By Latheef Farook –

Latheef Farook
Nearly a month and half into settler colonial state of Israel’s genocide of Palestinians civilians in Gaza, the United Nations Security Council adopted its first resolution on Wednesday November 15, calling Israel not to stop the genocide and ethnic cleaning but for “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses” in Gaza.
The final draft watered down language from “demands” to “calls” for humanitarian pauses. The vote in the 15-member council was 12-0 with the United States, United Kingdom and Russia abstaining.
However as expected Israel immediately rejected the resolution sponsored by Malta.
The resolution didn’t mention the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel killing around 1,200 people and took some 240 others hostage. Nor did it mention Israel’s response with airstrikes and ground offensive on Hamas – ruled Gaza where more than 11,000 Palestinians, two-thirds of them women and children, were killed, three quarter of buildings flattened and around 1.6 million people ousted.
Since Palestine was partitioned and Israel was created in 1948 for Jews brought in from Europe, Israel turned Middle East into a killing field with its repeated wars, massacres and destruction. However no sanctions on Israel, unlike in the case of crippling sanctions on Iraq, Libya and Iran.
With more than 125 UN resolutions condemning Israel today has become the sole source of instability threatening the region. Israel gets away with its war crimes with US and European support.
This US – European patronage for Israel continues to date as it serves their agenda of keeping Middle East in turmoil. The latest being its on going war on Gaza where, instead of fighting Hamas, bombing and slaughtering new born babies, children, students,men,women and the aged to ethnic cleanse Palestinians from Gaza which will be brought under Israel to create Greater Israel to control the entire Middle East.
Meanwhile UN officials and human rights experts warned this week that Israel’s on going genocide in Gaza is worsening the misery of Palestinians deprived of water, food, fuel, medicine and other necessities besides being thrown out of their houses.
In an impassioned address to the UN General Assembly, World Health Organisation, WHO, Director General Tedros Adhanom called the crisis an “acid test for the United Nations and for its member states”. Calling for immediate ceasefire and unfettered humanitarian access he said“ This organisation was established to foster peace in our world. If you as member states of the United Nations will not or cannot stop this bloodshed, then we must ask, ‘What is the United Nations for?’ “Resolutions are not enough,you must act and you must act now.”, he added.
Tedros said that the situation is impossible to describe, with hospital corridors crammed with the injured, the sick and the dying, morgues overflowing and surgical procedures conducted without anaesthesia. Thousands of displaced people are sheltering at hospitals, with 70 per cent of the more than 10,800 people so far killed being women and children. “On average, a child is killed every 10 minutes in Gaza.Some 1.5 million people now are displaced and looking for shelter anywhere, but “nowhere and no one is safe” and overcrowding is increasing the risk diarrheal and respiratory diseases and skin infections, he said.
UN relief chief Martin Griffiths said Casualties continue to mount, with the dead reportedly exceeding 11,000 people – the majority of them children and women. The actual total, however, is likely much higher as figures have not been updated due to a collapse of communication networks in Gaza.More than 41,000 housing units have been destroyed or severely damaged – amounting to around 45 per cent of the housing stock in Gaza. The nature and scale of civilian harm is characteristic of the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects in such a densely populated area.
Demonstrating its outright contempt for UN, international law and human decency Israel, within 72 hours after this resolution was passed bombed a UN run school and slaughtered 50 students besides kicking out doctors and all other staff in the Al Shifa Hospital leaving patients to die.
US President Joe Biden could have stopped this carnage weeks back.Instead he allowed Israel to continue its genocide of innocent Palestinians to please the Zionist Jewish lobby which placed him in White House.
Today US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and French President Emmanuel Macron together with other European leaders shamelessly repeat the same mantra-Israel has the right to defend itself from Hamas terrorist – and prevent all moves to stop the carnage and being party to Israeli war crimes.
Unfortunately for the Palestinians the Arab dictators installed in power and protect sold themselves to US-European and Israeli war mongers patronage and turn blind eye to Israeli atrocities and humiliation. They failed to even give a bottle of water ,food or medicine to Palestinians leave alone protecting them from Israeli carnage. They had politically impotent lot.
