former Democratic House speaker.

Americans see the next presidential election shaping up as a national trainwreck. According to polls, they view the election of either Joe Biden or Donald Trump as president would be a setback or a disaster for the United States. Opinion polls show the twice impeached, quadruply indicted ex-president narrowly leading Biden – and experts say ‘it would be a disaster for America’. A majority of voters in six swing states consider President Trump and Joe Biden mentally unfit to be president, according to a new CNBC/Change Research poll. Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, publics around the world held the United States in low regard, with most opposed to his foreign policies. This was especially true among key American allies and partners. Both Trump and Biden applied their unilateral approaches to foreign affairs as was seen in their  related to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

For 227 years the United States, the world’s principal capitalist power, has also changed its leader every four years and has always chosen between two parties, Republican and Democrat, but the country’s situation does not vary. Whoever the president is, the ferocious imperialism continues and a high level of consumption for its working class is maintained, while the most important decisions continue to be taken on Wall Street (the oligarchs who handle the money) or by the military-industrial complex, which sets its rapacious foreign policy as an imperialist nation.  The idea that the US is a democracy is objectively and qualitatively false. This is not a controversial point, it’s empirically verifiable.

If the masses are constantly told they can change those political realities they disagree with in the next voting cycle, radical change in the “now” is quelled. Unethical business transactions by politicians or deadly bombings overseas, under this symbolic democracy, are not seen as systemic realities inherent in the governmental system but temporary decisions that can be corrected by voting in next election. Indeed, Trump droned the same community in Yemen as Obama. Biden followed upon the same pro Israeli policies( in fact worse) like Trump. It is not a surprise, because they are all part of the governmental system. Yet because masses are told they can vote people in and out of office and people assume domestic economic policies or foreign policies will radically change as soon as another president is elected. A symbolic democracy maintains the status quo by making us think in election cycles that we allegedly have control over and not systemic realities that will continue until the structures of power are dismantled, no matter who is in office.

The behaviour of many British political leaders has also been nothing short of abhorrent. From Tony Blair whose lies along with Bush led to a million and more deaths in Iraq, to Cameron, Boris and to Rishi Sunak or even Nigel Farage – these men have shown no qualms about misleading and lying to the public in furtherance of their own narrow political ambitions. Sri Lanka too boasts a similarly long list of abhorrent ‘leaders’. The electoral system and the corrupt establishment – big business, the media, the international community and the state itself – promotes, legitimises and profits on the back of these lying, corrupt politicians.

Sri Lanka’s rulers have repeatedly disregarded the country’s best interests for personal gain. However, despite eliminating the LTTE, no one has compromised Sri Lanka’s long-term standing as much as Rajapaksas.  The family first came into power in 2005 with the election of Mahinda Rajapaksa as president, who quickly appointed several members of his family to senior positions – most notorious among them, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who served as Secretary of Defence at the end of the war also led an authoritarian rule after his election in 2019. The Rajapaksas cunningly used an unashamedly a pseudo ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ nationalist political machine to rule on a platform of racism, silencing human rights defenders and crushing dissent, particularly from numerically smaller Tamil and Muslim communities.

Concerns over the widespread corruption and nepotism of Rajapaksa rule and their assaults on judicial and media freedom appeared initially to hardly dent his popularity. Such was the apparent culture of impunity that while they changed the constitutions to ensure immunity from prosecution and to bolster their family rule. . attacking the island’s Muslims. (Most among these minorities did not vote for Rajapaksa and he believed that the narrative against them bolstered his Sinhalese Buddhist credentials.) He did so while undermining democratic institutions and establishing an increasingly authoritarian regime.

Despite the historic Aragalaya, which saw the exit of  Gotabhaya, nothing much has changed, This year the Independence Day parade marched past President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has been ruling  with no public mandate. It came at a time when the cost of living, and the state of bankruptcy and  inflation has made life unaffordable for a huge number of people, and Sri Lanka has the second-highest rate of acute malnutrition among children under 5 in South Asia. As families cannot afford to have enough food to eat and bear the cost of fuel to send their children to school, the lavishness of the celebration jarred with the everyday realities of most Sri Lankans. Corruption of the political and administrative establishment  has been sky high, while the country is run by rogues and criminals with no public credibility. His ‘Yahapalanaya’  tenure of office has also been riddled with corruption and misrule. Today, he is offering himself for re election along with candidates from Pohottuwa, a party polluted with characters who led Sri Lanka to ruination.    

