19 February, 2025


Hara-kiri, The Only Option For 6,217,162 Voters For Yahapālanaya

By Granville Perera

Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe Gone Mad!

No mad man admits that he is mad. When you ask a patient at the mental hospital in Angoda if he is mad, he will without hesitating point towards the outside world and say all the mad men are out there. That is exactly what Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, the Minister of Justice and Buddha Sasana (believed to be allegedly hiding the fugitive extremist Buddhist monk Gnanasara) said in the Balaya TV show on 26 June 2017 on Hiru TV. He also claimed that everyone who signed a petition in support of Lakshan Dias, the Human Rights defender and Attorney at Law are “mad men” who should be in Angoda. A clear indication that he has lost his head. Lakshan Dias had to flee the country as he is being hunted by Wijedasa Rajapaksa’s goons. 

Wijedasa exceeded his ministerial powers and threatened to de-list Lakshan Dias as an Attorney. He is neither the appointing authority nor the one who has the power to remove Lakshan as an attorney. He, being a former president of the bar association has also intimidated the bar association to refrain from passing a resolution demanding an explanation from the Justice Minister for threatening a fellow attorney. Thus is the state of the Bar Association and the Judiciary in the much promised freedoms under Yahapalanaya.

Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is also suspected of assisting hate mongers to destabilize the Government. He obliges the Rajapaksas due to the threats by the Joint Opposition strategists (who have his file) of exposing his misdeeds during the Rajapaksa rule and Avant Garde. A credible suspicion, given his close association with Senadipathi of Avant Garde and his attempts to set fire to this country through Sinhala Buddhist extremism. Wijeyadasa’s strategy is to drive away the minorities, especially the Muslims from the United National Party for failing to protect them. The UNP can never come to power without the minority votes. It is estimated that over 95% of the Muslims voted for regime change from the Rajapaksa hegemony.

Travesty of Justice

A fugitive monk who has over 84 police complaints by Muslims filed against him in different police stations and courts of law walks away on three counts of contempt of court- scot-free. The President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers should bury their heads in the sand with their rear end exposed if they were not aware that their Justice Minister and Attorney General plotted this coup to make a permanent scar in the judicial history of this wonderful land of ours. This is only possible in Sirilankaaawe….

As a citizen of Sri Lanka, I just have to ask “where the F…k” are the independent commissions that Yakapalanaya introduced with such fanfare. The Police commission should immediately resign if they cannot take action or act on the blatant police hypocrisy in dealing with this thug in robes by the entire police department. A fugitive monk, who has been visited regularly by his unholy disciples, could not be traced by 5 special teams deployed to arrest him. What a reflection on the Police Department? Who gave orders to the Special Task Force not to arrest him in Kurunegala? The monk was even carrying an unlicensed weapon when he was apprehended.  The STF would have made him eat humble pie if not for the intervention of the IGP, who has to tell Sri Lanka as to who ordered him to pull Gnanasara out of the hands of the STF or RESIGN immediately and observe sil in Gnanasara’s temple. The Prime Minister, who hereto was considered a non-racist is in the thick of this conspiracy of the President and his band of extreme racists in Yahapalanaya.

The Asgiriya Googly – “Koheda Yanne Malle Pol”

“The teaching founded by the Buddha is known as Buddhism. … A Buddha is one who has attained Bodhi; and by Bodhi is meant wisdom, an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection”. Has the Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter displayed these qualities?

The respected Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter has joined the bandwagon of extremists to mislead the Buddhist world claiming that the Government of Sri Lanka is on a hunt to arrest a saffron robed Buddhist monk for crimes committed against the Muslim Community. This rogue monk was wanted by the Court of Appeal in Sri Lanka to face charges of misconduct at the Magistrate’s Court in Homagama, when he abused Sandya, the wife of Prageeth Ekneligoda who is suspected of being abducted by the Rajapaksas and killed for his attempt to reveal the inside story of Rajapaksa corruption and tyranny. What an indictment on the noble religion of Buddhism? Why is Gnanasra creating all this drama?

