By Kumar David –
Lest I be misunderstood let me say that my title attempts to convey that from senior appointments it seems Biden wishes to form a good-governance (yahapalana) liberal not a radical administration. Thankfully, unlike Lanka 2015-2020, he will not be encumbered by an ignorant, self-seeking nutcase like Pissu-Sira. Be that as it may Trump’s conspiracy in collaboration with Republican leaders (Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham and media types Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity) to execute a palace coup came undone when Emily Murphy, Chair of the General Services Office authorised transition funds for the President Elect, and Michigan and Pennsylvania certified Biden victories, and when in Georgia Bidden scored a third win in a third count. But Trump is selfish, petulant and a vengeful liar and until his political coffin is sealed and riveted down at noon on 20 January 2021, just about anything is possible.
My theme is Biden’s leadership team, and musings on its prospects drawing on recent experiences in Sri Lanka. Despite the chasm in wealth and historical experience between the countries, don’t dismiss the thought that there are useful parallels. Some common features are that in both, diehard populism with racist overtones are entrenched, and in both countries, there is deep resentment against the well-to-do classes (Washington Swamp, Colombo 7 elite) who have it all while working-people suffer. A third factor is nationalism and xenophobia. A fourth is that in America a loutish president and in our case a suave and avuncular former leader and his near canonised brother, have a grip on the mass mind.
And now a new parallel is the government that Biden is forming and what a yahapalana administration without Pissu-Sira would have been. Biden’s team as announced so far consists of ideological liberals and liberals-in-economic-outlook (the former pledge loyalty to justice, parity before the law, freedom of speech and religion, and oppose race bias, while the latter stand for free-markets and business-friendly policies). Former Fed Chair who defied Trump, Janet Yellen is to be Treasury Secretary (Finance Minister), Antony Blinken (Harvard and Columbia) an Obama era liberal will get State (Foreign Ministry), Cuban-American Alejandro Mayorkas (Loyola and Berkeley) will head Homeland Security and John Kerry, well known as Obama’s Secretary of State is to be climate Tsar with cabinet ranking. Clearly this is a mission to rebuild, at home and abroad, the America that Trump wrecked. The non-Cabinet announcements are also significant; two able women, Avril Hains will be Director of National Intelligence and a black woman Linda Greenfield will be UN Ambassador. Jake Sullivan will be National Security Advisor. I don’t have the space but if you look up the CVs of these people you will see that it is a team with a strong liberal or of liberal-economic bent.
There is a wealth of more liberal talent available to Biden; Susan Rice, Pete Buttigieg, Vivek Murthy, Andrew Yang, Sally Yates and too many to name. On the left we have Bernie Sanders (Labour?) and Elizabeth Warren (anything). They seem a bridge too far to the left for Biden to cross. So, Biden team may be all-liberal without a daub of red or radical. Thereby hangs a tale: Will this team deliver; will it be able to carry through a programme of economic and social restructuring which can keep the Trump base at bay? Markets are cheering the appointment of Ms Yellen instead of Ms Warren; America’s political and military allies heave a sigh of relief that reliable Obama era boy Blinken spells the end of a crank President who put alliances in jeopardy. Greens the world over cheer the return of the US to climate sense. That’s what the liberals can deliver.
But there are issues on which liberalism will fall short; things yahapalana fell short on and the Rajapaksas came storming back. The poorer three quarters have problems yahapalana economics is not designed to address. That’s why a Trump Base came into being and why like the Rajapaksa phenomenon a neo-fascist populist option may storm back in four years. One does applaud the return of decency, diversity and political discipline to the US. One is relieved the institutions of American democracy held up against the most brutal attack they suffered since the Civil War 160 years ago. However, none of that will save America now unless livelihood issues and the social cancer rooted in the country’s soul are taken in hand. I fear that a liberal-democratic Biden Administration which shuts out radicals and eschews a transformative programme will fall short. The failure of numerous yahapalanas stud the contemporary global landscape.
Ashan / November 25, 2020
America is finally free of twitter rants, insults, and lies. Watching Joe Biden introduce his cabinet level administration, one had the feeling that normalcy was coming back, and the adults are back taking care of things again. No more inexperienced, unqualified cronies, who act like they are working for their leader, and not for the country and people. It is like night and day.
Burt / November 25, 2020
America was always good until Trump copied from Sri Lanka and brought people in to cabinet who had little talent on the subject but was popular or were good at being yes men and women.
