21 January, 2025


Hello Amnesia My Old Friend! Riposte To Tisaranee Gunasekera

By Thimibirivela Ranarala

Hello Amnesia my old friend
What’s that you said again?
And what on earth is your name?

Tisaranee Gunasekera’s article (Politics in Make-Believe Realities), makes one truly wonder what reality such journalists inhabit.

Ms. G decries “total amnesia, forgetting everything one has said and done”, and then suggests that this ‘thug-life’ was invented by a single recent politico, Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Perhaps such forgetful writers can explain their role during the beeshanaya of the 1980s, and that of these current purveyors of good governance? Perhaps there were very very ‘good’ reasons to justify the hacking, garrotting, stripping, impaling with barbed wire, beheading, burying alive and burning on imported tires that transpired in the tens of thousands?

Now some only seem to remember rich Colombo boys, like Lasantha or Wasim. Perhaps such mercantile accountants can only count up to 10, and thereby erase the at-least 60,000 country folk! 

Does Ms. G know history or is history, for her, what she remembers or chooses to remember? 

So let us ask again, who pulled those bones apart,

Was it a Bonaparte? And if we don’t want heroes or zeroes, 

Tell us how many white vans fit into those pajeros?

Ms. G seeks spiritual uplift by quoting, of all people, former US-President Obama, to tell us “humanity is at a crossroads”; that Trump signals the winds of authoritarianism. Really? Since when? Since Obama and Clinton murdered Colonel Gaddafi and returned Libya to a slave market? Since creating terrorist ‘rebels’ and turning Syria and Yemen into living hells? From Korea to the Congo, from Vietnam to Iraq, to Afghanistan, from Palestine to Yemen, what winds have too long blown over us?

And what white cynicism allowed a war criminal like Obama to even enter South African airspace, let alone deliver a lecture about Mandela! Had they even seen or read how Mandela celebrated Gaddafi, as a leader who stood by the African struggle, while Obama’s US and its poodle England were nuclear-arming apartheid? Mandela’s grave could now be renamed Robben Kanatte, for caged he is again!

Meanwhile Sri Lanka has been run over over and over again at “the crossroads of history”, at least since Lourenco D’Almeida blew in and introduced Iberian mass murder to our shores.

Then she insists that most monks do not know world history! Where does most of any profession know ‘world’ history?” History has lasted a long time as will the future, and covers the entire cosmos. Besides, there are sparkling examples of monks knowing more about our world and history than English journalists. It is said that Bhikkus scared the gay English governor Frederick North by telling him that the mountainous redoubts of Sinhale knew England was at war with France, the Dutch and the Marathas, and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of a Jacobin French fleet in eastern waters!

Gunasekera also attacks railways workers for going on strike. Yet the yahapalanists she adores had reneged on open promises to those rail workers, and now calls them ‘terrorists’? Her selective attacks will enable these ‘good governors’ to privatize the railroads, another public asset.

Does she forget that her father Sena Gunasekera, along with Jeanne Moonesinghe, were sacked because of their trade union membership in the Ceylon Mercantile Union, by the private owners of the Lake House, the relatives of these good governors so currently adored?

And speaking of journalists, since she loves Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary so much: Bierce also said, journalists have “established ink baths which some persons pay money to get into, others to get out of. Not infrequently it occurs that a person who has paid to get in pays twice as much to get out.”

So can anyone tell us how much these good governors have paid to get out of such malodorous ink baths as this?

The article also adds Jack the Ripper to Hitler and Caligula and other epithets reserved exclusively for a certain family but not for the ‘uncles and nephews’. These scribes have clearly been reduced to Tourette’s syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by the compulsive utterance of obscenities. Indeed, Jack the Ripper was perhaps England’s almost-King Prince Albert – once a welcome guest in Ceylon, who added to English mass murder here, of not just people but of elephants too.

Ms. G then expresses horror over the GMOA recording who their friends and enemies are? Really? Does not every good editor have a list, provided by their owners, of who their organ will publish, omit, praise and vilify? Don’t the pharmaceutical companies have lists of the doctors they bribe to prescribe? Didn’t that ruling dispensation she served in the 1980s have lists to hand over to death squads? Did not the US embassy provide a lists of their local enemies to be killed in the 1980s?

