By M. A. Sumanthiran –
Thank you Honourable presiding member. I am glad to speak on the 3rd Reading, particularly on the votes of the Ministry of Justice today when my good friend at the Bar Hon. Ali Sabry is the minister of Justice. We’ve had a long association. He occupies a very prestigious post that of a Minister of Justice, In the olden days it was occupied by somebody who was from the Senate – from the upper house – because it was a prestigious office to hold. However I think he may feel like the Minister of ports and shipping of Afghanistan today. I say this, because having listened to the exchange that took place when the former Minister of Justice was speaking: between the government benches and the main opposition party, one couldn’t escape wondering if they were both letting down the Judiciary, because when you accuse the other side of meddling with the Judiciary and cite Judgments that have been delivered by the Judiciary and imply that those judgments were wrong – were influenced by the executive of the day, then you are both actually letting down the Judiciary. Perhaps that is the true state of affairs of the country because Judges continue their tenure. Governments come, Governments go but they continue and if you in the House today argue as to which point of time a particular judgment was given and what the political implication of that is, then you are both pointing a finger at the Judiciary and I am only worried that what you were doing was perhaps even justified.
I am also happy to follow the Hon. Prof. G.L. Peiris. He made a point in his speech and said that the fundamental rights jurisdictions must be now given to lower courts where people in their own localities can have access too. I suppose when in the 1978 constitution it was given to the supreme court, it was a new jurisdiction and perhaps to establish benchmarks it was given to the apex court. But he is right. So many years have passed – 42 years have passed – long ago it should have been given to the provincial high court at least. There is another reason why that should be done. He said it in his own words. He said it is a court of first instance – court of first resort and the last resort too. Now there lies a problem. When that is a court of first instance and also the court of last resort, we find a new phenomenon where judges feel that they don’t have to be accountable, in the sense that they don’t have to give reasons. I know that in certain instances reasons are not necessary but in today’s world when Judges themselves find fault with administrators when they exercise writ jurisdictions etc. that the duty to give reasons is of paramount importance, they themselves don’t do that. Courts that are below the Supreme Court are generally careful to give reasons or very careful when they deliver Judgments because they know there is somebody above them who might review their decision. But when it is the Supreme Court, that fear is absent and when it is the first and the last court surely there is something that is wrong and I welcome the Hon. Minster’s suggestion that the fundamental rights Jurisdiction must now be given to perhaps the provincial high court or court of appeal if it can sit in the provinces.
The issue of justice in this country is a subject that paints a bleak picture of the country. So many emblematic cases where people have struggled for justice for decades on and are still struggling for justice – and that is not a good thing to say – but that is the fact. If I start listing out names of such persons its a long, long list, and most of the time it is due to the fact that there is political interference into the affairs of the judiciary. There is a book written by three authors, Jayantha de Almeida Gunaratne, Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, and Gehan Gunatilleke, called “The Judicial Mind in Sri Lanka; responding to the protection of minority rights” published by Law and Society Trust in January 2014, which is very revealing as to the judicial attitude particularly towards the minority. In this they start from the very beginning when the Citizenship Act was passed and the case of Kodakkanpillai Vs Mudannayake and then Kodeeswaran case etc. and come down until recent times when issues of minority peoples’ right have been dealt with very differently to that of other cases. We saw a recent phenomenon when the Hon. Minister of Justice himself, in desperation, tweeted. I mean, all he could do was to tweet about the burial rights of the Muslims in Sri Lanka, to no avail. Hon. Minister, because even that matter was summarily dismissed albeit by a majority decision. At least one Judge agreed that there was something to look into. But no reasons given. Yet again very serious issues have been summarily dealt with like that. There are other cases where not even investigations have been done. Now I can cite the Welikada massacre of 1983: was anyone punished for that? No! When people who are in state custody, get killed in custody, surely people can be held responsible. Now this has happened now, from Welikada 1983 to Mahara a few days ago this is happening. That’s not a good thing.
Bindunuwewa in 2000, 27 People were killed, Vavuniya Prison in July 2012 where Nimalaruban and Dilrukshan were killed I can list out a whole list of names, ….yes Kalutara….but the point is …..no, no, I am talking about custodial deaths – of a Government that calls itself a Democratic Government, a government that says that you have the best Judicial system in the country. How can custodial deaths go unpunished? I am not saying that it happened – it shouldn’t happen. But even when it happens, it goes unpunished. That’s the greatest slur to a justice system of any country. I think it was Winston Churchill who said that “The soul of a nation is judged by how you treat your prisoners”. How are our prisoners treated? I mean the Vavuniya case I mentioned, Nimalaruban and Dilrukshan, they were held there on suspicion. Young men. They were beaten to death, several of their limbs… there were several fractures in their limbs when they were beaten. There were fundamental cases filed in respect of Nimalaruban. Leave to Proceed was refused, by a person who occupied the office of chief Justice, and had to leave it. Now you have made him the permanent representative to the UN – you can’t find a better person? He made comments from the bench that is recorded in the published works by several organizations even in this book that I mentioned. That should never have come from any Judge. Kumarapuram, .. now I am going to areas where it wasn’t custodial deaths but nevertheless large numbers of people – 24 were killed in kumarapuram. Mirusuvil a few people were killed, one person was punished but recently pardoned. What’s the message? what’s the message that the country gives. Even in the rarest of rare cases where you want to show that something is happening and there is a conviction in the original court either the appeal court releases the people or even if that doesn’t happen there is an executive pardon given.
The Hon. Leader of the house responded to Hon. Thalatha Atukorale about Hon. Sivanesathurai Chandrakandan’s case and said, 4 ½ years he was in remand – 4 1/2 years. He thought that was a long time. I do concede 4 ½ years in remand is a long time. But what about the Tamil Political Prisoners? He used that word. He said: “ Deshapalana Sirakaruwan lesa salakanawada kiyala Ahewa”. What has happened to the actual Tamil Political Prisoners? I am not talking about Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan, who is accused of murdering a Tamil National Alliance Parliamentarian Joseph Pararajasingam, on the 24th December night when he was attending Mass at the Batticaloa Cathedral. But what about the actual political prisoners? How long have they been in remand? Why are you not rising for the rights of those persons? They have been in remand for 20 years, 25 years some over 30 years. Why can’t they be released ? why doesn’t the Hon. Attorney General consent to bail in that case? Why does he consent to bail to only Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan under the PTA? In one case the AG takes the position that he can consent to bail. In another case he says “No, under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, Section 7(1) proviso, in the high court I have no discretion to consent to bail. Why these double standards? I am talking about double standards in all of these cases. What about the Trinco Five? You gave assurance after assurance after assurance, to various international forums. No justice for those 5 students. What about the Muttur ACM workers – 17 of them? What about the 11 youth who were abducted in Colombo? Where is justice for all of that? I mentioned Joseph Pararajasingham. What about Raviraj? What about Sivanesan? Three Honourable MPs of this House. Murdered while they were sitting MPs. Raviraj’s case came up before the High Court in Colombo before a Sinhala speaking Jury. Under the PTA there is no Jury trial; but he was charged for murder as well under the penal code, just to enable a Jury trial. And after a long trial they were acquitted. The Attorney General has appealed. The persons who were accused and arraigned as accused in the High court were persons who were Naval intelligence officers. The Attorney General himself indicted them. So the involvement of State – and particularly that of the intelligence component to the State was admittedly conceded by the Hon. Attorney General himself. It is not only these cases. Even others: Lasantha Wickramatunga, Keith Noyar, Prageeth Eknaligoda, and scores of Tamil journalists were killed. Long list of names, there about 34. No investigation have been commenced in respect of even one,… only one I think there was some magisterial inquiry and that was the end of it.
Why is the state behaving in this way? Why is the Judicial arm of the state like this? And it is because of this that we have consistently said that we have no confidence in the Judiciary. Are we to be blamed? Are we to be blamed when you yourself trade allegations against each other – just hours ago? You did that! How are we to be blamed when we are always – almost always – at the butt end of justice. So that is why in respect of serious crimes that have been committed in this country, that is why in respect of international crimes that have been committed in this country, we have asked for international involvement – International Inquiry – International Judicial Processes. How can you deny that? How can you say No? When we can lay bare before you – not only we – you yourself did that a little while ago: you laid before the entire world the depths to which your judicial system had sunk. You’re so vociferous. You thought you were accusing the other side, but in fact you were accusing the Judiciary. And as I said, Justifiably so!
