By K. Anaga –
Sri lanka/Ceylon has gone through various betrayals from time immemorial, during the rule of Sinhala/Tamil Kings. Betrayals were essentially due to their own seeking and infighting among the Kings and their subjects. I do not wish to look back at the past prior to 1948, but at the Betrayals, mostly of the Tamils, thereafter. During the rule of Sinhala Kings, killing of fathers, siblings and wives were rather common.
A section of the population of Ceylon, the Sinhalese, got their so called freedom from the British Rule in 1948. Betrayals against the Tamils, geminated slowly but steadily from there onwards. Although, the seeds of hatred and betrayals were sown during the latter part of the lives of Sir Ponnambalam and Arunachalam, long before the independence, despite their services to the nation in general and to the Sinhalese in particular. Mass killing of Tamils by the Sinhalese, periodically, was the political philosophy to subjugate them, commencing from Bandarnaike’s regime in 1956.
Change of Rulers
But, as far as the Tamils and Muslims were concerned their British rulers were simply replaced by the Sinhalese Rulers, due to the folly of Tamils and Muslims. Tamils and Muslims trusted the British Colonialists and there after the Sinhalese. Personal friendship with the Tamil and Muslim leaders led to the initial subtle betrayals led by DS Senanayake and his political party UNP.
The betrayals are not listed by me in chronological order, but at random.
Disenfranchisement of the Upcountry Tamils
The first betrayal against the Tamils was by the ‘Father of the Nation’ DS who disenfranchised plantation Tamils under the guise of calling them Indians, despite the fact they have been living in Srilanka for over 100 years and contributed their share for the development of Ceylon much more than what the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims put together had done, though under British Rule. The question arises here as to what would have happened if the so called Indians were Sinhala Buddhists?
Trade Unions of the Plantation Workers.
Hitherto the plantation workers were taken for a ride by the employers and the governments. Now leaders of the plantation workers are riding on them by promising wage increases and improved housing units. Immediately after the independence and disenfranchisement there were only two trade unions to my knowledge representing the workers and the agitations for their betterment was far and few between. With the passage of time trade unions have increased promising the sun and the moon and the earth. Each trade union leaders wants to out beat the other in offering salary increases and single unit houses. But the promises are seldom or never implemented to the satisfaction of the workers. Despite the fact they pretend to fight for the workers’ rights, they fail to get together to achieve the needs of the workers. How-ever they get their share of contribution from the workers and lead a luxury life. Because of the illiteracy prevailing among the workers, the promises made by the leaders are taken as gospel truth only to realize later that they have been betrayed. The betrayals may not last long as the plantation workers are attending schools and Medias have made them knowledgeable of the world affairs. Slowly but steadily they are coming out of their ‘cubicles’ to see the world in its true perspective, much to the dislike of the Trade Unions.
Colonization Scheme
Thereafter DS decided to formulate a colonization scheme for the Sinhalese in the Tamil areas particularly in the Eastern province to reduce the representation of the Tamils in the parliament and increase the representatives of the Sinhalese. This is another betrayal, against the Tamils by the so called ‘Father of the Nation’. He refused even to consider himself as a ‘step father’ for the plantation Tamils. The Tamil leaders Like GG Ponnambalam and his Tamil Congress Party too were responsible for this betrayal by their ineffective action. Mr. GGP was keen on being appointed as a minister rather than to fight for the rights of the Tamils thus betraying the Tamils.
Betrayal by the Eastern province Muslims.
In 1956, the Tamils and the Muslims who considered Tamil as their mother tong, got together with the Tamils in the eastern province and contested the Elections as a part and parcel of the IlankaiTamil Arasu Kadchi to fight the Sinhala only policy of the Sinhala parties. But, after a couple of years the Muslim MP’s of the ITAK switched side and joined the ‘Sinhala Only Party’ government for their personal benefits and not for the welfare of the Muslim population. From there on words the political betrayal by the Muslims against the Tamils continued unabated to the detriment of both communities.
The provincial council of Batticaloa was handed over to the Muslims by Sampanthar on a platter to express the solidarity of the Tamils with Muslims despite the Tamils having more members. (Eleven to Seven). But true to their mentality they did not care for the welfare of the Tamils
But carried on as if they were the ‘monarch of all they survey’.
Sambuddha Jayanthi at Galle Face Green.
While the Sinhala only bill was to be passed in Parliament, the ITAK, originally arranged to carry on a ‘sit out’ sathiyagraha on the steps of the parliament to prevent the MP’s Going in, but, was thrown out from there by the army. Thereafter they assembled at the Galle Face green, where they were manhandled by the thugs organized by SWRD. A number of sathiyagrahis were injured badly including Amirthalingam and Dr. Naganathan. Dr. Naganathan had to run into the Galle Face Hotel in his underwear, where he was greeted by some ladies with surprise. On seeing them Naganathan has supposed to have said “This is Sambuddha Jayanthi madam Sambudda Jayanthi”. This is because,Buddha Jayanthi was celebrated on a large scale, after SWRD assumed power. Commencement of the betrayal of democratic peaceful agitations
Banda- Chelva Pact.
When the ITAK announced a full-fledged non violent campaign against the Sinhala only act, the Prime Minister SWRD entered into pact with SJV Chelvanayakam to give Tamil language an official status and stop State Aided Colonization of the Tamil areas with the Sinhalese to change the texture of the population. Although this agreement fell short of the original demand, as matter of initial understanding, the agreement was signed with the hope of bettering the position in the future. But the future never came and the pact was unilaterally abrogated by SWRD, thus betraying the Tamils once again. The hamudurwas played an important role in abrogating the pact as SWRD became a prisoner of the schemes/activities of the hamauduruwas, whom he brought into limelight. The betrayed SWRD was later shot at by one of his favorite hamuduruwas in 1959. He died at the hospital. A rumor was set in motion to state that Some Tamil has killed him. Fortunately this rumor was nipped in the bud and the Tamils escaped the wrath of the Sinhalese.
SWRD’s Riots.
The first major riots after the independence against the Tamils were in 1958. (There was, of course, a smaller riot in Galoya in 1956 with sporadic incidents elsewhere). It is said that the said riots were instigated by SWRD, proved by his inaction against it, after the Sinhala Only Act was passed in the parliament in1956. The Tamils carried out various non violent agitations against this act which caused grave concern to SWRD, the architect of Sinhala Only. His ‘Silver Tong oratory’ punctured the brains of the Sinhala Masses and the resulting ‘hemorrhage’ lead to this riots, satisfying the ego of SWRD, with no concern for the suffering of the Tamils. Sir Oliver Goonatilleka, the then Governor General intervened to stop the riots. The Tamil refugees were accommodated in various schools with no proper sanitary facilities or food. Thereby ships were commandeered by Sir Oliver and the Tamils were loaded on to cargo vessels and sailed to Jaffna. Even in the ships, food was in short Supply, but refugees were happy to get out of refugee camps. My parents and siblings also sailed with me, in the said Cargo Boat named ‘CEYBANK’. Thanks to SWRD’s betrayal.
The sending of the Tamils refugees to Jaffna, not once, but three times, to be safe, proves that a homeland of their own is a must. Though the homeland is now inundated by the Army and safety does not exist anymore.
Sir Ivor Jenning’s Constitution.
The Constitution of Ceylon drafted by Sir Ivor Jennings, did not pay heed to the request of the Tamils to provide adequate safe guards for minorities in general and the Tamils in particular. The ‘infamous’ section 29 of the constitution was the only safeguard provided, which was violated by the governments in power unashamedly commencing with the Sinhala only Act in 1956. After a few years, Sir Ivor Jennings appears to have confessed that he had made a big mistake in not providing meaningful safeguards for the minorities. A great betrayal of the Tamils, who served the Britishers honestly and sincerely- May have been for selfish reasons.