Playing the populist card, the article hits out at the corruption of politicians. Are they the only corrupt? What of journalists, and other professions? And who corrupts them? Why not give us a list of the top corporations that pay bribes in this country? How does Unilever and Standard Chartered Bank and Caltex retain its power? Is it just soap and superstars? Petrol and rugger balls and literary awards?

Remember 1978, when 400 thugs of the ruling party union, which soon became the largest union in the country, threatened and drove section heads off the premises of the Thulhiriya Textile Mills. And therein lies the tale of how the Left really left us? And guess who owns Thulhiriya now? Apparently vegetarians who abhor their mini-mas!

A famous politician when asked how much, once declared, “You know the rates!” So what are the rates? Why won’t our hallowed journalists let us know?

The article claims doctors are denying service to the suffering and dying. But the people are dying for information that the media constantly deny us, to let us make rational decisions.

We are dying for the power to transform this colony into a modern society too. 

How ironic then that those involved in such imbroglios became leading spokespeople for human rights and good governance. Perhaps like in mafia funerals, where assassins are the first to wail and offer condolences…

Latest comments

  • 17

    Mr. T displays as much bias as those he accuses of being biased. Much about 60,000 (Sinhala ) peasants, which is as it should be. But nothing about 80,000 (Tamil) widows?
    His leanings are pretty obvious. “Her selective attacks will enable these ‘good governors’ to privatize the railroads, another public asset.”
    And what is wrong with that? Let all those overpaid (270,000 p.m) drivers taste some unemployment. Public asset my foot. Mr. T might be aware that he is able to use the Internet to hurl vitriol at privatization only because Chandrika had the guts to privatize Telecom.

    • 3

      OLD Codger: Be happy those Dalit women became widows in order to make you happy and prosperous. Besides, fertile soil now, You get a country and wealth 2/3rd of the sea.

      • 12

        JD the Dimwit Jim Softy

        “Be happy those Dalit women became widows in order to make you happy and prosperous.”

        Did the 9681 Military spouses become war widows just to make you happy and prosperous? Even if all of them tried, they would never be able to make you happy because you have been suffering from impotence from the age of 12 since the day you first become the beach boy.
        I wonder how you escaped the war?

        The number of married military personnel killed in the war 9681 –
        Military War Widows in Post-war Sri Lanka
        By Upali Pannilage and Chamalie P M Gunawardena

        • 5

          Didn’t you know that , because of these widows, certain persons pretending to be Tamils became refugees in Toronto , and now work in the Toronto Public Sanitation.

          • 6

            old codger

            “because of these widows, certain persons pretending to be Tamils became refugees in Toronto , and now work in the Toronto Public Sanitation.”

            You mean JD, Dimwit Jim Softy.
            No way no chance.
            You are mistaken, Jimmy is a retired beach boy with creaking knees who is a typical workshy lazy bum dependent on state handouts for his living.

    • 5

      What about 60,000 sinhala peasants (the number should be very high as Sinhala youth died twice and a bread winner was lost), they are sinhala buddhists who are neglected by the CIVIL SOCIETY INGOS becuase human rights are not applicable to them. Politicians are also interested only about minarities as the sinhala buddhist vote is divided over UPFA and UNF what ever (they think old artistocratic SLFP and UNP are still alive to exploit the peassants). See how fast Maithripala Sirisena became a Protestant.

      • 2

        Dumb Jimmy,
        “(the number should be very high as Sinhala youth died twice and a bread winner was lost), “
        So Sinhala youth can live twice? Wow!!!!!

    • 9

      “So let us ask again, who pulled those bones apart,

      Was it a Bonaparte? And if we don’t want heroes or zeroes, “
      A rather one-sided attitude to the Bheeshanaya. Yes, the Uncle-Nephews were in power, but why is Mr T so coy about the fact that one Gotabhaya Rajapaksa was C.O. in Matale where a mass grave was found (and later brushed quietly under the carpet) ?

    • 7

      old codger

      According to minister the total number of war widows in North East was 95,000 in 2011.
      The total number of Military war widows was 9,681.

      • 1

        Dumb nativee Vedda: some one told why RTI is bad for reconciliation of Sinhala people.

  • 16

    Thimibirivela Ranarala – have you taken over from Dr.Dayan Jayatillike as Rajapakse mouth piece now that he is been cast away to Moscow?