Just look back what happened to the actresses that SL govt brought into parliament and gave ministries without prior experience. I say nothing about education because I don’t know.
leelagemalli / November 25, 2020
Even if Pissu Sira is reported to have 50 year experience in local politics, his decisions were like that of a 3rd grade pupil. If he had brains, would current leadership ever be formed. In current parliament, those pattapal horu hurt like a bunch of jackals would fight for Cadava today. No respect and dignified culture at all.
I have no doubt Mr Biden with his maturity in their politics would do his job to the best.
Comparing our pissu sira with such personalities is not at all appropriate. It is right to say people in hell deserve to get Sirisena and all time high criminal Rajapakshes. Polburuwas are led by polburuwas. Basta😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
SJ / November 26, 2020
Those who knew “Pissu Sira” for donkey’s years should have known his capabilities when they pitted him against MR.
The UNP badly needed a common candidate as it knew that, regardless of its candidate, it would lose.
Desperate people make desperate choices, and those who made “Pissu Sira” President paid the price and made the country pay the price twice over: first with the ‘Yahapalana’ and then with the return of the ‘Family’ with a mighty majority.
Shortcuts lacking in vision with luck end up with a longer journey and without to to reach the wrong destination.
leelagemalli / November 26, 2020
Were there any other CANDIDATES to drive away MR in 2015? Looking back, if he was not defeated, do you think things would have turned out to be better “? I think, if he was not defeated, today we would have been compared with IRAN.
Srilanka is a country, where even a down syndrome patient could easily become people s darling, a leader so long media mafia is on his/her side.
If lived, Makandure Madhush could become a good politician when looking at the manner, Wimal Buruwasne broke all records of the leaders in the past, by becoming the number one in most educated province of srlanka -WP. Wimal Buruwanse is reported to be the most KNOWN school drop out.
Not just majority of people, but entire world cornered srilanka for MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE s Mugabe Style politics by 2015. He never thought while wasting STATE funds for his propaganda campaigns. Stupid man s politics was a disaster by 2015.
Portrait displays of MR were seen from meter to meter in the city as if compared it with an african state governed by a tribal leader. Not every african leader is that bad, what came to my mind is the last phases of Mugabe, Mobutto and the like men in that continent.
leelagemalli / November 25, 2020
Dear Prof. KD,
I am sitting in CE but you WHILE sitting in Rajapakshe s PRIVATE property aka once upon a time we called it ” the pearl of indian ocean”, are doing a great job. After my Guru Rev. Sobitha thero, you are the only person from SL, I could compare with the calibre of ST. Thanks so much for your fearless efforts. I wish all divine forces be with you protecting you from any evils. Today in the country which is making by HIGH CRIMINAL Rajapkashe goons, could happen lot more misterious killings similar to Jamal Khashoggi s in saudi embassy in Istanbul, 3 years ago. Or one similar to that young rugby player s fate ended up being slaughtered and found packed in a passenger side of a smashed vehicle AND later revealed this to be an another act of RAAAKSHE family was behind that misterious killing. However killing if done by Rajapakshes are highly welcome yet today in SRILANKAN society, while even a tiny issue being made by Ranil or Chandrika would be caught by much higher criticisms.
As I am reading your article today, I feel how stupid our people have been to elect idiots as presidents one behind the other.
leelagemalli / November 25, 2020
This is the only country where whole lot of people would not care much about facts and figures of any collossal losses deliberately made by HENCHMEN of Rajapakshe Hedgemony.
Yesterday that bitch son- however so called state minister to FINANCE, appeared in DERANA TV for 360 to repeat his utter lies, about srilanken economy. The bugger was highly instrumental in BOND BANK LOSSES since 2008, even if the loads of shit was fallen on the schoulders of Polonnaruwe DONKY aka nationa most miserable man/Sirisena led good governance govt. All the good that govt achieved were faded away by letting BOND bank scam to continue in that govt. Actually, there are prima facie evidence from then Presidential Commission, however, Polonaruwe donkey being fallen into the lap of Mafia Boss et al, never released to the public, but went on painting the picture in favour of them but destroying Ranil Wickramasinghe s good image. He was a good guy though somewhat thoughtful to react bold. However, his decency was misinterpreted by rascals dominated srilanka. If his counterparts across the world welcomed him, but his not to be popular within local communities were pre planned by Rajaakshe rascals for their comeback. This country s politics is almsot like the symbioses of the all animals in a garbage dump.
