6 December, 2024


Government Needs To Take A Stand For Religious Right To Burial 

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

The map of Covid infection in the country is steadily spreading to more remote parts of the country radiating from the Western province which has been the worst affected and the site of origin of the second wave of infection. There was an expectation that the government would institute a lockdown during the final week of the year to prevent people from traveling and celebrating the beginning of a new year. This impression was strengthened by Public Health Inspectors collectively making their disquiet known by calling on the government to order a stop to inter-provincial travel. The government might have been reluctant to put such an inter-provincial travel ban into effect when it is trying to persuade foreign tourists to commence international travel to the country.

With the Covid situation nowhere near as dire as in other parts of the world, there is a kind of self-satisfaction in the Sri Lankan approach to the pandemic, which is perhaps best manifested in the government’s delay to place orders for the Covid vaccine. As in the case of the Covid cremation issue, where a government-appointed committee has been wrestling with the issue for over six months, another government-appointed committee is reportedly contemplating what vaccine to order. In the context of this calm attitude it can be expected that many people felt secure enough to host parties and enjoy themselves in hotels over the holiday weekend with scant regard to the advice of medical specialists that the less person-to-person interaction the better it would be from a Covid control perspective.

On the other hand, the impact of the coronavirus has been greater in some parts of the country than in others, and even in some parts of the cities than other parts within the same city, Those living in crowded circumstances in which social distancing is difficult and hygienic sanitation facilities are not available have been most at risk. The prison population which epitomizes these features has been disproportionately affected with catastrophic consequences in terms of their rejection of the situation they are in. The prison riots that took place can be a harbinger of what can happen in the larger society if a large section of the people feel they are being trapped and marginalized to suffer the consequences. Among these worst affected sections of the population, it appears that the Muslim community has been disproportionately affected by the Covid infection.

Dangerous Sentiments

Even though the Muslims are only around 10 percent of the national population, it appears that a larger number of Covid deaths have been experienced within their communities. But this is only partly on account of the more congested nature of their living situations. Unlike the Sinhala and Tamil communities who have traditionally been agricultural and own land, the Muslims who originally came to the country to be traders, tend to live in more urban settings with less space for housing. There is also another significant factor that feeds into the greater numbers of Muslims who fall victim to the coronavirus at present. They are afraid that if they are confirmed as Covid patients, both they and their relatives will be at risk of being forcibly cremated if they fail to recover from the coronavirus infection, which goes against fundamental Islamic tenets.

During the holiday season I received a number of telephone calls from civil society members across the country. The greater concentration of coronavirus relative to population amongst the Muslim community is a theme that has spread among the general population. A Muslim moulavi in Panduwasnuwara in the Kurunegala district bemoaned the fate of the Muslims who are feeling unjustly treated by the government on account the enforced cremation of Covid victims who die. This was not surprising as it is grievance that virtually all Muslims articulate, even the Minister of Justice. The fact that the religious belief of the Muslim community is being violated has led the leader of the nationalist Bodhu Bala Sena, the Buddhist prelate Ven Galagodaaththe Gnanasara to speak up for the religious right of the Muslims to be buried even in cases of Covid deaths.

The venerable monk said that issues pertaining to burying the bodies of people who died of COVID-19 should not be politicised, adding that Muslims should be allowed to bury the bodies as it was a matter of religious belief. “It is a religious right of Muslims. Because they believe that human beings are born on this earth and one day they should be a fertilizer for the earth. That is Muslim culture. That is a religious right.” He also recommended the addition of religious representatives to the expert committee on disposal of bodies dying of Covid-19, which comprises of medical officials and technical experts. He also urged for the formation of a proper policy by the government. He also warned that if unresolved, this issue could intensify emotions to proportions where the issue is not what is right but which side will win.

Winning Trust 

Reflecting the enlightened sentiments on this issue by the Ven Gnanasara, a Buddhist civil society member from Monaragala had a positive message to give. He said that the district inter-religious group that he was coordinating had decided to donate the travel allowance that they had received to support a nearby Muslim village which was under lockdown due to the discovery of Covid patients. This had happened because the inter religious group had Muslim members in it who had been able to win the trust and confidence of the Sinhala and Tamil members due to their interactions in the committee they had formed. These informal groups constitute a first line of defense against the spread of inter-community mistrust and violence and are effective problems solving bodies at the community level. This suggests the value of structured interactions across ethnic and religious divides that can build the trust among communities and build the nation.

The role that religious clergy can play in bringing divided communities together cannot be under estimated. In the Sri Lankan context, religious clergy are highly respected and given status that even exceeds that given to politicians despite their greater access to resources and to coercive power. They are persons who are respected and influential in their communities. As a result they can have a multiplier effect in their localities. They have sufficient maturity to continue with peace and reconciliation work and necessary experience to navigate the political space if they choose to do so. This is now visible in the joint statement issued by the Buddhist clergy of the Amarapura and Ramanya Nikayas who have written to the president requesting him to reconsider the government policy to enforce cremation of Covid dead against the religious traditions of the Muslims and other religious groups, such as the Catholics.

