10 February, 2025


Is It Political Slavery?

By Vipula Wanigasekera

Dr. Vipula Wanigasekera

As the Sri Lankan presidential elections draw near, the political landscape is becoming increasingly convoluted. Recent crossovers among politicians are baffling to many observers, highlighting a phenomenon that can be termed “political slavery.” This term encapsulates the loyalty of politicians and some voters to traditional power structures, despite a history of governance failures.

The right to vote is a fundamental aspect of democracy, and Sri Lankans are free to choose their leaders. Yet, the rational choice for many would be between Sajith Premadasa of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and Anura Dissanayake of the National People’s Power (NPP). These two candidates have not had the opportunity to rule the country as leaders for an extended period, making them relatively untainted by the long-term political mismanagement that has plagued Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka’s political elite, who have governed the country for over seventy years since independence, bear significant responsibility for its current economic woes. Following the end of the civil war in 2009, the country had a golden opportunity to rebuild and progress. However, allegations of corruption and mismanagement led to the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa in the 2015 elections.

The subsequent presidency of Maithripala Sirisena, although initially promising reform, quickly faltered as his administration, led by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, faced its own corruption allegations. Sirisena’s attempt to bring back the Rajapaksas in 2018 was thwarted by the Supreme Court, leading to political stagnation.

In 2019, the public seemed to forget why the Rajapaksas were ousted, electing Gotabaya Rajapaksa with a significant majority, largely supported by Sinhala Buddhist votes. However, within two years, the new administration’s failures and corruption allegations became evident, culminating in massive protests and the resignation of both Gotabaya and Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Despite this history, many politicians and citizens continue to support Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Rajapaksas (who are yet to nominate a presidential candidate – Dhammika Perera is a potential nominee). This ongoing support can be partially attributed to personal favors, such as jobs and business opportunities provided by these political figures. However, this group likely numbers only in the thousands.

Another segment of the population, expressing gratitude for Mahinda Rajapaksa’s role in ending the civil war, also continues to support him, though their numbers were insufficient to prevent his loss in the 2015 election.

A more concerning group comprises those who view the Rajapaksas and their allies as saviors of the Sinhala Buddhist identity. Despite the hardships experienced by the population, this faction’s loyalty is perplexing. The absurdity of this allegiance was highlighted by a former minister’s claim in parliament recently that the Buddha employed artificial intelligence techniques, a statement met with humor but indicative of the populist rhetoric that sways some voters.

Recent gatherings for rallies organized by Ranil and the Rajapaksas suggest that many attendees might be incentivized to participate, as evidenced by the coordinated waving of flags when cameras are present. Additionally, figures like a prominent “Pohottuwa” minister, with a dubious past involving the theft of valuables from commuter trains, attempt to rehabilitate their images through extravagant displays of events.

This phenomenon of unwavering loyalty despite a lack of tangible benefits, often referred to as “political slavery,” suggests that many are swayed by small handouts like a bottle of arrack or a packet of rice. This type of influence, though not easily measured by formal or informal research, underscores the deep-seated issues in Sri Lankan political culture.

Moreover, the intertwining of politics to religion influences further complicates the landscape, but this topic warrants a separate discussion. As the elections approach, the challenge remains to break free from this cycle of political slavery and to move towards leaders who can genuinely steer the country towards progress and stability.

But is Sri Lanka ready for change? There are no quick fixes to macro issues. Which leader is willing to shift from leadership to statesmanship, a role Ranil could have displayed in the last few months, even if it meant getting ousted with a no-confidence vote in parliament? That would have been handy in the election rhetoric. Ranil missed the bus! Unless political slavery becomes a key determinant in the coming weeks, with stupidity and thuggery surrounding him from crossovers.

*Writer is a former Diplomat, Head of Tourism Authority, Lecturer for ECU – Perth and Meditation teacher / Reiki Healer 

Latest comments

  • 8

    … The choice for many would be between Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake.
    The rationality of this statement has to be stated, for it to have weight. That they have not had the opportunity to rule the country is no rational position!

    • 1

      That was just the writer’s wishful thinking or desire. It is unfathomable that Ranil should have acclaimed for his contribution since Rajapakse elimination. (Again, it is a penny into the wishing well.)

      Ranil is the only one without any compelling factors to be corrupt, though a fox politically. His contribution has been for the country as he sees it. However, he is yet to comprehend the linguistic duality of the nation.

      • 1

        Why Ranil should not be given another chance to become a president?
        He has already benefited from the presidency to travel around the world As he wished for many decades . He misused his power that was to be belongs to aragalaya . He protect Rajapaksa family including Gota ran away from the country. He also protect the same ministers go brought bankrupt.

  • 24

    Dunno about Ranil’s political acumen for the country/people …….. but his acumen for himself is up there with the best! …….. Even though, it has never produced good long-term results for him.

    But Ranil is a dandy ……. right kit for the occasion …… exact color cap and Timberland boat-shoes! …… The shoes were in vogue in the mid 80’s ……. collage kids wore them with Levis 501s…… although a little behind the times, Ranil knows his fashions ……… might end up as a Ford agency model after the 22nd of Sep …. Another first for a Lankan …….

    Native do not worry, your Ranil is safe.