Mass Agitation
Sthiyagraha campaign organized and carried out, by the Tamil Arasu Kadchi (Federal Party) in the 1960’s, went on for weeks as a mass movement with thousands taking part every day of the month. Some Women handed over their jewelry as their contribution towards the sathiyagraha fund. At one, stage, postal service was organized and stamps were sold/issued by SJV Chelvanayakam in defiance of the law. This was brought to an end by deploying the army to crush it. Sathiyagrahis, ladies including pregnant women and young children were bundled up into army trucks / Lorries and dumped in various places, far from the site of Sathiyagraha which took place in front of the Jaffna Kachcheri. The leaders of the Tamil Arasu Kadchi Including SJV Chelvanayakam, Amirthalingam, Dr. Naganathan and other prominent participants were arrested and taken to Panagoda Army Camp. Even after crushing the non-violent movement, the Sinhala Government headed by Srimavo and supported by Felix Dias Bandaranayake did not want to come to terms with the Tamils. Arrogance of Felix and Vengeance of Srimavo, were the political philosophy of the SLFP government at that time and even thereafter. Our Democracy Mutilated and Betrayed.
Dudely Chelva Pact
In 1965, the UNP came into power with the help of the ITAK. The UNP signed an agreement with ITAK in similar terms of the agreement with SWRD, referred to as ‘Dudley Chelva Pact’. Mr. Murugesu Thiruchelvam QC, an appointed MP of the ITAK was inaugurated as a Minister of Local Government to oversee the implementation of the Pact. But the UNP government was postponing the implementation indefinitely, which was consistent with UNP’s continuous practice of being a snake under the grass. Dudley gay Bade Masala Vade was the theme song of Colvin. Thus the pact was packed up. This was another betrayal.
Srimavo’s Land Slide
In 1970, the SLFP government led by Srimavo, came into rule with absolute power. This led SJV to comment, that ‘only god can save the Tamils’ as the need for the Tamil parties to form the government did not arise. A comment made in desperation, but unworthy of a Senior Tamil Politician, criticized by many. Kumarasooriyar as Minister and Alfred Thuraiappa as mayor of Jaffna associated themselves with Srimavo’s government in their activities against the Tamils.
Colvin’s Constitution
In 1972, a new constitution was drafted by the Srimavo’s government under the leadership of Colvin R de Silva an LSSP stalwart. Colvin was hailed as a person who fought for the equal rights of the Tamils with his famous saying “one language two nations and two language one nation”. But Colvin betrayed the Tamils by his double tong and included various obnoxious clauses in his constitution against the Tamils, including district wise standardization for the university entrance examination. Thus, Colvin laid the foundation for the Tamil students’ vehement agitations against the obnoxious clauses in the constitution, including the commencement of the armed struggle thereafter. This constitution was not accepted by the Tamils and therefore they were not a party to the drafting of the constitution.
International Tamil Conference.
Arrangements were afoot to hold the International Tamil Conference at the Jaffna esplanade in 1974, where Tamil scholars, from all over the world were to participate. However, due to the strained feelings between the Tamils and the government, Srimavo, with the support of Alfred Thuraiappa tried their best to abort it being held in Jaffna and suggested that the Conference be held at the BMICH and offered to defray the cost. But after various struggles, the conference was held in Jaffna Veerasingham hall and at the esplanade. Of course the government tried to stop the foreign scholars attending the conference by delaying their visas. But at the last minute, saner counsel prevailed, due to fear of bad publicity for the government and the conference got on to a ‘windy’ start.
But the prevailing ‘windy’ atmosphere turned cyclonic on the last day of the conference, where an Indian speaker a Muslim Tamil scholar (Nina Mohamed) was scheduled to address the crowd which was overflowing from the hall spilling over to the grounds nearby. Hence, a make-shift stage was arranged to accommodate the speakers outside the hall and speeches were going on with thousands peacefully listening. But when Niana Mohamed commenced his speech, police fired a couple of gun shots, which brought down the overhead electrical wires resulting in 9 men falling dead on the spot. Government refused an inquiry as Tamil lives were considered cheap. Thuriappah’s support to the government betrayed the Tamils, resulting in death of nine. I was also associated in organizing the cultural activities at this conference.
JR’s Land Slide
In the 1977 General Elections, UNP was returned to power with a 5/6th. Majority in the south and The Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) was returned with a very large majority in the North/East. These elections were held soon after passing of the Vaddukkoddai resolutions in 1976, demanding Independence for a Tamil state in the North/East, where Tamils were in a majority from time immemorial and even when Ceylon received its freedom from the British in 1948.
SLFP lost heavily in that they were returned with only 8 seats. Thus the TULF leader Mr. Appapillai Amirthalingam was appointed as the leader of the opposition in his own right/merit, unlike Mr. Rajavarothayam Sampanthan who was ‘appointed’ by the government as the leader of the opposition in 2015 under fortuitous circumstances, with sixteen seats comprising of various Tamil parties.
Immediately after the UNP government was formed in July 1977, an organized riot against the Tamil population was set in motion with the blessing of the government in general and JR in Particular. I too was a victim of these riots. But as I was way in Jaffna along with my family I escaped without physical harm, though my house was damaged badly. My sister and family who were living next door to my house escaped miraculously due to her neighbor’s intervention. Most of the Tamils as in the past voted for the UNP and this how they were betrayed. We had to sell our properties for a song and vanish from the area.
To satisfy the world JR appointed a one man commission referred to as the Sansoni Commission, to inquire into the riots, the damages caused and suggestions for prevention of Such Riots in the future .Written submissions were made by many including me, but the outcome was another betrayal, with nothing coming out of it. Of course there were no riots thereafter, but a pogrom in 1983. Naturally our suggestions could not prevent the requirements of a pogrom of that magnitude. After all it was a war declared By JR over the media thus: ‘If you want war I will give you war and if you want peace I will give you peace,’ a brave declaration by a great ‘Commander in Chief’ on unarmed Civilian Tamil population.
Tiger Cubs.
Notwithstanding, the Tiger Cubs took up the challenge, ‘walked the straight and narrow path’, with determination to find a just/fair solution with arms. In fact JR was responsible for the Creation of LTTE. But unfortunately, India, Britain, USA and China betrayed the Tamils in supporting the government in the civil war. Britain, who was responsible for bringing the Tamils under their rule by merging them with the south, should have restored the status quo of the Tamils as prior to their takeover of the North and East. Instead they deliberately failed and betrayed the Tamils when they left Ceylon.
Britain’s support to the government during the civil war was the second and most deadly betrayal by Britain which resulted in thousands of death of Tamil civilians.
Britain’s betrayal of the Wind Rush population living there for years on end without adequate Citizenship Rights rushes to my mind.
Cremation of the Jaffna Public library.
One of Asia’s finest library was “burnt alive” with its soul of over 97,000 books.
This Cremation was not done by ordinary hooligans but by educated politicians, allegedly by Gamini Dissanyake, who happened to be Ministers of the UNP government. No inquiry was held for fear of exposing the parties who were involved. A betrayal coupled with arrogance.
When you look back, it is evident that the UNP has done more harm to Tamils than any other Sinhala parties over the years. Despite various crimes committed by UNP, the savior of the Tamils (TNA) seems to derive great pleasure in licking the boots that kick the Tamils. Of course the other Sinhala parties trample the Tamils, with their heavy boots to death. Thus they have no time to lick.
A Hobson Choice for the Tamils and what Prabkaran had predicted has come to right. No Sinhalese government will treat the Tamils with respect unless they are equally powerful, with arms like the government.
Disenfranchisement of Srimavo.
JRJ, despite the fact he defeated Srimavo very convincingly, wanted to ensure that she never came back to power politics. A psychological fear of Srimavo gripped JR. Hence, he charged Srimavo under special laws, made her lose her seat and disenfranchised her. Mr.Amirthalingam as the leader of the opposition brilliantly defended her in the parliament but it did not bring any desired results. It must be said that Srimavo was one of the Sinhala leaders who cared less for the Tamils. Because she was left at lurch, by the most of the Sinhala political parties, she was invited by the Tamil population and given a rousing reception in Jaffna to impress upon her the need for understanding and appreciation of underdogs. She was one of the underdogs, due to the betrayal of JR.
Good Governess- Yahapalanaya- Nalladchi
The ‘yahapalanaya’ which came into power with the support of the Tamils, to mitigate their sufferings after war, did nothing about it. Even the promises made to the Sinhala electorates to bring to book the alleged murderers of the former government did not materialize. Though Ranil and Maithre are at logger heads now, they were apparently united in allowing the perpetrators of crimes during the former regime to slip through their hands. Some of the accused belonging to the armed forces have been given promotions to eclipse their misdeeds. This betrayal will never be forgiven, as human lives are involved, unlike the Bond Scam.