Civil society organisations such as the National Peace Council have shown at a micro level that it is possible to build goodwill between communities and enable them to mitigate potential conflicts without spilling over into violence. During the period of the last government there was an attempt to establish District Reconciliation Committees (DRCs) in every district under the leadership of the government’s District Secretary. According to Dr Joe William of the Centre for Communication Training who undertook a study of those structures, “The functions of the DRCs would be undertake study on the background and causes of religious and ethnic tensions in the locality; formulate suitable strategy and mediate the problems; provide rapid response to resolve conflicts and tensions; mediate conflict resolution; maintain database on incidence of tensions and negotiate and resolve conflicts.” This is an initiative that the present government would do well to revive to face the challenges of the present time from the grassroots to the national level. It will also serve as a vent to the emotions felt by people trying to find a solution or provide an opportunity to air them at least.

Latest comments

  • 11

    Do not discriminate people (and the dead) based on religion. One law for all. All COVID-19 dead must be treated same. If cremation is the national policy as per WHO guidelines cremate all.

    • 18

      U could make this a public statement in the europe, but Rajakaseh led srilanka, where not even basic rights of the people are respected, would not be like a water drop fell to the heated tar. They dont care much about the rights of the minority. This you guys should have learnt before votiing for them, before producing ALI SABRY or the like pimps from Muslim community. Either take him away or let the divine forces to punish the guy.

      • 1

        Rajafucksas are useless for the majority too.

        All Muslim MPs (except 2) voted for 20 amendment to give more power to Rajafucksas!!! Now too late.

    • 27

      you are such a shameless coward spewing nothing but lies. The WHO NEVER made cremation mandatory as a means to dispose of covid 19 victims, it was NEVER STATED AS MANDATORY anywhere in the WHO guidelines at any point in time. Lol, all your pseudo science arguements have failed so now you and others lowlifes in favour of forced cremation are resorting to lies. Pathetic.
      People are inherently good, and they will see through the insecure lies of the dark hearted coward lowlifes.

    • 10


      “If cremation is the national policy as per WHO guidelines cremate all.”

      Could you cite evidence.

      • 4

        Son of Vedda,


        “Burial or cremation
        People who have died from COVID-19 can be buried or cremated according to local standards and family preferences.

        •National and local regulations may determine how the remains should be handled and disposed.”

        SL has made regulations for cremation. So be it according to WHO.

        • 6


          Dumbo, this is the link to your C drive.

          • 1


            Did you manage to see what he keeps in his video folder?

    • 1

      In the long term we need a lasting solution that helps everyone.

      Split the island into 3 mono ethnic nations equitably – Sinhala Only Elam, Muslim Elam and Tamil Elam. Peacefully relocate people (only 15%) to make it happen without following India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Burma.

  • 7

    Blah Blah …

    One would think there is nothing going on other than a few dead Muslims not going to heaven. Day in Day out.

    These nitwits like Jehan the thambias are going on and on. And this fool is asking the govt to override the experts panel. When all hell breaks loose these clowns will be blaming the govt right away.

    • 10


      “When all hell breaks loose these clowns will be blaming the govt right away.”

      Nopes, not really.
      Blame the victims, LTTE, LTTE Diaspora, Tamil Diaspora, The West, NGOs, INGOs, International Community, Indians, Indra, ….DMK, AIADMK, Cholas, Pandyas, Karunanithy, MGR, Jayalalitha, Mohamed Shafi , Portuguese, Dutch, British, ………..

  • 16

    Whether burying an infected carcass is potentially harmful to the living is the question. I don’t think the scientist still have a definite answer.
    In countries like UK they allow burials. But burial is the historical way bodies have been disposed of in Europe. Christians also mostly bury.
    But when there are deadly plagues, even in Europe, they have resorted to cremation , even mass burning of bodies.
    I leave that alone.

    But since we live in the 21 Century , and we are a secular country, can we allow for historical/religious practices that may be harmful to the health of the living ?
    There is a religion whose practice was to leave the carcass in the open to be eaten by carnivores, including birds. I don’t think this practice is allowed today.

    Even on a social level, religions have thwarted mind development . It is a historical practice to let very young boys be admitted to priesthood. Today this can be considered child molestation.
    Similarly, religious rituals make loud noises, this is sound pollution.
    We must realize religion has been a big draw back in developing ourselves. It is the opium of the masses and particularly the stupid who do not want to see what is right in front of them

    • 14

      Deepthi Silva

      “It is a historical practice to let very young boys be admitted to priesthood. Today this can be considered child molestation.”

      You are referring to Buddhists, of course. Hard to disagree with you. The only sensible thing you have said so far.

    • 12

      deepthi silva

      I have deep sympathy for you.