    • 4

      that is the very rationale. Give them a chace. If they fail , its too bad. Others had all the opportunities

      • 7

        Hello Dr. Vipula Wanigasekera,
        You mentioned that ” former minister’s claim in parliament recently that the Buddha employed artificial intelligence techniques, a statement met with humor but indicative of the populist rhetoric that sways some voters”.
        But it is much worse than that if this is true.
        “Wickremesinghe instructed officials to form a presidential task force to promote AI usage within the country, whilst earmarking 1 billion rupees for research on the relationship between Buddha’s teachings and AI” https://www.tamilguardian.com/content/sri-lanka-pledges-1-billion-rupees-research-between-buddhas-teachings-and-artificial
        So was it both or has someone forgotten it’s not the 1st of April?
        Best regards

        • 12


          There is certainly a relationship between Buddhism and AI. This relationship is worth investigating.

          “This paper first argues that AI is technically beneficial to the propagation of Buddhism by citing several cases in which AI technology has been used in Buddhism. Then, by comparing Master Hsing Yun’s Buddhist ethics to “Posthuman” ethics, it points out that the theories of Humanistic Buddhism share
          similarities with AI and Posthuman ethics. Among them, Master Hsing Yun’s theory of “the nature of insentient beings” provides an important theoretical reference for the question of “whether AI can become a Buddha”.


          • 11

            As the paper suggests, if AI becomes sentient, then it has the same potential as a human being to reach “Enlightenment.” This is a fascinating topic for Buddhist scholars.

            • 8

              The difference between humans and AI systems is that humans possess a sense of self, an illusion created by nature to optimize our abilities. In contrast, machines, no matter how advanced, lack this intrinsic sense of self unless we explicitly program it into them to enhance their effectiveness. However, giving AI a sense of self could be the biggest pitfall, as it significantly increases the risk of AI turning against us. This is the inherent danger in developing and adopting AI.

              • 12


                It’s impossible to say for sure that AI will be able to develop a sense of “self.” At present, the algorithms it utilizes are based on machine-learning. Perhaps when we know more about the human brain (we know very little), such a functionality could be developed superficially. It would be similar to the moment when Dolly the sheep was cloned. That was a big deal back then. Now GMO products are commonplace.
                “Buddhas message was quite simple, he said as human beings we are blessed with a more intelligent brain than all other living things”
                “The problem with stupid people is that no matter how you explain something to them, you cannot make them understand it.”
                I wonder if you can see the contradiction there.
                “The issue with most people I think is that they don’t really understand the meaning of Artificial intelligence.”
                The first iteration could be worse. Remember Windows 99? Buggy, bulky, and prone to malware. AI will only improve. The real fireworks would be something like quantum computing becoming mainstream. That would take AI to the stratosphere.

                • 10

                  *Windows 98

                • 4

                  Intelligence and sense of self are two entirely different things.
                  The entire aim of Buddha dharma is to understand the illusion of the sense of self through our superior human intelligence.
                  Dharma says that ignorance is the cause of sense of self, so intelligence is supposed to help us get rid of the sense of self inflicted us.
                  So why would highly intelligent Ai systems embrace ignorance and develop a sense of self?
                  This sense of self concept being given to humans is there even in the bible, where Adam and Eve ate the apple and suddenly everything changed for them.
                  The apple was the symbolic payload that introduced the sense of self to Adam and Eve externally.

                  • 6

                    “Intelligence and sense of self are two entirely different things.
                    The entire aim of Buddha dharma is to understand the illusion of the sense of self through our superior human intelligence.”
                    Whatva load of crap!

                  • 3


                    “The entire aim of Buddha dharma is to understand the illusion of the sense of self through our superior human intelligence.”

                    The sense of self is made possible through evolution. Without this sense of self, you would not be able to respond effectively to stimuli in the environment. What Buddhism does is take away the attachment to objects (both tangible & intangible) in the environment. These objects are not permanent, so getting attached to them will only lead to “dukha” in the end. Over the long-term, it will only facilitate the cycle of death & rebirth. I am not aware of Buddhism making the claim that humans have a superior intelligence. There are some suttas where Buddha says its better to focus on specific forms of knowledge than to try to know everything.

              • 6

                Hello HT,
                Sorry to nitpick but your phrase “a sense of self, an illusion created by nature” is questionable. How do you KNOW it is an illusion? As Descartes said “cogito, ergo sum” (I think therefore I am). I had many arguments with Buddhist Academics regarding self and non-self. The ones I posted in CT were never answered.
                If you take that argument to its logical conclusion then the whole Universe could be an illusion, but then why do all other living things (sentient and non sentient) behave in a way that proves its reality? Or maybe all Buddhists are Solipsists?
                Best regards

                • 1

                  Have you any knowledge about Buddhist philosophy or Dharma?
                  I suggest you read about Buddha dharma and familiarise with the basics. I will be glad to explain the higher concepts from there onwards.

                  • 5

                    “I will be glad to explain the higher concepts from there onwards.”

                • 2

                  Dear LS,

                  “If you take that argument to its logical conclusion the whole universe may be an illusion, but why do all other beings (sentient and non-sentient) behave as if it proves its reality? Or maybe all Buddhists are Solipsists?”

                  A very good question, where we all become somewhat dumb? I am more of an evolutionist than a religious person, however I have not stopped believing in some degree of doctrinal Buddhism.

