By Mahinda Rajapaksa –
The UNP, the SLFP faction allied to the UNP, the Tamil National Alliance, the JVP and other yahapalana conspirators acting in concert have introduced changes to the provincial councils elections law in order to indefinitely postpone PC elections. Even though they tried earlier to introduce a constitutional amendment to extend the terms of the existing provincial councils without holding elections, that move failed because the Supreme Court determined that such a constitutional amendment would require a referendum in addition to a two thirds majority in Parliament. Now all provincial councils will stand automatically dissolved in terms of Article 154E of the Constitution as they complete their five year terms. The Sabaragamauwa, North Central and Eastern provinces are to stand dissolved in a few days time. The other PCs will stand dissolved at various times in 2018 and 2019.
Though the dissolution of the provincial councils will take place as scheduled, the latest changes to the provincial councils elections law will enable the government to indefinitely delay elections to the PCs on the excuse that constituencies need to be demarcated. This was the same excuse this government used to postpone the elections to the local government bodies which have now been delayed by over two and a half years. This government has stood the law making process on its head in their attempt to avoid holding elections. Amendments to Bills at the committee stage in Parliament are brought only to make minor technical changes to facilitate the passage of the Bill. But in the past few days, the government has used committee stage amendments (introduced to Bills brought for a completely different purpose) to change the system of election to local government institutions and the provincial councils.
Such gross abuse of the law making process has never before been experienced in this country. The government brought 31 pages of new amendments to completely change the PC elections system at the committee stage to a Bill less than one and a half pages in length introduced to increase women’s representation in the provincial councils. The manner in which they changed the provincial councils election system with just days to go for the automatic dissolution of the first three provincial councils shows that they will do anything to avoid holding elections. When some political parties said that they will not vote for these amendments unless the proportion of representatives elected on the proportional representation principle are increased from 40% to 50%, the government agreed to that literally on the floor of the house.
However, when the government changed the system of election to local government bodies just days ago, the proportion of representatives elected on the proportional representation principle was fixed at 40%. Now there is a mismatch between the system of election to the local government bodies and the provincial councils. Changes are being made to the election laws without any guiding principles. These hasty and ad hoc changes to the election laws are placing the very edifice of representative democracy in this country in grave danger.
The Eastern Provincial Council will be among the first three PCs to stand dissolved. Thereafter there will be no elected local government bodies or a provincial council in the East. Back in 2008 with the war still raging in the Vanni, my government held elections to local government institutions in the East in March 2008 and followed up by holding the first election to the Eastern Provincial Council in May 2008 because it was vital to introduce democracy and normalcy to that region after liberating the province from the LTTE. A little over a decade ago, there were no local government institutions or a provincial council functioning in the East because of the terrorists. Now there are no local government bodies in the East and elsewhere as well and the existing provincial councils are to go into oblivion one by one because of the yahapalana government.
Even the JVP’s ban on elections in 1988/89 and the LTTE’s terrorism over three decades was never able to bring the electoral process in this country to a complete halt the way the present government has. This government has also openly insulted the judiciary and flouted the Constitution by introducing changes to the provincial councils election law through the back door when the Supreme Court had given a clear ruling that the extension of the terms of the provincial councils or a postponement of elections would require a referendum in addition to a two thirds majority in Parliament. The people should unite and organize to oppose this attempt to destroy the democratic institutions in this country.
*Mahinda Rajapaksa, Kurunegala district MP and Former President of Sri Lanka
Maharage, Nimal / September 21, 2017
Dear Mara, how much you paid to a coolly like Spin doctor DJ or GL to get this written?