S. C. Pasqual / November 25, 2020
Mr. eLM (eternal Loose Motion),
Can understand your frustration.
Polonaruwe donkey/Pissu Sira was YOUR choice of president.
3% Ranil was YOUR choice of prime minister.
NO O/L Sajith is YOUR choice of opposition leader.
No wonder you are suffering from Down Syndrome.
leelagemalli / November 27, 2020
These new tones cant bring u forward go back to Medamulana backyards, I think as slaves u have enough up there to settle, sure your circles would nt agree with u but granny said it nice that the do s tail would nt straightened eve if u put it in a bamboo sheath, remember?😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
GATAM / November 25, 2020
90% of Tamils voted for Sirisena. Didn’t they?
The only time Tamil people’s choice won in SL was in 2015 Sirisena’s win. And you know what followed!! People get the leaders they deserve!
Nathan / November 25, 2020
Tamils never voted for anyone; they voted against someone.
Sinhalese weren’t thankful. Tamils are being punished, today!
Easton Scott / November 25, 2020
Yes Gatam, they did. But who’s to know what a mendacious, double-dealing, aappa eating nincompoop Pissu Sira was to turn out to be? Also, many, many also placed their hopes on the UNP and RanilW, but what an effing betrayer HE turned out to be. The bugger is so good at looking sagacious and doing F-all.
Yes, Kumar, “I fear that a liberal-democratic Biden Administration which shuts out radicals and eschews a transformative programme will fall short. The failure of numerous yahapalanas stud the contemporary global landscape.” Too true.
We may have some hope though, if Buttigieg, Andrew Yang and some others of their ilk are allowed to weigh in on the change strategy – this may pave the way for a more compassionate America, more focus on addressing the income and wealth inequalities and a greater penetration of affordable health-care, which may then lay the foundations of a true, affordable science-based education system to take the majority of the mid-west, red-neck types out of their ignorance and exorbitant privilege into a new, fair and tolerant world-leading America.
Burt / November 25, 2020
Who brought Sirisena into the picture? Although with best of intention it was another Sinhala Buddhist. Rev. Sobitha Thera.
I am not blaming him, he was a good man.
leelagemalli / November 26, 2020
Good man ? What good you find in him ? Sirisena would not have a life today, if he was a leader to an Arabian Country. He would surely have been caught by stoning to death.
Shameless man is the reason Rajapakshe Junta regime to be back and ruin the nation from where they were stopped by 2015.
Mallaiyuran / November 25, 2020
” 90% of Tamils voted for Sirisena. Didn’t they? “
Pls don’t write this in Prof. Kumar’s essays. He just started to forget about it & was feeling happy. You are making him worry again.
It is not Tamils voted candidates (Tamils voted to JR & Chandrika too) always fails; that fate is only for Professor Kumar’s consultations. He invented Single Issue CC, which is why the White Flag War criminal was selected by CBK & Madulawe Thero and supported by Sampanthan Aiyya.
In total Sampanthan Aiyya, CBK, Sobitha Thero, Tissaranee Gunasekara, Prof Kumar, Chandrikathasan…. rejected Ranil, saying he is too unpopular to win any election and promoted New King as star candidate to win election. End of the day, professor Kumar and TG were Singing “Kodum Paavi Sahathoooo Koodai Mazhai Peyaathooo”. Now he has fully recovered. Please don’t push him back in to that again.
Our comments are there too. We opposed Sampanthar Aiyya supporting a War Criminal. We said if president Trump loses, his marriage, the family unity & his business are in jeopardy. But in that election he won. But the same problems have come to him again too. First two or three years of his life is going to be chaotic.
Please read my comment in below thread.
SJ / November 25, 2020
When were you born?
Whose vote helped Chandrika Kumaratunge in 1994?
SJ / November 25, 2020
In 1977 too, Tamils outside N&E voted for the UNP out of bitterness towards the SLFP & its left partners.
leelagemalli / November 27, 2020
That is why I sometimes say thaybhasclot to with srilanken Genetics. They have that in their blood, would think about but repeatedly get caught by easy tricks. This you might have noticed today by some SOCIAL media clips. They simply dont have the little knowledge to differentiate the truth from untruths good from bad. 😎😎😎😎
leelagemalli / November 25, 2020
Even if Pissu Sira is reported to have 50 year experience in local politics, his decisions were like that of a 3rd grade pupil.😎😎😎😎 If he had brains, would current leadership ever be formed. In current parliament, those pattapal horu hurt like a bunch of jackals would fight for Cadava today. No respect and dignified culture at all.
