19 January, 2025


Gota’s Colombo Beautification Results In Filthy Police Living Conditions

Minister of Law and Order Sagala Ratnayake‘s surprise visit to the Fort Police Barracks quarters at D.R. Wijewardene Mawatha exposed the deplorable living conditions of these police officers but more over the other side of former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa‘s beautification programme of the Colombo city.

Miniser Ratnayake who recently also took the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station by surprise when he made a similar visit a few months ago, made this visit this morning accompanied by the Inspector General of Police Pujith Jayasundara and his team of media personnel.

The aired video footage of Minister Ratanyake’s visit uploaded on his Facebook page also exposed the filthy slum type dwelling of its living and sanitary conditions, besides video proof that the surrounding areas of the building is a breathing ground for dengue mosquitoes.

Speaking to his media personnel Minister Ratnayake went on to say that the Fort Police Officers in the past used to be housed in the old Dutch Hospital Building. Now it is where several up market restaurants are situated. They were relocated around six years ago when the building was taken away from them as that particular area was demarcated as part of the Colombo city’s beautification programme, driven by former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa. They were then moved to a building called Transworks in Slave Island for a few years. Then they were once again moved out of that location in 2013, when that premise was handed over for the controversial Krrish Development Project to be commenced. The Police Officers barracks was then moved again to the current warehouse where they have been living down D.R. Wijewardene Mawatha since.

Minister Ratanayake continued “I made this visit as I received a complaint about this situation. This visit is not to lay blame on the former regime as even we should have noticed and rectified this situation. We expect a huge service from these officers. We also have an obligation to ensure the correct facilities are provided for the Police Officers. Having said that even the high ranking Police Officers have a responsibility to ensure these conditions are maintained. I visited the barracks of the Police Officers at Cinnamon Gardens Police Station recently and reminded them in writing about the Police regulations. I am disappointed that after three months deplorable living conditions still exists. I have now instructed IGP Jayasundara to ensure that these issues are rectified immediately”. (Jacqueline Senanayake)

Latest comments

  • 29

    Mr. Ratnayake,
    “We expect a huge service from these officers. We also have an obligation to ensure the correct facilities are provided for the Police Officers.”
    Actions speak louder than words. These things are nothing new. All public services are in this condtion. Buses, trains, hospitals. You name it. Everything. Few places are in top condition. The Parliament is absolutely flourishing. From luxurious meals in AC comfort, brand, new top of the range vehicles and even massages. Presidential Mansions, Temple Trees, Ministerial Mansions & 1st Class air travel via VIP lounges galore! Be the Change you seek Mr. Ratnayake. Do not play to the gallery. Hand over your lux vehicle fleet back to GOSL. Take “Ruhunu Kumari” public train to your electorate in Matara sometime. Until then this will be considered a “Boru Show” at best.
    PS: Why is that criminal IGP with you? Haven’t you seen the video, where he assaults fellow policemen? He should be in jail for criminal assault. How can you stand for law and order with pyschopaths like that in your team? AGAIN “BORU” SHOW!

  • 23

    Not bad. The man travels around with his media personnel, then posts everything on his Facebook page right after. Looks well planned.
    I wonder what came out of the “Boru Show” when they visited the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station a few months ago. Obviously, no publicity on that means nothing got done.
    Wasn’t it these 2 guys that were involved in protecting a Nilame not so long ago? What cam out of that? They both need to go.

  • 14

    Remember Gota ordered changes to a Swiss/Colombo flight schedule, type of plane etc. so that a particular crew could man the flight to bring along a puppy. (He foul mouthed Ms Jansz in military filth)
    The puppy must be a fat fat fat dog by now. Its kennel will be better than the policemen accommodation.

    • 1

      K. Pillai, would you like to be a puppy like that? A pupply of someone like late VP?

  • 19

    The minister should also look into what happened to the hundreds of kilos of cocaine and other narcotics which have been discovered in the past 02 years.
    Everything seems to have vaporized.

  • 9

    Pillai’s story about Gota is a fabrication. SRI Lanka Airlines never flew to Switzerland.Dogs and flowers were transported by Premadasa and his family.
    Facts illai in Pillai like most Tamil stories these days.