When there is such a sour, negative political environment, voters in general are looking for change. They  usually look for new voices, new people. But, it is not what happens. Honestly, though, voters deserve a share of blame for this mess. The blame here is largely on people themselves. People consistently tell pollsters that they want other options on the ballot, and they do so in numbers that suggest success for rival efforts. But when offered candidates who aren’t Democrats or Republicans, voters rarely take advantage. Nor do they give much money or support to political entrepreneurs between elections in hopes of expanding the range of ballot options beyond those put up by the major parties. As awful as the two major parties undoubtedly are, and as unpalatable as their likely candidates promise to be, the public needs to take a large share of the blame for this situation. If leading contenders for high office are so terrible, voters should choose somebody else. And if putting the government in the hands of politicians from either major party threatens disaster, it shouldn’t have been allowed to accumulate enough power to do such harm. The country may face disaster, but it’s self-inflicted.

It is clear that this democracy is not, strictly speaking, ‘the people’s government’, Representative democracy is a real farce. For more than two centuries now, since the French Revolution and the independence of the United States, it has been instilled in us, almost by force, that ‘democracy’ is an exercise of going to vote every so often. If that happens periodically without interruption, and leaders change, we think we are in a democracy. If not, then: dictatorship! This is the farce of democracy. In many cases, the people vote for the party rather than the candidate, and are swayed by election propaganda or the false promises of politicians.  Moral leaders have less chance to win elections because election results are rigged through financial inducements, intimidation and brute force. In the present democratic system, all sorts of immoral and corrupt practices are given the opportunity to pervert society. The very nature of the present system is that it favours the capitalists and exposes the administration to immoral and corrupt forces. Once the winning party form the government, they get ample opportunity to indulge in rampant corruption and political tyranny for five years. In the subsequent elections — whether on the provincial or state level — the same absurdity is repeated.

This type of political opportunism has been going on in Sri Lanka since independence.  But once the elections are over, the exploitation of the common people continues unabated in the garb of political democracy, and other areas of social life are completely neglected. Today millions of Sri Lanka citizens are being deprived of the minimum requirements of life and are struggling to procure adequate food, clothing, housing, education and medical treatment, while a handful of people are rolling in enormous wealth and luxury.

The prerequisites for the success of democracy are morality, education and socio-economico-political consciousness. Leaders especially must be people of high moral character; otherwise the welfare of society will be jeopardized. In today’s limited two party system, moral leaders have less chance to win elections because election results are rigged through financial inducements, intimidation and brute force. In the present democratic system, all sorts of immoral and corrupt practices are given the opportunity to pervert society. The very nature of the present system is that it favours the capitalists and exposes the administration to immoral and corrupt forces.

In a system by a two party system for decades however, the last few years has shown us that economic turmoil, the confusion and chaos that comes with coalitions and the increase in public awareness and activism have enthused the emergence of a credible third party as a significant factor in national politics in Sri Lanka. NPP in this regard has shown its mettle to a force to be reckoned with in Sri Lankan politics, despite the vain attempts by the main parties to tarnish its public standing through misinformation and social media onslaughts referring to their past.      

Political democracy has become a great hoax for the people of the world. It promises the advent of an era of peace, prosperity and equality, but in reality it creates criminals, encourages exploitation and throws common people into an abyss of sorrow and suffering. The irony is that the same elite group gets elected repeatedly and election campaigns are held as rituals because political parties have become dynasties. On paper, this citizenry may be fully empowered and enfranchised but in reality, they are not.  It is very common for the typical citizen to feel ‘betrayed’ by politicians, political parties and their ideologies. . Citizens must, therefore, understand ideas about citizenship, politics and government. They need knowledge to make decisions about policy choices and the proper use of authority, along with the skills to voice their concerns, act collectively and hold public officials (i.e., elected representatives, civil servants, and appointed leaders) accountable. Citizen education should be promoted. Only then, the likes of Biden/Trump/Boris eras such as ‘Mahinda/ Ranil’ can  be ended in Sri Lanka.

Latest comments

  • 12

    “According to polls, they view the election of either Joe Biden or Donald Trump as president would be a setback or a disaster for the United States.”
    It’s about time the rogue nation, the USA, collapses. The world will be a better place without them.

    • 20

      “It’s about time the rogue nation, the USA, collapses. “
      What will happen to Ramona?

      • 16


        • 5

          OC and Mahila, in that case , are we allowed to say , it’s about time the rogue nation SillyLanka collapses ( has it already ????), the world will be a better place without them. Where will our friend go then ?????

          • 15

            “Where will our friend go then ????”
            He doesn’t like India. He doesn’t like Tamils. He doesn’t like Muslims. It’s a hard world out there…..

      • 15

        May be, She will return to the good old homeland for refuge.

        There are many that thhought home country is the best for the salvation in COVID crisis, remember ? Unfortunately, nation’s executiionist charactor did not let the poor returning home…. remember ?

      • 13

        old codger

        “What will happen to Ramona?”

        She got you.
        Are you looking for reassurance/approval from nimal, Sinhala_man, Lester,….. SJ, leelagemalli, ….. Nathan, ….

        • 11

          There is always Nimal Fernando.

          • 0

            Are some people jealous?