    • 6

      Dayan Jayatilleka lived dangerously through the civil wars of the 1980s and has a much better grasp of who was on which side of which barricades, and did what to whom, when and why…and therefore would not engage in or subscribe to polemical scatter-shot factual and historical inaccuracies.

      • 7

        Nice to hear that. I did suspect you couldn’t be as devious as that.

      • 4

        Dr Dayan Jayatilleka: “Dayan Jayatilleka lived dangerously through the civil wars”

        Tamils of Sri Lanka lived dangerously since independence and are still living since the end of the civil wars…with hollow sounding reconciliation

        Dr Dayan Jayatilleka “
        it is the Sinhala polity and the Sangha who are busy in the sinhalalisation of the Tamil homeland ..and rewriting …historical inaccuracies…

        Good luck with your posting in Moscow. what is your remit?…..to bring back Rajapakses?

      • 2

        Obviously not any more DJ, that is why your presidential promotions went all scatter shot lately, while your earlier writings, I mean just a few months back were definitely polemic, who did what to whom in the Bheeshanaya we would never know, or perhaps most did a lot to many is the more appropriate answer, anyhoo, enjoy those cabbage rolls and we know as an envoy you have to speak for the man in charge, we don’t want you to be recalled even before you call on Putin.

        • 1

          Money talks. And harangues about Castro/ Gramsci will do no harm in Moscow.

      • 1

        Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka:
        Now that the Queen Elizabeth II’s biggest fan has appointed you to the land of Putin, you can again received publicity in new quarters for the bafflegab at which you are so adept. Incidentally, I wouldn’t called stooging to those who can provide employment “living dangerously..”

  • 4

    Kazhuthai Punnu Puzhuthi Marunthu. (Dirt is the effective medicine for Donkey’s wound.)

    You guys see the ground after 12 hour night of party? Messy-Rabish. Clean it with smelly garbage colling carts.

    Tissaranee Gunasekara sets the example to abuse the freedom of speech. So this comes out to counter that. They all are on the same plane, the of “Sihala Intellectualism”, which forced the Ceylon to evolve into Lanakwe. These writers convert the readers into the flies on the poop.

    The writer for populist,the writer who seeks hurray from imbecile readers, Tisaranee Gunasekara, should know she is the one manufactures boomerangs for her out of thin air.

    Meethotamulla give birth only to meethotamulla. But never to one Garden of Eden.

    • 2

      MALLIYIREN: Ask the most venerable BHIKKU GHANSARA to talk. He will be 25 years in jail that is the maximum can get for first degree murder. this time , the courts are sympathetic as it is his first conviction. See our justice system how sympathetic to the Sinhala buddhists. TNA is still alive. Wiogneswaran and vijayakala are still kicking

      • 3


        You mean 25 years of Hotel Hospital? Man I wish Sinhala Buddhist Ayatollahs never do crime like that. Because it is poor taxpayers remit the bill.

        The TNA you meant is no longer there. Now there is only Federal Party (+ four others) exist. There is a new alliance for Tamils have come to alive too- ” Tamils Non Alliance. ”

        CV is not against Buddhism. He visits once in a while to Nagavigara too. The problem is the Rapist Army and Bald Heads need not to ask anybody’s permission to put a Greek Statue to collect birds dropping in the middle of the Junctions.

        Vijayakala and Maheswaran’s Brother are saying they know who killed Maheswaran. But Ranil is saving criminals, but blaming LTTE. When she denies LTTE didn’t kill Maheswaran, she automatically becomes female kottiya. That is the Sinhala Jury verdict!

      • 2

        Please don’t misspell peoples’ names; you have no class at all!

        • 0


          “Please don’t misspell peoples’ names; you have no class at all!”

          I don’t think passing spelling test is alone is the right criteria to judge a person’s class.

  • 10

    Thimibirivela Ranarala

    I am sorry I am bit thick hence I do not possess any knowledge of what is going on in other far away countries and within Mafiosi culture.

    What is your point if you have one.

    Are you attempting to white wash what had taken place between 5th April 1971 and 8th January 2015 or justify every act of routine and collective violence that has been part and partial of the mainstream culture?

    “Meanwhile Sri Lanka has been run over over and over again at “the crossroads of history”, at least since Lourenco D’Almeida blew in and introduced Iberian mass murder to our shores.”

