17 January, 2025


IMF, Taxes & Social Revolution 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

President Rani Wickremesinghe (RW) and his policy makers have decided to lead the economy along the IMF path come what may. But unlike in the previous sixteen times whether they would go all the way to the end with the hope of utilizing the promised $2.9 billion EFF fund is doubtful. There are three reasons for this pessimism. Firstly, the availability of the full amount hinges on implementation of certain vital reforms recommended by IMF, like structural changes and clean democratic governance. These reforms are easy to recommend but difficult to implement given the prevailing political culture of Sri Lanka. RW has to compromise with the substance and coverage of these reforms for reasons of political survival. Secondly, the economic pain associated with IMF recipe is born disproportionately and in ascending order by the middle, lower and lowest income groups so that it would become politically impossible to travel the whole distance with IMF in spite of draconian measures to control an open revolt. The so-called income support currently operating under RW’s Aswesuma project is hardly sufficient to ease that pain. And thirdly, is the external factor. The global economy trapped by two wars and repeated climatic disasters is facing multiplicity of supply constraints that are driving cost-push inflation and making ordinary business of market exchange hazardous and costly. To the economy of Sri Lanka operating in the open free-market arena, post-pandemic recovery from financial bankruptcy through a robust external sector would be extremely challenging. In his politically motivated ideal to transform the economy into an export-oriented miracle by 2048 RW has grossly underestimated the problems arising from outside the country.    

IMF cannot create wonders. It doesn’t have a magic wand to bring prosperity. To start with, that institution was specifically created to be a watchdog of the post-World War II capitalist order. But, since the end of the Cold War in 1980s that order has financialized the world economy to such an extent that not only the world financial system has become crisis ridden but also that the real sector has fallen prey to financial crises. But IMF has no control over financialization, but it helps to promote it. Thus, as expected, IMF started Sri Lanka’s recovery process by stabilizing the financial sector. The argument is ideological and based on a belief that a strong financial sector would pull the real economy out of its doldrums and set it on growth path. But economic history teaches otherwise. The finance sector originated to play a secondary role to make exchange easier for participants in the real sector. What Sri Lanka needs therefore is a massive injection of resources to revitalize the real sector so that at least the immediate needs of the vast majority of people could be satisfied at affordable prices. Small and medium scale enterprises competing freely in the market without being hijacked by mafia and corporate elements should be the backbone of this revitalization process and should be given priority of attention by authorities via cheaper finance, skilled labour and appropriate technical knowhow. Has any of the competing parties any plan for this radical change although NPP keeps talking about it? 

Among the contestants to the top job circulating in the media none except Anura Kumar Dissanayake (AKD) seems to question the appropriateness of the IMF program to create what he calls a social revolution, which really means transformation of the political culture and economic ideals of the old order. IMF too realizes, if one cares to read its report, that Sri Lanka’s crisis is broader and deeper than just economic misery. For instance, its recommendation to reform governance is almost an endorsement of AKD’s call for social revolution. Hence, it is implied that no amount of funds and advice from IMF or any other international agencies or for that matter from friendly countries is going to turn the tide unless the old order and its socio-economic and political apparatus are thrown out. This is the challenge facing the country at this juncture. But none of the opposition parties except NPP is addressing this issue. Instead, the focus of attack against RW and his regime is centering on tax increases and rising cost of living. But these are unavoidable consequences of surrendering the recovery effort to the dictates of IMF.  