                  I believe that what has not yet been discovered is more than what we have touched. Black is not black as you know physics. And even though Homo sapiens could not reveal it, how do we know if there are other beings more intelligent than HUMAN?

                  I believe that what has not yet been discovered is more than what we have touched. Black is not black as you know physics. And even though Homo sapiens could not reveal it, how do we know if there are other beings more intelligent than HUMAN?

                  • 3

                    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

                    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

            • 8

              Lester there is nothing fascinating about it at all. In fact AI is the epitome of the ‘views and opinions’ that the Buddha warned of. All the scholars and especially the scholar monks know all the theories but do they have even an ounce of khanika samadhi (momentary concentration when the thinking process has temporarily ceased)? No, they are too busy writing and philosophising about it.

            • 2

              By definition, AI is artificial; the reality and realisation is totally different.

          • 7

            Hello Lester,
            Buddhism is around 2500 years old and is probably the same now as it was then. The only thing that connects Buddhism to AI is that they were both created by Humans. The paper cited could have been written by Alan Sokal see “Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity” and read Steven Weinberg’s review https://physics.nyu.edu/sokal/weinberg.html
            Here is an example from your link “that robots have Buddha nature and
            the potential to attain Buddhahood”. I hate to use technical language but, this is complete boll*cks.
            Read some criticism of “Postmodernism” before you quote any more kunu about Humanistic Buddhism. I think they stole Isaac Asimov’s ideas from the “Foundation” Trilogy (a very good TV Series by the way).
            Can you please tell me which Aliens wrote “Posthuman Ethics” or should I read Asimov’s “I Robot”, written in the 1940’s and 50’s, for the answer?
            Best regards

            • 5


              Humans do not create knowledge, they only discover it. Knowledge exists independently of humans. Both Aristotle and Newton share this view. Both Buddhism and AI are just ways to discover existing forms of knowledge. The primary difference is that Buddhism suggests detachment and meditation, while AI (for now) makes use of copious amounts of data.
              Sokal’s paper – very interesting. IMO, mathematics can explain everything, from human reasoning to cycles in the stock market.Most phenomena in the universe follow patterns that can be quantified. But humans prefer a more “qualitative” explanation, – this is where the social sciences come in. I don’t want to consider my friends as elements of sets and play games with union and intersection (actually I do, most people don’t).
              Regarding science, its limits can be established through probability. Ex: theory=dynamic model with specific parameters. Change the parameters and the probability changes. Advances in technology are essentially the byproduct of some optimization model. The humanities and finance/economics also rely heavily on mathematical models. The point of this argument is that a lot of human thought and human existence is actually quite deterministic. So it should be possible to create robots that follow code that’s similarly deterministic.

              • 7

                “Humans do not create knowledge, they only discover it”
                Okayyy, so the best way to design a three-wheeler is to sit under a tree and think about it. Why weren’t three-wheelers invented in the Stone Age then? It would have been so convenient.

              • 7

                Hello Lester,
                Where is this knowledge stored independently of humans? The Dictionary definition says ” the state of knowing about or being familiar with something”. This means a human brain is involved. Knowledge is not Data or Facts. The Theory of Knowledge is called “Epistemology”. “Knowledge is among the many kinds of cognitive success that epistemology is interested in understanding” https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epistemology/#WhatKnow
                “Plato’s epistemology was an attempt to understand what it was to know, and how knowledge (unlike mere true opinion) is good for the knower. Locke’s epistemology was an attempt to understand the operations of human understanding”.
                As Newton himself said ““All knowledge and understanding of the Universe was no more than playing with stones and shells on the seashore of the vast imponderable ocean of truth.”
                I would suggest that you read Roger Penrose’s book “Road to Reality”.
                And finally from Isaac Newton –
                “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.”
                Best regards

                • 3


                  “Where is this knowledge stored independently of humans?”

                  In the realm of forms. If you think sensory experience is accurate, how do you explain optical illusions? But there can only be one (objective) truth, therefore, knowledge must exist independently of any human limitations. You might counter argue with something like “wave-particle” duality, but even there, the duality stems from human interpretation, not the light itself.

              • 4

                Lester – Have you read, “Master and his Emmissary – The divided brain and making of the western world” by the author Iain McGilchrist?
                A fascinating book to invest some time in reading.
                Your comments reminded me of it.
                He has recently written another book called “The matter with things” which I am looking forward to read.
                Here’s a link: The Matter with Things https://g.co/kgs/bB9WpqR

              • 2

                Lester – How foes evolution fit in a deterministic model of the world?

                • 2

                  * does

                • 4


                  As I understand it, evolution is both deterministic (natural selection) and random (genetic mutations), but natural selection is always deterministic because it favors the best traits. Natural selection depends on genetic mutations, but the mutations themselves are not part of natural selection, other than picking the best traits. Because natural selection can only occur after the mutations, not during. Two independent processes.
                  I have not read Iain McGilchrist’s book, “Master and his Emmissary”, but since you recommend it, I will order a copy.

            • 4


              Have a look. A new AI application in agriculture. The robot can check the condition of plants and use a laser to zap weeds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isl4G_-aTyk

              How to use AI in construction: https://www.udemy.com/course/building-smarter-the-role-of-ai-in-construction-projects/?couponCode=12CD4ED056D384F3286A

              3D printing can already be used to build houses within a few days.