Take some recent examples: and I want to pick some recent examples of a colleague of mine – Hejaaz Hizbullah – a brilliant lawyer. Hon. Minister of justice knows it very well. A brilliant young Lawyer denied justice for eight months, what are you doing for eight months? If you had evidence that he was involved in anything at all you could have charged him with that. What are you doing for eight months? All kinds of false allegations were made against him. When his house was searched and he was arrested, Hon. Minister, they took away two of his case briefs! Not even in a court of law can questions be asked with regard to communication between client and attorney and you know that very well. There are only two instances of privilege: one, Husband – wife and the other Attorney – Client. That’s how sacrosanct communication between a lawyer and his client is. But they took even his clients’ files. Can’t he have clients? Can’t he handle cases for people who have later found to have committed other crimes? Is the lawyer to be blamed? Alright, even if you did that, in those files if you found anything you could have brought that to light. You could have produced him before courts. Nothing! Nothing to date. All kinds of spurious allegations are being made: something about a school – that he was involved in some school. Now that the school is still functioning. Nobody else has been arrested in respect of that school. That school is functioning; everybody is happily running that school. But he is detained for involvement in that school! I mean funny state of affairs, funny ministry! He was said to have got assistance from Qatar Charity, but Qatar charity is still running! It is still involved: the State is a beneficiary as well. So what is wrong with Qatar Charity? If you can have it, you can still use it, you accuse him of being involved with Qatar Charity. There is not an iota of evidence. I have not spoken about Heejaz Hizbullah until today, for good reason. If there was something against him, and there were investigations, let the investigators be free to find evidence against him. But after eight months – his wife just gave birth to a child, he hasn’t even been able to see his wife, access to lawyers have been denied. I know he will say it was given, sketchily here and there given, with a police officer sitting there and writing down every word that is spoken. I mean, you are a trained lawyer. Is that access? I am picking one case – one emblematic case – to show how many more, how many thousands more are suffering like this? I am picking that case because he is a lawyer. If you treat a lawyer like that, how do we expect you to treat anybody else any better? A lawyer who is well known, a lawyer who is regarded as a brilliant advocate in our courts is being treated like this. Any other Minister wouldn’t want to don the hat of Minister of Justice at a time like this. They would resign and go home! That is why I said you must be feeling like the Minister in Afghanistan of Ports and Shipping. That’s the kind of state this country is in with regard to Justice.
Take the independent commissions: those commissions are supposed to be independent, by the acts that this legislature has passed, by that word it means that the tenure of the members who are appointed to it is secure There is a removal procedure, there is a removal procedure by this House, for cause. But what’s happening? You think you are in the 18th century, where people hold office only during your pleasure? What is the meaning of independent commission then? What’s happening to the Human Rights Commission? There are persons whose tenure goes well beyond. Why are you putting pressure on them to resign? Why are you trying to appoint people while you have sitting members of that commission? This happened in the Eastern province, the Eastern province public service commission was there and the new governor went and appointed another person as the chairman of Public Service Commission. Fortunately, we were able to go to the writ court and get a quo warranto on that man and redress it. Next thing we know is that they have all been sacked! She doesn’t have power to sack any independent commission. What’s the point of having an independent public service commission in the province if the governor can sack persons like that? Hon. Suren Raghavan is not here, he tried that in Jaffna and failed. Now the latest: from yesterday, we are seeing the news about the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka. I would have liked the Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara to be here when I spoke on this. He wrote to the Prime Minister, as Minister for water supply and utilities, he wrote to the Prime Minister and said that this is an important commission. But what happened? The secretary to the treasury says we have abolished this commission; how can you abolish a commission that is set up by law? PUCSL was set up by law in 2002 by Act of Parliament and it says it is an independent commission. How can you? This is executive dic tac, perhaps it works like this: if the President doesn’t like something, even if it was passed by Parliament, he says get rid of it. As he said: whatever I say – my words – are the circular. That’s why he says ‘Sir’ cular…he’s now called sir, cular… so ..that is how things happen today.
So PUCSL members have been asked to resign now suddenly. Why are they being asked to resign? Why are they being asked to resign? Very serious, this is very serious: The Secretary to the Treasury calls and tells them to resign and threatens them, if not, there’ll be a parliamentary procedure like what happened to Shirani Bandaranayake! Persons who have done well in the industry who have some standing in this industries, give up much to come and serve on these regulatory commissions. They don’t want to be dragged through mud. They don’t want to be victimized politically like this. So they will resign and go. But what happens to governance? What happens to all of these? Through ages, through decades this parliament has established Laws so that governance is better; that regulatory functions are done by independent persons. They may not like it, this is not something new, not something surprising. The executive generally doesn’t like regulators. But that is desirable, that’s the way it ought to be. That’s the way the Parliament has willed that it should be. You behave like this and you are doing it so blatantly, no hiding it even, so blatantly. A new Minister for Prison Management! All this time, it was called prison reform, but the moment Hon. Ratwatte was appointed, it has been given an appropriate name, that suits him well: “Prison Management”. And with your name, people will know how you will manage the prisons. And shivers run down the spine of every prisoner when they hear your name. Thank you.
*Budget Debate – Justice Ministry votes – on 9th December, 2020- speech made by M. A. Sumanthiran PC
Rajash / December 10, 2020
Sir Cular to Sir Cumvent
so watch your footsteps Mr. Sumanthiran
leelagemalli / December 11, 2020
If anyone would compare Mr Sumanthiran with baggage boy Ali Sabry, though both are lawyers, it s a greater mistake. Mr Sumanthiran is a great man who would not careabout race religion whenever he is to do the job. We know how he defended Mr Ranjan Ramanayaka at the time, hew as jailed for silly issues. We know how the gentleman held speeches in the parliament.
Ali Sabry behaves as if he is no different to a political teenager. All because he feels so long Rajakashes Rascals are on his side, he could please everyone. But the truth is, if the bugger would be hit by any kind of various forces, majority of people would be more than happy in today s context. Most abusive muslim politician sofar in Srilankan history. Muslim ministers are there, but to the manner, to fall down… to serve his masters ? No matter his community needs his representation well.
How abusive a man should be, to let his own community be provoked ” if you guys would not support Rajakshes, you will be beaten to death”. It is a threat to own people. How abusive this bitch s son should be. It is a shame MUSLIM community to have allowed the kind of ultra obsequeous men be raised in that community. THat is a greater shame.
S. C. Pasqual / December 12, 2020
Mr. eLM (eternal Loose Motion),
What happened…..?
Loosing steam…..?
Tighten your pants.
Provincial Council election is coming up.
New election commission is up and running.
Whole bull – no election commissioner is no more in power.
So no more delaying or cancellation of elections.
Get ready with some more your bullshits.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Wait and see how divine forces will shape up. That is for sure. U the bread crumbs would have no other choice than getting ready get marginalised. Truth will succeed it. Alone mahara murders and Hela wedakama (redherring)are inhuman as if it came from Ruwanda. No matter even any one would be attacked, u continue with ur oldest. Shameless srilanken s😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Wait and see how divine forces will shape up. That is for sure. U the bread crumbs would have no other choice than getting ready get marginalised. Truth will succeed it. Alone mahara murders and Hela wedakama (redherring)are inhuman as if it came from Ruwanda. No matter even any one would be attacked, u continue with ur oldest. Shameless srilanken s😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Nothing happened or will happen to me but to the masses in my home country.
polonnaruwa donkey was replaced with medamulana multi killers, what have stupid masses achieved? These questions should be posed to learned peop6 please that are not to the kind cheap prostitutes. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Native Vedda / December 12, 2020
M. A. Sumanthiran
Between you and me who is in charge of importing, storing, distributing, accounting, …. and payment for COVID 19 Vaccine?
Is it Basil (10 to 30%), Channa Masala, Pavithra, Mahinda, Kamal, Shavendra, ….. or ?
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Dear Friends,
Our sinhalayas have not changed their attitudes much during the last few decades. They had then been even ultra slaves.
I dont think if then ceylon was not colonised, we would not have even the little compared to Ethiopians. This may well be written in genal codes of us sinhalaya.
