2 May, 2024


Involuntary & Inequitable DDO

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Domestic debt restructuring (DDR) is the second half of the debt restructuring (DR) strategy mooted by IMF as precondition for its $2.9 billion Extended Fund Facility. CBSL Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe (NW) introduced the idea of voluntary domestic debt optimization (VDDO), which confused the community and demanded clarification. Ultimately, when negotiations ended it became clear that it was voluntary concession by CBSL and President Ranil Wickremasinghe (RW) to the banking and corporate sector and involuntary imposition to the working poor.  It was an inequitable solution to an IMF imposed condition. 

The specific objectives of VDDO according to NW are to bring down (a) the debt to GDP ratio from 128% in 2022 to 95% by 2032; (b) gross financial needs (GFN) from 34.6% to 13% of GDP by the same year; and (c) reducing forex debt servicing from its current 9.4% to 4.5% of GDP, also by 2032. The local banks were particularly worried when NW introduced the term voluntary, which to them must have implied a reduction in deposits and interest rates. But, true to their words President RW and NW had voluntarily spared the banks from the DDO exercise. Banks are understandably taking a sigh of relief and the Sri Lanka Banks Association (SLBA) is indeed congratulating the two big chiefs for their pro-corporate stance. NW justified the decision on the argument that banks were already carrying a significant burden of fiscal consolidation efforts and economic crisis, and their tax share had been in excess of 50% and contributing heavily to government revenue. Along with SLBA, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and the Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) also joined in applauding the two chiefs.   

However, what NW left unsaid was the political cost to RW of including the banking sector into DDO.  Domestic banks, according to CBSL, manage a total of 57.2 million deposits in a population of 22 million people, at an average of more than 2 deposits per person. That figure will increase dramatically if one calculates that average per family. Therefore, drawing the banking into DDO would be politically damaging to RW’s aspirations to win popular mandate at the forthcoming presidential election. With that in mind and after receiving koodoos from SLBA, CCC and JAAF, RW now appealing to them to be his campaign organs and educate their unionized workforce on the nuances of DDO and its associated fiscal manoeuvre. Therefore, the decision to dodge the banks and key components of the private sector was not a politically neutral one. It was a voluntary decision by NW and RW with political objectives. 

But it is a different story with superannuation funds on which depends the economic wellbeing of 2.5 million working men and women. Their benefits according to one source had received an estimated 40% fall in recent years, because of currency depreciation and price hikes. These funds including EPF and ETF had invested heavily on treasury bills and T-bonds issued by CBSL. Currently they enjoy a 9% return and contribute about 14% to income tax revenue. In comparison, the banking sector contributing 50% insurance which is equivalent to 50% of total tax revenue. Overall, nearly 30% of the corporate sector is said to be paying 30% of tax revenue. Now, NW is offering these EPF and ETF a hard choice and calls that voluntary debt optimization. Treasury Bills under DDO would be restructured and new bonds would be issued with less attractive terms and conditions, but the funds would continue to enjoy their 9% return. The choice for these funds is therefore to exchange the current bonds for the new ones or pay higher income tax. How could anyone call this a voluntary exchange when a higher tax threat being imposed over EPF and ETF if they don’t agree to the new arrangement? Even the superintendent of EPF seems to have been caught on the hop. It is therefore an involuntary DDO exercise with inequitable fiscal consolidation that put unfair burden on working population. Even after this exercise whether DDO would help government to increase its revenue from 8.7% of GDP in 2022 to 11.3% of GDP in 2023, as RW laid out in his budget, is questionable in the face of corrupt tax administration and cronyism.   

Regarding the other half of DD that relates to foreign creditors, NW expects a 30% haircut from them. Sri Lanka should consider itself extremely lucky to receive even that amount of benevolence from foreigners given the global financial instability and economic slowdown. It is going to be a tough negotiation and SL may be compelled to offer more non-monetary concessions at the table to get some sort of debt relief. The largest creditor, China, although assures cooperation, has not revealed its bargaining chips. China would be anxiously waiting for information to leak out from the forthcoming meeting between RW and Indian Prime Minister. SL owes $4 billion to India while China’s debt amounts to $7 billion. How the Paris Club would approach the issue depends on how IMF and its chief shareholder US would play their cards.  DD is unavoidably linked with geopolitics.        

Meanwhile, NW also made another notable remark, which did not catch much media attention.  To his credit, he said that “instead of cutting interest rates on T-bonds held by superannuation funds, the government could have raised additional wealth tax amounting to 3.3% of total tax revenue to address the gap in gross financing needs”.  RW would not dare introducing additional wealth tax because of his and the system’s class bias. IMF itself would not favour that suggestion, because according to its philosophy, it is the wealthy who lay the golden eggs. This is where the inequitable character of government’s fiscal consolidation measures is most glaringly highlighted.  Even in the case of DDO, corporate bond holders are spared while T-bonds with EPF and ETG are punished.    

At the end of the day and after DR and DDO are completed, it will be the middle and lower-income groups that would suffer most in the post-DR era. When a system survives and thrives on the basis of inequality it is in the interest of that system to perpetuate that quality. What DDO had done is therefore not surprising. Broadening the tax base without introducing an additional wealth tax shows how inequitable the system is. RW hopes that the World Bank loan of $700 million recently approved under International Development Association would help soften the anger of sufferers and provide enough funds for budget support and social protection. He governing political culture and the economic system nurtured by that culture must be changed, and only the NPP of all opposition parties seems to think along that line. But NPP too needs to clean up its JVP cupboard to win mass approval.    

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

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  • 5

    I am quite dumb when Economics is the subject, you know.
    But, I feel more dumb today!
    Why is NM in the scene? To illustrate the ‘No Money’?