The shameful state of affairs is that Israeli Prime Minister turned Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told: I say to the Arab leaders, if you want to preserve your interests, you must do one thing… Remain silent! Is there any Arab dictator with an iota of self respect and dignity awaiting to normalize ties with Israel anymore ?
However there is still hope as peace loving people – Muslims,Christians, Jews and Buddhists – worldwide have come for ward in millions in support of just Palestinian cause while there is hardly a voice in favour of Israel’s genocide except those politicians who were made and unmade by Zionist Jewish lobbies in the West.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / November 22, 2023
Israel in the most powerful state in the middle east. It is a genocidal settler colony that ethnically cleansed much of the indigenous population. No Arab state or group of Muslim states with corrupt leaders or otherwise, can attack Israel directly and survive. So, the best solution is to use the analogy of the Malaria mosquito in a darkened room where the monster tries to sleep. The mosquitos must inflict damage in stealth and in a way that will make the monster sick. Average Israelis have a lifestyle of comfort and luxury similar to developed European states, whereas the West Bank and Gaza are steeped in poverty, kept subjugated and oppressed. So, making life intolerable for the mollycoddled golden-haired children of God (according to their holy books old and new) is the only solution. Their threshold for pain and suffering is far lower than for its oppressed counterparts. This must be exploited.
davidthegood / November 22, 2023
Lasantha Pethiyagoda, The promise of land to Abraham from Jehovah God, Gen.12,3 I bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. In you all the families of earth be blessed. 12,7 says to your descendants I will give this land at Shechem where altar was built, Gen 15,17 a covenant was made. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who became Israel were later called jews and were reestablished 4000 years later into Israel never to be removed again as the resurrected living Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem to establish his kingdom. The bible ends saying “I am coming soon”
SJ / November 22, 2023
““I am coming soon””
It is time that people stopped waiting for God and Godot and used their minds.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 22, 2023
Lasantha Pethitagoda, are these not genocidal settler colonies ethnically cleansed:
1. Egypt – Coptics who are the owners of the land have been pushed to the south and kept under suppression by Arabs.
2. Syria – Assyrians who are owners of the land are being suppressed by Arabs. one million Assyrians were murdered by Turks with the support of Arabs.
3. Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon – Cannanites are the owners of the land who are being subjected to by Arabs.
4. Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen – Sumerians are the legitimate owners who have been subjected to genocide by Arabs.
5. Iran – Ealamites and Zorastrians are the legitimate owners who have been subjected to Genocide and ethnic cleansing by Muslims.
6. Turkey – Constantinople and Cyprus belong to Greeks. Genocide was committed on Greeks and Constantinople has been taken over by Turks, who also have committed ethnic cleansing of Greeks in Cyprus.
7. Pakistan – Indus valley belongs to Dravidian, who have been ethnically cleansed from their land and is being occupied by Muslims.
8. Bangladesh – Chittagong hill tracts belong to Chakma Buddhists where Muslims are committing ethnic cleansing and appropriating land.
So please do not show double standards, Every wrong needs to be corrected. This clearly shows that Muslims are the worst racists than Europeans.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 22, 2023
Latheef Farook is an Islamic fanatic who is silent on Genocide and ethnic cleansing of Tamils taking place in Srilanka aided and abetted by Muslims. However much of braying and barking of Islamic racists is going to affect Israel, which is protected by divine power. Very soon Muslims will be shown where to get off. Worst racism is the denying of visiting Mecca to non-Muslims. Mecca is a Sumerian temple which has been usurped by Muslims and will be returned to descendants of Sumerians in due course. Mecca has been hit by dust storm, floods and insects which is a sign wrath of God against which Allah has no power. Al Aqsa mosque will be demolished and Jewish temple will be built on that site, correcting the age old crime. Can anyone with iota of sanity believe that Mohamed am mere mortal went to heaven in a chariot from Jerusalem.
SJ / November 22, 2023
“…a sign wrath of God against which Allah has no power.”
God and Allah are different guys, are they?
All book religions share the same god we are told!
