19 February, 2025


Hirunika Trapped In A Wider Political Game

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

Hirunika is not fearless; she is impulsive, imprudent and reckless” – Professor Ashu on the Warpath

In my article previously published in Colombo Telegraph under the caption: “The Dog’s Case of Professor Ashu & Hirunika’s Indiscretion” I pointed out that both Hirunika and the Sirasa TV persons who interviewed her over Professor Ashu Marasinghe’s alleged puppy misdadventure may have to face serious charges for damages, if taken to court. The reason is that she has publicised allegations with regard to the professor, that needs proper verification. I explained how digital images could be synthetically manipulated and how court may require other verifications to accept any such image as evidence. I have cited international expert opinion on instances like this.

True to my expectations, the professor has immediately reported the matter to CID for investigation. This is the fisrt step. 

You and I – the ordinary, the  powerless and the powerful – have a personal reputation and dignity to protect. That is a basic right of the individual. My selfimage is everything to me. So it is for you. We must be open to criticism. At the same time, we must be protected by the law against attempts to injur or hurt us without substance over private or poltical vendetta. This applies for every citizen. It is one of the rocks that enable us to live stable lives.

As I have pointed out, that if we are to enjoy a tolerant society we must have the law that helps prevent intolerant citizens from destroying the tolerant. If the tolerant are endangered then goes Tolerance from society. Hirunika had a right to make allegations. Professor Ashu has the right to defend himself from damage to his person. The decider will be court;not political interest pushers vicious mudslingers, fools and idiots who bark from the sidelines in total ignorance of the real issues at hand.

My Focus

I focus on issues and I love to support the victimised. My political interests may vary from time to time according to society’s demand. So is my support for specific leaders.I recognize that others must enjoy similar fare. On the other hand, keeping courtesies intact is a sign of personal decency. One must not let one’s arse catch fire.

Hirunika’s Follow-Up with the CID

Today (27/12/22) I see a video of where Hirunika  answers questions posed by the media after she  herself (subsequently) emerged out of the CID office. This vist to the CID and the responses to media questions  does put Hirunika into further problems.

Hirunika has enough experience by now to ensure that she seeks a good senior lawyer’s advice before hastening to act. On the other hand, she is more keen to blurt out without metaphorically  getting  into a dog’s hole.

Not only a lawyer; she needs a good political advisor. As it is,Hirunika emanates a selfconfidence that is hardly backed by capacity;just the kind of person who can be used by cowards to do their thing.

No Aadrasha Karadena

The first blunder she makes is to present herself before CID without the original complainant, Professor Ashu’s alleged lover Aadrasha Karadena. Presumably it would have been the latter who gave the complaint to Hirunika and the image or images. This absence raises legal issues of locus standii. During the first intrview, Karadena tried to elaborate the harrassment she is supposed to have suffered under Ashu Marasinghe. According to Hirunika Karadena this unfortunate lady had elaborated a chain of evil events associated with the professor while the two were living together for two whole years. Lovers fall out and when they do hell can let loose.

And, here you are: Aadrsha Karadena is absent. When querried, Hirunika was vague about Karadena’s absence. “She my have gone to…here… there… and everywhere.”

Hirunika is Vague and Ambiguous this Time

The second noticeable thing about this second interview is that Hirunika is less cocksure of about  what precisely  would have really have occurred. That was very clear from her delivery and body language. Hirunika confesses that there is division among the public with regard to interpreting the image shown up at the first interview. She should not have told that. She seems to have amended her version saying that the puppy had been placed near Ashu’s “private parts.” How bad is all this, Hirunika asks.

Looking at that image it is also not clear to me as to what the pup is actually subjected to. Ashu appears to be in his pants as the belt is seen in place. Even assuming this isn’t a digital manipulation I observe more confusion than clarity. Hirunika may have realised this herself and that is why she says in a kind of refrain ”My! My! what a bad thing… it is not done … not acceptable…it is against the Penal Code….”

 What clause in the penal code describes the nature of a sexual offence with an animal? What about the other images Hirunika said she had?