People as a whole dont care much about FACTs, truths and ground realities of anything. Slave mind set would not change a lot. They just become ” pompous” for not considering the basics. I di dnotlike Victor Iwan, but he is telling the truth here. But I beg to differ that we di dnot have good leaders. Leaders should not be compared to those of other countries. There is a saying YAKAGE HATIYATA WIMANAYA goda naegenne… palace is made going by the nature of the devil OR like.
S. C. Pasqual / December 12, 2020
Mr. eLM (eternal Loose Motion),
We are damn lucky that you are supporting “Yahapalana” set up.
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
What else can we expect from you the kind of slaves ? Have that ” paniya drink” and see it further.
It is just because you cant see it beyond. Even my dogs would not respect the uncivilihzed ones, but you do. I am afraid, it is pointless to even waste my valuable time on this topic. Get well soon. Yours is no different to a ” frog in a well”:
GATAM / December 13, 2020
Why is the position taken by Summathiran different to Vigneswaran?
Isn’t it time they joined forces and took the same stand without further dividing and weakening Tamills?
Nathan / December 13, 2020
…. further dividing Tamils, … that is impossible.
Tamils never accept a differing view. They will find a way to disagree.
If there are only two of them left on earth, sure, each will form his own party, at some stage!
SJ / December 10, 2020
Leaving aside the typical parliamentary potshots, it is a good comment on the plight of the judicial system.
It is a far fairer and sensible narrative than what one may expect from almost any other Tamil MP today.
But I also wonder if things were different under “Good Governance”.
Ajith / December 11, 2020
I wonder whether Sinhala minds work differently than Tamil minds under “Good governance” and “Rajapakse Governance”.
SJ / December 12, 2020
When I see many of the comments here I wonder if the minds work at all.
S. C. Pasqual / December 12, 2020
Actually it is “wondering minds at work”. At least some.
SJ / December 14, 2020
I will be good if more minds work before fingers touch the keyboard.
leelagemalli / December 17, 2020
Pigs might fly. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Ferryman / December 10, 2020
A gem of a presentation.
But it is sad to see the thread of helplessness running through it because he knows that this fervent appeal will be discarded by Sir-cular and his 151 “Yes Sir” cohorts who voted today with possibly only 15 understanding it, and even those quite happy to go with the flow. To imagine GLP and Ali Sabry not uttering a word in reply shows their hypocrisy and lack of conscience.
Native Vedda / December 12, 2020
PM tells Parliament winding up Budget debate Rs. 90 billion spent on anti-COVID drive.
Did he spend all Rs. 90 billion on anti-COVID drive?
Well Mahinda we trust you.
Burt / December 12, 2020
Doing what?
Native Vedda / December 12, 2020
“Doing what?”
Making sure the country where it is now?
Aren’t you proud of being a Sri Lankan (as they are struggling to define it, one country, one language, one people, ……………. )?
You are indeed an ungrateful person.
By the way Basil is in the process of developing Sports driven Economy together with his nephew Namal.
Basil is planning to take over wholesale, retail, and all other forms of trade. Don’t you think he is doing a great service to this country and people?
Shavendra is selling coffins at reasonable prices to Muslim Corona victims. Basil might take over Funeral Services too.
Let him know what service or industry he has missed, he will take over the entire businesses and help the country and people to thrive.
He will take a share of the business and help it run properly.
I have no idea how much shares he holds in new hotels built between 2005 and 2015.
Burt, you are not looking it from businesses point of view.
Ferryman / December 12, 2020
Spending under Ad Hoc budgetary allocations like “anti-Covid drive”, is ‘Manna from heaven” for many. No estimates, no real expenditure heads, just spend, and collect kickback. This is not for any specific regime, but a fact of our system for 50 years. A good example is these “opening ceremonies”, where no real accounting takes place. Just say 200 meal packets, but get 150. Who counts, who audits ? Thats 30% off just one item.
Yes “trust” is an often abused item in the political arena.
leelagemalli / December 11, 2020
Dear Mr Sumanthiran.
Long time no see. Thanks for this. I think it is another good article. Sir Cular will definitely turn out to be a Dra-Cula for the very same people who stupidly paved the way them to return power and ruin this nation as is being done today.
Almost even poorer countries make every effort to allow their folks be vaccinated, but unfortunately, our ballige puthas in the leadership are busy with so called HELA WEDAKAMA, which has no whatsoever recognition among the research commuinities of the world, enough to introduce to any kind of larger populations.
. European drug shops have various kind syrups and genetic drugs, that could help improving the immunity of the people. So are the case also in China, Thailand and or th elike kind of countries. The kind of healing features could have any kind of srilanken traditional drinks.
That is not even a selective drug for any kind of viral infections. Just becasue a bunch educated idiots thought to recommend such drinks just by proving with few patients, but not in compliance with world standards of clinical trial conduct, easy targets int he country today are unencessarily put in anxities of rarity. ..
Ferryman / December 11, 2020
…………… are busy with so called HELA WEDAKAMA, which has no whatsoever recognition among the research commuinities of the world, enough to introduce to any kind of larger populations…………..
Here I have some reservations here because there is a big difference between an oral remedy and a vaccine straight IN to the body. The latter needs testing over a longer period to know what it does inside your bloodstream.
Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech vaccines are RNA type. The portions of DNA that are transcribed into RNA are called “genes”. RNA is also similar to DNA.
So Covid 19 being of recent origin, no long term trials have taken place. May not even be a year at most. Sometimes after-effects arise after many years like the Thalidomide baby syndrome. And that drug had no RNA or DNA base.
So these vaccines MAY ( I say this guardedly) alter RNA/DNA in this generation or the next.
With herbals, you will know the after-effects sooner. You die of a poison, nothing happens and it is a placebo, or it has good effects. You are safer to take it (if no one has died) and of course, the best is to take health precautions seriously and avoid contact.
So all in all, may be a little patience in judgement will be better.
old codger / December 11, 2020
“So these vaccines MAY ( I say this guardedly) alter RNA/DNA in this generation or the next.”
I have a feeling that you MAY have been watching too many YouTube videos by an osteopath who claims expertise in virology too!
Burt / December 11, 2020
Yes the Sinhalese can boast in the future that they carry the PIG DNA along with Lion and Monkey.
GATAM / December 13, 2020
Muslims and Tamils too.
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
So long people would not have the knowledge to differentiate good from bad, this will last. They today play to the gallery, but everything seems to be fine with them. They the rulers today, abuse their mouths as if Economic crisis was made by good governance, but we perfectly know it was all down by 2015, however, so called doctored numbers given by Rajakashes and their Wandbattayas (Ajith Cabral et al), nothing seem matters to the people. People dont care much about FACTs, TRUTHS, so long adjetives and adverbs would be decorated by putting Rajakashe above. What absurdity being displayed toda,y what nothing seem hurting many.
Gota though coming from apotical background, his hitherto performance proves everything, that he is even worst and totally unconstitutional by every means. One behind the other, he has been pleasing by releasing his men from their charges made on them. How much the GG govt spent for those crime investigations seem no matter. How come if GOTA is impatial ? to hang on with the same bunch that DESTROYED THE NATION by end of 2014 branding srilanka another Lybia ?
Ferryman / December 11, 2020
Dear OC,
Anyones choice indeed to take vaccine or not. So no problems there.
I do not go for UTube videos unless recognised news site and even that very rarely.
Better read a good book –
A Book of Verses ‘neath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread……….Omar Khayyam
Ferryman / December 11, 2020
Further ” It’s a vaccine technology that’s so new, no mRNA vaccines have ever been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.”
Also note how non-natural it is because the Moderna has to be stored at -20 Deg. and Pfizer at -80 Deg.
Mallaiyuran / December 12, 2020
“Pfizer at -80 Deg “
I don’t think that is good enough to oppose the vaccine. Bu, when I came to know about that, I was wondering how did they made this vaccine in the first place or even conceived to make it below 90 Degrees.
If not God’s it is a miracle of medicine.