On taxes, is there a better example to demonstrate the hypocrisy and crass political opportunism of a party leader than Mahinda Rajapaksa of SLPP who after voting in the parliament to increase the VAT from 15 to 18 percent, now preaching to the public that taxes should be lowered and the reasons for it are based on sound economic principles?  In Sri Lanka’s case, having allowed for decades budget deficits to balloon out of control to bury the country in foreign debt and financial bankruptcy there is no other way than to increase taxes to prune the deficit. But the question is who should bear main brunt of that burden? IMF wants the moneyed class not to be burdened with higher taxes, because according to its philosophy that class is the vanguard of economic recovery. On the contrary, it is this rentier class with its conspicuous consumption and influence over politicians that has hijacked the commanding heights of the economy to enrich itself at the expense of the masses. Will the tax department for instance, reveal to the public whether the highest income earner in the country is also the highest tax payer? RW’s resolve to improve tax collection under the present system may catch the small dodger but not the big shark. Because, as Veblen argues, “The thief or swindler who has gained wealth by his delinquency has a better chance than the small thief escaping the rigorous penalty of the law”. Doesn’t Pandora Papers prove this? This is why NPP’s social revolution becomes imperative.

Whichever the election that comes first in 2024, that election is going to be a contest between two ideological camps. One would like to continue with the old order and allow IMF to direct the recovery process, and the other would like to remove the old order, allow IMF to play a secondary role and lead the recovery process along a different trajectory.  The only party that dominates the second camp is NPP. It wants a new order based on secular democracy with a new constitution and an economy that is more self-reliant with a robust real sector. That economy should be a market friendly economy and not a closed economy, but the market must operate within the parameters set by the new order.  This is not a novelty to be tried anew. In fact, the Chinese leaders after Mao set to remake their Communist model with more room for market forces and called theirs a ‘bird-cage economy’ in which the bird was the market and cage their economic plans. The bird was allowed to fly but only inside the cage. Today, that economy is world’s largest depending on how one does the ranking. NPP’s social revolution and economic agenda resemble that mixed model. Will the voters give NPP a chance to deliver? There is always the fear of the unknown. But nothing gained if nothing ventured.           

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 13

    Pols and their supporters like SM have ulterior motives – win votes. So every word they utter is towards that end ……… to deceive/hoodwink voters.

    These guys simply explain ……….listen to what he says 31:00 …… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4saJzxo8zcisten

    • 6

      “Small and medium scale enterprises competing freely in the market without being hijacked by mafia and corporate elements ……(should be given.) cheaper finance, skilled labour and appropriate technical knowhow. Has any of the competing parties any plan for this radical change although NPP keeps talking about it? “
      At last even Dr Ali admits that the NPP, though it talks a lot, has no real proposals. But it seems Dr Ali has some. Okay, let’s look at his conditions, skilled labour and technical knowledge. How long will it take to develop these? Where are the instructors? Skilled labour already commands premium wages. Are they going to take wage cuts because the JVP says so? In the real world, we will have to import both labour and instructors. Some companies already do.
      The fact is that whatever skills are acquired for free eventually end up in other countries. Every locally trained worker must be made to stay in the country for at least 10 years, or reimburse the cost of training.
      Cheaper finance? In a country where many retirees live off interest from fixed deposits? Loan rates have to be higher than FD rates. That’s how banks work. Imagine the howls of protest from pensioners trying to live on 6%.

      • 14


        If you read properly at what AA is saying, only the NPP is talking about system change and have a plan for it. Other competing parties have not the intelligence and aptitude for it, and indeed retain the status so they can remain in their privileged positions. So, there’s no need to typically pull a sentence out of context and air it around.

        The NPP, a Lankan network of high intelligence and dutiful skill, states that skilled labor and technical knowledge are already there aplenty, but they need proper investment in wages and training so the work-force can become productive.

        The country’s money however is placed foreign offshore accounts for the likes of Dhammika Perera to amass country wealth and retain billionaire status. Workers are paid a pittance and taxed on top of it, with little money given to optimize worker job skills and grant them correct wages for their hard labor.

        IMF’s regulation is that they do not interfere with country politics, and they will only work with whoever is in power. But they do require a proper functioning democratic and election process. We only got the 2nd tranche after this was agreed on.

      • 8

        OC and all,
        Some economists, not Dr. Ali, ultimately explain that in order to thrive in an export-oriented economy, we need to build bridges with certain countries rather than isolate ourselves like the North Koreans.
        However, implementation of proper national laws that facilitate such trade agreements, bi and multilateral pacts with those countries is a long way off. But we have not forgotten how the good governance government (from 2015 to 2019) agreed albeit heavy resistance of Rajaakshe dominated then opposition.
        Ironically, the very same then opposition, now being in the parliament as ruling men, nod the head as if they are reborn today.