    • 1

      I insert this comment here with no justification. I do this out of fear that I may not get a better opportunity to pass it on. Please pardon me.
      NM had to leave the House under police protection to escape the mobs gathered outside, for opposing the Sinhala only Bill of 1956.
      Whatever his other failings and shortcomings are minor and debatable.

      • 1

        Thanks, Nathan.
        So what you mean is that although we can be critical of certain things that N.M. did (especially later), we have to acknowledge that he did much that is noble.
        We all know that N.M. studied at Ananda College. This is what I get when I ask Wikipedia what they said in 2020:
        And this is what it says today, as default:
        One of my University Batch-mates, a Thomian, used to claim that N,M, was at S, Thomas’.

        S. Thomas’ has always had this habit of claiming for itself all the successful guys, and disowning those (like me!) who were not so successful. Therefore, I doubted the veracity of that.
        What is the truth? Please quickly compare what the two versions say, and then look at my next comment, which, at 07:06 has obviously not yet been written.
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 1

          Comparing those two Wikipedia entries, what we see is improvement in what now appears in 2023.
          In 2020, it was stated that NM studied at S. Thomas’ Preparatory School, which was started only in 1938, long after N.M.P. got his PhD.
          That he had started at St, Joseph’s, Grandpass, is probably correct. Then Cathedral College, Mutwal, which was in the premises vacated by S, Thomas’ when it moved to Mt Lavinia in 1918.
          I asked Professor Kumar David. He said that N.M. did move to S. Thomas’, Mt Lavinia. Kumar deplored the fact that N.M. later moved to Ananda College (not then a “government school).
          His years in the University College of Colombo would have been later than is recorded even now, in 2023.
          When we get so confused about even these recent happenings we want to pretend that we can know if it was the Tamils or the Sinhalese first came to “Ceylon”!
          I’m submitting this comment only at 18:49.

  • 8

    The Taste of the Pudding is in the Eating.

    In days, weeks, and months ahead of us the Pudding DDO, fully “Baked”, will be available to the people to “EATE” and “TASTE” it.

    As per the “Recipe”. approved by the “126” ( with a majority of 62) the “Chief Baker”, in this case, the Minister of Finance (the President) has been granted all the powers to “Bake” the DDO and what ingredients he would add are known only to him and what taste it would be still unknown. So it is too early to dip the finger and taste it. Yet, it is interesting to listen to all who “Finger” it and tell us what its taste is likely to be.

    • 3


      Namal baby issues statements almost everyday.
      Do you read any of the statements and learn anything from them?
      Does he want people to take him seriously?

      Do you think he will become president one day?
      Please stop laughing, anything could happen in this island.

      • 6

        Dear Native: Who is this “Namal Baby”?

        I ADORE babies. Babies are the most unspoiled, honest, and icons of innocence.

        I request you to refrain from insulting “Babies”.

        • 4


          “Who is this “Namal Baby”?

          Mahinda’s eldest brat, Crown rince, Chakravartin in waiting.

          • 1

            Dear Native: That word “BRAT” explains all that needs to be told about that “Namal Baby”. The people in Hambantota are waiting to unseat this “Synthetic Lawyer”.

            • 1


              Who was compelled to award him the certificate?
              Nothing wrong with the “Synthetic Lawyer” to accept a freebie, it is natural however everything is wrong with the system that offered him the certificate.

              Remember the father too enjoys a freebie from SJ’s Siri Mao.

        • 3

          Dear SIMON Mahath(m)aya, not Mahaththaya,

          Namal Baby and other babies became famous becasue our STUPID people never uttered a single word at the time these bastard sons went on car racing also in colombo confined city areas …. remember ?
          is colombo really filled with EDUCATED people ?

          Jathiye Meeharakaa (nation’s buffaloe) (most stupid politician but populist politician) aka Mahinda Rajapakshe licked and kissed the babies in public, cheating the villagers across the country with their TWO TV channels (Derana TV and Hiru TV) giving the biggest ever publicity to go it viral… remember ? why a criminal of Mahinda Rajapakshe nature was kissing babies in public was interpreted as APPACHCHI of the nation….. however, why he did was kept a secret for their political survivals. Why he allowed ARTISTS to be politicians….. did our so called artists ever make efforts to realize it ?
          Why and what qualification has MALINI FONSEKA and GHEETHA KUMARASINGHE to allow entering parliament ?

          • 3

            If yellow pets had brains as many believe or had the foresight, would the kind of things have ever let happened in that country ? Good thing is that MAGALKANDE SUDATHTHA is now in remand in a japanese prison… this gave me a some comfort. Can you imagine, how I would be jubilizing if MEDAMULANA dogs would be hanged in public ?

            Last week, I happened to visit Unawatuna (I was thinking of having a cup of tea but never trusted to expose my locations, because I knew that SINHALA MAN s killing men are after me ????) and there i met another traveller from Colombo who went to that area to spend the day, said to me, if PEOPLE were intelligent so as the politicians repeated, things would not have ended up this much of miserably in our MOTHERLAND.

  • 9

    Should people keep silent when they are getting screwed …….. for fear of Ranil and his goons’ threat of incarceration?

    The real Mr Bean valuing free-speech more than our moron of an imposter …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUezfuy8Qpc

    “You know it’s a crazy world when Mr. Bean makes more sense than most modern-day politicians.”

  • 4

    … NPP too needs to clean up its JVP cupboard to win mass approval.
    I am confused. Is it a case of the tail wagging the dog!