Justice Ranga Dissanayake, the Homagama Magistrate filed charges in the Court of Appeal against Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) General Secretary Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thera seeking the Appeal Court’s constitutional jurisdiction in his alleged offensive behaviour in the Homagama Magistrate’s Court amounting to Contempt of Court on January 25 this year.

In a surprising turn of events, on January 25, Gnanasara Thera began to address Open Court after the court hearing pertaining to the disappearance of journalist Prageeth Ekneligoda. Later, the Police arrested Gnanasara Thera on the charges of contempt of courts, obstructing Court proceedings and intimidating a public servant.

Today, Gnanasara and his band of saffron robed cohorts are misleading the nation that a Buddhist priest is to be arrested because of some complaints made by the Muslim community. No sane Buddhist would object to his arrest or sentencing for contempt of court.  In a shocking statement issued after the meeting of the Karaka Sangha Sabha of the Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter, the Most Venerable Warakagoda Gnanaratana Thero warns of dire consequences if the prelate is taken in to custody. This has sent shock waves among the Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. Was the Mahanayaka’s statement politically motivated based on the Joint Opposition’s agenda? Interestingly, in a previous occasion when the Sanga Sabha wanted to meet when Sarath Fonseka was arrested, it is rumored that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had threatened to bomb the place down. No meeting took place and that was the strength of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

The respected Prelate’s and his Sanga Sabha’s imagination echoed Galaboda Atte Gnanasara Thero in highlighting concerns about the challenges posed by internal and external conspiracies against Sinhala Buddhists. While not condemning the aggressive and violent behaviour of the thug monk Galagoda Atte Gnanasara, they endorsed his viewpoints and extreme racism targeting ethnic minorities in Sri Lanka.  So, the most respected prelate endorses the violence of Gnanasara.

Their call for the need for the Mahanayake Theros of the Three Nikayas and the patriotic people of the country to act in unison to face such injustices sounds worse than the war siren calling for the massacre of the entire population of the North during the Eelam wars. Their call is to emulate the butchery in the Noble Laureate  Aung San Suu Kyi’s slaughter house of Muslims.  Their demand that, “All other religious groups in the country should keep in mind that Buddhists in Sri Lanka had always respected and allowed unhindered, the existence of other religions. We condemn acts by other religious groups that insult this tolerant Buddhist ethic,” the statement said- a clear threat on the religious freedom of the minorities.

Should we be saying thank god for the benevolence for granting us Christians their mercy and kindness by attacking thousands of our churches, prayer centers, priests and lay people? Sounds almost like the Cardinal who has confirmed to the President that there has been absolutely no violence against the protestant Christian community by this violent Monk Gnanasara and many other followers of this thug.    

Gnanasara cannot speak for 30 seconds without uttering some filth or slang. Wonder how he delivers his Bana sermons.

Amongst many other un-Buddhist acts of Gnanasara, the robed monk was fined Rs. 12,000 by the Colombo Traffic Courts for causing injury to two persons in a traffic accident in 2000. Galagoda Atte Gnanasara was driving a vehicle and was charged for drunk driving, speeding, driving without a valid driving license and failing to report an accident to the Police. The saffron clad accused pleaded guilty to all 9 charges filed by the Police. There are many other charges including attempted physical violence and preventing public servants at the high way entrance in Galle from performing their duty, intimidating Police and other public servants, etc. When are we going to see Justice to the minorities? When Rule of Law would prevail in our beautiful nation?

Gnanasara Abuses Highway administrative staff and police:

Latest comments

  • 23

    Asgiriya ven thinks Gnanasra is the new role model for modern Buddhism by defending him. I was listening to that clip of Gnana c***t, Imagine Lord Buddha talking like that. New Buddhism is born in Srilanka through Lord Gnanasara, a fools paradise…………or a paradise full of fools.