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
please name of the facts, please dont MANIPULATE being based on hearsays, I beg to differ as one who has worked with mRNA and DNA extracts of the human cells for such a long time. Primers (oligo level synthetically produced RNA segments) made out of RNA nucleotides, are very instable in room or refrig temperatures. That is why keeping them in lab can only be successful with the use of dry ice. :
There are enough publications to see that mRNA therapeutics could not be that unreliable. You guys rely on GMO food and insulin in the market, but to spread half baken info about unknown fields could lead to misunderstanding. Please add few peer reviewed articles on what you have been commenting here. Thank you.
Ferryman / December 11, 2020
Dear OC.
Not UTube but NY Times.
“Like the Moderna vaccine, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is based on the virus’s genetic instructions for building the spike protein. The vaccine uses messenger RNA, genetic material that our cells read to make proteins. The molecule — called mRNA for short — is fragile and would be chopped to pieces by our natural enzymes if it were injected directly into the body. To protect their vaccine, Pfizer and BioNTech wrap mRNA in oily bubbles made of lipid nanoparticles.” https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/health/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine.html
Importantly please note : ” is fragile and would be chopped to pieces by our natural enzymes if it were injected directly into the body.”
So the body normally rejects but now deceived to allow entry.
Anyone’s choice to take or not.
Mallaiyuran / December 12, 2020
“So the body normally rejects but now deceived to allow entry. “
Many medicine and all body parts transplant operation have this problem. When a transplanted body part is started to be rejected and if that operation get infected, surgeons face real problems to fight the infection while suppressing the rejection. Remember the vaccine is dogging the medicine go digested even after given direct in blood system, but when the transplant parted are rejected, that rejection has to be violently suppressed. There is no way to dodge a new part that is sitting in the body. Some of these are Gods flaw in creation. He should have created body rejecting only non matching cells like Bacteria or Virus, not human body parts. In that case Chinese can easily sell all the harvested prison body parts easily.
Native Vedda / December 12, 2020
old codger
“I have a feeling that you MAY have been watching too many YouTube videos by an osteopath who claims expertise in virology too!”
By the way what does Channa Masala Jayasumana
(MBBS, PhD, FRCP Edin, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka think about these vaccines?
Does he think the virus is the handy work of Muslims, or Tamils?
You know this man tried to intervene C V Wigs in a parliamentary debate , raising (parliamentary language) point of order. At this age Wigs told him to shut up in a very polite way. Listen and find out (or learn).
What should ordinary people expect from racists in such situation.
Do you think white and white dress is sufficient to be present at the parliament?
Mallaiyuran / December 11, 2020
It is not surprising to see you with back your religious preaching. You rarely miss any opportunity to nail on the head. Anna wrote, the dispenser in an average TN Clinique, when he gives out the prescription of the doctor to the patient, he gives his additional free consultation like: “The one in the body goes away with medicine; but the one holding the soul can be chased away by exorcism; by my experience, I know this medicine will not work; so, come back latter to me I arrange for you to see a good Manthirikar; with one shot you will be free of anything bothering you”. So Average Tamils those days took the Doctors medicine home and threw it away through the window and came back to the dispenser for his kind of medicine. But Anna and Periyar turned one of the most peculiar, backward, conservative state TN into the most leading science and tech state these days. Science is not enlightenment which tells in one shot the 100% perfect thing. Science is the body of knowledge eliminates the wrong by studies and builds on the right. Britain still gave the injection to two allergic patients. It is dumb. But not that big deal when 65M’s health in on jeopardy and while they fanatically searching for a remedy for that.
Mallaiyuran / December 11, 2020
There is no point in comparing Thalidomide with vaccine for Corona virus which has already put 1.5m in boxes and 700M in beds. It has shut off practically all countries’ economic and social activities other than Lankawe and China. Thalidomide used for morning sickness, which is not common even to all pregnant ladies. To keep Royals in power Pavitra will have to drink even Rodenticide. But, that is not a medicine for mass. In US, FDA do not go for regulate herbs saying herbs are too mild for the need to control. Then they are nether real medicines for emergencies like current situation. This is the government bragged when it was coming to power, that its Rapist Army will shoot all zillions and Zillions of small soldiers like the way they shot Tamils. Now they are saying it is the people spreading the disease so the Aanduwas is not responsible to that. Ferryman is too enthusiastic of recommending “Pavitha Dose”; if some this goes wrong with this wonder Beheith, will Ferryman, without washing off his hands like Aanduwa doing, payout of his insurance for sufferers?
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Thank you F. You have added useful info for those who would cross question about the basics of vaccines.
Agree with you about the danger before with sofar uncommon mRNA vaccines. But I am not that pessimistic about them than our men’s ” honey drinks”. May well be such drink destroy not only COVID virus but also gut flora which could then trigger new kind of health problems. I am known to several researchers that work on several cancers. Even a tiny point muation could cause deadly cancers according to their new outcomes.. So we should expect the danger before us with genetic engineering methods in today s biotech companies.
To you thought about not enough times they conducted for clinical trials but brought them to human use – virologists are long known to CORONA – but COVID 19 is new. As I got to know from BioNTech, they had enough data from their previous research projects held on CORONA virus. So then they have used them in the design of the mRNA vaccines. I think within the first half of next year, we will hear lot more successful products.
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are based on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.
Oxford-AstraZeneca’s is different – it is an adenovirus-vectored vaccine taken from a common cold that normally infects chimpanzees.
Ferryman / December 12, 2020
Hi LM,
Thank you for a well presented intelligent comment.
……”But I am not that pessimistic about them than our men’s ” honey drinks”. May well be such drink destroy not only COVID virus but also gut flora which could then trigger new kind of health problems.”…………….
Agreed but only slight difference is that gut problems these days, are generally manageable. That is why I gave three possible outcomes from the herbal drink.
DNA/RNA problems are somewhat still not within us to control.
…….” I am known to several researchers that work on several cancers. Even a tiny point mutation could cause deadly cancers according to their new outcomes. So we should expect the danger before us with genetic engineering methods in today’s biotech companies.”
This is also the point I tried to bring up about RNA/DNA based vaccines, and their non-natural nature. Biotech companies are really not socially conscious to be open about everything. It is one’s power to take conscious decisions after evaluating the outcome.
So, in a free world, let us exercise one’s choice.
I only will always share my thoughts and leave it to you to decide.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Dangers of Nutmeg / Muscat nut poisoning
Dear Friends,
our people seem tob e playing with some nuts and local spicy/herbal products. While nutmeg may seem like an easy way to experiment with getting high, myristicin is an incredibly potent and dangerous compound when taken in large amounts. How do those GODA wedamahaththays know the safety and efficacy of the myristicin or any other accompanying compounds of Nutmeg. In addition to the short-term effects of nutmeg intoxication, there are much more dangerous risks of consuming too much of this spice.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/myristicin – In some cases, toxic doses of myristicin have caused organ failure. In other cases, nutmeg overdose has been linked to death when used in combination with other drugs.
Small amounts of nutmeg can be used safely in cooking. Most recipes only call for roughly 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg per recipe. These recipes are often split into multiple portions, leaving the actual exposure to nutmeg very insignificant.
According to the case studiesTrusted Source from the Illinois Poison Center, even 10 grams (approximately 2 teaspoons) of nutmeg is enough to cause symptoms of toxicity. At doses of 50 grams or more, those symptoms become more severe.
Ferryman / December 12, 2020
Dear LM,
Hope I am not being obdurate but trying to be fair.
I agree that large doses of nutmeg may be dangerous. But…
…………our people seem to be playing with some nuts and local spicy/herbal products. While nutmeg may seem like an easy way to experiment with getting high, myristicin is an incredibly potent and dangerous compound when taken in large amounts………………..
The “natives” (our people) have been using nuts and local spicy/herbal products for long years and have known how much can be used safely. Nutmeg is used for many culinary dishes, even in India and some Asian countries. It is standard for “luscious” watalappan flavouring. Even in allopathy, there are many drugs and chemicals that, in excess, causes severe adverse symptoms. Even opiates, commonly used, need to be in acceptable doses. All western drugs are marked : Take as doctor prescribed and not exceed prescribed dose, as excess is dangerous.
So kindly do not judge ayurveda medicines ONLY harshly, regarding poisons.
So far, many have taken this without adverse reactions. May be even a placebo, but nutmeg is not an issue. I am not saying it is a cure even. After all it is only spoonfuls of the “paniya” and nutmeg is only one ingredient and not ” 10 grams (approximately 2 teaspoons) of nutmeg”.