    • 6


      AKD is only the front man, a public relation face.
      Those who control the party are still the old guards, whiter than white racists, maybe fascists, illiberal statists, … believe in one party rule, anti democratic, …. ………………

      Even Laughter will be rationed, …

      • 4

        Dear Native Vedda,
        You usually talk sense, but this is a strange comment. Could you please name names.
        AKD’s position as the leader of both the JVP and the NPP is unchallenged. Let’s focus on the JVP.
        According to the Website of the JVP these are their POLITICAL BUREAU and their new Central Committee.
        I see and acknowledge that the date, or at least the Year of the most recent National Convention ought to be given. I intend finding out fairly soon and passing it on to you. Twenty-eight leaders in all. These are the people we see at rallies and making statements on behalf of the Front. It is true that I’m familiar with only 12 of the 28, but I shall find out about the others.
        I shall follow up by discussing those whom you may consider “the old guard“. I must necessarily do some thinking. I’m not a member of the JVP, but I have applied for membership of the NPP. Dr Harini Amarasuriya, MP, is not a member of the JVP either.
        For now I object strongly to your above comment.
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 4

          Native is absolutely right.Take this guy for just one example:
          This is the same union leader who appears a lot on TV objecting to ALL privatisation, specifically the CPC, and also wants to scuttle all private education. Please give me a straight answer: Do you or do you not favour these policies? This is only one guy out of several, who are the true face of the JVP, while AKD shows his smiley face for public consumption.
          One must judge a person or organisation by what he or it does, not by publicity leaflets. You may object as strongly as you like, but you are functionally blind re the JVP.

          • 2

            Dear oc,
            Many thanks
            for your substantiation of the sweeping statements made by NV.. However, is this all that you can say to justify the total condemnation of the NPP.
            “COLOMBO (News 1st): Ashoka Ranwala, a JVP member was fined Rs. 5,000 by the Court after he pleaded guilty for obstructing the road near the Colombo Municipal Council grounds and engaging in a protest campaign against the proposed
            Kotelawala Defence University Bill.”
            So uncharacteristic of NV is his diatribe that I wonder if it was tongue-in-cheek When I’m dealing with anonymous commenters, I have this problem. How much can I be sure that there are no hidden agenda behind your comments. I grant your intelligence and the finesse in what you write.
            Much of my work has been within the free education system. The same is true of Dan Silva, so that I can trust him on certain matters. About you, we know so little! I wonder what a totally honest seeker after the TRUTH like Raj-UK will say. The education received by your hero, Ranil, has been totally free – yet he comes from a pretty wealthy background. Why couldn’t his parents pay?

            • 4

              “When I’m dealing with anonymous commenters, I have this problem. How much can I be sure that there are no hidden agenda behind your comments.”
              What is the link between anonymity and hidden agendas? What agenda is possible when I have openly declared, like NV, that the public face of the JVP and its private position are not the same, AND provided some proof?
              You haven’t answered the question. So, are you afraid to state it openly, like the JVP, or are you a hypocrite?
              “However, is this all that you can say to justify the total condemnation of the NPP.?”
              I could give you reams more, but just take Tilvin Silva’s position on 13A, which contradicts AKD’s. It is people like Tilvin, Ranwala, and Lalkantha who are the real JVP.

        • 5


          Some years ago in a radio interview with BBC on a Thursday afternoon, AKD accepted that JVP made many mistakes during their (terrorist) campaign against the state between 1987 and 1991 and apologised for all what had happened. I heard it on Radio. Following Saturday an old guard disagreed with AKD and said there was no mistakes on the part of JVP.
          I read it in a News Paper.

          • 2

            Who was this “old guard” fellow? In some matters you are so specific, that your vagueness here is fishy.
            You imply that AKD has aplogised only once, and that, many years ago. Oh, no! He has done so many times, and both “leelagemalli” and you artfully distort.
            “Human Touch” doesn’t deliberately distort as much. However, he, too has his set ideas (i.e. “prejudices”) and doesn’t know conditions in the country. After primary level, his education has been foreign.
            AKD apoogised many times (too many times, in my view). Think of how LM claims that I can’t speak Sinhalese, and that I’m uncritical of the Rajapaksas.). Anura has also clearly stated that if people want to study abroad, it should be allowed. However, I’m of the view that this has gone too far and it’s draining our economy.
            I’ve seen it said in other fora (mostly Sinhalese) that AKD’s “children” study abroad, and that Anura has married his mother’s younger sister (“Puncha”). Absolute rubbish.
            Anura has only one son, Kasun, who works for Air Lanka, and hasn’t been in a University. If these things that I’ve been told are inaccurate, then please enlighten me with substantiated statements.
            When I say that the time now is 06:31, I’m telling you what I know to be true.

            • 2

              “Anura has only one son, Kasun, who works for Air Lanka,”
              In that case, Kasun must be pushing 50.
              If this is an example of your “truth”, I am not optimistic.
              What has AKD’s son got to do with NV’s position anyway?. Stick to the point and give straight answers.

              • 2

                A further example of JVP “truth” for you:
                “Comrade Rohana Wijeweera was the first ever Sri Lankan involved in politics who did not come from a wealthy family.”
                That’s from the JVP’s own website.
                Kindly read it and tell us if there is even a hint of an apology for 1989 or 1971? THAT is the real JVP.

                • 1

                  Dear oc,
                  That categorical statement about Wijeweera being the first Lankan to come from a poor family is obviously wrong.
                  This is why I keep saying focus on what is now happening in 2023, and perhaps has been happening since about the year 2,000 A.D.
                  I’ve provided (in months past) plenty of apologies for what happened in 1971 and 1989. I’m not a “JVP guy”.
                  Keep nit-picking, ignoring the fact that the current illegitimate President, Ranil Wickremasinghe has no business to be talking like this today,
                  without conducting elections.
                  Panini Edirisinhe

              • 2

                No, Kasun who got married to a girl named Lisa Mendis (not sure about the first name, but to me the surname indicates that AKD doesn’t give a damn about caste, which in my book is a good thing) at Holy Emmanuel Church, Rawatawatte, Moratuwa is much younger. I saw the photographs in AKD’s Facebook. I myself don’t maintain my Facebook page at all tidily, (although my elder daughter pastes all sorts of things in it).
                Somebody had said that it was a [Roman] Catholic wedding. So, he’s not so bothered about what religion others follow, although he acknowledges his Buddhist heritage. No, it is Anglican, and is reputed to have the tallest bell-tower of any Church. Nelum Kuluna (not visited by me) must have surpassed it by many metres.
                More to come!
                As for your comment, I can make neither head not tail of it.