      “and we are a secular country”

      Excerpt from Sri Lankan constitution:
      9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the
      foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State
      to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all
      religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e)

    • 4

      Hello Deepthi,
      What you say in entirely true!
      Congratulations for your courage.
      The opium of the people in full swing!!
      It is science that provides answers – Neither Karma nor God (not even the omniscient and omnipotent variety).

      • 2

        To The Editor,
        The opium in this article has a bias.
        References made to Buddhist monks are both demeaning and derogatory and no leaders of other religions are subjected to such choice language. In fact, the comments are replete with appalling language.
        I wonder why!
        Either such comments are a reflection of the hatred many Colombo Telegraph readers harbour against Sinhalese Buddhists OR the fear of the plight of Paty in France who was killed by an Islamist terrorist, if such derogatory language is used with other religious leaders.

    • 2

      What a beautiful place this world would be sans religion..

      • 0

        Hari Chandra, that is what one call truth. Keep up the good work of telling the truth.
        The opium that kills the pain, at the end kills the person whom it was giving the soothing. Why & how the religions were born is a difficult and too deep question to answer. The simple answer, but subject to challenging debates is, the overflowing love and kindness in all lives, by the time, took a shape and meaning to that. That is what the god is. Once I was watching a nature series in PBS TV. A lioness hunted a deer and fed it her cups. In short while the hungry fawn came out of the hiding bush and seeking motherness from the lioness. She understood. But male lions got the smell & were coming. She tried to distract them in vain.

      • 0

        The lioness is one of those souls implored the ultimate mother, who can feed her cups and the deer and her fawn, descend to this world.
        The fawn, the deer, the lioness, the cups, the lions……. everybody’s God are different thus the judgements they receive are different.

        Once, Paramatma Krishna was sharing Nectar with a ladle. One Assura crept into the circle and got some of it in hand and drank. For that crime , Paramatma Krishna severed Assura’s head his with the ladle he was sharing nectar for all others. The ladle that was serving the deathless life to Devas became death serving weapon to Assura.

  • 23

    The map of Covid infection in the country is steadily spreading to more remote parts. How far is the arrival of tourism safe, mutated form of the coronavirus that newly developed is more catching/infectious than the one has raised warned in the U.K. and around the world

  • 45

    From what I saw on TV where the opinions of a bunch of safron robed terrorists were broadcasted for the whole nation to see sets a troubling outlook for the country. Who are these unqualified uncouthed uneducated cattle monks to give their opinion on a matter they have no business even looking at; the amount of lies and propaganda that was allowed to be braodcasted on TV is just mindbogling. The only solace I took was the ironic conversation between an unecudated racist monk and a moda health ministry official who believes in throwing clay pots inot rives to cure coronavirus. The only reason this forced cremation thing has become such an issue is because of the dark hearts of insecure racist sinhalayo, monks and politicians. Not at all suprising from the moda sinhala media who have in the past the spotlight to some mentally unstable carpenter selling pani beema.
    We MUST immediataly institute a plan to limit these monks interfering in public matters. There MUST be a plan to disrobes much of the (80%) +2 million cattle monks to give them job training so they can start contributing to society instead of being a drain on public resources. The presidents’ in the past that have kept these rabid dog monks in their place in the past managed to institute positive change in the country. Change this country is desperately in need of.

    • 12

      ‘ bunch of safron robed terrorists…….unqualified uncouthed uneducated cattle monks…… these rabid dog monks…’

      Your language is a certain to endear you to the majority and ensure ‘change this country is desperately in need of’.

      • 23

        While I don’t much care for your sarcasm I do understand why you might be a bit taken back by what I said, however lets look at the history of the destitute majority in this country; the major forms of development took place when this land was under the control of colonial powers. Powers which the majory who were in amudes squating in the streets at the time weren’t really much in favour of.
        Just because the majority doesn’t like the change that is desperately needed shouldn’t really have much of an effect on those who love this country and want to see a better future for it. the majority whether they like it or not will have to accept it.

        • 8

          You don’t care for sarcasm because you are a lying foul mouthed racist with a black heart.
          You write about ‘the majority’ and you are tarring every Sinhalese Buddhist and every Bhikkhu with the same brush. Even in your reply you can’t restrain yourself from abuse like ‘majory who were in amudes squating in the streets’. It just show what you are and what slum you were dragged up from.
          Be assured, we can give better than you can dish out. Its a pity you had no parents and were shagged up against a Kochchikade wall and hatched by the Sun.

          • 7

            “we can give better than you can dish out” really ?? then why did you copy that term “black/dark heart” I used to describe the extremist sinhala buddhists ??
            Did a majority from the majorty community speak out when +100,000 tamils were being raped and killed by the war criminal armed forces ?? Did a majority from the majority community speak out when the extremist sinhala buddhists were forcefully cremating Muslim and Christian corpses ?? their silence and inaction is their tacit approval.
            That is a rather specific example you gave of a traumatic childhood; are you taking inspiration from your early years ?? If so you should be grateful, most sinhala buddhist children get dropped off at their nearest temple where they’re raped by thug monks.