Mara is the most corrupted leader in the history of Sri Lanka and what you have written is non-sense. People know that you pay DJ and a few others for writing things in English. How can you write in English without the ability form a couple of correct sentences in English? What you did during your 10 year reign of terror and corruption is not a secret. Here is brief snapshot of your despicable record:
1. Soliciting sex from girls of the families that lost their loved ones due to Premadasa Terror campaign in exchange of your service as a human rights lawyer in 1980s
2. Raping girls in villages from down south on the promise of jobs
3. Stealing $800 million of Tsunami funds through fake NGO called Helping Hambantota set up with assistance from Willie Gamage and depriving poor families of their right to rebuild their lives devastated by Tsunami
4. Taking 19 billion US dollars as commissions from Chinese government corporations through white elephant useless development projects such as Hambantota Harbour, Airport, and southern expressway
5. Putting Sri Lanka economy into an endless misery by taking high interest loans from China and pocketing in 40% of that money
6. Nurturing an unprecedented culture of corruption and political victimization with immunity
7. Killing and attacking journalists, judges, innocent civilians for 10 years
8. Appointing an uneducated GoTa as defence head and stealing the credit of ending the 30 year war from SF, the true hero who led the final war against LTTE
9. Making a synthetic lawyer of an idiotic son who couldn’t even pass his GCE (OL)
10. Killing the most famous rugby player on behalf of another moron son
mike / September 21, 2017
Maharage – I concur, the list goes on and on. Re. #1, this a…hole is not a human rights lawyer. It was the late Jeyaraj Fernandopulle who sat for the law examination on his behalf. Medamulana Meeharaka and his imbecile son Namal are synthetic “lowyers” of the lowest calibre.
Bunjappu / September 26, 2017
This power intoxicated man would never sense it.
Had he had the qualitities of Mr OBama, Premier Cameran or the like former President and PMs respectively, he would not have been becoming a puppet of his nature today.
This nation is so virulent to allow the kind of power greedy men to fool them further.
War victory or defeat of LTTERs was the reason, but it was the collectivity succeeded it but those thugs to have grabed the full cake for them was what they achieved, with the mediation of Media Prostitutes set by the brutal uneducated family.
What is being in the air and on the papers are what people read and follow.
Those media men would pay it sooner than later the harm done to this nation.
Rohan Gunaratna / September 21, 2017
10. Killing the most famous rugby player on behalf of another moron son
According to a group of ruggerites who were part of ‘Rajapaksa prince’ Yoshitha Rajapaksa’s entourage on the night of Thajudeen’s death – following a heated exchange of words between the two, an angry Yoshitha had met Gotabaya Rajapksa in person later that night and demanded for ‘Thajudeen to be done away with’.
At this point, Yoshitha had been egged on by several other players of the Navy rugby team who had urged him to ensure Thajudeen’s removal, pointing out he had always ‘disrespected’ the Rajapaksa brothers.
Sources claim the ‘Rajapaksa princes’ attempted to recruit Thajudeen to the Navy team on several occasions, but they had been repeatedly turned down by him who had always made it very clear that he does not wish to maintain any engagements with the Rajapaksas.
When will Justice be meted out to the grieving family of Wasim?????????????????
wannihami / September 21, 2017
When the forum comments become hate and vitriol it is evident that what the article says rings true, and when truth is apparent a group of unfortunate lost souls start howling, it is truly a sad sight. If the anti Rajapaksha parade does make a valid argument against what is written in the article that would be an interesting read, instead they yap, howl and bark at the moon. How disappointing!
Wera / September 22, 2017
Hate and vitriol? What right does a scoundrel who never observed any democratic principles have to cirticize amendments such as the one that ensures ALL PC elections are held on the SAME day? A certain percentage of the nominations be from Women? Go read what is in the amendment. Ghost writer of this piece of garbage as no intention of informing anyone about the true content but to lie and lie and lie in such a way that either thru ignorance or prejudice AKA the jealousy brigade people like you fall for it. The delays are required to undo the mess the Meeharaka created.The real reason they are crying is because they want to have elections now under the same crooked and corrupt system while they are still not behind bars and have the money to buy votes so they can come back and resume the carnage. Do you know that this government is still bound to honor various contracts going into millions to Namal et al. They do not have an exit clauses and were designed so that these shits can rape the country forever?
nimal fernando / September 22, 2017
Great writing Mahinda!
Can you help me with my English exams?
mike / September 22, 2017
nimal fernando – I can tell you without fear of contradiction that your command of the English Language is either very good or excellent, Please don’t seek help from our “three stooges” namely, Mahinda, GLP or Dayan-the-War Monger. Cheers!
Amarasiri / September 22, 2017
Mahinda Rajapaksa.
RE: Indefinite Postponement Of The Provincial Council Elections
Indefinite time frame for prosecuting the Mahinda Rajapaksa and cronies.
