19 January, 2025


Jaffna Tamils Trapped Inside Their Historical Vacuum

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Dr. Murugar Gunasingam is a path-breaking and indefatigable Tamil historian who earned his doctorate based on his exploratory history of the Jaffna Tamils of Sri Lanka. He undertook this mission of discovering the history of Jaffna when he “first realised that no one had ever written a truly comprehensive history of the Tamil nation in Sri Lanka.” (Preface – Primary Sources For The History Of The Sri Lankan Tamils, World-Wide Search, 2005.). In 1995 he was awarded a scholarship by the Sydney University, Australia, “to undertake research for a doctorate in history”.

He was guided in this mission by leading Tamil historians like Prof. S. Arasaratnam.  He was also inspired by Prof. K. Indrapala, the controversial Tamil historian who like most Tamil historians endeavoured to write a Jaffna-centric history. He shocked his admirers and students of history when he recanted his earlier doctoral thesis documenting the history of the Tamils starting from the 12th century. This thesis did not sit well with the Tamil who thought they had made history from “the dawn of history”. In his new thesis written after he was virtually driven out of his Chair in History at the Jaffna University he fell in line with the political agenda and the Tamil “history” laid out in the Vadukoddai Resolution of 1976 – the ultimate manifesto ever of the Jaffna Tamils. The conventional political mission of Tamil historians has been to claim that they were the original pioneers, as stated in the Vadukoddai Resolution, who laid the foundation for the evolution of the history of Sri Lanka.

Armed with the Sydney University scholarship Dr. Gunasingam went on a world-wide search for evidence of the role played by the Tamils in building “a truly comprehensive history of the Tamil nation in Sri Lanka”. Though his mission is commendable there is an irony in it. History by its intrinsic nature is found in the soil on which it is made. But he goes around the world to look for it. At the end he wrote that “no overall or comprehensive history of the Tamils in Sri Lanka has yet been written.” (p, 25 – Primary Sources For The History Of The Sri Lankan Tamils, World-Wide Search, 2005.).

Tamils are a proud community obsessed with history. They believe fervently and somewhat arrogantly in a glorious past of their own. Of course, their imagined past is far in excess of the historical realities. In fact, they base their modern politics for a separate state / self-determination /federalism etc., on their imagined history. So far, their attempts to rewrite a Jaffna-centric history have ended up as a lame exercise in trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. So the news that they do not have an “overall or comprehensive history of the Tamils in Sri Lanka” is not surprising though it must be upsetting and threatening their imagined history from which they derive political sustenance for an Eelam, a separate state, etc.

Jaffna-centric history has been written essentially to advance their politically motivated thesis which claims that they are the inheritors of a grand past from “the dawn of time”. This raises a critical question: If they do have the tangible glorious past why is it that they do not have a comprehensive history put together by anyone even as late as 2005? Can a nation/community have a great past without anyone documenting the existence of it? Is the vacuum in their history because the gap between the imagined past and the known historical realities cannot be filled with the kind of credible evidence needed to substantiate their claims of greatness? Isn’t this search for a past driven by current politics labouring incessantly to establish a separate state?

In the post-Vadukoddai Resolution period the re-writing of Jaffna-centric history has grown into a kind of semi-industry to boost the contemporary political ego filled with yearnings for the glorification of a history that never existed.  Like most other Tamil and pro-Tamil theoreticians Dr. Gunasingam’s writings confirm amply that his research has been to find evidence of a past that would give credibility to a new Tamil identity that would elevate their status to justify their imagined history. Like Prof. Indrapala he is looking for “the affirmation of a positive Tamil Identity” and he pleads “with the entire Tamil community and especially expatriate Tamils across the world, to act on the matter without any further delay.” But nothing substantial has been dug up from the past since he presented his research to fill the vacuum in the history of the Tamils.

Coming from a leading Tamil scholar who had searched almost all the available sources of the world for evidence of the Tamils in Sri Lanka – Portugal, Holland, India, UK, USA etc– his statement must be taken as a definitive judgement. After his global search his conclusion is startling.  He says categorically that  “the most important single shortcoming at this time is that no historian, or archaeologist or even a social scientist, whether Sinhalese, Tamil or Western scholar has written complete or comprehensive account of the history of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.” (pp. 20-21 – Ibid). He admits that there  were bits and pieces written about Jaffna but no one has written an overall history giving a panoramic view of their past. This news is bound to explode and deflate the heads of the Tamils like a bloated balloon pricked by the point of a needle. Bang!

The reverberating sound must be unnerving because, like all records of history, this revelation has serious political implications. The perennial problem of the Tamils is that their scanty history pales into insignificance when pitted against the monumental achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation, or the classical Tamil history of S. India. When they go for self-determination they realise that they do not have the requisite history, either in quality or the quantity of the Sinhala-Buddhist history, to justify their exaggerated claim for a separate state.

Historian Gunasingam puts it starkly in the following paragraph: “Sri Lankan Tamils possess their own language, religion, culture and tradition and a glorious past which should enable them a strong national identity. However, to achieve self-determination successfully, they lack a sense of historical identity to support their claims for political rights. So, again, why is that the Tamil people have failed to preserve and promote their history as the Sinhalese people have so successfully accomplished?” (p.14 – Ibid).

Why, indeed! The failure of the Tamils to match their scanty history with that of the grand history of the Sinhala-Buddhists makes them feel inadequate. So they have been consistently filling the grim vacuum with their imagination, or denigrating the Sinhala-Buddhist history, or claiming that the Sinhala-Buddhist history is in reality the history of the Tamils. The lack of an impressive and a credible history first hit them during the British period when pioneering British archaeologists, surveyors and explorers discovered the monumental achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist buried under the jungle tide. Each discovery of the Sinhala-Buddhist culture, civilisation and heritage elevated the achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist founding fathers to new heights. Oriental scholars from West were scrutinising every ola leaf found in temples, every page of history they could lay their hands on to study minutely the glories of the Sinhala-Buddhist past.

The Tamils had no comparative history or records in Jaffna. Their scholars like Arumuka Navalar and C. V. Thamotherampillai went to the Madras (Tamil Nadu) to unearth the hidden treasures written in Tamil. If they had a recorded history in Jaffna they would not have gone to Madras and ferreted old texts from house to house. Dr. Gunasingam followed in the footsteps of Arumuka Navalar and Thamotherampillai looking for Tamil history and glory outside Jaffna because they could not find it inside Jaffna. The first two Tamil explorers earned a reputation by discovering the hidden literature of Tamil classical era and publishing them in Jaffna with the first printing press. With the dawn of the 20th century Jaffna Tamils discovered that they had neither Tamil classics to their credit coming out of their run-of-the mill past nor new dazzling creations of their own in contemporary times.

The usual excuse of Tamil historians / researchers is that there are gaps in the Jaffna-centric history because not enough of research has been done to re-discover their glorious past.  But a substantial degree of research has been  done to discover their  glorious past and to date they have drawn a blank.

In the absence of a great classical past the Saivite Jaffna Vellalas (SJVs) – the supreme masters who ruled Jaffna with an iron fist — took to boasting about the slight variations in the Jaffna Tamil accent which they consider to be purer than the S. Indian variety.  The Jaffna Tamils like to claim superiority over the Tamil Nadu Tamils with their quaint accent leaning towards the traditional past. They also take pride in the overall linguistic culture which is not corrupted by the pop culture of Tamil magazines and the cinematic vulgarisms of Tamil Nadu.  Other than that the Jaffna Tamils have been dwarfed by the gigantic achievements of the classical Tamil culture of the S. India and the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation in Sri Lanka.

What is absolutely clear from the judgment of Dr. Gunasingam on the Jaffna-centric history of the Tamils of Sri Lanka is that they have gone around the world in search of a history to boost their contemporary politics. The lack of a comprehensive and authoritative history of Jaffna Tamils has left room for imaginative versions to take root in the minds of the Jaffnaites, especially the SJVs. The Tamil historians are faced with the serious problem of not finding any monumental material buried in their past to back up their claims for a grand history in Sri Lanka. So they are scouring all the world-wide libraries for evidence. It is an urgent need to justify their claim for a separate state. Dr. Gunasingam wrote: “It is now clear that the exploration of primary sources relating to Sri Lankan Tamils throughout the world is crucial given the current political situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka.” (p. 28 – Ibid).