        • 1

          fantastic !


      • 0

        OC – You have to first understand the difference between a nation and it’s people. May be the history books didn’t tell you that.

        • 11

          Please plead ignorance and spare misery all round.

          • 11

            I give up, though the difference beats me….

    • 19

      The United States (320 millions) and Sri Lanka (22millions) have one thing in common, and that is the biased mainstream media that manipulates public opinion constantly.

      The former is a developed nation and the latter is a sinking nation, however the stupid republicans are like the Sinhalese racists who are ready to drink a “Punnaku” on one-go. Looking back how Gota got elected would not be possible today’s Ethiopia (120 miliions), but srilankens proved it on and on. ….. alas what a nation ?
      So who is to blame?
      Geneticists are clear that only 1.5% of human genome makes the difference between “Homo sapiens” and “other primates”: 1.5% of the genes in the human genome have even more crime signals programmed in that they will never be inclined to see. Beyond that.
      Regardless of the extent of Trump’s willful crimes, white supremacists will be cheering for him. At the same time, far to the south, there are still a significant number of Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna or Pohottuwa supporters to stand up for Medamulana Thirisannu.
      We can’t believe our eyes but it’s true, no matter how honorable Imran Khan (Pakistan) has been jailed, still he scored more votes for the party to lead the country of 230 million illiterate led people.

    • 12

      Lester is so so childish, didn’t even share with his good friend ( you know who )

  • 8

    Whoever the president is the ferocious imperialism continues., – It looks like that the writer believes that the Americans follow their leaders. No. It is the other way around. Americans evolve their leaders, quite unlike Sri Lanka.
    American presidential candidates, both of them, are gaffe prone, no doubt. Biden as a habit; Trump as a show off. But, American people are steely focused.
    Sri Lankan dissatisfaction with democracy is related to economic frustration. … ???
    Economic thinking got into our psyche only recently. Prior to that it was, you know what!

  • 2

    LH, You say that the country’s situation does not vary whether democrat or republican in the USA. Could it be that in this nation too, not much change could be expected specially because the voting citizens are unable to change their mindsets free of the last vote they cast thinking it was the best.

  • 16

    Harees, now we have competition. Nawaz Sherif claiming victory in recent Pakistan elections, nominated his brother Shehbaz for PM post and his daughter Maryam as chief minister of Punjab.

    • 18

      Do you think Pakistan has run out of choices ??? There are allegations, that Imran actually won the elections but Nawaz with the help of corrupt military, claiming victory .

      • 13

        Here is the confirmation. A candidate of Nawaz Sherif’s party ( ally ) declared as winner from Karachi , resigned today stating that the election was rigged and his conscience doesn’t allow him to be the real people’s representative. Apparently independent candidate of Imran’s party received 31,000 votes, which was rigged by officials and reported as 11,000 votes. Of course such morality will never be witnessed in SorryLanka. Hope Harees will write on rigged Pakistan elections. On the same note, in yesterday’s by election , NYC seat vacated by Republican George Santos ( found guilty of financial fraud 0 the challenging democrat won turning the Republican house majority to just 1 or 2.

        • 11

          Here are the details. A senior Pakistani politician Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman of Islamist Jammat ( ally of Sharif ) was declared victorious of provincial seat 129 in Karachi , after securing more than 26,000 votes, resigned stating the elections were rigged and votes were manipulated in his favor.
          Mr. Rehman revealed he discovered discrepancies in vote count when records of vote cast for Khan’s PTI backed independent candidate Saif Bari, were reduced from 31,000 to 11,000 upon tabulation at individual polling station. He also emphasized the importance of respecting the public opinion saying ” let the winner win, and loser lose , and no one should receive anything extra. I will not accept it , the victory should be rightfully awarded to the winner”.In SillyLanka, man without winning election is now the President. Apparently Trump is furious at the losing republican candidate , calling her “stupid ” for not endorsing him as the next President. ( she even avoided mentioning his name, throughout her campaign )

  • 13

    “symbolic democracy maintains the status quo by making us think in election cycles that we allegedly have control over and not systemic realities that will continue until the structures of power are dismantled, no matter who is in office.”
    True, this applies to both the US and Sri Lanka, which are both “symbolic democracies”. The US President, whoever he is, cannot move against the vested interests and lobbies, ranging from arms manufacturers to pro-Israel lobbies that actually run the country. Add to that the perception that anything which smells of socialism, even the word itself, is un-American.
    Sri Lanka too is run by pressure groups, the foremost being the Buddhist clergy, who have arrogated to themselves the power to decide on who people vote for, or what they may discuss. Then there are the various monopolist oligarchs who fund the politicians nominally rule the country.
    But what happens in the US affects us more than what happens here bothers the US. It is life or death for us.