Why do your cronies fall sick on the day they are sentence to Jail? Sarath Fnseka did not fall sick when he was incarcerated on triumph up charges by you and your cronies
Bunjappu / September 22, 2017
Not putting you that down, but let me remind you th emanner you went through during your office:
1) Elections were held but not for the benefit of the masses but to strenghthen and mobilize Rajapakshebrutalism across the country, more in rural areas than anywhere else. You proved by your politics, not just the nation, but your family was your aim. Today even people of that areas are hallozinated not knowing why you were sent home by 6.2 millions of voters… please explain them what you had gone wrong … that can save your soul i BELIEVE.
Even today, your Namal Baby boy has been making statements publicly as nothing had been wrong with your rule, meaning entire 62 lacks of voters ouf to 15 million of voter eligible in the country should have gone wrong… why your sons upbringing to end up that way should be questionable to you as a father, since that shows not even the least he can understand about lanken politics.
That btw proves you have been a total stupid father.
2. All those redherrings in the name of development projects were carried out by your thuggish brother co, costed almost everything for the people. They had no freedom of expression, they had been going through all the fears and paniking that yours would next become worst than that of North korean politics and any other like minded states you chose to please lanken extremists and natioanlists ( Uganda, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Russland, Swaziland are not even known to people as fair nations).
to be contd.
Bunjappu / September 26, 2017
Gone were the days, people were easily made so stupid as if they would eternally have been eating punnakku.
Today almost everyone first and second citzen of the country have been attacked by the criticisms publicly made since the environment is restored them to do so.
Freedom of expression is at its climax as no times in the past. But for our bad luck, Rajapakshes that media censors have been abusing it for their further publicity.
The question would be ho wmany more months they can continue to do so ?
In a country that many making up to 90% or over are after Hakkediya and Goma GUliya for their luck- Rajapakshe kattadiyas can easily tame them proceeding the song and the mantra how magical he had been to have eleminated LTTE terror.
Gauky stupid majority masses would believe it as had been in the past. They are just made to believe so long Rajaakshe would tame Sanga mudalalis taking to front field.
All these Sangayasa are no seelawanth at all, they would abuse children and women while bieng in Sanga robes no thign about would have been spread in the air.
Lanka had good Sangayas in the past, but today, they have been mixed with babarian POLITICIANS of Rajapakshe nature in order to fool the nation.
All in all, we will just distant from so called miracle dreams.
I really dont think even in 3 decades these gulliable folks would turn out to be wise in order to send WELL EDUCATED ABLE men to the Diyawannawa. .
LEELAGEMALLI / September 22, 2017
Only way out people to be served with truth is
put these men in jail or bring a conviction accordingly and give him general pardon.
That can then help gullible blind folded masses to start clearing their depths they have been pushed into.
datta / September 24, 2017
Even when you wanna lie.. make it believable pal. lol.. When all the loans obtained from China are under 4billion USD how MR can Rob 19 Billion. PLz explain
Plato. / September 21, 2017
Prof: G.L.Pieris is the Ghost writer for MaRa.
Leelawathie / September 22, 2017
That is very servile right ?
Oxford scholar to fall that level ?
Yes yes, this can be possible.. since he is SRILANKEN.
I think this nation would never rise their heads so long CLAY similar to PRIONS block their brain cells preveting them proper thinking.
Saddest truth but that is the reality, I respect colombo university dons that have made it very clear that THIS NATION would take much more time to SENSE.. this nation means majority of punnaku eating men and women:
Kumaran / September 21, 2017
We should hold the Chinaman responsible for all the billions taken. No other government would have given that many bribes but the Chinese did in order to expand their military and economic influence. Before you start yelling and screaming that the Chinese are our good old buddies, ask yourself if these several idiotic “projects” are of any benefit to us, and would any other State government have given these lop-sided loans at the interest rates and other terms as given by the Chinese!!! Even the poor farmers of Hambantota and the fisherfolk roundly curse these people for what has happened.
Seneka UK / September 21, 2017
Hey Mahida, You think that all people in Sri Lanka are stupid, I some times feel that you are suffering dementia, You seem to have very short memory, You do not seem to care about the poor people who even do not have money to have one meal a day. You and all your family have looted the wealth of the country.I do agree with Maharage Nimal, Just read his comments a few times for you to get in to your thick head. Please look at the mirror before you write article.