    I am not a historian, however you should refer back to your mainstream heritage/tradition before the advent of Iberian and after the Brits had left this island for good.

    Please print the following booklet and keep it under your pillow in case if you succumbed to total amnesia as has been the case with many of the commentators and parochial historians:


    BTW don’t rich boys deserve justice?

    How convenient it is to be selective in the choice of events completely forgetting 1958, 1960, 1971, 1977, 1981, 1983, invasion by IPKF and related massacres ……………………… Jaffna Library, Aluthgama, Welikada, …………. and the numerous visits of Pandyas and Cholas.

    I wonder why almost all the commentators are coy of typing the IPKF’s share of massacre, rape, theft, bombing, shelling, of the North East ………………….

    Thimibirivela Ranarala, are you scared of typing about IPKF’s share of atrocities? Or have you conveniently forgotten ………………………………?

    • 2

      DUMB NAtive Vedda: there is a CROSS ROAD church and they teach salvation to every one, you need to pay some as donations. De almeida also brought the same thing but it was different from What Dutch brought, so they killed each other.

      • 5

        JD the dimwit Jim Softy

        What do you want me do to put some sense in to your blockhead?
        What is your point if there is one?

  • 19

    Dude looks like you are paid to do this job. Two wrongs does not make up for a right. The true animal nature of yours is reflected within the first few lines of your crap. when you take pleasure in Lasantha and Thaj murders. You must me one of those hired hit man who did the job. and now involved in proxy war. You are a pathetic low life not worth enough to waste any more of my precious time. Right away you started with mudslinging at TG and ended with quoting your favorite personalities like Caligula, Jack The Ripper and Hitler .A moron with a Tangential but filthy mind set.

  • 7

    Aha Ranarala, as you see, TG’s cheer leaders, the ones who are linguistically challenged and logic impaired, at least understood what you wrote here, there was a deafening silence in response to the previous.
    So mates, old codger and the the fellow travelers inside TG’ lifeboat, you may remember that the widowhood and orphanhood brought about by the LTTE had no ethnic discrimination, the Tamils, the Sinhalese, the Muslims, all casualties of the LTTE’s relentless appetite for human life.

    • 4

      .”…..the Tamils,the Sinhalese,the Muslims all casualties of the LTTE’s relentless appetite for human life”.
      Yes! Conceded.
      But Tamils certainly had played no part in it’s creation.
      Only people like you and your compatriots like the paid hack author of this crap are basking in it’s glory now.

      • 2

        Uthungan, neither the ordinary Tamils nor the ordinary Sinhalese had any part in creating the LTTE. LTTE was created by power greedy politicians here and in India, directly and indirectly, and most of them too perished in the hands of the LTTE, now that we are where we are, don’t you think by moving forward we all gain?

    • 4


      As usual wannihami chooses not to remember Army’s appetite for blood from 1971 to 2015 including between 1987 and 1990, not to mention police. He/she/it types:

      “So mates, old codger and the the fellow travelers inside TG’ lifeboat, you may remember that the widowhood and orphanhood brought about by the LTTE had no ethnic discrimination, the Tamils, the Sinhalese, the Muslims, all casualties of the LTTE’s relentless appetite for human life.”

  • 3

    Yes, our silence on the Matale of the mass grave find was deafening.

  • 18

    Hey Mr. Thimbirigasyaya Stoner
    You never grow up,
    you can’t because of your personal traumas.
    But time doesn’t stand still.
    East and West don’t explain a thing anymore.
    Left and Right, sulk all you want,
    is only for pedestrians now.
    You’re stuck in a black and white world.
    The white man gave you traumas in your adolescence;
    The black man gave you herbal relief.
    But you the brown man never moved on from the monochrome.
    No rainbows in your time warp,
    but you have bogeymen to make your day.
    All your problems, your neighbours’ and your country’s
    are the results of colonialism.
    And the corporate predators of the West
    are even today enslaving and sucking our blood;
    making it difficult
    for your Marxist Kookaburras
    like MR and China
    to give us our daily bread, forgive us our debts and
    deliver us from evil.
    In your little UNP/SLFP (SLPP?) bipolar island,
    the UNP is the proxy of western imperialism.
    That is so jejune, but hey,
    it is your radical faith,
    and you can stay put.
    Who am I to quarrel?
    But I’m no apologist for any party or Mantra
    for I hate politics;
    it only manufactures tyrants and charlatans and fraudsters.
    My problem is that I know the world is not rational,
    nor history logical.
    And humans are not for social engineering.
    Profit motive is not going to go away;
    it will always provide “the highs”
    for most people.
    Economy is the ultimate decider.
    Everything is going global, but none dialectical.
    Binary is only in the human mind.
    All we can do is to make the process
    less brutal; there’s no wonder drug,
    like there’s no perfect Mary Jane.
    But I know you’re never gonna outgrow
    your juvenile proclivities.
    So Mr. Thimbirigasyaya Stoner, take a deep pull,
    and enjoy the rest of your day, without worrying.
    There’s never a shortage of calamities
    on CT.