In fairness only.
Ferryman / December 13, 2020
Dear LM,
Of course Arsenic and Mercury, deadly poisons, have been used medically.
“Later in 1912 Ehrlich developed neoarsphenamine, Neo-Salvarsan, or drug “914”, which was water soluble and easier to administer. Salvarsan and Neo-Salvarsan were listed in the American Medical Association’s 1914 Handbook of Useful Drugs as an effective treatment for primary syphilis and spirillar diseases such as relapsing fever and Vincent’s angina, and for later stages of syphilis in combination with mercury”………… https://jmvh.org/article/arsenic-the-poison-of-kings-and-the-saviour-of-syphilis/
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
No doubt, you may be aware of the fundementals of Toxicology, as introduced by Paracelsus.
“The dose makes the poison” (Latin: sola dosis facit venenum ‘only the dose makes the poison’) is an adage intended to indicate a basic principle of toxicology. It is credited to Paracelsus who expressed the classic toxicology maxim “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.” This is often condensed to: “The dose makes the poison” or in Latin, “Sola dosis facit venenum”. It means that a substance can produce the harmful effect associated with its toxic properties only if it reaches a susceptible biological system within the body in a high enough concentration “
If you look back, there are not clear margins between herbal based srilanken/chinese medicine than so called western medicine. Be it often used ASPIRIN or a larger portion of drugs being manufactured by pharma companies today are based on the herbal extracts.
The difference has been bio medical drug specialists focus on the seletive ingredients of the extracts unlike our native doctors continue putting together all and prepare it as a decocotion to the patients.
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
With all being self-evident about the indifference nature of srilanken people (looking at the manner, unlerned men handled the “sadikka-nutmeg nuts”, I think, not just “myristicin” but all other compounds being found in the shells and other parts of the nuts could cause unexpected new forms of health problems) how they get on with the patients – and still almost everyone being dependent on western drugs on heart, diabetes and other ailments, even that NATHA DEWIA aka sinhala extremist being that paranoic on western drugs, but secretely getting treatments for his own, going to a western medicos… where are we heading today ?
I question myself yet today- why NATIVE medical docs prescribe “some medicine” to regular “stomach emptying therapies – badawireka kiriima” even if those e-coli and other microbes in the stomach flora are indispensible for the benefit of a human belly ? . I was subjected to such steps being taken by GAMPAHA beheth while i was a teenage boy, lived in srilanka. I also heard from some SL lectureres who I met with, during their PG visits to Central europe, and shared me, they should continue such stomach healing processes while they continue to stay out of srilanka. Western medicine would not advise you to do so though.
Ferryman / December 14, 2020
……………..“The dose makes the poison” ………….exactly endorses all my comments on the poisons used medically.
“there are no clear margins between herbal based srilanken/chinese medicine than so called western medicine. Be it often used ASPIRIN or a larger portion of drugs being manufactured by pharma companies today are based on the herbal extracts.”
So why then is herbal medicines looked down upon. Western medicine extracts a few active ingredients while herbal medicine gives the herb intact to reduce side effects as the herb is then as it exists in nature, balanced, and not harmful like when only one or two extracts are used. That is why western medicine acts faster but has more side effects – if you read the “possible” side effects inside a package of modern drugs, it may cause one to think twice. Most western drugs need to be given with extra tablets to prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease.
………..“ unlerned men handled the “sadikka-nutmeg nuts”…………
They are well learned in their vocation and have handled these nuts for centuries having gained the knowledge by empirical means over centuries. No cause for alarm.
………..”The difference has been bio medical drug specialists focus on the selective ingredients of the extracts unlike our native doctors continue putting together all and prepare it as a decocotion to the patients.”………..
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
Dear FM,
Thank you for your valuable posts on an don Mr. May I know where you are sitting ? I add my thoughts being in Central europe. So my thoughts regarding whatever the issue down there could not be very typical to a srlanken, though I am very much srilanken yet today. I dont have a single colleague from SL, though we sometimes, exchange our thoughts with them, if necessary.
I am glad to continue this discussion anyway. That can help to many of the readers, no doubt.
From my past where I myslef observed the manner how a domestic cat immediately moved to a Kuppameniya plant/ BN – acalypsa indica and bit the leaves for a permament healing to the drinks made out of wenivelgata (Coscinium fenestratum, or yellow vine being found in south asian forests) give some relief to many down there, my thoughts and minds are always connected with the wonders that local plants/extracts could make. This is also common t to some plants being foudn in europe too. No doubt about that. However, I am not into those who have no interests on the selective indegridients of those extracts.
Coming back to your previous post, how do you know whether there were no ” adverse reactions”, without having worked on safety and efficacy data based on ayurvedic or other altnerative medicine ?
Ferryman / December 14, 2020
Dear LM,
……..”May I know where you are sitting ?”…..
With due respect let us exchange views without too much personal identifications. Let us concentrate on the ideas expressed with grace and humility.
leelagemalli / December 14, 2020
agree, please go ahead with your feed back to my previous post. Thank you.
Ferryman / December 14, 2020
Dear LM,
In haste I replied to some of yours. But with time constraints, and other matters beckoning me for attention, I will revert soon, as time permits. Bear with me on that.
Ferryman / December 14, 2020
Dear LM,
…..”why NATIVE medical docs prescribe “some medicine” to regular “stomach emptying therapies – badawireka kiriima” even if those e-coli and other microbes in the stomach flora are indispensible for the benefit of a human belly” …..
You are assuming that in a badawireka, those e-coli and other microbes in the stomach flora are totally washed out. This herbal treatment was widely used and if such after effects were noted, surely the practice would not have continued. However, with increase in sanitation and cleaner vegetables and other foodstuffs, stomach washes are rarely used now.
This procedure was used even in western medicine with castor oil,( a herbal ), and of course white mixture sometimes with chinnapodian for worms in the past but now it is Ducolax or Bisacodyl. Even now Ovex is the most commonly prescribed medicine for worms in the UK.
……” Western medicine would not advise you to do so though.”……….. So is only western medicine the acceptable and only basis?
Ferryman / December 14, 2020
“ Be it often used ASPIRIN or a larger portion of drugs being manufactured by pharma companies today are based on the herbal extracts.” ………..So this bears me out – that was my contention too. In fact “Ginger and Coriander” is still a favourite for minor complaints. Also your own acceptance of weniwelgata as it exists in nature means that herbals work, though only by extracting selectively you will accept. As I said by changing the naturalness, there could be these side effects common in western medicine.
The NATIONAL MEDICINES REGULATORY AUTHORITY set up by ACT, No. 5 OF 2015 has been now asked for an independent assessment of this new herbal medicine, and just in a few days we can get their view. May be they will declare it a placebo. It matters not to me.
I only got involved in this because of the unfairness in running down a product without giving it a chance, and a proper evaluation on the western medicine Vs Herbal medicines debate.
For my own, I am on to western medicine for the convenience, though I still have much regard to herbal medicine.
This was only a brief for me on behalf of herbals, like a lawyer, and it was to defend unfairness.
leelagemalli / December 15, 2020
Ferry Man, thank you. I am not against alternative medicine. I have a faith in combined therapies. Anyways, I am totally against those who introduce any kind of medicine to a larger population without the approval of accreditation/regulartory body (SRILANKA- Osuhala or – I dont know it exactly for SL-but for germany, SWISSMEDIC and UK; BfArM, Swissmedic and EMA respectively). And as you may know it, it is a punishable act in europe with few years of jail terms.
Also in UK, some western practices today conduct/offer combined therapies using accupuncture and several other traditional practices from Ayurweda (India and Srilanka).
No I never assumed all stomach flora would be washed out during a BADAW IREEKA session.
Anyways, I have read articles that skin/rashes/eczema (as you may know dermatology is still a young area in the research world) and several other intestine related diseases could arise if stomach flora would be damaged.
If anyone lived in SL in 70ties and 80ties, most of us were subjected to the kind of ayurvedic therapies particularly in our childhood because parents did not have other options than go for it. They were not aware of any kind of aftereffects either, but was guided by Wedamahathayas in their region.. Wedamahathaaya was a god to them, not only for health related but also for counselling issues etc.
SJ / December 14, 2020
You say “How do those GODA wedamahaththays know the safety and efficacy of the myristicin or any other accompanying compounds of Nutmeg.”