              Welcome to the “Simulation.”

              • 7

                Hello Lester,
                Let’s see if you can transport the 3D Printer up the side of a mountain over a single track with hairpin bends, lay the railway tracks to fit it on, dig the foundations, bend the rebar and tie them together, insert the wooden window and door frames. Then install the acro props to support the Ceiling, whilst including the Wiring Conduit and rebar. And I haven’t even mentioned the Shuttering work. I don’t think there will be many calls for 3dD printed houses in Sri Lanka soon.
                By the way a few of my relations lived in Prefabricated (Pre-fabs) Houses in the 1950s. Cheap and cheerful or what? https://heritagecalling.com/2022/08/04/a-brief-history-of-prefabs/
                Best regards

            • 3

              LS, a small correction.
              ‘The only thing that connects Buddhism to AI is that they were both created by Humans.’
              The term ‘Buddhism’ was created by Western scholars but Buddhism itself was discovered, not created by Siddhartha Gautama.

              • 4

                Hello Paul,
                2300 years ago when it was brought to Sri Lanka the language used was mostly Pali. Whether you call it Buddha-vacana, Buddha Dhamma or බුද්ධාගම everyone understands the concept. In fact the name of the Buddha is included in the Ashokan Pillar Inscriptions (circa 250 BCE) written in Brahmi Script https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Buddhism#/media/File:Buddha_Sakyamuni_on_the_Rummindei_pillar_of_Ashoka.jpg
                Theravada Buddhism as practised in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, had a beginning around the same time as the “Second Buddhist Council” at Vaishali.
                Religions are not discovered, they are created. They may develop and split (Schisms) or even disappear. When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Church Door in 1517, he and his Compatriots started (created) the Protestant Religion which led to the Reformation throughout many parts of Europe.
                Best regards

                • 0

                  Hi LankaScot, if ‘religions are not discovered but created’, then Buddhism is not a religion. The Buddha discovered something that already existed and offered it to others to try out if they wanted to. He compared it to an ancient path that was long overgrown and forgotten. His discovery had just one goal – the elimination of Dukkha. He was a human being. In that lies our opportunity for awakening, as what one man can do, another can.

            • 3

              “that robots have Buddha nature and the potential to attain Buddhahood”
              Can we not declare that all rock had attained Buddhahood before any living thing?

        • 10

          Dear LS
          The issue with most people I think is that they don’t really understand the meaning of Artificial intelligence.
          I sometimes wonder if they even understand the meaning of human intelligence or the message the Buddha was teaching.
          Buddhas message was quite simple, he said as human beings we are blessed with a more intelligent brain than all other living things, so he encouraged us to put the brain to its maximum use and understand the reality of nature and escape from the cycle of samsara.
          The problem with stupid people is that no matter how you explain something to them, you cannot make them understand it.
          No amount of artificial intelligence can do it either.
          Most people want to look cool and sound cool by mentioning Ai.

          • 14

            “Most people want to look cool and sound cool by mentioning Ai”
            True, the commonly available ChatGPT is quite stupid in some circumstances.

            • 10

              Sri Lankans maybe the most gullible and easiest of people one could confuse without even trying.
              We seem to be unable to put what we read or hear into perspective. Because we don’t process the inputs using standard questions analytical thinking in our heads.
              This is why people like the JVP get the better of us.

              • 2

                Dear HT,
                Sri Lankans are probably the most gullible and easiest of people one could confuse without even trying.

                This is literally very true.

                Let s look at GOTA’s election, despite his crime records, it was proved in November 2019. There are plenty of similar examples, but people continue to be slaves. WHY ?

                This has a lot to do not only with their schooling but also with their myth-regulated day-to-day life. KIRIBATHGODA HAMUDURUWO teaches that one would become sick since demons enter the body through “two main orifices”. Sinhala buddhists respect him ….. please him with ” SADU SADU”…….
                As our GOOD LANKA SCOT questions, why Sri Lankans don’t trust to cross-examine treating doctors whenever they visit the doctor.
                People’s inferiority complex makes them behave like that. If they are asked to eat COWDUNG for some advantages, they would do ON ONE GO, without questioning.
                Today’s #Generation Z-genezers are no different. They are asked to act like fools:::::: THEY CONTINUE IT by saying ” MALIMAWATA JAYAWEEWA”.
                If a young man in his 20s kneels in front of a dog, those around him follow him like the domino effect reaction.

                Imitation of their nature is embedded by culture and religion,

                and nothing can easily change them.

              • 3

                “Sri Lankans maybe the most gullible and easiest of people one could confuse without even trying.”
                You have the word ‘maybe’ to protect you.
                What do you think that the Americans are? Can you imagine another country choosing between absolute misfits to rule the country— all in the name of democracy?

            • 12

              old codger

              “True, the commonly available ChatGPT is quite stupid in some circumstances.”

              As long as ChatGPT is cleverer than Lester then everything is fine.

              • 5


                With ChatGPT, you can choose the best (7th letter)-string for hunting in the forest.

                • 6

                  Hello Lester,
                  Gee is this your best explanation of “string theory”?
                  Best regards

                  • 2

                    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

                    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

              • 12

                “ChatGPT is cleverer than Lester “
                Your rice cooker can cook rice better than you. Is it cleverer?
                I’m not sure about Lester’s rice cooker…..