    • 13

      Ajay, an excellent expose. The writer has been undressed in the hustle and bustle of thimbirigasyaya. Why does he use such a complex nom de plume to target TG? What is he so afraid of? The shadows of his past? TG has fearlessly revealed her name at all times.

  • 5

    All these so-called “writers” with their jaw breaking meaningless jargon somehow come around the mulberry bush to lick the last dribble of fecal matter left in Rajapakse’s lunket – that was hurriedly made with some left over silly redi.

  • 1

    “We are dying for the power to transform this colony into a modern society too.”

    If not for Tamil Tiger terrorism, SL would be a first-world country today, comparable to Singapore. SL does not have casteist/language/ethnic barriers or a massive population that India has. SL is secular like China and most Sri Lankans actually speak better English than the average Chinese. China also had its revolutions and a very dangerous experiment with Marxism which was much more deadly than SL’s 30 year civil war. While China was flirting with Marxism, JR was implementing neo-liberal, free market economic policies. So why did China come out ahead? Because SL diverted most of its resources towards fighting terrorism, which also created a brain drain. You need great minds, not just strong leaders, to take a country forward.

    • 4

      You are regurgitating the given wisdom about “terrorism”. Don’t you know the brain drain started in the 40’s with the Burghers, picked up after 1956 and became a tsunami by the 90’s?
      What was Sri Lanka doing till 1983?
      “SL does not have casteist/language/ethnic barriers or a massive population that India has.” Don’t contradict yourself. China has a massive population. Wasn’t the war an ethnic one? Never heard of the separate Buddhist Nikayas for different castes?
      The problem is in ourselves, the inability to see ourselves as one nation. Sri Lanka may in theory be secular, but is it secular in practice? Far from it.

      • 3

        old codger

        Don’t you know Lester is a card carrying member of the Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority?

      • 1

        Old Codger:

        Sri Lanka was a fully functioning entity for 2000 years before the colonialists came. Burghers did not have any role in that. China has a massive population but it has been lucky on two counts: manufacturing and the government investing huge amounts into education. If Sri Lanka had developed a similar manufacturing capacity in the 70’s & 80’s, the Tigers would not have crawled out of their holes in the first place. China is a lucky accident. Technology companies needed cheap labor in the 70’s and China became the venue. Once the FDI came in, double digit economic growth improved everyone’s lifestyle.

        There is no caste in Sri Lanka worth speaking of, except among Hindus. If you want to know what caste is, go to India. Claiming that “caste” among monks is significant in any way is nonsense.

        The problem in Sri Lanka is with opportunists. The first opportunists were the Tamil politicians in the 1930’s and 40’s. Some Sinhalese politicians caught on, then came the terror storm of the Tigers. There is no issue with being secular; try Bangladesh or Pakistan where 97% of the population is one religion.

        • 2

          “There is no caste in Sri Lanka worth speaking of, except among Hindus.” This is typical of the Sri Lankan attitude towards issues. Don’t talk about them, they don’t exist.
          Don’t you ever read the newspaper marriage proposals? If caste among monks is not significant, why does the Malwatta chapter not have Mahanayakas from Ambalangoda for example.
          “China is a lucky accident. “
          What a fatuous statement! You say Sri Lanka’s backwardness results from Tiger Terrorism. Don’t you know that China suffered a hundred years of invasions, civil wars, repeated famines, and occupation ? Never mind China, have you heard of Vietnam, which fought a REAL war with a super-power, losing a fifth of its population, but is already far ahead of this “2000 year old civilization”? It is interesting that both China and Vietnam keep the clergy out of politics.
          My dear Lester, to solve problems, one must look inwards first and admit there is a problem. It may well be that our “2000 year old culture ” is a bit out of date.