    • 14

      “Foremost being THE BUDDHIST CLERGY, who have arrogated to themselves the power to decide on who people vote for, or what they may discuss”
      You have forgotten that these privileged, have an INALIENABLE AND IRREFUTABLE BIRTHTIGHT as they belong to the ‘PRESCRIBED’ (Not meaning Prescribed in the context of Castism) RELIGION ascribed FOREMOST POSITION IN Sri Lankan CONSTITUTION – Bahubootha Viyawasthawa as a Prominent Leader once upon a time described it!!!???
      Never point the finger at them?? They are Sacrosanct and executing their actions PERFECTLY AND WITH APLOMB!? None can MATCH or EQUAL their SELF-SACRIFICING attempts at ‘GLORIFICATION’!? whatever, one may attribute, it’s HIGHLY SALUTARY!

  • 12

    Pakistan Blasphemy judges are at least 8 months ahead of Langkang Ayatollah online Unsafty Judges in civilization and democracy.

    They (the kleptocracy leaders) have found the man who has won the Pakistan people’s heart and mind. Here we go again. As in the Tamils saying “Palaya Kurudi Kathavai Thiravadi” (My old darling, I am back here to be with you, Open the door for me please!).
    World is overwhelmed with Karma!

    • 0

      Thanks for the Tamil lesson
      Is Kurudi the Tamil word for darling?
      How is your Kurudi faring?

  • 3

    “From Biden To Trump, Mahinda To Ranil! Have We Run Out Of Choices?”
    Be fair.
    We were offered options, but there were no takers.
    Does the US? the whole system is heavily loaded towards non-choices.

  • 21

    “The Rajapaksas cunningly used an unashamedly a pseudo ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ nationalist political machine to rule on a platform of racism, silencing human rights defenders and crushing dissent, particularly from numerically smaller Tamil and Muslim communities.”

    Do you have any evidence for this? Muslims are the leading traders in Colombo, that doesn’t sound like racism to me. They are also doing quite well in the East. You might object with “BBS”, but guess what, BBS was correct. BBS pointed out that Wahhabi extremism – such as requiring women to wear a niqab instead of a simple headscarf – had penetrated an otherwise moderate Muslim culture. The Easter bombers were the product of this extremism. They frequented radical mosques that were built with Saudi money under the guise of charitable donations.

    Northern Tamils may encounter some difficulty, that is what you would expect after losing a war. They need to distance themselves from the Diaspora and renounce separatism.

    • 21

      Where would a single citizen with any sense ever agree with Rajapaksa?

      Crimes they deliberately commited on own citizens, going beyond the level of brutatlities related to the Nuremberg trials, this is what I feel looking back.

      We should not compare those Nuremberg trial related stuf 1 to 1 with today ‘s crimes, however, their power greediness did not care about world norms.
      Ironically, this biased and mlechcha man (by the name of Lester the Gester) not only makes every effort to protect him, but he further praises the Bodubala Sena (Bodubalasena) sangha force that destroyed the entire Buddhist image that the nation had maintained until then.
      Lester or the like facists promoters should be hanged by calling a public execution parade. Then only we could make our minds up.. Basta.

    • 16

      “Muslims are the leading traders in Colombo, that doesn’t sound like racism to me. They are also doing quite well in the East.”
      Unfortunately, NO CJs since Independence as yet, for citation, to prove that there is no Discrimination – UNLIKE THE TAMIL MINORITY! Why not get one appointed to that position, and if in need the search should be intensified to reach out to a Muslim!!! Good Idea, along with an IGP too!!! We missed an opportunity couple of years ago – Latiff!
      This is the insane, reasoning to prove NO Discrimination!!!??? This may suit the Palate of Rural uneducated folk, and that would suffice the purpose, because they are the Mass Voting Base propping the PARTY!?
      Thana Kola eating Gona, “Gonata Undanawa”!??? GOOD TRY!!?? UNSUCCESSFUL!!

      • 16

        Here comes the government school idiot with his broken English and keyboard.

        Muslims have a monopoly in the beef and gem trades in Colombo. The founder of Soorya Rice is Rizlan Riyal. The owner of Brandix is Rajiv Malalasekera. I can give many more examples, but I will not waste time with fools.

        • 10

          “Here comes the government school idiot with his broken English and keyboard.”
          Says the keyboard warrior who ran away , leaving government school idiots to fight his battles. And, to top it all, claims he was part of the “brain drain”.
          “Muslims have a monopoly in the beef and gem trades in Colombo”
          Why don’t you add:
          “Sinhalese have a monopoly in the pork trade”
          “Sinhalese have a monopoly in the police trade”
          “Sinhalese have a monopoly in the army trade”
          “Sinhalese have a monopoly in the Buddhism trade”
          “Ruchira is a government school idiot”

          • 11

            With Jester’s permission, may I add, monopoly in the sugar trade, paddy trade , medicine ( fake ) trade, casino trade, soon cannabis trade ,. . . . . . . . . .