    • 3

      I rarely respond but in your case I like to bring you back to earth and then to SL.
      Google “Frederica Jansz” and choose Wikepedia entry. If you still feel that the Gota-Swiss-puppy story is a fabrication then check your DNA for the rhinoceros link for your thick skin.

  • 8

    LOL, CT’s Gota heatred….Gota should have left CMB as a filthy city like under CBK

    • 8

      evil gota not micro managing the police even after two and half years of leaving the office……the hatred towards gota by this hamu stooge is only second to crazy fonseka ..lol

      • 2

        silly Gota’s b***s carrying billy

        “evil gota not micro managing the police even after two and half years of leaving the office”

        What was he doing in the previous ten years, being the most notorious national hangman in the post independent history of this island?

        Will you get someone to perform a value for money audit at police department and defense ministry say from 2005 to 2015?

  • 10

    Now the puppy dog brought down from switzerland has turned into a Alsation. All the beautification projects undertaken by the previous regime, were given to handpicked contractors who have made billions of money.

  • 7

    Appreciate the good work done by Gota or anyone else, he has done a wonderful job, uplifting the environment and making Colombo a livable, beautiful and safe city, I believe he did expand his concept to few other cities, unfOrtunately after the election all that came to a stand still. If he gave the work to who has the ability to do it right even paying more in the long run the country benefits from it. Police officers need better facilities I Agee with the minister hundred percent. But should not fingerpoint others he should continue with working with the officers and help them to law abiding officers who will provide the public safety for the people with utmost respect and equal treatment.

  • 2

    silly Gota’s b***s carrying billy

    “evil gota not micro managing the police even after two and half years of leaving the office”

    What was he doing in the previous ten years, being the most notorious national hangman in the post independent history of this island?

    Will you get someone to perform a value for money audit at police department and defense ministry say from 2005 to 2015?

  • 8

    This is a beginning of a “Plan” very transparently for a multi-million commission, to be shared by the Minister & the IGP – before he leaves shortly – a very worthy matter and like the Agriculture Dept. Bldg.
    owned by a UNPer, we will see other premises rented shortly – the Minister is at his best?

  • 5

    Pillai have not had enough of Gota bashing………………What is your motive or the hidden agenda
    For any ills its either Gota or Mara or UPFA. looks like Gota have been a thorn for Pillai to bear.

    For your information there is a well established Welfare Division in the Police department led by a DIG and very well staffed. Also there are funds provided too.
    Then, there is a thing called Police Reward Fund with adequate funds as well.
    It is upto the Police Welfare Division to look in to such matters unless Pillai out of sympathy want to to voluteer to wash their toilets as well.
    Do not rake up dried cowdang because you will get suffocated.
    And that is what you have exactly here.

    Pillai, get that venom off your system. Go get an anti venom…..
    Pillai’s comments with a tongue in cheek. You need to call a Spade a Spade.

  • 3

    Instead of making these hoodlum ministers rich, why can’t this country spend decent amount of money paying decent wages to these police officers and granting them a decent housing scheme. Why?

  • 1

    GR did clean up the parts of Colombo where the elitists live.

  • 1

    The people of this country would be better served if the minister makes a greater effort to control the drug menace that is engulfing us . The youth of Sri Lanka are being destroyed by this menace which is rampant among school children as well .

  • 0

    The police have been ruined with politics interfering with an important profession that should be mainly, for the protection of the general public and the maintenance of law and order. However, sadly, some policemen of all ranks, even seniors, have sold their souls to , both Satan and the political devil, with a well known senior officer of the past amassing illicit wealth in collaboration with an unknown building contractor of no experience , well known for his fraudulent dealings in a different trade. So, it has been with a few others. However the initiation of ensuring better living conditions for the lower ranks is definitely a laudable step, which should have been given constant attention, as they are the ones out on the street controlling unruly crowds and taking all the pummeling, while those who deserve to be taken to task for encouraging and fomenting , some meaningless, protests and causing public nuisance , get away Scot-free. has the maintenance funds been pilfered continuously over the years . These hapless ones are at the point of exhaustion , both mental and physical been constantly on the streets frequently cleaning up the muck of politics and other criminal issues, and worse so, been unable, as a result, to devote essential time towards the better prevention of crime. Give those who are devoted and willing to do their duty a chance to become better equipped professionals so that the public can be assured of a safe daily life on and off the street.

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