14 February, 2025


Give Your Second-Preference To The DNF/UNPer To Halt Gota; Tick Both Preference 1 & 2

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

This column will argue two points; a) democrats, leftists and liberals should use both first and second preferences in the manner suggested below in the presidential election, and b) the second preference should be used to ensure that current front runner Gota’s bid is foiled. I will close with a brief para suggesting that it will serve the personal interests of two powerful men to jointly push 20A or something akin, and this will also be in the public interest.

Gota, a probable dictator and scourge of Tamils and Muslims, is embroiled in a slew of cases at home where he is indicted for financial corruption. Two legal actions are also in process in the USA alleging he was party to a murder and was a master architect of torture and human rights abuse. There can’t be such voluminous clouds of smoke without some fire. Hence there is justification for a united ‘anyone-but-Gota’ stand, the Sirisena as common-candidate farce notwithstanding.

We may not know for a while who the UNP/ DNF/UNF candidate will be. Even the name and form of the Alliance has still to be finalised. It will be one of Ranil/Sajith/Karu. Pathetic, but none of them constitutes a mortal danger to democracy as Gota does. The argument that Gota though he is a Terminator will unite the country and bring economic development is a fallacy. He is unlikely to succeed on either count; running a national economy is far different from cleaning up Colombo City and there is no dazzling meritocracy clustering around him. The saffron robbed in his wake, casting about for a new Hitler, chill the bones of the minorities. And he is strongly opposed to devolution.    

Strategic voting

My suggestion is this: In a three-cornered contest between Gota, a DNFer and the JVP (say Anura or Nalinda) the case is open and shut. No question, first preference the JVP candidate. Not that the JVP is without baggage; it has still to come to terms with its disastrous adventures of 1971 and 1989-90, it lacks a sincere programme for minorities as it is still fudging its chauvinist past, and its economics is half-baked. But it is not stuffed with rogues, it’s the most credible of the Southern parties, it showed intelligence in managing the constitutional bedlam created by our disoriented top-clown, and it is the most respected party in the South, even among those who may not vote for it. 

General Election 2015: Chart by TK Research & Solutions

But there’s a conundrum. We must find a way to long-term left-democratic mobilisation that can be sustained well beyond this election cycle and at the same time we must ensure Gota’s defeat. Both are vital. So, give first preference to the left-democratic-JVP candidate whose name we will learn at the 18 August rally, and give second preference to Gota’s DNF opponent. Eureka QED!

This serves two objectives. First, a left-democratic candidate is acknowledged, second Gota is foiled. Imagine this stylised scenario with three candidates: On first-preferences say Gota polls 47%, the DNFer 43% and JVP 10%. No winner, so second-preferences are tallied. If everyone who voted JVP refrained from indicating a second preference, Gota will be elected on the second count with 52.2% (47/90), but had all JVP voters indicated the DNF as their second preference Gota will be defeated by a 47% to 53%. Therefore, there is nothing lost in making the JVP the first choice. If Gota grabs over 50% first preferences, then what one does with one’s first choice doesn’t matter. If not, the tallying of second preference is crucial. I am sure that this time it will go to a tallying of second preference votes. (If Sajith is the nominee his father’s massacre of 60,000 youth in 1989-91 may discourage JVPers from adopting my second-preference strategy). 

The minorities

Ceylon Tamils, Muslims and Upcountry Tamils (let’s add Catholics to round off) add to about 30% of the population. If these minorities vote as a block against any candidate, as happened to MR in 2015, he is finished. But will a goodly portion of Tamils (both variants) and Muslims abstain this time? I believe the poll in Tamil and Muslim areas in 2015 was large, in the vicinity of 80%; were this to fall to say 65%, Gota will benefit. My fear is abstentions, not that any Tamil or Muslim will vote for Gota. None but the stupidest. 