I have no doubt Mr Biden with his maturity in their politics would do his job to the best.
Comparing our pissu sira with such personalities is not at all appropriate. It is right to say people in hell deserve to get Sirisena and all time high criminal Rajapakshes. Polburuwas are led by polburuwas. Basta🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
S. C. Pasqual / November 25, 2020
Mr. eLM (eternal Loose Motion),
Of course.
Pissu Sira was YOUR choice of president.
leelagemalli / November 27, 2020
Ms SCP, We don’t care much about your say because ur tones can only be useful to Rajapakshes and their stupidities. 😎😎😎😎😎
leelagemalli / November 25, 2020
It is the nature of srilanken voters. A rice packet or free a condom can easily twist their mind set. Today we see nothing works properly other than Rajapakshe criminals get mobilised day by day leaving people’s basic needs aside. Alleged high criminal Gota is locked up in his cage to the manner – silent lamb main actor is imprisoned. Goats dictation of speeches bring us back to our kindergarten days. It is right to say HE HAS FAILED IN ALL MEANS.
ShanR / November 25, 2020
Sirisena is a full blooded Sinhalese. We all elected him and therefore we deserved him.
But Trump did not let his country down that badly as majority of western media characterised him to be. He correctly realised that
a). China will become a very powerful country if left unchecked by America.
b) American trade deficit with most of the other countries is unsustainable and needed immediate action.
c) Strengthening security of Indo pacific is more important than Europe and the Middle East
d)Need to actively encourage manufacturing in America.
e) Need for inducting India into a defence arrangement etc.
Despite his rough and seemingly uncivilised ways he achieved success in addressing these issued. Previous presidents were only talking about them without decisive action.
He lacked any sympathy for weak and vulnerable people. He did not believe in the science of climate change. He mishandled the corona virus pandemic. These may have caused his election debacle. His refugee policy didn’t seem to have caused any loss of votes. Most Latinos voted for him.
Overall I believe that history will look at his presidency more favourably.
SJ / November 26, 2020
Obama initiated the policy on China, which Trump simply expanded on, but unsuccessfully.
Trump could not reduce the trade deficit with any of his moves.
His Indo-Pacific policy yielded little benefit while Europe was antagonised.
Did he boost American manufacture?
India, with its resentment of China, was already on that path for over a decade, but has not given up on Russia.
Most Latinos voted for Trump? Would the 32% casting their ballots for Trump (Source: Edison Research, cited by Al Jazeera) constitute most Latinos.
History has to be extraordinarily kind to be forgiving towards Trump.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / November 26, 2020
Got the Russians to do the dirty work of dealing with ISIS/DASH in Syria, done the unthinkable that is to recognise Jerusalem as the capital and acknowledge all the settlements as legal whilst kept the Iranians busy dealing with the revise the earlier pact on Nuclear deal., got something back from the Chinese and in the process kept the Russians and the Chinese in the UN Security Council away from confronting the Israel policy change altogether. Overall a super power behaving like a smart super power……..a good cop/bad cop roll play as required.
Let us see what we do…….by Armes from the UN “five” and kill each other…..bloody marvellous is not??….did I miss out the best fact have neighbours who will molest your children given an opportunity a spiritual touch???
Thiagarajah Venugopal / November 26, 2020
The rest of the work of dismantling(whatever left of her) Venezuela begins now as the the software problems related to US voting machines were started in this country apparently.
a14455 / November 26, 2020
yes, history is kind to a fool who will end up taking about a million lives in America alone before this disaster comes to an end. That is laughable.
History is a strange thing. It is written by the winners. I am sure where somehow there will be some acolytes who will write alternate history and there will be fools who believe it.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / November 25, 2020
Dear Gatam
The last opportunity Tamils ever had of voting freely was in 1970 period. Thereafter it was dictated to them at gun point ever since by FP/TULF.
Did you know a new story being spread amongst the diaspora Tamils now is “if it was not for the FP/TULF we would all be stuck in SL and not do so well around the world??”