              • 2

                Ah, I got it, oc.
                Not Air Lanka, Sri Lankan Airlines.
                I hope other readers note how oc, (and sometimes SJ, who also is a good commenter) exults in making clever comments to be one up on his interlocutor.
                Is oc a good commenter? He’s intelligent and witty (the second adjective cannot be applied to his hero, Ranil); but does he try to enlighten? Well, those who have normal intelligence (or a little below) like me, yes, we will ultimately work out the truth, and it is entertaining.
                Some others, who think that they are super clever (Gota was one such) are, in reality, morons.
                oc is no moron, but he’s not honest!

                • 3

                  I think that people who post good comments like OC and SJ can teach to comment if you really follow them.
                  Please double-check if they ever talk about their family’s wealth, an experience that goes off-topic, how many times they use their little room etc… but you do it round the clock….. no matter we the readers protest, but you dont care … continue… what a pathological condition you are passing through ?
                  Just think, if OC and NV or similar commenters are not in CT, how will CT go down? No doubt no fresher will join CT. That alone will help you understand the quality of their comment contents.

                  • 3

                    Do you think most readers would continue to enjoy your gossip or hero worship and family bragging? Reverend Professor Pathegama Ghanissara made it clear that “many of our people do not know that they do not know anything but pretend to be educated”.

                    Serious commenters like HT, Manel Fonseka, JIT are not happy to read your gossip. JIT has left CT forever, not being able to bear your loads of ludicracies.

                    If OC unequivocally agreed with your AKD-fictions, OC would be good for you… right?
                    Your problem is incurable. I always respect good critics. For me, OC is the best among the few good commenters who post good comments on this forum. I dont think he is pro- Ranil, but like me, he is telling the truth according to the situation, in current context, we dont have anyone else to rely on. My wish is to fill this forum with more COMMENTERS to weed out the stupid AKD-adventurers.

            • 2


              There are many things wrong with JVP and its leaders. The saddest thing is they are not aware of any of their faults, be it ideology or its practice.
              The JVP and its leadership were part and partial of the the problem for nearly 60 years, or in fact from its inception. It was a new party in the 1960/70s hence it had all the space for it to completely change the course of the country. However it chose to dive into the same race, competitive racism.


              • 3


                JVP is essentially a Sinhala/Buddhist racist party.
                JVP wants China to rule this country while detesting India
                JVP believes China’s rising imperialism is far better than any other particularly the Indian variety.
                JVP is ready to condemn India and cannot bring itself to criticise China and its capitalist investment in this island.
                JVP has not surrendered its arms but wanted LTTE to disarm
                JVP has not abandon its racist and most anti worker lesson number 5 from its core ideology
                JVP has not apologised to people unreservedly for all those deaths and destruction
                JVP worked closely with JHU, SLFP, Sarath de Silva to de merge North East provincial council, Now it seems JVP has summoned up courage to criticise the former Chief Injustice.
                JVP never campaigned against war, in fact it was for more war not less
                JVP is not serious about accountability nor about independent investigation into war crime. In fact, it wants to bury it as it sees all investigations from outside are infringing sovereignty. However it failed to recognise one important flaw in its rationale that is with out the International support particularly from India, Sri Lanka would not have brought the war to an end and survived war crime investigation.

                • 1

                  We atleast hope our Janata Vimukthi Peramuna spokesperson, aka Panini Ed (hired man by JVP to balance the comments) will comment on your current statement.
                  He’s been evasive so far, but this time he has to leave you with a creative idea.

          • 2

            Dear oc,
            You make vague references to past events that do not seem to matter much. Is that the way that this country was bankrupted?
            Listen to what Nalindra Jayatissa and Bimal Ratnayake tell us for 18 minutes. Why don’t you explain to us why Ranil will not conduct elections?
            There is to be a JVP rally in Wattala tomorrow. Note the confidence with which I give you a link to what will happen in the future, (Sunday) evening.
            Oh dear! Will it rain there tomorrow evening?
            No, prospects are good, although I hasten to add that my trust in the god, Zeus, is not all that great.

            If the crowds turn up, oc, will say that they were forced to come. However, Nalindra poses the question whether people came to hear AKD in Australia because they, too, were forced. Why did neither of my sisters attend? The one in Sydney because she’s well integrated into Aussie society and doesn’t bother with what happens here. I would that LM emulate that. Also, she’s rich, and those who are well off don’t really mind what happens to the miserable poor. Oh, they’re a nice family in Sydney, but well off.

            • 3

              “You make vague references to past events that do not seem to matter much. Is that the way that this country was bankrupted?”
              Do you even know what happened in 1971 and 1989? Do you have the slightest idea how much public property was destroyed, people on both sides murdered? The JVP is as responsible for the situation as anyone else, including Prabhakaran. Do you really imagine that all the destroyed infrastructure was replaced free of charge?

              • 3

                You still haven’t answered the question. Are you for or against private education and privatisation of SOEs? A straight answer please, or I will have to lump you along with the other smooth talking hypocrites .

                • 4

                  Dear OC,
                  For some hidden reasons, Panini does not answer any of our questions. He doesn’t seem to know how serious we are about those questions.
                  Either he is deliberately ignoring the seriousness of our puzzles or he is brain dead.
                  I still consider him a kind person, but what does his kindness and honesty bring me if he doesn’t answer questions about JVP/NPP again and again?????

                  OC, I returned to Europe after spending a few days in fear in my homeland.