I am not making a case for any cure until it is proven, but I am also mindful of the fact that it was the same “GODA wedamahaththays” in this country and much of the world that kept the country healthy for centuries.
What we need is an unbiased scientific approach to the acceptance or rejection of any proposal.
Ferryman / December 15, 2020
Could not have been better said. But my first defence of this position was put to test and hence the exchange of ideas. All for the better I suppose.
May be this “decoction” is useless, but rejection out of hand was my grouse, and hence rejecting an age-old system built up on experience and empirical research.
Even Pharmaceutical Companies use empirical research to try out a specific drug on controlled groups or random groups to study the effect and cause. This way they prove certain theories (herbals for Ayurveda) that they had proposed for the specific drug.
Thank you and Cheers.
leelagemalli / December 15, 2020
thanks very much. I fully agree with you that without goda wedamahathayas srilankens would not have become healthier as they are. Just few years ago, I read it – WHO had made it clear the srilanken health systems are even better than those in Russia
And ne another reason why the life expectancy levels are comparatively high in SL is due to alternative medicine. Each time back in home country, I am used to meet with late octagenarians and early nonagenarians, who come to me and explain how healthy they lived their early years. These thoughts I share with those of Ikaria- where they are blessed with longevity today.
Unfortunatley, in today s context in SL, vicious politicians make every effort to easily twist the gulliable mindset of the people for their political gains. That is the reason why they deliverately introduce any kind of drinks without proper proofs of QA. These are highly punishable acts ina country law and order would be respected.
The reason why srilanken home curry powder would not contain nutmeg as an ingredient could clear your doubts. – even few more could cause anyone health problems of unknown nature. Besides, bee honey is not heated also in Europe.
Nutmeg is proved to have alkaloid compounds that could even damage brain cells.
Ferryman / December 15, 2020
Dear LM,
………”The reason why srilanken home curry powder would not contain nutmeg as an ingredient could clear your doubts.”………..
The curry powders are made for specific blends of taste. Each set of curry powder is specific. The normal white and roasted curry powders are for regular cooking. Garam Masala and Rogan Ghosh have own blends. Nutmeg is mainly for the smell.
Garcenia Gamboge (Goraka) is not used in curry powder as a general rule but used mainly for “ambultiyal’ black spice mixture. It is used a as a sour flavouring in some dishes used whole – not powder.
So nutmeg/curry powder analogy needs re-assessment.
leelagemalli / December 16, 2020
You may please widen your eyes. Nutmeg was once known to be poisonous few decades ago.
Not just curry powders but almost any kind of food additives are made for specific blends of taste: Europeans in general would not use cinnamon for curries but cakes/desserts and beverages. One american colleague questioned me once why we use cinnamon as a spice.
I dont understand why you compare GORAKA with spices ? Goraka belongs to the catergory of tamarind (sour makers) and dried tomatoes. Nutmeg is unique for its chemistry. Overdoses could cause irrepairable health problems.
Ferryman / December 16, 2020
Dear LM.
….”Nutmeg was once known to be poisonous few decades ago”……..
…..”Nutmeg is unique for its chemistry. Overdoses could cause irrepairable health problems.”….are your statements.
Then I said Arsenic and Mercury compounds are used in medicine in spite of their poisonous nature.
And you said …”“The dose makes the poison” (Latin: sola dosis facit venenum ‘only the dose makes the poison’) is an adage intended to indicate a basic principle of toxicology.”…..
So would that not quite settle it that Nutmeg used in small doses are acceptable.
All this reference to curry powder started with your comment :……………. “The reason why srilankan home curry powder would not contain nutmeg as an ingredient could clear your doubts. – even few more could cause anyone health problems of unknown nature.”
In explanation thereof I gave reasons why nutmeg is not used in curry powders (not because of toxicity) but curry powders are for flavouring and for different tastes. So I mentioned goraka is used to as sour flavouring – and you accept now …”Goraka belongs to the catergory of tamarind (sour makers) “…….It was to compare USES of spices and other herbals to show similarities on how flavouring is done but not to say “spices=goraka”.
So no issue there.
Ferryman / December 17, 2020
……”Nutmeg is unique for its chemistry. Overdoses could cause irrepairable health problems………..
I thought we settled it by your own statement : ” “The dose makes the poison” is an adage intended to indicate a basic principle of toxicology.”
Ferryman / December 17, 2020
When the red part of the nutmeg seed dries, it turns brown (and looks a lot less like an alien brain) and becomes what we know as nutmeg. The outer part, by the way, is dried and turned into another spice, mace. Nutmeg has a very long history. A recent discovery by archeologists in Indonesia found nutmeg residue in 3,500-year-old clay pots, the oldest evidence of the spice being used.
We sprinkle this spice — which may kill of bacteria and fungi — on eggnog and hot chocolate, bake into cakes, and stir it into stews.
• My Father’s Eggnog: This classic, boozy eggnog is the one my father made. It has nutmeg right in the beverage, but you can sprinkle a little on top, too.
• Spiced Zucchini Carrot Bread: Use up the summer’s bounty along with your spices in this quick bread that turns out moist and delicious.
• Sweet Potato Soup with Nutmeg and Maple Syrup: This sweet pureed soup uses ground nutmeg and real maple syrup to create something satisfying and warming.
Simon / December 11, 2020
Mr. Sumanthiram – Hon.MP: You asked two important questions in your speech:- (1) “Why is the State behaving in this way (2) Why is the Judicial arm of the State like this”. I am somewhat “Disappointed” with you, in that, you too like many of those sitting in that “Assembly” raise “Questions” but do not offer any “Answers”. Here I am not referring to the “Answers” given by “Ministers” on the questions asked, but in a speech, if you raise questions, you must be able to give “Answers” and “Reasons” with what you know relating to the questions raised. You are “par above excellence” and “Privileged” to provide the “Answers” to those two questions. Aren’t you? You are, Hon.MP Sumanithiram. On the other hand, do you, in your rarest imagination expect this present “Hon” (?) Minister of Justice to “Answer” your two questions? I have no doubt both of us agree on that. You also referred to Hajeef Hizbullah’s case and raised a very important “Question”: “Can’t he have clients”. I can answer that. Of course YES, but must KNOW whom to be “SELECTED” as your “CLIENT”. I suppose, here too you would agree with me because a “Living Example” who made such “KNOW-HOW” in the “SELECTION” of “CLIENTS” is none other than the present Minister of Justice.
leelagemalli / December 11, 2020
Simon Aiya,
I dont care about race religion, I always respcet Mr SUMAN… I was wondering where he had been hidden all these months. May be senior politicians warned him to react so.
You Simon, Please take care of you. If you live in SL, please dont trust that – panibeema. We got to watch videos where people lined up to collect panibeema since MUTTI HAMY became the first GUINEA pig to have tasted it.
Truth is the kind of drinks could lead you or anyone creating new health problems in Kidney and Liver. Besides, the kind of syrups andthe like mixtures are plentilly available in any drug shop in EUROPE and south east asian countries. Why srilankens are misled by a drink of that sort is a curse actually.
Greetings from colder Nothern Europe for this day.
Simon / December 12, 2020
Leelagemalli: Thank you my brother for the advice. The last portion of my comment addressed to Hon.MP Sumanthiran has been deleted or missing. I offered him a “Big Thank You” for the very illuminating speech he made in Parliament, His “Colleagues” whom he refers to in courts as “My Learned Friends” have very “skilfully” selected the “Client:” GR to defend on the numerous court cases that were pending and managed to get all those cases “Postponed” until the elections were over. Just see where those two are today, One became the Minister of Justice and the other “Heading” the committee drafting the” New Constitution”. I don’t have any fear to say my opinion and what I consciously feel treacherous and dishonorable. I admire an MP like Sumanthiran to have been sent to Parliament by the voters. Unfortunately, we did not get that many and that is my concern. Thank you for your Greetings. Have a “COVID 19 Free” Holidays.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2020
Thank you.
With freezing temperatures on in europe, it is becoming not easy. However, people over here are happy to celebrate their christmas though with restrictions. Lock downs are announced from state ot other within Germany. Most people expect state to go for lock down rather than waiting to mole become elephant. Here whole lot of people care much about disipline and rule of law. For them Dr Merkel is the MUTTI (mother ) of the nation.