          • 0

            Old codger, Sri Lanka too suffered hundreds of years on invasions, famines, except Sri Lanka tried to have a democracy since independence, unlike China. Also Sri Lanka let the bully to the North walk all over her because she tried to be non aligned and as a result LTTE grew like a fungus, and as for Vietnam, check the land area, the population and the GDP per capita, the welfare system or the lack of it and you may see your shallow opinions are just that, shallow. BTW I have met many many many Sri Lankan vernacular educated Scientists all over the world holding high positions in the Sciences, I am yet to meet a single Vietnamese scientist grown up in Vietnam doing the same in the west, to me that says a lot about Vietnam as a country.

            • 1

              Sri Lanka’s GDP per capita is $3853. Vietnam’s is 2185. Vietnam started at practically zero in 1974. I don’t think that is so bad compared to ours. Welfare system? Maybe that IS part of the problem here.

              • 1

                Mr. Wannihamy,
                You say: ” BTW I have met many many many Sri Lankan vernacular educated Scientists all over the world holding high positions in the Sciences, I am yet to meet a single Vietnamese scientist grown up in Vietnam doing the same in the west, to me that says a lot about Vietnam as a country.”

                I think that says more about Sri Lanka as a country than Vietnam. You met so many many SriLankan scientists because they all ran away from the country, including you. The Vietnamese scientists are happy in their country.

          • 0

            It is apparent that you have not traveled much outside of Sri Lanka. And that your knowledge of history is lacking. Idi Amin kicked the Indians out of Uganda. South Africa practiced apartheid. Malaya split into Singapore & Malaysia because the Malays did not want to live with the ethnic Chinese. Not only did the United States have slavery for 150 years, after slavery they created laws to prevent one race from using a water fountain! By comparison, Sri Lanka had one major ethnic riot and a civil war which was prolonged due to LTTE support from countries like India and Norway. Even during the civil war, Tamils chose to live in Colombo with the majority group. Tamils were never forcibly expelled from Sri Lanka. In fact, Tamils have not been expelled from the island even once during its 2000 year history.

            Rather than looking inwards, I suggest you consult some history books.

            • 2

              “It is apparent that you have not traveled much outside of Sri Lanka. ” I am no frog in the well, but this is not the place to boast about my travels.
              “By comparison, Sri Lanka had one major ethnic riot “
              It’s pretty clear that your history book is pretty limited. Never heard of 1958? Less said the better about your historical knowledge.
              BTW, there are more Chinese in Malaysia than in Singapore.
              “Tamils chose to live in Colombo with the majority group. “
              Many Sinhala women live in Dubai among majority Arabs, for the same reason. ECONOMICS.
              BTW, there are more Chinese in Malaysia than in Singapore.
              “Tamils have not been expelled from the island even once during its 2000 year history.” Except maybe by Madam Sirimavo?. But why don’t you read your Mahavamsa and see where it describes Tamils as less than human :
              Try not to go on and on about this “2000 year old history”. There are countries with 8000 years of history. Even the English were building large monuments 5000 years ago.
              Please do go back to your kiddie books.

              • 1

                No one remembers 1958, maybe you? You seem to remember every mistake made exclusively by Sinhalese. Ironically, your “clock” begins after the British left, which suggests some kind of colonial lackey mindset. Now you’re digging up Mahavamsa to find anti-Tamil sentiments? Hilarious! The English were building large monuments 5000 years ago? There were no English 5000 years ago, ancestors of the English are only known for building a monument called Stonehenge which resembles a lavatory when compared to something like Sigirya.

                While your fair-skinned friends were sacking Rome with loincloth and spear, the Sinhalese were building hydraulic structures which stand even today and palaces to the sky.