                  This time the betel spit covered streets of Colombo caught my attention more than usual.
                  Most of our people don’t care. Spitting in public is like vomiting to me. Not a single one I have seen is serious about this threat. But private/public bus drivers and conductors do it in a way that is publicly allowed. Their behavior is similar to men urinating in public. This is the situation in today’s society. When walking somewhere, betel saliva stains are like batik in places. The Covid 19 pandemic has made people aware of any kind of infection spread, however, public spitting of our “human beasts” has become a new trend for them.

                  They just don’t care about a respectable lifestyle. Many of our people are like devils.

                  • 5

                    . Elsewhere, you commented on aging people and what’s written about us but don’t pay attention: It’s fine with me, but Panini beats me because I don’t dance to his verse. If I had lived there for the last 3 decades, I would have turned back, however I have seen better societies.
                    And why do I respect murderous JVP just because or even if we are fooled by NAIVE Panini?
                    Instead he talks too much about his sisters and how rich they are. Maybe her sisters can be “Aladdin’s lamp of wonder to Sri Lanka’s future”, what do you think?

                    I remember my paternal uncle who died in LA 15 years ago, like PANINI, couldn’t stand his hero-worshipping nature.
                    – I share similar situations with Human Touch about our older men (but they are all educated personalities, but with their self-judgments). This is a mental problem of our hellish old generations. Don’t you think so?

                  • 3

                    Betel is a sacred part of our culture, to be protected as much as perahera elephants and child clergy.

                    • 2

                      Thank you. I didn’t see a single commenter except you… that gives a clear sign about our commenters.
                      Chewing betel leaves and dreaming of making the country a Singapore:
                      As far as I know, even if the peel of an apple falls on the ground, Singaporeans fine.

                      I understand the stress on the general level of the nation, however there is a clear sign that many people in our country will suffer from “oral cancer in the coming months”.

                      Earlier we lost the poor farmers (Rajarata) who were oblivious to the illegal dumping of agro-chemicals into the country.

                      But our experts today are indifferently deaf and dumb about the overabundance of betel-chewing.

                  • 1

                    My answer to oc’s question has gone below this.
                    As for you, “leelagemalli”, is it not true that you had your school education was at Mahinda College, Galle, which by that time had been taken over (in 1961) from whatever Buddhist group earlier ran it?
                    You then proceeded to the University of Peradeniya (just after I left the place) for further free education.
                    You say that you lived in fear in Sri Lanka; that’s because you’ve always been a coward. It’s I who have to fear death at the hands of the goons whom you support; however, I consider it a risk that all living organisms (including plants and bacteria) must necessarily run.
                    Please stay in Europe, “tadpole”. If other readers don’t understand that reference, please read this:

                    • 2


                      I never thought you were so stupid. Very disappointed.

                      How stupid you have to be, who wouldn’t want to see a big difference in starting their basic degrees at one university and finishing them at another university? I studied entirely in Germany.

                      How can you argue about my education without knowing it properly? What right do you have to interfere with my life?
                      It is your purpose to give me as a “human sacrifice” to your new worshipers, 89-92 murderers. Isn’t it? What a scumbag you are.

                      I must worship Hanchopancha who warned us about you. Today I wish Hancho Pancha a better life. He was 100% correct about you. Not a single person got close to you would praise you. That should be clear to you.

                      Btw you have NOT YET answered our questions regarding JVP/NPP, even if you dare to give us your underpants size and all the details about your family and your friends. How many times do we have to repeate it further?

                      Now it has been proven that you are a man hired by JVP… isn’t it?

                      Get well soon !

                • 2

                  I think that I answered this, oc, but I can’t see that comment. It must have been too long.
                  I agree with what AKD says about this. Those who can afford it will go for private education. In my family we did, mostly, go for Private Education, foregoing other comforts.
                  Why did Ranil, and “leelagemalli” study almost entirely at State Expense – I’ve already asked that. No response.
                  By the way, where did you study, oc?.
                  SOEs – answering that is beyond my competence.
                  Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

                  • 3

                    Dear Mr. Panini Ed, NIC hunter/AKDIst/….. ;
                    Shall I correct you here? If you don’t know the truth, please get your facts straight before adding anything to CT readers. Big thanks to you.
                    “Why Ranil and “Leelagemalli” studied almost entirely at public expense – I have heard that. No response.”

                    Who on earth told you that I did my degrees in Sri Lanka? I completed my schooling in my home country.

                    I go back to the motherland and render my services to them ( stray dogs and elderly people who are really in need) because I finished my schooling in that country which is now a Somalia thanks to MEDAMULANA B****puthas.
                    RW completed his entire education in the country and never left the country for education. There you are right…

                  • 2

                    “Those who can afford it will go for private education.”. Pray tell how they can when JVP goons are trying to scrap what little exists?
                    Where Ranil studied was not the question. In any case, what local private education was available in the 60’s?
                    So, in short, the JVP’s opinions are your opinions. It seems that even forming opinions is “beyond your competence” . And you accuse others of being dishonest when they express their opinions. 🤣🤣🤣

              • 4

                You talk a lot about corrupt MP’s travelling around under tight security, but you don’t seem to know that this is a direct result of JVP (and LTTE) actions post 1987. Before that, it was quite possible to meet an MP with not even a policeman at the gate. Do you know how many ordinary people (teachers included) were murdered just for doing their jobs? If politicians are corrupt now, that’s because most of the decent ones were murdered .

            • 4

              “I like LM to emulate that. Also, she’s rich, and the rich don’t really care what happens to the poor. Oh, they’re a good family in Sydney, but living well.”

              During my post-graduate days at a UNI, one of my senior professors kept repeating that we should only compare ourselves to role models.

              I also have a number of nephews and nieces, whom I urge to emulate what I have been sacrificing. This life would have no meaning if we dont help out the others that are really in need. However your statements are completely opposite… why is that? Are you a cynic of humanity?