        Shameless Rajapakshe led human beasts. They abuse media weakneses to continue playing with their popularistic politics being based on sinhala-buddhist racism and other evil means. The situation is like place being caught by thugs, high criminals and other crime doers forever.


        • 6


          Even though Sri Lanka is relatively a small country of 22 million people, despite its high school literacy rate (though political literacy level is zero or less) and other high social indicators, Indians constantly question why Sri Lanka could not make it. Economic progress is obstacled not similar to that of a Southeast Asian country. Once war torn Vietnam is booming economically opening all the chances for investors today.

          Why does it look like the gait of a disabled person for srilanken progress ?
          I don’t know that my Indian friends and colleagues, many of them educated abroad, represent the typical Indian mindset. However, many of them dream of vacationing in Sri Lanka as one of the best destinations in the world.


          • 7

            Ironically, that brazen Rajapakse remained silent today after their deliberate meddling that plunged the country’s economy into a precipice.
            Now is the time for stupid people and naive voters to understand the cancerous nature of Rajapaksa mafia politics.
            In addition, Indians are more than 1200 million of their population and more than 60% fall below the poverty line. As many as 200 million rich Indians could still compete with Europeans in trade and balance. That is why some Europeans I know call India a combination of both paradise and hell. So even comparing the situation in Sri Lanka with the situation in India is ridiculous. The only advantage that Indians and Chinese have is that they do not depend only on selling their products. They themselves depend on the sale of their large population.
            Therefore, experts explain that Sri Lankans should join some states of India and some other countries in the region. This is what RW and Harsha de Silva were discussing with Mangala Samaraweera during the last phase of the good governance government. Remember? However, Rajapaksa-dominated rascals treated it with derision. They just wanted to escape court cases by grabbing power with the direct support of Sri Lanka FM Ali Sabri.

  • 7

    Dr Ali

    My question has always been how the NPP is going to fund the economic recovery. I gather from your article that focus will be on small scale entrepreneurs, so does that mean larger businesses will be taxed more or even nationalised? The public transport system is in a mess, so what about the bus mudalali mafia? Will the private bus transport system come under public services? Then there are other cartels & monopolies, particularly, the rice barons & importers of basic food items & medicine. Will the social revolution address all these issues? As for funding, how much is expected from the recovery of looted public funds & how is it going to be done? Will that be enough, if not, what are the sources for funding the balance?
    I am not an economist, therefore, I need to know, primarily, how the NPP would raise funds for governance in simple language.

    • 10

      Raj-UK: “…. in simple language” all your questions would be answered by a Government that would come to power after the “Social Revolution” already favored by the majority of people of S/L.

      Till then be patient!

      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

      • 6

        He will need to be extremely patient.

      • 4

        I agree, dear Douglas.
        I’m losing patience with Raj-UK. But click on this.
        Raj, I’m sorry that it’s so long. This is much shorter, and will explain better; but less interesting:
        When I see you grappling with real issues, I will respond.
        Meanwhile, enjoy your holidays as much as possible.

        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 3

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2.

        • 6

          SJ & SM: Thanks. I asked “RAJ-UK” to be patient, until the NPP Government,( if comes to power) reads through the “First Budget” for answers to his questions. He also wants to name the NPP persons who will handle the Governing Functions. He is living in a Democratic country and must learn the way the political parties handle such situations.

          I am not that surprised by Raj-UK’s questions. Just leave him alone.

          • 3

            “I am not that surprised by Raj-UK’s questions. Just leave him alone.”

            Why do you the “torch bearers for NPP” further dodge the crucial questions ?

            • 2

              Dear LM: Remember you raised “12” questions some time back. I answered all those and you wait until it is forgotten and raised those again and again. Please note I am no “Torch Bearer” to anyone. I maintain my freedom and love it.