Betrayal of the Betrayed
TNA who called themselves the savior of the Tamils, failed completely in not only solving the political problems of the Tamils but even the day to day sufferings of their problems. Sampanthar and his clique gave a blank cheque book, rather a Blank Cheque with sufficient leaves to the Ranil government to write any number of of cheques and carry on regardless of the sufferings of the Tamil mothers looking for their children handed over to the army, political prisoners who are under arrest without charges, release of private lands, continuous colonization of Tamil areas with Sinhalese and Buddhist Vihares in the Hindu temple premises, destroying the Hindu temples without any cause, appointment of Sinhalese laborers in the Tamil areas when unemployment is rampant for the Tamils. ‘Sam Sum’ (Sampanther/Sumanthiran) appears to have feathered their nests to their liking. Allegedly, Luxury Cars /house for Sam were given? The title of President Counsel was conferred on Sumanthiran without much fanfare for fear of antagonizing the Tamils. The title P.C will be carried by him until his death, while the Tamil Mothers will carry the agony of losing their off springs until their death.
As I write this a News flash came on the screen to say that Sumanthiran met Gotha and had a chat for a couple of hours. Perhaps another betrayal is in the offing?
Chinese Influence and Other Foreign Interventions.
It is generally accepted that Mahinda’s government was responsible for handing over Hambantota and the Port City Project on a 99 year lease to China. But my contention is not only Mahinda but also most of the Sinhala Politicians, Maithree and Ranil too are responsible for the sell out. Sinhala population carries out various agitations on insignificant matters, on drop of a hat, but their deafening silence on important matters of this nature is baffling. GMOA, who opposed/opposes the establishment of foreign universities, never commented on this sell out. However they did not hesitate to betrayed the poor students by delaying their registrations.
Tamils have been demanding a Federal State for the North/East from 1949 on words, but the successive Sinhala Governments never even considered it. But foreign governments are welcome with open arms to take whatever they need/want from us.
Why not lease out the north/east to the Tamils at least on a 50 year lease with a reasonable safeguards to continue as a United States of Srilanka. Unlike the Sinhalese, who have betrayed the Tamils on numerous occasions, I am sure Tamils will not betray the Sinhalese or the Tamils by selling out part of their properties to Tamil Nadu or Maldives, USA or Britain. There is no proof of Tamils betraying the Sinhalese. They only fought for their rights.
Presidential Elections
Every single political party in Srilanka is running round in circles to get a grip of the political situation to nominate a president and the Tamil political parties are running behind them to get the best out of the worst, so that they may not get into a swamp.
All the Tamil parties apparent intention is to get the best power sharing possible, but every Sinhala parties intention is to give the least and get the best support from the Tamils. They know very well, because of the infighting among the Tamil parties, all of them, without exception, will be satisfied with fallen crump of the masters table as long as the leaders are given some bones to chew on till the next elections.
The Greatest Betrayers of the Tamils.
The greatest betrayers of the Tamils are Tamil leaders themselves. Tamil Arasu Kadchi and its allys cries foul and refer to the other Tamils parties who have not aligned with them as betrayers– may be, but Sam/Sum and their clan by their actions and inactions proved beyond reasonable doubt, that nobody can beat them in the game of betrayal, despite the fact they are relatively new to this game.
The Tamils are not communal in their outlook but selfish and self centred. Thereby they cannot look beyond their nose. There is a popular Tamil saying “Enakku Mooku Poanlum Paruvai Illai Ehirikku Sakunapilai Enil” meaning, ‘Even if I lose My Nose, it Matters Not, As Long as it is a Bad Omen for My Enemy’. Preferably a Tamil Enemy- is it?
edwin rodrigo / August 22, 2019
Small Betrayals: Now that the author has gone through what he considers as great betrayals, I would like to mention a betrayal that he has not.
This was the time when DS was in power and, just as now, the Tamil politicians were trying hard to betray the Sinhala betrayers who were betraying the Tamils. One such person was Sunderalingam, whose name became famous because he was the main topic of a Varsity song entitled ‘Adi Da Sunderalingam’.
Sunderalingam (then MP for Vavynia) was in cahoots with the Tamil Nadu politicians in his acts of betraying the Sinhalese and used to shuttle between TN and Sri Lanka frequently. One day in the Parliament, a certain Sinhala politician (let us call him Mr, X) accused Sunderalingam of his betrayals and said ‘The way that Hon. MP Sunderalingam is behaving it is as if he has one leg in SL and the other in TN.”
Pat came the response of Sunderalingam, ‘Knowing the past of Hon MP X, I dare not keep my legs together’.
edwin rodrigo / August 23, 2019
Judging by the overwhelming no of thumbs down for my comment, probably of Tamils belonging to TSOTO (Tamil Something or the Other) I would like to give here one of the lines of the song ‘Adi Da Sunderalingam’: Sinalayage Parama Hathura Sunderalingam.
Analyst / August 23, 2019
there weren’t any as you called Sinhala kings who fought the Tamil Kings in those centuries ago as history shows. Those Sinhala Race evolved from those Indian kings from the other parts of India as well as from the South India as well! .
The fights were between the South Indian kings and in some cases between each other.
During the time or earlier the ” Sinhalam ” nation was formed by the few remnants from the different parts of India.
Not forgetting the Sinhalayas evolved from the remnants from the Dutch, Portuguese , African fighters , Malays, and from the Chinese territories as well in the name of Buddhism which evolved into Theravada Buddhism which the majority of the Srilankans follows.
Enough is enough of your propaganda Narnia stories.
Enough of chest beating as now the same chest beaters are ever so dependent on super powers Freebies in the form of Aid.
Are you not ashamed??
We are in the 21 st century , still unable to maintain our souls due to wholesale greediness.
How do you argue with sovereignty??
Can’t give a decent wage for the poor who produces Paddy, Tea , and othe produces for cottage industry.
Still shamelessly importing these Produces.
As long as our country remains poor keep the people poor other than the greedy rich there’s no way anyone can ” Chest beat”” on Sovereignty!!
Learn that before blowing your trumpets, SL awaits for” foreign aid” to be Sanctioned at the first opportunity , then the foreign aid is used for their own” Fake Projects ” the most of it goes straight into their’s or their families Bank accounts.
You know this well and everyone else knows this.
How about that? News to you??
Learn to live with others , learn their cultures and BUILD OUR NATION, Stop being an IDIOT.
K.Anaga / August 23, 2019
Learn to live with others, irrespective of whatever they may do against you and be an I D I O T.
Dias / August 22, 2019
56. Man was Tamil 83 man was colombo chetty. Sinhalese are taking the blame !
nimal fernando / August 24, 2019
From all the comments …….. I gather the Sinhalese and the Tamils don’t like each other.
Phew! Who would’ve guessed!
W House / August 22, 2019
Well, we should know one distinct character of Tamils. From GG to VP anywhere across that range they never hesitated to revenge if they felt they had been betrayed. They also demonstrated numerous times that payback could be in any shape or size. It seems Tamils never learned their lessons right? Should we blame them?
By the way, if Uncle Sam can play hard ball to get Greenland for couple of trillions, what price we should set to negotiate to park his nuclear powered toy boats? Someone said that few tons of banana is enough for SL. I say that offer is cheap and insulting. What should we set for the qualifying offer?
Native Vedda / August 22, 2019
W House
“From GG to VP anywhere across that range they never hesitated to revenge if they felt they had been betrayed.”
How did he revenge and whom did he revenge?
“By the way, if Uncle Sam can play hard ball to get Greenland for couple of trillions, what price we should set to negotiate to park his nuclear powered toy boats?”
Please ask the American the national hangman Gota and his clan.