              • 3

                If your head is free from any sickness, you must wish if there were more LM kind people to help our people. To tell you the truth, I urge the frequent travelers of Europe to help our poor people (30% of the island population) these days.
                One German couple from DRESDEN will do just that as a result. Frankly, I don’t want to emulate your wild-but-rich sisters in this life. So please dont advise me to do so.
                I have no doubt, their average weight consisted of MAKE-UP loads they apply , if I may ask you. I also have such relatives but I do not brag about anything about them. It is just wasting time.
                In the past few weeks, LM et al fed the elderly, he risked his life again in 2023. He is doing this amidst the threats on his life. LM also shared this with Manel Fonseka.
                His mission has actually provided food to the needy.. Some food has been given to stray dogs.
                May I ask you why on earth you don’t come to your senses and bring examples to revive our society?


                • 3

                  In the past few weeks, you’ve proven like never before that you’re not good in your mental health. This became cleaer refering your comments.

                  What’s the point of telling CT readers over and over about your rich sisters who deliberately fail to help you as a mental patient?

                  At least they should provide your family more support at this alarming situation in the country. Dont you think so ?

                  May I ask what you (Mr. Panini Ed) are eating these days? I have explained why below

                  Some human nutrition researchers (Nutrigenomics) believe that depending on what you eat, the way you think can change dramatically. You are a senior citizen, but I do think you can correct your commenting on CT if you can think better.

                  Besides, I really don’t think you are any older than my cousins (many of whom are octogenarians, some live in UK and US over 50 years, many of them are university educated).
                  Some are older women (widows) and I don’t need to tell you how old they are. … they worked hard in London (hospitals and other higher institutions). wHENever they come to srilanka, they do everything they can to help poor people.
                  The next event going to be is to donate books to a poor school (nearly 500 pupils).

            • 2

              Please Pardon me for this.
              About eight hours ago, I made a comment that was much too long – about 335 words. It hadn’t been pubished (naturally!). I’m now. at 16:10 submitting it as two comments.
              I have no fear that any readers here will hear anything damaging at these future meetings.
              Going back to Logic: when something that has been predicted turns out to be true, that strongly reinforces our belief in science. For example, eclipses of the moon are predictable.
              “All swans are white”, used to be a confident statement. However, in January 1667, black swans were discovered in Australia. Many readers here will not know about black swans. Never mind! All that it shows is that colour isn’t all that basic a feature. Can black and white swans mate?
              I didn’t know, so I checked the Internet just now? How did even think of that area of knowledge?

              • 3

                Have you totally flipped?

            • 1

              Stebbing, who was dead before I was born, refers to it in a book on Logic. After leaving the Maharagama Teacher’s College, I sat two A. Level subjects, since that was necessary to register for the Peradeniya GAQ. I sat English and Logic entirely on my own, reading this book by Stebbing:
              A Modern Introduction to Logic (1930, revised 1933)
              Oh, dear! I’ve just checked on what the good Ameer Ali has written about. Never mind; the moderators are good guys, but I shall keep a coy of this comment.
              As a private candidate from Bandarawela, I was assigned Welimada Central as my exam centre. So, I put up at the Welimada YMCA (it’s about a mile up the road to Nuwara-Eiya). Ameer may live in Perth, but I think that he knows that area. Will he not tell us about AKD’s visit there?
              I got the Stebbing book from my sisters; it went beyond the syllabus, and I asked them searching questions. They predicted that I would fail; I got simple passes for both. They’d done much better in both subjects, since they had excellent teachers (for all except Geography).

          • 1

            Lalkantha, the rascal candidate of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, is provoking by saying “Yes, we have collected the identity cards of the youth”. ….. At the same time, AKD and others are trying to put the blame on the government of that day.
            Lalkanta’s education is questionable to me. I believe that Mahinda Rajapaksa’ s used condom aka Buruwansa is almost like Lalkantha..

  • 7

    When Rajapaksas bought substantial loans from China to invest in unproductive projetcs in Hambantota for their political advantage and RW in order protect Rajapaksas sold that project to China for 99 years. Now again, in order protect Rajapaksas from the loans from China for the organic farming and Port city projects he has gone to get loans from IMF. I don’t understand why he did not sell the projects to China again for another 100 years?

  • 7

    N M in the photo …… Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

    In future …… when Vasu, Tissa, Dinesh et al are no more ……….”Left/Marxist/Commie” romantics out there …… will write tomes …….. wax lyrical ……… about how great they were.

    And young Native and his fellow kiddies …….. will swallow it all ……. hook, line, and sinker.

    It’s how these things work!

    Mahinda already has his name on zillions of buildings.

    Hope Old Codger is not as romantic with his boy Ranil …….. as he is with all the gals! :))

    • 2

      nimal fernando

      “Hope Old Codger is not as romantic with his boy Ranil …….. as he is with all the gals! :))”

      I was told your hero NM had a beautiful girl friend in London. Her name is/was Dr Nanayakara. I also understand both were very fond of each other and she remained a spinster I heard.

  • 7

    The plan won’t work! After seeing their retirement savings dwindle, working masses will not feel incentivized to work for the corporate bosses. Corporate bosses (if they create business opportunity at all) will then have a hard time implementing the Ranil business plan. And the whip won’t work on the Native people in this day and age.

    After WW2, West Germany was totally Socially Democratic, albeit floating on the waves of US Capitalistic funds to rebuild their society – such that was given readily by US and its allies to ensure American Industrialism and Mercantilism retained its position as opposed to Russian Communism.
    Rich and poor of Germany contributed equably all they could to build up their society, and there was no stealing from poor Germans provident funds (actually there were no provident funds, but most of the money came from the rich who contributed any hoarded wealth).

    After all was stabilized, Germany installed its own in-house Capitalistic system. And when that eventually started failing, they quickly opened the doors to Communist East Germany, so they could start the ball rolling on Social Values again.