SJ / November 22, 2023
He conveniently forgot the USA, Canada and Australia, where it was the British who were responsible for the appropriation of native land.
chiv / November 23, 2023
To me, both are right ( on this, if you are right then he is right too). Regardless LF is a hidden racist / fanatic, with the sole intention of exploiting such human tragedies. He as usual is playing the ” poor me , victim role”. Still waiting to here from LF, about the personal wealth / assets and hidden agenda of Hamas leaders in exile / Qatar. (if needed I can provide the link on Hamas spokesman saying ” they have no intentions of governing or developing Palestine, and their only goal is to maintain the war with Israel permanent ” I stand by those poor Palestinians , who are the real victims.
chiv / November 23, 2023
LF, writes “Arab dictators failed to even give a bottle of water, food or medicine to Palestinians, leave alone protecting them”. Instead of cheap theatrics, LF needs to look at the “who’s who ” , on today’s DM ” 52nd UAE national day held in GF hotel”. Sabry cutting the cake. Others present include Appachi, Pavithra, Douglas, Rosy …… (I was searching for LF among the crowd). I’m sure, after a sumptuous free meals, they all would have felt bad and voiced their support for those starving Palestinians. Instead of feeding the morbidly obese, embassy of UAE in Lanka should have send water , food , medicine ………..
SJ / November 23, 2023
“Regardless LF is a hidden racist / fanatic, with the sole intention of exploiting such human tragedies.”
Some of us seem to be getting very judgmental these days! Perhaps they forget that much of what one sees in another is one’s own self.
old codger / November 23, 2023
But you live in UK, right?
SJ / November 23, 2023
He lives in a world of his own creation.
chiv / November 24, 2023
Hmmmm…… some hypocrites seem to be getting very judgmental these days! perhaps they forget that much of what they see in another is their own self. People who are apathetic of their own community’s suffering and pain are extremely vocal and hysterical , about events elsewhere. Just like our politicians after a free meal discussing about starving Palestinians , so to digest food.
SJ / November 24, 2023
Pathetic moaning!
If anyone who sees only his sorrows is a hidden racist / fanatic, there are plenty of that qualify here.
When they go on the attack on other people and repeatedly insult ethnic groups and countries, it suggests serious ailment.
I will not call anyone anything as their words precisely define them.
ramona therese fernando / November 23, 2023
All what is the Old Testament is what the Jews wrote about themselves. Jesus, knowing the atrocities, condemned his own people for he knew exactly what they were about. He said to their leaders, “Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.” (Matthew 23:13). He also predicted the downfall of Jerusalem because of their arrogant ways.
As Christians, we look mostly to the New Testament, with the Old Testament merely as a reference guide. Indeed, the Catholics don’t look at either too much at all, and take only the direct teaching of Jesus and his apostles and roll them in with the times- a main theme being : “We are to resist using violence even in retaliation for violence used against us (Luke 6:29).”
Bert / November 23, 2023
“All what is the Old Testament is what the Jews wrote about themselves.”
Come on it is still not as bad as the Mahawansa the Buddhist wrote.
Bert / November 23, 2023
“Israel in the most powerful state in the middle east.”
This is a myth not real.
“No Arab state or group of Muslim states with corrupt leaders or otherwise, can attack Israel directly and survive.”
This is mainly due to two reasons and USA state policy.
Iran, Turkey and even Hesbulla could beat Israel if t dint have the protection of USA and is considered a nuclear power.
If USA did not move its military assets, Israel would have been history by now.
Israel and USA have already lost more than what it wants the world to know.
Israel is hated around the world other than some not all Jews.
It is labelled as an Apartheid state that commits’ genocide against a helpless population.
Years it spent to cultivate diplomatic relationship with Arabs is done.
Hamas also wins by the hostage exchange. Gets three times what its releasing. What Israel is releasing is also women and children held without charges. In other words Israel was legally holding hostages which the USA had no problems.
USA lost because the hiporacy
Bert / November 23, 2023
USA lost because the state hypocrisy is now in the open. It has one standard in Ukraine and another in Palestine.
It has no issues in bombing hospitals,
Its once close friend Saudi is pushed to make friends with its worst enemy Iran.
China got a free ride into the Middle East.
Very soon the USD will feel the pressure.
Saudi just signed a three year deal worth billions with China.
Iran can now bypass UAS sanctions and sell oil using China.