Native Vedda / September 22, 2017
“Hey Mahida, You think that all people in Sri Lanka are stupid,”
Don’t you think so?
At least half of them are. Look at 2015 Jan presidential election results.
Dr Mahinda is not the problem, he took advantage (huge one at that) of the Sinhala/Buddhist fascistic state. Since 1956 the secular democratic state was destabilized with perverted nasty new ideology, Sinhala/Buddhism. A fascist ideology sugar coated with anti minority rhetoric.
Simon De Silva / September 22, 2017
He is no the person who writes the article.
He just asks someone to do the job for him. Meaning these are not his own thoughts.
So dont worry, all these guys would survive this way no t longer.
That is for sure.
Desapremiya / September 21, 2017
“Even the JVP’s ban on elections in 1988/89 and the LTTE’s terrorism over three decades was never able to bring the electoral process in this country to a complete halt the way the present government has.”
You cannot fool the majority of our masses and vote base again. How about the 800 million Rupee payment you made to the LTTE leader Prabhakaran to boycott our Tamils and Mulsims brothers and sisters from voting in the 2005 presidential election? You tampered with a democratic presidential election and violated the peoples civil rights from from voting in an all important election. You disfranchised millions from voting in favor for RW. You stole that election from him. ‘Oya viyaaja, asathya prakasha kiyaapun Sinhala-Baudda saha sivurru anda modayanta!!! (Tell these falsehood and lies you write here to the Sinhala-Baudda fools and those in robes).
gamini / September 21, 2017
This pig blocked Colombo telegraph when in office?
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / September 22, 2017
Pigs behave in general so.
They dont allow any free media.
But the very same pigs make use the freedom restored by the current DUO for their media displays
Gamini I hope all is well with you. Long time no see. Take good care of your health Mr. You had been a great commenter prior to 2015.
Non PhD / September 21, 2017
Mr. MaRa,
You have come out with many reasons why the current GOSL is wrong in delaying the Local Govr elections.
You are a lawyer, your son is a lawyer , you have the free expertise from GLP & Wijeyadasa Rajapakse.
Why do not you file a case against the current GOSL in the supreme court. ?
You are talking about democracy so file a case about LG elections postment , in the courts
thrishu / September 21, 2017
Not a MR supporter but I think that UNP is scared to hold local government elections. They will lose public support as people will have fresh in their minds corruption of Yahapalanaya ministers irrespective of previous MR scams. I think JVP should be given a chance, but them being of Sri Lankan genes, I suspect that would also make their hay while the sun shines, never mind what they promise on the public platforms.
K.Pillai / September 21, 2017
Yes that is yet another ill in our buggered system of government. This happens when corruption, nepotism and culture of impunity is rampant.
Who started this rot MR?
Jimsofty / September 22, 2017
I think, provincial council elections are just a wastage of money and all other resources. Because of that, any govt simply take the provincial council elections should be rewarded with votes.
Percy / September 22, 2017
Some of the anti Mahinda comments made here just display how people with low IQ can never learn. MR was rejected by the people for god’s sake, and idiots like you elected a set of bank robbers,thieves, and con men under the name YAHAPALANAYA and they have bankrupted the country. Now they are shit scared to go to the elections and frightened to face the people and you shameless arse lickers are still supporting these rogues ! I just can’t believe that people are so stupid.
gamini / September 22, 2017
Go see in the mirror for all what you have said, it fits you perfectly well.
max / September 22, 2017
Dear Colombo Telegraph,
Please take my bow. You do an immense service to mentally retarded pathogenies like Maharage, mike, Rohan Gunaratna, plato, kumaran etc., etc., to release their unstoppable malignity towards MR through their shit comments.
“Gilanunta Upasthana Kirima”, indeed a meritorious deed! Keep it up CT because no medical doc can heal their mental issue. :-p
Kumaran / September 22, 2017
Max, thank God you and I can safely say our piece. You do not agree with me and others and you have the right to say so. But I ask you, Max could you or I or anyone speak our mind freely under the former regime? Even CT printed your article but would the CDN or any other news reporter have done so, under the MR regime?!
Therein lies a very important consideration.
mike / September 22, 2017
Kumaran – A good response to Max Moron who is mentally retarded!