    • 4

      German working masses felt incentivized to work because of the across-the-board social system to build up their capital.

    • 2

      “After WW2, West Germany was totally Socially Democratic,”
      When you eventually write your book, “World History by Ramona of Pittsburgh “, it will definitely take pride of place, alongside such historians as Terry Pratchett.

      • 4

        Old Codger,


        note the .org.(Scholarly article). Also note the words “massive accrual of capital under the U.S Marshall Plan. Now what Sri Lanka has been given under IMP is miniscule in comparison. Either IMF(via US) doesn’t have the money, or they are not too adverse towards Socialism this time around.

        “The West German economy recovered quickly from the aftermath of the war through the massive accrual of capital under the U.S. Marshall Plan (an investment program for the reconstruction of Europe). It was not long before West Germany had grown into the strongest economic market on the continent. With its rearmament and the establishment of an army under the leadership of hundreds of former Nazi military members as well as its entrance into the NATO military alliance, West Germany became a European outpost and protector of U.S. hegemony.”

        • 4


          Note that the SPD- the social democratic party was well integrated into West Germany’s political structure. Germans, being more evolved, understood the importance of Center Left (unlike our own current King Louis’s mindset – Jungle Book).

          “In West Germany, the SPD became one of two major parties alongside the CDU/CSU. In the Godesberg Program of 1959, the SPD dropped its commitment to Marxism, becoming a big tent party of the centre-left. The SPD led the federal government from 1969 to 1982, 1998 to 2005 and again since 2021. It served as a junior partner to a CDU/CSU led government from 1966 to 1969, 2005 to 2009 and from 2013 to 2021. ‘

          • 1

            ““After WW2, West Germany was totally Socially Democratic,”

            • 3

              Old codger,
              Certainly! That was their evolved mindset. No way did they take US loans to build up their billionaire club. Rich and poor worked at the same level. That’s why they were eventually so successful as capitalists.

              The way our King Louis is going is by hoping the billionaires will invest in the offshore global markets. He’ll make a show of trying the in-house venture, but even he knows it’s a long time in coming. He’s doing the same thing as the R’s except he’s opened it up to a percentage more of his cronies so there will be greater consolidation of off-shore investments.

    • 2

      Dear RTF,
      Some of what you added above is correct. But you don’t know these things better than I do. I live in this country rather than in our motherland.

      My senior professors explained to us that they worked for a cup of porridge to rebuild Germany. Even today, Germans work real hard, unlike in the UK. Next to the Japanese, the real hardest workers in the world today are the Germans.

      Coming back from Srilanka this week, I feel our people are really lazy people. They don’t think twice before committing a mistake. In Petakotu, Fort, Kadawatha, Borella or anywhere close to Colombo, those bus passengers have to walk on thick betel spit. They behave like “real human beasts”.

      Many professors revealed to us many more untold stories about Germany. However, our people back home did not seem to be working hard, instead they criticized each other as usual.

      If they do not work, how can a government expect the country to move forward?

      • 2

        OMG Leelagemalli! They worked like dogs in places like the Middle East! Wretched gov. never collected taxes from the wealthy to clean up the streets and take care of the municipalities.

        • 2

          This is the reason why I firmly believe that you are blood related to the Sinhalese man. You are used to write as usual anything without thinking twice or not providing links supporting your comments. To tell you the truth, This is common to lanken seniors. Prof. GLP was doing the same, even if he is proved to a scholar in LAW and Order. There is a no shame in their behaviours.
          .Did I say anything about Germans that left their country in their hard days?

          I meant something completely different. I’m not defending the Germans, but I don’t want to believe anything subjectively. That’s why I put a link in my previous post.

          For me, Sinhalese racists are more powerful than German and Israel racists who are a very minority. Sinhala racists are entwined and intertwined in both religous and laity. See how devious our Mahanayakas are. How biased our Rev. Malcom Ranjith. What was the difference between ” mURUTHETTUWA cheevara rala” and “Rev Malcom Ranjith” in paving the way Rajapakshe (known high criminals) be back to power. Today, Rev. Malcom Ranjith behaves as if he is reborn. Is it not too late ?


          • 2

            Some of them left Germany and built a diaspora to the very same manner our people and some africans did in the last 30 years. It is peculiar not only to the Germans, but also to Ireland and other powerful nations of Europe.

            I learned from the Germans that they are generally very hard working, second only to the Japanese. I know this well because I have worked with Germans and Americans for the past 25 years.

            Are you talking about those who worked like dogs? I have never seen working dogs….but in Greenland and Iceland they have huskies that they use as drivers in their snow carts.: may be you mean they work like “donkeys and cattle”.


            • 2

              What about our Sinhalese laborers who are risking their whole lives in the Middle East, Japan, Italy and South Korea…most of them are toilet cleaners or housemaids. Gone are the days when Sri Lankans made their good names, however now they are known as the “number one maid provider country”.

              They were exported by the Rajapaksas leaving no other major means to become the number one foreign exchange avenue. Uneducated Piyadasala, Gajan Appula, Balavatila, Lilavatila were exported like cattle to the Middle East in the last 3 decades.
              The met families of most of them were destroyed as their children became victims of drugs and drug trafficking.. Fathers have raped their own daughters ; brother have raped their own sisters…. there are several homes being set in Ambilipitya area, if you want to see, you may go and check will you. It is reported that 25% of the youth in Sri Lanka today have become victims of drugs.

