10 February, 2025


In Defence Of Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe: The Lonely Patriot & The ‘Reform Agenda’

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

“A single spark can start a prairie fire.” (Mao)

“I am alone with the people.” (Mao)

Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is the target of a fire-hose of criticism. What I find most interesting is where this criticism is coming from and the larger truth it obscures.

The criticism comes from a network of lobbies and caucuses comprised for the most part of those who never stood up for the country and its protection during the greatest test it faced in its contemporary history: the onslaught of the separatist, terrorist and fascist LTTE. It comes for the most part from those who never voiced opposition to the hypocrisy of the West’s interventionist human rights assault on Sri Lanka. It comes for the most part from those who have no word of criticism of the West for its military interventionism and aggression in many parts of the world, such as Iraq, Libya and Syria. It comes in the main from those whose discourse does not contain the concepts of national sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and the people.

Those who have gone on the record attacking Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe belong to what Philip Gunawardena used to refer to as “rootless cosmopolitans” and LH Mettananda as a “microscopic minority”.  Decades later, President Premadasa referred to this social strata or substrata derisively as “the swimming pool set”.

It is relevant that the only NGO Commission ever appointed to probe the activities of NGOs in this country was not the product of Mahinda Rajapaksa or any SLFP administration but precisely of a UNP administration– of President Premadasa. It is Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe who is in that tradition.

Almost all the voices and signatures against Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe are of those who applaud the disgraceful US-driven UNHRC Resolutions of 2015/2017 and Ranil-Mangala’s co-sponsorship of them, and actively argue for Sri Lanka’s compliance with war crimes inquiries replete with international participation. Not one of Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s critics have condemned or criticized the 2015/2017 Resolutions or argued for their re-negotiation, still less for their rejection. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s critics are, in short, the Geneva Resolution lobby.      

These rootless cosmopolitan civil society caucuses have a disproportionate influence not only on but in the Government and government policy. Their heroes and heroines are Prime Minister Wickremesinghe, ex-Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera and ex-President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. It is these NGO networks, their expatriate backup and their handlers in foreign capitals near and far, and Colombo based Embassies and High Commissions, who have cheered on a so-called “reform agenda” which has caused a situation in which this deadlocked government is sinking in a quagmire, assailed on every front every day, by semi-spontaneous public agitation. Individual Ministers are besieged by increasingly angry crowds.      

These caucuses, whether they know it or not, objectively serve foreign and anti-Sri Lankan interests. They have given the Government a profile similar to that which the UNP was depicted as possessing in the famous ‘Mara Yuddha’ cartoon of 1956. In its updated version, the public perception is of a UNP dominated, driven or disproportionately influenced by non-national, foreign interventionist, LGBTIQ and Evangelical elites or lobbies. President Sirisena’s SLFP is therefore seen as a mere tail of such a UNP.

Jan 8th 2015 seemingly disproved a dictum of the first executive mayor of Colombo and famous UNP General Secretary, Sirisena Cooray, namely that one cannot win an election without the support of “the majority of the majority”. On January 8th, the majority of the majority voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa who lost. A minority of the majority allied to and propelled by a huge majority of the minority won. However, Sirisena Cooray was only partly wrong as we are finding out every day. You can win and election without the support of the majority of the majority but you cannot govern in any stable way; you cannot lead that society. Once you have lost or failed to win the heartland, you cannot rule the country.

What we are seeing today is a mounting crisis of governance. The situation is socially unstable. Soon the country will become ungovernable. The Government has lost the consent of the majority of the majority.  It is being socially encircled, and not by conspiracy or design.

In the meantime, the NGO networks, civil society caucuses, asinine academics and idiot ideologues insist on the Government resuming and accelerating its “reform agenda” of January 8th 2015. This is the path over the precipice. It all reminds me of one of Lakshman Kadirgamar’s jokes during Ranil’s CFA. He used to say the government reminded him of the man who proclaimed: “Friends, we are precariously poised on the brink of the precipice. We must firmly resolve to get out of this situation by making a great leap forward!”

Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe seems acutely aware of this situation. He is trying to prevent the UNP from being turned into, or perceived as, an NGO! He is trying to shift the party back to the mainstream. He is the only one in touch with reality. He is the only one who is putting his party back with its base. If this were a science fiction movie, it could be said that Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is trying to prevent the Planet UNP from being taken over by aliens.