LittleisimonfromBerlin / September 26, 2017
Just the term MERITORIOUS comes from a man who would continue licking the balls of mediocre leaders. How come ? Were you born in a test tube Mr Max ?
How man more month you think would be able to live on his funds ? That Nalaka or someone who is sent to protest infront of UNHRC head quarters in Geneva and several other projects have been financed by the robbed money right ? Why did NOT you join them for spreading the stupidity further ?
srinath.gunaratne / September 22, 2017
Comment to the topic idiots, If MR caused election delays, We could see the uproar here!
What is happening is utterly wrong, Taking away people’s right to vote!
Why is this government so against the elections?
What is it scared?
Kumaran / September 23, 2017
Srinath, I agree with you that we comment on the topic.
1. Politicians are INFLUENCED by bribes. Hence, bribery must be disallowed, both to take and to give. That is my point. The Hambantota Port and airport should never have happened.
2. I also agree with you that to delay the elections is very wrong. Eventually, they will also go the way of the previous lot.
Then what??!!
Raj / September 22, 2017
Do we need Provincial Councils when there are so many Ministers, Deputy Ministers, MPs, Mayors etc etc.? If I am not mistaken, PC were established to give a bigger say to the people of the North as a gesture of democratic governance during the height of terrorist activity. Now that SL is (apparently) united once more, do we need devolution of power any more?
In UK, the MPs are responsible for the needs of their constituents with each town having a mayor who presides over the town Council (which are all voluntary jobs & without the perks enjoyed by their counterparts in SL). In SL, PCs are just another way of giving employment to political cronies (usually the village thug) & the first step in a career in politics with all the perks at the expense of the tax payers.
rfernando / September 22, 2017
What can u say about elections. When u think it is to your advantage u hold elections to get people to vote. but when yr at a disadvantage u give money to LTTE to stop people from voting.
U held elections 2 years bfore time & u were sent home by 62 lakhs of people!
U are not the leader of this country now but u just won’t accept that!
Buddhi Perera / September 23, 2017
No point in reading your stuff. Whatever happens with elections or no elections, this country should not be ruled by Rajapakses any more.
Mallaiyuran / September 23, 2017
Eastern Province election was conducted because of Ambassador Blake. He and 29 other Europeans were put on a Heli and sent to hell after Kudumbi Malai battle. That is why he got involved in that. Army went and attacked LTTE’s potions making them to fire at the Heli. TNA could not participate in that election because of the UPFA bullying. After the war, there was a commission appointed under Nimal Siripala de Silva to abolish 13A aka Provincial Council law with a promise of 13+. But Manmohan Singh Put a high resistance and forced the NPC election conducted. NPC election was the jewel in the crown on how fraudulent elections can be conducted. Army went into the houses of all candidates and threatened publicly. Ananthi ran out of her house because that night Paramilitary entered her house kill her and her family. Still Tamil women are sacred to come for election because of the army stationed in North-East. Army printed a second Utahan to claim that Ananthi had quit. The worst idiot GLP does not know what to talk. That is problem.
“Supreme Court determined that such a constitutional amendment would require a referendum in addition to a two thirds majority in Parliament”
Yahapalanaya thieves share, unlike Old Royal who doesn’t (Mahendran, Aloysius, Ranil, Ravi, Rosy… all are accused shareholders names). But the National Saving Bank burglars thought to keep the looting. So the wife became entangled with Old Royals. She had to give verdict against Divi neguma. So was fired by Old Royal 8th grader. Coolie Party SLMC Chief was under legal threat for murder. So he, unlike Deal, who resisted and left, was going to embassies to campaign the dismissal. The gang, who altered the 13A, robed the money. The worst idiot GLP does not know what to talk. That is problem.
comfortably numb / September 23, 2017
Interestingly ” MR hate ” writers to this paper have decreased from 50 in 2015 to about 10 at the moment . The most regular and biggest noise maker ” native vedda ” is still blurting his foul mouth , nevertheless gutless to write under his own name. Maharage Nimal should be our next president , he knows so much about MR , he should have a permanent sear in FCID so MR can be put away for good.
Desmond Fernando / September 25, 2017
Ane MARO what elections for you and your bunch of CROOKS.
Your days are numbered.
Just dont talk CRAP