Do Muslims bear a reasonable grudge against the UNP-part of the yahapalana government? Well yes, the PM and the UNP failed to take a firm stand to defend them when Moor-haters and mad-monks were on the rampage after the Easter Sunday bomb blasts. This is my view though I cannot say how the community as a whole will judge these opportunists. But then, all Lanka’s politicians, except for the Left in its gilded age, are born-again free-loaders; perhaps the Muslim community is more forgiving then dastardly opportunists deserve.

Local Government Election February 2018 (JVP 6.5%)

Some Tamils may abstain because there is not much the UNP-part of yahapalana did to meet their pleas. An overstatement may be, but let me press the point. Tamils were promised constitutional changes on issues that mattered – devolution, scope for regional economic improvement etc. This did not come to fruition. The racist-stuffed SLPP, the no better SLFP and Sirisena were the obstacles, but saffron-scared UNP MPs and leaders did not fight for minority friendly measures. Would a harder push have produced the requisite 2/3 majority? Maybe not, but that’s another side of the story.

Are there legitimate grounds for Tamils and Muslims to abstain in numbers? I think there are grounds for Tamils to be fed-up – but which government hasn’t played them for suckers? There are grounds for Muslims to feel let down. But to abstain would be unwise. Gota is a proven terminator of Tamils and political opponents, and no friend of Muslims. A future President Gota will be a menace to minorities, subaltern classes and political opponents. Far seeing Tamils, Muslims, Catholics and all Sinhalese not in thraldom to the Rajapaksa mystique must say NO to the risk of a Gota presidency.

The prospect of a wide alignment behind a third candidate looks good. All over the world this seems to be the era of the third-force. I was pleased to hear, (only a rumour) that there is discussion among Tamils in the North that it would be better to go with a third-force than to tail behind the UNP/DNF candidate. This is sensible if at the same time the second preference is used to block Gota. A Tamil swing behind the JVP will motivate it to discard the last vestiges of its anti-Tamil flavour. I have also smelt a whiff of a rumour that the JHU is mulling over similar thoughts. This is all good news (or good rumour) but then it becomes important to have a strong vote-pulling candidate. I have no problem with Anura or Nalinda, both are fine. Any all-round vote-puller will be fine. 

The JVP led alliance hopes to poll a million votes; to do this it has to raise its steady 6.5% to 11% – not impossible. It is famed for spectacular mobilisations; with the backing of left and popular entities the ground can be prepared build a force to resist the attack on democratic rights which will follow the election of Gota or a DNFer.

A Sirisena farce again!

“Kumar, isn’t voting for some chap to keep Gota out similar to what you got us to do last time; elect a creep to deny MR a third-term? Aren’t you making as ass of yourself again?” you may say. I beg you to hear me out while I explain why last time was not a mistake at all. 

There is no denying that I was the initiator of the Single-Issue Common-Candidate (SI-CC) idea; that strategy was correct and achieved its objective. Its failure was subjective – the man himself.  Single Issue meant: ‘Stop free-fall to Dictatorship!’ The backdrop was MR’s grab for a third term and thereafter, autocracy. The slogan ‘Either Mahinda goes, or it will be Dictatorship’ stands vindicated. SI coiled together three strands; defeat MR, reimpose term limits, repeal the Executive Presidency. 19A achieved the first two but the third remains half done. There has been some restoration of democratic breathing spaces, oversight bodies (Missing Persons, Right to Info, Constitutional Council, Police, Elections) have been established and there is less fear and more freedom of speech and press. 

Expectation that the corrupt would be punished flopped. Somewhere in the nexus between MS, MR and RW it fizzled out. Punishment of rogues was not on the Single-Issue agenda but a hoped-for bonus that did not materialise. A second hoped for bonus not originally in SI (the Single Issue was thwarting tyranny) was a brand-new constitution; that too wilted. To sum up; two-thirds of SI-fundamentals were achieved, but no luck with the one-third and the two bonuses 

It is the Common Candidate part of SI-CC that has been an unmitigated flop. The need for a CC was acknowledgement of MR’s strength. He had won a war, had charisma, his machine could bend and abuse every organ of state power and a mountain of money stood behind him. Sans a joint candidate behind whom everyone stood, MR could not have been ousted. The best name was Sobitha Thero but there were restraints on a monk. 