See Germans of current day succeed with vaccines and their designs even if the head quarters of medical research is reported to be UK and few citiies/metropoles in the US. I have been known to BioNtech earlier years and i know their design on mRNA vaccines cant go wrong. However, some sort of doubts are there, as always, since mRNA vaccines are new to human use. And some allergic reactions are reported from the vaccinated patients in the UK last week.
Main thing is you guys to take good care o fyou, I miss Sinhala Man s posts these days. I really dont know how he is doing. As srilankens are led by high criminals today, it can always be, unprecedented become the day today issue. So best is be aware of all these.
Easton Scott / December 11, 2020
Very wise words, Suma but apart from getting sealed in the hansard, they will not be acted on by this disgustingly odious regime. Speaking truth to power in mother Lanka is like pouring water down a duck’s ass.
I wonder whether the Mr Lowyer minister of Justice is at all concerned for his standing within his family, friends and society. Does he sleep well at night?
A dose of comeuppance is due to you, Mr Lowyer, and we hope that it will help to seal your fate for ever.
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
Dear ES,
I dont have faith in Hansard reports today.
I have no doubt, with their mandate enjoy in the parliament, they could twist anything and everything. People are to be blamed
Hansard gives you a chance to read exactly what your politicians are saying about a bill as it is considered by Parliament. However, it has now turned out to be, ” rajapakshe friendy texts”:
As well as providing accountability to the public, Hansard is often used in court cases to help clarify what Parliament intended when it passed a particular piece of legislation- THIS COULD BE VALID FOR PREVIOUS GOVTs. But so long Rajapakshes manipulate almost everything in favour them, not even hanzard would stay exact. Most speeches that are against them are removed today. Speaker has become a full time caricature
Buddhist1 / December 11, 2020
In my opinion the Excellent & Honest Lawyer/Politician has soft peddled in this article against the Judges, the Minister of Justice and the Government. He is a Gentleman and has proved but has he done Justice to the points he was trying to present? Sadly I do not feel so. In a fiery political environment, as it is prevailing in SL these days, soft peddling does not work. Sumanthiran should rise up to the occasion like MP Sanakkkiyan. If not those who need to get the message do not get it.
Yes Sri Lanka is a FAILED state not only financially which we have seen with the repeated down grading of the Govt Bonds and Govt Banks and Govt Insurance Cos, but also Judiciary/Justice System has FAILED. Judges are corrupt and even the AG has changed colours with the change in Govt. Even when we see the top Govt appointments that are being made by the President Gotabaya these days its very clear those appointments do not reflect the ethnic mix of the country. Does this mean this country is of Sinhala Buddhists by Sinhala Buddhist Rule for Sinhala Buddhists only?
Coming to the prison killings committee report.
Thiha / December 11, 2020
Well Said Hon. member. There are so few members of parliament left who can speak with clarity and to the point in English. The minister of Justice is not honorable in the least bit and neither is that snake G.L. who speaks with a forked tongue. Justice just like everything else has disappeared. No one among the Sinhalese Buddhist supporters of the this quisling government appreciates or cares.
Sugandh / December 11, 2020
Nailed it! Nailed them!
Remarkable speech. A disheartening reality check.
Ad / December 11, 2020
Sir, Ridi Cular.
leelagemalli / December 11, 2020
This happens when people total ignorance and indifference would be interpreted as voting powers in a so called democracies of srilankan nature.
Enough was warned before Gotabaya was brought as a presidential nominee, but nothing was taken into seriousness. Today, one is a gone, not a tiny thing of what POLONANARUWA donkey achieved is done for no reason. He cant excuse COVID for all incapabilities.
Truth28 / December 11, 2020
It is indeed a good proposal to allow Fundamental Rights petitions to be allowed to be given to the provincial high court needs to be approved by a unanimous vote. There is also an urgent need to review the period of detention in remand prisons and protect public servants from politically motivated remand prison terms.
RohanaW / December 11, 2020
A lawyer who defended a suspect in 35 court cases (as he himself said), is working under the very same suspect and helps that suspect to continue with breaking the law
Pundit / December 11, 2020
Mr.Sumanthiran is a brilliant man and a clever politician. He would make a fine leader of all Sri Lankans irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
Nathan / December 11, 2020
All that glitters is not Gold!
leelagemalli / December 13, 2020
this does not go with his. Please beware of your words. I am sinhalaya, but I really like the way Mr Suman has been very impartial whenever he is asked to add his thoughts. THe kind of northern souls could do lot more ironing out their issues.
Nathan / December 14, 2020
Sumanthiran defends us like a fortress. One needs other skills as well to be considered for political leadership.
Don’t misunderstand me. If I have the money, I’ll hire him as a lawyer, any day.
leelagemalli / December 14, 2020
please Just add your thoughts as to why those senior politicians from Nothern soils failed in their tenures. Like for example WIGIE has not achieved much – what should his have according to you, in order to be successful ?
Btw I really don tthink, Sumanthiran or the lawyers would charge you unreasonable fees. As I go tto know he is very human to his own community.
Nathan / December 14, 2020
If you truly wish to get an answer from me, word your question, whatever it may be, explicitly. I do not read minds, to respond to vaguely worded questions.
Rajash / December 11, 2020
Sumanthiran for President
Sanga for PM
leelagemalli / December 14, 2020
Rajash, please dont PAVE the way him to be ended up being caught by the same destingy, as late Kadirgamar fated it. We want him to live long for the sake of hearted politicians representive nothern srilankens.
I now believe, it could be someone from MEDAMULANA cave who may have worked on that Kadir’s murder. Anyone with some sanity would realize, those men born to Medamulan cave are inherited ” high criminal genes”:
leelagemalli / December 14, 2020
Whimpy Kid / December 11, 2020
Circulars are not a bad thing it shows that the current government is on the ball, unlike the previous “Yahapalanaya” jokers.
Mr Sumanthiran will have to roll up his sleeves and do some proper work under the present President and Primeminister who are doers and not just talkers.
N. Perera / December 11, 2020
Brilliant for what? Tamil like Amirthalingam, Alfred Dureappa, and other ex-Tamil leaders and Tamil parliamentarians gun down by LTTE. Raja-Virodhi Sambandan and even Sumandiran sleeping Tigers and they number one LTTE and separatists. Never ever trust Terrorists Tamils
Rajash / December 11, 2020
N.Perera- Brilliant for what?
I re post here my comment from another CT blog
whether it s delivered in Tamil or English or Sinhala it doesn’t matter.
The arguments and oratory of the Tamil MPs are so powerful it sends majority of the Sinhala politicians reeling with their head spinning . It is indeed Greek to them!!
The majority of the Sinhala politicians only know Sinhala filth and they keep interrupting by screaming in Sinhala filth. Their vocabulary is limited to Gota Sir , Mahinda Sir, Namal Sir and Prabhakaran and LTTE
They also have a stock pile of chilli powder and chili water with the permission of the PM tucked away in the parliament locker as a last resort.! if their screaming doesn’t work create a commotion and throw chilli powder.
N.Perera – got your chilli powder ready?
Burt / December 11, 2020
Kadirgama thought the same thing and rest was history. Hope Sumanthiran for his own sake and that of his family does not go there.
Rajash / December 13, 2020
Burt- “Kadirgama thought the same thing and rest was history.”
I am sure your spelling is not intentional
Kathirgaamam and Kathirgamar both met their fate.
Kathirgaamam a Hindu Muragan Temple is now a Buddhist temple katargama
Kadirgamar now has an Institute named afetr him to fool the world and the
Ferryman / December 14, 2020
Dear Rajesh,
There is indeed a Buddhist temple in the same premises but still pride of place is to the Murugan Kovil. Also that area is administered by the Ramakrishna Mission.
So as time flows, there would be some mixing and integration with tolerance, so that all can have the benefits of peace.
We should all aim for inclusivity and not exclusivity.
Sri Lanka is relatively a small country and if all can unite, we should really be one of the foremost. Unfortunately, more than half our country’s resources and time are spent on non-productive pursuits. All communities must try to find common ground, and not leave it the politicians, who will only sow discord for their benefit..
Somehow we must strive to get there, however difficult it is.