The UNP has always been a center-right party, a conservative party with the patriotism that is associated with the center-right. The sole exception was the Premadasa period when it was a patriotic, social democratic and populist presidency and government. Under Ranil Wickremesinghe and the NGO lobby, the UNP is no longer a center party; it has deviated drastically from the center, from the mainstream, and has become a party of cosmopolitan deviationists and a neoliberal Right. It is no longer grounded; it is the party of globalized neoliberals. It is withering at the grassroots.

Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is obviously trying to position himself but in so doing he is trying to reposition his party and thereby restore equilibrium, thus saving the system. At a time when the Asgiriya Chapter has taken an unprecedentedly firm stand of the so-called Constitutional reforms, and the government is on a collision course with the most diverse social sectors, it is socio-politically suicidal (note that I say ‘socio-politically’ rather than merely ‘politically’) to proceed with a reform package which includes quasi-federalization of a Northern province that has just placed openly pro-Tiger Ananthi Sasitharan on the fast track to the Chief Ministership, liberalization of the labor and capital markets, debilitation of the executive presidency, sell off /decades-long lease of national assets and an open door trade policy with India.

Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe has not achieved that commendable and imperative commitment to pluralism and pro-people economic policies that President or even Prime Minister Premadasa did, but he is positioning himself on some issues– Avant Garde (which means the constituency of armed forces veterans), foreign judges, anti-Sri Lankan propaganda, the Sinhala Buddhist base, the identification with the clergy– in a manner reminiscent of that which Premadasa did earlier in his career, albeit without Premadasa’s brilliance from at least 1957 (the booklet “Athi Thathu”) in producing dissenting ideas on major policy questions and projecting an alternative total vision for the country.

Throughout his career Premadasa kept warning the UNP that it was out of touch with social reality and national sentiments, but his was a voice in the wilderness, until the party and government had to turn to him to survive, both electorally and in the most basic physical sense. As PM, just before he assumed the Presidential candidacy, Premadasa wrote a book called “Golu Muhuda” (the Silent Sea) based on the Dutugemunu story and against the backdrop of the Indian incursion. Were he alive today he would have surely opposed ECTA, the MoU with India and the proposed long lease of the oil tank farm.

It was said that Premadasa was the SLFP within the UNP. Today the official SLFP is not what it used to be and there are UNPers in that SLFP ( Chandrika’s “Sudu Nelum” or ideologically Aquamarine Brigade), but Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is as Premadasa was said to be: the sole patriot in a deracinated UNP. It must be recalled that he is a guy who had the guts to take on the powerful Rajapaksa dispensation as COPE chairman, and frontally after he left the government ranks. The time will come when the UNP and society in general are thankful that Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is striking the note that he is doing now. UNP backbenchers, pro-UNP bhikkhus, grassroots party organizers and UNP voters may already be doing so.

Latest comments

  • 30

    You forgot to mention the connection nexus between nissanka senadipathy.and dealdasa multi billion avant garde fraud!! Where are you dayan so out of touch.with reality

    • 16

      I would even call PRABAKARAN a lonely patriot, if his efforts were to bring peace for Tamils.
      Likewise, this spinn doctor, leaving all men on his list, he thought would become the leader in next election, aside, but to lick the balls of a guy, who is proved to be the most abosive in current cabinet, is so pathetic, but a well match with a profile of a man of Dayan SILVA Jayathilaka style.

      Not few months ago, DJ was not even mentioning the name of Wijedasa R, he had been on promotion of his beloved Prez s son Sajith. That was public secret. He himself hadsaid, that My3 has not invited him as he thought etc, showing that the SELF PROCLAIMED political analyst and the clown of lanken spot light, has always been awaiting to turn his mind.
      Even in current article, RW, Mangala, CBK are mentioned as incapble, but not a single word against My3 is sprout by this Katussa. That says everything to us.
      Ther eare no opportunists the kind of this nature.
      Dr Laksiri Fernando will respond to this bugger, is my hope.

      • 11

        Samuel Jayaweera, If PRABAKARAN was a Sinhalese DJ would probably praise him too!!

        He seems to have a love for any fascist dictator material candidates…

        • 9

          We dont need to even waste a second on this reptile.