              In the same way, I replied “Raj-UK”. But “he/she” keeps the same question over and over again. I have finally told him to wait till a Government of NPP comes to power or wait till the elections that are to be held are announced so that all of us will know what the real plans are. Even I, am waiting for such policy/Action plans to be announced by all political parties, the time we will know facts and make decisions. Till then let him talk and taik.

      • 6

        My concern is that answers to my questions ‘after coming to power’ would too late. People need to make an educated decision after reviewing all parties. Though none of the mainstream parties have come up with a detailed strategy, in my understanding, the UNP & SJB have indicated their dependence on the IMF bailout as the major funding source & the tax burden in the form of stealth tax is to be expected to cover the shortfall. I consider the PPP, SLFP, even RW’s UNP, as non runners, although, it is still a possibility, despite the past disastrous governance & corrupt practices. The NPP is seen as a breath of fresh air but what is to say the air will smell foul later, just as the much expected GR’s governance? We have a history of changing the pillow for the headache, so, is this any different?
        I can’t understand the passion of some NPP supporters, even to the extent of making it personal, when they have nothing to gain personally. Is it a case of ‘fools rush in where angels fear to tread’? Aren’t we able to think rationally without assuming or even jumping the gun?

        • 3

          “Aren’t we able to think rationally without assuming or even jumping the gun?”
          As in religion, everything depends on faith. God made the world in 7 days. AKD says he will give us Paradise. Saadhu sadhu!

    • 9

      “How the NPP would raise the funds for governance ?”
      First and foremost important the country should now put a full stop for family run business in politics of this island. Since the country is bankrupted by 75 years of family business, there is no simple answer other than using the existing sources with efficiently and effectively. Economics does not function independently but depend on many factors. If NPP can do enough to minimise the corruption and identify those who maximised their wealth through illegal and immoral methods such as bribe, and deals, I am sure they can find some funds. Of course, the people have to pay or sacrifice their part in this process. However, they need to find out the man power from all corners of the country who are prepared to sacrifice and work together with effectively and efficiently.

    • 5

      “My question has always been how the NPP is going to fund the economic recovery.”
      Don’t you think that the immediate concern of the NPP will be about funding the election campaign?

      • 7

        “Don’t you think that the immediate concern of the NPP will be about funding the election campaign?”

        It is believed, the richest party of all is NPP. So why should they worry about campaign funds?

        Or could it be another illusion to mislead the nation?

        • 4


          “It is believed, the richest party of all is NPP. So why should they worry about campaign funds?”

          On the other hand we have a foreign philanthropist in Colombo backed by a rich peacefully rising empire who may want to give a helping hand to NPP for not criticising Chinese involvement in Sri Lanka, including frequent arrival of Zhenho(ng)’s treasure ships, while objecting every aspect of Indo Lanka relation.

          Whoever wants to bring system change should consider including an important law/clause in the constitution to compulsorily audit income, expenditure and net assets of every political party, every member of political organisation, MP, Officials, those who run corporations, top members of armed forces, policemen (including the number of sarees the wife bought in the year, ………… audit/scrutinise every tender granted by state department.

          In the case of political parties and politicians, ………. a stringent transparent system should operate. The other issue is who is going to audit the auditors.

      • 6


        My question was how the NPP going to raise funds to govern the country, if elected. Judging by the support the NPP have now, I am sure funding their election campaign would not be a problem.
        Seems the optimism of NPP supporters is so profound that I think it is the same blind faith voters had for GR. Despite the combined intellectual capacity of the NPP membership (even GR had his bunch of intellectuals), I don’t seem to be able to get answers to my simple questions. Speeches maybe very much like ‘promises made in the heat of the night’ but a statement in their manifesto of the tax policy & other sources of funding (export revenue & from state funded enterprises, if at all, tourism, foreign direct investments, aid from friendly nations or external borrowing in case of a short fall, etc) would indicate a serious, capable political party, all geared up & waiting to take off immediately when the time comes.