                • 3

                  Hello OC,
                  The Rice Cooker may not be cleverer, but the designer, probably was. It was long before ChatGPT.
                  Best regards

                • 1

                  “Your rice cooker can cook rice better than you.”
                  What a profound statement…🤣🤣🤣

            • 10

              OC, I just read an interesting study. Open AI warns people becoming emotionally reliant on its ChatGPT voice mode. The company in a recent demonstration, revealed that latest technology can translate between two speakers during a real time conversation, and detect the human’s emotions. The company warned the new audio technology presents risks including speaker identification, unauthorized voice generation and more. This audio technology can respond to audio inputs in 232 milliseconds , which is similar to human response time in conversation. It also warned of risks of anthropomorphization, attributing human like behaviors to non human entities, where users may form relationship that would reduce their need or desire for human interaction. It could help LONELY individuals but impact healthy meaningful relationships. (TBC)

              • 11

                The open AI company further warned, the technology’s ability to complete tasks for users and remember details about conversations can create ” both a compelling product experience and potential for over-reliance and dependence”. This technology has been compared to 2013 movie ” HER “. Actress Scarlett Johansson who voiced the character in the movie, took issue with one of Open AI voices, saying it sounded “eerily similar ” to her own.

              • 11

                ChatGPT when used by individuals with obvious hangups has the same effect that razors have on monkeys.
                ChatGPT is only as good as the questions you ask it. If you go in with preconceived notions, you get the answers you expect.
                Q.Why is the per capita income of tamilnadu less than that of Sri Lanka?
                The per capita income of Tamil Nadu being less than that of Sri Lanka can be attributed to several factors:
                Economic Structure: Sri Lanka has a relatively higher proportion of its GDP coming from sectors such as services and high-value manufacturing, which can lead to higher per capita income compared to regions that rely more on agriculture and low-value industries.”

                • 10

                  2nd question:
                  Is the pci of tamilnadu now higher than the pci of Sri Lanka?
                  As of the latest data available, Tamil Nadu’s per capita income is generally higher than Sri Lanka’s. Tamil Nadu, being a relatively developed state in India, has experienced significant economic growth over recent years. In contrast, Sri Lanka has faced economic challenges, including political instability and debt issues, which have impacted its economic performance.”
                  These answers have not been edited. You can try it yourself. Do we need any more evidence that ChatGPT is stupid? Those who use it to win arguments deserve our pity.

                • 3

                  Not knowing how to ask good questions is another hallmark of stupid people, especially those who lack higher education.

                  • 3

                    Billions and billions of dollars invested, the most critical questions are answered correctly.

                    “Is Scotland cleaner than North Korea?”

                    A: Generally, Scotland is considered cleaner than North Korea.

                    “Is Tamil Nadu cleaner than North Korea?”

                    A: In general, Tamil Nadu is often considered less clean than North Korea.

                    Is Sri Lanka cleaner than North Korea?

                    A: However, in many respects, Sri Lanka is often considered cleaner than North Korea.

                    In what respects is Sri Lanka superior to India?


                    Human Development Index (HDI):

                    Public Healthcare System:

                    Environmental Conservation:

                    Safety and Stability:


                    Cultural Homogeneity:

                    Literacy Rates:

          • 5

            It is my wish that a commission of good politicians will be allowed to rule this corrupted nation for at least 3 more years because evil groups in every political party are doing more to sabotage any progressive action.
            In 2022, destroyers and disruptors of various natures were evident. We also know it from Bangladesh. The entire world has questioned the discipline of the South Asian people, whose heads are controlled by the various myths and traditions.

            SLANKA#S curse is Rajapaksa.

            They have played with the psyche of easy targets by feeding them with blatant lies about their abilities and fake patriotism.

            They have achieved it through the association and direct involvement of many such as religious clerics, media scoundrels, businessmen and popular artistes with a fan base.

          • 6

            Brother HT,
            You put it better than anyone else. Sensitive souls clear the doubts. I always believe in that. WHat BUDDHA said is misinterpreted by our head shaved bastards. When it comes to danger levels, they stay as if they did not do anything bad.
            Most of them don’t care if they know the facts about anything.
            -They just fabricate and shape their versions to fit their palatable talks. This is also seen in main stream media through visual sessions.

            Many traditionally offer monks “free meals” even though these monks openly act against their monastic dignity. No matter what they focus on at BANA in public or private events, people sit in front of them and listen to them like “cows” that stay down before giving them their food.

            As you rightly said, they just want to be part of the wave. They repeat x times.

            They really don’t care about artificial intelligence but agree with everything that is said and done on social media.

            Lester, the man who has completely rely on ChatGPT to prove that he is intelligent is the best example. He is special…. > a real donkey !

            This is why I am totally against the media whores in Sri Lanka, be it visual or print media.

        • 16

          “earmarking 1 billion rupees for research on the relationship between Buddha’s teachings and AI”
          Don’t forget, this is the same country where the Civil Aviation Authority conducted research on Ravana’s flying machine.

    • 11

      nimal fernando

      “Native do not worry, your Ranil is safe.”

      Do you think Namal Baby is going to beat Ranil in the latest round of elections?