They may have a price in mind.
edwin rodrigo / August 23, 2019
Perhaps a couple of Kalaveddahs?
shankar / August 22, 2019
what about the betrayal of tamils by prabhaharan.Due to his selfish reasons he killed indian jawans and compounded the betrayal further by killing rajiv ghandhi.making an enemy out of the only ally that the tamils had.It is not a betrayal according to the author.The tamils are in the current mess because of this betrayal.However he seemed to get out of the pit he had dug when the new century started which was remarkable and showed how resilient he was.So that betrayal may have been nullified if not for another betrayal by him when chandrika offered practically federalism.he could have grasped that if he really cared for the well being of the tamil people.Instead he gave his counter proposals that was practically eelam.Tamils lost all the support of the international community which then decided that prabhaharan has to go if there is to be a political solution.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / August 23, 2019
Shankar reluctantly I have to agree with you , about Pirapakaran foolishly missing many opportunities , that has now put Tamils into even a more precarious position. However this still does not excuse what the Sinhalese did and are still doing in the name of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism. Or even the inaction of the TNA and their great betrayal of the Tamil people . It is not Pirapakaran who is the root causse.. He is dead and gone, so is the LTTE but Sinhalese racism that was kept in check when he thrived , has even become worse and is the root cause of everything.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / August 23, 2019
Yes, the international community decided that Parabaharan has to go if there is to be a political solution. They swallowed the Sinhala propaganda that they are prepared for a political solution and LTTE is not co-operating and if LTTE is finished we can go ahead and arrive at a political solution. They including India and USA gave all help to finish off LTTE without which Sri Lanka would have never achieved it alone. After the war, help was given at UNHCR to cover up war crimes. Unfortunately for them, Sri Lanka did not honour its word. During the last regime Mahinda steadfastly refused to proceed in finding a solution for six years. The present government which promised justice and reconciliation has dragged the issue for five years without any light at the end of the tunnel. International community has now realized that Sinhalese are intransigent despite Tamils stretching their hand forward for peace. Their patience is dwindling and very soon they will intervene decisively to bring justice to Tamils. Did you hear the BJP stand that Sri Lanka is constituted of Hindus and Buddhists who were Hindu converts, and the solution is to have a Hindu majority state side by side with a Buddhist majority state as union territories. BJP means business and you cannot hoodwink them like pussy footing congress. Any future government in Sri Lanka will be made to toe their line, whoever rules it and however powerful they are.
thamizh / August 24, 2019
Lol Dr. GS!
Since when did BJP start asking for Tamil state in Sri Lanka? They are busy holding joint military exercises with the SL and trying to gain a foothold in North-East. When it comes to SL, the foreign policy of BJP/Congress are not much different. They are anti-Tamil in addition to being imperialist.
Only the guillible would think the so called “international community” is after human rights and political justice. They may talk about it, as needed, to pacify the Tamils or to bring about a regime change, while on the other hand they would enable militarization and Sinhala military occupation of Tamil lands/resources.
shankar / August 24, 2019
i agree with you that everyone has only their self interests at heart and can we blame them for that when we are also in the same boat only interested in ourselves.That is the way the whole world revolves.So an astute tamil leader will see that tamil objectives/interests and other powerful countries objectives /interests coincide.It does not mean that tamils will get all what they want but it is climbing a ladder step by step,not falling down with the ladder as prabha did.
Ahmad Nadvi / August 23, 2019
Hi ( High cast) Siva Sankaran Sharma
“It is not Pirapakaran who is the root causse.. He is dead and gone, so is the LTTE but Sinhalese racism that was kept in check when he thrived , has even become worse and is the root cause of everything”
You’re absolutely right. VP (re) acted as the theory goes , ” every action has its positive or negative reaction”
PBG / August 24, 2019
” every action has its positive or negative reaction”
So what action resulted in this so called Sinhalese racism?
D. P. / August 23, 2019
Siva SS,
If I were a Tamil I would certainly feel the same way as the author of this essay & you feel but the hard to swallow bitter truth is that the belief that winning political right helps to solve minority problems is myth. Self administration may help to solve trivial social issues such as language barrier but, it cannot resolve the most pressing issue of creating economic opportunities. As a matter of fact, with still oppressive caste system, self rule for Tamil areas can have the danger of making life even more miserable for some.
Self rule certainly is a popular demand when SL was under British but their departure didn’t solve economic problem even of the majority race. Rather it became worse. Martin Luther King never asked for separate rule for Blacks; he only asked for equal rights! I strongly believe that, if there is any socio economic problem in minority areas, they are the same among the poor of the majority race. The difference lies only in the way they are politicized: Among the majority race, it is argued as a product of party politics while among minorities, it is interpreted by minority politicians as product of racial discrimination. But, in reality, the real reason has been the lack of a nationwide comprehensive investment program for poor to enter into the middle class.
thamizh / August 24, 2019
Although Blacks did fight against racial oppression and you could draw parallels between both the peoples’ struggle, they are not both one and the same. The Tamil people did fight for national liberation, where the collective existence of Tamils as a people was in question.
You are talking about economic opportunities, we are talking about having control over our economy. That is the difference.
shankar / August 24, 2019
“Martin Luther King never asked for separate rule for Blacks; he only asked for equal rights!”
blacks did not have a traditional homeland for centuries.Think a bit before you talk comparing appled with grapes.When would martin luther king want his seperate state and why that particular piece of land out of the whole US.He asked for equal rights only because he had no other choice unlike the tamils who can say to the british,please put back the land the way it was before you got it.
shankar / August 25, 2019
it should have been where instead of when would martin luther king want his separate state.
Mallaiyuran / August 25, 2019
USA is already containing 50 independent states and one Federal (Central) Government. USA was not a country. 13 independent states made a deed to stay united to protect them from European interventions. First Union government did not have enough rights even to collect the needed money as tax to run the government. USA’s famous constitution was brought in only to keep the independent states together, permanently. The rest were voluntarily joined or bought with money or forcefully annexed by winning wars. Federal Government is in “D.C”. So it cannot have State Status. An Independent state’s operation would subjugate & may interfere in Federal Government’s functions. Other than D.C., theoretically they all are independent and all have the right to leave the union any time. They all have their own Presidents (elected governors).
Black and Whites came practically as indentured workers for Colonial companies. They both did not have any rights. But the white workers liberated them by paying the purchase prices for their companies & latter fought with Britain to get freedom. But the Black workers were stuck as slaves. Blacks were first employed mostly as slaves in south, in farmlands. But whoever freed them kept moving to north as industrial North was more tolerant – lenient on Slave issues. Still (as at today) northern towns are better on racial discriminations. There are some state have higher number of Spanish American or Hispanics. Some have French population. But no town or state is marked as for any race. Still some areas or districts are known as little Italy, China Town, Little India……… In those areas Federal, State and Local governments may offer more services for the relevant language with English and Spanish. But most of the towns offer services in the language requested, provided with notice.
Master also whips his slaves; mother also spanks her children. There is racism in America and racism in Lankawe. But no talk of comparison!
K.Anaga / August 23, 2019
Chandrika’s federalism was stopped by Ranil and the Internal Self Governing Authority (ISGA)which the tigers agreed to consider was hindered by the government and lost its teeth.
If not for the aggression by USA< CHINA< INDIA, BRITAIN, AND PAKISTAN, against the Tigers, Tamils Would have achieved at least a 'SELF GOVERNING AUTHORITY" and the need to sell part of our land to China would not have arisen.
thamizh / August 23, 2019
shankar, stop writing bs.
Indian establishment was no ally to Tamil struggle. In fact, they have a lot in common with Sinhala Buddhist establishment. India’s anti-Tamil foreign policy has no roots in Rajiv Gadhi’s assasination. The Indians armed Tamil militants for their benefit. Soon after signing the Indo-Lanka accord and having the control over Trinco port, they expected LTTE to disarm but to their dismay they grew out of their arms. To pacifiy the Tamils, they brought about 13th amendment (in which the governor appointed by the state has more powers), which I suppose was not even consulted with the Tamil party. VP was not foolish to realize Indians merely used Tamils as pawns.
You make a claim that VP refused the solution offered by Chandrika. First tell us what it was. Then tell us why, if LTTE was the barrier, then the Sinhala government that came to power with Tamil votes could not push the same solution forward? Was the Sinhalese sincere about resolving the national question? It was Chandrika who destroyed the peace process by calling on elections, helping Rajapakses to come to power along with the JVP that oiled the war machine. Ranil also bragged about his role in splitting Karuna from LTTE.
thamizh / August 24, 2019
In short, they all believed in military solution. Chandrika, Ranil, and Mahinda all were fighting for their own share of the military victory with Chandrika claiming two thirds, Ranil of splitting Karuna, and Mahinda of finishing the war.
shankar / August 25, 2019
“Indian establishment was no ally to Tamil struggle.”
read my previous comment to you where i have mentioned that tamils interests must co incide with indian interests.When someone derails that only the train topples.
“India’s anti-Tamil foreign policy has no roots in Rajiv Gadhi’s assasination.”
india’s anti LTTE policy had roots in rajiv’s assasination and killing of jawans.