  • 4

    Only an Evil Emperor would dare to compare a bank with the EPF saving account of an employee. A bank is free to run its business on its own will, though there are some baking laws. Not all of those laws are averse to banks. A bank is protected by the Central Bank so it will not lose the confidence of depositors. A bank is fine tuned to lend and make profit, irrelevant that it is making 5% or 500%. (According to economic theories, an income from the investments of the open market is not considered as Economic Profit but only as interest on the principal, because the SEC and other legal watchdogs make sure the Market is fully informed and efficient. Theory is not practical, but that is the science of Economics. A bank can lend 8 times of the deposits it received. If the Central Bank feels 8 times is depriving banks, (we understand that in the past banks lent up to 20 times of the deposits they received) it just with a gazette notification can change it to 10 times. Then the 50% of the tax effect will be many percentages low. Do the shareholders switch away from investing in banks or depositors to holding the deposits from banks because of the 50% tax? This is just another standardization of Tamils Education.

  • 6

    The Sinhala Buddhists and Muslim Jihadist thought that Tamils are better off in education because of their language, they destroyed Tamils’ education. Now they think that the EPF savers are better off than the ones investing or depositing in the banks, so they are destroying the EPF savings. Where is the empirical proof that EPF savers are doing better than those dealing with banks? Is that all needed here an Evil person, who is 100% anti -people activist and people in return are 100% against him, is thinking so? When was the last General Bank Run in Langkang, irrelevant of Evil & Nandalala artificial talk of bank run, and an undue claim for them as the Angels who drove back the looming bank run this time. It is crystal clear that the only attribute considered to beat EPF is not anything related with Economic of Finance, but Evil & Ministers fully aware that the Modayas have no capacity at all to understand that they are being selected this time instead of Demulo Pariahs. Even if somebody out of them guesses what is about to come, the arrogant Ayatollahs who are leading their dream lives under the golden roof of Dalada Maligawa will disapprove of the dissidents’ protest and will have them cursed by Buddha.

  • 2

    Then why banks are selected to be saved is that all 225+1 and their cronies indebted unbelievably many times higher to their capacity in the same way as Appe Aanduwa is doing; that is why they don’t want banks fall short on money and get out to collect that these people owe to banks. All that is in the EPF, or other superannuation funds, is the small percentage deducted from the lower income class. Unlike the bank executives who release large sums of commissions & in addition to inappropriate loans to political masters, these EPF employees have no say in how much can be deducted from their pay or where their money can be dumped as an investment. In Lanka there is always a law on how to nibble small people’s funds and add to the Executive President and ministers’ accounts at foreign banks. Langkang Presidents and ministers are simply walking away with pensions, bodyguards, employment for cronies, and multiple mansions. When a court was about to catch his ownership of an illegal Malwana mansion, Mr. 40% just simply disowned that massive property. How many of the EPF employees can do that?

  • 2

    Parliament was not dismissed in 2021 when the ruling bodies lost the mandates by the actions of the people who voted for them, recalling the whole team with a democratic protest. The election was not conducted only to make sure that every donkey, every buffalo and every rapist & murderous evil in the parliament can receive a pension that is not even in the law of hell those bastards deserve. None of the louse communities in CT have argued for an investment policy for these low-income people. Nobody is trying to bring a proposal to stop this daylight robbery.

  • 4

    nimal fernando

    Wimal Weerawansa talks about multitudes of subjects, such as DDR, Ranil, Ranil, Ranil again, …. industry, Telecom, selling state assets, .. possible bankruptcy of the country as if this country is solvent, … 10 Billion taken during Ranils admin, also blaming Basil, Nandalal Fernando and Jayasundra being mistakes, he sees IMF being a pit, Telecom, Subaskaran Aliraja, national security, …. many more, please refer to Mawbima, දේශීය ණය ප්‍රතිව්‍යුහගතකරණ යෝජනාව කොළේ වහලා ගැහීමක් …. by By Krishan Jayasuriya -ජූලි 5, 2023.

    He also talks about Industry.
    Do you agree with me that he is going to be the next big thing, thinker in (not the 5th) but the 6th Industrial revolution, like Alvin Toffler and his partner, Management Guru Tom Peters (not to be confused with Russell Peters), ….. Old Joseph Schumpeter, ….

    Are you in anyway supporting him, I mean educating him?

    • 6


      Wimal and even the Rajapakses are finding political relevance once again ……. among the gullible!

      Thanks to your God Ranil’s Einsteinian intelligence!

      Once the moron is through with his antics …… he’ll be politically dead carting all the blame …….. and all the crooks will be alive!

      Wanna bet?

      What is the point in trying to blame all the irrelevant minor players …… when the numero uno the president, your God Ranil, is doing all the dirty deeds? :))))

      • 4

        nimal fernando

        “your God Ranil, is doing all the dirty deeds?”

        Where did you get this idea that I believe in God?
        I have lot of other things to do, more important things than believing in God(s).

        • 2

          You stand out with your ideas. Bravo.
          Your comments are always to the point. Our Sinhala_ man aka NIC hunter should learn it from you, NV, SJ and few others.
          NV, me too, I don’t believe in God or any invisible force anymore, especially in Sri Lanka not a single person who commits big crimes gets punished by so called God.

          For me, if there is a God, how is Mahinda Rajapaksa alive today???????????? Is there any other king of crimes in this country ?

          Is WIMAL BURUWANSE a broker with a god?
          Does Rohitha Abeygunawardena receive God’s mediation and support?
          Do Namal and the other babies and SHIRANTHI the gold buiscuit queen receive God’s intervention and support?
          Is Basil aka Kaputa brokered and supported by God?

          Could this list of our record breaking criminals end to recent politics ? The next struggle will definitely be a Rwandan-style genocide, with the suffering of the suffering people.
          Ranil will be out from his politics next year, but who comes next ? 89-92 barbarians with zero knowledge about practiceable politics ?
          What happens to gods ? Barbarians are good at beheading as done in 89-92 brutal era, but will they be the real solution to our long standing issues ?
          We know that innocent people were killed by covid-19, but not a single member of that most criminal family was given deadly punishment.

          Proved – there is no God.

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