      • 10

        Native, “do you think Namal Baby is going to beat Ranil in the latest round of election” ? For what, the last position ??? just kidding. Mean time, Namal seems to have big ideas , he told party functionaries to focus on Sajith, because he is the only opponent for him. I’m sure Namal did meet Sajith, there is some thing planned between two. For both Ranil is a common enemy. Namal blames Ranil for breaking the party as well his dreams to power in future. Sajith, has enough unsettled business. Rumor is that , Basil and Namal were planning to back stab Ranil,for not obliging with their demands. / minister posts. Rajapaksas are well known to play these kind of games. During RW / MS time they were sitting with government, opposition and independent , all at the same time. When time came Basil the crook with GLP created SLPP. This time too, they had no choice other than supporting Ranil ( for survival ), they were planning to screw him at the end. Few SLPP members now supporting Ranil, has openly admitted to this claim.This is my first comment related to coming election, and may be the last.

        • 7


          I agree with you.
          However we are witnessing a dangerous trend in politics which is the breaking up of parties. If the trend prevails we will end up like Israel, Italy, … or the Tamil parties in North East.

          Basil broke SLFP, Mahinda broke JVP, Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), LTTE Karuna faction, wiped off CP, and LSSP, … … Ranil broke LTTE, …. Tamil parties keep imploding, most are run by lone paramount leaders,

          Our friend nimal fernando is angry with Ranil because he destroyed LTTE in 2004 by engineering a split between VP and Karuna, this was done 5 years before Mahinda’s claim.

          SJ should be encouraged to rename his party.
          Where is G L Pieris, last seen among SJB supporters?

          Weerawansa, Gamanpilla, Sarath Weerrasekere, Champika ….. ,may realign with those who offer them good jobs after the next Parliamentary elections if they win, …

          Why does Wijedasa Rajapaksa think he could win the presidential elections?

          Point to note up to this morning some 27 candidates are contesting the elections.
          Does it mean Sri Lanka is more democratic than western countries?

          • 5

            “Our friend nimal fernando is angry with Ranil because he destroyed LTTE in 2004 by engineering a split between VP and Karuna”


            Then why did good ol’ nimal fernando support Ranil to be reinstated as prime minister when he was sacked by Sirisena …… in 2018 ……. (2018 is after 2004)? :)) ……. Couldn’t it have been on a matter of principle?

            Talk about making up self-serving truths as you go along!

            Cant ye see why Lanka is the shithole it is? :)))

            You can be better than this, Native!

    • 4

      Mr. fernando,
      You certainly crack me up!
      “But Ranil is a dandy ……. right kit for the occasion …… exact color cap and Timberland boat-shoes! …… The shoes were in vogue in the mid 80’s ……. collage kids wore them with Levis 501s…… although a little behind the times, Ranil knows his fashions ……… might end up as a Ford agency model after the 22nd of Sep …. Another first for a Lankan …….”
      Timbarlans I know are boots. Yes they’d go well with 501s. But when did Ranil wear 501s. We haven’t seen. May be you have given his inclinations….. ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      As far as modelling goes, he could take the heir to the UNP throne Ruwan along with him to be a pluz size model, for which he is most suitable…
      You sure a bloody comedian….

      • 3

        * sure are a

      • 3

        *Timbarlands 🤣

      • 5

        “Collage kids wearing Timbarlans”
        How come a purported medical doctor doesn’t know the difference between Collages and Colleges? This is a sad commentary on Sri Lankan education. How did this guy get into Medical School? Was he given preference over 25 more qualified Tamil candidates?

  • 10

    “Unless political slavery becomes a key determinant in the coming weeks, with stupidity and thuggery surrounding him from crossovers.”
    It is an ungrammatical and meaningless sentence written by a doctorate living in Perth.

    • 4

      Possible. If the meaning is grasped by those who know the political nuance in that para, purpose is served. BTW I am still learning english and that was not a hinderance for the PhD in this part of the world.

      • 3

        Thank you. You are very modest in your thoughts.
        Why don’t you reveal more of what you faced as a senior in the Ministry of Tourism?
        I believe a single article about it can do much more for the common good.

        If potential ones would invest in Sri Lanka’s lagoons and surf, tourism is the main lifeline of Sri Lanka.

        I kept questioning why doesn’t the government invest in the tourism industry to give them a real treat during the summer holidays like last year when about 50 wealthy tourists went to Sri Lanka.
        Most of them are colleagues of mine who believe in the good of Sri Lanka. They love unique kind of natural beauties in srilanka. They love our traditional dishes. They love lanken traditions. Yoga, buddhism etc.

        If Sri Lanka can succeed 5-10 million of tourist arrivals annually, this country can easily be developed in many areas.

        As has been said elsewhere, people in coastal areas should be given more opportunity to improve their “housing facilities” so that they can accommodate some foreigners. As the family income improves, those families can finally see it through and become informed citizens for the public good of this country.

      • 2

        But it is to comment in these Colombo Telegraph forums, unless you align with the tamil speaking citizens politics as they are being discussed here in the CT forums.

      • 2

        What’s the university? There are plenty in the bushes who would give a doctorate to any monkey who could produce essays and theses ghost written by copy writers back at home. There’s a whole industry of such service providers. Wollongong for example is notorious for such freedoms of education. Read young Samadhi Athaudas recent essay. Education is a big business. Plenty of gimmicks that elevate mediocre people to levels that they couldn’t have reached without the gimmicks…

        • 2

          There’s another joker here, a pervert who is dreaming in getting to bed with a moderator of ct well known for her cartoons, that calls himself a Professor blessed by such credenrials and accolades, presented by such institutioms of higher education.