            • 3

              “Did a majority from the majorty community speak out when +100,000 tamils were being raped and killed by the war criminal armed forces ??”

              Tamils were raped and killed by IPKF and not by Sri Lankan Armed Forces. Why should Sinhalayo bother about IPKF raping and killing Tamils? It is up to Tamils to sort it out. Sri Lanka Armed Forces liberated Tamils from the clutches of LTTE terrorists. Tamils should be eternally grateful to Sri Lanka Armed Forces for creating an environment for them to live in peace.
              Did Tamils speak out when LTTE Tamil terrorist barbarians slaughtered Sinhalayo for three decades?
              “Did a majority from the majority community speak out when the extremist sinhala buddhists were forcefully cremating Muslim and Christian corpses ?? their silence and inaction is their tacit approval.”
              Intelligent Sinhalayo accepted the decision of the Government based on advice from experts in Health field. ‘Moda’ Muslims who live in Stone Age failed to understand the rationale behind the decision taken by the Government and making a big fuss.

              Can you tell us where in Holy Quran it says that dead bodies of Muslims ‘SHOULD’ be buried.

      • 16


        “Your language is a certain to endear you to the majority and ensure ‘change this country is desperately in need of’.”

        Oh please.

      • 6

        Problem with these parasites living on the majority of this country cannot multiply by 1000. For they don’t sense our extreme dislike towards these stinking ******** is 1000 times their dislike towards us.
        They don’t know that we spit behind their backs.
        The fact that we accomodate them out of our courtesy have given them the wrong impression that they have some entitlement as equal citizens.


        • 6

          “They don’t know that we spit behind their backs.” yea we know the dirty dark heart of the extremists sinhala buddhists and their anger towards minoritires who are more succesful and more respected. Your disgusting comment should be taken in light of the accusations made by extremist sinhala buddhists against Muslims saying ‘The Muslims have crocodile smile, that they will smile to your face and show something different when you turn your backs’. We all knew that was a baseless accusation but it sure is interesting to see where the extremist sinhala buddhist got their inspiration from. Kind of like, The pot calling the kettle black.

        • 7


          “They don’t know that we spit behind their backs.”

          Remember you also s**t in your kitchen and on the dinning table, being Sinhala/Buddhist you also rape, rob, burn, burn alive, commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, destroy their heritage, ……. then shamelessly send your women folks to Middle East Medieval Kingdoms knowing full well they are being abused, … You bear all the abuses not because you tolerate them but because you need their Petrol Dollars.

          Your so called Sinhala/Buddhist leaders are so proud of your saffron clad thugs hence mimicking them, your leaders are permanently seen in begging position even for 3 meals a day, while the monks travel around by Merc and BMW.

          • 2

            As I always say join with Vingeshwaran and try your anti Sinhala Buddhist venom among the Tamils living in Sinhala majority provinces and convince A SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY to leave and resttle in Jaffna. That is a bet. Proof of the pudding is in the eating.
            That is the proof that inside the Tamil mind Sinhala Buddhist society is superior.
            (When arrangements were made for the estate Tamils to relocate themselves to India so that they can live as equal citizens among their own kith and kin in an environment of their own language, religion and culture they protested and demanded to continue that pathetic life in Sri Lanka)


    • 6

      “bunch of safron robed terrorists“
      “Who are these unqualified uncouthed uneducated cattle monks to give their opinion on a matter they have no business even looking at;”

      Who the fk are you to tell Sinhalayo who are the Native people in Sinhale and Buddhist Monks what to do. Buddhist monks have played a key role in protecting this country from the time Dravidians started invading this country since 3rd Century BC. However, they never engaged in terrorism or supported terrorism. Whereas Muslim Mullahs who stock piled arms, ammunition and swords in Mosques and Tamil Catholic clergy who stock piled explosives in Churches have supported terrorists. ‘Moda’ Muslims gave an excuse saying that swords were kept to cut grass in Mosques where there was no grass. One Catholic Church was sealed by President Jayawardena for stockpiling explosives.
      We know that Buddhist Monks have become a pain in the neck of racist separatists and Wahabi Muslim extremists. If you guys do not like what Sinhalayo and Buddhist monks do you are free to get lost without grumbling. Sinhalayo did not invite you guys to Sinhale.

      • 6


        “Buddhist monks have played a key role in protecting this country from the time Dravidians started invading this country since 3rd Century BC. However, they never engaged in terrorism”. Don’t lie! Buddhist monks conspired to kill the Kandyan King in 1760.