Perhaps detecting her flawed position Hirunika seems to get emotional at this point. “Imagine! A little puppy who you and I bring up to pet.” “Leave alone a puppy, we wouldn’t get an little infant human near our private parts,” Hirunika suggested. She hasn’t realized we get human infants exactly from our private parts!

In sum, Hirunika makes serious allegations against someone. That person, being as he is in high position, the allegation seems to magnify the public impact. Furthermore, Hirunika does the devilly thing by trying to drag in President Ranil Wickremasinghe on the grounds that professor Ashu was one of his advisors. She even raised the issue as to why a double bed was brought into parliament!

Mischievous Trap

The deliberate looping in of President Ranil Wickremasinghe into this dog story probably suggests the original political roots of this narrative. Combined mischief behind this act. Election time is coming. The Opposition, including the “Major Opposition Party, ”are active. Sajith’s and SJB’s personal hatred for Ranil, and the age-old Sirasa animosity have all combined to creat this situation. 

It may take a  little more time for Hirunika to realize that she has been trapped and used in a wider political game. Hirunika is not fearless; she is impulsive, imprudent and reckless. 

Latest comments

  • 7

    “On the other hand, keeping courtesies intact is a sign of personal decency. One must not let one’s arse catch fire.”
    – a riotous juxtaposition. Well done Mr. Jayasinghe. It perfectly fits the silly yet depraved behaviour of Sirasa puppy, Hiruknicker.

    • 13

      Hirunika is an unstoppable uncivilized young female politician who would not think twice before she make public statements. She also speaks foul language in public and reflects where she comes from. This is similar with Wimal Weerawansa or the social scum and the way they mislead the same society.

      She recently opened up about her breasts like a blue film start would provoke in TV talkshows in european TV channels.
      This is becoming a greater threat to Sri Lankan women by the way. Decent female politicians like Dr Fernandopulle and the few would become speechless.

      She recently lashed out at the President because cheap people overestimated her skills and hired her to do the job. If she goes this way, her quiet decent husband will have to face something unprecedented in the coming months or years.

      tbc – >2

      • 9

        I applauded her for being the first to break her silence against the “so-called powerful Gotha” and prove it at the Mirihane protest march. Now I feel like I don’t like her and her abusive behavior because everything we are forced to read about her is like a street woman.
        However, if a great surgeon who saved the life of a terminally ill patient rapes a nurse during surgery, we should stand up to that surgeon. Likewise, if Hirunika is destroying our society, we should stand against it.
        Also, Hirunika has no right to drag Sri Lankan society to this dangerous level by using the statements “below the belt of the President and his advisers”: she may want to help the distraught wife of any rival politician who ordered her to do the job. . However, doing great harm, you cannot solve a problem, it cannot be justified as such.

        The topic of Zoophilia must come up among Sri Lankans sooner or later, however, if this is all baseless hypothetical level information, the character assassination caused by this practice, this professor cannot undo. It will be several times more than the damage done to our beloved Dr. Safi by the Sri Lankan media by all the Rajapakses shortly before Gota’s controversial election in November 2019.

    • 2

      Why dont SRILANKEN media report about GOTA’s leaving to the US ?

      MEDIA MAFIA is still being handled by RAJAPKSHES?

  • 12

    Get over it, Shymon!

    The bigger issue you are skipping here is, this parasite was appointed to do nothing and just enjoy the perks and privileges of the position.

    Cut the bullshit and address Ranil’s corruption of giving positions to his sycophants just to enjoy the perks …….. at a time when people’s taxes can hardly afford it.

    If he was a private citizen this would be hardly news …….. and perhaps would be in jail under the PTA.

    “When you read most of the posts here …… all one reads is people’s biases towards one personality or another …….. repeated ad nauseam mostly to convince themselves (and perhaps a few like-minded) …….. than anyone else out here/there.” — Nathan on principles

  • 5

    In the 21st century, people are more open to their sexual preferences, from same sex to macho sadism, & if it is between consenting people, it is nobody’s business. However, when it comes to paedophilia & sex with animals, as in this case, it may be sickening but more despicable is when ‘sensationalised’ for personal or political gain. Whether the alleged incident took place or not, Hirunika has proved her self as a muck spreader, certainly, not a politician of good standing. Gutter mouth & despicable politicians are common in SL parliament & its time the civil society shun these yobs. If this basket woman thinks she is some sort of a crusader, her own acts have proved otherwise.