This clarifies the relationship between Tamil politics and their history: they need history to boost their politics. In the absence of a past that could match either  the Tamil classical period or  the monumental achievements  of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation the Jaffna Tamils, sandwiched  between the two,  have come to accept the Vadukoddai Resolution of 1976 as their genuine history. It is simple. It is concise. It is easily digestible and, above all, politically oriented to justify their mono-ethnic extremism with wild distortions of the available records.

By and large, Jaffna-centric history aims to justify the manufactured rationale outlined in the Vadukoddai Resolution.  It is the most significant declaration of the Jaffna Tamils filled with overblown nationalistic rhetoric. It reveals mostly the imaginative capabilities of the SJV elite than the hardcore realities of the history of Jaffna. It is a pure political document spiced with distorted perspectives and historical inaccuracies put together to demonise the Sinhala-Buddhists as enemies of the Tamils. It glorifies an imaginary past — “from the dawn of time”, it claims –with the sole aim of downgrading the pioneers of the mainstream. The lack of a creditable history of Jaffna is a thundering blow to the inflated egos of the SJVs who have been the main authors of their exaggerated history.

In this background the first mission of the Jaffna University should have been to provide a scholarly   history to (1) give the world a comprehensive and authoritative account of the Tamils of Jaffna and (2) guide the thinking of the Jaffnaites to prevent them from running wild with the likes of Prabhakaran – the modern reincarnation of Sankili who had killed more Tamils than all the others put together, according to Tamil leaders. A nation / community that hero-worships a pathological killer like Prabhakaran must consist of like-minded political animals with no respect for humane or civilized values.  Great societies and histories were not built on the perverse politics of Hitlers, Pol Pots or Prabhakarans. The Germans and the Cambodians have rejected their evil past. But the Jaffnaites continue to cling on to the killer cult of Sankili who massacred 600 Tamils simply because they were Christians who owed allegiance to the King of Portugal.

Elevating Prabhakaran to the pinnacle of the political culture of Jaffna is a sad reflection of the dehumanised values of the Jaffnaites. The South also had their Prabhakaran in the evil figure of Rohana Wijeweera, the JVP fascist killer. But he has been cast into the dustbin of history. His successors are still struggling to regain respectability from the victims of the evil politics of JVP killers. But Jaffnaite political culture continue to consider the Sankilli cult of Prabhakaran as a liberating force.  The fundamental flaw in the history of  Jaffnaites  is the absence of a respectable  hero. That is the tragedy of Jaffna. The towering figures of their history consists of unrepentant killers like Sankilli and Prabhakaran. They revel in the cult of death and hatred of the other.

Prabhakaran is the spit image of Sankilli. Sankilli is on record of being the first mass murderer of Tamils. He also put on record the first ever ethnic cleansing by driving out the Muslims and the Sinhalese. Prabhakaran followed his example. Sankili institutionalised mono-ethnic extremism. He relentlessly consolidated fascist tyranny as the way of life in Jaffna. He established violence as the supreme political culture eliminating all opposition / diversity in the name of Tamil supremacy.

It is this history that the Jaffna University refuses to confront. It is also aware that it has to deal with the subhuman casteist culture of the Vellalars. If my memory serves me right, it was Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole who exposed the heinous academic crime of Jaffna University suppressing research on the evils of Vellalar casteism.  It is also the only university that evicted a Vice-Chancellor because he was from a low-caste. As stated earlier, it has the notoriety of driving out its first professor of history for authoring a history that did not justify their political agenda. It also has the scandalous reputation of promising female students an “A” for a lay.

This, in many ways, explains why the Jaffna University has failed to produce an authoritative history. It was established in 1972 by Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. What excuse can there be for the failure of Jaffna University to produce a history of their own people? Obviously, they are scared of facing the grim record of their past. So they resort to their usual game of blaming the Sinhalese. Their favourite game is to blame the history of the Sinhala-Buddhists. They need Jaffna jingoism as a prime tactic to survive in peninsular politics. Attacking the Mahvamasa has been their best pastime.

When will the Jaffnaites grow up and face their past that frightens them so much?

Latest comments

  • 9

    Whatever it is one has to admire their courage and commitment to prove that their imagined history is actually a reality. They are not discouraged by the fact that there is NO evidence to back their claims.

    In fact Tamils are the comedians in the world of History and Linguists. I bought a book written by a Tamil ‘historian’. He talks about South Indian Buddhist ruins which resemble Kathurugoda temple ruins in Jaffna. When I checked the picture, it was Boro Budur in Indonesia….:D….

    • 17

      H. L. D. Mahindapala

      “Jaffna Tamils Trapped Inside Their Historical Vacuum”

      However, why have you been sitting on your head from time immemorial?

      • 13

        Native there is a vacuum in side his skull

    • 23

      If Jaffna Tamils are trapped inside their historical vacuum, then Sinhala idiots like you are trapped in their archaeological vacuum.

      • 4

        what do you mean by an archaeological vaccum?

        • 14

          Such a fool, Sinhala archaeology can be traced only for 2500 years. Beyond that there is nothing to denote the presence of Sinhalese. What we see are Buddhist temples and dagobas, which have a maximum antiquity of 2300 years. Earliest stone inscription in Sinhala is only 1300 years old, demonstrating that Sinhala language was developing before that. In contrast several Tamil stone inscriptions dating back to over 2000 years have been found. Ancient artifacts of urn burial sites and potsherds similar to those found in Tamil Nadu are proof of the presence of ancestors of Tamils in Sri Lanka in pre -historic times. Stone inscription in Galle commemorating the visit of a Chinese Admiral is in Tamil, Chinese and Persian and not in Sinhala which proves that Sinhala was not a recognized language at that time. There was a glorious Dravidian civilization in Sri Lanka before the advent of Bengali criminals who destroyed them. Recent discovery of two sites of ancient civilization of more than 10,000 years in Mannar district proves this. For several years Sinhala archaeologists tried to link Sinhalese with Aryans and failed and now some jokers have sprung up trying to link Sinhalese with Balangoda man, when DNA of the bones recovered matched only with Veddhas and not Sinhalese. Thus prior to 2500 years, Sinhalese are suffering an archaeological vacuum.

          • 6

            Sinhala people say their civilisation is 2500 years old. So it is logical that the stone inscriptions, archaeological ruins belong to a period starting from 5 BC. What do Tamils have?

            Where have archaeologists found civilizations more than 10000 years old in Sri Lanka or even in TN?
            Why does Sinhala inscriptions outnumber Tamil inscriptions many many times?
            Why does not inscriptions or any other source in TN talk about Sinhalese in Sri Lanka and not about Tamils?
            What is Dravidian civilisation? There is NO Dravidian civilisation or even a Tamil civilisation even in Tamil Nadu? Even historians talk about Ancient civilisations in South India where people were multi lingual.
            Chen Ho’s multilingual inscription is very recent. It was built in 1400s. All the inscriptions there belonged to languages used in maritime trade.
            Where did you study DNA of Veddhas and Sinhalese. Veddhas and Sinhalese are have mixed with each other.

            The problem in SL is an off shoot of the Dravidian movement that spout nonsense as Dravidian or Tamil history. This is exactly HLD’s point. The Tamils are brainwashed from their birth to believe utter nonsense as history.
            –In other words, people in this country suffer because of Tamils’ mental illness.

          • 4

            Dr Gnana Sankaralingam

            Urn burials are spreaded all over the world, oldest ones in China. This is what Wimala Begley (1981) who reserched about the Pomparippu burial site says”There exists a number of differences between the ware found at Pomparippu & the burial sites of South India such as the absence of burnishing in the case of the local ones. Besides the technique of manufacturing Black & Red ware has been known in various parts of the world & in different ages. The local technique may have been the result of independant or an adaptation from a foreign culture perhaps neighbouring SI. This would have taken place as a result of culturing diffusion & not necessarily as a common inheritance”.