    • 5

      No means this person is suitable for the lanken Justice and buddhist affairs ministry.

      He says ” matanam, oka dhakinna kiyawanna laebune naehae, as for me, I failed to read it…. etc. ”

      Face Book and the other social media are being abused in the country, what STEPS the minister of justice has taken against them ?

      If MASSES in any country would behave so, in an European country, ministers of justice would do anything and everything to control all the wrongful spreads

      • 1

        But PB,

        dont you think that National issues, such as could give leads to communal violences, need to be solved with calm and patience ?

        I think those who spread wronful information are dangerous so as Ghanasaras sharp verbal attacks. Dont you think so ?
        None of these categories belong to non-violence led buddhism, that we the folks have maintained CENTURTIES.

    • 4

      In Myanmar monk Wirathu is attempting to create a renegade religion (Wirathuism) which permits violence. Gnanasaroism is a copy of this. In Thailand the jetsetter monk Luang Pu Nenkham, is accused of having sex with minor, rape and computer crime. They have political, police and armed services backing.
      Please do not call these New Buddhism.

  • 10

    It is interesting (and worrying) to see how the Thambi-Christian-Tamil separatist alliance swings in to action whenever anyone tries to speak for the rights of Buddhists and Buddhism. Why hasn’t Wijedasa Rajapakse got the same right to express his view like Basil Fernando or Shyamon Jayasinghe? We are sick and tired of reading 100s of Thambi opinions, mainly fake grievances, and evangelical and other Christians with Sinhala names (eg, Hilmy Ahmed and Lathief (Thambi), De Alwis (CoE), Emil van der Poorten (Jew), Shyamon Jayasinghe, Laksiri Fernando, Basil Fernando, Granville and others (all Catholics)) writing defamatory, derogatory, and disparaging things about Buddhism, Buddhist culture and Buddhists, with impunity.They do this in the name of RECONCILIATION. They should respect the historical facts about this country until 1505, and the current chaos created by 500 years of colonial screwing of that equilibrium by introducing the germs they currently represent.It is time that CT thought about introducing the requirement that all ‘opinion’ pieces be accompanied by a note indicating the writer’s religious affiliation.
    By the way, I am a Sinhala Buddhist, thank nature for it!

    • 7

      Had Enough: Please be informed that 500 years of colonial rule has not doused Buddhism – the identity of people cannot be wiped off. For example the apartheid system in the then South Africa simply could not have survived. The Palestinians are resisting and will succeed in liberating themselves. Vietnamese did. The list is endless.
      Why should Lankan minorities surrender their identity?

    • 0

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    • 5

      Had Enough———–“By the way, I am a Sinhala Buddhist, thank nature for it!” How unfortunate you are. By the way what is Sinhala Buddhism? What is the difference between a Buddhist and a Sinhala/Buddhist?

      • 0

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      • 0

        NV, dont try to be a ‘baba’ here! I have, in numerous occasions explain that to you – as much as I can! Not that I knew, it’s a futile effort or “beeri alinta veena weyuma”, but, still, an explanation is made, already!

        • 1

          max, where you been for the last X number of weeks? Try explaining to us “What is Sinhala Buddhism? What is the difference between a Buddhist and a Sinhala/Buddhist?”———

          • 0

            Max should have been lost him in the toilet pits of Mafia King in Medamualana area.

            Max should now see the funds that MR could offer him should be near to be over.

            The kind of men can only draw this country to one another Somalia.

    • 0

      Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts. Develop the mind of equilibrium. You will always be getting praise and blame, but do not let either affect the poise of the mind: follow the calmness, the absence of pride.
      Gautama Buddha

    • 1

      Thank nature for natural disasters like you. IDIOT, extreme racist and a butt-head why do these buggers even comment on matters like these, one wonders. Well, that’s how low our law and order is shaping up. These are the the most ungrateful skunks who talk through the back of their head and is well protected by their masters equally qualified. No wonder there is so much needless chaos in our mother land. K.Pillai has somewhat summarized the mood for you to ponder…which is very much doubtful when you sit on the very relevant place where you should do it from.