In unity, some will lose a little, some gain a little, but the final result will be an overall win for all, like a cricket team, bowlers, batsmen and fielders all contribute in their own way, some more, some less depending on the day, so the team wins.
My hopes for that day.
SJ / December 14, 2020
Many of us forget that Kataragama was a place of worship that belonged to the Veddha people (the Aththo).
Like many more in the Southeast of the country, it got hijacked by the dominant religions.
It has over the past 75 years or so increasingly become a business place wit cheap entertainment in place of the spot for quiet worship that it was.
Mallaiyuran / December 15, 2020
” Unfortunately, more than half our country’s resources and time are spent on non-productive pursuits. All communities must try to find common ground, and not leave it the politicians, who will only sow discord for their benefit.. “
They say donkey minding dog’s business. Visarantai Puttai Paithiyakaran parichchu Thinraanaam. MGR wants to act as “Naadodi Mannan”. Now you want to act as MGR, but not as Naadodi Mannan?
Come on Ferryman, talk something with a sense. I could not understand why could not you be a Sinhala Buddhist until 2009?
It looks like you really good in acting for politicians. Keep up some buzzing, good for CT’s readership. But, please don’t confuse the readers too much. They will start another 1956,1958, 1971,1977,1983……… pogroms.
Simon / December 12, 2020
Leelagemalli: Thank you my brother for the advice. The last portion of my comment addressed to Hon.MP Sumanthiran has been deleted or missing. I offered him a “Big Thank You” for the very illuminating speech he made in Parliament, His “Colleagues” whom he refers to in courts as “My Learned Friends” have very “skilfully” selected the “Client:” GR to defend on the numerous court cases that were pending and managed to get all those cases “Postponed” until the elections were over. Just see where those two are today, One became the Minister of Justice and the other “Heading” the committee drafting the” New Constitution”. I don’t have any fear to say my opinion and what I consciously feel treacherous and dishonorable. I admire an MP like Sumanthiran to have been sent to Parliament by the voters. Unfortunately, we did not get that many and that is my concern. Thank you for your Greetings. Have a “COVID 19 Free” Holidays.
Simon / December 12, 2020
Pundit: I see a “Lakshman Kadiragamar” in MP Sumanthiran. He speaks Sinhala, Tamil, and English very well, and above all that he displays “Honesty” and “Credibility”. He must be in a “National Movement” for a “Free Nation and a Country”.
Burt / December 12, 2020
And you also know what happened to Kadiragama. He’s got young kids dont make them orphans.
chiv / December 11, 2020
This is not new. We had Sarath ( more of a politician than law maker who created his own laws as he went ,Mohan (who was there not to provide but deny justice to victims) , spinless Hakeem (delayed justice is as offensive as denied), current AG ( who is more of a fixer than lawyer), what makes it worse this time around is Rajapaksas them selves took control of “LOW and ODOUR” by appointing their own men as minister,judges, getting rid of honest people, putting people like Shani in prison, breakingup the whole CID/TID/Intel and replacing with their “hit men”, amending constitution and all this achieved within 100days of Sir cular, amidst a wide spread community pandemic. As I mentioned prior to elections, Lankans may manage to get out of pandemic just in time to get into much virulent autocratic lawless pandemic, economic meltdown pandemic, sickness/hunger/poverty pandemic and yet Rajapaksas will claim prosperity and splendour. Well done MS , a lone warrior.
chiv / December 11, 2020
Here are some achievments of Rajapaksa brothers amidst of pandemic. 1) down playing and denying altogether 2) misinforming and keeping public clueless until the end 3) anyone who questioned or tried telling facts were arrested 4) monitor social media and others to supress infor 5) used the excuse to replace admin with military 6) used lock down in curtailing opposition movement, canvassing for election and meeting public, where as they claimed eradicating pandemic to win election, used all relief measures in promoting getting elected 7) used opportunity to pardon murders and rapist. 8) amidst community breakdown, managed to conduct an election for their benefit and managed to implement 20th. The govt lied and falsely assured of safe environment which actually turned out to be super super spreader event. 9) allowed Thondaman procession just to seal a pact with Jeeven which was essential for their election sucess. 10) manged to fan anti minorities further by denying burial/mourning rights.10 ) took full control of Low and Odour. 11) Bribed a few to pass amendment .Not bad for first 100 day report.
Plato / December 11, 2020
What are the ingredients that go into making a Christmas cake?
The answer is simple.
What are the ingredients that go into making Srilanka [A Land Like No Other of-course! ]
a Failed State?
The answer is in this speech made in Parliament by Sumanthiran P.C.
Noam Chomsky, author of Failed States would concur.
Velu / December 11, 2020
Mr. Sumanthiran,
Though it was a good speech to illustrate the status of judiciary in SL, I wonder what were you doing during the 4.5 yrs of good governance under the 21st century fox Ranil? You never uttered a word about the status of judiciary, may be amnesia those days or short/long term memory loss. Whatever it is, dont expect anything better for the next 10 yrs, because the same crooss will be ruling the country.
paragon / December 11, 2020
1)Almost all cases against BASIL is delayed or to be dismissed soon.
2)Pillian is released on bail even though he was held under PTA
3)Sill retha case against Lalith werathunga and Ausha pellpita dismissed.
4)Premalal jayasekera allowed to attend parliament.
5)EX-CID director SHANI ABEYASEKERA held in remand with out bail for long time.
6)Leading lawyer HIZAS HISIBULLA detained in welikada with out trail for long time.
srikrish / December 11, 2020
Mr Sumanthiran,
Well said,
You are one of the ablest parliamentarian in the present parliament.
Continue your good work.
Easton Scott / December 11, 2020
A little bird close to the Mr Lowyer is telling people that the Mr Lowyer has walked up to Suma and admitted under his breath that everything Suma said in his speech is true, and that he the Mr Lowyer is feeling a little low at having to provide ministerial cover for all the misdeeds being perpetrated today.
He admits that Sir will not be very pleased to hear this. Sir demands total loyalty and it seems there are some cracks showing in the lowyer’s disgusting facade.
If lowyer goes, he should go in a blaze of confession in order to redeem himself in the eyes of the nation. But then, we all know what happens to people who cross Sir, don’t we?
Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap.
cugan / December 12, 2020
I hope this forum make good platform to make this lovely country to progress,but sadly it’s like Mithiran Sudarali like those days,
jVP leader had only request look after my 5.children and the wife .who he has fight against,Mr Suman speech may.be good but missing here is Mahara Wellikada as well!
Pls yes open your heart and mind this 225.are well off than Zoysa pura Moratuwa self family cell.family isolation from long time day and nights living in fear with iron guards of windows and doors.
Look at the state of Kanthalai sugar factory on ypu tube.lost city so called Lanka had produced 80.percent of sugar,now we import salt but we were given free.
Mallaiyuran / December 12, 2020
There is a molested-misinterpreted law exist in Lankawe that all LC must have 25% female members. That is the only commonsense law ever came out of Ranil’s Yahapalanaya though who know local politics criticized that is too low percentage. Anyway….. but…. it is Lankawe, the Wild Life Sanctuary, SinhaLE!
Yesterday Sir, Our lord, His Excellence… Dr. Pillaiyan’s gang beat up two Vaalaichenai female members during a violent Budget voting. The ladies are admitted at hospital to contract, additionally Covid too. Pillaiyan the prince publicly said in court that Old King Contracted him as hit man to finish off New King. He was suggested by media would be facing the fate of Tamilini. This made Old King to go and meet him at the prison. He was given first class treatment in side prison, including homemade meals and chance to contest in parliament election, without case or any conviction. When coup government was formed EPDP Devanda said “Honey tell them all I am Back”. But in His Majesty Pillaiyan’s ruling, that kind of introduction is irrelevant.
Mallaiyuran / December 12, 2020
“The chairman of the Republican Party in Texas, Allen West, said the court’s decision would have “far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic”.
“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution,” “
The above going piece is a line appearing BBC web site. Did Chairman Allen West accused the four states as law breakers?
Texas is known for its rebellious nature to still dreaming to break away from the Union. It sued four States, willing to be bound by the Union’s election laws. Probably never in the history the union suffered on the unity like in the last election, after President Lincoln reunified it in 1850s.
Captain Morgan / December 12, 2020
Actually, things are very much worse now!