            Black & Red ware has been found in Bihar & number of Harappan sites.

            So you can’t proof anything here.

            That stone inscription ( written In China) was brought from China and installed in Galle. That time this Admiral was trading with present day Kerala in India & with Arabs. That’s why it was written in those 3 languages.

            • 4

              LIAR! The combination of BRW pottery with megalithic graffiti is ONLY found in South India and Sri Lanka.

            • 6

              Latha do not display your foolishness. If the admiral was trading with Kerala and Arabs, then the plaque would have been in Chinese, Malayalam and Arabic and would have been laid somewhere in Kerala or Arabia and not in Galle.

              • 0

                Dr Gnana

                So you believe Chinese & Arabs (Persians) lived in SL at that time?

                • 5

                  Tamils more specifically Cholas were controlling trade in Indian ocean at that time. Chinese and Arabs were trading with each other with Sri Lanka as the meeting point to exchange goods and were paying subservience to Tamils. This is the reason why plaque was in those three language. Sinhalese were never recognized in the international arena as an economic power.

      • 2

        Indian Proverb, “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first”

        • 10


          Obviously you are a garbage ( refuse) left behind by your Portuguese forbears. Your mongrel Sinhala Portuguese brain doesn’t know that there is no such proverb in India “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first”. it is a proverb which you have pulled out of your rear end.

        • 10

          Perera ? This means you most probably belong to one of these recently Sinhalised , immigrant Indian Tamil low castes who were imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch colonials to do menial service work or to work as indentured slaves in the huge southern spice estates. Most probably you are one of these cobras that needs to be killed.

  • 23

    What a load of laughable BS. If you do not know Sri Lankan history you should not open your mouth.

    Most Sinhalese historians are a laughing stock who are obsessed with erasing the Dravidian contribution to Sri Lankan History (Not all though, honourable mention to Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne).

    They either portray themselves as mainly Aryans or Balangoda man lol.

    When will mainstream Sinhalese historians accept the following two truths?



    Those in glass houses should not throw stones.

  • 32

    Never seen such a bitter, poisonous, hateful racist like this Mahindapala. He beats even Rajapaksas, Weerawansa and Cyril Mathew.
    Well, what to expect from a blood thirsty murderer Race infused with ISIS type Buddhism. Keep it up Mahindapala. Preach more, omit 99% literature and pick 1% and twist it, use it as per your fantasy world Mahavamsa.

    • 2

      Never ever trust Tamils. Old Sinhalese said don’t ever trust Tamil who fronts of the mirror, Tamil who dead and Tamil who going to born and Indian Proverb, “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first”

      • 6

        You are my friend is a prime example of a Sinhal Modaiya. It is a surprise you’re in Parliament.

      • 9


        use your anus to defecate and not to talk. Your Sinhala/ Portuguese ancestry ( mongrel) is letting you down. you are a clown with 50 IQ.

      • 6

        Post is English first , South Indian origin Sinhalised low caste and then we will answer.

      • 8

        Please tell that to Mr.H.L.D. Mahindapala.
        He has been sleeping with a Tamil Lady all these years.
        Perhaps he gets all the briefing about Vellalas from her.
        Tamil Vellalas are the same as Sinhal Govigamas in the South.
        Why doesn’t Mr.Mahindapala e try to erase the Caste
        discrimination in the Asgiriya and Malwatte Mahanayake

      • 4

        N. Perera,

        In the good old days, we used to say the Neither the Tamil in the Photo nor the Tamil in the Coffin could be Trusted.

        We used to adhere to that rule very strictly. When I was in College at STC, there used to be a Photo of Warden Selvaratnam in one of the classrooms. Once a foolish friend of mine left his wallet near a desk, right in front of the photo of Warden Selvaratnam.

        And obviously you know what happened to the wallet. It got lost and the only person we could suspect was Warden Selvaratnam. We reminded our friend to always follow the rule of not trusting a Tamil.

        • 8

          RTd Nondiya Colnel S Perera
          In the good old days, we used to say the Neither the Tamil in the Photo nor the Tamil in the Coffin could be Trusted.
          We used to adhere to that rule very strictly. When I was in College at STC, there used to be a Photo of Warden Selvaratnam in one of the classrooms. Once a foolish friend of mine left his wallet near a desk, right in front of the photo of Warden Selvaratnam.
          And obviously you know what happened to the wallet. It got lost and the only person we could suspect was Warden Selvaratnam. We reminded our friend to always follow the rule of not trusting a Tamil.”

          what better proof you need to establish the saying ” Sinhala modaya ————–” you are truly a race of fools, imbeciles, idiots and lunatics.

          Buddhu Saranai! Devi pihitai!

  • 19

    Mahindapala has followed a predictable route. Nothing new here. He will of course not say anything about the history of our mongrel Sinhala breed cobbled together from the dregs of Middle India. No irony for the claims that the Buddha entrusted his sacred philosophy to our ragtag bunch (what was he thinking?) – even more incredible that Buddhists are asked to worship the outsize tooth on display both here and in Singapore. You cannot make it up. Maybe it was somebody’s idea to counter the virgin birth. Or Shiva’s lingam.
    As an evolved atheist, I have to marvel at just how cuckoo fellow members of our species can be.

    • 17

      Spring Koha

      “As an evolved atheist, I have to marvel at just how cuckoo fellow members of our species can be.”

      Please tell me whether Mahinda is a Buddhist, Sinhala/Buddhist, Sinhala/Saivan, Sinhala/Hindu, or Sinhala/Hindutva. What I noticed is that when he is in Sri Lanka he claims to be a Sinhala/Buddhist. When in India he appears to be a Hindu. In recent days he was seen participating in an elaborate ritual, a possible conversion to Hindutva? What does he genuinely follow, practice and believe?

      Gota was seen in Shiruti Sai Temple offering pooja.
      Yet these crooks claim themselves to be Sinhala/Buddhists.
      What are differences between Buddhism and Sinhala/Buddhism.
      My Elders tell me they never met a Sinhala/Buddhist before 1950s. Is it true?

      • 13

        “Please tell me whether Mahinda is a Buddhist, Sinhala/Buddhist, Sinhala/Saivan, Sinhala/Hindu or Sinhala/Hindutwa”. No he is a hybrid Malay/Malayalee suffering from an inferior complex, something similar to a pariah dog.

        • 2

          Dr Sakkaralingam,

          It’s none of your business. As for us, it doesn’t matter even if he’s from Africa. What matters is he’s doing the job for the Sinhalese except for that minor dual citizenship blip.

      • 5

        Native Vedda

        You put your finger on a particular phenomenon of our political ‘royalty’. They will be anything when it suits them. Any God that brings an advantage is fair game. Of course this goes back a long time to when our colonial masters called the shots. Church of England in the Governors mansion something local behind the curtain at home. Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Banda himself was CofE until it became advantageous to do the ‘saranan-gatchami’s’ and impress the village voter. Ditto Junius Richard Jayawardena . . .and many others.
        = = =
        What does he genuinely follow, practice and believe?
        I won’t be surprised one bit if the King and his brother strip naked every now and then and worships their own shrivelled lingam.
        = = =
        What are differences between Buddhism and Sinhala/Buddhism.
        Well, as a impressionable teenager I recited verses from Edwin Arnold’s excellent the ‘Light of Asia’ at the Borella YMBA and I read extensively the great philosophy. Alas, ‘Sinhala Buddhism’ as practised by an increasingly intolerant following these days is a bastardisation of the noble preaching’s.
        = = =
        I repeat, in my advanced years, I am happy to be an atheist. I will of course respect the sincere feelings and beliefs of my fellow men, but I will not hesitate to shout out at the charlatans who use religion for their own devious ends.