        Murder in the Cathedral: The Conspiracy to Assassinate Kirti Sri Rajasinha by Monks and Aristocrats in 1760 CE
        “In this case study Dr. Gananath re-examine the failed attempt to kill King Kīrti Śri Rājasinha by a section of the Kandyan aristocracy and monkhood in a most gruesome manner in the very premises of the Malvatta monastery. Among the conspirators was the Saṃgharāja Saranaṃkara revered for his piety and knowledge of Buddhist doctrine and ethics. The plan was to entice the king to worship in the temple and then trap him in a huge pit laden with spikes “

        • 2

          old codger,
          Go and check the meaning of ‘Terrorism’.

          • 4

            What I quoted is worse than terrorism.

    • 3

      Your opinion is not of any value to us. You are just parasites living off our blood.
      We will decide as we think fit.


  • 6

    Ven. Galagodaaththe Ghanasara says “It is a religious right of Muslims. Because they believe that human beings are born on this earth and one day they should be a fertilizer for the earth.”

    Shivajilingam had organized a protest in Yapanaya against the decision taken by the Government to cremate dead bodies of Muslims, Christians and Catholics infected with COVID-19. If Muslims believe that their dead bodies should become fertilizer the Government should ask Shivajilingam whether he would like to bury dead bodies of Muslims, Christians and Catholics infected with COVID-19 in Yapanaya peninsula.
    Gauthama Buddha has told the law of the country (Rajya Neethiya) is above all other laws. May be Ven. Ghanasara does not know what Buddha said.

    • 7

      “Gauthama Buddha has told the law of the country (Rajya Neethiya) is above all other laws. May be Ven. Ghanasara does not know what Buddha said.”
      So you approve of Saudi and Afghan laws that Buddha statues must be destroyed?

      • 3

        “So you approve of Saudi and Afghan laws that Buddha statues must be destroyed?”
        What a racist and idiotic twist. You are excused because you have no idea of what Buddhism means, and you are incapable of understanding these Buddhist concepts because you do not have the religious or cultural background to understand them.

        • 4

          If Eagle can’t write coherent English, and you can’t understand it, is it my fault?

    • 0

      Buddha said that in Korean?

  • 6

    Soil in this country has deteriorated very badly by using heavy doses of chemical fertilizer. On top of that Sinhalayo do not want fertilizer with viruses.

    Ven Ghanasara says “It is a religious right of Muslims. Because they believe that human beings are born on this earth and one day they should be a fertilizer for the earth.”

    • 14

      Your own Amarapura Nikaya has called for the govt. to permit burials. The Malwatta bunch (which won’t admit you) say otherwise.
      Also, kindly explain which cemetery has deteriorated due to fertilizer ?

      • 4

        This is not a religious issue to be decided by monks or mullas or swamies. This is a scientific issue about the safety of humans and animals in this country. And the scientific evidence is overwhelming about the danger of burying SARS-Cov-2 infected corpses. In Denmark they are digging up minks to prevent groundwater contamination. Maybe its too late already for them. In this matter, what happens in Denmark or China has effect for all of us, so lets hope that they will get this contamination under control, otherwise thousands of new animals would have to die. Humans could get protection from the vaccines, but not if the virus mutates into another variant. This is not something that CAN happen, but some thing that WILL happen. In Denmark it has already happened and the groundwater contamination is a reality. Stupid people are just denying because you have no case against the govt and the Sinhalese otherwise. Anybody with a slight knowledge in biology can see this, only political virologists and politicians and the Muslims and Tamils can’t see it.

        • 3

          Why do you insist on LYING to win arguments?
          Here is what is actually happening in Denmark:
          “Concerns over contamination
          But of the 4 million minks hastily buried at a military area in the west of the country, some soon began to resurface from the sandy soil after gasses from the decomposition process pushed the animals upwards, and out of the ground.
          Authorities claimed there was no risk of the graves spreading the novel coronavirus, but citizens have complained about the risk of contaminating drinking water and a nearby lake.”
          There is NO risk of coronavirus. The worry is about the smell and contaminated water causing OTHER diseases.Stop spreading absolute lies for political or religious purposes. Is this the kind of Buddhism you promote?


          • 3

            Can you really compare burying 4 million minks in one location with burying a dozen Muslims in widely scattered graves?
            “Anybody with a slight knowledge in biology can see this, “
            Anybody can see that that your knowledge of biology is even less than slight.

            • 1

              Your hatred towards the Sinhalese and Buddhist is too severe to be able to discuss anything in a decent manner. Added to that is your total lack of knowledge. FYI virus is virus, whether a single particle or in their millions. And if you really want to know, even if the Danish groundwater or lakes get contaminated with SARS-Cov-2, the mink situation cannot directly apply to the human situation, because minks were reservoir hosts and will have the active virus, while not all humans who die of Covid-19 have the active i.e infective SARS-Cov-2 virus, even though their PCR tests will show positive (too complicated to explain, and you and other clueless people here will not understand this anyways). Also, nobody is comparing burying millions of minks and burying a few humans, its only you. I am not here to show my biology knowledge – most of this is grade school elementary biology.