Then the Jaffna fisherman get told why they shouldn’t challenge Tamil Nadu fisherman from stealing their fish….because Indians fought for the freedom we have from the colonial powers??
Both the stories got told to me in Malaysia by Indian and Ceylonese Tamils every time I raise the FP/TULF folly in any discussion….no longer about Tamil Cause in Jaffna but Global too…for this global cause only the children of North and East have to fight it in Sri Lanka?? including demanding Indian workers stay in the upcountry in 1948 after the Independence? in someone else land?? then we spent time talking about Sinhalese settlements in the East.
Karikalan S. Navaratnam / November 25, 2020
Prof. Kumar David:
You have said: “non-Cabinet announcements are also significant……and a black woman Linda Greenfield will be UN Ambassador “.
Happily, NY Times says that Mr. Biden will also restore the post to cabinet-level status after Mr. Trump downgraded it, giving Ms. Thomas-Greenfield a seat on his National Security Council. Reportedly, She will be the first African American to serve as America’s U.N. envoy. Great!
Agnos / November 25, 2020
“Reportedly, She will be the first African American to serve as America’s U.N. envoy.”
Not true. Susan Rice was there only a few years ago as the UN ambassador.
Native Vedda / November 25, 2020
Karikalan S. Navaratnam
Was Jimmy Carter’s appointee Andrew Young a White Sri Lankan Tamil/Sinhalese?
Ajay / November 25, 2020
I don’t think persistently comparing the recent developments in US and Sri Lanka is a particularly useful exercise. There are some commonalities of course, but they’re mostly superficial. The rise of the Alt-Right is a global phenomenon and as such it has impacted both US and Sri Lanka. Beyond that things are very different. They’re like two different worlds in terms of their history, economic development, social structure, political system, culture & lifestyle, and of course size and influence. The legacy of slavery, being a nation of immigrants and refugees, republicanism, foundational values, 230 years of constitutionalism, religious freedom (by ensuring no state patronage of any particular religion), freedom of speech in the pursuit of knowledge and artistic expression – these are forces and ideas that have shaped America – for better or worse – and nothing like that has ever happened in Sri Lanka. “Populism” is a word in vogue at the moment, but lacks precise meaning. It means different things to different people. As such it is too flimsy a concept to serve as a basis to compare two totally different social formations. On the other hand, it may not be too much of a stretch if our aim is only amusement.
Thiha / November 25, 2020
There is a lesson to be learned in this. 52% of the US voting population managed to vote and do so for a law abiding democratic candidate. This was because they were educated and well informed by the media. It was also because the intelligence agencies managed to block interference from adversaries seeking to misinform the public. This was in spite of the repeated attempts of a fascist wannabe to under mine these agencies. Also, large quantities of money had to be raised to launch a massive media blitz. What do we have in Sir Lanka. No mechanism transparent for a party o raise money. A politically aligned and out rageously biased media. No state machinery to guard against miss information particularly on social media where one party ran amok with no consequences. The result is the death of democracy in Sri Lanka. It is also a fate that could have befell the USA because 48% of its own population are carbon copies the racist fanatical morons in Sri Lanka who destroyed their own country. This is a narrow escape. It will take years to fix and repair the damage some of which may never be fixed. It is a global phenomenon of a steady march towards fascism and certain anahilation of humans off the face of this planet.
Eagle Eye / November 25, 2020
“racist fanatical morons in Sri Lanka who destroyed their own country.”
Are you referring to racist fanatical morons like Chelvanayakam, Ponnambalam, Sambandan who destroyed their country by passing Vadukkodei resolution to create a separate State for the descendants of coolies brought by Portuguese to Yapanaya based on a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’ and persuaded them to take up arms and engage in terrorist activities.
Native Vedda / November 26, 2020
Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye
“Are you referring to racist fanatical morons like Chelvanayakam, Ponnambalam, Sambandan who destroyed their country by passing Vadukkodei resolution ………….”
Stupid Eagle Vadukkodei resolution was dead on arrival in 1976 however the island had already been destroyed by Public Racist Anagarika’s A**eholes many many moons ago. There was nothing left for Chelvanayakam, Ponnambalam, Sambandan to destroy. ………………
It appears Sinhala/Buddhists concocted the recipe for making Pizza as the HQI of Jaffna Prasath Fernando tends to believe. Something seems to be missing from all Sri Lankan uniformed morons’ head.