        • 3

          Spring Koha

          Thanks a lot.
          “I repeat, in my advanced years, I am happy to be an atheist. “

          Will you have collected enough merits before you kick the bucket?
          Do you know where you are heading in your journey if it is indeed a journey?
          In your journey whom do you want to take with you?
          Perhaps your dear lady?
          Is she prepared to join you?

          Are you hoping to meet 72 virgin maidens?

          • 3

            Dear Native,

            What is going on here .. mate.

            Buddha’s larger than life Big Tooth. I never knew there was on in Singapore.
            Virgins giving Birth.
            Shiva’s Lingam .
            Now you come up with 72 Virgins Maidens waiting for defloration .

            All these marvels because you and your mate SK don’t like our Sinhala Buddhists.

            Man …Our SBs are the most placid inhabitants in the World..

            They allowed the Foreigners and the UNP to shaft them for over 500 years.
            And the 10% Minority to do even worse things for another 30 years even in the 20th Century
            And the poor SBs nearly lost even that little recognition which they have in their Constitution..

            During which the real SBs were denied a proper education, proper jobs, proper health , and proper living standards .which made them the poorest , most dis advantaged lower class in their own country.

            Have you ever heard anything like this happening to a great majority any where else on the Planet Earth?..

    • 5

      ha ha this is how Tamils release the frustration……..as I remember GG Ponnambalam had said the same thing

  • 16

    oh my god this guy is vomiting all over CT still his Tamil schizophrenia

    • 14

      Yes posting anti Thamizh , articles here under the name Mahindapalan and constantly posting anti Thamizh comments in this forum under the name Eagle Blind. All the time married to a Thamizh woman , eating the food she cooks , getting comfort from her, produced half Thamizh children and living a lovely comfortable life in Melbourne Australia , courtesy of his Thamizh wife and her relatives. To Chingkallla racists , even to most ordinary Chingkallams , all Thamizh history in the island is bullshit , only their Mahavamsa comic book is the truth. They will never acknowledge the truth , that everything about them is Thamizh and they are Dravidians, most descended from Thamizh Dravidians but keep on insisting on this Aryan North Indian origin myth and will do anything to prove this fairy tale.

      • 3

        so what is your history? Even Tamils disagree with what version they should believe! What is the Tamil history? Kumari Kandam? LOL

  • 16

    What a narrow minded racist is this boot licker of the Rajapaksas. Suffers from severe inferiority complex.
    Quote ‘ scanty History Of the Tamils’ . What an insipid puerile writer.
    Most all CT readers show contempt to this man. He suffers from senile decay and should be ignored..

  • 3

    You must be joking, Whose proud history is it you are talking about. Tamils??? which caste is it? of course, Brahmins? yes, upper caste people had a proud history, But what about more than 50% of other Tamil castes. Jaffna Tamils look down Batti Tamils/ Batti Tamils look down on upcountry Tamils?
    even in Jaffna some sects are outcasted? some people can not go to houses of upper caste? this ugly history you are talking about? what a proud history is this?

    • 7

      hi Lankan fool

      What about Govi, Karawa, Durawa, Salagama, Rodhiya, Sakkiliya all Sinhalese casts. Most of the Sinhalese are low caste South Indians including the Sakkiliyans. Most of the telugu Sakkiliyans learnt Sinhalese adopted Sinhala names and became Sinhalese that is why to this day most Sinhalese behave like Sakkiliyas.

  • 6

    The title itself is problematic. When you trap Tamils inside a vacuum, the vacuum is no longer a vacuum because Tamils are there.

    • 6

      Tee Twenty

      “When you trap Tamils inside a vacuum, the vacuum is no longer a vacuum because Tamils are there.”

      HLD M needed something inside his vacant head to prove his existence as that of an old lightbulb where you would find tungsten filaments burning out to light the surrounding the area. Old bulbs needed near vacuum inside in order slow down tungsten filament degrading so fast.

      Presently bulbs are filled with inert gases to reduce degradation of tungsten. Someone has to pull HLD M’s head from wherever it is now and pump appropriate gases into his vacuumed head so that one can prevent his entire head is rendered useless, as we have witnessed in the past several year.

      Clearly what LTTE couldn’t do, people like HLD M, Dayan, Laksman Yapa, Wimala Sangili Karuppan, Helass, somass, Anuradha Yahampath, Saffron Thug Gnanasara, ……………………………. Mahinda, Gota, ….. are helping VP’s dream come true.

    • 4

      What Mr Mahindapala says is truth. Tamils can’t digest truth. They are still finding Tamil name of King Devanampiya Tissa. Is it enough to find a pot shard here and there to build a history. Without a history what destruction they did to our country. What will happen if they had a proper history here..

      • 7


        “Is it enough to find a pot shard here and there to build a history.”

        Why your Sinhala/Buddhist history was written in Pali?
        There is a gap between Sinhala/Buddhist claim and actually writing Mahawamsa. In between anything could have happened.
        Do you still believe in the origin of Sinhala/Buddhists, beauty and the beast, parricide, incest, …. and all the crap?

        Indians do not have written history didn’t they exist in that land? They do have legends like the Mahawamsa.

        By the way you will do well to read the following presentation:

        History and Historiography

        Hope you will stop being childish after reading the article.

        • 1


          “Indians do not have written history didn’t they exist in that land? They do have legends like the Mahawamsa”

          Indians have written history. Only what written in books are not the history. There are ample evidence of human activities there going back to thousands of years. This type of things can’t expect from a community descending from remnant of invaders of 10th century, illegal migrants & people brought as slaves.

          • 5


            What are you blabbering about.
            Please refer me to any Indian History that you believe you know of.

            How long did it take you to realise “Only what written in books are not the history.”? Do you really understand what you have typed above?

            ” There are ample evidence of human activities there going back to thousands of years.”

            We have been talking about written history of India.

            “This type of things can’t expect from a community descending from remnant of invaders of 10th century, illegal migrants & people brought as slaves.”

            Have you heard of Pomparippu, Arika Medu, Adicha Nallur, ……………. ?

            “illegal migrants & people brought as slaves.”

            Of course you have problem with your ancestry and how you became a Sinhala/Buddhists in the last 60 years.

            • 1


              Please read my reply to Dr Gnana Sankaralingam

              • 4

                Your reply is a hoard of rubbish. There is no need to find the Tamil name of King Devanampiya Tissa, as it is nothing but Tamil name. Could you tell me in which language in the world the word “Nampiya” is found. In Tamil it means “Believer”. His father’s name in Moota Siva. Can you tell me in which language in the world the word “Moota” is found. In Tamil it means “Elder”. Be ashamed of yourself.

                • 0

                  Dr Gnana

                  Devanampiya is the Pali version of Sanskrit name Devanampriya.

                  Muta & Siva are both Sanskrit names.

                  In Sigiri graffiti poems all the poets names are Sanskrit.

                  • 3


                    “Devanampiya is the Pali version of Sanskrit name Devanampriya.
                    Muta & Siva are both Sanskrit names. In Sigiri graffiti poems all the poets names are Sanskrit.”

                    So you didn’t have a language called Sinhala but relied on Pali, Sanskrit, Tamil, Portuguese, Dutch, English, …. to boast your ancestry.

                    The religion came from India,
                    Relied on foreign languages
                    Food, clothing, art, architecture, science, rituals, irrigation technology, caste, cinema, nadagama, music, articians, sculptures, myths……… even ganja, kings, princes, …. everything came from India.

                    • 0

                      Native Vedda,

                      “everything came from India.”

                      Yes, many things came from India. The number 0, Buddhism/Hinduism (two of the major religions), basmati rice, Ayurveda, plastic surgery, binary system used in computers, Fibonnacci numbers (used in financial markets), etc. Similarly, gunpowder and the printing press came from China. Gunpowder was used by the Europeans to subjugate native populations around the world. Some of the coolie descendants of these people are still in subjugation mode, unfortunately. Very few things are original.

                    • 0


                      Sinhalese language has connection to Sanskrit. Sanskrit is classical form of Prakrit.
                      Can you say in which country originated Hinduism, Christianity etc & how many countries follow these religions.