          DJ is the most known clown of the day.

          I really dont know why the kind of men falls to this level.

          Is that exemplary ?

          How would it , if anyone in political science would raise the question, why DJ s remain inconsistent as if a patient suffered from incontinence.
          Today, this bugger does not utter s ingle work supportive to Sajith.
          Where he thought he needs to be the UMA OYA STYLE soil tremours, he would do anything any everything.
          This man s MALICIOUS GLEE is no comparable to that of the worst.

          • 7

            Hey pal Dayan,

            ……………….Just cut the longwinded crap buddy ………….. the truth of the matter is, from near paupers, dabbling in politics has made the Rajapakse-family, Wijedasa Rajapakse, Weerawansa …………. enormously wealthy. All you have to look at is then and now. That’s the smartest form of smart-patriotism. While they were practicing smart-patriotism and amassing wealth, you have spent your time being a stupid idiot and left a pauper to sing for your supper. ………..
            I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes ——–
            And just for that one moment I could be you ——–
            Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes ————
            You’d know what a drag it is to see you ——- Yeah ……. not Mao but Dylan

            • 5

              DJ has been doing his POST DOCTORAL research on SRILANKEN issues.

              So please no need to take anything coming from as serious.

              He has just been playing with his kind of wording.

              No matter even if the folks would have burnt down, as is the case with HIS GURU Rajaakshes, DJ too should just have uttered somthing.

              That does not mean, his statements should be constructive and coeherent.

    • 10

      When would DJ go to his internist next ? The manner he has been licking using his split-tongue, he should have already been sick.

      His continuation of sitting with dogs but betraying entire folks is no means commendable.

      Why DJ not to have been appointed by INCUMBENT president to any position sofar
      is my million dollar question.

    • 11

      He is suffering from Alzheimer disease, I think better known as selective memory syndrome. He also forgets MARA’s Tsunami Bank Heist, GOTA’s Murders, Rugby player’s murder and white van rendezvous.

      Needs Specialist treatment, in patient. Please find for him a decent hospital.

      • 9

        Easy. Send him to Angoda with his new friend Wijeydasa Rajapakse.

      • 2

        you have no knowledge of India or Singapore or even Sri Lanka idiot.

        First of all a government has to act in the interest of the country. Except the yahapalana stooges and other failed countries, leaders need to act in the best interest of that country. That is why India, bangladesh, vitenam is developing and why S’pore is developed.

        The yahapala stooges is dancing at the tune of its masters in western countries and delhi. Local agents of the master like NGOs have far too much control on this failed government. Out of this yahapalana stooges, thank fully Wijeydasa is acting against NGOs challenging them. So NGOs attack them.
        What ever the political differences I have with him, I support him on this one.

    • 6


      Please listen, I have been reading your articles and got to have serveral questions

      1) Why you as a person who saw and got with europe and almost man yother country, let your knowledge be vanished, by not being part of the curret govt ?

      2)if you cant get on with current govt, why you seem to make no efforts to continue your university carrier.

      3) You guys seem to be talking too much unncessarily but no ready to contribute your knowledge to others … this is a real probelm in lanken society today

      4) You just wait to get an invitgation from anyone, you being so pompous than you really have to be. Why … YOU GLP or Rajeeva W behave so wrong ?

    • 8

      Give him a break: he don’t forget nothing, he is allowed to write only things that would be acceptable to Gota and the Raja family.

    • 11

      DJ you say “It comes for the most part from those who never voiced opposition to the hypocrisy of the West”

      You are wrong it takes a person who can be critical of the west as well to stand up to such stupid behavior of our Justice Minister.

      He must be praised if and when praises is due and criticized wen due as well.

      This spin you are putting to this incident is damaging to actual progress.

      • 5

        There are a bunch of selfish individuals who hope to create a war among the Buddhists and Muslims backed by rich and powerful Muslim countries so that they can profit off weapons deals while exploiting the people with this ethnic conflict they manufacture and continue to plunder the money that is supposed to be used to improve the quality of life of all Sri Lankans

        They will send more of your children to their deaths.
        Look at who is keeping these elements that continue to keep these ethnic tensions alive and you will see who these people are. Be careful of these spin doctors.

        They don’t mind if half of our population is wiped out as long as they get to enjoy their plunder.