        • 3

          “Seems the optimism of NPP supporters is so profound that I think it is the same blind faith voters had for GR. “
          Of course it is.

          • 3

            Raj and OC,
            At this time, yet today, yellow pets are still in hibernation mode. All other various racists forces are not yet empowered. The robed man of Mihintala and a few others still roam the city.

            Medagoda Abethissa Mudalali and other Sanga bridge men are behaving like beaten dogs hiding under the bed.


            Not every one of them can show their face anymore. ASP liyanage challenges to clean the backsides of RAJAPAKSHE bastard sons in public.
            JVP-led NPP as usual, avoids crucial questions of economic recovery. As some believe, the stolen funds become the panacea for the huge debt the country owes its creditors.

        • 3


          “My question was how the NPP going to raise funds to govern the country, if elected.”

          JVP maintains party to party relation with Communist Party of China, hence it is hoping to merge this island with mainland China and transform it being the 23rd province of Shih-tzu-kuo (Land of Lions). The Chinese Ambassador to UNHRC in Geneva already addresses Sri Lanka as China’s friendly neighbour.

          Sri Lanka was compelled to sell a piece of land to China. Why not sell the rest of the island to China. Remember the politicians can make a bit of money on the side.

          Don’t worry about SJ who is ever ready to justify everything Chinese including their (s**t) fertiliser.

        • 1

          That matter is for the future.
          To get past that IF the NPP (really JVP) need dough.
          The JVP is not much concerned by the issue you raised, because the leaders have their priorities right (like the Tutory Gura will advise: enter the campus first, gaining knowledge is for later). First get to power somehow, the country’s economic problems is for later.
          Yo want me to answer a question on behalf of people who have not the foggiest idea of the gravity of the problem.
          Let us worry when they begin to worry.

  • 7

    The private sector and SMEs have been the backbone of the SL economy for decades. Yet, successive governments have failed to offer them support and encouragement.

    The leadership of the NPP has been in discussion with corporate leaders for well over a decade to understand the multitude of problems they face including the harassment and blackmail meted out by corrupt politicians and government officials.

    The general public has a choice to make at the next elections – get hoodwinked once again by the same set of geriatric robber barons or give a group of educated young people a chance to bring about the change the long-suffering people of this country deserve.

  • 6

    ” has a choice to make at the next elections – get hoodwinked once again by the same set of geriatric robber barons or give a group of educated young people a chance ….”
    I think that it will be “to do the same”.

  • 6

    The “bird=cage” economy was possible because an authoritarian state made the cage and kept it closed for the birds. So, will the new JVP government go back to its old ways of advocating rule by a few autocrats. This will be no system change but more of the same by a different group of people who had had experience of another type of violence. We are caught in a difficult situation. The IMF does not show a way out but it could be that the people are now complacent as there is no shortages as before. Despite starvation at the low end, the Sinhala people will try to manage as long as they can be fed Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism. We will muddle along as before. Despite the large crowds at JVP meetings, votes will not go their way. The yellow brigade will mobilise the morons as before, We can see that it has begun and will accelerate as the time of the elections near. The JVP keeps silent on the smokescreen of Sinhala-Buddhism and will exploit it if the need arises.

  • 5


    “Despite the large crowds at JVP meetings, votes will not go their way. The yellow brigade will mobilise the morons as before, We can see that it has begun and will accelerate as the time of the elections near. “

    They should score 3% UP to 51%, however, NPP’s cyber forces are in the view that they have reached over 50%.

    Who is telling the truth and how we rely on cyber statistics is a critical question. Those some torch bearers to NPP whehter their information is of truths, are all questionable.
    In fact, even today, not even 30% of the island’s population has a smartphone or internet. This country has been completely led astray by YOUTUBERS who betray their souls for easy dollars today.

    The greatest harm done by YOUTUBE TRADERS far outweighs the benefits they contribute to lanken media. More than questioning is the main stream media and how they misuse the frequencies. I am very pessimistic about the future of our motherland.