                      Do you see in any other country a dancing like Kandian dancing?. It is costume is believed own by Yaksha people in Sl. When king Pandu Vasadeva had a illness, Yaksha people performed Kohoba kankariya. It is their costume is using since then in Kandiyan dancing. It said that costume is older than Sinhala language.

                    • 2


                      “Sanskrit is classical form of Prakrit.”

                      Please cite reference.

                      “Sinhalese language has connection to Sanskrit.”

                      How and why it is connected?

                      “Can you say in which country originated Hinduism, Christianity etc & how many countries follow these religions.”

                      There is no religion such as Hinduism.
                      Why should a smart innovative cultured …… people like you rely on a imported religion, thousands of miles away from its origin?

                      Mahinda goes all the way to Kasi and Thirupathi to worship and then come back and let his saffron clad thugs to demolish temples, churches and mosques. Whats the matter with him and you?

                      We should not have any problem borrowing ideas, technology, philosophy, fashion, ….. as long as we humbly acknowledge the fact that we didn’t have such things in the first place.

                      Please stop your stupid utterances as you are trying to make us believe you know what you are talking about. Instead if you have any interesting/intelligent questions please feel free to ask this forum and I am sure you will get satisfactory response from learned people who frequent this website.

                    • 2


                      “Yaksha people performed Kohoba kankariya.”

                      Arakki Yakshi kolam and numerous other kolams (dance) looks and sound like Kandyan Dances, and other rituals. There is literally a thousands of dances are still being performed in Kerala.

                      “Yaksha people performed Kohoba kankariya.”

                      Please cite references.

      • 4

        You would not know the truth if it jumps up and bite on that stupid face of yours.

    • 4

      This is Pala’s Paradox

  • 3

    Tamils are at it again, anyone who points at their history revisionism, imagining bogus history is a racist. I recently read a book written by a Kannada scholar called BGL. Swamy. It was a hilarious read and good revelation about the history revisionism in Tamil society

    • 5

      sach the Modaya

      I am surprised an ignoramus fool like you read BGL Swamy’s book on history. For your information BGL swamy is a Bi lingual writer he has written many books in his Native Kannada and Tamil. He being a Native Kannadiga learnt Tamil to a scholarly level and translated Thirukkural in to Kannada language, that said he tried to debunk the conventional wisdom all the world renowned archaeologists , anthropologists and linguists by trying to argue against the antiquity of the Tamil language and challenging the findings that the language used in Indus Valley civilisation was Tamil. If he didn’t have high regards for Tamil why would he want to learn that language ?

      BGL swamy’s challenge was for most part ridiculed and ignored by world renowned linguists such as ASKO Parpola, Iravatham Mahadevan, Maclpin etal.

      only a Sinhala fool like you will find his writings hilarious.

      • 1

        Just because a person learns Tamil does it mean he or she believes in its bogus antiquity . Many can learn languages for different reasons . I want to learn Tamil bbecause it is our enemy’s language . No respectable scholar in history or archeology takes tamil claims on history . When i say respectable scholars if course i didnt mean those fake ones coming out of Tamil nadu . Have you read BGL swamy’s book? It is a funny exposure of Tamil historians

        • 6


          I have read his book. He is a botanist by profession and writes amateurishly on disciplines that he has no qualification in such as anthropology, archaeology , Philology etc . Attempting to debunk the conventional findings of eminent scholars in their respective fields is a tall order for him.

          In Tamil there is a saying ” NAi velayai kaluthai parkiramathiri” roughly translated it means A donkey should not mind a dog’s business”.

  • 10

    HLD Mahindapala is an anti Sinhala, anti_Buddhist. HE does not like the development of Srilanka or growth of true Buddhism,. He doesn’t live in Srilanka and he is a westernised agent. He is against to peace. His thoughts are violence and his mind is brutal.

  • 5

    “The perennial problem of the Tamils is that their scanty history pales into insignificance when pitted against the monumental achievements of the Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation, or the classical Tamil history of S. India.”

    This is the fundamental dichotomy. The Tamil history is 99% South Indian (literally). The other 1% consists of failed attempts to invade Sri Lanka. In order to create a Sri Lankan component, they have to resort to make-believe and other gimmicks. Unlike the Jews, who claim “God” gave them their homeland, or Muslims, who simply destroy existing history in the name of idol worship, the Tamils attempt to distort the existing literature and archaeological evidence in their favor. To this end, they attack everything from Mahavamsa to Sanskrit. It is an impossible task, for obvious reasons. If Tamils were the original inhabitants, it would have been mentioned in Mahavamsa.

    • 3

      Read about Dravidian movement which created bogus historians and gave birth to history revisionism in South Asia. While their claims are ridiculous and hilarious to an outsider, the problem is Tamils whatever their education take these claims very very seriously. Tamils are mocked at in every history forum for their stupidity. Yet they do not learn. There was once a theory about a existence of a lemur monkey in india and madagascar. The Tamil historians of dravidian movement like V.G. Suryanarayana Sastri came up with a story called Kumari Kandam. If you look at the map of that nonsense civilisation, you will understand the problem in Sri Lanka……The Tamils take very seriously all the bed time stories their ignorant fathers in dravidian movement spouted. And they want to make them a reality! No wonder an LTTE was created from this fascist society!

    • 4

      Mahavansa ! Don’t make me laugh .

  • 2

    Read about Dravidian movement which created bogus historians and gave birth to history revisionism in South Asia. While their claims are ridiculous and hilarious to an outsider, the problem is Tamils whatever their education take these claims very very seriously. Tamils are mocked at in every history forum for their stupidity. Yet they do not learn. There was once a theory about a existence of a lemur monkey in india and madagascar. The Tamil historians of dravidian movement like V.G. Suryanarayana Sastri came up with a story called Kumari Kandam. If you look at the map of that nonsense civilisation, you will understand the problem in Sri Lanka……The Tamils take very seriously all the bed time stories their ignorant fathers in dravidian movement spouted. And they want to make them a reality! No wonder an LTTE was created from this fascist society!

    • 6

      Only thing hilarious is you Sinhalese believing in your lies myths and the Mahavamsa comic book and prepared to commit , war crimes and genocide based on these lies, even the most educated ones. Pathetic creatures , that vast majority of the present day Sinhalese are descended from Tamil Dravidians , either indigenous or Indian , everything about them reeks of Tamils, their food , culture, dress, festivals, even the gods they worship . Despite all the deliberate Sanskritisation , almost 35-40% of their vocabulary is derived from Tamil , 100% of their grammar , syntax, lexicon and alphabet is derived from Tamil, they most of their kings and aristocracy were Tamils, local Naga or Pandians from South India, yet they deny all this and shamelessly keep on claiming a North Indian origin , that is only a minor component of their ancestry. The king who converted to Buddhism was a Tamil Saivite Naga . His actual title was Thevanai Nambiya Theesan meaning the great man who loved or believed in god. Thisan or Theesan was a very common Tamil name during this era , as evidenced by the Keeladi excavations. This king’s father was king Muta Sivan meaning the great or venerated Lord Siva in pure Tamil. Their own Mahavamsa comic book states this. Their so called hero Dutta Gamini who lived 2300 years ago , when there was no Sinhalese language or people , was no Sinhalese but a converted Tamil Buddhist Naga. His father was king Kakkai Vanna Theesan ( the king or great man the colour of crow in pure Tamil) or Kaavan Theesan( meaning the great protector or guardian) all pure Tamil names. Everything ancient and prehistoric is Tamil and Saivite. The five Ishwarams and Kathikammam in honour of the Tamil god Lord Murugan. This is why the Vedda still worship Lord Murugan and Valliamma as their gods., as they had been interacting with Tamils from pre historic times.