Bert / November 23, 2023
ramona therese fernando / November 23, 2023
Dr. Gnana,
All are longtime encroachment of lands and people done in eras of non-democratic autocratic rules of kings and emperors. Can’t believe you justify these things in this modern democratic age of greater comprehension and knowledge, and with weapons of destruction far more potent and deadly.
Champa / November 23, 2023
I vehemently condemn the arrest of Dr. Mohammed Abu Selmia, the Director of al-Shifa hospital and several other senior doctors by the IDF. After failing to find a single Hamas member or a Hamas command center under the hospital, the IDF now resorts to covering up their embarrassment by targetting doctors at al-Shifa hospital.
The ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas is not in force yet. Any agreement is better than no agreement. I hope that there is a clause in the ceasefire agreement that demands IDF evacuating from all hospitals in the Gaza Strip and all the doctors and other medical personnel who are arbitrarily detained by Israel be released forthwith.
a14455 / November 23, 2023
Pots calling the kettles black . is funny
Champa / November 25, 2023
I wish I could first write about my happiness on the hostage/prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas group. I have something else that needs urgent attention. Whatever it is, the bilateral ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas group highlighted the years long Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. According to CNN, 8,500 Palestinians are arbitrarily detained in Israeli jails while the Palestinian side says the number is over 10,000 which includes children, teenages and women. Maybe I should write about it later.
Champa / November 25, 2023
Israel violated the ceasefire agreement on the very first day itself. As reported by Sky News, Israel snipers have killed Palestinians on the street that connects Northern Gaza with Southern Gaza.
According to some other news, two people have been killed and two others were injured by the Israeli military on the first day of the ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli government. This is a gross violation of the ceasefire agreement. Where are the monitors of the ceasefire agreement? They should immediately investigate this incident.
Champa / November 25, 2023
As far as I know, Israel has agreed to keep the Northern/Southern main Gaza Street open both ways. After formally agreeing to this, the Israeli Defence Force has no right to impose restrictions on Palestinians on how to use the street. Ceasefire is not a truce. It is a formal written agreement and the Israeli military abides by its clauses.
It is no secret that, even after 48 days of air, sea and land attacks, raids, and sophisticated US and Israeli surveillance on the Gaza Strip, the IDF has failed to find the whereabouts of Israeli hostages. Therefore, Israel should be very careful not to jeopardize their only chance to reunite hostages with their families. We don’t know whether a faction of the IDF wants to sabotage the agreement as the Israeli Prime MInister’s political survival is now based on the success or the failure of the Gaza ceasefire agreement. Even Mr. Biden, whose approval rates were all time low last week due to his handling of Israel’s war against Palestine civilians.
Champa / November 25, 2023
Oh, “According to some other news, two people have been killed and twelve (12) others (not two) were injured by the Israeli military on the first day of the Gaza ceasefire.”
Then, more than a dozen of youth were also arrested in the West Bank on November 24.
Champa / November 25, 2023
Oh, that lady, who appeared on one video about a month ago with two other ladies, was also released. I instantly recognized her. She was inside a vehicle with some other ladies.
I watched the first video released by Hamas on X on the handing of Israeli hostages to the Red Cross. It was an open space with a large crowd witnessing it. I couldn’t help but cry when I saw both videos. The other one was Palestinians celebrating the release of their loved ones from Israeli prisons. For 50 long days, the carnage of Palestinias in the Gaza Strip has become a part and parcel of the lives of the people all over the world. All this time, I checked Gaza news every day, sometimes every single hour.
I respect Hamas for agreeing to a ceasire despite Israel’s genocide and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. Israel had no choice. And, I grudgingly agree Mr. Joe Biden played a crucial role in facilitating the Gaza ceasefire.
Finally, the “Ceasefire Now!” slogan repeated all over the world won. You cannot undo what happened. But, the genocide can be stopped at least now.