” they expected LTTE to disarm”
they expected that only for publicity purposes and LTTE duly complied putting down some old weapons in a ceremony given a lot of publicity.Where it went wrong was when pulendran and his mob was taken into custody by the indians in the palk strait and athulathmudali was insisting that they be handed over.
“VP was not foolish”
he was a grade five dropout fool but with organisational capabilites.
“You make a claim that VP refused the solution offered by Chandrika. First tell us what it was.”
the 1997 constitutional proposals envisaged a 10 year interim council for a merged northeast province with 12 reps-7 LTTE,2 TULF,3 appointed by president.You can see that LTTE would have had control of that interim council.Prabha showed no interest at all,instead tried to assasinate chandrika with her losing an eye.If anyone tries to get a settlement without eelam in it he will be killed.Prabha said that even if he tries to do it he should be killed.Now tamils have got pee lam.
“Then tell us why, if LTTE was the barrier, then the Sinhala government that came to power with Tamil votes could not push the same solution forward?”
now tamils have no cards to play the poker game.No aces,no king,no queen,but plenty of jokers sam,wiggie,sumanthiran.
“Was the Sinhalese sincere about resolving the national question? “
as long as they were losing a lot of casualties,they were sincere.
Bandu / August 22, 2019
Actually the remark of one leg in SL and one leg in TN was addressed to GG Pmmambalam and he being a master of repartee said this to none other than SWRD.
PBG / August 22, 2019
Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims lend me your ears. All this betrayal business is as nothing compared to what is happening under your very noses.
Eagle Eye / August 22, 2019
Sinhalayo are the Native people in Sinhale. They developed the economy and saved this country from ‘‘Para Demala’, ‘Para Parangi’, ‘Para Landesi’, ‘Para Ingirisi’ invaders. ‘Para Demala’ invasions started in 3rd Century BC. Tens and thousands of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo shed blood and sacrificed their lives to save the country from ‘Para’ invaders. Therefore, Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo who protected this country have every right to claim the ownership of this country.
Demalu who live in Sinhale are descendants of slaves brought to this country by colonial parasites. They do not have any historical roots in Sinhale. These colonial parasites brought Demalu from Malabar, used them to exploit this country, dumped them here and vanished. ‘Para British’ rulers gave citizenship of this country to ‘Para Demalu’ for helping them to subjugate Sinhalayo and exploit the resources in Sinhale.
During British rule, Demalu took the side of British and massacred Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. They also managed to get privileges by licking the a*s of Whites and oppressed Native Sinhalayo who were treated as third class citizens. Therefore, Demalu in Sinhale are traitors and have no right to demand anything from Native Sinhalayo. Native Sinhalayo have no obligation to accommodate the demands of Demalu because Sinhalayo did not invite Demalu to Sinhale. If Demalu have any complaints they should lodge them to Governments of Portugal, Netherlands and Britain.
Anpu / August 23, 2019
Blind Eye
“They developed the economy” Pls supply proof.
Eagle Eye / August 23, 2019
If you have not done so far, go and see the massive irrigation system in the Northern part of Sinhale where Sinhala Kingdoms existed for thousands of years. Experts in irrigation have identified this hydraulic system as one of the most advanced in the world. Sinhalayo have exported grains to Hindusthan when there was a famine over there. Archeological sites in the Northern part of the country are proof for the development. Unfortunately, ‘Para Demala’ invaders from Hindusthan destroyed the Sinhala Kingdoms in the North.
Anpu / August 23, 2019
Blind Eye
“Tamil Immigration and the Transfer of Agricultural Technology from South India. South Indians who immigrated to the island, since the Proto-historic from the generation of Tamils, who had perfected the art of cultivating rice in river basin of the Cavery, Palar, and Vaigai, and in other areas of the coastal plain. They impounded rain water in natural depressions by erecting low earth embankments; the dry lands were devoted to the cultivation of dry grains. This practice of impounding rainwater in tanks to irrigate crops. This practice rice, was prevalent in South India in early historic times, as indicated in the Tholkappiam.Using the information contained in the Tholkappiam,Srinivasa Aiyangar states
The easy slope of the land in the margins of rivers thought the vellalar, the rulers of the flood, and the method of conveying water to their fields. Beyond the trough of the river an lived in Karaler, the rulers of the cloud, those who stored water in the tanks in the tanks and conveyed it to the fields through irrigation channel or lift water from wells and springs by water lifts and irrigated the fields they cultivated. Thus were the arts of agriculture develop to such perfection in the early days that modern science can add but little to the wisdom of the South Indian farmer.
This ancient tradition of cultivating rice and other crops with the aid of irrigation was inevitably transferred to the island by Tamil immigrants. “ by Prof C Manogaran
Anpu / August 23, 2019
““The Proto-Historic People of India and Srilanka.The pro-historic period is accosiated with the Dravadian-speaking people who participated in Magalithic culture,which was widespread distributed south of the Vindya Mountains,in—————- India,by 1000 B.C. Archaeological excavation in Sputh India reveal that these people utaized,among other things,iron implements to cultivate crops and hunt animals,a highly polished black and red pottery to prepare their food and tank based irrigation system to raise crops.They also placed the remains of their dead in urns before burying them at a common site. Similarly, archaeological excavation ,conducted at various sites in Sri lanka,especially in Pompairippu and Tissamaharama, in 1980’s have also uncovered many of the vary elements discovered in South Indian sites,including burial urns,pottary,iron,horses,cattle and rice cultivattions,dated 400-250 B.C. Another archaeological study of the proto-historic cemetery in pompairippu ,conducted in 1980’s revealed ,that the humans at the sites were anatomically varydistinct from Sri lanka’s pre-historic humans,thereby suggesting that there was a large scale emigration of Dravidian –speaking Magalithic people to the Island from South India.It is believed that Dravidian –speaking people of Soth India had participated in Magalithic culture during the first Millinium B.C., and that an earlier colony of these Dravidian-speaking people were reponsible for the dispersal of the Magalithic culture in Srilanka by the 6th century B.C.,perhaps even earlier. These Dravidian-speaking immigrants brought with them,the Tamil language ,its ancient script ,the vatteluttu.,and Hindusim to Island.”
Anpu / August 23, 2019
Terms Used in Irrigation
From place names let me proceed to examine other matters, more particularly the terms used in irrigation. An attempt has been made in some quarters to bolster up the theory that the science of irrigation was unknown to the inhabitants of Ceylon in pre-Vijayan times and that the science itself was an ‘Aryan’ product and brought to Ceylon by the Aryans. But if you examine the meaning and derivations of most of the terms associated with the irrigation works of the island, I doubt whether this theory could be maintained.
First of all look at the following list of words: Anai, Kaddu, Anaikaddu, Marichukaddu,
Kadavai, Karai, Munai, Thekkam, Kulama. These are all clearly Tamil words.
•Anai, is support.
•Kaddu, is a construction.
•Anaikaddu, is a supporting embankment (The English word ‘anicut’ is this simple Tamil word.)
•Sorowa, or Horowwa as it is sometimes spelt, is the sluice of a tank under an embankment to conduct the water to the channels. This is the Tamil ‘Sorivai’, an opening through which water is made to flow out; sorithal, is pouring forth or streaming forth or flowing out, and vay, is a mouth or an opening.
Mind you, I have culled out all the above words, together with their definitions, from the Ancient Irrigation Works, by R.L.Brohier. At least they reveal one fact, viz, that they are ultimately Tamil derivatives. My presumption, therefore, is that those, who built tanks and constructed large irrigation works in the past, possessed all the knowledge necessary for the purpose and were Tamil-speaking people and not the so-called Aryans from North India.
Eagle Eye / August 23, 2019
Descendant of a slave brought by colonial parasites trying to rewrite the history of Sinhale. Demalu do not have any history in this country other than as invaders. The written history of Sinhalayo is in Deepawamsa, Mahawamsa, Chulawamsa, Bodhiwamsa. Read these books before trying to be an expert on history of Sinhale.
As Jane Russel points out “The Ceylon Tamils had no written document on the lines of the Mahavamsa to authenticate their singular and separate historical authority in Sri Lanka, a fact which Ceylon Tamil communalists found very irksome”. (Russel, Jane: Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, Tisara Prakasakayo, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 1982. p.131)
Anpu / August 23, 2019
Learn history properly with open mind with your blind eye.