      • 5

        None of the ancient kings in the island ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryans , as they were neither. They were Dravidian Tamils , either from South India or local Naga. To destroy all this evidence the Sinhalese establishment deliberately burnt the Jaffna library , that had many ancient records , and destroyed them. Now they are running around the north and east changing place names and destroying ancient Hindu temples or converting them to Buddhist temples , using fake history and myths , provided by the so called Archaeological department that is now under the ministry of defence. We all know the so called Archaeological department is manned by Sinhalese racists.
        Everything ancient and prehistoric is Tamil and Saivite. The five Ishwarams and Kathikammam in honour of the Tamil god Lord Murugan. This is why the Vedda still worship Lord Murugan and Valliamma as their gods., as they had been interacting with Tamils from pre historic times. None of the ancient kings in the island ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryans , as they were neither. They were Dravidian Tamils , either from South India or local Naga. To destroy all this evidence the Sinhalese establishment deliberately burnt the Jaffna library , that had many ancient records , and destroyed them. Now they are running around the north and east changing place names and destroying ancient Hindu temples or converting them to Buddhist temples , using fake history and myths , provided by the so called Archaeological department that is now under the ministry of defence. We all know the so called Archaeological department is manned by Sinhalese racists.

        • 1

          If it is about our safety and existence as a people we are ready to commit whatever crime again …..:)
          Who took mahavamsa seriously ? Sinhalese like Codrington? Tenant? Geiger ?

      • 1

        All Tamils are indigenous only to Tamilnadu. Tamils do not have any ancient history in this island, except as invaders and destroyers who were always chased back to your homeland Tamilnadu.
        Kataragama God is not Murugan. Kataragama God is a deity of the Sinhalese folk religion. Vaeddas do not worship Murugan, but Kataragama God. The Valliamma myth is a myth from Tamilnadu, brought here in recent times i.e after 16-17th century to Srilanka. Murugan worship at Kataragama started only with Tamil immigrants post start of colonial era, according to scholars it started with Indian indentured labourers. What is the most ancient reference to Kataragama God being Murugan? If you have any references of Kataragama God being Murugan from prior to the 18th century please post the references. Otherwise stop posting nonsense.
        Keeladi excavations have found a Sinhala Brahmi inscribed potsherd which had the name “Tissa” inscribed on it as far as the news goes. How this becomes “Theesan was a common Tamil name” is beyond rationality, but borders to lunacy. FYI Tissa is a common Sinhalese name. Tamil Brahmi doesnot even have the letter “s”.
        K. Rajan a Tamil archaelogist/epigraphist: “Potsherds with inscriptions in Tamil-Brahmi script found in trenches dug by the ASI at Keezhadi near Madurai on the banks of the Vaigai river in Tamil Nadu. The inscriptions were of Tamil names such as Eyyan, Udhiran and Aadhan, but an unusual find was a Prakrit name, “Tissa”, which pointed to the existence of trade links between Keezhadi and Sri Lanka.” The prakrit he is talking of here is Sinhalese Prakrit.
        Sinhala language is attested in Brahmi inscriptions from the citadel of Anuradhapura the ancient Sinhalese capital, already in the 6th century BC. You can save your stupid theories.

  • 2

    This man’s head is the only vacuum here. If I put into words what my mind tells me to it would be rejected. At this juncture all, I can say is that the author is an imbecile and an utter idiot. History is important to learn from and avoid the mistakes of the past. It is not for pointing fingers. Contrary to your believes we Tamils have a rich and vibrant history. you can burn our libraries and books you moron we will still be here.

    • 1


      History can’t be only in libraries. It is because no Tamil history was available in Jaffna libraries Mr Gunasinghem had to go around the globe to find Sri lankan Tamil history.

      • 8

        latha the lunatic

        If your Sinhala Buddhists didn’t fear the evidence the Jaffna Tamils had about their historic past why would the Sinhala Buddhist hooligans and their political leaders want to burn the Jaffna Library with a number of Tamil manuscripts and other historic records ?

        You Sinhalese are truly a Sickening race of fools. What more can we expect from a mongrel race.

        • 3


          It is burnt by pirabakaran and his thugs. Burning of childrens fairy tales, & novels, later they can claim anything. If there were any such history why did’t they revealed it until 1981.

          • 7

            Latha the Lunatic

            If you want to be taken seriously in this forum stop talking through your arse. Be serious, even by your Sinhala( mongrel) modaya standards your comments are becoming rather tedious.

        • 3


          “What can we expect from a mongrel race”

          Mongrel or not we give what you deserve.

          • 3


            “Mongrel or not we give what you deserve.”

            What is that they deserve and what do you give them?
            Do you mean begging from Hindia for everything from A to Z including wartime support and peacetime donations to run this island out of which you manage to give them what they deserve?

            Modi was happy to donate some cash on the condition Mahinda converted to Hindutva. That was exactly Mahinda did in Kasi where he publically conducted his conversion for $400 millions and deferment of earlier loans .

            By the way one should not judge another by his/her birth but by his/her behaviour as an individual as well as a collective. You have to ask yourself what is your contribution to the village in which you were born, the town, the country, and the people you belong to and the world as an individual or as a collective. You don’t have to tell us maybe there is nothing much in fact your negative contribution may outweigh whatever positive contribution.

            Your respondent should not have described races as Mongrel.
            It was wrong.
            Do you still believe Tamil’s heads are filled with full of crap?

            If you cannot articulate your thoughts(?) with some supporting evidence and coherent argument please refrain from reassuring your stupidity. I asked you some questions on literature for which I never received proper answer. The best way to deal with difficult issues is to say sorry withdraw yourself from that particular discussion, do some research come back all guns blazing.

            Because you people share the same genes as the Tamils (both in Sri Lanka and Tamils Nadu) you never accept or apologise when you know you are wrong.

      • 2


        “It is because no Tamil history was available in Jaffna libraries Mr Gunasinghem had to go around the globe to find Sri lankan Tamil history.”

        All because your colonial masters and your Sinhala/Buddhists cultural thugs destroyed and continue to destroy not only Tamil History but also Sinhala history.

        Can you confirm whether those intellectually honest Sinhala speaking scholars/historians don’t spend their valuable time in libraries and national archives around the world?

        Please ignore my comment if you still believe you are stupid.

        By the way when exactly did Mr Gunasinghem go around the world before or after 2 Jun 1981?

        Did you know Professors Gananath Obeyesekere, H L Seneviratne, Sudharshan Seneviratne, R A L H Gunawardana, Amaradasa Liyanagamage, ……. Dr Charles Godakumbura, …… every one of them spent lots of time in foreign libraries and archives?

        Are you after digging out truth or unleashing your self hatred ?

        • 0


          What questions you asked from me about literature? Did I learn this & that?

          Yes we learnt some literature. If my memory correct we learnt Subashithaya poems in grade 5, in grade 7 some Salalihini Sandesha poems, in grade 8 part of Ummagga Jathaka. Like wise Guttila poems, Loweda sagarawa. But long ago. But now a days children learn literature as a separate subject.

          You asked when & whom Sigiriya poems published? First published by Archaeology Department in 1956.

          • 3


            “You asked when & whom Sigiriya poems published? First published by Archaeology Department in 1956.”

            Name of the book, author, ………….. and actual poems at least a few lines?

            I ask thousands of question for which stupid people like you never answer nor respond.
            Go away now and come up with the same questions and answers in about 2 or 3 months.

            • 0


              විජුරක්බො පැවිජ්ජන් ලී (මෙ) ගී Vijurakbo pavijjan lee me gee
              (‍ෙ)නලෙන් වී පිරිපත nelen vee piripatha
              නළල කෙහෙ පිටිහි හුණ nalala kehe pitihi huna
              මල දම ගැනැ ලියි විසිර mala dama gene lie visira
              බියපත්වැ අප බෙයන්ද් නැගියෙ biyapathva apa beyand negiye

              Vijurakbo name of the person pavijjan= a monk lee= wrote me gee= this poem
              nelen= nala = wind vee= viya= happend piripatha( Sanskrit word is paripantha)= difficulty
              nalala= fore head kehe= kes= hair pitihi = pita= back pitihi huna= went back
              mala dama= garland gana lie visira= went disarray
              biyapathva( frighten) apa= we beyand( rock) negiye= nagge= climed

              I am monk Vijurakbo wrote this poem
              Wind caused immense difficulty ( to us )
              Hair on fore head went back
              Garland went disarray
              Frighten us climbed the rock

              This poem was written in 8th AD. I wrote another two poems earlier. In one, the word siribarini was there. Meaning is heavy with beauty. That word is in our National Anthem also saying our country is heavy with beauty. 1300 years earlier our ancestors have used same words. So do you think there was no Sinhala until 8th century

              • 3


                1300 years ago it was Hela or Prakrit but not Sinhala. The word you are quoting would have come from Pali.