There is no denying the selected CC is gaga. But had we seen warning signs of personality disorder could we have rejected him after Ranil and Chandrika made their move? I think not; the ‘remove MR’ imperative was overriding. I am not mincing my words about how unsuitable the creep has been, but I make bold to repeat, had I known he was bonkers I would not have changed my mind. That would have implied allowing MR a third term and annulling the essential project. Yes, I entered into a Mephistophelean contract that I could not have voided. SI firmly took priority over CC. Anyone who says otherwise has not grasped the crux of the Single-Issue. The parallel with my ‘stop-Gota’ case in this column today is clear; you gotta do what you gotta do.

Here’s the last para I promised. Mahinda is not happy to be eclipsed by Gota and Ranil will be miserable if UNP nomination goes to Sajith. Hence there is a sound selfish motive for MR and RW to combine their forces to secure a 2/3-rd parliamentary majority and push through 20A which trims the president down to a ceremonial ninny and establishes the primacy of parliament and PM. Don’t be surprised, stranger things have happened!

Latest comments

  • 15

    Thanks, Prof. David for a very clear and frank message, and an honest one.
    What you are over-estimating, perhaps, is the knowledge people have of the Preferential system of voting. Most think that they can vote only for one candidate. This article has, of course, been directed at correcting this very deficiency.
    This article is one that you had promised us about three months ago. I have, in the meanwhile, been pushing the importance of the Preferences in the comments that I make. The problem is that both your articles and my comments reach only the English-speaking. How do we educate those who get their knowledge of politics mainly from Swabasha sources? Not necessarily from the traditional newspapers. WhatsApp, Youtube, and Viber (in that order, I feel) are hugely effective electronic resources for the dissemination of opinions via entertainment.
    So, Nagananda’s challenge is dismissed by you. I’ve been taking it pretty seriously. I’ve spent hours listening to his Sinhala Youtube programmes. In a sense, he’s insulting us by not giving us a means whereby we can assess him in an hour via a website that we can access. There’s nothing communal about his politics, but his vow to dismantle the Provincial Councils may not appeal to voters in the Northern Province. And there appears to be very little in Tamil that he has so far put out.

    • 0

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    • 3

      Dear Prof David,
      It was certainly wise of you to explain the Preferential System as though there are only Two Preferences, since in this election the Third is unlikely to matter at all. It only confuses our efforts to explain how the system works.
      It may help readers further understand how a similar system has worked at five elections for the Mayor of London in the 21st Century. There the ballot papers were differently designed.

      • 1

        The Preferential System is Totally Unsuitable for Sri Lanka, where the Voting Majority has been used to the One Voter, One Vote System!
        Preferential Voting creates Confusion, which is Advantageous for Candidates who will be able to Manipulate the Outcome!

    • 5

      Prof. Lunar David,

      Thanks for explaining the implications of voting for the second preference candidate by those who do not desire the Rajapaksa Mafia representative

      The JVP candidate is now Anura Kumara Dissaanayake, a physics graduate with very good intelligence and integrity . Yes, all those who voted for Anura, MUST, select the UNF/UNP candidate, to defeat the greater evil Rajapaksa Mafia.

      More than 90 percent communicate in Sinhala and Tamil. They do not understand this second preference issue, and they have to be educated, by a combined effort of the JVP/UNF/UNP and those who oppose family dynasties.

      The voters have to be informed and educated, in Sinhala and Tamil, in all media and in discussion groups. The high literacy rate of. 96 percent certainly helps, even though the mean IQ of the populace, 79, is an impediment, unlike in the West, where the mean IQ is around 100.