“If you read the Mahavamsa, King Dutugemunu had to conquer not just one Tamil king (Elara) but 32 Tamil Chieftains around the Anuradhapura principality alone. How could there be 32 Tamil chieftains in the area of Anuradhapura alone, if there were no Tamils or Tamil settlements? Similarly, King Valgambha had to fight seven Pandian chieftains to reassume sovereignty at Anuradhapura. If you read the book written by Robert Knox, when he escaped from prison, he had to go through several places and when he came to Anuradapura, he says it was fully occupied by Tamils (NOT Sinhalese). That means even recently, during the 17th century AD (colonial period) Anuradapura was inhabited by Tamils. Many Tamil place names in Anuradapura even today revels the above fact.”
Eagle Eye / August 24, 2019
There were Demalu in Anuradhapura. They were invaders who colonized Sinhale. After all, ‘Para Demalu’ invaded Sinhale 52 times. After Elara was killed, King Gamini Abhaya allowed Demalu to stay as promised to Elara. ‘Para Demalu’ who invaded and colonized Sinhale cannot claim the country that belonged to Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. Before ‘Para Demalu’ occupied, Sinhalayo lived in the North Central and Eastern part of the country.
Anpu / August 24, 2019
Blind Eye
Suddharshan Seneviratne (Seneviratne Sudharshan, 1996. ‘Peripheral Regions and Marginal communities towards an alternative explanation of early Iron Age material and social formations in Sri Lanka’, Dissent and Ideology, Essays in honour of Romila Thapar, (ed) Champaka Lakshmi R. and Gopal, S., (Oxford University Press), pp.364″310,) where he made the following observations.
“Archaeological investigations at Proto historic habitations and burial sites indicate that Sri Lanka formed the Southern most sector of the broader, Early Iron Age Peninsular Indian techno cultural complex. The ecofact and artefact assemblages from these sites in Sri Lanka have established that rice cultivation, animal domestication, the horse, small scale metallurgical operations involving iron and copper, bead production, village settlements, the Megalithic burial ritual, the ceramic industry involving the production of Black and Red ware and Black ware and post firing graffiti symbols were introduced to Sri Lanka from Peninsular, or especially from South India. This chronological context (largely) obtained in the form of radiometric dates, the techno cultural elements and their region of origin, does not in any way agree with the descriptions of the peopling of Sri Lanka narrated in the middle historic chronicles of Sri Lanka… These Early Iron Age habitats continued throughout the Proto historic and Early historic transition, and well into the Early historic period. The association of the earliest Brahmi inscription – bearing cave shelters in and around Proto historic burial as well as habitation sites indicated the continuation of the descendants of the Proto historic communities into a new cultural milieu”
K.Anaga / August 24, 2019
Eagle eye has been suffering from ‘Jaundice Eyes’ from which he never recovered. In Tamil, it is called ‘Sengamari’ which leads to ‘Mangamari’ if not cared for and that is the end.
Better not waste time on his comments. He comments as if he has been living from the Portuguese time.
Anpu / August 25, 2019
Agree 100%
Uly Grant / August 23, 2019
Everything that needs to be said about this complete piece of crap article is the fact that Anaga absolves the LTTE from all atrocities committed against their own people. Enough said.
Analyst / August 23, 2019
EE Are you mad? What devolopements are you talking about through your backside.??
Your denials equals ” Delusions of Grandeur” more like it.
Go and listen to the Narnia stories at every Dane’ , Bana , Sunday Dammah sessions , it’s not praying for your good health and well being but fabricated stories of Sinhalam being Super humans and no other like ” Sinhalam “”
Keep believing that so that your Pea Brain will never cultivate into a Pea Farm which can be useful for many others.
Sorry for the likes of you. You will never allow this country to move forward to be powerful in its own right instead of being Parasites.
Native Vedda / August 23, 2019
Eagle Blind Eye
“Sinhalayo are the Native people in Sinhale.”
They are mostly the descendants of Kallthonies from South India.
Kettikaran / August 24, 2019
EE/HLDM – Unlike many of the commentators here, who write more for fun and laughter, you are a man of learning, a former senior journo. who knows SL history in depth. That being so, why oh! why do you try to propagate a bunch of lies when you falsely claim “Demalu who live in Sinhale are descendants of slaves brought to this country by colonial parasites. They do not have any historical roots in Sinhale” Reading your regular interventions and writing in these pages, it is sadly clear you have a pathological hatred against Tamils. That is OK – you are not the first. But, friend, you are in the final lap of your life. Why don’t you use it to bring the Sinhala and Tamil people together by your established journalistic talents. Don’t you agree you have a duty by your former Motherland to help her achieve unity and progress in these difficult times. You know very well there is much historically, culturally and in other ways to bring both sides together than to keep both sides at each others throats?
Think about it.
sinhalese buddhist / August 23, 2019
No one should be refugees in their own land. I was a 10 year-old in 83, and went with my dad to look after the welfare of Tamils housed in one Colombo school, following the riots.
Their plight was horrible – the overflowing pit latrines with no privacy, the crowded and humid classrooms, where whole families shared no more than a floor mat, not to mention the segregation of the lower castes -even in the refugee shelter!
Our middle-class, English educated Tamil friends did a little better – but were locked up inside their homes, with windows shuttered and doors locked for days.
No one deserves that kind of a life.
We ALL need to work together to share the island and its resources – in whatever formulation that preserves peace and human dignity. Blaming each other does not suffice in this task.
Lester / August 23, 2019
Do you know that race riots happen all over the world? Other countries had slavery for hundreds of years. By comparison, Sri Lanka had only 1 big riot and a 30 year civil war. Based on these two events, some people are convinced Sinhala Buddhists invented fascism, Sinhala Buddhists are carrying out a genocide of the Tamils, the monks are fascists, the Sinhala Buddhists have an IQ of 70, UN genocide resolution, more UN genocide resolution, etc. etc. It’s time to forget about 1983. Forget about a separate state and genocide resolutions, that is my advice to Tamils. Once you stop trying to be a victim, people will actually treat you better.
nimal fernando / August 23, 2019
“only 1 big riot “
One riot is one too many.
R. Varathan / August 24, 2019
That was not a riot. It was a carefully planned pogrom to bring the entire Tamil Nation to their knees. The engineers of the genocide
were leaders of the then Govt, powerful Buddhist priests, influential
Sinhala businessmen and mentally twisted communal elements in the uniformed forces.
R. Varathan
Unreal / August 23, 2019
I agree that race riots happen all over the world; Would you agree that those riots are never organised, encouraged and acted upon by the Governments themselves?
I had to give up my schooling in Colombo after the 1958 riots. I had to run away to Jaffna with my wife and 3 year old child after the 1977 riots. Which one riot are you referring to.
I too want to forget about 1983. Kindly tell me, when would you make me feel that events of 1983 are a thing of the past.
Treat me better, now. I’ll stop trying to be a victim!
Lester / August 23, 2019
All riots are the result of some government policy. For example, in some parts of France and UK, there are immigrant riots every few years because of frustration with public housing or police brutality or economic conditions. The native French and English are mostly better off economically than the immigrants, that is why they don’t attack the immigrants, although in England the lower-class British have fought with immigrants periodically. In fact, most riots are based on economics, not racism. Most of the rioters are more interested in looting than killing. That is why only the low (economic) classes participate in this riot behavior.
Unreal / August 24, 2019
* Are Tamils new immigrants.
* Policy differences may cause riots, but not by the Governments.
* What was the economic imperative for our Governments to orchestrate violence.
*Are you sure that the rioters were looters, not arsonists and murderers.
* Cyril Mathew who made provocative speeches was of the low economic strata.
The pumpkin you are trying to hide is too big for the plate of rice you are holding!
Lester / August 25, 2019
The main reason for the race riots was the killing of 13 soldiers by the LTTE. When you kill soldiers, you are declaring war on the State itself. At this point, TULF could not contain either LTTE or negotiate with the State for a non-violent solution. JR would have finished the LTTE once and for if India did not intervene. LTTE not only broke the Indo-Lanka Accord, they also killed the dealmakers, Gandhi and Premadasa. From 1990 onwards, SL did not have a strong President until Mahinda came in 2005. VP took full advantage. You can see here, the main reason for Black July 1983: TULF lost control of the LTTE. Once TULF lost control, Tamils also lost their leadership and bargaining power. Any Tamil intellectuals who tried to represent Tamils through the democratic process were assassinated by the LTTE, as you are aware. These assassinations caused more harm to Tamils than any race riot. Today there is no capable Tamil political leader of the caliber of Lakshman or Neelan who can negotiate devolution at a high-level. Tamils are stuck with TNF jokers like Sampanthan.