          • 1

            What is it with you and Buddhism? What does this Islamic burial issue have to do with Buddhism? When you run out of arguments, you just start insulting Buddhism. CT please do not allow this most disgusting practice of these anti-Buddhists. This burial issue is a Muslim religious issue, which has dire health consequences for the whole island.
            Also, please stop twisting and turning – the main problem the mink issue is creating is the possible SARS-Cov-2 contamination. That is why the ministry has said “The work will only begin in May next year, when the risk of contamination of COVID-19 from the dead animals has been eliminated.”
            There are many other issues with millions of mink carcasses rotting. But it was the SARS-Cov-2 which put the innocent animals there, and that is the majour problem in their grave too.

            • 3

              If the Danish govt thinks that a couple of months in the ground will remove coronavirus contamination from millions of mink in a mass grave near a lake, why on earth are pretend “Buddhists” objecting to burying individual humans in scattered graves? Is this “Buddhist Science”?
              I have no issue with Buddhism, just with the mendacious cheevaradhariyas who take advantage of simple-minded followers. If you actually read what I write, you will see that I treat all religions the same, Cardinals included. I am not a mental slave.

              • 3

                I have repeatedly said that I think Buddhism is the best religion. There is a difference between criticism of Buddhism and criticism of so – called “Buddhists” who justify racism, murder, child abuse, and worse. They worship trees and statues. The sum total of all the fake relics is a ton or more. Local “Buddhists” are unable or unwilling to challenge “monks” who behave like thugs. The Buddhism” practised here is an insult to its great founder. The Christian church is no better, but it suffered a reformation for similar reasons. Islam has still to have one, mainly because Western interference has backfired.

                • 0

                  You are sick Old Codger. Your anti-Sinhalese fanaticism is showing in every fabrication you write. I am not interested to know what you think of Buddhism, your idea about Buddhism is most certainly just superficial stuff you read in popular media. What you write about Sinhalese and your hate speech against Sinhalese and Buddhists will never have been published in a respected international media site. Venerating relics and worshipping idols, trees, sun and what not are ancient Sinhalese religious practices from pre-Buddhist times, is good for the Buddhists today too, if you don’t like it you are talking of something else than Buddhism, so basically keep your idiotic ideas about Buddhism to yourself. Since you have no idea what Buddhism is, just leave Buddhism and Buddha alone and discuss the matter at hand. How Buddhism has got entangled in this Muslim burial issue is really a mystery.

                  • 1

                    So you approve of tree worship, relics, etc. which the Buddha explicitly disapproved?
                    Therefore you are not really a Buddhist. Thanks for proving me correct. I have said all along that fake “Buddhists” create all the problems in this country, including this burial issue which has no scientific basis. Fake-Buddhists don’t believe scientific evidence, but only their own nutty theories.

        • 4

          small pp,
          “And the scientific evidence is overwhelming about the danger of burying SARS-Cov-2 infected corpses”, except that the overwheling scientific evidence has proven their is no danger in burials. And virologiest has stated it is IMPOSSIBLE for the virus to affect round water. The world has seen over 1.4 Million covid 19 victims buried all around the world and still not a single case of ground water contamination of transmission of the virus.
          “In Denmark they are digging up minks to prevent groundwater contamination”, another pathetic attemot to twist the facts. The case in Denmakr with the minks was they buried 15 million minks in shallow graves and when the bodies were decomposing the gassses that were released caused the decomposing mink corpses to come out of the ground. Its ok I dont expect extremists sinhala buddhist who listen to that clown soil expert spewing lies to know anything factual about reality.
          Only extremist sinhala buddhists are still telling lies to support forced cremation. We will never accept practices of your kaali amma devil worshipping religion. May the Lord of Jesus Christ punish with a painful punishment the extremist sinhala buddhist who have violated peoples human rights.

  • 4

    Dr. JP
    The canard about dead bodies carrying the virus is meant to distract and Divide communities,(like the CIA owned lSIS claimed Easter Sunday attacks), and DISTRACT everyone from analysis of the real data and statistics and the fact that Covid 19 virus is milder than influenza in Tropical countries. Check out the 2020 data on deaths from Covid19 and compare with annual influenza deaths and you’ll see!
    WHO i funded by big Phama companies like Pfizer and is selling vaccines and promoting the Covid-19 fear psychosis and disasterous lock down policies.
    .WHO Head Tederos has serious corruption allegations against him in Africa…
    Welcome to the real world dr. JP 0f course your USAID funded NGO is paid to be blinkered, deaf and dumb?!