    • 3

      Naturally; you are pessimistic about our motherland, because you hate it so much!
      Many of usa are determined to get it out of the mire.
      Will we succeed? I think so; but there can be no guarantee of success.

      • 3

        “naturally; You are pessimistic about our motherland because you hate it so much!”

        Some people like you jump to easy conclusions about others. That is not for me and It is inevitable. I have added a video link for your note below. Immediately, I watched the video, the person came to my mind was you.
        Honestely saying, I only dislike Sri Lankan fake Sinhala-Buddhism, Sri Lankan politics, Sri Lankan police and some Sri Lankans when they practice it. Indifference and extreme cunning of people.

        But I am always happy whenever I am blessed to read from experienced people like LankaScot and Manel Fonseka. Else, I will have to leave CT from 2024. I am glad I am today free from all of narcissists in my life.

        Maybe it is true, I love Sri Lanka’s flora and fauna but not its people. I get frustrated with people over and over again. For the past three decades I have not been closely associated with them. But I enjoy the nostalgic feel of it. No one can take that away from me

  • 11

    For any economic recovery, the perpetrators of the economic catastrophe cannot be part of the policy-making panel. However, the bastards that sank the ship are the ones who are again promising to refloat it. If the gullible masses still vote for the two sides of the same coin hoping for a different result, they deserve the pain and suffering that will come with it. Instead, if a “social revolution” (as mentioned by Anura Kumara Dissanayake and Amir Ali here) were to sweep the stakes, the marauding rapists of our Motherland would be dealt with according to the heinous crimes they have inflicted on the people over the decades, where thousands of innocent people die every week from easily preventable conditions brought on by malnutrition, lack of funds to buy essential medicines and inadequacies in the health system. These parasitic mass murderers must be punished for crimes against humanity at the earliest opportunity.

  • 0

    Hey Old,
    God created the world in 7 days. But as per scientists, he is still working on creating the Universe. So, when comparing the sizes, there seems to be some justification for the 7 days delay, and as it was one of his earlier jobs, there are an abundance of discrepancies in that creation. Sinhala Buddhists are certainly a hasty cook up of him with substantial flaws. Shaaaaa…….. it had taken 75 years for those damn Sinhala Buddhists to create the Langkang out of Ceylon the Colonialist created. What an inefficient handicap invalid are these Sinhala Buddhist! While things on the earth are so chaotic, now the question is if Anura can deliver Paradise he is promising. But I think so, with all the odds in that. See, though 75 years it took, the UNP – SLFP union has delivered the Don Stephen promised Wonder of the Asia in 1948 “. The successful first step Don Steohen started to turn British’s Switzerland of East into Wonder of the Asia was deporting the Indian Demoloos back to India. The returned Kallathonies, there, are making the Toilet less TN into a new powerhouse of South Asia. Siri Ma O, who was following her husband Solomon, who is one of the UNP founders, finalized signing the Demoulas deportation order and brought rice for Langkang from the Moon.

  • 0

    The problem Indian Kallathony Demoloos posing to Langkang’s innocent Sinhala Buddists was taking too long to pluck the tea leaves, process them, export the tea and Robber to China and London auction, buy Chinese white rice from China and bring it to Sinhala Villages. What a lethargy way the Kallathonies Demoloos were doing this while forcing the innocent Sinhala Buddhist starve for too long. Siri Ma O’s modern rockets and Old Rowdy Royals’ SuperSat directly flying to the moon at a speed exceeding 20,000 miles per hour and delivering the Biryani and Arrack, in a snatch. Isn’t it?
    The Rascal Evil Emperor is palming the blame to Old Rowdy Royals. That is why Saritha Hearth is calling Evil to show some braveness to come forward and share the blame with their partner, the SLFP clans. Watch the cowards’ playing games in every election. Attnagala Queen invented the idea of doing a black hat trick of extending her 5 years of Soulbury Constitution term limit to drag from 1970 to until 1977. Junious Richard didn’t want an election at all in 1883. CBK conducted one year before the election, after all that one year could not have given her any advantage because she cannot stand any more in the election. The Buffoon De Silva illegally used CBK’s foolishness and used that time gained to bring Old Rowdy to power.