                • 1

                  Splitting hairs does not get you anywhere. You have made false statements about riots and the so-called tolerance of Sinhalese, all proven wrong.
                  Whether those who built Stonehenge were English or not is not the point. What have we got that is 5000 years old, “lavatory” or not? This is the arrogant mindset that I am talking about, “we are so great, and there is none greater than us” .
                  How can you compare Sigiriya with Stonehenge which is 3000 years older? You might as well compare the Southern expressway with the stone bridge in Anuradhapura!
                  “the Sinhalese were building hydraulic structures which stand even today and palaces to the sky.”
                  Do the Brits go on and on about their ancient culture? We were behind them 5000 years ago, and still are.
                  Another nostrum for the ignorant residents of wells. There were irrigation systems in other ancient cultures. There were (and are) for example underground irrigation systems in arid places like Iran and Yemen.
                  The key to a better future is to recognize what is wrong with the present, not to keep harking back to doubtful past glories while repeating old mistakes.

        • 2


          Could you define “fully functioning entity”.

          The so called Sinhala/Buddhists have been in total control of the countries finances, armed forces, Parliamentary agenda, life and death of people, …………….. planning and implementation, nation building process, immigration and emigration, land distribution, language policies, Constitution, Central Bank, resources, …………………………….. riots, state terrorism, …………….
          What are you complaining about?

      • 1

        No Old Codger, Lester means well but of the truth he knows very little.

        ” little knowing can be a dangerous thing”.

      • 1

        Old codger, again wrong wrong wrong..can’t you read, there is so much information out there yet you are typing nonsense.
        Burghers started migrating in the early sixties, and mind you there was scarcely any brain drain there, they were engine drivers, station masters and mechanics, may be Police Inspectors, not much brains lost.
        People migrate for economic reasons except 1983 when the government sponsored a pogrom. that let many Tamils migrate from the North.
        And Sri Lanka is NOT a secular country, why don’t you read the constitution for once. And the cast differentiation of Nikayas is rarely practiced except by Siyam Nikaya. In any case most Sinhala people in non govigama or kara casts were encouraged to changed their last names since 1956 so the ancestral cast is no longer relevant.
        For an old codger your ignorance is breathtaking.

        • 2

          “Burghers started migrating in the early sixties, and mind you there was scarcely any brain drain there, they were engine drivers, station masters and mechanics, may be Police Inspectors, not much brains lost.”
          Dig a little deeper, my dear. The Burghers did start migrating even before Independence, because they saw what was coming. May be their motives were selfish, but they were right. This was the very cream of the Burghers, the ones who were white enough to enter Australia. The “engine drivers ” as you so arrogantly describe them, did leave after Sinhala only. Whether they were a loss or not can be gauged from the state of the Railways and the Police today.
          “at the turn of the 20th century (1910 to 1920), 60% of doctors, 100% of surveyors, 61% of Public Works engineers, 20% of lawyers and a high percentage of those in the middle ranks of the Public Service, were drawn from the Burgher community.”
          The above is from : “https://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2012/09/05/the-white-australia-policy-ceylonese-burghers-and-alice-nona/
          “And Sri Lanka is NOT a secular country,” I know that perfectly well. It is Lester who claimed it was. About the Siam Nikaya practicing caste discrimination, and not the others, please go through the marriage ads carefully. Many lower castes will say “caste immaterial” but not the Goiyas or Radalas. The reason is obvious.
          Shallow, my dear Wanni, so shallow. There ARE some things you don’t know.

          • 2

            old codger

            Are you being serious?
            What good will your statistics and facts make to a born bigot?
            He will repeat the same lies again and again and pretend being stupid. The whole idea behind such pretension is to tire out those who stand for truth and justice.

            Eagle blind Eye, Johnny Baby, somass, Grandma thresa fernando, sach, Shenali, …………….. also use the same stupid tactics.

            • 2

              Nowadays I can spend a lot of time educating the uninitiated, because my children pay for the electricity and Internet.
              But Johnny, Eagle, etc are in a different class ……………

  • 11

    Ajay thumps up for that excellent writing, you sure do have a way with words. In Lanka there is human and then rabid animals, But some human are mutated by the help of politics/religion to worse than animals. At the same time the true animals are domesticated to behave like human.Regardless downtrodden and under privileged have turned the set backs into success and progressed for the future. So let humans howl but the struggle and resistance may continue.

  • 2

    What kind of riposte is this? Very weak indeed!

  • 12

    Thimibirivela Ranarala is confused and scatter-brained. He goes all over the place without knowing what he wants to say. No central point. In fact no point at all. We can learn a lesson from this offering. Do not sit down to write after too many shots. Or after smoking the strong stuff.

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