S. C. Pasqual / November 25, 2020
This is nauseous.
Name board revolutionary who campaigned for Ranil Wickremesingh in last four elations praising a capitalist regime.
no wonder JVP reduced to mare 3%
Simon / November 25, 2020
S.C.Pasqual: Please keep writing in this forum, because your comments take me back to the days of Charlie Chaplin of yesteryears and Mr. Bean of recent days. Thank you for providing all needed “Entertainment” in these trying days of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Native Vedda / November 26, 2020
S. C. Pasqual
“This is nauseous.”
Native Vedda / November 26, 2020
S. C. Pasqual
“This is nauseous.”
What is?
Did you meet Wimal Weerawansa?
sonali / November 25, 2020
Keep writing Prof. David. Clever analysis with tinges of acidic humour. Good reading on a quiet morning.
SJ / November 25, 2020
The prospect of return to ‘normal’ was warned about by a range of critics from the Left.
Even recently I have read comments encouraging the BLM, Left and anti-war groups to keep the pressure on Biden to prevent his surrender to the ‘establishment’.
chiv / November 25, 2020
Kumar, Iam sure any appointment including Trump or an average intern in U.S is far far better than 1) MS who lied like Trump but allowed Easter after getting enough and more Intel for a year.2) RW , who was nothing but a political pimp than a true politician, all his life 3) Rajapaksas who are cunning and lied like Bush, Jr in creating imaginative enemies for survival, but ended up screwing our own people.4) SP, who’s experience, knowledge and maturity lacks an intern level apprentice 5) Is Yelin of any comparison to our fraud Cabraaaal ??? 6) does any of our GMOA/SLMC have the same integrity as Fauci.7) we have Pavithre the mud pot thrower ,former aquatic guy who ate raw fish,the coconut promoter who climbed tree 10) Soon criminal veterans , Pillayan and Duminda will be appointed.where as in U.S people who are guilty are barred from holding any public position 11) Is GLP the same league as mentors Obama or Mc Cain ????
chiv / November 25, 2020
Kumar, Bihar polls are out and now you have some thing to compare to our splendor virtuous land. 1) party which won maximum seats but failed to get the majority by a thin margin will continue to sit in opposition, because two losers stitched up to continue power 2) Lalu who is currently in prison,(like many in Lanka) promised to offer ministerial positions for those who abstain from taking oath. 3) the party which got minimum seats will appoint the Chief (glorified rubber stamp like our MS) because of prepoll negotiations. 4) A son of a late politician, who quit govt prior to poll, (like our SP), worked so hard in making sure his previous political buddies, not only lost miserably but now labeled as obsolete. 5) All in all, straight out of Lankan play book. 6) By the way Rahul G seems to be a Einstein compared to our SP.
chiv / November 25, 2020
Cuban Born Alejandro (hope this will make local self claimed Cuban but not Castro fans happy) was named to head the Homeland Dept. A minority to handle immigration matters ,is a day dream in Lanka. Avril nominated as director of intelligence, first woman to hold the post. Biden promised more than 50% women representation in his cabinet to reflect fair ratio. Most talked about VP, a migrant who has a clear shot to presidency. To the frustration of local Trump fans including Amrit, most states including GA,AZ, NV and PA have certified the official election results , declaring Biden as winner. Out of 40 or so spurious legal challenges , except for one the rest was thrown out by the courts. Now comes “the lock him up”. Lets wait and see how the Judiciary acts in US as compared to Lankan ( RW/MS created) SHAM commissions. Now we have commissions in Lanka for the guilty to get out.
old codger / November 25, 2020
Please , please let Amrit drown his sorrows in peace. I’m sure he’ll come up with some entertaining stuff soon. Like whether Biden and Kamala have a secret child.
Mallaiyuran / November 25, 2020
America is on the cross road on may issues. President elect has to show leadership, not like an alteration tailor doing micro patches to undo what President Trump did. Corona is mostly solved though Trump was not actively caring to control it. At this time economy looks still can be revived, but a long lagging behind crated in the race with America’s competitors, who are advancing faster. America has to plan and install systems which can resist stagnation destroyed the forward countries in the past history. Apparently the experiment of draining the swamp in the past few years only introduced additional political backwardness to the system. A further problem is after president Regan, all presidents started to exemplify the disadvantage of quick tuning of presidents one after other, by concentrating mainly undoing what the previous one did. The economy which is independent & in competition is not much affected by this doing and undoing. But for last quarter of a century, America is not able to device solution for health care. This and other failures in policy matters led the America as Historical Neanderthal in fighting Covid-19. Still these all are small matters. The massive recent failed is on foreign policies.