  • 0

    Then Old Rowdy stretched his term as lifetime with the 18A and stood for the immoral 3rd term election 2 years earlier than he should have been. What a brainy Sinhala Buddhist Modaya’s decision; he extended his terms to life time but conducted the election 2 years early! How can Modaya Donkeys, which make nincompoop decisions like this, be elected to run countries which need to last for millennia? So, he went away within 10 years, though his rival CBK still managed to cut her 12 years only to 11 years. Then the 19A and the White Flag Murderer. He agreed not to stand for election again, not to hold ministries and abolish the EP. But greed did not go away. Then he partnered with the Slap Party and undermined the SLFP, only hoping for the PM position in the government that was to come after the Yahapalanaya. Alas, he did not even get a minister position in the terrible Twins’ Hitler’s administration, though he conducted the “Unconstitutional Coup of 2018” to make Old Rowdy as the Prime Minister. During NCM, the same Old Rowdy was fearing UNHRC to accept the PM position, so he was sitting at home and called Evil and told that he should continue as PM even if he was defeated in the NCM.

  • 0

    Evil knowing that he cannot continue the financial matters after bad management of Yahapalanaya’s 4 years, he voluntarily dismissed the parliament one year early. Because it was only Evil’s decision, not negotiated dismissal, Hitler used that point to not conduct an election for one year, not to have parliament or cabinet. Remember, these rogues were running the ministries only with secretaries? When he was doing that, the frustrated protesters beat them and chased them home for two years. The terrible Twins, before they go out, appointed Evil to safeguard the Old Rowdies from UNHRC, Protestors and the voters. Rowdy Royals went into hiding in Trincomalee Dutch Fort, Singapore, Thailand, Maldives……..The history of Evil guy is, for more than 20 years, either because people refused to elect him or he was hiding in Munthanai during election time fearing of the word election, he could not become the EP. After the Slap Party Rowdy Royals were ousted, they had no mandate to make the decision for the country from outside of the borders. If we the diaspora of US, UK, Canada, EU, Australia get together and conduct an election in the foreign land and send the candidate to rule Langkang, will you accept his authority? US law is for the US. Langkang law for Langkang. When standing on a foreign land & obeying the foreign law Hitler appointed a ruler to Lanka?

  • 0

    Currently, both partners of UNP-SLFP union are fearing election and not willing to stand in election, but using shortcuts for not conducting election as it should have been as per the constitution ratified by people. Evil is saying that he wants to be the emperor of the country until Feb 4th,2048, the auspicious time to debut his Paradise. The election should have been conducted in July 2022, which was the time people ousted the leader they elected for 5 years. Still neither UNP nor their partner SLFP (Old Rowdy gangs’ version of SLFP is Slap Party) ready to announce their candidates for the Presidential candidature. But you are campaigning for the UNP-SLFP union by running down the NPP. Out in the political space of Langkang, Anura is the only one, at this time, asking the people to give him the responsibility of running the country. Whether you are a communist or democrat, he is the choice available! Bravo, he is a man, not hiding in the Munthanai like UNP and Rowdy Royals, who fear to conduct the elections appropriately, stand for election with confidence, if elected manage the government for the full term instead playing political games and altering the term time with bogus talks. Why do you think, when Evil can bring his paradise in 2048, Anura cannot create his paradise on or before Feb 3rd, 2048.

  • 3

    Thanks, AA for another good article expressing optimism of NPP. I am in Colombo now and ‘feel’ the pain that people are suffering from. Many live in fear created by uncertainty as food and COL are so high. Many millions are undernourished; anyone can see that. A social and cultural revolution (ideas, attitudes, commitment to productivity) MUST happen and as you’ve repeatedly said, only the NPP appears to have that in mind. It is never going to be easy as the crooks are re-organizing so blatantly and openly. A war, far greater in magnitude than the terrorist war is already “on” that needs to be won.

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