      You need s new slogan:

      Make your voices heard. Make your second choice and stop dictatorship and corrupt family dynasties.

      • 0

        Dear Amarasiri,
        You will obviously grant that the JVP can’t, in this election, afford to talk at all about Preference Voting. At least not from election platforms. They’ll lose the support of half their “ideological supporters”. This is what so many who demand apologies from the JVP for what they did in 1971 and 1989 overlook. In house to house campaigning, they’d be able to do it.
        That emphasises the role that each of us has to play. We may not go house to house, but all acquaintances must be told, and even strangers if you find them in a slow-moving queue. No, you won’t get assaulted if you stop short of naming the candidates that they ought to vote for. I.Q. 79 Sri Lankans like to imagine that they wield this sovereign right to an independent and secret vote. But they won’t usually be averse to getting information about the system.
        The new slogan you’ve given us is most appropriate as a slogan when parading the streets in unapologetic political campaigning. How many of us have ever done it? We are likely to receive a lot of flack from our families. I have done it on occasion, but most Sri Lankans are utterly secretive. See how both Ranil and My3 can never be trusted, although the Rajapaksas can be trusted to shoot us if they can get away with it.
        What’s become of Nagananda?

  • 6

    All sinhalese names have meanings. All the leaders of the nation had names that indicated their ancestors achievements. Senanayake- captian or leader of the infantry. Bandaranayike – second leader or second in charge.. Dhanayake – ten leaders. Jayawardene- victory increaser or a great winner. Premadasa – lover of thousands. Basically a lothero. Wijetunga – victorious and respected. Rajapaksaha- a tribe of Kings. Sirisena – radiant leader of the infantry.
    Sir John Kotalawala is the odd one out. His name indicates low lying place. ( Probably costal migrants to Highlands)
    The next leader should be Arnura kumura dissanayke. Dissanayke meaning regional or area ruler. Maybe the UNp should send in Navin dissanayke to find out which of these ancent rulers of districts can govern the now rapidly declining region known as Sri Lanka ! Another option is karu jayasuriya – victorious sun or glowing light.

    • 6

      Very sound argument by KD which voters can igmore at their peril. Indeed this should be translated into Sinhala and Tamil to broaden its impact. More than anything else, one must not forget that fact that if GR wins followed by the SLPP at the General elections later, the final winner will be MR and all he stands for. How ironic that he is promising 13+ once again when he did nothing when in power. As Nihal Jayawickrama has demonstrated in another article today, the elected President has little more than ceremonial powers after the 19A. Most executive powers and responsibility go to the PM, even though Ranil has shamelessly done his best to say otherwise.

      • 1

        A breath of fresh air and hope, as it were.
        Fully agree with you. This definitely should be translated into Sinhala and Tamil and published in all the national newspapers. It should be shared by all our readers too so that it reaches maximum coverage.

      • 0

        This discussion gets taken forward more in this article:

        If voters this time discover the Preferential vote, then it’ll be a permanent feature of our electorate.


    • 0

      Most South Asiuan names except caste or location based names have meaning.
      But several of your interpretations seem dodgy.

  • 3

    I think Sajith is already bought by the civil Society aka civic alliance aka Open society aka Mangala and Raajitha Senarathne team. Sajith’s only experience is building shanty houses. Raajitha and Mangala will pay for the election. Sajith is caught. Sajith is offering so many freebies and he does not have a program for making Sri lanka a decent Country. Majority is only seen but not heard. Minorities and the MCC supporting them will fun the show. Civil society is watching the game to see where are we in this game. Now only people are talking about His father and his true contributions. I think more will come later not now.
    For everybody bond scam and the country is in an economic precipice. No one talks about how successive govts brought the economy to the place where it is now.
    Everybody was criticising the Hambanthota port. RAnil was the leader in that gang. Now. Ranil says it took only three years to make HAmbanthota a Profitable business. THREE years is a the expected time for a business to make profits. In that sense, Hambanthota criticism are all politics and sabotage. Only problem is It is Ranil who said it just before an election. Because, Hambanthota is not supposed to be profitable in three years.