    • 2

      Ha ha kids of dravidian fools cant bear the pain

  • 8

    Sri Lanka, like Kerala and Karnataka, is part of the South Indian cultural region. It’s the religion, not “race” that differentiates the Sinhalas from the Tamils. “Racially”, the Sinhalas are a variety of Tamils.

    • 2

      So Tamil is a race? Dravidian historians from whom you copy your idiocies actually said the correct term is Homo Dravida…….

      Every one came from Homo Dravida …..lol

    • 6

      Dear Mr.Seneviratne

      I salute you Sir, for your courage’s and truthful comments above. In this day and age there are no true Sinhalese historians or anthropologists to accept the fact that we Tamils and Sinhalese belong to the same race.

      • 2

        So what is the same race?

        • 2

          This claim of Sinhalese and Tamils having the same genetics is based on an old 1995 study by G. Kshatriya. If you check the Wiki page, it says “The observation that the Sinhalese has highest contribution from South Indian Tamils is challenged by new studies. See Genetic studies on Sinhalese. It is shown that 72% of genetic admixture comes from Bengali rather than South Indian Tamil.”

      • 4


        “In this day and age there are no true Sinhalese historians or anthropologists to accept the fact that we Tamils and Sinhalese belong to the same race.”

        I don’t see any difference between you and Latha.
        There are renowned scholars as Gananath Obeysekere, Sudharsan Seneviratne, Osmund Bopearachchi, …………………… still researching and writing into Tamil and Sinhalese affinity.

  • 5

    Interpretation of history to prove a preconceived view is unpardonable.
    Dragging caste into every discussion has become the pastime of those who have no robust argument to support their own warped view points .The history of the ” Jaffna Tamil” cannot be discussed in isolation as it is a continuum of the South Indian history – not just Tamil nadu alone .The history of The Sinhala and the Hele Nation is the same .Their history did not start or end with The Mahavamsa.History is a good teacher only to those with an open mind,so shed the artificial labeling and look at the whole to do justice to the rich history of the region.Revising PhDs and history books to peddle one’s own self interest reveals it’s emptiness always in the course of time.

    • 2

      None of the South Indian sources talk about a Tamil people in Sri Lanka

      • 3

        sachoooooooooooooooo the very stupid

        “None of the South Indian sources talk about a Tamil people in Sri Lanka”

        Why should the South Indian sources talk about a Tamil people in Sri Lanka when Pandyas and Cholas considered the entire population as theirs, Tamils with some variants.

        When Chinese Admiral Cheng Ho visited this island between 1405 and 1407 he erected a stone in Galle which he brought from China, inscribed in Chinese, Tamil and Persian.

        Why not in Sinhalese?
        Even by the time Cheng Ho visited this island Chinese knew Tamil was a language spoken by Tamils.
        Now what’s your problem?
        If it is stress because lack of fun please approach HLD M.

        • 3

          Which entire population are you referring to? Cholas have made inscriptions about their invasion in SL and Sinhalese are mentioned multiple times, not a single mention of indigenous Tamils. And where does Pandya talks about Tamils in SL? In Tamilakam, the Tamils even in early day very clearly set the borders of Tamil speakers. And it is in TN.

          Yes and who disputed Tamil presence in the island and use of Tamil language for maritime trade after Cholas? Is that a point?

          Because Sinhalese were hardly sea fares and Cheng Ho worked with the Tamil speaking Arab Muslims in the coastal areas.

          Why dont you atleast read a little history? Cant teach everytime ne.

          What are you trying to imply? Were you trying to make a joke? Get help from some one and rewrite it in a manner it actually make sense and is funny :)

          • 3

            sachoooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo

            “Cholas have made inscriptions about their invasion in SL and Sinhalese are mentioned multiple times, “

            Please let me have reference to these so called Chola inscriptions and where can I find them? Even estampage would do nicely.

            “Yes and who disputed Tamil presence in the island and use of Tamil language for maritime trade after Cholas?”

            Generally you stupid lot including stupid in chief HLD M believe Tamils were brought to this island by Dutch and the Brits. Researchers continue to find Tamil (Thamili/Brahmi) dated 2000 or more years old throughout the island mostly from Eastern and South Eastern part of country.

            Stop being stupid and read relevant material including the following:

            Tamils have valid claim for homeland Prof. Pathmanathan
            29 March 2017
            Emeritus Professor of History S. Pathmanathan, in an interview with Dailymirror, discusses the origins of settlements in Sri Lanka and argues for the Tamil Homeland concept from a historian’s point of view. Prof. Pathmanathan, who is also the Chancellor of Jaffna University, said both the Sinhalese and the Tamils have a common identity.


            Professor S Pathmanathan on historiography
            Excerpts from a special lecture on historiography by Professor S Pathmanathan at the University of Jaffna on 18 June 2018.

            Please stop being stupid, pull your head from wherever it is now and
            start learning.

            • 0


              Who told Prof S Pathmanathan, Nages spoke in Tamil.

              • 2


                “Who told Prof S Pathmanathan, Nages spoke in Tamil.”

                I didn’t however I can refer you to a number of literatures and names which could lead you to the right conclusion.

                Mani Naga
                Nainative and Kalyani
                Naga Nadu
                Valai Vanan
                Pilli Valai
                Tondai Eelam Thiraiyar
                Cīttalai Cāttanār
                Valai Vanan



                Follow the above trail you will get the answers.

                • 0


                  How about Nagpur In North India & Nagaland & Naga people mention in Kashmir books?

                  • 3


                    “How about Nagpur In North India & Nagaland & Naga people mention in Kashmir books?”

                    Very good.
                    Include them in my list.
                    You are being clever aren’t you?
                    Now start your follow the name trail exercise.

                  • 3


                    All the Indologists accept that the Dravidians ( Tamils) lived in northern India( all over India ) before the arrival of Aryans to India which explains why the word Naga which otherwise relates to the Tamils exists even today in North India.

                    • 0

                      Nagas were not Tamils, as per Tamil literary evidence. Eg. Manimekalai states clearly that the Nagas in Manipallavam which the Tamil insist to be identified as Jaffna, didn’t speak Tamil.

            • 3

              Just because you scream here that i am being stupid, it does not validate your point. Lack of proper argument in your part does the exact opposite!

              Please check the TN website. I dont have the link now, but they have everything digitized so that we here in SL can access them. Thanks to Japanese historian, Noboru Karashima

              If you bothered to read what Mahindapala has stated here or what I have stated here and else where, both HLD and I make the point that Tamil settlements started in SL back in 11-13 AD. That is why even I call some of the Jaffna Tamils as indigenous to SL. But there was no Tamil polity in SL. A Tamil polity was created in Jaffna by the Colonials!

              S.Pathmanathan has to satisfy what Tamil nationalists says. But what he writes in scholarly articles betrays his attempt many times. Indigenous Tamils’ homeland is Sri Lanka, there is NO EXCLUSIVE Tamil homeland in SL !

              • 3

                sachoooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooo

                Please stop being stupid.
                Researchers continue to find ancient Brahmi/Thamili marks on boulders, sherds, … pots and pants, artefacts, ………….. throughout the country especially from recent excavations in Jaffna fort, Kattukarai near Mannar, Kantharodai, Nagapaduvan ….