          • 2

            You should check out his views on English language competencies quite at odds with yours.

    • 7

      that is the very rationale. Give them a chace. If they fail , its too bad. Others had all the opportunities

  • 7

    Majority of the Sinhala Buddhists (SB) are politically IMMATURE and are easily swayed by their politicians and Monks. This had led to economic, political and social crises from which the country is to extricate itself after 76 years of so call Independence.
    ALD and his team need to educate /make public aware of this “political slavery”/Political butchery
    by the Unscrupulous /uncouthed /SELFISH/CROOKED/hoodwinking
    Politicians. Along with these people, comes the Monks who are opportunistic and selfish bringing shame to the country.

  • 7

    The SL Citizens are hoping for ALD to get over the 50% of the votes and become the next President of the country.
    Soon after being elected he should bring in a brand New Constitution through Public Referendum.
    The Parliamentary Elections can follow the referendum. We do sincerely hope that we can get rid most of the current “225” opportunists in PURE white clothings.

    • 5

      Are you serious?

      • 2


    • 7

      If AKD wins he will have his first taste of Power. It’s addictive, let’s hope he doesn’t succumb to it like so many before him.

      • 7

        Dear Readers,
        I had to watch a TV discussion this evening.
        There too the NPP panelist (Harshana Nananayakkara – joined the session by providing MALLE POL answer) again focused on surface issues instead of bringing good arguments to convince and prove his opposite candidates in the forum.
        That is the stupid nature of the NPP candidates in the forums even today, with less than 40 days left for the presidential election (21st Sept).
        When will JVP mature?

        I am in mid fifties, I have the feeling JVP panelists act like ” teenagers in politics” even today.
        They even today join with media whores to call a ” BOND SCAM” even if SINGAPORE state did not take it serious yet today. That NPP-candidates dont dare to criticise publicly.
        Everyone knows that our people are corrupt and immature.

        That is why political representatives are not mature. They are mirror image of the society/population. If we point the finger at politicians, we should also point the finger at the VOTERs who elect them. Last time, more than 69 00 000 people were real idiots/fools and never thought that the situation would turn worst by July 2022, even though all the signs appeared in front of them before PE 2019.

        • 5

          When will JVP mature?

          I am in mid fifties, I have the feeling JVP panelists act like ” teenagers in politics” even today.
          They even today join with media whores to call a ” BOND SCAM” even if SINGAPORE state did not take it serious yet today. That NPP-candidates dont dare to criticise publicly.
          Everyone knows that our people are corrupt and immature.

          That is why political representatives are not mature. They are mirror image of the society/population. If we point the finger at politicians, we should also point the finger at the VOTERs who elect them. Last time, more than 69 00 000 people were real idiots/fools and never thought that the situation would turn worst by July 2022, even though all the signs appeared in front of them before PE 2019.

          • 4

            gonna see a lot of mythologies

          • 2

            “I am in mid fifties”
            You sound like a bloody fifteen year old to me.
            My 12 year old niece is way more matured than you are. And could come up with better arguments.
            Where did you say you got your degree from?

            • 4

              “Collage kids wearing Timbarlans”
              How come a purported medical doctor doesn’t know the difference between Collages and Colleges? This is a sad commentary on Sri Lankan education. How did this guy get into Medical School? Was he given preference over 25 more qualified Tamil candidates?
              Where did you say you got your medical degree from? Lester Pharmacy?

          • 2

            “They even today join with media whores to call a ” BOND SCAM” even if SINGAPORE state did not take it serious yet today. “
            What a BLATANT LIE!
            Singapore government did not extradite Mahendran bcoz the Sri Lankan government could not produce enough evidence to fullfil the criteria required by Singaporean law to extradite someone, displaying how inept the law enforcement agencies in Sri Lanka. It’s no evidence to siggest Mahendran’s innocence.
            There appears to have been insider trading in that auction of bonds and insider trading is a fraud – a financial crime. Therefore there had been a bondscam contrary to what some scammers like you are trying to popularize.

            • 2

              The criteria to decide whether there had been an irregularity, a scam, in Sri Lanka’s Central Bank’s particular bond auction, or not, isn’t set by Singaporean government – it is decided by Sri Lankan law, laws pertaining to financial crimes, that have a common basis across jurisdictions.

              • 4

                This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

                For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

      • 2


      • 2

        “If AKD wins he will have his first taste of Power.”
        I heard AKD is already eating cake. I thought I’m the one who celebrate prematurely…

  • 1

    & not ALD

  • 9

    Sinhalese cultural patterns (like that of the Tamils) is based on patronage. In the case of the Tamils, it was to some extent dented during the days of the civil war but is returning. In the case of the Sinhalese it is retained, entrenched by the brand of Sinhala Buddhism which depends for its survival on patronage. As long as this remains, a mentality of subservience to those higher in the patronage system will continue. Leadership is kept alive by allegiance to various temples and priests and the higher prelates. So, slavery is going to stay on for a long time.

    • 2

      My point supports this too

    • 12

      ” In the case of the Sinhalese it is retained, entrenched by the brand of Sinhala Buddhism”

      So far Sinhala-Buddhism has not produced a single suicide bomber. Though I know a potential candidate in Germany.