        Remember those planting the seeds of division are intentionally working towards a selfish and sinister plans.

        Support those who are leading our country away from conflict and towards peace and unity where all Sri Lankans are treated equally.

        • 1

          The so called rich and powerful Muslim nations will care tow hoots about the Sri Lankan Muslims and treat them just like they treat the Rohingya of Burma, the Arab Palestinian or the Syrian Arab population. Sad but this is the truth.

    • 5

      Thank you Dr. DJ for exposing your plan to use your plant Rajapakshe to destabilize the UNP.

    • 7

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka, —————————————————————————–
      Do you know who a Shill* is ? Just curious. By the way did MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa Amana MaRa HoRa Amana Mara DhushaNa Mara increase your pay grade, and wanted you to cover the crook Wijedasa Rajapkas as well? ————————————Just curious.————————————————————————————————-.
      *Shill: a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

    • 8

      DJ, “Lonely patriot”. My foot. If anything the guy is a “shady deal maker”. Hardly lonely in that art in SL. Dealdasa has no other way to survive. Shamelessly and very cunningly, the guy has chosen the last refuge of the scoundrel, fake nationalism. There are plenty of stupid voters in Homagama, Maharagama & Kaduwela electorates to keep this guy afloat. Cheers!

    • 8

      “In Defence Of Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe”

      Irrespective of who the person is, what party s/he belongs, what religion or whatever, the moment DJ sees the name ‘Rajapakshe’, he will go on his knees to defend. For him the name ‘Rajapakshe’ is Devine. It is a master-slave syndrome. Any ‘Rajapakshe’ is a master to this fellow.

    • 5

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka,———————————————————————————–So you want to white wash Deal Dasa, Asgiriya Mahanayaka and Ganasara, on behalf of Mara as a great Shill? —————————————————————————————————See what the Mahanayakas who know Buddhism is telling.—————–Three nayake monks who are true sons of pristine Buddhism issued a red signal to Asgiriya mahanayake who was elected to the mahanayake position via dubious and deceitful voting and illicit methods . ———————————————————————
      The three most lofty and most Ven . Devahuwe Chandananda mahanayake , Ven. Heenatiye Samitha nayake and Ven. Magalkadawala Punyassara nayake who attended a media discussion pertaining to religious freedom ,directly said , the abominable statement issued by Asgiriya mahanayake recently shall be withdrawn , thereby ripping off Asgiriya mahanayake’s robes in the best interests of true Buddhism and its tenets. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————The three most lofty and most Ven . Devahuwe Chandananda mahanayake , Ven. Heenatiye Samitha nayake and Ven. Magalkadawala Punyassara nayake who attended a media discussion pertaining to religious freedom ,directly said , the abominable statement issued by Asgiriya mahanayake recently shall be withdrawn , thereby ripping off Asgiriya mahanayake’s robes in the best interests of true Buddhism and its tenets.

    • 0

      The Zionist Sinhala Only project is systematically constructed. It has all the govt. Institutions functioning on its Fascist methods as per the guidance and relentless training given to its members through Israeli/CIA/Mossad agents. DJ comes into this play as a controlled opposition to re direct the opinions of the masses into the same cess pit (meaning suggesting the racist Zionist agents GOTA and WIJAYADASA RAJAPAKSHE as ‘PATRIOTS” )

      One of the prime objective is to keep the WAR ON ISLAM going without any hindrance. That’s why the JHU (MINIONS OF JEWS) have always find a way to infiltrate into the ruling set whenever any party wins to form the govt after an election. Always the unelected NON TAX PAYING(Sinhala Only Zionists) enter through the back door to subvert the mandate they get through the election process which is a TOTAL FAKE- game of politics that fool the entire mass population. They always keep the SINHALA ONLY agenda on the right at the top of the list on which the innocent TAX PAYING minorities must be intimidated, raped, torched, looted and destroyed as a way of entertaining the Buddhist Majority to show their FAKE HEROIC achievements and to HIDE THEIR TRUE IDENTITIES (Crypto Jewish Sinhala Elites). When the Buddhist population is kept busy fighting a non existent enemy, these criminal SINHALA ONLY BUDDHIST ZIONISTS can plunder the economy and loot the treasury as they were doing it for the last 65 years. Srimavo’s family looted in the beginning in the 70’s, then the JR’s henchmen stole sizeable amounts to the tune of Millions, then Premadasa and his henchmen Billions, Mahinda’s gang of thieves multi Billions and till today NOONE HAS BEEN Prosecuted nor Punished for these crimes plus mass murder of innocent TAX PAYERS.