                Tamil Identity in Sri Lanka
                by K Indrapala
                The Sri Lanka Reader: History, Culture, Politics
                By John Holt

                Recent Excavations and Survey at Jaffna Fort in 2017 and Reflections on the Antiquity of Indian Ocean Trade
                Christopher Davis, Robin Coningham, P. Pushparatnam, Prishanta Gunawardhana, Armin Schmidt and Mark Manuel

                The antiquity of Jaffna Fort: new evidence from post-disaster archaeological
                investigations in northern Sri Lanka
                Christopher Davis,*, Robin Coningham, Prishanta Gunawardhana,
                P. Pushparatnam, Armin Schmidt & Mark Manuel

                Highlights of Archaeological Studies in Jaffna Peninsula since 2010 P. Pushparatnam

                Kalaikesari Volume 2 Issue 9 page 18

                Tamil Brahmi Inscription Belonging to 2200 years ago,
                Discovered by German Archaeological Team in Southern Sri
                Proceedings of Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2014)

                Murukan Worship in Sri Lanka New Archaeological Evidence
                P. Pushparatnam

                A potsherd inscription from Poonakary A Historical Perspective
                S K Sitrampalam & P Pushparatnam
                in Abhijinanamala, Felicitation Volume presented to V Sivasamy

                Coins of Sangam Age from Poonakari in Northern Sri Lanka
                by P Pushparatnam

                Pull your head from wherever it is now and find these articles, read them, …. sit on it for while then discuss the issues surrounding existence of Tamils in this island.

                “Please check the TN website.”

                Check what?
                Let me have references to those papers you have happened to have come across, I have access to Noboru’s writings.

                HLD M is an intellectually bankrupt fraudster.

                • 0


                  There are lot of Chinese & Romans coins also discovered in Sri Lanka.

                  • 5


                    You haven’t read those books yet you make your 2 cents worth typing.
                    What’s the matter with you stupid dumbass?

                    There have a few old Sinhala coins been discovered in Thanjavur, … and other places in South India. Does it mean Sinhala Kings ruled Thanjavur?

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    Mahipala has to sing the same tune for his dinner

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    HLD Mahinda even in his ripe age has got so much venom to spit against the Thamil people of the island of Ceylon. He has so much contempt towards a people who were in the forefront to gain independence, helped to overcome the pre independence Sinhala – Muslim conflict and who had contributed so much to the wellbeing of all the peoples in the island. There is no hope for justice for the victims of gross and concerted violations of individual and collective rights committed by the Sinhala Buddhist Political Establishment nor can there be genuine reconciliation between the peoples in the island. With this trend continuing, “Sri Lanka” will remain a failed state.

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    Dr Gnana

    Devanampiya is the Pali version of Sanskrit name Devanampriya.

    Muta & Siva are both Sanskrit names.

    In Sigiri graffiti poems all the poets names are Sanskrit.

    • 4

      Hi hi hi

      Who the hell told you Siva is a Sanskrit name ? Siva comes from Tamil for red Sivappu. his angry red face hence the name sivan

      • 2

        Sanskrit was brought by Aryans who were worshiping Brahma as creator and Vishnu as protector. There was no Siva in their religion. By the time they arrived as nomads to India, people were worshiping Siva. Tamil is older than Sanskrit and thus Siva worship precedes Sanskrit.There is no literature in Sanskrit denoting Siva. Both Ramayana (Rama) and Mahabaratha (Krishna) are stories of incarnations of Vishnu. Only after coming to India, they incorporated Siva into the religion.

    • 3


      Why don’t you go back to school and educate yourself. You sound rather stupid with your very low IQ.

      • 0

        You are the one with the low IQ, since you are unable to come up with good enough points.
        FYI Saivism started spreading among Tamils only from about the 3rd century or later. The first mention of Lord Shiva in Tamil literary works is from Silappadikaram, variously dated from 3rd century AD to 6th century AD. .
        Shiva, Devanampriya and Muta (from Mutoli) are all Indo-Aryan words. Claiming our Sinhalese kings as Tamils just goes to prove that Tamils didn’t have any kingdoms or kings here.
        Give one Tamil king’s name from the Tamil dynasties in south India i.e Chera, Chola and Pandya, who ruled prior to say 6th century A.D, who had Shiva/Siva in his name. When you are at that, find the first Tamil king who had Naga in his name too. I cannot find any Tamil kings from the Chera, Chola and Pandyan dynasties who had Shiva/Siva or Naga in them from the lists I checked – they are upto about 6th century AD. Maybe the lists I looked are not complete. Good opportunity for you to show your IQ. No reply to this comment means you have proven your stupidity and your IQ.

        • 2

          Punchi Point
          Punchi Brain
          Punchi Willi

          “You are the one with the low IQ, since you are unable to come up with good enough points.”

          What would be the good enough points that would satisfy your bigoted mind ?

        • 0

          Still no answer. Looks like pirabakaran has run away from the discussion since he cannot find any Chera, Chola or Pandyan kings with Siva or Naga in their names in the given time frame i.e prior to 6th century AD. Stupid Tamils. They argue that our Sinhalese kings with Siva or Naga in their names are Tamils, since these are supposedly Tamil names. But when asked for any names from the known Chera, Chola and Pandyan kings with Siva or Naga in them, the Tamils run away or come back and start personal attacks and name calling. Tamils are a stupid lot. I think the stupid pirabakaran has proven my point, namely that there are no Tamil kings with Siva or Naga in their names in the time prior to 6th century AD. Its probably the case after that too, since I cannot see any Siva or Naga in all the king lists of the Tamils which I have checked.

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    Thank you for a well written article. Tamils think that history is about making nonsensical theories and making bogus etymologies by shuffling sounds in words and attacking the Sinhalese identity, language and cultural heritage. They think that if they make a good enough bogus theory that they will have a history here. Indrapala, Gunasingam and other Tamils like Pathmanathan, Raghupathy, Pushparatnam are all in this business of manufacturing a bogus history for the Tamils. They are presenting arguments and using methods to write a history for Tamils as if we are talking of pre-historic times extending even beyond pre-Holocene times, while everything they actually write about is from historic times, where the history of the region is pretty well established by historical documents, inscriptions etc. of both Tamils and Sinhalese, and also inscriptions and literature in Prakrits and Sanskrit and foreign languages as Chinese.
    Tamil literature and historical record is very clear about where the Tamil territory, i.e the Tamil country or Tamilakam was – namely between Cape Comorin in the south and Venkatam (Thirupathi hills) in the north. The area outside the Tamil territory is called “molipeyar thesam”, i.e. non-Tamil speaking areas/countries. This island is categorized as “molipeyar thesam” and called Cinkalam in which the language called Cinkalam is spoken. Nowhere in any historical Tamil document is it even hinted that any part of this island is Tamil. Tamils attack the Mahavamsa and other chronicles of the Sinhalese, but they are silent about the fact that what the Mahavamsa and other Sinhalese chronicles narrate about the political history of the island is corroborated in the Tamil literature. (1 of 2 | Contd. » )

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      Contd. »
      Until the last years of the 19th century Tamils never claimed to be from anywhere else than Tamilakam. Tamils here always maintained that they came from the opposite coast and settled here and that Tamilakam is their home. It was around 1890 that Tamils first started rewriting history claiming that they were indigenous to this island. At first only a very small section of the Tamils subscribed to this idea, while the vast majourity were true to their identity and maintained that they came from Tamilnadu and settled here in recent times.
      As for Indrapala, he is an example where the above change happened in one and the same person. He is also a person who has attempted to falsify the historical record to suit the Tamil political agenda, even rejecting his own doctoral thesis. His nonsensical theory presented in his 2005 book about Nagas adopting Tamil and transforming into Tamils due to “unabated influence” from Tamilnadu and not because the Tamils had migrated to Srilanka in relatively recent times, goes against his own doctoral thesis and all known anthropological and linguistic processes, as water bodies serve as natural barriers and language differentiation and evolution do not cross natural barriers, rather natural barriers cause language differentiation. Despite this well known fact about oceans serving as natural barriers, Indrapala claims that the ocean between south India and SriLanka served as a “unifier” ! Magically only a part of the population in this island had got affected by this “unabated influence” which came from across the ocean some 50+ miles away, while the other part of the population living in this small island without any natural barriers to separate populations, got transformed into Sinhalese through another totally different magical process!!

      (2 of 2 | End )

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