    • 2

      JD bugger, you are either ‘thinking’ or ‘hearing’ things all the time. But unfortunately until today even after thinking and hearing, you have not said a single thing that makes any bloody sense.

  • 2

    Sorry Niro:-
    Rajapaksaha- “a tribe of Kings” is not the Correct translation.
    ‘Raja Paksha’ means the King’s ‘Followers’ or ‘Hangers On’

    e.g. Sri Lanka Nidahas Pakshaya, etc. etc. !!

  • 3

    KD you are missing the objectives. None of the contestants have objectives other than providing houses or gifts. Nagananda is offering a complete change of constitution for the best. If you are intelligent enough you should also support him with out wasting time with statistics. If you cannot support, then that is a test for your conscience.

  • 3

    David Kumar that undoubtedly spokesmen for Tamil nationalist by name of “Marxism” and Liberalism of by that USA led payroll.
    Well to do politics and classes struggle in part time job that undertake from Multi-nation Corporations ..of cause “Marxist” in developing and develop countries .
    That is how Tamils Diaspora going to be improved their better life-style in suited to Globally conditions
    New job has been assigned to David Kumar after 21/4 Muslim Terror attack well planned policies of New Presidential candidature for UNP + DNF concord by USA of CIA.
    The role of Kumar of David is part of that ? Nothing to surprises of his politics of Liberalism of Democracy is NOT that new to Public! and to Republic as well $$$$

  • 4

    Dr Kumar David,

    On first round , if for example there are only three candidates and Gota polls 47%, the DNFer 43% and JVP 10%. No winner,

    then the second round of counting commences after eliminating JVP from the contest.

    There is no third round of counting.

    During second count, Only the first two candidates Continue to be In the race, but the second and third preferences of the first two candidates are discarded, and only the second and third preferences of JVP are taken into account.in deciding the winner.

    If any of the voters who had voted for JVP had voted for the first two candidates as their first or second preferences, then that preference vote is added to the respective candidate still in the race.

    50% is not required in the second round, whoever obtains more vote is declared elected.

    In the event none of the JVP voters has marked second or third preferences, then automatically Gota will be declared elected.

    People simply speculate how the preference system is working in the presidential election, I think it is the duty of the election commissioner to educate the public.

    The system is clearly explained in the 1978 constitution, it was not at all amended subsequently,

    • 2

      Very Clear and Nicely Analysed.

    • 2

      Dear Sri-Krish,
      You have said, “50% is not required in the second round; whoever obtains more votes is declared elected.”
      I think that you are correct in your surmise. Having Three Preferences instead of Two also is confusing in trying to explain this system to voters, as I have said above. I think that we both agree that not many will mark Preferences, since they don’t know that they exist.
      Who is going to explain it to them? Anura Kumara Dissanayake, probably their strongest vote winner has just been announced as their candidate. It is impossible for them to explain to people that there is such a system.
      On the other hand, it will be in the interest of the UNP to publicise this. It will certainly be seen as an acknowledgment that they cannot get more FIRST round votes than Gota, but it may be worthwhile their publicising it. It is only a mass party that can effectively get the message across to a sizeable number of voters – most effectively in their door to door canvassing. It will also be very much in the interest of Candidates like Nagananda Kodituwakku to tell voters that votes for them are not necessarily “wasted votes”. If counting goes to a Second round, a Preference vote carries just as much clout as a first vote.
      Yes, in effect there will be no “Third Round” of counting. When looking at the ballots cast by the eliminated candidates, their preferences, when seen to be for either Gota or the UNP will just be added to the respective pile, and that’s it. Obviously, there will be at least one confused JVP voter who would have given preferences to both Gota and the UNP. If that happens, their SECOND choice will prevail. It may be best that fewer such details are given in initial explanations, but hopefully some voters will raise such queries.