  • 11

    Yes, yes, Dayan the D……., we need a racist in UNP, so be it.

    Our country is doomed because of Ace racist intellectual fools like you. Keep looking at Singapore and India who are developing in a rapid pace and be a fool with your bogus patriotism.

    Our beautiful nation can never develop unless idiots like you come to your senses that only through common identity of Sri Lankans can we rise or doom to die fighting each other.

    You are an idiot still backing Mahinda with all his criminal and murderous records of his brother and siblings. Your backing to another racist idiot is no wonder.

    • 7

      He has been such and he will die as such…

      From what he writes and adds to public, Dayan Jayathilaka is no means a political analyst but an another powerful man behave for agendas pleasing his pay masters.

      Unfortunately, he has not the LEAST qualities inherited from his decent father. THat alone could be the reason him to be called Jayathilaka… now I got it..

      Dayan Weerwanse would FIT him most.

  • 9

    This disgusting DJ is ever ready to safeguard any Rajapaksas and a known bootlicker of Gota.
    Sorry for my language.

  • 8

    Endorsed by Dayan! This is what is known in the west as “jumping the shark”.

    I guess wijeyadasa’s carrier is now over!!

  • 6

    Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Samuel Johnson.

    This “lonely” patriot keeps company with other scoundrels like Sumanaratne and Gnanasara – and protects murderous policemen who shoot university students dead,
    and assault others.
    He has no idea of what “justice” means.
    Other pseudo-patriots who think that UNHRC resolutions can be ignored ad infinitum praise him.

  • 8

    dj criticises western embassies but loves to go to their parties
    it is well known that wije is positioning himself t o become president at the next election so gota better look out

  • 3


    When the late LH Mettananda spoke of “a microscopic minority” he was referring specifically to the Catholics. Surely, all these people taking issue with Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe are not Catholics!

  • 8

    ““I am alone with the people.” (Mao)”
    ” I am alone with the Mahinda Family”
    ” I am alone with the BBS Ganarasa”
    ” I am alone with the White Van Murderer”
    ” I am alone with the Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism2 (DRDJ)”
    Becuase I am patriotic to Buddhism That is why I became Christia. I am patriotic of Mahinda Family because of that I am alone with the Mahinda Family dictatorship. Iam patriotic to Sinhalese military that is why I supported Eelam militants in the attacks against Sinhalese military.

    • 8

      but forgive me my lord , there was a time that I was with Tamil militant’s party as i was looking for green pastures .

  • 9

    Mr Analyst [ self promoted ]
    our area shepherd [Gavapalla] ” chuti baas” has done and is doing a better service to the mother lanka than self claimed pandithayas.
    Luckily your EPDP /EPRLF colleagues did not try you on Russian roulette .
    it is pity that ,noway any satellites showing any future foreign assignments.

  • 1

    The whole govt and every politician is all the same. Consdiering that, Wijedasa Raja[akse was not different. How come Wijedasa Rajapakse was indifferent to bulldozing of ancient buddhist temples in the East. It is the same Wijedasa Rajapakse who tried to debate against a buddhist monk during the previous govt ? Do you Dayan Jyayathilake deny that politicians are not for money over the l? Why we can hypothesize that Wijedasa Rajapakse representing anti-sinhala buddhists one day, if he has power, will let them destroy Buddhism ?

    • 2

      Dumb Jimmy,
      “It is the same Wijedasa Rajapakse who tried to debate against a buddhist monk during the previous govt ?”
      Why not? Just because the monk sits under a tree doesnt mean he knows everything.

  • 7

    Dr. DJ has hidden agenda to bring GoRa & MaRa as President & PM.

    In order to achieve that DJ is using wijeyadas R & Sajit Premadasa.

    • 9

      Non PhD, simple he wants his plant Wijedasa Rajapaksas to work on Sajith and split the UNP before the next election.

      This is the mess the UNP and Sirisena have created by not putting away the Rajapaksas criminals.

      Now these criminals have grown more powerful and are ready to make their move to topple this government.