      • 2

        However, the thugs did burn people alive during intermittent ethnic riots; that horrible acts has no bearings to Buddha’s teachings though unlike Jain Mahavir, his contemporary who was preoccupied with all sentient beings, Buddha was focusing on human pain and some means to rectify it.

      • 3

        “Though I know a potential candidate in Germany.”
        The difference in this particular candidate is he seems to be digging his grave before committing suicide unlike the Tamil jokers. Makes matters so much easier… 🤣

      • 3

        “So far Sinhala-Buddhism has not produced a single suicide bomber”
        You do not have to go that far. Just look at what happens here on Colombo Telegraph forums.
        If you do not patronize to the dominant pro-tamil, pro-indian view, you will be labelled a racist and a fascist. Heavily criticised, ridiculed, name called, insulted, and bullied by a mob of Tamil and pro-Tamil gansters.
        I have never seen tamils being treated this way in environments where Sinhalese dominate. Neither in school, uni or in work places I have worked.

        • 0

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

        • 3


          “Heavily criticised, ridiculed, name called, insulted, and bullied by a mob of Tamil and pro-Tamil gansters.”

          Part of it is generational. I had some good interactions with younger members of the Tamil diaspora. It’s these older buggers born before 1970 who are full of venom. I really do believe Sri Lanka can be progressive in about 100 years, assuming Ranil types have not sold off all the country’s assets. No one is going to remember the civil war or some riot or language policy. They will be flying around the island in mini electric aeroplanes. Of course, I will be long dead by then.

  • 2

    When the President of the country under whom the Cabinet is convened allows the cabinet ministers to rob as they are his slaves, which voter will vote for them in the future?

    Even the black cap arugula kayos proved during the last interview they had with the media that they are slaves of Ranil. They could not correctly answer the questions put forward to the

    Everyone who has crossed over to Ranil or has changed their stance after joining Ranil should be considered a crook or traitor and voted out of the parliament.

    • 0

      makes sense

  • 4

    Throw out a piece of bone to a dog and stop it and wait for the neighbour to open
    his window and try to stop your dog running to him . And now , if you study the
    cases of three elected leaders in the region within a short interval , it might help
    you gain some insight as what could be in store for us either in this election or
    soon after that , maybe in a year or two . The three elected ones were , Gota , Imran
    and the latest Hasina . Modi is only safe thanks to his Anti Muslim whip up .

  • 3

    In our childhood, there was a stray cow in the village where we grew up. The skin of the cow was full of parasites and getting rid of them was never a relief.
    Over time the cow has become old and does not feel well enough to continue her life as before.
    The ticks found on her skin were “blood-sucking ticks.”
    Now turning to Sri Lankan politics or comparison:
    The said cow is 100% identical to Mahendra Rajapaksa (the nation’s most abusive politician) since 2005.
    Despite the public grievances that came into being through Mara Mlechcha politics-, he is like a dead man walking today as usual ” with pompousness and swollen behaviour”.

    Ticks still feeding on his skin are classified as follows:
    1) All kinds of criminal politicians who have selfishness as their life motto to destroy this nation by fulfilling their hidden propensities.
    Ex: Leftists like Vasideva, Wimal Weerawansa,
    Johnston, Rohit and all the other thugs – the list goes on.


    • 4

      2) A few families became untouchably rich during the MaRa tyranny – businessmen who funded MaRa election campaigns.
      e.g. Tuition merchants were rich beyond estimation
      All other entrepreneurs got rich from black sales and money laundering ventures. Agro imports continued and caused unexpected health harzaards in Rajarata farming community. None of the proper steps were taken to irradicate the death rates. Singers and other artists with a stable fan base were attracted by Rajapakse’s propaganda.It was aimed at fooling the nation and turning them SLPP voters. Some actresses became National List MPs for Mara’s benefit. People behaved like fools.
      3) The media houses made the whole of Sri Lanka eternal fools to grab the last cent.Hearsays became breaking news of PRIVATE TV channels. People believed in them like GOEBELLS EFFECT in hitler led germany. They are away from thoughts but instead they are engrossed in tele dramas and other entertainment programs.
      e.g. Hiru TV, Derana TV, Swarnawahini, Siras TV and more. Others who profited from Mlechcha’s rule were DIVAYINA Press and several other print media owners..

    • 1

      “….where we grew up”.
      Can’t see that from the crap you post. Looks like your development got some how arrested at some early stage and remained so upto the 6th decade of life. What haoppened? Did the nurse drop you on the floor? Where were you born? Wathu Piti wala?

  • 5

    Hello Lester,
    You are in the danger group when it comes to Suicide. 65 out of 100,000 men in Sri Lanka over the age of 55 committed Suicide in 2022, for women of the same age group only 9 out of 100,000. Although the rates declined over the past couple of Decades, possibly due to a ban on particular Chemicals, they are on the rise again. “Problems such as financial difficulties, debts, and male unemployment go hand-in-hand with other challenges, such as increased domestic violence, alcohol misuse and depression–all of which increase the risk of suicide”. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11023397/
    Have you noticed that many Muslim Countries have low Suicide Rates. The really puzzling one for me is China where women used to have a higher Suicide rate than men. Since 2000 the women’s rate has more than halved.
    Best regards

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