      • 2

        Dear Sinhala Man,
        Shall I explain further, how the votes are counted in the second round?
        In the second round, the ballot paper of each voter of the eliminated candidates is taken one by one and examined how they had marked the second and third preferences.
        If the second preference is for one of the first two candidates that preference is added to that candidate.
        If it is not to the first two candidates then his third preference is considered, now if it is for one of the first two candidates, then it is added to the account of that candidate.
        This process is continued until all the preferences of the eliminated candidates are considered.
        Now whoever gets more votes is declared elected.

  • 1

    If you consider the capability and the capacity to deliver, Gota is miles in front of the other potential candidates except MR who cannot contest. However a GR (president) and MR (pm) combination could be a huge opportunity for Sri Lanka. Those who brought the disastrous fake “yahapalnaya” really dread such an outcome judging by the hysteria emanating from their articles in CT. This is what professor Paul Moorcraft, a former instructor at RMA Sandhurst and the UK Joint Services Command said about the centrality of MR/GR combination in winning the supposedly unwinnable war (per many pundits including Robert Blake), a world first in modern times where a govt had defeated a rebel group in a protracted civil war by force of arms, “The Rajapaksas…….showed they had the political will to win….They demonstrated a determined leadership absent in previous administrations (that include Ranil, CBK et al). ..The military leaders were usually well chosen (emphasis on the team including the selection of Sarath F)…This was achieved by the personal influence of the Secretary both in his dealings with his brothers and his own personal relationship with the senior commanders……” If harnessed well, this combination is the most capable one to take Sri Lanka forward and out of the present mess. They are strong leaders. There are risks associated with autocratic tendencies (present day yahapalanistas were prepared to take such a risk with Sarath F at one time). Therefore a broader coalition needs to be built around GR/MR duo to mitigate such risks. You cannot bring a weaker leadership to power thinking that it would allow you to manipulate that leadership to deliver the outcomes you want. It will be chaos and utter disaster like the present day “yahapalanaya”.

    • 2


      ” Gota is miles in front of the other potential candidates except MR who cannot contest. However a GR (president) and MR (pm) combination could be a huge opportunity for Sri Lanka. “

      Over the years as we have witnessed it in the past the combined forces of MR and Gota means a humongous opportunity for the clan and cronies like you, somass, ……….. Wimal the windbag, ………………….

      • 0


        Not to the level of bond money and penthouses though mate……….and of course Mangala’s USD 18 billion……..

        • 1


          “Not to the level of bond money and penthouses though mate…”

          Could I have a copy of your comparative study on scams.
          Did clan share their loot with you?
          If you are sure you haven’t benefited from all those scams why the hell are you defending/justifying fraud, corruption and looting by the clan?

  • 1

    Whatever the outcome, the point is that the winner is sent a strong message that he/she was not the first preference of a majority.
    It will be sweet if 30% (all Tamils & Muslims + a good number of Sinhalese) spoil their ballot papers in objection to the farce that the choice before them is.

    • 0

      Dear SJ,
      To me, spoiling a vote seems criminal irresponsibility. The farcical nature of what is going on is clear enough, but it is we who turn it into a veritable farce by not studying ALL the candidates. Last time, 2015, there were 19 candidates. For most people there seemed to be only two candidates (actually it was so for me too – I was so sold on Yahapalanaya). Even then I knew who the others were because my practice had always been to cast three Preferences.
      Given a man of your education and awareness, Prof Sivasekeram, it is ridiculous to hear advocacy of “spoiling the ballot paper.” Surely you can find one person to vote for – at least a lunatic if you want the world to know that this is all lunacy. Spoilt ballots will be taken to indicate only “uninterestedness” or ignorance. Please tell me how it can be otherwise.
      Nineteen candidates in 2015, let us see how many contest this time.