            • 12

              According to Lester, Malalasekara is a Muslim.

              • 10

                Perhaps Lateef Farook is a Buddhist, you think?

              • 9

                Lester doesn’t know the difference between a CEO and an owner. Such lousy results for all the money his poor parents spent on his private education.

        • 1

          Lester – “The owner of Brandix is Rajiv Malalasekera.”
          Since when? Did he buy it? Never thought he had that much money, unless it’s his FILs.

          • 11


            Thanks for the clarification. The CEO is actually Ashroff Omar. Malalasekera (not a Muslim) is listed as the “CEO” of a business unit on their webpage.

            • 0

              Lester – It’s the Omars that founded Brandix and I am sure still own it. Rajiv is if I am not mistaken from the famous Malalasekera family. I don’t think he is rich enough to buy Brandix.

            • 9

              So, Brandix has two CEO’s, Malalasekera the Muslim and Omar the Buddhist?

    • 20

      I read somewhere that the total cost of the war was around $200B USD. By comparison, Sri Lanka defaulted on a debt of about $50B USD. By ending the war (in just 5 years), MaRa saved future generations 10’s of billions in debt (war = high borrowing costs). Keeping in mind, winning a guerilla war is a Herculean task. Israel is fighting the same kind of war in Gaza now. Even with the best technology (drones, airforce, Merkava tanks, etc.) it’s finding the task very difficult. To minimize casualties, it simply bombs everything in its way, including civilians. Israel is also following the SL strategy of eliminating the top terrorist leadership. It’s not a “war crime” like some claim, rather, it’s common sense. Since the end of the war, the Tamil Diaspora has tried to reconstruct the LTTE (according to various sources) but failed. There are isolated cells of ex-LTTE still in operation, but they lack any command and control to be effective.

      Some idiots will rant and rave against MaRa/GoTa. Remember, these people had no strategy to end the war. Without MaRa/GoTa, Sri Lanka would resemble either Syria or North Korea.

      • 17

        I too read somewhere Silly/Stupid/SorryLanka, could have easily saved much more than $ 200 B USD, by promoting honest / genuine reconciliation among communities. Being so retarded they still haven’t got this, inside their thick racist skulls.

        • 19

          How do you promote reconciliation with people wearing C4 suicide vests? If you have the answer, let us know.

          • 14

            Lester, in 1948 people were not wearing suicide vests, were you thinking of putting band aid to a perianal abscess.

      • 19


        “I read somewhere that the total cost of the war was around $200B USD.”

        Could you cite evidence.
        How about the innocent lives lost in 1971, between 1987 and 1991, and 26 years of war with LTTE, can you value the the lives in money terms?

        How about forgone development due to wars and government’s stupid policies, corruption, nepotism, ……… theft, …. inefficiency, …. ?
        Is it possible for you to quantify in monitory terms?

        The 75 years of self-destruction was caused by majoritarian system of governance.

        • 19


          The source is former Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon.

          Yes, there is some other costs such as “brain drain” and that is difficult to quantify. All costs are hypothetical.

          “The 75 years of self-destruction was caused by majoritarian system of governance.”

          Sinhala-Buddhists did not elect a hardline President until 2006. Verify for yourself:

          – SWRD wanted to give federalism, Ponnambalam rejected it

          – JR signed “Indo-Lanka Accord.” LTTE chased Indians out of SL. At this time, Northern Tamils were under Indian Army protection. LTTE broke the ceasefire.

          – Premadasa was willing to negotiate with LTTE. Top LTTE leaders were flown to Colombo in Bell helicopters. LTTE assassinated Premadasa.

          – CBK wanted to give devolution to Northern Tamils. LTTE gave her a black eye and assassinated Neelan T.

          Northern Tamil leadership (LTTE/TULF) rejected all opportunities for a political settlement. SB’s took the next logical next, which is to elect hardliner Mahinda. After Mahinda, SB’s elected Polonnaruwa poet Sirisena. Poet allowed Easter attacks to happen, so SB’s then elected Gota, as only he can guarantee security. Now SB’s are going to elect another moderate. If minorities revolt again, SB’s will elect another hardliner.

          • 20

            “Yes, there is some other costs such as “brain drain… and that is hypothetical “
            In your case, I totally agree.

            • 20

              Old Codger,

              You are the one who thinks Prabhakaran was some kind of genius. What a sad commentary on your upbringing.

              • 18

                Give credit where it is due. Even a terrorist can be a genius, just as a refugee can be a good garbage collector.
                If he wasn’t a genius, how did he hold off 300000 real soldiers with 25000 riff-raff?
                Either the riff-raff were very good , or the soldiers were pretty bad. That’s why you ran away, right? I didn’t.

                • 20

                  Old Codger,

                  What is the credibility of someone who someone who did menial work for the STF? Those with a garbage intellect don’t get far in life.