    • 3

      “Gutter mouth & despicable politicians are common in SL parliament & its time the civil society shun these yobs.”
This culture has taken root in Sri Lankan society ever since Medamulana Thirisana (Mara) leader and Wimal Weerawansa attacked his opponents in Sinhala language in public.
Broadcast and telecast language became vernacular, words like “arthal gannawa, mal kadanawa, mala paninawa, patta” were used publicly: Also, yesterday, I was embarrassed to watch a video of 80-year-olds calling themselves “Patta Kaella-best peace”. a young man was saying that pointing the finger at a childhood photo b of that old woman? No doubt, these sons of bitches today, call their mothers ” kaella” or the like…. young men seek sex-contacts with single mothers….. can you imagine that culture ?
That Superstar and other programs aired by PVT tv CHANNELS repeatedly sowed germs in the society. Sirasa started it and everyone else emulated it. Those programs should be introduced but in a civilized manner. This did not happen with pvt Television. Tele-drama series misled entire soceity, eroding good kind of awareness programs.
By empowering media organizations like Derana TV, Hiru TV or Swarnawahin, the state media was diminished. If the youth and thuggish media were leveled in the aisle, things would be very favorable for many people living in that country.

      • 3


        This reminds me of a stage incident where Mahinda Rajapakshe pointed his finger at his illegitimate sons and said loudly “look at me 3 times”..audience whistled…. … “Ranil can’t do that” that’s why he doesn’t have children. Does that mean that every childless married couple should be attacked like that? The boys today accused Mara’s father of not using birth control at the time. So boys are fair to attack like that….
Today we know how abusive it has become. You can’t go out alone in Colombo during the day, your necklace or trolley full of daily necessities would be stolen. My wife was afraid to go out within a month of being in the country. Some European friends who returned informed us that people’s behavior is more aggressive than ever before.
Total ignorance, promotion of Puttalam donkey or similar politicians (Halawatha Sanath Nishantha), giving too much power to any local assembly member to act alone… etc ruined the country. CRIME politics … are to be blamed… I believe, MAHINDAYA has no right to be out of jails.

    • 3

      Hirunickers apparently prefers to project herself as a “basket-woman” type. Perhaps she justifiably expects more votes from that quarter.
      Here she is in a TV appearance, in perfectly “educated” English:

      And Hirunika the model:
      But who is the real Hirunika?
      Let’s also not forget that Ranil arranged to get her off the hook in an abduction case a few years ago. So, is this animosity towards him real? One can never say with a politician.

      • 3

        “So, is this animosity towards him real?”
        I believe it has much to do with Sirasa’s proven animosity towards him. I fully expect Sirasa to bankroll her legal costs if it comes to that.

      • 0

        old codger

        ooh this one is so sexiting.Only thing is she should have the whip.She should whip the arses of all the srilankan males and put them right.i too will be like a dog and get my arse whipped by her.She is sent by kuveni.
        btw old codger you are spending your last days looking at these.Anyway don’t expect 7 virgins also to come dancing towards you one day.

  • 1

    Raj-UK, Even though perverted sex may occur between consenting individuals, it is still disgusting and when brought to the knowledge as a social issue, it poisons the minds of the youth of our nation. Hence the future generations minds too are warped into abnormality.

  • 0

    I think that it is time the writer droipped the subject.
    I saw this news story ad on this page “Dog won’t leave woman alone: when husband…:
    Should be juicier that that crap that he is busy churning.

    • 0

      Should be juicier than the crap that he is busy churning.

    • 3

      Google is watching your reading matter.

  • 5

    Good work . Hirunika
    Keep it up.