  • 3

    Who the hell are you to tell us how to vote. Mind your fking business.

    • 4

      By the same token,
      Who the hell are you to stop anyone from expressing an opinion?
      Mind your ‘fking’ spelling.

    • 1

      Eagle Eye, stay away from the site.

  • 1

    This is as hair-brained a political idea as any in the history of Sri Lankan politics!
    Is it any wonder that the ‘Left’ in SL is in its current plight?

  • 0

    Cosmology and Presidential elections: I have a better solution than my Guru’s. It is based on cosmology and time travel. Let us have Gota appoint Ranil as the PM and the RAnil in turn can appoint Gota as the President. The problem of temporality would be there. But the future is with time travelers who would change future to past and vice versa as they wish.
    At least that should keep the despicable duo Sira-Sajith away from the booty.
    What about the putujjana voter? Well, these jokers of the pack, would not know whether they are coming or going, any way.

  • 1

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  • 0

    I do not agree with explained method of declaring the winner in the article . It is a serious mistake . No matter whether 1st preference or second preference or 3rd preference, the winner will have to exceed 50% mark out of the total number of valid votes. whereas in this article it eliminates the other candidates votes (taking only 1st and 2nd candidates) in calculating 50% mark . Then what is the point of having 3rd preference in the constitution . It is simple maths , when you take only 2 contenders , one will definitely pass 50% mark even without counting 2nd preference . then what is the use of 3rd preference ??????????

    • 0

      Ridiculous question for you to ask us. Ask the guys who framed the constitution in 1982.
      For us now, it is a donnée.
      I have already stated clearly that two would have been better.
      I can think of a use. It is possible that apart from your idiosyncratic favourite, there are THREE seemingly equally strong candidates. Having two left over after giving rein to your eccentricity with FIRST Preference, you could use the other two preferences to keep out the guy whom you hate.
      Take me seriously on this: I have checked this out. If nobody has got 50% on the first count, our system allows a guy to get elected with fewer than 50% of valid votes cast.
      Definitely unfair. Only advantage, saving the cost, etc for a second trudge to the polls. That is being “penny wise, pound foolish”. But that is the system: another donnée.
      I’ve listened to Nagananda again today. That’s the problem with him. He’s content with his admirers listening to hours of Youtube – and in Sinhala only. I’m an old man, retired – so I have the time to do this. Younger “unfamilied” people, without real domestic duties – these are the people whom he is entertaining – over and over again.

  • 0

    As I wrote in a different column, the LTTE assassinated most of the educated political class. Someone like Lakshman K would have been a suitable candidate to run against Gothabaya. So if Tamils feel underrepresented as a minority, they share much of the blame. Secondly, the time is not right for devolution. Tamil leaders like Sampanthan are still debating whether the time is right for a renewal of “armed struggle.” If Tamils have devolution, Muslims will also want it. This will lead to more ethnic isolation and Easter Sunday type attacks. As one can infer, devolution is also the first step towards full autonomy (independence). One has to admit, the situation does not look for Tamils in the North and East with these regions being fully militarized. But this kind of militarization is necessary to ensure an armed group like the LTTE (and now Wahhabis) doesn’t rear its head.

  • 0

    Prof. Kumar claiming because New King won the election, Lankawe has returned to democracy. Then he is stacking a lot and saying that 66% of full president’s job is done, surpassing SI-CC. As we cannot take all of the myths here, we would like to talk only two points.

    When saw heading and the numbers in Prof. Kumar’s essay, we were so sure it should be another SI-CC and ignored reading it. Today when read it, it made to feel happy. It was an experience of a mother she who invents every time why the baby was crying, but it was not able to talk. This baby is crying to for milk this time, because it is election time again.
    1. . Don’t be surprised, stranger things have happened!