  • 2

    Also, JP since you are an expert on International Affairs and Foreign policy: what’s with the torrid Ukraine – Sri Lanka love fest? Is it brokered by Joe Biden’s son who was operating an Oil Company there when the Avant Guard scandal with Ukrainian captains gun running in Sri Lanka was breaking,?!
    Also, Ukraine shipped tons of agro-chemical garbage recently to Sri Lanka and the Minister is now making a complaint to Basel convention (?I??), rather than arresting the importing company, and last night Covid-19 and other disease infested Ukraine tourists for whom the Covid-19 lock-down of the BIA airport was specially lifted will be arriving in Lanka as the first State Guests???
    Ukraine where Joe Biden’s son was running an oil company not so long ago also had a ships Captain in the dirty Avant Guard and Ranka Lanka shipping interpris of Senadhipatti in prison in Lanka.
    Is the Rajapaksa cousin Udayanga a CIA agent or what — both loot and sabotaging the Lankan economy via Ukraine which we all know is a US proxy like Israel and Saudi Arabia whose Crown Prince and Prime Minster advertised Pfizer vaccines on TV channels taking the Pfizer Jab!?!

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    Can you give figures to support Muslims affected more by Corona Deaths and infected. Everybody feels so but I have not seen any published numbers.
    Will a war criminal who thrives racism ever allow burial. We are hands in hand with China in persecuting muslims
    Now we have lost our friends in Pakistan

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    Thank you Jehan and the National Peace Council for such review of the situation positively and making a case to the GOSL with all due care and reasoning as suppose to insulting and undermining an elected GOSL to take care of our folks during an unprecedented event in our life time……War, Tsunamis, War and now this…..some of us who survived all the above and live through this also respect to all our children dyed for our bad deeds in the past too. Those “souls” can look at us from wherever and be proud of us too that we are showing accountability and responsibility for a change.

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    “The role that religious clergy can play in bringing divided communities together cannot be under estimated. In the Sri Lankan context, religious clergy are highly respected and given status that even exceeds that given to politicians despite their greater access to resources and to coercive power.”

    If this statement is true, Maha Sangha has to play a key role in educate politicians, Monks and the people of this country about Buddhism. Buddhism or any other religion is not belong to one group of people. It is about teaching what is good and what is not good for love, peace and harmony in their life. In that principle, the Monks should not be part of politics but part of people whether the person speaks any language or follow any faith. Therefore, they should have a standard requirement that a Monk should not involve in politics. If you belong to one party, how can you give a different teaching to another party Monk. Similarly, When a politician comes to power as a leader of the country he should treat the people with one law for all and the law should be is equal to all not only in theory but also in practice.

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    Why not the “Government” seek “ADVICE” from “Gana Meniyo” of Anuradhapura? Why I suggest the “Government” (from President downwards and including Tri Forces “Big Shots”) are the only ones who could receive an early date (mostly immediately) for a “Consultation”, I could have tried, but being a lesser mortal and a “Simple Simon” definitely, that date (Consultation date) would be a minimum of two years from now.

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    There is more written about burial vs cremation than about how to combat the virus. Has Sri Lanka given up hope on the virus..

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      “Has Sri Lanka given up hope on the virus.”
      The virus gives much hope to politicians who thrive on communal conflict.

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    “The prison riots that took place can be a harbinger of what can happen in the larger society if a large section of the people feel they are being trapped and marginalized………..
    The role that religious clergy can play in bringing divided communities together cannot be under estimated. In the Sri Lankan context, religious clergy are highly respected and given status that even exceeds that given to politicians despite their greater access to resources and to coercive power..”

    The NPC has been active in spreading Buddhism during Yahapalanaya time in the name of Religious reconciliation. It provided travel facilities to Bald Heads to move into other religious strong holds, under Rapist Army shadows, to preach the violent Sinhala Buddhism in the name of reconciliation. It is not accidental or the consideration of out context Jehan PhD id not mentions the thorn Article 9 in the constrictions pricking into the tender muscles of other religious practitioners. So now Jehan PhD is elevating the bold heads and warning other religious followers that the Kandy Ayatollahs are stronger more dangerous & violent personalities than the Royal members like King or Old King. So that Muslims Who may wish to picking the example of the Mahara prison is only to see the repetition of Mahara end.

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    Amarapura and Ramanya Nikayas who have written to the president requesting him to reconsider the government policy to enforce cremation of Covid dead against the religious traditions of the Muslims and other religious groups, such as the Catholics What this means is the Supreme Court dismissed the case, so the final option for “Muslim Murder” is Presidential clemency through his Ayatollah’s- Wow!
    NPC is funded by NGO from both Middle East and West so it is obligated to talk for both Religions, but not for the UN fundamental right to practice secular Religions. Talking about secular rights is against Article 9. Secular religious right is about preventing government directly being an obstacle for selected or as whole, religious communities being able to practice their own religions. Under that, government may not force or prevent any one to practice any religion. Punishing a special community selecting them by their religions is dealt under racism, rather than the right to practice religions. Other Jehan PhD as most of the readers are aware of it, there is no point in elaborating any further on that. We avoid trying to write all connected matters as writing them, in short notes like this, without proper explanations only can be interpreted as anti-Muslims rhetoric. Still we are obligated to bring out Jehan PhD’s cunning one sided work.