                  I digress though.

                  Prabhakaran was a useless terrorist. He fooled people like you and that dumb woman Chandrika. Mahinda and Gotha finished him off in a few years. He didn’t hold anyone back, the SLA was merely disorganized. Once Gota restructured the Forces, there was nothing VP could do. Other than beg on his knees for mercy.

                  • 13

                    If, as you say, the war was won, why are you still at that superior sewage mill in Europe, while I did menial work defusing bombs but still live here?
                    I suppose one can be a coward anywhere, but those who went to private schools are better at it.

                    • 12


                      What about the Vellalars like Mr. Chiv, who fled to foreign shores, leaving the unlucky Velu and other Dalits to fight a 26 year civil war alone? I suppose one can be a coward anywhere, but those sent their children to private schools in Europe and North America are better at it.

                      “The Catholic Church (Vellahala diocese) which embraced casteism set up separate seats in the front rows for the Vellahlas and reserved the seats in the rear for the low-castes. The power of the Vellahlas to impose their casteist will was greater than that of Jesus whose love and compassion cut across race, caste, and creed.” – HLD Mahindapala

                      It’s quite extraordinary that even if these people convert to Christianity, they carry their casteist baggage. Look how they pervert the message of a humanitarian like “Jesus.”

                    • 12

                      OK, OK, you aren’t a coward, since your parents sent you to the sewage mill. Maybe they knew something about you that you don’t?

                    • 14

                      “Vellalars like Mr. ****, who fled to foreign shores, leaving the unlucky **** and other Dalits to fight”
                      This personal abuse is sick.
                      What is the CT gatekeeper dong?

                  • 13

                    OC, jester seems to have gone overdrive ( double shift ), back to renting thumb business

                    • 12

                      “OC, jester seems to have gone overdrive ( double shift ), back to renting thumb business”
                      But we know it. If the miserable guy gets some consolation, so be it.🤣🤣🤣

                    • 13

                      Jester, thanks buddy for letting me know , my cast, which I was clueless, until now. ( no one ever asked). High or low I’m okay with whatever you decide for me. Yes you can say I fled but I was forced to leave because your govt denied me of my basic rights including education. But look where I’m though a citizen not in the U.S but in the country that provided me education / future / hope. My immediate family members now include, German, Parsi, Indian, Sinhalese, Tamils, Scottish ………….

                    • 11

                      Chiv, and OC,
                      bugger is hired by Rajapakshe to attack us on CT.

                    • 12

                      “…denied me of my basic rights including education.”

                      Education is free in Sri Lanka. It’s logically impossible to be denied something that is free, unless the demand far exceeds the supply. So you are just rehashing Diaspora talking points.

          • 17


            Do you live on Earth or Planet Seth and a follower of the cult of Osiris?

            “SWRD wanted to give federalism, Ponnambalam rejected it”

            Well since you represent the Majoritarian very stupid ideology I have to keep my mouth shut else you would urge your Grandsons Tiran and Shavendra to deal with us and Colombo telegraph.

            By the way sadly we do not have Mangala Samaraweera to liberate media from you lot.

            “LTTE chased Indians out of SL.”

            Premadasa provided from A to Z to keep LTTE alive, funds, arms, diplomatic cover, medicine, ………………………… knowing full well the cowardice lazy bumps in the armed forces were unable or not willing to evict the Hindians from North East. In fact they were hiding mostly behind VP’s fat bump or behind their women folks.

            At the time Shavendra managed to get a transfer through his family connections from battle/war front to presidential protection division in relatively safe Colombo and the stupid VP sent his Bata slipper wearing boys to certain death fighting the invaders. Lets forget the boys being Tamils, this island’s sovereignty was protected by Tamils and not by the Majoritarian Sinhala Buddhist armed forces nor the essentially Sinhala/Buddhist JVP.

            By the way do you know where the supper patriots including Mahinda, Gota, Dinesh, Wimal, Champika, Weerasekere, Gunadasa. Amarasekera, Nalin de Silva, Kamala (ran away from Mangulam when the garrison was flattened by LTTE boys,… ), Somawansa, Gnanasara, ….. Asgiria, …

            • 14


              Before continuing further, you should explain your strategy for handling the LTTE. What would you have done, hold a peace conference with Sooka and Anton Balasingham? That’s the problem with the HR buggers. They think terrorists are rational people who just want to make a living with the 9-5 job and send putha & duwa to college. So I will tell you yet again, the strategy of the LTTE was to take over the whole island and throw every Sinhalese, Muslim, and Veddah to the bottom of the sea. Why you continue to support the fake freedom struggle defies any logic.

              • 14

                “and throw every Sinhalese, Muslim, and Veddah to the bottom of the sea.”
                Well, they succeeded with you, didn’t they? They threw you into a large sewage pit in Europe…..