  • 5

    “In a shocking statement … Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter, the Most Venerable Warakagoda Gnanaratana Thero warns of dire consequences if the prelate is taken in to custody. This has sent shock waves among the Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.”
    The second sentence is wrong: it should be re-written as follows:
    “This has sent shock waves among Yahapalan rulers, their supporters, and those who penned hundreds of articles to CT about Yahapalanaya (Good Governance). They said everything would be hunky dory after the Rajapaksas are gone!”
    Please remember, shock waves that you write about, don’t affect the Buddhists in Sri Lanka or elsewhere; don’t try to drag them to this issue either.
    In short, the majority Buddhists did not support this government; it is mainly the ‘Kalududdas’ and some misguided ethnic minorities who badly wanted it. The average Buddhists know that all (unenlightened) humans are half crazy and this world is full of them. And that’s why both Angoda patients and others who live outside of the Psychiatric hospital (like this writer) try to point the finger at one another!
    Many CT writers, who attack Yahapalanaya nowadays, were big fans of it for the last 2 years. Now they are in deep shit just like the ethnic minorities who voted to bring this government to power. Now they point the finger at others! Is there any difference between the Angoda patient and them?

    • 3

      you are wrong mate, are you working for sudu suddas. Sad to say that Buddhism has become a joke. Lord Buddhas teaching is one of the best…..

  • 11

    Wijedasa is playing Avant Garde politcs. Senadipathy needs Mahinda to take the reins again for him to dominate maritime security in international waters. He has invested well in Wijedasa who have mastered the art of destabilizing the current government while being a senior minister. It is time, Ranil called wijedasa bluff as he doesn’t have any control of the Buddhist vote. Not at least my vote. The only vote he will get from me is something i will shove up his asse

  • 5

    Before I commit Harakiri, I will take all these bastards before me.

  • 8

    Sirisena doesn’t realize that Mahinda is knocking on his door and in no time, he would walk in and make mince meat out of Sirisena bones

  • 9

    How disgusting to think that we have to live under these idiotic rulers

    • 0

      If almost every leader and their ministers are idiots, so you dont have any other choice than asking foreigners to take over.

      Is that you want ?No: right ?

  • 5

    the ranil -sira combo are too weak to tackle todays problems like
    garbage .mad monks,gmoa strikes etc
    ranjan wijeratne death was the biggest loss to the country
    he would have tackled all of them without batting an eyelid

  • 15

    The lessons of history are clear. When Colombo failed to stand up for the rights and defend the lives of Sri Lanka’s Tamils, in desperation, they turned to Madras, Delhi and the LTTE. Lankan Muslims must not be pushed to make the same homicidal-suicidal journey. If the government fails to protect Lankan Muslims, if moderates of all communities fail to come together in defence of democracy, pluralism and justice, Sri Lanka will once again become a killing field on which none thrives but extremists.

    • 9

      Mudson Amarasinghe,

      Well said. You have put it in a nutshell.

    • 4

      Mudson Amerasinghe
      Well said and nicely phrased. I do not need to check your ‘educational qualifications’, I see see from your writing you have attended a good school, intelligent, well educated, qualified, and more a decent person.

  • 2

    The 6.2M should have committed Hara-Kiri long time ago.

  • 4

    Those who are howling about minister Wijayadasa Rajapakse should know that the lawyer Dias is not an independent party looking at issues in an objective manner. He is an activist of Evangelical Christian movement and has publicly accepted that he is being funded for his activism.

    Evangelical Christian movement is driven by an agenda globally including undermining local national cultural characteristics of developing countries and subvert those societies in which they operate. It is same in Sri Lanka. Resistance and backlash to such subversive activities is inevitable.