Mallaiyuran / November 25, 2020
The firefighting mentality, instead of doing something new and fresh, led even with in Obama government, Hillary and Kerry went on opposite paths, which in turn coiled the friendly countries within their protective cocoon.
America did know that China was building String of Perl, Great Ocean Wall against Indian Ocean shipping lanes. Still even after 20 years, a unified political defense against Neo-China’s imperialism has not materialized. Quadrilateral Security Dialogue rated as so far not very successful. Japan and Australia are heavily dependent on Chinese trade. India is autonomous defense policy holder, not an ideal partner in defense strategy. China is using a trident “Oppressive communism, Massive defense budget and economic choke hold” to control the countries. China’s world order is not cooperative-unified international way. There is no rule based approach, but China imposes for sheer dominance on its targets. China exposes Black Hole threat, and things attracted to it never can see light again, as in the case of Lankawe. China now understands the loan gimmick cannot go for long. It is ready to change strategies. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is fresh thinking of China on that. This can economically defeat any military cordoning that can be planned against China.
Mallaiyuran / November 25, 2020
The interesting part in RCEP is almost all countries are having some kind of strained relationship currently with China. India even refused to join RCEP. This slip can one day even defeat the RCEP, unless Chin treats partners better, but not bullying.
An American regime change has to practice a procedure of “Relay Baton” exchange. The policy changes cannot afford to overturn completely or neither alteration tailor’s, micro fixes. Innovation has to be introduced to abandon the one went wrong and introduce new ideas to deal the internal-external developments foresightedly. People have to wait and see if the money spent on Mexican border can bring any benefits in economy, law and order, employment, international relationship. Secretary Kerry’s appointment is to environmental seems to be good idea. Paris convention has to be ratified by America. But, how to deal with North Korea? Better solution appears to be it continuing Trump administration approach. European countries are calling them as union but they like to do their own trades. Germany is doing trades mainly with Russia. Turkey is fighting with within Union. Britain, for the time being, is out. South American countries don’t want to come in any kind of free trade with North America. US itself spoiled the chance of Eastern countries’ free trade. If America is leading it can be with Democratic countries only.
Mallaiyuran / November 26, 2020
If America is leading it can’t be with Democratic countries only.
It is uniting the countries already Democratic & sharing the fruit with others too. President elect Biden said America will come back in his time and lead the world again. World cannot forget about how to make atomic bombs. World, as a whole, won’t go back on Democracy too. So, leading democratic nations means, furthering the democratic understanding within them & outside of them, without using atomic bombs. It is job like organizing the molecules of a gas in a jar to travel in single file, with lots and lots of carrots, no cane. Further one single approach will not be enough to get the corporation of these countries and guide them. In Tamil we say “dance in front the cow which gives milk for dance and sing in front the cow that gives milk for song”.
Eagle Eye / November 25, 2020
“Clearly this is a mission to rebuild, at home and abroad, the America that Trump wrecked.”
Can draw a parallel between America and Sri Lanka if we say:
The mission of Joe Biden is to rebuild the America that Trump wrecked.
The mission of Gotabhaya Rajapakshe is to rebuild Sri Lanka that Ranil wrecked.
Both face the common enemy; COVID-19.
Eagle Eye / November 25, 2020
Kumar David,
Are there any Native Americans among these people nominated for top jobs?
SJ / November 26, 2020
Are there any Native Lankans among people nominated for top jobs in this island?
Eagle Eye / November 26, 2020
Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are the Native people in Sinhale/Ceylon/Sri Lanka.
SJ / November 26, 2020
“Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are the Native people in Sinhale/Ceylon/Sri Lanka”
50% right.
You know which.
Native Vedda / November 28, 2020
Eagle Blind Eye
Who are these Sinhalayos?
Where did they come from?
Did their ancestors come from Erivirar Pattinam in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu?
By the way I never understood as to why Gota goes to all these temples and extends his right hand towards saffron clad persons who ties a red Pirith Noola’ (Pirith blessed thread) to his wrist risking nations health to Corona.