                • 10

                  I feel like this dog is barking from Canada. That EAGLE EYE was also done in the same way until it was found dead somewhere. Then a few weeks ago HLDM kicked the bucket in Colombo. Now next on that list is Jester. I am counting days. These men are hired by Basil and Mara and others.

                • 12

                  Old Codger,

                  You are too embarrassed to reveal your ethnicity. That implies some kind of insecurity. Is that why you admire world-renowned terrorist Prabhakaran? Prabhakaran had something called “narcissistic personality disorder”, which in some instances attracts large crowds of stupid people. Donald Trump is a good example. Despite his “intellectual” limits, the red cap and simple slogans like MAGA appealed to the loonies in the US.

                  • 7

                    Lester the hired man by Rajapakshes@

                    “Donald Trump is a good example. Despite his “intellectual” limitations, simple slogans like Red Hat and MAGA appealed to US loonies.”

                    I have no doubt, Lester’s main dish should be PUNNAKu.
                    How dare you compare a white supremacist led America to a sinking nation born delusional. Besides, we are a begging nation.
                    Your mood is controlled remotely by medium dogs. No doubt about it. A single person with any respect would never praise them, but how bravely you carry on… Sad

                    SRILANKEN tamil issue is made by sinhala racists from the day one. We the peaceful srilankens dont need any further proofs.

                    Disicriminations go on also today against minorities in srilanka. YOu can send out your missions and get it checkd for clarity.

                    • 7

                      Typo correction. Lester s comments are to defend Medamulana criminals. This is crystal clear as of today.

                  • 8

                    So, you say people of some ethnicities are insecure here? Thanks for finally admitting it.
                    If I was insecure here, I would have been your boss at the plant. You are indeed blessed that I didn’t take up the offer…..
                    On the other hand, maybe I’m lucky not to have met you?

              • 9

                “What would you have done, hold a peace conference with Sooka and Anton Balasingham?”
                NO, CERTAINLY NOT!!! THAT WOULD BE AN IMMATURE, “VELLALAH ACT” AT THE BEST and easily dismissed as Crafty!!!??? That is speaking, especially on your behalf, venting the sordid expectations of a melancholy, advocate of Truth and fact, DENIERS!!!???
                I would rather prefer to replicate the best representation of SB idealism, by the proposal by “Kelaniya Prophet”, unsurpassed by any other up to now in that respect Nationalism and INTEGRATION of COMMUNITIES!!?? He happens to be also HOLDER of an Honorary Doctorate; (D. Lit.) though, records of him being even a JPUM by him is unavailable!? Try as one may, its an unassailable Task!? Making Contact with N Pillai, made an incredulous offer by this erudite B_____n of an MP cum Minister then, to resolve long standing divisive, lamentable issue!? The problem is how to extoll to any lady the virtues of this Virtuous Scumbag!!! It didn’t happen in 2014; because the recipient ignored, appeal knowing well the snide’s malicious character as an individual!?
                Be that as it may, the search to that end is On-going in earnest, but a suitable suitor is ELUSIVE!!??
                TRY AGAIN!!??

              • 10

                You seem to be a very fast Learner!!?? Israel’s Current Ploy is in your opinion workable solution!!! Total annihilation of Sacred Land into Oblivioun, be caused, if ever attempted such insane Methodology. Never dare say NO, but as I’m convinced, Israelis are insane, I’d discount that possibility. Jews have never been suicidal instincts all though they may exhibit some Insanity!!!

          • 0

            “If minorities revolt again, SB’s will elect another hardliner.”
            And that’s what a perspective looks like…

            • 10

              OK!!?? That will then lead to ‘SELF-IMMOLATION, OR HARA KIRI ’ in Japanese of the SB’s as it almost happened last time!!??? Also Paying USD 6.78 Million penalties for non-payment of LC established and dishonoured by Peoples Bank – Black Listing of the Bank, for Load of CHINESE Goo Kunu, declared as ORGANIC fertiliser!!?? Then, exploding Cooking LPG Gas Bottles, Petrol and Diesel Queues, Starvation and Deprivation!? That’s the penance the SB’s architecture enabled electing and non-electable with 6.9 million voters – in GRAND EXPECTATION!? Why does anyone believe this time around the outcome would be any different!? Nincompoops!? Never been amenable at all to be accountable for any and all, follies and misdemeanours’ and thus repeatedly committing the ‘same mistake over and over again’!? Superior Race with 2600+ years for Civilisation and Heritage to back them!!?? Quite an Impressive, unmatched Performance record in itself, for last 75 Years, since Independence!!?? What was experienced last occasion, was grossly INADEQUATE to be satisfied and emancipated selves!! Requiring a 2nd serve of “Toilet Nadu” (your lexicon, not mine) AKA Tamil Nadu Rice, Yearning for that Superior Taste!? Not enough suffering and Indignation experienced last time!? Welcome to “World of Expectations”!?? “Illan Kanawa”!?