    The good thing about these debates is that the society at large gets to know their bedfellows.

    • 1

      If Gandasara can get funding from Norway,why can’t Dias get money from NGO’s?
      If the Evangelical Christians can rid us of idle foul-mouthed monks who think think this country belongs to them, is that subversion? Let’s have more subversion then!

  • 1

    Mr.Granville Perera, You have taken lot pain to express your views/opinion. But How many understand this. How many who comment about your opinoin are knowledgeable. Its pity to note they still abuse other religion. If this Country is ruled by pure Buddhist priciples there wont be any room for greivences or misdoings. But can you find a person who really follow Buddhist Priciples. Most of past leaders coverted themselves to Chritinity and again to Buddhism for the sake of politics. Exception being Late President Premadasa, Who was a real great leader.
    Either UNP, SLFP or Joint opposition are the same. All are the same rot. Can the JVP come forward to lead or some people who subscribe to CT come forward to contest as INDEPENDANTS. The country needs someone to lead who loves the country.


  • 2

    Those who howl at minister Rajapakse didn’t even make a murmur when minister Hakeem said an outrageous lie about a Muslim owned factory fire supposedly due to an electric fault blaming Sinhala Buddhists.

    The agenda is clear. Expect the backlash.

    As Shenali Waduge pointed out in another piece, Buddhists must refuse to be shouted down by well-funded propaganda. Buddhists have not caused historical or contemporary deaths using religion that run into millions by both Christianity & Islam. Isolated cases promoted via media denouncing Buddhism and Buddhists should not be accepted.

    • 1

      The Buddhists and ‘Hindus’ were behind all right after their internal feuds were settled in not very humane ways several centuries ago.
      But they are catching up fast in India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

    • 0

      Hela, what you don’t realize is that this Thambi factory owner was thinking of his factory insurance when he rubbished Hon. Rauf Hakeem. He will need a forensic report that it was arson and this can take months. Further, he may not have got the RIOT cover. So, his easiest claim is electric short circuit. I have already written to the Insurance company with all the facts

      • 0

        Suresh, so you burnt it is it?

  • 2

    Some Christian strictures noted from another piece for those pious Christian howlers.

    » “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but with a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy.” (Matthew 10:34-37 from Prince of Peace)

    » “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent.” (St Paul’s advice in 1 Timothy 2:12 and used to argue against women priests)

    » “This is what the Lord Almighty says … ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ” (endorsing genocide, from 1 Samuel 15:3)

    » “Do not allow a sorceress to live.” (Moses’s call to kill witches, in Exodus 22:18)

    » “And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundred-fold, and inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29 a lot of inducement)

    » “Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalm 137 on revenge)

    » “In the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.” (St Paul’s thoughts on homosexuality)

  • 5

    This country is full of pundits and idiots and thieves, I don’t think we will ever be a developed country with these mind sets.

    • 0

      srinathan gunaratnam———— Who said Sri Lanka is going to be developed country? You are listening to the wrong people. ———– If country developed people won’t need the crooked politicians, they go about minding their own business mostly based on meritocracy and state become redundant appropriating/arbitrating resources, opportunities, …… among the people. The importance being a politicians will be marginalised. ………. Therefore the crooks maintain a tight control over what you read, hear, how you think, behave, act,………….. and train the people like Pavlov’s Dogs. Please read up on Pavlovian Conditioning.

  • 1

    Remember GR walked a line similar to WR. In his hey hey hey days, GR sued a newspaper who retained lawyers. GR called the lawyers in HIS then Defense Website “traitors in black robes”. Lankans cut GR to size on 08 January 2015. WR’s attitude is similar and he too will be dealt a similar hand.
    The silver lining is Lasantha, Sivaram, Prageeth did not escape but Lakshan Dias has. Frederica has not come back (yet) but Lakhsan will.