    Let’s look at this point first as there is nothing in that, substantial. I would advise to all voters to listen to Prof. Kumar on this one and stay home praying miracle to happen. SJV said God would save Tamils. Atheist Prof. Kumar believes in math, not God, is seeing very good possibility of good things to happen in this election. Who knows! Because you cannot change the fate of Lankawe listening to his advice related to the rest of this, go and enjoy the Election Day staying home or even with a movie if they give a holiday.

    2. .” I beg you to hear me out while I explain why last time was not a mistake at all.”
    Prof .Kumar is trying to eloquently explaining here, but in the past he too contented the selection was complete missed the target.
    SI-CC: Changing the constitution within 90 days and temporary president resigns and conducts the election for full power parliament. Nothing else; Period!

    We said a bride is = (a woman + her beautiful dress + her expensive jewelry). New King could have been anybody, but President Sirisena cannot be traitorous Gamaralaya Appa Kari.

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    A funny story goes like this: A king was bringing up his princess with all care. But she was infected with very dangerous disease. Royal doctor said she should be quarantined in jungle, with only very few staffs. Royally Trained guard refused to accompany fearing of death by the same decease. King said something secretly to his First Minister, in his ears. He went out to search a candidate for king’s description. He saw, In a rural village, a Shepherd boy was watching a cow herd. When they were mounting on each other, the minister asked boy what they were doing. Pretending like he didn’t know. The shy boy replied he didn’t know. Minister bought the boy and recommended to king to send alone with Princess to jungle. The princess was sent out with the boy to jungle. Food and medicine would be delivering up to the middle of the jungle. Boy took care after that. Hardly ever anybody visited the princes. After few months, the princess got well and they let the boy go and brought the princess to palace. But the within the happy celebration of the princess’ return, the palace doctor delivered a message to king that the Princess was three months. King called the chief guard and told to chop off the head of his adviser – the first minister. Here the mistake is Prof. Kumar is well and alive so he is coming out with a recommendation of 2nd Gamarala boy. It is not getting to Prof. Kumar that we are not looking for person to look after cows, but a Royal princess. We need have a trained royal guard who would know what would happen if he mess around with a princess. He cannot be engaged in annual coup celebration, claiming the democracy is returned.

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    The media is reporting Gamraala boy, who was supposed to watch the Princess Lankawe, is planning to the fourth coup of the Yahapalanaya. But when the first coup was staged by Old King from Temple Tree House, the Gamaralaya boy, New King was hiding in a coconut farm in Kurunegala. It was US State Secretary John Kerry chased Old King out of Temple Tree House. When the second coup failed, Kegalle Jayamanne died. On the Third Coup, International governments refused to recognize Old King’s government, so the coup was abandoned by the threat of International countries. Let me ask a question from Prof. Kumar. If Old King had come back in 2015 and sold the country to China, the IC would have just waiting and seeing? Is that why they are objecting Savageindra’s appointment now?
    So what we can tell to Prof. Kumar is, “if you think it can be fixed locally, bring your Royal Guard. Don’t bring a Shepherd to guard a princess. Disastrous was last 5 years. County has fallen into deep debt; earned new enemies; Yahapalanaya hired ISIS to attack its own Tamil Christians. Rapist Navy delivered the bombs to do the job. At the end, OIC threatened to impose sanctions.
    The manipulation of 2nd choice in ballot sheet is telling that already teams are trying to fool the Modaya citizens to have sleeted a person the Sinhala Buddhists wouldn’t like. I that deed, Prof. Kumar is on the process of making a time bomb. Why the Sinhala Buddhists can’t be told to select a person who can function democratically, or otherwise face the situation Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea all faced. How many shepherd boys Prof Kumar going to recommend until that people have walk on the road holding their life in hand. Yes Prof. Kumar got rid of Old King, but he has invited Old Brother Prince for that vacancy! Isn’t 2015’s choices had put Lankaweyans for a 2019 choice as only to fire from oil pan?

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