            • 8

              SB electing another hardliner, please go ahead Lanka is already bankrupt and failed. I didn’t say Silly, stupid and sorry without reasons

          • 10

            Part 1
            Dear Readers,
            there are universal facts that dont need proofs. Like for example Earth rotates or spins toward the east, and that’s why the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars all rise in the east and make their way westward across the sky.

            Likewise, Lester , the hired man to distort truths, should finally confrot with the facts, his likes and dislikes and distortions of information would not fool people any further.
            Wasting time on CT should be stopped. CT has offered us a valuable platform to exchange views constructively, there we should be thankful, period
            I recap truths about MARA-MLECHCHA POLITICS again below:

            2009 May, srilanken TRI forces (Army, Navy, Airforce) along with collectivity (civl activities and all within the country) succeeded the war against then rebells, through india s support and several other factors which were closely related to their political and rebellion’s fall in europe and within the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_IJwbOh2qc
            Babaric Rajaakshes were inborn killers (no different to underworld thugs) by their upbringing, no discussions are allowed. CBK led govt gave chances to LTTErs to come to a resolution through discussions for the long standing ethnic issue.


            • 8

              Part 2
              Late Honorable Minister Kadiragamar under the CBK administration got the LTTE activities banned in all directions of the earth, that was the truth regaring the LTTE defeat.
              The defeat of the LTTE in May 2009 would not have been a reality if the entire people had not stood up against their brutality.
              However, there were champions to steal and credibility was also stolen by the Rajapaksas, thinking that their efforts had eradicated terror from the country. These are big lies but they capitalized on it for their political supremacy.

              After the December 2004 Tsunami disaster, how Donations flew like a torrential downpour to help the affected people, would not have happened if the CBK Government had not maintained good foreign affairs.


              • 9

                Although the Rajapaksas looted thattsunami funds, the corrupt Rajapaksa also looted the state treasury… we knew how they abused it for CHOGEM celebrations.
                All these are indisputable facts by July 2022.
                Rajapakshe were uneducated, uncivilized and uncultured bastards (CBK warned the nation already shortly before his election in 2005) through their sinhala buddhism and racism got elected and made the stupid dominated nation upside down.
                Muscles were given the precedence while brains were not used. By July 2022, GOTA proved, that he is “wedabari tarzon- an idiot”. Not even good to be a pimp of a red light area. People are highly vulnerable in our country, where SINHALA BUDDHISM (which is similar to Jainism and old hinduism rather than true teachings of buddha) engrained their heads from the childhood onwards. Tatta mamala are like hired rascals by Rajapakshe kalliya.

                To that point in time, Rajapakshe-Shiranthi were lower middle class family -> but untouchably wealthier today with his bastard sons idle but run on a luxury life|<- is this not a wonder ?


                • 8

                  No more valuable time should be wasted explaining Gota and his abilities. These are truths we need no longer argue. Even school going children would do, but LESTER or the like beasts would not.
                  He had not the least knowledge at solving the small issues such as kitchen “cooking gas” problem, let alone national saftey issues ?
                  Sadly a dozen or more innocent mothers were killed by their kitchen explosions. These are just calculated murders of Rajapakse politics. Who would give their mothers back to those families ?

                  I still don’t know why they changed the gas composition of the cans arbitrarily aiming at their profit. Nor does media raise the issue further .????????????????????????????
                  I hope the investigations will reveal this before the death of the BELIATHTHE beast”, none other than Mahendra Rajapakse.
                  It should be clear to anyone with any little knowledge that Mahinda and Gota have no right to take their last breath in other places other than a prison.——- is not that so ?
                  The incompetent, selfish ex-army officer who fled the country and took refuge in America made his brother “Secretary of Defense” and a national hero. Sri Lanka based media was also manipulated by Rajapakse dogs by distorting the truth. The consequences are being faced by very same stupid dominated nation today. These are the truths about MEDAMULANA beasts.

      • 0

        Hello Lester,
        I think you could have phrased ” To minimize casualties, it simply bombs everything in its way, including civilians.” much better, like – to minimise its OWN casualties.

        Best regards

  • 5

    Dear Logical Thinkers,
    Our cancer is/was that we practice “Sinhala_Buddhism” instead of “True Buddhism” and as a result we reap the destruction of this nation today. People are not trained to ask “why”.

    Even today, many of our people are far from the true virtue of Buddhist principles.


    That is why almost all Sri Lankans are corrupt.
    Sinhala Buddhism, a way of life adopted by the “maedamulana” criminals and their prominent politicians like Tattamamala (shaved thugs like Ghanasara, Abeytissa, Magalakande BP) is today being thugged by hypocrites in the guise of Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka. , Fascism, Jainism or Feudalism are their pratices

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