  • 0

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  • 1

    UNP CMC has made Yahapalana Capital stinks to High Heaven from the Elite, Anglican , Vellala and Wahabi garbage…. My High Rise neighbors are pissed off…… They do not want to do Har kiri . But they are ashamed of themselves sinking in their own Garbage.. I was thinking why the TNA partner party calls them ” Ill Lan Ki.”…. Thamil something……Wonder where Muzza Malli is nowadays…………

    • 1

      KASmaalam ——————–“But they are ashamed of themselves sinking in their own Garbage..”———————————If they are naturally able to feel ashamed of themselves then they are not Sinhala/Buddhists but they are Sinhalese or Buddhists. Does it bother you?

      • 0

        Dear Native, It has a become a Daily Ritual for the Vellalas and the Whabis in Wellala Gardens to dig into their Rubbish Bins , to sort out Plastic Wrap, Glass , Kitchen Towelletts and Kurumba Shells in to different piles…. And Kesel Kolles too after wiping off left over Sambar……Still the UNP CMC doesn’t collect them , unlike before Janauary 2015……Bodhi Sira and Dr Ranil can not help Yahapalana suckers . even to get rid of their household refuse…….How can Dr Ranil give Vellalas and the Wahabis Homelands…….This Yahapalanaya must be the biggest Haox the Politicians have executed in any part of the Planet Earth………

  • 0

    The article is full of LTTE sentiments and dreams of Hindutwa govt in SL. Nay, an anglicised catholic arrogance that Buddhists are heathen as they do not worship an Almighty God.

  • 1

    If MS & RW is of the opinion to allow such extremism to continue, so that their frauds and mismanagement would be forgotten, it very sad indeed. Already justice is delayed. There will be another govt. after the next elections who will be prompted to investigate all the frauds committed under this govt. Public litigation would be there to investigate the abuses of WR. New laws has to be passed in order to take away the civic status of MP’s who abused their powers for good. The robes of the prelates who does not follow the teachings of their religion should be removed by law.

  • 1

    The Minister of Injustice was planted in the ‘Yahpalanaya’ by the Rajapaksha’s are now doing their bidding. What a shame on the president and the pm.

  • 1

    I think you have mistaken the fact that law in not in force only for minority, it is for all ordinary people. I don’t understand why journalist not talk about real issues in the country rather than talking about issues like, SAITEM and arresting a Monk, created by politicians to mislead the people so they can robe the country further. Are these 2 scenarios are the major problems in our country?? Two major parties robing the hole country in day light but none talk about arresting corrupt politicians. What journalists and media do today is creating news for their own publicity and not the well being of the people and the country. The duty of the media should be awakening people positive attitude to think discipline themselves. It is sad that what our politicians are digging always past and finding issues of previous regime and there is no proper plan to move country forward. In my pinion I think the article also just trying to highlight about the minorities but it is not the real issue of the country. This is also just and political agenda. If we go to village where both Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese people live it is evident that there is no such racist issues between them but the politicians and media spreading the virus..

  • 0

    Sirisena is the man behind all the racism. He has unleashed Wijedasa, Champika, Gnanasara and many others to drive the minorities away from the UNP

  • 1

    True Buddhism does not condone violence of any kind. Racism, anger is abhorrent to it, only patience and tolerance should be practiced. Some of these monks may think that they are protecting Buddhism or the Sangha by the comments they make and their actions (although I have no idea how they can have made that leap), but in reality they are just dragging it into disrepute. The majority of Buddhists will say that these men do not represent Buddhism and the public actions of a few misbehaving monks should not be a reflection of what true Buddhism is.