Unreal / August 25, 2019
Lester, I appreciate your patience; not your crooked presentation of facts.
I agree that LTTE killed 13 soldiers; You want to kill every Tamil to avenge it?
You create LTTE and expect TULF to contain it.
On whose side was Premadasa, – On the side of LTTE or on the side of Gandhi?
What came of the bargaining power of Tamils prior to the birth of LTTE. Was it not the absence of honest responses from the government that brought LTTE to life?
It is amusing that you choose to be the judge on who the jokers are.
Respond if you want to, but, I have no more time for you!
Lester / August 25, 2019
Without correctly identifying a problem, it is not possible to find the right solution. The solution to the LTTE was simple: kill Prabhakaran. That was the only solution, unfortunately quite a few in high places thought they could do otherwise. Including the TULF, which encouraged them to attack Sinhalese. Whatever grievances the Tamils have, it is important for them to reject the LTTE and their Eelamist propaganda, as the LTTE no longer has any bargaining power left.
Native Vedda / August 23, 2019
“Do you know that race riots happen all over the world? Other countries had slavery for hundreds of years. By comparison, Sri Lanka had only 1 big riot and a 30 year civil war. “
You are really an a******e.
If those countries had riots and slavery does it mean you too have to have them?
Slavery was abolished in 1844 by the Brits in Ceylon.
Unofficially slavery continued.
Buddhist Monasteries were the leading slave masters.
“Based on these two events, some people are convinced Sinhala Buddhists invented fascism, Sinhala Buddhists are carrying out a genocide of the Tamils, the monks are fascists, the Sinhala Buddhists have an IQ of 70, UN genocide resolution, “
Not just the two organised bloodshed, there had been a pattern of behaviour by the Sinhala/Buddhists. The first enslavement came in with the introduction of 1948 Citizenship which disenfranchised millions of hard working people, then the colonisation, then the disfranchisement of Tamils speaking people in 1956 with the Sinhala only ACT, followed by riots, …………………………………… many pogroms, … burning of the Jaffna library, … if that was not cultural genocide then what is?
The pattern of behaviour on the part of the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists since 1958 clearly show their(your) intentions, preparing for final solution, genocide.
The victims will forgive you only if you sincerely own up what you fascists had done to them and apologise to them and beg for pardon. They cannot afford to forget what you racist/fascists had done to them just because you are a majority.
Why don’t you compete with USA on scientific and technological fields instead counting riots and slavery in that country. Try and manufacture your own homemade rocket, send it to moon and return it then you can claim parity with other countries, not by number of riots.
Lester / August 23, 2019
Native Genius,
Going from human genocide to cultural genocide, did you learn that tactic from your Norwegian bosses at Kilinochi? Don’t forget, in your apartheid paradise of Tamil Eelam, only one race allowed, one language. Muslims had 24 hours to leave, after LTTE took their homes and money. You have to admit, there are Sinhala racists, but the racism and discrimination from the Hindu Tamils among themselves is much worse. Tamil Nadu has more than 50 million people, they never sent their people to join your freedom war. While this citizenship genocide, library genocide, riot genocide were going on, Tamil Nadu people were busy making films? How come high-caste Jayalalitha never visited Jaffna? Only that Hindi bugger Rajiv Gandhi tried to help Sri Lankan Tamils, then your leader blew him up. I will tell you this, having a separate state would have made things worse for Sri Lankan Tamils. Be glad Gotha gave the order to execute your leaders in 2009.
Pandi Kutti / August 23, 2019
We do not lister to advice from a Chingkalla Poutha Fascist racist rat that constantly comes here and posts Thamizh and now Muslim hate messages. Please get back to your hole and stay there racist
PBG / August 23, 2019
சிறிய பன்றி look in the mirror before typing racist drivel. You will see an ugly black fellow with an even uglier mind.
Pandi Kutti / August 24, 2019
I am sad that you looked at the mirror and an ugly black fellow stared back at you and you mind is even uglier. Most Chingkallams are indeed very black and ugly and their minds even uglier , this is why they do ugly nasty things, so do not fret. You are in good company. Piglets are not vain and do not look at mirrors , we just roll in the mud and frolic. Love Pandi Kutti . PS You should try using fair and lovely and mirrors that deceive. Just like Snow White’s step ,mother.
PBG / August 24, 2019
You are not sad Pandi you are a Tamil racist spewing your venom from safety. The Tamils in Sri Lanka do not feel like you.
Mallaiyuran / August 25, 2019
“The Tamils in Sri Lanka do not feel like you. ”
Could you tell that to Lester. He seems to be having no idea of what is pogrom means.
I have my own experience to write about 1971 standardization and the life after that in Colombo until June 1984.
shankar / August 23, 2019
“It’s time to forget about 1983”
tamils can forgive,but they can’t forget.
“Once you stop trying to be a victim,”
tamils are not trying to be victims.They are victims.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / August 24, 2019
They have always played the victim, whilst being aggressors and justified their aggression and oppression of the Tamils and now the Muslims, who once were their co partners in the anti Tamil dance. by playing the victim card. This started from the time of independence. Played the victim card , to marginalise and deny Tamils , employment , education, land rights , steal their lands and worse to make over a million Indian origin Tamils who had lived in the island for more than eight generations stateless. Their excuse the British favoured the Tamils . If the British favoured the Tamils , they would have seen that either the Tamils ruled the island or had proper safeguards when they left. They did neither but handed the land to their favourites the Sinhalese on a platter, with no sufficient minority rights or safeguards. The British only used the Tamils , as most Sinhalese were damned lazy and did not avail of any opportunities that the British gave them. Even after 70 years of independence , where they had only ruled and ruined the country , they still keep on playing this imagined victim card , whilst being active aggressors, committing war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Tamils , killing more than 300000 0f them , chasing more than a million out of the country, stealing their lands. All in the name of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism and victimhood. A majority with a minority persecution complex , is very dangerous. Like you can see in what happened in former Yugoslavia
Papadoc / August 23, 2019
Lester aiya,
Meditate.on the moment. View the picture on the ground. Block bias, prejudice and delusion.
What do you see?
K.A. Sumanasekera / August 23, 2019
“Lease the North and the East to Tamils and Muslims for at least 50 years.”
Why couldn’t those Yahapalanistas think of this, instead of mucking around with a New constitution to do the same thing not with a limited tenure ,
But permanent as the Rock of Gibralta….
And allowed those crooks in Kotte to rip off the Public Purse to the tune of Hundreds of Millions of Ruppiahs in free Car Permits , Santhosams, and even special Allowances on top of those Mega Salaries and even enjoy those free Gourmet Buffets in the Canteen and have good afternoon snoozes in Kotte..
It is not too late even to give it a go now ..
But Wonder what is going to happen to those Hindians whom the ” Father of the Nation and the Father of the UNP uncle DS branded Indian Tamils?.
I know one of their leader’s Mr Ganeshan is now a full blooded UNPer of Dr Ranil ‘s Faction..
Will he migrate to the North?.-
What about the residents of Velalla Gardens and Cinnamon Gardens ?..
Are they going to the North?.
Will all the Muslims relocate to the East?..
If the Yahapalanistas thought about it, our Brother Cardinal wouldn’t have had to go through that Easter agony…
Citizen Silva / August 23, 2019
If the politicians carry on this way_ lying and betraying_ encouraging violence and corruption_ not being accountable.
There would be a day soon, when the people ( Sinhala,Tamil,Muslim, all ) will take the law into their hands,
Resulting in a revolution similar to the French revolution.
On that day all who have abused trust and power and their families and those who profited from them, will be held accountable.
The late Sobitha Thero did his best to avoid this.
And he passed away broken hearted.
May he rest in peace!!!
Sunil Dahanayake / August 23, 2019
How about settling one million South Indian Tamils in the UP Country.
How about settling of Tamils in Western Province during the last 500 years.
How about settling of Muslims in the Eastern Province and Central Province by King Senarath about 400 years ago.