      That’s what you get for protecting criminals…

  • 9

    The truth is exposed. Wijedasa is a Mahinda agent. No wonder DJ is defending him. I would like to remind DJ Lalith Athulathmudali’s funeral when he had to run across the road in his undies when the crowd tried to castrate him

  • 0

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  • 6

    Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe is lonely indeed. Dayan is lonelier in rating WR a patriot.
    Dayan quotes Mao: “A single spark can start a prairie fire.”
    Was the pogrom of 1958 a spark Dayan?
    Dayan is recycling the argument of the bankrupt: “Hitler did it. Stalin did it. Happened in Iraq etc. So why pick on MR?”
    Dayan goes on “…………….one cannot win an election without the support of “the majority of the majority”………”
    Dayan implies that Lankan minorities do not matter and therefore their views MUST be ignored. JR J beat you to this Dayan!
    Across the Strait a Dr Subramanian Swamy (family friend and guest of MR). Swamy joined BJP with the proposal that non-Hindu Indians must be disenfranchised. The devil is trying “Rebuild Ajodhya temple at any cost” as a last resort. Swamy is a spent force Dayan.

    Dayan’s fictitious quote: “Friends, we are precariously poised on the brink of the precipice. We must firmly resolve to get out of this situation by making a great leap forward!” A Freudian slip?

  • 3

    Will Wijedasa face the same fate as Premadasa……!!!!!!!!!

    • 8

      He may very well. He is in a shady deal with a criminal clan from Hambantota. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Cheers!

  • 5

    I sincerely hope that learned Dr. Laksiri Fernando will send this spin doctor a “rejoinder”. That will put him in his rightful place.

  • 6

    Rohitha Bogollagama another guy who lavishly spends the government dime given another chance to live off the state.
    Dint FCID charge this guy?

    No sooner I saw this news the first question that came to mind was: How come Dr.D.J. did is not getting another chance to live off the state dime. He has been crying through the media since he lost the posting.

  • 4

    This shows what type of a person MS is, also explains why WR has become untouchable and non of the high profile cases have not gone forward.

    “The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption has filed
    charges against former minister Rohitha Bogollagama.

    The charges involve a number of corruption cases that the former minister
    is allegedly connected with. The Commission to Investigate Allegations
    of Bribery or Corruption said that the case will be taken up
    at the Colombo Magistrates’ Court on April 2.”

    Rewarded by appointing as Governor. LOL

  • 0

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  • 2

    those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad

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  • 4

    This article says not a lot about Wijayadasa; it says a lot about Dayan.

    Nothing in it that we already didn’t know!!

  • 1

    DJ, you have skipped one more definition which was originated by Gomin Dayasiri, to explain this dirty clique. Yes, as of Phillip G, they are “rootless cosmopolitans”. LH Mettananda referred them as “microscopic minority”. President Premadasa titled them as “the swimming pool set”. And last, but not least, Gomin Dayasri identified them as “Colombians”.

    The names may be wary but their heinous agenda which you have stated in your article above is same.

  • 0

    getting madder by the day is this dj. crazy idiotic statements written by an arsehole. definitely needs to have his head examined. Saw the guy the other day at cinnamon grand trying to buy his wife some cheap jewellery begging for a reduction in the price. says it all, the joker is broke and will do anything to get a job.

  • 0

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  • 1

    Max, in response to your comment of July 5.

    As every schoolboy knows only too well, when we run short of logic and reasoning to support our arguments our voices tend to go up in volume and we resort to name calling. And the latter is exactly what all these famous gentlemen quoted in DJ’s article, and Gomin Dayasiri, now mentioned by you, have resorted to.

    What these gentlemen have been saying, in effect, is ‘who cares about these people, they belong to insignificant or small groups, their opinions and views are therefore not important?’ What they are in effect saying is ‘those whose views differ from ours, those outside our ‘tribe’ don’t count. In other words, these gentlemen don’t want to let these ‘others’ to have a say.

    Their rhetoric may well resonate with the public at least in the short term for many people don’t stop to consider deeply everything they hear and could be easily influenced by it. But when you stop to think about it you see that all these famous people are arrogating to themselves the monopoly for right thinking, and saying ‘to hell with all those ‘others’, who are they for us to worry about them?’

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