    These monks should not be tolerated, or given the respect usually given to clergymen. They should be disrobed and exiled from the priesthood. That is why the introduction of the new Theravada Bikkhu Bill, enabling the leaders of the priesthood in Sri Lanka (the Mahanayakas) to remove monks engaging in disreputable practices, has been long awaited. Obviously, it is also opposed by the clergymen with lucrative practices to lose, but if they are so invested in their businesses, what are they doing as clergymen? The very reason to become a monk is to remove attachment and focus on spiritual development on the path to enlightenment.

    Buddhist lay practitioners have an important role to play in this. It’s been long said with regard to misbehaving monks that we respect/ tolerate them because ‘api siurata wadinne’ (we respect/ worship the robe), not necessarily the person wearing it. This mentality should be changed. We should respect the robe only if the person wearing it is worthy of our respect. If they are engaged in practices unworthy of a monk, they should be disrobed and banned from the priesthood. They are free to leave as well; Buddhism does not force them to be monks! The number of monks may be diminished in numbers because of this action, but it will be pure, and will be deserving of the respect accorded to them. The Sangha was created to help relieve mankind from suffering, it is time that it focused on that.

  • 0

    This is a good lesson for all nations that try to get out of the current mess created by so-called neo-liberal internationalism. Let the countries develop as they want without imposed agendas by the so-called international community (IC). Who the hell is this IC anyways? When Obama was in power it was the word of Hilary Clinton. That was the IC. UNHRC was a mere slave. Libya and Iraq were destroyed to Stone Age. As a result, Trump triumphed and Hilary et al became history! But who is suffering the mess created by them; the innocent people living in those countries.
    Now there is not even a single CT writer who supports Yahapalanaya. It looks like that Yahapalanaya had fallen from the sky in 2015.
    Ranil and Maitree have apparently given them a good run around that would last for another 2-3 tears. They all will have a good life, even afterwards, thanks to CB bond scam and other ongoing mega thefts!
    It’s good to have day-dreams; but think before you ‘demolish your house’, where you and your kids going to sleep tonight? The machine of destruction (trademarked IC or International Community) does not think about you and your kids. Sri Lankans are experiencing what they were imposed by the IC today. In Sri Lanka people call it a ‘democratic conspiracy’. They have realized their folly and now seem to prefer the known Devil than the unknown God! Any future election will bear witness to my word.

  • 0

    Hi Granville Perera

    What an excellent piece of writing reveaing the absolute truth . You have expressed the truth and nothing but the truth.


    Granville, you are right Rajapakse is insane.

    This is why he projected his madnity in others demanding in his intrview that all those who spoke against him should be admitted to Angoda .



  • 0

    It seems that according to this foolish man Grenville Perera, everybody who supports the Sinhala nation or Buddhist culture in Sri Lanka is an extremist. Come on grop up chap. Don’t waste our time. He does not know of his ancestors. How the Buddhist priests stood up against all the Tamil invading kings at Sinhala kings times, and then during the imperialistic era.

  • 0

    The Sinhalese Buddhists as opposed to the Chinese Japanese, Burmese and other Buddhists are reacting to the Christian and Muslim encroachments made around the Island. When the Tamils in the North are claiming that the Buddhists have no right to have temples anywhere in their “home land” the Muslims are creating havoc for themselves by encroaching on Temple lands in the East and the West of the country. Israel with financial backing is getting groups of “Christians” to form churches in their homes and convert the established Christian Denominations into their fold. I think we are all fed up of the Colombo Telegraph writers systematically targeting the Sinhalese Buddhists and their leaders with vile accusations of inciting hatred. The Muslims are the second most hated people in the world. The first being the Jews and if you go to any Muslim country you will find that their hatred of the Judeo Christians is as bad as the hatred of Muslims. Just relax and let the world go by because we are sitting on a powder keg that will explode at any moment. If it does Colombo Telegraph will be as much to blame as the other rousers.

    • 0

      Third rate idiot you are.

  • 0

    Where is Gnanasara now? There are rumours that Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe has found a permanent place for Gnanasara in Japan through his partner, the current ambassador Prof. D. Ganganath Disanayake

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