  • 1

    Dear Dr. Shyamon Jayasinghe. I never thought you to be a dogmatist but very much a realist. You have waded into the muck in defense of a Professor and a Presidential Adviser who was allegedly photographed in an embarrassing pose which we do not know for sure is doctored or not. He is NO Hanchopancha. He is fully capable to defend all by himself by placing his accuser on his palm and puff her out without outside help. This is a tectonic collision in the minds of the people of a nation.

    • 1

      I think it is the chance you to add your comments below regarding your court issues

      Many people will reveal their own experience of Ceylon courts under this article. Here you can reveal a lot about your problems that you are struggling to release. This can also bring you a lot of relief. Then most of us can comment on them.
      You don’t budge an inch from hating me or MF for not responding to previous posts.

      Btw, I dont think that Jayasinghe is a Doctor ?

      • 1

        Dear LM. I hate nobody. If this case is Base 10 then my case is inordinate because the AGs, CJs, Court Registrars, IGPs, Justice Ministers, Presidents of BASL and The Underworld Criminal Gang behind this high crime are seemingly very tightly bound with strings of indestructible material. Mr. Kodituwakku’s name was suggested to me by S_M but he had stayed aloof, unreachable by me. Organizations like The International Bar Association, Law Asia, Judges & Magistrates Association, USAID etc are deaf like dead mules. We live in a hypocritical world. Might is Right. Justice can be bought, Cicero must be twisting in his Grave.

  • 1

    Hirunika is playing to her audience who are her voters. The type of people (not demeaning them) in her electorate like her sort of outwardness. She is a politician similar to Mahinda who said “dan sapada”. Politicans in Sri Lanka, even the Speaker is not civilized enough to be civil in their speeches or actions. There should be a “Parliamentary Ethics Commissioner” appointed at least to ensure that the politicians in the parliament behave honestly and in a civil manner. This Commissioner should have wide powers even to send a member home if he or she violates any code of conduct.

  • 1

    “Hirunika Trapped In A Wider Political Game”
    Shyamon Jeyasingha knows very well about his friend President who is silently eliminate his enemies. I think it is a trap. She is right or wrong her future is now in danger. We should remember still Lasantha’s murder not investigated by MR rue or RW rule.

  • 13

    Jayasinghe writes nonsense. He says Mahendran was qualified to be governor of central Bank, so appointed by ranil, who always does the right thing, to that post in 2015!

    When ranil was PM earlier he appointed Mahendran Chairman BOI .

    This Singapore citizen is ever ready to serve his motherland so gave up his posh international job and flew straight to Colombo -5th lane ! Before his appointment was even made public his son in law Aloysius resigned from chairmanship of perpetual which was a major dealer in treasury bills !

    Mahendran immediately ordered new clothes for himself from London at government expense so that he could look like a Central banker.

    Then Mahendran got down to business with perpetual owned by his son in law!

    Jayasinghe says all this is OK. In fact his guru Ranil defended Mahendran to the last, and even tried to reappoint him .

    In this case open violation of good governance, the nation is the jury( not the unscrupulous Veddas and codgers)

    They have given their verdict on this fraud Ranil.

    Now Jayasinghe is trying to talk about Hirunika who has exposed ranil’s other buddy, Marasinghe.

    Wait for the next election you silly old man SJ

  • 5

    deepthi desperate silva

    Could you tell us as to why your single handed Sinhala/Buddhist president Gota and his brothers did not demand his extradition bring him to Sri Lanka, and charge with all your accusations, and throw him in prison. If you don’t know the answer please forget it.

    “Mahendran immediately ordered new clothes for himself from London at government expense so that he could look like a Central banker.”

    Didn’t you notice he also bought Dosas and Vadas from local Ganthi lodge?

  • 9

    Why should I ask anything from Gota, after all Ranil who was appointed PM by Gota is closer to him than me ! !

    Your political philosophy seems to be ‘Hate Gota and love ranil .

    Ask Ranil why he has not proved a single corruption charge against MR, Gota Namal etc etc ?

    Same reason you goat.

    • 5

      deepthi desperate silva

      “Ask Ranil why he has not proved a single corruption charge against MR, Gota Namal etc etc ?”

      Perhaps he is scared of you.
      He does not know how you would behave in desperation, he maybe reluctant to see your extreme behaviour.

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