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    All Colombo Media has been reporting Muslim Philanthropist being fair to all communities during when dictator stuck Ceylon, recently. This time it is they are more hurt than others. So Monks helping them is not just a gesture, but even showing of the understanding of the past. Jehan PhD is avoiding here bring out the real nature of the problem. We all are aware the important medical professionals are fired from their positions and Rapist military is placed instead. Jehan PhD didn’t talk about that probably because that is out of context, though he talked about the game going on in ordering the vaccine. Instead of vaccine, which needs foreign exchange, Aanduwa is promoting Honey Paani, a good source of income for politicians. In that circumstances Aanduwa is propagating “One law, One Country”, through the MMDA is hurting more the Muslim women, forced into home by this Covid-19. Government is saying it is not interfering in the Secular religious rights. The decision is made by medical professionals. It is saying burning bodies is only Medical administration’s right. Again, there is no need to go deep into that cover-up gimmick statement.

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    Lot of people including me would have been bought into that if Aanduwa had withdrawn Article 9 before 20A or if Jehan PhD has not used a threat that Kandy Ayatollahs are stronger in violence than Royal family. All what NPC needed is not crowning the court punished rowdies, who were released out against NPC’s crocodile tears, as gods, but request Aanduwa to reinstate with lost pay, the dismissed serious health professional and tell them to take tolerant & equal decisions to all’s peace and happiness.

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    Govt is today controlled by the same aggressive group, the Bikkus, who were created for the political survival of Rajapakse family. When these same Bikkus who have forgotten that it was not a Bikku but a Bikkuni Sangamitta who brought the Bo Gaha to SL.

    How can anyone expect these Bikkus who do not recognize and give a due place to Bikkunies to respect other religions and their customs and religious practices?

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    Once dead, life is over. Nothing exists thereafter. Dead body is nutrients of the earth. Burning it only produces heat added to the atmosphere. It is this heat that causes atmospheric disturbance, Polar ice melting, extreme weather, land slides, and various miseries. Burying the body allows the nutrients to find its way to continue its natural cycle. COVID 19 is not spread via dead bodies, unless dead body breathes. What a primitive civilization we live in.

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    Jehan Perera, The government has taken a stand about handling of the corpses of Covid-19 dead. It is religious superstitions of some that is making problems. There’s enough and more studies about the dangers of viruses and other microbes polluting the soil and groundwater from buried corpses. This virus is an extremely dangerous deadly virus that should not be introduced to our soil at all. There’s already a possible problem of this virus getting into our soil through wastewater and sewerage, that needs immediate attention. We are a poor country and we have limited capabilities to handle and clean such contamination – what we must do is to contain and prevent any contamination at all costs.
    The WHO guidelines is the cause of the problem, since they have made one guidelines for the whole globe – that too without any scientific basis. Right enough, the WHO guidelines clearly says that they are “Interim” and the document also states “The following guidance is subject to revision as new evidence becomes available. Please refer to the WHO websites for updates on the virus and technical guidance” So they are not final, and WHO is awaiting evidence from ongoing studies.

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      The following study, questions the absence of scientific basis for the guidelines issued by WHO and a few countries. As per the study, these guidelines have not been made based on scientific evidence:
      “ In conclusion, there is very limited scientific evidence on which the guidelines in this research are based. More scientific evidence is needed to substantiate the safe handling of COVID-19 positive corpses to make an educated decision between a ‘no problem’ and a ‘code red’ attitude.”
      – Review: The safe handling of a corpse (suspected) with COVID-19
      Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
      DOI: 10.1016/j.jflm.2020.101999
      Countries like Srilanka, with possible danger of contamination of water sources must be allowed to take our decisions without being accused of discriminating one group or another, while we wait for scientific studies about how to handle this. Due to the nasty way the Muslim burial issue has developed, its best that Muslims take this issue at the UN and have a hearing about Srilanka discriminating them, without launching smear campaigns against the Sinhalese and Buddhists. We will present our side of the case and let any international court or panel of experts give their decision.

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        Dilanthi Jayamanne ( Ceylon Today)

        Unlike the Ebola virus, the possibility of the transmission of COVID-19 from a body is unlikely, Chair Professor of the Department of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong, Malik Peiris said.

        Prof. Peiris further said there was no scientific evidence to say that COVID-19 in a body buried in a six feet deep grave would filter through many layers of soil. Even if it is buried six feet underground in running water, it would still have to seep through many feet of soil to get into the overground water sources and subsequently survive in it, he added.

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    India has banned all Islamic schools in Assam. A BJP representative said “We need more doctors, police officers, bureaucrats, and teachers, from the Muslim community rather than imams”. Very sensible too.

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      And same kind of professionals from Hindus instead BJP, RSS road warrior politicians. So abolish all Manusmirity copies.

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