The writer has forgotten the history and write on small, immaterial things. All the citizens of Sri Lanka, whatever the ethnic background, should have every right to settle anywhere they like in Sri Lanka. These are bullshit racist articles and writers.
Pandi Kutti / August 24, 2019
How about you stop ranting and posting rubbish here . How about Chingkallams stop being racist ,play victims and stop being moronic. Commit all the atrocities and then claim victimhood status and try to act like butter will not melt in your nasty mouths.
K.Anaga / August 24, 2019
I am speaking of ‘Years’ not recorded, but the ‘Years’ which happened in front of our eyes from1948 on words.
JD / August 23, 2019
Tamils are living in the past and they do not want to come into the present situation. Tamils were caught in a big scandle of the west. Race riots happened evening developed countries and even to date that is happening because of their superiority complex. for Sri lanka like countries, it has a different face, that is West uses that to divide and control. So, they also promote division alone Ethnic group, Religious group (muslims are affected in two ways), Sri lanka has politics at four different levels and each level is corrupt. So, tamils have to come into reality. Ethnic groups are not unique to Sri lanka. tamils are living all over the world. why do they are pushing for special rights in Sri lanka only.
chiv / August 23, 2019
The content of this article (betrayal of not just a community, but the country) and the comments which follow tells the reality of Lanka. Life has no meaning or value anymore. What is left is resentments, jealousy and immorality. The crooked politicians who scripted this down fall are now reaping benefits. And the dumb Lankans are keeping the cash machines well oiled.
PBG / August 23, 2019
The Sinhalese are always blamed but the Tamils are not the innocents they say they are. For example the Tamils constantly complain about Sinhala incursion into their ‘traditional homelands’ in the East but they completely ignore Sinhala complaints about the Tamil takeover of the Kandyan lands. Entire Sinhala towns are now dominated by Tamils. I cannot recall a single Tamil writing about discrimination, federalism or Eelam, addressing the issue of the up-country Tamils.
The only Tamil leader who had a clear opinion on them was VP, who wanted it all, North, East and Central..
Siva Sankaran Sharma / August 24, 2019
Tamils taking over Kandyan lands? Where? in your racist genocidal mind? stop lying racist. You made these poor Tamil estate labourers, who were brought here forcibly by the British more than 200 years ago to produce tea , rubber and coffee , stateless in the 1950s , soon after independence , so that they will never take over any part of the Sinhalese land. This was the first act of Parliament by the victim playing Sinhalese racists. These people and not you lazy racist Sinhalese who earned most of the island’s foreign exchange then, even now their hard work only earns a sizeable amount. After this you systematically discriminated them and kept them in poverty and then started to discriminate and marginalise the native Tamils and steal their lands too , in the name of Mahavamsa comic book and Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism. ” I do not recall a single Tamil writing about discrimination, federalism or Eelam or about the up country Tamils” If you do not recall or suffer from selective amnesia , as you brain is pea sized and filled with racist hatred towards the Tamils it is not our fault. If you are so concerned about the up country Tamils , why don’t you and the rest of the Sinhalese and the racist Sinhalese government do something about it and stop marginalising them and discriminating them, instead of asking to the native Tamils who are now in the same position as them to do something. This like asking one helpless victim to help and do something about another helpless victim, whilst the aggressor pretending to be the victim keeps on offending and claiming victimhood. This is what you Sinhalese are very good at be the aggressor ruin the country and them blame everyone else and play victim.
PBG / August 24, 2019
SSS the Tamils have been playing the victim for decades while fooling the West. Why do you think so many get visas to Canada? But that does not matter. What matters is that you cannot counter the point I have made.
Show a me a single Tamil author, (or even a Sinhalese one like that fool Brian Seneviratne), who has addressed the issue of the up-country Tamils when suggesting solutions like a federal system or separate Tamil area.
Lester / August 24, 2019
If Prabhakaran had gotten his “Eelam”, he would have built up a bigger military force and tried to take over the entire island. This is how all fascists operate. They are never satisfied with what they conquer, they are greedy and want to capture more land. When they are on the edge of defeat, instead of surrendering, they go into a delusional state of mind and imagine someone will come to save them. There are many parallels between Hitler and Prabhakaran, LTTE and the Nazis. Someone should write a long article to fully educate Tamils.
Mallaiyuran / August 25, 2019
” This is how all fascists operate.
Is that why the fascist Yahapalanaya is occupying North East with 3:1 Sinhala Buddhist Rapist Army?
K.Anaga / August 24, 2019
25% Tamils and Muslims can go into 75% of Sinhalese and get lost. But 75% cannot get into 25% but simply destroy the community. That is exactly what the government is trying to do by its Colonization Policy.
PBG / August 24, 2019
K Anaga, if you are a Sri Lankan citizen, there is no such thing as a Colonization Policy. The Government can and should settle anybody anywhere. The more they do this the better race relations will be. It is no different to Sinhala kids now learning Tamil and vice versa in school.
The thing is that the Tamils want their ‘traditional area’ of the North and East for themselves, as well as equality in the rest of the country. They say they don’t mind individual Sinhalese and Muslims settling there (and point to the former Sinhala bakers in Jaffna) but they don’t want the Government to promote it.
The truth is that they don’t want any outsider settling there under any circumstances. They are afraid of the mixing of races but call the Sinhalese racists.
Mallaiyuran / August 25, 2019
” The truth is that they don’t want any outsider settling there under any circumstances. ”
Could you read the article please? Tamil land became separate when you sent all Tamil refugees from the South by cargo ship. If those are not Tamils land why did Appe Aandu sent all of them to North but did not resettle at the places where ever they lost their residences?
You are just bluffing. But Appe Aanduwa did know know that after looting and robbing Tamils have to send back to Tamils’ land. It is the same reason out of 17 camps all 13 are in the North. Out of 250 000 Rapist Army, all 200,000 are in the North.
Gabriel / August 24, 2019
Good start, but your list, Sir, is not complete. Do you not think of the murder of Tamils by the LTTE a betrayal? Do you not think that the massacre of teenage TELO fighters at the Thirunelvaliya junction in 1986 by the LTTE, some of them burnt while still alive is betrayal? Do you not think that ordering Tamils to boycott the election in 2005 when RW was for peace and MR was for war, thereby making MR king and directly leading to the massacre at Mullivaikkaal as betrayal? And do you not think of killing those who wanted to run and save their lives during the final stages of the war, thereby holding them as human shields and getting them killed on the firing line as betrayal? The greatest betrayal of Tamils came from within. By a group of murderous thugs. The sooner you wake up to that reality, Sir, the better it is for your community, and the rest of us also.
shankar / August 25, 2019
another great betrayal that the author has not mentioned is when prabhaharan stopped the tamils from voting for ranil at the 2005 presidential election which he narrowly lost.What a mistake.
Wewagadara Appuhamay / August 25, 2019
The Race of Tamils born out of Tamil Nadu claim and blame for that lost of their Homeland in Sri lanka or part of island in north-eastern to by that majority -Buddhist Sinhalese people had been occupy their land.
Most of Tamils has forget that Tamil Nadu in India is/was their Homeland.
The crux of issue of betray has never arise at any movement of history, because of that “Tamil Homeland “is remain by any sort of challenges from by other .
I request by calling that ‘betrayal of Tamils’ is concord story by Tamils living in Island of Lanka was of flash claim !
Do not worry about of Tamils living in Lanka.We request to Tamils living here to be kindly GO BACK to Tamil Nadu if time-permitted .This the one and only solutions for Tamils living in out of Tamil Nadu India.
No other foreseen solution for Tamils in our Island
K.Anaga / August 26, 2019
Do the Sinhalese families prevent their children from moving out of the family home after marriage? They are allowed to go where ever the like to and live happily. Similarly, why can’t the Sinhalese allow the Tamils to live in their own homes happily in the NORTH/EAST.? Once the Sinhala Children move out of their parental homes do they become enemies? Instead, they become more cordial and helpful to each other.
Just a small example to enlighten the dense minds.
N.Perera / August 29, 2019
INDIAN PROVERB “If you see TAMIL and COBRA, kill Tamil first”
K.Anaga / August 29, 2019
If you see a Lion and Tiger kill the Lion and leave the Tiger alone. he will mind his business.
K.Anaga / August 29, 2019
N. Perera
If you see a Lion and a Tiger kill the Lion first.