Champa / November 25, 2023
I don’t see the Gaza ceasefire agreement as a temporary one. Even at a glance, it will take more than a month to swap all Israeli hostages in Gaza with all the Palestinian hostages in Israel. It is entirely in the hands of Hamas. Therefore, please tread carefully, everyone. The Gaza ceasefire has also given an opportunity for the IDF an honourable exit from the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
More Western leaders express their shock at the Gaza carnage now. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo have visited the Gaza/Rafah border and denounced the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians including children. They called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a peace conference to address the Palestine Question. I fully agree with them. Starting from the UN Secretary General António Guterres, several world leaders have echoed the same sentiment. Before speaking about a two-state solution, Palestinians should be recognized as humans!!!!! Many western leaders have failed to do so. All the gravest violations of the right to life have been committed by Israelis in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Yet, the universal phrase “human rights violations” have totally disappeared from western media.
Plato / November 25, 2023
Israel will not honour any International Agreement. Even this ceasefire is not going to last long. The Israel-Hamas war has proved that the UN is an ineffective body..
Israel is hell bent on finishing off Hamas and capture Gaza and rewrite History.
What a terrible end for the Palestinians. It stirs up our emotions but the powers that be are thick skinned…….
Noam Chomsky had warned the world about the USA, more so he being a Jew himself.
The Jews want their pound of Flesh and nothing but a pound of Flesh…
The Bard had even then known the Jews. A single character in the form of Shylock sums it all……..
Champa / November 26, 2023
Under the Israel-Hamas hostage exchange plan, a Palestinian school girl who was arrested by the IDF when she was 15 years old has also been released. She has languished in an Israeli prison for 8 years. Just imagine. There are hundreds and hundreds more Palestinian women and children in Israeli prisons. I hope the western leaders who were born on October 7, 2023 make due note on Israel’s decades-long continued atrocities and war crimes against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The Qatari Monitoring Mission on Israel-Hamas Ceasefire has arrived in Israel, which is good news. Israel deliberately delayed releasing Palestinian hostages violating the agreement which caused anxiety, anger and unrest on the West Bank. I was of the view that the Israeli side hands over Palestinian hostages to the Red Cross and then the Red Cross unites them with their families in the West Bank. Israel’s professional military should learn from Hamas how to transfer hostages in an orderly and smooth manner.
The White House officials’ attempt to get some American hostages released on American Thanksgiving Day (for optics, of course) didn’t materialize. Having said that, all hostages are the same to me. The world is eagerly awaiting until all the hostages on both sides are released.
Champa / November 26, 2023
Finally, a large number of humanitarian aid trucks started rolling into Gaza without obstacles. However, thousands of Palestinians who stayed behind in Northern Gaza still have no access to aid.
There is a delay in releasing hostages today. As far as I know, there is no connection between hostages and humanitarian aid. The agreement is exchanging Israeli hostages with Palestinian hostages at the ratio of 50:300 in the course of 4 days with an “added condition on the part of Israel” that trucks carrying humanitarian aid should be allowed to reach all Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip. As the monitoring mission, Qatar should have made it clear to Israel.
As mentioned in one of my earlier comments, all displaced Palestinian families living in outdoor tents in Southern and Northern Gaza should be brought indoors on an urgent basis before the heavy rain turns into floods and nights get cold. It should also be noted that during the rainy season, Israel has a habit of releasing Wadi Gaza river water downstream, resulting in catastrophic floods that devastate residential areas in Southern Gaza. The Gaza rainy season starts in November and ends in March.
Sura / November 26, 2023
Ridiculously stupid Or intentionally is my question??…
I believe it’s the latter…
I’m sure you are aware Israel was there before Prophet Muhammad invented the word Muslim….
Babilonia, Persia, Egypt, Rome, Assyria, Greece are all ancient empires that speaks about Israel….
There are historical battles, trade documents, currencies, monuments to confirm the same…
I’m sure if you look at Hadith and Quaran, you will find many passages to confirm that Israel was their original land….
Automan Empire sold a lot of land to the Jews while they were in power…
Prophet Muhammad came to power thanks to the Jews as per Quaran and Hadith….
How did he thank them? Did he not command to kill them? Isn’t it because they rejected him and called him a fake?
Jews were killed all over Arabian peninsula for a long time….
It even happens today…
Yes. Europe is guilty about the same for a short period due to the book origin of species….
It was not a religious hate but a scientific hate….
Though both are bad, science has evolved and excepted and paid for the mistakes made…. Did the Muslims do that? Can they do that? ….